Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 23 Sep 1845, p. 1

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K,îup4tou jvà CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, MCRICTJLTLJRAL &. COMMERCIAL« KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, EPTEMBER 23, 1845. t~o. 24. 'iy descripuî e 1 c oa-e Bri-"Ont4~I~ Ccitoon, Wcvn 'A Lii O'- a and Pais lOt,cop 'ut Benve-. îonnr merle Laiesi p, Poper,, Conta'nn ecas of tht t-oe; Ip Co., t-at-e rreat piPnnej reniera tliet lbey musél t anîl Miel Cuimpleres 3n ,avisever imriie, inilt t-he taét fapt rin uM -id Qualtil y-'ra" Cd [iresu 3Muufacjg alunt t-he Gantiy Mà,f f Kingtonn art it, i ccmmened liareu ir ir t-e Mi-. Anglen'@,Bà a that-by keepinigpnitnl ns, sot e strict atle tme01 rirs, he will ht- faooe lic patronage. a, &C. oitbe lm-st rnaîr oi- made tu ortor ani iwhere. Iea t'n,- nPection, an ut nIn witl be eot-ened I& J. REEVE& he Dt'nEtL.tSt aven i aI.p-Ierzm' anti rnnoti i-a a u)li fiema Quartosi. rvm'n in a fev, tinv-. WILLIAM SIMPSON. n trders to chinçe Couat- ne o niig et u1 on5Gunpomn. niora disnh, dia île. very, PU peit. lies' Tisct, lits, do du. i Catitiep. 'b, uite W-ine Vinegar, Whmi-y. e.i- Ilorringe, N-it 1 le ('oetih, tit Buperre Pouarr, nrit hoe tiepodeti art ti fr cd HUGII CAI.F.I Pliai-, I5 mRK, WRIGHT, cap Mlanfactirlu C7.0X STREET. nt eîIlA S and CA PS B3ONNE T& matufuCt, e lien nnîterials, and of cuinatnnty un hindi mai csip for Sa"'. l etter pont paîid) ta Lend cnd General -ýr Jamea Sti-et, Manln-ei r*I~IAN, Lua get Kintees' V- TUIE 8f7ilSCR" PuATENT STRAV Cl HARLES W. - P> IgMORIALS, Lsc,< oîber B L A 14 x , t-te lien-diQu . IUU ti scllieo ind n a a gtcatrusu- Tnai .;d 7* 0 0t- Goe OMluie Of Sali SaIN obelted Colonel Lilvet r, mZ"ecampounds t-o bcen, diliIîrt that Of wbich t-be ~un ded .tirul a 'eryg peut mitake on tf .biai leaued gentlemen, that- Whi h -Ie tu"i irited wstb caler from at Our fee,O tt 51< ieislM ,j'-ha a intitg cîe, tboogh ccri ,ict il t rnpercd ty the frigidit-y Or y .a ~wnfriend the colonel cas por toaea~ahe above magaccus si* tur- . requins noms teword fr htbrknuawinding and b Ir cuCtUVoerltinfg -y luty tr braa aigi lto the cater, ci ' cntin f "sarisa ad Gaives ithepui tTei, 0~. 1eei ntefoiest, chers I ar.' tl, na, ilrwS thepiairf ap ullie. in t-b trm bn perercen apare aWcite man'sm nt'L,o i, ii by the nane o odville, and tit louet iew gouregon ein the bale rt .. t iag republie. To the right ;,lrettortiethtepen rOuntrY. and so ,,i rdn froîntirens Lt- of t-e imber, i ri ofro.w'rkoa tsi-y large hol - eat-er. aet iposta andi pil ,,rai'nalo il ut rtplant- forw u he,, ep then icouwneatce. rrr-aot rattoJnathan : n the0 r I~r.iureni nt, bywbicbh in odes loti calculait jhe reiourCer .ta s ri pcinUSamannîofl, aid has L'u tun fara ehorre h iscoverd that , re ar~atot the conullettan of Illra'st t-the "location' ,,r.-' l'O the let-near Mr an ; J.. -i ili, connîting in par roýIia.,idnin part of prairice, yiet 'a-'ailtilrian cra, are sevriat eîare, ..which denote Ce.t ip r d ,rirr ~d civlzation,lit ,,r: 'ue a .rIîle wrîd ceîie arounti, ct r pe dijerln a npot senne t-i r.' o ai v thiiig in tht shape cf a toi ,r tiret i a n had-iiil fr grinding ma ' a , elood sitdge, tl£ oaei ot pins r . e'.iay piler1 op clone to onie of le 1enîtr of the passage le tornue rba, artsircalie mand nlrogiy built-a hi Irai caaiieier h.rîiugbeen te archiloc iriy atiin l10its appearen p i"rr'rii tioioanat-b rude dosr,: 2 'abr heug alloine ti ocreep tf b(o'e-lraeer hie loge, t-h a tr i i. i, u I thlor, unitirnootoftreille et :ri*,r-'tighir.This na<le habitar i J ci. lai, ii.'praprielot tot only ot i, " e..'ie rane-houes, shedi, far pr ',ý a' %vs ' o one other six th .; 'aiy l'a'andi. Ielîtiti t-ebut,i 'e [ i tri.iii thteiiftid northers, the gr a. le Il :o eh irilarnîoiry, nîret-eben it Ir -ýe ut anti ae panhe for- a r àr > a lie rulet whu-b talle, abeL a,ý,: tai t le rter ahave alludedt 1. ,r l iliaure sows, wth eacb no a i u meati r certaina towls and d Ii;'î il li ar. the friner i n earcluo Er", 1 ,1 'a,, W a trtille of aît thro 7t.Jax ta .ellp tuent in the rîigl.h .e lairer Ibing ilown basking in iie n; . cilteur nietor o - i. ' abott.'The door aofte log hu i. ,d a'i.antd a lmitîer, no ib non-bu urr"'i ll te prairie, a hb 1l ;111ii upoît ta ics iottliiir. 1 : let ust tiretare cast a cure tu li . ru o ven alang.[letais hoots, cth can r 1u rttlîetî, a tnaal n' and anrachor of the Texas I, ; r il nirerowhriianed so * ' ,,,'ad ; roîarîrl itin ainl irttia pIawticr-l -11l ' mnfite a piti; atîdi buo t'aiea rfr, hie otier onu is "'a .umiie and accouireme h r' ailteaders, cas tht guis tt1' ' 'rtirao lilareli morning in 'a'l.r a.'eerie a hut in tht à d ,,a leun t Almacks, ori-El. îI et c 'i fi e aoniîed te natir( pifa'. !a P'acpae cotteitereti, my bl re'i iau appripriais as any cout 1 ' r. eheve incerely cr'rr ' i.rostoî" bas one adi l'ai'~~~ r-,'aiaigdreon ; perbap fa'a -. i riorlar, mt-Iout hal Ur w " l'.ao lî oulti Dot ie "'.r erpaaaory of hle ia . leu t ng tny leaders t- S. 'Illr le .,@n erprisitng w ra'ae"teday' distance ti 1l ' "r, le aija itet. About lit 'r ir as what- appeare ,e of. r.ar a iaîrabt- chsin rem te"e >rroun aariapond, t-be tar r art ea eueandi docks, tir "au I r lrecîd my eteps 4t11 1 - 1l .iginiy own mid lu I ",erniilati 'ait Shofoot- semeth a&aeto huzar - 1 punheti tort 'tir, 'rureg s a toleîaîdred yards, r a ia dl el rta val k Ibrot ruei tF t araire mnje rrna£ - ala t itwot-w e t Il $I, ar lare k tubblt. wCC r i ' i,0n u n try ogree i fr aîlylietn, uad bcd dn tir -orC, e. ttery niep, 1I r unarp atr t ofo sîy honte 'rlota e lacm pInee S rinpiareslwhatever, i ses, and aliiiet i-ng ri;erv ornenît-he deligtci Ilr tire a1had rsaint -edBt 'or . Ilu Iluht-ba-loquence of "r a tfeIVl P, denominateu 9 ,rrI i-d t trrt-îng out î,î:r::~~e1~r bu hîeh 1ev età a the Strion o .rti ier's e xperimetts1 'rf du tiriiîd od, t pes à,a I i neglome pleanu plaisezi. Thé surfacé oftho bures, thé éubeing thba;ableta u0ne t-a imiatrice, romins 0,cr atter - dry, and covoroti cit-iPst-chou cf short gi-sn bit grass, mucb covst-éd by thoetier whlcb t-ters congregate in vent- bonds upon tthem. 1 cou Id ai s ady of ttrhos far out of irC chf shot, Dow grazing qu'itly, sa oad eralslng théir hosdiesand snuffinig th cind, tbum loisurely calking acay. They bai enident-ly cauglit siglit- or @cent auttme. t ad. and dist-eu &Ling my int-ntions, graduaity madie anus- themseva scoArms ý are Thé bure as mnfotuatly soon crossen, thle a tbe wet- buggy prairie again prsaenting t-stif; and lit-Y, fin Ilbo ant- of a propor kocledgse ofbaali. a t t-btiés, 1 foU lot-o a suipo swamp. Ou thé odgeocf 'non- théeblirn thora appsarod somie !ry loty gr-au, tain- reaching ta the bigbî of net- lorsa t-ba six fot, d thé and through Ibis 1 strock, tarting ut- eriy @tep a gray or wht-s nip. 1 acon, however, fount aun in yselfinf m ix, rine 1Istas act-aliy walking anandti lrcugli à pomp sousictoufet- dpp. Misriîy. <e. tA of gy, isud no intertacoti citb routa ot grass, as teo rentier myatvasco oxtrémoiy dfficult. Ry tint beau- Of Patience, liowever, 1 got tbrongb, tbtrugh not. rocs, wit-hout soosiderable fatigue. 1Imiesn c about ., snd hait a umie finem tho litto tnt-Ire1snugt; and st-on keowing, trottaformer oxperionce. -tth i-ey abatp email nat-ure cf the gentlemen 1 cas ln searcli of, es- Ct-be pecially in thcao flat- savannahas, 1 eeîy shortly lée t-o bogan t-ounes gical caution in my piogress. Theti id of nearér I advanced tho higher -t-be grass bucrane,1 net- until, chou about a hudrot yards fi-cme tho graves il es- of trous, tyieg tit-coun niéandi the pondin.uncei yen moreo ovortoppént my board. When arrived et- t-hlm It an spot. Icoutd plainl7 distinguisîn thes quackiuag ofh sa nunibesibouducks andgosme, andtil ettéretoreg s te tus groalat- cars te circumnvent LELY prey. 1i use. ruebeti torcardt, hocéver, st-opinZ stîghîly out-lt1 ttlars 1 gaine t thogi-ove, chou 1 ci-ccIttan mny bandeis Wall, andtianecs t-o tho summit- cf t-bliant-o on wchb But- thot-i-ost'MW, firiug the instant- t-efiemrds rose,. fini- aiai-mati y noms sltat- noise I lied uncvoidabtyi s ce- made. Thé pond cas "otvsi-y large, but cvsry ;but portion cf itt surfacecas thickiy coveréti ciîh1 Le of- d, so t-bat- my IWO bairein tckitig affect amongà kt- bis t-ho dense ci-ccd as tbey roso on the cing, t-E ft-bs wît net, Itop, lho a mattér cf surprise <bat-1 i n in cas disappointedt clen but- Ive iuct-s andi toura thbe gosse remainet upon the fieldt- doubtless thpre0 rt of wsre many ut-bs nwoundod, btit Irt-teaune cao Iding ne consolation. 1 alniost- tnocu-lit- 017powîrtiti eut-- anti shot- casted, t-tî'mgh as it- aftercarjs toi-net se an out, 1 cas mitaken. littîs Having baggeti my prsy, andi there h.itg no and immeiiate prospect of tho pond iîeîng revisîteti, fiiity le ro=tit -oexamine the differerir teturen of 'awn* thsptIbtgainod, in wch 1b fîî,nd nothing alan; romai-keble,savs Ibat- t-bet-i-es cero lu many anti instances covsrsal by the cîlti vine, wuhril ex- t-be tended Ils creeping tentrils ta tht hltieut bratieli ti hY es. Itdigenous grapes gioc iuxuiianty Ibroîgli. aunge out- Texas, andi, dieu ripe, are oh rt excellentà t-- flavour; t-ey oft-sn, as lu t-bsiot-noce cf chicti "'ceO 1 nec optait, attch t-enislvts te trons. fre-E ,ii and qunt7 snvctoping t-béni on eaery ite, andi terai. hO, ingithe mnt doudcous naturel]ci-boni-e, pendannt rick in duectsson with thé lu-lous gripe. protecttd I bhiu- fi-unit-li excessive heat efthlie sun byea timuri.ç tiont flig t-ocmucb of ehicb, eqnaiiy cnt-h t-o o l ittle, i, hoever adverse le lite perfect-onetfet itnst, thé fruit. Néit-ier muet- ce tait,-tice 100a thou- patch of t-he sensitive plant, et alinost au acre in ,*and exîsul, stretching t-o t-be asîcarît, the tieicate ren pink fliocci of cbicbhad net- yet burst foLrt-b. self, Nohing is more eiast-ic t-o t-bn t-i-setibhan thini rute plantSo much sn, that mclien i cait-et scrons ies ut- a surface, t-iaoptîng teen thé di.-.'ping anti op-1 pareot-ly citboredtlaves, and tiîeu lookeit hock,1 sorti 1 prcsentet a trait chicli even an lntien coutti1 doge bavé bean puzztedtatehavé fol tewed ; net-a mai-k4 rot a cf my iudt footat-cps rémainet-cit1 esc ifé sudi ron toi-dure again. 1 eoîîtd net- but rei-irt cith lior- cuariosit-y a penutian phenomnnn nf titci- snài-1 t the tiveness ; nul .niy t-boss plantIs ni-ic-b ers in1 'liig nmniediat-é contact- citb my persnuappéaredta - ut- in tii-cp anti cit-hér, but-t-bs sensation cas con- )urnt- municat-edtalet-oss many fotes-in etvance, cbncb Saty pressteti ttbns méappearance et sbiinktig del- 11ws icacy as t-ho foirmer. Tbc extenît oh impression4 reory ou theur sensitivestructure depeîîted, however,1 ves upon t-be cenuection et tht plants hy ttei- i-ots,1 one whicb ai-s interwoven citliî éclot t-er, anud1 vatch îhrougb chich means t-b e hiîck in cenmonica. i ie- te. traw The gi-ove appearedta lie the ronctant resort te cn eto t-iaeliers, as ptits divergîttfriani on al -l'ara aidies, and numeroun tresh mrsrfireq cert-o tît g be seen. Bet-ceen two thirk hushus. Capt. Toný. left- my coi-thy bon, lbcd foi-mît a kîîîd u ii-ove or ents. bower, for t-bs porposo of nereting one@ self, ne ini asdthus altocing the raturta of gatins, chen i t-be t-ey bbaii ueiv rigltenet aires; ant int, i-i- t-is I crépt. lu the hope t-bat- l itoltiserve ts 11 MY ittendeti purpoe, and enabie me tealiter home Ion a wit-h me mat-siala for a supper nmoie atequate t-o thili" t-be bunt-ers'a appetit-es t-itnwhat-1Ilitedialreaîly rtla- in my possessîin coulti affrrti. But il wsan yt-be vaini: my docks coi-s likti-h celebratet 1French van- tra-veler's eagles,eliorin tii-irartet pitietntly in iPfi if an underground hab otr-acfoitn'ghitt-t-otit-o lirving hoe t-apped. Finting t-fils r bar Lie cane, afttr s a t-be semewhat- long telay, I coriîi'îteit nysetf cit-b firing a volley oftnustard-sinî.îl cht- îutnn a Ifoot- Col- et ri-te-birds,,oet cinci 1 iea' fîrur or ite, sudj et-ho thein begau t-o t-blet-oe makiiig an lîonuurable ie- wen I-et-. But- tera. ...... faciis est et-rsenrîus Averni, hie. Sed revocare graduai, super aque evatere, Mdta t-o tiruit, alty Ho-tc opus, bic labor heot.' 'oui-- ,andi lt -casconsiderably PaotmidlaY, saineé tue rit in having beeu conoumeti in cronsitig thé prainie, lun-t as celi as'ni t-ho amuscadie ; andi choit 1once bing. moi-e gainet t-ho plain. 1 bepen t-c féot nocechat- %vrt, auxionas about- t-l iîght- cul. I arnnat-ufattY si ex- ceak-sightod, ans, un mi cait- out, bcd ailent gh a t-c tat-s t-ho vry desirabto precaut-len cf bot-b rant ick t-for landi marks, llinknng 1 shoult iehomurs linigb, te osé the tramte-bouse, firom thé pond; but- ýarîcg clan 1 pr*psi-otit-c sap"n-y course hoemoat, table 1 toun 1Ilied motis a trifinng mistak, iu lecid-noct-ingwcasule h ssu f(romn chéré 1 st-cnd but cent- a tai-k mobsaeosliés et foiet. Ieuy tias ta , and exteut-. 1, bocover, t-et euot- bldly, ant, as Dare, ill teck cunld have-lt, uioed tot-lsese aMitea shoot-oreta te ascard, leaving Todyhît.,asu 1 aheî- wttb thrs teunti, [remy right- band., 1 soau dis- athat ceredt-hat-IIadmiatesomeognégloosblunder, 'rahie but in cndeavouring t-s rsctify i,1 nonI redied mat-- int-- t-orscorse ung st-ilnare t-o ho cettcard, 'tfat, choc Imliort-ty lest-sight. in cousequOSacO f mm of lie- inmpercptibeswsell is tho prai-le, cf t-hotru talnt-- clc iiestit-hopond, and btîcg a -oinuador t-s-about-» 1 h auocoitainunuuky pooposss t ton- do, chb tin l shoat caler by t-be 1de. lire ne.- cas a pi-et-t-y psvpboxing prei-ccannent; but on I wit- tuecnt. for moreo tlas t-co urs, t-lroogh hog, saine swamp, marées, and nier butai mû alcg ala-.-.for t-bs foret, chicli, it-etho. iag -oAra. upon bien dcsort, asred closeute me, bte ts îeoî!y nover es c Q twigt- etmy gem and ui nurame,a alolt tho bavy -nare cf tho grad 1 cont- ever thrngh t-ho tropical hat ofetVU9N.. an assmis in the scamp. che limoger soui-ou - o11,haIt. cboing, as holiare. oui- Position n ont me, for, Texan lit-e, I hadti e-ing cigb me. rnîtsrea4 adît-e for oui- cen sut-endtnttbat- fe'r thé refection etft-le inner tenu. ofour aniis. The tacxt niai-oint, bot-ceeu Béat-es lite, qipoul" day light- ar atui-ise, t-lié nttnet mItose lui-n ot qutp-cntneol udut7 ilt-vcas lai-net t-becamp, anti announceti Ut is ens martaîjumi t-hoapproac oftsacné ut-bei-strangera trotting Pst-cina Rura ous xrcet suis, through t-inieîgtmouritg wcoud; it-provet t-o ho uays t-bePalet-; but- 1 culai bave borné thée1in- t-eb lexirarcaptve abrvarlluiet t-, tieborses flicîjOn cf agreat-lownetthis particular rumeur, anti hlirlt'try mach fatigu.'t. Distn.unting batl it outil beaietis cbop-boume anti patent fi-oln hie reîrtng st-eed, ho sut- docit, atnd bot-f c-abs, botb wbicb articles I aboutihave cllet amoket cot.te heote ho contesenided tru gîte lut-e requimit jeu, hat1Ibease cihii hailththemn. any- imîorîînaîn an t-o t-le purpone of hie viei.- It wca amost- nigiht- deu 1 reCachtie étge At- -th nt,.oceosi-, ofta fe mintets, he oluI ofeta aim îen t ceg chch ras t-he oni-atifri, us t-bat-ie soie fi-cm Isaonte, thé Comenche Virginia t-o Hinuston, a barîl-bsat-ee tract-cou Iéft *nnt-oe nr floedb cerning chicti I coit net-fui-a mmeunt -h ms-aui ng. i-ty otnée buntreti and t-ccity-four t-a-o. The t-iutb immetict-eyty asnen acrosa Taceclcantn Wac"e, Indians, ebo brut been iny oindt -at 1 cas muré than ton mîtou frie -eetjy jurent hy fotiuy Cetidoi-, ail, dectarîng bomnela watt- chicli distancé clîbout- relit or tbsii- pesitine lntentiontae10have oui- scalpas et-aitt foot 1 conctuteti t-c ho animposibiiity. 1 tb-Inee.risi.Isacie -acrtng lea<lue Mexicain cap- foré etrotliét socly atong tbs haut-of t-ho rive. ire, *b.datI bt.ataliwith t-hleml on t-le prei-iougs let, natîtabouthalta mile fi-enatlenco Itliat up. aflerroan, anti unet is choie tiaquence t-e tis- ont slPot, dbich ppeae iét for an ecnaillaint, uaetheinifi-onu beir purpne, but- the> y wre chen 1 tatcestetenentit-e pet-op for t-le dtetimitot sien urging t-be trieoily chic- e(i eighît. 1 was nieur on t-bsetige cf chat- vas join them ; on tins réfosalt-n deocîici, t-bey brut-n Il con asth-bgbunioctratlber,' citb t-uge tiiy up t-tecouncit, eut- docîn t-hé t-i-nofo pecce, dlig bouzhs lying about- in enery du-oction ; or t-be up t-eb atcliet, anti hi-cte t-bs calumet-. latntt- skirt- cf tîe nocet, asti ean the caler, I foueit e ot-i mission as envoy, antdioutt-be trulet c amaallti îcet-, the centre of cbiclih htibe chat- lieassesitei, t-be Mexicani producet ie cheareni atway by @orne former traaellci-, anti t-e ho bets sîver mallel, aunraidnai-yi-Ont-cm cit-l tht greunti lit-ci-l7 bat-ct hy rumerous successive rilemen upen thosénocasions. Hé cas fort-ber ti-uns.Crliscting suftlcent-vmuait for niy lme dii-scte4to infomorru, en t-be part- of Inconie diatn cent-c, cnt building a somechat- extensive t-bat- t-olgh h bd untier his coloniati but- sit- Oi-en 1 drec fort-h my Pisolt w chW flaaint-asuit teenctriors, po-Iy appoint-et, anti cit-out i-ni- pan, sudti oon iguitet by tho flash oaimait bit- ef munit-mg, 701t ilt if ce coult returti anti jeil Cotton, et course pr:wt aiccys carrîsmi fer t-hobhle, hi ceulti figl it n-bus t-o t-bs lentlgsp. purpoes. This 1pIce in t-hé cent-re cf nome 1 W, betli couacil on t-is point, ant iet- tengt-b pertîictiy dry Spainiéiramecs, and tialccnuete came Il thé décision t-bai, as t-be eniémy tay lie- My ire as blczing op mnart-ty, anti casting its t-ceebim sot oui- camp,.il coutt ieh imprudent- iet glanre ou t-be bushélesianot; a quart-ei-of tcacelle t-o bisrequest; ce pieteri-stiendeav- an boni-t iligentty spent-, piovitet a stock cf ouricil t-o i-och t-bs oit fui-t-ou t-le Sac Saba ti- cocat sufficennt- for a fen houts. Toi-svaoult-hurt-y iles off, andtic-bublecon- Mty nexi cars mas t-n pluet- a coupteocf tiuct-s sitied ourselvés abls t-a boli againot- any nom.e ta hegin, chicli hcving don.ne, ptit-<hem open ber et-bs varmint-. Ws deireilthé Nexican, scient-icliy, andi apitt-sd t-bmonupon ni, iami-et,bouosier, tao leforni Isacle, t-bat- if hé couti t-bei-s ticting wclin ethé grounti cith a stiglit-incli.-erif oi-n ctioen wtmvi-bte casoutitie happy t-o Octinn tocards the ire ;I1bey dtinu, anetvcas aconit;bis services, anti provito htm wclh lganm- about- t-o sjoy the luxury et 'repose, chite my cilice The envoy t-len rennount-siebi jatiét supper case ooking, chen a neunt caugli mir st-seat t convéy oui- message t-e bis chief, anti s.ars whicli consei me t-o seize mil gnont pro. cie pîrsueti oui- day, tistermîneti, itposaits net- Pare foîr ectiena, sinces, outil you in iilt-oa ho a t-o beavrtat-n by thé ecemny, si-S wOe ereut- trient, overy t-ing lu Texas muet bh bot-éd Up- ]y propai-eti ta cope di tii. on cs au oneuay. Li outti ist-jnct-ty beor t-lis 1nTié ceunt-ry Ibreugli chiwo lied ccc t-e tout-teps of mor i-oImeusei-nrs, anti, miPPing pa esit'o-a but vnry bat reas, rougI, cinting onul aide the thict-ets 1 sac at- a distance Ico anti aony; oui- herses trippedta cci nomeint, mpuntet trevellers skirtîog t-e tîuber, cnt anti ne bat ottén t-o dis-otunt- anti adtht-e tirit advancîng tocards me atong theo pot-h eaditiennoss. igareandt -bre ce encountered tee-Op Fi-inn Houston. Thoy coutti not- uséme, but-t-be ravias, cari-ne glouas, nom bill patine lippei-y ire baving attractetheur attenîlen, t-bey litet anti hou ; t-tie cue bat iesis t-o tord, ail ouiting andi nichrged a gun in t-cten ut ther approaci. sureltate ez t-ho feet- et cor pont-. unsbet berseas. , lie locet t-hii-exemple, sippiog tecartis t-aïe AcotdingIy ce tiid nt i-sch t-be foit.t-ough eit tlisanme lime, anti as îhey ctreuclisait aithe t-lis con ttourn- cy as long as nature coutti per- equat, alînosasure t-bat- 1cas riglit, 1 sxcbaim- mit, vben, inding t-bat- t-be anias aet-uatty ré- et, fuse-hto ativance, cc ooke ai-nn i u u ner 'Colonel Lave, is t-bat-yen Il ta select- se etvant-agecun encatned foi- t-hé Captain -- SmaIaam a Texan. Vby, nîgbe. in chici ce tount no tlttîte iiluty un- how camne yeu n it-is u'inabit-etipart- of t-héeldi- t'scirurnatances. b ont Razin Bocie at- coi-Id 1. 1 eft- yeu sale enougi in Gatveat-ou, léngtti mots choicé cf oe, chicli appearedthIe st-w navtcboard your ocu tig net -moi-stt-ac aotient capable cf defence-to us t-be mniîmpact-- wetk agi,. ccl consitieratjon. Il cas a cluster et tive-oat- n Accidenîts ciii happen, Colenel; 1 gel tireit t-i-es, sacmé tort-y eai lit-y lenumber, eacli t-i-o ofi the o înt-ny cf oui- eigbt-een gunnu f- -8.. iusîg ýt rufo e ieniemater. Tu t-benorlli cf compary, ant acstoitgly t-oct- a iight- up bit-b- t-se cas a thiet o -cf .uit -otei, about- t-Oi Cr.,es fotbg, forly yards iîînîst-h, andti tdéuin l Explanatienu moi-o éx-ndinudt e1hr-rat-ui-, breadth, comniunict-ing citi IV- .tietet. On nec énsuet ou bot-b aides, a.ien Colonel Love, t-bs western, at- a dwoauCe et about- tantandtioi-ty ch iatint cit-bibe a negro serisoat-, dot-siminet yards, i-an a stream cf dater, sout hatf tuzen fesî t-o encamp dit-h me, t-bat -ce mtgbt- pi-cesetit-. e- oct-ho Lovet et oui- camp. Thé aurrnîtinding galrtai- Captaîn Tai'e in t-ho mori-cham. Thé count-ry cas an open anti tenolale prairie, inter- Cotonel, an i triend et mine, cswu cirnigspersent ty a ec ti-ses, rockis, anti mugihi-et-en trî,m bis plant-ation on t-hé Bramsan, wclne h bil5 greunat. Acrosa titis t-ot-be eestcanà Iay oui- beet apentiîog o ceet-. This hé exptained trail, nvicb ted inte a t-ict- jungle et-t-bsddst-ance mtsre ulhy nihile $arabo uttostet t-léhei-eses, et about- I aamite. anti gave t-hlemt-be seep et t-cc repas t-c graue - After taking a cai-stot militai-y sui-vey cf oui- open; t-is doue, lyoitiduocei ereatgent position, ant being sat-lifed t itc tchlteast- caliet ioita rsquisntin. t-o ebicli cere atddIn. e capoblteout bing si-pri-bedotf any ce coulti bit- dico cern tii-ati, cruffs, je., anti itvcascwhite open, vciprepari-t i-for fuit-berdttnîce by Cut-- smioking an excellent- pipe et theodeoriféoes In- t adinsit t-héclump et live naka, t-hioc- dian ceet. antiovri a gourd fult cf excellent- inîg t-hobielles anti treos, aunlce ciecredt them, le clint-y punch, t-bat-t-hé Cotontet mate t-be remai-k t-he o ude, dliere ue teft- a dienîse rampa-t-cf ladl hinci my tiarrative opens. I1teomot- exact-- tinter i-ldpriekly peas, t-en etest Iiet. Ve ]y remenîber chat- repty 1 vouchuteté, but I !C illnthon -mtet acay thé fruit froni among t-le cllertei t-bat- 1 very sncewi-et-be conversation bushen lioppet cnr Reainant-e, anti placet sen- ti, tht Indien, of TIexan, conccrning ctnom t-be tineta firt-he nuglit, neot- itiout- t-bncoitain es.- Colonetlbin * i-dat-densverati aecdotes, e pectaîbu etf being ongagét belte morning in a no--ttbt u ott on natcnt-rebiooty couflict, t-nacîg as ce dit, t-bat- litîmnie ehici perhaps 1IhldIearti betore, yet- an ie cas vcas incalatet-of eteceîcing us. h cen inuci i-e- an actur in il, anti coulti, theréfore, affard me pe- grettet b> oui- bote part-y PliaIce batlflot- gain. cnl ier dotails, miglit- niai beunuort-by myr atten- edtht-e Sai Saba Fort, distant- six uiles, ant bit t-ton. hy lie Spriartis in 1752. foi- the purpoueofe pro- , If Ibt béard it- fift-y timon, Colonel,' I ie- îecting t-bm white ccrking t-bs mines, whidli pliet, 1Imoutt isuten t-o it- dit-b pleauure flouei m botamite tistant- oi t. eysn thé narr ai c-hnpat n po ced 1avait- ils srectic, t-cas attactet turing t-le nigît- by the arrtiv wit paiene.'ths Comnacho Indiens, anti t-begarrison bing Thne Colonel reptenisheti bis pipe, toit 'Samba overcorme écéry seul c as put- t-otealli. ines te beap on a tee moi-e topa, andi tat- o uis off t-bat- periet t-hé Méxicans bavé ceosent ert-ing t-e noouze, anothtlen turîîiîg tocards me, pro. in île ntgbbounhood, abantioning t-be place ai- reededt t-e et-ai bis st-ciy oftht-e Indien iglit- 1i0i-teget-er ; anti it- heieg cit-hin t-be territ-unes t-bt goît mine of St-n Suaa.aoft-be Ts;an P.epubltc, it- cas nec oui- tbjent t-o . Ynu have, doubîless,' comméncoti my trient, explore Mîoi- comomerciat purposea. In t-be for-~ tht Cetonel, 1 litai-t cnietbnng of the iying ru- tifcatien ti-e s a clini-cI, hichlibat cé reacli- ports whict ai-e in ciicotation coneéruing t-léet hofalane iglit. cs uboutti bave occupieti anti de. gîtît mines et San Saba, ant ivezanions att fendent agitansth -e luttants. The fort- sorreurâtia goT exan citizen@ ai-e t-c ebtain information about-anuorneet oflnd, ualsi a t-celts.teet- at-e wit- regard taoone cf t-be moil important fes- catL-[,tcbn Cownimned. toies of the int-ser e f t-hér count-iy; liantt- bs- cielt tnoen t-o you in ilt-bel théSau Sot-a rvsr A TzmssRiiîacE AuCCTEcu.-A fesc tiys since, j, about- tIi-ebunîdretiies lent-bs rear of tho an Iriabeai, (one cf Fat-ebeiMt-heviis people) bai-t- etteinénte's scuehere ocei-t-le sources tantet at-lié chai-f in Ne York ien hé cas of t-be Colaiado river, in t-bs very béai-t- etthé accostet hi- an oIt fri-end : Indien country, anti cf course nothing can hé Ai-rabPt, I cm pladtat-ses yon in t-bis fiee coucou-et more perdonus t-ban any attempot-ea country . mue up boe a bit, andti te a ti-kt- penétrate lt-btis mines throgb -îdes sucrinez i-routl acuatitance, aontocuitl réhant'n set-e." aides qui ieM-oenbaeux stepme de la Tartari," "'No." @il Pot-; l'y signent Fat-e Mat-ho's as a muttaltacquaint-ance ef cure bas il. Onthe plé.i . second day of Novémber, bowever, ta t-ho y.ar .niî,"gays bis lr'tsud, " <bis is nat Irelant- 1831l, 1 déponten fromt-bse bcDetfBSu Antonin. it'saafi-se ouatry." dé Bazar, citi sieven Comparions, mu soarcli et 9- Ah!t" neptuontPat, -de yce Ibint- l'y. tho geInt minou afonesiti; t-ho party comeuteof rougohdj, bdahrs anti bIh my seul in Ira- myseif audi the olowig at-lier pereffl:--Raziu lad.' P. Racle, of Louisiant; Jamse Devis. aftercarés- tittén in t-be AMange;David BHUstameflRort Snoenim rî»'à M À I-s -A yoomu ArCatrentJoue WslltaCsM-tbhec D"W CO- aetaàaccuat n esvehseaut-y nged t-o .lug a pbusD-lmna. James Cliai, Thons, M'CRI- ssgi. Horptist tat-how conta tiret-1.1a 5<5. lin, as ceti as Gnoales andI Chaut-ce 550»t-and t-ou is ft-ey e t iperame-d int-aIr gdouasi, vaut- beys. Dnramg sevéat-ésu deys vie 5 lS.h élt ievstoezct.asé.Whoi s lent, citbout- int-rrupio, àmoKt- ce-., lb-ugliboy, ho sad,hoes tnk ob usa in suigmg, a4" a prairies, heantifel bilehsand volleys etfsurpumaaslsg ccsensitifoseilograt ueit-et-o t-ho gairset breb.inéas. anti om it-ée*temt- of Itige -t-h t-epructimn. kWiloin ful ci-y, àhowusud.t muerse éncaitpeti on tlt-O torderni of a sa"trive- d oio ythesJod e" <- ftli 6About t-sm ia tho mmuie c e i-méhul- -"Prsuy éPlcymmafer t-ho@sMD Of pieepar-ent«. st!ty -c Cemameo [diamua l e t puses miht- b shu mg t-srs i lat-hgarrut-41111a&BUDay as, sn aMexcocaptive t5051Wt-u t-hO esusubout"esoiglate hoet-sari t-y a&I t-ho Iribe ho tohi-i lies on oui- t-sili p iossolai M Da de &W am lot-o ootoL" iglit. andi foltocét it-op. Esiagammodn. 'tépu a uolmub zuu tte bscamp, t-hysy uatoti tt-uusslvss t- of-e sE suifg thpreiois su 1ssnisjeastty, oct-tfat-hoCommals1,55 mu oousau Y as c lu - - minbos.,s inini teuirise in aLon"o; ho ca Cemmuleesso-sa apolies. cbsc 1111? in t-»u tt-bes coid s t-be Dosterse *b a r u-déadlt5st esaoutoo.Alan tien Vion t-ut duelI.k espkgm m u -t-u: ou b, u ce t-a aodui a tn pel*MesuM For paysie * M i n antor sudee ehall. st-t & . Lie1 - mus is u-ua <horsmooem. Do. Pi-s ACUTas t-àwnnsr-An empt-y eux.- I LLUIt BtTiis dit net protiece his doont. but ceut-, at-et-aving ougi-cset t-hoatteniotatî a msat-5d <bat- ho recive iut- hi-m lita at-br afos, temPssy for esomeicti bimsei ant ieispet-. uerez bfo'e lthe Eltnî, a hén lie vole eri-cmet-' t-y aImaent-s, ohéervedtut Dr. Parr t-bat-lhé coutil et-si--dm neutt bave t-bs tetd nom mn bis possos- smer go eut-mit-bout- cet-ding clt in tia heat. i.esonlais Faîhor baviug ment il te Mm. Wmbtr'a .Ne conter," saidtîhe Doctor, pettiohly, f-,te Kt-ma e-mi < l ta t nte po->o tf "you olys go oct-mit-boul any t-ing mît it.'1 = if s5g- raisrerd !! Mi-. Wetrier grss pregient - t~uring t-ho exotninaatnîn, but- cou Id givé ne expta- TiH& DIa-,xavc.-A icock-ney, tiieeunîing t-be naionofi bi Iatti-. ROaBiRSCOTT volet Ouns menit-soh thé différent- niotes ehpubliecocueey. vlaeltliFergos, wciolu as net supposendta1 arcs, wceain laver ot st-age coacties.--- cause n'hy be e siiétit- value taeeititlé bina t-o avote- -if yen speml in a st-areceai-hi, vliythere you déclaren t ttat b - h uit dI il t-t£W.Oorbosse it- ère-but- il yen bloie tt in a steana-boat-,i-ten-e at- "s ayco.Bua-Bisoictcto ai-e yeo 1" tsndtet2tAugusi, 11144,ant registereti 24 ______________________________ Sept. tolleclOg. Jour s O a a o fur Webseri. on Lot- 14, ie lhe 7rb Cern. et Nîchot, deesti eid colonial. Januai-y, lBU. Tco peras eofIbtis nains ap. perîti-mn t-bcPull Bflket-<héescondtnutang on' Lutin 13 i-ndl14 ia t-be lOt-btConu. ilcésadii! Incaits eEa.,t. mut-t-nec anl sn>li perao. Fit-AxcuNiemOrLAt5Ii SCENE I-N ADELAID-STREET CHAPET..ntet for Wester on Lot- 1.inte t (ICon. of Nieh. ni't dat-ct 15tb May, 18114, snd regis- Epe-rinRy,c eand tifspolilical allies in «Con-.t-et loFb. Ci, 1845l. pi-once. clierged mithLie uletreéze of tAs Mot/nko- GErvez B.&iori,acro. ltuscntme app«ouos eiol (thu mch, andriel thie precetiùmof the pr-o. one ofîthe Poli liseas George Bsitoer, anti ont-be gi-cas o reiioaesuosîg ths e' p& et-ber as George Baron. 'lh. Connmissicnei-s À~ celebrat-et "Rertuzlit," as ho mn cae--a allocedt t-iu<oIo iantst-se, anti pioceetiot te Mi. Maflit, icrmeriy one cf t-be chaptains t-et-hé question wit-mes, htr. Barrot octet as Mri. Americce Congres., bas beau pursuiug big avu- Durant's agent- et- the huatinga in Nnebol, mss at- cntion, for t-beItat t-cai- t-ires ccêks. lu t-hiu t-be pollmng plnge on t-bs mori-nng cf thé Elect-ione cjty, amnog oui- Caeatiau Methonisi fri-tnde, Ibut ant imt-nesnedthtle ecearing in eft titi Deput-y mit-b vsry titite sueces, accorting t-ot-heur ccn Reîurnîînz Ofileer, Mtr. But. Mr. 1Foiidqre, thme t-stimony. Mr- . Kin a mon posessuent of gi-Oct- Coinly kelarmning Office-. ieîndered î/eJi-si rets atrectnesio4 as veît as of uperior pocers cf for Mr.-ebster. Mi. Butiotuctip every in- -potpit- eloquence; and bing disappoitt-o in tignity ant i oult, upoti Mr. Bai-ion, cîmle acting crealimig t-be essai religion excîlemet- omong bis un t-i. ccpecit-y ohf Ur. Dorant'n agenti, ciscMi-. auditors, hogan <o enquira as tIot-be couacs of 1, Berrnquestionet a coter un t-a bis qualfcat-ion, ani soon toundti et o- easl oesof t-ho mont- pi--o.imrequre thlse at-b ta hoe tministeredtut-o l inent-cf t-hae, namety, aunetire mont- et con-.lihet>eputy Ret-uroiog tîtilcérr olIl atminisîci- fidence, sympot-hy, anti ce-opération bot-cas t-be t-le briubei-y nati, jnsteol ofth<e qualification cet-ht leaders of t-heo bdy anti t-hopeople. Vs bavée tenttis vay cotes cere teccrtcti ton Webster héen toIt by au ebservert-bat- a curionuseene i-. (coini partmes mI t-nec t-beybat no vate, andt -is at-le. t-c t-is. occurreti on t-be irai dayoit-bis moe of acearing atioptéti by ltme Roturnieg Of.- meét, hmmeniatcly ait-or t-hoemeining service- ticer, aaved t-hem fi-cm cnmsmtt-nng peijury. Mre Mi-. M. requesteit-be members t-o remain, atndiDürant a agent- prolt-sif agaitîst auclu cotes bi- matie s publiceaiiqui-y au.tlot-ho caus.e t-hé cautinug recenveetanti squestédt t-at-soi-h prlcet- et e-operation lu t-becoi-k, mien oe after an- shinut héenotei in the POUoli e. W. oeori et-ber stotuop, anti openly dectaredt t-at- thore ketuning Officer ut course, treat-edthttis requcif cras ne cent- mutuniîy lu t-be bodynty lt-f, but-t-bat- i ii enît-ennîpi. We bace nu t -omt-m, ntîleI t-ers existent a very strang m giaimheénthe epen, base, anti corrupi prootuces on the part alimnot- t-hé dote bi-thoouti andtihtc teatieg cf Ibis Depu<y Ret-urning OfilcerIe chiMr,. Preacliérs in the Conférence, t-y maes ocf t-t-dr Bari--oe vîtsnco tinctoseo. Il aff-rrsa nat cx- tiespot-jo officiai pioceédingu, snt particuîarty lbe.>poseof utt-héeunans biy uricti Governore ini Cana causseft <bir base polit-balt iaîémedling, anti caut îcay poputar ebect-nons. Thé Gavsi-nci ban t-heur buniittating poitical t-iaffic ciii thé Ezec..t-li app.,nimnto f Ret-urning Ofilcers. Whou tivé oi t-bscount-ry. Not enly wcsst-is assigmuent ver lbe chnosei t-e cagé mai- it thIe peupe- au t-be cause o e bsbence et suceesa enter.Mi-.resolves t-o put-dlown publie. met pcsstssilng t-be, ftI.s tabours, t-ut- stuc as t-hé fruitful cause et lie confidenceut t-hé people, or t-o obînin a shnentueoe tecresse cf théet-onty gensratty, tbrouglieut t-bs constitutiouns] protetoen foi-actadnl open violat-in cioes Province; mnd lh. cas fort-ber informent cf thea constimtutimon anal timn-étty opposait- ta pubtic t-bat, nter suci cii-cumat-ances, mers persoas ion lie bas only on t-ho occaaionaîuoo a gene-at econ te bie coeviecéti ot tbeur dut-y, by bis pi-aci-se nt-o appoint- abei-te cf prtisan I!et-uveing ina gw t intenat outti Ibint- efunitiug thems-Officers, mie wiit Dot- scuupe as t-o t-lienosà s.e. dît-t-ho cluret-, uintir t-bs praent- st-e t-bey employ t-c escore t-be ret-nt eGon i-ernt cf lt-s goverument- anti affire. 'rThis aut-euadng Cantitates, miit?-tibnag ladoue. k 'à la t-ir inteîlgec= as tooîcetup, ce ai-e toit, irau cay t-bat- Sir Ciai-Ie Met-clis basabtaietià agentmmi oi tle tody,-man indivitinat ýf3f cent-emptibls majorit-y lu t-te préeat- Asmby.- yecr's s-adn îet-ho Soiet-y,-.-pmenung ta Mr-. anI Gocrnors neilI ever pnneset-bîs mbtogiimole 3éft, oee ieme/ iscug~ nifluence avec pnrrtroieleeclions un Canasouet-l zaxno t-aaa7Y,-azzcforio-im -aIlat--set. ft-hé Executive terivé t-heur mut-oic-t-y as t-bhettvidence of t-hé tacts 10 cicb t-hé froni a Mnîatry prassent c f public cenfideneo prniplmombsrue ot-lie Clurcl bat jusut beote anti holdiung thenîselcea responsibte t-a a fiir sud noter-éd.honouraly expi-csnet pnblic opinion. l'le tact-e We îOubt- net t-bat- Mr. M.lé hatialmi eyes tituetoset by t-bs Wst- Hait-oc Dcrut-iny, as Wslf enlightsend hy thase pubtie statsmeltssnnd v as at- tther electioe, cibI aii- ample maeral t-be peraisat cf the pamphtet of Leonitas, antihb& for Lsgiitative interfèeoce t-e st-em suci a titi tiscoverent chore a revivmt hbi-s, tl esie uceis- of moransd polit-ici-I corruption - [ib. fui, muust beie, eamteiy. smong the leaders t-ViW uxîcAiO TAN1,R.LeÂa- Conféenrce. Thsey ~unit h-bconvoe irnt Br. i-aitenct et- bitng oms, f-ea MuLbiti the errer of <boas cays ; lhéy muet hé laugit-ta Wé ai-e rtfl tbeneaid.ro auhu eseheallt -lir uciactut tiominancy ovi t-hou- tic sources, test-at-u t-eoui-iettuw-cit-izens thét- brstires,- ailm.rccnai-yltroffc wt-tu vemnmet- t-becapital soith e bmSt. Lawrence antiAt-tan- -att labnuiig aftei thes bavandmdties';t-boy tic Rail-cati is ai a preminni le t-le Engtali marj muat became chat îîey ought- olcl ayu ba-nv. kt.The attoîment- et @boresnt-oct- place on lOt-b taon--tho servants oit-bo chuich ; tisu inter,. Augusti t-en per cent-. héing paymbt-it-ii-on co course ont t-i-aDo muai ho mit-b t-bespiritua e- or betoro t-hé 26t-bof theinosumo nul. W* vernutent- cf God la t-bsbei-a tfmen , t-hoirrm- t-eretoee eontténtly anticiasté t-bat-tho e xi bn b o hrermuet- ho diiintoreet-ed# lait-tfut sud pecetsi mitI tring tt-iedingu t-bat- th. capital st-ock- sincera, bilai-e tby con rcasouabty mticipte sn net onty suhécribit, but-t-bat t-en per cent-. in anyt-iaug lit-s o fru revival smiong a peoepas.~ pain t Iereon int-a t-hobonda of thé haut-ors et t-he sessoeeg any lesastira utintellignce, ci- laying Company ln London, fts --opurpoeeofetIinédi.. dlaim lu lie possesion of any nieaoure et spri. Ome pi-greevi,au ual paotnb. Tb il citrI h elizeti for Canadians thé means Mr. Matitt-cl hbave canterret s gi-eat- gmid cf canstructing t-bei-part-ion ci a raitreati, ct-et elpon the Met-lotitst bonty, if lie sacéét ln acat-. dit connect- Portiention te bAt-haut-leOceon dit-b ening t-be lcadnng politices of Confsérence, par- Montreal, anti whists la onhy t-ho bogintniug et s t-tie try t-hesant-hreof ,n Ti PERLER," ta asenas continiauos lineo f neat tront hocco thi-esgb thés» et bis andtire-sin, andespecually lu leading proviuces t ta i-at--nor is ih beoomi cedibiltty, t-bémit-nenpanti unfeignet repent-oece, t-olihoin or evci-nprobbitity, t-e say, horeasteri-t-ot-be Pu- fuur eine by a ilmrougi change of coudtuet-. ictecan. The ietity of t-be leading members ef t-he oneea Ne mahonieis ont- cnversant- mit-b thegi-oct gregat-lon on tbis accasian, as vol, as le ut-ber anti satidenprsporit-y generi-llyittendant- epsa trying aud tilificuit- circomatances, le traly Oe- Railrcatis teiminntieg le commercial omporiuei mendale: asti me do incety t-cs -at- t-7Hlt-e Meut-iest con fureta] t-ho nceasnt-bat- msy t-bir coctinuoti taiîbfutuési, anti iy tho publica. lho anticipatien te is eatt, pepialicit an io- lien et t-bu- sporilti mont-lly journal, " t-ho e m- lancé genei-atly. LEYANt," dit'usling a tai-gsi- masura of scriptural SIuorusi-oe quot-si in t-ho Luverpool mortst - inteligenceamuong t-bs peole tefreedom, peace oe éhaIt per cent preamlum-[L Rnald." ond pr.usperi:y cf tha churci, citli close intei-- est-a t-bey are particubsrly identitet, may ho îutîy On Tbui-stay afternaculeat,he t-ho 1uIt, t-b. establisiéti sud secureti. st-am-miît nt yamas-a vrais uesi-y doit-rayent ty t-hé bersting cf theehuieri; suecasut-hes sptuoi TonotirTo Mizan. LScXntoeEXAMOtTION.- t-tat- ne iveofone-si, shautant-u cigt. ai We cere noci gratified nt e itunaing t-hoez- theart ueitis or echuers)ncaans ft tesl siiat-ion et t-hécandidat-s oufr t-bsamical ansit.- ir, ;togeerditk-isral dt-oacfhgi-mss ou! cal prizes ait-bse Tarent-o MedIchel ailhliwt-imbi-, itiet--ycrit- e. doie c&ari- The sxainaton cas endor t-le diriection of t-hoe m aî-csoe leaI rseidm;Oeo t-on. Dr. W itmer, oait among t-t- visite@ce no. t-ho o-tpion 'cci sevsraty njurati, t-ced ct-eu licéti t-hé ExPrsit t att-lisCofu-eace, sensaare oc attient se t0rentier t-houi-ocovéi-PMar rat Ministore, many et oui- met-literai-y ci-ins, do nt--u amohos iant t-luiriosud I t ;arna sud t-ho hri-enis sont relat-ionoftt-heoitu u. met- fourren wht-y pa t ie at emd s tmon, seimd a communi- etiment o &d. - .at t-hé tiumaeoh-e axplosioni, ressivoti a s»em tin;sdthélMadtDrt-o mai guvtng es.%rounîd on t-ho bsod, tt-sri- o eor, me apprs- Pression&tth mt a i@wr m PPmehOtln, bonulets ofdanger t-nhber esas. Ttroqrgttbe Pronossnesd t si &asplendisl .zouimt-I4o fs îil*oumandi t-émitt-y ohfMUr. idmstheqi wcht- onlido brt-oan uy Univrsit-y ilu t-t a:mlI.. cnecelwt, h M ocosV vp«l" lt wotot ) "kigte»th de. sud " Rossseae more, cibla i-WocMWs teiuieb Foortl-t-curisplayiag l ivoesineu aster .Ibo s pot. ami snieriail thoepi-e. go atht-e hahasmsof yout-t-ilumotteatof soi.. bouioual assistance ct"cit-ts mforttuole 5"1 ec«. Ws taet-s soppot-eity of st*meug,& i-léerots y00t-a i.e A liino W»tb. <t-at lon a Musien et t-e < beging tte lasers. Patte« s, "e ao -lIaiVU Stugeons, Luodo% hohanaa atly boeo" athe explosis olng"ait-t»omerat-hoei-mrese. FeUes, su svatas lu prultismul tntck t-"ic ita b ho -ped t-t-stt-hea admlaaletlit-se t-io aenét- quabduetom a" 506 - sriy do.. t-ougis cet n l euet isosedi lUn-mt-s ieet t-s ser"V. Wst-ave usiNidta-emlianîte t-i.es no eoh@fe1nwelwbe t-t-t day'spspenthe-ie - t-v y estnat-t-cnhro1 i lugm a ct-om, a t e valus- t-heu.tam wet-. ats;iis ett.. slooe Théecandiau co-En oie iii u s 'u. t f moSiO b5ity 1hOeséser .15.11 Ileit Rai; En. Laug ý e i-v. g t-I»ulabicmtU , M&aSt-thenis.le Yeu" b~; Mr. adit-eoc ciqUe. s, u - W<h d as;geM s.BU u fMi. et melas cscable ci-alemo n tédeoruias as; Mn.Momtgo ssy, s uitMu- Jet-oMealg e t-.baut, l s peopet'ly, go <s sot-Ior1Wt-é WEUT HALTON UCEUTINT. pu oIoté5e t.<ais i Ttole t--tt-a bd t-h po qusin kn b The Commiebsees ou t-MZ MsEelo apst-bstheday prerkin, tt-e asencé bu t Wn Ulis e b-uh lt-aIrlaea lgusmsy Is ijuro mmidt-ave provent very idptt Gsst-ih.nI of etTusaby lame ént-ais (m trulh-e miSsueoc t-W-MithOtdeou"tl festi rpoert tha of eos V& c a c s a smodhtium vu e i -tbm M& Ii rt-ses dl ot-abtsiF«' - ah, tet-bs"&tIe" amvosd lir W1 4-!eo su s-e-M dacei Ms d»4 i, d 20S 111L UIUI-I S.The m b d et TheseiegsBo. esai tbe m4Me Jàmartu ~daiorl.a <iest n l9» *Uiilgeomm t"et sEJons.W te P"-..- a mgt-osgs s tssi.cM ahee wép ir %(- ss.ilut-s4 Do1eraIemee 1=7t- a--t-li 'e riser odDemlh. Ions" »nri. VOL. XXVI.

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