Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Dec 1844, p. 3

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~lam,. asti o. tisai tht, iftbin ie. ptoreenie Co> I Qlinauili a t o a. isat tla à*te a A ti '* timp a IV. -.0ch t d m ersiabt. iud us uam, h lase ast the onet hto Pil 1n~elul ri B torileet ah yl se e Hotd1, t ii.et ac te e t ils M e tise sa Plictamt té .i tise Bjcs vof m lpeCucalon, baso m e'.mre oec.uu< Icau lise lleact hiti lut la il fes- a liste '. hoi-v le, anis for oil hi" h bsi i«Inisit kt fadvics ose aduPe e t, casoM dovas 1a pu foration, abat.,at e 00 te isitesoîf. A ani 4-"sa hi Sur lihen salion s-lim dtm lb>. lbt o..p aebuisga, ad a-t un tae b>.ls Ti lire Moe. It utal peuintis groaasd flot fils, a ac te inombers cf lie hair opinion Wina a ini are. that it cnuhd miî pr. -s-lise pubie. Il s il l>. eue t. gave ues juive us rogbt ta aitk k dutrs mas luit b, s me.; sacre uchfinsba Aba unsi.s> altempt han rnutrpla Ibn 'aid dca .ithe tam oiliae., clu1 roI. sdiie in ijue siar i it us cf tuout niim aiereg [fir vi shoot 1 vers auith lisp Brvere inciple fitia Mie rai l andi rer-tinly ai hil led in Foglanut ut bas ioniser Of an et-mun i a-ar the admire rendons bat icatutha saris a Co e tise unioaadea toi b>. tise latés ?Ainioîry,,s inirasent veule out sda j nuitnctuign. bat lie bo kni hoe tendecot neita fige rot aseulto rerime tutiral>. ditotroy a;l M caero Geseral aut bus 1 ie ecnt-> tuolScon, Wi uiveralmet bave Nr bave vetIo ibi et fiat dm isau orha"e netadsfe i,-utt i in au unie a tas inspection. ltI!h iut lus>. il in Otlcm ut tisa Geveunaeat lna us abat adilu bl*W 1 1 ialw tulud1 iS huis Ill lise asti lson te oppose tht Pt- e ui-ice tbat thse epsn i j Gvau e tsil e n tbe Coeverimets tia au bal b>. the Dms tly osnntal. If VI mi oh. Etiti pue la> surp, ttal e àu thé voencil Chaubnl a mb*failaey they ha" c " aude ii r.earbsite ets hIC 011OSret b 'uuyh balisane the lsa cuolin» béivse Lue titiel sotivuil ell v.ulId oe g hai il viné. utadur whmitt en eppembltu mio .l tfr hs tuc leu- . u te bas Nea All fbieu ofe~as loi dt.0 j, inas M es et thes. haa ~Violo eotti qitsi, th Ot tise Utm,r * le B CtiBkteffl Of a* se.t etetl su hlsef mmamolt Id bu. à-. 0u ma eu u "UhY-1 vu.b«i .t bsnteetkemd Gel dete W Fmbi« ti sai t - Mala. *éc ' thp ces du IWI14 capte oeil ubt et prent h 'wue singe r teb*tis' tt, va m 41 co f ng gil uod fe"uf oati. 1' OMM ie>tpply thse dà" au -m* .rq ie. ÀAmour s 11,qedwubs i. imp C'M', (B <ut)gae thse follai at Ge5 t won e soitpead tel ahecaIlde la the jadiclaly bll. ThotC1 oleen vmatit pepai. te sol StIUl M tote sebict oet ci'raj Wct ont of the egcomldad [und of Thei jabjet of thuconstitution o1 Kin, Tero, w a&t proment goderthe CC oj ou etoiIlient. bhat thé suiject Of thse albttinent là, tihn sappotpien O g- chetitjen diveried fi(et t* m Ofgeta'. olle ,là. undr th coa*identleatise Gave That Gocnemltaid - impettje atended .Cawcei as. *Tat Guleeteteat voe net prepared eyatrration in tise preent eY$tem Of tg Tiet Gvernbst voe'net Prcpard e s ayalte'siOli n the Division of Cou Bw] Ibis gestion. eentpeae . That Goeramsefntw lt w rpte asy mileuire fur înClaportiflg to, towshisps. JI, Tht tio(te Alicrney General Eat) lowderotand tiie question . whether it w ltent ionl f Guverlimct I n t i an titi revenîiiug Qaee'a fC(lnge] fronti nîaipl . Tbat Goecnet balnu intention log the suory La.. ATTtRNEr GENEisaiL (East) conclut] nie bti v @&ing thut holie ihrd taeilt O f bon. wcmtisa math as possible, b li lue ot deprecale the %very ineonvenie M of poiiug string# of qeetiose a 0Mi oail sore of eafjîecte, and that, if t we sed tri fie lîould féeett bis duty t0 declii eding iem. eMarnaige Fou Fur.d Bll, andeui al ""i BIl I , moore ue potpuned, aindtIt adooýruet. WEDnisi>eY, Ler. 11, 18414. bis wtite luat dav for îîuttiuug in recogr e onu elerluoiIteitîloi,. "lie clluiu Pention. wuere pîi.ereuted :- hes,)icior General, agaimat thse retorn Sui:,i tuiaceh. Mir. Di:Citen, agni . Rt the flan. Robert Bal We Uuderand. hoicever btIthse recc, e had Dlot iee put incon this petition, ai lii f curte drop. 'et the wioIe cf the Petitions haut been y, Md r. Gowon complattîed oif the Iwoe, ic o uiu thie pre@ent Practics cf imal ".Par.ie tifitiunitfor the receplicîi of oe ea. [le itouglt t atalut be muccibot y mere îucy rend ha.lite Clerk, widthoî ai ity of oacMilat. nmotionbeing pat in. AfI. icie- hoi lu a agre'eîltu. i'A L îu.LE ile , elioaitaCoquiîttee be ap ici f leMicl fSesàrs.lPoputteau., Mortr Iland acbleWit, fa te It)erjocf alot teR'nltitun te Petitu-n u-fcertin tishabi ow [lec pontes t SîI. C leiteut andutSt Tati n file Cooraiy of ileauharnous, conîplaininl tcdry damazialuii clvca thein, by th rien emupuYeu on ttc Beauhanasant son nioher staicul. tiat Ilue (uicerîllîleit ha t ua linIole hmodaue Of thse accent0 staitied, te persouas emnpuoyed te nuale 1h, tece, ljiauîdctîteir repri ;but ucfdt op t ioclug tds (r recoutîiense. the jtartuc i hâ t d i l e ure w-r otot h b@e aPPIçiud for1 bal purpose. The peitior its rYe aet he louse1t atnean en tub mac l nids o he ruilltauaeg cf tii "ud luaPPIY surit a reaitrulv, as t miqgi Pr'per. llieieut autllouiy l e tilhiat1hi Ilento nild at oppose iihe appuinnîgm eCînutiie. lue motion was secroded bj r.LoNaINESu~uaci, iliat Ministen. had liesa ohue gîuec her coiselut htalise appoint. '[lLt CoMnmuue ;lon'. uf [bey gave tthil rt . ',oa h luort i.,ultimatach. te "ai îîug f accutf uunuey, tIl elaughu E the oeîcuhîn f the ciieaure on theu SIVce ot uîfr a grntcf moase>, bot loi l5ie e trl itaelrhma cf rte petitton. le h t. a uîcuînl latte oe.hasue.! bOltoî.~i ut lhe Weald Dot aubjcel e~ (l lt ttneenaratiteof oar !itî goc ius 1 ch DotneCbelon g e taî uuit lrit u d ke. uater gentlemen were À'llaaX seaUeprîsedta heur fromtish Aloier Gerneral, Ea@', Ihat bier Malese>.', ilnit, asit 1 î', t crt tlaise te*reao. e l tes vto nanesoùbt e - 'uo uu~On5t dvdat mis ers of ne tisi on w etu wvr n h.aprs et fatse e.ane ~tliter espce i lOcerovmentod '0 taau wuthtnu buftenie e byamers woeld rte'bon e aste poterc.lie ftupe. I, fh, lelan ci e do butvivr znd n ee Y at lb. mono>. a.4~ , Y[c, nta ecin ofrthe, ligtlit , ue'tnie;i n e h, pli]iceHs, h th, obtiline t Ipedoîbiut t "imel ruuann htuem ite. ie 'de h ash nt tle tc i t MI .c tucebaue aditi.fors, e C!ee,, i ut t oremeonibili. id Otfa acn te cfnine>. Te las, Oia ths e i oh auleatgtise aie Il iotlpelit ileoadt a l- a' 1 c] nlielonetecuon inge. Tise.tisq tomP~~vu<edeâeets~ S le4. te eedIrene dtm aletW ti.asar es 1» r"t e mVas.. ba scfote ma thae s.6elhI*at 4elu~ftoind pq it ies~mdc..<esoac llpile )uHe'.vr imy o fleutieoisi.* bfa"ot te inah sadls-1. lied tuI e i ppR, tb e g t V5f m< ap v1 a4_o û l beop e m adé e . p ii o tee' tn > " » i se lattîm a tàa e t . Tome "é- lit bis edis loma rtev e ierp«» apbi ahotaleeclos, a1. tedte* e 1qblia~ust Uotieinim la 9-d MW"& ftsnie pcwsruh. may 1 A-M at*Oqot, ceeetielot=nset andd. Aitt !oris. efore h »w bllul a te- aiseiis-anuth- tea il. Fbl.is4 ldtfter.th.tem coeaphof étée ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t »qgs 4tWe)fa a atit 64 tiasa, on ise man u e- àm *1*= sI oue low teqîoli aianet , 4an'i tie àitsivlue, ho c lo te tê_ Mi Macoepli ltg e sucmi ttilraise ets mslteltMlCmit pro. a I aaam ebupai4 nts of l.. ttiomi, alus. 8h1o ideo ct hothesa ier u mt sre erul>, tisé lc Mr- Clvito hat nd aoeigteiclspeefs vaiefî, whaomwu te liso17iugt o mii av oo»eto a bu l~ ise vlent,; in e aao u a<sera Ida riaienltrin#- M8... coiadea<tlaasotoa Io Te ia svia» j.ieemmal'ealmm tise smGTO R A. M t mOe-bt grsu b>. vitagnitblg inaaini beits.oise ou-. IS o v.i @bmhniniu alatioci, audetan>. tisiyete, thonvsth n et i Tiis se cnisentave sih ro it Iete Cotain- tie ri et. tiararedo exo pthkliials 10 lin ilite lait t. -lit tbIe iisc I*ur r-a olvillM 17 dri e moticr roet>.li.an> t anit h ome tie riiie no reaci e bc ngte yse- b len g i n the peu lia (fte tisa e ver a Ite.cndsorofIomi m on.,the ui (o;mon le geaeal. ee e te g i-- ulrCei.i apsedlseee emvl Ar ieriallacisuoma chal vmtttle fsproperty. ,~ Mapiteacn c Napnea, lun Tor la ppoit s lnsilueoi.e t ovn pteelon, buteabtci c dCoolat. goî orti.Dttit S itgscvalutier o e e at " voult .atai-- nt maTchefrS hée otai' betaiî... iii or , sga eutte tisebu t ywa t e, ui te o ss n er Agoe.h' box <E, lse iuarlct, lfvnia e uue t iethe mrnet.ach e harexeptt aeions a tue lieu lut e Ib 7th of " utr --& erie Ofbutdys, oi etn ha « wame paccedtup' i i nta p res e [10r ndt--f tyaTcy ed issa vaicec>]Kngsocu.yen -orth fbu oe scal vapuethe afin 'eabut ena Chrtes apointaaoeîhr Tanrl Tisehumt tisienireCinra> Aodoubepr itefr an ayt gi. 1 -> te JWrtitî,~ rad*~ ~t. ~O-. gieo ttsseac o ctut cet du ifprperty a 1d Crw iss Agnsuu isDiti i o oly ft olefur <ontiif ur p oses, tilanea at.t 1ament,"uar Carls eit l.deigeociugtibise seuthigvoandue arîaing. praîsabIo.mfe i! uoe alu 'u' vnr ffice min i istrict, re seet or te' morectte caer, or oul etae t iecial rve fa.e ta lie apoilha Tory;. nd of a ai'ura To y o crd ee.aS i s t e hoc l eed a c ie h uestultsbyprch-t C hrer> o t aptea t imotset toma!>. b>. afor ge.rali pross ndi " so 'lmbi>Th e umu j pes arnue is cas e dtite a e an en ol; led men," bsentwe ahtilisfe"gt oeog teisaite flots talontfr vhiicb mroulu t e n"moret ia hos nioît>., andilathrefre e b.>. are r tair o remp-. ia Avcau.oe* ré, if se alth, sonne wvoir tlle prsigtofttlnaactla'. tier a- iti n er, oso £hOOapeirB u tse f b is. )ly-appoprite rY u ar ulta T Govrèmof a Thgri>.t ove ltte <ue buaedi l te c' do.uts duinpettiobt yMi-. & deti tur ie » prbbyco 5f 1 f b e r maceagnth Go avr hand ts prc nerî von.for mreiftaIn£a70 oîkiWi ie asco tturaetehàaceot* ot1 e en e atisaI nd sate t vanse raof i ab u e tnoe batn td e-as acsliued isiate veia oletintheior @mail .a ia, Cot, t a abt ich cld c»ooi mo rle te ho cmaceyadto, bat tisbeyTamre. vrnad 1 ltte rc caae, if igoca eit ansyta, a-. butpresin th PQi4Q*4Pret"o f tuirsom liogla duonte » a.ttlefrser caetse inte bo rGan titi@, vo<eot, rmand Mi»arAisteoe wtisaea l a stdii ti" owan aI doeut teiton vspinetctbalasMri. . 'v tacgisdj ho s latsteTse . 1ttra>à 1nealuestc 'fu>e eear taigts m re Gomath I e o e butdi, brho pro S mO;lIwttrut.o pn aîltion aan tthelieltigneehrna rmontacal, mi-e for tie s».*iaji f51101 bone l a wasubsitued Thewainimeobeec i titas t ,uatie nîaesic valeO.tii pi. lte spe d a a nw oe, bt te Toiesvrer afaid a ltlermiase, buetal> >.toCoa businedstand, al. cf Js iteGruttisa oulai hve digtrcdan>.Maperi.. i bthebse value e ct sen moas cviithec andheger titie c uM Batte u ts atsi h A iattadeother eutmcoaltg t iotal uet.ao Id* ase i-etee outa~va tu aunemà isTctY f vrtu a e a he ie. Ther adbls e unenal S tO 'mor tgthoy Go.ensnabouolng he av b ikteTtuth efuAlthsae uiitsn g a 0daetrnseansl Mr.Mction R alul te t inton ameris r aid ntr intmre for thee meute@ot :ret ttnle ils- in to a flaberto ttet et tuib estion ant i lt.ebTvhun theoni s i-alestasont coatempo-i t a rt od Js tryiab vle av ariu sg ajl> frac t pb M r >. appeers 1 csol yer si; ' eias asc l o e ay ptt-o t tc. tise -cvalue fte islnd a e>.lisaan-. ch ge alte- dBie.Bu h at nti inat s e mindatcaIie prep e l o l a Id Thse oare alietcon tciiUNcOftth] e lie o oa mrigien 3-c rs' pa reb the i., tieaul ' ng e West Haltn .trtk ot eta tte l vauge vires tis i. o, taed e aetiai a lt .l. eavd eaauasx:Masa Pst-me, bma- ecauimaradptaieroun tisfprpea>.te ,anthdue te.:jltda o Citeoru ebjt f i on, Mcon unil suce ae auaen tisa it drea uc bte du bof , upgmn 1, (noinie foar itticg nanaeo ri ,funnuul vartus c a sieisql orianttnt, mutlis tg- (one efi ettcejai oisyti ir . naa Inete icf item..alie titoe Arcid arthe u- eh efreaube . Rft fts eiini tosti e saroporiait re be ,Z qsei ter Thetl cmlors ee on h otsel lcinf r eet iv an eas-insirebaue ov je.teu let a ýh et lîe oumhî t!sdcr ialoitecio« f-tse fd vau o veer s e sprce, e iese lacai. iuî thtact ,etlowngmemorgvi: Mum.NtjeýSeyou, pulieana alc ofuthaeusines sta uit tih e. P_. 'b'tr iugai n fVrt to atatkanceaiu rve are t ra ie tîeeea t ctf lIc c a tpi ea in cf.uem foro siitt<ins , nLalr)uson ,v. rme silvalue of ag ou a iu stl l aindanthre Il ng i-v.nTacie, fo r eitioner six Tress, B arndithra vent.aI;>. varlcue fchisl u t hels, abr, anut ca Il ,. crne G eittra e Smais, oftheA. Mueonalin eaethsiess ptalcoaisdo lrenebtwentorir anb as ilfefoi e tiiees, yIln oicef reasbetivebuint t ihan vates.evad e tan ds evinrthe i eitngmeihr. a> er ioh r-l tieoftse]. iis ltIn rior & -e Th COn iaite onGr. i-suo eealcame otaees anp-tlsg-aluea snesstaad àtia tsadu-. el l. phr iigo okj isnre4ado it ielai- sthds brintacaat o is cpe. au o- c ed tfesm h ecil i pavendu a tjoty. aetnta tel ntsii*onfuman miinat arveIo ka4intin ve>. ut y- dtbsaei ts Jurlaig lai lcn ta ab hte mnoie tr itas m l a or and cp- Pe. l ýe e? aie, B iji cotet i lerdt elo tgAtteapl s sisaisas aîl of mestnd a ulet- P_ to reyuceimerSthountseitdiA.es,.und gt buines aet s. se, . fieferl ty to esyoie o eiie4)Atis(oic o etrs i Occon ilioe er o in ma ise s itt taefJh Mngntr.nailr)fat vauerirt atca, tas ale he linineor-tu ri.tsto >dpsruc 'nratorlan tal vclue ,t ia tsu-lin n- n Fida th Gaemr G»ra «m duraperesonde seroatue;d roenalto eer, a - ie te otse Copradlgêne sud, iiisme actmete boue»ie ie A-oneacce ill reet n!>. er tset li thserJI timal e hma or tetaitreaetili ug etidenchie anor as adey,à afotn.ng.moe N 19 ce-th euBlla conineth ye verait" . ue. . exme showatyilaa oit isriuà standv.eair=-lRee n alpouepre romteU ie tto-Sd tig lj honr eda> emr Ti nt er hi t aeisovta ia t )y sn e soue ia eno.ti h ata ibleatennt il eitmpotat iaA ahe H tsth Biltpesvent tinTe on an teoorici toa s.sotapsnd;ad êpîoe in IlaItti-. oratisoadthliesen-M lteqa eaf h onttsoem a l ueref finaloalt uebsofeeatadt iae net t tis vaeexle' prt. tt leenot laaGepvttl txu fbvnga pmli atilaaes ocee, i amugse e onir btattxe ia iop>abe o tmko lait n nâo i hoinele r tl is ve . a $1ee aTne iffrce bofisedn«xay »Pr isaiOu rie on >.a"oemteeeàorGettfeCrontin Cie n te Coportie. an, ii so a cmme tisbonneulve. the u a Imh a cuntataif Jet sasapfevthe Vi i- tiserclaintla leveà t, o nt vbta.tte l e jsoatc e. m e t fa sraect. , Im<a lo iag tise val atle res;triiagests ei alin e cmtelitaes, ve g tan £e efufr; bt if ilaeevpa*a, as at if 1- ssens aur fs-eau t ol ein nu, t isa e ei t e t ion mabu elu itae ie - aî tu. Pli if ehte protacs tldest u nefouritme vilihos tse on 00 raie rop tiseaaeraisulb a M te Corpqarmaon aut.bftel e al.I l ileeecafole e an.boutmus inekvisae -al bt aa. itte Von 't iaginry cise hil e decrib, bu onttbi adwitisee iez.aaly5e aniasume 10 di Ia ' 0 vas moa nd ieg "dlalstsle* la u illtOst. tise tub i poet, ai o fai u S d Tiee rull tbia a. utmsl .1.4"Y miouhet gri.le &J» oliee due mporaele0 Panestse it a c du go men, JS : ibtu of boainpa vieila muai pssu, a"> Wea aO adsl ut $11e ast l ae pabue fr l as ~thM isl woo fa-ma mucisteae Ibo .ad.feoes oC thepox e lv'i.aleéing boyelecleay sale. muist lael in>liasem esteio slaail&*lu .Pu lbia s aet igistu the e ffco reie a % lutie euesginiom <tesaIte m" risekeÎ uTin lse 0& et atvetisueuts allng or panasudeaiuiam. eeeltse atiotn&e deiai t, UN f*-se lsae- taetrucs ldus. At vaeriti mt u ho aa(P5@IIS otwb1La b4oftme omue OR otud axe ons alei x«pibuste voe te lini iss u- orer,_he_________ laoitskldM corortiat4 t in a-.Ti e tse tac, 0Ibrs Woulivaeamofeueow*ut mme&w" gaêmuit jutie tedu pu. Mi "ithelau kciniolvie ef saiedlb ~lm al u>yamtur tepais-40 requireil iseCrouail. ute III bottillon eeoW*bmo'. et Ht. os5' eui s r *o ai rspc i ts lesMfqOe.êe, Uis raemieniale.&84 frntis Mae et the Bute »4il &sostail hs t.isistseAfn 8 Mi ho e lite e po Witaupoaq'*Y no mhip of m iptne ~ierrS hwAe% a à te êe t uilatq veaiq, al i sv- iavieam«a£2000 tee-. esmttgeeslé taa ~m. it 1 i u. me eL .c. tiiW wbtid hua. " " calý1mi"cl b tuce bit M >9i le. tise oleaunecdo accusations sadaia en fact whlcs bave atroeaf pperud did 1 c41 reprit i se niy dut>. for.ike ais.eaof tes whoa La isubugisîttaae echtrges, W Éhavre iseeaccueito3 s1in ,riÏýelisi-, pr-la lacau#rte elb> e au tise goerhaUatt-l.heabout correct setu-ce cft ici uete-toexpfee iebit &uoeeat preteetton, ais politicaI obl id"e. Mr. Rprmom's varin aI tmcisttte t.liniaiis avacateit blrtisaslaIt Mittr.ai-e elluovw, ce vieil <raoimte eule £y l icsho paaeet spa. tisent in his reonaril r open Sir Csro eo' diusutcas froe bia general convesation, snd olbie.vse ai-ove, ïIeittiateots, tYpu Charesignitian ofthea i iis levatMr. R-. asieedau bise xalamatiou agins Hia Exculteaey ahamlibedeslgsamedIla seren Ss Fraueitt iseugli the iuriumenitiy C Lcnd'Susly 'suit thetotuy>.goveraaaet ahIomce an order te proveat tise faveellisIabiie kig f n spcesiltgoveument ; moi, i.>.forcing tisehiuas iotry-te a i.giatien au maniage as tii bruit> &gai jeta postor the rommto eltheo bsetl "aml Copp.L' A *bon t miesaser, bis. Air. 1l>.e ou resi taetaibut listesor four et tise officers su tise Col luea letter wvlic b ie liai eceved faîte au n euetutiat einisteroM tise Met ibr t'harcb cetminitg csofMlhe mont bitter denuncimtiuau ugaicai Sir Charto es lchf, and addcu,-aWs à pi>. y.cuara Daot cent Edte etflthe <>tardia tisI jeu mughirut. p ponton i>. la expoeu tw lyranninl a duct o et isGevoerS Gererai 'e'- Mr-. R>-.ronienprocetet dlacat. ialcou re hoe moultpers ewre ho ieed Ruitoa-. ait t (iuurihl; andt modie mucis statse.enta as create. a etmngîimpression o oneiediviitrali'mind tisaI hio isiledet tea wile an Appelai ta tise cou a try lia beha t ie Ez-Minisi>. le tie muî ofisau>. ipuissb i te is urfeu a replj Io à(-- Erpero speech on tise University. Bil- Ho recoired a lutter lieumBr. Draper tbvekini 11%e foi be caaaley aviistfi ilcie obait trealac ite; ard laot thi. a*o itci, ont fr-cmtishe Go son tie IKingstona. au ho visiedItlao u,@: lais advieconcerning thse preset sali@et alta*:s 1,i.ougb 4s vanit>. vo. flattereuta% 1 i@, stitt bi isdulged $b sOcte unpleasant relIedionm epon it ExeIlancV'a probabla p.-iinioa iii i t4cii fo.r hi. ; ied juet hofore bis teparture for in. ston. tiicluiret etcee ofthie alt'rs et tht Col. t.g weýp hohl aai>.ides te ,;t~t5t ela. tirvete pubie iaaitcr.Tise indivda~si- rpli w@*1that ta, hail nolbieg futer teamtaïLÙ4311 tisat hso buliet il lte ho bisExcelleuicy'a abject le gul inuadosriateKingstonsan ste eWr lot, suais conbroanise ta rocuave bis ileneuinl isriaging aven the Methaulint Cisurcs te suppout tise gevermitnt." Dr. R. dectareu ttiie tisoogisluit uaslte objuct cf the Govercor Generat meut Mr. Draper; antd ho voulut thon-. fore ba en Itis guart, letise Toronto Broui er cf Octohor BOls, i. Iyerson rotanuti>. sserts,._ ItisaItItheresult of lais inestaigations hoîve.. bit Exceltece>. mcditbe laIe Coianellieo vusas. aicunced u ta ime egviduais beotehobu atadsSn bis Eîcellenrr siece tise reautuat lofIteMis-. iatry ;" meut deciarna tisai decisiots te bave bea in accarulance miti bis ]et* politicat wriitlnigs utiscisver "a fre u lie ar bl breatbis4,- but wiîh nvit degree ut moral ttenet>. or trullh, my teaderusal image.Tise tact, lîcasier, aii lieu" eappasront te ai! bt ied é 1Witte in- stitullon tlaat a serions change à"i tatou plaes 1<Mi-. R>.crsa 'political tiewmilitcetbus htoit 10 .'hegiîoc.Hoe as exuberantlenibia s-s. Of Sob tarle, mise.liberali>. ho dcclmýr.n Ste.bdv, and u*heem an>. yamiable peiteuatl qaitims s-bodurd it imtsiisie for hlm te b. tithcaumu oritl>repeitei hat lth@Principal Of V.cîoria Ce. gobail bse nBRIBED setdu (javei-h.,nolt iat.rest bx theppromisof ethdu effrie of Sulpanttai!iidtiutof Liucaton. Iote , mas lise taerecels 'Id acterai coimenicatone f tam tas geterament, l'micislogelier vîtithbis replies a. rend piablici>t te sbuent. andt Reine 0ate pel in tasse, la the flollege U'apel.dola th ret letter,1tht Goversor A' t e thse Ror. Bu- nien tyceran tise alpomtm.- nt ofAsaistent Iu-. periotendent etfEducaîhion for C naa est, u- igniegané is areasent, lthe onfida 'c.aiticislLe Iared in bis abailiaitshtis mpart. ?'t service. riic buhau a sroat>.renderduthlie coartys, andt Ilise strsug supgport uii eic a uld hrin 10 lais -orer-iseWu." 'Pils epFedilmt. theNsis, ast u smute mils a vicyrtIoauttanco tis, od9çeatell itereula ut the peuple-»s il eviejenîl>. eq« clit do-bat tn considenathon of "OTRE ITRONG SUPPORT wvasaMR. Ryxamse rouLe sIMM Ce eTHtE OVnIat T 1! '! Mir R. eè$cfledt tisaIbc mas nwiliag io accuepea Hi. ExColleecy repliei liait atloeqisahinr amuIt Mr. Draper. the ou> lauSiter thisesNimbislou- il, a uati .afaetr>n.nueent bad! boiera od- Hore due malter endieal(so er as au 5mev autil peing visea Dr.IL aguin vmuiweitKinguton,) and alter luisrelue-, eusse t je doeeetofthse Go- vr»W; wahbllin lth*uas lime miss appintî. taint vas soupentet onutilh. lieiaiscit hlm uri- igs.eren abo-ssase gasst late :ffice-thqie rac-s of baà tas %V..Wisîpeon otrageI cpm inten viteautatigencoe@4t du enas->.. 1 lace ucamuila charge ao decatliouaI e-. t-sals! Nti*titindîngalltietCAe-ftiu Gliara'ua cf tdu 3»111OctWtae siveate eu' r Mr. R>«.nge' aitiquii& and bmuSe tisa etiso. st cemméuni>. betieve tiets tissPpelnlttnm ie ,abc ofbu-hir" stepa. toaaeds tise o.psesiôical > tise prancaplae ofeqal irçhW Mdprusieg tate arts tihutbodyof MetbodlitMialaterud mid Wnemina" ft he du MtWidW tpeoplointe is rpic~-nappointlaient crblait mas 'puncbsa& ,dai tis expee 0( M tisiodiat 11011e1ret Me- Jkodasi ictegria"npettyl Betie AI"r. Ry- baiLotgamId B ut"ami, P«S cote ic Girebat amxm i iteltvm forie'doofa.e P. en linte bveeaitmiaeaeg tisse.the reacfsatrdai, he 7thI nae s niber a cas-ponter. The>. vere oembd for- coue tlam a wmesh. aS do Ise NYOyatapBpw tadn., Col. MeLsugisità hind>. gtaames se clIva alai estlfire ovet duewm hep.tisasdl.e nemeefa vué rim.te dwiam s, itoweed ba v ie ebeai vê M krles, andl eoihing huse j« uatpiMdtea c- ontt for tlaeïr disappeaumce. Thse veaibet coactu e isaa"use. FPen slue g as e. e '.5 C& éA. NIato or tis eethgs.ami ii Vi r usé *aaum cerbiu la ati dburre visaà49,e, touo, fl. q an-M ie1;a-j-teE- Idt %,f &bt4and go iambe ay asaItât acl khlima brt s 4t would appose tistiM I . xau.40 ls Tueye.ace&ltte dof ue >0W mIL.0> trisqp bd4beau itau ytlà*ib ttqeoqr meom upte tise 0tb .sU levu *mu*nd M £1jftu~N. fd.tuu't.g y uiie l'le iam hées dÏaebattre«thlite 1,0 PCerWOdiOe outcd. , 1 a. >.sMiswar aatwateuffld besMl ed mt Us -if Ci.ce aia5,mcud appea, tie Poissile olaitfi- met, ps,ý»a de u Bcdmant eua£2318 l'- *0.. w ia>msl enda;andi £iOu lAd,& té.hâ 'es.Qitise Canadia dit e j.O5Ua le 2eaee.Cfor lo1tMd j yur.3 peret fuP th.ard, 4 prr mt fi* là914 5 per et1. the Sdi, and f K, p.t t.fer ile l&h asau ubmisscq ' yeas%, £$1.510 ai 5 per ccnt ; £5.tlOO .î-4 'p. cel; ,andt £ktZ250Pis u 6aISPar comt. 1%0 liitaitdoit ta %t Spu cnt.- fatreal TrO OUR SUB3scrL'UERS. Mot. ERace Foa.sou '.01 s&ily ereli upentonr i Deh..i e di eau touti f yiwoeatout -etrust Aar m ff pq O hmtw mmwàrdu« tisof- Wrtura o tatast. tic. vof Sioriw en »Jehaïr ic M A. PFWm eun hi# .t'cwuét Io ik Wat bu1t i.r, is stila a rge slm ". êtin i mvtme us d pée ksa"rid s a"i, ig fer tfie tknu . earLoe cokAt Mat.We abî a raft ups iam.ledéuwutin aMtis mtuler, ahýi lht>. te de MM5iti1g âreugis thse saiL MAi thea pu eu.nfUbe i«h&ilan'miaasmust edoplecla e ix Iespsy. ment. sise poin a oi e ecctas loge onferm. ish * " eU tApopoeaAr mneig. MesuiU ho ,um* le &a Our .Subscrilbers "h0 ifdhqa> woanid vauby «usi iey . u aroer us tMe heaey expense ofojekwg. SUBIE" TIMTHYBECED BIGGS & LAS119[b. Kingston, Dec. 17, 1944. FOR SALE. A T tise $SglirbOM ,2M11Galloua" tfBîiled oi, and 1000 Raw Oit.54w Wisaamr @train. cd Spewm OiL BRIOGS & LASfllER Kingston. Det. 17 18U4 BALL, St. John's flay, Dec. 2.rgb, 1844. TICKET9 WVit liSt 115025 MT T«E COtiITTEÉ. B>. orde.r a(théiseWe.sbipul ïk sur, Wardemt and Bretitrat, 8AMtuL SHAW, St. John's ldge No. 5 ofKigtn 2d Decombser, 1844 V» Tisi. aryis inoti a e nalla lth. ren at à distance le attend. Asu CLARK WRIGHT, Blat & Cp ouNaumthtr, WELLIN6eTON STREEP', A ane umrmeatof RATSand CAP~S anal LADIEW FU7R FONNETS,maiataturl b>. himleoif rtao t ie beet amaria. atd ef tht 1lttat fssbiona, Sept cenatli on bianta ti atî hob salut verv iov for casit. gnvembhos-,1844 FOR SALE DY WH. SIMPSON. 90DIL&. Turpoties, 1000 vides om leLeatier, 1* bisi. Oal.a.ai out&meStreeta Nol. 1lIout 5 bereb it>vetn, Ciat tht Coupértsuraip caftied on for se0» têm* Mdsi etbisa place la>.San-. iL Moii a nd aui CaasaW. .Pamtas, union tise Ina Of Mle>. y& Jneahl*40iuitIti e ie- D sed itb>.mutueltcment lir. Jesisine le empoverei t tutièciese sit uute altdet due toeandiy the sait o. Cepu uoruiip ee'tern. SANUEL MORLEY1 ellARLES W-. JEURKINa Kiegaton. 27th6 Nov.. 1944. - aNimuieCUDPuANCES. pealatàoMW S5ReLF* FANC* Q oum* i-cewtv the-j>.» tt s uaes Ci.aulto' ulalet, légather vitt-eiie" WBIsis à»&ut forme oee-b gseDlfuti-Pse andt aiich ois t dtraiuod asgoAt ivep Mueafr euha .8aiiset à aIts ïa T tbe Pi-"a hielrge 0" latt- et o~t pu of Lam Zerapfois. t*- - B I3Oahteepae ibeu d j M th gae bd a omeme Kumm in s'aop n.ex daer to Mr. 4,lm'iUte strute, %and hoieit m bt b>. hnuçmgood r. îicleetnchtup p"ens'sd atreeem oumse pleuse li scietoatena, lie nvîU b.ofavoured wM is aure of pvwie patve«.'ag - Sad es ieaIlrt*fg&e. nete.boaMusut> totkeptonhbaud-ornetamé . er , mdae.p es, cati b. founel elawhere. Ag ha is oodewilti kur in*Mo. du, s . Ksugsfoe. Sept. 3t, 1844. â,000Feet Bltack Waum 2~l, B 24 zal.&4 14 4 Sqndim;- 1 Billiardl Table, 40 Banches Sdaioglc .7 s à ~senra taisint of Dl'Y G.Of, and' Statiosîcry, coaa.aistg of DamhB&teens Fan>.Caunonne, Gresy 8watdm. t amid Coton md Molaak jeu Primao CaLt., Mouston de Laine »rooem, Prâiati Cérprt- ing. and Pilot C"oRs; Cei'a, mmd -lDeube Crosse Papuas, Newwe a10, »>My, Foislap. Quartô Posa, TIà.Ii Basais, =na Tino. do. AUtof whch wiiibt SW& taùuually kW for Cash, or on apprvedOCrodi.- caommercial Wb-£ef ~ Kingston , thJuea.1;4. Port Pmu.~ J lIaIT ncelved, a slpy,]y Of ah e b tykcawuWijcortlkUN &;00m, Oébe tû,fi lidt. cIr. cashs md,,emno« et 4 doà,a wM. OUUm i~t4 Otntarlo Streot K5erut.w Neoeîm 14i 189. ON SALE B yTue i5 RCC#14 5HHDS. Criahed l 1 1 ;" 40 bxspîeo prio(~~ Ontarie Street, Kin aton, -Noveiniber: 4. l44. , * VINEGA1t. ' - J UST recrieil d- cfor sale "berh. dits-. Ghdi4. 15 qr. Casks f&iaa wisýu ji 10 bags black ?Pe4' Ontaro Sree, tin taon, P5a CAS"S FORT HOPE %vwUgt . . "14E ellas- Ufop, Cm17=pmo~. A. MANAHoldl N, j I ee ES. KUNI 14.1MZ -' -ý ýI. -ý e, -

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