Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 Jan 1846, p. 4

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et mb apatsassilad omednecw4 bia Cutet Vimas. sttisng Mr cte anssud nmsut- Viemns,,1 eutealiesa viit maPlas-ny.' de "a me tia thses-Y d"Y hWsiar-tn ssese-le. si, ha gavte noticeste t isat cf Visestisat thee gumo n lo thejeit s:= à»lcu ofisi . cse simi-[Lcud mcd proleagi sgser lut'um MMryibis passe of buta-y n iti!. IL fuss. Laot- uea thoep-treit, rerts, end de pelçjft, t is srasasd eica e inansg of ar. el Ose nmoity lit. oisej.T. Babigtonc aa- VI Psy, las thse ERiaborg i evlcv.to 'C&isser of FredMck-'A tyrant citiset l hea, witisot fatis, citisout mecy; iriable wi ssii ta forcitp; *Qnlinsg tise pain a"dhumaiti- .c lioN t eibes-- Xing et Vnaaia tise îi.Mcsaaaid îalfdy i falZy delmrm!a ecenmmit tise rterusrie O e chou as .Sud taodereZ and by pOapitl &IliEurape iotea alog, lsIîdy. andd etlcg 'W Ver; and Il tbislsoe cad ehatasm e xOeePti *ebulesoigisi extcd ihie daanosin, ans]dses bis t sas elate ut ae.Tas eqsse Lisevlincorde,v & Ambition, itereut, tise desirsetf iskiig peopie tale bout mecaurami ta day.ams]d anes] iM. tes- ar. Tia cs u tb#lintcr ot1741.'" FnVs-rss ofie Wr-B@t for ibis iegisuiutg et car, it idprobsable tia.tse pease ai l Eu-.i ry iii bave beau preservres. Nec the t cisela 1od]& rang taoarmes. On tisehbais] ofc Fredesick si ise blocs] rchiwvu sed]in aI cie cisicisrages] 22 ysars, citis sinesosupension I et isustlitica, SMd in*everp quote seoibe.P Tise. are te teero cianbefora tiselAner.i ican Revolutone. p Tisa tise Preassimonarismigisiriuistise Ans- iriassof tise Province et Ssi&, backsmen fault on e tisoca st 4Ceremandel; ras] oene airaÎped r.ise isier oniLake Eie; themit NecwsandfOlt E«land abs-t eacis tesse ronid tise waltsetfl1eciatssn, Nova Sentis, s andsags. ourdermslosic aris-as ie cptivity ocet, cemen,0 awssIciildsirn front Ilaterhili, Deerfiold, Sah. m nectadp, and Wpumicg. Tise allies] armis overea Prens, burit chiens misd] tilsog.o, ans] devastates] iflutry. Eîery aciticipaleil the ruin et bis &brun@ and nation, is I aleats %as rosken, hie facec bggard, tise grive l wuc iis refuge rom miaery and diehocs, ands]o li acatithse p',iusn lit a snailla".,cea eHa Vraita leisu rîeîtd--' have no e aurem loft, f ait lu lent. I viii cDLtmuvive the cin etfsMp counry. nPhiîl forets."1 But thé King coos-res] bope,.ans] pusises]on the cVer, ot carîcg te wdat extent popery wvas deatroyes], or the puasasits of civil lite suspends&, mu hti e dis] but saab. hWai ainst tise esemy. As longas tisra cas a aumeloft lnPresmas,tt 01e migla carry a m',ssiet,-îbere cere tili .by. ralans]ptatoa-tisera casstili leatl mns gonpowder ; miss]stitl resbarick toiit.n. Atj eis Cmle ho vetes. -1Iamno n. altanda iouiti di content, if firsi I couls] ifiact a portion et ths misey chicS J eMnre." Rtesuf d ssaoliq.-.in Feoarp, 17M3,tise nations oigted a peste. lle contributiuns le- vics] on Preais. by tise invaders, bail exceesies]a isndrcd ,milioas ut dollars. Nem i Itee thon.u Riadibonses lebain b aret te tiese -ued. Tho travelier passa-I a succession e1 vIllaes.i chiais not a ingisiabtiant remaines]. Tis fiaIds voreu-upcoutiatai-tse iocahmiss] borde bail besu sceptm-s.Tise veryp mel cure bai bsec devooredi ustho eadleesof hangr. This-î t'yraersot peace usîgisi reatire I'roisia et Frederick tuugtutil tise wecid amUos] hlmsc r rick the Oret.t Th".ls tise manand ise xtves--aed itisaloi Pulluaiert.the car,-rriicis John Quiscy Adlama ititue L isesaie te inita, in pureuit ofeMbbly ton miliions et livr evire sacrifices] ln tisat twetptco yesa, and mor property thon Frederick's dominions Vcer cont atnit cuimeoceuseet. Tier is acfair qspen o f the oia f a Ver An Inqust vas held ou Tue.day tise ôSuIn- siant halote Dr. Ueipre. eet fths e rfoera for tise Distric, aver tise body ofsmanculnairve, wchus mdimoveid bymparty ofliana, Ot. ing betvien massdes oe snereue o eise aada, atuaies a tise wesatern xtremity et Lake St. Frrancia. listise esrlp part et Sept. lt, it ceuis] appeau tisaitisînes. ma Voie risoc ite Lie vater iy tisaupmstisg of sasnescisile in these mt nf castng mcior visicis cas (oued s. cesau-p tecarry temointe disance l inoder te pissent s' Raft on e hcitse7 Vers cmpilîed trotsstriing opea sisoal, on.et of u Nan'- ages] tae s in hbocktute sRaft. St tise otheri tee wvie u,fotanatoly droccssl. Au he body was ftuons w thistea ahuort disltnce te visera th accideant occurres, it id b9litsed ho lu enset tisent; the Rasft was ocisas] iy M. John Murphy, liter Trans, wvis e uunderoetaid, vas isee Viteset. tise tistreesisg socies. bt cetuis]nt rende, hle kast ausitanca. M. M orpisy maie avery effort tisat is ime cocils admit temeaur tise adie, aid atesearde employas] a pasty ot Iniesste continue the searci, bt al casu@ n- soccesatta. It is preper teatatu :hmt tho body as] on choc fetied is;e fins clotis pataloona viLS a bisait iandkerciief ied ab,ut Lie caist an s ri>saor Prned Nuae shirt (cotten.) Wa on ne @bus or buts. H vas a mas, alose tiss middlesies aid apparectly about tirly or ferty years ot age Frocs tise iigislpeceacpomed éatsetftho body t cas imposalis ta idsnty tis fa tras or monetiser privistemark@a vise iLta i cas0 Ofthtis mesbtiup on .bis anus. il cili bo atisactory te the trienda teaiboa tissogis M. Murphy, (if iis paragispi moeet hiaepsy) tisai buscas rsspetably itterrss. and for tibis ty tiey ciesas]eep debt of gredjitusls te M. David] Sassmer aid othora of i neigi. b10e r siding upon tla frotofGlonm> ,.vise upos itisaas enumany peism.. eU.osa forcaud lan»tise cause of isiaity eaal bfr tissr services. Tise sosdieafoumaidsmla some. ence cutis the foegiegstaeeL.Cre Observer. -A terrible accèdenst ocaunes]lai-t uLâ horde, f Lsngduc, a shrt distance roi - vIlle. Ou WeàSueaay Mr. Derrick et Langic, coul ite thoecVes, euh kW" sé iss, aid vas ntirsttng.secoum of hie )«Id ; w v issstin ty rodaetas rMas, la paeing 0oer an"aai ruaqi, b c liseecfoa tes-victis senspasia um se &MaiMtUlmdes-the sid, hie bdy lasade, ai bi is legs cight ea Iaid aie.tbe lasi.,Tisa MM v u iei emm bli, es tisai tise hurm * . smis ---à &ai.Lals hd» . reii&mi,-est a1 ThINSEILtsI PItRtSPIRTIO wen et .se lod. ILi b ntiestiostai tsi ritiseet; iL Ilh!a irocis offfrets tiseblocs]anu otise jùuf dtise bod. aMs]disposes by "si saovm,- et atty 41l tise inapurities vitsin a.- T'a liapM of Sceiptura la, 0in thse DLOOD a tisa Litq. If iever isecomte InsPre, il uap be tracps] lrwdty tethe stoppauise t IKSEN- BIBLE PERSPIRATION. Ituverreiiu apinleruul medicicnaIte lesase it, as leAL- ~A YB purifes lascif by it*.own beat and] action, sels tirs ffa il the offetding hanmera. tiseougis -he INSENSIBLE PERSPIRATION. Tis vme, e,*Il tLis a eceaaapben tise blocs] le qt&guga4,or issfeated, lu te open ibmporcsand it 'rsieep laeyc tmca Il umpirit, iustawsL- Tlua ce uethse foliy oet Lsiug se muais internai recediles. Ail practitieners, howver, direct thoir effrita te msstore tise Insceible Perapira- lion, bat ilacs eho i ot alesys th* PrOpes- oe. Thec Tbisnesoian, for instantce, oteant. tise Rydropitist abreuda us ine oiblaekete, tise H-lmopatist deals out infiaitissintala, tise Ale. patissibleeds ans] doses os citis merccry. as]d tise hlatcritsg Quack gorgea ns witi puil, pille, To gire souteides cf tisa amoont et INâEN. SIBLE PERitPIRATION, ve cull sate tist the learned DrI. Leyecliocl, aid the <ra Bae. haste, sscertaiesitisat flvs.igitsihof etlailc recause ito le i tontîci, passes] off by this Meia. le other corda, ifca est sas]drink eigist de nlspr dayceacustEs] ve poundm of SI b tselmi e ratice Th%!la eao setitant iussup particles cf tise hblod, mand oher juices, giceg place le the new andsIfrais oies. Taocheck Liis, tiscre. fore, s le orptaia in tise symtsns iv"-igiibe et ail tise virulent motter tisaic"toeodemanda abouts] leave tisebus]p. Ans]avec vben tisain tic case, tbs blocd s] lf tnseatire a prnciple, tisatiil de. termines tiose partics te tise skin, ciere tisey tee. saho, pimples, olcees, mcd olisar spots. Bp a sualden tramsilion trots hoat te cals], tise poe= re steppes], the pespiration coases, and dieae glul t ocrste develepe itzoîf. ilence, a stPage o et sa ofethtie juioas, originates se ratp complainte. [t in isy stappicg tise pores, liant overclelma macbiid vitis coutila ess, mcds ad consoumptions. Nins-icheofettise cons] dia tracs diaoeein. dasces] b a stoppage eft te INSENSIBLE PER SPRA TION. Lot me saiso m ecvery cuiad mid, chat Corse seents the mucet reaonahie te peroue, te unasop tise pores, afier Lisep are cleoil- WoulI yen gre pisssic te tUNS TOP tise porsa Or voulil pou uppty soeaiig tisat cols] do Ibis upon tis urface, chere Ise deggieg actn- slIp le 1 Weuid noisi bishocommets senea 1 - Ans] pet I knov ot ce pisysician wvisakmes cep exiernal application te affect il. Tise rason i aMigu la, tisat nDoedicine ithin tiseir bnow. ledie, lu capable oet ing il. Undar thase cîr. cunmtaeces, I probant to pisyicians, ans] te mli 'ethers, s preparation tisai bas ibis power in ils fulicat extent Itlai Mc.ilisLes AU-Hrols', Oisrdmet or thse Worles Salve Il bas F0 WER te restere perspiration on tise test, on tise bonds, "nd od s sora, upon tise cisant is short, upon any part of the body, chether diseases] migitly or séeareip. Il bas POWER te causa ailexa'ssoares, scufulous ihuntera, ain dlcem, 4pesonons ceunds, t0 discisarge i!oeir potrid maLter. and thon isesi tissu. It le amREMED Y t tiseepa off the visola catalogue ofcf ulaisons disomoc]ssad restoes tise enie cuticie te ils healtisy 1unciiost. XIte a aREMEDI)Y tisat tirbida tisa iseessilp et mu- msy aid deleterions dragp Lakeis liste. atomacis. T le i a REMED Y tisat teitier aiiIrans, pives iucocvoc'enca, nec in s]acgareus ns the setes. tics.m It prases-ves & defenda tise surface frocs allde. rangement ot ils fuectiena, elsile il keops open lise chauesfor the bluend te vois] ail ils hop ritses ses] dispose oet&ml iit oelees partiels.. Tisera la a Scotion, harmony, ais] fcasibelity in IL al that dafles contradiction. IL an n simple, but cuederfel principlo tisai preerves in isealtis p-p eratiou the enlie tIinery<of our hais-g. I imienaclubly biaidoeeti r IreSURFACE anti tise INTERNAL VIS CERA. tise INTER. NAL VISCERA ans]tisa SURFACE. Tisap mre lusspsesly connected aid connut b. ds-m joinsi. Th e s-rface in 'TE caslet et tive- sigistsa et *a bile, ans] do]up rstier citiin. It litns] cu wtis MILLIONS of openinge te RELIEVE tise intestines. Stop up titese pures, sa dDEATH bnocba ai pour dccc. Il lu rigistiy terries] Al-Heaicg, fteshiera le ecarce- ly a glises, exieal or sitecat, tisai t i ii not benefit. hI illiIl ho fues]tise issst uscfui as col thie ciseapest famuly medicine in tise iecrs]. 1 bave ces]il for tise 1mait ooreen peara qmith matoca u tiut a paraite..1Ihava ni] il ter adigasaieh st,GonaumoticissLiver, rs&M tho meut dangerous ot internaildiesi;- voisinif the atmaSt danger miss]raaponaibiiip, miss h dmclare betoe Heaven and man, tisai net it eoasingle cam as il tailei to enoitlWhou îthec patient wui eitisin the reicio etel means. 1 bsave bidphysueima. lkwes in itisa pros-of km; 1h bavé bai ministetw et tise GouespJus]g- aem on thse Beachs, Aldermneaid Laee gem,. ticisen ai tise iigbest erudition andes UL T- "DOES o et dis 0 me, as las.laevysaris. ty mt'cay, mimhri lba beqm:butaise sins, on maltes], universel vouae, ayicg " MeAlieter, posa r IMAD ACRE. Tisasalve bas cures] persans ofthLie Ileas] ,Ach* ef 12 pesta standian ildb Soas]it rege4. lae* *«Mtymal, ie tisai somitiisg ofîce louis plae. Destuas sad]Eus-Aeb mve holpes] cU di h1Ik etc, se a.Aguo lntisa Fie. COLD FEET. Ctiems. *Laver complaiat, paiesglenaise »'4"de.taiiag out ih air, nor er ds cba alus. euepaues ols tet lu mre sige et ismms la tise aystecs La bave cols](etee. Themiane viii restoeatise Imnseuible Peripu. @"ta thce n o SaSM saumd Es-yipclss, à laproisblp itbm sajeum&su csetsumin leb vd..Tiaa a my ho asid0t'Pau, Sm Dyaga~i &-IN4 cic easama SFiar »Mau owpinà$ tla Afor Dts oisejses*%eq so le cciiiuw "çpcssmlsePainssud teibm lOts, isaila Ober. enid endy camaper"i atoIt. Diseases of Children. If tise ALL.HEALING OINTME-T pas-. ssed ne ther itn o isnmcrelp ta cors tise varous diveeausa itis chiiciildae are mfflict-. ed vs sbouti! esteeni it the finit melicienele e. tostec. locegregaate sufferinga satinfante and] chiidren, we they eac u eths, atate tiseir wanto ne, point eut their pains ? And iow macy thoosands are acept off hy giving internat medi. cinas, visen their Young boiesanad tender trames, ate onable hoaiear up aaînst them 1 Wisole at. naies are tisa@ sent ta tielsgraves merelv frein poring ijMot toir uca s tousacha poser id drsegs andiys 1Iu! atateucis tisaitthe AIi.Hoaling Citmu enltre tr e sfipieamain, and arndesc a cors le their suffering and i lkous. Fac, nay, perbapa flt more thosn tiseeortfour in a thousansi coold die; wchUs oealy aU wouid ho instantly relevsd oft tisir pains and] infirimât«e. Sncb cases as Cronup, ChoUe, Clitase lfaoi s, Wormss, and al Sueme- Comoplisss, by ciic se maey ciildren die, tise Ointmeet cill veinure se apeedily and surely, tisai a physician vill ne- ver hoe needed. W. coald hrs poe upon me. tisera tise rality et tise.thicgs. We spcak eamcestly, hocause va foel t couls] haie wtesi net te use thome mans wchis od remove tiseir sufféring, chile iL dis] net endanger thir lices, or tisa mrengtis and iger of tisesyon constitutins. Motiser6! tiszoghout alltisi lacs], ce nov alemnlr and aaaredly declare te you tisaitishe AII.leiling Ointmant cilI saie your children front narl:y grave if YeD ciii use il; and ce tiseretore 1 ktis anppeal ie tiseir hobaitbtat tise final respoosibility snay be yeur ew, d they die prematorety. Aide fine.every interami ta ournelves, wcecharge eu te take iseed te wiat we 5w telI peu. 'mW aie netnov actuatesi by tisa lamai debire et gain; hut kbec. ing as ce do that vast bodies of infants ans] chul. dren die earip, eis spposes] te lho movtus. ies ans] m;mpoeible te prevent, ce bols] up or carning voice. and declars in tise face' f tise choIe cerd, ChiUres, oeed nie die mmr àOaLlers. Bt iL ia trom tise taW ofetproper nourismcent ands tise constant druggssg tisey onderge, ehicis mecrs tisem docns as tise rats graus talla hotore the mcythe. Motiers! ce repeat again, and if thcy vers tise laicorda ce cee. Sta t ler, and et courses pat tise reais of ail interemi, ce could sy Il Use te ALL-IIEALING OINTMF.NTfer gicloa ansg càiiiren." Rugumànru.-It remeves almoomimmediate. ly the inflammation and swelliig, chon tho pain of course cosses. FINALE COMPLâ,nT.-It@ glory and power la manifeat te no cay more tisaseintisadepartniteet. Inflammation ot tise Wuseys, ot the womb, and its fallicg down e wknems, ans] iîregularity; in short, al thoee difficultie w chs are traquet viti tentaes., ficd ready mnd permanent relief. Sc.s.itoHzAEm -.NWe have cured casss tiâsc tuaiip defied everyîising lnce, as cdl as tho aiilitv et fitesa or teenty doctoe. One man teiti usliholias] #pont 8500on bisschilsiren, citis. out any honcfit, cho, a few boxres cf tise oint- ment curas]tisent. Coma.-People need neyer lho troubled itisâ tbicuitiey will une it. AÀs a FAILY Mznîccixz, ne min cie mease its vlue. SOlonr as ties tars rolaloeg over 1tise havens-so long as man treada the caris, subject te Il the infirmities cf Lie fesi---so long am ditase said ik liesmi rekeowe- .tmucon willIbtisa good ontinent lho osedsoians e8temas] Whon mac cesse@tfront off tis a ctis, then tise deman i ciiicesse. ans] net tl tisen. JAMES McALISTER & Ce, 168 Soutis treet, Nec York, LSole proprietors ef tho abose Medicine, ta chocs Il commuanicatioes meut aiodmdreedpost pais]) 1 Price, 25 cents andI 50 cents. As@Lie AU.Heing Oiniue.nt buas heaet- ly coulierfitei. v. have giveu this eouLseos te Ltise pubili,tisaIl"ne ointmeet wcul hobcumins un"esathse cacs ot James MaAliste, or lames UcAlits: & Ce.. am re uriteoith a ypupoas eues- labeLl."Tise label is a aisel sgrmvhg, cuVitiste liguraetf InuensiêlsPerspùNmiiseon 1tise face, *> For Sale Iay CHARLES HEATH, Agent, Princere Street, Kingnton MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Com- PÂNY 0F THZ MII)LANIJ DISTRICT. OFFICE LW TAN COURET KOUSE. 1DKVjD JOHN SÎITREmo., wn. j oscrit Baur£E, EbwàaED Nom. ZONE iS. CAETVEUB.III Jouta Lumo e joinov,, J.. Wmuauauu Esqes T I9Comcpem7 conSucues Ionus PrePertY fagmIma m ue o dmage by WILLIAM IRELAMI>, tA 1MW MsietSilver plaai,.sud »Mm". ilstICommauioe Seiese. ALc um ïoh Bamouse F14nutlie.m. Vasads ri1nFLU ON TUB IFACE,& UIIENomeC SUIN. 0105 I9PAb fU W Oimeiatbs bu a hd ac wC"i att ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 seas isclab'latrcs ay sstmtetnsdsiee ~ ai itleleti udimmt.mitarlE E. - om " MW& m ts-eusaiy rmmsiug et t di saiesPh bisCHAI-LES W. ZENKINS baWh» tsre in etiing but grommas . 1 Kigston Poldâ.8 STOVES ~~j~svb.i.at ofesve ifes of* u amoa t ef W oOered ezceeding low <fe Oasi. Beo>. buyageseleeshlased te «U iat ts ,Oldesalihe Sev tzd nieaii tis ertuetanti e Pfiness. laSt rs imet Kingattea Nov. 14, 1041 COMMERCIAL MART. Kibgmtco.2&h OtJlY, 1845. séà-W Im êa l"aseffl a uatimsumd dMo Iftt iaw&c~istelttrso m udsedicims nee te ahilasatalcs imvmsdI. 1thsyeul]b ImW ai e. le a etismA Esgsepa llp 5- mescari gwssssjei.1 asae Iega" *ver. .D Pa. dU. Le I enete il;possible te thet5eIg woniaL onne i-Spenant, iL isneam viss voeu 14 noans e 0» eall i nr'" dlà eam pli te Ibo cmpiut. Nocsimje ms e tPaLrets, that ttisssalsv iiiclwsstemll ifsa lIid blaswcocus. Let b riblas]on tise meckandciscar4iokeePlise frcnigeispand tis deve on tise locale. and iity ii Iguem cave.IL ciii DRIVE *vorys Vestige etftissu acay. Tiin isà simple and SAPE cure. Ne nja-peucceeoitaiycy. misiouiditise aisolie. inftssmaien o et b Icela, or gripe et tise intestines, hit i setaaily case tises as tise worm. Tiiere in proisably ne medician on tise face et tise sartis at once & a" esu esteain nthe ex. pulsion ot ceauna. It wouls] ho cruel, nsp WTCKED, te gise in. temal dbu4lsl dmedicif.noulongnas a isaratta«, crtain, and elffectuaI cates-aW ense ould ho hIut. TOILET. 1 have il doue ep in fie sder fer tise desmlg rasm Ainisesgis I have saisi little about ut, »a hissu reates-ative, 1lviii stakte il aaieat tise seW"! Tisey map brin5 Liseir oe ou an d ccr, ans] sine will restore tise hair Ieo at to bir one. Tisai sucm aesara au omtlet te Liseiimpartis nf Lise systesasis the only reason, bcon»ae hey caenet pasa offtisrongb Iho eatenraI nnsiel@ ef tise Ixseotuble Perspùirctoa.If sim resare iseales] up. tise impuritias muai have soune otiser ostiet, or it clU sadaniger lite.This in thc Ton- son chis ineimpelitie tetustise commen salves et tise day Su saa cases. Fortsey have ce power te eMm otiser avenue%, te laiof aau ti merbis] matie,. aid lise cuaasc ame sawys fatal. Thtissalve ciii ilvays protide fàeuais emergenclea. Tisere cees] h o u tar; it is per. tact. TO THE PRINTEU AND PKOPRIETORS Or NEWSPAPEUI N CANADA, NOVA SCUTIA, &a. T HE undersignes] having purchascd tise aboya Establiaisment, becg a te solicit a centinuanca cf tisa patronage which ha bac se liberally bcstowed opebin smai Agent te the Foundry. Having revimes] ans] greatly added te tise materisl, lha can confidently vecommans tise Type now mnanufactures] by him as tiqoa] to any manufactures] on tiis continent, Tise services nf an experienced' practicel mian, frein New York, have been engages] in tise mechanical departmeni, and tise Printers ini tisaCity are confidently appeales] te as to tise beauty and quality oftiseType cast t this Foues] y. A specimen will hc shortly issued, wisen tise Proprictor toiIl do iself tisa pleasura of'viting upon tise Trade; in thse meantime he wýll1Le happy ta sen or hear froin th-,ae inclines] ta give lim thiai support. * Gic Type taken in excliange ai 6d1. per Pound. Printer' Materiala, and any article not manofactored in Montreal, brought in 1rocs New York ai 20 par cent advance. CHAS. T. PALSGRAVE. Jonc 14. Nemsppers <nsertismg the ilore Notice for si mentesj, once a ee-k. $hallbe ean tiLe Lbe pai] in Tpe 7» . nakng fourlisses Lise asaesst f adsrer sissg. N fOTICE is hereby given. thât application wil bii h made aithtie neit Session cf thse Provinciailelgielators, for an Act te mter and amend thisenct Act ef Incorporation of the Town cf Kingston. 111h October, 1845. PUBLiC NOTICE as hereisy given, that papplication viii hoeimade te tise Provincial Legoaâlature et is next Session, for an Act te in. eporate certain perlons under the naine and] designatM of " le Wolfe Island, Kingston eand tet.Uhireesi C0 .1 1 NRY SMITH, Jus'inr, JOHN MACDONALD. Kiingston, Iltis October. 1845. THE MONTREAL WITNESS, WEEXLT EEVIEW AND FANilT NEW5PATEIL. No. 1. Lo be puliasedon the ZtAJan" mssart WILL CONITAIS THE FOLLOWM GAxTcLas: EREVIEW DBPARTIENIT. Jlis eege m sd tise Gercian Movement. Sabbats Scheeol Teachicg, by tise ROT. Wi. Arnet. D'Auhiqee'a Rtstory of tise Rafomation, with a re Origial Memoireoftise Author. D.Wlr ourmee te Bokhai.. A vies Imm Canada ddresa dto tise C&ia. tisaset tiseFree ttesone the prqmeta Of nar. A cale ismnn¶hitise Fria se Scictisnme Accoait isa"res liDe La Doctrine Chre. tienmm Hoo. l. EPapineau, tise ndiseeand thse le. Reve et p-nasigeenta. P«S or Wr- Tise Crops in Eritain. It" Tise Tuft of Mous initise Deaeyt, by th@e n«. Mr. NCcyns. latsnMwig Couvevaleaor a 3ev. 21rek Tees. ctAm*eric-The Appwe Varilest almetd Anieles. 8-maiery et aiseh' em, ma?""n N te b aies J.1..Zn VP oe aPw8r, CzIp, sasivmm e eot mout ni" Téea dVolage in Cemadai. (Te Saissvilasthe"isetn l174>e d PT as. auOr i mjadin adrancs, lasis, eelmime e pýý lO pei sa mutiag fer ov or imme copies la adWan e Pd"m ie sésî.] -anatete MW m la InCM. WEIjJIWT7oI a»E.T Noasmm '.Iser184. I ________________ AT TmE Oj.psstcutie LaélènHa.s-PSlu Sieet. bis lmaiâke s<a gut uudeilea lu the priaset svsrydescriptiooreHIas-dware and poney Gonds, and thet b le detesuluas]in future te sali VERT LOW <Whoevale or Retail) for Cash, or appcoscda redit. TsaStock, chilevery extensive, compris. EgoBanal reflues], Creva, Lovifleo and Rosi fieu, lait round and Rcep Iron. Cam, Cravley, Bistier, Sisigis Sise, and Sprmssg Steel, Tun Plates1s%.mine.cand Canada Pites, Sisset leo and Boier Plates, Sheet Coppmes] deBms, Bilent Lead and Zinc, Iron aid Bris Wire ilolloc Waueofe every description, spiles, Nals. I&c. Sheffield Table and etiser Cutlery. and] Silver PieteIWb"e, lhoup susi lIter plates] iandle Knive. mnd For.-,, Silver plalas] Tes Servicer, Ditannia Mota], Copper ans] Japaneed Ware, Table Lampa, aeging mnd other Lamps, Candalaisea aidChaedelicrs Fsemiug Impleets ans] Utcoilm, Patnt Strac Cutters aid Uap Kcives. Rifles and Feeling Places, 1oaes',Ci epet 's and] Siip Builderm' Toots, Loch., Bo t, t ",c eas, & C. Haie Seating and Ccrled Hair, Samderys CoSsae, Malt, ans] CernMille, Diamuitha' Anvils, Vices, Belowa, &c. Paint. and OU2, Wjidec Glass and Puity, Cordage, Glus, Tube, Pails, Churonr, &c. CHARLEs W. JENRINS. Kingston. Fei., 1845. NEW WHOLESÂLE IMWOlRTINO WARE-OUSE, KINGSTON, C. W, AL tle Ecfcnoirc and] Comomodioeos Prerniysao V. 5I;MPO4V41 ONTAUZO SRET. T HE- Subecrihora beg te not fth ie Mercant de Cemmonity ntf Caeada Waat, tisaitiseir i1re ans] Neviy Importai Stcck ot troccries, Wsfnes, Liqora ins]Dry Gootis, viii ha operîid about tisa h 2Otis1a,, ciicis 1h07 piaige rîtaîn- setves te seil at Montreal prica. Thap wi!l aIun ho prepmredte oreceire Consign. mentset Merchandize sud Prodoce fuer disposai mi Private or Publia Sale, citis a rie te chich, oiea cf tise fis-m vili set a an Auctioneer. Cash ton Wiset ai dicir Mille un Hilie, Prince Edward District, ans] at Kingstoun. SIMPSON & MATIIEWVSON. W. SiNisais, Kingaton. IL. MATuaWScNc, bMeet;eal. Kingston, September 91is, 1845. NOTICE. H AVING raigncd the Crown Lands Affency for thae Midland Disotrict, in anticipation of my election for Kingtn, 1 bcg to inforin my frienda and.tihe 1public that wil! continua ta act as a. private Lanîd Agent until alnny transactions a ith the Crown Lands Departuent are finally cloaed, and 1Jrespectfülly ofl'er my services in this capacuîy, asaurîng those Who nMay cmploy mne that 1 wiIl be diligent in tihe diacharge cf my duey..and moderate in my charges. As Governinent Agent bave for several ycars. 1 have acqoired a thoroogh knowledge ùf land affaira; anad 1 correspond with tise most re- spectable Agents at Head Quartera, for wvise a5ccountl1 have nt present alarge sons of Landi Script for Sale. Mly Office will lbc for tise future et my es- idence, withio hall a mile cf Kingston. A. MANAHAN. Kingstosn, IlOtIaSeptember, 1844. Tp HE Subacriber baving bacc appointes] J.AGEnrT, for these ae cf From tis e li known Fouedry of Mr. R. P. Cotton, will k ee a Stock on hans], duriog thae acton. of Ccoking an d Sing le Stoves cf 'the latest and] mot approvei atterna. ans] wil execute ordera aitihe lowest smrket prie fr Cshor on approved credit- Co.untr-y 'Marchaànts wuld fins] it t0 their ad]- vantaga to caM before tley purchasa elme- where. HUGH CALDER, Agent. Commercial Wharf Kingston, Aug. 20, 1845, FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER. BLACICSMITHS' Anvils,5 B Dn. Vicesis Do. Bellow*, Do. Sledges and handhiammars, Bellows pipes, Stocka ans] dieu, Casi steel files and rsmps, &c.&e AUl of tise bet qually si exceedlngly loc for Cash. CHARLES W. JENKINS, PrincesaSt4-et. JUS? RECEIYRD, - EX "ETNIT4IN VDM LO"DO AT TmE MANCRESTERWAIEHOUME L.auhae uidimgi, Prnoest ,wt ALARGE and splendid aseotusat of Lsdica' APRUNEL.A BOOTS & 890M MElak ati%5 Sesai dMarocco BLIPPERS. at caica- ordùn lo Pi J. & IL HUTTON & Ck). m U-m - OPPOSITE U tis aiow sway. B"oo am.Rzzswaa S. . -TmknU Em 9nI 1A. M. me ieputs ve mieiselade pasen thula accinaa fer PatyMene "M. SimpIN. K4aglea% ly 241848. y" SAE THTE aImcDtJS Y"» E MÀmemsas Dring& A P, CulLga W. JENEUIS. '#itnelieIl14. 105 SLE N f58 lZ5CI8dm ci- 1 nûm,&-r RunUL-NON IÉ PRICES 1 ex Perîc i ceid5 et r ".. Septn1,aî r 1r"' li F 01R.Sli', ia'\ i l i c 75 Qattac'['i, C 10O 'Iicnes ti Latti l >fias-Sali' PPY(iF !ut'p'i ii"ta No. 33, Little St. 3 ameis ireet.' i ho e . MNAI, it.' BLEDSandS l'i .E -q anS d PM;eMIIi 1.5 sst ri.rietv for saie at th,. lierali" FOR SALE BIl' 1THE a'l;UI E NC0.Lî S Il P,%Tï,N'fTSI ÎZ11 Kingsonr, Fis.. 1-15. Cobourg L-dicn'àAcadenti IF WINTE1t î51'Nir.h T lion milcoitaeitçountit" Octobe r. Baurd ard Tuati n'1,"sai Leglisis Branclirs, £6. t1j'el' ,>..hii esas fur tise Comuon llr;Xl Il'se 2n.in tisa Wioierrtoci l.,csi.C For partscsiars, sceCa'aci..* taiseet ai isaOffice, or hy ,hcie cepircs. Gobeurt, Sept. 2ttI, >r)1. AGENCY ANI coivuisbi[ON 115l T HE Suise rîler rcptfeÎ ý1[ public gaoerally fortihe ver~ sl isehas raceived since he ccr.rsaOO N ceas in Kingston, ai-J haga ta 8'Ieti.ag tisai haleis nc* prepares] tarrcre maniaofan denrtitionttof Prap'e aid stand on thse COmm'ercial MW 8rý ]Prine"osStrcet, When evcry em, oacle te giv aiscfac'tioin te tbieitIs fayvot him wcis their patronage. sé Frein bis extensive aci.raaitss« Trualagenenaly, hais coridueri ibutýI OZ toas goodsa rtîgas.ar smme lace cf busilta. ilClD Conalcecial Wharf, Kigstit. lcd Aprsil, 84 TO BE LET,1M A Dpousesabîa eislateaat% .Ê.L57STONE 1r~ Co 0 lleell Sreaidesc.A!so al es5*57aose dyeîliigU5' leidU55M jO5ajoocIler. !p pelrw . WILLIAME PUBL1SEED ETF], At bis cgae, in Store ihem iansion Hou e# 1 see is li drs telle» a~ ii.im aI~ id v ln acei peoe -ise0 pa« . AnTlIgrr5 > * j ,t nse t a r i s1 s'u. ser tamlises, i îl i I. par lit rit a 'w lutàuwdmii ut owahisty- à"" lx tiiifor sues-iwc. ME THA D71 FOiR TUEt Prov,îc LL. i1 (l.Nl 'NU OTI Inoai ctte na-ý.tter c.1f a Calend1a rea tional. Proyucia4,Ece,0 a ligence. a, ti Thee ncre1smeSale, of r il1, induced thse Publiaie r prepa. of Lis year's mliliebr, c aderta manda cls f the public. Li Li' (rders fron Ac , le a ers, attesaded ta vvitipoeli Il csleyan Bol dA . 11OI'LD ttisa race!th i,, . S iIIEM AN, atpei.le.ja he j, intornied that t le 'l ad are now in Kingston,in g reai.cr. loue to hear tro hna, Kingston. Canada,'2011, sý Tr o BE LET, te1, W bcribera sllt'et~, -occupied at preFeti;l , ]possession ce a eglVen :îI a Kingston. ,Lt jais. 1,45. fiOMPRISING it-e* C .Jmation ronnectelm 11 Province; )iitance11, l and Trades; Stage aine ' of Post Offices; 11tlite,~ descriptions of île * - Township, as regl. rIs " 1C.' malien, colltecti-,lt rein Ilie, -j ' fiid by peremii oi ecrî.ii î Ppet-the aunhhalIlî ie ]age and iccv ettleiiellt 'r ýà I'»a pose.* ' .?5 Enîîibellieled iseU n rMM Iî wil Il hola;d do.îîn n43i...r.f. t men rt. 1 l 1 t'v, i To be reaîly fil' eeaJr.' Ul' Those place i riain taiiiIc1' net yet obtaîsed itiiît, e hum duringthie prerni i~ le? P SURIGEON lLi,'Tmîî, R FSI DENCE, C('i n i' i, rîroe , îraîcî 'ci . le o toue .- ns 1it ;a- t. -i . HARDWARE. JA MES POWELL in s-etess-iing thansok ta hie auusroas Town sud Country cas- torer er5 their past faveurs, begi te inform tin and tise public generall ,tisai ho fias = catlicovld mia hie Kew Stone &uidin,adO:;,,iig bis cis] stand in Prin- tes. Street, visare ie bs on hans], and] nov otpen for examinatien, an extensive assortuent âSHELI' AND FANCY 0001>9, pain" a" md i t Sto PLAINJAPANNED& BLOCK TIN WARE Ans] STOVES of aIl descritions, mt prices heretofove noprecadactes] e inti Market. A EW DOSEM9 CABmES Tbirty houes ans] cigist ays, tegetiser with a large assortacent etf PLOU G HS and] PLOUGH POINTS of variaus patterns. Tisahigist prce pais], tiser in excisanga or cash, focoBrais= , Coppor, Fewter, ans] Leas]. 0?' 1. P. solicits tise public patronage. trusting tisai hi, prices 'anll sstaeisîinmore fuliy than tnp Iengs.hy ollaration celais part. Kinston, Mlatch 18, 1846. CAN~AI liile bmt MMLI a d &wu vte t dumom. iemia oag bwgosUaihefLan 1h55 rii Volet lace, sau et Me ec.a jam eileç a hbon s ba lad scnuoi,!M 0imf ail the r-""d5UpPh5. its dmint crate-a" mv ofamyouag Grek. buta 'e, d pes-te soSes. ad ber-,mers te tise Crool v«Or etgrepltcor bnd lat Lhap virelfl Ote P m sîl eul ai llmntsd hi bbwa lfe, . ti a IL ecu theBua t i4iodae aty le baea jodedsd us1 etil.aisis.Frocs tb eyer leansithe qiverispeu Lh i lii grw* chW uf i d f i emploionef. @ls Md Andan s eulsum ha. il t eilI dc. flmdlp" asti1 .ag tise aroc, ais] iiogisIl hiam1î." sposgauelaegbe& M aA lis Teama *hmyaiseltrmoie Itise <lassag armer datel ybi euh pausais] isist 4 htor. ovmue ssaiaenuie, Dudley sis nomulsrse ioy , lsds a fa t s eaumesy*, as é s am se.arst," mines-e isg him., cuis s beek te 1 lysa a cuisse, lke Lihe cou-il ut its bel thouLie grass 1 ali$ abmll ho My revard, de a ey$ omsf the - Lies-isearti 'ainsys recelve es rc dil au saler."1 .le Ibo cs pwu igDci oesf the bcvsrs1 isc garland, vw b.s, pafli lamaI epaer bsec. soppom. if i1vers eromi1l alr." smis] thoe. h l te oquieu eeotiaib"ia iauty V' repoated l EUe, cli tise troue ls i ia Wl aas Clamy d pst hmle amgvete îhieffmlpEas I1 o alsogly, DalY. fer ft, four ee a goi vasat py ho ever biIdht 'ciay,*dees, lapdM e Bu'rpies] ho. paets jghh, eta tae liai thait resedag yeu miRs &lsts m ily i a, ChiaisY« hlava ismmc inivtint ndmutiialtlel ua thibtac . o tis&Wpu"es her., Md tishe &- "in h hgat pyiutt, asioedM e tifrrP.!tm$Mmn»d B tout mmj~ ene mat ukasme Md limej nu, sw a ' ky uhss ~ o. ligs "J"hags saiN ap do ulseessmaa&,.loi 'be5tbsLalIeseI.oe masa 1hP5It Io te mi- W lit ~'u.10

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