muaIgasO n *à1 là& 4- P. M. R» aad Csrrin« w iii hoi.allêmmt- Ki4m ,May 17,lm 88 AJIlpemqsamavborew kfrW F.rvyiugsem isinusageoii lad amI lgmtea, ms et HE nderigmibuia'-piwdauad td.e nolieraI et-ow o<pen As gent 'tO -Hmvimg revised ani gr*«ly ad"i.du mamlul, h oin m.dde"uy wmamd ask TypMbow uumufamotrd i blas eequl la aWj.nufrtured en t"s endent. Ti.servicesi of an experiemn.d pr&ctuca mm, freinNew rkaihve butin a~e j tho mehanical deportnt. Mdte êlr in ths City aseoinU.uym 9940mof A.P-0 in*mawimL b. almlnIh.uq, WIMe lie Fraprietor Winldo himoa e h.pkasr. nrwaitlig open the 0Trd. t e l açantim lie wll b. happy ta me orqvLetiorm tkin iiicned ta give hi. uhir auppomt Od Type takenmin eemesgoe aiM. per Printers' Mateial, md a«Y article mot manufactured ini MotreglJ, baocot in ram New York et 20 per cent sdvance . CHAS. T.,]?ÀLS&EAVE. June 14. ** Neulnpapers durig te iow e i*Mfer si, mwmith.omm aoea u4 shau 6e enW ldd e 1>li in seTyp, on laking four iùmstkeammuli of antiéng. JUST RECEIVBD, EX GEZAT MNITAIN VFEOM LOUUO, MANCHIESTER W,&REBOUSe, Cambion Buildings, Priues M-4t ALARGEand splendid asuntment aIsLdie' APRwqUNEgnÇ OOT'S& SaonsaBlack ordinary low pnceu. R-Urm . way 15 lu&5 .7Nos. 29 am a i, eaui eoot.suro YR TheýU lsPrlatiug Pus. min,*W ieU N am.. fmctWy. beileudr <ho flageulp oeiddie.. tien of RacuA» M. Mos end Roe-Z Boxa, cotlis.. te àaasushêure t gé#lY d pces. Priumg Prime. !I%%&Prosei.a lt Quarsera, for aweet pimoat a laugo -eMM of lama am rip ode8. ?$y CUL-will b for the future nt my res- A. MANAHAN. Kius. 3els8eppqIer,1844. NOTICE. 8 lemssSmgwni EMIN thélis as, udaeite oSubacri- Uri tus u4eedute m ad 'apsy i a aeu ar:eqsi t pesu momsda~y. AI ailps"fbvit e pomnas fo oi».WILLIAM SIMpsON. M1.IL Au Weês. Mend *~Pmu i ui m*«-buwaisaeta&i dam ae ii b petialI."W. 8. Kgtu.2me1 wy,4.le r4àk lç,em -ion S1rves., CHARLEs W. JENKINS. Kimgstu.Fo, 1845. t'L.&ING, VISITING, CZ&tbzEa?.. E&&TLE.TTCAftés, W QUI» lfomb the iaea"i th patrons W. qitw il - rEtal UI4 t.No. 7L. fuite MBtow ure ho bus aau bêten epbo tuat he odtlusse.sofactirs of il thevarees Of pIaiw.Viskiisft.andMiBiS Cad4ribuoa ho *dhd by eEstpbrahinnt--and tint "ri " vrions' Modeu will ho fabflly and proMtIe exeentail on application te hie smle 4*'é< isiý ure.ELt. mad LATiuAENe. 71. Ful- top d )tt*$o fllowing prîcss, umnudiseaunt oc W , or teothoe *ho boy tD oeil asain, viz. marbie anal wbute bacha - - OU036pet gros@. H]arryS8 do - . 30 Decaturce do - - 24 Violer do . - 21 me TAndMru, do . -.- . doe do 12 Enarellel. Irory and Pearl Surface Carda, ai; par the flloingscl Large. No. 5 Enamled 82 00 Ne. 15Euwanlled 85 00 4 . .. 200 14 do..5 ô00 ... 10 13 do- -450 2 . .. 1510 12 do -.-450 1 ... 125 15 Iv'Xd&PLSuv.2 00 llv'y&PLSarf. 37 14 do - 187 Il d . - 125 13 do . 175 9 do.. 121 1< 1 150 q 8. . 100o 9 do -.- 00 4> do.. 75 8 do - M- 0'3 d -- 62 7 do - 2 50' 2 do.-- 62 A0 do -. 225 1 de.. - S50 Eaabosse Enauoellsd l ards, tint.d &Ma plain, beautifnlly poliubed vith elegant dosigna u bar. Piattr'u mnicarda. Scaml bleuis playing cadi.' Ne. 1 - 5 pet grout. do pdo .-.t 't 2.- ltP Do" l s@* . o 1.. AIs, al <o .1..hsm of aeoy colour ta or otOdeucoi t e idet of eitbsr the, forega. ~â~~srdsf vpqeuaises mas te or- dey Gellemurdesde do do Gilud ~ do de ap s ca 3seba" le dsu X 1,nWie#Se do do de,! do de Uheish40t do e AsRlrlaise Âmm leu mas 19, = =e f rIlinUelna Sa"bBf opr e.lsui.ig ia eta01Usn. . JaunI lu* te tokai-u Y( ntR*WY]MWTNG f-omthe ps- *1, H. V, corah u ", 'raSi. empu, Leounr al Mlm msd Seller Plaiee, à" suCopWpsud maJs. 8es*lmd sMd 7.luc, AIellm Wareof« devs doilo LId Table m ser Cetloy, »d Siter Ple asiWre, lvry end silver pidlba". Kavus mWdForbu, li),er platelTes Sranis.. Britannia MtalCopmirsu a"s eà Ware, Candalaaand miiChaudulisî Far.i 1 .leipente and Ulsusils, Cute» an HaKm7oires, Rifles and Fowling Pues, Jaina'o4 Carpenter's4 a&W Ship Billera'Toolp, Locke, Bote, Bou, e &c I1mw soatlag sud Vfriu. Saaldlery, t Ceffe.. malt, and Coin Mille, Blacksaith' Auvit, -Vices, Bellown, &c. Peinte and Oit@. Wndow Glass axily Cordage, Glue, TutPis Chauns, &e. CHIARLES W. JN.NKINS. Kingston, Feb., 184&. WM. SIMPSON EG o call the attention ofthe traje te B isexteustve stock of Groceries. Wines, Liquors, &c., ivhich b. yul mcli wbolesale and retail. 34 Hhds. Muacovado andi Loaf Ssgara, 200 Packages black and green Tes&, Plut Cavendish andi NaiîrotiTobacck 40 boxes Londono sperm. andi patent wsx candies, A lot ofImaitation Cheshire Cheese froma the well known dsiry of Joseph Platt, 40 baaie Laguira, Java & re4I Rachs 5"0 bbls Liverpocol andi Onondaga Sat, 230 -Amreracan superfiellaur, 250 " No.liNortb-sboro Herrings,m few bbls. Machrel, 40 bundles Table Codflsh, Fine aid bravai & pale Cognac Erandy iu wood andi battles, Fine, aid Irish Whisky, real Hailandus ad Scheidam Gin, Very supr o ad Port andi Sherry in boules, 6. a203. per das. in %wood, lOGa. 3d. to 3s. 9d. per galon, 40 qr. casàs Bardeaux Brandy, and ordi- nry Holland Gin, Sa. 6d. per gallon, 01<1 Ration Rani andi fine Frenchi Cherry Brandy je cases of 1 dos. och, TenerifTe Wine Ire. ta 7. 6d. per galion, Blckburn'a Madeira. Ch.pegne, Clart, sud Hermeitage, varions brande, Barten sud Guestieur's Claret Vintage of 1832, West India Slrub, Peppermint &rc. Bridge'& LanuePorter axi Leida Aie ia pinteansd quarts, 40 bble. Pictan andi Port Hope whiaky, 9 bLds. Mlaises, 100 cases LeanonS r Spervu, Olive, ;2eaU noner's, sud Boilod 40 Crates C. C Crové glass. 20 bu sWine corks, Fanc; Fruits. Halsa, Brasil, Wall, Piesi), MadCocoa Nuis.. Raisins, Prmics, Fige, Visier Lemians, aveet aid Wbter Almobuti in boxes 25 Ibs. ech. West Indus reueuves, By appoiLtmens, Everet'pe u.r Ba- ing from 51 Feeter Lame, Andau, wlicb will fornia brillimny quito pteitt LeatLor. N. e. Fine SydenluitAle s6à. 3d. per dos., bouSs resurued. Outario Street, K4uao. Jmn. 1844. COIRMIBSJo*L DWJavez HU E Sibscer = fl. ytende 'lis T aincere th@ii oi riqqas 4 .C:WML" l hels .u.... iea n Kinguoam aieàgau u nthM tIb e ies' pur umsa e iv magu n"g fny deserîp mci , 1ý2 as ohIsRmnd on ti. s,uiuclst of IP eei> g U& a ctoa m 1« s vs i Prrom 166«W oaWdsmsavu** Tr"is mmuersU. bi wâimaNtr, au <ps.pif P fà« ut*M 1 é'~ sch m*aaa~e = ILanb NEWSI KW7W gWH NEWBPAPIER 0711, 00 - 5je" Brun LaiaDwiljPapr ,£@ lev. MeriIn ageumj rWEPAPE8 PRicu 7 1>- LETS, SHIPPINO LIST.% M3GAZINU 90013. sud STATIONARY, TYPE PRIN- TEKs, mmd BINDERS' UATEIIAI.SS sW Moerchasiof every description, téail paris pf gbu 1NMTD STATES CANADA, NOVA SCOTSIA. NF.W BRUNSWIC.M Md NEW-. P0UUNDLAND. by the MAIL STICAEEE5 @MI- i= cathe 4tb and l9th ofeacb mont!, fias Liv- 1, ad te al th WEST INDIAN ISL- ANDE, MEXICO,1 and TEXAS. hy the ROYAL MIlési rsAaxSs ailing euory Fsrtiight foui Southamptou. AMERticAN NEWS LE'rrER Sbliiedfortransmission by overy steai. asagfaeEnglmatd for, Amermcan sd ira leadîng fMature jis ta pve, ai e glanoe, an ac- caot of every important evant that bias mcuir. rail in Great Britain, Europe et Asie, in the in. teftal b.twftu the sailiriff of each Stcam Ship, wâether *l'oltics or commrce-a correct and comzprebontv Shipping Lier, ie which wifl l e f.und a faithiol recordeaithe arriva] suddear. ibtors of American vea"s et and frai. mil the Buat- ahâSrapeanud Asiatic ports, wilh notices of such casualties or disasters as may frai. ttins Ln tLime ecur-a complte Prîces Current, in whjch thsgreatot care jstaken ta giîte<bthe lest re- Ports fto markets for the varions description of Ameian Produce, fri. the. mont unquestion. ahle sourcesu-thîas combning, in 0nt aheet, a Neaespaper, a shiWpng Liai, sud a Frice, Car-. rent. AnnialSubecriptiosa, payable litn svance, 129- 6d. Sterling. Anl ordors muet lhe accnmpanlod ulti a remit- tanceor refereuce in England for payaient. i NOTICE. Ali communications mut bho puât Paid, ad ad- dressed 7' NrAILLEs WMIM*t5L TASATI'ANTIC NEWSPAPER 5, BOUTE iON S TEENT, LIVERPOOL Or they will not reach CHARLESWuLs' NO connexion with Moers. WMjIKER & 'SUITE- MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM-. PANY 0F TIuE MIDLAND DISTRICT. OFFICE IN THE COURT 11O USE. DAVID JOHN SMITH, Es@., Preaideut. JOSEPH B*c P. EnvAsa NOBLE, baui S. CàusTiksiçar, Nome P4LUSE, Joux MOWALi, 1 k. WILLuisoE Esqua D J5 le 5mttb.sa5u T TScamipanr cuçens airsure '.property apinst .1955 Or dazoage byl WILLIAM, IRELAI4D. Secretary. Kingstoz,24th Afflsat, 1843. STOVES At Vwealy neduo" Pzion T sImri ' >a' t recev*d,&ec«t comsthe madpe a of<h Jtoaiprov0d pattern%, W"ieare 1 ugluwhere, bc ase . d t the anti .aeiuexamne the. augmeuant i Feue.- s JilaHUL WELL. CLARENCE 8TRICET, ti Wiv b tomr. dm ir utat0U 6 b to15t1. Gsum.u, MOM àE&bS- AaTHUR'8 LADIE8> MAGAZINE. f he lis l litai lme e1t eirMealo mlc e e eus -e os au*eWu a aise a il. lig e. t es! sE m flehehm l tie ab ays cteie pungbisc on man ioss asm elota edim N«hng uma dmissOionlto1 pae a-ftil or, j jbc e mirgexcellntsint mm The tueues. . b uapiel cansnes s.osd ri laied out, mauettesl iie tebang iworh Iu tbaopen Il AIR csmRt Mitru iA.Arti-J aclesact« aler nia e hart dnsalrespiecta- Nbeaiug gns admsi nuloeou ages cf <bisn sonurfen a bila-anavie cmesd as soectonmry loIe S mts slwpimary.s ha iale, Crs of c-arilontva mustgai cirtrt n w"onh- ahe eateery sop y mche owodgeaDalmil-Est hoIje th ieu case eceirs. Aauong wle bave t'Y llc oe iatiapun up tothe Jutalo sai r fiul l c eth utlnhe Corcs qi iltrationstoofte areseadilp peetratiuain. shvedl a eoyo and iice met. Es '-Thel u titis aten et *TheRo Aia ne heqgiTe soi.. spulendd rtic. froua]th1 wh erm ail brisaful remmpur tit 4lisu bcil fill.arties i. Ilane rp god esa "sent .WLoa" eGrndTe r fha G aiceuor,- "T l rii. U ne Patietales fRo uas wbo havex roDad nil emmiaerdithtler igh of erm e tii rnbv aems gen h.any frisret-r arles. ott7P.aricregaroter" f ae n ded Gx e nom uls t e eali a tv," freinv Mmaat la iit i <ae aon deA in the light iterature af tbs people. Bat, floiw. ingaig by tbi.ideofithiu ampure torrent, io anotio,as utid' md cle&arcystml. Framiei abey dip tuptbo valursan d prenant thein ta aur jepa Att fountain. ne shall continue la let Our reaers drink. But, iu doing. so. vo $hal flot:2egiet tihe Ezcelkeirks eof t Mr cMnnative Litrta.This voalld ho the wrmt of fo.- yet iu doing thus, voabalilmmii no parade of cname,. Thae publie are getting te uudersaand pvtly learly b oah vlà ortb, and ta discover abat excellence in mot mînsys ta Le fruiad in the fugitive productions of writers vlio have dunew inbluooksu. Oui country is teermn wiîh yaug.g geniuuultu oaLan oversbadowed an hidJen hy the. succMsfut lwoas$e@sunet half their itrinsîc e rtb, sud niioso vitjigaexert net balf go hualtiip mu influence. Thoyare crowded froua the path iDnhicha they are kited ta walk, and tiair avaita hept out ai ight by a few 'ha have Cana! the publiec amrsud eye, and wbo lavai kept befote the public, nat no mucb on accouait .1 the teperler excellence oai nbst hsy are giving forth, as aunamontni ofsait tAwy Te surit, l*ifsaar vainsaludit, nie wul glu. the rigit baud ai fellônÉhip> W# voId mot et- celai a pM tarticle Irons the m0ent eshhmtPd writçr a inte cauntvy -,but a gond on., W l cotai. ftem arboré it vîli, shailfiéda a won- luail aI@oures. at heme end airomi, vs staill"s th it ht MeTuent attBeautifaaL F-r sMa lime, and with tooarecelajoustaes iuthe allega- tion, aur Magatimi. bave been cherai villabla.- log 'oa igbt and tvahy. This ne bave #om .lie f..irati ailp avq:îdel. "ARTHUWS »MA- GAZINE"'Wall domnte ta ina ahigh .0 ..laaetsig r m<ar mss lovetales nil hli lbrm. t sitq, hi MfIla" mmd ep and ab- .-. i ltevoait. ur1ahifr laWttvit amalliap> Pyl oe i biie atisa ià ul-thl 12u a of Md m rtb. ReIns eoa amndethe ekelawMpetp tbat shah h. ta i- edsoMaiva.lhehe del wl* tba in jont ppi- TIi.m lchmitreadl ll teaMW" -eçet. uqe"h(o W*&1abu -s Aacts*in*mtteailes oaf otmsl= 4laor lTêuisg LT8lbElV * A N'uelty, of" à »siia hina.~ 4- thos. peintes! moral e@ua15 aij shall, bimnty, mA i paer. le Tl n l" â&aio f the Ediwt' Will, i. fac% (fam.a letue O tees Vovh, nhich n oti~ Wbi a e. r. 0<~aa ' DO angalbw illtai t, nimitalla vitu ai d t ami~~1 isoleronsof his pur to* <0 SIZE OF T k:A Arhur'o Maga in.' <ce oiredmg antt, ti u~Cla GXLT ?va DOLLASS lt -,. 'ADYASre 1Copy8*2pe nuo e 83» Ive noarld pavticr a Ii C aouosr friends, the. post Maite %, Proopecttu., ad a.'o, alageat est ia ioetakn iWra t e suIbe, i.i rder lu ecure the a,,-"11 r nminere, and tlerely hale . Gealler-y compleoete; nd al-, 14 ' the Eizr. The. January flamber m ' ,. and h. mailed ltu'. oinc lut of DeCCMic',i order 10 c!1 cliaracler and qualiîy of le % Itk i ' ary ouniber a lfolio%' Carit Januua. Specimen aumbers %w iii ho e n 1 anyvwho nl wrie taute,ý,, A i9ftcmeu 0ft îLe Jînq.O,1 tir at least tic lit f eut uar. tII lier. ET BefOre subscrîltîng toai,, û. "sdfor, and gel a 0FCOLtOitnel , number. Depead apon r, ai[ w gamine. that, while it colilnllîe, rallence, iu "et fariled at a le',. find "-.rtliser'6Ladl' iaes L thing. 101 (h'a S"' FOR Sli w ITH posiuive aidera t TVmet,: 75 packages of Tes, ot'.t , Young llysori, (iitipaiide, 1',_.ý Soulicong. 20 kegs Plag TohacroF, I,' 25 boxe@ Caveidah, do I6di,%er. 10 lit. bores Ladiees' 'Test, if, 4 "doIltoievdew. 10 do EîglJi Ceîdles, 10 do Suîrcli, 2 calts Rape t)îl, 4 qr. caka hit Vlîîîe Wrae 50 bbla. Canadail îisy. 25 do North Shiore lirrrîtg. N 50 quintals Table Cadliahi 100 kege packed Butter, 200 Lblu.Fine aid Superfarine r Brando. AUl ai wiichll iei u aispoard oaiq~ ~ or appraved Credil. HUtGll CALgL Commercial Wharf, Kingston, 21at Jînuary, 1845. ACLARK WMGMT do at & Cap Valîww WEELIA G TON STREET. KINGSTIIS. Juge F8'FVrtiBtof IJATS and (11 LADIS' FR BNNEV7.1,aic, by himassf frai. tie best niîerî.'-. iii lulsst fasion., hspt constaitly oai hami' t. uold vrplow for cash. pwmvebsw eu 84 .0ftort Wlnem J W .receaveti, ù',i . kawiWines a HN I C1 ta, in hhds. qr. caski and casei of in caci. Win. simlPS Ontaria Street Kingston, Novenaher 14, 1144. Land Scrip fer Sali. PPLY (ifby letter pou pa)WJU te FoRt SALE NY THE Is IN LS1 BPATENT STlYW CHIARLES W. JE~I KuitgnpetsFeI 145 ,PQI #ALE »Y THRE r 87SCi $YKEM'S Hydr..ste(by Diu<6 n. womv C"&-ssuW.on jîsidmseiq 4jemieN vo ~~mDdkPdutO5Id1dta MZAoU tr . - y 'elANCK8&FOR SL ~V1,4FI*DEVEY I' '1¶RE ~1, u&I~s~ FWmnm M., , 'e 4#. ueap sOmo ba'b pus, i bes 1" Uq n forem 117rs ii.V Umm ps saour I tes!dpM re t n rhoSadi tui as, k. a mis lneS I n ,enn. on a lia eler 1Is ithet taieoa aon gliu Tren Tr 1 in hevus«, ItPays ontmefnou i 1 aot teumL bdi à