8'7c fliJ 5 Nu s .,ceI1ev"« frinaledmil thu5e aas destrinse, b. thc enevalmoe aumolyp ac te[ ton Wsip $T«rmseo aievai cirent rite q'astrnsh<isrd $pan*£attymnny,aid net tire estecasin ofcfet i » lInstaleluetirahep'aerr atensmAe ac'mrex-tic Britisir Constitution te tire Culoncy. <ru lssu or oepaniraam tir e jinibsoCountry -** 'flAtareageet argurnmen tifveur cf passive Di aisud, tlerniea, hies Baenay truste e ti ire *-ebaiwie and no-reistacm esd in tic devi. ba desmisna ot auheble (n-aie. no datir, Lgni) est petinée of Eeglis ieltcry, vu tise isapusi. 1l iii moulatae dvtrop tisai t ife een » .i. in ii: ti ousCreva tadivina tsercity. adtic au 99«11~yeeq tras lie toue et Chathssa oril aod dwor lf ice vatarl te <orn ~se- 'mrmeesepp.at insdefence rt tir-n Craer."- eetdlag lt ir is ernee:o opinion o e l igti 'I"l teoslp of Moosre vaaeive lie niaishe- amssai mrc icne ie etlai seet dimi thisesr(rof fot 9bmtote cf Saint Thosus saverie i ui. Ifre si- lirfwbiblly byp pding uhc.druc falers. I; trluteg a is aelleuc tie naiuairirlpie. Plausibleav me raarguament li hvas cnsrrovet. et megtlv cfti ,Cemu.' se apitlefie tirecd ln buttie and in blondi shintle i Iels uraise Pirenne l. areliency lsmlt uecemnalethe meniut es ti sele aff.li, ai ic sssRevaet, f1688, oas I Ukte AI d e lg ie dsri eqiira ufltiera"- i te victery cf mepemmblrlp cadv'elsor ltira an *eJtigW tçon, tirrasrith uîmilt aib aie addrhes- Sevareigo Io le cpeopcet tEngimaid, with icila usaamasvnutflii Enollacp.Tiaracuirni idiveetthlic <enneigteof responseuiility ounîMe Plait Y teMrmtu sthicg reinrakila, be!îd tise aie- ot r uivadier e1hers, ovam ticrespooririiie. nnrth geles. oetirhenae t n sitî 'dn: e 54Svreigeiemaclveu. <'Isngernan irglize the prargatise oetie Cromis, ardta iras fr il*s Willuam lic Tisird beecua. C vwouaà vtory osler la "B«amenostire o'ir, 1h sip w9ni'ee iereater. heinreuniryman, wmisro ae m loyal te lisier 4i pnetteme buhavete .aurenr, ist mas sire ereditar, Sveriga li»astahaita te liberty, pretgative mseed dactrngessi ypoc.andi noi bacause lCecas tieceetfa Britis revoem b" fer iravmesin and 'ailrpement affres lien.- Rut the victoep cf ltsat ravolut'aou, cf viii mur nictiosea 0<or epeourile Govoarit 7y vinebe hava tralpnrsotta i.prendmatich Tibsu oseetiassl pincmite et Resesible Gis. I»c wome, y tic noiity mnd lire peopleo se oem n Canada la, las I ezpiieatabore, i ]ard.vie the epociirityef ings, tend tisa oit ha sbirelays lira ainý9,Iscrlcly e- divine ngirI of inça f<.11tate cround), aitstrir ops.suhfe trc aen, et of lic Cotoer. Tisa ractical esponsibility oet Ministere te tire Par- n pffestrgavoe lairnei lt iat of acting vitboul, hantant vwe suictitutseai fortise inegfetuai aI e eoe.ra-ytelis adlce ai uis vi fora iseunsivailing eposibii of tire Sovaaaeign. P pravinicia Cabinet, andal itimntcirnging titat i Tihe forbearance cf tic Imperial Gavaermet est Cabm,cr ssding cirers eh'.. are tme ouirsponta issue isatrusetioesa th e eOsevuer Gentral oa bible. Tira Govereci Goberai, la tiraImon t -' fur very or ny et t bat ho pertorma: -the v- ta traoduu aar fter.airerigft. 1tisa'Ceer i ite tiead. linqulabanesent by tir, hmpenil Goerameet cf pa- nc dm re 0 ILcGas Pistoiat Cetnc<l, ayi, " tint ircage ira tissusCelcry: tieresnee nîrfe sette a ths Cmui sisculai ire neponsible. te s<lue Parlia. IliamiGovarusant te fpruseno» Ulie eopf ic v. a. &Meet c icpeuple-; and ihat emIrntheses of le Canadas, conieinsseal by publiaeopinio; and,tr %bu Goernat: are rock au thay doul nis Oe to finlly, ticn.assent ef tihe rnpcial Goermont tf tue reegeeille for,-rita eherisbd' tst librt o rileCanada piaceai tic Goveenor etf<Iis countryO fl5is.i~<t~ua by are týreiga<fe irle la tic precis peilioofe tic Severeige cf Eng- ti #Malut te dýcve Wbamsst 1t redjt ii rauie tire ibondditethe r administration et local ai-.se tcvsiuoexerelieu a dscretion chhie soar-. faire; ejîhen tins as donc. or IteepanaesibleGoc- #dlyetarm, andi fr teeereunt cwiichhin u 'vemme2ttgave ne Govanunes Gencrat ab.-n re,asesbe te IltI mprriaf Atta'atiiuas a'nne - sebute id despetie poiser. Tic Goverisorr 'stratare tiey toe'Cree-poatible fr! IVv, for Gemeral's espeesubility 0u0ehi tle b.ie ilern go.- psrmitting Ile Govercer le art tepllnt Issru, ev'1evrie tus country ilte ierntry administration spoiai!ility. Adroit, fora nmoment, ie prero- I cf )ocal afains, undenalaniem ef Pergame responsi-b <musve cîamea by the (iversers ot aritin - ile ta the country, mnd accordicg te tire viaies r lead asyaaavice je thirirPrevinre,sadail i ent. cftte Canai'npenple. Fort ili e ha@ sui. âIl fn ientlimiacp Mîister sic mootlmaris tituted hierevuovle iiiis cure discretren. iesfi ofccseetany exercise f tuat prerogatiar,-1aurove npoiuiility Iur eneny et cf iis Overte-e straistand hable te the chrarger of tînraptueg menti. Ifr theHomse. Gerimant cIairner Irahola le te ssiusnptir" Royal preriative-taat, ire c farge hins ra.pesiirle fr evevy mct et hi. Goqprsnmpnt, r44 eliming auprmey bluraecî--tu iceicharge ten lairaebarr vaciapet an eaidrie Responsuible Go- f et(aumi, tiemale à tol anal arypirerof tirhennmuent le Canada. If h ho epermittcd te as- Gevereor Geram i, uemreds cf loyal addnreeste eri ettlat resspsensiiiih, mcd, tiseeire. te offerti ams ta ba tonai in Canada vihoinspeacli tic îoy. art uncocstitsutioraa leposer of acting vitirout and airy ef tie latse Cuaniseblorie.iranaiss thry refus. bepoîrd advure, b.e pets an enai te Ilsepoissile et ta lie rearjinibla for isire exermnaerof a dacre- Governeent jen Cannesaiy biremu decuaatn,- i 11:0 le1min icir they a-emm net coemulieai. What, mand ire ie tic groalet ecery ayte aCoupt-ii'.'tiou. el linti resacslaieCmaiietfConcemellone visenuiamit.- si liberty cf Canada that Canada aven s.- f timg tic discrtion cf cing vithiaut anal agisant OtCcr Govcreors idtira excusaetfRoyl Ilu. t dvi. as meandoirteaipreregatua'., cnatld yair Itructions, ef ordens ticy vsema boualsste by ;-r sbkas irecaute i vms a exenciseal. 'ae aill ieias ne orernsbut tiesnewminc It av ise ais. knc tiat Ettecutina Counisellora 'si' re air liber. t e fmm iis ccc ici icitatron. ef ficesaàaesire tiu el te r'grr;" hbut a esignutieru becaueof a justify iis mut aritary and riuicntitutionmb Goeemor G'anenal,'e ctinrr0Onu1ile css reilpen- eooaluct et Csamdian affaire. Cliarity nay once auibiup. iotsi !coeceam!.iteai te bc canalitsa-havesascnied iis invasion cnt the ConstitutionDicf tiosai for bissiho do Po, meulai expose dtsn resige- lins coucny ta ignorance cf British Contitut ion.1 1e ouslinte ridicule anal contempe, a. veil aiseage ; but tirac iasesosiea iseveil, anal ai otr ciua nrîtajmfeto.'bea Mit novleCle ros'drd etier as tiec rigi- f enaeset aConseliora de nt agree vitir sie catenor tiraiinstrumusent et a design le defeat anal plitp a Goverror Genemii.delenîsinea tas pur.Ipot dccc Rasposssible Uovcnnmet je Canaa.-1 mosule esi t <tiAl enty te <nd &couiber Couecil If Cacadumes valus Resiponsibte Graver ament mho yllsgec saillisbi, anr, thensfore, lire May hey cssnrat gis. vay. Thoy rMost ue every jea&Oeufifca tbuspases, bcI if b airencct fcd c Constitution&][ caane of aseoting uheir igirs, Cmntîl te agrea miti Iâlemiro posvs e tccou. iii tfey obtale tie.lup. thep re fot value1 &hume.oe Parliarent, tîen is bi'. polunp oppouseai Britishr freudisea or if D. Ryersnnbias Ceen mblei taslien visita of tic people; mnd if lhe persiste le te frigiten tiseravitleiis bcghoans of IlRoyal tirapolic, tieiarmnocf bue Guseroasent i. et Prolamations anal Militur7 Provision@, ici siero @0a"d But itlae o itis prcnigative of chacg. knee dssneandsi pardon for tie pnssunrpf ion iiqt'ecusellors thre Gnrno ueral nuairs: .it cf finir Pmnimrent ; and uet tie rei.pnias faver- le demi of xerciieng bs osre ducretien, a dise. itiera acd intrigue continue. If Canaiishave lasim ly te Ciequectuonri je lhe Promvincaetandemont tise spirit of Brtusi mcijects-iat ticra ire tirspebilietfdsffcctioet. lie servantsetfservate f servnuestsy desserve wân at la suai. cre thc lte Counssîlonsgole h; but if tbcy have ccp viols fer peame qutet- te de, if ticp moulai avoii tire change o tuuping neuf, astirhe fruit of igneminoue vsralige; let goe Royal Prarogaie, of endea'oring 4V taduite tiers petitioe for tire bolition efthtie Provncial tira Goveveon Genenal te a nuilltyl Tliey cornai Paliament muir conaîteit tithout contant. asslvvastahy tao seathne exornciseecf un- Il i emindiag liera cf titeir degradatioii. Tiiere deubtadprenegatise, fr in ibth«G.Vrvnar masrbMayp bn .iiu .1,1r.estn îpoliticat siavery, Sut cespneihie ta Ab lie se autharitica ; for if tbey poîtical lancry mitirtire formaetfIneedora are, nsajcad. consplaineal, or apposcuIr tiat ireise ot te ail intentaamu aprleuses, nrtcircd and uttcrly psugeaioe, f ien they veula liCecmdeaorieg tei desp'caile. Ur" g i, amcmleromdautic Goa'î'mor Genenai te Ny design mai te conrlude thi riachamiof lise a m.llty. Tite Goaeci Gouera, in hu& uneen ubjet n iseette, bot J bavr occuprei sIlthre leatirsu Gene addrirs, binienrir aglilos tirec @puce pou eserarea tonrnme le yorfleuri pape.- st moly tihe prividllge of Iokior uce cule ha con. 1 s&hal vey aBou cocncude my lettns, wmincir &*ate 0iraGeiverinrpas, but mbu' tic lunthar pri- ia. ee extecaic a ttin Peuset longsih bp eiblessatstf lyi.tise Canadien, peopuo iy pro. rap cn Virnier ef mizing opa disquisirioe uponr = sdluvep.neiiiity ; but & louiedStanley bai an tic Constitotionu mth mrka setpon.-Lin. Ryrir. aualtua pncpoa:tiear focranc a- "epporaasniitpso' derene,-'euijctits mciappeareai te hane vitheci tpaver (sapa hia edirp,) s a coutra-socs. ceanectnn te Ii.octe's prospectus, but dctm»a mrn aboumaiuty. vsichrlet ahI iniiitun!s m ircpreceadeai. Iiamv Thismasmer te tic andiimes. of lire Géra Dis. biste farither' embarrasa! miti a multitude cf triai Cosadi r ortiy ut cluanmld dliberate inecereitent defenres (mmralther quarrera. My mtention,amdu imen'merle on ima iscpo byM. ltlibasbecn @mmcsiig liii.tirt o Sacisua EgessenJet nsune. if amfil& edoctrines are tirosa mien h.iete tetal etfthebaindress assoe tar- W sE spneible Govcmcancntn geiir; C raquineai à gcoiailong sting fer bis Irf yoen ertn(ays Iie Excetlenmp) tiat tira purpnee, and J hava be obligeai te spin a long tcnccla aie irrespoarible tesiScer,miro tancIpane fer mine. GIN militsi rt lsuibitry adopt the sivice et tiseLEI . Conneil, tienepou ar, 1I attnre.c,- eitiretp jner, V. ls. rplle. ancr. Thsa cndrsputeb foctionîs f .e Gusseracen solie th, #ast lieCs cot ccip one thetirde aiet IMPORTANT CORRESPONDYfNCE. mariai servassîs je tie Ciuiiiny, bt aleomis mre Wte preitthmi dsy te cunremaders a cernes- flepeaeibiiil4eatissaas, off. emr init. Hae'l ce- ponece ietwm'cn the Hon'irlask LH. Lafuin. qenessibie te lhe Crowtn anal Partiausent, acd the taine and A. NM-Pyinn. and Mr. Serrtaiv Dai, pespi f theo Manir Ceainin'yfor evreny t hlic vlirme have neororgt vilieirenami mur tic partirras, or auffers tanbC r"sse, cuihr i r'ign, ~s iaeet. The ielalermechrges maint la ates vitir btimscif. on is druitcaionùithe advrce cf tiioue gerntlemen anal tir celemsgue, containeai iflars. ler coube ent davet biisna.itftethate ns-letire rsummsoand areus mud amsumer, have *pmsbilty, by picadiarnt, tiedice of the. Cou'rbstec almeaiy c ucanmd raspaileasi bp usemand mc aislIHa la av'rshuully repa âs eiy ptba U iePople cana adai noliag et prenant te tic mauly and dig. of ii.er to , md petrmu re 90 tian te0 cifseasi rabsi s aeu lotise Ezocutiva ky enmn te. diest Merbae,uctvy. Eery day provens i, sispctl frins a.. usomlios cn usit t criemisa. ne nus. ofMr. Dalp celi. for »on erecmi. Cie. f te principal affecesof tic mrggla ton itsla àsruffiieg sud d'uingemuusattnspt lte ex- Xtopo»esalaa ovrrsnt. andl cf Lordi Dsrtim's trisassetic Gcvrramuat frona apueitio mici Rapert,%vos. ara ackunn-ed-ý.nt ile Eglacai ht thmiy basa cet tic maniions* te dessai.Tire siu sise limaI ticn surlislnt rIi the lcal &flai liasbscno ceanrpiiontlbeviiregard te tise et Cammsaae CireasImnisiaaeglves. Lord John meaning f ibse Drmorneasisîvaronaeg tic l"Mbl diaclaiamal any adcui* on the puni f et r publie. Th i ignens of th ire adiree approva of UIat Goeraisasstnteopuarsemy lae et poli. tic *y a s, da wibciPulieioopinion aedcminu; 'eFirauceevitler min peni gresisteasi tiraai- aiLeddtanley dimi rol tie, tbu Colonial tsrapt et tic [ate Bxsnutivs Consiscil tedegrada U.mraa, d1 et satntaa lrfpetousarCe- tic Reprmeetative etliet Eajeoty jate & parry »Asamueltmd lReepansibe Oevmmi - a tuo, aure offiiai ssaep te autbiroanmd u- mM«Ottere t gel in i bthoy versemachin jter- thosnticate ueemucssamd proccedlasesc f a party 06". tdc rotds rr icr isIa eri tidicg sidirectly le oui opinins ea l l eettsit et ai Geverient bcd no interimpain mfusing. Noe, epavrea nfroenImitishCuenectimiaie-le." *iq'e 1 bi poeifle, luen'e fiaicster. tiars Nove *pet i t.s avery candIl mm te sap pvg g»P tbe mèanr-seint'lhia iigit of intaen. m iai;are thre détigias Im tea inje liis adarese tlu « giâ rhe dtaIff et 'raiai l'ita, aed'et lec0=1m11t11 lut. Oiaeaaal.dm ry motdimooatpebargeai Uneg*. at ticn intrearp or ùLipa irssticdersarr f ew"v leasminag ma" a e tmpt 1cta egalaheti tkic 1ngofutCaa :a: us it fr lise ic esseaof Quoti egeen.p et&atinito arm o ea jtelmgltrnccetrolleai peser. tuic exrcisaet1 mmp"fordtrepmav of et"sntat itia ta ai- »tai sottevthotire aicquieri, lase ticbho d aha*"efaietaata measera.sd pressciediage tssrmg te psttp Ving, vilthieicmme amGaveroor Gene. asptisain 0" Su a . lmi'y tire Iage 91o a Pam s se y ing MA texerci.isei ieitsourertje tic ides; m»d vlis apay»there rplp. 'Threm Vaia ses. amode, on unden hti ua r ooketiotreje %suseispessessce dissiost le ofetnisi jau ili au Ic Queseuiruf tteialaiiaiut retsa î thds: cv. cey viice %ictsutimeets contaicealinlasme et dh eliy. Tic peope et =ucd id s-mataaia.ame dstpprivessi 94 and aet sucr jie oLb asisaupésinetf bpyvaut et oyrern lat, irGaver fonaijelira Gmillimbripasrrt elateIy Mer tira, nampiaimealàme trexrcisa et tient pose. «pid- Ny saitistuatrien vomi Lava bauun- iOta ommnry te tise Britishr Comaetitlc, vitoeet alioyai. bd i cet oeatslmd an impu"ul eu-me tuo ibire .4t vaaporaaôibe Mimwm. Tireuit. meirimeves," du kh i Niiers ta baisty Isenave aias, sanaldis- _Meoissi dismoutlin t. ho factueljere 'i.e dae rittea up ceden cf Hie Excmlleaey tic Go. vea Geoui-mi iraanimer te tirat mici voa- aressatitta yoente i!2U. insat. leaiaainas- sovietg Hie Exteearv puor empct pnren- spet a" ra Iroir tianiing hm efer sic contente of tirai suvrr e regfret te0ibave tesl tiat af- ter *pieo <saingoui- best Mlcriam tas tic goiJffl vo reamain convinreal thât a-am une euntiertho vaigit of lb. accusastron wmincicorapalieai usate urrelu cm fint ltter, in vitici va bave neitir in tact mar in rtentiona iroucit ap ycharge againet IV. have tiheirnaur te bc, k;irri Veir Ihumle oservant', L.. I. LAFONTAINE. A. N. MORtIN. lIon. ID. Dly. tireltrîasiiGovenmen, m d e dclare boldly and sincerely finat tireconfidence in tirejuirtice oip.doeCmssemMtte etthreBritish Government wth w ichSir ehailas THE WELL AN D CANAL. Ragot, wircee meanory tirey wilI always toneur, ST. CATflRRINE8, Canada West, Ang. 38 iras in.pired them, je mucir, tout we are civinceil Ihv a ntrropotnr flakn that tirey wil sec many Governora depart; (pas- 1haeld otroprunyofokig i ses) befre it je destroyed. If tl ever oboulIrlie t his grea.t work as it in going on to completion destroyed tire <mul it.all test tviti lum but !t cili flotie llîîisired next year. but tire vo, vîitirteir volers. ciii bie carried no far during tire Fait mnd Winlî Au British stnijeets we daim there xercise of t bat at the opening of thre navigation in 184. the Our inierent gtte ate ncn ant hOur largest cis ofsteamers and ithrssamelein ccht cnfrraryvii îîded for tirs laite tracts mii hae &&bled tueiae COivictiiic5 and <'ar onocienre, and ,hnithus acting ce are conspelled tu dîffer in opinon witlî lrougir. the epreenttiveof te COwn n the cuntr I1bave noticeal frrîm tire Co ltre tirat yeti w tir erentativ restof tirh oiurramrse antrinhave referrcd to the rncreased trade on tire We wlnd Threnuooaly proteet, Lottoile limaiant andi that of thunme whaahave plared coridenfei e , slac la.rue hin 18ollp toIr prs emnt ti agminet every imputation on tire part thse ad- v c i laetianinbas84, irain rz i. la visera of Hiii Exreliency i"f the nature of that hae mnoetia a mduttaitha. bsecin oiermte.li wbicirire accusation that ce now repel carrnes haveporta on, t ialtatmftearieaurese ilee wit if i. Wu frorbear inquiring et prescrit wimtii- pootoeultrto ieEi.utllr eer tirere i.n muci einirer of justice intire Execu. largement of that wcrk je completed, micir wl ttive Councillors (les Conseillera du pouvoir) ensile tise forwarding mercirants to empioy larg itharuet«ing the Represeetative ofti oal mu- er freight boats, and nisereby redoce tire rate0 toriry personally icre a course of injurionus, ia treigirts, or if you please until tire New York am puintiataonsamgmrnst tous aoee position and wuse Erie rail road je completed, and tire tide ofaci mecs cfJur derîv lira f tse cwe ofde-gration and tiie cerryicg of produce shall ta, faandicg ricraselves vitir equmi wempene. As.tatdrton suricg Ili$. Excellency tihe Guve&taor-U;eneral cf Some argue flat lb matter nt viiether ib or mont praafound respect, produce of the West ftnd a marko e tiih State W. have thre ionorrr tuolbe, or ina Carrada. If va lock at only one interet Your Sîrpenbape tthe argument le correct. Tire tarou hirrlesrvn.,ray #et a- <ccd a pricefor i irodice, vite k urhum lsraOnt NE. the purcirase is for Canada or for the. Unite A.IlN. MO IN. Statesa; but tireare rotier intercala ta lie tair A. N MORN.jeto consirleration. If tire beut nmarket euab 4 Hlon. [0. I>my. <oued ie New York, tire Anierican vesla tal tbc freigbt tu Bauffal, tira forwardamg car SzcitaTÂAy'm OMFC4 cirants couvey ilubsoragir thei.e r caca Montreal4 Sept. . 181A. H isécintu pour clip, and tii. Newe Yerna le t.l'Mg«l,-l bave Lad is'e Ironour te re- chante bave freigit <fer tiri nerous vees criv. and iay befr're tie Goirernor Genernl pour I"ma55 rie Atlantic. le adaltioe tu thise Ifjoint lutter of lesterday's date, cornes je for bier portion of tira telle. Hies Excell.ecy observes vitn eqoal emrpisa But miretbér tiresmate of New Yock Win don and regret tirs: it preceeds ceuaau eetirely ancor- »«hcir e littie fieni thi e czumnt of tien W P'ruet construction cf tire passage lhe re cnt ad. laed canal, ail vire bave slen " .M0r~44n ildree. frocsathre Courtp of Drturreocd, andi cerise. edge tisat it in ee viicii dom grusateradut eqriatlp of tire corasponding pasmglen hie tapi, milconcereed inis aconstructio. Itsel a fss Ilto whici peu taie exeption. lie je unwillreg 700 keow, of thre gras,ciai. cf ceseruicctiç *tat thiakili possible tbat on a reperirsal of the e. freim the uppei laies tu the t. Lavreece. se *tire Pasage in tire mddress, eofmincir tir. erde large steamers mnd chips vWi eoo pfse tri ilquoted lenpeur latter forai only a part, y«e euCicago to Quebec, ailsosut tnasiipahwtý r mii lo perceaetiat ieisallusion te th ii eai ofetTire aena von aoftre leka lenc«i empesa ia thelta Exeentave Counej ieLd refenue. tu a eitirar je aise or vorkoeaeuirp.7Trs0cctreci clause 01 tir a adrua et m avertealteIrp yeau .are gentleman cbiefip froctte e ttese. edl * ribicg te thean attokept te redue. tira Repra. gavieg satisfactionr tu tireBoard of Wang: by metatrvetofHec M.aJaty te a positioe cf Ccii... a»«c me unviicir tirir earmi eouera"e aPo *comêeng enhscrvicy te partp ; and that h vau foreld se tis ienls.and amtgenenrlip te thonr cramsu- 'Thei.dae a " md idage f iaala ra. and procmdiegm, thst fi e xcelmccpigr-ad thie i lUfSOtie F"Usde." exlandieg a.witbt 410ti ige. e iamare.. je ttiubuût: aDueuville, ostiraGrand len, tegentbrn u Britih conexin amrule entaincei : itis point (Port lmiaa")4 Usder tir.,, cimeausmese, Ru Esjalmeybecsufieired, and large vecrnal. iisoci e d- eaemnt! me, vitoenamuri.petir.ge - ieitted tepaus. Tias iii ebimble thcelap lesese ofethei.Chaquee gamcetkierseffand tire te anter tii. canm emy milmesfortiser grEuective Cd mlrwiciram upireferrud in Laie Brio t"antiray do al hede. sent mntr thcte"r pertion of pour letter, and micir bu Pert Colberne. reasutregard as réslnig <nemi msppusia Thie caw port er etry uieta laite Bre i of On jour part, te informi pon tiraIbue srmed de- tihe Welland canal -m dvantag e iraUnSËM a-cieanoe «thre tender ni rouetisem wiici Yeu bp thr e mieg 0(tire canai acuentirueve' ri tieami fpe ab-Qse sae efoce HDale ««keiM vfraie oneSCor tir. M foc everCaeam. aal mil rgrett. ld a nal i cge. The la*. ess, um of tl sei edn ec.rpt.mtcgei ili vinter et Cleveland d. a tiner pacteileOb a. andati eaait a mibe proae e<r e g ruecmarket tfire Guar.einm.te Saipvrig thrisagin the WeUlnd id ~îobedient; seremt. A fev mord. teinelatie. te thi evW 1*1 à-1) DA LY. Port Maitlmnal. Tire comM peiS I«< Il a von, if r au crlty iorteeuradW» ~ tY8*eLrt1.1Ihave saidt! tat ih ia m spàwbâid placecf mn neentreml. *<ripersue., M4. ry. Mo-ecosepetent jssdgee th- -y-Ifei' 84 . l * 7hlahheesie nareetithlie béat yen of 00 Liedi seae go the pest ew o ada f f: " a c . n fté. bu.t qsahy. àSa. eut 1 ýF ik. Mr. Papirteâ i<aicet lad hueif ver, ý.rafnrabla e det"eltwpiwttaes as are ta ha onai bhiv ticheDrum»rs »osauer ai jeinr, Daly's latter, amd]Mn. Paplsr eai .et amelancnt ne. albonugi a dupe. R. voe't luie te allov Jr. Privata Secrctany l'iigicsIotdrag baint tui igi cuerrymen tbrosigirtic mire. W. coissfier tiecorrespondence itgîly ereal- "bis te îLe lion- Getl~rr o Ir ave contse revrd te record tican drippobat ino e s.ci Dmalouie andal ere cystarn cf Govrcrent atis icirsurcirmenast Mn. iheffat, Mnr. MOI- Font a-ai cuber. are identifient. Tise alusoinc ta l. Vrger's impnanicaent la muet apprpiate, ad mcuat eut tiâ rai ced apoate ta the quiri. ht in vortip of notice tirasicheAuarni. Mn. 'iger'a meutls.piee., publisical tic anscen te te Drumemecaimireusarsau. .r aaa1 a iei iraslad Mressrs. La Fcau m arleia lom oupsbein.iltgovcs. This look& strmnga. WVasboold lle te mse<t explianeri. StsUa1NttLATsO!a] Mentneai, <2d heptemaber, 184. Bill,-TueManinat al Gazllecf tSaturday lait as poiltimiea, as iavicg hoe nproeitaic ie a Exccllcci-y tire (lîvernor.Geierai, ar, adres font ce'rtauinîdnvîduau. j e racnuntp cf t)rum. rond, je Lover Canada, in wcu itie signere. in lluding an a geerai oranner toa"Iceasares anal proceedings" of tile lat* Executive Couracil, de. gtrmte lieraumeIl messures anal proceedmrgs et apanty tending dinectiy. lenon rrupniicr, tse i terriiie raeateof sepunatice tram Brjtji hcon- necîon md raie." Tire sainejinurn,lpiblisaues, s tise arîsceroettho Goveren-GPeal te tîat addaes, m certain document ras chics Ilis Px- rller.cp soya, "llavrg abuon rani esn ta inor thut pou hase arrurateiy desrtbed lie desigirs tflire late Executuve Counircl, ana l tienaturai ncdcpcf Fccisdesigeif they lari beers voc- resoiit vasx myisasunaien auty toansiist t"rIn' W. iraving lidtir ererunof bfingmmbs if 'ho Executuse Concil te viîjsamluminis maden jetire turc documents niledal mm canraci rut 2,-eb ctrccgly lie veight of lie accusaion that li@ Eacebleccy bai been thu5 admiedr by bis coneillons tei adracce againsl cor roIleiagues aed curseives. Placed under tihé veiglit of an accusation of tinature. and mîuuiscreaaifg from soai:gi a sourme, %viildoubties bcho feow- rai by ulterierryp~eeeinge, itmeulai net iccome us any longer te retaîn tirhe cmmissiens tiat wc rold i ilthe bar as Queen's Coonsel. We ,'hne- fove tenrier our resugnatirseoettuera, clichivce 'ispeclfuilp ircg tisatI liq Excclenry vîli ie plaicaea te arcepri. Ifttsî arcusationn era preWariiotoccrnelven sinloe a hould stop bure, mmiting patientiv flnc npportitnîty cf 'oaing corîfrocteal asis otr accu- ions etier befora tie craî'tamry tribunal, on be. fore Parrlimeet. Bunt auifi innlucmtom tireneur- al of m systara wiicirhoiralrcady prenbureai fatat coneequelaicas te tiheeairy, ms in ronsequnacc of tuat sjstcrafic minai uf tic British Govcn- ment ana people baa&ireen ils foncier tîmes pois- ocrai sgaicst our fellov cunstrymen, ce du coi liesitato te amy tiat v.etiican jusithetn ac- cusation tisat Hlie Excelleccy iras jniet beenad- vuseai h, iis Counrilrs ta brnng agamnsst oruol- imagines anal cunmelves. Nu oeebias iceninje betîcr position tian peu, Sir, te juaige ofthei fabseirecrianal tic calumny cf tîrr accsation, rince yen erre peumelcîtone of cen col:eagues is tire bote Executive Ceuncil nlunîng tira 'hole Pc- niod tiat lme marc emtens cI itfsu andru betl approveri cf and supporte] in Parliameut ail tir public eesumeacf tirat venp Councîb. We pnotest je justice te our fellow countrp. raen and ounselves agaicat tic renenva rif a @y@. tera owicg to wctistie Frencch Canaduatur havi soffered ai ranechinhalies past jin cocaciuec et tIre unjurat prr.juthires chi i iried icen cre&lcu mgainst teisea etire minalsof ti. Brituish(iiaern. maet and People, and emicg tao chutp te tie peri of tire happy arrivai of <'an Charleslinget a minity irai been permitteai te opprells tient, IVe froteat agminiisirte reneval of a cystr i the injustice aridoppression of mueci e car rift et hetter praiof ihan tic imprinint in 18:3 mcd 11139 astfire lion. Denis Benjiamain Vuger, cri of lie preseasi Couccillors of is Excelîennp,z circtumttnra micirirsha*ctnubuica no litîiffi augmeant tic surprise tisat ce expeence i stuci me accusation being bnougit agariu uta tire miret iediaraharges tire functueîîs eof<ratfhieen tire Couna'ilor te [li& Excellenes'. Wc proet mginst tie renewal of a ryster ciruri tende ta t1mev dcuiit upon lie Iuiy;lty an( attachient o et inoirsitants ot tire coutry it The oadts cf tise day are al miaout dicosainl tic Cabuci. lger sud Papieau ciii n4t Coc- font te bave fcyoaiaitr G urorGm e-rI faris tiat tic U7ppen Canada Tories mil - kic unie"s tht gent leman's: support ifs ernnad. Tic »rumiat]d Airese bhas m'en consei trouirle. Miessers. Lainutajue anal Morn'c hat letter ce. mains uuatireredai nce Wednead. Tirre- signatinnhuea iran 'uarru'pteaf.It ij e honea douit thirt Sina.of the M:e star. hmafIly diuap. prorae ft dan ceaier, mcd are deterrainni t te ho iruntaaggcd mauy longer iry Mr. Higguuuson and lie KitchnicCabinet. Mn. Papineatu, wvifi net jet bardened ji. political proffi.gacy. begins tu <ciin a funoafrtll.Tiare i u u dout tisat a sterm iabmourng.-[ib. MI13R E PR ESE NT A TI0N S 0F DR. RYERSON. Wae <cd iri quise impossible te notice su, oré 1eaen nrans. uaftise siandevout, iniaeprenemtationir cti are dilp put fortir cîtl regard ta tic fati Minîciasry. anr] ce haras littie encouragement te taie any troubla on lire siaijecri, fer wu rirély ifindal tuoun opponens hba-e tissanur turirn- tract riler. IMr. P.eron ias nlt, up tnthetie . arct tineretracteri hi, tatetnsefus cti regard tu tihe Victoria District, and ce hbvenetot smen ins ay et tie papere tiat rrspieal ie scharge lhe leaut notice ofthti'p ti!. andi ample nefuatinea utat. Wae miaIt cow rail tire Roverear] Gentbemeanse athtrrr.on ta anotier îairepresentatian. lu Let- ler No. 2j,in sannwer te Le-ion, lue na-ies a vio- lent ataci ons tie Ex.Muuuiisirs tfum dîstratriie ng clary, anrd nae arc acare tIat ceme cf Ibic irethrenn hav',been cquaflp indignant. lic saya tiâtithia exclusin nua aIier lire c.mplceofthtie Fiena-hsRevalutiounary colivertitrIuai à.na igit ianded aindl rirannîcal measone, ont thc nature of wlicn I haie reu'anut»ublirer-tic Goeermel ancre cet fuliy amure anicte npannimeri tire Roy- ai Assent te ho guacîrtatit." 1, h vsa neierven fer thîe nvaderar cf tine Royal Praigatuve le Ca- nada ta coammenuce this novel invsion <noval sunce tic dava of the French itcvolutionli gaiusî lIre cnnsttiîcnal ighurisof the clengy." Tite foregoing ie only a Ficiciin of tic vcry violent iaîîguage et the lien. Dr. itieracris an îeg ravai te hira ndignetien t tIe idfranciisement of tire clergy. Wiat iii bis Renerauce thiie cicr ec nforam im rilat tfil aiafutrevluiunary inca. au-ina to.oacsncns0tthre Miuiaurial Bill utartri d n tic Legimlatine Couci, if me mistaku wri, iigainstthelin muir ofthre enly memien cf tir Guiernrnent le that lcarne? Wu hanoc een resnta bleue'tut tiecrever ot tirersain amcendaient le on, cf rie Rev. Dictr'a ove par- ta', but hi', chilI nt aseri se positiveipu cet mentions namem, lest mat aisauld hiremistaken.- Of crateiing rilere a fns douirt. Theira itieai ai Bll conuanner ne surir clause, s a refneece to tlue .hiunils oarthtecAseembly, page 1Ils mill conviere tire Dotter unid ful otirs inrret- Il'rhaps the Dueor imlI sa that the Honsir ci Aauennbly ougit te ions retuserita entertaictEat t endient, but voe incline te thici that tii public at large cilI aet bline itienuiro Ex-Mit iivra or tIno I.îua tfon conceding the point.- 0At alil vta-r, aninre vene tise champions eft i 3clitcgy ? Wh dur] ni etfmae cf tire Dorien' efrietiul-aoie etftiose cie are net Il invadenn aof tie iuil Prengatis"-stand nipad oijec n tuteaedin h i the lt tpaste à nhave rmai],more inqairy ieto actsoibeoe yot masnfeateal Fuch a vicieus spiri. W. u l.- mionevrr, frige poU if pou mîtlIocly conrer nyoun errtir nov that vme bave iptformeaiyenou l and rescesmeai poiste tire Journval ethe flou" fo ntorouaîuusn.-[dn. laid je hydrali ercament. Tha empait)P viii âd- I ~tri~r naîtvessels lau ireedrea tact Iog and tony ilve van colifijîedi it ot- < feet brcaila.Iwocyrarl 3t la ,,.r.a Il as an scr of jusrice te thte enterprisrriffclion- on T'ir>îr" -; ii tractcns, leesr& NcCullougii, (.oca.rraand Clark, iroid y ityD. iN'i,ret~ cf Penmlraia, te »J. tirathiray bave garced ief of the U-!%, oadiore ecivir minicredat tor tire aokme day. mand tire r i laie ruost ruer aceof Ibis bemtifual stîrcte. lirey tirat dcearredvj arae immitotettaa, oelmonrepietrha baccilste rthe privy m rlýen pingre.. nllut evey lsoeen. sbeen laid betyce t hat roncrcd m il, i,~ tise 1it of April and the2(kirjoly, Ientiran four rliereairas teeii~rr. meule; and auring tiat tintse thare ware four ofthse autiîîrît,, .ltI e **btrikem'" or "tumeurs," by the laborerse espliiy arflicit evidnetuI cd, basides tve breaks ie the canal irîieh de- [l'îctoit Suns. riet it, V lavcd tire trasportatioai f atais. Tira construction cf tire reountain Incite,ire. Oflri'e rf ILf. 11. C Jq.1 r tann ltronld andai S. Cathrine, crer ta'enrsy r 14ii diî ie number, in je rapad progrese, acd ce doubtin noe entertaincri cf their completion belfrre rire t, comemencement o! winter. Soinrare ileirhed ' NumierU I EiiV'ra,t. rr.e and trecallrs an socii a state cf forwaralneris, - the 2'WItbAriguatt- if iii fat end rire voreenare mev oc trmnquilly daeposed, t liat little doubl remaie of ticir speody co.trîple From Enziland, t I Lave spoicentftira reemtrmtors of cne ve- "se.1larnd, lioc. fer the 0.17 reascililirat bave a iboter per. rLow 'rti i malt oviedge of tirat t"a of tire etherri. but 1 ama infrstnied tirtaimli the contractera liave done rTot al,1. tireir mon fitifully acd ta the activa satisfac- ,,rc%«kougly trorier]l,-i tion cf rire Buard cf Warka. Acmerefact airraild le rtated.Tt in tearire 'loral, 7" uctiriog exertonce cf(lMr. Palmer, the. able cief. To ramne pr'd bei touar, liii arrgineaeî and bMe. Page, bit assistant in tirecrire. etrection of tetr etienncnt mork, as well a. te i)ecrease Iis cea-on, ;!ii limilîce Merritt, Earq., by hrs mngemnent mcd A. C. B ru l I ae.eperutiec mitr tire enginecer. and ccri:rmrarm hnMenet ing *-tumarccutsi"airdotrer d i M a Il e@ w rs i FSI N RI'aia. , Ip thre lalsonri,, thmt tire province ie indcbtcr. for ita-r lire tear' copletion oritts luni ietweeîarebat ifere tîirrerly emileai tire upper mcd lower pr îieIi$ ]pbxeavei îîrv teii'., viciae. r0fCanada. ci l-dlole WELLit'tO CAicA.-'lîe allant ucexampied ise. u (lt i'i î'.' . tivily ceetinutes on thii.. nrk. Seven loc'nl care ~Caoî,iiat ?tr lri élready finimireaibesceen this .amd Thirold t ai; re i pr 'ttI tvefre otiiers will ibe Ssiahird iry tire eid of fsp 'l'ire lionIirallel. aJt.. mentir, leasing mriy a few courses on four Ili H. IH. Kila. liî.' comupletes e wlaletwemny-tliree. Nrîtîa-ea lie Ilus@ Vornirp tit'ilr'rrrî 6mars issuet for iArcreait the rirecati Of ttiqiue- ('hristoplîi"î %\ iîliiî rr p ., doret, and re-casctructiîîg the two brks nt Ailan. John Kine. NLD.,r borgir, whiiic willinâmeure the passage of thie lar. 1.1iE. i la'id grst nessels, exnept crie or trie, nov nvgating Giiv . .CI, m , t N~ t a tire elaies. gle-c rlfor hi, tvi , .ir W. publiiir elow a reluira of Irle amouiît of ieriiîiientt .iiC1'A~ i tratik tirougit tharecanal, otte iul-.i of Air- r latr1o-ri 'rr.r r eguet, urj iviichil smIllIre a-orn that Illeîiicreai'rt fer an irI l'ItrrI h la srlv double tea s"itof at ycar. r'diil'hion,'îii . >t rt4 le rr ', W e grt te, net ici-, iecever. t1iiat vpry 1 lit IIIA-a-vlîi at Tîrrrnîr, r1-t tr, rte;eýz«è tise Canaera mde. 'auliil.hicire I,,the ve'i-PiqitireIti I .,' r mankets ine Pn'ntral arehingier thon in Ne'tv a-d Itel'r viiiriiir'rn uar, Yack, isho estcrc isets arc saaîng c nIldu-e ,oîpriuvto, &,. Ameriran rler, arrisperruiators foirtheo Npin Yonrimarket, flot a Canadien mranait or millers rr-ri in toaire seen. ¶u'NOaS't trrta ', . leSTÂTEMEsyT cf the iriCplarticle« cf pri; rty ' r' r :t îiasped tirreigh ilse We'llanad Canal, frorat th,' l'iiin întît r t operiing of navigation tii the:hlet August, I1814. pr lou .iiî,r.tir r e Pork and liut', barrels, t26.11 4 foar, ifeuch'it r,îri a Fluor, " 229479 i,the liii'irit . I_ Asies, "2,746 panse.1l'iiin tli tit'i-ii.li U sait, 116,200 1miariner. 'l'lie NîiiiSa.ta.r a W hiîsky, 'I' iararliiers ancii teur 1, ti( r> te r*; a < Loge, No. mi Ciimjaips Dotflithe rritii y Boardsr fr-t. 5,0*1 ,7(09 i)ficrayîs griiit ivr t I, e i SquaeTasî. csbic fac, 41«5'1h05 I 'lire C,rner Stoîn f lar î ,l - ieStavs,. M. 4il44'a Ma'rir, 'ilfi the a acttti rr I i r W. I. do. lÏM7, 1:2 pfin ieci by t lie aci-ni Iti li. if ai 7 Whou?, baisielse, 1,287,217 iîîy cf ritiripî, ii ic Griitltaid 1- Ceo, " Il4s9 1girneîrt. Lnikrig ai lic ". ., te ceai, t'oi%~ 1,170 etitut icg the prn'"enit 'ltrirtid m' Castinigs, 1"flîs hou'rlirt a limSe bsian ais'aOrii- - hon, s1,()s7)'j rlrsa a ulject oï no .î.,arn it 1'obaccor, i) 2 tiory if Toîronto~, tuhai a ulie I r le Passengers, No. 2,4:34 be. nrccsary. le Merciandile, trias, 613W).N 'iae iraiinv iriiiigliitît - r - lcLs'onerg, Nia. ll.,.5 drosa frons, tlîe Miirirrîairt ar .. - Steamers & propelîcre, 13(0 rf rnprrtanri'e A îî.înarit r tt 14 Scown, ~1145 hist:rrvof it ntadat 'a Rafns, si, 93 lishiîry rf "i ri. iia iitin i r 's Toninage, tons, 22OI)fil creaeilsatirr-srrtta'jtrticr Amotoat colc9 , £ 17,Mi5 19.,1(i. zetuî for ti iirre crn i'rirtrrt W : * -St. Cathrines Journîal. their grent r-duit, Ow ~ir-i',ic tu 'l'he tPrinc'ia i pt n il r,-5WA% .; o ACCIVNrTS ON THE CNAL-During tire utecimnc giee brIos', ani recoiaîcelit"l ' twio man Ihave receiveal injuries, crcit unease fltiig of Our rt aîlerii etfered, mriuld haave fatal restuIra.' ifiw tire iradi- Frrtier rêorarlls iii alun ýrrttin htiti' Ilvialole nov are, ce have flt learneil. ins tlat addreres are ocrîrF irI :n, a or On Monday, severai in-c menatgaged in ro- Oar cotaficri dopiniîon lirai aich s'I- iroief a craco, one of litera being eniiloyedi n prospect tuti irize nvs - rr ii tmking up the laî'î îf Ilre capotait, whilil wtaas proaperîtvîf thre cty.aid iait'r beirtg vorlaed iry a lau-se ; ise arimai givîng a and villing te taire tire iii'cvlsaty oudalen sprinin. broie tue pife, chicir, flying bath, cliet l struci tise yuauig gramuon tire bondr. Il iiaîag marie tires? 'uC reiralas On 'aeliesday, a aoir cieelirig a bmmcmnt cf tath@r selnttine, ii <rit vo Ii etmntar, clise alaag the top of a lirak, si mirwenisis rarpraril . -n ii span of inn-es coaaing alane wvin s ieasy strore Fiither, thlui cîty 'olac iir irraaii ak n tic atone-boat, t ruvin tic niortar box, lyinsg lIie a ereny vîemv cf tie hianigbA or ietween tire hIrsrae sanirtie rmn, ao'd ilb slîing ir bien place frorita fitîîniîr il,1V as tise banna,', tlarew tire naars juth ie loiî-[ib. Tut n.lire sera'aiic ai u l' att, itb ~~ W'~~~ hie xpectaiocs w, ain mti earle carry Io Plate tîrat William G outi. tic r 'liroata L'cosiig ai nii airy gr-: e letîer.carrîer aiarieri tir tie pant-i'ffice here, liane, cire nof tIlo Jargest au ir-iîîa rrt cu as yesierdry arrearer! andl enarîmitter tu prislon. iii Canada. "l- niacirarge îîf vîrîlao'zlici.g rroney froîn tic pcnt* "l I1theticpopulatia i fih$ a office. 'l'lîo accucod c'a, je conafîîtairle circairi- t as ri 'enr aain rithe tt '9 rsatices. sied res1ected iiis @phaee-(ire, Hao mt 70 ar .1i4 'gi n . l1'inrWtire rereilit Ofan pîensionc troua govrrniet, uI n hie ean liracidathe t.ios Vi1 lnas a digelarged Potiiierr. 'LrePartinelars Of tiie edc ,tire populatiio îmonted tnoui in, charge upini %anchîrnIsi radirbees arresteri, %cii 'l N cin1844, tIre p'.îîlîiitIrI-ý, altranspire in due tiar.-['I'criontu Cilonat. 1îoooo, itvgmrurea iaîîeuoileil uu rg* 1rinrstm cuaita ET ~e tell ycars. sd or DsuSi, OCCUî~ tTRRENCE. finie Ira "tic i inregard lnte ooueelv ad sRIN GOlILs OFa a ITI IL-Afie oy tre ir taxets ac a ru-it yatt Ilion , itet.ofneI.Leach., Vetesimaa'y Surgeone i. laesu t£12IiOirrît g l--1 te tirhs ciny, mat ci iris eahir rire ot four ycars je the iroPniteug Ileas farloure :-ilr. Leanchia itd lia aîiînit mn£12000 o alîri; .and il trmuat licit erebrcarion, arn mas usicg on of vitniail. Thîeae hast thir.&u sirt rtme acroal irluril te anere noce (f<ifle fanaila' e is e Iwos"a, aid iro. pety. but merîy is@rentai valus; es Leach wa up-staire dressing. Mn. k iad *"'ly posing ttir ent lif il aie prapeiti kle leS aà moment, tu tile hictile hirlaai mixe j pay 6 per cent siplon is lsuoe.thua b"F inte the. @hop, vienliretireant a slriei, andl o et cf ten usssiead moud in toi returning ltotae maraesfuentrdtire Qaa ii,îi î.2f0.O to cloties raturateililairvitriol; tep drOrpped 10 "le 1934 turc netrevenues dre W lae viu traoffhijn. An antidtewammIm evcry arre vialever aptieusn. lu!ii ï1k ieiael <mvec, and medical aid celled inj, Lut li' tan ehs es£234l e ce noavai. It appeabrs hoiiad swalloeea a yeartiey viii pietu £9,8U2 s9id ld auartit,, and cniy surviverd it ire. irot .Au -lea 187, tire ear tiraiOnaisai Simqca.st va bei. on tir iiide. and s verdict Oferod bp tire Legaiature in flc telle o ccidental daleetirretorne. -Mot tic toaet blamne ig o00 sut a, xe@aaos lne,i alla vWaattacbea te Mv. L, a. it appearedlha vans o a as c. cre ot revensu , 1 0 tire aaid et tic tiare, aW bitaim tdonc 19 8h1. Id. Tis yean titi ii vit1W .h 1vietic occienr occaled. Tic l'atiela - an md ls:tieRa ainerail ai beIrytrm bc berpbayaeg in the y"ard mdZiai corne cseîy. if t heblic idur wmbenbi's faticr'e beck y» rCAumth«msbjecteconnctedilui te uvrd, aidhad laien tic posoe forCginger bher., istmey in mmi mr'-thl If aitentiOnrM ilý Whicir ticp ka.p in simait httles ia tire ablis. nutly oounectua i mti tic objecte for JOS Tira occurreece tloakplace on Batrrrdmy, the SIat bulding la noev aboutIoelire et<< Md rntinco. at six o'clockin e ia veuing, and thecetoratcion ncf crnrevenurs Wv ý cbila died t nirt.--[tib. <otem iet tees. Tire yartsi@c<l ~55a~5~ cca-atac._We have ti@re isLait, in 18Utise marnet ferla leeinchlp asicf otîrng£M 613o Ià; mnd tir ar rm< s0 molDcWy an o noicngtirat George Prevo*t, Wm intatire bmads of riahe og,5 e young rame wlie iais be aoughtrap le tis tritlicvrole tees Amensr giscs! a-Town. ad Who Wa few dae "à t boesm Whotaci charg 1trtic Marke'~ w* ý0 bofer iis services. Tiayi' ci 1.1 vmtiaa, a a mBunée vtmaticattenotion of amenait te epvarisIf £1000. tis ezdorc e Mibbue cdn rcse l nieemn fle lipPed ont 111114tick eci ideabi more if thoerre si amie Zwrhetd le .wte ueed .xai-peeepntl 60 iss u Wi. ta Leatell .W"ce Tees bleII i Id eeo t "YDi giricil euiIbpeo d4«9 amue ofet i 'ed slp m et zoodme lnan i of rdr- stlic 684 $hs- lappr Méer7cse vhpl icira bam iiu "ç m.1am i, aisey mthe kmdo 'iro.me-,faLe~ et. et preset. ii a « ttin elo er yc. am came ni tte ban'dab ,autugeo irdranlie Pr te tirsoft -im W tavi .rtr, but le bmase same tReilitp Wbr' ii ' lir ags avut g 1 alang0e cotrmial te pblic, (<i niritmat ho vitirout tie.a lima minir vwoariti i.lm rakang imie operaticis. ld net paus ever mitire being made it e map scarely nforus yne t muichas e laly fl lming thesataets ef asete rases teiesrla out ciury. Tic expause coulai he @mail compara stages viciris uaid pe y <faire undrtnaig I rtd, aund the exteet triai hoacqusîned. mcci Io misic i ilcoulai To detai the. advaate" derie trotste e eftrq nid ho idla in tierte l -lieasels.t e ientur lne iaCOrnishiiity.' lie and alter axtoire 0 tirîc je the very rentre ti(jiing sigirt indecai I thirrgs, caiuai cnote ri rtto abici r vpapola oursee of "irer teeuver à bmni Ie theirhabitanti reas. te tic publie revu aniser, ein jrmdgnient importance.. le aierteacting tînt cihai I,irlamianmd Huroan, Or aariler plansi rirai rgic of Laie Huar or u C*tI h rra cihn what n imaserine n Tire groaler prrtiic of t unaally Passes rom, thae n tIrecash te the e-icI, taie tiris rouie. A gr. à. the leinexba$Iiat,le vu is Ouratre bouses sit ameurs aadrther vtesl d1 prnftablme dînl,! 'mii.' lyiing hoturcrltS i minh suci a rins M.. aiy irreugltiteuI8 a's Ihîciu'artIfijbe ha trrouli clip nat Kt once tre Pr« as irisaof tireeOmet pirr s ira lie mesten r is-nn malienmcd rancie,? hiEr rt liqea ti.nfiil clapi culai ie operiedl ietu' -ea É amtie ota hp rnuata a marschants, andi cr;etn t uci an caalrtak.irg I - iii be litie rruentIcît anes, uvmnî etfrpllnyrn rtareOte&asv lia inc mua lie mnimmarslae denrars' biniecs elra fiai'gt prmcle if mmcetrplir3 cdi, W r aitge nallf v msrîrosmîtiîe rd nr, pe ef rr'ai esatae n earl Ii theic arenirsi value aof ih' tiemmassf*i Mâitai .-The. ip iitî-r ve enq ente il apenirmila ri Ilra-Sots*aviisg b«e t 2 la lIi analripiderab .unea 2'i. 0 sfrt iir na thitrspmr mcoPipl 1 >0 cal? prniafiy lieu s frithr e et Fcen lit "ls,IMM[ dsly eRail tire M - k'tloii rnby 'mny d 1 R reu~i. Pork or lengf . )Ur esiowet csli lIerntfisse ait Pr@oet bri Ah u r' irain. la, tvadm . belve.m tg le !ie on, psrt qutd 'Ilair esel rrival s inr eiaWstue p f titht a pa.ei Qie pcset e 11138-fs Deae