W100 cil~t~ riIl 4118s0 il0 a11 te cebain th, Meiler cîllethé eI5 nd th.seAt qf tes Mbiu.. liet 10l terne, lin pvepre hep.,, 9 Onea YeAr in advq,, cOlItaU lie fîi,w.c ed On atar - i, Mr Wi emuh r m#lent for the erueie îirg 1 nced 4. l11icet ot preEcnh AÂ, 1 hIl f WoeraveigC. )f Chombcrzs JlrlJ o ff« f r 8 ,~r i ile megeiun,o, L pleaee te. ere r ie @.hali Ceel ir~îdî ieâ who will be kirld 4u ect ile their çt,lumrte agent iû n erda, viii ren ilins, Io v.hemt w.,k àil of (;ailericp, Pac, loncpei. q)TICE.- p heretoe.te xiclîg l.te ta in Ibn! Flou? and r-4~ .1y- lkai. nedh.fe c brie iruiydîcrlied c fuuy aeîlirrriaod in r* ill curry on thre 1,aFine IWW'T ALLEN. reb. 1@44. ed-begî Cl. -tendfer, . ger.crally fie. the ety li alid ooud May the tail iiont Ly hir n, ha le ,Celle 81 i ri es ioýiebiudý seîie theic accouriti W R. !il.EIL 12(j, 1844. descriptirn ftur enle tyl Aiea,, BItinrmSan IIU(.IT CALIIEI in the Tw of S trw li bce 'enti t ied e 'r lîrlerîdi le ruLlie ftrth (icf Cornewall, a De-i". W. ilied -l'il E FR EEtîldi : itlt otii ihe laquai cmi lier %vith nbhîl cit,- n, i rirh tira i,ie ýii rýnrerr tihe tcrPt di lt erîlý t- the natue bttl ltons. And, nUbile CpW. lrer ie the rIlrCfig org t lirtrelileh 1penthe ri.IU people. Adhee'iog la til i-r erl adrercae lthe ri;e S 1,lrmhirr, ]1841-ali ri'iîi.'s ftc1Crt--aid asU body cfth1e pceoCîCi pein oef il@c toieten 14 til1 i wye rcd fe nti ofetci farte tonril eecîeitttru of «in lm, 5 ýt as îeîay be V~ qua*1ht .t erriber pledg! bineft on of et ic t ccii 0 leil rit rinciplaiflWtWIl ine 0hei puili 10 laU lie jo'ural wi boe l el ho terme tof' c rll lun ruf paid in v le. 14 ;loncIwaer4 e.dl etir, excIivi,lPIj NewcRuipara ap lAf jîl 'rr IàkMff i4 ahoe eneU~ coige 4i -P PT1I(u; c9b 3XIhs4 t 'Ire. 4e!bV'Wi 'ntAA~ iii>. a~ni~l <4À~'Lil ~eer'- tvtt -~ ~ . ' - e~ ~"i rirîr -rt.I'-- "te il .' 'eaaaiîrCt tinta 3 I t -r uet si- eÀAA~ la* lm*0 um a sl am utmm«.ielhs taiW Mm. ioW$mi blispielales r ted Wca eiii 1hmw ig alo ai. bleu 1a1-eu éaeus Tae d".M eua li t M, cdlus Oro vi ssla".<îl and n la ra elui gacts e ioh ciaThon deelep'e dat,. ctdi the "b d her ititwftU1 11h. ". dlîba nrsbar àtiai .ou II s itMW. a he imomieatl.0 o.Tb. rdasher awu apgslsd. ti"tl taa illau hi, md 11bvoirfourille dm Fritalkly n e. t i 1ed h mucr. dmpeci cu stea"Teembdeagres tausls Bn. i h.mmata~. an.. wttr adtai eOUF.1te bsasésh dae mgbtetpplos,lsal avai ls~ lien aqInsiWp"saedes l h. e etecea heelts, e Ceaep lte teus fne. $ies rat ovdanceIuï siieee~ qies cfipu. iâet U sE 1h. Bsaut ho ,r, lie rv el inra e Sithla, la co..dà1 l Hosua noeii Th l.tteMns Io aneliob. aeiet-l lon. rai fe cscsa. srci ta e «Il Tdagua n dav o i l1uas u-ers dorn eayailtlrainyfurî ha bi b11 lien dthe liar ng is ed luiiu be,,ilrl*4tei lsesilo hIbo chaionh tana C" Matsdsa a tailsellaghe aiut tltetrarin. u te e atcelu wa: vuicia1. t wat t amithevforc gecgai bus. ein otiate iec I n A ire hethouht o anghercbit fer bfAic alneein lirelsCng a riv- t!l Stoi ouaitti , sg nomlaion baaea ria, ror aie tis .peltnlyc imieluin -esriî liten r; àediwlitietepourb e.ciere(.a'd'teen iC e slitaI n rh h.s bidlectredthad int bîte elintthem ne Id porte.a'chesicanosop aei hal een nery.ainpitieewe hâà wiuer fAadt -eecali aen ch.nt A!- ft laid beutaq loti fr eula er.l moe Mil a hecte cod ndra le ispeatI theua <'Id ien Tand coredopIhe v Hr had aee atâee'a,, thisai sac 09e haig aitandl iet. iehdwron eb Lc efliheeesltle piry joint nrerr uiî. ie --le i he frlairsrhie -rlaber has,>nit tpal ck foae«aing h mfte rouIet <Id miu'apgCha lwe tae nieh ar m.1 aerd Ien-Irai p Il, bu erged,id4 eib b as uome- aý- lhq etoCrtrecani e;cai, briiii jmm 9;X14nett ue i :,!iie tras f andio"l Obh nin I;m i îlreî jekute c ou s ser gtihe cnle nrrz lie fcg.Ha eelouaiti piver hem z nt &ill@ tn.ed liteu .rse, Te,ir li<e. uhîcbt cam about a nirile cfir, IVf ofhie c pare. o 0.e rir ere, e wu rniarisg e ceai e1 ;,y ere i hiiis ,ePessueaofaikWac d"at uprhneiwa. uGieatiraihtp Iliief lie, ce% iter te foeteeal on 1caied o r i ýthe auy t lacd dbi terim. a-îr nsie ir bee o.f n t l rush laI . ari, candho il - h luge la i rset tcr ian a hen ri ec aif terte wusptv y tlii.h tb, e u eit anesapilis eta ce a Chirhaud, - i ceaop.ibuta moutie ,nth tiaîarde.t e a peamare t ait lis 'dual1aqircaen'. .cl an al. 1ph rs> nda,-b..e re.t u t uv u" ird t, fr,,ins aI hair ictisasir«g P.t11t rhem c aut gneîî ay cla i nrrACl-a riitriale te i lW" a cc u la, <eIIlî,ySumgtai maesello a iM the îîlclapneîg&Wyi;bul0tle. tl' Ile lerirertntFi rndim 1 j h eeo e [egfii luimutrcfdaese ati claI.u ei 01lUne i le têtaebl "0l a o il hl. cri ad tenare l eeal.Asie uisu 5s 1l te4ir 'arirle . dl a ' l.,t s areciltreur i h.sw .Thofat Piettiecag t icp1n bas e$W 41 Ic o thî emm éssir bas Slhe ipi suadinc bu asI 1 4t epr e al ta pat m l g v er fn;îî alir t alictglCil Iadrtanfflaailai . haten atiht.A i sh tuemrrrs e îme hicltlyioeeeM; ten a tlp1acaree, Ibsednguthu 1trI Irbuty. leniaaiyailcle ' y- tas a C liant lba"Ihiinh é ei et. taaeaic a usteenA ,on W& beli aeio laerarn i.'« e Me&ca Pbgl oiFcaîb.ha~.b a AGICUFLT' 1"'~ - vug ~suvm,-s Et eh. ciirg di's'i w. hais rit *l'~acida*up e. ~gea hase S'-.- e, ~ ur u ~ Uas LM #man* . W*Wh.iasWlscJ*W h110 td ulig=vemarudb»»»4* aurspmz. in six. 4< e~l arb~~sWg t îeêMMs uy asdtb wo b a nts<<e-mm inai a 111 irbcO 0 1 0' susrpetLUiOP004 ~ AS t ilaifAw. and t luse *uusal.@bd !aimqas- ah.u%.hahe M board *PM qu r h. l$u. i bâtl. tehj eiap.eufu C 1-le -c4 Liu.r1.e b la kim elamweve. t le ausr. vi la cab0 là&a e wta UN FC« ad..Ceemea- ,Aa traald'a-boammmt.4mluar. eedmbela ena Mbo Naeis msiilr a aairAM s , uai .,ILri. oebt4h e..,mcih. e<cpus1h.b~dsablr ina4Jbaiee eh lia ebah a astaad uss lb amatb.r18% , 4< rartqda. jWil. <olbo àrs*dagel<bamlc.mrc dcaîeis eoa WMe w cfhcc hp é or ~ m aef Ia. i h.th.I'5 iesefroglassihisabeau enimul.a sOm~thIa5hiai a aireop lm:IFe a; Irand d. the acm uk apples lta adites -ei.ie exaspt Spcin. demie 10100* p*,ýa bi prè4 Yac as 1lira y.. ertanes e. e ha taýàtw #ms a a l m "J lits ed REh is wnt c belmw ievolucuona. sachh'teres gala, *jhbat vche au TWm "à lotfac pç f ictaporucm in e lpeiii.1 had acd h.bu riWâ*rhpe m li i t, s.ada di, L-in r ou amairial aralations weuh tira cufalise alaptema.' 44>irt leacWu a Illow hneaver asbe ha erai »delee. dlaulatromar * -Ibo tle Msi f ~erdui te~e iîrsau siquraemischance. efihes anhh~pv Il ms m ..~1h.j l'. Jie ra.icij-sasinauenfmiuwhoty poilai eiiM&ý aa èfa, 'aeicear ac.e es xiim la h. aleo et 1h. peliice; the. vaccgêmelb.asaw mei j<eReh; Le.gas. chieR, ceeorig le toma ofylur joru-k te.Fs moat.aiual ¶th l ieyi per aiizanm-hcn eecpcu-arfduitail i sprîstîtra matipaïe teThè,e«Mrbbad h.belml . Wlpsoving, h ie uanictieaofite achies.- aai ce mod auW loirbohir huia.;jbuhe gu-8amanita diring ics lametias (fram per.iîcagit- "his hrietanmsd pu t 1h. aaju te. Pale- atlase, lhe truils ofthe adage ltut -"4mrh mia- le 0 hueie 'Ilae eIn doep" 'lie lest msetim ince. the «mntseolausomcei eeldn.iesls24th niti- A ecite tietmea' iee or pay» m, etl ims«leue acd r. Cabde ilas mm. A foeiglumir chcui vdmmned sue Coeus tljust.eda hsuaiee.s ymcib lied l.ufee lice,*kp teera i dNhasdilmet h.o Isdwm bdg we mjtey0 pccrd of ote aurPrisstIlni thon acseeeirégr.mm, bar h.fté» athi rahare oa e .registrîciei. yullie.'*Noema~er,*," k»i 1 (lasCdi o owb Lanccasire, ciieà in, te mec cedel ai estimee, - a Di «M er in " te 1.lsup"ear. th"j bave ao e ewaIfrons te ConCeravar iv.. lu ts th.sacspmfa, *et sevas cdmtpubteeeay mersmas lla te horoghe artin 1îe .coa- .t h. aiieimtnou if"ier. ichchinee. - lbhims. 5i5d& rsuritatiuo. 'he uojoc al suem, otite periq Md euihaciil h.e aticipel sloclionm are sec takiog pic..e Pré" Wswi. tord md ,«te uble o. ,. lrmoegi e suppeay. but ru returene have A KaeM S»uc're.-a Muler of th» Cea. a ala ef indibreeaas aratle. part of thesLibr. eelmulLqoebumor, wlcen aiIusvo.ite a imtiue "10, ie ii aon y> 1LodSae euhàau "ereea.Wl bambaig it hmahlay'.ilaedeeliwaliguin (te favi ifates ice a--utb. ileittionaid is lm me? buhese h.aia.. ilb. ihui-» Pt*$ a lMTa nth t 1. mlanrd fqr comi te ma, iauluet t1. b"oum cbiepu in, Unh.improvemeet 0<thliand, mea-.pfftucuuarly a e-aitai ee. 'Yor aimas nyog mali iq. aj, 9" uii!eb 1h. bople aai cli rproveseu.î lnue ataresl.nta botW 1 gMes y« dide~la Hi*8pee014hbaba. 1th.ecsbje4 M sAduR-ecm. banc à cmefive', di maLsW', sbu la irfoipav6wdniail cmentione of the ruimo.sa e oft lb. mand ed b s. r"x -i W coniftuaw.'A btlfr e i ei sy hceern th.bosu»M e <ad = *ste »ci mel 1 'allai, for lbtheuaMie* a. v "Y.rmpon a 0 tn01 eauaVie l irofSa, Th.eiÀ-1 diedy sustomar 4ofhà= &ead l 7"d eolsbattaieetbet.atsiamet ata iure Ie-m lt bea Rnldh a«o"& b tt is fi hlSatcosit aiete hie edepi4las&Jthey tartes bn, le am 4< mithe. episeYteue h blaien- iai humise larader. self-tr«ww mlhV.farltrgr4c Tirhelîgiuelera ethe. fVOUS Maed dignit'îri told hies ha uclighl bave ailýio' mlotleociul uec, oruu.Ioeafgb. since is ne, ch» uesh.Might psy dois, if hoad anld il Md lun fret, isn him-*insveseent.. îbs papem cili le i~om wate hm b beh.r cvsesmse& lçavaja. llqopato eiul ha * Rut, dag il." h. ad,'-le" etmlbi n thl cea fa»cfe aah.ntios,'tubue lecielin il su vecy .udly idma"t tIaw ie catit W ha at a r1caMI ihs Lordchbip. chili lthe Post con- means ut fhaitlg sume iciai (suitf»"" oualeiders t »me vidcrice 0<11 the«tus inchinab soccly-hayci,'.m orni,.Fbutyee a lhaadmiuistrai ion wuvtite heu Sr lenai tas mlaimerahia The opeeiutu, %iaai.cttibue k tu c anii, «And tlb.futista ilre.-ahllitig?'olb.he i hPremueisraioneihl-ae ft.opêléebriig. thisubia, bis paef5aliil 4se h» al W"beu itneiy ct cla are propaeed f,' îe. 5uted-, dO1.fel e,%bt tI ?.aurc:@iri tcase of l IletChreaaapru uohr- Il~ ~ ~~î, ufatleyeaacmsrb.COUMwpd O ma w«diein#utshMig btîeuneow and exiel ig getlemane-D.hnkbq u 'bean. Tba lol aimeacpital raquirmi fort Ihere T'he tuiter, afts« isCMl, IIlMy celA h.pra- caOm tt. 0eavaly-ueue milis-e smai cnat.-[Pie. Ireland a ialflad ow, tohoee r eandl 'a - êaun e Lie bsalir faverrihii flloîa-ewih A PiERioUa Avcs'tcas-A ypeca, rntitu. teregepitW.uemwi.iîeg te.* Pèderative" moue- mm ofrt ibis rity wcathéIimebraet Ilo fol ocwinefmeea t si cay foslie col"s eiculaadvalua, ciaittimelelewa TUa qicca huais hsa et grtbas te. ou bis cey te Ibie site Ibond la.s 3ehloc. Iseesi. heruyLotsqur ameue a e a am'eia u*,*bsa tt*rwca sai..%u cs he b. art peté thelb. seng jeur. Or. bis slsap'b.th Um Ae* th.aagb ilia suaVWaufbaie .eed fomr Dalais. P.therrme. ciueace ii hrirofê tareaak ii eacltaA #Wjejilgu a icilttea..-"#u nise elei tom tenhte ui'e 0i is - f.I lheraWin a sppM toftht amannit.auipetenca. calesleho "au»itý clediIeBil cl chalim1 uhscepte eaamud.te relvebites. eicegli,,andal nvf5hI t~ii usgr But îi.sei ami of ai r.b eacet isI#lg bik el l*hrblssrupuw ome 111te vlee stmeeehlnl [aciee va ai hie suuapakn Th"re'h tut cith utr làu~shsbn. tu the skie cill te t a&Miasli0.vaali in aelitiai tectw î.i *agie lerisutce c-iw mW bïm cei Inhow i hlatlj15 buseirstouti ly ie"eieeas tgu ca and whb *0 6 f&phIp.c 1;f a wub ai lut.it lleaiaie, *iaeaavaTtr.csa sauga lumi" pres., bat then aublegeoffl, lui c duil, *op.,- Saiuo e 1inh manofaclreig4f iaie:wu @=yep rIdes .iud'aas d" 1o"wleaximesue The me~br4crcepo intsteLise. = i.d aof rai les 2,1111? ter f-eu. uniOfes ad aut iu *hi-s cfulioen- cosIre.abhi"&tsd1a ameL aI il Ursu. ftal<bbh'-*ssLevaqssi*Oeaua tw'h Tira LtMsm votee antw, «Op ee l'aiauad cs ., boe usromua mm mon ota*aeass.. ~lI Il* 5'rA'T' OplTKADLI. MA,&rcusyxe-1t le a cuaicaere act. lIaIcernes. ury Iiionsen, #tanera @s cd ealictrpriates. dsiia tee wcue.of thet caeh havs beîî aq*isueut a mnia ir se nalntate.s am teone, apiiiera aand meanufatre e vp b.d a gusi ilmands uni bave refuetelalet eehit prih.leed, lieth eh. apumqa mand mainufacucCiqieftpewer linapoin- le are ceîepletely ci«eslof ieerh, anme a eau 1aaceiiglfor ail ib.y cau makafuire e at Cie or~ toueromihe. Uur muatureri, aie, tif beaq siotirsoe.a ly rs iii fl a mairs ifpucéa htuonopaiuercai, à ilarges hedn nie derig u tw asi.0m hce h.u"eta*is.'for the "o 11 Aor ah ur" e et"vur WWlihaloy un Us naaafautttaet isIesiaiie ut auxy bW tucned fi-ou sickiog dMoamte i pour fo. preterg, IbalI1h qlinii.q.aa mgl sr cpael lu the dpraand aU tee. e mesn chir burk eb l vî oula tabethnaeblaa- Wqv. - hlupe eueele. ara are plaae.ituý_Wae -goe hevu«ieu e 4h, Aar&4îptîh.urbaacif a hdei.iJui ttU 04eg0"dbalk ta'pw .e Mq~tqe~ mieo 4ata fmtipA eA vs ~tuar tust the #ai e* ieek, At epieg t »act egiCaat.eai 37 iai-guc W ra nPne _27,tatl*aPtc~a 5%4ejaJ - Mlbeg A- .MP and etbt Ibont ~ Isho "4 aiie veabl iUW4vM Peraimbe, e soo mâtd-oriuch-. se pr va-OOl Oe th he tef d M4 ineher. h"Qodu w1ata tug " e udnca.iy ir4uaqii. vu tt. u beec. enu aGi dsagcrmbem l'h. ur. eh.. t ha Iilis, . l*isi 4m. oew. ho peîbosales sase pi rLb.ekc lc NMadame Tag1iuî e "Wm. alahcintentinsua, Md algecis!eegaeMia e apo»aadte thes.gsje.. *m gaea gls esrml*flriud gou the Chl- l'ato ouas haigpt.i.lb. te$& e'Il dii ffside.bi *aaa li ersi.pissabut tha flcrsegticiuaiof ahmd ppw trtasse sub"d auri. t gla. ceeaiel*,e highl con lieei usoeuiug.fh.4 éhut 1 lsek. as cWb"i tiroir il tiesde clwna large petiffaofIbo c.V411 de *0 ma sarket aesd tést.. The ccli *asr te haro betasaf inaduisquae e treleglI.Ouesa *-e lui oder tha raye.,ud ake. oseI teiu. eibiq. and tom, atairs cre acoutAk by the fîa. ment#. Oso et0grihoue reivd adsver@ osstenae.en on th a&ianed he-atbser acComnpound fraactau of 1h. g.The u.nd blaec ith ule atmorki $1hat Ibo gtrmqgumae oildacarceiy but, op eg it l A1ý àe laborer w cas msnuy e'mvicdal Reid. amie" <Bejus) of"ssbap ttaiMg. 0Bs ded deeltiteelus. and eau a bd eealy aiiahutirugap Per c.alk,.4and da ifenrUy of mcuvaeiilec. Thes p-ota-îe eid that h. oeployed Sâre..la- bersat i et M cd leushiineg@ a k, Ho liad teerd eof cix pasr4 a cday excueo as, n duy. Th'he 0fCwu traiteponteeise.ayecra L. uge ap - a .âbheu reai l e b ac co ie OW &-ntceu.laiet toeur". (Mathe 2fth elt*utlaa'ga rolon Milli a olha.. - tearntil emI& MWi, edblîîaguueg îta esmme Radlîe & $otn% aaddoly fell, anud bueti un ta reine tweoly-ue ofatêtch.autes.. Thsre wce nsiY tliry.îco pasotea oicg inthe nuil et th beias, e. of hoet, in ddidmon c the tcaety-one who bave tiesus lhisi Ibair lise ,vir sie eor lkm hurt. taid osur a sut especllte auriuva. T'he thers eraesé catittisor mseinpry. Tesaoiîsmtr in supp-esedtu have beausQua. uroisd bythe brehekng 0<n.. of the trou huent. it h. eePPar.oeau Ui. Amaeepeerad tenlU. failes wlebeevsdaau1reu giving eîY, and ineuudistely baudl lhecruhi. He rate loi b d duor OMening ente asncaecmiîez miii snd hai basse. Ir P gai euie lhe dourciey Whaute e.for os cicieh aluebe hataeidueg (ailarryieg citA il t?.. reteaieeig bute.f0< liese kiaed. or a.ghi vcereaties" il in in C.itemplcîcireje lie Engiiehexostea- hosis a lii fetiher le seommtbd.epa.esgrs hy foige alesr4by caaiatheeir agrsge cbs hi i.e auara aassoit. th" aiup fra Grasesend, off ehicb pacasea l &isaae lsel b! th lea osf concass A bayer freone tb. Empattr of Chie., cessas- passied by au interprelaer. atltedth* ba cu tu.ni e(air je OcaaÈar.'1"esnth. larges. homme fait ini Englaud. il ta atsi tliaI Th.MceCacupll. the peahu lat maer"ctsfor ha.thirapky mira ehss"deof' hie fricuel.Dr. Enta leguatc illu sanme- pubiwud poate. T'h. e onuentte Sir Wat*r âtt. sla oue a( urucleeon e Edichunegirinci onpteied, 1h. la,. .noeLat.one hV be nlaidbout a stimuilés cge. Aiofst,: b.icmd cirjl" à. maonmet. - InI r-land, tliedicmeteint clh Mr O'Csaii for Me abaisdoiene afthoe saigi ng repecl.an cdu.caey of a fsdsrlVoin. a ptesas celuile un I.. encrass. lTh. care 0muf a inewr patuas ateemc unoe, tela th* loadssi in hiescsiuemWis.;, qsute! edbaseMr. 5sf1a. «etr ciTira ?duias ahi, bas putel.isaLhlt on th at4soi.&#a. i lime Mr. OTACeàe aflc.sujoying kîasefal Dui' eviectie. n e anmdipaitf.4 au6ea aedbm c eemame 4 iiêUm*ariwuiletgetha eccva mt 1. IIItU5U IK5-Wahase len t ts jndio Oumi--There vu. met new hthat - loew ai t iiseMevhet au Sgedey. W»b a icsaa mi fh.ywol, h. mite etsi «f l- 11vesgeamanuct. MWdShre .w raimleri q thét ope hlln eausae e bt tot lan~ aa*'eccciia bucht. ale lc e 1l t ea oaseavam ieea b. facials. loiu i -ceeyearisas a vers 4#à. Tua Lueetivi j Uc wm à» dseaL for -ges i.ete oriy eu.,.Ifl gar ierU" in 4<Waday. ç%3,klele iually geeliefwor. tle bush ibmcegu1eda alcet ev.ry privaiio. l'h. i-s -p bs ra i. une lqnallydl el l 1b h., cvaegit s.;a nmeliùmtandiug che extretel" vprice as chiel Sb"y amefabricate4 in »vsecpeued IaI aveu extrema eapnus ii at ra s ma a"m. The solite diaer sMd pantea.le od. ha. staravie- ed; mili itin in a Mabbtrhîtsalle thauilewa Ico y asmThae *h gleve haces . if T'i obin et tradé e i ail in a lolsechiea.s ditien: thongl colbriak. ti i nur opinion inua such lutter.lma*ain fier y geod e*d. it wc» in' a" til" . Sndanatraan d the cssa euhi lraI tie.e ,rhteecasicliv. by cai mieata,. A <cesd eeil ..actais 4< f iigli cilem, himh.lu extreualy dotrineeualbath ttSar semalm eni îhliii heiluth1% a rp li rae.ba flol il preeOumie icipauveai; iutatilt Iheuama<Ca Z iofsaicreuuvalote. avs mevaia cieil noir lion 4ce&m tftt i bert.- Jooga urnct- al orFrsdny. ru.. .Zé s psamlug ia, IIONET IIARKET. The Euglieh f<aids bcve aspermealedrmatch ilueleati le. ne«rdaes tb.e market mhoc »y mych- tom of iaepmyereuet. Cqusois for mueey bave flwteaua.lbayera, se.sellera aet9OU sud We accoaut koabu ad te elleet îOW m itie @abjecta ese.thtmeihl. d u 1.pins- ty a( neoîey. egoesmuenil efIifutiea couita- ue cîthost any aigri cf ý>reâfet. W. ansmtclîned laeor t-ulimuasfutheb market In th. tia aloue 4a j mpeculalhap porce%«s; c»y Ange qw"t c en, makb b th teý aialkat ramai" ikeaWaht mUpe iltd hia-b. ed by lhe JIB i@ por&kïa ifator aatmaalt; the pts.steî, heb prcea 4 stock ilcviog rae»"e almSaU idiapos. le ppa»cftc.(msgth, e.è- l'h. cwmwutt. lushcsea fit&h.- Plaa.hfonda. leow &bout 18 par ston$. balow qeree. upeatelo, haap àd'ocieprimaibns hm mimaà largeprencb loato b<ti %be, abioougilou% ind eafor Bal. gione leatcd nîiseL escl péer lt ampto;uaelin the» . fOqeugaenter prime., Anea of ineweg lchhin * euh'alo e Tir 'dgce hma Me. ftabmbildw» au ans eP«r ot. po4 aheilotaetaat Ifes. îunpoved Io 2U 1.Jm -bab Tehusisait 1he, pwei MarbISOIba MW bee. of ieny eesigmekisd,. JPortut«»B"Snd mini rtaluu deid, . candlbave baemabigl a 5811; itfulbayers Wfo canelviaf Par- Io pce acoi in~smc, &nM he ieelecsSufil 1 ho eepoe aseangoiettbh arheb lhé Phie fi( the 4lrtce lae, S ar.y 15 y %Wg< «CdsSf ai tiece tiihe ïru fert iOoime. BA" ai, Em&&X>eu'i.A caoi *u t lt art 7ile andl &h ofVistorà, <r*ofie d4b4 weuk aeding eou Uacy, tira Ibe day4<Osto- ber. 184: 10la dE EAcliulm. Notes e~dh f~51I Othev uasur. Uill iceliS ll oece.T Prore a'I ai4"0« mapla, fI4~IU rtt1a.(je. t5el, se,14»O W . ï-nlsergi4elu &Ws the Lattais t iss as -g- acala, ced. iqmçap cs41em ugietha amp d5~t~SWqu0~ thw~qrcn g dasajis. pas gin boreFuis empull km usipau ahi. psesh.- ailtla eichod, cut cyt.Iu.iqe.sl'p ai ths riWag c ud s, gaiscw lla-h.u ' r» ctr te cciae, ch if aIs w v. lar-iegicg Cand mmdc a à N<et@t. Tb secondl mato ici " se swaîaSr lie& patit laSt te vee.i, centîtidaetet t iqrm easqv.se cnd cars feund by ah.obrhigisîsaleac kfoi.l tta. Thie sta ihiril atafilramy chwiEl. hen coaueitied Te th. West ladie.s cilhi AR', Tes ri.rn GÂri..-.W. c.vistai. on pFes and Salueday, ly a a eoa gPala tIbo =r.aath amt.ieh c ea tm se n" oiisdamz are luhb he r , la têt chassaI c"irdmnM, toast or Irelaut.ra Laun.&«tfel Aai hait Mieip 8om, Copt. Culciala. tasr ec Y*kmai atba ,4 ecci nu Saîaid nda Casg, cill e feil éaespiauetlof paobnaagn am, mci los as huai aftavwo cenMose aotlia »o"ilkDy. Ime ceu' got 0 nat i tb4uui cI beatude un i e. hcegir Ceek ta Liverpool. uhhpelbat-lsgreeelva itoy , day.-7eiLverpsoeas. 5m il lealeulats teaifW tha rity ceeapoli on $l ho alsiItbe eeco et ps.ia lla s"iéla. 1«0ardtsooune, iuslr manuhituuc rcw l mmeeirs iea ce mé d »uae.twa mmsceil aumot lamlm@ ~uhaesI-tuvn.uhla tris Notcithmetacing th. lam@catbp 0 o.s i ia ie mppan ua Q laspasl bah ma d A sm u.- p.atek pi btemt« O t hs- t Tou eesada fWo supç.osicgIith bai~ ~ ~ hé* uvoocheih ata lr toetus at ovr, M, aider- LoAMt