Icmitabta of teacg t PXdoOirteMr Ange n11ý li et Ic s ts t Nb a 1i lis lstoes ho, Wi t'S ha. 0< pubu cPet ~ 1'ï e efnest ,c h" r IZ the foued eIaoa*li.oe r4ii4 t- 1 e-- !, npcttii.ý noan, Sept- 3, 1844. J Ev >UisT BUtTAnteFOXL MHESTER AI 'tainIn Bncaldlngt, p - q0 %l10E and iplendPnmeeît LUNELLA BOOTS &nt~I ansmd MOrcco LP,4S- low puices.àl1 j-145 1 & R. Il UTTo.1ý -L E LT. E STONE COTTAGE YB-Street, next to the ~ izei occupied by Mr. Gihî"ý gnven on thne at Jnlyi, es 'Ct ',--eerl bananes & dwellint rie Rmilway. pOi,,aniot APJAto W. JENKI% mton, 8th May, 184,",iceti ,OR S-ATE rH positive ordura to jln cents:Il sciages of Tem, conoiet jn, c a 'eung Ilyson, G uapowdar, lf'j, oiicong. egi Plaig Tobaccon, I8Si., oIes Cavendishn, do 1iidOirvi, . f boxes Ladies, Twist, lie, dûou du llosnuydew, deo Eglisin csndleq, do Stascn, aaks Rap 1, r. ca aVîuife "V100e ý'cn'i bis. Canada 'aVhiutcy. jo North Shore Ieras ~ iits Table Codfigh, ezi paciied Butter, hi.. Fine and Suaperie Four, 4 Irands. r whici will be dispoiedofai ni ire ,ved Crcdit. nnmercial Wharf, A Ni 21@t January, 1845. CLARK WRIGH,' N at & Cap 3Mannfactwgu WELLING TON STREET, ]KIGSTON4. re iSaortlmont of IIA TS aDd C.4PIl 5'W FUR BONNE TS, maacnota ;*If frein tise best maturjali, Wi dl @hiens, kept coestntly on hani, di rery iow for cash. mina , 1844. Port lVlne.q r rccc-ived, a sutypiy Or 4le r owa ines of! HUNT &- Co. Cý id&. qr. ciask anîd cases oî. 4àM WM. sDIlPSoe jStreet Kinogitoni onaber 14, 1844.1 Land Scrlp for Sale. ?LY (ir by latter poat pncofl toJi EeDgasoN, Land and Generà1lAI Littie St. Jamnes Street, Nlontred A. MANAIIAN, Land Agm4d KisGsTn BSALE Dy TurE SUI ('li V.L 1S Il PATENT STR.'i¶(1 'R. C HARLES W. JE'aI1 ston, Fuis., 1845 JUST RECElI'VD CASES Hardware sd pry Go weil auited for a country tradtl old Iaw by the pckm1e, > Street, Kington, ember, 14, 1844. reicy giveo lisat lhe CeaartSsii ~CI or sorns timnie pa&m tit pince blâ LIT andl CnUitSS W ZI\Ie of Morley & Jeahuls, wag tis à! )y mutusi conteint Igniin là euspowetdtaise~ Il debte dune te mnbuthe~a Secr.0AMUEL MORLY CHiARLES W. J011K sien. 27th Nov., 1944. 13 WELMNtix«ol .tMt.lN .ANKS FOX SÂL' iis Mmd NEMOBU, z blaueau eher forsta i theoawop' j47 b "'y t c AJ AMAN 'JOýUR'NAL, POLITICAI, A;RICUËTUUAL &.COMMERI; - j~o. -. - CASE cOUNSEL FOR PLAINTI»?. Tas 8UT~O az U iDiqEL VitFOI HI PRFNDANT, ion P- MmOIaLU, - Jinu I. B.,M a, s JURY, luit Me. Roerta y b. ONt 4 Joehn O lve a. MIr. Ifaeki iuls é arcn -a it niiT S KELyF nOt TEEPAiITIW leuZ Tsar Lordsfi? sad itleta Wi- i action iwbat id torredt!sinlegai phrase r-Ars AeionsrotTEE CasE rOt Lun-i. asugint by thes Plaintiff the. Raverend Jobst 000ht . o(ôfth ini m iutre cf the Pmr ii ta Sctiai, aitit thes Difoudant, thet Sbuc et thi e uaper publihed ln tubi crndin tis aueotàe CPrcif ~Gazent, miat santon and mpooed Rbel pui. tnt piper on tine eharacter of tii. laverond iff. 1amcm surpied t ifld one cf ouf sdfriendia ceo f tla'Counsel for the. de. felng a itte sensitive, Oven t tine ont- the. case. ls ieegit tiata departure the s asont asulriais. oLaeletiag lthe oul lie adopte in litts eau, as b. wau bencive thes box might b. filsd isitin Free hi main. lse appealed te Hie Lomdmiipad slf. Hi Lrdsip wus powerleu lintine r. ls tol te Concis! vinat wu law. ait (cel ineliaid ta gratify the huurofa asel. Bt 1 trust ore Dow the coniten. sare t cse sising that oniy two Fa.. ch men have fonnd tieir way ta lb. box, ami hleisue f Iis e uwll b. decided by se men, tiet iof "are cpposed ila rougi. leot tMy cient, the Plaintif. imigt 1 W! the sanie îppreb.an.ian for tiii nerest chanet wiicb b.did for bis 1 Nigint I mt lamnc ant he prospet cf th@ jury b.ing nul if men diametrically oppoeffd ta My 9 n felng and opinion Yi1 eexpresiDoc appri ýenian;1 iafit ne aisre.. on the rand 1 expresidmy perfect @isft4ioaa ny tivre mec froua the. viole pannel. 1 ni Çaou me sai; ve are lhor. ta administes e; 1 carc *cOt te sat Cnurcin or denonins. oft'hri;à, ? muse Ioourabie mon,,nndr lemty 0oî',onCathi, beioog. 1place great dent in Yeu, tlough tateof pou differ front ln in pni, becanse 1Ikaons pou ame mrhjhi men, 1 fiel satisilod pou wiii ds- te vour ii'h lautv vithin indlu. .. h.. aiu have jat tain n d the evidence ta b We andth nsd@ ot subtactial jusie; 1 r the eunt cf the cause in your bane.- iffernt s eue als i, ilearned oppon. thy fel liheiresnid giîing vsy undue lieir itl umiaihtatial; thes catie they uphold in Df:njiiiie, rocg and perseention, and tiey IThe tmiag and cotapulsery atm Of lie amn'a mpecdiig over thne iboa& of thir cdd 'let, fr tbiy have more tau oca. ite. Au action for lîbel in one of the. lieiw hicintinslaw bas gvea a mmfo moy sla e 0,Or attempts4 on i.e hraetlur, an, jr far naine, by the intevneatonof 4, Prmlitng, or caricaturas. it je b5OUbt treqenl for the publication cf digracoful anc/a prductions f lb. licentiome ami dlid Petien of thne public prossetin.amy 1Tin, prisent prosecution bau Ieen iitau. 1 M0g te tinslietioni profligacy f a ont. portion eft tat prose. Tien rs to Iai th Record before the lcarned .lodge, opn 'iii yon a"e tei pasiidgnaent Tins "d tiegins bY etticg fortin tiat the Plaintif, btk-Nsgtin, &t tinstinoof "thes commit. il the imeancee, r iD taavoed.,at theo nf Pubalhiig tihe litcl, lWdconne Io, 4'..d57 0%Ct Oland reiand coikd &oanc, tithle r/ ndcaazsc Minie f. cnoirs estimaton etrimnaes: pinot liss lt i UlnaIr te Gsn.Beaa tf itat g Lb.lbl Unrullii cbrac/ ho lanr d reputation are altribâts.l Iiini5,hlltaks is.n i y modes »w *wu teiu ttha vaiM vass gsi slgu onfan tati Ie irte"failesc*E Man. every cuinvcv hcoq~uesliomaIuy Of idee i tadChmÉ ter. uns am i'emly puliat ta bis ebarmer belleg 2" .!a tie 33rmas imue aMinnoi ta ieits bis c ina esuten "mm« lils flloa. e l o7ie b ie a delieus assai. teimhr, a soe eire of repumtiesa e @fr esîOen he iavise tmmi lb. laO houa in ilagesb, tha grmipes Wieri. mlastI cmofetprambuess oiral 1 mi nau eut nieitci the "5b rouie lb. p rset. " Tim le. l;station ce dignity;"l~aym 0 atmn u h -car ab"e*voM« 55.; uC c&neet r, Ieseucrse as. an ga5edefores,.lavoeign ml tui al, leisetai imd >cihneints c 1flitsed lmeti asW 1apia . m vsrisge he oMlia ioda 1 n d bi ofme t ~hm t ae, b. a~ i is em Ilaimu a rCal y r ti fat "ts e lf lot ie Iof l sinseal aO 5. mm b eu mwdirmaiM lsls<lave MWt* Moriet M. uemebtogltinlbouc tssstLeisis;t k . aduty vlci h Oves s.eodir NmMaU lot leslime Gad vines seesele; ble i. ew elateilGspel ie beli et Siescf 8.ol orbevtsat bit ~~~psle isCstessou ine e le isaî vasseaj t houlbsabis ebas5rmu g. Mt s ~etluinetes f th*maaser et lgme nse.bovn 8cevemrv d mlehaiIilmiae.pmu.d.e,.e.a mvii, hiies-:tlmigwoIad lame ai thomiwarha M =lui~ viiiblessai( iluit; if ha loi losbé,ma eh.n«i mei"uta bu bintgwhis ps . Ia qseissTiodetie vbieà a ilwbriaOetoZ a'- ims tins so eu"ss i bave a maspeet mot uay tu tint vendlotmu ni" ntinorà ; b. la lb 0(4 hisN14hllgGod; thheumsi0 sans tu tO0ee Oiein ills*lo;le boeum et bis P-9ilte icclas tie vi"].Coeueso Umsmo; te remiad snothsI lb., rmioly hink la à"iMA vanmd iasonpralcmibl e caîen. iir Sla Dume t a oinate bare but te extemi b. yoaa of tbe pseeni«xistosuamita sun cenoi vitenlbý destiies et eaty. Nr. meNugbtoe va, blni bée idelityteofila Cbrci, by tio ioyaltq au aMiessIllii lu e orcflb vrid. Bui th luenis ecosdertion v inl viiarise ont i *o th anctd la4 liai Mr. m Nanmginon vas j la if7ir n$ innaheplace mit thé lime ot puilisiic1g 9. i luol; liis mnaggravation viniclaviii] li - dsaltyci miii; ntthne beaesot ai] î goeil mi 9enleen ; it leaî ptamieuntfits. ytuc. io civilisatioita mi enligblond cammuflitiei ta lsitro ugOt ers vith inéaness mcd considera. t ias. The British ebaractar in our rovored ftin à iam 84asU34ve ls .thse ezlended and remoe 0coloes a" miPossession« ci lie illustrionsEtu. Pis. Of viicin vu fars a parincted fot.s- Ptslii mni sgsgd fer strangere; every Britens v iii f-l bis -evc ciererconipascisai vinen YOD05 munt a etramger; the. coaventional reus Oi seiel,, national hueor, genercsity and liospit. rf ahI3 Pelouinn ois ilgnaceul il la te samill ias chsamatsfor a M sonas h vwuau. ceainmi liat Nr. Uaanisen slanuloglfrein 1tinO Rubemndc as Halitaxaàniait disgatuluni- , -n'y, cevawdi,, Md malicicas conrse.et perse. curtios Vas fcsmaei aainst bite nt Kington; *very attapl vaswniai.te destro, bis char- mstars, andPoisoc mens@ mid.aaicît hlm. Who«n he ie ulirsoet tIe eaimnimiiogt aslm tali«theo Reverend and gifted Divisa. I canat fSOy ; but thc foui aid lfannus cinnel lireugi Fviiel tinse lader & calumuitions bave bacc >mVntforti tth b eslord.le but lac issu keove, il lai thbsegin liai elavod mcd shamelesi Journal 1sWied tie Chrendk tfCaeuie, a papes viic I done-,«*- ils condîclt toathe Minîstets and peeple o e ins Fro bueiahs eone cf lie mont Ilta)Y*eem a"icntions bandit. 1ai evar pl. luted the i eka(oliisratureuetear lb. spolia. ted bonnet of tlie Proe. A Jouralsi inlcin lif lb.I lime tiesport ai eontasading poeeru ; never Iwvte ofktheiat@iOsanion, xcepî ouulise imijoils, nmoly. ils snoosm md emveomo.] rMNaaugante de w ys litare b.rrivsd ln Ca" ad a saMiaula,.et tino E tablishîd Cinupeinofilucnsa; butb. m»d lire inded. Otonrof tb. meutgilbein"ppios minltrt of tIai ooasT ybai seureidssed tleur standing, Ibeir jactases, thies s M Aesmmvory llimg hat in " deni ta nature," se tii. secullar power of tbe Empire, borna.. lioir eoeeeimu.anmd thilprias. tipi"i as.. treuer "tishusir vcsldly inclina. lises. Tin s t lie time car lb. place te entr ltsisua esseieess*abjet ef lb. dis. repils alstimadi;th liesb. ils whlcb tie visiof.1the e las.u "i picFoc*-- saa iii prclsds lu ;jmithb. massa- Ti.e FrsCAimeeP" imnthouedin tic Record I viii say abathtiaIbody ni mon, tisai «Cbumoi"-t say Cinuteb inti a lil nssftens.a art. es.,for lie 1a e sogaiaes tiem cl, a a cat.suindy ei Chisdtiepans sdnb tgo .aPvvsb0trdainla cemmaita"romlite loumiltIsatinl gtru f mn! amidstalle in intellect h in t alebrated cesu. thé ieMoet leminaries et sciences, pilnse piy, amii llsature l in ilibranches belong te t; thie great master mini ofc imeln, tbe Monu. trisClalmee, tie invincible avocala of trea. dam 5fenacienies te ail, aI lie amas tiss e n mail igauuadvecnus for the psty of eus ceamneCiriuthaity; amioai eBitrDevid BrevaterK641i, 8 tsv ,BoMliaman, scin, AIbm.ronl.o Cuningham, »d 1asts, mimes familier te s laCanada, have tdoile et b wigt t sitelast »msse.te mprnaiples et liaI Mnd; 1,0OMM(XNs tins ett"i pucpl,M0.-. me00of teIrisin peple ; alargouSmasraiatthe £ngi"I peeple; tint. euill o e ].Prsb.yte. rien p" opeei n Ibise oleity havesid.d vinh tue Cliarel; lisp' have rocaiveilsympetami grâitalisa s inem lie baosiet tiagm ie In, trot. Aficla ma"Amealea, Iron Ceelluutal BuIst" ma te iclon of tiees, ail tis vari. Q* dwààUm ofCihitiaslie Wooeem et !eMnt thr vo»4 ym bore temtissey mes, bul lumma e ieelu. admusnd thuni Wiii amiris.»sMi aile ssUu. a ia mm hm Mâé; éi** dmth n t s viihuour *»;I- Nu OU*» 1but ba in ose plase Edp ZWE; m* Wu IO Moiati. or eypathy ns f»ihinge r eadmiooebli Pisisïia.M.d MaUlstisy esseai" ilauselam- mobe-4lu pis ei te datasiy "luamsofi ua lily«.eeo eg r 0Lthst epps.Tn adoni <oeas *i éeliai i aeNag4a M sA@* lela e seisessi e mongJt il.a he l a v aehsnte lam. The* lu ne te e ie s- inutb but Md vwwly leIýesam 1 the Pkasfhin M oi g MM ass sd .se , Mai te ne aM dagn-ui.san le yeanlise. bbadmi, se&Wate»sit te iaiepeieimgi bu. is iePhirMgf laibons @"y f euaeos in ep M Jlea a ls'o etad le l t*, dseg lie abeoa(aeJen, m 8; *à ivajseiet tkie time rd Pub. thla le 1 -1110,stisPhitifmleBar 1Ne- twn ta -iuine W amsoioise -l M, & *- ifos,4ssrsielMdUniMUUti » ibo se;sl. Sl@inbut vaic.sm Scelad. toasmetale he se- tbosagts if Ibis ose a iplisely o i t verallasisittrth f nin vile e sldre. Ton essijea nua- ui b.ie ctiestable inet img peuisidsaespTb.,itu poicla Ibis ile ami faie 11151i. rou&i ho lit. 1Is. jistieo. e m5,gra tins tlseg ttise4t. ame mhomnorable te thse ,laho1i Thein seBroccille Amies$ in orefaunsle asd= tzn damnageas gt te b. received by tha ev îare, 17 jury ame te conider vinetinsj l he l i sa .reprenant es.£5000.Tbi inlaid dovu te s 1 an "uo the article sio te bmi . is lein. i inmetinseilanders vers. 1 vill mai lie tif ta bstte&, eontamp or ridicule, Palis iedi. dfiiti spler on tins libel ; rendl if ynurmlvei. os, 04 00noa pulice ai&Wbis Lm&dbiP, in 11. Ilear wvbeb. vimesses wili sam. The nn001i nslouable;esismuent - u Girmnt nes ami mallet of t te b. foutdat., yen lantins publics. au -l -iaar e t snb ma.are 1a.llbie oaIn lion end t truttb of the inuendrms.Yeu muit r- "Y ecrtentI bol a part, lhmone rigit. evss bats, bisus,.t word - l eisn e eplaintif; l- te M pula or od f aiprivai.ls dividul.l'héo Refusé- intani; iiie word. " Ms. Mac là 9n lit et Urec iti ubien selmmybu puilicly am m relytan" tie janiff; and lb.he aoing stae le n. aie ; tîmontblieintos& taine,, pasi. the induereat o theRecord te tise eordri andi et6i la. mts;e f- emiltat liberty. buesins nsU« Lb.heconstition tinerean pau tnioo. Tinsse1 Fe i la publice inrctr. te cat imuacnorm, a lima,, will lie nosiculty on tlese pots. Witnufssa1 » wDinder, erst cbnanio-tlnal if Dot fais dis.'vmii b. end, mnd hiei Lordssiap Cristhe Bricinq i- mQusimi." Tins 1 hlleveino la emw asu iii viiiligutjmyven on the loir. Thn ust part oet M lie ld dovn ta pou frle thlb.eBeb. Thin - .yturdtuty riti! .ie %à--utioation ofîthte danag t ai tentias cf lb. Party leamn ingredfient ; lb.em"ici. le a igs.oîcin variotis onsiaerations véi» gos.1 RY ours intention coupled vitin lb. injuriotia confli.-au ycajudgmect. Pirtt.viat vas tin. nten. a a quece mie op tl.lial; tisaloiv infèesinaice tilio tis poyaspris in pnIliigti e rM evsry viclation cf its ave b.altliy rstric- fats. id foui iib.; this atcrue].tiis ncaealy, t Of lions te tho injury of anetier; tins mw klochs ai- Ibis tardly mîack on tine cbmrcter cf àa s. is t ad ways at theo intention ; te tb w vilijelmade ta tac as ilranges! Tis.attark open tine Char. os f correct and partiesnthe wickednes of tlebt. t, ue* Clergymnc? Whaî feelintg impeilel it? f ka Cuesuap te tine fouitala b.ad cf ihumma ge ,Douequiru an orinter? Bigirey-tne pa. il ýb and araiges lhs Iuring utiscii.schtieseus en.t)ecCution; tis l ep of prîde msanie, ti 0 tise itention he in rsi tbing te iaIoohud .. 'scpelil. Bigoîry bas diagrmced buisoan intel. ci se liasing said Ibis mmci ont the lase and] ocherligne Bigotsy bas given Vrtin te moro crimes tg ie matters, 1 vili raili our attention Iote insbei mnd scilien tissa»an, cher feeling vinich soi- W -Y in question ; It i. rontained ie a communies- matteus natureO. Bigotty hita trsveiled lins i r- tin tafcresed ile bFEitor cf lise Chrondie voriroi sge te ge. Bigxntry, wvluber itA si it and eflazettee buaied itTna.F xax ECRuaca victifure vithinline fiery furnaev,or thefange bc rd Conialovuuasy,5 Sad sigmed SIX. Y. Z "- cffa durecollage, in thes sains-cruel, §ores, 0o In looking oser Ibis preciaus document, yeu barnîdictive and nnpitying. Bigotry. vlietis.fld W iii perruive tiaIit isebgies vitin a greal preten. ertilctiaalb. in tbe dona ef the lions, or in th.et nsien upon teliginn. But atrange teonay Chat yen powf Doctos of Divinîîy, je lhesmme-baslt, bd i il!lefid tb. came of the Aiigty sedlaimnoet crusiedictive, mnd opp.rsive. Bigotry, v" ine -iZnosyebr ins-în somoparas in aismacer tisera ceeu n in.ebuirusise.of tire Nile, the w * inft s lohapiemous. Tbe naine et Nr. peuigabn.benealtintheveepiang eys cf Pie. pz I: u Mae tth emt a ie asortise end. raclianginter, or tesmrrhome, it in tise saie th * The li e nt . crd prefaceil by approprinue -cr ierce. nnpityicg, and vindictise. Big. s * inducements rune. tnus: -Ablee nace le kas beaa otry.betisur il inlunates lb. Chef l'alesta. et lunisg fe o aoaiey ait lis days, flsea-e dz ~ter Sernt Piariseres, and Eiders cf ludea, or Min- 11 -subject en wvise sc Su 0<ak tI lima if ho jas dé. intaul'rstfil and Eiders at Kingston. in the th assriaus; atuler qnesy soe couai pest Io Mr. Mac- iamomrsn, nnteliaag. cruel, mnd viedictive. iti M naa.gltom idnei4 and "sinas, l w usk ta lacBige wlaeîiioslouan tthe smnbedrim oeteeuc datfrme as Io i ae sse!dare of Pilp Clan-l e l tve endrs ofetQuen'a Col lege, bastain, toi Henskfields, a Jeu, nn-gl awhom Mn-. Macaeaglstoen nfsg, ue.n, and vindictive. sigetry. ih hdese lsgondforatne Iolac scqnteSiet lVé meer we in[off aitmtathejudgnt sent of Pilate, mi sd beliere thseevie as-eaios naised agaii ai aos tl& a f a Royal Upjveroity, as the noms- gil main. Ws hueal hctsyfn-oanhome, tis heavdonubrsmnel 0ppresiive an indîctise. Bigotry', to ho raisedfiw deafatuionsof chan-acter-ils tdfl pend,-vine! totin. ina tiiedoctes et Nebuciadueusar, aie ing agemmat certain gentleeaa. If enoollc e i tc of Dariean, osr in.epolluted eluisnstiti ari7Wt IMse dainiges Sore latelai = OO" Te of tihlroielo, ia$tihe saine. This feeling lie- WC libel i. prface-aby Fronde acdinsnîunaos cal- gsit tinîmdLri agaignt tins pîintif; m feelincg t culatsd co p-pare tins mmd cf tinsrendier ta as. vinhics pet described as tino clild et igue- as clta stondiagipresians f tise piiauff'a ranci" lotn daugites, Persacmtioe, valkd the it boa chactes. Tins irsi tbicg vo bâeir ot the sartbm tâge te aga, aad drank tins blood otf de, eplaintif lib tis comemunucationmie *1We utder. Saiîtanad in lier drunkrencens.dreammd et do. Té s tand tisai Ur. Macoamagltons le uxpected taors ieg M. Tihe suppiicuting bndodf innocenesau »on, and aselie i.n tinshvwy of givicg inforerns.tiret lethe tiges miid, andi inhiie vratin the y7e tiin, tiusjela apoiet u orst o nmwlicin vs lion lpe, vers naugst to ber. Sb. iaugissd atI l would like te b. enliglteced: fin-i, aetviosa ex- gratis Thne infidel viounecd hie impie..leWi panse'do ail tinePrCie his hdeputations crouss arm lest theinsvlîs etZicat iioed; but asin 1P lins Alanticla .it fron tb.ir DovnprisaIs pure-sinues 4Inve-destroylg bigots,! cntend lein ai es. or in it faont tine fanda If froin the latter, ves Hessr but mure eursed in boll, inssme millions mdk vould]lis te knov vinat isese ot tb.population euras, an.] muet ever curée'. Railgion' tin at borne contri bute te tb.ae fends 1 Ia il Ibmemmnt ored ; Perditio'.ailostferlerai; G of e veitlîv and opulet, or tb. pous starving oer. moet ndond ; tellPs mest danins." Tb. lits tires oi Paisey 1 If tins lamIeýriepe Drnscspoolt feell d~.vibsd iigotry and bis effecta. for hitcte godtatsmnconme e e ,Tini&"-t a5 vindictive feeling impalled the Pr, gisir. ... a m joWus, mms. ere"e lant.si assasnn.poa ciievous, med mors maliciess-pointed insinue- bacuihnitens.saniliod hypcrites, Fvisa fie lions. Theeattiser or vriters-tor I1asure Yeu lias. fille. coluui sOf flinat receptaci.etfvon- tal tisu vile production is nom the work of ona mac; nsans i cay, tie Cirnoicle, vitin tIsais Q e~e anryopinion tinse porsons concoctea il; lb. and tory meit te plaintifi'the b. r.. Cinuuei, p.l st yedîfers in titrepaces ;-the impression base iscscttated,inl hisa ge and paision cm lb.». invisible asssaissvisin teconevsiis, tisai against hbu7bqrotyy, and bagotsy msiens. Tb.y cms Mr. NMcnmogbton and Dr. Bures boa belon pick. dared misat bini1 open uncouier. Tioy pli ing lin. pociots cf lb. puas oparatises cf Paisley,. mev bisey bueadof bis fase; linsy druad- ami a emamnialion au fonu itinsfaine. Dr. Buns d bis ceanding talent.; ina argument lb.7 jeci bas lites! in Paisley a long limo ; mat freinent couldane nsfe arbînnie. Tiney resared lienrut Divine, fini good mme bas ondessed biamif t ta netiis dalln couru te rai. bis privat chas, ho; ils people ilmesm fus bis bameity m"d attention acter. 1liibel, 7yolilpercolive, vas pol. lhm tae iscondition ar tb. pontrcd liai place, tohaitanedcsdm y, ains U. Nacnaspiewus. trl hiie succcruas an able acd a poue mniere. 1 ta esroutthe foliowinq Sunday amýi Laat. cMi pesceave in the Seotcis papers a bigi eulogiuaa a vism vine ~c W as lilte *)$Fi.hbes i lacs posuff pilae bil. cn a receni occasion iny lb. The ppceof se inîsreaing a sirasingor, i» &fayeror f 'aley, foie biseuta tetovut. oftavine bidoittiy md.e omiglity a secriae mNIr the pues ai the piac. desing hle miniotralio» n thosabl(miiconsciencea, -onu . ieled vitis bon But ltheCirooanicmd ine trille of cocceaied mis- deferanclitst tb. ignoble manusean rew v ill tom n 1 v ine ils clasnw oni.] expose hilla vfine prooeut mnd il the ceissons oet tiis. IW thne woslà aua mmn cf tie ment depraviai ciars. par verA lthe tuaitont viith teir vamponfsglas ter. Tb.re lin sci a place a. Quee's Colleqe; and aldg et doustuetion; minay touailin.emia tise eare sncb passonsasuDoctr et Diviutty Cbroeicinmdy tesubosilte mny courfse . te0 acd Maters of Ars ; tiners ire Principaleaid lion, ce lersbinw cruel or ieinig. Tb. the Praieuomrai asonsastuc recoive largeslariaes pscottema us a t irer apuc ieb.cous a-ci for deung sotinint. Tinsseif 'aucin i pericataas pareil teing lut tlebriisnaniveliapluos sus lb. reaovo i t MBudeaut.1IdoemFisay vine barlot, seecaivesttelier sinsnlsssembrmaail« o ira tin. invisible cenitrinsamera of theno ossive every prse. vhs.imie amy tuin be r vbai Cironicle; but I bave @esaicamgnunacaamtonis vy, fouvleaa. Noer vasaenegstperlaiTisi fris. persona connected vaIn Qnen'a Collsge laitt mI mad ieemey an s uto f paso..te I in the coeit, on aet sjournalIbai muse ces. cuturelPmFcailsa. tien vince s solemii t ienariy and ciritiassiliblot. In eeting ymens dmnmgem, yen muet "osidsftee afiîy are otthlb.prmsislleg besiase of thèeplaces. tin.ue s amm sm el au tb. clrtor or tinhe i Wbaein t a a my cotributeot t un al em hoisjatif a"vanoerigint te obstaedise M pesvtsla 4 ys the exponses of the .rseCinueindepuatiées1opani a es% nosmev. I havaen Is: Lplai. difi Tinsy lavepâir!sonseoft tins. .The ciristian tiff; 1intsit. ; Ia»W im staning viethie juSy peopsetf Senland have peu tien. Th b ies. Lorddmq iii-,Mr aie Chamois wvsAbatnetsil tien peupentf][rsaih ave peti tror- Tieest aoptunt l-Neywanaii Iftat the penver et siba. bu word. of lthe libel are lifms.assldeseigm.iy prs- quaenesimaasing sud faseille b.fsse0 1 feu fxei te inisola mortsl! ath e emoral chsa. tinongist id 0»Ibthe eptic recoil, and th, lire actas cf Ne. Unsegisîen - Alieabu biimtUsi aidlilte.tle.povet sof hiselss, ou ui beau basnta orsoiniaiy Il uhieia"s." Thi lie api« cf hima oly elasutho.à&@ i a e Word afiasa eaeldi iply 11" liepialstWin as lael e ragtii, and thes trmq mueZ miss s a basylsndy, mddllg prre. T1e«veiti hi. sioesi bonds ie hse .W ihY __sag, b traitoplby "si u*iàte vWealdislam M e la efs tiene gl trtisl. fosrvisuelhaot maail6. the pul en sMtodiseand debts"S e tllgktisasPatine SitMMai(&»me ils aé ameuls the Nweùin "Mh ueite seis - - - a pois saii. Oam. 11ie de xprm thliebaclim of am Notoiele fmiver maob ut ina b.d ,ase. ln i te s ae a M iti is mle So in à mne ameoly tustriee fur tlii Vier. Noisel .laMore blapsie termensien tisse, mai îy àii oe u t v-arus.,ar eivaraall sisma ei. ta.ssu en, Vide inne te am I o10b ase hmle olim aTho is ar tsraismeelpesafiPmRa MA, N. aEc.w. le on ta epssimseferi ns ul o th "M etrisvuia s, axclls in ish.e «M penalies , 10 ois. bis &W.amdo lla véThè eu tiftsi .s autarlèh 14 % pgMy g< mhemon hoaiâ#di teute ilts a 0 imeh;b.mplt ~saasth* ew eild - oua aeandMd ln Ti n rl ie. dwt or deoue. mem*: i: W. i W"rnl' relai te bule aiMed mia se .Veillerea _14llpMdiItesent Nuie i C bod lè thN~ e vX iti es N . atovieI e, Uj rene ea s vei, . se darsitage ae e pewoo% hm ise MtJ 0% il 7 c .'. s.am.ê- v gec masl ie hut Mssi. ineIaesUm aet iicoale,..mati n. aisi e upsil dtonsssel~ lues t- ls ditshe l~sessiw. gâfssi eiqroow tiunB ýiuSM d th rM il. is*»ei ' 6lv iami sid~.~ gie5 ~ ~l~ - rM14 IL.I mi lb f bel*vmm tutban i~aeuif b.aoiespeee Iovrto ieimsIisn ecives lb. truits miereaf mas p., Wto'Ib. mo«uesad leeco enci. Bolaités &ise ng valt semsl f bontnr, st dereurv, Wb&%Flmame, vbai baneal, eaunaies. unsenfi balia pass. Tbey ibeltiney perassote, lb., su, 11lie bomolfleiRobers ln the dark; tisey assoitI vi e e sas ceiag #uilaer a boa rua., 1%opoe Lii. aine cewardly nasumin vinlr hasbitait! iinthe dam euih thes doggr. Wbie bie damei mot doeuna"en dey. i.la gsle a»Y thlm basllesci a= natura tisan te ateci cnarwet eader ceses ciofaeerecy. Tise,par. sens lied toi tins vickednas.te asnack, an.] mini îbsy bave tle meusse odisavu. Wrri7 de tisa, set -,ceae*ieancd st.and by vat tboy haveavriltls. lenmes lb.,are cevasiW ins-y dore but mv i lat 1evdi. .Tinenadi uho basensa It sil vIsetao danger appeared -,bol tise, bavs et lMe Maames or courage tuo evoil. The stare IF attiaboutchour earu anti r nmis. araiiblelisfail tien,. Lut locntinr«turs. b. b.e able tc l scplt Mdeverating doiis. sien etailgne.1 sovY tattipiaples, prie- ticasor doinge. ThoesaReptiles cfcalunnoy mre over on lb. vacin. Tiselare liée Serpent£ c Profi lb. fascinationt of tWr is ye ne aetivity ec.a scapa. Fro.e lb. venoan at ICi- tagut slai. i y casrnver. Tb.y ihave nesj.cyanmbut crime. 'Tissir prey ài%,cîrtue. Tnîy bats ns le.y ssrvai troula tie reutle.s.-aesi of Ieir malice, a»y vhs, bsl"vimi vititom .Tiry gravellte iîne gorge Ilbum itthe vitb.red surine et eevy, par- scutio-Nand bignts,, lieder socn a viestation bov dreaifual vould de mIs dceltiîîy of tins vire-a nus, lb. good, and tinsbssasall a]nomthb.lvis-h dms of tb.elm gias en lateicsoe, ais 1 am mue la bus givra you tie psrMeip:i, ta bruis. mie k cmai et tin s erpents, and cruein tisa os theoil hfaretf thi .mm doltry." I koo Mot vbmt Il wiii b.lie tenome. Tiey nisy attemspit te.- I sassai lb. Roterend plaintif s.I a diaturber of a a.e poms. (Mn-. M.tcaloa-No. ame itenldsasni mcDtI>fsc.) 1lamsappv te bsar-it. The lib. ni ey etf1the presi ne dot aviibc heb. o il pes. am au ueflmciing a u adv.cm erts t iiiie.ly oet di nse press a sny man euaieb.;tbo1i iili rast it st licnnen a a n mhobr.s lb.heprose- Caler et lb. presm; I arn ber. as lb. prmu- »r of ils extremae licenticucs. Ibelupoa" e ab pris. aslite greisatllectual preroç.lveofai mni. But it muet confine isuoif vîtinin le-Ja tinnate bosma. If N.vsppavswesemliows té * "»uil privmte charadtes vit impunity, ps.il mous, snvy. nmigtnil,iaîrmi, admI ai nciarita. je iesas, iseld bave a vont sud operation wbicb té Fould lb. intelerabls. A depeula. vould boom. in bîlinhealte sige nousahonorable nmini could soin. n. ilL. hipn-=Sig licenlimms ou upnold tlb. i ignitya am oiunesi et the pros. Will tiey leny tIsat tb. panguppinle qasticin ida tibel?1 t rb. Queen5. llicitor Gueetl s Camard in Ibis ti aufote aPlaiti. Ifchayvil! cmli a vituesi no vili hbien. Yom yul boas bis opino. li fevvr vo nia, diffbr tram the Honorablese. citer Censoncmpublic esne am cons-aa died Ieseboevledgs bis gruel talents,an il epyer. 1 tUst h ii iihasne tiseeppounil, et ddreuding ym .But Iamm fraliinsvii reult si experimoint ai calling a viteea. Tse cas. 1Corw ma n. Jachami tusd hos hm yesr fer a(hi se n Ibo Siedhfa vaics ia £25 w vaiesa, 3r ssisascemmnicaetion lu M. Ilaruleon, tie uvincimi 8ocrta. Or nmi I tsI ' lL'~i~a~si IL ena malallea of 700 or S00,a v t Dm laer Oaîtesing Iopublie Ilalée. UIl tia ie )EuM amd ts haes. Weeoerappearsha se Lem. la»en, and lb. paintif'i charmceésor. pF suit.udassug. lu litanie in publie pipe., lu. y c alvmys iv. b.avydimages.lu lb.proena ho li every hbiog deamnui it I etyur hand. Thae.]d uiti; a Ycog., piomi, intelligent uaister, an e takh amet langos iinahe lai, bai buoss eu mi t. esc. ci flocauiedniuraent*cf p«»- C at"n e i elesc t hesevi t i le 0.sc i. th nid iae, mmd sima ho aveimaithoe, thne Tl y= = 0-0"s 555 m niisicouniiu ic h h mm clldmpje Ciselai. mimbelc. The v coin@ otflis Cinritrie urs, àin s mi,&Ifan a Ca M1 te £ a0 myn-er.lit ooloola art~, Ho th@ dis ~l dfedut, m. m a a. rU« iasIL Bat I appareMY M caUirofuu tha hlob iavelidte tii pupebe us. a"F'auelsesd oiise.himîelvem.eîla cf se and. Tinsy bhm" tins pisilofi lbe>rtyi *cc Vol lrs.aee. Tbhaveb.e lellaseýanîi le Mrvas charade. 1 . am linMist a «ou s n :q ia " amigla fiai TIny aMy pur- l inca din chipiase. nn i ehot Si p lm iau à l l iiaulam e t. ruslt inasewu Onglsnme, iai lva (fWpy, thiu& aum se..s'. i glericue vir W"i. vieab a.Iii No be jetc; ai visue Wu ba e ths e iast » matf jury tise peatt ss(gavsat ioalor M".un eavds rbiasmbulier a. ha, 1"0 te mY client, pass téaré.oveveut Mwvee e opuaea ifllsiMand au Wyteadm p boa. imoVit M e.citseshsl..Iaq nuse. ta* m bo l -àli v ai mi ediIL coa ma. 01 de;~ ~~ bavfli e in olotje. he i ai om iodle efis i isc Gspl gneeiI le#.aslcm; d"i "4w ou w magàe v ,pi 1Wsîwg mtae 0*bm ikm& i iA di t tE5rs4 le CAM Who kssv hbinabut eligbily, isé dttue:,bîra.nyte. 3«D Wrus--Jula Cspate 4. est by de " dir G -]Keetc Jo 4q p enc ; f. iatass <miiran, e tîîin mjqlUpÀ ' lir. Gs<iia csiicg on b"i. lait OfIj- libol tp i.cs riditted l'y tise fre ls refespai;bui lie rogiffîstel dispuiua t1.n vi d ie acb.repted; bcrfaeie~e optemn tbe mixeofthe aur cf-1XY, Z' Mllckelie âgd4< matCOU trds; nsd"*it the prnseou.tiatt.urged uby unsa.pd~ and nult i~ntif itnsr4ui tr44 mise CouvIi t Lie hd al ài itratg uale line pimiui. bla"rfulmnee tale; Ms. Mrs. Fvrguiec takes ce pr feisurs ea Qsueen'à Cull Re-Esnawiiel bol M". OfOI~ 4 thet b.e ony c liii once e h M l . cinig wie; iU it(iOS ll4aV anme.- . ;L:,: Ma. K<s&an r--ssia n n tubdh a grote il!1 ne ansves. ]da.-JUSTIce t dkts-sho is t lb.SiIOWt (SoLlCIma GîiNERAmiL-HhnDam 0'laç9a. War-.ns...Mr. Plsctarlan. - 1W- 4Tn WTess-RlongtCx UclgIn t IlE.cx lie cosnstructioof t liti il lit. laueî*klai 0s 0 eMpaged ila mome vie trmnatctihe nWd. ]and]. Ifes k-ila crtain iah iall a tsanalleq 'taut jure him in tinsîYes cf tins lse@bytsriinn. lif. aimeseit muis iniriy &bout tbs m&it' iuiel ne ineard tise 1leunîîff, ssuialied hi ie âuil ltlt nattes opte ahici il.%«s trunded nais 'boin. craille taol'luhnîif beiieve# ih vonldie b.isIj;ail ou# te PlaitifFif it rieniletidunentridi 1",4. ueritaci liat no mctaiâipeodiag ulasé ifaid tf pulisblng miss lîbel. lSdddio Gsatra-Ilad remi lilbel. Alas ca. 8tsOction oai hla 11.th . MvaitWglten wagon.-, 'gd in seins y-lestransaction rd , Wnidk, ,w, at a suit vas inai qsaiIbaien '11 b.e 1ev, tiat Il t W» o~Umtéu lsainIathlilbel. tl ai ld 1t irions lscdeecy te thse plaintif as a f, 1» ilt b.e Fr" Cinuscs. Tat fine liaet i*pM% S initaIlbthe nime v»ste u- iUW, tbat il voul] injure Mm leai.~éf~f~ bterians, if umeraictei. tat thoareas" m sulcêlat is ion, anadthat the Defesnsfarit lc0' rinici isoli 05 n ide M lei l1w for pub- catmions in the Clnrniele. Is£. luSICRc X oats*s-Jl haehtn ppp as ta pubiicationsuidufadstslaily. JOSIN A. NÂCÏnOs. Eeq.. lIon t.iiPm thJy e e fî iu*e. - ce Jiy-.m This am. laady Tslodnis<m *1m, tis taoscouatefa M M ý' Pre Cinarc nmd tins li amlslu Fu ougit 1101 trisa au eicr in a popier wkb issu dasmages Nitisiatsusi X!t YOi yeae iÎlsiumipeellIias sa&, lie Ills uijuv-d op, «i la unamnuate lb.dici. lie buSMuMJ Irnolcl. lne qnaeapri eseow heut pleet aitgieLwje ail itas truuas ese4 b. leearned Geatsmm Aei hoe roans, tfora iceho W Ok iiii" clqitpi~. ah id oulaa>6 Tm ta~a et aot e tian sspqa< mey insa ,<mlcl .iep v 1111110 evoie loyh laa iep