ICE O14 TIIE BrX lau. ietl bear atLtd e oevetilis.J M ion ne hads an Groy an gticultr are given 1ois' e*u a Nec york ei, cila a soothien î~a~ .uî an slaseatl0«. U Je, ate yl. Fer 'ho uexta @i , as'I iesic tye haète, course rabh Iaket g. mon$ thé Bd Apiaotmidîi ward aniimmense .It, î citi, a tomber ot .atiea N tie asitance r hem tolers.bly viel fir o 1)aa-duf 4ktà April feil - i flelti of ici.. runng Vth N tor as cou'd be senun -a bis w" the rn,0tî clo&YIl MGt cf Matchn. Ra up 1 prseutdvh»d foond ila,1 i Prvite tewip luskig cas w4hi bialeti ti crai e itcan Il l. N& inclin o the ith ti s Of4 th, imaim o w dl ne a kin trithe %; ele, t tbis lime lies êWi s toas Sti Allr a-lan nthe ii tas lVl'Orn, then ranl againt te ,diisill, freqoeiutfy pui,. veatalifol laucib a soa» I Dme Agaiui tacketi and utrMi the fallocing ainrt, and fiai, asi 3miles Western.y ltb, madiae &bout 2o il,, %.oalb Il amat i mamense ll f aic 1i ga stao auwn lu tht Wraîtwsi bcu ciii any mort fitld ire, bai, ad* ofice- lu lai. 43 bui eai I Uf ire tlc in the aitcrar,î. thé limne tht uh'P Ws@ ni agh the ici us11 mon7 phi .,,i a slîip ,ont tacketu lth, ttasvd 'ecp ciJCur Cif the 1cr, il mn, ai blte her capiain oun Itaîti la ?age o thli Eaaîward as beur..1 a, ajalil thens ii atitt,1 ail e 2194 of Aprîl. ahle eri:ovrtelî r Nortl..aeterly calds. TsII, ai-cm, made the tpasàiwe froc, \n Pt in 25 dp. reine ACCIDîENT.-..A diî.tmoi lie et Ashton.Uaader.Lya,uîoâ r hll kt uit.. invouiigîfiti luose furtein lire., tii, arr, 41n11a, su a cositieratie pecîse ral as hi ben parti1 croitu Asha ..d -Stalt>rbridge. fi 110o f the locu UfAshton,indî Taine anti a canal loy a touse r robes. Tii arches biait teesm it s.ppsared Ornes. A cct1iîsiarli àavèire etaggot on the top dL th the River Tanit, leveling tit ut tirne n'Clark, the armt ratri w1y. and imunediately airer tigk irying tie cotinte n ath Mis g @cène 0rof meati coooteti ho %nWt col lectat w-- " PO tyter calice an to thettP negnauodclemr. Amuebimlà mes net t. amcer.e tie rlosia1 itain ct ollive. of cia. ri -iajursd, and, ens bas siaca dcl lieu bave beau dug out.Th mutin, is net very ait the gwaud saoin teeau a oxtending tint ilt; furrthei lnderanined, anti extenscive titip n ère fisiquenit. -Tens Lit Grsîtmv.-The Itti Les that lhe greatent itindit, rmauy bas tiurîng tho cenuie a Zelcot ret irent oi tel nctelsle neither ai thm 9 ametoots se tii inunîlatitos rfi] The Olîtire, Gerîluuie ronidle f.uiiria. n moitf Ilotaiaid havire r w.ater siice the Suith of ldni a Mainle. the Necker, t1Ic liai, the Vimtulm. havt ir lorre-i:I er isaika, ot iii a day, bu' tn io %nIeIItz, Curîgne. Drercr, liiig of ttertlowDs. andi severil il cr0 rovereti wirh wîtor. ii ýgeocf Drestitt lias biean carrîdl edictte hava hecîî destryed.A iâm bieen beexi entèmtil mi far t ici has becon aigneti by tingr., M ,'er Guzette conaing the fa] ici of a con-tlaaiun of& ta ity d weet the Uniteti Statie atd fb cf thei Germaon Culitomi Vnie, relax In their iffirts to estiblid lations witb the Amedlaa Sîî bave beoau Opmee for bitiOti i the Zelerein. h a '$'iil'l 1 tend Umce partlitttua'~ te beuireen ahe hoe ct0tM of Uaat carriet nu by ot~ alimng frein Doie atb riveti .% ti 22. ber êrata te by ti luet sWammlr. ()a ihe re nu loira ttan ai arrv ai"g ,aptiin Furbir; tiih bsK Il the AdimoiidciCpt :a the -bale of the VIseO it utis of esaci.t 0th. tw, due@8 iiclaie b 0 lie el en,- and o e. 0014ie f W.r!oceea et ba PO, oB tbe ' vra.~t ie P- A A ug<t. pr»ou e leth. Zc teifac faa bbas -.u vet e 10 ýu»Nw - i--I. la bigii à*w ca~ TW g-s .--W l son e SOC uuiei iibs eek.siemms agi t it figa det . O* an ,eVaids bel ia.g 'armua* migt bc jrshd;for if il doi"Mue ille &O k Jh ]claeutTseai ~~.,itlni'agtip.tiieMapissesi *,eittii aa~u cl ore I" Catheilês, wo raliy tuub dock, cho May la» tavesasit lit h'Ci ell' lteuili. M " & clb as w-MMleiatitlui in Cimîiilei th ho 'd t doan ths lisss C ern. ujes tte cildet bielte at %var @gUn"l rol, ult ad Ws«04 cit istlaimii a tbservuic f Pene bat nte bhm pu"ps in tiis beestaid l unulr t I oit, uratat as col1 as Mon- W ho Asc»asemi, 4 dm0 cI appeer; bits & pluicatocher, bc bravist" tmud coolyrdean tu a ucil a PrOsaiaa ae sey. hie uastetelader'a olaicti S areIut t.Wér ifeseaVactoria taeeb« bei- ly fit în&ythitg lesu ealt thien th bd- nted Sovereng Lady; lepyalty comîti bicorne rid a tnd anti repeal miit Co longer ho o sonder that O'Cenaiiid htfrnd o ompetiti. Moroer, hcbas been aicni ai towardth:e British minuoter Iban Tena and lites, anti prbaf bc s taiitgin a rb ia 1 ecreflex. the Iras1 version, 0( the Whig 1, chich supportsa lii anse lbut seiba to, the man, us a o bc inb succîeful rival. *Caîr'îcoa] porters. n0 doubt, coajitipot taîlf ittsroke 10 Qeeafrlor%'a peaore . anatrghten ber back from Dublin; but hie i tria vil Joubt wiithet b. ironitiven- ta carr y iaiters 10 îlot lciijtli ; and il r.à a pîLy hat thîleIn' of thr empire sauld f Iel curt ai'.h every turn af is ur.tad kiNGSTON HERALU. KINGStTON, TUESDIAT. MAY 27, z84n. Th lais action fot litel tgaiaat lhe Croicle iaeeal (acittarusI coanitierablo discussiok Prite criles, sud the verdict ofI tle Jury, a tom prcfiy rceiy catarasseti iy partie. wbs tin IL ito cqute rglt, anti Ollers vii diceu laie wrong. The Nws bas ironau ne. te ofth trial, accompaniid it Ihcommennts, hirch ht Contrste the verdict cti theivver. i gietn ilth action liogt b the Ho.. a. Mrris ogoitît Malcolmn Camcron, Esq. 0 sigge.ta tIt the continct of the J arares!ai lpaiciif art decitiediy cenaurable. Hi O not liste crrecîfy tle nature Ithe charge mot Mr. Cmecron, but pt. the case as if 1 C wart chaiget i th epbliahling the olt i I. gfor i h le aid aprirgizeti, chici cas mt e. Titre wau an illusion ta hie nid libl i, ýl. -l t iit ..Caînerun's charge, but aletd Mei lit tht recentcs asas 1 mer, arid caoaatdl a Cf. rr&i14jte aundry acte1 e b-e MIr.Mrri, andl the aleget i lbel cas he r1iariîg ivrn a tiete acta, fr the sast1 amelvs acrenot tenieti.9 lt, wir.othis, loilinkt ttat lie teeniver.1 aire iaaided apîn an aiteligible principie, ec, ahoiler rgit or wmng inb ilseif, %%astop1 9tir la taqure, s at ]eue t consistait in due 0,25,; taun oc)utaaiif tie saine Jury0 I gare a terdctaginol the Chonicie anti et a bitu the Jury on lin. lorrîs' suit,r Pli4 mati prolabiy, lav-e doue as tic wkvile Jury di, givon n verdict for the dg. loti %Wt aditîctatnthe reasort of thia di. tue Joit %necl. il iia rcase.tht tilesurif. bot ia alaya ftrscrt 'atrihe iiiindsocfbutorrs, 'e-Ienumrc or lee the ciaracter of tbeir I--u IsLb-thediffert-cae etwercu proecu- ir I:bci aaîîdtd oa political atacke, anti hutaioaî euded or. atacita on prînate indu- iii, iii Poitical attirlas, tient ir aicaym a de Ir harp ti-g art,, [JLIaides, andti f b-ula îiî1rzhiig tai namY ha nrctunetiv -2-i, rer han tler doue tho camie, orC I cr. ,Oa Tht attak on bMc. Morris, forW >t, g, ropva-oiemf y an atiael maie bp t on tie 'en inaoae i Iill speeches in the nid NOir Juraru coaidert hat in thies tri]ý sq'd'eal Il tarod ta cay wmoin lant be srg; tua t hiParties mfouit ire and c t; aUJ Uiii 'hen a Lnon cii has bien attacb. O nets i atatîd n i tutlic ahoulti notfi -b-frgrnta inrye, ile an i it)L iitrY. and wccptng crocodile tearsu ga-tefim damgefoer th at. le 3i le î efp, a corse aIrain. No; con' tai ait cotea thefieldtl. gire Ji r tti Woun.a; aid if lie eboulti bappen lteB 'ilC Ot fi t,hoe'lout flt expeci tiat bis c ii 1, bteîretih7Ogolden inîmînt In 4i4 Oen i uta oyeaquaous butors.- Pl ',lai izlof.ltat cpect rabers ; ant i dittitera i-b-r f i fticai ttife lmuai h tit:tilt I f le canont braiee im, e. lat oU, icrsapronat aling, for i tu athoe~ the Pulîicîf ricone. o o ,,tick Ourh une aide as a netor àaga8nAt ic poa teanltluie, atm!thun @trike tin en sllnta d ilh v lant ao t' ibsy dlimages. 0f course tien, tle ahtckun Ii Oe ntu Iitulal det, antiire. JI to nas t Ir. Morris was no cors. Ch 1he re; aiatak naach ho bi a ti e ho cpct "Y Jury I e is-c i ada, an a1rn is 5tht cac jt a ae ction iroughitha "iagicO gaiisIlitte Chroniclu....con tt Piiri0fiI ien no ffnceeor ptroo. M arnt a er itr i the Chroui. CW 81 et noi il oan e f their ixiat. tIl ~A hetcU bln . ic rong. lj 1 ra je suéamail j art ICied va, net aI-t. y tue , ans ttre cas mu net- . icai. <taamg, oroetti e la a init un mthe iG ospel, W h% , n bî~eoJude u t laisCharmces-...rn lél oyhoe s rtioetisandte ain. V.» thmghhi Andtheliilibel i tw r h da efore Mr. le, fi, Il Peted Ite preaci in Kinagttoi ;gblu ni thtevidch 'le ,.~ti prei cete es Io tt eti ihan, mud muatIaC O tai n leved. Aid th, Te W. a ol a ap, "Y' Wou in la » hi4 in lI5oiy e 1 os Itellgen 14 letCent i tak ng ; . e~ iay cere taou I ter ie~i eetni ni~ acaints. aR--I Ans,. liveicit 50 .1 Tii CAroecle lias gitan a kinti if summary c pnoeseings Iliat ho cishusthie moderates t &duPt. comlannciaig miti miiresses ta tfe Gover mer Geniril. We saold thini liai bus Eue linCy bai a surfcit of aniresme lait Ysar. foc bi iguity cas exlaausted in frmting replie. tiie neou t bc at s.steriotpped copy cf oaci ohel But the matir of th. proposeti adilmesaem in sia gulirly ciamateritie: it s, - tahe ocili cml te lis coonsesonî, suclé sa gree t e cluee c ira mmessures ud nultra pulatical prnuipies." Tii la, "iai s cuMos. tu laiecouansae iebut tIa moderatos1tThi e spartteuàdry riola in - fec euh did ce dmosesthenan o ei.oldea, &at cfficiee.Aud it aseaiditi,6thuat li cii rq.cî thueeWh. hamebeit uud forcu in the racks. Of activi Party politiciens and agita. tans." Nec, as tii loiing aise.lthe mon ni mut talet, inargy, aid d luasi n tic Paoný isce, have ail bien -"foreacst in lie ranis pfabfm tie part, Politicasa." thi prnol! sd dm cnald excîsie ail thi est oie fraci ee, mut 511 Iheir plaea cit i uenofetvery anodorate abili. lis-. Bieneforti thé omit ae lobe ploc" before île hons. Tb@ co«"tjeisnet te be gererao by limdiag anen, but ta, mincii ail] their livel have n,lud And a-hoau n, uProspect et eul iccouleg leaders, "nihe4.dunest rastiý mmn le excîmei. It in net eaougb tint theue» à-iat-am si Clt aupen bis Ezeileocp teait. Pouilnt DOW teoffice but lithesilars, for tii. amIma leriai iein vTayimoderate capabilitici cUl lec overluaketi, anti Idiere utic, ccclii ape cmaly requise tbe exclusion of aIl wbc have hitb. erto takec tte OraL place-chiii lu neaoly iqui. valent hoea«king tbattah. couftry ahonali inicl its cli mnanad conaent ta le gaveiniai blois. SMt those ta judge ebo are 1mi t eouncîl. Tien &bc no1duratee conhi bc mu te git ln. Our couttporary furtiot propoe@ that lia constituaente shoulti atdrees their represmotalirea, ilastructing tbem Io support Loird M.etcalfe. AIl the marchera cho ere nt ailik1ely te foloc auct instructions are afaing ne alreody; way. theoa, sheul t tibc le questiti te do chat thiy are do. iuog 1 1 itl Jabot in vain 1 Aid could ti lnot ampi a supicion uhat lieue representatives ccUcet ocontinue te support tue existing go. rmomnt 1 Thuns thefirst point raiseti lijithe Chroumce e iiienaely seltl.b ; ant le secondijC wliollp uuuecesaay. Theii odermtem culi cet- tainly bave le tale couniel froc, som. cf the " forment rank" mon, or tlie, cll tertainly bc faugiet ifoirLiae lipduty off luit ceinsela. Alfue vagni geniralaties are propaunadeti as cru. Cles, anti the arome maxigns thep canvey are Le bc expoundecd iapprubth le second, third, or fOunth rani mon, ail tdu forcuocet rank beiog îs.rslhy excidin 1 orlon that the moderates May stop into tir s hois. loch i govemrnent soulti bc like a pyrasiti on ie point W. havO e ra'i.ed tii firsi two imabers, of à Journil tctrel ithti-"TA, Br*M Ameli-Jusumof <MediW mnad Plyr,. cul &immce" chicit it cii lsud mesthîy.aid fuiariie a uiseribars ait13VUpet ac.,. Theo Lnincipal alan of 1h. perîodieanas ameinknrat- iin lie .dit@nakdepailmme fthe d , m îuî. ber, l e prevent trou a.ouleeMg labeuvaloa. ai. stonsotf iluatmien cilla iy (rom lim»e te t-e b.c ollectid b, lhs assidupm e« s»er»nco 'ekuietile non lutieeeprawfice.. WitiIbis, uiject in visue SiiPMnst pate uJua-aAlàd. 'etOi %e Original commaunications, KeOiOagt "-dilp befies h a.eliècI alu»eta tii iitenarp cai cean. .tieigand the 2arides la ums atai. lue dsrn li :shail seucanioful, Cuaemsonmidb. taien tiat mu, Communications bc sdaaitiadnise lis!. thora la »iegaitd.thna-bCi tiiPri n l thein o-imo- I emtiksu a»ma»f al ent id edmosiaa esta l a iesce,-on iu mommlatumbieau, te pre cf I use ms y geellm ,posndetd Ume gialis Callais oiB t the t, tii ai.epsye aipils~,ii eqseaL , et yridnecesaibu cw e a teànpidoe. rEnd Immettalsepuuhssdiek awtle w a.triet. ut VOliao. OUbu pluen.am4.ueclie i 1o mmietdutels sede et" ma Muall uinic séil g e i ate.ia i nise6joural esi hW* b, ducuaiak M et. 011160ainn-Ewu ac y on :ux l- t«au. s.s*ei e. ehed 1 a b, acran.eA la à» atuiiomfthedaln.a im, à et Cousdpi " su à« tje, a U. -la u s e..d-tlb un _ 8-Ift- ___m -1 Rtumouais !-That Mr. Tacbenteau. PolicesMa. fiatrae of Quéec, bus aicptti e-çî@ ret. lcitor General, Eaat. an tw tit is ii@O . tii preuent raimber for Dorchsstin, mnusisan ils favoun. That Mr. Griotte, clu ivoMy 14 e.. signis she at for Tire. River auofu. and compassioni tocards. M. ir. Iat Mr. DaIy gsete the e g"ievs cli. Mr. Danba, offeine himaelf as &a mui., fer X gitie. Ai t LColonel Degbomn, ExttPr, 1en A. D. C. ctwi appaaledte tie eSte of BiglW t rnfor the Ciy aaiCuy 0t MotteaL _[pilot. At U-odetuck. cosebnà sut .br ibm s". IL t?.. ho.-r miWudaak. JsLeteIa. 1*1m...Ie . .idm âmeetSmi B.b..»t,"CW <JegtearC.mmda e. EliWhb&, am etdmvgbartjmbm Armd E3..mar.d à h.. etdm < id4 ort~Qt, "('te et la montrean ti he U baIt.. sg.d 4%,atmim-e stvm&a. Uhmd tets.We. udnmtIca tbity@ <oamememt>'f TâtéesJ, dsssssd u cuit. Onsrite.Ile e tb* Prmsiset mhWmsem. orch l. of tte arltfb.tsin *0Wuka ofEer deeply repeisi àhl'samuses suis fre@ ss COMMERCIAL MART. mu~r upaamm m~am 0N FRIDAY, SM May,s.î I1u'.lnek, clin b 3014sali cthoutt nseve lsminai Ezienivo Asortuents of Henry Comiting cf TosSu"ar, Brandies Hou.y Dow =nPlut TM-haaee.PtNC;e. ei., eCanilea, Aie. Porter, Wlioc Glaes, "..c WILIAM WAIE 1Kingston, lti Day.,Ije« IEXTENSIVirE SALE Of <Iptu tDime, in »beuh 1.11k, Pizan PICELE&,è1CS , 30 do& déoreu tPort Wise. - Beut.» 2 mp bu.adSqume ai1dtte, 50 40 doz. Pal. di"' 2 quarti erraieg, t 20 ànCis Broc. Siesy. 10 due. Tsi,-Un." an de "1.l"M..è 40 tison<"haaace,11-b. IOW ~ee'Pnu~.LtiMWAI Liot q a, Ailéi0S .--î- "Ir-iê,u4-4irai w ladtheaAier. no de ~1ith Jammi * iidlncasf N» s p-th ne. t ia ~ *u iiughepusalu.The fact ihat du te twentp. Wc cme tien tia.t tiaprlé saer r eaons fer the disic.tvolidicts hidti teceas. nos uch ne là"nbu ew armu.egm kWvebouts givea ip meJury chiit-my hemupg; aMdtins j.e laie piaLabiltyrgao"dimsts.iallp di" 0 ' hci e glial b. gOR&slin is tilatter *em ce- uocemimâhedsagsa. ît cerii,- Ipvé Mt-& meues sd lump; inisdemkos m.ia. fmia " y mlie a u »""elst.Tio cs.oui e~rifd puS Chweei.eneof te othe panty. a&Msesmtamequally attacbed te ,b" .True tobanti o f" lierm of u Emgf i. siiol »ds 5.4se.Cathlic: asotiet shiegitiheesmmiM pmti.n cii. ijireices lieume.. " MeoChuansi a"i t"an.pouite Party. the JeY ep i a ne pssdemee ns ay ans., meeshuns camest aCAsaraCbe TiMi ne itlbel emoe u c twIosece.eipof aunahivtio wurflibel, by »ooaning il mre ta thes priseant atiif publie Opiio- Liepeusend Jaags derlars li te b. luib Wh" lnd ioi iîane t aiaby lb.!. vuiete. -Tiie s m»Y tbu in »Csuveery go pes j bsAs.bieunse liii tia giaueobe a ireai i duie ,th esunîg thaï, tg hep the lame. (noua-h lisus oraldu eut .y of Bo. *Wea. We. ii "Ut t la ~ dty cf society -a ttmanaasn " rnit. aunitduthatcili sBoni. tise, requin, b. taireî ttat tend tu a ,bial of thé peace. To mainaisathe.rigit. 'vicattintrti, protecit Ii. public ineret, and guude publie meat aisre higer dities ani of Umeimportance tht .guardiez sgalnlt a iniach f tii peace. Tii lattai je reqolaite. but il shoild nb.put inate irmplace. If ilthall beain ne. tyrints. inrersaand ceeud b. raging rampantin tiiemti. Ail tiiadnance that haibenu madle in mule inteliecual, social anti0 ea oidition. bus hein mie b, dret t- tâche eni wis.tvor casc roegattaike ch a t dinectlp aoud.d Io poilsce, aid oflea did pruduci, briaclais cftLI.puace. 'cul so if w ug ti the 1 a - - - -- Tic;rjaew îî;ê" auMérite tdu pstueoegi dthe lasiso f, olée. ia tinh ,,asu e oa lytdu peusega ai t4i 10ie iduI etté= pud»l .We thlee isth liemaïsa~cd husa-00 eliMst bii dsmdoiaii.e s-M.ouii.i ret. e b inta ume. le gritiftbuet tiix- piset as mmn remeaiis. dibe brndsnimp tai iiPme e itff IgmuentaniPttneaa.- Mr- Psuanacocu.-it Wii bossaimly Mir. Hamuy Pbfhips. vîtire vqa Coniert i i Court Rinei siet Frids. vsig.o.uhltp fi iiifrh s Ceot in bue s.musical festival «Ch t xai m MeteonMgaqaai s phi Vlace eW. ldb(oiton ail isuaalay wuigit.A rpmrnethicele se W9 u r lia,àk cas aie t uiew resin o s us s<(thcii 'au t » ceel. ss d O i Wsiassdy , Y o'dock P. M. ie Ibienauu de"mcite ? il sinld bave bec hnest 1F The Memissera. ieshre plac.d t. tem gt*lrnm Outii Ferry bteiin thiiCOe*ai WoAf. l@,an&, aid s.t ceci bte ate. dt mia isos lîl mais pissa.,tripe a air i pat esdhiParties, aud etiers. te jey tii NEW BUSwICL lit Wall le iaiaby tdu felloiag "tint aue in New Bruasisk are looig ceU (o th@ cames Of Ispoo.ibs Guvennust. The smisiers of the Ezicnttar. Conneatcii resig uai tciing "YI te their culera, a" tare ins ovy ho"e liai their iodipe"adsns dlieb. tecarded b, lUs camaplts triumph ef the principles ionu eici lbey havi madoeuWb a manîy stand. "'l'he laîoip summoned NeMuera of ti Cn-o cil met the rsmaining oui.eaiGorerrtoHoua« tet wee ; lbat a su,.c.»"eknow t ar yParlti &gain cathoutdtiinguiy buiness. Tbi4circunm. statice cannaI bie regardeti citi muai couder bp thome cho are in any Conversant iiti the tate roidOgof tht.Legielature. Thc couderin. deeti1r wolie, if uesection cf the Executivu Counicil could nunits, citi aoticr 'an ifuence ta chich tie former biai a teescekaegno pas- sud a rote of catit cf iidonce. Mesre. SbuntenCbaaderaid waxndacline tu r, ointe mn administration in chichi, ster îbap had lft it, thi AssomlY ditilared tii countay Laîd no confidencs. Sir William Coleireeke cueut direct Mesures. Simmondsanmd Canard te re-. tire. Tbere ie no rtier course for bin. liq heuimatin ame,kae màpo"dti"tiho b Munt boel hie r0egation.UIfoi,.lho May relaie lbaee gentlemen, mod do nothing ezcipt onîy such ai cof aelministivs ature a40are indii- peosihîn. outllil hil s ueeacoisomnt.tItile saW that tie Ho. John Montgomry bairestituaidîle tst in the Council. Mr. M. liR (unr Englaid son sftsî Idr.Reoad,'a appontnt aid cauun. deritoid te have ipprov ofet 1, but liai bo nov 1 sees bis unIon. wrozwu -x rum. THE STEAMER W ILL pl, ever daY, dirng tdu opusem as. ne, btcs.n Klugse aciW" Ifesaid, tochiag et Gu" de , aelocs: Sd"iA.M. 2" do. 12 1-2 P. M. Sido. 4P. IL S3d do. 561-2 P. M. . n8mu. LaveS Kisgstm. Leivec Wolfeli" : okk 10 A. U. 1= 12 4.7A iàK 9 P IL amdo. 3 1.2 P. M. eblacd., cil pivilige if nehq MlMgmidey.1 Id.DeuilsWaoo, aémi IHammeis. tkt6boum Ws-4 &, 8. uml, 'le. lW; 03Mi MA Cees .,4Clves Si.MBq%, U., â6eN 2L e liesse aid Catnisgecu hot eein " te -omz -seVe> tâ2n« eh Bd "à tta%ami PMU-e(n .Prnt. a KlumnseWUay 17»«W0Md insi (mii Jiryla med Fece eabsisd igeoc iae A. TIIIOSO L'o Legs lu NE _ - - TEA MEE'TINqGj. ~Vl~I*I~ieiTai n tu Win- I îe i eloi spah.cli d siiCh»"si the i(nm uDimtitfetq in bu i5 altendace, and are espetd te delivrn mitbl AIs@, ssveral appnipite and beamtifial pience la Potry aid Pro.. cill b. Recitod by SchaIurbb.- ypmiso.a part cf Io pledii »Mm eatd ibdu7Tat fhçlanra c iiiattend e.uit. occasio.The Cbar of île Cieci clial»o perfor sevenal appropriate plaes. DioS epq« at haitpeslongo 0clock, P. y.; Re- frbesie usrraed p Ai7 o'eloci, proceesly ritbe k fradmiesio, l.. lOy--to b b ieaiad of MamnaBrady. Irons. Clark, Wese. ,aid atm ofti Tqaciers a&d Officora bilougiog ta o C. IL G ERMAN, Seoeeiry. Kingston.,MUV. 21, 1845 N. IL-A 1u« clU bu gi.n ta the chiidnu ou GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICM AT TUIS atÉMOW%Éaa .2aie Oppefai lit as LoAnte flee-Pruoeis Surea. T Ur SU SC IBER a beshi pptit, la bua maie a gréât nsductius iu the prici tof ever, dcsecrptici ot Hardwcare aM i ancy Geais. and ai b. Ca istemiain lefuLtur esii VERIt LOW <Wholmale on Retail) for Cash, or approroti enudit. Tii Stck, ehich i4 ver>' ixtaisive, ouplw. odu Mr Irmnls'refineti, Creva, Lecueci anti oi fron, iilf ronid andi Hoap imn, Csst, CrackY. lBlister, Bloig bse, s»d lprnig T!Plat«s w, ax, tic, sud Couada Plats, hint Ire andi Baller Plates, Ment cfppir, ua" brune, Soit Lièamtiuec Efflov Wam eou'every diccipion, OW" Tlie md «WerCmtîery, and haîver Plu" dWam la yuan ami iîlite l h andit L voaida"paris, suleer pitemi Tiashervace, Bnit.i.aMitai Copper %ad JapaclWmne Tall Lmm db=c-ugand ti turLsu Caciabiri aida, P=VMi entre sd a"Kmvss, lia i elsg Pisesu, Jetueua'sCariisaiIi aia oas i'elsa.doeilImita, Eenuctdis. 0"s cotsgad eliaini, Uséf a Camom use, "Valm'a#@ u.Viens, Delcews, &r. Palt a il ts, KIabm , d 8.I ýQI bisee la a tsi Id &W pub d Mens, -a6itd. o du., tý mliii e up i âë%OAeilà sUi oeaiL!ILi br KPOASEIAIN10 à MANJ.,8&KR. WUIIO & C& Myl u& e.NOIMd1j. C nE m PU EL4 F reA W Ou&8Of4 the rmti , io nd onooco SLIPPK if salpa. ondiur la lpnces King. & R.ot MTON le&e. Knitoprom et oMped. 184. î ;Î thbed iat e i hr. '. i us rd, amdiVâsW l'Mro"~g4rbizi. iiiad4e j -.& ~m 9maml--- WH OLE SAI.E&RE?ÂJ*ItNERÂÀL W AREHnOU SEMEN, Boupectuly m ionce the am vii n ugte of the ir e t<ther Sum ier Stock 0 YÂA= =£2113 VILT =ODUMT C OMPRISNG a large and marl 0"Sto f th» -aeitand u menth ke ce de f(S the Pom et andl cm n g seso% .via :-A v in exlm wsve andd b e e seum oel uato ea fer ZilADinUDINUSIB la Dalzareene. Bauoge, Liau. Clap4%and ieCashmere Cleth, Meulin IPLane. hSwu a mmn. Oslesss. and Cltie, SHAWLS, (11-"ad iti i n agrcsi r-jet». la Deutable. Rire, istla«si. Brillcmt, Cordonetie sudLac.. Mon and BoW 'Deahi" le»to. "la Tdmons.g., auiPlait. FRENCII FLOWERiS AND RIBBONS, W-tb a ceniral Stoek of licuiery, dunes, *aiA liadeaieay, Carpeas. Oil Clotik moeevm prige.. Drugete. &c. &c.. &a. IM ».. «. ad Fosy " tParssols ud SmDaos. a, ci@eir 9ssa duy rk J> Wholoaale Buverb îuppled on the. mout Iibcra.l ternis.. KINGSTON, MAY M0,1845. One Million and a Ilf Acres of Land TO 'OLD SErrLERS, EMIGRAà.--S AND OTIJERS. CANAD COMANY ffer boutthe:bovesetietrtquutity cf [mmd partirfàbziud and of a very importa t trisoary of J0ýS in the flairai Trsu-g0 mils. Siili .1of sela Sund. Thre Landearer dWOn the unit sdvantageous and 1 enechtc ltermeste s" theu caeor vievre if Bitters of eviry descripion, tbey insy hi b.d for Cash dowaî-uu-&Rflh Can d the reaiesd.r of tb. Porcbsie Nooey in fire Ainlne talmegto4 cita. iggare.t.-Oerpcy of LZASE fer TM YETRS-Nv » ue E NTR INS r. qtjlgD D<>WNq. e Resta pipabse lac~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~O Piur aec erbigeýa a bu h nesiuo i rsn thl e têLimd. Tii pcuanat cftheCompiy' Laees .. lia undr taemtlieolpoi buer nscerej te lm iienle enet c he mprvemnumdinceaid alu o tii an hos le cbgain.. sudlb rgi c prcas o ti ai s aid uc nnid n iiLese a Rem l asa m TiiSNLUm' VN0 BANK, by Wc.ehcthtii. aniy allow their Loieeela.. teriat ai 6 par cent. per annuna on Monies deposted-thi aeouant beinig lcsys ai thoir d4cmsl witheotindicce. wi daily interest accrued,-will enable thie avdentadnuin.eSil t accumulate sufficieut meane tu purchase the Laid h t4hibasifleo csoe ado. BY the EXIGEANTS' DIRP«KT BANK, theComanay aime INaRnIr t du l of 4 per ceuL per ainai,.upou mouie depusitid byEtnîgrante. fu or nperiod sat lies "nM dayp -the caoney being alcaers ai thiepiesi of tii Esiigaaet cubent notion, Tii Company ciii REMIT any soi f =Yi, fr gSETLE» ,ot trioide ai HOM. b, Placing thi -mnats an the bands of the parties for wchars hp are detliaft'ro f ail e.cesPsu and rask, uicoanied b, erwy ind of usful lulormatlan upon Canada.Laity@w ti Coiaay sont borne la tiismanner, £4.141 12&s.7d. fini,2M Sittleme Th ii wffa7 iiiIEIT iey smmof m.ey froan EUROPE te CANADAI) iie.i ~e di up hi omniesioners in the P.-«jaci. EVoer' kiud et inbinatiisa- cd Dinictia % hmt<a muafoul tehilhq Usai. grants. can ho obtaimmdj#ve <eapwee, aithte Comipanys OMMce, LÀ0 . Tii mer PrieW dListe (in b.osma et iii?, Pest OU.. aid Sointag l UpanC~ad>a aigtem" u ho on ii a4froe <aug e ap plication (if by letter* p4igtsd&>aet t4Coupe-. npi Office, -Godi e vou ards the huronLaid-at F»eren k Die«.TOion%a*0 idande au etior ilnd e mittances aid Depisie Mue, . CàiAAACounàax'so otcz, »w«gnik &Sre. T.."ea i. lS c IN&84. fu.R. ENRiY PIIILLI-PS, Of hib r ueimusicr>k44. . m W H bveti h6nao f givin o11 f bis W éOICIT'pirtou, te hbis epa= re for EagIa., tev cm:Haum. by peîanission of ON FRIDA Y EVEirNN»À May M. 85, vie. ho call .ing a variety of bis Maaîn . Se00s. critten dornng bas lâts Tour in thi.laut. 1. Bout-"The Ligrmant Sbip." MS. 21 New Sont-. The belle of New York." Mfs. &. Irish Bout-- Tb* WidowMic-bree," 8&L.over &. New Song-" Lucy is a golden girl." (Bay CeacsJ.)MS. 5 Nuer Bllad -. yMotsuel M& 06 Grand liens-" igra ToPoeuy llrinaitt> L. Ne long-" Wb.n friends lok dank mdcold,"M. 2. Grand Stens-"Th@ Boit Hunt," Ms. "M Irisb Ellad-" 0 Grancbre" Yaimal, 4. Newc Sn4-11' The plussant Obio," MS. N. 1.-Mgsag le ta introduce the air sung Stheiteatn d coinred mninon the e10 sttaers; and tm singalarity cou.i = inlathe contrait of the voim&s 5. Grand Soins..-" The Sea fightl." Drpalee 5 Cavaliers, Song--'*Down smong the q deuil men.u." Chrks ILl SThese motgeare publshbed. anebbd ut thi door on tié svening ut the Concert. pricec Als-Mr. Pum LLwr's Trestiéi on Vocal De. clamst ion. Prc. là. 3d AD5lSlON-.ONE DOLLAR. Cotcert te Commence at 11GUT o'cloch pro. blay23 SPEINS IMPORTATIONS. T I Subscaiber beoge leavi to informa his Tfrientie ad tie public in general tiat he bau boom ricb. (tiat'a iitoresting to the publirc)for which ho returne thanks, andi amies u bst owandi that he bai closid aif lWAfIL S»»a, a»d openeti, t the lower end of Pniaaesastueei, WNOLisIbAE ET1IJlIIIEîy, la the. OaMOedImort, Wlters e bu iion ha.i4 sau CXwOlgwÀ lor ment of GiOCRIES, WINES, LIQUOPS% IrMAS% T<>ACCoe, flJAEBa &, As alec a thouanti mall article, ta enumor- ate the names cf chici would occupy mal cf the colunina of a nou'apsper to theoemoos annoyanac f ticPubliaher, but chicli never- lioless, ans articles cfgenoral use, andi affairai- ing the host profite. Bei*g siaeo f a atg ypathy for tic eWarof flur chsmers,io ioulti dieintereely augpst the propretoîcf their calling. ixaunmghle stoti.andicf course purcin. 0,'P'Tc bis old coaiomors hi would ni- mark, Ut ho e ould, ut al i re., ho moat hippy te serve tiem, andi bas noot hes4ihteat objection ta neceive a cala, anthetioecah, (rom thon va,, have oIe! scores to rub cf. A. THIBDO. Kingston, 26&h May, 1845. .1. r 134 9 ti