une m -e t . a aselé "fm t Io Zoee et ardt. tb ne ilm pa rasarn ladh a lotat a onb of h. ...gas.tý ed' the (Mi &Id oosma the rt ae lài Vausglaneff "n mne e, *la a eri o -i. I" prt op Ib etoof te % dersbonte. le ap iv -:. le noM nq ern t totak ramIoby th reeecra -an vast aons of e taaber Cheay c Iby imilar enar u' D me t ttoae bad thera dera talea e'htobe. aini e see de ig uepe ontml eerseh nme Wa admi "tte th ithe Metter W* wasnlep requd my powe tg apprdp, sai A. *nee t.àt t resItd nehu pp [pepl e 10dL.0 -an t ina ion. ftI Parfia-nand r ' Soo t.1 Iià. c y by ther se W-m L:n f on w rtdt .td|. (Jetel Chert m1 m' le head the t enxpert ae 40s rdâe Lme m-t a Ib W t d9, oir C.... s tue tetirne ke peestad . e .* tbe i.at a i ia ,y+e thew "m l fflee . nttA. frä ý nfee uranf r ia- rrbe ptWmtet arr (40 kra es aw .u W-". b}uttheyw e uetstte fi &i. Ily W4 of i.s thi e m hs eolli - tuar n t 'Yhe .- - --- - ysei- O teIl evr-- te -s - i. at e p a Ol n dlr r= t A . -'p a egt p b e stategnet aims- f. r. A a-- of-a-- a- 1 dearitremsai!, adWa4#1 te wa w Il intiiném ka ak-&* !L .. . -m au-aed te imtseret6 nteSatd .- et rte- flai srci s ý,W bve o n d to a 0"-»Yagte -- > ~l d b all se e .no" *" si agtr.,at naF a m he red na in every wa l 1. ½ ta"inf-u A«my frienda and the pub&er Brisi E"9"e, ·hu khe sestedwe ænede ed 56We pate ab g hs pad »legateat ae to Il ( MVIION O Ttl AlmRSS. st I ces. .tine toact a a pivatef.an r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .in enteaedre h tbyou fe ereteseftelere o te at meiee Tey a eeneled#tril dethe tir ti peei tapciy.en1m r rl ha fa I w 'c ee a0r2 r l,21 W eiial C a r i , tse oth,ib t their*a, - ) kt 4*" ilf. me b ,g=set -ote 4.l k i' •• mnt 3 .j e Axcîr or a uyae nd rt nrycage a bbe " in rbeo e tm f" 'r els ied h i v fime.',rs u-e0e pres, eaf 6 t ;,,,east the a ti p " ý y çn. o i ,, .,,kW for .Mtear W eleus en0qbwf usthe d.rotetie jtewe0 - 110s y b in hiar le-i rv ipo ahi h reeh es b thius e a.e f n ioe rayeJ. e Dpc&bl ge satH a d Q thersu,îo Ex..etwe uencihar=@»U"te ou capiny bt a e l, favn the » f radr-d'uetie eo 14i at ps htif ali theWReferm4nteehad bee,'..ar-Orbae ei aS i pwtfini e . Isia pévlga . WBii Foad dwnlu,ho»d erb m al pri e s d if: .esaan ndythepDInVISjIÚ teiter m ,eeg,. ONU EAv De S & 40 t -- e- y ed e å hefuur a Ny e W. . .iissk.w m aîrs fes Iw b eltep,. ft' tm b o ' l y sfem h mbIO ple a h e Go e e a e aunj 1t4he A ,.te1id n ifsn h ttaN a r atcl ii aer .t a e$ e rim e lries r . that i et was eat sa aniimmit ay a re a to ifor ern ",x'gua nv? e a e'l .gmi.JisPhi;hae een deuerm eà* a i d "* t Jb A n !a poat,trarrsten t S e p-i t saef r , i c ),ce a s tiirinedais. clo t ontgai s.M wel r dmit ,h GeerbuMatr, l. d ta lapine r receiaed ea"me sori t divi . te. $ a "" fte ani fet Sw . 1,Atche rlnt plr', ed t b allie II1 ntass h d been lr e ie e aledbo 1mmente A O ee ..fgry osies~ W - . f r h l nfeessbi.,, s; te de my 11b,1T1ry hweta that perMire qga be Provincial P 'e.' "r.' " .es 2le e, ,;•.,mae cétd-- e -a.,,.esa.ee" - Bc- eRe Che , S..menIhdi teMn. brlTati o '. e . vng m aame la ., n a r e n aly ifJ., atpi . of6ei grant Çc ft . ,ydt In o h at .n M oA om A Re (ponsi ie G ew er ,m i i .4.eti r s t erIe u i y t e pres ent g a enit ai e s l e - . w i 6 6 m en ther - "ga .- , to .. Es- c e rcheap A g r lrefoe d a eik .y a .W W te t hey h1.$#a esat, ed wm l wDrini g et, or te tations abve1 a - d. . .. .2srsteil la -O r4mm yIN# ÿhae a * fi e ; (and how)to odthey as e # 9". eral' m, ;ba[ oposiesiing n hehe. a s Te f r e me days asesrir I 4- l s t o nnl'evsetC-,, iir , a nee ess, h tCL, e iet a41,.-4 Ire per o.m e ili ,t ame -.@h lne h"w.ed ur, sar(e stms ns a i pr a 0 a te im a a resatacnen eC a unM ean i thse ee 14 uwv raaeame,;thevm; he understead tha the purpose. Aeergioisg ite"ila c aaedtetMeiN be faendhan est headed to tls by 111e111,dt1sed ide was eatinct. [ireak Aselais oe- mebstinr reats.bd.Ine GW tala ises, frge a rdenthe admerte Wd linhe %à"- here a - r , -GeIranseh Mi p ab IeIoSu4erine et.-#m wi bth a reqest thaft t r Call to pitetiMn Cnriy t es agrrait r " iny, u eigair o elt Minitrytnd.as lamentablees dJpies. Draer*e messese no le T4. paprsktoM ale publ-h thm, fo soIr ha wee cl • hy 41y ,wasW re lspe Aa d fgr A.krs, 11a4«17aanybar fPuehdm k at Ma-«MAnis s aie gr & B lie fhyhadu e;ba te adn yti g that am gn abe sifrias . O". mart 9 adporù 7à 4 "ýtnt e the 'Distrilt 6. Knstohn,1 B e et $44 6g sr dar . re theb Mr taandmtitide pssgataer. St-sohn's D.ys D e. 27th, 1844 . H. called te"h a. gr.t aimeto urde ;'batfrif&Ny vib&tary andvyethe irt fatar.iase;ttan Mr-aa isUy .ed atended ader viitingtel*chool in thi 5.'s to sclns a illem r b y l oi the p q«rtime is «mtina i en h .M-lout M t m a vediem4e - a:aa, rc rT m ., ,a y B is M,.O foasntthA ait si t i ens . lpWfflace. de.-- ..man ia i kw,6et-ore i ep r eilin essinnaili. Mrwne Mr . .1% thd burg suggested thaeach teachervint, Ck-ef100tGroswe etchest% .sum~~~~~~~~~~~ enewerdoexi aa h Mipesadthi o ir r Dapeor t unde.waseamet est thmda , ha asv enenti en 4ideed,.ý - al»U 'eor ,0 Fe lc Wu;1 y ia, th me aarepetiti fiheal alt hue a bigmer is subioafiage .b ains . gte a sgo re a t. Net l at Iga, m Mr . o nt eethàesught i t -r t ra abfat halfl Z ýý -past 9.4 tfggai i*ýij sainc leef& nrà d ; f bth a p alete s@ouMrme lweth r h m a ie th t he ityese- -retaini au, ySe a een gednd.1P*rà* hyim e t s ovanIt i ai ale bat er se os ami b nl r asip ma mae f1. ga p ter, I B - i r d a se hefofds d a gtiptatlu" e us pen oitm w it s irprincipa Aer iua le s w . bamn æspmow nie a ro g athe ave m dIato jodge eamW.,h,,,W 10 Ea m Sige sy4 ., H- -CetainW&@et.*W e164y1rDithoti.emfheit tt e.n a b.of tach- eer ey. A gnerala844rment bw. (M Bæ cnine,CtSpefred om beil p Otam t, andsil ob- atdà.apr ieshmfo g t e ee onutigthurscol, u Ims, t-tr ,cositi rb .a rene a as sid om he ocurenc of henverat site hi Exe s y a l y e r-. Te entare maar .agm nt; i tM e way that tereo"* is é,di K T aniCa 4e nrvr m ým e st imdatheM .Dae sne re he om imhm MOso. If sof the G o tenm e a it s uti4.ari ai., fuer Tispo1nt IL mthromfo ee ry noIce4-140 9en t enale B Fa-. gtoons y a s dow . Inimon, Imed a rye. oneav«4 ourt" spechInwhichea pe .ak of i - of h as fry amo ts 1,ti ueya m po d r tnt as the nbig soudIb o ne «Ir th. axIous that.ate to aned. an ured olesku PrintedCalioe,> to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F. pAss tecnEec#o4h eol.- rn:pe nwhc e a ccp aysbn e ne parthofM. his eechi:" * t asis *theomdasn buf the o i u M bn- iG kT ng.adPiotCots *ro n.ad ou; Wrr .bstaces prurda d A nt he o f oloe otIbol ot aert ap ,bnotfenimuch hevliticl s heevry e ld who l te a m ternt Crown Papers, News dot Demy, FoolLands M4 e. aes m on to e ffu t i ."h dcloafm éer ase til b ed -nupon at «là"G o e n aveof e atent." And yette -e . efun1n h nanrsad1b EIN O S R E ,B-fw tich wi ll be S l ,nu ua' wy pinteaitie xtd;inf the à r e a lanr.T eremnfenwscntrie yotr f Gone may carry on theshe-devery-day ti"Meoen is owiné annrete theirieducation thanit ps-rof.t Cash, or on approved Credi. hhaopr ets*nV r .men n gté, av T on ti eN e an '- - Th- tfera- y thmenth« ,W r;.aigeVi ." rIatteraeril ra. F9,400e4ataeria-WhRUG ,A1L ER m e t d n hyn f th orn - àem s"OoM nveIbee * tak e n with th ea ,no a r, single p &«litica l with u i e e r oailh s n e c1t 'U e f f r n t hi e est Ki . d I e b u c co e ý j , à m i epnum e li oecol e f oudDtblustey*ud"ae eane hertee, ath dOt e paa fas8a.rd . e e whatd think narbof m b e d t h l.et- Mold very ldel Mrfor esb. % sait.ha ed atr t p a n aiardsith to "bà e-ti m a M '"in 14th r er cus a i d d BALE Byj a -ie"IMJ'30. .-- - 4.OF GOO MERCIbAMTABy l E r i erroge h ant ougtahe r w to se.u hdb ee aodansadceraioAmdeofn t nd e Gi n r ar's err«.of éorg e in . 44deh o s oi ie radMa wllha Bi LS. T»OnAtci~.o For hP, icel*ba or nfence tha of h iun opusetesm1bnxos - -vrnrogtt u hdrsosbeadiesa a. a.pectofrutn what thy endnow preswa very &j ich ig £et A H PUCE wem otif h"h W a m dli ultis h d eeiMr.Drap Ier t k t a the esnation 0.as t he . and a Ç- im fore abth ouh t r h-m i ct e eac- r trubk&84 eat the "elaathr.d* WbI be .aD"Mnd"ierat'mthe St ere belitr; e hi a aaotit i Mt Watfluep htial re in e hawill rha l'bu ,« ' 'th a iensb le g ave-r Illensn d or teycm," orby a L.1 . enIs to enske heamhe aundera 9év o atardatmu e.- > (sr e of mw t i he land d coPud Ini-rahher, we do n , M , tihh , i'. - Ike nt cep i, er "I ', 1 asatst a evatwyarestdyig. am r w t ilustat. N o h ofe non rec eri i tam «* had kT awy f »Ifth m deall e u " th jre ofam e an 1ce . AL 4t1(D;BwPanettl." to i.wartfen n yahth ey oanen a -im ete a ksW on ;toum.h isitdrgedhms me gi atcePte t ow urt (erM la ach u t e tror aef; and ,&e . 1 - 0ey4ar1madet-f a nd veé i e t* nam l tr'atter-f, *h--i* pre senbd tucy"O. Iofr. h" banbaresenhpi« ma sass, and e4 % ,., 1 be dna mt onig u sel. .,d, e hemby : a :r- anmo aloe; ad Mr Dr r ha b- • ma-r e in a CA tWaRatsT porat'theo Idnm eincé her lon elui tare lis. rprneiavet oth ak e i e p' - , Mrerg .'n shu tat he f.my- ise...ai e he affrtane andir»p W» gatr 1D mmemfo nmwm a an - àbu " e g, w eha stuant, i an thase wittf r emaes at naeofcoinJieappe a i ut a&nes laa * lit»Om .1 t - Asbg4 eWnlsr , eî6, c ly k i a em et se lw i remary. e incpa i- *i.,n %Whr 6 '7 thn-t-m-. , rn' " e't'e% Iboebageand go ecmthr. Win b mingestheA - Im.iTree-l"esi'ym a a uw ad am re i hat uas e9 ale eai l todrdet n ytesd Cpr '% il hefraonnett ethe r h.. kam 3y-Sh M,.Wtne ',,-pri*o t«mm obk m 1 0 eA 9 f T LealdRIo.E y.limiaitW.ý'ls Ce ,pu fa 4 dmn, æ aqtfirergllyegaie- n a pis.nlirer'P na . arla-c2 Nfer. 1. ip survat t bais »bare er» Gmedmmim-« ý fut %MM nm 8 ina n n,«eh ,...s,,, 994 na w m& e a ret isir IR E D U o l D gg ÜE 4 ' H MrPe fasore1 hrtw W 0 6 alir eb o " h m mn e e1f i r . ai"«wFm te tâe e uDistric t t inr-ber man purchwed 1 ntir "Us B . E Rss and iers tn . an dom ari i bu : liedre'ner- in•"non , ad . -r .tr.a e l e , is e eri. E aMn e pt. i . 41 . I"eenetwt i io - 'bt he p- am w at BOmm- ,n n t h POt : ns he = ard it l'. hr -ak SIL à' PriMd r waDor-L ( res1844.g r . " " ear .m ay t i "r .f te onea - 1r · - iar re%.wnce. u*WeediffJr 4 rasc Iéeoops, T la ;»Chi. n e l' a B e Zr"a r i a e r- ILE,-W teà- «Am 9 d" f - ir d u y . I y , B"l u. when "»the MWT.r p" ua ntt-eorw ardinol a l Pore-ty arope . e e 16 e: * Ùs av henbs,-da ed a y t.eu=honeuheaur the ame pri.bige.v .e e i oviste-D.lur- leath ieu e a 16ageM or -a1 , hed.i mm eo te e **- n R M Ma. ra40.cai tys.F ý fialh tourrdsrt e d , ner r PM t Wår. T&m isa paIe Pnat'reos m.m i àa R il « atm ligetbrd soorqandOe eanWa" id@ed albumw e in utgoig &O n oa vryw be gad a h M is /te. a d g; a Tt Ute6 M 5k0nd rie atro ai, of 41Jd P.h e tereu •«te oe us , a r g«b e a . n oterbalywqefed. Te aatayWere Wr lp. and n a ,. h.ure, A reie ie prce , pe n es u d R kC P e c se fiatam in a Jb i tyan ,ey.Ad o ne: l led a b0 f mem udd. "PPh dsay wigt -m . e osistocLs.i. _f, _ht.,tl,, a edsre te .m espr. on. ers car-ed in a" e tr hm"dWe. fat - u.a evrlne wr rete.T. 0 r n t-oh. a st@ -1us mly a e d e re he #0 m er Se099 @dh , 1.0 Fieto rail ar. i.si. t a ia M. et.,, ti..r y 'n'-nt ba re yteme . r. eril Jur that W o Bm *ud Wd m cd m-the li oe reZ .et-e--pfab;e "ewrd fe rr t, w i ,. fo-s-Farshin Warer nyas gint lr ti m -4, r n a o air Drape O I M .itler e dcn. ge i t S« nter di.c m f n >a- ..tat. de % , eg ant . A JEl NKINS. iiiR &rdeft jing ; o ea Wtar. Hiswher 1 --iv-- fa--t te -eM fthoeeM-&.,finpe ng i -roiedr--F. .der sa,..ttthe, 8 P,.,...4 llr c2 zai, r o theW;• m-ml fr. »e...illard a ble 'O - eosen • i hflais, reim ipe . erer issoune deie u rar gaburemplumrd t, 1 e -eof ie ale fth e as r o-own er s and 4Bel ". i(a.Frn int. aao ang ua i o n w s e s y rpt40m md ered o Mu iriraginttre rth Srm.er.t y.4 e y40 -Mh.x)rtes "e er kms e.**..,,e e..reman.g ,b,.,a,,a ,eE, hea"-d"' 'u.1$b--- r- 25 ---sitae- ... 1r..rN""---- -. he =oulddo d RefrneM " t a en oy ; ed em S irthe earr s ed cnta .etll aient yhns :e1JIyfp r- n be e o ant, tae dere step ,.o. Lag a to tr e her aee', sunaa oiery ihanr in boum .nm ie ratunt e. Tp»s an bua untds e the l.d Tor lhe ertset a h To p M ge n te sa e . a b 5ert Xchap . ta tifl ek , y n a dle a smai tearn-•y a S ean af r a 'a of er yinge l beri"Y ou the eoent hto n , "O -tnto ee seh rae } .cm "« er inaledte frso! rday G o , Ug ros i tr y.id a dath e docreneo be ed a il s h@E tiye t Sad P Y o terd atT .enate t09at rai fileprrn ete etJa er md m e igme 0a heiwasrtheeleadrogeaiThat fearm"Ye slight he s eheatoll WAincherural"dfura asseeetmind y notice je ssN renc se « , JWr eD ee hr h ff resaacpee uaduniei m ie t hoend stre, n te revisms etirilday. otaisfins brem .h-d C1 atonoG"ch assr 1;â aim oppo.or al of Re spei.moul eneedhsreiintadig hervient famme #eunaorwholrai s i v atrLak rapkasavetrt. 1ofhe andssaColdeT tseeive. rntdCoioeý Horeotenlaiimp.lAndstuofay, h we«DS- Y 18rie a that1 n esthe iligaottlecasi rs h,(ass assia *apa stiH ; suchf ene-e asurea iles ifg t ;he ts a i els in ofthepartofbge eaf - lis A.. .dsy oM 4a.v- t c es , r o gcait in the flotiouh o d sa Wui bae nes tt wa ss li ee arier& oeneessefettedå h i bbcaasà en amva en pert was 0 Ad ye th di a li f-unee*rithe onfturs nd•bi•• WELf the tranE I*,A" Oawgia wlltb Saadwuisuny - - f apFi,,' ir'aet pr ieipe nd ere a 'l lta tu d lpo i ; ïG . e t ar ios-aimu c arr nlstre .elc .tas a - a imlsponiqe ih; n d i !bu Mle ue ng he askat a Of «.aor. miitW harf Ur- 0t awllu s he G tea at saoohaeb cttie vla h w r p r8liaaÍPl elne ilul ce er. naeàoinle c a r m t.te y hlvl [ ' h asi meils n rle ig i n st u w 8 o: n , t ie n s p l p b i u o e d P " a r v n h e f r i i t n e a e i n t c -P o s b e d i r o S I I s M . D a e r o c n a t f u r i u . A : w a e i i r f q p o l t e t f b r w a f it n t n l n b n d n v l - . ., 1s Ite "-" ce : l,91 f ainecouai e t nna 1 oub W u hey m mi ba e v lai the n- P*t nry an th * d " hoP4& liait toi I-vre sept whi 1 hin to r ls a