Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 11 Nov 1845, p. 4

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P ~ - Pont uwimq Tum tot mmmiogfà uaà.I Pesi tmsaaenma VO 5llef ou"ladmaum uis ere -M a1If ui uia et te mL-,oTie pave uiN wiaeus." upi aqu Yommsete be emita net s 4 lbnee rmtutlma S<o #Min& eulm"vse Parir la asdSsiz Piace k leadecrbis tie«amemmtienuarvvIabave beavu rofgbthebq a" i ofGA ehIissouatnte erau urn bfiua mmysea y g. lw lbao. e =mtba u nit mm v -.ir5IloWdOP alme y M («M: be la M etu% corda leo% te llbtiraab"s baa% miag bu0es tirfsua"tMd eus puret ami b aie ou aatsj' ai fso 1k euh, md leue bld aya, ma k it byeauglIsneoms omu *Dw .aià-L nt ismandtye tandhs.tfe:i aitp sT bus, ast-r. .hvug ebat, *uM les»dc u ilmets wiia moe, 1ktestenadu hlsnfe e,,lbe w m ero fansi. zymmdigmandlpetbnul emed aieeu bb ieat icti raumuisgbana %puea ai. tpon in tâ masé esetgestui p on, r anti qua ievanc, ortivisat1erial reme tt"s. Twbm mutemt hh iilblr sastg kupeaEdie Imit f %» Ïmhis va*mabutamnsut emma qWMe4 20 e#, 2te mitair.ai atumthat and ebt dm5ef bo, lb peope .eespiag prlmaiplil on ruebom or moaa" a ui t gvu ae me esanc e du dne somemg ltpari- ners la a bue..Ni:Imt Im = é lmas esbo ummimesier. ;4 Ils uee lot sesa been te mie it; m.f aa-acbeldSp OM pe"le lus sepavale portiomat as ntomise taut yei ave bare anusgueultualpomle. vn boo piysical c-ad" le mgW buha"usis pruvet,- arbora inWteleaulceadlmeqUigib.ach rasa- sti, vInejwdivema ee lgbi buuis me et by a gspmrl suq-' ahvblai bas esuaer- ad ImitaHuileaof' L~ isa a @àbess ild. 5e5. < ae~uaîlatIa ilduet eea We «1" -qui tsiu " mww lttsi* Mprf sur semew due Lpublic oblgation vw=sTh* T' leCmissumer s recfensegs; et tvaw "aujoket upuas lin vih a Certain euie- plcbee Mdtidlstsust.bal haappears te l ue-w cwuli bi dutov ' m j .hoayanti walc CO.afrue ulIste re- Octone aseceti e usby visai bmv at Getera. - lD iatertung aha louasCatI. oic Population a te ptbata,« ha salue 'ufbel thIns ieaNgel ?hq, mastomas CatwioDeuL Diti Saxlmb*g lb:.,'id timg-bmorange. meus.:=L tei byar i ut.Ditthe getlbmg op of monter uMeetinssudamitaking about " l4le'taffect it 1 u. Tise a yt vu a salen. TIse peow erz 4.ieI %vid qt, ub914eos bpe«ample, eaueargud amtiempled"-f[Leetimuieliig.ner TIse lee Juire Peeet thek Soprnesu Ca ofdlater ofObovvwu a nmltvs.Aà a l"« wvu MM t svsing bl isa .«efei I= 1r bu., aaitisumve immef on lb seionbs chu l- Ndguisien otoube7tIs baveandrsut amimg. ]y pmoum ua e bgbeaatvsb de utageSbui aiov e Is te.or bleUmmes buý%-dmseair -.Domust go -1 bigl er Ysom arem =emdpet ef tise r ntthaa I Chue#s," s"ita ladito bgso0. eIso etbay vèee'aIn ea av-miI..- ehit paeu"» Yomaa bl= lavitleancis girlu mpseo f. cK." l"muiaume eilal Wab L#a d r Icoe "r'vat b vi tuc"lse&gGiS.uicb!f" AÂUdm brisi ct "lai ent, $boat a'eplol. in" lécW ~Slsea.Smuon e EsaWbmaf.cee. a Stie. range mof tIsr bildingsp am dvils t, a mi e,sepermiet ou lthesugbtbiha a .pmaof aiseull o r fot, vomI &wuiblns couemed ms aBlesa1active a. t~ lm, v tmisB>isvsnma-A the lb w aseut - tm11i~titI. Ouemavmca&g<Mu ]Muu oibey rmnpbes ralebbé ~mqsure10,111wi sait. b idI~aNeNieI.! Tbuiis lu las IbmStaal EVACUATIN ler lb îupmsni- iuudpmdii W*em a m in bc"- et amomee lehlu ILtgj a a é. Efeato ha"asîsiseMW pla il. lb i. bodyis fud lb irdm Mme, ae "y au " elupurllitisusW!" e- btu f tkmytath duiOSw MIE FER lATIOir %1imur nuni ""p Ise ml eicienes t.eldeemgtif. as ltA= 5ASp ig Su ith l* vahW tadacties. Mmd livavl" ouf auil lb " b= lIrio tg. INS lLE p, MWbTb1N_ TIs- moe. aSU thwminIsMMeee vlanhlbblond le mM~e, Myrdmil impauIt ineimi Gudeu AUlpaclleaumiovuvs, tibreet lWbir bta te stera tise &ppasible Pavspira. lien, but il seumte bu toi alaai tisaroi-r on&. ?be Tbo.meom. for Ik t ncam sma, th Hlydropailst mbrteàu n i wbblauskela. the palissi Iietnti ti ene us vitk marýýry, mmd t6k biusiering Quacl gorgea%@u itb pilla, pille, To gaenoseidea eof du amat cf INSENq- 318.1PEISPIRATION, va viii tt.te Ii tin leuetiDr. leveuhcel, antithea gran t - be-va sumhai t ie aighthe c Il va racevalatc the stomnscà, pmssed mofby ibis mou& laInonber vsçdg- if voea ntid dinko u~W~iInsaUhbie veme i g epouahs Tibi e noce iSe Ib th ustiop Partie»@e etlu ablondi mmd othaW csgvm lacet lse mev and fneah unas. Ttlsc zi.Ira-, fore ste rataus lus tisesystem i vu.eigbts of aIl lb virulent malter ibm: nature deaneaaeoult the blond leof eo active a Pruuipie, ihât il de. smmei boSupailcle 1tisbea llie, 'abure lbay forM scabue*uupls, 111ce1 14Mdti lir sPOts. Bp a audfltr~ ansitie on u ISxbati ta csld, tisi pore amatuic, îthe pOUvpiraiuscerna, 1us aepga" 0 f ibis flow of thejoies, onuginatet 00 maiy eeuplainets. l la by "mesppbu ie pores, ibat overvhetusu manlint iltseba011cuIdstian md eamuspuieu Niusi-taustli of lbe nddti frecs diseass iW duce b a etu eof lba NSBNSIBLA Lot meutma»me, avevp emditimimd, vWs&i coure seau lbéusat racentable go porse os gee ivai teNSOPse "ee Or vcJtolu ll .o tisgtisai; ouiti du thiea t Wnth ufaeesba lcoggacta alIy li Wo ltin sb. con emes!_ Andt yai 1 mev cf no Physicien Who maluaOI aileeral appl ae et IL TIsa rm»m 1 .uug.haebt usemetlilc t iin Ibeir Semsv ietga, e cpbeair domIL .Undtibdss t & Cvulnc 1r eeemâ.ta pisysieises, mmd te al athtea ape "tio btat hbiapovar in bti filami aextent. Tt in McAUsi A' l*fauJiu -Obuismes,ormfe Wo euSe ItbasPOWEig ta rsere,.perampiraim li slenaton tisa bond eveuntd o es,4upofi tiseebhut, lI eotllaip amiy peni of thea body, wvIser dinseia &stii or uvaelp. Il bas PO WER lt ane.mall ezlersaisages acrofulous bumors, skia dtleases. peiomsels eseude, to dicbarge tiseir putrit malter,.a» 'lie, giatsthomi k iu a REMED Yilet ureep.eofflh bel catalouai c ctaneon diserers anti retora' iha enuire cuticle toa lftbpluncisns. lb lea aREMED Y tIsai nrtit he usmeait Lo 0 malpantid tayefbosedino lalan ltsbi li be a REMEDYIrtIsaI neitisqr stckeus, glu iuioeveuiiecca. ne lae dangermauun lbaneu liq" it praservas& &tiefetiuelbsurface fraiemli de rangiement o? il&efonictios. vil il hoepa lb amaianul for thbbIlli taouit i ili mpuntte and disposuet c8faU ietaisprticleu. TIse la a emooetloin$4 b ony, am faibity ileIk a ua dis..es ow iation. Il le a simplet la véedorul prinolile lleipeuarveu in Isaatby al siallm lhmam*méabmaery ofot elbn J kludlelb" ssdiaitrl bu8URFAC sa rb NTRNAZ VISCERA. iha INTEl NiL VISCMA uni lbo>»URFA CE Tise are usurbyemmeecletamd canmol; budu JoënleLTbar inelaTHE onlat ofal"Rv ofgse " ie bal md ee u ter vitil h e ie cul Kh sMILLIO Y;0f ompea ei RELIEVE lb intumelimu.Stop tphon pou"smandiDEA TH bocks al yotardc. ve rugbiy taraudi AWI-aliage e bue irocam lyaa ibs rneal or "Mttansl<ihl i nat beu&i.'! vM in uailb hemoui 0"11 vlan tlb cbes*sl C,..ý,madicice ins il vend. 1 baye *I lblthe &M rt- e tie vkimoceao sitbbst a peMNI. tiss. onte for ail i lses fib hest, Consumtôui, Lise mavlt b mont daeger o f ictaramnalade1l Tsling ili. aimait danger andi repamsiimi 6"t 1 d@Wailrbeliese euve. umamm, bat ua inamearsbe «OR h» ail falled tc beuelitseht the patiet se ibin the reacbm movrfmoam & bave bati pby@u4us, erned ilatlb prte saet î 1 ave but ms*m ftheflGOWpLla314 se hebBanal. Aiue.mmsd Lavyers, go #lsuos et l gbai crufdsiseand -MUL? TIYDE8'eor un ~^ elai i e s r t<pa etses. *W tiseb aIselat4Mut = We ela. 0iAiaiualam$tcie inyig "lc le7 Oinaumole (008" 55AACOB. t a mis lves uýwetipuemm aedue RHa *eW seIl temaobulmi sud 'iilold il m Ril aey vaek, s tw vouine ohmsa u Pzitus mi aAsleandetu eLpd W** 10 11e ocoua s IlleAgu4halb Fce. COID PEET. ab N opbm Pai lIl itCt tif leo i*aiue No ew k te -u1de tU 1k. deva a en bavai, bd thp iC kma. h Win D OEeafuee f Ib" awa. .I- ;a asb suIBA e ara Ne le'.ccuueetim.yuay uhul.itbe e~Z. ifmutlai bavesr I c lblmalieu l =lo ial :zuuus lbvSm. Thevla pnhe amoeaduutom uu ifeof q tis t icacam e Mraad le mi lu dueexa-1 Ih W"lt bu cviii, MyWIC[ED. te rive Wa l moehVlmsdtcue loga e u a hauieu, etialnud effectuaI erairme e mlti bu b" TOILE?. 1 hava it de» et m o Bs rawerfor due draeulg 4»mA ltbogb have »eMet lttaabout il, as a bai etoatve, 1lviii smuliap ginst tisa vend Th"bay byrin hoir ils ferr mmmimoer, andm ee vini reetore IL, bain Iv.m eses 0 beir ose. Thet moemori aueas o eetteîl lmritme of ties ysta.. ia the amI, remabeeuetisay mcat lpursoff tigb l M surdai a(i.c tb Imm" iisPoespurutm.If sumbmorssueara isealethl imuiies mat hbave sema othur autelor kit iumdamerli This in thse re- mse wby hsit MPuilet a I eusune salvue et tbe d a uneeS esuO- yT tapbava me =eerteo en otbe, a tnue lot oi u mantit" urit..altamud ts#cbeu m e aa ys fatal TIsie alve lWi lwapueoide fo« anci emeuicîua.TIsare neMibue u Wkj le par fot. D esmmofCldwen. If the ALL.HEALINVG OINTMENT pou. 1 uuesd ne ailier virue. Lsausmeraly te cure d varions disensts viîh vhicb rlildren amre .t ad ve sboasid esteomus it thea fl1g mudicine ansa,-1 uloence. Hcw great are thesfeaSrigs of infants muid children, %ehan tiye anusathe ms tbeiri Zante mr point oui ibeir pins 1 And boy many1 tbona..,,i are vrseoff b, riving ?uiimedi.i cie. ehen iheir noun badines anid tender frnn1 ama unabie ta e b op againut ilim 1 Whole at-1 mies are thon sent te their geav«eamrl, fron ponring miota i, geaeseush eu ldrsugsi aipkyskgca 2211 s tastick liai 1teAil. Haaling (liitmnt tenders an suiepWeaM MauW 1rsls a oue n lai seiuffergng and sikeos. Poe. »j, perbapa not more than ibrea or four in a1 tbnud oit! debile mnarly sU vnisld bu iustantiy ralieveti cf tisir paine and inuimnities.1 Sucli cases as Crousp, Cohe, Cholma Inaotum, Wormu, ansd aU Suamer CemaWj4s by whicb ta ,nany children die, thse Ointu*ent wili rainove no speodiiy and snrely, that s pttyuician i ylno- ver bu usaded. W. oIdi beeepu noc tIsor thearelity o1tusa=ehi4ej. Wee "upeaak earpasty. Iscause v. féelit vwsld bu aci ot ta ose thons moins vbich l maureoe iheir sf mo,, lbie h did aeut dager their lires, or tise trengih »d ider sC thair yonng. conssitions..Motbera Iibrogbt .tlibis imust, o o email, and sacroily declara to you tIsitIshe Ai.-itbrg Oltuatet wili Bave jour iidras (rom an eaarilygrave il yen viii nu u;and v. theraforem e Ibis sjpoal in iheir hualt' f tha thea §mai raooihiiity!ml Ise your ovo, ftéiey die prensturelly. Asi4mfr0. very interest ta oueselvesove chr». eu te take bond Io vhai vu nov telliYeu. %' amamnulDow sctuatsd by the lamai demaire of enus -but 1me. mgas u edg tisai ventbodineecf nfasmand cli. aendie eariy, wbich s mppaed le ha inevita- ble andi impassible ta pruvent, vu hbld op Our warnungvoiet ad deciars ià ts bac he wborl d, ChiUresanmet ot dit mmrLa gers. But b lin front tIse w"utof propar -nsarbmeut and tIse constant drugiag tbey aulergo, vbicb mm@vtitanm dovnau tsruai sm balubain.u the mcythe. Motisars Iove repeta mpm, sud Iftbuy v ere tisa maI ordu va vre evçr ta ute.nmdofmr" pqçt the rose& f &fIl interotL 06 vonld .y a Use Me aAL-HEALING OiI4VMENTJor RsaumaÀrsue-lt reunoves alunI immdiatu. Ily tIse inammation andi sveflimbvestIste pain of tours. c"ess FEMAÂxa on.usa-Ts by ma power in manifes i n no vay <om itan lbt tbi&departsent. Ilammatiou of tIse idme.o f the stra4,andi iii fiiiug dovn, veaknfunsumd iranarity ei abort, ail tiosuediflicultibes vbich t4M froquent vitis fmâles, 8usd ftady andi pareqsnet relief. Scàx.» Hxâim.-We have cureimmi tIa saIm- tuaiiy deffl e verytinIf iown avaiýeHthe, abiiiiy of fiftem---t i r tny doeetuA Ose mou told us b. Id @pont P$M on hie ei4lden, wtb. ont alsbeieft, obes àafourbouab i tisa cii- mont curadt hum. Cexas.-Poople noesd neev as, u touble vi ibein if tbef *111 uns h. As a FâaILy Msmctut, n mm uns Moauru 1ielue ane .long as tIse am noWalcng eam 1b tebeaven-sno long se mas tmusithe «samuI, subjectoal tIsa inmise the b és-uo long as disPean md slckusesamave ov-.just solong vili lb. good itmnt beM ud emtemed Whoun -m assse hm off thte usits. tiseà demini viilcese. a muti libm, MAMES MeALIMTEN& 004 M IlSoubstrutr I'laYork, tsole propriurof ethsabo Nmme. eta utie il conmuauatiomu met bud&rmipeet pa"d) IPrice, tgo coomMW 80 emi.. As thse Athmdso Obstmug b beeu q'ami. rly coanteian uisorve hava <.ibis ruetua ta tise, publie, tis a eoltmffl I bu geiuie ulm %btimrasof James MeA"itr, or Jamna UcAlimier & Co., are ten Us.av I psupIO mery làbeL" TIsa label i a ««eel mmeavl vus tle i Ire et " Imsessible epwqbwis"ait te Vos 8."mb7 CUÀRLV.S HEATH, Agent, Prince.&-rme, Kamglo. WUTUAL IRE INMKUEANC CO- PANY or TEE m DlmÀiID oFFrICE IY ria CÔURT WJitaE. DAVID JOHN BlUTS. E., Pviiss. Daauct qm ma. s b WIasa an,. =LsAuND.a Kiaguaes. A@g*àe oi r« e" asby the S*soelbo, 'ASO Uibiat~ Tu«WdbM@ CRAULER W. SMKIW. ur. iiaâr b". lm heW#* hv 0C" g 4qutie'c NZWSPAPUEOFIE DM P&M er £6 0&e&«1 erboc, ie lb us, reanb le tr( lENTO, SIlIPPING IMTS, MAGAZNES goolS, maW STATIONtRY% TYP. Pft1N. TES' anti IIDEB8MATERIALS. m the f5(~ANADA, NVA STIA. NW BRUNSWICKami NEW- IOUNLA NItIs7 lb MâM tROAMmUa,-ili- etg e4tb maid lOti euacis mentitroâs- saon, i 0ailthe wEs i' IDA N tL- AND8u MEXICO.,a»t TRIA&,by th e as Nas Ivmmussaiiesfeery Tortnihtetvm AMERICAN NEWS LETTtII 8 u blebeti for trasmisus by every Stim Slip aailing frot Erltimat for Amea nmd is leamg fimiatra lna 10gave, âda i gaie,a an- ceeust of avery important avent tIsa Imbas ccu,- ret inl Great Britain, Europe or Ais, in the in- tervi htvsausthe seilieg of cacis SteainsShip, vblbse in politica or commerce-a correcet anti compreese h ipping Lise, i hicl iniibu fausm a faibfml record ef lb. arrivai and doper- tore cf Amoican veuuue et anud fronal the Si- ieb. Enropsan, anti Asiaic ports, vîtIs uiocu of sncb cascaltiies ertihastars as may frontuma te timeo ecur-a compléta Pim sCarrent, in vibI the <maasi care la taken to <tva the laentre- porta of the markets for lbhea»Sous eduipilci of Auartcass Produce, frein the mont unquetion- able gource&a-tils m ubiàiusg, le osta beel, a Nuauper, a Shippiag LiaE, and a;Prim Ci- Annuel Suhacripiion, payable in ativasce. Ma 8d. sterling. Al ooie.muet ho accomupanieiv. armi tance or referancetun Englanti for paymaut. .NOTICE. Ail communuatioms muai bu peut paid, and ad- dreuwe TRANSATLANTIC NEWSPÂFER orrac%, 5, SOUTE JOUS T RmEET. LIVERPOOL. or tfry vwM fot ruaeh CHARLES WILLU119WO No eocunXion vith «Moe .WILLII & Serra STOVES At w.aUtIy»"M"o.drios. T HE Subscriber bau just recoived, direct front ithe Foundriesmde te spocisi Order, al very large assertment of StoT>s, conssting in part of cEommeO, PAULOEWB, of the latoat improved pattern%, which are affered exceoding 1ev for Cash. Befo:o bu ing lsewhere, hbc leased te cmii at the .1establimbed Steve tMd, aud examine the. ssortment and price. irAgmPOWEULL princes, luIe Store &ret, e Lmgston, Nov. 1418le" f AGENCY AND T RE Siabecriber respeduly tenders his sincere îlanks te his fIriendu and the Pubic goneýraliyfer tho very liberal suppot bburecoived ince ha comunSocd bui- nase in Kingston, and begs tu acquaint thei dma be is now preparad te receive cousg monts o! any decrciption of Pro ,et old stand on the CommiercW =l lfoot of Princm aStreeti wvhm every effort ,til h " e ogi-ve satishhctio t ose Who May favor him vush their patronage. Froas bis extensive Icqvintinte vith thse Trade generafly, he n teuidest dm bhacall saseahma of business. ÜU130»CALDER. commercial Wbun, Kingstons, Pnd April, 1844. F OR SALE, 10 cushs Nm*teru- Turpeutime.- HARDWARE. A MES POWELL in ruurnung 0"ai te bis numerousTa vnandi Coussti'y cm- temmra for thir paifaveursbug e or"= tisou aid the pubic gemeMaly. 12 hfiha bu Bu1ng ajoiràg is l tmd WiIn ceas &mret wltre lie hbuon hafti, sud »nW opens for examution, anexwinvemmeopnan. 4,KELF «AND FANCY GOODs,1 Pt"" ma rai" mUb PLAIS, JAPANNED& BLOCK T110ubAR ÀnDd STOVES odanl descri% i A P< yaANOAaUmeM PLO<GR POINTS eofveiAomp.s.se. I;kp.pa. Sab"r do fesinuy egls8uIsmia sle i* i " M LE , Aun pumakh ea uam l~.?v. m" aSTir rm 90004umll pAummpfflià qve tâs*pgbaw imma ha issu w fael ar rada"eleîl me of miesy ~~ 1.eu * ie u ilar in mi lmetu es VERT 1,W Q(ble o -rta) Unr Cash. mt apgeved nedit. The Ouea,4Isho in m vvy ateuaiv e, pu- £m7lick aDak m os DO&e ,Cmvm, Levém ati ua ad es ion tlCwtlavly lltus, leigh s a" d pilig iislt«a mmd Cam"daPlat@%, Sbent Lauds a4Dss lm dNamsis, e. B8e&eM Tale and ti ter Cutiry, ant i lver Flmed Wu*., IMI anmd uluer phIamle Kuiiveu anti Ferla, La.ueia ?attC. er a& a usueti Ware, Table Lampa, s~aa lier apa, Cadhha" iC iers, Fmumgmluàuilsand tenurt PStravCW*-. auHy Nires. "is! olmiec s I t~er', a4ab<,=n Sbiis DpildieenTool., Lods Dala.Bul.. crevu, &t. Has emaog mm onrietiHair, gaddbery, Cube, lMalt, antd Corns Mlil, Dhch.miths Anvilo, Vice, ettova, f&c; Paints at i Ou Wimdov Oîmsanti Pulty, Cavste, Gins, TeIs, Paie, Citernea, &r. CHARLES W. JENKINS. Kingmton. Tet l.,185 NEW WHOLESALE IMPORTfING WARIIIOtSE, KINGSTON, C. W., Ai due Ezemsve and Coaixdious Premises o W. UJMP5O, OUTAitiO STREET. .LComunmâi't lfc Canada 'Wyet, thai rc&nblier arg d NewIy Iunperidd Stock of Gtoceriea. Wie.Liqtior and Dry Gouda, wii lic opened about the Sthmut.. ubch îlioy piedge ihem- esîV«oe. il at Montréal price.. Tbey wiii aloo be prepred to receive Couisigus. menua of Morcliandime and Produise for disposai ,- Private or Public sale, vith a Viev te whicb, one of t*ùe &mfirqi warmasan Auetioueer. rCashfor *heuat aitbeîr Mile jin Hiliier. Prince Edvard Digtrict. and et Kin ton 8IMPSON & BMATH WSN. W. SssOMFW14Kingto. - H. MATNEW5ON. Mlonmaal. Kingston,. Suptembar th. 1843. N~OTICE. H AVING resigisud thse Crown Lande U.Airency fur the Midland District, in asticipaisen of my electlon for Kinsgston, 1 bg i ino i yfiends and the puble Agent until Il my transactions with the Crovn Lands Departient are fiualy closed, and 1 respccîfully effer my services in ibis csalcity, assuring those Who May rulo1 me ibm: 1 viii b. dligent ini the discbarge of my dety, anid moderato in nuy charges. As Gorerusment Agent bore for several years, 1 bave acquired a thorougis knowledge ofland affair;id 1 corrspond with the Most r. aptctables Agents et Head Quarters, for whose account 1 bave et present a large sors Of Land Script for sale. My Offim will be for the future et ry res- idene,, vithis h&H a mile of Kingston. A. MANAHAN. Kingston, SOdi September, 1 R44. loportaml te u t,î hle gimpies Rad îrtmad. c., Wfe e r te publies-, a -it t m l n u ca n i d g D R J. & R. HUTTON,&C neceived. isy varilm sse.froc at ain, iheirextepsîvuSoko Whmcla tloY are detes-nsîned tS f'" t cGntntmtî foa lag lin and Organdi Dres..es, alrk iiured Lamas, 3-4 and 6-1 lc,, Satin Turcs Gros de 'all, ,- Sit, Striet ând Fmuscv Bol, et "N Ilas andrench BonietasdCmp Rmiland, Rice, &L>nsab , i, Parasolain.evry vrlety.* nASuaayt, ansd Sm IllW9e. J. & R. HUTTON& Co- otid ybag te dira- attention tb lueir -i! stock or stapl, ;ýd Consistisg o! Cotor3, Shi,,,,, Ticle., Cantoons, wisite a.d sro Moleskine, plain adlgse Fancy Checks, Doeskin, Trowvserings cf ev.ery descript ai s England and 'Yaorkshire Bs-oad Ciot don masde Bloviser. CantIIsu1 Casinercî Patio Coats. eua 12 Cases Lorndon aund Paris Ht sing Silk, Velvet and Beaver. 11! 10 Trunks of London Imade Lîdi5' ý nella Boots and Shoe,. I 15 Cases Roons Piper., eoni., 4 ' wards of 10,000 piecci o? îletN J.& . Iluttoll & Co, taise informing tiseir Cuu'îssusers,, re, pil, on band thse Cheapet ed il nu% ,'ea. of Gondsetihat t ey hasetecuul5pTt., confient of pleassgts s5tf..ns garda Jo.rPris-esai#d Qalîsy aridexamine for yoareo- Kingoos. lune 19, 19t7X î .. REeDYnS, Saddle and llarness jQk g> EGS toa scqouit te G(rir u .>Intsabmîarts of Kilsgstonristdîls tel, thati ne lias rornmiened busui the slstp nexi dotrr 10 r. Angin, Street, and lie trusts that hy leeping jd, ticles ai chea1s lusies. isnd a strsi irt os1bq please his customers, lie uili be fa iwiîh a share o? publie Isaîronage. Sadjles, lHarness, &c. of tie l tmos tort kapt on band or ruade ta order &ij as can be founsd elewiere. jAs hi, gonds wull heas- iipetiîon,elà e cali toi examine thie- will bce eseeeli [,vour. y. sorte. T RE Subecriber having been sppoinied TAoasrr, for the sale of Frein the well knovn Feundry of Mr. R. P. Cetion, yull keep , Stock on hmnd. during the. seamDousf Cooking and Si7>le Steve, of tho Wetan d amutapproved Pesters.sand vill exocti ordors aItbe loveit markeî pCe for Cas1, or on apprved credit- Ceotry Marchants von usd it te their ad- vantage te Sili before tbey purchese elsa- viiere. HUGH CALDER icommercsal Wbarf, Kioga Aug. 20, 1845, Frerry tei Long DlAlam STEAMBOAT NOTICE. NOTICP.s hrdy given, bbab se andi afrer tise lot icat.,tlb steassiFerry-boat b.-, lyeav mglu iLong isiaa4 viiihaeva LuaveaKieptos Leavea W" 1iia m. hgi trips7 A. . lsot 8A&m. 2utd dell A. ', s=1112 1.P. i. 1ri do. 3P. M.* de4 -2 P. M. ~rulhs. ~cL 1,1*45. lu"T RECCIVED, AIT T" Ltmdin uidiwsa. P numobwati4 URGEMW oeuid me.tml *Ldi",< Mf. & IL HUVTON a Co; mer 114 m 1~M mm" mue -salle.md uqlm AU, frseuW fbdaptbi d dq Kigo mokaimula s4,18a5. 708 ~ ~ ~ d »AEN E oumR thumeik rdq o Immam F-fil "imgP TedMa.: * ousVIM" KInIguton, Sept. 3, 1814. T O BE LET, thse lYmELLING Pvé subecriber's Slsop-large sE muéM --occapid at praîcuti as 0ffcene' Quis, Poasseasion cen be gsveu suss evasitu wILIuAM scy1101 Kingstont. Ici JuIv. 1845. Ic OUPRISING Statis.tical andi f<5Tult& emssion cousuecledwasis ail puuiasliisl Province; DistaneTable,; Ls,î aiPrWe aid Trdsti; Stage Rssl Steaambwsa lsm;Lý of Pool Offices,; loteis, &. &c.t- wil desriptions of the leadsutg featurmàilsuï Townshbip, sas regards Smlisi. csmue, pii4tb% &c.-tusgethen a'itls a uascf otiser wafliW niction, coIecteed from the heu st lsssI[9Iu, fied by parsetîmi l;e"aien sud o enqunscel spot-tIsa autisor liav iug ,s.sîed every [i< Iý maga anti osevrseulemnt for tisai opulO M Embulilishet vith a laperser MlP-i8<i viii ho laid iovusevery oilage adlDm Iý Blr vILLuAN HENRY l5itR ln ons baudsoms volumei, lissîtl.Piuflo acriberr, 109. Tu las reatiy for del seery sn Janar!, Ml Er TIcse places fronu wlssc lk De.Seui ont et obtahusatiinformationl, vil le a'm in churiot the prescrit stu nija A CatLARK WRIGH1iI da ifat& cap maik WELLING TON STREET- A lage aoorlseuf HIA T3 CA ipI lADIErS'FUS BoNNETS, eandi bv blusaif fie. tise best utensaiesk lateust fasiouis, kepi consbaitt'y oundi ha nild very l1ev for cash. Nevembur, 1844. Land Srip for seit APPLY (if yleular poit PIO)ttl A Harenaase Lansd andi Geis'W No. 33, Liwie St. Ja-e Steat, àld FOR SALE B Y THîE SCo, E N G L1Il &TF.1T STRA C TS CHARLES W. iu Kiagstoc,Feb, I5 BLANKS FRSL t DSdMEMORAL,~' ap 0Saand otber BEL à NK1, vuetfa mde at lth Hans4o,* *9li $u"assItem leel i Àtéa mi rien Wl.l= tees dimut,-J Fh.,eodoW ual IL pet 4L ps~~u au, à& umtised~' lopin. lr fre =.r 112 .1 trebtkwtbat hwuwmwsu Seo" himime 1- F 1 ! 'i-ý q, . 8 .ý 1 Aý THIBODO. 1

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