1487. il 41 eamt ied ci e a servi~ Wb;t OSad f t inTqth sh (W 'ms . . aa DEamis 4114ei r la0 I lat mat4er a eo mPtetatint, t e ie Qie i n ge~ î i acd ndi tfiii a pr roc In é~ tif ite WO a zallppe la crit k u.objnct be fi, Of pure, Rotai8 inof theo liet, a ceai itia.0<hTe.h. tM tei upply the a C, listent thie vWo or t4ree large e. of Rgtmon, nit opta airt Kirk atm niud h.supplimie cbsa .h res ai eaay ta prierp any pretencî. War, 2clor Mi ui goimg th. extra dw: Fe bave reOlOnea.ded 9-6 nf dracccag aocai4 if th* almogtat eat tocm slip. hia t awonld nuit be lgisai- c me have miaide tw 0 laes tiu ir puîaî rquired. Kcrkpattack'a cen. Mr* Pallari.ii ai - ha bus terantl, -end choiée tO ,îi îtaieiment whica haâ Pftltion cili nt lIn 1 cm mo imaportant ta lt n.[Chrotiet iCCUR&ENCO.-Ntl. E. C hie City, nua anila M eetaing. It Appeaui oyei hy fe. ioa§:, Cai e 10, lep the Incadat lion h. eg be 0% bbroppeda .1 oi lia the dr igimediat. deaîh. %I a loft a mil. and otîsia r untiamsly 1988.-4r Zluebot. 7tîh Noi., lâie cmipts ami Payaintsila, headiel inclusive: a pet alite. i. . 762 1l £65,olg lô r'. banda. C1,376 9; rati»uTmm. bu., 2,491 I0 im't of Ca.ôoe 0 't of N. Bretua, 1,016 l3 nîlur Places ýwmidar, 4,134 12 o! Aterirm, 912 14 vfoundiacti, 6w$ 0 id ermuda, 188 17 2&.717 2 tui Naly, M4 Il ad leamen, 232 i 5145 1,20 9 0410.ê à Il GRAND jURY AT qT SESSION& euuîuy te Raomt~4 1. end buîlcg Pais the PraCamUI&ie l ir. andirasi)ci aappy te "ai- '%et lI îcahtui. sa oatiuiir- bdi by hem' tAm libe 3i t, bi&" Ariba the remâeitQ0 unuiidB mi it! sbs )N wa f hi e ai 'i tu yoi th P, eu cf c., Ca on. ke. Sir ý e, el. "e Rn. ai- nc. 'i. 8-1 .d lis Miduh dm lmhieu ïimho b', bu Nàbeau. E usalleea 'c M aibis to ba r bgwU icàe ctbau sâaisie!l p.,wlw&A shte LV U eclales 'ZIUISUId mil dama t u 4m T.tue of du, amteanm "ZUI are pepain, OW Ig51 imenters [Proteitaemof . 01as.] the ceaons ukenie lm Ul à, pqaitsamoomiita 7&Sd0; thare bas; mqaety iseu an ieeremao!21,3)0ce orna.t iag Noi,rt2L Itaru i«@iurmalat report, hue oetinemd te jW tyera au it arived t oer quetimi i a l eenwwcrOtexcîieett a t imppravnia MWtia ceoandl.aulcagbby the ECupleeh a9esla gEla eact, wchn i onIodi e f.t, Igler on qtlein eEmgami are very giniraL ctced, jet there dois aont appear ttc h n ,oeelie dexand be epredacaiaicl upunmeb mal semiutiim te arriva freiy. aum as tigM Musetcrbe ohtaici.d fer it tuEngîmm ea"geally by the reniigme imiic. ûm wStthe obisof thons, ylg for'qe. bc Uffom ihlma . a0& «. *Irfq ,Ài.a M 4 Z Il. forWhite WWimtpe 17 lit a ich me, tai )un. p in ietg Mmjnas iait bien oienmite tifeb hjAce, fadig ai Qieer laitàintloUr. et 1,lhaem 2Ne. a20m. 9d.furPetts, ai ci as buare sen o byers a te ouavir taoti prl.Ful, 2k. Bd. a 2ýs. Bd. fr @âme purpo of edaIcoiss au a gond iavn'tmet ân naies, ofaincbhihowver veboich deubt Fataacc.-Th.e Sr Richard Jackson me l Ioai led cp. un being thélenlat ahip notqatilos caaeaat lu givru.-[(Pilot. KINGSTON HERALD. faivoi, tTaIUDATs 1UVEKD'R u16, 18 Tiortail GaeeContains Rhe inlîne of Ai ppiaetai tie Legelature eahAi l Seno(a ir Aciseoi cirptioifor Rai Ne' làae hevy gven, Iliat an applicatic nu le ide aibeneral Revion of tRe Legiel fo. in«. tao'itncorporate a Comipany tacu loiaRaalroad fron Kingstoan (o Montreal. J. A. MeNfDuajai M. P. P. HENRY SXlTle luit., M. P. P. Tiajeàis A. Coiisrr. TRomas W. Roulats. V ar. HENRtY GILDIERnLaVE, C. MILER, F. A. HàRrîci, A. B. lIÀWeK, J. CaVeNTED CaciatES I tAT. fiq,<eîî, tti Navenlair, Iffl.. Pe igNa hereby gîven, tRai aplication Ilme a the Provvincial Legibature, cii sessiaon, fur a Actotrincrporate Ce1or i rtrioar, ander te ianuitani sîvle tf ti el Cobouarg and KiVgoo Raiieey 0., a. in rullicorprate certain pirsolas Undei Rix ndr!eevof ithe ailingstun uni Aie'. aRaairaaualcaavij W. Potacoar, I. M. STRAeCHNea D. E. BOTLTON, J P.u- HE'aITT, G.* P. RuIDO-T. Verîla sîii No,., h84. , PbIrE Notce h; eteby gaven. liait Ippliai avlil le mad by the andercgned lti e Pro- 41i Lehîlatuaaail l e Ott Raaaon, fut a. lia inorprate certaujp periogliata cnntttir týeu tran lta. tain af lamiltani in tic tD.at~lt, tutheCity o'Toronto. Atîe'X N. Mar.Nàn, pet 1. B. Ja"ES B. EWÂRT Jaax 0. IlAT, D . C N -, PTE~IL CÂi'cavaL ARIai. Kna, joHN !a~, Itiin 00., 84, itti e herby givea, that an applicatior li cet h rovincial Legielature, ai furIiax ca creneval ufthle Art te! the U~eî lCpe@r Cana.dat, icrpoatimg the J l ln Paileepny)aid iao, fot an ex- ofle t% lg 1Liat Act by whiclà %ý"" MaY b autorizedto.tic ""i xRe aaîrarîa te nOi fPeterboroughi, 9taghlaOct, 1845. ipp e5arta there areD rst~ ~ltlii pîîicuion tab, aie fur inca,. Ii ei'Y Coiapanien tc, contrue, a rail. h. ix lonreal and Tutonto....ne 1toc .r 41>11l frontaKngston, and the tia:d t wû mud apprt rOM tua ilett eirbaiiity aieCallision ahioeag tMl baeh lcaepee thein ;1,21 eolrt a i ' è A A Wf a'a, liéjh ie Kigaae antt rcn alodi eivaitPencilro ft a c atnn ad Tort Sarniai Bat la ev illaahtap Vnrn 'ii adtaoget nti80tat iàcîan ~li obeIIe i e il gâîlo ntii. otiier 1 ntn n onplte ami etCli in iDruetr aîni Mia ; tcaYlOf bri bt lt uth "soi pra itlau thai aple Vincent ho t~i taafdirctioie ne dlargvly anci o n e Iî leat %%, la rri al a mpi li cu u ot r la f eu c d f t th 461 f a-ua il, t ala it. alrail. vetila - ,, 10 e.t nar thge t r ni bY cti-a r, wîc . ruiaoast t li itit Wh u a ri caSeai roIitRie Asacmwyh Ot o e T a i, tuleg li t i Rv d is h ta n c e 0au l e. 6 l utre, Jet,,,Oc, tiaI tua Pte t maychaeh', t aià' e 1 aboe metea riadî!"tu m i e eàln o ir bats m aot te a ou mm mmm apn ta mirisue m ut. mspmctiv. arm i Md b? 1Thé Direete,. et lime Rmiim&àc eappil se the LagiOaiuufert1»» e mm" Acta etle Fa aimm, eh t"m o et, mci-. wine tbapMa me o avans la tiiel, <haletif tm um LéO Oan. Novlitappere :: viceu1w thti. muitm. (Mi aagemu tr ef xamiai m i ujeuli pnpara un, ele m". rate "The KhwngauTorontoe ami Laate B.aidéciimeem»te. a s O-3 i. dur te emuvibce eu ofe!the ab"elt. Mqà oa -aeb a tit".le yeur bih, lhi» a. rab iie FlneaaRend a"pif Cmmibaie- MWou, m ib. pine aiand, trace t h. prolaclina met th Cuigae end Tanaa. aalpéd bp Usliwtli CobaergPort H =pe H'..4imiO.hC.an Windsor. Dîn tii lie,"Wplace rua a" nuthcaud thiiogiithe tecauhipi uW Whâivp Reach, Brochi, Tioraii, MariOrie. iII-*N. delseRteSaurgam ROY. li..eaate,,etMqiîýa the navigabcle waters et lAkm Haâro.()» ti polat Pieau meeais ni f yeecmmpe sud amore tend theetbe.itOe eiraite ofM; = 8ilMackîma St the «mm cfit. N ichigan, saidgaîute Green Bay a&W the Soutitste. marie.-ains in* mn, abseure the distance bete.mth"mu pl ace dcaiPort Sarna,and Detroiit dtice. Yan cao prove le svery intelligent perme that lhé 111,oi of emttgnatiom fr-ua*i. am @W« m fates h@fb uni"nta,"ic. nrtvet.rn vi, w a flatter .f couru. ktaletidirectionofo! turgeon Bay,.on leaIlero.as enie Otetrmmnifthe iCieg. Pest, ita4t relerence 40 a goei aula vif iiult, ,bs on than amydiieg te h. salor ucraMa and cii ceoneath.e o" ep" c g raîljl.r neli, r emigraetmat. embarhimgtina aM, n(It ohe itOea RairoMad i foieinethé Wio- amdi Bcewge oBy brande, lui th.iicm cy eteaenkaa$ te m[auceaa Greien Say acd tIce Souit bite.Marie, . bc iiireach uhome places chheupir mnd maie expitionoly tiby efollo. ng the Rairo-adeIruliro Icttoior Toritéa t Detroit or 1lic e aui. Rarieft omua adecidai adwantaga over aiy Ouer Onterpri» te a.kcnd. oi mbicb erery mne ivingf t th.eeicwari or Toronto ma fally enia- iiarei; and ave,7 eveneber taf tariiaîosnt te. preaentitg rOUBîetueeccies mmii nf Totonwa bulId e teqineuitet give yen support in pa»aîeag aour bill# mmbrarîng tercaimi. aiT 7oroncta, âSaur. 99on %o samiPeierbor-. I beg Icave w,îaid cait l'it aMaomsteeamner cas engaged it pla.ing betveen Sîcirgeou lay chd placus on Lakr liu. Wisbung aurcesi ho youwtvdrakn' 1 arn, mdan Sir, aouu inrerely, J. ConiIc Sttc.-1 l t y th be - UOURTmiE1 E. ion PROSPECTUS 0F THE WOLF19 ISLAND la. KINGSTON AND TOROaNTO 6.1 n. RoAI> COMPANY., hi CONNECrION WITII TIIE ROME RAILROD. The great Western Railtoad the tRa tej 'New York, cnonecting Nec York maid Ouata vie AIhaîîY, Schenectadiy, Utica. Syrause and Rochester citRi BfalkI0,ami great Erie Canai rennec.ilg the waters of the Hudson River viah lhia..0f Labe Erie, are itterectei at Rouie <aixteen mlea ficenUtira.> ia'the State i[Nia Yok. tiy the Romte and Cington Rai ltoui: by metene f h Wofîim Imini, ingatoan ui 'rron te Rabiri thce communication viii bcateraded tcraiagh the oideat ettleti and muet prauctive part of Westerna Canada, umtii it jin@ aI lamicl. tin Or Toronto thie Hamnilton au Sandich uni Ruai, mirb conneras Hamilton, on Laite Outa- at rlb4 viti Sandwvich, nearly oppoie Detrit, .0 i.- Làke Ot. Clair, ti the. Stocb of vvlich, ta the e amnî itof £1.375,S(k, bas WIceiniks. in Ecg. ai. lane, andi ttc.reecaintier £12fa,Oujlj hicb va er alaottedt t Canada nov quoteet i2. per cent v.- aivance; ami aeliing ai that ratm in Hanclican. The Routa, weet completei, yul fortai sot onlI' tRie siortest and ciempemi route itoe Wet- env Cianada; i ai»o Michigan, ObVen, Illiniois. and ic. e l' ligromiug t-gibo t bm fni Wet, th i ltaCttas of the. Atlantic Beaboard. The aivanllleaga bolo ove, tic rit. ROcetar, u 1antheSontideii.of Lakte Eice, or overthiat la, Rochateat.r. Bffama, ami thc Nortb aide ai Laie Crie, are, tica reckeicg the i-diatlane ttaim tAlban; itaili h.uiney mile« altorter than tie coir, and about tiuiy viles n aiorter tibm the tait eit mIl h.savailablp nt fer ah. pccpvesof condtor eaid rav.l at ali le saeas Oftiothe Ysar.2UTbat aly a mmli por. tion ocf the route, je comaatimon, romaine ta hi u.proviied fa,. 'ice Portion fl-olcaRaule ta Kingu. ion jeid iithé hbilé onticleùricau mighbc'rii Villita tiil at rof h. StockA tiken hy lte Peu. pie reaiding on thé lin. of th.ér"dal.anti thc.v. mainier »Wv sure nf being takten ley Bouton andi Nec York Capitaliste, . a Osa neladbelote thorai. The Stock cf 1h. potion eittbucdang frontu Hamilton tauandichnjs mot opti tatuei ti o in ful, bhaï i rot in"eiit ct cuaiiy pait ian to the Loudot Bunkersa o!th. Campaucy; andl theitiare tRe li'mhfrom t Ciiinm*ett'iotte leteiBns <f tic.Hamitoiani W andwich l"ud. inl ibmheonly aatoucbsi orion of thé' wbule ote. Further, abat a much aiM grmre ru ltlvgted, qam eauualiy fertli reiice in Cingla Wereta cii ha tappeti" ytbiarotn t.. dioi»tn ritmn wvouIi bc îotmîîy unairected by any eritoute, la abotîciu minsi miles. Tie couintry ail along the @6l0ers iLika ou. tario lau cltivaisi, a a fair averagma, feniy miles towards ibm jterior, mking altoesthira înr- lire of siglit thocaani ailes of rhte igaitiaitle %nai mont deneiy popcloei pat ef Canada West, includutcg ah Uceeand Sim«ee, Newicastle.ani Coiborne, Prince icard MW Victoria, andi Mid- land IVitnictei, mitb a gisspopula'imen nofoon bumrai ant i nety-.Ove t.hiuac, i.mcti.e-ptte tu théa udtai vlu, of about £80E1.OOtl .Ygi Th" t ii t (oieiMaanuaâbaroipoce tiei tu. tue npe titciihin a cmnetiu amit rce vi aan iealeulahle, am eberti oaiy re- 1Iniretoh.,aIlemeiibleta h. fatiy appruccated Y.atroiet fKingston, tii. nearmatpoint ici Canada t>Nec YoW14 aituatai et thé emi(if te Rivet. St. Laceiem ide (Ob. o f the. LaboeIcviga. tien, the Rend ii awptiseh Rideau Canal, con- mirtileg thaï vaauof LAI»Omtaio aitla tiulsiof the Otawa River; it avli aitington aiatheme' tua. traaa'lanajiee o(.ett onmry mth. bankso he LbtMLLawune.. aifat elen waish.. Ville, soan ifiu y mulmo u i E a4 aaea lay O iuiulnt hunse, anem" Ïtbuci 4çii-e ferile Cogitc.a of Prince.Edwai,Louez &Ai.ý dngton, il Ueluga. Secun&--;At bfllivil a tioTrent it ciii. in ail pruhahiiybu julmd by a Brandis Railiuii ire. tic. Nfaànra Ire" Wenka, Dov ainnesct et from ueoananuicatien; except cm thé viole, epobe, but ehic aramn.. vertbèie -4 imua3 aI C bîéw ev,t Hoinorable Ntt tGuni,U s lh a aai tua eoittb inL 2idladmd rg quantitisa0 a s ""Ya'ne ow wored n tWor*« At the re-t'b "M l theC4"14DOW empltedl,1 ami tilac a uprugrete,' Ltii o its et L Oionaah.eand R"akoe cauatyviii oaitit R eauh iise.Rami. At Port. Hope a juditl éil% je al Pnoabliji, bue eSactil aidisa imlimui. irOni thenre tâ Peterborough ; saisietWiuicit1 aviili e moit by lb« phuod Rosalboue tiemust the Geongian Ltai. Dowc cemmlatailà,laeaI- dition te ail of wbieclment b cotaiai thé meultier mivatag a auviite a RalradinluCas.. Dada b hesibm a i eoi uail obrmu,- m ai by te icli yi f ef h.*inter.à 00nhau blte 4d ivum oge f o*a Wc% Ila n, ieg»dohiToronR-bugCompanyp are, lot, Thuiit cili ji v toabn ettmi butmsesu t_. igily impsetam - efi" ilt coba tcl an hhîeegb mai mmmi »d aimel thé travel idtia pi9fmi . poplitai Mi tis in Country itillinl' il rimy, bit amn U.aqb. beiegaPOPOmim ifvoamdihoemmci, a mn menui bsi*am lot0 . amuai0<so.Ihm sudi 3i Th"at I ili in et w su*& 0 perpim : N*& h~d o.. a~m ""eet tamP-M"ea" amtrav.l mai Chairsean deridmi %tithe lantdii net ablir san bomens ma ! i uss; ir el tmile ta mcltheb ppeal froheu tus i mp o f ioalmagitratm*.,ami te bianhé ~ W.b~~, Kmm.dimimien o ume.lpom Xhia the girl mue teami dTorate ih.d m «»«.nai v-eiitbave basemaient te <moifWer ebrry, fer ber pa- "Oum prie, Miviteum " kcua ao mpite. route ste r«a»,d Doi te pmy the fine; but bu amie etthé e -".r- er ah oimsmiWb"vuma bi. aagistratem agread teremit the, Miq% nadi m aaneof gravelai dboeauese als Joit te Ibm emÀee a came itenghit avr ta have cases Bu tho.m, clirena.itIo Rundam a y a - a c i feibe them. The CAmle hua "maie gseata ci. patriotic c mes., but a a &W. si.ai pro&itelattemPte ita jusi ify tic. proceediaga takmn gpton i avvta.. . ..ii uaism. but ail hi. atteucpta have base in vain. a i. iviiw caasolt". bave rompete fer lhe ai U ye cnce amy One that juatice I 7matrec eVojM d 0in au the Ra;le pront b nefgtics lae in srau peta le! hypledilthm lu W "hain oGf"ic.try. crildijait afflr.'&leur it a ie may,th Stoc-k Oebuh.taitenmtrentee ti.,rappears a ail 1impartial persanonaacase of m J. COUSTER, Cz&mac.a.c Oppression ratuuer tban of justice. r A. CAMPBEIJ. amaa._____ %' Weaey the hloivinognatice. fieetic. on- biters for theenseiiug yaar. 'riami Git of. na plmb:renkm Waierloo tae adnt-o.John alon Ibaiho, ef Longfboro Lake ani en ta Syden. Fitat Vire do.-Clin Mller. lieiq. har. .1iita, hieh copiclat amffl £7.508 Second Vice ioe-Pranris Hentiermea, Emq. I'W* trust t4e projeut cl bu .Eectëjd- fIreai. Treaurr,-.Mr. JobhnPruier, li thouglethere wic u le ola te poil the. farmet vil Secretary,-...r. 1Thomas Corbet, ont Wami leea dt brio1th titrsdmahiarer Aaist.du.-Mr. Thoinas Henry, aau7 rena îent, bemidesea or t sLidell, D. D. am eap atte. ila o j bie i. Uaplains, *cra mniii e h. tuac. J ut..Welleanum,A. M. euililea té tmliie iiVBIge oi the Pymia,..~ tacr .O 9 ticefr ,brdmbyAtcapm ours lt hraet n pe te jimin.. A pree~ it balinet eosri. Rubera 11, . lex. nose. ti empemiède t Wiig a loai iota Tocn a ert acoeair, G. L ilvtLcMtrvr atheu, gg" fth sr; ieal bave taerg" te. Denanmond.IJDonald Christie, bliaxell Sîrange, guttai, pri.. e l, and te ?armeer )","ePartiof Auduttra taif Actouitas.9 tie rectard of his labour. A gCod ramai at411 Mr. Aiez. Logis, Mr. George Munira. 1 sesons iiiCire tics fermers in il ac aire0. Staamgri SImitera.4 'chipe a at a hane .matboee chîiaIre rieur tao ueiir. lamfai Blacklank, Alexander Gua.. Kinoin. W fe (,ili iaiole .abtatecon l9-Rbert Newton.0 Town vienever tua.y pleawa, anti aith uflil U i IlrhaliMr. DonalJd lalltooh.1 thut w l puy themi for coming. _________ r Not ire taberejjiven. abat apaication vilt .I Da-wiXzb.-Yeotewday meinimt. *aut 8 '- teeo maie ai tihe session of Pariamneee r. (<ci l4a y«og man namimi'Patrick --*- of &n'Act ita inrorporate certain persans enier the Hai4uon, eha w@ ma npioeysetauabin boy on ame of thi e Proeu Pterk Roui Co"mmiacj." board thce Orampiai, fell avertard, chite empty.ç mth iwertah coraîrut a Rami frein thce vilage mnga rduIe pot, andi 'as irowned. Tht ee jad ni Vaîenlct, in the Township ot Kingston, it u ai tha imete a ying at sanchor ia Orcer's wharf., Nortlerly direton, tbuîbthe Cocat fFron-aand alhougnlthe yauonan . osel ieaa tenac, uni ta collact Tallethereoco.tir faoriit.lmeby, lecr wds@@eain th eatlcr H. sMiTII, Jen., m. P. P. an the liarbor. ite exortiona trere coude ta aee c JOHN A. bMACD)ONALD.ý M. P.1P. bite. Thae body has itot yeh been 'eruetec. à A. CAM8PBELL. ______ Kigstonm, 13 ià Nov., 1845. RIVA OF ria The people of Bellevlle bave susecribed Zc~75 l'lie Maila are alwaya in tisander ait lis et havarele openiig àasuinter rondit thlb, unbern: Con cd the year, but tlaey orel rorsi titan rao. esablihment@ on dmi.M adavasha river a au' î.là- li is Yser; for aI.houjli vrbali icnantu of ut tti.utaritea the .Ottawa. a.Tla ioHlfxSitiir.fb~t ni ; ln~o.*hilaplace pitetiai loninlg, icmart AMimg lihe notices lu the officiai Gaoette i. e millnliatt,It"y nec. hy thui arrivait, r:.cp1t a titi iul.o*irig verbal tatemenia t'leut the IIiber-ia git ashe a Notice lu bârtby titren, tRatapplication mil o e ma mmovr oaetahui optm blile Ô'i.Provincaal Legielaturs. at ita sxt St. John's foi repaîts.., se*itii, fer an Art ta iricarpotute a Jiint tock ti ilimer'anEurpen icmc es e iî t. Cnn.pa ,for the Plrpose tf ethablshing an atNew uthen imea of pte4îh at. Sa EeroM,4agicI regrepit Commnunication Ricteoit tueemuton, (on the Naurs itiver.) Paar iiuabeguan nEnglanîl, andstocka are 1 lamiloi nud Toronto, paming thraol e i»j duvet. f:ir Rob.rt Peel hatsiot fur AMt. Huianec, teraieirlaelance. wilrjpPowerto exteni anad con: the Rai Way King, ta confer witlt laiiî oucI'a Ilb- hoImefi 1uec,,m .WidsSonth malcer Tlrcermeeings, b aljithaa Deri ier. ,ai aWicmr o Iobeau heM ut ai rR. Pee'à bounne là hing lai aDho oit Ravir. 3. T. GILKISoN nOP witb the tact. oc G. IcrMICEN ' There le a decreýse -*ia the qunte'i revenu. Hlaniltona, 2tb (ctober, 185.if £ft0I,0(lO us conupuread i wbtte cotieapouig quarter lat year. But tla eaadt imuportantt mai- Ji Oflcounrseit in letenie ta hocarry thes letugraph ter is the falure, of thei ptaion cp an frottai; alig tile ino di thce coniernplateil rail frsid ta it in anrcrtaimeiabat one tliri of the cRQP a ]net. Huamilton. l'ho telegraph betweei u Bffalo uni This jiset ta tha failure of the Eîalaah Ricrveet Lckport in 00w iutfll OPeratimlî and coauucrauses nuch ar.premieleaen. NMr. O'Connell iw icetacîns pas@ lietme.n theitoe places di nue demenifang a errent frori ahe public foe o f a rapiiity -'ffitinig. 'ro tenItihe vorkan.-' cal h million and albal nfinoeaey tor feeliceg the peor, necrhinery, tC rebuit of thle electionma a.afranc- attd a ta of 50 perc enet onealatemnt. n de mi10 - mtted froinc lokport ta Buffakai th. priel of par cent on remoiate. Aid therc ia a gcoarai Whaeat miandour weaualed, andtian anvet ta- deenmifor nÇering the parts tu iemportatimon o turnei alfftet instantaneoumiy., ad a demnultr coin frie ut duay. Ticete cao bc no dam it thaât- conversat.ion tias maintainai upon tiigtaipinai, tic. elimp oal ie.ll eihet ho. aamoneel or ait provngtbheencesé itit chich ah. enter. greaily madelliti. The pressure of vant on Pri m a b l n o p is e . T hce enrite lin . m amy m illio nsu of people vill drirp th e ainitty be r betwe NewYork nd b.ae si, ccii lia nom. to-axmaîlfxi dutyu carat. TRin flcur mat. li. pîeted vithin leattan a tovele month;andam tbme oke I -up invEngliaat 1 br ram mmvii cf th tuat terairsumd amY impat-uppli" a t hadirion thtmilnir.t. the oiîly rut ont item Ult forci," i ntelligence, viii ha koiteatuarted'loo uitaare Canada andta he United the et àioeuet or Buffalo, aiinmt es aoori as ai. îtoit. The ircie trolie undinaitula...ur.ng in- me, Nem VotA. Thce Racusrbeaaeocre, rotertîn tereit, reZmLch Licenose as at prévient adaicer. wvi o0 the refimpleticOo f the Buffalo ani LOckpol .'tii b uluim riniflard bis seat lat ii tial ite, Baa '- Printlitebinseb The ligbtning raditiin lu oUbimmihtmeecc Titiré la no necs of amy jntoea raitrddie dol Buffalo ami Lockport. Tii facility inii vbirh Continent or tha East. ie ntelligence ce comunicateal ove, tbla lime, aet- ___am_____n ie. n Important query, viz :-Thaî ithe Muid A finhook pl ace on Tusiniay oeiing the llth .i, puea &ver the. nake i vIra. h hahua'up. ai NecYork. ai chine propsrty ta lhee amoont Pred by eany uhat it leouli h.oaeceiary ta uf 840000wa,. destroyeci: LieuCommerciaul Ad. Prim cover them vire. This conici itcrsee thé ex. e'erier tmilites a corcuiinciment ehici oeer- hie pse sme l030 or $011a mila. Theacira on tiaia io'lGwit- .'du te fine item Balticmure ho Waebin toila case roWite a hunge îtream vg ra digituelf Tic ci ; but ticat ta h. niai haîeen 5v r am romWhéipe o o.4, n r0teimgmei Balimre ad hiadlpiean Hrrobt i j ab elt i ect ceeed thbonlaaif aSsl ti. trutimg itmlt *bl5h 9as aécutitiand aleaRorAi A We re ladta indtha amurs an idpm thitty-oniimjches in lengtit. W. dii eot loea N W.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~i arrlit mita muue r upc î ate, but la bai ciuquemionably a arroc mnu- - tra for the lutterpreotection ofthie Town front cape ftroua îndicn conversion ijoal tei s el." tuan. At hte Donaia ming ot the Kingaton r Vlunom Fie.Ceamffey, beli in the. Tocn.liall F<. lITAL 0?orDitUUEI.XaES& On ina. ci ihe 3d imt.,. efolliDtOingOD rs raelet. day cnotning an inqueat cas belli ai the Notth mili i for the yeur, namoly': Amisticun Tavern, by Dr. Pbillips, ta inquire in- 1l J. H. Daly, Cczpsin; TO . Butler. lit Lmu.; te thé. demub of Patrick Mage. j et iO thée 'T r. Phair, 2dSi Lc.;a.1 m.D, Trmurer ; P. upot, cuiinmftyi ns a tefolr 1we ryte ap utiie ami arbury, &crte"o. mn fRt ormmi.dal.A maritre bab tien jr M-se q Mieaiai-J. MeDOvai G iag iglit ce never vit,eaiedaveue intSt. Gln'#. pron :minettar, P.D,'. Walker, T. garly. If w. Wbatermtine the paihmetnifa itmk. S And ne Pie Copau vras « medlutan, itcaaoli ho the contemvplation of a ocan eu Ami mi Fie Cncpny vs oçaaimu ltliii. tiis. We fatrai onemvée viumiog a TU: cour vet. cal fard the IlVjctoria Coepany. ' lu mni. itotVivaitloy Hogarth. R imed thurti volelmîmurs i thelb ginang andthe W* ent*tad a bout.s ituabehind tic.lM.. Côn llwing iffictIra oel.et" ehabicV Intitute, ani contateuag tto qaprtnmatà. the Wtlliana Gunn, Ceptin; John B. Rangera, la îtha riglet band ruent lai ahe corpei.liii.tenmtTj si Liete. ; Clark Wright, %W d Ll.,'Thomu, orgott.n atinga, on the dirty fleor ntra bée ail0< vii Villitcg, Trrster; John T. Paver, A& ".ate r«peatoeean m pty iran.e hici bat once heué Ii A About>£160 hb bas uh.ctchei for "ua pur. iookiiq.glame. a lroren lt'giems chair, and a besp for a ana.of ir ventin, for th. Colopanjai d o f ira-cOo, C«mp491 he emctete aIan &W-' dce IL Don. hakl"niaet te Nec Yorutteprb. tue Ofthis crmw.e.-..u t le Uri an neifs M ouà-R..y.ates---* c Thé li i'ire C-pQ.y'adrmeelm mo»rWa to lii Corportion a @short iae &go, requfatâng "u IQ Wremoue thee g.ae.that thay ha,. ap M.inL.4 amI appint Imotber in heplace, but tii.CPCL Cpoai refuagi th mapi wiîb Shi relt.We h-amotbeadunt .objet"a urumij*e tde Coempauby smintbti.a7n0 cmÙ nd th er caOna mmi, mijoiadth- t pi fée ske Îerkwmum of .1 i. duly, o- th* fgne., j4 tfet'hi4p UWgter, sb cwfw h »Ydr, ammb&r OpqMa.i ibma wmd i»~h tu . At "Cienf sap tu*a bmdg(w "ol, ch4h à»4 mr5at t aa - *849mtmr Saiem h u ee= Mi il hi periday. Suir« ipmtrick el , *q ir. mu e ii.Quan u *" mi..MWd loite Yl DUii t«W CIL The. folloiAg emmo m a wmllia mrvu.Lare.yte. metime. te ~me(umuxAe aci...Asoerm<m veima Cea DWtritGaeIM a ipior. ,d am eua.aeda cess mbe, b JIaiDg Ilnlamytice.r . le isj ataaga Omc0ehte morn pfeatoteij 0 < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a w Ise a e A r i a t ah e e m o a m at i c a r e n c e p i n d i . le lae uaLa ueofy, Sà» Mam aLw. it~peint as aumb@4 dbhacmm dinngi rict arbakbv *6à&0 feinhi.ebaud.. Wh.mb a t R bom wiai irt Ohi St De ce te IZ.ecrie ai "etam am d"r"; tihemailor'a R. "w tur W .ut"I is sipa re gh iii.teaga. m * Dimrit ea ttb teume. u.ai# &p dImm MW. T8 apmd * MMi lmpubaiuhy have dw 10. eii lietato î» î= is &W 1%ta t à m.JMW ~cora. Pb& U. a" e. U 0 ~mCuhb. 1Ga&,ual Wr, vire ppnala mpe s.as4. iii. n qwi 7Mp &L e w i« i * 1, awo M.adu Mpan4 tut -rt7pathad, tir"Wci T. *0a ode -PMpa, lo t dmith.a y."- lob ah. other apartent aice» nermmited i- nlfhicabvii fimty ndeavoar te descrehe Umier - Wiaile tucicle bei, huddlei pqmmg e dm7 bei ioea, lay a erunkem cerna. *Etblhlmdlae amibrawvmy inh, ravimg -ami Nqsir bd i vidomtly trugiinç rwith a tmo. bled eenieare. lu that Mistaof mimd clach LOEA id tWib, mmit«.M*.dnc. Cotmp iIjk tha *iaguetimz ebjet wviaa cbald-ieer dagbiicho lay qulet. aru, aunadinluvice mW i i!- a,.- 'himucciomie bonthi e momi umée v"eau"- -*-iat u«aiu i.*. ai- "- ar 1cem. empimmaof1thi. idaigft or. i e w4al bumpat! amot e irutyboa> Droi lb ivciec d ni b. emi, R appiera tka on i* han ca me. twim 4th eMata 0et' citip, la e nee of 0vbiebha COMMERCIAL MîV<T. 4 PN RIDAT. thie 2%h Nove-ober, et il 'OCMI o wifl besall t h*ti.cargef the -Mat. Met, daï .ià cýt" ec Taor, enccoîting et 20 bhiL. Dreg'tP îrt 'DP.c* logmi, 4 0 b o' x e s L o a l S x i 'a r , ' '- »1 du Buneh kueel tî aisive. 2tt drumr.Fie M5 cheata mid beaxmuYo.ccg Uyaan Tau. ki, r,d iiGui.Poctior Teas, S"icotri.Rire, Il buge elJmîîcCifas, 20 eaci. Tabl0 Cuod Fimia no0 boxe. Hleirau, 00 baies Blti'g, le ti W d ao t 35 :do CamdeeVick, k Ume. Te liai A, 1 mlée itagrsed, beatii.y i nut mgrem ueepuet iwjs IL firaam beth A - A l r i d . E i m b a Si , o b a i t B r u e , u t i Dmrie.ipb. on Hmpdmen, Cari cieCrendo Lrd -40-- a rif Chathama,£dcessiai ut C. J. Po34 William Pittl; Sie'.Tcnuate More, Edward Coke. Johunlalc5c. St Mattb@ iaef car, of MmaialiLodrd.king. Vois. Be4 Richard limiter; Sir William Walte. BrîPhe lip Sydney, Duke of! Marubor'pgc.LÉrÉ Clive Lord Heathield; Lard flouarna! Eegbac Sr yrnie Droite. Admirail Blake. Lord len Ir Lord floue, l ord D e ain. Loi Sdt. V inons Lard Nelson; Sir WailteRleigh. Cep" Cook; Sir ThomsGna<ronda,.;Chaucer Spai mer, Eari o!fSerre,Shikapeare, iMiltor. Aid » o% R ic iar id- % D . Jo bet rn . C ecper, B er e s te, Scot; »saen, Napier. Newton, Loce, lIe bont Scl; Cap. Watt, iHerschel, CàunJist M, 0»84 emChrigiàaphérWen, lHogarth, !51 Juaàuca yaildin, Flauman ; John linward, wei liant WeberfSrc; Harvey, .ener.-Marnb E &SUB-Rvied Match 14, 184. - . -Ri 1. I*CSur de Lion, Edalwrd 1 ,Id cari I LeTiie Blackr Prine, Henry V. . W liam 111-- George fil-; Crdinal Lmo.ri Wiliaim e Wkciuam. Cardinal Wolseiy, Carlo iet iafftd Lad Falklad, Sir Wo. Temaple, Lord Ruàeli air Robert Walpol eari of lardwiciie, SEari a Camime, Greffon, Warren Htatings; Speah. OumloevJol'u W$rklcLn, Jo-.sm Ko, craner A rohbi i oOP U b$r. A r nh chop Le htaon. rem j Taylor, Chiilngorth. Barrow, uaehp Butter Johnm W.alsgr; 'r John Tal, a ir John Chan- doa, MaqrafiirosCroctellMonk, Ce. Deral Wulte, :Sir Eyrea Cote, iair Raipli Aber. Src it aJO" Meur; Hawk; Bon John. mo, John EU.yan, Dryden, Ppe.laSwift, <old* 8mie, DaWrne. Sir 'A elljamuroes., Robertcin. "one; Falaldcn; Roger Bacon, Scaiion, Brii. keYî Juhn n ietr, Aiiu'î tsruth; Purcei; Gap- re- ec,185.- Revined Match 14, 1815. i'h timmieionee a cap -We avre nos, w expreai eorpimin i bt six j"noulated imaralq gatauum engh ie . otiveniently placci icu b. StePbe'a llai. We are of opinion abat it ja mot deitable that a correaporadint riumnber of eo aine mi aca me a D ow p on ted o u t, w ith a ie w tu the et"r eccpatioc of theoe places; but un arait o-c pepared ta reccounmncr, that sta. tu*@ Of Màlborougii and Nelson tic plâced iitbit. S-t 'pnem a ?rcil; and tbat statues of " de, laeîipien, Lord FukaaLord Clarendon, Lrd Somr,, it Robert %a!pole. Lord Chathoi., Lor-i Mcensa5eld, urit..Fax, t',tte and Uratian, c. placuil je & Stephen'. Hall. At Ki.pteffl em.SmTbarodoab. Md@.W.* b, lia R.,. elmra G-w.. il. e<..p_ os«. t- @or"l Jà e.., isi aet aIDiAWlPrl.î., l 'as.m Tesaay v«elsthii Sb et ., ti 2i ý;àe 2!t . *ý M.. ai thi e icer f e'illielawu'Doepld. Coq. Mer. Jacae CE. t., hewvd.<ird d4mghai«esi Peubee bburvad, Lit. 1 f Croebîlil, C. W. COMMERCIAL SALZ EÔOM),S. 0~ N THUPSDAY Tafna. th, 27h mt., wF sill ha mi t ithe. Stres of the Sub- sriber, a largo andi moi) assort.c stock of ZR r ( ( aO ~ee s~amoaput îro he c.District. S a le ae t i O 'C lo c lj A . N M . 1 i e e r o a r c i n g M e JOHN OLIPHANT, .JOHN 8TRACHAtf, K n so .N v 2 ,14. Auctioneer. supe'ig Ct. & M~ Dui Kington.Nov.22, 845.PAUL simmReV, À U B L IC IL Sp g, I >ýO H lf B L A C K .Tr m e . IL L h o h e ld in th e B A P T IS T C H A P E L a a m e n t ho v m b e r, 1 8 4 . w JohoiGm Street. On ThurWadq 4M eDie. Ctdn t oebt 8. r,ý te aidinflthe. promotion of Semmara ScUOL NOTRUCTION. The obect e9(similar t etiffl buba.ii..uliî, S IIEG sE O N D E N Wt1 g , e a i i e d u n p r i e u n a c c l o s , t i i . m e m b e r e o f 1 ) luEC , o r e o r c lSabath Scheoel havig thug abem emahipitne Aflagot Itrerner Of . Bena aie thie sxpeiem uad 1go C tairon tth, off*:Iloe 'hn ee r m a~ S. l u t Ir of imparting religioa n@ a ràlnt ii U sc, mh e1 he srIe e raco *aiut ar pitait in mte T'h. nivarmal ije e«t at u i n nov f;j e in ee O9 b ted Df l iis g . « 4 Q able latitution s , rendor a it oe il esC m m , a, e cal . iihat nopan@ eaU h. apared ta e Ç- .EYAdcoe Grcis. 'M ing areale and instructive. 8CPternber 8th4 845. &reral Minier wldeiirer Addea".FAT The Ciiren gril ier and recite mnm appro.ELFAS r EH ' te piecm . The Choir ave lm o m @ n sit'. . me&ee fe tons ia V OCAL A N Dl I UC") e m A L - 12 1T A X IU&aC for the. occasion.ru 5 bcOte ifAdmâlke Inl I e . HE ubsrier hp aaa ni.e a te . ho l. ad of înhait eatm.îJgi t n mmet Ven, ffl HA M FiRTri& C, Piws Srml. he.r.ab...tofj Ir . i ti r L P u . , , odd o y t "no r w p e e at i c . l b i m e e tm 18% et th. Vkitae Waaxtolaa, Ktctg do,. in. M,ýi.eeyatcei tele 1 B .- T 1 L ( OÀ S E F E N O C O c ErP .M . l l E p & gl , U- , 1 PE O PE T U~ al of hach al I l ,'mat miim v u ~H E ri em a o s b r e t h e A a o u b , a e m fle r C a s h - .N o gW U O < Y ]y nwapPd wteb pub!johed in CaIN*8A Oc. Su Icuier um limee. miit N&Stock dieRjge aumi.Enret 10 pur Cent. Jo,., T h ea " ofrt thb i &(t ra w il bh. i e ta o than a ey ,H o cijqa tii. ,rde a ( ao e a * tei m Iý laga , Wtaa p l tical an i relig ig u a mp oim i " tinem enit bhaie now ale. and isterm aeed - tu, Il Rh.tatemta o! Canada vili b. gti4tly d' l ,<hig ali lep»rlaîom atit1h. ngb pf id.a b , m n im k t, m eong le., nhabitan t ee rêv erCC. grNc ili attr at th@ attention of the A ~ . E ;and it , co leum ili b . opî ùtte t W,à*- C Il An i ty belre you boy. IL L .1 r4ç~kOul<Ltaatàviî. elaet Wareioe, [;Wxi omide i i d be iv.eby Il te the. Kig to, ove m bir ljd Rux2CEAL aaMaaIMU VOrlpeavo, and if adjacent Dimtrictm. A M Ê u The w lfate c i (lasFAIuua a mi MicaAuto c A T t e i mr syW. b ., ,% Y lclaie) Ils bar «A tr dl. . £ e l aiO 7mas o( ge% Who wi," e tgeta j'M W.: aitbé -der vi e " meait clammmleey ego!R.Oy ariBc ia tdii$Çmeut Wiii mat, ce trust, las altigther Imqeurmeoi 83SOÏ 30<. xa us O" viias h.e e gid. ElugitonNor. iK. PSTO piimpl ofteAous . - eur n - C lhge b o " a U h ér« e r te tic O M E 4 [ A A àm B p p y ce C M U R G I A i P R IMAh E g u JOHN STEWART su F -O g.r mý& pr agat ,1i 0«i.,185 in 4u WILLIAM WA RE.-> Y lit- p ( Z le JL,11 .0 f ..mîs thera ra a" Kkt FALU iMPO6tT11W, f o vW ocm band m» d ready forim pettio. TtÇr ~ o l eto adition (0 a ry etemm, & c m v'w ejpgoS" ,j .j eana Cloda 1u i10 Ni1ali m. ! 4 h. , lia,&,, e ,àw7~ ~ amdmer.gaa5- Chai PnInjob Àw do-, , W - d Y L mq i * m solid Ame'A~'~~'llà, fa Ole Orbe I. . M .8 1 71 i -- 1 5, . ' &Lso.co S11 c.Oxford Mblaxe Cadets, ami âne Blacit Gey CeîviYOY..Canadien Vieil>, crlem, lse, adWite Elaua.s 14 vare etsW ,pue ueo nains t PP laper. M k«u ott, Pmoo.cp. and Letisi Papir. WILLIA.M WARB. Kigaa, Al ov,18456 3- EDUCATION. W-TII5 SUBSCPIIDERS. talee .pi... - meiemiyiatibe Acaiegay in a&e- Village of in NehrIttcapatia Wst. la in aelî.-cpera. t'in. uDcjÇr ahq sm1erineendonca io! ah. Ro. TonWT1a, aii ', « Mr. Williaam.Cal ton, a vdki biâeteuîTqpncer cm bieavaefflar en.al. ,e a 'Ir t;ijé a 4oqheu tlong fiont Buiani, iefàraerabîa' etovrab, srerpi in theProvince, .sagaie cf cboipbai ibm ihocmppineamof ieing bis >ï pum ils in bis o va wmajve an d J;i n t m u " sary yta use caiiY tbîngCake eilogy, as the. iattucieu 0cipiaka for itue.I . . 1 . - At preacot thta.t are sevfral B sJeçarpr"ap dietance aionding the Acmdety, AU e.5.bd ire 4aal:art.g nîpiti prograa. . li s pa EUD XPW rortâ ca 1,teit euaicin:timac. ?erbap. ther. an mot m lit. erur nsitutlion.,in the countîry part# ofhhu. Pro. vance, aih a ie grd aCameyilntg uth Npîvbmrga Acadîmmq. T aonheeidet ce e id Cnaîaancodaoaa, andt ia iaed in a very h.althy paî.t of the c,,uaary. Sourd and auhe -necnm- eaac au, bc , prortetat eceaterata pricea.At piesnt 1athera in m nie,rial hafora the Geacarnot Con n cciCiun.I1,pruymggifor a grantcteo. document, ahica Pc dopkLatiJIbe.fnworably te. reiveel. Tlaie mili enab!e thu Trugte. a ue fthe Tuitiat e lorseaîa vrmoderato rate. , Tho larne taby tItRia icPal are, lb. Létii, $,e&4 :ngoaa; &latua.maîireu thenretical mand practirai; Aigebra, IUiory, Ella.utiaet, 1ngijshC ouitiun, and Liemeute of leir Sciemnc. a1 - -..1 Geogrephy, Engliala,, (lramnar. Aidminagi miii the otite, eeucau'taaY brdnneearetataucghi b, ir. Carlun. On the reconcntaiatin aitRie Tomnahip, ea. peritatendant, lie choe institution basa in the kiff, Ind lai, by en. ed l'O , 1. eh X- Ibn nt et ýt- is. kr ýy te le la m ce It 00 d e CI 172 1 .