i31 Mru. M, l 4 àleeh beui 3. sEV~ 44. 'ED WARREBgg8ý Md au na*sal ILHUFrON Ce. -£ET--- IOTTAGE in jo to6 &e o 'Mr. Gifli t July, unc & dweilng Ne Possession 9'.e. ia. to 8- W. JENKINg. 1845. rni&d dena ta clos Cossp. oOlitn f Twagi~ do 16s. very supeiee, Twist, 16&. do d Are (Candleu, Wine Vinegar, Herrolngp, No. l oadfl8b, Superfine Flour, cbmI disponeti cf low for cý BIUGH CALDER, trAgenta IK WRIQHT, 1ap Maiitw rON STREET, of HAT$ and CA P8 rflpE TS, menufact wut materials, and 0i( rnstly on bond, and i ah. Wl ne s 4 HU kCo. 0 muid cases cf 4 dons Wm. SIMPSON, rip for Sale- ctrpost iaeid) tu la ,and and<General Atm mecs Strcet, Montrni PAHAN, Lesd AgnO »'ATENT STRAW eU ARLES W. JErNKINB tECEIVED, asrdware and Dry CIO for a country trade, 1 iat tenqds I rInuShlS W.s Jui. dy apowered te dWbCo. à. wai by Io.i a AjMEL MAORLEY, HARLES W. JEN'KII )V., IN&4 toise§O FOR A. CMoRIALS, La,t, saR WWT ,ailet subé a LÀ Ne~ keu er du - -- inqztou t)taI~ C)ANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICLJLTTJRAL & COMMËUCl'ALi; VOL. XJVI. Sbffrathet lut fronti Ont heïr, ~ylttit t hoyt;a wu t.. Onkad~ etamt I h i uto a Zbr h,.lijeOWgpil,8d Mskntosh Tbf thlnaiatu&Hc ai ha i ry heut Oii la a MW w8akDOSl ()f fulaietiti asiuffradi, Te 1-ille r.sbigband Îhot aille.t bjiquiet tuant, 'eeeu a tesa hngs that May demuand Dra orifefor years. I l'v0 hicît cf 000, n cauymi mdt ty dear cnles, ,lave wastOi with dry broue But shen thy ingera press ilid pa 0f sopiflg hesti ,aoulier! he gentOham Te trsas art in their bsld. Ahýfrst b0cm f hy 1metbet lbe Ile, Sd heps ere seur, fK4iSfhyuof thy bWaller, Tiiy oiter, father, toc, m, ît, where'er I go- tf i,ý t w hen prison boant, yv ,od in band compution-flO 'lY pryrs phaI f hold thee round. ST t. 'le bas departtt"- lii voe-. is faco"-"5gense; To WeLpàytient-berted, jt ee; ie mu netlear on Ahf rola lait endure Ta ni oyse! uo ech wo, 1 .e ci lvia isoefesp iuure, 'rt it i l ot bc so. Yiil e@ fred, and sleeping! lic îrc t0 te whfe- fie very blinh and crreping Seia %Ilisprinlg a a acm du S,'r,eýiig divine asti dits :îvent faolif by nel;esta I. partîg aings of cheivubimi, S3ya a, "Wr'ye finsheti here." A OUTCH CUIRE. glIr i10f t ANt CLOt 5WAi-MY BROWN. n ai, opsf toan sn yloneiji ped.room, i darusfor t osla v erj scuandt, uean, oh tou, its urine bat dey vml cerne, .i vie, ivuot ier de grountit. te!Me, ye is von h etPg stpper, 1t t1'aOa, ha o or ifiomat s f0 tfulf f stcues, i o in ov fleep, ble der OcraI 1 sebreame, ,ne At ottdr ped efotha and klreas! a ec. Làh1 laye liait the pet clutha *1 off, i*z ointe al noir frae ; e ro,: q 1i akes taitcde letahe and kiTo, >1 F hicota ummine hat te mine teus a' âcavu le ton for a pcor man lke me- r. va fo i1lit such a'ilfe1 e aireua cure fut dis trouble f BmS- )i' i!:drY it asd tutme a vmu. rcmiii, ...Ci anOs,. T ilE S OLAR SPOTS. ClOCLýNCATIOBS AuTv~OmY, Augt ist Ot, 184f, 1'..toneaulu y lest communiration. i Oe 0 c.ant of anSicgufar pienontenus ied i coosrection wcith thm Su. about " u iîday, the 4th insat. Ou tarin. > ,a erca vetr eu the Sun for the pur- '! ýroerc.eg the olar Spots, a rilliant 'N,' bJect wa seeu apparently tu ashoc tuer Suiandtu i3t uappear un the castern : " 'oea moment helîsved titat a large star, MI. r, 1 caîet, had been disrovered in the OcîMe negliboriromothm S'i, bt after i "'î sevarclu for te ciject, it couid net hi .. ee. Thei nstrmentteOwse again urnie le fun ienvota mY surprise aunerail Btin- i ýceeu, exactf y resembfiug the firt swept 1'. citete fiefd f the telescope. Ai , 11 ail e ta fol fow these objecte, thougi fiet:. i tor lied ter PPearauce to anrme lighe "uae latng eite atmoaphere, but on te- : oud t dffcult to reconcile thm farts tdîaonIt ouil e rememnberedt hs the S:u n, the oil'proectedhbya " k "eetraile biy tvligho except ohe 'Oi ý'0 ai thie Sun, andteIciesnoent thseSan el"e ieOf vew, it ecoeceintensely uitM4 tact titat thes comparatively feett1 rint cfir ant penettate Ib. de !e 50oir gla,. l' le "reiîpce o the Sun the ment brilliart nc- u îi'~&tl 8even diffriult te obserer c5' 'es't Piuet eumnear th Sun,ud*, t"ualîecircumetancee, and yet bars Suofficently trilliauttlo be aen vn vo , Je ino thee ~~Saennefield 'r erîcdaiît tee,,deepty shaded ir tlia ner cf450. That the ivi.mi oy au to renchil at uts e> btehoutterir impos ncuethe frt ldru tIat Oeam*brilliant C !oii artcles in the earth'ases 't , aeti a.hi ercy aneupperosll lc cums8enceea 1 mmmencW .e otitriie, and have foud son r-arr?5front ,. S, ao Omidf îrevotfh, 'un, VItich, 1translate &vo C .itrononulche Nacbechten." mîir~~uan intevmsong chara pet the onerful changea whiel *:J '; %r.r'h it'uctSso ts, 14he prarme "-OZ uOdcriptica of brlliaut oh. .à Ct, ie hdo un ,fewu aiusen 1ucnnty o 06e Sou, anti which b, leWQO4fitfae;" 'whjch 1 have tram ; . m 5 t re m edng e n u m e rati c u cf tn y teremnq h one t e jus luin h caacter i nil nnw alufron mtriokr tie t muainano oher relI TJtitnCat Cey are ilininate z n0' ' Sl iy t etd oCif hey hlot 1o er. hr uât risetu a great heigh ltihe opinio iicbndaC laci , 4 eu ' , tuk e u n e , lyfotoi al P' ie n q i,î u e onte h al.ulitte eluw th :î ý x h $n Whe itobsrvend in hem mi n' eeu npear but lttis diriniis KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1845.. M--00 talon strcusgly cf h. cler cf hm subralanies *M- ployain ezamingIt.i -Tbey have aceweha irreglar round figure., by which ise are able Oc perceive dariug their passagelé, ot oaly a ruling but alec thm elastir t m"ton ofa aop huhibe. Se that their moion may h. cesopareti with tIrt of a hadyi fioating on *' Tla e city wth shich hy traverse the fimeld cf view, (28 minutes of arc,) cf 06e Gft.teles. cope sn vsry différent, varytng frouu four oven te9 onescound cf Osme, su tht in a lover mtitonien t might ho possible u follow thent several degrelesc fron th Son. A stîl i greater dfféreuce existe i in the direction cf heirf Aght, in whici sot courseb predomîuateu, although the directton ini any giv.0 en heur in generaîf y presorveti for the wotle dey.a "Sometimes it salmuet hat hey itîliovedthm direction cf h vinti andI cloati,, sotetitiei, hi.t ever. they Inoveti directîji againso the stin.V Il1 caurtot determine heir disatance truo hm i earth, for 1 saw het itiutly witb the slai fore,, andi any change matie thent lesa distinsct. 1 have (oud hnmonmutnuneraus n th0e Sammer menthe, lmeu(rquent te thm Sprtng and Autuma, but 1 have neyer remârteti thetation Nov. Dec. Jan. and Fe. "b:The opinion cf a recent observer, (M. Goe!s,)> b bselamittous flaktes are fioating giaaaier, colnot ho rcoîîrled vwtoh these fartosunt again with hm facittat 1 bave nover tecu hetu tl) Wh rs i nthe se vebe vere mot nunseresuo. Neftoer do 1 hink oat te fluating partîrîma nfI duel âeen by the sune uberversaie identîcalt wiOla hm laminons flakes.i "Those partîlesutf tait. 1 havm oftmu otteervet,a jonely with an cye piece it which theji eplear. i d as dark sperits, which beromiug electrir fruml deating thm gisnes, (hy thsui'. raye) 1ev uitE anti off t. gise,. W.Voîoay eaeiy distuguielia hm "laminousaflakte," from th0e particle, olut ue 'which are flating on he auna raya etatede thet Instrument, by oening the eye which idi nut ascii in ehserving.1 .Corrcspondiiig observations may give aouer probable cxplanatiîîu, anti shall6bc uuch pleaseeta if hia article ahouoltiawake attetion anadJinduree observatons by other." The opinion mpresseti hy M. Gobe], anti con. troverteil by M. Scnlwabe, bas alto, homo enter. taineti b Arago, cf lParia, anti by (;ale, uf Ber. lin. Arago evmnasserts thaO the appeuraucouft te "Il cht fiocecen" ais alissys. coitîcideutt sOit that of the floaing gossamer, seble MO. SiAtwaOec seserts direcCiji thm reverse, antid itiýsparttrular lia antatW i liji . Galle. Thini bot observera states ohat on one occasion theum oljects inovetic goaelewly Olat ho aurceedeti in fllowing tîtint asj fer .e 5 deg. disant fronthm Suit, andt lut ous reruovinof the solar gise, anti drawttig 0.u0 tho eye-pimme, aseis Jane On procure a di.iuactvies' cf nearer objecte, Oiey became Weill mefinet i u- &ge. IlTheji vers mongateti, irregular sîsapedti bedie, ishite andttanlacent, roastiel mi,eun. der aide, anti pinlet aluve. Thsy descrihoti crooketi ati S ormeti paCte, and appecaret inl différent projections elongateti or rcîatpreseet.' My experimuce cincies wit Ls lîO flOitr. Schwabethatoan the dey&avhmm hme"I icliît flcl. su are mao nnueroau coloating gousoer ta te lie seen," Aler le»ressing thmeopinîion that liers in strong prbililfy of thm Illuainous Sakleog prýuceti by gusarauer, he cci- clatiethas! "b dors notfollovr irvun 6e aboie observations obat ail,'licho fiockeo' are goëlsatêer. We vouit gsnerally regard 06cm se baviog Olîcîr enigin in fluoting fibres anti partiteie of duel frein their general rcvemmlance." Il wilI Ous ho eaOue hat there ie a dternity cf opinion with refèrottre ou thefe siogular objecCC, amung thne (mv persoastu vhuu they have been vieibe. The ezreme brilliaurj of tesenmyterieus ob- jects in exceetiingiji prpexiîîg. They are seman diatinmtly aud periemOîj, wben the runt brifian.i n ly ilitaminatmi st"nuherie clouatint entirely i%- tl visible throagb the stlar glana. Ilois hepedthat t h attention tof observera înay lho dîrectedt tethis *subjeetli oat rtemporanaeous o<ihalloinay it flnally le" tu o ue more probable esolution of the )t preant diffict]y withs referotare u the orfin cf al the " lichit flocken."' M. Srhwmh. bas heen sogageti for more than r, 20 yeare in regalar datîji obervatonsonu thm eSun'. surface geoerally, anti bas devoîrepeti some a curious fats vth refeamure te the sair speos. s By tabulaofng the reaulta of 20 yeav' obervatlun 'lhoinj led te this remarkabie ctmuluski,iiCat i- there i a perioti in the appearauce and disap. O peavance of theue spots, or in ottier angusge hat m if during his yeaf he grouallentnumber ni spots bh were caunteti ou heM un'& dise, tha l udt jear them nnhr vili ho daainsbedtosmoitils, ouregu. ýt larly for f£vs 7ars, et vhich imete hm it a-ber wili reachi a minimum, 10 ii graduaain-lu ag creastifor ime yare fllovangu and ti th id of et 10 7ars "'n the hoginning % ii attaîn a masxi- a munt value. Shouit a periodiety of.tht. iinti ho ivr coîtfirmmd by saheeaqueno observatins, a nev ie Oeory of the phytiai conetitaO;nof aitise SLua in mueut ho devoseti. ly 1 have been exan.ining for @oine inte, witls te great co e e moisg of thm Soj'à surface. ep Iustea o being eveniy rigt a'len ezaiami under favorable cirrumatanceis anti with high nt povers, the surface la foutu tho6 covcret i vth el minute wihte spots separateti iroin eacb ut ber by tr arit intervalle. 1l bas renerali, bean asserted te hat le this imotolet surfare, cotintatoand per- ýn petual changes vere gong o, iîdicaOîng s sort Id cf biling motion in tue slar lamious amots- ,il ;li On a rapi examinaîonora the Sua'. hos n&tis opinion seemetoc ho confitree; but on ua mrte xact anti careful review I Sund Oat th l inute pores of 0he Sun'@ surface are uehlage. nt abk e frbase pet observtions rau determîne t. hm matter. 1 have cal!e t he amttetoncf mauy ed persoasoite h.ine matiêr, andI bave unifuvmuly met with the smms tegly. On hing mket ifl te idpores cf h Sua were permanent, a carefuli i. 'e specisruled iaafrativeanswr. il Scorting ocLaplac'*thi sovy of the formation of teh th. universlaauscs'tnusioof the aun's surfa.cs li ought lic h. rauslj ps'gr=ig.Mayi it net h. osibl d0 scbmai.crusa buti aactai- in hua fohm* d a bidgperuansnmy in h"t ta ' *sat Oh. Bois f tiurface! Sncb a horji = arcnOly en ro.hsd by on of hm German ho srvirpsrsona seem elling tOcdsvole Olei- sn-Ogves to os~te"tmacilàd inaIs observations cm WBthes$u'@ sufiac ; yet .0tj. certain hat nthing short of.a»ezen e oties cf observations, pr Sformed vrilthe h greateelt carse au resolvo thse te.,!mser proew f tm o.phfical constitation oo fthssup.aoegloièo the ret iaireoflight, hi.hetatistbiliyo h.2,Z1im "«w.id, hich ýh circulat* witlia is lifs.giving if melune. àc PAUL DOGBERTY'S WATCH. th Whe bsu tait bisai doe fa,.famed Paul Dog- . flett mu of omiemio a ,amsic i. l.t hid r,'mmea t Si. Let fiaW. GENUIN& A ver-y hanteinte frimoat of ours, asho a ev weeks ago, vas poketioutao f a coior-table office up the river, ban Ocaken birnssef-to Bangorfora tin", to rerever fDam 1h vound inficteti upon bis feelings by aur - onprincfpied mut tmmolatoitg admninstration." Cha»ge of air maet hais hidauas instant esct opena bsspirite, fer, rom Galei e hrite. Ms a ver>'ansuing luter. ohueh among other thiege, telle oais despsrt querrai vhich 000k Placeu board thbat btvem a teal lise dandy tocrist, mud a ral lire Yankee setier. The lter troti on the tes.iofhmformer ; vb.reupom tise fom- er treatemie ta t" kick aid cf thse Gabin" th. lot. ter. CYomil kict nie out of hia cabing ' 'Yes sr. l'il kick you ont n ttsof t4 "Youllt kb mi, Mra ucctiii 7 leil î'~kick yce, M. 11tchcoct-. De prWd utedihat il vwu imsalf ut. stelin himitfa ntpeuil eofult-" 1Igua vin"me j"a taitet bin"u ,Y.'ve esve«Isad me tel ahoat olti Erstir yanti My maoetherte "Nasir, amcde 1 i vlt-'" "Wallga t10vonhO ely«e bockmes, anyacr, a.bie=m'geam> bostla I.e Suidtf erei e. Yeu. ses, mli Eah>'ti n et 0Il5 saoieeeilng isîed kypocmie, oha pui mu areâgkou«Msoit eiy sahh.tbamy MerMbegu e it a gec &W ofeccevu', musslaoubeqi s OU tinI starsame n (a oie aseesWL* Mad ai ourosât Oma. tWe.le imp ew am311 emam nrail in. a luio.Me, p. qie in bo he&a "%badm' .ptil ce.ib r tIce.tom 1lsai but ix myisabl%&e, ii Ni. 22. M thie jointe, oncre filleit witb cartilage ; ro ibat the lengti th le livirng animai vas prrîbabiy lrnm a buiotret andti Oenly.fie o abuntr-etandti hirty fent. 'ho obrniofaithm vertbrie attd ofbthOhtat iî exceilently proserved, andti hm remiitahavi suffietet very i ttie front expoîore or acr~ident. Sente tiseltoyIie or tiuiro>' of the ribs are in thair places, sluevîngihat thm tiometer of the crmature tuait bave bean six beet ot more ; ant it secuns te bavc been prou idet ViLb a pair tif large anti imsmenssiy poverbai fins or podues, at tise ter. munatien of CIme nerci. The namne of-- Moenstres Ilydrarge." bas heen given te this stupendousanai -. aut weil it mmy ho railet monstrous, for Ot greatly surpas. ses in boit all0the ante.tiilavian creatutes wvite fesi elime have iitherte been dieuovret- cheober mamnmiit, mustodon. sarvian, Missoauri. ain, or iguanodion. 'rh. siteleton cf the latter presents, va h.liee, a Imngth of seventy leet or thermabeat; but the bydrargos gona neariji fifty feet heont. 1it s b>' farth0e greeicuritisity ce ever s. l0itn sexhiltitet at Che Apollo. lu Broadvay, vhere tue furtunate anti sciontifur discoyerer msy Oc foanti, romdy Ce ir.si.plesauat, instructive, andi enohasiasole explanatiom.-[N. Y. Coin. Ad. FOaxociePtoASr-., WtIM r-mata SIosovocA. TiN.-AL siosseu'ci, L.-" To duagiiet."1 Bonsmoit, Fr.-", A g-at word." A wittimient. Ceriorari, L.-" To ho matie mure certain.- Despertidoss L--s' A thfng to h. despairmti Efaont gaie, Fr.-", A spoileti chilti." Fiant.L- Let ut be doue." Gorge, Fr.-4 A @trait or usrrcw peso." Hors de combatou, Fr.-" Ont of condition te fig-bt." AppluedtiOu a disremîiteti araîy. Iecogtiio, L-"Unknosa." lu tiagaise. JIe, de tlmeadre, Fr.-** Stage trickt, attitude, Le grand eutrme, F.-4The great vork.'l Maxuimuas in ,uinimis, L-" Very g-roat in ver>'hlte tisinge."1 Noae rosa"i, L-11 *~Tu h. unvaîling 10 pro. moed.11 0OteavpreO0mores.I.- Oh, tbe iimes anud titi imannera" loy ohe former aMe elanieti andtie Oh.atter tiebeaet. Peterris,, L-" Thte father cf hit roua. Qsuscs, Plr.--"Who gues tbere "il*sne i ont.serie.On the alrs. RoeIrvu l.-. The staga of pu'pit.' Tise Reeman forusm, or court. Soeustum ariem, L.-Aoecding Oo ari." To die terainduu aria.. To expire nuor tiseDor- tOacI bande,. Tiga #ùiia, L-"« Thu maniy roho." Roman drc@& a maiulett. Vie, L.-ila 06e roua o." Nn ALPamtte.uMm.-'Tb.e Bp"uîi b i «dh. màduuiefandth ie poser classes, haso-= )talai>'loems uacety anti .taegtlucraM 5 tta Ibsr esigthos. Aunsdegs inrelatai files' trative ar tbs lyneàs aift e oh.ens, cêsspsi. sa tvith.hesimple Isemesty ( et h.Ghirutcan d -ho candiu-iàuucueleso ut ute Hanarian. IDuniq telaitvar. Ohm saMien.' of eisof these usmthymnes, eC aut.e pvio f atFraci les, oer Ohe ctuumee-.pieofet ibt ang s vraIs. Wisem ambei gosse.Germeaul,î "Tb&* i agond wateh: lvieh 1 bailbo4igh 1 am seM lid t o"tk.it*sai lt. Huit- il 1 %f » it in wypcck.t," nul tshe esibas Exaa'xioHsAL.-Tlae sutoilà oni ay bs as set, andt hm teamenee usemnîfages tic ogr. gateti durioog haýt tiuntlsin iFeeter Hall firthe rpaalîcu anrty antirel igionsbavesepar. ast.'I'be p:uuiary results ut the nmeetingu are £10ry.249 13 7 87%817 1 21,000 0 O G4,101 14 2 109.188 0 0 31-38So 14 8 'L641 14 10 15,480 0 0 1.519 4 t) oL,G00 0 0 t2,507 Ô i 731 Ii m7 9,5611 5 à 2,07.2 19 i IC"înt'e Missecuar>' Society. British anti Foreign Bible Su- cily, ,Assiu Uiassiarv Socieity, I)ittna, tho Jubile, Fu, Jtmiiosus Tract %meiety-, %Veoeala s ehodhit Missie h. ar-y Socicty, Couecriol missitaar'Societyi, f.ieli Ecangelical Solciety, Farcgn Ait Society, B3ritish Ieformtion Society, l IantieMissionary tkm'îety, l'mootive Metbedist JNîisseionts Sar-r duciety, S'citait Xu Mreuisc, cetf .irîoish and Foreigik Utitarcaîf Aoeciety, qatiiloy.:ficbem'l Union Society. Pritueii eand Fire;got Sailutu' Society, Total, a plaiant world it weaitilie. There voalt ibel Bradleyi about t, ant i e vus 6 vsry sorry- ai] noe àlieriles thon, long1ing ta get be ileaven jc- nnrtîiy animal, la6enaeit] catch bar,' mut a bal fors their tinte, lut of surit thinge, &a i aîi n a vevy serions mars. -'Tise nyaeff as Che pour. focliabgeoca, uper, vîth a tare truite as long as unidIleacun Fui. the ime 'ny Utîrle Tevenre vient te Dublin ta rer'. oet Sal.batti-day. 1 tue, ail tftliume hay sîcho grs, andti roagît me home a asatrhtoa vas lia,', solouatrhet hiuiantilire oitveuau ; malte a mati of me et once. - Heve (Pauf.' smye anti for ifîree nîglîto re.rulur, ,il, ruait cuitiO ta tel ' toute mari of ber, ant ind ber well, andi my stable ahubtinitte ur, ancd juset n day-lcuht let ber nover go seîrny; mnîtî tht, l'uni. ' Bradley rtatId coitie anti1i tudle lier and r-ide I dit nuinti eîery vîîrd be gid ; andi«lien I off. I 06eu jusuict muy ali mîare Juwn ta Ohm got lier suug tota oirny aietcoat pcet, anti let blackontîit'i sbop, aund iedatsue chocs mrode, lthe beantîlul gouiti chain aud seale bang davis, viol, 'morka' about fuar inriteu long. su a li'r', ohi. duulu't 1Ilook a raie giitesna,, esor tuterdiloueti on ta lier loint fect-Vour hoes ,,icnter, doiu te oeil7 street in iilIgolin ; ilov the aiu't oothltar lem,. i totit lier halt, gînu ber boys dot ettire, wîith their menthes open, lite su about ten fieeC of ilter. and Oued lier dgho intu le unamy lytrape3; anid hui Ohe girls titiretiten ap corntre ,iftise istablfe be be vriîth ia ls about at thte sit.,it ointe, andtirtle lîttle varguin hupe. nino o'clacc, antI after taii' a goust enol<e, wtet tiret matie thuir heurts in Cheir bulouoe go thamp. tc, beti, kniin' titot my uic1 mare vas ou trute lhump, tiîuîp. %Vell, it vas 1 tthat Je feel telfiti' animual, andtiret sfto't gise a genol report prut, tu be sure. A Il ihat day, 1 vas upaitînd cc heratnif in the nîorîîîî'. 1Iilaiii't L'ut tuiriv'y oc ulovitite tuil, pultceîg out the waCcit every jsfoopp boire Ohm oIt vaion huotch.ad rue and minuate, tlitugit mytielfibt n'o t now a figure cîm vauteif ta titois Ohatot itiarth vos Ohem nalCor lier; but wh;eu the boys axeti me the tinie of ou0 at tire stable. tSay* 1,1 go tu aleep Ite1ggy. day, t1icctfeo at tite walcb, but et time satute tinte ît'a ntii' but Kate-sfte'â ieirii' telieI, I 1 tosoa i sde.sqaitoet the lSon, anti 1 made Ohe gnse., Purîr iron@sie lounciredi te agmi, and pour lfoi bel rie 1 knew as munch as itaji heCers. says rite, Mr. lHitchtcockt, dît gît up asdtinre cit Blut dty ccuIdto't laso for ever, sa ta bardI1avent iu the wsrlt is the matter wiLf, Kaîr. fîr .6e Obat tiglil, and, after hanging voi darliog litOle tîrikt tot oiioertutfy' 'ILay still, leg0r- watcitec ta ie tester off the bord, anti tisering its Kite'fi taite cavem af berself, 1 gueýe.' %Valf tC hack, belIy, aud aides, 1 full asleep ta lthe soanti moniî about day-Il lit, Braia, 'a oh bifle liu al ite îoîerry cf ucitclack. We-il, 1(mll toa adreant. baud, atm ta ths stablie anal as irne ru tte bteir ing ail sorts cf lbut lady sut mialortsane....eorrow of Gmeris, vieosbc seen thse oIt raaisder, taile thesu for tireaîns,but Matly a baif beur'e star, and beau, 6e ricus.4d uni sisre %rariesthon trouble tirey give a tian, ailsebailai if hevas mou titi, Miser, viten 1 ccund-,ii n vaurtOtues. t, blis living tamuses. At jouet, 1 vote, anti np 1 After breaitnt, Obat îoroiiî', 3,,e lotvis cu, Ou sCarts andti lîten-busbf! net a word fromn îy lbous, anti sae lue, 1'lîallry'e u-Idroalî's her--4bm criar inas seep,says 1 toanoyamîf, aut nearfy test-site', rut ail toaJiiecetl, anti ras l'il onet go cate lber ut tlis bîcased buar of the scnrcely rote.' *I1wantOOtîî,îw t' says 1, 'bhou uîght. WeI!, 1 Ohuaglit l'il bave alook et lber on aîrth di t ibapper, il Now ta ilîsO e sOcre is, way ; su apit gets ant i ighla a canife, anti taltits', upouls that everiastin' htypiocrite, Birad- gîtes ever tolier-. IWefl, Obere shc vos, haugîug ley, anti oyslbe. '1OMr. litchrctk, nnyoit lmraie hy lier uonmîsain, nau 1 I eft ber, but lier fîttie ta ruineti1n1Du teil,' smya 1. -* ius dt &Il heurt bad'î't a boat in it, and there vers lier tisîste picces aays bie ; &*doen ou tw iuther ailm litl attinesetretchet su stiff, atdîtiber purîy Itoe awus in yir stable lest nîgbo 1 Wtl, Mîrter, buce se Wpale dotcolt,tat 1 bowlet oint juitpet i wth biiOjet co':Doeitîîowiti T're Yankee abottLite raut se Ch grief. OItlitturder mr«. er-e, il, fîusorotung, matie a sutiten alvance op. der! saeys 1, sure tfere's ne douirt nIfCio le's oirtlite dbndy, whtu matie wsv for hbita uicosci. teau, mamd 1 baîtget lier! Oh, oiilu ! oaely, a it wirro-Do i kunoi it, you ncý,oufed. M Ofy pouocf fCher watt startied eut of hiesîleop, squarli-ieadlad, nid night arlyen !-you bîy- ati [liecenie ap te see what wuasthe otatter. htickiti',corn-cvthbcn', lotiter ladiiti cetît-ehai ',.Wy, Paul, jicu big fuel,' says 6e, 1sure in', vitilie'of nuthiot' yoa ?'- Rate ticte lite te relinasoer ouf ifuctor bier for yau, if you a mere tîa eohhatt, bat l'aedetam te thitng oniy wait t OIîîîorîsosg. Sitc's tiot testd, oboes1t a sciezice" The Yanrkee bout net teaset tu adi- on]l upeechiet.,' says mmîy fater. vanire, c, Cite dundiy, la bue astoiiisbntent, Ca r- Weil, I wouldn'O t %ait tilieurnieg; en, off1 or-mt; aid nov te oiton ofthe latter binîg sitarte Ou Ohm sciteiliaster, or.th Ohm latinlo mopae acceler-aid by an apparent tiemsonstratios onireît ouf a ismoci, as 1 Ciîmght, and Ithuiba teps its part ai oie former Ou suit thte action taete vert, deser tit iehorpotes lisi liut eut of te o'oîdc. lie [ount himneif inittre -'social bal,.' tuotbling "Wibtse Oere f 5I m ireh. backwarls oiter a pile cf boggage, and teariutg Paul Dotlimrty, air,' says 1. te tumes of bis ponts as hoe seraemet up, a per. Ar-rab, ttàat'sthe matter, Paul P bect screant oi laugoter stunuet loînt bruns ail u '0i sfic'. deat, elie'. teuit; 1 tnow for sar. maidest. he deluat vas total. A few moentnt ten ai euiloa, faurudiaes rid ms cday, samoateiwartislhe vas seen dragging bis tîvo Oyant titt a word out cf ber !' sebîret wishloMir. llitchcork finisiietlire stury 1Pour tiear sou!,'samys hie, tiinking 10 isas o aotUse boeer'dert. asy puer oit onoober. 'A tiacout, goot-tiatur-et vuin'a aie ,thougb ste dît roinetinîca nvia. A bMoN'sa-ran OFTuU Dcr.-We tati tisatid- fate thse great rulesolfgrsmuar, wih,ytiu tuais fucton, yetiey, oif exatoiueîîg the filer esfr- Paul, titaumi nmxt te the Ten Commnaient».' tuaiju; of at enoreutous cr-eature, appurentlj of tire ' Oh, murter--utire i'snt my reother, at ser-pent tint aud cf ,novitinme habt, aulicîs ere alil, bat the votchieen, Obmt'a teati." tiscoeetirermosohy by Dr. Kanch, buttses ---GeCteant cf that, ytîa big amadbawn"Cssys lseueatb omis surface ofai aPrie n ls. tire otilil chooltnaster,fIgingiitbis ted iight.rup Wordt ran is gvobut a feint itea cf Ibm enormîtus et nif lesi. &'Give ber bere te me, anti l'il brtog hoit, ,d,et_'otmJ tietibosestuny substeOutes four Ohm ber ta iilte'bontes ohat «onc ooponretithe Ir-ans-vorit of the " ll',1 gvehr teablet. animai. Aa lhey lie, carmfully replaceditn their 'Wiere'sa lIte keei !' usys he. originaul orterte>' stvete ottgOitOhm e at lengtfi "Avay 1 van home, anti neyer crieti @top net cf one hutret anti fcurtemîi feso; but it is ap- stay, Oil "I brongt f lmntharkt h kryof the bairn parent Chat somne of Ohm joint srnear tire aOil are dou'r. Ob, wbat a passion the little arbeointu- vmcoiug, andti tey toach mach other s Oey lie, IIOLctUWIstic'AT ECuTîION-Ois the OCCaliiots cf tihe late Presidentoal eleetomi, a vais bat oc. mtrrod aOtirhe ballet box iu a cer-taiu toisu, turing wbimit piatuis, fions, brittitats, &c. avare in re- quaition. Tite ritigieaders ver. takeit ap, anti une cf Ohe vituesses vas malieti apon larbhin tes- timon> iu the feliowiug rmanuor t Laavyer.-Ou oh. nighO îuf Ohe elertius yodtlgay Yeu vereshet!t Vs'itnesa-1 di t Olat! L-Were y00 simhoh ointi or belote i W-I vasn't shot neither hoef.e nur hobinit. Il-But Yeu gay You viree mct. W-1 rccon 1 titi, fer 1 vas pepperet aIll over My> loft side. L-What acire jeu sayiog at tho liais ycn ivere abot 1 W-Sayiug i Why 1 a't't aying nethiug; Out vau htilcvwing aus bauas1Icoolti,-1lHurrab for Clay anti Frolinihuysms t" La-Dit you hcllow the &ame tluing after boiug shtit ! W-L'opeet1 i da'o ; if ynu bat tbmrty-tvc ahet put intoe y'm at once, I'spoeeuoooudmm't a.boiioetl for amiy bodiy bat jourmeif. Asamzs.-Nosing in Ohme wboesCatalogue cf isaitures compares.u my lanti, viti aubes. One part cf mund otlies a short distance frountthe sea :-anoî ber border@ apoîî it. IUpan caCher tract, 50 buahels per-ar-iof ashes hring op more elover Ohan tisent>' bat. of barn mntre voalt tic, mutdoithuul veetis oea-Che peste of Accu. rate (armera, or edsaneca imile frosth.e m, 1ucvdl in hm year- 1834, hirO! tire bushels of unleacheri ame,, upon eue acre anti a quarter of grounti As the asbes Vere dr-y anti ligbt, i soVedt betut on caliî,m eoaur- y hanti, and i wth as mnuetcuré as 1 ouin saviaf grain. Tise landtwuvaaver>' Ohmn elayey lient. Tisera gras m ver-y haudanna crap cf claver, andt h. landti bs motfoegtosu h. applieation. l'ho digereeýInl te summer roule bu seen oa, th. distance af flfty romis. t 1haveasopicanthat guasno vifl Do her tho vau er tait boas iaEngiand. (t ilii increase thse cinq butiamotl*sprcve the o s otig wImOaico&le vomit do for tIhe hamac Ijiteint Ashe-asheo-ube taiser vith barn man-. ove aud comiitost-" pat and alkaliie"-theai are mou aitut moeleme. i u B..j'r5 ers Monthly Vfsitor& A PmnL rPOIL saI.E1UcMIS'.-Dr. O'Callagh- an, surgeen ni lbe 110h Huseara restaà case hu.. toe Cie Sargical Society' of Irelanti, in Jauuary ast, of a Vary siugtular characOev. It vas tiret4 ni Lient. Fritik Ceyion Ridle Dagisllgntt Who wuat woondeti in h. heati by thIe urting of a fui. ing=pr. Thse iroenti ealeti favorabilsant ite veeti hie dnty. About a par sfterwartie af ettallir body bignante piurant Ohvnegheo lais i to h. màu. nomd.omtlnueômiary rae aliy. buat sadily, Ocusalams8Doi: venC o14 util llY. 181 bovhn an 'C iPIrvsmtst file t o~huO lsasaietioh paing eJxeruci- eting. Th ne-mIsaf i fer some lime beaulm-. a Th. psense n.thers e lg a cme- bganlt-a» h a ffl ,prive he ns ld ver>' offensive claretr. la Mrai, 1831, lai. ng ispig" inla i» e f. ezeflau acmleautef ternaonaw igu ie isbondastiewu .e andi the iroe 1-eqofoa tue;lt60bSfee whiihet stced st Rtea stocIkwvasle ho 1 foeti! 0ILvue 21luchaéSlOngsMd vlie uarî> 3 oz. Tv. armlar esue es mI esi but in ho heispatteu y 11usd trIo d le and 1.uth. s utho. =sel vendauioil veeha, A SÂa. Wdcssoas.Assml«c hag sua..i cd tocgie intime.>bafise.a cemrt oa qmfe time h hesauemte hWbuseIgicom cre8 "Ar. e .sEessmsn1 aA Cathelie ir «'Ne. sl." -A Mtiset r nwhat are v h.ur5 1i ami mptuent o.f**Me. tOe r" Unapou» il brTitra " jie e tW les bonnee --. r MWi a ni...en a eteu. gr', adrtsssig a p.ssss*be, h. kW le., la.. si regied t thoe laiimeaisi "The-.- Bnnee n astIse decblod m - DWseo4riu "sa ausiitoet masecct5 ta *À@ imbseuat on us hepsi cd îl enneu.afle to. edesired blu te sMd bât is«e te se r, . . mtto esaî The mnt nuiverally è ronutnmul ysbem oI auy part cf'Or Colonial affatre, is thm admimmio. t rat lou oOte PeoOffice DepartineuL fiVe by ui roe»uswish.to h.e ntiret.sm as alinding Ite tbm diocitêrge cf Utimidtie, aaisigedte individua, mis of oh.e,«tabusbu'yent, but lcathe excessive anti saui rate of lîtstaiitindthe mppiksalas of a large surplus cf colonial postage iniey, tu the ue of the Ituperial establishmsent in London, Sa coatO ers Ohe ;«trous fersunallsction iléi oh. qermen, that la 1840 a Commissions. cesiel. ing uf r- Dow ligg, Esq, T. A. Sisyner, Eýq., amud Jtîbts l)aison, FaLq., anas.appoiatentto mîsquîme itîtu osaery. braite-bof the 'imont Office )spartaeet, setl particuarly as ta the fmaabilty of ralumimsg ther r.e or Gulitiai Pontage. After the.lapeq of uiearly- fteoututite, 'tise Cmmissamumrs "e1'-' bat se b-s e -, blee et,, aste . "vrp- "hd a greot voilaui iecu, in the rate of itat *h*e asit ceaete saine muOhority forîsrutating filet Mar. T. A. Stuyie-, (ovbie,.1s 06e Dmputy Pont. unasCer (ir'neroul, sitoaltiner have been miioweri Ou ho ocaue t eettisnin, iisetatet front bus crulleagîsroithee qnîestion cf retuction. týY tif etiorse, contu relier ta the report.,bmnause, as or-e haoue olYc-dy stalti wasu&tever printe4 bt give sthe raîeiliur wishîcu@ s u rrent et thél titoir, andl anlii eehave neyer heerd centra. terteel. las cotreiboration cf the tryib of thua vu. iatir, ve now have the muan ti Oflçial aîoèitc fron the l'-ieima#ter teeraf in Ltodun teo bq B.earli 'l'ritile nt Quebec, iu whicb it ia stateti tbat ut is ' uttatisabie, ut premtt, to sancion any dtiminutonitoheratea ci poistage in the BrtOi@h Nurth Antecan Prtouure." 10 isearce. !yi pm'sutble thit the lîcuperial Gesuernîcont îhonîti tiesere te tîtake revenue out cf the Poet Office in Canada, yf erov.con boira uinoéther concluion' isheu we rompauro Ohiâaneaver uithfilte astondt. iiug frt-a fart fîtriitialtet by MOr. T. A. Sosyner, ber M sjesty'e Depatl ito m2te Gener-l-t hît in I410--the latent rturn-tlîere wua. a surpluis of moeetu equal te uuelmalf cf thte we-bl ex. pense cuf the Post Office Estabishment in Uni. ted Canota. Wm isili gise lthe figures, as las tutu tîtecît in the printei report : Groos reveneîte etilcete nn the t:anîtii fier the year eedeti PcbJaiy, 1840, £54L447 Exponeses for Cteuviprs' wages, Sala'-~ 0 ries, ticiteitabv, &c*. ef Surplus, £18,887 IL wiff 'caturaflly be aiket, ihat hecame of thiq 1 rgesurplus fonti?! Wby, if vas ahI renhîthetiltu onI Yeti nutOit>oandiiug 0he universal tde. minau seapreiet in lethers 0 tu e Conbtiiotsq ers, frain ail parte ant i al quarters, (tir a rode- lin in the serin of p'etage, antif(ttc more Pcet Office accommoaion, nearbj £ 19,01». uere draincti fr-utiChe cdduntrY.* anti amutridicuome anmd osppressive rite cf postage cnntinued, ad 06* oîîiy excuse vhich sîtunîti Ocaloe etifr os rcut linuance, the deficimncy of reveuue, rontradictei b>' te large surplus. Tite prosmut rat«i oi W«;; age mppear t etahe mise hat ire eh-Pdet fIfîji7aige , uahe 14. mail s,nererr on Meah baekso fIudieansfrom eNiagaerasboEotgstoss' And ymt vie are toit *"it lanout advismble Io relise* thons." This teterminion ou te ut. arof the Poe0-agster Cfeneral in direrol>' eonlrary te CIao opinions aofa&l the ftgldemin vIse favoredti hm Commission with 06,fr views ons tIse sbjeci. Many of Ohm.. gentlemen tVeut juto aialatsm tc îiscw ftIsa aredoitton *dà. lot"cause ani. grmat defieiency st fihit- (cerlainly ucl tu the. extesit oi £iS@7')-mqad Chso ihiii (WVealdl hi a great butin Oc the imhabitants, b>' ecou.gmsg. ctrrespondansce, ohe revenai vouid h. oretâtait vas nmcesuavy fur the support of oh. esitaulh, menO, ant ilOaitersmainitaili, le ail Ihat seelId beikpOed front i.TIse pout office il or t4a convessisuce id the pompIe,* antei potagle shoald rnot, h. higier titan wIsiatiproduce êmeffirmeat rev- ene for sta liberali naiateame. Under a pro- par regatimi anti supsrimuojudeumeOh. ratesof postagre ligsO h. ¶dDper cent. A cosa-_ mintes. one h =Pat Depaertnas sp- poiet, durimg Ohe lent session oet PaiLt-- o h. limon. dC6;gu MofattChsirmanr-hut oh4 luas, rosi helibrs.a report couait!b. mald& W. bopte Ohe uatter will b.l attideti n the cent aperlianal.W* heird a t sOdeal in Lord, .Sydenham's tirethat Oh. eso cet vuste b. Ypiacied undmr Ohe conorol cf Uhe loaaigoveroameo. lit apptears bnwever, oi4ao isetle mdott e ML IJatil if if, ves do Det eapoct amy asuhetantiai re.> lier. TIIE POST OIFFICÉ.- W. c"pyst fao a latteri stdresseti by Le"t 'iate Ocoth. Seretary nmd se fBeardi ai Trsds at- Quehes'. Bute is a avr>upeery medcias et efmmunication hetieen te IvercuGecermî audthe O.Canadina publie, but uhen ha ies ete moite business for himaelf. Wî have a I - afler sectr-cl pears of klmbmnggiMtg. end ti oà humbng cSmmsiolkttandi soveral *lmolp f il. d@bce-.ýth. satisfaction cd learawg dtliha tpsv.a sent -"10 vuele h. ma"imbie tp amift .e-.MY dutmimticss in toh.ratés of' " . WsheiVUaa thsOt (he la butcasopinion a*th Prg at té .t.t f tise PeutOff,"Deprmq andi that fa, tIsaI it le &""t iitsmtr.W. fier ha t w astssoie mo, i m ngat uam allassent les etit i n » c4kbettb mpri Gossemeait vhniy inrqiCsp =.l tof Asseembgi>teiquirset ifstaeouu»M sss stp. have hisse taebou b>'lseh.e&eeu. amant gc carry eu t Oh. iu of et as Cmmu people vhth regard t ole m eOe Borse tew4O. i hose rme af otg -ma levii a Iw DcsaNehA.ee Imm Oum4l M;ucee dog fleI u e~ mdent iersbm bave the i aed ait . e t. i l ss bla 'e mpetw n 1se7 1 bade tu 8âlèe wi ail oe4ebe* se Téhtt li id yeesrdy. . iuds.eita ai.ad To l)ESr-uRo Ars.-t)itequoartofnIthe host toatueaf ; tisa ounces of ineis posisevei loaa u. gar; sixuapoptitiof rhodiumt ;six tropn carre'- way; ix tdrotps tiiof atiseedti asa, quarts! nf Il grain. fM ica vefi togetîter enua sheeC of cîmat paper- -lIs a kusfetatung- oser>'possible r-ar-sta break hmesunllumps orîttetiby thse trapueub ni nu tu hme ,atîtai ; aoC u touci th0e mutxturs vith tihe laust. leep itoun a elormi>' overmd pot f,v use. Citoase a very quiet retireti pions oucit frequenteti by rats, pace on 9 ix or sethOieces of clean boardi about Ove tabe spoonfbula cf hm (met fer at leaeC boum nighttsuccensivmly, tatiuîg cure te emove Il hat hm rate have net roîssumnet eerynornîng ; is ting s,tîntur-b thie rate se lttir as possible;. tan u) a curit vîatever ai. teleeto ho trute or- tîli tIent, momu shousî theji ho fotuodttiune eisough 006be ang-lt isy 0he banut. lit tecourse oftfou(nofv osdaye Oey iifI hoome tame, ant i cii scarcefy Icare, ite foot on the alpproarh o ii uy persus,. Tismyiu scent eacb etober, and iIu prohahiy ectgegate fr-oui, ail parta of Ohms neighboarhotd. Caoinue te teedt 16cm oighl tîj nil hejiar-e f,eustltuesfemImly;ten, about the sixttlnigti.O ix a epeonfn tif arsenic wit the poistir ; anti aliter leuvung it ail uîgbtp reuoîccys isht uay rensain, and bhuru it.-[Gart. tier-s'Chroîice. "At at lhe g-t tue rosi tep, as ho roulet , a luOOm e tiglicte a youn., putoi, ant i le drives Ol nto a huie in the votch'a art, anti twistsa ts ;t. ie Cuts about, 0111 at ast it vent on vith il, cuit cli'ck-arik, as mrry as a crickt. Oh, 'tisa1I hat vent bonse io triomph ; andi ut vas 1ItobaOfltiCailIuver,likeiultas Cacarishen le foun-l t ivseli an emperor t -A ifew tays ater, 1 vas valting about vitt my usve vatct euug ins us> pomitet, ant i Ier illi- gant chain dangling tovn, chen vIte shoulti came op but Laurence Malone. 1"1Gand mmoriin. Paul; hu«wgoSuyourvatch?' sajis bo. t Oh, lite a Trtijao,' says 1. iAh then, Pauul, aint yoa a gantier Oc Oc keeping ohat watch ail 0he tire in idioie»e in your pocktO; wby don't yo put bier ta bateh il saya he. 'Te atch il "'-Aye.toa ei. L Juso give ber to a , il'l pet bier oiitg.' "Sn, 1 gare Larry the vatcb, anti vo pt ber snug ini a hale in the cuit cantie, anti put plenty of trav te keep lber vartu. . ' Nov,' ayasI.rry,1'mina, Paul, darling, donO go neer hem fort lmee vseks, aitt oh, such a brotit ofyoung watchemus as you'Ill ave!t But sorrov tu yen, if you crime vithin a taee'il Chrumisoni ber; the cuit oee vil! fomlle thent.' -"Wefl, tlîvm w baie veeks 1 neyer vent neat or nigh that ensile, till th tinte vas ap; anti schen i1vtuntthere tOcget my lco ofwatches-ob, murder f-oi ie esi a tbing vas in tbe trair, buto a ig lamp tof a atone. Off 1 rau Oricrail Liv. r>, but Larr-y vas gene Ie Diubil n aurek rlo fure!1 Off tu Dublin luet &fier i, bt nothtng Comat 1 hoar Cîsre but tise lackguarde in the titrent callumg eut Itelm, 1'MuaniosPeul, uoat 'locrk fat fi!,', i