1%5 CANADIANJOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICTJLTLJRAL &. COMMERCIAL« VOL. XXVI. KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER le, JS1. M~ e4. antoon, Tver;d ami' g o' 1 Paris Huis, Ci,,ltati étaver. n mcde Ladies' Pro. spers, conlmining cp. sof te nevest pum. take great piiaaute . rit that tliey mmmc, te, i Mast complei siiek evir ir ada, amni lei tast fatîidi,v, mu re. Qeality -f &'imdm cal vec. 45. t the Genitry an.d the ..ngaton anmd iv miii: iamimned binmce il o) Mr. A.gcio e l" aI by kcpimg goccl i. iLnd a etniet attention mo hou wiui le Jaarjni pltravage. rc. of lima lict ttamîuc. mnadez la onmlr as ciemp acre. ear insectin, cm. evrit will be esteemeci a il- J. REEVEti. 1844. DWELLING ocer mthi -large aid cemm,'iien as Officie' Quarteis.- n in a fia iiayg. 'DLUAM 81-NIPSftN. S A L E. nier. ta el-se Cet, g q. canaisticg of Tovnkcî, Gunpsîviei, Iniperi: a mccc.. 18S.. b, do 16àc. veny vapcrict, i' Twiat, les. di liw, i Canilur, ; Wimmu Vinîgan, Tliusky. 'e IDirrunge. No. 1 Codfial, utter, 1Superfino Fleur, r1ire e dispae of low tî 111mi BLTGH CALDEI.- iK WRIGH-T, cap KmaifactiC TON STREET, 11uceTOma. s .oHATS&DmiC.Ip ', IONNET&. Mmneftcnî bat material, and oe d 'Out mntî7 un hand, mmdi rip fer sale. boîter pend pamd) toj'x Laido cd1 GeDvral;loi iiDi5 Steei MontrutW UAA, Land A-""et T--HE 8TSRD pATENT STRAW Ce [ARLES W. JIeNlý8 EV£RY e es D mm WA&Vplal rs in 8teel<maî rided te end' usd0' ga1ve aidtianal borroir ta the feeble crist f& a tilt ingermg in the lent agonie@ of protractad ieatb, crenent! doobi, mppalinmg by the hoarse growl of the lbassr, tbe tend havi of the volt, the A THRILLING NARRATIVE. arii advariei notes of the w ii cat andi pan- M tlrgan, a nati of Maryland, ,narried ther, feeding on the dead and the iying. Mor- V âam ge. ,mmId ocla alter settied near Bry. gaa belel the scène vith heart rending senaS- n thce j lii of Kentucky. Litke tion, and Imokcd fOrvamd ini the apathy of despai.' 0e, ofthe West, lie bai cut dclownithetehie owvoend. ,,, ma cabn, deadeaed the timber. enclos. A large, ferOciaus looking bear, coverci ail a, âcli a wormu femce, and plamted sainae over witb bluod, nov cpproachled hiis; lhe thre%ý laîmsecf on thaeround. iiciitiY comnei hie the li 7h of Aim.iit, 178. The conu toulto Ileaven, and in breathiesseaoxiety avlait. J oeïetidedi a pleaanat breeze vas playing leur hie fate. Thme satiated animal eiowiy passevi 'a',rroentinf voovi, the cane bowed lvithout flaiciflg ien. Morgan raised hie ha- sud~ tieiO, ilei bria, green leaves vas labout te offer thanka for hie expeced pre- meciaameinv the air. % oi; vîrga n a nervation, tabou lie cry nf aPack of uiolves apen. mà 1ýIer of hica.ii, vitislau n:10letlapon fhim, mnd avakenedIlhioto a ceose ot t is ci 1land oihappy vite danger. He placed thicbanda aver hie cye; I a epuiiingvueel, an~d washuoi. frll on hie face and in aslent agony awied hie e .r~lrilto frugal ieai. Thet fatre. lie nowlieard a ruatlinimi n trimo uahes erc e*il ccil foiY muni a bondie of SOSapce a cviii chili ran over ici.- e". e mi leh i-mihed rvniiirg t l hic lmagimamon-.creative, buvy imagination, vra e baiela tal.el, biis eat in ie dor.- acc:vely employai; mlat, the mont horrible w curres ILenceln hviiwhch tliey acknow. death awaited bin; hie limbe wouid in ail pro- ge ai eary aniia ret atachmcaet for eacb babiity lha torii rom Im and lhe be devoured r &Id lie peracali left evidemt traces Of io>' ai. Hi fait a toucb-t.bs vital spark vie ai. ihe ,.Iultenance of boll; the little infant, mont eitti0goishei...ano, ber toancés more violent eene Lemnpartake o( le sparente'feelings, than the firit, and i asetoroci over. Thti ts caecrml seules, pimyfihumemor aad intars-ceau soient van dovn in tnrrenta'-hie bande caresse, aW hile thun agrepably employei, voire violammly forced Imom hie tace-the moon rcr oft ride waa hnead; cmm'tler folcved passent undar a cloud-a faiot ray beamed rupou aq.KucceimOn. hMorvan eprang t,bis folets him-hie eyen iumolumtarily apemed, mand lhe b.- i re fan talte door, ani hey iwultanoelyfhoid thie vif. ; whoan icarce audible voice ex- taan, Indiais " claimed, ** my hociammi !-aiy huebanci " and TemmrasimuiiiatlY ibarrai, andthe (il Upot isiesoivan. mmccetteir tireare reaiizeol by a bah Morgan nov tournua front hie c.ilie that after M50ti;ed tack of amfail party of Idin.- the Indiameserterevi the bonse tiroi founi somma lIeb a vCoII u nt le eucceustaily defeodevi, spirite and drank freely; an altercation sume took td nev »asprcivai. Morgan, com], brave and plic--one oa i lleulreceici a mortai itah and L,, a decied. While hicva, min the nl ethat; tai blond rmn thruuglc the fluor on er- c;ceâ:ng bis is e aer the flur, a mother'e Believiog it tlalbe the blond of ber Illstrn!, eho. liii" mjercame ber-sh ccarse, -iec ber in- ihricked aloud and betrayed ber place ofeonceeal.l c, ce a alith at mia crics voud betray ment. ,i pce ni cneaiaicct.She eitate-gazci Bile vasimmediately talen cod houai. The1 lcciy ui;,îc t-a iiimcmtry @îrugli belveen part alter settimg §te ta tbe bouse proceici te if and aleciii ,lou place. blie once more Bryan'a Station. On the day of rte hatle of voicilier chic 11i lier agitaietei n.and the.Blue Licite, a borse, ailije a caddIe ani bruIde,i in anld aafl k coud IL ith impaesivid lten- ruchi by lier. whiicc obje knew ta iber lbus. ,lleq. Ile niant, Alrment ct the profusion baîd's. Doring the action thei peioners vire tfar iit il i am isiicheele, iaoked uO i irate lt umguarded-made Iheir escape, and lay com.. ,iier's lace, tirvw t iratutie crin arouni ber coente beneath @oame bochles unier tice haut:cfi c ami wept aicai. -la the nmi ut of eav. thce river. After tice Indiens bai returned framn , lzîa, relcasýe tile chili, or be lima," santi the the. pursoît, ani 'uit thce battle grouni, ellevel i Wirated lisbatiîl, n c cot, imuPlcring tome, c. came Othîr persans, visu ba! eecapei vîth ber, ejratec le iniant troin hie vite, baeltmlj bah itermined ta make a eurcb for tiroirrinmde,i iguili kit andi batelie, ran up the ladder andi f on the field, andi living, ta, eaviemelaifi itl mciit chimbmler, cmiii irew tL aterbien. passible froîn the heurte of prey. After search.1 lii,iîcii Ile dior was huat copen aoi the ing for come time, and almost despairiumg ofuce.j lignle ci erd. cas,, che fortunately discavered hl B., ime lîrgvn liai eccurei bie childin Thea party of Col. Lagan found Morgan andi mm, an ii ' il aitutiliis hack; tiacathrmawng bis vifle, andi oracithem ta *boit friends, tir -tý,e rip Li,î rd'i fronto toecaciin'm rîof. ha imn andoitheir home. 1,ueý ieaçis'l linhegriiiai. le wae as. cil iL Lm,1 i,, ic îe tireit approach. A SKIRMISH IN TUEI PYRENEES. i i eek'ckd ii dîvi wa e liebutt cmidiof egce. l'ievciller advcanced wmîh uplfti tour. Wî received criera, if possible te overtake the ia*à ; lccgaii tltt aitbis gem anadmclosevi in. steiu, moiattaci t iremire cerever tbey mightl i lieî,éieeiaîcie a bow, inises, Ibut cevered fouant. Aecoiingiy dta the middle cf tbe mit, lcrd Il m ueivtmie imiant to hi@ tiack, and ive gaI under arme dmoibegan mmcm mmrcb.n To.. w.î lie ceitet ccir the chili nov berame vaie thce Mdle.c Iefluving day, (lb. lot tic ajd ie arce, candmacarrîiedan vth kîutces I Auguat) baving mai7 dymarcbe! îventy-four 'v. lâe rîîluâî and athltîc NMorgan et lcnglh ories, vae descendu ant n a deep valley, laten liv e. eîdamev; oth yen baily cut moi Ituren nd oi heriagav aibera lice division tireur ed! e, ç, ttlmnoilisawlthiewhiemari wemeUp in calumma ta hecoomoir ires righî fiankaoftbe iet , lei anidtie voyage scoon feu ta enemyl viso vire srill iovering in the neigichr- eî ti.ri i eatli. organ hasmiy took up hie bouillicf Smn Estevan. After an battre irait vi ild 4 a,' ur vît off. continuei aot movimeol on tbe lut ofteica ue 'l' i !aislae tb Ioue, huily engagedin son, moi for threhouri aleiniei, or retir uwgi d lariiiering, wcre net apprisci of clambre. tbe ruggei asperities of a prodigiona I i Iline ardLvOml i te ellethal bi maisutain, the by.pth cf vhicb vas compoaidcf ee.lCîkt'Rd dewvý gaie signe of reiurnimg Illfe vr, pig ib cW.ko tepo~ t ,iýe d ilîeîi iiie oreile ut action. Melr- At 4 'clock i. the afternon a flyiug di a a a,, c.c mcm, iniiccsli.tly purec, mani iecie, ,glistening wiîh the bmgbta moi vvi i ciagîi mivtiilOlperaîci lapon by ~flashes cfimait armea toisherigbt cf Bidassoa, i ut'.i~ic a tmeolacii aod a fatîer, hi irmcti and in thei vlley ofi Lune. A cry aia s atl 'i ;le crecî et a hanteil ltag., andmisoo et up, " The mecs, !"1 the voru soldiere raiiid nii ceIndiana, but the dg kcpt inm closte thaîr bout hea&s covenei viit domnt amoinotent. i 'itili it inpeîltu oulmun or Wî bai nearly rueant ei i.tbmîaiIb tis tre- liililinanimnal, trammîci to hanta otthia mendous mounotain, but nature vas quit. itx- O.ltililani e'etcuntîl it rame withîn hanorait. Many icfiltie saldera lgged bebini, revY11is -1 tai, itc. miiibrodent himrdclon b aviîig accomplishidmare 1 uIhan tty miles cicr a * vm m 111e lie rîacclicithe îîimonnasut bshie tcurck ronssintiriectei vithuil ae staes; NCi, vile reidvd mîar BrycittiStctiomn t many fait bîmvily an thc aakei rocks, frotbiog i illie', jeiere ho loit the chili, caidliue two t 1be Minuits, black in tice face, moi ilruggling me,, ei nottir the dvumling. As thcy ap. in tiroir ttagonies.,vitilst aIliersunable ta ruilii, iglt broke upon hir, cmw-hmsetepe drag anc icg mter ttiioler, Iianei on tic. mic. cie&, Ii muecars incrasd, and the most go. zies ofîheir firelocks, loaking picîunci otiespair, uiimpeiaoscrosiiedijupon hie rmmd.- muttering in diacommeaate accent»stâtat tbey bai! ""91 J iriii mhev avehrake, ho heheldI l neyer fallen out belâre. The sun was siiing l3iles an stivcicmulât blnnIta the grouni. tri full vgar, but, fortunmluly mnacergascar yl *!.eliii exclament, as hi presseci 0neband etremme bulblei rtrmthe cavitismani fissures ci h-'teaî raps h oc ,îhUt e lmerock, vhîcb ver. clotaid in manry places by o.ý,j isthaottrngfranie. lie gazent beamtitul evergreeni-ani aliyci lice bunng ilt'eaiî deslâion betrefilmu, aîcauced threl cf th emn. Tic. bard yack oftan infautry h'ae, litll ilhnlmaante ltlime arth. solier at limes i. beyani ail calculation, mand 'g Ilt.lm anmayu eae rs eatb by sile road aide fr.quently pets amoesi 10 , J 'illeac near the aiment expir- bis cuiffrings; but vubil description cao equal îl9 tb. liJ;, I hthavi lie heula amaoleilsuch an exil 1AI »esin tlhlie evcning, lice di- c Uliiile in rcii*im mm vision iaving hein in march iiineteem iours, ani l'i l lite greemmi, andvieliiit bandi ay on gcommplisbcd nearly torty miles, il vas touai ah- 61dr ild îtîa lac liyheci, ohn loutely necessmry ta hit the second brigade and l'.. ' vi 1n on bis master, villi ocam Aranzai, as a rallyint point. Seing nov *dt'li~~ ~ gi .Mrgan iarase. Lie parallel vtb lire enemy, moidsauna boots a.beai 'i~er li mv erc a fui0oa of the vanguard ieaiing tic Iaft colummaofat1h. ,blOl l elC, vv'ich they cmreolly gaîh. arnmy, ou.' rîght brigade srill bobbled onwards. sl m îeil y cnsîgnesi te th. muu:or At tviligbt v. overloahei the emmamy vathin a ohlel tue jatim.vde epreai branches aifaa tae's tbrow mmmi fracsthice mmifa trirmn-' QIi,, CclsecrIt.l he hcpurent moi doospeipc.Tice irer sepavtadi u; but lice 'I 2l t .118.Freucicv erevegea inl a narulro rad, vitb un- lie r. dem, iter mh:8, Murgea wu ngage aeccessible rocks iocoimg tbecs on none @ide, amoi 'ce i tlamet Blue Liche- te ea t h eth er. 8Bath confusion tooh li ' clm vvitor cI lin mte aurvmcmmg JVlce a wt tbem aie impousitie ita deacribe. rl'1.Idjmy0 t c ing, puraued by ho w ied vire titrowo devingttie rushc mi àt"lc lxil coihrtyumiles. tromp& lpUn Iimd" their eavalry tirevr tisir .1: .1î1jj tir:etllit Wiho crue-ss. ivo insmi andiavorevi ta charg thei pesa oi rear unil the i chaIS lis(te o007conjointgu o igist O»1it,> s afic Itela lad nîanre. p.but itleinfaîtry bat tem bcl aii eerai cfj "' rtdge, lie b ii amusa ielia rone éeti,' 0au 1 orP« tad'M* 1 Lce 1 em'Oybitect h i a'ecîueus. river. Otitias bu tVertically emiUs, vbilst tbe9 4ýuLlire i fon. rviai nlaitciot Worquarter, and pointait ta ac O eaiii frein limai addie, libei"r sommrons soidiessupportai on the abouti-. n" bl 1 'àt tighad tel ; an ti-. ers cf theit ecainries on bearn. compocied cf1 ui1 hî îî cic îuhyuehibrncis offLm-es, te iccb vre oapendei gîtent hi, i~ um v :hi monilcote lli viitsgore, or bîodoai.tm e hse,1 mc, il) li ajemd A ls Icinietsakin ironslice varioes imbilall eestacarry oet n 11 ia~ imCeliai mt iiecalage, thOir vosoisi, on vicoM n vid Di so O. t'tl"r '~imte i i wite'c. Thisiada. 5e Ce icgiielis iody, mmi încromaii THE O RANG E SOC IETY-LORD temliC4 ivckly trew bis lift HEYTESBURY'S LETTER. n whm,.ii mitih aieathImki Thce follcviog je lb. Daller ofti Lor,&iitam. cm , ju 'ini t lm, isn,,pone bsmt ammcing to M. Wmtllte .diterninalion ad iil exiici li a arme, af thce govarmisat ta memve inlfronts the office a v 1 themaklisscaage, Motrgan ai iepmt.Iietnant Titis 1.4er may lbecon. à , , iî un me aielevalci place siderel an m a arang la ail Lieutensants, Depty. 5tî ee.Iil'.i1cc iu is. Tt.m.e mc lieutencanles. dI Maitrales, Umt any partecipe- t atmm lie.iiii iuccoverssJtice on titir part, ie lta Orange Socety viii b. y'cman amitt Iecatof th bat. (claveai by iueomeca. Alticogi tt b :àL n", U g t hsavage ibondbiet tdietb7tlionOrange lsaders, sied teY hava, in sY tby ollntfini, hoft ieeecqeoeaeeaBitmohfr0. tbh osiai e "tipro. ei droma I tlagju ias vealeul at tie pu esdtuhe dUitt"Orouinge .OterMM- ,uged Ils tunksuPortd lt@bea.-..ing la Uemlsiillu « Tueciy seatThe cuit 'a,1 ,,',immS hleacheî imithe sram mmte- eurd1111-h l ite orism.tUtitmie-m 1 1iiMuakcvibic tai antyr-piy. "Brollie,"!lent NA* eas b he c chapai btilingcomaimttii, again cmilb. bamler, -havtI bîm eem Ic'n,%.mieP" hte authorizei thecrecîmun ai chapeip, vulitb, Thi fitand gre mna ut her cign f atteeuii t huana sceir-ig te the raculati.tne mflle, yl ielve puliou a large mouim fui ,efsmeh-ei. --' it. 'an ootisy mi£171,0(91 rda. ii.; atticisamoicel u."' esumevi lb. affender, "aonc of us tiaremight tlie trustees andi frienuls havi agreei 1tenai helpI athener. and be agreembli bu the i'n,.iemt ,- £1 18,644 13P. Sel., iu,ing a dîbt upua lthe The pulls afemuke c(nivuedinlia loluveach «iuveors ii£41,046 1bil.3d. Aecmmtt«a. other in provvehiîeg re'guIarity. '-lIrat.. ier. appoint ai, tai ait dîrues lhe coiîunrr yemet"- leee ice cufferer un a meimîirhoiy fml, --putdiseorepa u euiitedbeuiaL a miasmeeonier my foutan ilmmmi Iviii).OmcIl mapi.I citapueriiidta malle a canuful examiomn ai astre," (Warth abot lthiepente Egmh-ab the violse inaîcial affaire aofIthe body, e aI i onute silence. "Twoatreaie," (a ýpouse) ~ se fat as it@ ramous fumîelsare concerna, ' ibtree piatresb" <emohe) t-" femmr piasbree." Sixte.r, miomters vers mtt,,ved, an accounit cf "l.Ten," ssii tice goari. Time car and lice pliree cli age an iii beacul, la demstel ran> the uluerant i lice baller hsd a long eluggie. At ]aet paice 1vomk hceTics uleuitimîben o niiea --inen geinci lice mceniauucy. mmd the ten piastres mii- i cmty"' in Match anet va., in Engleni 8O3«7M led at lb. feet cilice genti wlipiclici hibîn, ,an imrcnise foi. the yeam ni 3180; adm11 on pro"i- coluntei soidpace'iesi hem, piacei bis cheimiiii tiemn, amotinmimcluiei mnalthe bave, 1%ff, in; cg.aun th.ie ail rseprocuned a sencl pelie, inelammul17,1P26, samecrease of 4Ufiiim buttoe i ut piarei il unler lice (elaioflice bakler, ansi nicîuiiîee hi-en an emigrmtiavm ut 720; un foiimgnitsatios, smonvhg. m" Brother" cii lime ielinsboent, .. 199,60~9, incîesne R08 ; nmakung a total imctOuw lie net (cil nytiingunifier my fe..t." -"Neyer- tlirîuti'luulthiecauunecmvmn aif1.795 memabre. iliîhoup," amens i ied hegucri, -"lcere int a stoisee. ummIble loch day vofIlie a, talonorviCanlereacie d i have chasîen one-. rpnmaînmuil to tahie écoin :coitmmcmbee vas appîouted tu arrange --a formato givî oui a lelari (fie r shillings k'ngiv lm)ibii1 ",isevice ftambe 'cesleyan âbsiiemion mi ôte.. yull put a ctlrasntiaer t.îy felaou heattifut, coi sions aihen mariagi ciail be periorcsed in Wes. so adapîsi ta thy situation, liaI vuen tbn art ieyen ctuepeue." 1lîearlu thePMetha)iuite licie n parcilse licou etial regret tle plame ihat thonu iciimuaitul rare en'e1ltit)imnsteavail theumendire dîdâl occumey et l, *on f ii""e'" Agaîn tfrime 1cratli.rzm.g marnages (uetaitiche U' dii pain gel the boliernitim e baker, vico mmailIme aimimei buci.A meigis cvbc atone, moidlime gumm ishic aiari. gemerai aînîg lime lnlile, Ibal hlb.Ianagittbu - lia bctahi-reaiccotaeu ,m by lbîmr ovmm clirgy. Pie JI'rey Ldies ner.hiig a lidmiuer-Tlie %Mn. caoiiiitem viliirepont tuvflei Imet commîrenc. cnuntY of Ammric. ahethen you joinud in lima ru.oiuiomc ofthrie Lwhburn Onangemen, on sigoci Ilium as Chairnanmo?"-' thal you isigenthîe rusolauomîs atiudeol la as Chairman, ai fnotas De.puty- Lieutenant." lime Excelenry bas nscemcsd thie answîr villi deep regret. " il must bu imm yor recolecîlon that tic saub. ject cf Orauîge Societies hecnmaniously ungaguti thie attention vf the Crna and Legielatore. " Or the 25tb ci February, M6,8 bis laie Mcjesty King Williaeilie Foumîlu, in a repiy tum an mudres. cI theIHaute cf Commana, pnayiog lis Majety ta discauagi Orange laiges, ex- pre scei hiue a0 the fliovning îffect : I vu 1 ilingiy assenl lu the prayer of my faith. (mi emmoos, thet 1 Illv lu asecaccit ahe scc measurci as may reem luo nie aivisahie for lthe effectuaI dimcouagement of Oranges ige, and genîma liy of ail politicai aocieîiec excîaîiog pin. Bosanieutacdif'erent rîiigioue faille, coing secret signeand isymbole, mmd acting hy men.cf cs. saciated branches. It le my firic intention ta diaranrage ail such eociîtius in my daoiminos; mmd I reiy vith confidence on tl ie ldeity cf my loyal cnjects la support me im Ibis determina. tion. " Ticsintentions ai Hie Majcsîy, se thon ci. presseei,vere vilicaut deîay adopteadmen norcei by Ibm Ligiaiatome. .. in an ct in lb. camne session, (6 amd 7. Wm. IV- cap- 38,) on a subjîcî flot nucesuariiy in. voîviog lice question, oppomîuoiby vas tahen of insertung provision$ (sectionas8smani 9) vhich op-. possi lie sîrongeet praclical impedimemmîs ta the assembîmmg of socisties canetitutesi as OrangeJ loiges are described ta he, moi a subeequent cr, specali, direcîsi ta the purpo..e, (2 mmdfi Vie. tarial cap. 74J> put ammuni ta Ibsir legai exist- ence. iTic. sbjeci van again braugicl under the ntice cf Parlisuient in lb. puts ession, vicen this batcivaitrena*ed by lb. ? and 8 Victoria,î cap. 78;moud asilil cnoc* pmsiog lirough Par. limment for ils fu'lber continumnci. " Tih avebing tio nequivocal, athetic sens@ ai the Logislature tuns doliihirmoly pra- - 'ce, au have nuvertiteles thaugbt fiz 9 aihile beming lb. commission of tb. peace, mmdJ tics office ai ieputy-iieutenant for lice couoly cf Atmla attend moi act as cicairaff cf a meet- ing at vhich certain resolotione ver. passd, entitied Raaolions aiflice L-aburo Oangiioco, mndoal vich tice folluving passage forme a part: 1Reaove-tcat vie dosail essentiel ta lahte1 immediati *teps ta ru-organisa te Orange In.t clitotion ho Ii. coumty, mand Ihat lice county se-e cetery hi forhvitic requeîtedl ta commune aa cosc Ex:aillen!cancermt recancile your con.a curence in suct a restitutioe. ani your actingt as cicairman aisocc sameeting, vilt lice dutiast incombent on yan as m juatice of the piacu ara a iepuly.hieoteant. i *As a magistral.e, yoo sicanhi carefoiiy guari and yartalice pieopleagint a iceesci af the mv cauli ihey appiar yImhly ta iole.i. Yaoù have incitai ibena ta nc.orgmnisa sociies aic c lice iav proiiite.a " As a iepuîy.uientenmml, yen ehonldliehinme mie ta lic. lieutenant cf your couuly in milliaviul1 leesaures teîoilg ta preinve ils pemci. You0 have encaurmgci asamblie, lth. rosait af viicit1 in a aejining county, lias beu a formidable af-i fray, attenici vitl ce cf 1f.. " In alloving the cl laeuxpire vhich prohihit.9 ad party procession@ in Irelamm, ber Mjesiy tn.t posii aZwviiaogconfiienca lctclyit ta once bas net lunte main beun icppoint.i.- fluccesafimi xcrtione bavi hcuo made b, many af lb. email alightlened. ptrioti, amoinfluintial Of titi ragistrmy moandîry, towams lice pro- soenof amia displaye, t.ndiDg ta excite ireuaiof tbe peiace, lo ala the poeaailiani 10 perptuate distord; mani the country bas bi thei aivantage of oving thoi diontinuancc Dot1 ta tb. penalties of an sel ai Parliamint, but ta te Imdal. diftetticn and loyalty cf t.epeople. "Amoog toas o bave miitai the approam t o f iter Majety, and lb. gratitude cf ticeir oulntry, y.. bave molthbeufinaud. On lb. con-' trem,, osi are arcgaute fet of ycnr station vWho have conierred in sdvleing tice reoivai ot an il- lcgalaaecltm, abosu proccadinige bavebhiem. tafaru givum accasion ta freqnent maci coguimry canflicts bhlvean différnt clase ai hem Mas- tys subjecte. cf lb. lamentablae hazacter cf thatr vhicic bu recemly occureinlethIe city cf Ar. .agit. "Umiar theas ircuuatamcae HMeExcellducy (sels houai te icpmive you, au fer au in hum lis, cf nfmluence andi auticaity derivable fnoue lice o Yiceujohavaelitlerto fbaldundun lb. Crowam-; mni a lutter bu beau adireem ta lb. Lienten. anc ai ticu coumly of Amlim, întimating jour rn-Î moval trant the office cf iepuly.Iieutemant. t "Thce Lord Chancellor bam your conduct on- din bie consiiiralicm lt reference ta your coco- mission cf lice peace. me Il le mmcl itheut feelings cf ixtneme regret that bis Eacellimcy lamearrivai mttue dicision nov annonncei ta yenc. " He basbease mcformoi ltaIycn bave attaloci ta mn adanediâge, pouesSseiof the respect mand estein ofthtunae b, bicou en assurroicodeul. " Il sn peutui ta bis Exeelloency to placaamark ai disapprabation abere il sccei so uuliheiy ta bie calci ton;; lî le equaliy peinfol teblien ta de.- rieagentleman f a trust aiuic bchebas long enjoyâs, moi of viic i i bas baenhil.rta com- siiersi iigbly deuiog. . But in proportion tg tic stalion mmd ranh in vhicic jou are place&, mod ta t.ealenneaitb f viuich your gouara] conduel bas iovealei yau, mut blie th uficct pmciucei by or precespî f ani example in lb. coumst abere yon holdan of-f fice ai troutumiente Crowno;Sami bis Excalan-a cy fil beui nusx mr melacs te demootrate leatth. publie tiat il .is s Mdetamuiou oota b. ifuacid by toù othie.' oeusderatkonam in tics e«eroise af the lunctions vith vebc inb.ite nnt-a id. tiatanhase ciclireiate ta tih. maislemaet cith l.1aimm l b promotion of tb. publie vel- 1 (are in talpart off ber Maeelyc edominioita ia wbiic b esupreme oautbafiy u 7bben coummit-lh tii la bis charge. 1I bave tl.imeor ta b%, 'Sir, « Yoar mcii obedet oevvou. (SugMe) 'E. LUCAS. -dJamu Watae, Eeq" FOREIGN PHRAStE& AfOYWdvL_-' Witic bsti eneer eue 110r,-A." MPt- si1- i ou nltA eeeviaas.mtes- mse ta viev lbie riisiies ietaecil,. Dimef d u i retn-" Gsi aàmi snugtL" EtulasI. --'Abd theT."eai Ilii fseL-~Caw. ita e e m.- à -ri Jure humane. L.- By bueman mvw.- Le/cm e cachet, Fr.-"c A sîe ledltter." An anhmrary onien pnvcîcyiy mauesi by a manammb ft'e in'bamiaicentmor imoprsoomemu: ai an, persan. Meo.-inmarabilia..memoranda, L ,[. hng tý Iglisrememnberpi." .'hng Non eoon ietrL."Netotfncoummi mini." Oio iedignitaie, L.-" Leixure withontdicg. Timt." Pecaàri, L.-" i have c3itned." Ta make ni fry peero: n campel bien bo arhnovieige lime.8trasiagrei onm. . r.- Quomd ride., L.-"-Whichae." A muter- crics' mmea itiejeit unuler itaproper tuai. Sertlerfieli, .---.A lwaya famtotu." 'piinra eeuanaiur, et vin mulaniur in ilix, 1_. l"f'lime tîmea arechcangunt, and vu are chmngud wiii- il-m." Vide, L k-e ~e" Ad raloreiou, L.-" Accrig e(ruo h vlue." tuin10(mua)îl C'haunia somnagoui.- Eeyoethi Dieu dsfend le droit, Fr,-- Codmy an 10tbe Emuilacde, Fr--miiîary teram, "A reesî." Tu take range, or ,eemeand a paso. Fiai juxiimia ruei cium, L- ce [.r *avice lic done, Ibiugli rie beaven@ tat." 'ImougIà uin Cengoe, lit justice faike ifs, cieurse. Gratis diu-m, L.-"- Saifor nmthing.' limis huvnrti gpnerix, l,-- An ecc'mtyoftlice hurnan rice."* A pirate. Inde itu, tL.--" lence proceci those rpent. Juadicsum pariuvm aoi leges terra, L.oTlie juigemnut afaur pt ers, or the iav ufthble Le ltt cnnemble, Fr.- AIl oguler." Memealo nmari, L.-- Reuimîcur deatl." NVoncmîlscnce, Fr.-" Cenelesvnesc; indiiffrenci." Oliam cmnidignitieî, tL -46Lîmzone wtb re- specit" lie enjîcys hie etiam cuoudigcitatc.i Pax i n bello, L.-" Peace min van." Relareci Qiead are-ai Des! L.-' -iVhih Gosi (emb." . Recii i tOaivlOr,-"'Josîlmmd omily."1 Semuper idaai---orealen, L.-"'Alvste same."1 llfoîmes qomoles, L.-" Ai momy rines m."1 vice versa, ..-ci '[ho terme heimmg excbaage." ROANCcaroIN vREAL LF'.-A circuimmcîcncc vbîrh bac Iataly trantipired ai Orrochirie lati heen themtelsmiof raucb goseip. A pirsnsom-m si Williiam B..-, of Laîhen, near Ormskirk, about ticile yearn ma, raidime adesss ta Mmcc A., of lime mine viulage. llaîh vers e-s speelahiy coomaîcîi, ammmi t vas ubih expictuel bicat tics acquaintamice woiuid undin ruiedch ;-' bol bhe fickie fair one îventnatly dicarded lbert cumbar, wvli n consequence, vie -ienix i vth1 deep melancboiy, anidIiough in petfect gondc hcealh, lime ever sinne confinad i hmeita hie main. Thei pmuviing report, viben thistisreit1 happensi, vas thal B--iaigamestaAmeri.1 cm ; but Ibrea or four years aflervari, a niereoni affirroci liaI heh ai cccle imu aliîng, ant day,9 ocam lice house in ricci e mmd hie family tin iiesi; mand athen pemeo, &bout tour ysmmu iînce, aben ioohing :hnmugb the parler vimmow,1 ccv hlm itincîiv ansi atatun t hat is beari baid gniavo teau anorntons Iengîc. Thes reporte,t nevetheieu, neyer gainai manch cregience; adi au bis lunroduate frieucis neyer alluisi ta bina,( île generai beliet vas Ihat ehbai rever lef i tiec untmy. LantWsimesiey, ovsven, eaIthb. funera of bis moîher, B-agin madhie bi appearance inpublic, ta attend lime carpce ta lb. ch rb. l1 . apparenlly about iamly yeassof1 age, ani, francliue prnlracîi cecuitano, hic triuams bai sotctimfficuity in recogoixing hics-.c lit vas in the ysar 1834 wben he Ibus vilhirev ram il lterceurse vilic aacety; wviccic b.bast conmtant;y; remi u n eno.sm@ bouse, unhcown t te an, except hie neaet relation. Thu lady1 wig vas lice cause of B-'. siogular mol. ancholy tas hein demi immn- yearc.-[Pnucon PatOVlIc'ctNr ESCAFA vrene DET-OD Wednesday eveniog of tact veeh, Itrymo John. son, a sommai A. B. Johnscon, Esq, a ciili0a5SOr 6 yeare aid, a heautiful endi nereîing lihhia fil. low, vimile inttho &cl ai reching fur a CoP ibic bouge onthue innde ni tFo caverimmg ai the yul, mlii.i hie loti, anmml liitau tebonlnt, being came 30 fel deep! A yoanger bruthen vas hy hie ciide, vha immueiateîy an lutta tihaio.. mmdgave ta alarm, vulic sonon brungict an aide. brvmrt ieso;but on Ioaking devnlice deep iarh velI icZmvna n u, noir basai an>- nouses. lHe thont, hayever, ho venu l t dovo tics bochet4 vhcth lie did; lyhicm forluMtelY passai111e iéltie falov, ciinging ta lb. stoime up te hie oech n vaier. As sunaici cammencci iraviag up thei huchet, ii(et igat il vais nuch ieavier; andi as iman se it caigue insigiclbis >ay may heia inisalbut net desccib.i, wrh b discocered fihat hi aiasaimtîginlthelbuch- et bis litue brother frocs lbis petlugie situatio. Uoder ail the circumataucs oftheb.Case, aihther vraiconsidr tics mneofcisiedeecent mIa l. veu-for bhe gone hbad fureicst, ha vomimn il mob ha cve drovoci imte. diuatsly.ior bis futumiate escape (rom t, wvithaul, ,u gemg n mlruil imjury, un havie1 beeini eaugigt by tichochet, i rawuog it up, vi thimeh Sla oseaitic. nuist neuuarhatle Providentiel eCcapes troue dealh vs havi ever bauacalîsi ta rècord.-[Utica Obterver. limiurma..-OcimendE.B. Eietz, Who is tond ai bhun eda dove whmch exhibite a agreat aversion Laeils prisoit,smiii a slrang desine ta b. fre; iîlegaîrugglet wvansco mmmîmmuei and Paie. fui, ticat Oinaby a feeling oficompauvlacpievailai, ai lic te ge ecoo .g lirdaimaestet mIliberty. and mvmy il samred, may-mvmwy-ailh rapid vieng. Thre acke or Dians lipuint, vbam hl. Fu butta vas surprisent, an momng, ly a vicgt frecn ta sîraitge deves, yhicic iiîed ta cimmor fa taI tionaid a cagea; a ctao as givea,,il, aban la b, certain ummiekeable marksM.B 1-Wa I te b. bis qeceiam k«iSatte pet, vhic aid returnid ramande nd wvery,,tetnb iemed. Slom e ntionnaeesportsman bai shot ilunielet vs brohen, id ltmabird Wang Otiem.a îseid. It i. Dccv amil,&Wm@cse.poefeiY apynu aud marinai tW'pciry.-[MicneJe-rsL. Tas Dtsoqams' r a.a-TOce emobial Frenchc utin', Deuss,, -nulussecnt meCommt i A4 fiWtgit in s isemrmtes lb. ismiovmne ebarceruiis m a ( dteM le.piaiebeel cfaI baer aM Cai bre Wb-a muo lm ii@W a ail ol a UniW a bo.it sis.îdiervmy hy e9e ee, ai saut a4 dîtecefmi, lb «-adU - i IblIe abo"i eigici M l bohdy rntige lb gîmt teesM ibum anga bami isliami gotaw-nr co" fWtMm. Wu a nueg i. e « a" nd vll hile ua -su«. , b Ibgici"htantes iiia(-i bgmier tlab vertty M hieu etsi a84sipeggt àiaruM&.ia.Rm aa. .elpsi# cribiene ,bfi 'iL iii cloll7 iliraiel rehat7es le a pieacing umarner the pnigruse mita vidoaiuu'outils neighbnlvmdiciu love mahling. The gcy rîd.ieer, il wouud vsoum. iiviei b's affltionsabohut eqnalIy btweso thmsu raoog ladies tif ie isa'ghloehMand su as flot a itIle puzici ta make a choîce lietween thein. Hu cmnciîcdem, howevtr, Ii unbc soin frien. seli t0 tle mîue 'viin chace muiar fireit place vîthimt bi@ nianb. laving beatu mamnieul tvs'e hefuni, le liai] 001 smucb mv drecueofai aens baff. This, hawvecr, lie reccivci tram tle firît, amd meltviii nom btter sunnesa fromnVime abîer lvii, lu aihiron necsieely i tendetu'nei@ ic ant coi hani. Thti svefe vi giveicli tle languege of tlierualul. - Fii ec cslumacar ianldt mic age, mmd in orer tni salve aven hima martif i prudur, cirulcîsul ilrieu about lice Young Inienm wiic i imlout redaummi very omach hoaIleir credil. c" Aus cacaoas leyice uariof tbileungatiant maie cf lahlig revemige, tb.y heli a couardl ai vaan mmddete-mnsidtu punîic ieimn 0 ucic s manner àu la malle an example oa ieImmmfan hie' rant of jioper mtnmly feelinig and cbivalny. They buches, aideuing tlic.geatleman pasa aatute rami, talee i ianmd amcailed bilm wtsuc c i. gar flimat ho as@ahibe ta malie any nausatance. 'D'ey ecarci hie bach veilI, ammdbut for lime ci- ctenterence vi a gentleman.vimo wase aliracîciby bis cric* oi distresesoueili net have leain m ofai in 0his abole blde. 'ie let au iesofu mnr burolbe vas geing lhcrauis ai the meg. barbuodai xpoing hie limicerated bharkiic e icapi of excming lb. sympathies aoflthe contmu. nmly, mmd bbrumtewiog ta hnang lice malter hufunre Court. ltcMAIRICat.cE ECmme.-A couple ai laie cf lIaI, Village, mmnt elihiug tb. vaîm veaicîr or th lcetmirea.t ocmh itileuto ein hsaesta des- cendillc lua w viii vuciai became nemly dry, tapieay. Whili prosecuîuog Iheir amcuseutuenle an Fndey, m fe btibo of ti he ul. tic.vire alarmai ba asilgicl moing cf lice atones aboyai thorind oimmid e inamy cut. Omisof iireur, bowvvr, @non eturnumi, but bai scarcely reacic. id lb.a batteoie at the veil, saine ten or trelve fiest le ieptbr, vlan lb. @toile aiork (i 1iiulepa bila. The'ba îmcmas soan given, mand huicunui. ut aur citizein.acsmhled, and connecuire.- uming the atone, expecting 1tafiied thebby crusir. ed ta ataume Tb.y liai nul procrered ifIan hilre Ibeir isatre ver. quieteul b, ieaing lice litîi feue sa ey, -"I am celaiandi vanuterloni ot." l'hoe tanvasfilnally rimaveai md thlb"o lak itonme tile wveli, ligbtliy braise&< but nom mateiamly mmmci. Thi utoeainofailing bai] iormisacoit ofaraca omncin. Hevasin tire vueil @ome talc taure mciiàa aIt. - [tlueben Coum. Tort Autcria ExuDmmue-The Baretto Joaior transport, which eisel, laden wittt pidition, and erdereai ta meompea. thme En.. linsa and Terror, Captain Cnuuziem, ta lice;deue cf lhice, hbu neturoc-v, mn brngo v fa vorabli ecean cfflice pnoepec th ie ex- pedhtîôbu On. lutter, dîtent Joly 11b. soya : " Hore wne;lobdin amdiooreai toa aSnug liltle cave mmnong ic. vitale fish i4iamis, euet coai offGreiolend, lat. 09 9, ion. 53 10 W. Our fichera are mla igh ep'mnils sand riebti heclt. Tire nistlaer i velightful. We have ibm sunalilihe twenly-faur boums,cool 'tbe mîidle oflthe dicy i. Ceall>r very ïarm, îolthstbandiug franc the tcp yeu n Collet. seakingg aubin bourie, et lhast a thcasna icebergs. Wèéen ucr Vnymge on -Mon- day; Lang c1le"i ahave aLredy been mde an acroihisiry, epei lu mmarin. animaI$ s ucitmaoaas 0 etus.&a., Seve-. raI bmudared in0trncer,atda agresal muy of a nea kian." Titis lactter, il iestateol, wa 'wnetiena 137titi oidnmght lson. CmTL.r itaucm intnre Ommca-Tbi Rajah of Tfreumcre, (aays àa caceul ecaiespoet,> Ilma gl a vary inteigentmt mci, mi ovdemtly ueo trustini ofIlundoicaeuvase loueted inlteroffice, in accordaintes it ic imnra r» e by tleb hasl nir. causimmg hmo =usIrotitagolden na acrintmi lavai3 ioJiiy tmeussi elb'. "Thisieraiehlm,"ye ilUt a ier, -"aff bét a b,-ehu.clisa; sud quacilishlmista1ac hiebmsg"otumte mand colitrtror i ii hmmecahe i u»ties bh hlb. iadeumi ba sou." At lt, ae îbeavi. mac,, Ibis golden cmv vuscet tin pimlccesamo duvI a b wudeiacgImlh m thon liaipr.- nattitaf e m, and etl it int , rpronofnce botli bamg test vat ibmu. Tm WEMamSAU cnummmec.-Tbe alutiogu ni Ilils boidyccidon tlbn evrinofio et b.Ik of Auguct insvorfbuam»ele-iLsssiet Leaml A busied u eiaiidui ta lts ai"aet lb Cooieeimie in n osecr tlropanticlam s, hiW tlb @abjeciet ite a ange bdjhe, mV » 6c»in ailh.ntle sanines. adlloual lsfân.mumt. Duar ieg ltèfYaarolsiven uli î alave 4W cinEen. ISani ve lM leelaimi d *n ma ulgOa tijun The Euv. Dr. listing, -peasideut, paaaihu ttie téawsuna àt% tilb ceime TI. ilow os usalwl m"audi 1-est -4. Tilt. 17 gare yerame mm., abr v isaflai c-puits às-ele-ar fo r m scoaie rocelii lite - *i Tbea riluethi wu cifflacess "facs, 2u Z .ur-7. picoasi Ioe bl'apcseauueugesie lb ifl 0&s&se-btw or Valà- n oms t li SINGU LAIt POSSI L Rfi M ANOY. LONONi, 9th Xug., 1840. i)cAa Sma-Arcording la promise, Inove tlf for thliîtnformation of cucl oi yaîur rentiuesait are curmîmîma min tie iive'srtuatiun itGeologicaite.' imanv. a short csmilit omathbcPosasit Belainnite, tivwi mnuy poeaîvsesiin, leloamging 1telice clan Muluili. wlich mcaa îirke up in tic. neigluior- btisvu ot this place. 'l'aiaîempt tiîy correct dous cripiolu of titia vcry siigular formation, 1 (car mîy imperfévct amoi mmied arquaintitce vitic the science wiii hardty suffire, but if il b hecsmeas ni lcadmog aImera tâ.t amîbîr fnquiry, it yull serrer the pompais for wbich the mtempt us maie. The clone in vbich the Pamait e containedin'c a detached itploc of lime statue vety bard, cfa biumeh colourreemblimg cotch vliinatitog muelu vomit, mand tiIl appeamamîces lieng saposl e lice acli-meof ut omente. Tlh. cloue in 22 luche« in iemglb, ot an oblong fmmcm, perforaIent by nuanrd ,,us marine &bhilis cf aa rypeculier ie.cniptioni l'be siens5 vas fourni on ic. surface, andi f i ami cnrmscîiy informednteam whal là ail appuarecce' was nove , iemaid cicanriel of lime River Tcaumrs 30) or 40 (cet abave the ievel afilt* preleca boid. As iîvwu pickfeai up wiîh 01mars tl (dme c fnm. dation ci ana cf ttie uaibuildingm in Dandia. mreet, the vorhînan'a hammer brougilit il suei.' domtally soi umijurci ta lught. 'D'iciody7eM the Foscil or Belamnitee lbîîs expoedt, bu atic. appemnance af an spotlecry's pende; about OP inches in Iingl, ad tapi-ring upua ie u inverted comm, perfactly round aso inàeinSl. chaes in diameter round theu base, viiait cone. cave snd beautiiuliy polisheai. Upon close cx. mminalion,,tle base ai the cante c onite bhidi- vinait andi maie op of tim tmravrse plates, Wn. tmma simien ai abat might b.c upposSi lb. in chlamicerior aarele eaidtaeihave beluageul leibis animal, ressmmblng a pile ai vatcic.glemesegeaid. uatly dminiiing Iuîvamie the. apex, peinualué b a sipicuoche, by vhicb it téivers inlatedi- These trsoverce plates are uîutwardly cuocavia. inwardly convia. Neai ltme bais of tics oni, 1 a perfect circlarheai or mouldimmg, uihieb, viti the. siphunele on lite facial centre sall ueulleui.-' it. gives ilthlie appeamance cetainiy of au &"à,h. icary'e peitle,i or *omiesullahinstrument icilaci by lb. baonofmen for a iiliar puncme Thabt the abject i bave enevourmesl ta desun ,e ever livei muid moaimi or bai a being, insaboisma dîfficaut f& t oncioe' lthe hundmedse ii abha ve fmein cuicattf hein Ila e aisisi le, se il v~ motter of lmnch doumite th ie Pmaley Vaer< boyr il tov sritii.thiemrth coul arun a ud uplon ils@aier-" ithaut empeying lbevatoi oul ce tbe River Clyde!1" The clams Nautuli or Bélaumcpia b.lomag, f behieve, le tic secandary fitirmetion oM arihcai hluleslu, man aamrnuscaisnov cxtiaetf bac beale menlionesi by liuchisedandmmiltites ne iohatitiog lb. Ocean, conocf vhicic, howcs. lisat 1mon avare ni, tilt nov, ue creau mouni on lb. Contineni Aîuerica. 19inle@Wc doubt, sonné .tnitcic ofimagination te beme ticat the objel nov before Yn.e, ven mnvdi vt lb. face cf the waters, by meiesof the iydractle pmmccem abovea icribei, onr raieed tels elahlcgc firm l ticshesurface,.idlowem'edii lItagabu int yul Làil*t. slmv bei, lime alcaide cf oiber nmanitosj lb. Pleiosauni and lchthyoeeuri et the ieiin wanid, but sncb cesses ta hb. matlieaof cisl hefmri lheeligicîni nevealed trui, or te lbe m.' qui eyrca o f tuuca vimanminde sstaeit lamce th dcien mamd i-mliast latenius' gora lte' piat. I uIc"r r, "a Art inqiiwu bevas un tlb Pbc ujt., ai Perl Stanley,, ifone D. J. 9"vmou, Ecq., Couernv «f lice body cf s masn. n nu uovae, vsshp aican od scipposuvi bohava bc"aSm dlits drowoci ttreor tour âMe nes mgo, he mUrW the baedy wvasia. The deseass ppesrai tu baa*bwerf 1huel 80MusesMagfe, be e. e a . mon pair of boots. feeloan pastmlce ami vecti amd a bon celehb cir, vth astudclotebahs. tons. l'hi biody euMbici on marie(viloinie t amdi ndued vas in cecia clatiecofd ?ic---elm icat aime coutil havehbea dmeag à* big 1 p-kchesacre (ce.&in d £ ii74 a assed mm clive, vmlei, aGua s s"»cr mala, ia" a larga trukor cibit kcy. Thon wre omipas pers tonad.by oabhtt.is odyli ha hdalo.. mi ; butlthe fallevisy uhovetty 4auth.t Titi vaitls os ousei4 ldoUbleisu a cir urne, vernait 3 L 5 le.,No, 17,12, Emeumb(<io.- [don.) Maitav 0* tbe f(M iteun M iiaMW le, Huiy, erRauMweml w*maiW m b or oti z? stret Aiteedoîs-es; e l b bc etMlb sai pape, le anlites,uihleusryi lm Aberieen listing cm.*0 toeu f ee the sppesiltse tbhai1h. eaeaiW. &Odob amen; Mod lta pubhN i.m f hs Sh-a&"aMY i.cethe entthe i i.poailaimut ' blus-{& Thaewooseâmie TUE UNIVEEDITYQUSTION-LE*D We did ame&Mdlit 1 b bwsbUu te 0 iIthei de tse" 1UpeedII 104 seeah" mU aiehiw to-~'M~i Osetalaa pisaqe li Wh Wu i I, 1Asle tbà t".i tosiUO I c aevise.hu Mao 'ta ielufung.dOIh <litmd 1h.'Phh écmMbIS« Ialfua 1.