iiymsa4ebate oft ss as m mla ettisusa. e8amia asp.I MW, mua s t -C5 ,*à~5h An 4 01 boo. eelce- brd n Do r e 1 Wu Id jf1asusur ang theuýamde Mg puns ca kaf, t»Me aéO,.lu tga mn' . h'. ,ld"pitheus=masi 10 5, l*À"ad licha i Ys,, îe Isy b as o I v ol o i a 4b thes of te yn111pa y he*'W With etuvr*s lasi damles $pl fi : # ne ue £bo uielsaî. ao Iai e. "No iiterlai A 4@4 wu .t-Àsi a eloets9, w ca lL*d Uts. al"!m 1Iû.t-7 h %?QIdtr Ntieaih d..u19psy.tis ." en teIIMau#odthy"tai*O 5 rat&,* sor**telesme jo aie add~ ipug~a wAl MM soel M uN =I a.laZ 7 à.~ ow im offlut apur ue isdun »I]WDZliseuse uIaL, l- wamswla,à*w. IL.Usg milwVuoily iulaa meo* & 4LIM MIN Amrse a. omai tke ns a ssa te gkIs0eMiati s.. P AFdW ie, sud a Pra" s'. Am" et Suisuujaioa, pqs.Min abosses, l a& g r. i lae rrsa. nLulai upament wo~~~~b .*wl iaSt WsuMd a&se STOVEtSL amrm- um s.< ?wo liepass.,uie e bum la . awb fur mhee*oa i. in=e imemm Md leL 4Fa m' * 4 W flsu.-1~ 'ding s a -» *mm « fa M Wu bus, asol!- MIL NEWsi Loem' am mmte âe wVV Riere il e ch ad, tia, in Pssrhasng DRY oI ," , mm J. & R. HUTTON, & Co., hv recesved. by varieusVces frn1 K s aied r aisansive stock of mGr ba.Wiick tiley ame determined to ,l ra sj, cssisingofalarge,5d motetof Ladies Shýal, Iiai- % X n an Orgadi Dresses, Printej' N. I igured Larmas. 3-4 and 6-4 black anu co reiIp Satin Turcs. Gros de Nasples anrdF, B, l. 1ks, Striped ansd Fancy Bnnet Sik.L RoblaI ansd FrenschiBonnet ai, CP Rit SRutls.nd, Rite,& Dunstai,Ie stranwý «ýParise!.ivery variety. A apet eteextensive assortmsent of 10IERIsî11À w fer assumer, and SmaUlWare,. J. & R. HIUTTON & Co. ,,Iud Iy bec Io draw attention to IIwr rrr aa 1 Stock of Stapk ( oê, Consliîsg of Cettora, L.rm Im Tbeks, Cantons, whî.e atd cio - Moleskine, plain and figured Gn Faneji Checks, Doeskxns, CassiP ~, Trowserings cf every description , EgadadYorksire Broad Cioth , ed ào. lici * eut te tu thse ad-thea T»a smaumd lb im e qata Cem oqmaîmad petiesi wU*o Mqutauat!&lapseagged u Ibobmq i ulil c6nnSu! isePYdit ~*aailaVO esltorua1ed, asto *#ePm - itsewal d PO who be j~ puétkihelei pFnms skmdessMd aMy articlau sMasIta#ud iMosuseai, bagt in fia. Usa. Toek aiet g adame CEAS. T. PÎJ;aiiÂVE. I 14. #!*M& ua d, OIeiIgA-5UlNa fer ît - - m« #fi i U ô a i la La 6 M tIus.u sigbis.smat k» tiau* l da I sm ai ajelthe s51t 'vpT LOW:m belima.« a".i) for Calb, ~àwMC5 je « och.alaaem opla- M. W f 8 'N Ir Ç s ula" s a *4w4l ;g . w haa laa rtt bydm So- oeib~. -IL go 12 Cmse London and Paris Hu, n% 409s SU1, Valvetan md feaver. 10 Trvsnks of London made Ladies 4 35 CsasRoom Papers,enti, wu&d, of 10,000 piecci of the neweï J. .. Motion & Co., take izesat P4Mesý laujsgtiu sateers liat teilisyi1 ca ihatCsapeut mnd must cipýsa Of G.adslà« tha 'Y hava ever impone,Qd eolmiof psaing theinoe atk6m, 8"w r. icers n Q ualiuy f («s, C Mi sL=s sfor yetsrselves. Kissgob% 1.. W, 184.. il. RIiuvmw, B EGS ta acquainithe Gentry Wb lishabitants Of Kingston and uei g.di that lias comme sed hburs e. hop Inai door to Mr. A,sls',,h Bsai. and ha truste that by keeigtrSb idles ai chap prices, and a strct tiessul plama. bis ustomers, he %wll lie ao wvith a share or public patronage. Sa4dJess. Maae, &c. oftb siclatn It &*Monc handor mde te rder iaaeh es eaubat foond elsewliere. Au bis goodi will bear in.-pection, an q «H lai examine themt will be esteemej ai KàptaO3. Sept. 3, 1844. ..oieId atpresSias Officers' Qui Pessasia ca 8e gises s in as wdas WILLIAM SIMMl Kira«wos, lfat J.ly, 184. FOR SALE. ,,~THpositive nrders te cuse C 76 poiaupi of Test, ronsisting if Tnà Y(e«HyszeeGunpowalsr, Ilsi4 Tébacces. 18o, bi usmtiisob. do 113..veryoares 10 lif bom mu' Tw st, I& do* d 4 " do !looydev, 10 doe nglisaCandies, 10 do eStarc. I cashs uape Oi, 4 q. bhsWits e inegar, S il. aaWhisky. 16 d&q, h8b te erriDeN.a1 de n" la Cofiah, M. adfButter, m ifa an sd Soperfine Fluoîr., AUIet ihavilbe dispodof las ISI or apsovelCradit, UICAD Cemmeeiai Whmf. Klgses,21t a-aY 1845. CLARK pWRIGIITi WNlxeNTON STREET. 4,A6'iW PUR BONNET&. .sud 1- Munit hum thebeu ttere ilJs Flk éi.boi ct Stoy osmsi, KASmu lml)êfofor «ML A"« . Me" , na A MIPP Y T oe oE m =si§ MHPA TINTSMW 1 ý 1 .tffhUSW. J0 ~2LÂ3FOR SÂIS rglY cl tic P~1 ,Ios. p-hMM l :,, -k 10 ýww rêt-i-à àïe à@