s. C 'a - ,ary ara- *-s'.aŽ ~ -. - * ~ - C.., A '~~ -'--t- .....a-t.a~ - -~ _rmfb « î8 4~ e U ~ ~ ja~t~a i.. 5sj~,-à ;~iui.»Tào .,7 M U~egIuiah f sapurauaai ftiie sud pbtiaaiasrsiïuàý eIiltyelgssrditAntisat l h -ua&AI an~af~d o tsaMedo i u .i<. à,isi aL axa v~ieil ud icies u, eutate loepoluugnral, sQ u clp lt. isis l et e emalàia' iy i ma tla bock o rVINienca Oui>' e t-smvî su lta, lif or a eam e- adavor l.ge aleacîi--a x t osM muise ex. de.it'.d t,>'tisa Wapplseiue.. tsa itale athe .Y -sud 114"1 t, t.élu la*toai>' of agiuti, 60 am lwpreoft B wa sthe spasuce ui iens. Enqeura fio. 'Lut, lules blaikha. o thefu nie te e cliset Maiatain ExTraci us'Sne," r at aem sua a sdt M g es, isas ai-. 1and aheu' pria. stock in o .,21 atjus s eto, ne mYek i rpue etbl. ia n ule aea sIanPnni ta u <mWbt«- W sedtesaas mc it f. t.. deboko rfhrepa abatReve ei u1sii#içhnt ini asmoc for a Deliqi r, c roiitait bc fatsa iyeui o tia enu"ist e t aura principle wIiqabalnbpartoui]are wauu vpsII netli bi CLoais Ot.r hnaîlargeimie tm lur riongtia apt rial& s1soolil a nd telet, ew Ioi la jecprofible "tia nsa. Tielaa V ion23mei ue.srW.tink i mt c h er ets. ofprect Lafoabelon relaive < Metsodnsu - aanatut eutâmain -.-u .fe a gDllar -~~~~~~~~~ citetei arteavittleAi ails sfcbam i. S tas yava be forihuilees eIlile I stil byianea sui.- rant diaibr jili OtWthe! is ~~- i5 prg NLrl.ote kistreeiansi Wittiss. bat a>'itedei o cgiormt inoutiesrelaie e abaWtre, ' b#osy ba ân4gûwi CONTENTS. Fxerni appliration asdsilciiure theisaeoIu Tisa Signa of the Zodîae, Clu'oological Cy - Surna, Psrisi. Challer's - Ce 1r1Gll, Chipp, TauriSe, - até cie, Eclipies ln 1845. Ft. Ils' p e = Lt ý Ct, Tisa Pacraga of Esugîsusa, alpbtedi ara- BrissBiains .r~~alMsss rangasi, sud corrt.cteii <rutisa veut 1844; Sore TirusutRueuns, WImas.,PUesRig. sisowint1 tise 1TisS, Iamily Name. & Date ' -" - sal Rh,.a. ,A '.. .. 0w of tise cression of Tite0I.btioPincea of Erulieu, Bora Bye.sud l4ds, Wsek M kt the BlSd oysa>al. Dukes, Marquises. Eunis Bore Lm, Puescaug, B*ls -and Wats.s, pains, »eil aBac* omd Biig, Tessier -Pe.lu- -Vwsouasg, Baronis. aud Peeresses of Eng- vg,,e,<,ue,.>'R m"mel,'ris DeL.reaa. Igas ia laud. Face MW dBasa, Pweçe #esv, OHBara *esr$. Han Maejesi>" rs utoffers of Stata. Pricklav Ieut, lufl skr W,,Brahist Muas.!, Salarias of tisa oyal Fanuiy. Bora , eReg nisw, LMtsioir...s Tablea of Wefight.sudn balssres, wklsFer- Dr-gnt.g feu B&WlosWhit S.*tJnrgsCelaint e>ncoins. - i Meornu7 1 ore...P Dolas' andLutter Tables, witn FestivasAn- «tis- aanss, ueru laioas, alve..sria, Ba.experieuce bas tomegi t at I lia> aestua oc Anecdotes, l'actga, Observations, sud Esig-. mac>'. it aislhaoasCes ar> huter octsaitishe Mlsarticle called Coxxeu j latheil.one>' oa e*. Weieyas Meiiodist Chuds itnCanadas; receuttenl; ibut tunt caution spinal sona issi- Minster., Circuits, nusben e! Members, -talions t a ie iavarveasouta believa are of D. Misaiaets snd fuisionanîea', Suprauaustd use but injurions. We cull preseet l teh S aContinugnt Fensd. kS, y~t'pan cuso bave altuael eo it Ansd woisou e l 1hds Eicl C urch. United Stien a'y sessd for it. Reuomber ilal CONNEL b. Emacepl PaisExtracer. ]%W"»opsdators, tâtes cf use wcekiy Me- Alil Ceunitr>' erchants are requestei te hais tisodisi 3ournsslansd tvhere pubtlisaed, sttiseir wTousou commies slegratent Book Agents, MAissio nad Tabla show- blassing te maukinil a bas beau ufisovèesi in sag the aNites of the 39 Con&eies; thea Medicita. Titis sn stretrlange., but >on dae.of Episeoal Visitation fobr 1"45 g ns.>' dapand itilspealieli l Jujastîf>' it. (,&il numbera of Preaaisers and Members, éun- ou &Il thea-Agents fer a pamphlet gratis tu &Il. s a, if ieresting, aise the saanie ofail the day Sci.ooîs, sud Seisoisos. Cergyn e New Yurk, EngfialiWaeyn Methodiat Conférence; CAUTIO>N.-B-e aire and get Coantl', as; Mistren.,Pri"Iespai cars: Tabla ahow- easterfeits and certiloesa aàer under etiar sng tisa Relativa Proportion cf Waaleys n sug.Sacta t iin -adseci tamCoousioni & malte lae Population cf Eufarh« C14or 3~ rtassa i i. OP~fMtidimtaeiatlaWnd CODISTOCK & CO. Ôdé~,stio isata.. idCanada We.lscaa55 lesse BapietMinata.,dit. BLPER LOR QIALIT Y* HALFPRICE Ept4çopaliau Minliera, iu Diotese cf Tor- itr u E az c ltME OF' . trai. octsat&, Presbayterian M1niat,in uconnexion vwith Cironie Risumahtienu, ilê -Clmrcis f eotiaisal do.>- dotý Free Gasteral Debitty, Cltbreis, andl Sisteuatioe Board. Cutaneoaa Digstses, Publie Revenue of Canadas, exhibiting thse 55l7 rit'e flaSi 'Net Revenue, tise Expenditure, sud ithe iduenrial SeuJ gyphiiolal flidêe state of the Cooaolidated Revenue Fond. bie,*ituau mpre hait oet bai>' Canadien Miner.! Springs :-Caeioaia, UWmüo tteîiTiroandLong, Kinguta, *ada Varennes. Pals. and eaiig t the Bouaes. Imperial sud Provincial Duttes ou Importae lirasr Abeti-asa tnotiaid. Piespie or Putules au the Pace, aud! ail Dis. Cçgy llesarves: 3tatement shcaiug tieasa e, .ri.iagfrtes an impure statut af the Blod, lui sber of acres sold in Upper n d Lwer Epoisand aulImpradeac i asiLsI, Excessive Usa of Merce>, don. Canada, sulousa ,et ad ibi . Ttha, eat papularit o<f Sanprlia ni mente. ctablisiei cu>', reudén il seariso»&oeusteau- Pou Office Regulatlosta issueal by the Depss- ten mie s.>' ancomiins of is virtues or adiace tY P. M. Due. 12, 1.43. an>'evimins itatavor. Distribution of E migrant. aniveil ai Quabac Tis araapanîlla in canrantil pcatiuhll[Ia Asrpnc;Explanations. ba ustbl h rin fmanlu ilr Printail sud So'<i at tie Wcaleyau-Metiso- Fity ans ieeg ani la os lie Dolliars: allai Booko-Roon. Ne. 9. Wellington Balisi- cns-e ot. uFv ol a ,y ai the I-8-dozes. lugeKingstrerit. 'Soldaloseb>'altia Thiaartiela balsoartitl Seravtua of 10 >'asr,' leyan Itinarant MIiistan. on tiai rfereast aftsr tête Dsllararticlea huad bs uead ijurai.. Circuitsaa-id riOi.To he a iat of tisheno t fComstock snd Co, Chrisn Goae diei0jaOP-ouiy, tr.ubouthe consq, je1New Y"rk uI', freTe Sep39L 14 184 l, Carl lise.. ý Im. auLLii8 LIIIWm gBETTUBJE EAZOIV. COB3OURG. Sema peol'era tacieh e augi te islieve-ihai ERMS emseeiic eaU iensia>'<if c r asa sd tu makéat foodi autarticle tOf T eRs, lau i indW 0 Ju"ar',anof ti Oc- ri Extttci sud ssitit for 50 cents par Tisursila>'ut Ida%,;bui Pupila can enter ai an> ju u r psdnsess,mas Al ibe"t tait lIfer ima. Expess1rrTn a'aernwe st doubla letimonoe 'hoTsesimuple tact la tue., £619fo ceif sedTriorornte weekeanamil. ill nue ho aonvisicsLWitelaFird £6ais B oseadAd leuitfoin efuset Eg& Haudraillas ara squnsdpred 1'>' niberslas ljahBranhesavd eu fr come atl" noteaitor teerit sdvanisameats, vaedo rot Iostruo iul a alss tven i tie d, Ou sand W. spodFzç Tit.rfors ce maka tisapublie psy 111osb Iali, hiisuax r4i stge ll sITrabut half » as uei tsaras geesior iaUer artlles Boek.Keeping, Aigabra, and lain. Mes. H. boy oce ellie, the roasieu in making tisa article coEten nse msFernç .h rVilat*tusiisa .ay at Juse ba6bI> Utoe th"sasethou.*aW$ ce m ia Jueg.The a m part ut Peefessorbuaitheis 1a udeSarsss.ii o t. U4 a W sali lss*aaé. PmpYe*rattiresboles, te ouae£t he adollar prie"i boutlen. U.riat's<sua>',aat hav Sacsa 0 * futur, athe public mou' abat çChorgefor ii. sad a@expauimaital andi intera8gLactures, itsvireuses areasnachasu otttareqmiraiaa sscs- lb. Acad.asjeladis ideol jta fltbar rIue"Ats.pager te cotei. ita repulatmna aitt a caisptent Tacherar e'aa.N As*"glselaea 2ssie4a sp dams' ati.Cimnte' eu aanégrelartanîl.arille, ut hijiycants, aWmile s ealter. tien. bi" sr Cousiec & Ce. 21, ceux. lefarnce ins plital>' poruitte,!tethlb.id"- LtnSaaNew Voa. ilq gantluea. traru chou aeala mau. C>l' ib>'ail abopksaperaiteCausl. Ailec t.aisss4 giving fialler inforuation. h i fl.N amr h"MdDoge JO"nCouanTES; Esq.Me er f Zisgsiu. iyiiaetllPlurChsstsd agli D. Tmmsoe, Eeq. h.P. 1.. 'PoyaLL, IM. P. takiSiseK on i. P. RMaU34 do. Rev. b. Rcar, Kig- XIO T!1 C 9. M.CAE O. dû. N..lo~. do. T>'ni buimeabitbeotarried ce lth ie BjiANt. CJIAN1u4 d. .. a w. de, ualèrwigea.l, inufuture, la>'-the J. W lace. do. ais silirsasias es. Chaules W. Brenus, as a D. Tuasuau« det. ls.aa's.cdo. ,csa.uni, bu e.adhuced utuder tiseuae of tV Colsaum>, Novemie , 18«K W. &,staaaCos. ý,- "ÇVhPNoe & cO.#t, .D. PRNT13S ~U~~s Kisj>toulatAorD, 1843. R.now r-Cetrousga h Osersleton INFORMATIÔX WANTED, A f'à "Psa a ~ THR<NAS & MARY COYLL fgiu. wbui4 Ihy oSer ai gee.y redore,>'PSoii 'S. I-A Con aumantof 40 Crau of!i Xertikenware, wIsk& tham reautlsoriud <o eUl Chap for cus. Ontmo atSiret Icifglton. Auguas 15, 1843, 9>.&R. nESiretO, & <l EG to nfom Wr unan ao ail i ~t"kmir enusos priqg fAbM o I'embeih aswe ssuafii ui lu priee r nn Raetar War-baue,, th Edarw A>~5js~eIu-an1844, buga*' hi- isgmtdàyar 1v9sd 84eau -. iorb 0a a ougle tlt Ba.masi.a.s 1. *<CWW dma srie' origw. uMMU tu iî, H. & W. ROWMELL 103Kirg Sire, Teronie. £1' ThaedFitor, of pager. iiti Touto, King- Mton, Motreal sud Quoeai e requestail te gie the &bs.oe Piepeetue & Iow iosuîiues, fur ehiclithey uil beke..tu4d tg. &eqpyet the pub- lication, fbe tle rit twï1vc m<iighs. Terotoý Deceniber 16, 1843. Cheap Goodu and Bargales, TO BE OBTfAINE» AT TUE MAXNCHETER , WAREOLTSE, (LamlonPrtncss &roel,) j & R. HUTTON & Co,, fiteg b [fortu theîr e numerous Town and Country C c Mere, liai lia7 haie reeresd their essail argo Poil sud Wirter Stock olf BritishBI DRC.60111- direct fron tich various Manufactories, wbich Wo Cheajiemu ad quaiity of Gouda, they eau Fe. co«msna.te ie hbet value tis e i>bave ever befure offbred lin Canada. Tbi.> would invite the. attention or titoir Cu.- tenmera in their large Sioek of English snd FrenchbMarintes, Coburg Clou, Jellallabad ligurei4, Plain and Figured Orlesai', MI o(ngIaid mIYorabrBroad C!oueM Doavr fltC ,mnDacBleb4.k. Blue, Brown, aud ls.visible greens; Caftiascres, Doestitue, Magaduresq, Tweeds. and Paney TrOweersns Carpetinge, Druggetsesozs, Fiannelo, mer- g ce, and flocing, Blaukete, Wite ud Colored Cou terpanes ; Cotton and Weollea gorse Ruge,. Horse Sheetintr; Plain andl Twilled Dundeec Sbeeting, fromnt tirtir te ftity lochas; Raady1 gadaL'gFe, Pluin andl Telled ; Table Lincu1 and Table Cl ha, Brown snd leachail Dauaek Cever. ; Worvted and Cotton Table do - Tow. alliage and Towels. An Extensive Stock of Rich PURS, cmrs !Dr M -S , aCapet, Cardinalp,, a1 ' u Goe sdl Gauqtiets, Gents' pur GIoves a" let-, .; Vr Caps. and Fur TriamungN, »d1 the Varionuadescripion$snipisbuonable Para. BUFFALO ROBES et extraoediary low A completo ascrtient of< Rosier>', Isberdssti. any, and ev.ry kinéaof D R Y OOOD 3 te b. bail, that i.n all found in Dry Goude Storm.. 1- & RX IUT-row & CO, WOcld iMprassa Spa. their Custouere, thit tisir Goodsarae ail besaph uïn&rr pecoriar adva.Ispa by theur friende in1 Great Britain, and conus.quntil, are amblsd5,.o soit thorasherevet aiver>' Lie Pî*e u NO CRtoir GIVtEN.-Onie M e rce musd4.1 Kioei.eNo. PM1.1 AGENCY AND ~1 1 Subscriber reopeccfaUytoeudera bis sincere thanka te bis Ilieoal .o. . publie H (orû the very liberal support mFess iu Kinugston, asud bégi tauamUi î hora a*at be i. unuprepsred 1te el,. c. ' Pskiêejs1faieet, whest aven>' efust ai hab moade te give maaîsfstion tlutirette who m1@4 favor hlm with their poitronage. PFios bit extevisiv,caustmne witl tIsa Trade generaly, h*iKIýro.sidea bhacan Itent Lonsdon laid Tarred Rigçg A.aQTu.u & iZEa. .. (HAIN CAI1LE,$, ANCIIORS. ta., Oukum, Blockts, andl Deçk Liglts, Cparr innacic J,,esp & Shalp Lauthorus, Ditile issilosi Linseed 011, Points, Turpn rie, Tur, Rosin Ë PitcS, Pugha mosu spproved patternis, S13es and Siturrrassarougt rou sud steel ailes, A w superbr.Hog Skiasfor r addeliana IPROVED SIXES'8 lcYLIOMETERS, (Mide lu> Dring & Fage Lmodn.) WM sta- iea, &c.,,csopte, andi guaqing rudes, Or case auperiqr' Fowiing Pseaas, doubale àwîiugIe lirrse1a. pocket aud horse Pistola, peut %waidiug. ShuýBeIts & Pouches-Povder & duinking le above articles saesapart of last fallu im-oin. arfsi are cov offéed nes uthe m4aorable terme. MORLEY & JENKINS. legoton, MiarcS 15, lm4. 48 R ORM JOURItAI'N XONTI!EAL. ja thec intention of tise gubaciher ta puat. h pfis ntesialel>'in ha t>' or lIssesal s ncetpv, tealincailei " TUIE PILOT," sud wh iIl iehaisgued DAsL r.y Ithe <ha bay tn et 1,iNroi-esuer, and lTnî-WE:xnv iront thent INoveistelr tth ie I-it hiav, ut El 5p. per uni i. nThere wilI hca a WVEKI.Y 51>- ,ri . for the csontry', wvIsUelwiIi cousain tse adi ial andl ,titer reamlog niaiSer of he a Oily. ant -tirclu ilb bct prbliaijed IN 0par annim. Usi; te rrangersfanta are <ail>' r<rmpited, tisa ilî wiliiebupubliphesi ersii-WeekIyr on Tt SD.'YS andi FRIDAY, and thti raisui. ber ili appear ounbise Ist Marais. '.Reformes-etir 'Uppar Canada yl, it in hol , estinialetleisemportantce ut borin> i jou j1 st the ilealof Goverpuient uo advenat tl*,ilucipies isiirli tha>' have on ail oreiioni go ts>'uaintainesi. Tic pice cf uh Weekly Edn lbsbeau fixer! ver>' low, sud tiea cou srr ions must in al i hape pnid hinsilvature AI ruais lie main eldepa inu establising tse ri . issecura for nie Raforiimara ef British cri; airjorgan aitlise Seat oni Iovrnment, it aisi, ad'vcaue tise Agricutuorat, Manufacturing ancDCnu ernisl intraestaet the Cunadlas pao pi,w di e 8itdsghiair rigis easd Isisetian. 'e ce cf e IaTz.qwli, fer tic pusent, haî ' i .Ierse îrept. to cich place lis uste quesu t ailet- saniaâtious andi adventise. usuta s>' beulet t. lsoéproprietors tof pub. lie jon la Frhte aie oenchante cith -te Pi pers t liea f4itor; and lb.esueetraef 4 fores, b in Up ri-ud aet Canada. fari rns quastIo tsuse aliZ e. rtione te pracitra gui @cri ',on thaoleesitsid as i ta ' 7.84 FRANCIS RINCKS. ilIurinreiiaffît te b big that ana jis dips tieatuvetc, be se ined tosoffer those iat à tte etîm n ce nuder frmer prietaieà&i W Vssls, rie a&r*e. ,L Vrys irior Olsi PovIandClarat4> la 12 yete.la les. hoBbave W iae'githe old mod of w* oiite reeja, e.y «om,, « WU. etsiPoiR. JYWILLI4M SiM&P84'eL, CUClCe Lot gofise ~I.sLe dvde Pop ,,ackRgtpu qd LSOcs-A s6sorent ofIra"- sSauces, lFôreegg Frok4' l Abbaica .Aw j SCOLLGITe o*'r b, IIL ; E. ee IrD*us *mt lob Cas>, om-a;and Aaàb4 an$dm C Dyin otct WILLIAM SIMPSON. N. B. Ail Notes andl Murtgages past due if net aettlasi within a Month fron t Iis date will be fut insuit. W. 8. Kingstoan, 2Oh l>, 1844. MATS ! BATS ! HATS' CILÀaRRIIWBIGuT HA 'TE R. WeUie'gloa sire«, Kingston. An asortsoant of Hats, manufacturail byhuaslf, from ti. best material, conslanul>' on t 1 FOR SALE, IBT TuE SIUSCIRIDEri. 50O CASKS PORT HIOPE WHISKY. 3. H. GREER. Kingston, Manci i4th. 1844 VOIR SALES B Y tisa Suscriber ai hie Stars.suntb.Coum. nserial Whiarf, fout et Prieceu $Slsst. l>'son Skie, Tt.'IycTaky oa"upeuer, sud Uocbog Teas, in Chatb, M alt Chussa auiliCattIll eses., Plmr. Çavvudi»1, Naireend Mai ila'Twist .Toiac'eee, Maccabo>'Boueg, Rosa Scante,, Roaatad Celas ein Barreas"suSMBoaset100 penndae , s a >'ysepfias'article, Uri bt MuSvaielugar inlani.s.l- Mflrat un. Ries, Cuirast, SpersCoasiseo i Taise>'Seau, cti ehisanarticles la lia Grocer>'lion.. omda" Mê1t. se:drue Palet latis àMa Misatlq1 B. Cse um Ctia , les , *N aiska eaimmes ila Nleas and Latter p&pff.'SI af *-Vaivmii b.dieu p" osemaumoy loi frc as IeSor n apposi CM" . * s' RIUGI! CALDA91L f HlE unoeigrred hoetto irb -tu thehublie geirrailItir tlie In patronage habeel on thse eetibles,sU ha bas 1usd clAirge, and M col1 aY ti cs;l in ftlure Uc carried ori Uy Insumai acroulit, RA Jreqiaets ahiel d1s Cosse fonsard asid ee ti sa ut aiti. CulJityr>', BiBock Street Kingaton. Feu"l14 CORD MWOOli, F the beau daocripnîon ferW 0..Suacnber. Ais lrsti<ýndw l ië G H c CommercialI Vvha rf, Kins'gton,.Oct. l7th,iS-lh fHE U1'PER CANADA JI w ILL ho publiuuserOn the It ivu nts, andluhe lerns of"u £3 per anus. t2' Subscriheare tsreqosalaulte Puiliaiers, IL. & W. L-oeil, la Troronhr', tihe suin ot' £1 108 on tbe iret nuinhar, sel th""e ant IL je miecsmas tisai U"Metaa.l liereilt.] Eiteuofs papans, tet eegsd tht Ingrt or lha cark, snd do nitjeI s t bb~t aPager , cen tcd Toronhe, lot Inca, 1844. F Sand MEMORIALS, 5i eueman d eoher BL ANL vaw<fet sale at lte Heraid 0., r TU ^ fleAysn R~ t lte.Fa Kloae, March 6êb, 1814 ttasienionH~urHii obi neh -7 . 1aaiU. Vtm Wa of ssasm elar iaou ma &Sar*at tace&, aiuates intua plasoalPari a lb. Tacp. Tispp ibdoel aaaa es muspuai .51 ».* è ! v. be in pr-4adss'YWaCsaBon au10.s-,at- --- - = .r Cou f Qsea' Bruni.Thce -k aS i besig Cu ttné,*hm W8in mi Tus estnictl>conflue,! to-lgail selqtr 4 ntud eh eea*, batMde.D5BIZul, tain origine aal »d laeta artsene osn iportsbaaiu aistéq..v.in a"..-s.-- point. isnPlesaitg. Pv»M,, & &ra. RMIsgysie! PUÈ@,and! H inw WsraeI os PmvaviaStaltt«elaUOI«q te e sdmÂliae4dcI ad g ion els, Mdat teal or ateaions inu existiag lAai. C utruci i s, omme < bbuisahm falS nes a » ac; tis e tparta af Cam a ijudg,4 4'aoaB mss.Býo- ,5,*asi%,m the Court 0a QIJett't Bmsch 'aUstis'Canuia*Iii her Cieieer-14tsii' Anvsl.EaIea s cti s Qoasterl>' DigM l hwanse; Nuote andsi 15'iee. Vire Irons, ,g Dron, Iakaà., -Cur Prt e odilsg Casf e Ieilin tahae Ilfal t uairqit , rosae laP sdaiW of5e a i-fe cross iit a aui.1 Comtmen LawCourusud Netct fssf iaileri. 1. hiorsa- aiT8s. o, ChancerrinsutLis Provinc, ati s aquartent'l D14ac uuris ueti, lHes$bSha*, Cul 5à" geai oft7.îheCase rwirrted i heEnig ti3 i«a46 ssaepase, &a. &e. 1n1 The first ssamerIS-e' iIvan-l amAseLasu n Prioe, Fis-e BIillt, 5fr ue, isAnlnzI 0'Sî Ces'sEfia.' i1I>Cflt53's Au a : u Vra payabe halfu great'variaIT Engisis su psLray e>ale BUs tdeliver eoftise bst NopiWe, Sut 'W*ulMng. -Caue araasi iritons ciii b. r«esiWait iaeOgkes oiilac«,, WaM Md balfceMU& oa ,bilaât- tisefol:li lu, iGentlemn:-si, n tu »tg Satutalg~. Pe ansd blescsrs. acnans & Cameace, T.euo. o1r Ls.eLoadu- Listes, Haiter aid Trace Cartarigt & Geside.. Kaugutu- ioe etCrdalastoLn, John W ileme, Esqaura, Ld..R .Bd Charles Bah>', 9%.q àcà h.aJ , t. C L. oml ,dk' jckmePasnKaîna; C.L 1*4ts Ndg &sasog. Roaors, -Bimaunia matal Ten P0is. DeArc B lm -&, u Er nBitmne Pisteil aid Germon SiUvrTas. Des- J.G' u. # a absCi eat dTki ae por b a" éle W. W FitGisbm4 st, & .kicýee, Ci l Mcins C. B. ~Plai1AJINTS A;rD AN TFU R. . C ime, Illei.,hast White Lend, dry aninluoit.hast Rei ICheiiu oaaeLotlilhdivoVenetian Red, Spanih Brown, binte, -- - Me.sieL grb*. yclsow. gratundinl oit yelow Ocire, G. 0.stu rn03 - Cl" ua ilirs fjcsnss, u Toe.le Kîç. r«tnue, mserai Sud vegehabla Ter, Pigi, Put- Ziiirs =f jýZn T 0, îng-t jCopperae, %V sîdow Glas. et ail ames, Pot St.l% miuiS'tdeid , u8-1 . ff. la r.em" J othan Briasav, came'e bitir cls e ca>' c lit ur.feu se yt'.1 assorltmet'r rassansd u'oudenCLOCKS, Pg"rOSwTUS O> A NEW PUIIODICAI est, day andi 24 issure. TU J E aiTrTLae TUS OVES tof ail descriptions. Steve Pipes. jiahailh Ameftau ledieni ài l'iipte. arge aasurtmnent of plain, Japannesi andi QIJARTEMILY EVIIE'W bloc T IN WARE kepi on hanil on mail. to in T propgeeilit a Quanteri>' Periodinsi ondftt shortnotce. JMSPWL i. h Mei b.a titie, bu fortifiti atiauspiaitAEePWL lu British North Ansaica. 51i" St., Kingsion. luoe i2,18a3. Tii. Werk, as its nmse micatas, wcul b. ex. ujr IEINUAC oi clusinet>' devoetiluScience; ansi ciil m isce M~A IEISR NEC M tise pbvoicatlatores of British Noth Amanica, JANY OF' TIE MIDLAND bin ail tir inooc varijeiieaalso thee Radical DISTRICT. statiiies of ita Tes-nse, Houpitals, Ase>u'tnu, i - 'Prisoun, tc. Andi 15515>, an onîlina, on s suc. 1 l71yN TJICOURT IIOIJSE. einct accostan far asuls limita ciii persuuls, of ail liatinlavalsaila as ragardes <ats and doctrines UAVI) JOHN SMITH. REsai., Pratuidosst. lu elieandusimnilar caris, sud periodietiaof etr- laiac-roma Pue. fsuiaSBur,, Eo)WAiD NOBLE, The Peniodical ciii ha P.ited b>' Du. S?àR aissu>t'CÀuTrwaitiT, Noua., PALMtER, asisisi b>' ther Literar>' andl Scieutifla tien. sua, AOWAI, J. Wnsa.t.imson S qU. uteen iniuvarions parts eof tb. Province. l s i.rtzAzatsa,1 propues itisai lis set Number be pailishtedi n n a,'ia JoauSst.Eqie Aprit, 1844, Sor'«astomo»ia su saient nuashar etfI141iSCoinpanïr cuntinsues ta <sure Suiscribers arce bisineil, liswarasrntthe axpesat Lrl.roperty aguînst lbs ou damnagob>' 01 the u"siriakin>'. te. Tise Terumsetf ubscniption. cl ha £1 59.WILLIAM IRELANLI. perum iuipayable in adranas. Paraonn dsisiousetfsulscritsng, are -requset Secretary. 'es ta seon tice (poetiag ras) te ths e poSed i inton, 2dih August, 1843. Pubialbors. FaniOR As', ~~I V8o Whie ~T Lstock of W lus, wdOU tek ~' ~ swe cfUt is, 1alib>' Aucfiosa i.a lii.W a, Win w, i vwa, e, MwhofCh »S. .111 street. the. contentesf case, u Olt1qa& aai.pagne. Claret, IHermitage, &c, & P4, " Nicosoa i a urwhîcb are the tilitagea of lýM am 1 20o Inbsq 1l na euTus uoffering theabaov veines,the, Plug Cstemdihtni Nal Toiaco f<sls confident iu saying tiaaî ihey 40ug Coe Loslonsua N d Ten lot eller put te publie conapetîoj< 'ý e salles, Ontiario Street, Kiugotong la.~ A o c usttion Cheshire Che-sa romIStishheb 1,l,4 . sel.ssown airy Of joseph Plait, TiiL 1'.. 40) bagaine Laguirs. Java & osaI Mnchlus .' BE DWELLING cUire the stre, I ebr,~uge, a làse fioo ibIs Lîiverpool and Oiniriiga Sait,4 rtsdere e!atr.-psriablr amîi 2»0 Amerucan suPenéna four, ciniser with or wit haut Crach.îîoj,0 <a -250 No.lINurtla.sore Hetmi. a ftcW Apply IteI ltv bblws. blackrel, tOntario St., Kin gton,. t ittU , 40 bundles Tabla Codflah, rU ESuhecribers..anxstd, tu Fine o14 bnown j ie ona r n4yb J large Stock o! Chin, lila Wood and boules, wara, wich titey have juêt recet as4l Fine nid Irish Whisky, rAsI Hollaneansd aai lowprices. < ScsidnGiAIse a consîgament of 40 rtsnm very superor old Port andl Sherry ie boules, c> hc h> îi~l tnaet O o20s..per ldo.. t. W.Si à,ONk i. in Wood, Ontario Street. Kingston, Jsaîy, ,, 163..3al. teauS. 9d. Per glo.FOR -SALE-BY W. Sî- 40 qr. caste Bordeaux Brandy, and onui- as Narrela Cod 0'I olnary Hollasal Gin, Sa. 6d. par gallon, ONTARlIO sT ittarT Ol fl Rom ansd fine French Cherry Knao,9i lt'o' Briandy in oeafi dog.each. NEW TOUR AI Ëi~ a ludr ie 5a. t 79.. 6d. per gallon, TO OUR ORSRIIFt 1Champase. lrt sdHnuige alu E beg tu annoutce Unp pe Cam ad eritge vrins W and permnent oîn , . 1 brans, in lte Provinces on pryîr g Ite îezr's, Barten sud Gnastieur's Claret Vintsge Of tion fur 18144, wiit tise ulrier>tlî e' 183i2. reinain on thte l btliU ILWestlrndis, Shrub, Peppermint &c. charge asiti a rrPY of the -j lb, Bridge'@ London Porter and Laith Ale iu tainiiig six Plateg, a eopv ci lhe s, Pinteansd quarts, Washtington, 2U ini es Ul 2, , 40 bêtes. Picton andl Port Hope w-hisky, cOof hanI iusuisr' ri îvha rgîîjr,, hhds. Moassas thte soption <if the eut,,icrUer, 9 bhs- olasesTic Preprietor cil aiiî cOlill,r~ 100 ~ ~ ' cae eanyuUnitedl States pcstage vCDiitlU' , Sparnu, olive, . 1a, Taner's, snd Boiied wîll lha delivereil tu the êvascer st Linseed O01, currenr>' eacb paper. 40 Craies C. C. Crown glas», Persons wiehing te <ta,, Ie <r 20 belge Winacorks,lVahin<glou bothis,thtr, <i Faucy Fruits, Hazel, Brazil, Wal, picot, hburitargesi se.ionsdralli,f; <at;fl snuad Cocos Nuts, desiroos of ohtainî iii thi, l'es, ~~Wshisotsr, andiiai - Raisins, Prune., Fige, Wintar Lamo"s, aoioe lkr eighil s)' hrs, iii sweet ansi bitter Almonda iiiboxes 25 praeiavýt iirniti -i l]so. each. West Indisa preearvas, cenîts. By appotit IMont, Everet'. premier Bluet- Thtis liberaiity the pru Ir erar ing from 51 Fatter Lowse, Lonudon, which dlI>' ppreesateft. will formaa briliiancy equal te patent Leather. New coborrîl ers o iiii e.1'i -. N. 1B. Flue Sydenuham table Ale 6s. 3M. privileges Cin y,! i, M i n r v ii 3 .TIse laiery a ili 14îîi i par doz., bouîlas returnesi. rautifielly eaoýreaiî ni, e Ili Ontario Street, Kingston, Jan. 1844. Wt ' clnîoî i--n- ires, Nre Iii,.air î,eaat e ENGRAVED PORTR-NIT ham Palace. othieraoi iii.<5 or ~~~prese descriptios, ierfIi"r-Uv, 1 ir C ha ries T. le tealfe, Bar.. foarn s splendid Ctiiail:reit ltaI e .. table. IE undersigl sould rez-pectfull> au. NtPilFNI.T T lY\i!- T îruetce that ha bas estered Jine arrange. Thc prif rieur r lai rgîirl- clentsfer pubiisltlsg. bý suscri t 1 n t su cari>- pne aqatt U - dey aMpedi ZOTi N'l'OoEN GRBA V- oi'irearinorrtti'l rli' L IUof BIS EXCELLENCY TME (RVER- bld <r, add thtîîe ta lia totf -rr Nuit <JENERAL, tskeu <coin %Ir. Brasliis's subsrrihers Ien il ii .,I Portrait, recentl>' paintesi, whicls hiacgpoo tslei 4,otiee"î:I- r',e nounreel ly tha must competaus juilgas tu lbe tih e byn'nlireiain n,fl I o.1 1 bast likeulosa of IHis Exrsllency lever exeutesl. of tUe large plate cf ltiî,.'1 The engraviog- ail! ha aseaute i n lisher> ey -. oi-ic ft'~rirîJii. beà& style »f art,".mIpriîssedupon s sdeei t w Meuvmfnteutu %i-iar rS - about Itib> 14 incits, siI ib.greateet care cil toruyhbciforme! of ilrvi,î: u-1 lie takes. btu sure perfect copies tu the Ssii- î irrg abru a e date its ctii,'s i bcrs. The Prie fthle Pros'f imnpresson@ , à choc hny 211. ha s2cim., sud of tie ordimar>' Pilota ont>' l)à bd cour atgenîse ill plerstapari. c/s esch. thialleplaciug lit waubin "isreacli of &l.- bil 1,1, s iice; oanodsîa % 'rtrie 'lie utýdrdsigtad W"'lils a ahorit'lme sait'd it n- c ur r' tesr-picrî'ir î iii atoll, Trn,,Ilasasîlson, andi Quetefin t l.c umni 0teii e i .. purpnise of rcuibtisg te Portrait andl recervilig Mr. Nciiîrzie, c tgettiiin îî, ' sairîptios. Unuemcn residiog in allier Orde.rs onu reb>ripi urF ,tIo dri ueià eparsesof 1 bProvince wibamsj'deoira tu osrib"h, ward a full oupy r (ibr- .it or ihos aWho ns>ay i. te salas local agents, @Mn uas the iiavriiîi oJ leii. ara reqtàsted te address (pout paid> - ROIIT. W. S. MACKAY, ls.ok&elter, JCN"1 il .<lI 115,y Notre Dame street, àlontreai. TÉRE I.PPEIC CAI.IlAVA MI i'sblioliers of Newspapers in tise Province N(lKingstreet, uornito. e friestil>'ituteprpueissesi publicationt, wiii, kyin- To-ronsto, lt .eýIln.1, serting thisensotice in tbeir papera onîce s waek N)IE for six a'eeks', haiesstil tua aop>' of thse lusFIr. 711 Partuersip hiier'tCI.,cnrt trais free. Gentlemen remittiog tir prica nfi sx ileor.riie cFio wotrisusu, lpis4sge fee, yl ha prescostec il assi s i nse Uiatthe i:y&ery..fr i, 1,I seveutis cops>'gratis. 1R. lel& Co, Ufins -cri ii<itV daiSn 1N 0 T 1IC E.Ail debitsdueni the l aid fimsac.It a ' inspaen je retiring rom tisehuai. Rob'i Allen , ii;le îly arithocri.ii101 a ee i persans indebted te tisa Subscri. aitI accounte, ans ilcii crry or the bus i ber are requested te cati andi psy lisair sccotssis nos]a. ineslateiy. And ail parsons having accouilits IV'm Il agaisset tise Suberiber arc requcoteil te lsiei'e Knibn, 1t? r-b 1 ',Ll rtilleul foc settleguent.Kigtn at QANA' Md aIutN Zqh h ir gssat tusabtab ag is <ýe Iu'.. ime m: eul *be ol Lais vueom is raw bg55i5aua5 &Bd' sud bujayasiia 1ainer e, >ran pm es resdfh lo ber crin i I ta h baltir hodb" à 1os.>' edrclad, thé bous i> utse, uo tit O ndsia d. th 9 é the 0»s"Ga is hai e b" mm agai ss ia landa, r àdes. gà in' pcl a t>' se celi c4Roman U,4 thea(a ry oftrhg e ipaiha»Is sas goa-s.agimarai, aa. ýodmn p cA ler egnlt wils et i ssiud, tsae id wauw m "': 1 1 1 -