triigTWO '1be m utl, ed~dUn.a. e 0090@-" mwea*disa bumm 4l esdoa*mbed I lieji po~euta d~ 'q .qmakma. t ha s- vm..-~' r i Baoey*~uiiwls' I q.aiR, lo. tala h e I ami vms. cSUflhi Ni- ~ihhmph b'- hem oe~ *4.1 bau *T.rms mn <o oie mi 1.w aluNai pt t itu thea. w obicwt4 eý i iey bal iem lue n Mi gaie Wb u ni otisanat *~ ilq - w MrI. ILLE;GAUry *al-esl Whai sissu i%1 aid te C)UTrisil tte tiatoalI th, orff Otn e eym erè'i ccd Ia eo, lige. colectait toçathur fora tle puipoc, 44*3 rnizing the nr ri suim anapI$ c lb. a d IDtIcto,, u ht «tUmkay as t~~ te~ th le i@Maaid Orange Mccej, " maoielive ai lengtîb en pbb tezlI i reue efr thil i OrMilni i hUe. the Oran,, 14, mr 1~Wbich w.a..vepublibed fui a I b&% 'A meeting of inflintial gimtm *T. M vacaoaeea"OfItea.r w&A eld lu h kg of. re, aMMhUSa.- he2t o ilme pomm.escofaitaili iIInt i. Cia, Ob . "l'h. fcau»ing recOlduthea rain14 DU te and epaewmwce&&pedo by the ilium . Proposmad by Coknei Vernor. 3vot, F001*U dby ian. 8a MazWcI~e NM * ciacomatancel ofnititresmea mdi, lbae*ytht a clamer union n Felacl 7immptait classes aoflber ? lal I*ri, laieu aÉtaed sabjecîs in thi Cour 'r,,~ a t ILa serve.inciolate the Lgialaîe*(;Owà 0« Ofbisinsetcivil anô religoeus lbrty, tiucomPecaaly n conahumn, and ami,,, Md le amcnt alltbo hare ready 14 a80 en mise ç an upo0danth Uic ( mmai eil a.jee pléSdbtColonel Bau".sNew q aoynunionfermed among5î nesbMll, l h jiethish and productiveeofi he.4 wi@ l jet reenilîsi, vi.are porciadealà îaio 4 bouen «o atprompt of the Ibwia, bt7. malin t. vi, nedanance of mnfiq z 11.1-1 k ;' and Iueeimtan hais tii. oui ir u"ca ail bc formedi n miuiac n6gviens: totee. stiu.g laws cf tue mb ~ ~11 Prpemafby Rev. G. VeIh -M * .Saatil obson, Eaq.-RcenînÏ..4w me"w. a sluciu exarùfaaglairmit Ilia Ii*e iStulcans original8uîsiatrd,ai'~ awe.bereby appoint a,for the i.,., ecneiiuiagndewbat appellationLi tem mhalu edesigaaed. and upouab hi a rir »nl a union canla, forzced, amd tu diawing" les anmd regulcîions orn cf sncb unifn; anidthat theiid ulCo tti«a. eanpuwesÇd ta ubmitoaida ule, ad iý a. t taint Cotnac, for theirdreto ra» nana te their stinct legalay cand Cona ,di 1 telacary out th.m rueltîna." S Now, bere is a lemmnfei tbe mandret y a nga imn.teo, ut lrelînd! Tleyi andtbaefre iloya!. met ofennapraal 8" alle sure, ce dad l i trqiu ta iWe udib 11101tIBIb «"ahe influentilgenlemecn frnnaaaeJlg lips.. hem of Ululer." lTh. fact vas emali osent ofIl e n owan ; aand the Goverient, oï ai te tru<dima>aaent t. Mr. Waa,cat lumib 17 Cnselamd sd poiletl. si aami t. the Qracgeaccn-w, Met a tN r 0 Y ia of thena-were usned, liit isaGo 01Umm"ats o&prs, bitchoilan lie W -Oé eorne p eucre altogetlacr vaiM AMIb..1g 11. la. wusimportant, thât lts Xe be m fi a. asipaleal, ccd abathIe ( 'Z éIdh. id ta fuel thmeaslca oi Mmata 00 isa m hoa onlgal and mam ,phusruc; noir, tuis bas ibenas dmass ~ pnbli ay.Theiautoleaders binai. Wjtvicthoglatns cf te il. n S Issule aaing maclaa wor,huccuM iS~ogve bie aId for the. ,eiaalaim réels", * iabls adanitteal bthe OnangaMe MMIfE ODITION OF TIUE PEON9 IRELAND. "ciwt o ur rusiersa gacie we ac Coaamimoner' cf lie oneW U m mdiio f the iadahpeapb; i etM" aetsiCmoeuioumporté 1aal U libe Sioiid"«tl rte the publie, lisas Si qÊb#r a gstlumao nergI and abiliti; W Imil Smeu osofa t.ea hemlais aay ta d@M )b ,Ib l mieabh hau 6drdhc% lue on e MUadiMuein tg arp sud@0011 fimecaa- Ima :ine: .fur nremises, u-as .sus . 11= bl, wlloum in a fifer altqmi' w.m%ý e là" t&aiait;hhsl"wa qll'd1 .w t Mtha ah *4 m'of huissier w.m' lui W la l .d q m as. P leai1001e110:I. 0 lige hiain a.b pineg i lis <4 u n jd*e mile ma toisrai Air th luUm tw om m 5àMd1 *.- "v.,