Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 Jan 1846, p. 1

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c4 ~c *~ 55 *itt 4 CA]!NADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL9 AGRICLILTLJRAL & COMMERCIAL. KIGTN AAA UEDY AUR 7 1846. No. 42. IFAX AND qUEBEC RAILWAY. b»' ,If ien larget Neei a i e bave av,*, .11e Cily kaI~w M efi lbUifl . the ity aI t risais va ta fi C Raedvflge ala fi therp49 'D'. roola bî ce ilîa iii a., fi.bllresimiiit 1hon f I ifmo Çirn, of a Mlbe Cty,,whos. meati-. g àa'Vg iansi oshe project have beau bief dsigel Il., la re i nanse Socrury. oft fIjgliiu Wa oved afler au l *- ut i i rcb ap C, by lb.eie - T Bli 'fllme4 Pf thie diy fise Hu. £ W.Cehra thiesilesecond la à Dona igt and .pet &fl dmres. whîcb e1 tu 1 by itroducin gG. R-_'Young, aq, rp r~mmi .form mje0alarn a e i. jeuutionst in order,alu by the il Aylin, .ecotsdod e1 1'ko,m ',Esq,.In f eaed"'~~ ihue Mailing regards wish ~,ss itrtei . ,ablineiie t fa Ril sîthea 1! eicceemi t.le lii ut Ifazcaiand <.uebec,th1 a exs m. &u tensi'ontosthroughi- ceprovin ea anglais ii t îaied foatlaic cqmarcC5 aidresearchla alreamiy made that or tzcàfndlarperiy of tir tradeand gv ce.cdiciy Lof h -Pcre wlh in peice pr Mcsci bv thei Ln. A. IV. Cochraos. econded 1. t Esq, lail' ua eLit lalthoughis i.meeting no. t crma.a.y cm apathmnzes wahmtihe feeling ex-.i e le , -c, cimer l',c.vmce amiNew Bruas- 1 (c . O i ic e W)JIIUta iiprnve ita ag. un *.mJc. exai il.metriade. by lcyisg a lioe an c,,io Fredicctoniiand is . Andre-xis tuoy mc cOGrand iFalu, aindi%-fil re.- fI cë.:clicfleted, ami dcsIiiaccmgh liere L a a critc l umdafur belccviag tisaitfie Bma ',.!;metr .way, pamsng la tisheCau tiof a c- »a amI ic i -an cd k'ailan d . ti s cueId ai the l'uticdiac tisrougrmsmi "c O6ni Wedinamyreaci ad JCunsberlaisd tu0 11, ý_, in h ibrncheestuthie CitiSutof rcid- tie anti ccc S Johnc, goCaia iasic, uucare tIcilhetai iI , ei pn.cim.c pâri...t"liicmn ira flie ieneitei$e alccac urandertaitscmmclenlbrt lapted tu tise po , ,lnmai lc ale prqmejciincl ave aiitHu w-c c ofn i saîmary daiemicc, an iii imumcsedat eris. c..ci ysicimmutni iciagraîciti oth ie Ilî.. 11w, c, raidmi ccl sale traciiiàsucccn cf the mccc A'lýitmlc i- fie lie rt mf canada, Co a m' a.i;trec mlccai cmmmîî luicuîmatcmmî nc-lmii l u cvilcmmmer titc peaCe îr war, lthe trams- na, Ii..;m irminury oi f theprocctcîai oftf lic .cic ca,anmd diteiPrzerve I~Lo , mc c ,cscancd rotionmar ectaciintiby mmccmc.iLKs oand ci cy f lie '.roat ho, c'- ari mgmuelcieascolurin ise co litvsn a remIuiui adnjsed ai a on) wci cc-t . mi 1criiabita i ofQuuhec ou CI Iciccc ,mJm lJlc oýo,,r lm a-cmircieruiCe ta th, 11: 5W c ccc iaiit ci c.dec raj:m i t he lae igne mc c c -v ý tiiccc iic acfm mm i.uimlmied char- d jetcc.ic1u, mLiihfie Cocur_ d 1C i.e i i e%(lac icim'ieit.' on 'ci ~ ~ ~ f-1 ceclüllM-cciml .lmaîedl'y P" l. s -cmc-ÀCi, Sm iUc mceccig lia readIn >i.a:I- ancd comes arittantb c i ci 1mc I- tic lc.mc'icil file flleai l c. 'cm , 1i-cO ,' mlcallem., lSir WViicamiuc C 'c m. cmmc cIancd . mit mmmavourouthlie ' n. c. ,.amd c 's ll'ccciI liat tme c-ati uaice a _cl . cc.,a la ctu ictl aicresa will re e.. lct.c t- c -c,.,'.gratitudem oa i aile iL ': c i t *- c cts oami hlecontîn-tic t .1 ýv liei IlimmmJccmî N cilon, aeconded i, M- l- a ,icue, E i i.. 'a,-i'. aiiiniciimugha. Icariid af c L-lmm ilma àLs.cliuiesy Lord hl c . ,mamcv aduiiatccergfl saflacr@ ofw ec Lt cc. mc spresc.cd a decîded ojiiau w al ýu c ecl.ucllrpctu-and lisatana a.ruu B im ccclr%,rded tu lims Exceilesscy r.-lit llacý -a Le ici ls bc lamiea u atransmit a 0 fi.I 1""ie-cciî.-tu liercMajey' Gao.w 1,, thceietcc1c 1ai theLasd ut tise Imperi-S " c 1cm m si , iedmtudlacoimpieean c tc" '-e t mcl ia înational pointoutP c~ ~ ~~~t tche plni~ Iivlnîrtection anda c" '. czctlŽ a anajLeciain tie 1Hein- r rcivnlnîions relatsig ina e'c, cioutccmi ar. G. R. Young r .1c t(umdcutnia li.cgandi eloquent t ~cm Ill attentionvuîcmmamacthe Meeting,a mc,,acmcc an .md rcmîuaatc plaid- t ci àý I ca the c Minelmg cere vtete a andammclmc mm at theccclose of lise pro- ic arivcheal; scire gavean for Mr. âaummidcccimna ltiae Raiwa, 1,c l"u-i ccc, rcnuadat cheteraad sais- fl..mccc cumcîle rvaoulon chics Mr. I t Il"cîcramlUcemi su ably, but ls tere.I aui lA 1lcîcrmc-c .ad unaeservesi as regarda mi c -ti ie scy 'liat buicre eavang 1Halisax lu t Ii ccimrmammuu wchr I hughtlan5cs. ei ct lié.ay aunecnuld coine te a praclicala -c cada ta ficis grlai projec, I littie agi- e lac ia I iauld have bhein picesinlago a"I5irb., and yt gu re.pousihle, a sîlslainls.- ,ufl a ct da bumbier par-lua quiri. 10 I el'iiiLatlscsianelt wi tise belile, fer au lu I."g Om PcmninresmailleIluciagd-thaî I ON*ulber inret or guid. Bifotre bave0 a aifet fiai tllswmeeting grill agise ":c.îvliaI Ilit coiitee, Mr. Mayor, cf %lmca haîtehumai iau active and able aMin. -ceumderaluesiflir snainanmd aver-ell-i .,Y Pur lervices 1 can rentder. If vcoul i i5 tmgc etioni 1 couilillai, for i ,qýle t ecedthe zaaland fdeliily o~'ccctaîf~r *c a cadialSie ru finc.ccccual; I have reaui wîlh h5h1g 1 . Vc'mIeadrs, htieri.oluîiore and nmOc, %v.li ave aready appearisii .0r.,samîncinand tiht flle Ciy asvic,i v IlcFloum ci esîeîm il forlugnae th"a ?Z! c cin aiîleacomine a bodoutama Pcca. svh rare qualifictions taur efficincy a1 es. have first lthe long expersenre lie Iamva aihi.Nei00, lthe pure pu. t'ci rBlgrkc the iigis protemisois a] a S lrltuar anid Mr. Ayiln the ei iln aiaiiensand ripe koeedgi M L: crIcD. Fatterm, an thee"". 'c[Il, lceofapan va d aise cca.îSe. c.c-cgai milaised hi .j c . 'Ramnvdrls cereat atesc. eim ghbav arighitotenquire, aid linm and, in 151 candeur, lu expl ain, tise objects ch have beiougbd me boe. Ih ls kaisca te frieusdaisai Ia1mad my brother tise Hosmile. Speaker of lb. Asaîmisiy 01Nova Scotia 1 CUiUg 50w ai lie prutieional agenis. the COicos and gatteil oftheiiiProvincial Commit- in LaodeIW*bhm 1h. meit is due of orig. in iep*,andi chu are labouriez, ml e Il ehhonorable smntives, lu coetist , ii aib dune. Wisen 1 cent to England ge smmer on My, oea private affaire, tise pro. Ct ae lu me unknowa. Whea lirst applied an sciausd la relation 1taicI1lisoaglit tisat, il chinserical, it was rallier la advance oftise ; aud aithuugh thon presesita gicicitlis acion of mnine athlie scisene, 1 expresîly clines l to riaany >publier c'nnecticsn wcuisl escicre, until I hall ronsultesi 1he headiag min th. colonies, anmd sein lise fer lu eoald r. mmn issuitf ta lise poislic intelligence boe. efire long, I ftoend thse Cmms es' in corrs- sience villa Iheir Raceliencies Bar W. Col@. oke and Lord F.iklinci and then camhe tise por cf Ils. publie mneiting ktt Hciuiax-th. cialmîut of a cummitoe, andi a connexhon ssed wits a constituenci, nansesib, lthcoins- unity of cisicis Iwa. a mettuaer. Aller ns, riinta Lasodmin, I begtn ta sludy aeffecot the pa.ujccs-ed mcauefs r rioacrue gZ front lise Atlanstir pccrls lice Canitedi States u lu taembracelise ira-le andi prodluctinns ot ýrîis country ltalise cesi. I thon prepareal e l11tr outhtie 6"Colaaiat," mui Fi-sîg isOO uliîislibd er. te geieraily koivo. andi agreid set oper.ly clii lthe LodonlmmCommisoeansi retîder tison every exerticîsiiin my power tu ie ibis gneat enterprase ecsqnmruul solo, and if ractîcai, complesid. Betccdaingeng, iisey ie twa distinct pied,,9eî; ani au in Nova &cO- a, liseyhave bien mmcii uifaily suicjecled la int opposition, andi dcuhtg cere propagaio-i l tiste iniegrity aud puriy out heir motives, a meeting ufthtie Buarmi, ishild uth ie 2.sd Dec. Lut, lisey passesil icreslcciau, cisicli I ahaii cw read, lu order ta reiu've any euppiconi, suclu existeul iere,thaal Iiey ic-r dsisgsed ,îml. elisher upen th, icci i;ý. or Cmloiaîaipulic. Ilriiat thse B lard ceili îs'mt Se rnspo i.tmiofor ny expeciios exciep it asa acali hu imcurresi tali aumisoriiy ansd vmc'e, nr r hali the ninishrs ftihe Smîh Cammiaîle mmc lise Cuoay h-c as, nria a any way lsab.le fur nimpemmes ýncurred l'y tltai eard. "lTsat i, nil tlie Leincg cmiftise rp.specîic'e Cal« laia Lacgi*laturee.lie ateirtamu.cl ctis regard tise Acte tor ltehe îprai tnch ie Cciopany le Prospectus sisall not i iîuad 1tlise pubie .Great Brstcin or Norths Ammrica, andl no suis- rmplion lfor Stsck @hall ie himpi oursial tisait sp. tort ta the udertasing h. aecured irons thse ansme ansd Provincial (jovsrncieniî, wiicmswsim ake il a malter of rertaiisty tha tlise prajeci sali h.e succeesfuliy rarriesi imlta eff.cc.cc Iconictia, iat I hane, ts iamuitisatitis .o-nlcittc-e. ailimmummi rc24rcm ny nice a. etaltied '0cippocrt a-idcoîmîi iocsm', shaiacmd iavce iacl mchem iaoic¶ andi ceightie.sic c mci e,cbut ai lise oriccir 'lishe sc.seine, leveril utmy Coloialmieacdsinc amindon diii iliciconader, as tlisusans id bas mit lise cr'mject cc-uId he accomipshed. i trunt, acwvetvC liathLie fen.cltàaf tse lieenOliis anductesi hy your neid ctier commmiena, iyselfi iltus jmurriey tlrougia th itates am]an Cantada, andsi lhe rss ofutprarticai informationm hlui coliected, andl% Iaccu ram, lie hrouý.laî ta hear ar efficicntly usil. isalmilart, cmll reius..ve tis duble wiicis exitilmcLiccmdni, ai they have dous wils snsinere .mmcerely stlacised 1n roi. onsai interesta ; assidit ut inlare Mr. R. Giliesu mie, Mr. Roamnoi, Mr. Gnald, Mr. Braoking, Mr Carer, Mr. Pcmuhcut, Mr. Hlarisoan, Mr. Chup mssn, Mr. Nrmîinn, ansd mtieru la raiiy round thcm tcdv, tas give tîseivithelia anatve oft heirnunes ind thug ta pul tise Icrambecit efore tise publie coder patrontage ha wis cli ircaparo hcro unier. ai respect and confiducnce. Ilaeiug ihus heuc pletiZCd ta thiaprajecit, bý erocnedici t ici a ii mimai point uofî'iew, elurnes in thel rovinrcs, jihstime dceletnsnc moen ta enquire liata lils commuercial etatmotica- in otiier words, tauascertacit wiat it wouisi coui lie returnas ciacisil ssuil id jaisiasmdlise pins pedt of ats gsvig a fir returu ta capilaîsata ci bhonis!embarl iit; for I repoat lierta chai have iseinre îasd, and il la a se'tîitueisi chic mili fitd laver cmih Pverythonorable tii, .tisa ve souid h. nu party ii)putmirug inriard tl schc-cne andsi oiccimcmg the emi emark.sriuciut ofin sish capitl, if net prepareci ic emhac'k ai awn, and furlter ta promu lisat tise shareioier wauid receive an ncicvsiale 'elurss. ln Nom Scotia, tise sources of icnformatiocn cure neti commausi; and lience bemmmg callesi tci Ilcton c protescional buguiesa, 1 dotermined ta purtari a double dui,-io enqacre unloie he etiaétis4 railcays in tue Ucîîtesiemlate,, the coutl maaagt cient ansi transit ubere, ismdsi len lu pa.. s îhrougi tise western siction uf Nec Yocrk1 Montreal andi Queber, Icc t izht comnpiete i neceasary enqlumres hare, cccccult youîacontrm tee ansi tisailiser Ieadiicg cctcn ut Canada, lietig acquaintes i ilstise local relatiocns ofyour ira.J Ilian I Cao pieteoci ta ho. asidthua emdearuur arquiro anispeutent tisai genueral %'u ut il subject uece.aar, ceuproaluce cotaviction aud wsa succes.. Let me add, tisaI if tilesi enqui ces had coaduclesi me lu lie conclusionsliaI cas a project impracticable, bicause heyond tl ias and resteatci.rcunstanceoîa!thlie Cul ne, 1 Woul b ave aitsltdu u tcsWj commcittee; ans!du isaudanung itmysei cu have enireatesi1h.., ai 1 an saure tiseyweu bave dae, if Usir jsstgnînl. haul hic. convia id. lu sanction my aet by their concurrence; but, air, if I tilt doabi and lezitanc, cisea loft Nova Scella. tise bave nue remoed ; & i fiel salafesi Usai biture fivejeaufreim t dute ibisgreet baed oM colonial connictiais w b. laid, and Use Allaatio-ad th St. Lavrtu oomeeewd ly diiimode of communication, *iracele a" end mpiring, se ta b. alike i comdivamsioea..mef lb. agt& But bbeicemia¶ ta figure, 1 pause for instant le mttal Usaookbahpi. tie enterpri ladepenael t amy 1»"M eCemmiuee, or dsattor ixtramMois eheees.1view at a colo.sit-ee a sibjeeii et thm empire- a di coeni of thal SOue raic. haveettia b, theis' vîmtes andi emsrgvsueli bigla preo.. en" iamm n h.natlions 74 thé mesdi; andi hi raiediandmi uams Uadmnoblieranatituis ich premerveo )celtêbe jui pivgeive Ushe Cr., a*W jet neves il. lgbts aid vi fies tbm tlents, lb. sp"riami thé mugies the pompIe. l'tri in emsdevaîhce snsob thee%diii lise emject scelle ùa agalitudea itepertanui; &ade-tsaa e sus.. &Wgi a oses over Ibm visionaoftibo futerr. 1 refari birte epeunu, resulta 1 peeh eauoc lu euw en OUtb duvelpemm lietiOurnuee or m upo îed-I l " et teaià as i ig a (à dertbe aspect w"h mllei epeallhIstm spire.1 @neabeveetethai pro ieietadel gil pei Ee<lan te te ng abeu Sr wbg aises à 1- nt ther. No-ce fiel ith"ur estj iai., iecuse Engiend le supremen thie coagree ci(t nations, and tisai iis la"ar uthr derneen;- UaI tf ce cire loucisesi,400,000 mem are reasi ta flatb Ibeir arma. and MWei»tgallnhipe. career- iug o'es' th. deep, - ta oeln ieir vice ni dur- minI tlinmer," t0a nidthe exiriiona of our ea ga!lant mililha, * h oaglt sa brevely la 1812j and Ms. Ayleia says, and as i beievi, are tea- s, ta fight agnil@, tu repil andsiasb lbe lava- der. 1 tsk, are ce prepaeosta10 ssevos tise exiting allegiace, luabiandon tisebi'ga Pio- terion-tluneositheprivilegea cit i cstcwc ane inveted 1 Butlet sue notlih. munderotooi. 1 ans nu adeocate fr hosilile-l rais, nu voeIhe Semproaltas, for car-I cl nt torgel, eillters thes dut, ce Cee lu Gosior huaaanily h1 irritai- iag national prejudicea or pisuion«. F os' une I iave ndesir eft tne C. ratdomocraîle pria- dipl#i.csisAMeriénait ryiag oui aetailed or siétulîbesi. Nu man couel itraîl csoe.1Ihave Isely hein, ciboot feeling anfelguisi respect for a people eh. have made their country suris a scerteu ut liti, cialtis, linellectuaî inerg ansi en- terpriai.Bshe linadeid, a grai conry, in ber ciîe,, ma nutactori. ,fieldet, railîreasi. Ansi au lu lise Circli ta cisme friendly intinsacies 1 have licou asmittei in Boston, the Perisina, the Quin- ceyR. tise Slrs, tite Curtiz' ai tise Summaier- ih.y are ofutnsa. hu, la tieir public spiriiand magnificence, coemnopoîsîan feeling, bigla talent ansi honorable bearîng, relet ceiîlon tiseir an- cestors and h. ceunry luacisicis lie, h.long. 1 ans net tieretore, insenaible ta 1h. respeclto wchsAnertea ansi ber pati eertions are enta- lIed ; bliai tinipossble ta admire lthe offoprtung and tise panîner ot anoliercwitiuut givin g leiths ert baltîde-flineouthlie Seartansitise a Iecious. lemrimug ta generout aoif-amiriflre ansi 10 pure and steamly devulion, wducs ce exten uci aOur auto. Sa it love of contnry. In lise ltaei, ce feel thiat, altisouglavice mx, lie frieuds, ci are yul alint-liscsI tieare nofu u tsimr ce ut tie.. Ilne differnt are or,-isuc diffcrni are Miy teelinigstier. In Quehec 1 am ai haie-I tfee thiat 1 am lunlise mcdsit ot tillawcritizen@, al pur- sui9n iau ccnt v.ibic is lueîo nd os lageliser by insu'mcrahle ral-inialties ; ansi ihai cuto mnai seililimemit rsn lie appeaiesi tu wicl is cii ot Sîrike a coîmun citrd of aympatcy s in li chu speahe, andi ihose who hecar. Mly opinions. ansi precilc-ione arn tisoreagisly Brtis; ihave heen barn, tMr. Cimairman, a Blritishis ubjecl; 1 hope ta die une ; andI 1 prtue îhcs discussion under use conviction tisat îhii:, lise grave question ce havi noir ta selîe-Itbe Amnerican Ripublic ihaiaming aI lise posselon ut Canada-tapping lthe cealtis and loat, of tise Wet by sevîn difeérent chan- -nelt fcomîmrrial communication ansi relation. csiip, and s astra as Ilit flashes fron tise son- c ean, and an tisaI resîetlet andi gurgl.ng toucu t of waters ates' illias leapeel uver lise FaiIto Nag.ns',crannot Gne back, if Iis enterpriai uisomlc rt lie accomplmised, Canada, dedervedly dcalles te birhtest diamond inthe Britiscrown, cmwili ne îrretraeval'ly bal. s 1 pronnunrce Ihiu opinion, Sir, cith iro mlriek- i ing or ltimi delicary. fit ias hscome a practical ,,qiestii of grave etate necessity-cao tleory, tic t,.iimura, no specuiatiou ; ail ransielînatious oh e dajubi Lave passair a,. I cilI eri taiuthat ,y legisiature of chich 1 have tise lonor te b. t d Nletub-r and ltise Minslers ufthuie Croco, if s1 eisirustmsd witi sam arduo andi honrable a mis. Lr sior, an 1d tungettiiig lise laciguage ot entrealy, te sai 1tuioli-liis rk muet ne done, if lBritish ,a Norths Ansrica i ta bu relaicies. Aye, if requi- - reiL 1 would lneel ai thiefot oth ie Thrane it- 3- selt, andi chite isîng citS leiyal devotion ithe r. band uf royalty, 1 couisi speak tier. the lait- m. goage of iruIS ans! soliernes, and ser toiser Ma. id jeat," Voar lwMc illioins oM devotisiaud loal *, sujertes on this lmit co rntinent, visu iave trug. C. ghilaitbeon. ansi are ready for lise satty of the r- Crown ta sIike agaim, are placest la a criais e danigsr-lhey reqaîre tise aid of lise Siati andsie by l5arl annt-Ihey cntreat timt tius great conk IMay ho torwardccl-that tiey mi, lve ansiflou,. a-ish as Britishi uijerc, and tisaitishe insegs'hly c -the empire na net bhunvaded."-(Eulaashaslic t, cieeriog.) n. But 1 have saisithiaI1 came bore te ascertair ho i hi sa cre a prac*.icam.a prjed.; andi tisaI isaI 1 even doulits behilre exisait. 1 bial ausivesi at tis Cls conclusion tisatit h as feailpsd tisaIli at meant nirissary for ia accoiflmeuh ceq se witian out commandns. Yeu affm a rigis tua sl 9- mefonrlise procfs upon ciicis ee aseertions ai Ur mae;and!i must thîrefore aoc entrent ju ir paiensce tilt 1 enter inta drynmatier ut deail a aah teh ruan, lthe sources trans clilcisce are t, ai derive tise requisite funcie,lise charge forpaesec n gens ansd transit, and tise traite andI rturns chici nsi tise une wiii emrace ansi yield. Tisise Sas of heen rolilesi cswtiu sy bstlnoareandI dilgence ,- amîdi1I aialSe prupanîi, if anv tatemeni h. quei onu tioneil, tu submt the proofa chicis are hins, pet tu sesilon. If I ern, i wiii be an errer ai jumgmeti Se nt of intntin.. tr Final, tison, au ta the practicahiity outtie linq de i ousuhat ail douih lia. beia reesvesi, fan tl Ioa teimnocf surveejrs ansi skiitul engineers cet lie e.uirlu oui opinion. tisat the country tâtosru ta Wiiuistise ne, as deiaied l is e remiuion, ir- tu ru. net anilyprenais nu physmcal impe ý itmente, but i ig hiifavurable for th. unterpnisi te Tise laie report fornaaisitaluthe Cousmittei U. h. traquent ofnos' Seertiriesa, ha ivaluaI ur contributio tenus' local kaouihedge. Neiati uid ltiseeCnt; indipemdinl of lb.caculations, sîsi Capt. Mtosom, 1 sac whlle in the State, ta De- psacucal e.nveyorsuof uksl ansi extensive exp4 laid andi furnbisi cilla itbe iecess'ry engind an sidCama for operalm, ai an osala, aot ixe- is megSIU),INN is'mle The tathnesc M err il wisea tIah.age " uof 'lu"19 eim Es4 d aarecesd £314UOperMil;%imrncs, £2 000 ; ha Belgasu,£17ffl; in Geum»Yiefr th £27.000lte£,Wo «s"erLerrmile; ami Nie E*iglaitd Use Alay ands! to M t£10 000,dLb cel.£14M Oetbeeu£8M00, ch Bthe e S mriaîroade ui tihe W*mB u t-ag if P0 op.the cntmiuhiesea ewclen l ouesfha as uthé kinme padfer the latad, a" inmis k-Camesfor paslhîsuitas'j eqirie-lh. Ira bd tie, in oecase countSJ9 I« Per mile, and1J fl latte £4»00pur mile; hbt in îhiâteizceenry,.h "v calimi seqio;-dor, i tise gavr Prise %e mec le Use hiing in Mentir or th.eterpri a f and Ur. AllcitJasagI.tisaià@bM Mm geeee ýibeoisip intruie isa th"y etre i-@" lia.~~ « blda «W ianî ÎZÎe E .et t' oq ( buoea « or MY" smâle, Of eetpamleiandi t.e bm aua.ibte fer i - bues*$e d<big cib ePealsmi; feceitI »b t" a eiwgb asmiiece:_ . the th.pmviam 1 bave a» deehaim MI 1 i. d âte..Sh. O e5 ptmisbe Flt n*9k ami Itie.aidu a ee hlrjcou,- teitMt" ra Immies, e DO u- 4.. emfe o0a am. bi. ee 7ý Slau speriar bihc, inc6 -ver, villsge ans! ne, m~ii Imane, bonccd. cClaa. rubirs, bUcI. i'ueymiJaînar, 1r. trm imcl Dr' dilnmh las formationc, wvmfl bu n1Isu li Mnt somscmer sas! amlumm .Corner of Privce, la. over thue Blelfast hrotn Bugut Street. neetl the services ot st, ore respe(ful!5- vs No. 1, Nocrth iShore H ,lis Table Codv finis, larloarel, No. 1. >3 SaImon. calp for Sale. - - IIter PosuP aid)> ta Land aid liemierai rarces Street, licorir ÏFAHAN, Lnd Agsl EMOIlIALS, ia,Usu etiller B L A MXSil r THE sl'BSC7RI PATENT STRAIV CT cIARLES W. JESIÀ 1845. SSESSION 0, lim 1~ uenee c.a rhtIdyîiJ auss Tuctîcu mn clime t £(J. 1.5.. per Qmcnr, aiS SEccgtcish. I-.em.'aiaart lus e dune, lu Coommivlsl. Pli Mysr, ansi IBLIscat H19114- i circuleas, wisic crau lie ' ,-or by applications la lise N'Cf ANI ,n ea pierfcaliy tecuslersllml nh&s ta lbis frieid, and aà, for lIse very liberul slchmut inde lie cumnneD bi and ble teu ecquint bt rneel tas terine rmCoa~ rittl ai, PrPer'~, a1 tlri¶lIW at se eien iven> effort wal phriston t t lo-sebco ir patronage. siei icqaisoutance wiîli ho ia confidentl that' lie s vinhag asau iIc c BE LE.Tr negven ieddý7O* .0 Wl#MM atilast, csitbCtt cen. Wseil adaptes! kt me. Aie isae d Uuauciiier.D Ap A i b ; v V p l f ti e w~ ,ded te. i, 110 id a li 0 non~ 5 d he T5Ws)ANDu TUSEE-QUÂATER MI5LLIONS- Calculathng th. hteret on thiis su. t tire rate of 3j pas'ceint, euues lise capilrl eh.obiaineesi hais, i th.an- ttccpaled assistance ftm G'cerntaent iu oeiiesi h ronisi be eqmîilîta£96,2301 Tise rosi t onhckng ansi repaisa, au as- certaineiisy tise experceoce ai the Blutellansi fernishesi ilme miby - cse lent Pemmceetr, enulsi rncf ire $1~2w) or MM0 pes' mile, equi a ci£lI,030o Total %anunal expenme, £26 1,U730( Thsis esimale e luimde for irar. rails andi a sminge lv'ack. On.eafject Iisad in vcew in tise States vau tu &*certainu bue fanhlic leap coudes rails ufthlei ce« al]sanweres tise pcrpowtes solendemi. I fautât! "bey cire nut approvesi tf, ansi tir sa- vice tienthon. by ihote ut cooapetitiskiIlicatt ta lay at ence, a suabtantiel ruas!,chici caîlal ralulietepreneus ofuteqenni ue and! of esvy luisis. Tise petibiltj ai layiccg a rieaper ral- rond! ciht h. laie pateut. caliesi Payntased coud, ht jet tu h. investiaei in Great rilain. Tai., fur Our mian., as a large îapeudilure and revoit. ue. Lottamn sue enqoire ftrnm chai sources the fonde are to h. nitacord. If tlie cuuvctier Go- verrontseut mionîi ec 5t is e saine icopartant andi conlrollng ligisi, catîtwhsis i flashiesuepau us, tram tise relations andsi rristanres hy wbicis ce are sunroundud, ths.emquir wculsi nt h. demandes!; fan lit exnpendilure out lca atn, ranîraste isi îlltlie isaasdiessaod magcsîfi- rent resoreu uoflte Mailer Country, caulsi ceigis nolhiog in th. balance, wen lthe preser- vataun and satety uf Canada are et stilie. Vi cili viec t ho a loima cmpeiensivi, and, il ma, soaspeais, a mre merciantile senne. It is mater of notorietyq tisai Great Brulaha bn@raslte!, surveyeml a griat miitr, rond, runing irons HalifatauQuobe, and I havi been tols-isu un Iit bure may b. niappreisnsin-tur il 15 dii- ficult tuaelcet cinate information in malter of confidence franc officiaelaient, btlîse designer] ta eeffniltiree quartera of a million on lhisî greet cmiitary cork. Tise roasi bas bien supeiidid. Si' W. Coi ubrooke, tuacison the Pravinices oce oun nucic, fer lis i vgaro exercions in relation ta lhsissaercJr, lias eatistlY aciscesithat lise fuonde nendevt for tSe rmad sisculd h. appîmeai la thie raiiway- Ilis. nol, tinreinre, any extrava- gant expectailan, ta caleniate that Great Brîtain, ta eonsiseration ofuthie fige transi f tii mai, trausuansi miitary stores, aisauls! give une mil- lion of money-and igitien ot coure, nu inter- est coulsi h. required.-Nexi, latl, Iacirtiin- es tront Mt. Perle,, tise Ethigralcon Agentini Ne Bruisuuck, tisa, ni lie 17 million& utacretc chich inIthîe area out tIprovince, Icu millions conisl nfhareuu ansi lakea ; five million, have hien graîttee, ansi tonmiians remamnet ta ius. a posai of 1h. GGvirnmect. la Lover Caasla again, I havi h.en nforined, tht, iathe rear oattise oignianie. ounlise river Si. 'Lacrence, aisicis ectîcusigenerally ihres miles S, six, iront lite Rcver du Locup tn tht Grand Faml, there e an 7-ecut o ngraniesi lands, nu lie..th.an a million of acreu. t sisualsi la grupuid. 'bat foeur millionsof etacrea-thrie in wecBraueicsudos ne ie Canada--andsi sci fantettiesi lande la Nova Scolia as tho Iaegiula tire a affbrd, sbosld h. ,ppropriatltt hib a bjmct. ansi plaeid untier use cunul ofthlie Lan. ,f don Company. for tio .parpuseca of ooDgmaient et -a suffirient guaranlee, tisati n coniderationac rsiransterence, the radomeldtionsih.laid- t Noîiiog couIc! h. anre lieneilesai for theinliter cftoeprovinces. a ai seiiemen ttfises L- landsecis a railroac! paa.mog tiraugis lien ecwulds pruceis! culs a rapidity surpaming lbi i- mot sanguine ixpirlatioflu, ansi diveiutpe ns L_ tources chics woulsi tally jueiiy iheEuropesi il maaic, Iltisat railwaya fîeu thtenlves." Iti o ne ufthlie peclilar remala utftise syslons, ibm se îe nt ouI>' carry cat irs-ike fligisiaolerîth >f grouona, bul ue, creali a new spirit, tie, coin tf manicate a freab impote a th ie publiec mmd, ti k vorabii alîki ta public spirit andi intligenice c r- tu indasîr>' ansi generai prosperity. Sa fer i ut Nec Brunswck is courerneel. tise culs arual ic iy gain b>' the guIt for lise neveuillions otacre reînamniug wcuais! trnhiy adeauce i n vaint in Suppotîug, tien, ilsese 4 millions acres ta b s. curtis a second million, ce have gait ca înillin )a of capital, nul sienandmug interîtlfrtncmtise r4 le tirnas aithe raicay. Tise balascre o ut ud te weulsi h. terivesi freintise grince ai lie differei jk I.egieiattanim. frumt ur seucscriprim uf t stcl e ftmtise contributionssofuthle Landau rapiîalîsti r and ifhisurisa asceme coulai h. sulinsittee t0ni as colonial friendi in Londlon, chu I1 no* enrnesi su iscpi ilIl co.operae cutis th. Lossulun cumiicîs l. i bave auotar butat athie stock coula!at unt bh h. takemi, andi theiprojert placei aider an edl. va ont ansi respectale management. No reasar î le man couls! doubtatisaIttis eus a tiasib sg: »chae, ansi ont sifficrlt cf execution. le. Tise third question carnsetclint triadeu anal tri t, it thsliai culsiemhrae-omiat retornoa short, wcusIs!h. serives trom t l-Tbe ir le; pant lise line trom H-alifax ta Amhsierst, beii se a ditac o13.5 miles, and siar an a.tii B ththe rairoas minalaougis a caltavaiesi and icke jeities! country,, chici, if it dii! nut yîeil an ad d.quate relurn noe, cool! more lisan scpaj icn i as orse utf fue jeart. If tise lice agamn, tlumi ý direction traont tisnougi sBseex valey bl ards St. John, a furtiser dtarre wol e ell au braced ut eeveval rriie, durs un tise sanief 1 sosrid couls i yîls a taffiricut revenue. At ft au terminas, again, il wsîuid penetrate a sert] M_ Country fios ueaibintlutise River du 1Lut b.l andi altisnugh the Cousunitîe cane acare tl as bis portion ofth.lisne coomal coimuind lar f reighl., ai WeelIsa passengere. nu eatlinate h ,p yel beeu fotnsid outhie exact extent. Folle the 1hfine, troms th*tathelb.Grand Fillu andi tiet tbfegh tise pnsoinceof NeBrunswck. if exteseivm ied active ytteaof @mgrationu c lu presecutesi alargo, trasuit factriceul 6,ae% deals, 6"mber il nitéltprodîcta oft hil foret, comls! speiedlis be oas; ami e a. brincis lisse ta St. Jobe, ta Fredeicton and! the northerl partsoftth. BalyoM Fundy, Il cra filsdiffisimaitolaemtitile b.c'raspidIj lb. resnis m oUse coéory coolsib. sievelopee ans!vindeq of larges!. He coulIs!%et plane biture lisem ma oss tfdetuils eh al collaes!ans i lgesta but la migist setaliai lb. co o ftransit sEngluas!, hies ivinagesi(mmram in d1 e trl i, pinrloos pin mile, ball bien educealiluths Sud me inecami eaae, caieon 1.theading reiîcay fr vu Ihtplace ta Pbladelpsia, 'cireaieiually caru i.a Ineause cet par 10e. Th.o «&p c mnilMaeeeehou W»ara ie.2 ta -tagae Is. l VI.Iatet imsaseeod lumnbor, tis e igIs t fcW cgrosethuwet aia toi, cas esmved est W&'Waoete r aihroas! trmAlae" w o 0@01%ILa tés, unso M tu mde, for 4 dllm T@cn ba.umd i 6»r oar Albany te. Intuie2' bouclé hy flirlnges%0 Bote., cas "klah ai 48 imiu".Tokint tte is maia satrtos 48.9 réae<e aavei a berrel o m lra m Qen Un abeh i te et. e <N. B.> caulsi b. 41 cents. no'te Haifaz 6@ cemita. Bel o ieo g at thestg respective capitalse ot betm e provinces. Nexi, 1 coevenîessci, Ameries. b, danlmritug car ai an cî cas aticipttidlistaheb. alay coud uei- sopportuit eeeuae, coulsi pour iuoCanada a re- brane large ro rosefrisa th. cocvynce ofest gisiauimasfonce ;adans!eor en. Lmunttenofu gunda,.trcjsaGreat. Dritaia vsa Ha:uax; and ibat ruietane.. iGreat Brita n otaIs!ouI, marris up ibi siitstnsiceméi treit ans i mnsramre v-n gouda i ier &me" hbrougis a mliery rnasandi aven deesi Iamueimmn lHalifax, mie ceil as tise puiiiity et lusnaore!...Flc rOur trai!.ans! proectiais lionbu .slici. esdclapicas nietsebts! teretore bicorne teperaluve; andsiehi ds!nul iramia ta be cbiedy c nnucti!aiocug lise hne - tour but tisai the tsverniueit « 'csad give il a 1imisking te the futuretit, il euslic h. reuhiecl- promcpt a"e!Cordial support.Hliedsisaisi biulie., ed tisai 1h.fhue oh comusn .«Mon cas telih.ex- ie d isal st wis imr car ; but it usughl cone. H) tendtie ltlhe exureme pc.u of Canada Vet, c eitesi impatieativ tolu ee tise effesit of Governos asud uhal amtcrptaiuscu ecre ch.nuises! hy at .Pollue lait speuch, ansi tisaibrttumJ'ulcien w clac neat irrational tu Iheir expertalions. usatItcI ould b. b.d tauaîiugly ceni ber. tise Britais pocera olicmately pieiratelue Oregun.-llaat tliieouls inl Erope, " thai Anaoics, forsotis, UWls mgi votle h.We grni Britishutract. aut unI for theo pensait tiseta Lu foins! amy newceiony ulis lertîle routtlrs iling ces u bhtoc tise rum islluscontinent." on lise spiril uaisi lmpe.r outhlie Ea-g- and igisl maiacttsrescd Cinta. I admit, ir, ih pvpis'. 'ae rmold îaslge Ieter after se chat tlteeare vies ltoas distant tus' prnantulcal. laed rndatlie fery cr'icici*tuas utthe ILondon Tiites rîhatiou ; but lmt tinneot h. reated as chîsnerm- and tise Bsgliis is»es. Thîre wa etsalpres. ral,-lisey are entitiesi le grave econssderato,- sier bais liereandssi lre Usas îhey c1ai aîreat! ior ce bave aauoaige oMien &soncspîssIci cgamaci tau machisb, lit epertit s elleanc,- tealizeal ahiaci t aIth iset brIhliiseuiasI tder Ihoir ni1 modse onI mer demanilng t100 mue1, le ansiur tac atitlone tis. I1sddhupe Ihat 1 tisepriaect the Coloiitis cere nue, mcaferir.ga souie!lie ablei be evemssag Itu ay beote ,u frosaisth. bitsiary questico. as etîlidhy Lord cccii statsluCDas coulsi inable ,ota devide tu Ahtilbtn. We bac! îu rudowsi te the River chai ixteut tes migisi expeutt el urun the Irai-j du Loup ansi c,.ake a rirrie outheb rail, in place sit aftie prodiets out hes West. Tise enqoîrmes of at iotcg circetiy taul8t. Andeca ; Sud dtse are net ysrî compîctesi, lu enabîci ns. lu tae millions oatour ovin lerrstory nualbeen cedeil lu Ihîn catis certainiy ; but let me Bay that ce thse Si u., ol Malame 1 hîave nue sifflement information la leal 1te1the [ladiLard Aslishurtun calied te lis nouneiu. ut iesît iat, ai long Bs Great Brutaiu uphiu liaer %'amhngon, as ougisi te have bien dime# tise navigationi Imes, a,.d exienda protectson 1 rî eslii tLei1eccicsecaiss pu ies ,81, prodace, niscnsiderable ~part uattise exp4amîrliviceun doienimnir tiseir i sctescands!n urs isn ot canad ont cl n esuter seek is wa tcmh!e pulie confidiencie reali. titis ireatj msiss. tise Atlanîtic li Ibis roue, mn pretmrvncmitatiavesovo lieu Jerenlly deîermine. eAcrs Amurican porie. As regarda tiese rof icauviy. cru..e unsali, blisehesagacmîy ansi fcres.gisl cog th. matît, chics il me propSuaitlihocaersîd mbt e c isef'cts-fccr isey lsen'Sud rcalaisand Frtot expeece, ho consicleration oattis alre lcuin -uc-York, ici bimugisg lise internai il la^si gtta h anrcsc assirc-trate of Canada btlieir own porta, ansi sesdng mlaIuhlb, Dr. Mornu Ilat le ladt utcdcir. lu tise ses, nut lcy a dirert, bat csrccuioo., aud stosi tront an officer ot tise Post Office lsal lthe motacoestescsl ot.Tesiep BiihGV adtth mtcnGaut. tise jstrmras1ertc ule rs a e lc B atihGn.wau utieAt rcncsevidînt in tiseir late prerenalons taelise Ore- ansuai so ut%£4 ..If ibis lbe narruri, asd gon; lthe &trip ut Coast lyiusg soth outhIem 'th ce vullI iamediateîly enquire inlu il-st id equal dîgree parallel lhue rauld ie h. u uaalue as ter- te meaiy one-balf of th. hI.erest payable on tise raîory 1te ot, in lise sailsi range cilutheuS.ru chah capitlirequires! for thi, lino.. ae rome pusie ireinraced ; hautlley refaseul lu acknuc. nueb iat oure a ineun .01 p't.i~sliselesige tise raghul afBritalsIcitetise firvo nvigin upen tise Etru= linges. InGreat Brilain. Smi oftise Ccimiia, ansituth ie porta lyinmg hetceeil lav alesa>' entise average met oairlcayu s uth@îtout usaI river anad Vacircuver'a Islandl, bas hlinn tateti as £31.0(I0par niie-Btigumn hth tis>niglul make tise Briimis Culaciis iiimc £17,0Ù00;-in Masaichusetta th. anc*rage te Oregon dependenl upon theni fcor thier rade, aboutl £10.000 If tisese linos cere now tle lit' and asi-sey rnue imb uimporanceransi prtimcarity lai»lisey roul ie dos eta a tan cisaper raIe ; tisai tise>' iglu.ltacultiseir firecti'accaacîi snp andi ience il ie, lt liste coumtmplate<i rosi îofliseir icyalty îo tle parsosulState, astîiey %cern -ocrs eutratures! lu eue hlaitfuthIe cent. The altemptcag iu do la Canada nove, b, iiliing chiarge tar convoyiag paeeugers in Engluas! i., cosmercial tacillios ansi privîlegos. -fer the firat clmis, about Us-.-'eecoud clare 2J, ivss 1epad eniyiaM.Myr candth îe clirsiclaim. bame t fParliament, Id. per tîteati , t u n pr etey luîr.da os mile, Iu Beiginin, liset firsi ants i. i frariiccat user a penn; tlisecondscliaut isreeft. a r. eidls ieJe nirmsudn npît tthings ; andiUse tisird elase .56parts ut a pen- anme uftibmauljeclits.lt-alisoiigisI litet n,;-î Maîcebmette, ch.n. tiere cas gens-cneedy tIonsdefints by prepariag a more are- nahly mil.;bol as fui reve atter my retunihucme, vush a vioc ot un centsnt micabut et. t mise 1 %as,-s n layiag t bifore tise Bs'iisht publ-iet ut noe rmd touîil; te ldnut sîccês 2 cents,ou nen tnrae ils iffecta tus a puital cosîuspccltan pint ,epenny pet mile. Tii. pincipleofa i dmanisisesof viec. Tises'.counlh. no u qestioan1h.th ,eciarge yielsing a lurger revenue. as carmi, NeWorld bha xerriaeelaud ud ,et deetinei acinunîtes in Boston, and ti l icy vssnut ha exercîse a siglai, andsin-ccauo influence unI, exleusing there but vas recomnsensiing it. on tise affaars anal d.ititcy outzibm 0m. Tise ho- self b, tise expînience ut Europe. If tise rate stitutions.mcandidynasties ut Europe cent ladeuti ut pasat rom Halifax ta Quebec roaid lie rnaniet. but uet setiles! or iisduring toua. ; l t e b y t e d i i i b e o t t h dis e n t c l a t ie id a io n s . b oris c r is a n r l e e s a n s i a c t i v e s p i r i t in wuld enta penyor 4s. 0d. or hoie oteuriv abralinus 50tisteis'principies anti ar- a- rouIe, andmheUsine! clansatise haItoftlus tnsm.litou ; sud a slairi tu replace tise suar>' ansi ti- ni Our lune w c on rae ailti aitravellicng f-tm rlns tructures outlime la, nec fabrications tis e ezieme buanderie ut Canada ans! fruinsthseasd Froeriprincipîme of sociali ers. CassUaNaç - Watitt bicause travellers could point lu Halifax club lIaI sagacity andI brilliance ot mniine!. wucs ra h sisoresi voyage &cros theAtlantic. Ali hi e duoesibis age, moite bis prcph.iis cm' as bire couls ieh au inaieale oetravel- mu"cui!aaeiEroe 1cusiwn in Iia tou Canada andithe Unit.! Statut tu the acres lilou desolatiln, if neot conîrelletandoineu c- Lacer Provinces, for ibm popones ut butinz pithatesi. Tisat coniut lias bien begun. In lia. an au cl as plettsure, tisai comltifan exosos! îany ly, Prissia. avdti ace, tisose are powentul mas. ta calcuimtiosu tisaI ouliduc h.liemade. If italitax sont sirred by enirgetmn anti intculizent Mindst, et couisi hi rearbedetai anh au elpinsee.ans! lu 20 clu seek totu lruse cf the reliecsans! pressuro ic ta 22 boir, ai primautishe average rate of spees! cf teudaliaca. ita oraditrate, a.useyy.lehoanti- ha in M sachuaetts bing 25 miles, lise extent of qumîid mnaions of parsive obedieur. ansi regard r'intercourse betceen tbe Uppe ndss Locen pro- tor aristocratie riFlals sa-I lu esjoy a facful '" vincea votadishmnmeato. Ie rouis! peak beet and! ialeyociage ofeqoal rightt. Greal Britaju asas tu tise populaion et Nva Scotia-iisey are a bisnsefiau lot tre ronsexcilemel; andtihue Il' slirecd, active, eaquiriug peope; but Se silsi alout are s'îîlidu aitisrugis tise injnenu es nul beieve tisere mas a mun bieri, if Ihe rail. tireulemistig. Setlausd le nisileet unser tise sé. le cay cire once lu uperaîlun, wils an incouse ut cessiOnouthtie Free Cisurcis; Ineimcsd ia agutls le£100 a year, chu o olti octse Canada trons by repial;t ansi Engianul las iser charistteansi un ne ensil e ie lîer. Puseyhan, tise Corn Lacs ansi Free Trade in- (M.Yon see<lsrshs to]ones lviviuug tise acendane, of the laudes! inieresîs sailalely modeain iu Lizlansi, ansd stalîsi uSathi tis aderhapstwismv:,re in no lcauSese rnrcb r, establithis peed ou île Great Western and b>' legsg amn; su tan as migIsl consitta in lisefins. tis te mati laue rous Losndon tu Liverpool was 40 nation ut amenot fnune!îest cealis andi of milita. M miles an uas'u. iTisaI u lbetmosphercc rai- r n aa oir errddtePrn ti way mt Croydon a a peesi ot7O nmiet s oi !r a ns al ei cvi oer'ivndi!i j aeut.tt 1'tybe tate; a.i tisho isas! dbeoms luforseul, ocpy a mure prend! ans! s!inug position. ie chen, iie; uSiMs.BrnI a j n el, lu invincible uly-I bilieve Iser tb h.ieremisl- huin Landon au, r. Ici bdlaey e. .If wcr shoul noeclh. caged ! eu htie perforaient an expeenisental trip bitwees Bath Uste satbîrneu!tsîsntieri! n-a ni Brigton, iaciteh isas arcespiiiscd 13 p M lisofthese&a a ntand uJnaval fleet bî.- mnilesm u61 minulia, the amma nlcreduble speed which couisi barricade tise Atlantic Coamai0f Ame- ut 125t:amilesamu heur.> is fira.Nasine, lte isIisissippi, ber nmi air. hm ontiderathone.,sir, appliosi to a claie of antesevery cily ehlhin the riacli if ticr con.- inpeace;iiiha ar lise trafic of titis ljunesais! h. nnn, detolals ber entri comisrc, ans! fcsrce irêI byoai .»Il esieiattoit, amie!no poicj cot&hi i honismtaînteg ouheree-tor 1l3 Nec Eeig. rg murce Vcuclor onsse ntalul, hs aconi as ced landlthevei# ea botes'feelIn-to caribock iias snmncÀ n IIajel iau in potce 10 prepare i iifSgcbin e eabora bftiaeceae! eeeto ter, aait hnspemus!în or pelaibli otiittes ;-itttan il. la ar, mine, Bitanbas uotlsnq ta eerm; îîy pnev nIed tis e vtle agaunst wcic it h as intentien] on the cneîrurY, tisea are hep". eoefle!euaes, Use Ae. to igard. Lookboos Casntda aoc sanada; smen very certaini, o brilîani icisciu.meita&6.fital t ehdiffernsainhes ut rails. runuîag anelu i ibthetrmîmpbm Bit w ce ebouusd tho ok ta dii fturue- es wters of Lake Ontario anal th. Si. Lawrence, teceagi thlie eMect of possible eonti.mgiecia: te. actualy smduung, fur t Lualice propen loins, hj Seppore ilim Republie blad acquisse! i theudis- -ns- rhesp races oM trant.tans!tavorable ice,-tb. lurbisi posseessionor tuie broae!Continent, andi pe- ut LofCosiaafiteastu iumile tabsentls iosatoh iehi .ta uni er itacu ignilcait trme, ibis Amena-an porte.. erauie theavoceal poricj f un sîemremLCattormi,Canas!a l1hnonsl led f lii co#lmlor MsastsecMasachusetts ansi thse uoet. Thon, indeesl, lb. aspect out lhîg New Yos';for -on mit loie viastu sncb confu-ia-he lOi!Wold lgislb. cisange& sWith tE ual s omnu cire (#oeil midite me.iTieter. th. Collesns udaugairs outheb.Wes ; tbo visaitou irc msetrM Buffalo andsiRochster to Albtay. thethte Sauthiereami Mtâie etias; lb. ilsbsansi rge osk", cefrm Cp t iailopst dezs: ofCanadaand! Nec Brunswiek lite cual, Ksgtaa eria, i1. eLau silacthe ire &s IM tO0 eip, oprofouOssettered icaan Capati aBregton nitsnmt bly a=aptes!te imgrechsif maisfi*are ai iebinueeaof s ir, a M nsthe BaRbia lee. muo- Mr. Ngaou- Thetele the liaiktronO. teias! eeae e lmoasisa eaesaer- thse cege ta Albaj ale." teinlt -*hUs-YouI< &Mrkfla cealI Iruathe 10 isaet emii mu-t Tebini n0 id medift Ibm destiesie et We.u arls!. sal ; caalel blle!sa.Iitrdia*hu ipesiejj esi re moaipl; teu, tia use Wahoiseattempla ta brut lee11"taOfa beit oiitj; aU bâiîý uu r a lie but pou a prject, o %bsa Simd ha a . c guii. . mgleiuao drc rid alia usti heCroce ami hieW eat-f tisie lies hie usa isim go la- rate bc hateaderlte coaneci QWiba itis do air lt dwaifeclte1te"' 60"4 O asi e s! tibm ineasis edeveboplbnenosese. ut. eose m.thiau e bon 040 ~ .s~u.bi dia- tract ta cIWh i 10mbd, iver, me otbte re. ptmitve< ted. g t ~i1~lo& th =t 2 1.e j m a ea - I t m ais C o h b uta l t e . c i mi n P 6 i c k l 0 e n e s n i " 0 e an.- e0 Qr»mbm< te "MWal o$a*"îliebmuk ý _ ibm *4uuee-p llel O t.esi, ,tIb Whkbieà,jlr*. = .~ leteaiemmie o.pst bItl b * bées#i amur- le Ctomei barre, le ke. isiMe cu"sithe ElI ilfmir at iM91111 anss jbeitorriery. A ai0 Uegriti L w dthw- lis radatay lue Ash m aan esien alm *Idt. bave a- chli 1111tMWi. JO tie M fer d cat 0< ceos

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