Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 17 Jun 1845, p. 3

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4Zca tec wwluv =ePC'et hea a.WO id Mr. Huari aBer 1 "e 11ai, safin li it quta eem i."« mta. i te1 ift-gh à IL siieralmuh rt le o mould sUipei esn saig ridi-cu le. A te ihtm Raciptes u g lu 01191,'Y efforts tif b"u e mulciocebi iOas egmi4ali1 lime. Mr- Howarid paal lrelly ignorant t etthi iar1 anaeltive casme. hmc &pe ae lo# e,, a me gWrit .sucb rccîpuiai rdis Loy. Tirz agi' ROtlut Persons *rnc e~ (l r iaab.- Evmn 'a t r lrmale,, Dne liligent prnt publlmbed eucla an MeAY te mcci uith pet*,, ""c-m ofi 141s9 etY aniug! imagine thai lits practiî,uu Doranit regarding ihe enipl ' ? Or doses b. read lt clJu ihai there ecI? vasRe îa , rne, wlîn wrote a muait on e Mr. Iloniard retire, Sl i% Journale of the Pc.irunce SCurity froun Whrcl, Natureia bco hnuld bave emaergt4d. Fc-Pmibieh the rea ris 1 I&Wiu 'the 27tî1, Wlîen reiexloWiu aIgu Meisireal Medical Joaul;i as t me leiaclu. coniûe a libe quel liaving iade ite punera] Li the dulies uf mn u.ditcr Or a.Ne ,ho qamjil ici rrjînirî'd in thei vrits rosi1, 1 inrideîîii..-Y remakeJ. r i Atth liai o.f riinl rQMeq» Ctable of contente of the M a journal wie liavc uder noinuf a arv"eaid by the wurrlr, or,, 1.-Empi.airuNT OF TUE LM ltNsv lio;WAan." on readrrgr ta, me foend i tu be, mceordquý t cf the* author, e case uf (tensuM, r ta a Muira. Id urpliy, w houi lie a. ag ta his c mahoaudu, laed se. elecved otf 1, eu "niiY 4if sud P Omployanent cf m * ion. lub,,,, i ledit guve reief îvîth u.'.Plsi.* oil, "ai," musiard il rrn . bieteuelit. If âuri everu-Is, crase er ]aie. >lurih,', aie ,s valumble stores utîorurau lemariucont ut the Brilah Asirn u tremblm lu. ils sucre,,. B.,,r blank thu truut to île Pupion ai cannut even write a comauii mi. luo,, if ue muay ju1Jge iry the fei. on, qnmice. pae.as md ara fuiiek bc askeul. If Mar. Ihe.ard lias dea lgnoraaicm as 1 have. rcpreme iplayed, wby wais bis conieasa in titis Briih Anmics, Joe,r.al or to âoiasgii a tesson. 'lie. iii, il, Dr. HllI, u.c.tug bat Ire gad y pm.lered wt h thse medwoicrir every aspirant W. notoreiy, hail mothoul of seerimig biiWi agiae ties of sî,ch personia. lie aw lait od toido au tiiollie bel. pabloilis IY iuuira.uus came mlleh pieiutt di:eil boax, suo ubai the cm mugwt n tihe paricular section of the Plu. bush i jeimad,-uand îles dit roubleg hunitte thce i1e " » oducliaina.. Ifibis sure se i uN àà eaitemiam u of lO. 'lai,] ubc m etus a Joiimial of àdedsCa. ai ance ; if it lac iucorreit, & t 'f Mr. Howard*@ Louei TrE aita r île aaedical talent Of ta TOsa, tmg a Nedical Journal. *l li]o»a 'ver,. freas ithean nome in salai 1 )r. Hall opoela of by iseuibit il u n 1 iei Towna, Who> aie &cqesiulif lical and Iuherary attiaiimeutl, tbi m correct. XP Mdr. limoard. Lai. ,,im te tieai Oro of Smill 4ie ent," says &'lwyn'i Lusw of Nimi r a litmrary prcndecti5i. etiroit ride, ~ ~ amiliaJiuibciaîP-aie mado t w b bruaim it. eP à- rîtieie.n. by atmckingt lb Iits hit uonectili iii tis publical~ ni cf tit. dcucrîpllue evefY O liliah, altboigi le@ tauier colf fi. àFich alIoe bla', dmO<t nillm i eib as " lai t ? <Ut le uhic be na e mfi ur1 BeIwyn refera #o ilia 00SM ýarr bai li.i cffnfeCivi d lueur ai K . gbihe& cc eiamiuctioii.. Uc led writlifi eio e utl fote r mu u ieslibi ilawe int»vb dire hoc Li bai mew o 1 ê- A ciliet d oe& nen rcplvt Ple bbll .., for 11111111,iiau w isJay Mi b.eogel te ler Ibu Ilisd IP10 'Oe augbWm , 1 , . si ---a-f - ". ommw spot tash 1 pea offaiu u anib'Fis lver vekbisa right Sucila th ier bdoà DMioueldui' y u i-l;aa louebhébmpar- fil, lin,in ,stel. m asof le..t' ta wlieb lme as near eititlei. Cain le encei tMo etbretiimifte of tle pà aan ib pecimu 0' ae- iuthe cout. lie oulit te remrisi an ,m- bitfeni ibrai eritaic ni ibmth ""The Citer jusir ci ncluded lej, try.lai il tbâ*Tirrille 1 ie aroiWlin i eibai! ot iravelledont r ritici t ur Le purPOi "f "an*o ocil euDtlie; lui if tîl oi in cl jgiy hing persronelly laaiirfl île lantff, encouraienft!ai mmiiibmmaris iyn lotthepubli, ia ual case lehai.d tea ,f catonsd abey vmouhi amratihim i acerdigly. Verdict fr thebm uti athe laue wthbregard in lisamlpro.. (nov mcl mrougef meuh itueraam lae 'aupilie elt<bmlh i, enucernd.! il' lotward iuîends ta Iring an action ait 'w~îî Jthe rcutl, ucsetif bu noe. 1i tmga cheil botaili li;lut perblpe brnt eir sut eig irealciby tl iasrce adsi, u tLord Kenyan onCOellce a bh Jrrewneg lia parcninrut ai bis lima. r i trai n rCourt ctI disgracee. chaI] nuav . Sýir, wtIIIlmter a fioul andl cutn rati-l nyseîf lavre lbelling i aie orittn aie1 the scte viw f the bie luf tMy lProfeasion. fur. inn hu eirif mdlnu-tous aitlîmpIai loura' aue snuuld laite heen ubeuîctb teo irnij ouit dînve piaure flarin atch.. ieintcretîaiflimai irofe@Onufl .A butin- 1,rppc; ai the abrine of Meuical Sceiu iiniýrvd IluIrait eide te anucidil. 'lu ia ritn a v e aucceedei nuir munit are lhe jîîdgcu. Iai Sr, Yeur ohcdieni serianat, JOHN luTE WART, r'nrrLa . ipa 'l rr a kndl cf cpin * u iu"snu0t a lreproprietuir c.,uit cuiaci fhinself la tbm in. rfor th, ;easppe."What a asiil . u Pl . îepprlif ait al»9o1 11, a Ilait capable f inliaie- ramer' a e 10 cure tlerefîur ?Ne, ru1 1: ~isclife u id rleryag uaarder, Il n ;,i tl erefirurin a Coturit fl.. c:, runlununîîg but the uxpressin f lite har O,ilu, or Irie eJitýirw vcice, ispeakiog 'o' nc ladir. Tierefure ulien île kn cf ufJtted ie ncntimtency of the pi. sfiO'd tu ira tuteur asd umner, and the nî bal tite rcîîuîîus Oi u portbina. odaife tu rla bt tireebarg. brouglai 1u imin for i lnru linginicioniency in aie m& Wmieii i-m a er idlaUcmsbmeeeMd ei" Pelainsit. JW thpae oua.h idPe fmj;.,â mo-mgwldsvi. alua.l primd blybmfti le OWdas . Birus pao. renc btars ummpriaiegan i m " s siin efFmifrua ue i PR turaas ci U pacemi tea i su d ibw leU ubsr ms £100 Weum t insusu t. Ea" nglain hea'ge pirelaëtr ltef*0m lierpli < il Pla:y but £10,fhbave heem.. am ihitemericith stock i.ftbm Teofce l aie Hermu Rlise, Cen.. Pool. 1ii.capital or tle cipae, s ixaiby Ibmàft am et ai £500.~e e hcmuai b. turalebed Free Englamiel ut t aIL Atire masres soe *hinelaprogm ertiraisn5 fonda tea rmine tWIbamY fe O Mmnreai te Porlandinlaiis, am hai 80.00bave bsec subbebd toardu thai pr it iii hin lte rue ihrougb île Ler Province. A publie tmeeting lhm bon li et aiToreot le order te gtemneur«e loi le reief ofi» ut. fuesci v dthecmlireetQumbm e Tm aya mas in the (éhar, mend W. A. Balimin, E9q., maàs e. ercmmy. Resoluuieac mre matai by dueMou. Enhi. Baldi, meeimiby IL Stautec. Emq., sud bI"m[liac. Her Dhsrooni, secondi b 'e..Duggan, Si, anal othere.One dcIibo r.- solutions rOcaumMnd a n eppmtal tatebm ue. ere, U &e4,li.,for Cauributioe ; amoter cal- Wedon tieBank@Uid . lianda aler proposa a nemrial ta Ibm Goternr eterdwai r bth. me aivance frou aim publie fuomi. Tbe foliw.. ing saim re cubciei aitle meeing .-. TheH. oltbmrt Baldin £100; nlm Wor- clip the JNeyer, £25; lBon. Wm. AI&& £26; W" A. Beiim, Eq. £m; Hom, H. J. Boulcea, £12 Io&.; l . Il erwom. £ 12 10.; , oe Dnggan. Jun., Esq.,£12 lO&.; lb. lielop of Toronto. £10; R.LIaentn, Eaq, £10; Maîse. Prier andi Ewart, £10;u G. W. Ailes., EcqF«£3; Meetr.. Ridoet. reibere,& Ce. £5 ;W. B. Jarvil, Eaq.. £5; B. Scolie, Lu1, £5; J. E. Somai, £4; ilaimli,£M0510e. The fllewlng circularu on thias ubjeci have been received by ibm Mlayar of Kingston, qingzas, &ihilune, 1845 [CiltCULas] Si: -The printeda mdreas ta the jahabiats of thei.tnhed Kingis., mand of ibm colonies le Britih North Amerie, ubicla 1 bave tiebm nci la «nClose ta yuu. uilîl ufficiently set forth ibm circuuaacem ubich ccmpel ibm inhabimats of Quebmo te erpoal ge tb. sympaibieand chagity cf ileir fmlom subirezi. The munidlcuue, gim cbrietiou n.evoluen. mhcbion her occasions cfaà iuilar description havebase emrciamd b the British paople even te toreigu communlîle, beave ne roc. tate inhabitanis cf Qmihete doubi thst iluy eial, onicr tîle hmcaladfity, rfteive the lenei cf tbm rame assistance;aid chie the mre especially as iliere are nom iaily lamded sai ias port largenuabere eofemigrans front h ibm îsorhe IbmNaer Country, of mboum many mey soon lacame a brlen upon tuas cily. andS îlesm a te iitr«eahich rom meiglu ldomo. Teu arcecliclimi te brlag ibis appeal lfura ibm citizenu cf Tarente, a ndl te imeeumiwaue.v er courilutione ihey my ee fit hta gv ith ,fs much àixpemiuion as possibemand l=fhe*d mcmiii cf Ocaber nazt, ta Alczmnmlmr Snmgsc Biqui Ire esbieriof tuhe rmci f eti nt"îma Bank ai Quebmc. I bv ey ic ouur tho1--, air, Your mcmi obciemi hublhe servent, lux CiaM,, Ta ibmWorhaipf tuhe Myo f mb Mayer cf Engatea. Tae >. nha»uinl t!GWaof irew Oioa ad Iralu4 andioie câeirs in Brii NorikA Assoez. tiuuiru1 t PbltîmociletMr. Bahlwin. A mure extensiva calaihy bas Devoair i ie-c MriR B. un os,.. actinus ; otab irvi, befallea Bey City on tdu Cemhmmi of il %O ut n nint -t ;11e-ad riAtericae tu ai uiehancm compltsibhela- ne ciures le!d ontl uuhiun nsied i habitante cf Qucbmc teapeaitetheu yicpmby unî 1118i1111 urtip tîcriera tle Clrtîri. cf their flia. subjocts. Un. uhiri parote b ýC,%asetirrely, ceansure Mr&ld* a xtet of the Cit.aa ht.he ontppulcis erf Nif. B. andl li rnndi atcteiîlmilseibreadil, nom lying in tuune;.leus t Chotuefe xînuieI. mc.urue. imellinge, four Cherches. an extesive Bblpyard, Mr. Bladwinititivaes wiouug, flot île asovrti Luunlur Tarde mcd Whmrvealai laeash- , ena rIO cuir] ily mein ho usimple eu.-iipmandofa 12(100pepile , lanîle course prouýe tht 1he icie, ioncst. mighly, ini )f a flosbeurs, vmitbmetbouge. or hom, et ahed- nov tChrurinle cuuld tir orbeo cuaruipa 1.toe, or food, or a change of clething, tir a bed un q MI' titi u]ritn, no',,duubt! --le lieanand moi l n ibmmemofetprceur4 git. 9ier:, Uunuele ceuuureul lin: - m, excepli h bm blabOfrot hhir hcd.-ibemc tE~ ~ ~ e ti ie 1rticaeprselat ale. ; buat a feuparticulersa mebT l eisi. At 11dcloc in te *Wnuofihe ffl Ky. eene 'e tjeire prii celciel a lire biche oui in ibm Ut. V" srSuel bo Que- nt"reai,-itls m leud iato ~a cber, mhicb imawn"atoly spnethe ibm m4mlne nul~ ~ ~ ~ bub Sufni ei t ubutb cf Ut. Led, clely hifi, Jmelni re i en the r.neSthah. fmoci, ami croulc l ih p"le; thunes te rc~ iA~~i.etIcsaae raas a ee yc ur ' er heuzed rrfuas th i hion-tbe upperS uberb oni UtJoies; an i.n a feu l." îf1u Ceu.boue. reacledibe metrextnmity ofubâe Le.. Pill les ind q..-lie. did nui ; e-Teun cf Quebu theutituber yards &W luchai. taliei hy the Chroniclm e vs Waîi ub nr tudeetsrute, Ho mntvs.Wafe atbà aiggaletmfliul te me'-i lnir teries, ad lmuslsm ehle elaeemm ie 'ueur sil ho able t t tt!cî r larymimacî rou bon e e omean (rma aquere te Unrnerg aui deluuve d. i. .. hent square cf buldngs. màzin varicas ,uoiu parte ~~ "' ai oce. gome tthe»i ho" um l ciur bemrnesias. tOicfr.îff~~'nr] 1'S42 't ae curiiv mt one exirmmtycifitheSubrb te eess ,ttnr C h uphvei hai M. Qg. aiibé disancemom t ait mmieinl eaintla»pro- ~ :.ndelosultileretaineal in sc f dutemare sauuiyMdii mce a Pdf rry KnnIul rjece the ol ffer on t.e aeve ae am.hm m ma fterîçarnis expainei lIai sNtae am nmuyvl ciel %ViOunu;e~gu li)et aod te ou a thei conuarcia; Io ra-uneslieadaffln,.3 Mae ni h udeiarjceu b l but litule e c o umwvd hem u buss, ou attd bup lon uese lwo dieu 1f. e fmi iiacuty ; sansymrerr nr Sentihlecood, nnd'tbm aee i bi p ,imhnsaipteai ' lii a',du . o, dii b valal ti a lini uascg .y h aalsadP 'tee he urvcdal t hos..Many i h oua ia the nreigreer sssan eof rfui led Itetoff*ic<ea1 bu. theaPo. coupuimalce, o e vmm pe"e w elbo tdu it.TIi n n ut&Ir, rinitet aum euysaniiseîry miand uiu eu t unitM.cadi% ,fcmundelltmsues la s tall cid"summchft er tiag, A tubo * fn lmu ill ta r eplace. nsee gl"Ir e n> udyos"Ist lee t d 0(Upopety delregd ;- -qaifhr uirng crtain co. mgo, scre sliaI .mm eain CI it,5ee sle:o thebr.Uniin ron si gt4m fuea"rM"ky. ÀAup P@4 et cprv of i .itions attachai, holu gagu -ai ethie i u h.mmr Thinoed tb eetaa iag ami de. àd - nus owsmmai, aif£cou"- W tan for spd cinuiui thoei hi tig IiL faau brgh e alvm oer b MMM sulamM o is iet se cIotcotI'5te n r.Ba WM@rtuhm e e~slm<imt tw ommabuei.cà au R-bnlia îe d it; bt ifetor enablieum mle Wb"si 0. hi e i l s i, a cot e apn t ; b u f o u ae ! i 4 l , o r b y tU e s i a u l l c e e u e i u w i o a e t lOIn Cmos lut W' O ill Mnetomam. 'tbmepety( 1.lien ales elrmesuaes. an t n ineh~ho madae odt rl u ? lu u leaeMW- base semm"lise.- Ill l ueinèml bbuemr*.Iitt ;andeSyeci ,.l asiuiie 0f ih banalebÉenacaise tueRalia hWmdlis teeneen misio ~~inrebtia, aalumd hoo mulet bt ama-ni pes :Li am l ai lbrie ime. n cbr ueIgedd Illéeinn uldisg l Party â arcu.umaelleer.lenhat llongaee m te.theriue f he ou asytIl, e mas.mu e i b, ýamt i 17u inàmea Irateorin &ad 5o ceuteIma. eu i %eeal u fitt9as c s al ne gb r m Cuif isabidpawa. bu absupporte ivp~imd; sua theqnéin i- k?î an,, ud itas mpatai 1< du iiq * la mum aiIm arndu ~~Ier~~ -u]brei fob r ' urliei blia . Il iang aiOli Vigeri. sud, mi m i litsi e llsu a s mi Xllaprliy henx, ie .oale aui aicm r. d,&i, , e acýdit u -MW moniqut sgéa oradae ide ta b W*cldat0100 ues dom lar lie ptm. fsl.e djde Uiài a"èfab iisent muw imla. "a i e naiie e- Mr &itaet - 5ve m m. Id;beimef -1sm SMOI ..eaiet b iôe. tdwb mdrth or h w uaris meyclcv.i ib mue._______________ £7090 nhmre cocins tuentrlu ethm mme. a i, aromnd lia. -aUNI-" im aisnlseei mmebve men etetnlaea mi mewyn 400, Nmiofmuaih t.hyleeve..Ue im l e ff at s b a ey s s u c e . r ol4 w im m . i t m f n mu s O r j u nir 6wc e, S es . a i cubecrippairulaithibn mi qbimn -"cri ibm humilie Provincial Genmb.nî, ai £2900, '" proinblhy reach tic mmciLd OOi£M rM q- OuheCtmnry rpbm ie~aledo eues Mei ENDERS ilu i erici at the 0"meoe c(i »b.ramty a"i f.. Chist iaway bbe asuriu tePnhaîrv. unil 12 Dacuet Mi ON ai rllre sappis i f thg, peuinsis. unSaturday thm 1011 July uitrum uWb par. Mai money, uiily reahqaeb ioe, mibgh imthes»abu uilling te aupply umiraopultlion bba e W.ait)inas stae 16M IZe.ouenmadFlancel, egraideprese.enhi cam-ma" f mueutr. 85"Clou, dymdi lavome hie - ae i chuadvmrse, iresmetmneS. 04 ellw.. luitilu aut moieeeuimrîucm mu aieme.-Beuple. of lic qiielitie ofthe aboia.e atslias timweialec lw au eqeatin itiis cupply. ea md ibm colwo f ithe CLaI,. bich muai e fst te ihe Pr-et imumeiate sud ment; peme.,au-dgci, may l e eun on applicatilo mi tic Pel. cmssty. Alreamy basmemfono te bm une! tBi. aluribedel uebausei a u aeply cille The ahovm articles mili lie requirmdintibuhefur- iaily manie cf tthe buemamiand aea iaggey. ised au or befoe tieM S Iday of Baptemiubm Thanifut for iluircunilmuanitruimsfluim- nae". andS twa Sureties wullieb.requirmilfor t I.e modist cfeft r cf bmfmty, and acknow .aig. allment of ecI Coniraci uhai malylh. enterai îing tilir Christi« obligation to eetribsit ethebmoi. in the soin af Unelifunirci Poaoia. teliefof ublr e.ferhug breures. tuais semag Us, iLl. irrHl, ciO ao e Duy ute hes ipel.o f tbhemc, ihave Wardmia fn'ely gives et iheMohre uith mblch thm Almlgbty Provincial Peimtmoiary,> bas hiesemi eataeUmnateat cf tbiiprmen% 1I liiJuir, 1845 abl,îy; moi baviug se douse, Ibmy loom i ltb cc- limace te the lunevelent moi ehariieble co-cpm. roa SAI4 rmocf heur ISlmU 5UIjeCau libere. PIRAT VALIUABLE FARf, theu cest e1Crebld eub -ru of Oahe1uer City. ta .. al'îf e otf o 7 aeadMrs 1mtore lb. reuifortues oetwBtme cmmforetLtio.1,a madeiars lie inhmbiaisN...mug b. u te "etcisund aiborgli, Prinice'Edward District, cooxening of indiviuuai exertio.ne, enuepris ais dluia.ry 100 acres cf excellent lsmnd, about 10 toile& but to rueue the multitude mcm semh utc pov- from PictoM, là mile. framnt te stautBoat rtiy by thlm viiatilc et PrmvhieeM, fohe b Landiuag, and 1 mile from an Engiiel Cluirch. horrors oifrca destitution, moi probable di- 70 acres cleareul, vrithu a gond Log Honae and e08ase raiinmta severe bY th imevtablO Brntwoegod wella cf mater andl a eng rifflfs of Our climat, eqairmu mn aid largert hau orchard. Them Farro Uris On time ue f mm eau empply, and as prompt a ar go, amdit i uneladh abatfu felc 71 for ibis tuimi ort prenat app im od ae. &Qum*ite, otryan d aa ofa iuLakerOnai oinm P IM? Evquéde Oyu'whicla about a mile distant iberu is an excel- W. Wlher, lntf r tir paioltear f b 3. Neilson, For Gtermitc]a;equire o h A. . C pi.nflOditot oluhe Knogsion Ileraid, or olilie Pro- 1.C.mmiie e Crrapcimce rieon ôthe npremases, if b7 letter, 1>oi Quzftc*, Onu Juif,.184u. ROBERT CARlSON. Tb.eCaMP&Denlganu, or Omise Bell Riogerr, Merymburgi, 3uac 14, 1845. gavre Cone tebmTheatre last mîgbî t ra mis. mi' art, er a a-eaIcharmter. Ibm cbimt panrthebmemt. yat ae taimment coaeisulmg inmgng at fband al l& eulsngeShhngle Italie, Tbmreame even performere, m«Ch et uhe. bas 90 laxe@ Honcy Dmm Trobacro. beform hlm six or elght hunslef ailufremmi ton«e, 50 de. Soperior Tmankay, mhicb lu rings im suoreuicaat raqirai by tibMD100de.Youngftvauma, air, the uhole forwàin5 a cembunainq, ofrailler 26 lahep MIaJava (Co*e. pimasmng munie. tminzd mW" tbh hal rinç. WILLIAM WARE. ing îhraare performuances on ibm Bute andl gmui- gteThlue 85 tgr, andSaiim.The Iiitin a Capital player Kigtn hlue w onbi hie inut. The perfcrmreappeur l aRinao~ iiu ibm $Wis eatucu, bas iey are a]l Amneriemne. au iueemWoeulM ax oit, r The Chronicie -7mthai iluugeshawe granf. Pk,cll Saucmes. *i a nem trial i luibel case, lMacNaugiaie. (I N WÊDNESDAY ibm 101h Lune. ai 3 V& feigenon. 0 ,o'clcck, milIlu slie om iboutiimerve, 30 das. dna ci Port Wine, De Hnte.." 2 bhii. aniS6 quarter Cashs, do. The LiTzBAaY G*wà.eu for lunie mas tcit. 50 dam.Brown Sherry, mi ast ucek. Ih ena goci umber. cbiedy Oa4. dm Pale ice 'unal, sd cemtinahnIe plat.aof th~ e r 1 loti .ibmu." By a note mu Immin ut hei im mxi . j o) ol nesmlr uebl Conaia îhe Commencemenorme 2quater Cultes, ldCer et Mirn. Mooimsim tltes, tiiei "atrinonil bde B~rown Sherry. Bpce!mtiin" 10 qr. Culte. à o. Cas'a PrL. O. C. On Thureday the i2th luit, about 1 o'clok P. M.. au Mr. BilinIeWerner, sun of Ni. Bic. libmi Wrner. ai WicmS, wuas thing witbhlmi brocher 3»« aa nd tue thet yenmen c, îin t Napane Rivmr, a litile blle the Ilucsce Falle township cf Camdenus maswucarrimdinlto the airqqm hyond hie impth. and aml bingMurh aSr= tu eithti. ater, hl u ahoircdoue by a strong diy ami irounsi, befre. any smi- amie .u o uaSirde im hlm him preseni. Hie body mas only foumd alterthibmetrfour boure 4iignîaarcb. A Cormirua quest mmm hel nsc oI. f tib d hm b ex M tu a n aver- ict retuini accordi gl. Tb@ dc=a ibas left a a ifé &Maitua chebi'n tu Um eïr urSom Mar. Warue mme a yeumg man tory gmnerally reopctd-{Ccuume. THE LUNATIC ASYLUX. It mas eticei lunestIlut,"aitadems mure oui fer prformii.g crii prmlintinry merks la conmecluion ibm hepermamot etablishmmot of tii Intitution et Teronto; and m u", a.in a short lime, te anneunce ibet ferthet cMpsare abounit elutaac taogo e rmd ma thm e stre portion cf Uic building. thisseason. Tbreughot ibm length and bra" hé im&m theibm mani for teermdction ai a provincialAylun.bubau Icci andi unecasing; ami 0cm tits ieut.em beau isumtal amile, me bepc te me tbings ,-go eai" toerie eaaplmtlg Il.an«M aring is abject loto practicai eperatkon Wltb Ibm vie« leaSm &* rd « aM rumtlom, msa géàtify the naturel earluity oai uer leu.weliim. oms.Mr. Houard bas bee adumiadteplace ihe ireminge. plans.ametiom4 &»m, lie., hlCitim yI Hall for publie Inspfflilce And la orner te as- miit visiton is lee nmding thm varions de. toile, the follewing brief description of the Amy. lam u euacceptable. The building, mblcb viîl otbrick, in tghave a nortiea front ai M 1 ee0 1mi Iepenimnt cfibmhevetu"i h"am muilprc« 4lopt. subii.thebmtotal liOntage MI fMm. Thelutuinmiii Wmailevationa ha.e a frentagm iacleduag thé veramaet 0 Mloet eclLTbmgeneil emiuroai bm buildingce proacies ina m«rut degres.te, ihai cut .M ai limeun Aylua i etammîl, Enlecdi hpeu. unets * plain but mmmi appearame e. imoplj ampt ai archiecturialdeoatiin l IMlotie gluetumu of tan m M»i iee chenlu tbm Giecan cx rier, miii uelsblatreman mermime ef fa mem acmaerial. taud upu lciiy basata oc ruicaw i eo. t we" havé beam ay furthesAreimette lave imreecd a mm à"uniyle s asie bae glim euibmlldng a d«eeumive appraue; but U»bi uet tu ho ezpuaisdo"dUc u«»"me lu pree1st. imvu qaiete eein. baue eeho« Ibm metalt.thwnmmfL 1.1w emwa» s a~qc ais gmm leatlnM bsec - t. s m.eMmt .iermdeat~mtl ise sealsd, m my5.ie - et mis Ub 1 M elhtub&g bumi Goum pwwale4 sb usm bu s rUt.dam wpmaai- - »peicr woio u Ne.y-Ir. 9 iý mai mvlisg te l.olm Mr me me. lu les bmasMomieaule" cae PaMmelet Wukas.momaiu miaIE"agui- w*db ab *0" i e*0tis dusM ,.pupees kv:~e,~t.r.Laxhndai. ino Hi UUit mi:méemtat- du *amo li Se***ooe ilemot"- leuaamau 10 casks lamdeaî l'ort.4 » do " Laltb'"Aie, 10 CasesPickles s&a Baucaut 50 limkets Cha,,ralgn.ibsSrla . diract., ti seha 40 casas Clarel, Importation, 10,000Il resi"Princ* eClf " MUWAR. Kiagmen, May 201h, 184& ORDNANCE NOTICE. T HZ nudemieailcumi Eildiuige, eiaici on dmi.Poitentlary GrcuD, am rKiogaten Ca"adaWeem i l1lu eSli te t igb let bider, by WRIT7TEN TENDER. Cà,vâiay $TAN.Wooen Buildiug sauweBio. Sc, do. do. UÀàx, do. do. Guo» oe a, do. de. Pluyy, do. do. Witi] citlient; ibm purechaser te ieme uthe ldai.rlelandmi linnts wihboui uaving amy nubbieh, er dufaciog ibm graeecri t orig ibm Fmnem, mithin l'on dayoe tamatiimdaimeftheim - eupimme. cf ihe Tmnimiibmhermepcive Ça. cure of ibm Orduaw* eti Kaegatm. Tenm for «" orethImue "ofthese 1,1kW lesmli uremievet Stibe Ordrgam 0 OSs. 0marmStacet outil 2'haday, las JuJy, et 12 0" rîly mii lu requirmi rS t tAm Nillmme 10 i 1moferm e beagreemeunt. Pariliere msy lu ici.. hy appiec taeelMr. Corlut, Clori nof Warks a oyleninuer 05co, Plcm d'Armn ie OUce 1ars. 0"cm iof duance. Klegsiea.C. W. 7th uf Jean, 1840 IVm C *e li re lq ti dens, u bm a BAt .a,xumayt. DNDb be yb» imge *euget waiu Steelm d» i oa-ZIý luot mu a ?e.e1i*e% ce thda& *flehoBoat .i *@nietub*. uoaonathmet bushe The Tru amee us"m ibe eam11i ou mi mki jaset. e mLai JM I.L 7LIIAIPEU. mmeil B Rmi. .P Â NOTICE. spi. mer, Oi'e- gummi èdmi aamm. a PI»ONKNVti 48. Af iesaibolb Suaer le l dm alm afkrdese, as, dîLea n <4 a*bym, au imImbaigbe f asimov4 been r. FR aIOSALE.Ifam d enm IIIEODO NEW ~UMMER GQOD~. WKOE'~LE & RETAIi EWERAL WA Kg MOU SENE1f, ameciràlIy annoamtic1w awel inKingelut fthe ocU L âefa Uiec& C 0111ILSIN alaoue and variaitocikebofithe New« miiiudsc mm 4 c*Mc *v C pruamni m ang -@Wb ,via :-A "omie eandchelm sleIle. I« mui,&ash lu Daacrsce ne.,Lama. Crapp, aidCeaimere Cbmeiu. BaReas. ,8r~ u cleemar Md cekarg Clotho. <>Na mcàM i rin sg'M riog lu Dutable.Rie, Rutlmud, Brilliant, Cordoumeit. mmd Lama.&eo ..dDey âu*mile t.i 01mw TtiUIUIUgo.and Plitu. FRENCH FLOWERS AND RIRBONS, Whlb e puraiStoçk of Hoéiery, GIoeeý,an c edasher,. Ce ita, k ima. Umwo IWO b« noad Fîmq Sa kParasols acvigue SisÀ. mi iW& gS «M& dg# _wufiq Mm Wholamle Buyerii supphied on ie MOUsilibmrl ternis RING;oTN.MAY i* 18ai One Million and a Ilf Acr es of Laid Zr jp Pa>,w am a ip fa M la TO OLD SETTLERS, EMfiGRANTS AXb e tHERS. T HE CANADA COMPANT mUer aboutihe abrie ae eniye adpiluali1 their PfinibdI ista or ti date. ilt.1cofM . leaifIff2-fe Ot 921 cese*vs WO ihroughout the. country-cf Blocks containimg fremi lOto 10.000Acitel dm womiruSkt and Of a ver, iiprewtarrteitory et 700ffl à% he bm hron Trac-r00 ulmeema10"et S.A.,d ThemeLande are affemion thbment iadrani&ageNmd bepalelal terme t19amieae nw ' vimus c of lm f vedecripioa,-tbey - be bad fer Cash downum-m.lii Pmsj teamamilareib 1'nhurcbasu Mm-ne v.A ce lou.tamemiu., wi b i trm-.evftiImVsi1a( e for TEN YgAR-Uv ON"E al E~IK ~ ei lot Februmry ina machyear-hcinet miate about thm intaietufo. t4e pestent val»a et0 The ipeculiérnîy cf thebm panye Lestes lajedut updpr t"be Ibm tmupemye Oilet iM ascI te iibmmere ouu o he ipfvmamia, mimercsd vlu .1Il Ladl.m khals r (md Im rîht i pihas cf bm affi atixmdrlm uaed l ibmLam.a a uhmi e t a ilumdeiig h.Te Tmdean im eu fr bmFiebli im. 1 calpi. «mpyeg i it agmie, w b eydwli. i att .-<b eta iahe Mmriu*tc I easa w accumiilatmeuifcet meastupboerthe UnLad hu cessaif lbie cos e ude. BY the.lemienAOtim R11ffiw UAN l . theupeny lle. lnm a te Vau s .af 4t kei e mn.uo ale eciu y iirme èrml.idslulmu The Camemi LI m e taeeyfi¶TEBt bi rsiaet DOUE, b, e "l ibm ma n1.1 1 *. I . h. 2Smphre .Tii C mas WuîlR MIT u- m ieyfc E R P eC N D yL ti onseet c me. d i t p n eir "Ci. o.r e o "e . v o tv ry b le l fo n natlo u up e e C a n a d a . m m d D ire ctio n s il e a ucm . lie Mm m .! te I »iie m d l g o k fora.aion .,bmobaalumf- ' eawalon<if by leiimr, poeialdt>t bmep ny'a Ofice, Gadarich, as regaiud 14rcderdh 8tra*yS v *Tatelseas ege m other Landa-Remittaneea"miDepoms i eaey, &c.. CANADA Conuà.aieya OMce Frrdelel liaiTbrowoe liJune, 14.-_______________ GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES A! TMI ommdo c L Lu make I -Prasees &y&,. T liE SUESCRIBECR take. im ppurtemlty te igimmbiefrk"Mdibm publie, tiat lu bas made a gresi roieetlam in tbm priseet evmry deecrptilc of Hlardwaremud m anoei, andthi ue u aindtaumi i future ta amil VE RT LOW <Wbolem e orRetal) f(t Cash, 1 S'tOChmhiicb l svery duiansivmcemli. Eghab. lnr'refoine, Cme< LewmtMd &0i Iton. hall roud and Hoop lice, Cast, Cmlayï Blister, 01.1git Une, aMd spring 'ria Pl i m W 4 , Md< oiCasaisPlates, biset Iron andi B"!gr Plates, BluetCopper. am@4 »n»' Bqmt Laid in e, irce MWd Dram wVreï Hohiw Warm ofevmry imuerpioN, Spihes, taile, lic. ahacli Table and other t!uitry, andt gilver Plaemd Worie 1"or&Bd ilver pl"ted andlle »mheu ajPr Bilver pi"sTaTs aSerm Eritamnia Mmial Coppei and iapfacd ware, Table Lampe. haging aMi other Lampe, Ccaia l ni Chandeliers PM mpleu.mcta soi U _» l, paim iuCutr 'm Ie us, Ri"es md Fwll.g pi«c»s 'ciA, ý.Vrretr'#. and BSip BNelid mige EWSCorJed Unir, wl ms., m ISIL , ý A curi.yle im% asc A. fi l. P. .iJu LaM ide, lin A. lob ste4P ni- 1-I' Luaves Md nom et âm=Is1mi Oum weson,&4 krmîmmsmA &iP.M 'i-'I9.l PIihe.1SWU hieiî#. Fie.-wbee'Pomupm ami hua-,9"i Wsm4 W0~eIm sreeukguaeêIV 0014 h cî JUBTliECcnmE, MwlKzCMJBS AI à SI p~ e>leee May 1 51.- GIRIATEt I 1AILOAI149 IMRM mi5 loris, endde c mSsua Qins.v 8ao < f, de5 tdm ibanaeieaa* Broche, Na IImf d,$" of b'rsacliWàqmçwalbp me lmmmdl% ie, Rie.mmrw ié Um esM& iat0imN 9 y aa lue, l lare I of .1Lmdi.Vend iGodo MW mmm'. -eu.7r lu &* Mm muL lHé~ FQ9 l' -pàgi. . ým ý£ L- . 1 1 . 1 ' 17:

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