Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 3 Dec 1844, p. 4

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___ -__ - .Ip-stt , et! W £"e os F«t LH svom emleac*bIW ~ ' ' wbe m * t4 ï: .,Z v 5e*b d u fA*99 f a w su1la 4 ,eiy b ne. en. e tri tt %lo i, i mWilth<t othse Ui.a tédstues t cste. t*Vlr amv mawA-"14 W * -1e*e andta Zw ll adth Mkitw k, md tiëit. t li4"d.en a5r=j sd bagne,ac ote iosuS t. uli7i'e 1 a..fliwand J <o4 n. l4 rwto'Cbmn aelie à», veylreédW«àitime- e ete inâ. l inutsroll4ai&" ceeito.ý,)M p" iLý 'llwclrego ciltbê in pçie6w- in-h luli chte Vusqure $lie priacipte wisrb ai-been Round ite coul q'gll *klu<ét at ltaçsSl', tsl tinarty camastlts fli a mil e. a low ir o I sl 21 Co.itdýtil, New York. la ore t tbetIse p amailetear u earsuPrice. Msefita. or filer riswbwbunurh for t u41 prtce. W. he1 tisai cvelac.tonettte faut- 't i t figes It ii. soîi b everv1îinerani Presehot c 1harcts. thal . in a. oe$.e sîfris CLurel. Other thrWsians ie w <cati c h a t a simple trial abooli bsia"ie.n nsrills objecteatisble in the coûtents..Theatso f paetiliu. We t liitccl impruden to$o cf correot ie8irtnlion'telatlvsj w Metwlwm hnusttjcl, -*"&y tbat nndiaguke f' ..ejd4 Witt te tlétu be taler a irtue in thé 4ali e 410 f, iaever lbren tineotd lainMetiictn. tion titan a <suit. le will preventot te eseol.. +13 ciii pis"aiem-e lit 'in c l uèw ieg iafmration on ile sîi~,îsuitit . .etelw to eedy bar 'i!l but oeile 1t "W CONTENTS. - Eitnispîsiinsd cr i. Tise Signeofthue Zad la. Cbranacotcal Ç eCjr. ,'eknP dle, Eefspàeaion 1845.s.<Lpiu?. arev SsCg, The Peerute of Egai îhseîrl' '-Bîpz . .n e r sd lco, raaged, ar J cort'ectéd fil ir îe tîar 1S44; 3&i ~b~ld Chriwin.j ti. Tuid, Famity Ni ba Dte lurý ek ,m.k or 6e creain ofTheofu $ 5 *rýwý.psl tion Blondi Royal. Dokes, Mmi rguies, goiio Set n îidure; . eu, 1 V'iscounts, Barons, aud Peerewssof EBor g#4», R ueli iue iDoLazAn land. jaow ruât.»of Sors.alo Dus wa' Her'Msjeaty's gresi QMeer* of$tte. MWcy e. leea" skia., B m rel bh, Salaries of tii. Royal Fstnily. Rui utBUdsitrd Tables of Weigbts and 3Ifeaiures, anh-ti wsDres.sgfoe Biùlt'.rWh*#e Bving.s u eigu Coins. * . .. WomwhusioSr, Cor-. Gawoi Ss, Sme8-urz. Saler anai Lurar Tables, aLla Festivals, An- Pdb Cni 'i umrcs 1 tuos niuersaries0&c. erpeusçe fias anght ans thut tfiey are net ton Anecdotes, Patte, Obilorvtions, mnd Enig- paay. ri Will b. n= - a wkiouthat the mes. priie cafled Coulitz.a' le't iqaly ana e en 'We.leysan Metltadiat Cliurcla in nasaja; reromeoa; but mueft caution a&pinot somoirai. Ministera, Circuitslamcber of i4ctbers, tations <bat us bave ressont te hlievo areof o!n Missions an"dmcic 8ics »,p,4,umd unm bel ipjurious. Wc ciii preseat il tu the &Contingent Foa nde dil y re uo av atet eei f-î ai ipu Methodist Epitopul Churcli. Unitedi stauq3.s, çy a n or .rentiehr u sCNN Bisitops. K.lito.'o, j.j0, <flleweeky Me , kfCoù»at racorw*$qqMMëdt at tlsodst Jouiolsanmd, %-hera. pubhilicd gi letroèru.on lcoîmi.iocai the gretesi BookAgj.Msio at al l wkesicg te mmkind that bas lee discopereti in ingilso auets of"be39 Conférences; the Medi-ine. iis istrong langouagt. bu a dates of Er'i«e.pat Visitation (air 1845, lie say tee4 lieore cUl fllly;usiify Zil. ai numners of P laechers ana lem.brs, MWonuil tb. Agents fot a penpllt gratIte ci,. da cbnloa nit Scholies. uai verv internatjieg, aise t@ anwescfail,the. timySClergym;en in Nec York. Engitia Wet;'e yin Meiluodit Conférence; CA4U'f1lON.-Be sare and get Conoeis, se Mislons, P.;'-cipalî Officre; Table show- coounierfcits and corihicis appoar under ,ther lng the Rel:.ire Proportion of Wesleyau- naines. Se. Ihat it in direct fiont Cotacitd Mn C fotePiilotlin of Englanti. Co. oretv..' toucbil. Stetistimia ofMetlmrad'asîcer thrbattot the Wrsd. CONISTOCK & Ce Coogregaîlonal Mingtet,, in Canada West. Physiciens and Cieistso. Baptist Mn.tî,doi OLPERIOR QIJALITY 4 HALFPRIL'E Epiacopalian Ilinisters, in Diocese of Tor- ]POIu TUE cV 33.01 P cnte. Berofula, Presbyterian MIiijtets. ini connexion witlu Chrogie Rhetmatismn, theChOurcla of Scotlaxgd. do. do. 'Piee Gecerai Dehliity, Church. and SussenatonBriatd. Culaneous Disoasrep, Public Revenue cf Cmnada, cxhibiting ti. rtuption ut %le Skia. NetRevonethse Expeudittir, ad ebe M.ercuriel andi Syphiloiti Disestes, ame tuf the Ct.nseîidàtud Revence- Fond. Biiesform an impuore habit cf bailli. Canadien ?Muteri Springs :--Caedouio, U lcertiees cf lb.Tiroat andi Lee Kingston. attd Varennes. 'Pains and Swelliage of lb. loues,. 1imperiaI ppd rgvincial Dutij on trepota Liver ASactiono, ita Caneda. Pimplea or Pustules mi the. Faem dl ci ie Cleér Reserves t Statenteat alowing te eares arieicg froni an imputesetat. faeI lo.e. nevallt o rv od n pe n Lw Exposa... and Imprudent«ens il. IIExoeoive Uppt LWdUneof Mercury, &e. Calaitas, amr.urtiî clleced andi dishourse- The %remt pntuiarity of Barsaparilla. andi lit m~nta.establis e .. - v.reeder il supareruos on. Pant (Iflice Regulationï, isentei by te Dope- ter mtuoeecinieci 0of ila vittues, or atiduce ty P. M. Dec. 12, 1843. an y ov«do"0ein lislayet. Distribution of Emigrau arrivea i Quebec isBsrssparilla in warranteti positivlya in'184â3. gonaasanynotrer Ihat cau ho imadealtUne Dl. Astrntgomcal Exlpisatiotus. lar, et jousi buIf the price of tbuse no much ativer. Printed and Sold at the Wesleyan-Metho'. tiseti.cd asîroulccs oanrg. beollars pir dist Bnok'Iioom. No. 0. Wellinugton Buildi- FA et e ote tF olr e ings, Kinîg Street. Soldi noby aliltiie, .dozeta. leyn IineantMinstes n teirdifiernt itThia article bscureil Scrofule of 30 pesa.o aferîthe Dollar articles boid bssn used in taie. Citctitand aissiaos. To beb ad th e agonts cf Countock antiCo, Christiant Guardian Qjce, anly, îhrougbout lhe country, in Nsu York ooly. T-0»1oc to i14e.1 e t 21, CurtIis.dt tSteet. CO.BOURGT'I .lIII' bl Bone.people are fvooiisbenough tabelieve thmî ERS rommuenice an Bd Thurrtiay o O. w. cotraffi.d ta niake as gond aime article or T tober. lst Tlgm'day oa(.tanuary, and 4iuarsaparibs Extrart atiseiliit for 80 decI* per Thutadny of May ; but Popila can enter at s.my al1, r el> par duxeati, as &Ili therge blat ssii for rie xe" J e feee ek utigublo mt aI nay. The simple ftla i i, £6ma 15 se petBar â jTeuof enlea'en nek anti af il cl nwchoconviaceal. White Pire £6 15 îrBte'ard ltam]Tuit ion ibgEt ng. ,lnndred dtuiLfâ. a ate aqliftaid-eiby albuemsluua liInstucir,.at i l- ren nmûim OindEuîgishcolurn or twc îof adtetlisengéuls, *a do rot ltnrmmiiag l aIa gronin tuer, u sd W. pendi Pit'e. Therefure ce mire lb. public psy terCimiosta '.l iitcPîitin,-ocivory, Frettai, but bilE au mgfortsu n good or butter article an RPanish. lîainan, Wair Witk,dit. If requitrem, Book-KrcpnarAlgebra, snd Latin. Min.. gays m aises e ,.rosi c ast in s.akiag the article converses la i hnb ovith tliee tudyng hat in bbil fuire thon clbera.a ce nnueibi lgug.Tii. PepiIs fan c apanro fessabuthelb aet Sarejtmrile fnuet, &c. We so btme.botlet, taoeiftodlla Mr prie& bttis., lIitbr~family, sd anî tcbve accent ta ai.cou b ulckouci t hrg o l u aîîs exberim"tei s14 at et'ciagLectures, its ie tuen rcknot as at e cre oreita nds Th. AÀcm pis divialciit.fot sprient oven t Prsg a amlars.f e with acouepereet Te9chfr oer eauh. NoMAa- paier n'u sustin lIsM rptt'ucon. deiylenthe Ccoeutry caa* «set imer facili laqu lwehsYsfcr Conma* 4- CfrS MTruP- lie. . eiLset J" cents. acmherme» Ster. Reforecm a npolitelv tperritteil tet4 tdow- 1: 1-iar Couisvcx & Co. Il, Coël. ing gentlemen. Imem wom ncint e ctsar c a h. Là» fSciaI NEWsU sIt.i.ep eCnd . As lainegi.iagflletiuforantion. b- ' "ont, N.Il ,Cbetuin atuses.Dr lewisu eyrx11K.z, Ep oq M'a -'8- lor ig.getN.Pal.,nter e ndDrggial, fl~~~~~~ ram,..sat. a WIL. l.. ste Mrtet-8quar.1Kingston. 1. P. ON Resue à. W. Re r g.î M.Cauxno., dom tc, 3. Gît.coRSîe . d Mrli. A. licuma, d S " det LCRÂAN, do. a ~ W. 14-Miy, . J. il Palca,. do. . lui D. Tuossosa, d. Hvaar..Oencx, do., Cobourg, November 1, 1843.. X1 . a-B 1Ir Ire , & k b. B:Ê tG e nforci ther nuasmrns Tn*s end Coueeyy Cetoeiert, 1Ibat îboy amn ao Te. corefwor immnse hi îring SiocitDU 'Britisit =aCncatr.4GOOS.. ahich tii.y tes sellaa as nouailot ar7ry lbu prc. 8. Lemblon Buildings, Pr,, es.Se& J Juno èt, 18"4 TO LET, ac ardon attached tisutein a ptsesnt part cf lteTown. Ths.aboya ir amaptel ieasupec able facily. 1%eme gie. bmeditcly. Appiy te te Sqbsrièhr. Prine.. S reet. SAMUEL MORLEY. in aîce Ua 9Nb. lit&é lm un LLT. tw.. ,.aua1Ston. dUultirrn O Hoeesa~ania' ii, ridence of Allsu Macle» a bsou b lineî andi Casanimt 1ep »Wea atmnIsof erotion, "îî!y te WILI.iAu MBflpIoo. 1 Ka.,tc, stae t. ry29, 184L JUST PUBLISBIED, &' ïc uie T Ilatis orylca DISOVUr'.ceotie e cuimsof1 *0 îlsihof the laie -ii V5U.0050 M tAi.T. LU.& L'LW Ar4eiqra.. <Usage., 4 -JsAersta xiam% Eor sal aitiche raem 01k. A PAMPRLI? BfVTITLD» Communications tweedu the years 1839 c= sa4,cci. . jecteoftho-atuteLaw of tiS.Province, oe Law ocf tii.Landg. estabine the e îr4i Blouadai4es ahd Liqes or Serves OUa 31 niahiet busis, mcd.tberebmecuring tIi.rijît qàf Land in the. originelPawxa luu Iae Loya.. imats sdtheir Haîrs. 'STOVE rUs R E St7 lrgearnoa cf mesve i# coouetltiprt of iuf&red eîceeduag low fe ash.Bs. eteberu, b.ue e tan ilet tw ~'%c1is.d e = anSeé,cd ea0 l the aimeuetngand~ue. *priacSm, lte store %irel4 Kgtu,14. 4,m WIN£ 8 0 fil~ahsl~.f T~oe,Vfor w014 au te tequài9 any emment. wu. trgm 1,N luis "si l nss lts wmelý s ls Meus sdl.-will ha es- .lusivey dveeuoî e .; Iljîenboce 'be jlical ltursec ii es aror" = Arerima knuev vrtesý,*bmsuthte Nedical Sttitis f Ils T10%,4 iiptals.AayIuan Prisons, &r. Aid betty, aeu enii or a suc. cinrt secut, oe. fo n is R.11. UIl'peai, cf ail th i a nable asne i ets sudldltines in other Nui4 illr wstké. W # irtdiemls ni ta. TI . d*ealwifiliek dilsé 1y Da. SPUI, Q9issdy ch Laitarag sly ef scîGfi en. 'kilen l vriesparts c d g *rviee It is pepet Itthie ip N hapnbliied in April.1l84.orasscomes-ai c1ut uinber'n Se1hberubers are c aau he bexpernse er sionnapahie dats Pier &aoere. lU5o rTouue *i .te edtots (o! staeou) w80!theîcr licg. tr.e ie ÉievéVrcsgoft. * inotais<t -rib they wI» k sittitis ai.opietinub licaki,.e, t b, Ldut.twolve uk Toronto,_Osomber I& 06.____ 4àu Èot~ amnA j &&lUTTON & Cp.,bug fte infcemtboir J. nouiotpsg Town end C'oeeitiy C4amoesl titt tbyovo rcegv in detusImmî r andi Wutter tcqk of Srib Ish 00l direct (montMt .varions Nanuafuterie.. ubih fuW Cloaprieas sud qnality cf Gouds, they eau re, coomltne iw kbotter value thés bhey bave <rer hofuolre ed in Canada. TIiey wmelinie ie b attention of theu CCs. tomere ln thoir largeStock ni -goglieIt &*il French Msrincsg Coberg Clotho, 34lauiad Figurdi, Englisis ad liFrenCrese; Cassiîoeres, Dckia, Megadoes, Tweeds. ami dFawcy Trowsergnga Carpetinga. Drnggeoîsllais, Flnnelp, Ber. res, aud llocieg, Blanksts, White anti Cuoutd C. nerpanes; Cotton and Woolloc Horse Au, Horne Shuntiezt; Plain and Twiiied Dun=r Sheig r.tàirty tw *riy incle; Kealy maelgPlein and Twilled; Table Lgnen acd Table Clotbs, lBrown and flle.chrd Daciask Coera ; Wnrted and Cotton Table do; Tow. ellings anti Tu ils. Ait. Eviensive Stock cf RLck FURk,comis.in aIdguffi., Boas, Capes, Cardinale. Lsdies'FPr Glvesansd Gauntlel.a, Grnals Fur Glovéa and Gauntiets; Fui Caps, and Fut Trimntniigand tIge varions descripti os cf Faionable Frs BU'FFALO ROBES aittaordimay luit prices. à L a 0o A couipletê asscrttnent of JIoiery, Haberdssbi. ery, an.levery ind of DRY GOODS we liehad. ltat i. usulally f<end in Dry Gouda Saites. J. & EI leuroii & Co, wonld iicpress upc. tbeir Comiera, Iliat their Cocls are ail bouillbt nier pmcliar advantagss by their frientis in Great Britsin. and cnnequently, are soabiedtu oei thoinhbmreat very Lois Prives. Ne Cazuc iGvau.-Onlg ans Price «Usti. Linpswa. Noir. 184&. AGENCY AND- COuwpIIISaf.u EIJSNIEuS.1 I1191 Subocriber reqpectfclly tenaders bis1 satîicere îlimnks go bis friends and the1 public gone ' &ll, fer the very berai support ho has reeeived since be commtncsd busi- neas in Kingston, mand begs tu acquaint tlicm thât h. is noa prepated te rece,. consi~i menus ofany description or Property, et Vs oid stand on the Coîilmercial Wharf, fot of1 Pqincess Street, when cvory cfourt vili bh i mosde te give satisfsrtion te thon w ho may favot him cîllitheir patronaIge. Front bis. extensive acquaitaucc with the Trade genernlly, bli scnient iathc can disse <f ptoperly with as rach dispatch, an>oas gond dclventage as any otlier in the saine lion of business. IIUGU CALDER. C~ommercial Whiarf, 1 kigtî.2nd Avril. "44. NE W REFORM JOURNAL IN MONTREAL Tris the intention of thee lakeriber te pub. .liemitmedimîely la the city cf Monîreal s newstpaper. tIolie callei - THIE PILOT," anti wbhicb Oil e icsuotiDàir? ron thlb.lt ay to the lut i'toveu.bst. sudTai-WazLftImm the lut NoVenuber te ithelUt May, at £1 58. pet nunt. Theri ciii b. caIVEEKLY 11>1- TION fobr th.eauatry, bie.b cmli courikin the eliwiai miacatermailing aster of :1. Daily,' anti clich cull k publiolisiasaIfkis par aeum. Untii the arrangements ame feliy cmpiWOte Ploir cill bu publisiiei Uemi.Wsekly os TUESDAYS anti pRîliA', &Bd lhe ara cui- ber ciii appear on tbe lut aMsrcb. The Reformera cf Uppt- Cana&is ili, it is bopeti, estimais the icîýpastaces0o! bming a journal cit Ib. Seat c( Govrees bat to 6 ti thé, pninciplos wbach liegCie, . ml ccsc. su»blynaîsîtaned. Tii.prIe, f b. Wekly Ediul Ian hase led very loc.aad tkselb, sotaptauce momnt aulcn aLeavea AltbaugLwm.inasbect lun esîobithe Ptto'ris t. oeurs m' ha erae ebnmet Brib onigalfa« Wpe ai ithea eét ec erme it *Pti MMCW Cmejlinter"st(cftha Ccmad.upe- pwie, hUdpnsdingtb.hir rigbit a" i ibegtin. The. MSS s de Psai, ciiater *»tUep»md, k um St. TUe.... Sraoset.videAplace Il is te- qeesutmet "AU oàrs Micmi idMds.4=2b. 0-!es u-1 le snt Thsse poipeters cpb lic jmunals do wc'I<o escbegs liivulde Pr. lrer Vifisboi *eatb t.e ard hbsrpa. M he iot; sMd thoe M s ets e PANY OF TUB MIDLAND 1 DISTRICT. DAVID ORN SMitUI.. ~ug loal sem onii, EwÂîu Nesas >cm '- faarca iu, Nsx iii uma. 3811 Morai. 1- Wtxà N auarEs MuI te m anaI. WILPr-op i*qeLAD NEWS! NEWS!! NEIW!!! TRANSATLANTIC NEWBPAPER cPTJcy, Newqaper ?rAr*LN&T, & er C eTI tUs uppaly wclrclagrat- eprociptltinieanrti ruarîybine seycli oase, anti u tiuce eecistt~ L*edea Dmif Papar for £68 lw s Selus aenuui.) NEWtzPAPERS, PRICVL'B U IRENTS. SHIPPIimmG I.ISTS. MAGAZINe BOCKS, anti STATIONARY, TYP, PRIX- TIRS' and BINOIIRS' NATERIALB. ast Un'rehacdtseof avery deecripimeanoclpat( "s UNITED STATES. CANADA, NV SCOTIA. NEW BRUNSWICK, anti NEW- MUTN DLAND. bp lb. MAIL tSTESuEBe, «Jl ing on lt<h bcad lgtb cf scb moctil fmme. UStO, and 1 il the Wfiwr INDIAN lI.- ANDS, MP.X!CO, am TEXAS bthe lRavsk. Nasa B1TLAEEE5, sailing otuty Furtnigbt l6eu cUALE5 u'tnibiuate AMIERICAN NEWS LETFER aS pulainheti for transmis.ion by *Vary Slsam *Sltip sailig g ront Englametfotessocines.can cd ils trading lfétursin Io gî t a glance, anse- couent f ivery imporant event ltaI bas occur- rai je Great Britain, Eurnipe or Asie. inmein-.i terval belwe.c lbe. siling aoteach SieteinSbip, wbetbet in polairce or roammece-a& correct and "uareeuasive Slupping Lii, in cbich cilI b. Inond a Iaillfui record ofI1îLe arrivai ati doper. tort 'i Auerieaveesels aI andi front all tii Bit. iisb. Eutiipéac. and Asialie piwrs. ugih caices cf sncb caguaitïes or disat . mmy fIotmtoictI tisseeoaur-,a complet. Prices Current, in wbicb ahe gratest Care i. take tIo gire tlb. Later.. ports of the markets for the viarient; description oi Auberîrno Produce, frgggn the moat unqudanjin. able soure-abus couhmnicg, in ont shoot, a Ne.rrpapet, a Shing Liai, ati a Prime Cur- Acceal SuL.eription, payable Mu advance, 12a. Ud Sierling. AI: urders must b. accotepociodth à'i reiti- t"sce ot referonccoin Engianti for pop ment. NOTICE. Ail communicsains muaI ho port paiti, and ad. dressed efniA WILLNUE TRANSA YLANTIC NEWSPAPER 5. SOUTH XDoui STREEET. LIVEIIPOOL Orîhey twillInet mach CHARLES Wtu.LNER'S Offwa'. NO CoCnnxion With MoINIrs. WIrLî!a & SUIT«i. JUST recemycti bythie iubncrgber, anti cili b. Solti i ow for c"ab a general amsanmeat of IROYIIONCIERY. CUTLERY, 4-c_ Ceinprising EngiltsbSwedes, Ruseian, andi Tbrec Rivera Bis a n,.Banks reineti Ire round anti square Roti Iroît, oop sud baud Itoe. Blister sud Cant Steel. Sheet Iton antiTmi Plates, Sheet Coppet, Bras., Zine cd laed, tes, bake anti fipelu Kolebs, Sspa Steupene, UsellilPots. aud Ilollue Vatie f aIl mots; Ev1 and grain Shovele, cent tel 2pdS àand Zcotemon spa e WCyl santi Scythe Stones, uacur. a c aylForknsrlo, co], trace anti other Chaica. Siitbs' Anvils. B.lows anti Vices, Pire Irons, D% renayos Pichaies, Cut Nails et a Supatior quality. roseesup asud ent Nailà, B. B. hes.maile. cruessent, pit and caii Becsa, Ilmrrisc Toh HoreShorte, Casi anti Wsggon Boxes, &C. &c. Joivxs', CàizTtrsnyî' irr Coopas' Tomas lu great varieîy. Englaie anti Anerlesn Au. rLoks, boîte, batu, linges eocGlua, Mmli Smith.- Wadiiig. Cainet Makere' anti MilSae, round atidbaf round, Powder, bMeat. iag anti sportieg, Siet of ml @ire@, Brackt tasd otLer Lsn-ps, Leadicg Lices, Halter anti Trace Rope, Bcd Corti anti Hambro Lice.. (Rodrre') table Kniros andi Forke, butcher', ehoemna ers', matitlor' Jackt anti Pen Enies; Scisoure, Essors, rissuicia netal Tes Pets, Britanan, Pisro*and Gerantn Silver Tegm. Des- sert, anti Table Spnons. bras@an md Japeeneti Candlesticks, Crimping Machinsa, le.r-le. IPAUNTS AND PAINT UTIIP1U Beat White Le']t, dry antiin ail, hoal Red Leat i dtto, Venotian Red, Spanieh Brown. blue. green, yeîîoc. graunt inla il, 1'ellow c Otr Lagnpbleek, raw sud boileti Lieset Oit, Tut. pontine, minerai andi vegetable Tmr,-Pitel. Put- r, Çopperas, %Viudoc Glass of all sues, Paint id et ber Brushes, camel'. bnlr peccils. Anuasor ment cf bries sud coodeti CLOCE S, Segî day sud 24 houts. sTrov fet ài dencriptiotts. @e»o Pipes. A larg sobelc lan apecceti aid bled Tiff WAIRE ept o'nai, or Modeot'O erder lit short notice. JAMES POWELL Store St., Kingston, Jeune 22.18431. FOR SALE. PýetL.d.m laid Taredi»ugs ssarrxninsms c1 HAIN CABLES. ANCHORS, &c., ~/Oakor, BlocIs. anti Deet Lliits, Coppet binnascle Lampa k Ship Latheneë, Double lbuilatiLieseet Oïl, PeintasTarpon- tine, Tar, Rosie & PitcI, Plougia most approveti pettorze. Spedles andi Siovei-a-%rougha tati Mstee! bladesi (Madie bDrieg&irFagu Londtotn,) citi ta, bic,. cm.lco in.ee ad anti. single bartulà, poçitet sud ho,, fu P, p atedding, ,8"P«Ml'W che-Poudoe k daàwking The abovearti cles are a pmnrof lm fle ,haprtsunu. uit recow eui1 MOR Y U JNUS Ksngacou, March tn. 4. T% AGENEPE or m UNI VZUITY 't. Wleeeu irapsee. &c., whhob.WlIM 9 wbolfle l- antripsi M1 Hhds.Musoqao sud LW OU u m, r'izg Cvu s ers a a âet w Candie$. A lot of imitatirm Chesire Chocs. frem thle Weuninm-tt ai7 fjoeeph PieU, 40b mLaguica. Java & on e ae aus b" Liverpeol ma" OuondsguSales SU el American superle four, "0I 'w No. lN 'rth.ahore Rfting*,a fewr .bel. Mackrel. 40OboîndIleTabla CodBisL, Fne *id kwe & paie Cegme .BrudY in Wocd sd boties. Fiue nid hish Whisky, real HOleU" asMW Sébeidaa Gin, Véry superiot old Port ted Sherry in boutles, Oàs. te 208. per dcx. in Wood. 40qr. «sis= ;de- y.andl ordi. nary Hollandi Gin.a. Bd.. par galion. Old Raeion Rein anti fin. French Cherry »redyje asesof 1 doe. eacit, Tenerife in Su. tw 7s..6d. per gallon, Biackbura's Madeira. Champagne, Clarnt, ati Hermiotage, Varions .brande, Bartet, and Onestieur'a Claet Vintage of Wesî Jadis Shrub, Peppermint &c. Bridge'. London Porter andi Leitit Ale in pinta andi quarte, 40 lbde. Picton and Port Rope Whis-ky, 9 hhds. Molasss. 100 CasesL.etnoayn p SpetM. Olve. 5;21, anner's, sud floiled 40 Cretes C. C. Crown glass, 20 bogs Wîne caris, Fae; Fruits. Haxet, Brazil, Wall, Picati, Rainiuia, Prunes. Fige, Winter Lemons, sweet and bitter Almnds in boxes 25 Ibs.ech, Weat Iuadin preseives, By appri? ttent, Everetts , rentier Black. mng frote61 FoeltLac., London, chidli will form acbtilliaticy equl 1m patent Leaîher. N. B. Fine Sydenham table Ale 6à. 3d. per dtvz.,botules returnet. Octarn Street. Kingston, Jan. 1844. ENGftAVED PORTRAIT or 9 Ir chariot T. ehcaIfo, Bart. T HE cnniersigned yould repectfully an. nounce tiaet he bas -entered jio arrange. monta fur pblishiog. by ueription. ai An early Iry a plenid MEZZO0TINT<>. ENGRAV- IG oflilS EXCELLENCY l'HE (jOVER- NORt GE.NEIAI. tLken fron Nr. llrailiehls Portrait, eceîîlY Painted. wbid. abasten pro. nonneed by thge mntat oipetent judges t.. b.' the best libomneset iae Etteeeny evr executed. Tire engraving itil ho oxecuted in the tory beut stle of art, and prinîed upon a »lient of about à8 by 14 ince, and the grestest rare w il] 0 &aite"ntu tuteure perfuet copie*atu tbe Subscri. bers.Tiie Price. telthe Proof itnprteeiong a il bu "Es, sud, cf the oedinory Prinns cnly M b d oaçh, thon Placing it wi'hin lb. reacla ofl ail.- TA* nadoreigned viii in a short line ..isiî Kîrig. ston, To)ron-., Hamilton, sud Quoie. for the Purp«o of exhibiticg tb. Portrait &ud receivlsîg snbftriPtioni.. Grntlemen rou.dicg in cîber Parts cf the Province tho may desire w subecrahe. or bons Who n ay wub btaci au local agents, are requesîrd to addreve (pont peidl ROBT. W. S. IiACKAY. booiaaelier, Il, Notre Daime utreet, Moctreal. ;ublishors of Newepspes in thc Province frie1@11117 latii. Prnýwd publication., il, by in. Derling tlii. otre in Iber papera once a week fur di week, b. entitieil ta à capy of tbe por. trait fins. Gentlemien remnittîng ibe priCeecf siX Portraits, Pontage free, will kc prOsCDted with a snth cm rais. A S Isasc Simipson in retiring frointhe huai. ne@», ail persons indebted ta tion Suhacri. ber arc requesteti te cati and psy their accutr înonediateiy. And ail persatns baviîîg accounts allaiteat thge Subacriber are requeéted tu preaet ith or aeî ~ WILLIAM SIMIPSON. N. B. Ail Notes and urigge,pont due if net scttied itithin a Mowrh fron thIis date wil ho put ii. . . Kingston, 2&nh Iuly, le"4 Pola BALIE Y thUi Subscriber ai but Stores enthie Coin. ineeriti Wharf, foot cf princeus tqcet, H"sc Ski.., YouzW Hymne, Twankay. Gun"oder, and Sooehea Tees, in Chests. flai Chaesosd Catty Boxes. iPli* Cavendigh, Nailesd and Ladie' Twiet Naeca"y ont.suÉ oe Scente&i anstetiCO&in lléosrela cud »Noief lait pemade s»Ch. 5à15"7snprie article, Resgb.iiucevadflq in b arrais. slalsic.Conets. Speron Cands., asd Faqcs 1np, tiaocher articla es tuln Onociab. ImmsuéPhote. or Paris. DRLY 000), kir. Ccmistng ni Satins, MWolesîns, Swansdcw.., PjluCloig, Printed Caifetiaç De Laine Ores. M14. Qecepae, uait., wîitw d ollat% t~antouses,Berges, end a larga"ont of Ne**s sud liierpape,, ait î.<wbicb aili k dis. Credul. I Uiegeo, la lut e» HUtIN CALDEII Agent. 'NOTAîRY PU RL IW. sere»Ys 0otw -aa "tr alî ~*id cfEeuiesw Ogino*k,suai 19W Veux I TO OUR SUB8(zllîEps wAMERICAN pkovlNf,1"l E bg t anourice ths l 1 Il ine .Provinces on prying lie Y,,,, ille ttcca fo 18#Z, viti the udes., romain ethe liet-cill be 1 charge ith lcpofie eeî. tainiuffix plira. aCO py 1i;hle Waslaîngton, 21i esa y2~oi cap.ycf Chaumha TedsuiJ~a &I the op ionof Lie aiisrî, Titi Proprietor c%,Il alise Unitedi lstes paniatie cnîl will bk dlivered tti im uicrI,, ' currency @&eh paper. Pirso a gbig 1 <LtinthîeC Wehingîori boti, logeur ,xh, b.s chctrd serra. de,1ars; amtin e ii desirous cf obtamrmtg thA Washiogtto, sand ialeea. choie fit ,ci'ld"in, li.j parately, molaniounitul ai~a centls. This liberality tie Pri preior tiipe,- tiuly apprrrgated. New subscribera a ill leme Ta IC. (isierycmlhe* Il J à. prou. doacripîigniae u, h'iii forci a splendid eurgîanimoîm1 t o r le. .. le table. ~* The. praiprielor lnvîiig uîeluîa ipense s quatitily et NI, 1k. Iii aa of the onmntii N..' %tIl miee ble ad e tti ie tu im 11,1 e."f subseriers tIi.',omin avngIihlî î foer the ycar 1f44, a t île tbey itili renliamnn lle llel't, ,.tI J of the large plate cet 14~ Gelleya tvoluige I l- cha,î,erij,,I Monumten t 0Sir . I "iaîe' eî s. Imly hofotmed ni ihiiiaiî n iog choc cemllte is im.î, u cee by 214. Our âe:wllPlaieltI gý%« * MIr. N mmmi.,Our Igliln j;,da lit aauli supp fte llrri son as it naîg. ii elîî XITI CF. T b lIeSublerr lera III ilih' F:nir li husîce6pasAIlmet),ly IaLerr. iiri, E. Aileti & 10o, hlâs bar dIl.ma y Al deitu , e' y il..'rmid IIIf i te. Riib't Allen.,am ho 1a mIny anlzi 'il accougats, as imdl IIcurry ellei l,,mg Kingaton, 26th Feb. 1844. T II E uaîdrrigne . e e ,l li fil, ja lu the publie pitera I r ti p patroage ici'leIwed iiiieh. *t iii be bop tend cbsrae, sIl .a ul ), iii i ci:i iliifuture lie (a iil l iv ly l IIýiýii iogtet.and rrqqiîî.î ii .,, colneforward samd netttieui ii. a iti. r City Dakery. Br'icm Surc, Kitngstonm. Fnb. 26, >'44. O F the horst deai'r1ii,,t, fi.' .mi r Subscribter. Ale.O m i Commercial Wbirf, Kingston, 0ct. l7ti,lIr-3. PROSPECTUS A **'W LSJîRui To Le~ ~ l labi bet c îel'a ltcl T ýE Subgerio e imi1 ilýti Journal, ta lie"itmli'd '1HlE fil! EIL" anti wbicb aill cliii, n em. lany nI readicginialier a il, %s hi iie .a N eiaper are gvieu.ly wLe 'î,l ad. The Fretnlefr tii chrr-FhI, r'ac cuoacciimg lmnk a uaLreîrc l.' uu4 country cotitti emon îly la îhe nromr, W . '> fgtsof ..Brimî'mî.'"A cL,. s1.à V th 7e fonach isipou Pr iunt ile eim,i fumrons anti prersigatîle., i i nliet hi found int lie, on ahi occsuins, detîirs cient of ity attecipt tl,relmm t up,theI inonunit.iof th îe niple. Adhri; f r. li'7. The Freelter w1a I dvoat the et Reeéopomible G(2ornie.,naiietrun the Resolutimmns of Seplruihr. Ivl- preteti hy Lord Duritoi's Repîîit-aneaF stooti hy the grest bdo l i Le p of îi]E A e'ongderaiîic pairîllir.n f i Lubt devoted ibath. întcrepts of Agrvetit mette. andi epote vnîl l alaym lie treveuu expositiona ccra.iouiisly aoif..eîîfctosu inmeinent anti cirditon oe!-litaia the Esteme Distict d ,,yb i tl nilcrest. The uucierpegifhi mi in*îc wiii ho sporedtilaresdsr 'T >eo u effctuai reinotiomn l e % &ni tiI i ent Journal of Lîhoral priacu1iles,.ur iiili 2cteial eîpreoitm utfte pablic eotir 1i.9agd antneseriously frît b> ial1.1, the. telth and intelligencre nI Iis l4i14 Arrangement@s bsve Lest maInta Fint Nomben uflîgis lairai abc.,l tliet preseci msiib. The ternis ni r5Ler ke 12.. d. pet annote if paididl ilif paid ait tii.end ofEnonell, and 17$.fd I thoecnd nitheb.ycsr, exclusiejetofn Bach Edtor@ oI Neitepapeli a ,-'Y povet Iotecrange cuL 'The Fraldi" quatedto e attie.or by is l'oqet CmaZ evli. J IJ llh,1844. TOLET, rPHIE DWELLING abuse tèc ASlop-.beuîglatge, anti cli Art' respec o a table Iainily. *0 eit r rtlores' h t coaimb gsati Apply te wu. 010 octaie#4LW4Kogeon,1*1 0Mre POWIER NMAZINL Aesive (;N POWD 13 is Ap 10 o AîyMORLEY & JE Kingaîna, Aug. 28, - -il < o n u e t £ q on u lot101 70e mou To. o rtie graitu, 9 ZISRD 9 yY y U' U . îwA rp'1 tu îNsm i nis a Dt'.I5W~ d4wwqtl5ui nscii . t mu~ i vil - ' 'au * i *M euss?. lied 1104~ Lio lsrb. Weo Ya.ugthe ie aubol ad.qIbo uP- tiMW$ e.fog, g4à ee deqicme luseme* bel ill pe awc WoCelaals i te re.t n b. ads Pale f »aW«ti GbuTAmpu ohr id sirf. thé u tl hlamidiet Weui i.sdeup,us.owe esp tmIs a*ilPemU wib abIis eto* hd uml relas a.Le1 icl fruiit mé lî Wiat iW eiss l Wbid bbsle humtebe irn 4Wbou pean anle isusat Adiï e rle'e kart of le %isi ulMdi».- » sbc shelady. -nte, Se" sucd tha lady serulle i s.] Wbat a liseehifru. douci (ERssuices a sias; uhat it be ri». you surs? W big in ùe at'& tSbigb. L 011W» muelis. ('lop uer. r'J1 Itoro l inise "us hcs. Ar*mt îiis ic1imue.! Du o t me Il ,Now tisat 15Am bl'uel me laie eulpe bgas.. 1 Pimeeshow ea à lw neo a informaetiyîsgbel! r*al -trup 0illa; Will paie [Tlscleri bapded &wu à unine tiileces.JWhat A r o i [ C h a e e ýje u ige be« Wil, c a nç. sertlaI $0 ma WiN s téIl ba m iassypeo lae1,fqlu Itmea, an ucsffl "I', LAd48est ba. Ceui««et1-Ybjt.éw bWa5kgJ aI 5sigpg.n vt flu---a . 1

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