UsJale' tvulp 0"01e, i4 ut et daager--th. 41, oil i lock, ruaI fers lb. 11 iili bu iulag Ibis 'il ue in the . p imite, tr 9 spente , Lwtia Mnt reentmstt Ppeate teoit oiamhr a ide teîeei-n. aiofi kmoure r ed ofnudici 4 ap f seecntii ainiherta seu tei Ilis wor usI~<s sb ib. th. mas ,iei.stk sO1 oftu vOCaahda, i a samcniber vo frastî Pear in the Offleiai OIntt%î grutament fot1 the iosiitm forma Rmils'ay fsasnt&ep Msead. le hloalreai. ralizatios oc ortelia.1i8i Falsu, and oavidi Leeluaij sttckctay for etilion of paat efth îleliï h. township of micl, <p nitingtac District tpoiatias ut tise DciaI CTal "S a Joint Stock Cmiptqî ibm mt ta meu:u. unis ia the charter suIse il for pover Ia pl'ige athe m ro. f i purcitarerof mal tut >l0. ta the orient et £1i0; 50; andaelhier parpeato 4£ a att et Incerporation 01 ik dioreyllors Thomp,ý seph TOI. of Beuhwos4 liontreal Miutual Irnirinct imeas t. the &et, fer tle 10 pawer te iceraii ird ed mai. fur lessssb 6e i of anoually. as borttnhs ce certain sia"aer the tm ',bl notification cfda e. nwer of demanding, aSesit bote siint ufthe derwId ste ogitetig or re!ngi afler baving basielchai o0, a t.e at rthei a 1i rrperi fe amuer ile*l membur (oe jniemnitcili far lue, and te fl tieie la the rad tmberl"Ilsme ait sgai.ia tho aeipfiy. tis %ho notoesity of iniirg tel meaue is requirsd b. . a ta gle. le tise réi~ &y bugrniel bytbi ho snmcb removal et imtliu ad viltue asa MW pîlS Jie port s ti* ccpssl. i usmad hype ts)heP' ,iegati tiîmeatlhi, t. ce fteastat luarn m., tiee eopt aftpii surei te gin ate vMey, ai idens5.-di à fe relI mont d< the i omier etib the d 'W U Wm eustami.â, i Moe qs pfsemi'< nte in£MI havemsi$oMpaust. lOs Payaient ontiu(5it 15Aiid cm bs deplet ai of hie paliey. ef pasmin"r. lt .aeis boc i âAd a~ vte' We,. the ttl t Orm.¶hi »J fWb" 1 and.e.[Pa ou ho te 'à".li seifl w< me *iom làis' 82 7 .'ý?4'"4ý'U e,~~i adô U75fI. <h~Tc arire. X ,". G resK IneL N ilCre l. __ '.1. *~ khmjsh~~ ~jg for K er*« sud tuuour in a=1r,â - T11 eria s aceve ws~jWv- A~~t~itc lcCn s uduqp~u~~r mufuik1u ~I'êq, lly1me. ' -.- a-< *leuPWDÉ or Soeeg*m. llAecy fur the Maillera Dî*trict, in #W i,. 17 algrétit twom - l,, . sainte________a #eu"- 0»7, ticipatian of wrij electiun for Kingston., Ski I tre ad L w u t t, A eL h 4« * '* ' il U $heu T @ C e~ a . ~ ~ ~M O R LKY & JEN É I . 1 be tu nfor mfy friendi, ud ste ibli willconinui10met wu i4vte mn7 411 e4M sitet ow_*&& MR.Tour adanse an Th uiAgent untal Il n'y transactioans nitju the ,go: OVaIiS u___deam_à"_C"__ massl 1respectful ly o&fr n7 o re; in thsa be4ain 6 mm! timing -bs SabdW. 1, 6> mm 1 ie bam.s" u<Osagi cmoela T4 .rmsiImlmuv.~*~capacaty. &astring chose itho smiiy ej but sét mv FP49 à ýMg 'rilcsfe.,. .didi h Acelln adsBiett, aeinevis.L ll'ôtÉffs of hem,7 HRedmv.811,11me diat 1 will bcdiligent in the îîù;arg of , d ltm "m Wb hoàewmma.iilmua i crei60 ho r Met% sp.-ng o n 8 b New um murtiaL Aiadt&r etWB&. si1fds. S6.fiuld cutlery m»J gave my datv, and asoerate in my charges, As teisalng a a lvn i M Wliot a nhie anoiehdintese* t. iig amsi eess, o.Thsis je he Mai, thi# rarement,.Thon, je $li, su eut. plai d e,'"Dttouga.i Rdrfiîag e-laacurdatioglkoldgcf roîms le nierteudUpgO.gousOI.u **b cues n*esant buttePrmiiential alectiomabu bot i0ontr'a- l 'weg fln 4mvisarnNiha Sbg pa~lant.5fMr.L huug I n" hi* te ià.. thegeaml am abîlisjy« inethâetbaPolk ineleteimi. plemenutS;* mpO" of "cf very damaris-af&irs; and 1 orrespond witls the nust re- us 2 r nit cials 0( PrOdIsI, v7.k. Wuebster 1This s ihu %dl Mmytnso.And soblemPutht lthe OR& in; mnccis. thmid C1Lb4g6t&ud roP-pe.eactable Agents ai Head Quarters, for aueeisogs ht utummb.ub.aidaiet of ut 1 1 soirmnudsm. J OOd msmlimitaits e's sale, haDitrit aoc! cfti. bdote Dstactcolantptei.tm1 hatvset; ali timovelmsoacoun ahaeltargent tutult -# us t uPOSI. ~ 517's- IR< «' DtM othe uis b(Ur-. ll)ibatho mmof se li amlOumbu trSeblait!on Tue«Ja let, ccordlng te leur, and tmsm &e, &c.. opposite the ii-05 os.ofLn cip o ae cssi, si t nIu l eu Ot*pwd. lla.t =4va whvOes ti.y voti fer hise* ' b@t .'fer 'im lleN .MREYXmai bý r rpy ilvc.wthnhamleo igtn V<A mà of128 'ne "ba OlÉ" thtIm" joie~~ ~s nduisaisi ymusotd MentionLiseaka U.i.tL to receive gunpovaler fur atomrgi n tl A. MANAHAN. Ot baPiise cg*1£Oiiae bac md Wthu ituOn um stule vies tho vtedi»@TonfI" ot.Nor,. lài" Magazine. vige., 23OthSeptoer, t 641 i e «oi"ty @d ler mtssov mutlu, mtle pot thi qaleT" osk mel isma rais egog mstadSII 3« a"m V.Edir- odfrIo sasn«cf igwo.irl4 S Isle s£10 seerli ar ne-ami mod940en s. baccrueeti.. i4 j &lies 's1O ww end s eh* amth "mi your Arjîhumeicl ubucouru estce toull- Ril.B cia, piano te £12 or LI&S.a duel emt "rte abet e saisi<~s hrjoie Cm. *0 , ' tr "it. ndlie £ în g: £XTENSIVE CIiiDIT AUCTION SALI B, m uniasuspWbna ftue" m slm» itesrrmmu wTb*. lats Peter Thelluum a, Of.0Tendon, or & l lldil aanal te alil lum* iad as vl d 0<fbamuse agent,'oavréi ISmiminoci i.lese: e i 9 St îmssipeei.. Srilhe, m O.apele iliehefaml) u.reis fbi a tnlotenryisns r MW ou eslise tielypuia mdm - biu passlm mad thsov itlovmWrduthe a ntsOeud M«96Rai eryteele .bl a ei. t paof yW, actnd et l pmndm of t 60%a0ai elue Ai iii. UÎoIiahitnte O Savii gauli s a IMW nceodvsetm d:ainnt, mmpet eleetiema.tholà 0< ec s mcd c pesumlpte eijet t o, texdrt u Ur. co nte iuls, Bas ii y aperue n laglni vit ;tltetumeietniUlmtineîn<î'm,,.. a. te Truteel. for 'i pr"*1& muo* 0 .eI ithmu onoserve l irme fe Ci" te à. th . eidintty musuy Si Ciglos aairduriogthe lîvuesbsthtuessie, aid ths îu ~ WDEDY2t uner lient. shanle t rt ht by Mr. A1OSg 9 r- daarfrith@ 10"C puniY t. Wuarm Cmscda #Wg dos" ad disg;sa corailtheir cocu voreaolai lie living at theii. - 20rbobc.nBrightuaMstumtby kerpirîggnnd' s etpritummull lY ii.a Bol. 0<bavlýirahon Kn unsrea dmbis é ii y btiagsg juistesvofrie t r lehore ls ime j afterwirds -îelmatcî tic ntetone lî mii husuaeras<lly imiahetusi D ~In StOF W15 tflaialtoilmfut r M nosise ti hnt, s is gnld h ettulivos ,fth.s»rvaisns ofthon%.the a Otes 5 - O*cf. Iueli utmr.h illcfv Iltm so i ui Dy Me. ta 'totitrgit'e oksla hbir spsuP io'g tiio. 'ltt"byleou direncteailte lie parebiasd wu mthe . de otîthe 85 box"Fine Young Blocs anmd Twsnkay wih a &liste ofprsblic patronage. cdt ettoie la Weterqa mia aPover te retard file vzi.a:nd 1 m ar - ,bu.... ris Iac .i n fond, la ie convulsai ta the .;dît Tu,. Saddîe. iarnesa, &C. of thse hcst menuisc. ydralic sau 8i .;e. i t - 's oufld buyp fe ute dI"..~t MOfbal% » fer an- tissu, tà comeurneý INdmw dhie Ilinre mass. ith heseit asur. 75 b-- us Nand miDip Caidlet., 'tm ept on hand or made t. garder clamp ifol eau di iss<.te the rimg w "vMs1 mi i.iiuge& d mi en, vsi h euatsrd. lo ng r eforils miistry &ce, « ugtt bv if~S t h e e poua o f tliais in mdtime mI a téa o i s ap. Cgia- uXR. cfl eami e tise ra mpecltic ., ncav rstm rit, of socIoimisg lovas la i . s »- &Bd groE "asàmbaiger, wve rrquired t esalesaessvou cba. .. itfeae duTascoh ulimtaincrcmet lofbo .eemt u. edIerty la- à à&.ukeyr . aGinaie vour.lbc-teme la of the Poin;sud;o, b setig - of thiaba t g. On the Idien have beau thifrem gve.ud, mci m aie'vstdin e et.tis morgavii*n u s anin. Nàfr-. ub o a e i., Tbuvo, . .Es artiste ut <soi, a speriartise 0< bssL iraI dmy. &Ber m great 'leal of diEaulîti. e àhieta emu. Apos enal &W made 217 lt u e .-iccludan theompos a ntureat-15leo. ?log utr Ovniab ngtonSpt.3, 94 . W le produesi.Thisvouligmain-mvutaf, urinh Officrrvminduced ta keep thepoilcOpen St tise Omd ni hie perlmanation " illmck.rsl sndll8,ringu'0 part icular periud v l iB cal etfi'e.if Pas- till 0 c'cloek, and 5fre il6 IvO(eotes Ocil, duthie boatt h" cs m di ,eltting circutio... 50 bondile. Table('cd Flots. tie obtus: a ebiranrar ftpwOdBCne s u- ver. Poil*&d. vng ta the vexaitinuilss itme. ces. A Pruetcuse .tsapat. ihmamecrsslatce. < ûz< aricles farthebmBritish m*t filmésrsier. veMr. att1 oeria n.retil rni, rdmmd Hope Whieprkcv.OD -l acrmbr fagl ffcls inclined te laiievs, viliideedIPsi urisi t.r eouticsgotailer edy tacriitueb. ivet hirminSo uepbauitameu0ge.inl On Tbmies Lcbin oute caphtai. ofione o 10AND . CLOCtS Pr Ins, UT 100 Port o griseey,Imcle aîsg1e tand .arsisi I t mmmapnl hPp 40 aile thistar#tr ai t vIbu ra nt sime, for wvOie ie.ed I do au if theiPah u& jrr tel nID a trOrq.1w itim fef ute s el-màd b t -ps n the's e b1 e r ounsd , clan * 1 ar C uk or i ,50 B ris. PM asser of Paris, seitgtao&strasst it ceas ilzicrusesandmi .nd , ifshovwtstu. t nhr. i apv eaietto bhue P tev 11.u thion5 ucsen Mlses ,00Fe Bak aîut ~ l,2 is tiiderlfraitîd Dom- elenaboutisontre Inclureholbe el.acrssaetaulie d vidusi rallainjoie the atere urcec10leil Jy 15ilanchetret u, ispir 5,0 0 &eet-BlackScala tl, l . Uri mpritance. se nuitsaise in Our char, ert ado uo, ani might therefore bas e.'teiuded it propoidb, Sir Chrlet Meteeilfe. I ;they ce rep iai foc temn- e f ameitely ver m 10 box L mc s tua 2 nc,& is, cat anteBiimrts &ou t otirche][bl chePP&Moilmti&oaisst ut sigSor i,50 oan sci otee. 401DuilliarTble y4 c viietiser fur good or fer ba. Hoeve.sawtmaulsgts aourse'Bord a'ith bis profesios. mnipleige.ho ecl ihai, butasse t te ie hftenifan.40-ou C.ff stick tc as forac long farce. Claver tend fte tories, flott ivii lie IhllearOberS(a.rW«es-t nemi the.suptofp t he oppeit ion lecr dtee, is fua eaaitsi n'tstept 0 oe ie otc Pr Vs 1 ott a rem anoher rofi table arti icle of expert , Li as . T ey re ss id th e votes a f idow o , for bis T ory allie s il i i i u tO u im. git n hic rce s e old. The ce tm erisie lie i n 42 Cb sul e t n b . ,A g n r l a a r s s n f D 7 ~ o ~ n artile a it qef, amifetifermer. mai inatcisfth e * isaOl a e.g sld2Co# oa@ ntsiari gtealReen iet fhryaveL nd amm@c'a viii fjch 84 is Mici 'îs ei av-actsiallil>. Saton ry cns gis als tri t and o a' u pr s ait a. not he vo e@Of Pau aiote qualifie c a ion il ey. vieaithe instaance o r te Corier. te- à do I m a Ru hhrs, N aJaury c nit of D ralli% terris. tm li be r tioal y orion notipifa i e-u M i n thle idi g. B t e Union A t ie ,m dv L G S A T V S E N 3 7 aile te !a suffi ient pa ry te the a ls.otpr vi i. 2 do W o inn'a Fine B otr ,F ane , C a t o , Gr s ad i Dr mnthoridu.aotono l ejas. j oeaedca tr.- ot tdiirf licheOn ladmaEE wrxitb rutanbleappifaraf os for the sereb. 2N; DisatCorn Droeme. endC loturedl Moleskines, Printei :Cmlicoro,- tOt fsotiPIll atce-aaln it t -iWeTtîu.g MlBR»IIUMiAfgt&tsraksîieal inOeutsiin irmging thb. 75 do Patent Puits. Moualin de Laine Dressest, Prinfed Carpm. chos et tin the le pri ha elt fthefuloinTaans1isa4 ,NOTE.-C aithli.e nd0oflte naime dssotedon- 1 c Uic îtheiunfrtunate inividuel 0%lu isecôereei, 25 Baies a1.' nlPlo lua rwaiDu Ibi tdlta IoEgii rcathos- -Garafraxc, Nichai, Wmsowrh. GueiliCgnPlo Waîev.awar oul ry expeu« ofexposeavttiv&c. and calulafermur.Wabout, 5,,,'-lo.i k in l.1teEmffmrua.o ,eandtpro and taRTii.ercoaboettain the > ;'sorke, andfpoInA taWTheconrentePmpers ,nNeperd N ,wDeo n DemoFoecsril, tri h rne vg ftecO1 ieThore j etc tsotte townshipcf &Persan i:am" eiJam$ lHalpi., Who ai heoen and DRY GOODU.* Quarto Poat, Tlick Bath, end Tissue do, btsalibor olcmleealroae mrnhadle;teIeuitg01e riceiv. Xïnguaoi-4obs A. Maconald, C. mAng ince thevas b at of th e,,rmainhesJury ema iJalfta ;men. ITN A Il of whicls will Lo Solal snisually Jow fo, Af Ilrii cset experimenl the votes cf pe.-soasreiding in îhst township! ro-tie..Aur. brue, .nefuesas erdictc"Fiai. .4 ood and Casea orron apprveal Credir *a£a11iab minet, aid wre mneet assure if Étan nntndoibave actamlly boucs Cuogint n' C evU-Rolland Maconali, C. ruinent re la circulation f bat dchiisai va*seon Kingctans October 17, 1844 - CoîserCALDER.rf ts.urmoabrac r abl ien serious abtarle la Ihoir avorstrap. îTr~~ inbrai . i a totilieh ais iuwnshecrais ofix rHE ht s ion uijngmon srest aafii cl id on f ierlien et eut. Wm.lI He r ouît yih.llS.f5 em n thé a tiivitiu e at i b set the I oi Sr, caH,. casu, C. an bis Person. vbaresa, whnvise bod~yvwu# ié;- tha straie ta hislargemandcvly lmperted A W1lzLooMAI iltni*e,-St Alm1844.ih C. rovered bfi, the Police, hie pockets oeilnîy eceindstcak of Goai.efoiumsitiog aof EW i l s a t , A C ID E N T - N o ve t1 8 4 4.or .R n h s e - A n s ti b a ld P e t i n s .C . n e o r t v a s ll i n . W e h a v e f o t ib a r dit b a u . " i t & R e f o cn i S u i a , W N ý î n i, 0 llau ruat g s-E i.nd Mrsey. C . S r mnl ur ber circoam s t o a l era t e a a isi r Bl cch and G re c. Tua ,,W N J i D 5 00 U H L -0neof" bertrndig ocuricaes.raila cisetan Frdayfrot te Cerkcs ef (s«lplay bave transpreri -[Me. JG .Sports, Olive, Sai andiCod ifI.. OP GOOD MRI<CJANTABLE l ma frqueufly samut rom chlden bing te tise KingstnsCerporatina, diiecting an te dis. ft4 owir-Wme.S Ste, C. T'@i UbOtb, . (iiRton cnî W. aiadmRl ami. wiI Le WidBon AliVeayu heSo ilu'e arith. ire, bas joui tken plat. bore- "Ooa.copyinýgthear âarertiseeienta. WeeCZ &oucs-Du A oewa . Mar.H.aa.leRnd arraFCreseots ,eiU silcvdfilg eaU & CSH RI an. Thomp.oa. aubevilili er band as esP«Utsili; fortrvo mev Ihat the men gaviesai cDuald eut L ld 'grillelme t-cbuniitant Gin, the YKES frc Ireandia it eoccin ~ o he ftrtaise publie mincy for Ilair rrivale unaevî,ssîî L-varry-John S. NMeugiins ILbMR£Nos Seat varia cu, ayma tipue ut, Hotcandmail lrcim Guan, feriaef Tliarsin a i a âmetise ) ardo antyigises ismlse wum aand base. Our Lerds-Ogl R. Gevan, C. éctiattI ,tlLIitieiiamiitiiFn l a. es,~ ia.,i.5Jnr~ asof atî buerha. me.eleultI iist expire until sext Ferotedc-Heury Suitii.Ir. C. < Waoewitburtw détayc. nrU- ok laiIeeime si.t.WoaenweeMgprîeflug %iar tie aag. uainea toeo Aeshbust Mrt l rom.lp aChm. hoNae nw rSG. B. lie Imeîfll C. ing. Matilletfeer, la lhe absenceu Aplaitasvwu jiatem trit îweek ; bat au i u "l vac ot--.I r oullrladben masig ecaclf y ut ladien-Dvi b«m I Big Bow BOUVema, jtatnely : Argentine, Emtma, tuaiteroba i ec amuiM whes tberpf.OD I verbal and îtoutvitlessei, va culiont ledsuf- mi buea l It.Digsl v tti' ts P neso aqua, GrnrBt@,, rraLe a Lia ilclirai ldti lm vtohaccal m t41v.Iu tbar2 WMases êtr J -eouegIta imgile AIeoge Brtmi Araat, ePe et taug1lire, ani ait. vu sgo erully earei:fo l rh ,utivlete de mgo 10a.=11 lR > hoit iast UsJ Pvl tcDslîa.Vnytn a eaauso .m ua o6 e..en Parl, Their grcat taililm- aller ci'ering excrucimtiog Smoiyif vae cmii. W* mention the fact oeily tushow Jfiddis,.-I. rsatinger. C. fhrfbTescie'. Lotidon Stzrarcu, oWterford bloe, poratoeo ie'tI atime eing. Tte mot horbai hees hbm th*o rpomieraîo as c ttle for bremiog Lenman ai iigtom-Eeej.soyees . Onsli hut moffllthe t , clirh u i" Liqueliis maerei. toso ber til seit. eat, ila moos rr-Juba P ~ ~ ~ .. eru,.. H JamesLaPe., Of Esasi Tosa, te nias Pickles- SPÎ auce- lorfiien Fruits., Cd, 1e hl aepdl Imes. ler grief £llevc! Thoir emîernainie stenuse eui NtArflumlerlai, auf h-AO. H. ]deyer.,.,l s-i"sJour, ean mbu.flt.x" i fthHarne rnie adCtrnsClleri E maiaRMAKHV HA uii aiumd tta distraction. soacd u h sî.ir h <>ne u»Ps.M Fin Tukia, Pu rad thon iescrbed.-(Cotnmenaed frdigeat tiseremt beftmiii pli. pudding witt ielsDu a-4. T. William*, C. 00h. li i l=. ai Trestoi, bhi e son. a aeds, tsoiatAgrjT N, g ailtad W»c,, Ras- ils Lsrd b. set Te~*n te h aies, Tw is.T ba<c:t, rcue ilpcs lfye4trairn Cn o. Tenais~v tcoi.vshave toide,-tinotey tortitate am for Fort, lmt Riding-l.f. HPd»e . IL beiimsur Armoie. seau s< 5< BcFrc IusLw i Infils<unAthe ris esn uml i=er lois aid Woe aibsî. WB sbî,uillhi,. Ia@ 1" Gosa. Deggsns, C. vu .sahsCsum..t it. Anehevieas amalbrdins., ft&eletebayeri Me VAN5ST VARIET7y disoirus heW.usBw.,1Cuina, Gls, mand arthucaae blah ibti6f 5pt*cs opttgfesoEjc If t MntrieZ Alaikeijer tk we ylei-plemd if tbsrir actions anba u S uc B ce -3 - Jas. E.LSa"4 IL R fliti=11Cou rterfdoie.aa. aal utltige. eeîcrra J E .% ra , , c g a e m c r 1 , 8 4 .c o l i b a v e o o o e n e , b u t t 1' a v e a l. T y a th - R o h u B a ld w i , . . . - . - - - - - ~W . .S I M P S O N . O n t a r io S tm e n , R iv a g t e la s & L g a nI Sa ll Wh i N T U E C O UM e , car-iP a, hesn grmdumeally living way * îha i voaed tc .Town n a cub;<r'h,, £3 n"o -E. e t«C al C. A I EN CTLS v a z %'cn mde jeterdi, ai 23. Si, ta 000-.iisey bave talien publiemeal, for thoir avn NLngr-.W ebsten, C. tW. ANES OTER & C.'Stee.s. Vcl lmie refsO citzcmmm OttwýJjoe cur yvhîch a large aun iilhoieentirel touet Naa-.Dcao, c AN SaO'Elc&mas, .PROSPECTUS it4rclSlele4Laasio",g ifunler raihîctionm&fer ti ek t h on n ads ahrttings areuta, Noiul-.W. IL. aritt, ILine.Sre orgse.ANRIU5It.OJNA, ti îiy,-Wlieet fron CalledaeWest continues tauthi Town, and haC.vTedhunebtuuaiinciterTos ai CoDrap-$.i A Lre& Moies, GalamE Bids.fe, £catIpmmd ar liriatarrivas atoaur quotationaï.....tintde"ev b .eee er.ain. A mr f Sth-_ RU.U, rC. I Smitmt r neecm Spree. 4nje. ta î rîî1mdnm.aes..sse lire lui esqlaîreif fir tisan (ley ver. laut 0nI et et sas'Benvoyr aoruîieitheelves nta GxtrdW. RPoell, R. IKiut ov. 18, 1844.heT o oraivi l& alls csasin 41 OsIur ptai, t hir extrent. value. ptf efcetinar anjoa> 0 is Knstm . Parril, R. FORNewAleBYleu.ta lie N. <fle et- Sir"ce iInstiireport the transatctions CorporationKigso 750) Tartan atout Shavîs(Great Bargainos) ha" bara conined o Zho emandEae.--CiiL Prince, I rR. rpsrk.Lngcthsan aifl su ai esmtoa. Thoenews b, thalutt wo The agreenint Previouly, sing taBille.asDt. unUr v s5 ii aue (i, aToa<Craa Rltaists, and e chutce r ent ncrîj* furad HuenDrTDulo, ti2s15e, , E Subocribarintsais fa publiaI miCa 1, ci ,(l'r wdsvasiîsr e la ml i uat a ven v.rtialog for the Corporationi vsa Ta laiasrkitlaaCmre, R 10 is Sl eteJunlth e Tw oernîsiTe r EEI4 n d C. .ft<ap lFlioer. Sotiaii s nier ~ ~ ~ »i nllie~iîvuine e nuc ahh maie for fie publie interese, for tiShLav 100 lOtai îe. t, No. 1 , 184."it- andisthrrluse Tu Utcé w8 eprtln l"inhP Ficir Th.le esinck br.j y ncoh W atapr nllLlmoleci indas--GeoAra cDeel C. PigGip hatY, a si ! a li alie faittu cois. bos b. four Toîwn patinerauiovepsprtheeae.Sniîthe -_ ' .. iya elienum1,reigiiadaut.vertifeuentel. but osaScltiar nly ne c ais urC. -g s.un,, h hihth rlm st- e ladr rasIk2-ag 4sal,and e --Cerlets-. j. moliceC.sPort W ane, OaNa si. aegrcrly ele oaapp. -18 cztes.i/> sei d iii Beutr andsiiPlut of ofatheactuel pkcaa 80Mtlhethr pulication n Clur . aI lp, quali i 20a t a U.-Epli . ae. roo mie i tmore tot e a cfie ul S m Wj na n Wneo U;N & Cas."nasais is s: b " icrn.rslbth e el <fites oiCdr1eiCuaRiyn.ecSir, price jao.Thsatgoe t grs ntpriC.,ta, in hibid. qr. Catalis andti csef a isir- "ln r stto a ot a i ma m e fIliW- 4Wr aisi Clou Calais i Btaamode heu, KINGSTUN HERIALD. tate ipapers. buttm au Sfuor the. public adras- LOWiSXcANADA. Inennitt. DSleRit oei,'la Auth - bute lie ar«Wg asLodo BlncrTIas,4 & O , ris t ge inum u h a e ery man isba t ok a paper Q u e , City, T n s C Ay îin, R.' prerog O " 0# 0" 'Atd, w aie vsatboule, .%I>xovemmt 191gi. sir hreb th lav an roulatomft . Chbot ILWM. SIMPSON. fmemenriiiantriteeviii, écahi liCu_0"_teeinstn____24 rrn ChasWttDethsele lBbUue.Fruiahi4Warernii poration, il vas acqaiesaed in. Titis migreealt trt Lu Laot eIins « 4 14.le fui lie . o hopt. t nrings tup.o, ttsga oan. hufhFolw. ELtCTION 1,î se-J. DWeta batIns Îtnrne5,&.SUi ut Besai RaT"sry.aro Cis Aa.t.. vbiaisiniadiecharge of c publie dt, madecion Roeille-T. Framolhere, R.L* ON SALE By THl ICJE qBR. ier. Tt « f tejIbo Mi10i adyccete fh. pin. im Tt Li* rttty Oi)ntliîy abiut 40 vtes. Tihsrais a voiie atinvtiaiabat vr m Vrccrs-4. Leselie, R HS riiliAEuuiM OM mrw Pimldal itei.r lre Govertirient. vhiebuMgea ! ZU=,mi epasecccbi, Yu.rsD.byees, R hoa0r bad xes patent pr RnoveuUJ oti mnilcea. the Reoottansa i ellpeacbuv, 15l-mu inter. t-I rt f outt u Csonr rt and romtf,. ILWM. SIMMSoJ4.Prfilb Lard flenbmu'. Repot-mai U u. dt. mI ~orderitom18es4 pla Cusa tasrgntc idsi Pnoe.Jhr. Diskisrotag; bUt1couaDO mli tait.ebsadthaysels lok his, advetis.. Champlim.. Gailles, *RO tao r.Kngts, ccaal seis f f oonevl e ssaiun e m ali e lad mps. scm " s lar 'IsO prî'it i.liiI ,asM.menta tram i, mai gare sttinte steir paltry ttalt Sherbrooe, Town- Evmrd HalsaiC. Onaroret, King4.on, atoit. seth re goa oycfte peupcle.r aCrn it .sbi* f m th '- 'a's iiceaseCaese« 711rteRwrNodadGise, 1.deNvGARoitetre e maitupmc fAiulue ylalasasneevd outie .:srmNansauvaati s r t lutir10 n afrc et OY Ye o va r rd a to ms O £100 rm the publie tod - M otrenut. City,. G ig le. V N G R e r .a d p c ila w y u s cu n % f rssi raie mi b jr<ny tort il ja prot bab e ht erete rn fo r B o . T ieir a reem e t w ilb th h r:. i ciie h on o re r, S. D eB le w y , .U S T rece iv e ti and f r ui bPd . sb t -nenn e ai coc l usu jotÎ o , " r ai m i e h Al g r. jote ofbin te i 1ON4rIC, lie terthe mroeu. W" 84in îmmidleeta oir Teyam ew I&ingo»]LIL ieagïve 6hscr, 1 i.Cd1fn ht h. Saista ,District » outs, hoetua Det riank Faut the abt banidl eael, Tc aeno j.o iss, 5qv 1. is hiaWiie unweraf. lh. aisa edr P lot til*bat K Yl¶E &CMAY u t tn e e c ti a n d m u t is e a ai g o 0 i n t .t e iv e a i t t i o ir a v e r t i s m e , as m t Lt e t, o Q e bt a C o m y - P . J . . c U br a v am , V a a g a r . n a i ô I mi s e r = X iu~. ~g a I m u S e p t b r 2 5 , 1 8 " 4 Setrataekmiisuidetoremime d1eNeya alc1,ofseurc, pying foll Pietfat theni, Trcoi-.U.Lfnas 1sbrllctlOnpuott- -'cgwHeusse bayend cvi or dis- a tat tiseamrejoi su Pay un milf or hvs1 Tairemeuauem-W. W.ILPUN. .--ac ihrl r- stUs-den. la1 lProbablelsatbar e o iner ofthoir lavu puàbul"md i . ppnm ihave &MintiS- Dfl8mireO Olaia tretJoiurtal osa serlsî, 'o slir ieb <je tmeer ttub.assstd s ieP~ huleiehoa aon raiger a sisalbse Nceut-. . etNOntariotsret Kinton. lbmiâlsst xPreabiaa etftthepallie ecntimeel, - e -Ow,,u. mn lie ' u bans w ili u aReraelun th Pm uS eTA Z C 14, 1 4.tballeE .SandR & - J' r im avaf os . uà a r t gn O aele. ~ O 4 E T O i i A i s & < s ' 'I criait. one fth j1 la clo,, biin finaliour. Wmajaviere u itosa p ora.. IyioW-.A. -Maillo , ---------- _ phe ealand.ite ec f" Euo.n*sàSoter ulem. d ts tGri 'Dg je citera theP. aGo.r je four-adwre miWiyGoaahe »e Smen areui ithe smdvuKingstonluI* r Iii c 0ic en x ituy . elabottm u- e 1 Tii., mansage tihe &Minet tise Tous a net eris E. -]at airI l 4"ab* WN M N st '*ei~n oa hdi iason tely forar yîaig heigt om Mthenstemi sr friesis Te.pble Gsp-R.ClnIsie i O taeitagrnthemt u nIm h es l ia ierprvI eremipublie -'e foUM t mn uai 7.e w- uhnneeviid vmluW PresPcti* .i am late t b u tc Si pert e u ain, privelei wurr isMu .IIguliéc-12Datd..îPethotsnato1eify <dIino . Seil - a. nia 1h ose rf. ' " r, l n t a ier- - d u li e . V î a . t« i- n . P . lT n th u r EOr e il U t 0acti fo r a c Our- C a t r a d e r a n P a-d n i t h e t a ,ill # c ti a n ater alie eBtu m.d.a Rev7d., lilttbuTonaus.Icai-,jadubu S tiv forIthda e st , hovelne lbWond er mthe o wnssin mcammmin a iola. VA . . laT s,âcheesae ig au,- t xiag 1u s aouata, &c.-purahacejonil«Ca lai Goodsa b D"D"S'il fauteOib 11.1- DE.'R.WVfglesm.= A"Nlavdm. r rIiS,-1844