66 Qraic, air e. 4 t. 14 . Btr tomi, 402 il pus-r, bli î.] mons, 691 C. BcUMAssAai 1.4 t*f.e'rea4 14th,-,0 . buite tl& luie bs-a Datel B,,«ea [ qc lEnqui mes, le tee teC adl forthib lîttite leTin R IP.S. Jiellesos, idnser, K. D., il. etp Ste. Aeyrhea. nit&rig-r',vri rthet hleaeoc i nl be.terg te.i. nIbwtieic- u1th ctap, tr e-Li-tte iirrlai b. bi acinu!eceeed teralat0.a rlecuace-sa rets aucre Aîth îe fine Rautnd tor iiw gt i lite spactes ber rt, reni lariti, atnd c'e, a Lase tapesd sticeer. c Ino ,d*r i-c n c ie-e r'x ch Ia n es' ld.lteit ', I lee'-ugtit ris-ti an sý-tr" et safiaieet ni the Pnie met, anti an ut tr eF5 toi, iei s marner cle eL -et u-hep 'Peic ot en-cn teerit~fly Oute nle t, O t]ietrzem arr errn 1 t tof tW .vre andi recomurenti et trek art once(eerv t; -cie peeceon thi ieih eie hr ai ritezena e'f Tuaroatic ter tait - ity,atet isaI they l i mitle the nmemsry mima Je tkep. fêev relurias-W luh iit, et Mal, nluet be rues tiélale ti rsi e eWkCÎM i:ea of tue rhanges fet et taIt lime up tuthîe pt -vis-subis at accy s-aie, aes- e w0 iap reseoatl! eilt4 îteg. ai n Oe yi grei iicm targuai acue]muent Paf euie e populattin of tisa rý'et as as-s-nit lae ihirets t tn 18M3. etgiet yeara àtiem a ibis thme toir us vI4,ce uen amouistet ta9.&54 4-L t.e populatucci id mu usure I th cub datîhot e i tai tht aseseeil P-Ips! 'i patel-shas lier ut "eMd t £112.00, leasing. euttc pars ta tibe epoic» si uts -il ni lmuet lboule 111 , »U 1îe aa-uaI Valse il Ipl uts centaI value; '0ti* oft ail tisc ps-upetly1 et son uls %aiis. tl 10 e"ilu retenues diii1 Lac ries- appeans. b! tit CW ehv base e£2»4Ml111 ieti £Wmi~ 98 O. h. pour tbut ait altisti ell ise he »@%iO Ms, taIs lis ahue, ie w , »@"-c ot revenas. lles 'Thie las-rt1l «.a l mih 4«et causas-ts vWs Ms-m c-thvtfttîltea. s- shout te haOV~< Foui- revenute, s'li<s - s-Tbe psr t" edy le mi. the mss-Set hoes, andi tIc peu pmwl.à de of jet" mis-es. Tisa ros- if ubo mom-re 6l il lieaoil lCe matil clise a"à, Lws N90> ~ ties iSs-*i7a" P -and etevbldbuiOs 't Ittalab. .IssIeto' tepait (mu tha le odatee p PION, sticeleu@5 ami m. itbu-eiy 8,lo ryv sdte a §iIIc slsabu- - -OI __ s- l uOpSkn. o en gy 1 101tit wib upq»li 0 1,u*j sar mfl n 0<' . i.lel tuât0< a iaullaqs toee wd~~' UUIgIbpai- a -tnt #marSi aana but po- 10 wst5Slane i W lieus 550à. . a ae otf th iOie*DI~tai0 lt the ! To bW ius sdLpCS anbect ui abatvi t lsui.ed ece- stine ila bcail fthe teamiatrami 1eoe I extenintg for Sit«in isber Moa-. ndOb Im . f e--a PCiloq 0(ccoasuy shis-ia ,1," t, o m 1andi eceliidccimat. u arlateei tep DY thrnth i l.ens»i»ent 0< . ,, oines, bu owvomchof baW nÉ' lieidary,,e.Otprine. mi e- ber t la. t lenandartisn.. betirsoe a m 1t apprebeni. uatielf>Uteo cietrey u.wbp tba baissbus ps-naçed ile tebpuel IfcorOm tntit ce -a frlm i~ tht Jtitt< Ibaie caumera- actually ia e+,etqny he psâes- minj'lf hcbýIs f tiken ativantae 04si ii iseete t-. , ftotbe smportancet.andi g p,,,erity hal at tit is ttenven- Il, pseait'vet. "I', ai preilelO. 5 il ont emi et ttoi f te enter ivascrnultire. *,lu cantwtfa'] t- ate rduuCeevr'elthe tes- "atatgea tvtiutlC ,prvlegt uprinett lv! t dorle $ ane d tua as mes pee j, nature. btee t tiane, m.Wbu"b bve ro la ,àUsmoklinfgi rablp Whou I1uay f e$ale fer liv vwirh Trsesopse.e S!,g tate adicriC t werhmtbn the ,b I uor larg, rene.nerraltite-n cthe sulgb- gte'pab! r, ttee rhbtant of tari t ou Id. rua lie a ihoni lieUI a mentent longer li ee ht w-auid tee require t tacarry ,ueeti e il, ierrat. Yea"i, et 55eV setU ero phan.,el r -'eivt &rne etsre- efftrt ban anrr 0saaeepliabth ie abert. pea ht eta reOY bren bfrpte ic.;, filen. g warso f Itle River II ie,- É.as ns i l llteete", .pava threttg t te rOt t'yr .-YTtehe ne-a-f sus- On en- t: ' t a artc.b'gLan bren leery kéote!,a ,nethec xent of sator pver, r. tee va&qu rIi,. w lual te sufcirinifir pýupa e III r Il rtc :1 r 'ii] le 1ret,î ap. T, Ilî.ha le ,e" eie ri,îrî'r cele t'acerrn c -t lCt 0e, t airi t', r I ll, llee Icleh:d o: c r.' e 6. r.~ ~ ~ ~ T *' u~'e- ree - e- e L ~' grlie exid'el vt.,etoarcu e 111 tiI g. e r oid eilleetu - apreptery coer' >ie rab Ire et. e-idreart, .,e't -tanntiel r ie aiIr-oe t i oiti Mi.eec le u n riennoCeqi:lce Ille i,îi r ajilgnIecit es f cqahi, ifoti ter iq rte ire. 's irie' r trvi r,, -r.i%-as o e ~er-r.hi i a' lir h r r a te COntarîct a-r. el liu 1 ',Oe Pt i il t'il, r' rra e te oi ~ i*-'-ciaicn efi~ i enult.ude e r--a, r . -Ile. _I a', :.Q r . c . il. f -h i . - ... L:' te ru a t ..!11 -ehter' il'. . . . . .. P.rîr.eL e %t .- diec rie,..I.-------------- -î - . ~ r .' . e] t e t c ber a r I i t. a 1eIf i e 'e i - e - ai et he p ei b i.~rr. r,..., N iiiiit te 'I- Ille nll ri "r- e- - - - 'r. aet tur - r r tereil p rt ,:! i i nd Ilr lue- - f]nei.x i-r r] ~~~t, il.,t]cer-r -id r r. ,;tt t eatekrî i -t ri-e'. l the c n,& b -e ciel-dur. 'r - ar].iveuà v e leeete.eejle. and 20«. r trýie. acc l" catir t, eprti r' isqsite Latecai 'i .'e rhope vît '.de1availtIhenseltmc "-oeeieiear 'r smeut inds (4 e -~ T'0 '-a t il ts csseae- "'i r r ro i qeej'C i a letupear' g ie~eaîhigoode Y Ire- t.mnarketwbilic h 'e r ahce rer. Irier -tiasu it -' e.- ac, ernet bheencis- 'e t falengreel raciner- i flg t to tegh rates eIetntrerr ihal. &r. ".,0e . te eei . A 1 pi-. - KINO ON BhIAL~ I a eaieb.u, Mr. RSpiossusobr. eut vsPMp WweE refsey tho Goseesls-Gassal huaus- _____________________ pi Md 0' £ edissisaeu .aluqe l e M.ssl <edsinlitese peavar etth i muls-ai trot.Kng- ~uu, wv x, .a~~ ,~ Re~.V*siovOed se it iks- USa s-i aoi e.pertin gthe MaW.,of 0<a sW llune id rond _____________________________ ii àeltlrsiy oppeau té i lache âts-ami bus latrucci the Dosrd cd Lassdâpm"lum a b.deo tI goaumai 13ejW-ths t10us@Wa Sus-lwteps-texam»en.iaps- The »r" ihiah Cet et cfToesiy h« u ma'Parleuse; "e <cmesin . of mea . s-ii- - puis a rus, nMd seputitcrolai. supir tonadurmuait. sM ie b...sir amorl Jj mnit, ilui il,.ee ain i a, s ..diey hW-_____ Ns. peonut lus'5~l je -* ___ toisans'inhm, i vout eill tritho Prendrait Theo lVig ef Fs-die.aitthe Cls-leeof a allp ir. lmwm id Wb"d my e tt MWa-0'Stlo b1d sie; MCe igi lasg, av oe ostAi ut*&faselsle agsanst vsamye Iban ve ver, *et eai- dîcdm W uneria de m Pl o a oeuineim-Mi *8 ondÉryet eir. gavegiliseydoshaseu eattinf heheeCeaai ofthe P ofi. e eama Se te h bugientisai"lten»in bil. e Polie à afull sMd fairtilalé ah« afsese ""a,: tuIMott a.Tbissuiaa flos-.m sntruth. haaisiuikiaoeesnm. MWudisse fer " r 5af87.sud ciememi iis.Mr-eese 142eis'..p- pfut jeu s'ls-bbu ue mt dm., . b tom a avebuslept lWs-thealesit tvapeaM &, Ver PtasseeMeeaIoi. pilasetbuý wie b h a dn& Wubae ieDaièe taWligimoat cf tise fiet tissât the ir-4EýS-n ET &r144. povàa ail bue ' derinuita ps-as. He amys t pert cif ais. paey se-bbho uU s Dow *& issubat ,Mx. s-lu.-I PerceraevîeKieaggmcuacss chtmr- an sertbus. cf ageeein buievatise beau s sioestrastii a ecasti. TLelpou~pe t king smesooflt taebtiun ý' a-desg Ieea atatmeaof ia.Traiessltaiehis Cialasaiaai5 mt te bealvape ulisig sPeil-cr tLebas-k ?uscuasipeaof îPthe lisest Doiet." gte0 d rc adtoto h maala in tise antof zones i -Msct nidin 5Mt0"5: I bas hotu uogg"'teeltLat if tiim ssprtant s-osa 0( te Lngli in co.eladiuîtd bhp- » saisiiel.h mdtise vctime 0id -c-ve e sleuhoM scnnaisnsaintbis place, lot s .s. eti-cul- çqoisa u t .. Bot atO n.er 5êsnued guila m vobs visopstte rp ia - poesture bas- n tmes..lisle stoeftualy,, une atjectwicàvhs-sîe ,gmMe»t_ weoualy emli ai thd tract They vieilessea Gosotmeetsuaessl &P_ i t îsegaoe aeiiecs t. vin.,*"the sittie re*vedta b. osss-a toa u Bi Cbs-be at.ces-d ne th0 eo poiniplea anti nsages ofthle Boit- t met of ihacitTovnihmpaY liy a seferec-B cas erpheuemit6et 2-P-a8" Zay s.,.- aissluae, sah tisa uksm t (le-t, te i s ap<ti-saandthie 'eic- 'ena District, as Mu4tW la ituI-drtiaidleg èfi4 bloc bm tbiiimvartlaloomaervengilbau.ettc aat ber@ ave trat bd xaaeisoe iautivple tadoe-i fs- Ic Tw s suie"qit. a hassleut VitO *ýthe tranéposaici cf prneiuceand mneschitmse.7 tory pas-puesse, t vould pn-i&Whl lat g ailiis1 tee.. Ns- Eessoteinlis bn ew-eo-xii 10 ta sad aima the Ns-Adatnm el tti d(Do oas' s-npte) tha haiiom. Bt i île-o th its-apm1 use"CfAlît 1capial rtee-Sr CLubs Mets-sUt, lfres.entetaKingseton. We bas-e aisa naout 12 1 ,ba Chuppone ButMif tperisswu b. le mitéol- r1lrpocci ta give a lsohdiy anti a publie dictuer;-tir s- il sles of ruasdlaidti on iea uoeiisefrs- cl ta mahifthumeutb. -as < e, b.b m t o ia12h, in htos- <ofBis- (loisese' vent to ibis 1tai, ,ibustantcner f-SeEIel; a part to emetem ueui nofj. àr Bt Lte Loiage bout pei-; but aacerstaining thâi tise. ofs'bch in cacplelet, ant ilie er etii.snovr tem. sciisg, oiueg mesi-ol. uve obsmevaiho-tprceielbt5teet va s ielaisg ,ecaam fraki.g-onme part of visb .6 eec, antithe fun-, a duffirseiroof opunionoaauItehbot fas- Si'.rtienone*oOi'med andt iaI t'r es-p his va t aIttis-icdr6trcue Tîvra]caraiy- Cha-le ba seaignisdS psoahl.Gses-mam~ ii lteèt.hagav blosi. leees, cdl tht e leciteotici as tira sasplhe renideredi ereeon- in tterrp. s'hbU Iagi-ce "liiinle doti n susiag0 S 2t.lt ftlwudmentela titi r Otises-rondaenay Le mtete tfiterer t'tis Charisi bu m-oVatiseespocp blifot«u»YCu1e.9i a aons- cf Siras- râsy placsct itri saptic atieabîr, antd fui-the pras-hie. A perfect ieneiily of thonglie as a»eh Cisailes; s'hseupone.et hes tuelents, ni-; acscmmdai.o tecithes- Dimtrect. an etimopastatpount lunsne to b.eexpudaei. 5< hes-5g abioet vlssp. vent nopicidtetick euis tise; 1havi thrs-a treéS lnnfs tegether 'erv hsete. esysb. -au pimelsre asp ismscuaffttitIlug. m is' asagamn bLaetWd i-p 1,,and ilezg tistai pu itt refer teate eut]ect inD speche ani a-gas a ib legnos. hics neflow Umabtrvssethe atiter pstt agisevent ' osr es-iet publication. a I tietalt a %cripuapas- ppmh« nd rgae o th lagen!% h"itp. pollet d'euàs the fine lnrs et in peces. Uhee lactoe;iand a ve are ait mes arc t enu naerest- s-ClasgoSir Chalesia eteaJfeo vus ltiug *i«tise fag"eetbontof ttis uttine, antigavo thise tcdi n th ps-capes-hp ai this ,sertioen ofithie Pro. noisteua nolalee tise princuples cf tise inlutbsW euf. <Orthe sax-niniters. One. orsotvr of tise;vincse, vo abouticiems-aor Ioapveet a tsonsi of 641" Ll Lns s-amas ~ < <ptefsoimbos- eigns!on ascunt efNs-. Rp- 1ture dei-jasa poiasouteiofflbsag-tentrond. of (ý1."Le hi podue ueilethèe V-etuo'pras-endimagis, asndtise s ni Commit-< h Il buli cet b. tieedin tee gfisuof betngonetp lae fot o acu 8hP sUaspSgUM; athubgn 11etee vîiW lav e todelermisse vietisir shep velI al- 1impotat eta îLe psusspes-tp of Rngwtos.; but roudieb ps-ucd, th"p ould svail lisle 5u1iig lua hîuta break op té Cullege, au velI auagi-t ses-a n oes-oeteniel nev. Thot roui te saIti cn tLe macn question, fb. itje la outa a eesprs- ain hetl.Conesexion ethi-ouglout, bp bis louant Et- te aiiprd wvieb vould tend nmctIii ecpsove iliat the lais- Couiecil as-s te.ha o l sauvesaid eo$ l fol-s-tbis vr-'vareiag polisa on thse;'uthe as-é;country, amdistring cto cultu-ateon thse Metceis hai. W. eayodues-vo e,' t.atise eWarke acit of ibe Dutrict. fus- evMer xpression ucitep yevarp ume of clir etilests sll"*siltiSu' totnga ta cars-y thens tee laiesstroly. apopetes. Mr. R es-son wvol sRt admitiis tfai-inleccarijcgtb.e a epiecea t: te bas-e ketANDIN Sic Chailes blelfet ..aaes-er" oeeory ex- pueseuece cfif fors-tle.dop vaulti Las-ve eta asef. (rteiit preceelon Ilat totî frmevess-cytsle intisePs- Ecent. WcleS twi tmap aisotenfoi-thosa, -Fes"ruX_.Viris c.. Ada, Bealr 4.ptI s-nse.thtiet 6e itfle %%t aciestesi bp any peroali ds-S vic.lie cotinei: -Sir- 0t55s-1e5 0v0s respect tr Sr Chasles Ileheatte, but sc.tely Spa a ibtW b@m rE.ga& r irciwe-d, in lth eidît aofthe parliamenl*ly set- deiersismtia.nst ta alsio s hamend atu o Bs- tanarrivai oftlne pasket stip Oifiretl. atuen, noir ais 5 ciller i- ie, in ans, tons, ametgnbchatoms-dietoais ffos-i ofiaa pahtcal limoan- Catt Raillsonein uaenv-cso davs fi-cern nioseon the ssejeci of Reqfflaubk GOazcsd-tss etsuclein taans-r ot ies gnvcsnneset. tai Ls--po,-rirefracEgibppe- miowemeLiterpaolet eihavecfc" ofau mus- a au r Wc Slites',tht le dtieste é mtagteuta lie g'ment- as-Mr ytna unsa'Losdoi ta tise errening aif thent1 lotand Lis-- an lise sutieot oft Ie,ponible Goves-nmsot. but rpool tui tht 22d ofAugtast. the day of the v. cooleüti %bat ta. Ant i tsait eare s-gLtin ta iV. d liat a»cu. cthus.eccntivtdedpmruré of the pges-t. We are indebteaiP pros-rd ispMr. ltyes-son'a oun sadmision, fes-lb. Trusitea f cole in.Kingston entes-ain an ci-- Itu 'Captit aRtlbooe for pipera ofîle atn asy u îe ex sulle,~'bo r icChai-lesreeeide cf Ihoer duties anti joa crs.suppos., datet êelrtinatfe antsetence, s-niaaet i-soinmeta a Iistbep san levp a tii an ail bouveehuidere T'eie Patrick liens-y, Capt. Delain, shisealto M etalf andourelve Cosiser apoitaiet* avwthun théirthisuts-uste 'hetebtavuing shidrie.n 'r-ed, igiss-igpipr fteanedt s ofieas mus-t uibin tise limita o<f lespensible at s-holre te . Thua M amiaiT ,,1-t I-' pes oetie sme aisda Ceee'rcnenl as aseelicer- xesuast e ."if es-aI ti a onail nsainslas tla bu lesîed b7 t e 'Iifrd no, ten îe CoacelLitea s-gbî otnagted Corporatioe s the Trutteie mai-dletp ite luit. 1 bc ecitorial leader of tise Chi-oniceijeon on al appoin inrcte arbrfie t but Sis- Chailtsion tees ounteusse sén tadlgtslthSIfnol, an id lipts- tah jet out er polis-y ith sslL pr made eappoiet.mecels ttringItat meitciisoul parent bp the follovi.sg clauses cot the Act, tie- ataritontai-iFs-ans-eusgenîly alvocatitng a censulinige.Cruncl, and theretore b.essout ining tise dutirs suntisersatfTrustees. 6fciretone ind a more n-gorous spirit of e- d ley deetia an antaganiàn dosthe subjeci ci Re- "-&-Ta sacenin, bh casmeatieun of tLe siatance tee the encrsoachms-nî of ihe Fr-ens-h P -prsbcG.verseneect is the mitlisnetoaasri-..Seis"aliste kepu Sp ath eislas-bro, the. nussbes Go'-ernms-nt, iul Lord Aberdeeno bas il entai- p eeou. la-ilis.-. pran eapeo of etdaya fus- vbî-b oas-h persan nect lo exemptait ibtoagisiproper to adort. TI.e asicle ucigi Ibis cnsiei fe t esa.&abal b.ehable Ie pay ftr instructione, Antitse baten omet impor'tanc-e if it w-ee Dot sioi - - la reply to ost erecnial list Sis-Chas-ot Fba ie-etamismutpapab;e 5y eut& pem'as od ci- supoico ry eln ttnasertrd the riglt cf tise Conseil te get ivias "i -6.-Ta male out a Rais Bill ranlsning ithe sy l n upurrg fPayfeig ase al casinse, Ms. Rperson nsaa"bt " in loticama of esaaprsuto ai able, i t ie as"oumiaied ratier eai lie Foreign Sec-etar'y tissu ronsetitutional and ti tne Ilas, asi l nrefmer fortas viich b. in hable ;anti by thesosse s-ranypt rani-cet. bottla constiutior'.l anti judîslal hbodie soinde ofthoneas- rby snoeperdcaeait zt d S As-rots fs-ansLiseon iti tse l4ît of Aoe ies-onv,.lterre a righi, nd am e e conéess*.as-tlielsle ucat bois aIt tsCollest tise avoiuet iatei galt hal bren iecsived. Saine excite- conavertbehraspli-and asiareseuité loirbtin a ' it aperds-ue ori'persltas-itsged isnents-h ment tbua ben causes] lihéèreby an n-' sîsîrssen suie uiile. We have sac.Mllte nr.- Rate Bull, tuetler viii Bs-c per cenît tcnsus-la ase, jet issue.] by Cabrai. tht Minisîer, vice' .pes-t for Air lIt>i-rrttclsas voarebave frbil sce afe forcheivontb. fcollectiton, andi ta psy ttti ngasI saileged, thee independence ofcfl nrea..oniag." But sppomne h vue sioitte au aiont u colecta thue Terhes- os- Teaches- att' it t e g.P iscing app]rie, visaitStai1 Whp ifolow.etiséiildta recuete ane ; aende in etauli of tle-legsl tribesoua. Thae Visicount Sa dee teat ts' Gas'eicor irsal ptaspowuly acUteurt aypsneest b the pi-dueonseralci. te les-ytise Bandea bilupulisbe.] a torrntlpi-tientlr ttie peopei n tasguattetusinillg*l!e tuthsmt. aisant b d taisaanti saliinbfte gouldaandi againa: it, as abrogaisg te eansiitauieal Et tteey meteofse a lit er- ta caplain ta thèse bis ch'ttela 0 clU eonitOr Pei-om naniisisg de- charter Exreietrs' nvFiecene msaisegu.Ténia ile hala" Therv swu a des-ided fuil in tihe Britisis w,;rs-octhan tisa oid heaiheesorali.. weh apur- itse Ilium aen tisaitIherat, iii le toise II made fonde crs uhe 2Oîh of Accgtet. the smasket P .Ie v % ripspeti upe tei-reples ts 1 Iagengsa- ceut - exarnunatsis atftise Scitoolliiw."anti cbosissWgf Ldubl meas- Hoevranbisilaillstr i cnneinafin- corearionpirntgnsale ut 98fctdop E-:iier.v apres topthte parlt o Jreaong ete Tecs-era'Ss-bool liat. Thse Superintcnclent Lreme ertf ue, tiecMay Las-e teesgfnedtp" pethe acebegni- aboutitilthe Tsuse«a tagoibes, aci explin poeslthi the telles-s ha.]receeve.] îcicll- îyfLai tisIe, anthlave M^ uthine fs.ii andtitailier maties-s tauthem. gens-e fs-in Pars, Ib pigeon express, avîis-i Rpr-soi.n aus igt pri-et. os-chiot eagician. I0os- wuascon-aedossJutefirorblee g piee thalle cark tics-rofa its- At alessuie, Thes-. vere vo fies lait verS. TLe fi-et Tise (ýj eo and ber aew'-bcrn baîie trOncf t ereiîsa t a s ea-publie liies- ins wnimedls- onsWetlnessiapai nevin, in a barilk huittincg in ta ndd teierjrîy gocitheniih.Ir .uc ine'rpretp'r eettate ritiies, a mass otasuate Wellington n treet. os-supeeeIls Mu. Sligis, Caot, At tise meetling ofthtie Repent Aemosatiiv'ni te Cic-itar Greera'a s-repetias ouaamain ten frfetin.a ete fon h Eurccheseu] ti. Rpraoa, a a Cunsl Icrmi i ttr1 tferihaieln«. Th ii. tc as rameau- Duhblin, una ieît tAgn.ahte innte et tie tasne Its, teste recnc ls apoinleotar aud isaloifront lb.e ite,7i.fle,-tachothe tocel, adRepeal .tss«iat<ofNe-' Otteans vas i-ai, tera lrge pat ct hsa elega teouai 0<I* i oet cmime tîrealmede iîedettuclinh te b.ens-tosngaà emitance of £21'2, and hsembi apo- a'itp. a lag atofras istiru eConiste ofta.biedpabut svatcr Seing ai baud, andithe Fsse Cei'- logiieg Jar certicn exprsosinra lettes- s-ast i- Eneepstea erct rvs i-mnîiope« oisues panyup. vutbheUait sud Ladies- Compinp, quick.ten ature.r seméitaase of £17(t ,is ceVnttquens-e Ex.r er y itr.Ryrete nF ktpes as-asi.e, Iycont l.aspt, thse fre vas subineti haines utld l i épreneiosîthe entant, lad heen sent feugMun îlerspie ie p it ae es er caaebiismat- oe mucis datiage. Thî va tvae-nsatei or tise as-k. Tjecres-icite ee vi s a£ 116'3 3i«9 Iin thde pareetisaI îrLte causeinrWY te Ibonnte iisina ors f veaen buildings, Theb ecbardesitt of Ta -eter tte Prrnce lLcn(;,,e ae t t aieoun ail ahmW lie Tho e l ire wvsauonFriay aigLtIiW l - fde Joinv-i, sCloes ta e = * -ut ateulien af'- etîcietiest lne ge aviSae onh&Il os-s-sentwe. ts 2a'-o-,S ise etsail stIotcr ait. Dnlp oe gun, in tise maien tattei-p ou strt neinnctes rih fléerwieinoyapestorp is e otai24. loutasfs-fcmtee iapact& h or ae, s'as ilanaeandi tise b-eu-es of ail tise i!eii the Gove-reeec aoi ecieuhiet lsCeail ne ment 1haute, vas ilests-outei. t vas os'mdnsd Cosuels c-p:tishe Amnecîsaan i iSattieian re- adrI ru.ahge edeoîeaic impoa-tmceTheome "l~- <acupied SpXis. TiscecteaoHtlnnes hvi as somsctisous. tamage. Theo leot cfliveeon shore ilryeîeg wos-ia s rrir thesneanuag 0f -* es-i,îbonas i lb.elise, Hieskm ls l ieavp <fiis, lsuvau osthp six os- itu. Tht French-is pss-roîs-- Iteît" nsItle fu.s'-er i-clause teoit. s oas 'i gsi-r menti tsieurit n-il utc vainsurn ; but tise s van t!fi et daienge. lu tart îbey veretin a tr a e. foctat- suI$d L W tie'ua an îrae of £15i0 oce hause. Thet i-r e- cftc J& orrecels-e ant greai harff.TieMs- INîl. Ityetten bas atiemcpttt ta explainiv saitisasgaain thte flur icbn, aud fursane tiu ohstrst and te iscir gurus v11. 'lThe Enusgie fi fera reýtii. in, nd aIl et eu cae , of " On s-vsi-Wory, but heire thee Enignes asrvd&obtanoi uthosaav îLe frapes-ut. arret.ecf utlses-plt]. iu;iO.tîucr" are atcse,îlJeryl. neite fates lai gut eus-bFroidi an tise sppes- tomplcmessptoiletatheianotip or the. gî:enes- utit a e eu-h u li ht] tti reias-k tnhienaJabotssonmpart et11thé ou. ihat h tutI ti ie ase-i. f <the Fraes-b ; but "tcueegrattin.of alliaacre ktes pont reniretet tIhesvardi a fa sciP se a h 1meCompanyandamilisanti Ltites-Com-. inuit b.stade. pruisalee, fors national prejuditLe inolaer aulje- pny, sots sgaiitactive n reatfering tbecc sesv-.. M. E*.euelady anti. daus-lti, llii Ànda.eno - eec-ce__ U.lt . valoce@.ltae 2ltlr .4 Angt, @onni sstat ue th b e sii.. Maenacer, vs- have Ssr Chari-« Mlicsalhis toi- -*"""CapuslWa&sat hanpublisbci an es- rtu des. h tii inîeeyadirevctcontradic-tioen otfMs. Kes-s'a l'hé sétanéco.t Offesregulat ion bhp viisittrop a licetoethaute sir]. lepa rcjes-ile, fls-oa rtlfset Sidhre !elrsi is ts-h Poot Maamers are tes bidin ta guce nItea hPrisdistance sifiEsenoirs ft'et Geoves'nmrni viii - 1tl-rdinil. e e-Ira etcilsi-tcoi bi mi peires-cf<eepapers %ben a Subisscher te- uar"sta lpsir hlm £tu5for athi.ss-crt, vhen '1u0~~~~~~~~ Lerfeus-ebile tt iccosis tie tt Iàe hieupapes- oui ut ihe offics, iceaae- bcb u gmes.tisepciof otfutaeisptoahice. a Iastetaiitftfeel t bis Cssaocîlon ahl caDuas 1 mV1s- oam, Wfoi-e siutdosa sno#"ota thie Peut --____ e su 0othat Ns. l&ccoo'*s muaiflas' d lu iesaway ORs-se but raties- brnhs Syenktis l.muIsa- A ( D tub goaacie bplas- astaWe -,Pei ~SU t ftt e mttge on ithc elunisrf 'istsis HE udes-ignet prssente bis ans-es-e ll-.ks sha lirads-Chasles bals slves- aeoe.d lIaSther n ts Tnté rpieos l'on oeilîtbave a rigli tuse bu oeeltei e oucib r rs--sfe iitt eaplB ctie o ie T icathA i. iuembers of theFis-e Comspanp anti & i.e% osonîeem±a-p upfs u th-tret- itt a sJ5O-i7 b eSo andi Laides-Copany. and haie ile sl j blthonthsennui tisenbu an ile-tlaobe. lits e.lLbaît f Oui- Subsnri adigeoisnlly, for biheis ihaiasstanoe in .ubduuog a M s. e s et eris-o M aiu ~ B *-v~O ai eat taoon eas p5psthe amlis bis et so lai Fs-tisins. r7aeCelys o afg»etth m cosait t b O ~th IlrbTid s otd mchT'HOMAS I*LMIÉS. prî'sles-os-O-casiu 0<ame0< l. lte th*sli les gbi ls tufos-catiés; 4ib« al tisé Meésties Kiagtinoce,Sept. 16 ]M&4 atap$iy$ t -a.i eliterstiisy ibu a 1at " isha LM » that of aînscs- r $W pslaesi la in ltCoene' *lad - wu nodklis.te iis auh ai n haid8f ines-srta dmso it. W,&N IrE D, n sus-reaaiot," "0 "uiast f nul o nd< ammi" r e.. 9 ta suanes. soi 40 ta a tei !The ieeacteugnis- c iumanaso-i.<> sl.hponar lM paisleutwice a ves, andithooait é> T O3 96TNWT5 u-sm.-J li "Ysa aganbtat t miam bhCtII htiul iisiet n e ida Te ho al lirectiou- T lamel a te-vond get--g- -ilà Le Ibis Cou=ilui vs the hlmeads-os or n ,àr ai mut b-tp me ndlnte " " if b.e esipile alybiu psiaiimon, ub.éueà ea sllls-2l.atimnl.i 0.am svn bidbsclWgeta ee iw«t lMb id ýe hmbeaeniezîn ppu, ttit atius-eu Apply, f by loes-Po ParisÉ. ino Lîit bs olsauc. os senhiuulflama - ueS afer veek. sud susesibasies- moniss, insaci-JAMS POWEL1I, * s-al s-a Tb utmauttailisuleli ats tas- ignornce. Andt he Maibaumhbee arryWg i«n e -maie of tibis in ains air Chri- Cu.tiespapesasibmthetisa tsie rt est uiezugi48p 1,M4, * ta deni faisly wvus hie Ninisers. eliulihaveapenWpotgP a btis" ri C LZT fl VI X S F bee tee place biaimn zonardguis-i. a a pnny fo otge , ni*cte w t biu tusimirbe C LtETO (FT X Sb ta terlwel th qulotonsmust K1",iss s ai"80 e " afthse nidW-m u'. Rg E Umdeslegftd Ileesy give taii camse bettese hbutnle sui-lai aascq ity' Ots5 tu are fas-tues- ca« o ia t ua a m ne< >fle, iE' a1111 te up, dsp mud-euhsthais couceilli h possable, bla Mr. the metlata- =.tampolay ithi a icgu- 16 Attj IG. eN. j, *-y.euni S" kt« sdamld éui setuîemttà e- b.SaD )lfr'od 9A .t wleo laubies ls île Cse ot. tutSes"U lu aaes! M aW i res in.thi. s-ouposti Tm»& telot day of Os-tobes- aiat. fôr te vouhtitiaimen dsiab~lla CaeraIt bthepie.l 1 ie als-e mitgpuaipo uS<ecitng tiseTaxeaduse anin Èru pat cfa ps-is ami-aaiuaW"s'tom- Of lisses. PAT To" Taxsa-It vili tb eenu Iy<usos ieTs..c mto ts L e -lt-us- -lai-se-'»ias - luu .# aie l iosau' titheeoriila îelie e a S4lansth184on.oTise Tsze fohaigbe yle- THfE CAXADA COMIPANY. eue junew au* a a fu aoerité f luxt TO BE IISPOSEI)(-)F IN CANADA WEST. (LATE UPPER CANADJ.7 vo ICCLT= = ~ ~ 7fT 10 OLD SETTLERS, EMIGRANTEF ANI> OTHEBS. HE ('ÂNADA (COM~PANY ba-e for dispsaiîabout the eist,'-? rAttTiTT <sor A T mpnli«eresein.5thse preniel I.isîe ai titis Dace.lnvceeîî.l11 it-ea1 aS ACUES ICACI, e.atleseihre'igbaot tfs ise ene r I. assi teec i t e .'etr.esed bv qINUI getiieere of t : tBode. cniteuneir trenel(omI to 1libîlaiACCess. fen eeei lie %WEfl'FKt II(T: aned o a s-es-"ýv e a nd fnepertast Tseebet. of Matilt* Areith a dU- tON DIRTllIC'r. vtusteti tl iies PaNîimit ci Owttn'd oesi The' Lando as-eieffierd von ic* ment hteriaTes-mes siare bigbiy teereo'itcealtu fe 4mlbtà"se "B3 tie %rrppgment, tise Comtapany dapossis f tiseîr Laside by nsp cf LEASEi, for aT fW TEN VEARS; NO MONEY BEING REQUIRED>I0N Thse re'ota payable let Februiary. in e-se Yenr; b'î.e t'as ttaie s ei ter vi e. le Ptr" Those,:for exataple. sppelttsr sciie ease oefers, 0Ans-cjtere tle 1e i2 . L ies-Aasp-he ta £62 los, aieo Renit squi-ed thefeon s et 'a; tit lt.- ereieeg veeeurd i. 11W ete ustars. chaase the Udlite-e teerupes jt eny tte cdssreeg lieTerni.ee. aitote Pareeecis if the Prie stato in Lea The Ce.e.ipaier m'elt nkeea ilibers] ie ýuvere lt- j :ciee't-éejig ta thi. seaicen imte tEtier ppaas, te anticipatinthe ierd1,sud. leie]ilcrebv ve îeea'ueif froua fui-- ther ReenL Twee Lands. Aid r- e'i" et ineladeel ;s the lXesueeeeeLet. aai-Fuite e i eieed o f laponthe'l Coftypn'l teormer plan. %"Z,.lirtas- (lem iot ,r by Ocie Fliti Caeth, and ai te Balance in Fii-s titilai Assnai lnqtalawnieoth esp-sîseet. lis osder ta afflevernreaeetitantte )iieue'reeate sif pnes'de.ý-'P ttttierg, the (',ianee fls apee viti tesrive sli anvnem.nofiere bonacs' giialtthe seeeevet *eav te. fer it ie tliir teees Stslrd soay ssci Lave isnecii. e wat. an dqffaetlt.*a.ewret liîteregi 4althe rare icnýtx m ps-refet. liers an taudi fos- tise sasse.; but i t.etearir s. li-t airt tctt le fulli] eie-eilie a't].cereet a isem, WLat at*Il timite be at thec deipseas cf te Seler, a eitisit IeeiCe Ie ien pli-se tise Cco- pany bave opened an Arrosel.ntchs- irn e &îi Pr,,eîideer r M&secs Do" lrACOM*4iLd thua affolaiig hliate provelesîlSettlei re %fcity tj sciei]aii tfe- ti uesc vv- chose te Freete) of te Landel vb es e eaeee-, a hetleeser leo.e ite>. eeeiteedo Fm n. u'ilik tes-ine of Tee 1'ea-e ;leutaieaeeid Lbât ai-vetes, or aiyfmiser, veeeteeecn îeitrtr tenu Iei6. If' bu aivays the Amiht deprsatee, wmcsIi.lterept ai'arseee. ai it teptra.$eei meet 1 ~s. Thd adrantages cf tisearraumi are confinoctu th eo Ceeepany>6 etuscait Léiftcc bLetis-"n. tis feho «W ietuiac e 'theer eas. Anxiouj t atu ait keliert', and ti tlLra elesene ef ioee v -erlg eeee leia 5 Iotbees-Frienda. sa Coempaney udf egage Ici liace tié Ameeants eh totisiilte irparle alot,-, onieeam&hie osd.- tineti, fretetif ail e t anti rapenae, absauqq 'arie Mî?ie tîrs ail raire sei trieutile ue lier ibea.. The Comapanyvlest 1eeics ieittîrd 1Io ise Un'iterd Kitkd"ris une.tee ieeariea strly £1..('M et3 Saino, aversging about £9 crai: Iy fitn tance aset eu-' iei tielacfeus- S mndk.ttiiliey baesai. ruaaii sent luite a sineelar ainset. Thie arranie-nwiféeîte f emiuepataeir aees- h. eurl"eae ta0 complete. that ftut aueo@ are lace.] td aise parîe'tiW eeeo n Ieuri-je. frsreront-aemey dsdariom uithise about titer- days frine 51oerislai of thtemaiel ic i;glaad, arcs iiliaiied te eey bled of ussefnl lsetormatie,n spriCa"nada. l'h Cvesqa.i tf i lis mtan, su tonne.- IVieeee Eeaeogre. toCefliilt. vIle malCde urus. iLbir Camssionefas ite*P'rorinre. fterfM e s-nî-ee .iess tseunice lsleirina 0< ofthe prenintaof Exchsange in the Emeigrani, tati liàete e, aevig'iaieusi-uelteeicunveCiiiinc adl ie freeuent oa sarsing irone braging bis mtrey %p les ieeee, île 'mi. Tise Cninian. initia a view ta as-sonssodate Eccegrarea tes. eg ceenssii. disse taeofirtias [lisentit0it] allSOwlitereSt, aI Prler Cs-(etet. per s îew.toi eeîe lf ael îesale appo nei legs [bas elyr -deya-thie motLOsi, t eeieeg a].. i ai thseE*sgrai.ta' ttipa.Initia- out notce. 1Éves-p kîtetiof infoermation 1t IqorCet reda, .anddirectioens. ciaiti-an peesitiiy l ie evim itea - ing Emigraîcîs ta Canada. velllieb.reseTlle furicnebe, fre e tfait]c c ees. iey ,il-s~g îc'smuntllPe or- by e Ith e is ospan'a Uface ia EoglaDdt,u-Ca&àasdalHousse; ba. Ikesi.'.Plac-e, Biabupggm Stt-ret, Ltndan, Th evepriniei Liai t I.sjn-le, (iie nirsima is i t.. sci p epot t<iI'eand1 tore in Ca- di Went.) anti îny pars icular, msyle b. ttcei, lai',-4 eltis'e. conesi Alorîsceet a- sb7Ltts Pon-pat. a iseCcipaY'* Office. et Godericte. asu i-ardeil ie lieten Lande; aitl>reorie Stret. Torontoa, sentaal other I.saansitidResocttans-eesof iNlete. C-adi ceispcrayea Ower, Freederkfi-ckpet, Tertai-ceseti I yMr *44. CORPORATION 0F KINGSTON. l~pm A mien mail, clark, 1P. M. froco persons y'isleir.g Mw ain aieîtsd avaré. Jeanepesudaalfans-y soudg a the appointcaenti of COLLECTOR 0F pete-rae mandjoircers' loils, sud &s-aaisg la- 'tAXES osf the. Tom-n of l4ingesîcv, foi, th lnemet 1Si hnir rs cuaisentetr. he c êtcaîîor wiîlié Pror- co~ -scde- e ie- oe~ l ed asthtau Office icn thsenew City Hll t'on 1-u-h. s.as' CeSe uea u, ms-irA pluoe t4 étaxes wilI hie payable. For-'1 ghasa, dcsrF4&ctorseîetsaLis * user applîs-cts wilîot le s'equîs-ed ta szr. Pi isnts tec, Kîngsid . -mi tht,- applcîations .-MoaLîi' Steet, its aépo.a By Q-dersottise Commace Couns-1, tu areiv.-MounpÔsksEdle u-a-gtn r lmm FRAS. M. HILL., Mgseiv ôdtfr frg n C. C. . agan. ptf .18 r-ingaton J OsiaSept.. 1844. C . . KnsoAtl4 84 Fl H Sbsrbe wlihveemstnlyonM O LET, HE uba-ries wihaacnostnîtonA COM R)TA LE tain tor fO JLbanda supply of Eg ish Drgs, Chr V ti tat e ir e tat.asu bie eilmet.Mi mes-ais. Pe'ficmet>r, &C., &C-, tahicla, Lécg ilfnletithrle, t fbâMà (rom tihe trasioetsepctaleo bousea in Lonsdocn s garticu ttarhe.lituatei l na ptesiit t mabsehao b eFarruIty suad oderte Ton.The aanine iad" f&a eiet 04al fml.Pes'nmn gi nIhdlat .as rcc gnine-noIe. cuntr'y Applp ta thes oteflbtrisss. messhnt laoa i anes hé upplterd y-thi SAUEL MIOUT. Patent Medusines. Dye Stuffal, &C.e &c.1 on Kistbis b al »h. 184.- itastoale tei-me. t. W.BRENr, CîvAu<anseDa, à. sv D yC Weoe and Dye Stageh. Isses-p. and ocf Amies.aai s f. Nmus iselusMai Ici lise eevei-sl Dialette#4 tsIsli as 0isn Pse. Stepply ofithe alsove, of thse Lest quais vies-a of Canais fésmertp UIsfs- randiats, *fw ity. just e rtcived. n. <isBas'. - J. W. BRENT, t Tu* llo*tiÂmLnt =ÉCiru It*m'itub Jsmgt. Distuict Tows-n. Ottaua. L'O:rsgoaa. s- I. M. ~ AGENT FOR M)FF.ATTeS LIFE IDemaslht, Eptua. M ay, 1ri* àepL PILLS AND PII(NlX BITTERS. j fathoumi. Petâs; ?eesdy. »â11 h$.' J. W. BRENT, i Iimtavq] lhorliville5 TUMMImys Pa0&e Eaftslsv Ceonwalis reoaq~, abi 054 >ns-igtL Tsi la.. ls t"*H.*lU Caunts-y Mei-ns wstailiL e aflosada Illts--Ctioms, pliicss,T u d> a diacoost on tise aot. - - avclailde, lslmsgt uqy. Wb ~ ÎîtrV.ié îî4i =gu, 4.r CALEOdn]A A owmicesja D lléiét Aohu. 7MISe0& HE Snasrue-ia% opessed a Dep" ilsdt Essom aiy iiOt T foi-thé ae cf tise tsclebsarted Waters, r i oi 4t. iJsbe'ncu Jenae seere tise public couple atapplird sonstanîly 1Talleus t ms- cie. o~8iet lep the Dozet. o tsiEvle. The ps-irea se.-acr. Iamuîtem a i3im s-ici o7s. . .per Brix c iste ta s-h a .- 1 aNgasasi Ncag5rae1 or 5s. pes- Doscoà. Botlia rtfUrthd. As au1 Hochaitedugt< *1 Oe. fassiji Medicinse thezo Waters as-o daily imee ine ud> t Tàz liai. LÉ.Jus t eLkav. gainli gsounuaIl- Guelph. ja a Mi~ D uou.Westerni àSuaiewi *1 BOf>ES ta a"estât tht Gentrey and Ithse Oi 'n'site . - 1> nhdita f fKingston andsu iescie Bi-tram 4 0< je <l - t taï,j W'- bas eu.e J5 scnt i bielle t cbeap Procse, ais& a diaist*ie .e pîeme listesiannes..ha iu o e tosu wi11 aaSIMW olf pmrois-psti'osie Umdlsu, llss-ueoou,&Wc.oaidet 1»s« uufes- toefe hep mubaud or esde ta usde, m c1Ta muc taue <emaI eleego- As bis goà a .111boss-iapétuos n u'I s-aib e*n" lISm wmhabutoeaaf- voni klogftm . 9"3.,»44. 3 IlS Casr tua., &ls jezy & ce..té lt>zaStulug Bisetm 0 M emia.a ', P<a'&eL Iase 811. C 5aéetL m*u100 Oro" eesmeuigI au s' irwîr@u BgOMgiu <.ug i of ll tun=0fti F= =Cms»nr^ 1we Nffl,