e, r, 't.' ~i cf'. 4, ., , Oit e,. a. r' - - tri-r,. ~Jt.da~4ttI* ,taaartM m~ - ,atn h. ~h e~ia 04,0.1 I a .~rtt.rt', î'tt. U4(~ h .Ait,0. .,' . .'av tut ~0 tai '.-" ~1w:~l4 'e a CANA DL&N ~3~4JR' - liv. -t' m0.tt~-, -~nt-. ~ ,aae tnve~~ ~~i"' ~ ~ St' 'ai~'--rt~ est -. " ~ai4as~ Il POLITIAcaê ____ TICAL,__AGRICIJETIRAL &'COMMERCIAL. ZIXqG*TQli, Và NAOA, TUUBDAY, UEIu 4,84.l.ag enrmi . en, tader tolet (bum § flaun t Tiasp hvey la thb.an » i base of PoW& a oue re. tà-a- viblag la »Y> «W ipeelmua of Ot.j Pu il- ail Who isra! abim e mat a" 4 id. V. FERREr'>,8 &Ce PUaRLlstixas lia't, ,%-- ta &,«41 phils4dlé CRIBERS lNb g N PROVINc'El Mmane tInt ail I iï sbt "ocribteligs r2> o! &'t idcarub Journal 1.1 $Ian ceatinue lapaoy :r oei Albion,ase t h ubecriber at etic Io obian tbe G.%r g.tbmv mihb thlbitn r 1he Altion, lt. G 2., iict if plutliiitel ent te iicette dktieroc ast e prepriotor tos Vin Fil] Ire ontitiot te Ilt ome ycar in advaaa. maina the iiuliomttg p on sisal Th* ermuae Abr liaf ont r vita semoirs ami beauilt> ruat . ,n for 'b. lita tva-cia iTARY NOTICE' ing purchauet ct greca r. I)ick'o agnslcntra Sir Waller u.1k.%t a linu cf presenla. AilU payist îoe auser f Waashigiai, i Chaniber's Jovnor u Waoler Sott Soe megnittude e! tis e s dtimensions tl*r lace la g 'ebte tu woai fo-,"eihind 4sd Lin thair celaiena. eut in Canada. vîiH unb 10mhou me sha (laiteries., Plaie. Ai, icripioll for aie ht> PaStuo Bran and Sitian HUGH CALDERl. rlf, 1843. i PUBLIC, dat ol'ditat 'argm. mnd Noara acte. charter p Fraigli ad OhiPî'4< N. Bton, iguso STRONQ, Spa., ri, 1844. glheye* - dn à abling aid Celai t. May' 2%,18"4 FOR SALI- #0 IALrh Lavw LET, 3 ahcve theasc 1w. -_il ONI . .BtLlss *-seit -mm. toraos dtàa u beUode P Ii ..iauPtInall l.-u aitha clawoUIm knla a> g el an&, a l -ans oshd»basttw aowrit qe a u e s ul tourant ba.,à hh u ithtba hernfle taUS ra 4t-;à.sài jei#A sO Wb"sla t sr,. ,4ommila rft5t*. 5O mair las te ws domre q 4rhs hil or rPÀ 95 1.Ip ý»l«9,(b Qabc aueb ia nh e L S. 104147 4itys i ndroiwn faonsths IC attased. MéiaeisfatUle 1 te boWaS-t. ii w anges Ml tiialbnon CJ ai, WtWlise.ll bIhave astict raialY @'I fr05jmheunure<rngeptht caiout eltlb.e u o b.oejlsreh. 1797 bomidi juscuda, % WeioO net10sated k a'ra. u.t1 5 J1&ap'aaaup ,pou lasbt l ave bu ewh@rn"tipt n anf iessa c igt est.rnlitait long b." mc o t uvaie obloseluee vhiti a -net bas been rmin yld inatiructlsone Imm *bis otIllust grels tir lvessa iGOf acernuent orwiik tiar lovlodàgal a ai atUu sgsrenab>' whirb Ia the o Irmeaner.it bvo an troiieco lu ae titiastuflt @»Y me>' tWin1 clin f1' en re oa'c. or even ma ut v ithe essie, .a.» oe laiIbo wimn43"(Tebo sde"]& ,Islaned sieOhhilied@oiss80Y t, n'atthen -____________________ 4 b>' aidatignauq lieureia'g lit flit. ra oi ihebm edeq estiWhadb>' tlem.- avýa«1 gjP«aregi rittak te tbeir RepetalfOf aMotaisonfl Mare-... ,21 ), &ai-ttirs àoumssaugtgthe papors tviate tu, signalt b> Mr. Ifutoo, aSurvemi- FPtvot iSem.or eakeeaVààt a. iaait. ~ lt.pis l fOt~b, t bvebee xe- LGiLTV undaier illusautboe,<r of Ile Ceamrisîofle, ATV ABSEMSLY. Lave hen s ajodo i regmsd b>'thm. . &LIos? x0l u:&Ruc tg là@ aotjolioaw.WbolitLite" . byth t " lie usIf ad a. XVL FilonOURTE "av, 8 C îiýal upegrnad unaad creurnalancea 'lot The loid 11< the Ezocutive parteillla bis i a il leh leauopas thieevilseuvelai bfre Ilad thuînugbî that'if ho. vas Governor, 1 w The ss mains tu truad ihef Ce <icolov, man Itiçthun o% le et toc foev leTwnhp fKitgateawuaOt ISurveYed îeepîrog fil rio thé Ibm woledge of bis actiol S3 sdeeIabatisructisao Ilete Ivera. ititl thelos. ctioinsaerte doue. BtNia,8re 1Il I asolb liste Depat Ennuere (encralis Mr. not axilet.t ltune dfflbrences mers tai matit ,W. lie rtur.'d a plan f hie etrvey,ex- ote conturnely acoiM<blqa>. y.: 1IMM n tl Ing e)a111lots of2W scis fted. in te Lraitaa rre laloyal addresieeasnd vbicla are pt aeoii. seil mahîîg toie lot 25 a parallelo.lishided.in the bock vhifmr1i olai i n y land, a il rame tIi. as, snad figure nethe thers. titiait- Ansvera ta Loyat Adresse," &c., la Il jatis il thugdt hevery lai le h as te-ggeititla Ycoola? flot boire titouit oulai1 dî inte iflTVtT sel hefre lie bait l tmple-tributeil teofna tIaevse ; 1Iamnaccuel th, dtitriaimai 1te ite Eastern letitil.attemoping t e ever Ibo Colo>'frontéla.Iloti .( it iitie urtthain iiailer tabave more Counry. Anftitacmt (hat îndivirtal, *ho for~ lieTown plo, ait ho "sonoa 1bave repremented by te hmn. mombor for lkleganti Il iis rraalatan aller Captî.i Grasbadi n a British Court, ad if my colealeth allai sstirelratar fs ttlot t eslmtuai 1 oul t ee miiether thlo addreuaem mena lrition w c lie rtenitedIo tmoie madowuidt batliejuiged te10 h fam. maicies, foi pecie andi sn.plaatte iofeuntingte lit ininhlal. Sir haring1rsaigned sny office, I reléue *e b>'a inea 1mw.diagottauly iriit it Soihto ml ny pearaful bomne aittil anioyed My>'bons te te.Nrint Wst angle, witrh ancul.l ritve ln tinse moan ime the lIead nioftae Coverrmei krlti ort arma rof 100 acres inle*d cf 211.- wau obligeit te go ta titren or feur personasttos ieh rtarnieiitu h ilonof crev arcrîrdirrta 10 îeavîîr ta prevaîl tupnon thete liehoAfttivhae Ge rtrr oI datgt tîtttitmaiîti' hriange. eral andt Solicitar Ceserat ; S ait u v. iteard lla dA mi ntto xriti,,ia. Whttcr ha .1 r. arnard,, th i: ho wuas oleitior Gen»valis ruO>mIrrîl î 1le- ire net cîller rîlttI e-t. tounhit iPovo hppena, Ihaugit 1 chat]il rnotrquit oill ritr nri rî, ilotosivi 'i.orîrisirer. îrîy P'aythal the commission remains viîh mi Ia.rti i il ,,!e titltit tdrumraia before an 1 t onentiiled te lie ber Mhitsy'o Bolicitc ralrî Il& ev.-tîenîa. o-tîntthe Sarrryt or lnil s-hcli-ever, thonsra snmre ]il!.mim ral rltlI cf te ats and de. ttlairea Mr. Barnard. At lait ve louail r ofn innr~rt tlîet ral«ttaletht, bl tioln. mendier for Misaisquoi gazettet te haeAi Iê, riîntit ta li-ecytSe ile ur(koners's icrney Getierai. Wlîat, (said cru,> oue) hoalof Upn 4'>tr latý.a, but tt i n the Loaer poneit! Who kmev. an>' thtog about foire i-ta 1ha1 nit trorrné nîi e planda iet Who knous witere ho connes front? Then w * U. C iai iilt tntit e'peledtehieard of te appnirmno f the honorable melon titI. Ioma,1-te .auaed hy the de- bar (for Ottawat10lbe Surveyar IGeneral cf Crevi 'at rit. ol did lînteel' rua a line Landis, but neo asinquireit vase l sos O, wi Ilr lie tie tmtotitlrbut 1isc,, o inasoinhshe je, sai ever>' one, lho snlthebrotl "d rir, artrpI altiâ t i rawe frotitaItis dersof te fàmous Papiaa., vito lunov ina Oii rIrtearti ae ti lhrre a te inte iterveyor at Pari.And daoow, Sir, Parliamentin smet. ani i olrea vistal lue lithe Qoeitecplan mu have tri inquire mb oal the», thingw nd tI rîtvît lterotreejnsand nor f titot gesîtleten vh i îl the Ï:râoaurl talel dtrIi i-na earvem-eul iy >'lr. Collilse.u banceare te repreaenîativet ofthe country' aeti 711 mîrr~ù wilhPlan ihi ie iî, me are itound te glve IMentour support. Ti t sa Irialar trat, uf 1110 arres. bouîtded reprepeai lits Cjnper Province ve findao solila e 1'rtuard lfil àa ne trawît thagnnally fromtry inulvittualsond he oct inte h.lihpovitionoil b-k i- Ib lif . ý. agle. 1Idolist ice ba,,whihacitm ri bave esuppeetlitIhWe taleoli rit îîrtd inlertng frim t ira ihat Mr. Col. maolt place li eiitvt.o> roisfa airuertout1 h li ra orcfurvey, L'pper Canada are deniroue of sasing ail>' lofai r t'rttilcl~litrs chtntge inade in c-ratitîn, te>'rituel ioquire.nt of ilie on. Solici arr 2.t. ite traeinIttaire np ccl>' Iot <placra.for ite isnet in the Cabinet, but htIirt, Ia A tîuta.Pctroifina -- ..te tfront liée boit. memnber frein Miuiqucoî, or tIa 'tir, r"Irat a rtrail i iày nneethse hon. monitor forOttawaa ; andenodéta@cent Irh: cinrtîî tire Pn'en wnaltlie the sane. ibondttht>' milgel It ; 1 arn rong ta "lie diîý 11t Cllirnt otr arly -,le actng uttuer lîmhira ctos ctieîtpper anad Lver Canada,lio tierenaa.radng ta uanon rtit a 1 Ihinit thora je hut oneaCanada ;but filera.ar da d tffernt direction citer frauts inaten- @orne national prediertons which Ile canne ggl Itant nr i il, artth iradriuliy cf hat1 ae. rid of, anîd 1 ant sure tIsai did 1 respreaiti a cout. rt' liant r an-, vi. htiineaiofîhe ltr.e t> in te awetrnpart of te Provitnce, isabouti i Idipoh . .agef5,nlcn feel tortifled talfiot only oneoaliser conneteÉ an In! nîaeate the r trn aid te mt ltipart cf te Previnr thl'ethe inittrjr tratOtretdlt etr iienmd lie oet s member cf the Cabinet. ibm viii intsn béfare ilt est led th secoend regardta Lânar Canada. thuem isne» an,' vi anrt tt O f 'hieîkiat.' if srit an or. Institut yion, yh.friettae to imber fer ien!&s l iuiiia.tpd, won 1lie lm maerial tia long quoi mes than nyseif; atd lisinîg beon on thia alu %'bit wia asmant ta lha the haue- aide of te Heusse, Ihave leamnaitLe bebavo îy. Tbiae tlu t.latm bai t, net etn, 5ta>' elf on tiio,and meuh cortationuit flot obide any i, I. lravtace muit moult edtablialss anfactieus, oppmitmon.But cert*oaly ilute le ic tJ a n orti ta ritprinsoin aprofer. rnan -ho ill t >'iteîber te oase. tomber i te@ lirtC a doeurdied tante Paletai, soit fi ljisquoolor the bon. nember for Ottawa, fidta en, htcinilee lots sn neiter a laa, an>' orelenuen ta poltical influence inl Lo hipý ft riancusnalinebut à aide or Cnaa. Wit regardt e thIls e. e efat I lot i gan ecption leate gaerai Megantit, hoeuapveaenstal, ttLevear Canadal, bho la buttay, ani tt gutterned oret intended th@île le provine; lho je a mem e dosier Iluteti b>' t*il irrtso.ufar ol ln.poiticiens wvite1.i yl compare te Taileyrtud itIlnettin trai tsli* tetIr Cuebso plan,1ises lis n mdeeîy tein keit hé lita omtprios%. S tiieraa.d a l e t ognmie.d plan But, Sir, villa al ltle. greal IShittia annd vers*- "twrtlrrP* riait ley italadoptett sndtnon, i le geis, %libai hno. absnbainhua s Mpolieal le ilatt as enttiteoxitited lot l25 fgeruesisLaade <mIR 7h. Pria.me uiaes Itaratla..rrIl a ippeatra furlter Vgr iomi&M rp, a ai .Vs au -,, PlainiIl-bavng ake Plte n rtive Cillncillour, awîhtliant hbie agl dEr, bche si uid tory eariy Inseovrtaerqie ahaL1v ettmcby RJ aI rai ta (soi ahteaao0borfb>'sevles, mecle eobubreuglatteuonewm.the eoesiîry. ,- irth 1 1 lu, inacfa gndpt i ih, e naVgaadIaleu.liie Ut on, atee lad ta-oilarti e s, litaIiheGo. being Prima Ministur. WeaIiiiii, Ma. Peint nu its arreItisais m detrme a b '0rnMiaistêr, Ibis AlI t te ULm t vln ar li ltt ii o, mil.a laean dît,'. te.bis, Couaty' . e ileulsavwm au lý. a la 'r 7îrttI vusi anebileetit.,e aremeemly Uld bvaas Uidltaem. rta.lieInnti loîesse a, alitbuence "ireswsb .reivedî .me wu bu r tir~ r Ku. ur~desl ot A"d stiaapiie deitlaN iondou taarat te rua a eorreci btld b>' ge-doanu pepoute. tint tbey ne deui5a. s. btuit17d Koi receiveat hege mînMeat10can>" Mt mimwaibleoMmgu , baie o S*~tt rici fiisstl.ell abtat vltore ie theh i0< t Wa.re isiesho h. isl m ttirui i, ovr nntat t r a t a e d je i n » su bsise te h. quu nd As t " e l a i e h C Ioit, ll-"adabatifs;a lise caffl ReKspc.shbW - YU ei. h. 00.At. IM.fIltcgourt tefore taI lieiore> O findmd .iallae medoir lir;Ort ,1 .leeetihet hi>.te v,&Mm u m a..ow nil ie tuo el" isprmci. a r nti1ail Ilt a asse n ite« gltus"bou. aeooswiba caie~ - ttTat,~.nov ite finit ipoikieGam uiî. Mmd visbuse10 et il t,,at r tderc elhitjil DM o ut, l yauai ur l ocadlsys1. Ir, Ct Koui nader m that ileepeceible 6eiU'tWan Oiaot bu mnhad ",c : n 1788. If ylanimioruens e b.rUM 4 ntmmWg 1toi b . o ~,t'ai '~ie Citer Provineout bat ibt. Raid MWi , Mqsle.m5 ifatra fteiini tatolj e hiich b. "ri a do iascwl t'a ut.î! ie nîi ti nd niof he&ujiahte.g ît eewj uê! aCr>' Icone existe on the dura nmuIl& me.moiqowg ieetocams A. nI, eta '-i afali îtr, endeuiecoimn tae bon. meuheafor Mte% ibu"er a w b ho oat to! the eth ia l at lYt~o lea huart o! ae> OoO rs Iman,- fl i ahlie 'uitnd iovi ar W sei*1g~~d0a u i laP retna t dabsece , Ifh*ibari Irait id Wtu bo #a latasia9to *ri auti, ctthoi e itim aterl'ycbepiha 6,08blb.a e l nous Ive sion '~ oOil~e lnQabc reiejglcsunebtadiebselîc alier ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~p'S vat. Ihhn ine h.ilcdbosI rmt(om the YInth l Rdiez n York Asocgse I.M 1h.n sgo ngbo a h. *àni»uOeaa i gation nethe aeta'" i bora tarli Sûr- asti. hm flab oa bu*ac> lnti(.b e eu ott .oYorntio, amideeery me- -a si e *rliemsay4ne; ant Ireotruneti it " Usi cfthe Uas.aGmal a a eti. 1M«4h. b e pposition m" Wmhi bch.gare the popMPW aeay avolli n ie'uà o.gloinvttpets 'untteioà im bt hnhamushaat b uarii àm . ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tet k~ 7 a eipsw'bs btlu b in eae etsbh~ m.t e ealemen oprim eyh mute hiai en.a> fus *iet e T o haulit i.i. as -untaeff quo bou se m d. Th. hmai.h. h-ute gr sailefen(r bis Minkt.rs, 4t îlolaliob artisans; bd. mev.inet. thit ysnome lhitr groee&i. #» joi~a. poumo b" slVw~ hoOWOM <~iithh.i te; Sir. ter n em arpalean n. glmieitw taetehnIt ea friently sdhmo a piri; bai if ho prapra tortil theon.A e U htli Mt i bale ina theseeasà*ho iii h. hitensa te, and that uvatnlavy vsre met very Imneuve ln tirir S s.- *4ýms gnrnt si arllarnentery forme, lite ai louat domaas lame, tat hÉmae laie oie Orb"a in à ma=« quatie dgom vIMM tbat it i itbSom Ufte sagewtleugîn ptt uplnted us on theo bmw eomeîipg efthe priaciplo vbîicb shouldIllec, cuitèret huiugable tei jestr'isnv' msii 11? bot manahar OPPO94wslp iIenfer b.usectiveit. liharalt> of onr administrtion. ln appouctting .im n .Wail ict s n te isusson ofsaquoatiuas wmh cam.uain, hyare omdebklaned aPiaiio68 unir. 00 liatei it as a claxs.e te rybon. frieu t Itbaoaa vit>' iigit office indie 1. Our position wun >sighj e bqne edaiocbupy 1h. ocatilom 0( Ummai41ail.en qnceetniM1k68L If tblt tu., ho b cte rdvitla çpltio.,tiaciho bh"lor thon tifficutonmi andl mbO m e uium eautres.M temne,szaehmM daaaor10ema tat hmk. e thag e h acabre W W"mie.me M4r. pesait ber hIaegiylog aauçt; buho u i ed , l ae iée nting cf th* ouiller, IthOuglat pwossl*tu.kl wuvasdue la hi s usitio, cand t. &" b"haseofo!tirt e t'-gm<1k0t la %iqh coef a.lti eaiasta Whouwen nm t... < mt4ng (SirW. bell'a esplailent mnt beinga &,lbo Ilsiâf. hAtieumPt "b.d h. adit l sp.tIsua, bdiadvimeit ite ii1.. ft u a rasb. thate hateu Wae nubL tu uonrtef brGe- lhtietouat, hov»eur ahtut.os opiarrensitdma.heenimdY let, crsut ettideinaievevy wyva . Vsilt a e *- erm.a A1naCa' boIt toa>la aut (finmthe Pressai admiisa-t.iomteqeeo ibtadvr aie n kgU aba t lo, oit voman-aa i aaI oh, ot roab. the". i Sitian boaa genallmai wlao la a mer' tklM ) n) laM bua en. otle e ta e m l euim Whmt mme th.eptlai. ece O.41 &a citer Geaeral>-tbç crs of Ibob.icom ea mr illat t a ibiseiet>' eliIrktamienta tb. ho. utomber "On wIagoc«lai » Wlacit rasitieteat. W»m a n t aiLainUeuhba re pou.tlampoiel ia IU l? !iI Il te Toronto ara o&iarl.n; hauvt ma laou a- utofrUloitral -,and the. cîrcurnelanicae btib I itue f..ntheun ttepuen te tbm Minsnsial Beechesmotnd .. ý ateau a u renoe'sem urnest hue kai bave Levu, wabonvo et Lat iact nrable man m iaen4 tbeiplace eSthlb.curnrOtf tige King. le anaerturithora ltae French canaidacamera . t ard la eog acm jWmb"IoPi ila Lc.sbw laSg abuareit whuo là c ow eiand c oim wuv, hie llma.Coulio ncs.. lomrever !it lrat tou a l 0 nsei5li e rouît îay tirua mah aà id «itemoslhau i.te conn of àdismîsi Il ar, Cannciluua*, lidI1oked hp te ici th isa liatof auhave obllged mni>' leaiiini ocratiot>' eotalitcourse m.,uId mat tend ta Proient orutpresoarveltheiiiaig cf bie tmil-tors, the ru.poasibImy b fa~itstitler. N o.tiud ahe, tl ow amve tabac anu cattier nopporiutolitendser m! tit atrunony iecesar>.ta te toneficial eborcise the act t4 "ieuisset f*o u uiouaaUs.o macO mmt «roux a statesauas itPli.o>tert l'mei, tidaaula reunaien. Unaer te cirrOln.ares abiritloM thotr IegtaIbtive (ortcim'sa. lion. mouaber ou se.ii es < itmOereign. but l'u« wm tg tbh * straiegiel athie Du". cf Weiluaiora [le hausbante mentictea vareignei, ome ld 1he. liutir Pthao a u h er tihreratt ulo ttityragavootrl' pe bn.e.h th ienîria-et amlln'voitteli ucceea, toe Crry te of thesGoverament, btiâtmu mould blelOucr pote prinilea and essurtithaenLu a ibei gauide te respoaaslity, andit h. dut>' ef defoadtueiamatu lave mUr iai. te 0eegieî caMP. cnt mc are nom cal- titi fur cuccemasre eoapplinti; atd he an'.lte course vhici t lb.?sd ltqgbt pv-per ta eote.the coustri.]. i aina acreo a Wa-c ns up led upuruIoa defendt ouratres, andIo lstant upon smenIdtit tatver ut rcessers wamot01appointt. pargue. n'batwamas Pospituiion aeluait >' ter bu dvim.1ti*tin t*f anm dw4eiciraehe. eurtIruas; te c'titrive t t w e aboutit have te but ont srvie. veto et vanta. Now,leu e thn,.goentlemen 1 Befure tirem ternnte ue a lnlsitou.ncias, ioaanof. Ibo boncfit e! ai the dfinig, mhile hl iqie ilot le slothovupiunt, tohe on, gentleman on theuteIbaeloctien thraugkemîtihe Provinc. theissuie prnes mtlaost b.tg able le juirtfy Ilb. déeprtîO0. On c he tiae. Noew.tabt... baveaked of Trsnuuty Deeleîha"ve lId us that tara mre va, place!aibumoentoquarre!al ito heGovernor I'f Ibose hon. P'eftalsmee,10 coit vt lieis irtieh. sinouhit 15>. tuavte acceptait f-rapipaeble cdmissrn, nlbo Cabinet itudirtheGeneral; btbafier lter' bcd lerminatel-ilen Engluit practica, àhcésau i.e1heliHm" 0'dl" fie untor aucb adcntirçhcireuratancm, mn e aallant telve Isontse. Irma i&hthon. manîber le, hon, gentleman reundit it ave.upnllbs.te peci- Gavaterntr,&"ait .uh a ie ,l ut hrgrud aiotiai ucit Dr snobl acourse, aid mliii e eare Magtbicaer. haroe, for if b.oaera 1 moubdlt fI)etuegouninea ih ih hybailput taraithie cuna. -of' dfrele, and lJad epesal@e1ma a rltiu.r able Ili imaitttin tat corse ucce@aful>'. me bilai ehatlihe fha, toard beforo-thueugb Iea talks try tait refusclteaastain o tho. ey W hai ifteit sltauieant aiofacs, e tb bcb e al. t relate uoffice; and vLan me Lanai do sao orre"t.iblis a aviing ministers lin thteCab- thirrPosition, s'là levingIbis trât gronnalbaltom a te pariuauunt,,ttbera « leenth.mqualk Ion. er, à alal résigss. Iamut present at alusa lenimt lierthemea neCabinet et aIl. 11e sah t roughtiroir arongtte blei' upain vh.at 1%b>' buîtis ttd Ieoubil, Wouaidhave buaniPlauainivda' hutpon mitipricipile t Gorernemstnt te tplaintheta.conact ofritie hon. aitember fr hai tetrmedreit interregotio-.(inear, Far-no'f position in ashiel tacointe à IlditIeCIdOsirs. Oâ- tabe arriodlon. rhe laan.Retleinanmode . Ottima, amo after votîng agbinst tîhe ex-tuni-ns.oit)-h. mroult maiîîtais thal amas the caca, if Bati, on the contrat>', a a tamoet etth.lt «" quanut allnuuion a1h. Guîvermaor Generci, moi termandi igait hu ie tomsrelative, vaxstelits t lie ocotili helîcco their owo speeces. Way, vaeubasuitteul te Parliaint, mun dcflcee. a Ibm' * iiî, ail bus Panli.ueotary hatomaige, Sur Chas. mrnabjontonewCabin.et. TellitiniGnýh, mbat maa the maet irat befure ltse county- ptusta( the liendt 0dla oveenuet acminit it. yacht cue Out be, thomas avare, le bc. or ralier tell it mnouenEnglani, Scoilanitoenlie-. W&@ it e questionof Coestitutnoal picpe einc iesm leasut..o tapne" (uliovei t tii>'repreaeol.i, net titeir conatituenvillt,,land, thal mon canalho foundi n Canada capable No. Il ua equeston c veracutjn, je hicb tI.hle ocould l Uibhuohon. gesuIhaunaqth"t>4 rau but lte Gevernnor <laerai, Th Luati Pro- cf sut tergiv'ersatiosn: Wbete Iath onpre. Rapresntative ofte Suverigo ant i s huis. Britishit ntsry actadit mai thaaasoomriIdemi le pod ta luttie coaatituoonîsa mas mbot1or "0shie1 tieount if ibis le rigitu, t viiibholier- ers von parîieu-(Iouul cries cf '-boue, hiar," aoulit hante beautconaieodbt hei>'1h hiish psepl -S ts>' tioclit support lIae Governor Geoito:aI. If.a(oil>'riliti for thtelbon. mnaetr cf wo mite d.nt , c me!tne!")> flen. gentlemten Mucsar'fortcrier lu the retirerlnof<Priver* lis, chiots lid nan vv ece asalad aiEngîce ote ieUnitetIStates Baeang in totmiddle of liae Sessio tefiniatit"noe." but 110 amoli raer ihemunite dcumentsm-langée tront Ayli)-3nd if&a corretiUfI9g set % hobe ointend tu bvoefor(, le tld )no directly, ti ahoao hint b>' turoing round irpon bis pre-temitr ncotai t ne amiattke-to tha public proviled in itiis countrry, thaehon.etesuahor <r th it anas ifur fur. uch-a-one, Mr. A. or Mr. 1B. ansi cilcaes aclietox asoupen un. journo, is e 1. mclirepos: (bat tle qastation Quehe moult net one tave ba ii4bf b- Butwvan ay mat a&sabotin Jpper Canada bitetit. - istt. ia int.ut î t.bas aart.put belote the country mas not a questmoni of altopoi s eut on Ilia Lliaier.î alB.eu .but eu- or lie aoulul vottaifur te Vigai'AdtisiâratiOn iThe serne meauru vhic lite>' tavte rate oucttt t COeaîtnntieai lLambut ose Of faCt-<,hear>...o a seat i tâtht ou»-(Célia.) Upo lb.o ti(Yeu, (nom Dr.ursilitp.) Oit, e knewtlbcthon. etlter wihiliho metouttant o m, and titarefiai-.upna etta1ornelal cf cerain tifforonce.te oiveenquestion, hovqrnon p d hfoe. ti. a at>. hae gentlemasatiras ver>' anonialuas; lebis aid ie on h tn eyamre og in talint Irouee itte sa:: h isto b oosetcc i iver.l.pol al aiotqitIiullme eof thaentinbic Coucîy lho b"put the question ver>' Coinc* IBoardcth niusiols f theex-minutiera,, tulo mado not'itotaiinthé oprollasb of thoentead o courseM eta >le iminiaturseandt had it > verae. or tairiy-tesrouit hoc na <oultabout il. Buta mihI îke hiseSeat in tae Cabinet opponsd teaiih ite (1 ernmoenI-<her)-a proteuta %ka facta un r; onignai Ihont te .oppoe e iba.- lu Sir, %%ahetaiosoo itnpapers in the Engliala fan.-ci frièuisi. Thetopi. member for Huron, le liated n ii hich haa nover baen toniet-iOh ! Tbhec. Attorney>' < fonra tnprcueOdid Ite r..' i, guage aucit expressiionsatlsee: "Vute fur lte apealainVof he Ciil L.ie, maie one or tienr.rot!h,) 'NIai bi tatet vspulfoctî'cerrcct. mark opon thie amemiamtambwieb là"db.enc- p, oae maitu pîuamnî," 1Coise athe assiatance of(the mark. thira srptipedne ; lhe iltaemember Tiere wnsne tuselaiîmor cf th. (actoe tatsdin etroduesait by1 the blin. gablîoauaern lb.eIIaot or Governr Goneral." No,,Sir,wmititémoult ho for e trt>' Britisah (onslittrenc>', but 3el, Sur, 1 ihat proteal. The document mhichbhad bIeau Riiing of Yurk. Wiilasmpe"t le th~ e mlif t')Ifilicughit,on te i, cher îiite of the Atlantic, if edec. amnululî tube hlm, born a leetore any' Govirn- sentI t u tieflIouse cnd enterei on tkejeura. blâme a-as 10bhaemtqchtd,(etitre i.oaiia de e- tors %utre, truha ci'lacd teaupport lier stoat gra. niant o!fl11ir Majeat>'. 1 knom oothiag lisre of ahp,,container!twIo grnunits of quarraI. Iii Ex. it manttaodle t-(ueblatten itama. wl4 am. ciota ue Niiestrî l'et lIai moult set Leimnrca Wtig or 'hory butlI ilI novernu aît n>oyé( eîî.cy tadti emittl a s teselgainat the if ton. ginteen *,amoetielet, Who ldmmcl a at meitraus titan inaitbas bien transacteit in thi ie1r Msjeaiafs miniaiera lad impeusa pn usu' expluuoaionsei mae itoat document: ltai oestothe consisratiou of ltai wbic efte te e.- country. The. bon. atember fur Meganeîc ahoubetnter pratec.ofo! oiag ns s boueft. We have proten asliitlikemia. beauaoraten t h.jour..1h. Cia-il Lisi. Thabon, gsieat ns ae I* .m toktbi Rarroinatiruese ittlers, augiut le bavi, Iai rarofte famil>' compactiina U>per Case- sc.W Whre wu» the islaîrer? There wm eshoisetisfiui th(at thore bcd nuit hboun imsttdia of rteenbered that te narrecf te Goveisor Geîî da, buethanve rranetiter fsrily coopact, b>' noble :- ([tu ear ;r)-th*re vas but a vote cf the Atitrena a solernndeclcration cf 1h. tilti l- cra i-ri tgl, tuî c t rihet mait. liescrter] btriitailhthe ponssof te AdministrationSeari-tae Ihue-(si ! fMr . trAylwia> boardallan edright of Parliament te gren tba uppliebea.- it ai Ile Ireail of lhe Crunciltategovero ils delihe. let b>'te tmfembers of thoe(cotil>' of Mtr Viger. a rusolustion meveal b>'the to.Loti. ne ohonbsecessr>'fer Ibo ampport o!f Me eVit <2ovmeuan. le, ratiens, but lit ia roita lbemadesa pnrîy unpohit-.It in b> hieti. se t theb.pretnmeaulsaoot te representedtle Town of Niagara. BUt that If it reccllete.ll hsl it ,rem b>' the Vala or icara rla,, itas beaunsait lit a is ulueitsipoetbcnpwu. I nt rPînm vsneoiicehimer othe par of luiniitertiret te Act hatthe pre*etaiteil L'bet u e-dup a. teCotlvil Ite lee r'>tting, but, Sir, islead r aresit te bo tte (tienIs orthe Gontenoor. Realegation contacinlith. prbea uo! flicEx. th. country. the Bouasetwotli MO tient thoeboa. ie cf titalt. t-eeorbus buco everyting, andt ligut Weili gay pave mu (rainm>' friandst. l'ey enlisai t'e .Geveir (oGerea. W» itlbever egaun tteiaaeîven taereetai mI repomeib kt-.t l te ligIai' r insisteat mitit British precoet e re hoaever thge hrvaîh sot i!. of the preneuî r ftend*d toca Bei*i@hHolie..of Cemmena hast fuit'thola iais nirIer ieattiaia* Of tiW p. tiiit lie shtitlaitMO. floa huli hibe han5>. Adminitrutio, Theo hon. gentlaeman thoenpre- oaniutmaeoueld coine doms i.b oaecm« isegraenos casilia.vt b> e ril tting te férar frcîn u-a mia mho baa ruloit Itte redta ensimnngvert an Ibh.sondniet oM t ino- case!f cta, Dmotobi loi&aresi opan hWaeen pied the Truess Bebo@> sac tmgmPlo 'e migînt>'empire lut!eidiamet, andt ambobis been bist ite case of Mr. Beruart, vli ga . i, the Save-eigm e dt thootbut aatnnt ovhicia 1h.eorta remônaltaie s&Ruinait me eom"ieucmOr m- sent eut fiers as viceri : vInt tan Le lave t hlb aiee trango mseiteal. trin eobing tfin rsai ftho CrO om ithbeu en otert-ma ovlinf Ia bo,-« of o humeas ecr.r**W n leur fccm a four pour coloniate. litevterce moult auppolet Atterney' Generalitaurintritt to îl Ihor aei h eoernee l ie. Aylin,)-tha y er it&das»' ius 11 'e (it itiglil ire noppooci) aoille us vitI terrir.uîei Ceti ofUsa Court. Anhfai n that hg. tory patalle t tbt hvicb nov restai as m bleu cutter. bralbeaupnvaele*ii . IV a dii.esctittaem lIne influence ocfa Pesidet 1alnienti f choealing nsen.expeietcei avyev fer open Cataintia, hlsev-(H.at.> Wbt ilie o Ihâtosubjant te 1lIe Nsist>'vas ficetdai', le 'Vl, teves noct ses~i,Iir. einfluence yen peS. te cffice o! Protitenotar>' cftire Cil>' o!Montrentu JExelle'> baall eiedthe e tateanent o! fartâ, mare brouugbt hile iteeItou.hy tiehan. non. Idils 1cc ak ycîn, Sr, wletloen you, if sealet on te>' hal tlxeal upouoa oman mlio bai flottane a Miniatera uhoiff uvla viodtatei thomueIves- har fer Gae a lter h. esgitla<neauIa oa te chair of te Governoi'Geanerai, toteat tf il unsbject e!tîtheIUnitedl Staeso,cian heonasai the lb.>' sitoit bav'e piste.ipon lb. journasîs eào. cheera)-c.nd tlhoraioro bon.genilem tpe ry tat one, wmuaithave lest, influence titan yon hava ine praecfiangt iNewm Von-a more bay>' mtoss hcrnsnegatlvocf tr"eta, if 1h.>' bliuved ih could éalut.neevedit je (he io pusnas vnri t iaent ? B-uit lanliv measao! uni t cate- cul>' clamasontisai liaon menmt,. impiteme cftot. ie haunjst ta tent. The>' ahauld have cenedNoti S m *id lienbout loilfs éth " Io 'o mont@ s se lii),e 1 n licit 1 bave ailuter, i, lît the hou. vomber for Ottawa, andt thcbraile of btae pithliou.eu" epatel Ioîfhair it n d tsoie AstCmle 1.thron e = numoei is eiu r. mndd cf mttn hav' bronutierverteit. amdt tat tht>' calelaiatcitPapinau. IH. thon meatiocaeh@ h. ave plae.ittheir vifidest'tnn atér apo imjournals.meut of tWer amiriabut %ov miaouIbo tsl in bau-e Inut fiht cf the osiech o a ien sseue.caue uf Mi'. liuraie>'. amo hu mit vmva C.lrhaf If tbat lhait hinn ise, lb.>' manII baver berna msubmtOulusgbskthow Ceesttuluiriginas. te Eresite Colal iMinister,VLord Stanley. tadthbieIl'ocre.and liaitoppacecd te Attorney'Gene. natiing flm.paeeeiting jetheocountry, e andcI b. lâtesulislrs iditbomlweeooMofaf-r n asaer it i& însplane in Psrliment, thtîtire Pro- rat. the case cie!asaparallot b>' th. hon mnmr. viied mpne b pointaetin*"as; therevoe hma esc, tbey ema ei e ab"tr9h.1ks iédhi r- vincial ex-blioisters haiteer!eiaastipulatica on, r mItaihait Ientilei thlie ec as s.ne pagrahjl beau uotabof cfthe istraction tani aÂiaon of givai lien bock tos. CossstiitioeI itqho :i- unifier Ite ses tif lteliendfte! ieGovemnament. ai ait. A fain smo veult ,le usuppose te ter. the ecaitîr>' bicit tallnov hoan breaght palintIl (chae.> .1 b"iboet&W i bt a Uit t, Now,. Sir, Iltarpe il ailIleonoticeitatch erry'vagiteoràarichent, illmae bouliasort hie rgft b>'ibeir noglect.hIf amthoîi' igitem5eceofiCoin.. ethaet the faie rigtthe eprms eu t0 je ihtn an'stipulation wua. xatot of c ari i, l ta atup agaunst lis montier in hiea omit bouse. etilOtiomal Jlar cnt practic..<CIuera.> Th. pempIe tte h.itpstscl e!thé PrevbeiaWlurvenu td sort, or nareamhatvei'.ad soinlarighi thtati te As teate dticultioc sen forming asuAdminite. biso.gentlemena aall r&doei e mettu te tie, Wby',ehsdca ration mess n.estd an lia. 40 r. people, on bathi ides of teAtltatic, abounîriîe n hinhin aWv»a8"i1 Io Genernor lant emfcru.il Homea la support cf Iheir etatemos.e,'ilfkee Of or Unicaitfilsf. TIi. prasanible ileth" b *01 ô' ar kmots il; roi litet, panhappe. me alioli L ee n ced, hoe aciot meltheshon.acemmber for Hadn. ihe contradction ocfhicEmenllence> Gaver. edasiét t heb.provrimina" sie vt empsefat oe leveltrien edites ofhing calectalilunler. Ireal or' theahun. Speker oftiret Boucs bi motBor Genetch; lati if s. asdtl ifI'berà"gâ thalr tisaCivil Iaivwuecntri>'lu thoa*~hi -t iC Administr-ation. Thora masn ouehiiuadirr, bitetaaLt(ir, Adic sabon. gcentleman conclu. " majttiiy" te ateie e,,d toimppostthenAct t ÏM ~.No principle vas aoe 1~îa homsre, ~rtiol': o ero toc ereng; & 1uti ddb>' der lariug, taI ifaihe p riniplsa o!f Repee ia pîail maivrlvi nlspvt l.sttet ia (a oï teet i frams n..e Id sfnaid mnomata enerits ie curequec.ce. ntcillity Fiblo (Ioverieiamî mre no, caienvi put la>'tigea11-40 un te otion cititer of thu bon. mm iltaean; andt tiatonlyt h. er> meoularchen. Pdo thr ls ine ttcrfrcnrl 1e'te cmiralie. o. >'enten tus, ai least tleir ebiltreavwouli fr the , a i.tig f VoIrk, or théeSof tb#pt amnsf th. cenIr>'cotl a'f' 1 vernaent tathIl ion. Mr.Tier mliel I i etul Atatrey berai oit ftt dicu aienbrnlit. p~o.ct. Ibo n gn mb.rfOi'Niag a lbase lIbdco M u- rioauhpeUn,.HacIfbVelLt ta nokte; il stLatoiltirt ibe hast rccche trer- a c. dngoofu evfob onaihe:a siibn.tk ntelneiutn1 at v e gt lb n. 8py* ete I, iro1a tInslte c al et i les eo le n d r p ar tona u c l e a t r ult c p. î t b l ft e l . I oa 4. o l e e n ei t c e e e a r > ta c t a, b e fu e ru p Pe a in g t d P a r i am e n t * 1 e o t j p lw <14 r irtr e h e ilas ' b i v s I ' b 7 tt leies as i t al u t. ice fi: t i u e r - tu l a fuem o nd rts math i' p the I ne io iu tat o ineit roti ire i lia Britishs f t toé Il b.lu- but ho n. getlem en w ir u i a l o r-eti n&loccasons frei n enle id te ut- ahc bu vhi. eed a, ama !îe<etti ta tn,(mil.Athe'Oelt ais6 ,ti i(nsir notsbral, ils> rqatus iyor,anaiwo ctniibuied an th. Vigant Adminise.amont. ialitb.îi efile ebul a (m mni,,and ts O eluOu aimes f #Ia.eatin ubW" gairt aeW.opeoui uho ua edfclaru lb. Act s Iretient. Neonoe Iralt h. justine Ile eknoledge rn ata accant* uho.Mmi crillnota mrciple;->'eerhacear* l ema UvoterIMno ýpa. #h.ekutviafo f tb.iv o0,tituloldý~ Pr Ibhaeisw»m'a oa new tlng, tut one 1.hast tile bti acepteafléemlîitte dterwkw6etibon iorfhtrfaebqi it"OP mahaeeaIb-aq, te1>lft'I hyým &Waiopeepareittoe*tkhciu abeeu dan. e, efre anetail (ergomt chat 1 thittii asist le sdmiefoev~ing, te ostitutio!orthe amistW ib>'ail prtM'--)a,'se.>tli VM ua e tetnaiouriee b lâmestirimefl r. tight have beeo re.emhai'editatay hou. f,lend!countryle ail lilepurit>'. Manyorthbbtoit. gea.@. elueh>'Y" ien asif el Mee'uIR te af eou. bu hébeRoie îbë'luu Voue 6M eaisP OPh er thei naiber'for Torrabonne, bloiene into the' teen opprosie houe, hie Mpricplai lte> fitauce 4o <u;it'w emIj-h'uanao oieamWb$* fPi q bai bflotya f*Was' tai - a it court antdLiai itbered a- aleopteqti" inite lceme al tsaI ho haitnettcgedtfisa; teuIai freely itltret abarttait pt_#stesssaa t ii ndd ti-A f S hdi e casme of a certinprian, oe titarmeiso siglt lever beenthePoatelctf Recpnhible Goverti.-chir.) i -mili nrem aido «moio. invet by lU. alteeki ,pu e ho rtiotvrs, s îm alvea#mm»Wst ;bave sabecltedioutieludiffiiulte. i t roîmra on at ;lho dered oni>' tao X.1 Z orolut iuosof 9l5fteu UNI tl"b>' Nr-i'.DolteaiTheti ret vs m au a moii-lnst slb WrW.inta m~v.- 17; L Iot% lascountry. Thon Égal the bhou. Pretiiient 184t carried ot a thé administ ration no! lIta o. ful i lo si lit tItIsamiante Ilte leraî. d" c * lia i a e afgrrect injubstice Wlihe" pmroetris- tai thbast alli ailily, ante woaut or fail b>' mhehiapregvutbh ettamuientoriceutain mua.-tg;*ie élbs ll A ded oao ie'lbodu is ftIl.Éf * lai4, ed calh liaicl ofthem Id neuin boa thetfleuhar)flIou. getIentonopposite tati lebo ue "Provinuial Mhitrte.sbqii xe.tony. MI ihovel# -a"» Iou'la.Oe.a the*r sILipaticipe tha hon. awdoiluer Oret re o ( Eiftsin hftor>' ant B ritlis Consti. t loellilbe rruina. o iaUU lib i Iltiéteiarg.OeUM*"teb mbil 5* ço.b làhtonnilie haenhfghl.imd a ile on (bat tuloil pru'ace'lc;ite deaimPnir ftleabt 5I»,, nb mt tuglî-aas 6 1WPvN"atie, airbistiUcmowdgi MWh<c.eue ubOvU&4 ai aubjeet. Tils vscoe tieefro'e neaendt cîtoli h l of Mthno Pnavinéisl Adialatlr-lte Ev womeaapeMreets' h vcipe < e oli"atPbilul -of tir e untrytt Aobev; btI irk lte returli; tie; botlile conteanstihobtifit asbeuuaulal Let ho-.@ eitlmu.lsfvmeermvk ttlies, 'v ien ls4ho iWaesmdvith en. tbble uagvmt eoq*ctWalon tetliterle ie Iluttmit ehlitaitibemsivltunmniermle, o amni0 <1 timla 1kBm*4d 1itwr INeÎ J whoI. - Ad " UonIWed»vu~ al eu . e a a 'vdcabe P e t et the bo ition as the a i o nmpher flic 10 o na i ing la U I, o u u a-h il-< h tn e. a ih te sla sB*'@, c sê sed -e lg e s Comiaieîl. Iw-a, Motema eiied bne. remrar of un! Vosudam ibn.muehr firunQuphecmt«a. ta sbl eaou..abes *id %_e l~ev#e I n tps.i en0 0 ithe kv. tembler fer Tee otti. sait me reski mo srt tInt the IiwnCinlîoinaasan ulamert. bne B. rdeuaautOd- .b.ph easetie0u We aausiatso*d.sd Webe- eo d ý t00 *ma-hal mne ouglit tabave reminet in'ef-ten nt'ubo.(lnha chaste.) it ert y IIta tt" *0 tdWeiIfato Én e f Pb. tunêyr- o a.ts u iii.wà~ S~u~p «'o, wakvevegue-eh M» 00apéiâe fot ; i cm cda Waut ài mea nt an unai iten-Ilat itf * M.90ah ' eia a '0- 4 tapimm"him eecuIb* 1 1t i gla h. hm O"e pu lsthat subji. hm-aeah. rittern Cosraitttîin. (Uns>', beïi'.> îfoi.gen. "W»d btYathdftilih-ih~. Iy* it, ".snOMAsb<b. i he glet uslheppmluiî> tu anave ila.i inenfi1b(gtEr3r baan'eri" but if fliejtéo. msaelate thiuè Moât sa Ueveéhqs, 11< 4OCeé gb 0.0 t«»# *0w' ~mg -Yss im mei membîer ll amth.maserofal % pise nid ettae bk-if hevol'inoke ltrial biffl alltmw W Ibo etita.I -UmUnt mbile meu I bo E a s l ae Sa t ' i n s u s- r a o a d f o r T e r a v i s cm e . i t . a e v e v a s r m t aiit' & ( ie b h i tîg i > n a m e d b g e k " ~a e e a u - , - M l ebi ~ o ~ b o h v « . - . v e # J p e I p va sugett fnbt ht' ladtnoticet c cerainaeta- osuf 0<ilheninçu Ilbefrïm sea aasaosmie s as.*~u Sou aptlîl#wlibamsafoi'artc1ai. iemsngeh, t7~ cli fint ltai11. avet WS11dota ~ ~ Ihb Ov àIO Ste hrgîimsgufia.ypL tir X IclaratrAr o(l ifti Who 1e4lo tias tilîhn ma nem'i ï- pq aat uign wiU, lio t là aitptoihi fàA 4 t anin k iatcasru tend tl e datt Ia I enfief ri itofrIl F'saib. l esc tmi 5k srpmei4 in lth. mqb ilq oaMnt erif nuclohbtt~ nim r-. famere prualteteti b>' men l n t'a nt" -nfaimta. 5 Upai~ bav r <jfine4 *[I.all -oaemuidohIstait s-(tbeerr.) Hae ot . i.enttenacai ter" otpon meitltstAoqqu aia" il.ni 0em4s <hop, n S 'bieIiseuta ..4an udenr tealeaisioséttOfb(l.v*M s> gohl aereaaaaors blce ier t sat- rpend aae 'm c.aianmnmR of on ese e w~ u ê ~ ~ ~ éhlaIik a l He u » i tiL tha m otei t oa O ate vin.) iii. an. ineatie f ro eti.cvoulne i s emiâ air, 'tarai'shlter thee atrnadPb*t ilae bealamiam>' l a;&it.Iilseyýe b.pkvadl. li",ti rP»d ivi'rb , tmg billeea 4W ba.i'iq d ai4 lip ai eurlia sltqnenirbu Y#liwi'..ct; he nper. lutle.age-. (fItma Sir4vpqtlblou di>' avne c coi imi noll; h. memb4er "Jw hemcimenhr < ltht5 lii wç,b àospbu b-tu é i beract>'tqahllwa4i.ls.m'law uuolmocicgpstne tis î. L. coqt pet belsely rta mot. igoniaigt a 'mbero04"lita;bu ouar b0ipielf W* ~ ba l a Ita emooýtb aiitor heî~ , itb or.'Uea»i4ieaae~lot =aW" helf 5 ub5 a *fa» » Gee Mmuia bà 'i. r. a *hWvti Pli emàgss 4 a .'ll Ms ian n e . 0<&_ tisove qîm a bfflih'tt* ,*h o * ~ à at> h n ra nil fr nt T e i'b i ae, Oi' <s>' boi t hp" r t uf f t esa1c o an s biar i te- o e e c n Z>. ïk h c h e ~ f g e ~ b . i ~ n a r a ~ 0