Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 11 Feb 1845, p. 2

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- 1e_ Med é 'pbu had »m sehead the -r.8n icitr Geelo smaoonbaeauhtin asa tteCue 7 am fa «M *4 si . , ba1g irdedWibeu Bill neged bill te estableb a Rsr rsCOurt ia Teot te MJr Baldwim, whý ."T,. 00, 14»ll ' laelk 1whybe e d oe . rde e statedby*tep ioione etthbl l the salarY amonglits bitte""ýl' , ,_ýýIm1 #dé« et à 1 . e . f o fr. He of the RecOeder b e GahedMdat £M00a year. Mr. BALD1'-4tre s ý ", 1 1 *"W se gaele Notd m I bira to e stagte o dvie The Amt of leoopesatie of theR-anCaào. Churc h C os E is '. l n, . 1 ý M à«tbk* , ,mé,k€ W- h04ir1,eena Omnin a y Casese; lie ofni gte aMd Tarato wAs sariawas af , C , - b ké tju s a ,t a bîmé,wiebthe eldest soe.,- tmand OOsafe d oa mammite fthe beoinst a en as le 1,11 ___ ý that fasify,.f- i a re znInterest, l>ut th",e t 'ý il e smaI , lens'dera' adopted', - w s-hu p'. .s Adres o a ot " ten: ,', a.e.a-t il1 - to he M e bIl IbL tothelawOni- Al tb us of s1o, bt b Il leeeth n erg h rnhisa uledea et. u d sa.L I'.. 1 lgto lw, nd blibgh þidi or 'r" klri-tat*heH." O uermet aak aye a obethen o Mg r it T b1ft VAr=gietotdt ei.ssteeo't ei at, a hsaedetinteUinBt n i ofSekrte "h'evss e.asale -tedcdfr ms a f bne ibet getojcin hchwr o pl.o tib edi recfo epth rm a eodra 1o be1a0' 1,l -_se gu 1 ' He ha liga moto wa 6frd wb td ha teWom overnment on , uM r W -N a.' ' ..oW -the -luamwt M edl 90to inie asi isfa r ta , t hshedthtth eol M U pe and t t e engl s ulishpr fte c " du n it and o T eH e . qi>,; V 1 1 4 9Y 'M.ut suP li d ees op"e uags lai Council.- reUr d mit. o f ha t mne W ha b btiedth aMt.Homzhd oju, iectionto ths a detio ,a a ejtrd),,,i, Na et d hads iskseaie. enbe onideed leanig watwer te oinna8ofthepe ple. aisfcton byth who " dHo u s udthai the l e A c- r. the1 of 1the>la- 1 i' aft6r1 .ij EW',.gadtbl letiege ,u there Had isance there co ldb no dfene a f O p in orqurst6t et edtal. t wa selfevi-esse-e asI -Bitsham, nt- nacicl;i eqalfaorbybthsiesofthiHus.for t TClerk ha n6 essetvte10ar. t'egse obeitobcdbsiso tevry D.a r.or sudinthe am tio n a Pso roufa- pthe Mr to o a gs h ftrs adte i Iion ftaes t asf lie ri be & lea" matonta t heds of b ý, ý ý ý 'a 11111, o W O f a rms, t it tse , it iSd o age zrig».stUf"'tre t e tonR eublica vefossdid pie . The ThW i e a in aFtenchpurt adaredbatcela-n Malsseonr, ad1t e 1 ",essendtun, a - re .hbltPthebu- Bae-, did-et a di t u o lnad.h epl.Tesnaueinedd t e TColousl ee ten w e int c omter.dtb Coucd. = -e 1sMi e A the e at bm ol 1 torebut flemsthe we= èof-eplini.d'la ber Ca "M. trhoed asaganstte bl remtrnie as o a lp i h hir ntebilt lowCeg.T1 ouors te !, 1' -4pes t te asisag 41 s;thn-etg.ào -oaoftis% ben usd thork ell house . I d cegeneatio , cotta eintt ecW o rd, Mr.Ia all t ed i atheHmend llmet t nthe on . receredlet te,1,CI -. ]vos* m euWre a o ges a n a hstkgrâtlmr e piigntt qulywl nUpr a te nta o eoi sine, would b e rm Gverthnonteo cl bprmttd btomvote oetoc jetve. ý,1 ýr asi 1atepr,,f hspattma 1(Po gant-aIg-de iete sl r o s pwmr. T'Co ar aid, that t belw o icMo !uponth i d r aubec.Itote h oiineo lctv raciea twa el nwn thatfoethe claur ilte1,in l .an ofnoco oruee , eTacheits bd titereuW unt e Te ,.,',," pwaanoý 4%im qeitnde ifaterEabterr intheetravellerg;m ir eepl,mte-peainofrnc, ot ft he Cglg par ucule marl y a deof he notl ahae stam eeth ea t'hik twH eetely tes hepepe f ht . er f1ha 'lto it eneratnsath adpe ople increase mIGover noent, ectrensteoman th,e Cer- , amit-1eopr ! e1 P1nc -.t- ta i egt obnpo ,cetexist osya n ttst ebans h hycniered a = aw ao *atewheth e - ubes i et scntntyrtordi - gntbin-opiwol ealetildt is sM. r ýepi 1 1e saabese t 1engi mma eyt*. eoaey fth eesry T ebo. W te beoft ppthee An t e w ithc Ar thr IYo lng, hoe " travelstr adh Fance Mr Mcosth bu r. (oftrnll) ie Wiesad, s seant tent - an ad lo __ -te .es o a ndprjdaisoft e eole, aond iie wa i no rssit snjstt 1beclamethla s o f impr ov i ure that the mot on, pari ol e teee TOReNT O ome ,, -t -Ilthe of-K1t,.whi-h a not be rgadWdbytheLislaur, spcialy(c p l e oang ;adbusWh woo do ta ohEgananlal oit beapr estoin fecui eylrenmbro eCery etWo . pge., d 1 11 . . m prege dece 1t eisa i n ot o& t44Aplatbyp éam W, e h oliried Mr.Roblay towith yn 18 , s ys- lhar nVl». de te etet hre at, as e hadule a sai it l, as a ro eIf h , -c -- stisi Ca dawssda eed tisuty whsntt he means d- calli n stetohe e l t sel *Qbswat& an gr i W• i. 1•. rieait au a e-.-iâme Larg e upes a ' s,= yd m fos;adthti h@ Te t ürs o -,,.r a t. end o aCom itte o th whle n-servese o a leal gen tlema n , y9onen,:nof r uplat alà p eist w sch uÙ e i=ti a i t ambr afltpd o te a dva nce. m e r. celaidth a ifferaenme pnitebad- urggr. BOin I re1.,,ý, M e w etitoC mm teeo tewh l 'c en- ae, e AI e . hWmory fav red turg ;.dn e te vait ace l brpet n a 1f h p rtti la is a vth iUied Stat es s ot fate us Mld heurs eneto iaobe t he o e . ed iT aiihe eu e e ti Teet ssedg n rglt eprse mn cssteeweeetrs te piece by theZeat laOM ; aO t wnnve efltor t many rate : of the et;bupnl m o le W»OR W" atesit to e elad dt ly paid by Goevernen, it arte r edat r L_,i r - Mr 1 . M*Destat 1 taf,$k9de, wsopsd -tedvie rs weeein.teohr a o egislatin -qp n tesbec.Etth pn ayan n ohnect gý* icu a es ople oidereou vern ta aien th o uBe sta e , Mr.Mayo11ho1d b , aa - -ee - li' eddgeed epeaest>s hoae-i- awysbsetesan f, .o in eeh o1hepoleiofwuppe Ca t o keri t.an asiiltttote lw fSct .adwgwal otspprite mnd et afi the r Mon -I est to atit s bjetedtht aoud ti. u "pasa will ben g on for y ear s , sead ofretgat he ebrger ofainutie to the yo Unge .The indvor of a op the w leofte Clergy t Con 'oiln- ,ouLbee - ght rahrtbnerae ya exm tio te.1 - bilitbin s mcun a rd-elwt mte ra*tbcory w h e stttvionsm o os t xrese W am, dt h gl aoy fe n and"overt e rl- iseA t of atmsio hc isrnhsd Th men'tra: Osas •••sns , iew MadfeW g1f hepope 7ta teywdigea ifuec uo tos f hs oln, n teofrmdit olnis ldit rmesad a te lrg.twny-ncld luhe Ufes t mae pyasati1 as eada e. i b ried s, tat itileu 1p roprt i t ep n in a*gyof ange minishingo*u-e s admde h er geest i ca nd war. Wha-,T I o oticna-a thonpuing wh ice hou cld ke 1 porato r eg re , 'e t - ,,d aa .ad efrrdtoa'om ite- te. sma* - l pi1ces; th i f Id elo esrad teie cme oa q w ues e it ism whe;à r, ecos wuld aet be h-o . itMray ie hv seh eed:o tm trih ht hy pe ent e e onut og -r ', w6ee.ee i tavuasthe, ouest rlea ew'ata-1o ltekt oWd mgaetsemay o itrdue nsea ofbe sntbetosee tei frtne, soadnedepivd o tei rghs gaistthw1olowIlatnobu II, __. este1 pp- sd- te1.asur1see 1 we l oi gaa ll tothe"ts«gb ttuh ere;au d fe e aerer athertM e b4heetae =f-rfther had benldi.videad ue wl o lapn o ha esnvudsport the Cit C o cdut : a.<mr '. - h ï- g»t 6fwas 4, , brtat M •11bewelt f ea t U Isa settled, the m better he opi pen obe ade 'od. .hea"le banthnue of Welli0gto Totn, eoud apytho ett Cegom e re ton, c , be srd ir , - ase bsd eepalq wih et 1e d inb teass . *Mo he au lfr racpna teadhews1p.e oetedt i a fraaefDuinfr i onry- as.larpo te ci.on.-Asthe bil. gentlo leu sp oke We ireqire thnIii e 'I but they.oi obdte orte leaaia d . the oitesa ,'Wsy emr il etthe evi ofd U n aivin of prpe rties, waf ahers o pper Ca nawold e m d te ntatosupr HI..Lpk botyagi1 hemton tagb hepe :. , a i s h raae ae s h% b m ge he a l u tofrte osdrto wih theon-Bilhl port an 'ti al teaiM n te lawofprm teadMr.Co t.v rsidohatRe idon t ote fthe t t he eratof lthe ca a. ,,,,,,. 1 a &The bilk btsedo ct(&gitttemnty h woi iheM4 vlobeai .rd db erio n verstilhW t esson.Hea an alter ation wich was es ort by itesbe thin o tiei of P m erfrt ba.r n h apn naaV Tresz-en1wedberej d eltbter U8it as1asetret o ead, e e Outra, n wl n obto t he principl, btteews room uppot .r.to e.ntrary t uti e eq ty, - Mke Le amn sein oalweeping.btiti as fte capltte o i inenedto a s r b epriigte ftm.eedasho lawat nensenighsw o m eeti h bod ftesil H â epden eauei pesdsu eo Wed wol ertainly have thee eteeu. OE V ei n y ry assh tene . kth resr - eoe te, inifeet hterteypouc hit or shou suppot theseconreaing. .Mr.f'Doea.imo Cornall, poke t soe i t nmero teC ergy.therovocn)e huon ,e . t eidp ertiiehe.a t hdthe mubjoa woinsi a farm il4of mtde-, r.Ma" oni his wa ll of geaIter of-&adeagtloa ainthth ill. ie conuddbr ltgMrLhAURn beggedlaveWhooc i hda bs mo phar g-dgra (Il 1 h. Bll ndasfr t'en asfl, he hoped Me- of dIW si a ongm,and r ea d s «intC - borte, nd hvad artlaerwof n pimageni. w u d o ifsonn aw erCnd ince w e Mftç'Gr. Pa tt a ove d nothermiedetvoe tth e Glbe. ii r , .1 1 1wi-h,£40 o th ýý» tweebrboofhs!w, ddce, avsdced e o rigue rwar wite man d to etf acha nsIfthppe fUpper volrumes oafis ar oing ma g ateon . wuldnth im to nretcmriea tgavote. romecro<, pci o: the ad .P De'it aote. ades t,beas"1ar11yh" lité Vem.Cnaa eture a ltraio n lwtey tht o ereoudwih risof"Nte anue r.Me, ,taedthtths meden ws, ppard rn ee s h s t aeseevd, wth1 rhewrd- ew inth na9mtini ettan alia *O i %atertion. T heienopBiealluarile b d 1in4uk isig n n ' d> b oe e f ; rai -«" e.t s eis tor ,Istreeklq . castanthe 'wode . yi eth"uen srdue no h al r.A w ai a ilquie d e is i oldhv e e epinbanedad opaya __ . y _ a TeleapurilâMr mi uBagroleFrWoev ttenseut::'I sai be w u e u a a w od 6 m ee a usbilte Ba l. n o , a4n Let a ,in g h a rl hes àt"l , ist teakas, w o hanoida o _aythngabi orM.Jbnton" mendme t* h re ad"en itb bea No pers mwhmhadespo eediofhT e eor rit Ekd s aThe mes be lofte clause in Uther bindal of atein .)to n ae I t heeoc m P«-r-d stofth Ma '! r t f0 r1te a ptiio pesete t tatfluse payngfo h prmileas b te Cnsrvtie oud b o n s tewrdwa forec wichprvete Ceryme fomvoin ;heuhe ma .R . ha M The ws te retes acesit fr he asag healrt ieof in the" O np.neature snew r deft he Houlsie, eve beein d hero u rs e raa, e l;M awfdvisin a e ndoPed b"'wmo re surpie d «y a ti frceth fctof the oth r adiha,,, cl,,, ar -1 1 r. wà« a oosed to e Bl M ntoto,- Wgf-teW in u, baTwkn tin 1an f. a ye. 'I' Th e patiino e=e n, a as a t e a InO«fE ngs su ch an g rt a u:k la aeve lkI n n,ý;ý,, ,- atm , m o ve tatth om iteesl peublw tte ro tStih nttosithis o thea g o. ta = We . = fErstrain platoiauehthpeuglestaos e i il Gov tvrlerosth umC hAiClr edandment. k aargel.. ý 04,PIo mo irs o"t lomny.sth r ha tdfrenltMturead . sa ans adaoc, wmb twsaoes tae coat(Crwlaidta t. 'the ihea z o . " . M Dam tn e Co ewalad oe t em - a i ' « Ih d e er eesfe d aa u Ofth@it, e and m e pd that the M emb eem do e i UC n a Telyo .n rreoed by M . ri etr s a ir c a - e ce o Cr n1.an essit - yBi _te rabe ofDitr, admit.e beboiesnfgy ttckd. we C ad wuldse vteopnhi, orifl]ey andaUpertae ilh CarbiocEgandua th 1k h". sisema ag y «tingodlwa s N ae i WhUppam out ' bad tee m lèed , the w q .oul pm 4 ukad that t». 'i l !WIt hes oit y ofasy thalle id nola em r ea M C «.dDnoll) aof mbe of hvaChrit fuhat on u e r e m .,, that bbiais9 new n-à stak1 le al- of te la, t he itr oducheer of tIllse suhothe eber orUp eC tolac h A re anda Weebened t vlth eegss. a FotanM.d asmmeliberalwalewimhat hrc, i and 1% a img tpost e e Le no m et4moew * f at adanatrtoinia ben a pet seiseaameeheI InstiU ten1. me as fr thetoater.e & ";un Tre., ut , WaWa" - with hisealibetthat ceignit by blem mewahewiehtaofheirr. Thi thelagrtrulkuat ahvitae andifavouriteaer ed. membdthavetthC efrlaof lanentppearlatt aste1he ,,, of hii il-s hd.adyes)diavwe.te _ pis a b, binr nel(a.met iis e u qad = Mr. m -d e i ee t il . pa e 7uPrmtnese t * e ti d bee - open a tha O. ember for he lithen efe«dcrstht of % an, ari Lt te 106 p ,oe oin ,, Mr Pclafiac -eie thMM ea s ioer nt , and wse ding heirabt he ha!dI., a- '1 t as he, t. ap W for * r ~~am Me n t he . B lwi, wen tepk he dols gate«Un sution s f ie omlei avu f h.Termak.ai ht ews .eadoae.. ,an sb. y- slaenat , 1nd P lra , yWadet rthube Laedtthee bmirespse t;n .oie liéof he aseof hieCels th pep o Ubiltle sie t baottthneabetChetry of . e fanrrouih II tht terecoul be disane frm w ere , h . ! *0 e this e , a tg i sseu :: =fer t heng p 4 onnry ; they ee b r. nr, ad hve h ere9W @,& ,,1 do, l e ot apEe of f orh afrrdt lca 1te ea 1 ad a=desn 1 emehou . U .eng. w haen id"a" th* e aa. sad y ---e-- ife s«ý lt inr d is ngaged the poo , "r -ý, * ý t mi . d rpe ed f i « Cata a 1ep **hb eiin u o la v h at ala Engom e, it was offie h mpAnas tlt ilthe eraw, b e " •'- i- t s sp llbrlof. ,.apedb Pm bill g tas e mhim adthRP*t$r's Bmand till ;eudl wa the elanlitpvu tpa .wm for dan îlls fÇ»44 e len ae . l m, and dnestclie""lg . 1 1à$W té %& à" ou 16 %ssa ar a apenbing i= n e.a low tn, he is an d etCdo.Ail e l e *00 , had bobee 8aida 4 -t ie ny l lilrcl nteo u , and t ac d ee a meillndters ptä iott w . i a dy),l a lmd nA e a phtr 1ry. -um mm.. e't eil w m l 0o z ambermfa P o a the mard iou ol » ,in@ied&At ie inthe feeamem« a eling and b td- --mi---tan x ta""ore :ý ,ý&ý,w t w, eai et adià. i o $i: a ue edta t i s e e M m m -in age b in Uri mto t m t  rg e t der&m it pag amem.esC ne lirs ao n ti g w ic a e a. u ill t40t e n bat h a esh on ilbem ý ,i ieju « e ab u rnd m---m. omt- Wh ba the ommnd - , b ite et h i lliono gorri a a it ler -s. til me ttítqust et. of !36g neibs othe e lwned , r.*else t am o h a i, e ovme ofs a ,osi ge t e prejigle,-»4b4 eied sw pan a e *Mute ehe smiia làÏei"nbew ina es at e abdI t e aslm lem e. M.8&st 6 koi h aed » a ll Mar. Yeloant,, eny lb om *tb utinglbrae gidta ueuihi aîn irds à * e an e sa s, bond,,kb sab neu"" me...,. spoveee of.......i.,Tei...dee ew o «.fl.g ...t...a jut... e p.e. . r. e--edzira . d '»Io«ale ibe q» e s os «ho-WhoM. I " t wee do bit m h 7 àle r ban"'b* ftsehme sid ieote pe euam Wf1 Asms f h aey uv éâthsba bi4M.Latit e6lyit ed w ave6 Du 1 a de 4me e fa m o mre* bpge MYcnn e » illeas tod i e lioah mnbsest4pa l m àsøÓe ba ado «ot ietf Wb oCt h ater ie",',Ir he fo y a" bout Lawl; »Y«eho tge or .i alyeru. ofothddWest;bbut in eoti sfthe osser Stater sa ta 0eP aepramenta eirttsàibve ai ni 1 »98"& a . ee otseea etoe »d thn t e be a u« ini w titqeset stee t o mos » e uhamnn ns al alba ataMd, " te Ujber f ow nC *W %& -h mgtpoel ' T eA..- ýI- ea t ,,to W Bé, .ee, tu"esta»aport he esetementif itt ,b r a e in the u ene epa UWobed 16s bé »Mi *a",de e, an'd gsetd e mém ladh 4 h m.M.UN dib desee

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