Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 6 Jan 1846, p. 4

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-IL= a isiMaviba" mgdew uete w balai wo1 j0tileuosles. eura" c taée c1%l scit tiobie. ambl. nr#od a.- Bu hro are se Repërs arlbpé& l'ho psu. poed Rvse will ha e.tahiuid ta pply Mh deficieucy. Mus p -bllsu eeo-el ItéWan sd cmor et Reporse ot theis e. uag.aiadd'e4 lthebCoeeof Leower Canadla, ieuld ieho s ure mode of iving te eur leuispodtence Sisa * t et itshiy sud ufemuity ew"is 4.wooUM ha 01.nomach ju- potasses te bayaittei; eitAs nettl5"x eblicatioa, thi ecuisu oet viielwil Vas egf te ths-AWmbsu ofieu oi lqeu ofn etdguataesrLai sli tassiioe ntet; <of eu intru e il te aMbIaS b an ef-tise P.e isie, bu ais. l et ealIl He u ,W.ý have. becsurge) te pabilis tbis Rugisse by * snsuber of oures, Projnal IBrethae; vsw a %ehtise. fer liesymstisy tisey baýe a. i'orUApIWeiltevard.usaishe coismoneient off a task ns serins aud dticuitt solne eue Bare ah te sudutke. Bît I0 rendur tI'e pro. posi dwouk Liene.ing amti)usefas, they miait un- derataci) abat wu caSit aimu e eatisenden" o(4- 16t0 ç ultuuieit3t Ibis.ours s purloaical luke thiseauenoyser succos. witisest tise cneibiliod e. Ionts ef tisediferent lienbeus d tbiére(ot whuew Interest il 4.ap.iliy concern;e, L o. (c fan sedendreres te the Meruhers off the Bie; tbey aieoan me and sf1 ttirIcontributions te a work aimiug a the generai gond. Frein tise iigb fatooiluarje. wu nacaiied up. on te adiainiaîer Justice, ami chose deisiions ce shahi ha"e te report, ce suit patroaage and itiualpm.. Ouar labeurs wtll lie niucied w,îh diasibreueatiLla w accuracy and citle iapartiakiy. T-" il alays bave faroeo eetir principal olsjectsthe maintainance of thaegondi)feelinsgs wiicis otili)neyer cesse tg exist beta'een ise heocis Mdi)tise il r. Wo e n gte ay leeilt oundi.) claiittht Vptronaju an Ieacouragait ftha ie Caniiien p;ubahic. WC ntrusttrhat ttîey viii nppreithe valine À4 a Olk tgeoorai and practical u lity, cuicis mey h.preducelve oftheiai 1115.adeat4age. eus Moult». if tîvoratly receiveri. Tise '&*tcciew oet Leglslat aa nsd Jurispeab. dence", wil appedu ins eatily Nutushers ut 48 pages, Ove, prittedl on tise lit aper ani)catis tise grateat typagrrapiuicai care. t naight' se liâ~.aL Oum enumberscilii bave more snd otum,& ttansu tsta nuer uf pages.. but the î gpator engages te give dariiig tise year 12 nlbers, containing heween 5 etnd Wu pages of miller. Ani"ieBrièelAuattisber language vilA lie ia- dlscu oay adednsintt he evi e .c The stcritio, wll l six dollars par aubna. AXII lettors, comumunicatiocns &'c. te buetilde.. sed <pont p4id)eait e office ofthtie Revic, No. 31. Si. Gabrel Street, opposite tise Caniada 1 Ititri N. B.-Th- a uanuîbeî vili appeau ou lit ef Octeber nia-r.' LOUIS Q. L&TOURN EUX. Monà.4iing Edîior, Pre4ariclor. n.ETIPER Or gUPOro. To Louis O.'LetourneuxYJieq. Âelvcae- Sir, vo bail nîtb Satisfac.tion yntr prolet of os. lalisting a Reviuw nf Legi.latk-n auSoeirispru. dence, snd appois..of it ou ail accouats. it in a gea) i sud ul entorpraso ch i ii ieet are trust titis ailth. eantjagmesnt i i dsèrves. net on ly et the baudsetfth*is meauoutthse pugs.- - hou, bat aide frein the publiec lu gonerel. Ai mucis es or time cuili lon, youucan depenl on unr contributionn sWeilias cor aru u- thies. W. e eir, witis conidortioi* pr. fessionîl btetirren. Mossreal Angust, iIU. Chare@ Mondelet, A. IV. Morin, 1.H IlFentaine, IV. C. Meirediths, $abroeas De ieury, iH. Taylir, T. Peitier, P. Moraou, C. 8. Ceornier, - D.IL E Papino'au, F. G. Jbusen, Johba Mme, A. Buclianaît, A. Roertsoni, N DtsoesP . Geifftn, Rialit. Mac'Kî. 1. V. iricote, Josephs Bourret, G. L. Cartier, Lewis T. Drutnmou. P-R. A., Hluhert, flua. Dciieuclisrville, Plictier, A. A. Duri,'n, Fs'eirck T. Hall, D. J. A. Papineau, Jamnsatrnmtzang. Ail necapapera attise Province of Canada pui. lialing ts.prospectus din3tsg Sttha cii h. enttle) te a copp aiflte Iovuew. TO TtiTu£ O UPRg orD se X.iSPAPEES IN CANADA. NOVA Stfa, . IIHE undersigned hlavisig parclassedth ie TaLboeu Esteblisniment, be ute soicit a coatinuance oeus. patrona.1%vba bs been se liboneualbemeod tapes m es Agent te Hainng rviseul an4gruetdy adnai tôtie iiatesia4t iae auoinfidént4 -ecmmmcitd tia Type nouc. ttd tty bisa aeqs l t usa, from 'Nec Yrkve roueageirs tise ms.eahnical deparuet s!tie1h g iu ti icty are c6nhldenutly a'pea d 'es tis e sautyaneilqait ft ypq is l'nusM ry. A speriame wiliec lrtiy issue& ,wliien tise Proprieter ciii de hlaintol" eopuimuv ofweviting ponu heTraie ; iun these aeatiSe ho ciii bu!ihappy to sue or Isear fsthp isiclined tsgvhi inae élè>rLi I 1, l Old Type taheas issoeisuna id.*a round. Pr* jeW atert81s, and '.vi1s New c Y 4st, 20 per cent sdvapce. CHAS. T. FALSGRAVL si t&nm ue aue lews ;;V saie sin !s, on fig. ou E e es*lsd bi m jTC i eey giron, ia p~aw ciiq i lebu la tshé 0i'Uanismetlii &0 ategelEVACUATION Oer tise impui. ti21sitis 1bin.Ilttiliehsnatlcrd tiat a tbich dandy mietil es trute ail pinte. ftibufacp,i vltib aiates thit tie psrspirst'teu flova ul.a. teaet.A io nice are in honllii, but cesses ebes v s i Ac. Lifi te ie h îtaieed citisout i. hi. intavinoff lietne the blanud 06u injicéeut 1.he oy. ana) disposes by ibis rania,, 4neariy ail the impurltiese etian.- The aguage et Seripture is, "lu the IILOOD le the Lit.» If iluever bernsesimpure. At nay hoe trseeddiely tthestoppageeaftbe INSEN- BIBLE PERSPIALATION4. Itrver ruqui e suri AUoril meeicinuu teemiane il, s il AI- WAYS puiiles Aîelt by il@ on be uds)action, MuW IbiraoureOft]tish i~d oe rtiugis tise INSENSIBLE I'EAIPiRATAON. Tisen nme o, aii tt iiinecearary <hon ltsebleu) As = guu, rinfected, is te open thu pores, iand At r,,,,e,, uefrtont ail itnpuity inadeni- Tisanereas e uo olly oftkiusg do machsinternai rouedimaAil prattitieners, honorer, direel thiSole Oartu te restera tIse Insensible Peu:pira. ics. but Atlaceins ta bhouot ilcaye the proper aine Thelomieis ati, for intance, astas, the AIydrtpatlsiist ruoun. inmset isinoketa, lise Hcqloss demi.eutuifluitisimalea, the Aile.1 pnls'FI1 lleeda endi) hune s itis tercuy, soi) tise bisuteing Quncli gergesus tc itispilre, pilla, pilla. Ta glve so e " ettire arnotnt of INSEN. biBLE. PER'.i'RATION, ce eiii state tisai tise lenune) Dr. Le suud ,ai)the great Boer. hanse, aucertaineil ht fve.eighthe a t aire recive loinil&e tîetnacb, pesseeloff hy tisB seanas, lunstler wgrus, if wecetiraindidrink eiglst poundis peu day, cre evactiated Ove peurs). et t by the Insensiblie Perspirtion. Tb'e s .noue utiir than tlusnorcd)sp pariica aftie bluoad, anal the. juir-e,giiug place ta the non' and trus n"Dma. Te hocSktrain. ltgure- tare,s re t rin in ud iassyeteun -taua.eigih tofail tise virulent mratter iai taoue dem-tanselieulul bravo tse boey. Anîd cccii cen 'Jaia is tise cane, dise hlou) i. utse active a punîicipie, tisat it du. terminjues lis, particles tu tile eh-in, niscre tbcy foruna saebs, paimples, ulcere. and otiier "tel.1 lly a cuiduen transition trains Seat ta colt, tise porcs are siaippeti, Use perspirationt ceanes, anal disasuhogus t etete ec-aloe iotrehnte., a toppagb oftissflec othc juicur, erigintmtes se many cemplints. Il as hy tapping th. pares, tisat oveunheluis mankind nitis cuSaisa, clilca, mai)consimptionas. NAue-tetuthaofet 1h. oul) deetroaidispenesin- ducei)is stoppage et the INSENSIBLE PESlATION. Lot me nuit nec, every causal) mind, chat couie osernas tise mntsreusonabi. ta pursue, tau tngtop tise pareis, abeér tiuny ire closse- Wouil yon give pisvaîc ta UNSîrOP the pires 1 Or coul) pou appiy îomnllsing tisai cou!)dîto tiisos heeacsurfaco, elsere ibn claggiug setu- gili' i.? 1cVuld flt this ha coin'n-i45 eeîee 1 - Ana pet 1 Lutte ef touphysiciano h's makes any external application ta effeet il. The reusetus 1 ansigni j, tisat s nseiicino nlislin this-r kuuv. lealge, je cap,'bieoMotoinisl, u. U tietse.ci. coiuustances, 1 pressatu ephsiciens, and te il ntliere, a preparalioo tisat baslibis poner in is tuilebt extent. It i lla lJciiter's Alid B'euiîg Ointaent, or die IWorld's Salrer, i SesF0P IER -te rester.peosepiratiion on tise tot, on h.ee li, aroune ld maes uopon tise client, in short, utai sr pari ofthe bily, chether diae) lightiy or saveP1 *It =as PWER ta cause al externuel noues5 scrotulousfilamure. skin dieeoesa, polîranoun cauas, te dicsto et4eir putri) mitter, anal Ithesrureoistisin it i aREMED Y liat seopa off tise choie catalogue ut cutasoOuirBeui)udreandl ratres tise sutire cutiel" te ils"Walitiy lunctiens. Il le a REJIED Y that f.rbids thisetccsiuy ofeo many and d.eleterious dru.-& takin lto tise Il iia REMED.Y tait Ineitber aicliens, gives jacouealoace, noir in datgeuous a thie intes. tines. Il prenerves & defendu the surface ftua alnl de. ransgemsent ut its tunctiîos. ciile il Soupa open tise chantiers far thse bleui tu vol) ail]is impuite and dieposnetfali itao usens partichus. Tbere i aneerlientarmoov, iad teasiiluity in it air tlaat deles iootradietio;n. IlBin asimple, but noondefful principle tiatpresuerre. in lseslishy a ,'ratiothean îtire macciaerv of ,tu bins-. indisoooblSy Suida toguetier ise SURFACE an) uhe INTERNAI, VISCERA. the INTFR. NAL VISCERA andl the SURFACE. Tisey ae iseparably coniecto) anal canet h.dis. juineil. Thes urface is THEItiollt tfie. pigiatha ot tihe ile, sandtise) up m-atos cihbin. It is pierre) nis MILLIONS et openaiuaite RELIEVE the intestinesa.- 'Stop upties. pores, ami DIA TI knochs ai peur dar. It s rigitly teotaid AI-leing, for Iber lu Bere. y a disasu., externe)l or interniai, ihat it nul net benelit.IL cl eli tai) the onmine uf.au wil) -au ibe cise"t fenils medicino in thse Warta]. 1 have misai l rthe uîtleaurlteeusyears nui cuceu cilanl aparrlil.I lve ufnd it 'fer adiaeanssofthbe iotCnonp Lou ver,i th- tapouet dangerote of intrtiaai iaaladier, in. Yeu]pg- h Wou 14 ~ager sud- rsspeihil4t, à" 1dectare isetore Ileaven auatusan, that oit 1 0 me *m,tsgle"esehlsuitalle l eeci, viser thse patient cau cithiathtie rmach out tal eCi ons. iisha? lalphysiciens, learued àe the pr,î'es. 4eae; Jisse bai mimilters dt lii Gospel, Judg. un the $encl.IAdertuun sslLvyosu, <us.. M menet the be get .rdWortand InilM 'Tt .TCDES oattise JPOORuse ilin 0etery varie. t lofcay, snd there Sas been but onse voie,sans imasesaïersal tes,.. uaing "mcmiser. peur Oltusa l 00." IJEAD ACHE. allao',sabre hg*- cuqd persous oft he lies) Ache id 12 yearai standing auJwciscaha) At rgai. j 4wt .erp waies, s» it:voaitsn. atotelenir 'i>Dktn$O sied aFArscà ie ebutelcile liie inceuO salae Ague li'thse Face. ù puisse »ils er ue sed une te ohidsastedffl aaly. th.y w" ie aslo 4a jtene se a isU- KqciaI 1 mercuriel Wlau .1104lis, e. L'tasen il possible te »nY psi#âe i 111 v ifspeuenet, it le nie n - buely m n aA iasndi.i .cha vS s p Ut X.i eu the remoe. dy semt apacbotgtheqwsat t.Nw o if& 1M tiusoa.Lotitlebu rblid on Use asa tu isait, Io lisptis es.m lUmeop. uMd thon dc.n utise honuds, a»dt v4 in lesta. It vil Du« V .oy vestige ef tisu avapy. This la a eimple sud SAME curs. No iujar n eaen i k my wal. Bau souli)iL h gholia. inflammaustions, et tmhossl, or gripe cf thie luuesiuue, Itvin ect$W.hy cure thosetas thse norms. Tiseain prebabiy sn. medicie ntise tacsef tise ennîh si ouceo n gore sied se salluintte ex- pulsion e orma. It neuil hoe cruel, uay WICKED% te gir. in. terni) doiabtfeet ,edicun.i. n lang au a harosies, certain, sud effectui ezbwr.n a oneeshi) hoiebai). TOILET. 1[have it dame op l ine order for th. dressing case. Alaisongh 1 ibave sit littho about it, susa hait reeteretisu, lviii st.-ke At agaist tise coe4d! Tisey mnay tritîg thuir oai.e tir aud ear. anal mine wiii reetare the bair tw cime te tir oue. That seme sotes areen outiet te tho imporities ot tihe cygeensa theo uly russe, hecause ih.y gant pis off tisueug th. amoalsichenuis eto the Isv.asbie Perspir-et If t csno c re u huealdus. tise impuritin mal bave sous.e thor outiet, or it wii) endatîger lite. Thais in the tes- son cbisy h limpelitic taenue theontie ..salves ot tise day un sncb caise. Fer they have no paner te open othes avenues to.let off ail bis meuh)d matter, ami the oseuqencen e mitaYs fatal. Thais ss ivn'li alura p paide for such, ornurgencies. Thore neei)lha ne test; it in pet'. tact. Ulsease of Chlldmen. If thse ALL.JIEALINO OINTMENTpoS. sennee] no otiser vircue tissu mereiy te ourselime varieus ia las.witbh isii cildren are iffiet. j-d ei e souli) esteen ltishe firei usedicine ine- istence. lice groat arc tise sufferinguof iutants soi) ciilduen, cisen thoy enuneither steUste*r versenîsupotiot out tiseir paine 1 Ami hon meu, thouscudt; are swept off by giving iâternai muedi- cirocs. wcthei ier ynung bodies aund tender trio.. are ussable te buerup againut thone .Wise sr. mies are chiss seat te thasr grave es tly traon pooriug loto tieir neak smousche pmmerfW 1drnegs ui.dph1,aies!! lu la te snob tisai die AA4eating flintusont tenders ns uA/rpleeieoiand haralme a cure A, thoir snfferîng sud Badkiem. Few, ney, perbasat mure tissu tites or four in a thîsusanil wouid die ; niile neariy taU ' oul) bue instantly relieve) uft tieir pains ami infirosities. SucS cases as Conup, Cisalhe, Coiselira I<aun Wurmi, sud mli Suaner t5ompliaints, by chics ne mauy cilidren dis, tise Olinmot viii remeve se eediiy antd eurely, ttisàapisysain tii)ne. ver lie seeded IVe voeu) bars presou uSme. tiser, tise reaiity oft tleo tisings. We speak eauneeiiy, bucatise ce féel at nouid hoie icked ont te tuse tlaoge meinse hicieaul) rotstove thiser se&lring, wvileAt d)"utendaniget tUnir iives, or tise uttengtll sud tice? o( tise,,yeo consltiteui,,ns. !slotherue! tirgit ail tis w laitd, a-cnnin soletssti uicradly doclaru ta yen thet tise Ali-Hoilicg Oinîmesat ciii cave ynur cbidà ro t neeau! y grave iftyos ciii use it; and ne tiasuetore musSe ihis appeal in tiseir lichaitthisastise final rsponsibiiity nuay lie pour o, if isey die premaurSY. Aside trous every lutereit to oaursei-ez, %e charge yen-a etois hec) ta chat wenonteillyou. W. aienet nov actuatri) hy thae icet doet gain; bsut linon. ing as ce do that veet belles et infants sand chu.- dren die early, nisic is lesuppose) taelieinevita. hie snd impossible te puvsent, re hola pour ciroi4g vosce, ane) dccli.. lu the face efthtie choie vend, Chrless seiA it m.mMae Lie me, But Alla fImm the nana etfpropos- ueurishasost an) tise constant iruggsng thoy undegoo cbieb moes tise. deen a s.raids;griestallu b.eot tise mcythe. Motheri! ce repuat &gain,&"s if tiy ere tise luit ends ce nere aor te utter, an)det ourse paît the riacli ef ail anstuegai, cee ) cday "Use thue ALL-H5ALI N ONTUENTJes- sainre usinn-childrrsu" ?*W REntuna'ras.-It rerebrsseva jot, immediate. Il the inflammation and Wef~ hou tise pain ctt course ceemes. FeusAtu Cocrn.azaes.-ita giory and pever is manîteet un ne nay more tisin in this departmnant. infi4mmation cf theo Aidneys, ef the iroenb, anal lis tailing davs, cenknsese, anad. ereguisrlty; lin short, ail thuner difficuliin nAiela are tiequet vitis temale., Goui)resdiy and permanentreijeL SeÂu t.sa o.-We havs cursi cass tia sain. tu&lly defied cverti n ionaiun cil se the ability cf ficteeseor e otc.piees, o»e mi told tu lh. od @peut IStRauee is chidrunewats out anay benelit, uben a tee Sboxes ofetiseent- ment cure) tissu. CouNe.-Pepu e.)Mneyer ho trouiblessicits thons, if tiey ciii nse il. As a FàueLyus.v?.tcra,, asn flcanotsurs ite vainse. Su lon« as theofffroll &long au.r tise ieagene-oe long useua tredjs nt 'ebect t alteenriuieeti:*.Jo ass aoand sickiesare lcvi ýbef ciii ibis guoe uutiuou ho uid i su eO Wh.u mtassMMceItrons off tisecssis, tâbes, the i)sesaani cil) cosse, sad et tii!theta. JAMES MoAISTB & Ce., 168 suths ustrNec Yerki, Sole propuietets of theo aise. Ndiie. te chou anl c emaetnioni ment lie addremuod( p ")psa Price.25 ecuta aMW 50 conta. CAVIOW. As the Aq.He.iag Ointatu buSasbous great. ]y ceunterfeiaéd, nehaire gise. ibis enstioea to tise public. 'hlt ne cluntv iii heogesulue unisemthe saunes et James KoAtiater, e Sams MerArater & Co., sa r ndU cilSa posé q- - erery lboLa" -Tho labelin aes tuc) eunaeavbi I clu b tise 02. u091jnseaaAw eeAi ô> For Sale by CHARLES IM&TlH, AîUTIlAI. PIRE IIU A c ou_1<- PANY OP TRE MIDLANI> DISTRICT. OFFCE 11W T7x£ COUl? HOUlE. D4VID iJOHN 8 IT Faesq, .Pnl-mai . JusEcuBesace. buWÂaJ NOXLs, Jux i. C&Uirvst,&Merg N I PîA tia, Jsu w A:, L . ii"§in*" aawt'm *nis. as gaocit- NWINEWS' 4W' TRANBATLAfITI N'BWOPAPIM OFFIcE C ONqjjgES te ~ly te erder, vîtb grent. et, rempitud =reuwaytitan asy otiî. et boes.,s on te mnit raisonnble tenis, <a London DiladrPa eW £6 100. Sterlin ps ennei) NWPPRPRICES CUL.Z RENTS, SHIPPING ISTS, MAGAZINES, BOOK&S ad STATIONARY, TYPE, PRIN- TERSA anaÀ BINDERS' MATERIALS, and Mradieorf every ecrp9ote of atse tise UNITE! STATES. CANA)A, N)VA g8:OTIlA, NEW BRUNSWICK. sud NEW- FOUN'DLAND, by the MAIL STxaaAsrs, ail. ing on flse 4th and 19tis oteach montsEtrous Liv- ra»ison. andi te &Il the WEST INDIAN ISL- AND&S MEXICO, aud TEXAS. b7 Jre RoyaL l&a T". S':ats, Ballag eVery Furtniglat trai Southsampton. CRARILESWILLEEE'U AMERICAN NdEWS LETTFER I8 publimised for trinnsiselon hy every Steans Sip siinfram England for Anteriri, and taleding toiliturle is te give, et a gimmtce, an ic- caost of every important eoent tha-t bas odeur- roi) in Great Britain, Europe or Asie, in thisnu. terval batwvesntiese aiiing ofe cdiSîcîn Slip, whetiser in poitics or commerCe-i correnct and comprhesslve Slipping List, in wiich wili ho fo.uni) a taitisful record ot the arrivai and depar. surs eftusrican vesels at and tuos iail the Brit- lis., Europeasn, and Asiatie porte, with nîtirets ot snch cisualtiee Pr disetare a may trom turne toi tiue tcur-a ecompets Preos Curent, in 'alun thse greatest care le taken te glue tise taitsi ra. ports of tise markets tor the varions description of Anerlciu Produce, tramntishe mont unqueat ion. able sourcs-thias caanbining, in one stieut, a Neteurpaper, a Shipping Lât, and) a Pi'rces Cur- refit. Annisal Subscription, payable lu advance, 12a. Od. Sterling. AI! orderusut bue accoip-anicd vit a reinit- tance or reterence, tn Englaud fur paytnent. Ai' NOTÉICE. AHcommunications must h.e pont pad, and ad. i)ressed TRANSA ltLN'rSC NE WSPÂPER 5, SOUTH IMMNCSTRtEET. LIVERPOOL. Ortbey will net reach C[IARLES IVILLIUEa a NO connexion witis M011us. WtLLNEst &,SiesTI. STOVES At gr.aly educsd' Prices. T H E Subacriber asej Oet received, direct froua sthe Fouxadres, madle te speciai Order, a very largo assurumeno f StoVeg, causidng in part of CO@MIVG, PARML0o'im, ef tiselatest itnproved pattern%. wbici ame offerd exceeding low for Cash. Beforo bon ing eisuwhere, h. pleused te euhl et tdie o011 tabisbaai Steve Stand, andiexamnine tise asaortment and price. SUIEzs P»WEILL. Pri nces., lae Store Street, Kang*uen, Nov. 14 1844. AGENCY AND 'COW',g usliBOU BVSNus.rqr T HE' Selisciber îepectroliy tetndersbs saimeceristlasas ta bis , , md thse publie generally, lis tise v r9Ur1spport hbu sreeetved nîncelbu cousmnced bsi. ness iu Kingston, ard bege tu acqueint tisent tisat b he ns *prcp8red ta receive caueîs- mnuaofamy description of 1Property, nt fse old stand on tise Commercial Wisse, foot of -Prmncean Street, wisen every effort gill h. 'made te give stislisetion ta Usoge .,rho ma, taè ierce ian atiroir pufrunager Froa lie exteii3uîve Cqaaintaitce 'iti tise Traie geaserliy, lac je conifidlent thnt lae cars disps tpreprty wdsasmacli spateli, siteagiOd l'catsge as stuay ther an tise saine lune oetisiness. UIGCALDER. Commercial Wharf', Kingston, 2nd April, 1844. FO.SALE, 10 cseks u Nortlsarsr A. THIBODO. HARD WARE. JrAMES POWELL inu retturilqint au *9 îoVàeunèreoue Town sseaCenetry eas ,o-rerÉt isa t4sir ist faveurs, isegu 1e iforum iisems'assd tIse pubslie genera% ~tiat h lias vecendyriv #icsIi s eW Stone 'Building, ad nining lis oi) tasd l» pusa ce». Streer, wleeeehe bas on h n i ir oDm"ifurs'exînsinatice, snxietïXro as.ostmnt OF IAVY 1flUDWA,&a S.If.,LF AN» YANCY 000DB, PLAIN, JAPANNED& BLOCE lin WARFI Andi STOVES cf ail'descriptiins, et pricea hereteifoe, usipreccdentatd initsa ikt TbiMa- ud aieigtdy *7A inua PLOUGH PONTS et VWIole.paeres. er0 Aune, - CHAR1J~?~4IIIh8 a E.liugsteea. Fre., 184. 'GRAT REDtVTON IN PitiV1w Opuesfe i Laun o "-Prnoeza rect. T lM SUESCRIBER take. thbJi tntuhity sat infornbs riendisud the. Publie, luit bo bau mode a grest redUcioni n the price of e,:ry description ef Hardware asnd Fancy Goodi. j amitia ho lasdetermined in future te Bell VERT 1.0W <Wholessle or Ratail)fer Cash, 1 ÎZ14,khb ilseveeyextensive. compris. es.- Englisis, Banks' refined, Crowsi, Lewinoor andi SwdaBrIroo, Ls u. allr d sMd fHeq Trou, Ceit, Crawley, Eliter. BleWgsbisao, asnd SprIng steel, lin plates M. c ii, dCa-8daPlte., Shoot hon am umSer l'ieta SIaISI Cppo; nisud Bras. Shot est ) asnd Zinc, Ires ami Bram isire, iIliow War off every description. Spikes. NajAs, &&- sheSgld 1" an sd otler Cutieryi snfflilver Piated Ware, j"uand u liver pated hindi. Kniveas ud FerLa, Sibrer plaici) Tee Sertices, britannia Moisi. Cepper and) Japannod Ware, Table Lampa, hanging sud otiser Lampe, Cîndatabra and) Chandeliers, " F * 1 lpessents end ltensils, Pate&tMWCutter"uand lay Kuives, Ridesansd Fewling Piecies. .Ieanrs's, Caupeters. and Sbip Biliders' Tois, Locks, Boîta, Butts, Sewe, &c. Hair Sesting and Curied Hair, Saddlery, Ceffe, Malt. and Corns Mil.'@, Dhnekamitha' Auvile, Vice@, Beilows, &c. Peints and Oiis, Windcsw Glass and Putty, Cordage, Glue, Tubs, IPille, Churnp. &c. CHIARLES W. JENKINS. Kinguton, Fei., 1lm. NEW WHOLESALE IMPO)RTING WARÈHOUSE, KINGSTON, C. WV, Ai ile Ecviensire and Comsodiertispcelitoua o0 W. SIMPSON, 0OÇTARIO STREET. T lESubserihers beg te uotity the Mercantile lCornnuniy cf Canada West, that thoju larde and Nevr iy Im;eried Stock of 6 tocerie,4 WVinep, Liquore and Dry Gonds, will bce opeîîed about tise 2Onh m@t.. which tiscy pledge them- seives te sdil at Montreal pricel. They c ill aleo bu prepared te recuive Cunsign. mente ut Merc.iandîze and Produce for disjîî'sai et Piaeoro Public Sale, wiih a c'aew ta wtucb, one of thee Brin wil act as an huctioneer. Cash for Wheat et their bElliin u Iiliier, Prince Edt-arîl 1Ditrict. ani et Kingron. bIIIPSON & MATHEWSON. WV. Smarsax, Kingston. I. MAnEWSoN, Mont real. Kingatusi, September 9Oib, 164à. NOTICE. HAVING resigncddtis, Crown Lands HAlrncy fur thae Midlangl isitrict, in anticipation of )1 electi-asi for Kingston, I beg to înfsrm nay friends and the public thtIwil! conltinue ta act non prîvitu iLand Agent nunil mEy îranactos with ise Crown anids Dejiartmnt are finally closed, and 1 reapectfuiiy offer my service, in tisi capecitt, assurirîg shose wbo ny empîeny mse tit L'il!lie4(diligent in the discisarge of my dutv. auJmoderato in my chargea. As 0 overtînsient A gent liure for seea -cars, 1 bave ecquircd a titorougli knioledge vif land affaira; and 1 correepond witis thse uoet re-. spectable Agonte et Huad Qisarters, for tahose accourIt I have et passent &large auna off Lad Script fer Sale. My Office wili b. for the future nt niy tea- ideuce, wiîlrin bal a mile ofRinigston. A. MANAHAN. Kingston, 30thi Serptemaber, 1844. VOIlez. HI E Subscribeir isving been appointai L AccNr, for thie saes uf riromn the wtt)! known FounJry of bMr. R. P. Cotton, will keeup a Stock enc band. during thse Beson, of Caerking and Single toves ef thse latent and mont approved Patterns, end %vill Cxecuto ordersa-ethtie lowest masrket rcefrCee)., or on npps'oed credi.- CountIfr erciante wou!J duErl t ta ticir ad- cantage t0 call befure tiaey psrçraolse i- wvhere. IUJGA CÂLDEU, Cone'ilWhnrlAgent- Kingstoan, Aug. 20, 18Ï45, Ferry to Long Idnd. STEAMtBOAT NOTICE, N~OTICE ii Lerehy gîveas, uai mnsidre!Bru J.lnae1 t l., the Stea FeMr-haai bu. j ieen lin7stou and Long Island, viiiloi,.u pKieten s tolowns: LvsKingetnng Lervea Wulfe Ialsu& lat trip, 7A. M. lot trip. 8A. . 20d de lkA. M. 2edo 12 .2 P . Zpd &.3 P. M. 3rd du. 4 1-2 P. Kingston, (Oct. 1. 1845 iL IVES MsSur JCST RECEIVED,, Satin. ~ 1 &oa Rd.ouacc SJ#lhKO a tCo. o vular i niel STUE téNiOJe ODief.,ie p- ýe ise c,= ndsgoiary pauson eâigmlwd=.SY),#- OmR tng do.lllàg nsoissidlit woab te s 1%e NISteo bl i. 14ta "r 41a -n-*IVNPl e.fNKN 1ise* - dl i.-', Kiaglos No. IN55 tho satea , 21 tional. Provincial, Ecel *: ligence.enltc. The increaeinz ealee utf prele, i.duced the Peji sher t rpr of this year's number, luo per 10 mande of the publie. te aez Z. rOrders tronAgen, , leuh,, lire, attended t to îhprn a, T1IE filet Illiu 1.1 (Aw e Ai lv neîvupap('r t liveý %iii bu îauc*d 011Ii lle I j this Il ohth ~ pcomoted by ulnaullj, i cuanè cf Liiii. 'a Gireat couieai iat l, the adjaîcen t r The c eiaru jjt tIll,~ wiii dlaim îil$enriarr' -4 Aildhe re.derw)!,,, perce. ' j', fer amusuemient M11 n!,illce e -. . ditepiliid BE JI'sT AND Frari ' ¶erson iýii inL, Ioir Lec.ju.c AliOtS Cali appliy t,' le b Kingston, 14,1, Oct.. 1 t, sNo Iîj i lie j ii. f,cniud ilat t o i are t'eu inil'r"[,il 0015 til, . "l"II , c 91UBE LETi, ttci;rI; i " HA 1 Puffil in iibuc Kilagt ,t1Ju.1 3 artd Tueduep; irilagua , 'l.w~ or Pest (tiliceus ; 1 1io 11 ,ela descriptionse of ilii . i .a nii in, roileci ul (i fr",, iI lIedl hi pr Poualio, cce.'Tj, c r"e pot-ti niOtIr Iliver' i ' Pîc cii, lage aliiw ettleiw.'i iuicer poie. Ebill li,,cddotlcec. milent. Ccil "'re, III- Tu bc ruady for ilI vli,r" . Ji r'j- t [J Thiepli, e in,,j, e:Il 1,neîl flot yet ahi anîied tI ii.'.CI j" ', hlm during the krueîîeiiîiie i,.et .. i. Al thoae bo nuîî'l e r,vîcs experienced Dcîgîst, arc re'î'erIi. u te Ccii. 10-Adrce Oral je. Septeinber 8Bru, is 15. FI OR Sale, by Wer1. ~1îi~ 1 30io Lu. N.. Il Nor. i Il 75 QîilîîeleTu,,,,, C:,' 7 trille. Markarei,:'.. 10 Tierc!9Saînen APPl'y (itby lertcr1eî e A1.HENDEUîOre. Land irid ' No, 33, Little St. Jamesa Streci t l, for A. MANATIAN,Le B LA N KS F 011 SAL XZ EDS sMd MEMIBIAL', Lal .i E'Requeinta,and .ther B 1, A N IýL ,tt# wbrifte fer saalt t the lierald Ofee. FOR SALE EV 'ITHE NGL1Si1 PATENTsTRAbýlî E T-R. CHTARLES WV. J0'KL' Cobcmrg Ladies' A&Si 9HE WINTER SESStION "f ti.:i T tiofl vi]Commence on 'Flrsîrc 'I'f. Octfiobe. Board and Ta-tien n Itle ~ngis Bsncîe, 6 is. pur Quile; ljs@ for the Commnatiigs. I! W. iseWnter CIocles inCîE14 Paer particslard. seîu nir, c ii tuaened et thîs gce or by cepirelle. HCaoesrg, Sept. t,345 j OM MER CI1A L IRT WOY PRIVATE SAIJC, , 2M 20Kegg CUT N PVILI8ED EVWY TET mm Mi og, nstr ýuyLIa-esntj ega aluns w 0«,. 4ý y«es aaWlieautam wIW* e , tai)ot0t eo en bmali*t W 0 %lertnuve iteo tIM, cee bablaexcmoenOUi me ud nar î i - iwa 41 n el ta sou ut proulslg upwdawdlees ba y, ofthe posis5«toe u sa Inhici cas joitlytia d hla bcsa*, bsfhio luisdel n i leasint g issueaëfw leidone te taub.eum.cafot u-rift! ai thse ueictb a ell, iling testoab ad ued aniu lut. fur 1-oâ," ,ui Sli¶it fsob Niai il ce amses'. hw lift e a uas blm tMuAq 9 bsm un, prepeuy sw tgsd.8 dhs11lge15lq ecu blist j» lebus o. buaOb muiî-te i -t I «» lac~icsn e teu Yeau Sueur, teamlupwetau sees; pu i us au ogse lioetice tMq acase O m*ou." stu«ssvWhos th" a vid kaeég e '&esth b» If m et hatbae ,Pmgh.sau 1. il .'l ý L r

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