M'CU&a, o U&ii s Lam Lo th,~ ue ni Pnaella, W. l er parge a li, 6, aft,~ rt 'a1Ic&rebt., alli walet the 0y(c WILLîJ, tîp5n5inle front »h bu ite md fit,&l 14i pt l 5e, andi a. mtbsek. 14.5- ieDWELLIN G o 1 e!..ire ad eoia WILIIA hFIid 8 117. lu&5 j titistital la 1 eted wiuh ail part,rvvl> la Tables; Leit oîIe Up otels, &C. 'a%;iîl ie leading leaturra rda soif, Clitmite, pruin Il a Imass o tet4r nalfi at~ oithe bealt smtkir~y.,t ] siervation asd eiquriet 0%i evm isiteil OrY trv1, Lbh a supennE- MAI,, inI delveryvil and ttylt iAUnfo rrmn cii eni. EOu, ourn f Jrrc c-rier i. el. ' c irti'nicot D~r- $on. itforato, rie i.îA N. 1 orthe and atr- H. Ill Nar le IV. TI.8 CEstf.ta1o. El Cornr of al,e y etor pt rcîj) r' %v lae )n ag StreetMi.. 0 edthe iera11Ojllce CIAl L WM . MPSON itp s' able adnil ces SalmIon .i nineop oneneu~-~'i s)£y lii. er ost ivi Ilaion nd.Lct2 tJaes Sreet M..LT4 rAAeNg Landitc..I : Se CFclas 0 hi R -- S S1Et HiMOIth, , Ia I -r IlI 0 DUeT B 1. N thns e is ffirpeis 1d Sry THEo ver liicrI mp t.AnE W.bg uaculli .RSESION u 11à !"!,Cta mmenciîl luirE,! ' I tand itin làoa i; eNsive adiE~ bli-Ii ly h c nicea. si lia ce,.rty aicti mic duip ilatage a18n45. eriI idC AND.164 gcINE< UOVN S Lak toc Wila rinsad % an lge tu -5 al WILUrd a rcK e"L se ly 18105i o er?.a vouE.,i W haII1fat le n_ a mach di.. aie wwel 1 bone. naa CANApIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICIJLTIJRA.L. & COMMERICIAL. KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESDAY, FEURtUARty 3, 1846. rUGLY EIFIE. f 5.ri Lits Li NINz. o.isla feuaeiselin tkachilistd 100r C ld s *ovi bà sllSret jindu- auut r its e asorces ubicis ,ein cbtueaobtsth.e boseora @«» MM is~dn =tisetect ~tslfrin ied sie of a Acolasue i smgkE'a Plaue in ber Unele's hmeabous of af ir. Ile u o nola a o cal» Junons5& lit quasi a16007 fT uAl , .àaid s legance o chi talre and ,f isese n alws Ofdtpat the Séwr Mhfe reiid-.It cia onba l l 1î, smgill<eft Usesand i moth &'ea Oéal out i ftont, itersedtsd mb, an avenue reauiril popar. man ronilb, u O-' ennai&J abruis. Unlerrseath meaOe ,esa tut abadeil the vulLN MWuj iahittg ', tibi fich. veivet lacvu. mat the besiarolemi se t iis noble, estaîhistent, sibosa digni- Ieson orresponiled ccilitlstho other lea- a f tie cellery. A ynang girl etoal fleu 6 Wldîng & bow iii er lait band,ald catch. ta reûtion# of a yontg maiu, chu cas ktb- ,anuaircie ftted frthat sylvan boc. lier s bali carcey attainel ils fulheigt, but al 1the a nied pruposti&t18 and ondula. arises of earlîiiioaibuiui. lier beul, do- WJ .iiî sht raves curIe, gave bier the ap. Mac fa YOUOîg Greek. but ber clour, dîrk spkleeu of perfect ovîtEbesas anltransprency. ,Uttrd ler aore 15 the Creois re. iUer ve sre fot relusiar ont bandimomsin themi- but ar ey mccv ligItesIuUp euh animation itîeland rlununatel tsy senti large, ydtblqcli ryesý, lit it cuull have been dit- . besily to love jaîgissaInt with any seie- 1It ic'iW the . Frm atis hc.on whîser hof Je .'l laWn?,tle quiet auspendel ovet bot lieri i.e vjid trace of lber attitude. and te j irose ofthose daujittoru ottha fortt oh meco 1ciîi assootteis glocingi, a 1:ia v 1 oi lb8eidsst he, pîmytuliy 'us i.osaîd ling t te lier ou; vi ern sio5ci ouralilto le"jour r iotbcI can about île Rubiis Tisoli uuoiîIalhuiand thettiai o ekili te., aala]ernately, and cearme. kaWlb theauuîuin.i 5me dsrteil rmntthe stin.m ti e u cpuriel t. fliglt nier the laure. q 1,r the glony cf inst rearhiog the falen c. A!huil tlîî ruauirigirluî im e targoi mus fery reftier. nil Mr lurtoi pronnorcd bor 'fo s as: vnedei, Dudley" ssiI e,- IIsu îo iîs,'are un yu..Iung tu Ellie-.as i trie, as tuie atut e, mol as stealy a 'o e ariu a liait," nterrupted she, a»F 1,h n. îthnia duek uum viimitexercuse gIri às - I.tr Lcorral un44cr the wvn, bair1-ig erel iun thc grass aI is fat.- l au i @holl bi(Dy ru-iril, heirncnle 1I n aerry i îi ciolite ' Liui.liuiirh o the i tiîre elei saune crac n or trupcio Wr aire sas îpeàkii, Dudley hîl been ofi r thce Ine floers and parennimi a re at'd.sui prl îveiy kooelisg, Pareilrpoii ler iiiiw. ~Iiiuo. h i~r~ ereJntlimalangusgoe ctiqasrY,' soi rie uh, "I obouladîrens .1âr!eÇueoîei e1-e and beauty.'" r.tv , crepdt Lie, - ati a laugh that qe greenri lsubi g. " Whit coulmij f auj CIri 050 r 'rînielîcard aoch mn îp- alo o bthe, EffLii, 1 You itdîi't ai mi u', h.U>fur yomi, ask my - crr na, 4i asaa't the uglicat lit- ppovr 'e , iieiul 'àtiî rai e.rJ1~i, cliarreJ mtlmarvelleai. i,." epr,ed lie. paoîuîîg bs hunl rareas- de uilihîeaji lial eollisîntiî ue Pu o-a tiank ilie îaiîp exorcise in th *ii, OiilYu l hae brun rctiipeîred t tal,, rs ilrrî Sioleauiyiig, ilienre," *,M eu1 tbak, illînr Iliip.rolimi tondurnoas, kuE5uei, andîI 1e COr, libat have been polir- e ;1 ~a ac *bru-ed aid wuunel hoart, jr4 o r r ri an auîguug. as t COeO Luy I-r o r i uCeiusî..' excîmîmel Et. I re Wj ar Iiuu.maeiiiihmaîsiio. -Do WIcru. ighilit we nO ou al meuna- use , a~ut ernaîd calel ue yeur Dei 'ce Lt th~t na,mnt 1 Idate i nets erure-n O o uumient lîfe bocaumo dean mai àr- udia r, bu e y e aer it bas f«Hii Iii- okeldaci a pon lber cutli <lie. net. and hesel bis UnI tit tit tai ben 1 A0PPrOPrrate auch iucittroasure.« elif 1b.Ityii , u ansd as lie oukel on aanis ilîvuîoîug arotn but, tir as the ey - 'sch, beSiil Hount.ain, ilsat h. muidî 'ievone behibina îta ho Bvas cut7 tu all murs sof thisiboeumîful pasoeu iuni. 1 , esîlier paîr of hrigiter, youitger eOn urder p a r, u ie nd conlering ifsil PVI bat s-hlbal ever blauscaiel the - erlispa ilee tastbis ibougbita WZQcoud e emy sse Ca- th Là su equlately tai-s» a imt. neli,îe laîltlosa houtia," raplisi b.; 'Il uvayaunsipmd. Ido flot hâte blonde.« D'o express* -1 Ikhe te mus aface "" wSmth thlie mlungîng feeing-ncc t irg~, liko te Ieavena bendsmg aboie liit11,51 msE- I' r ausifsiter doulI tE V ied . HotD. 1< lE tbuntY Breidah. repliei, «"for Le tnmze ni mIf. 1abual taeINrite etmht m. I1ituî ale. W.nB taî e lie t a rhiapers <Me I - lit 1 ~ ~ ano a sitar'. lentîln'01 blppy w c e D n i ne I ci n te oedotts su, 5b, I'blm tsli oumuch V ~~cIv felings 1iOoera. trial suat lttisto loserve th. lu 'ne truies Europe, tic, TPtlei o jours cdl nous pe auli tae isamired &ailthe ad. hntravel Es in s..clae.Dle ai is ~ loteri, in the Gruc mAl e*thu f roau itruarsai ~-m iisite leur talc i. ter, urbaine lamaiyod sne auions h. shold admire.', hi e egnte reiteratu bhidetestat ion of bomiesi ltMr. Norton, imterrupted hlm tu dis- cms mom imeportant mattera. Duley Maitou vas* wd ib:. Horeoa', the oamn con ai ths moot intimate iciend of bie yne& .Wbmie butber lied,bho 1.8 in tuthe gaardiamsip ofni . llnrtniw cstb thte emdtian tha le aaol Onias bia s.uucatuon in ESouiipe, and dt abu ahîseli never awn, ithou;theb.cou- sent of Mr. factum. Mn. Alittbeil ne beatsdeuil mitrethe-# a jean sn thit Dudley bailoter seen Eff. in bier chryssija états. They balpasse1 tugeor th.r lait vatinet, und nov sfigun . res>«iront ail gcboaistac cestnaistoi vîith spirits buojunt nas Youns iging.uit*, convstrtinz lte etill boes e o dbe vilocer Into i brirst aMine of youthiui ex. sncb.. adbiacity. lMr. Norton rojoîiel intIbo, .cenicuetances Wh" h alt thruo seoela.ely to. gether tihem taro congembul beingen demi te he affections., a»i uhicbprnuiseil t dtacthens te- reLIer in douser and more endeaning union.- Dudle7yas handromen, intelligent, mol higbly spinitesl: gonorouoaalunl to pruligaiity; uneus. picineimait te credolity; impulsive and un. catingand piieefaimn iniependent fit. teu., re.. ouaîy ot Etc.. mos-mgugetéand en- cumibrance. chn o often noutnslîze the pro- cpool, of repetel heino. %Whoeecould lho unI a huaband feoc 518e, ceombiniiig aimany rare en. Iî,vments, and cher. ci-sîl Dudiley funI i baing lîke Ef18e, crith a seul cf ire, a beart ni loive, and a Persan uvhicbhi ou titougit singulariy tasc- nating t He as to visete pealihie hopes. bat b. thought it as imposible ti.at thliratherts shoul net gtow toZether as thît twueylng trees,placel aide b, silo. shaul fot lEterlace thein greten bougits andlsu&i.nthein lrembling beaves tu unit,. le eoteo ni-asisinil lettera tri bie *inter, aud receivel tenus ber cold mndbrief replies. Oh. expat mIel chitfly .an Clara's extra- etîlinmry beauty mol laîcentol ber limitoîl ineans, te intiroduce ber ta the coul as @sie voldieh, hôpel tittElle vras impreving. but leciared ber realines te takehberbeone, w iieiaever ber onrle vas diag-ustel et earycf hua chur"-e. Mriler. ton'nover miékooij t ter e oi aoni-hîrg JIn. prnveobonts in Elle', ippestance, (or he vmntol te demie ber soute dal esth lthe sulden lustre et the gentsith al ibroien front ber heint. lie ai- caja mentînnel lienr ià ag.ue tenis, vupressel hie generai matiniacîin ini ber gool rendort. and approbation of ber âtssliîus haitit#. »As catueEn diii luit moie ber a beaîîîy ;11 sai lib.. 1 1 intend site @hall lieia schularsnd ii nu fear of ber being ci led a bas bleu, shah pl'roisL me friu giving lier a tbitoagh'y clitpuical eloration. Site is u. realy fmmiliern cit Cr,.ei and Latin, ad urs uing out b'uropeao nitel, &sie @hall becuisie quissirs ot ail the oernoi Egags' -0Oh ! titi, is r,îîhiiig se discurting as a lie- dantic cuin !" exzlai,îîrd Chira, witb a ahul- der, as lier mether fiiiihe uhe penuai uf the lot. ter. - I bouc KreiiriésudîItalieo eough te sanig ail the faa.bionmhic e agOs andropeat ail the moint. umon quotations.and ltat ta aii a voung lady re- quîtes. As for tireeli and Latin, I deteot Liteir very ides. But pour Effie neelss oîusetiting to distînguisb bier, eveli huuiles ber uncle'@ fortune. I ciondet if aise Ie as u.g'y au cete. 1 abould reîlly lîke tinsee lier." ". Su ahould i," rc1iiied Mn,. Dusiane, vîti un inveiuîîtary siLh. fîîr ibere vetoisiiîeit hen nature apoke îus lier-n lîrt, asite, lat!becontes convinrcl, from lier îîcî fautal expenrince, that tliere wvo i ter qionlîties uerevîary i " a laugli. tor besides personal beioîy. there veto tintes " wco the choiele eadvas sîck, mnl tiitubule heart feint," chish acewuldhave welremed a filial hand te bhle Ion temltir or bel ier mcli- ing broc, even thugit it vero the bond if ber neglectel child. Tuera siens toups chen the rebellions cii, thbe olai vanîty, the etreleta lisregpect, et hold herujîscoretthe spuîlel favor- ite, mile ber teel a. i! Heavon's retributEen <mlglis hoe toit in thia venld. At othera, *biien @lie sac ber carossel and adnîîrel, and beard htr'el< en- vieil au thse muitier nti sncb a pnragon, @he triel me convînce borveifthat itliobedieîîr nd ol i- itomon dore ortly viiliî tfimacain tiis atcbless liiumni.d, wviirit El vuldho inviiiiîs tn dcill unen. Si.o bld nu reomniuation itithber hretherluriuig bie reiîieoce in Eunope. andliho. lîevngitihauaml interreurse vith him could nove prohably cesse, mol that thers cas ne hopse of bus substitutiog Clara for Effie, ah, hbecae nions and miore anxieus. te soeure for the iîinmer an establishment couihy ot bon charme. Ciara vas îîoc hefere tite conld as an arniovielgel belle, orcupying Ithat plar. in sodiely for chicitsite bal been Bouel7 rainointel, and which sah, bal been inale te believe a prt of hon bitihi. One evening lit.. Duhano arnpaiel bon Imusiluter teulte bouse of i lady wbn, heimg i great amaturi n munie, varesvery foîndl of giving concerts. Clatias au beausty, aol a bnilliaot per. former, vras mica,. invitel. Thia evenisg, tIhe lady tol Clamti. toeok bot prettiret mnd du hon prettiest, as i ,oung lady vas tbeh. resont-u strînger. juet irrivil tu toun-cho vas mai lt have mont reinarkablo and 1osdinatiog accen. plîsbments. Clsrm's viin and nager eye ma over the cruel, in i ieiich ut one vite voull bave the hardihool t-o rival bier. Site bâti sraîcely as. suintd hentsolfiî htierterre fout but tarni!ii faces aroual ber. chei the lidy at the boune ap. proarbel and bogged pori."iue i ntroduire ber te mise Hortoîi, tise yfflmg lady wvboe dm. ing aietblamoorel.'nieecomspiny feit baei as the bouetons lo Clana and ber metter ticue the fldling doetotethe contre of amotior *part. ment.vbero a young liy«tend benath tde tui blaze ofithe debleslsitcmthe armofia nd istl ia*guisbel iooitmnger. Clan intenti, on the forts of Ibis rival betuti ami a feeltugof relievrel uî.lf-onuptaclo i. pieldehrmssfciber cheels, Tisas«n ho nature bu hlviee ber living Ilico sanIdacersa. tions, art vMq apite leprerile te .charmu 01 thostchos prensiome alevelineam rebaae on other attributaie tIbm meintbeauty oficaoe- plexion. Tugt of de ;ommg lateSu rca cha Clara culltel duel, and it miglit have app«ese a cotrasteaitli th tedaualbmgcitesa fnit ovu, but itiha tat oiontat delleai, und truis. parency no «m a d furiloxept in oatsrm cimes lier .yes cave si* Ian asud rehplendanit that tisir brighttseaa cold have bea aimeet over- poc.chsng blie ne beiausituel b, loni aceepimg ibah"e. o tie ou i jt but s 10E luxuriat sel a"din::a"".:ec4: , unes. qeWain aepsanmd fstr u a aviog etim promuslta t a âeof wai miotsu, ilamms pleaaimg tise h.ity xItasf. issu vswithimg coeapkcmuin ler driesave a eamail diauc saruitht opaubles! aubl the liriaus.of ber tas. se, ie a loue planet e. " mie" bom aimesait., The geatlsman oin s m ueh.leimelah - w« km CM ls teu ,4 in, emsy Claen uie u as bo vatiue. a"I tuil. eca eselbgly.ecesi gepu itl a gli tseà a&ai Fluesuasa.Tht pemg lly., cime airesud ai 8 L aw eh.ca dbuilac it, i bo ust aie humility ontrjunekpeewe A ol p.vPission ber vialsevwu annauncel: I bave a betther of that nadut nec in Carone.lit inai long lime asne 1 huve smen hm. hacever." &ho allel, eiha mgb. IlThon I hople y«. viliihava plsaaimg a.a catinsconnectel citm e, mulms." s"dMina Horton, ib a eceetil ervoire. Mis. Donbaeti e ivus prepaite trvop vurfare vit onu choa mgit rival ber laughton, moud net belp feeling thliensroflus Ah i- uy and sweettupeil. M wved&" wvietde Mr. Asion wc a vs eoampaael bor, but neeviti standing hiem juhtapeeltion citi the attractive etnmnger. ah.e ceulnt but belpe dit bieva thet sud mldutaguiel d iIvi" H iouvse destina iii hbec favorite cilI MouleowvatheisrIer ofthes evening. sied Claz ru vas led te dhe piano. Musa floee deliniat te pl i un I img trous ert? cIillisool ar- custosird te .igmal play in publue,oah. lildn 8=teigomol.yt mcthe bu-llancy of ber exocouin. 8h. seng siel played aiambe jId every tirelse, for esht-and iL cas general. Iy surb as the imeut exicting vmit coull eire. Mr. Aloton anI is lioflen s=oaemi ber and evincel, by their oileut attention, mald the MOeU fiatterîn- intensif in tle butiful souger. AnI nov, Mi"i. orto,* riel tise impu.uent bostss-unl "Mises f0110 Paau tram mOutb te rouait], as the cince eP 0selail natroved arnasiol br-- 'Perhape MissBlHoriould Pre. ton the lîunp?"' -Slie nas more acetomel tute is rp," elle rpiel, sana plenil instrumient ealv rat texamnlber. Clara casnon proficient on lte bitp. hiving, ln a fit ai ohaîinacy. gîven op ber lassons.,lh.- cause the chorde listered ber delicate fingers. she feuir athrîli of tnvy, ao eaisbehel Missellér. ton met berself gracaiully before the lyre. such as te IlShepherd monirch nonce seopt," and pasber white bande overthde strings. At liu'st biet îourh vsusoit, and ber voiresloti, admlie lookel as if deprecating ber criticienm; but, afier a chile alie lookel et ou one-the thougit of nohinîg but the spirit ci music thst filial bier aeul, thriilel tbraugb ber lierves, fiocel in her veineansol hîsel upon ber cheli. 'resvsas nse affectation in ber minner-there cas entho. @jinc, senaihiity, fie--beL it was thetlire fremn aubhin. illlminainEg the temple, chichit itainten- ait7 aestisuestiînstenedt Le enjIt a truo, abe once on twice raised ber globis blank oejes te Iteaven, but it vahsca»sssmiunie nathially lîtedliber thoogitte Ie Heaven, aol ber gluoce tlhiiwel ita inspiration. ..Are jun net ceury l" asked Clati,&fiter abse bal again jielled te the Cnt neatEes ut ben Iauditors tui give thons anothon und yet uEEther &train. « No," anscenel she, rising; -but I muet Dot furget thut oties a my bel notvithttanding thair apparent sympatby cithi an enthusiasthike mysei.m -Oh ! Mt. Delimerel" criel Claats ilrnsa. iisg a pale pensive, and intellectuml gentleman, cbo bal stooilbif Ifhl.botnd, by lte htp, dle net lokse nsproachfully at me ; 1 ldiet Ihiiof etputlîng u stop te your eciacy." Il Yuu are ngt." su ied.dn&iig i deep in- spiration. "I1vas torgettiisg tise mortel in Lise soanonul 1" -o th! thal vo i, andi alcuascoul 1" es. ciainiel Nisas Norton ; -butm oe chu apulsof iminrtaliv in s scenielitre tiis, mueaIlie isngu. larly bl." -"Perbapa il coul be more bu keepiitg by tht cindoe, chicit hockp ont opon thetnmagmifcence ut an eveouusg sky." uneed ril. Delimere, cîit a aibe ai csnining, site coutil net bot yiell te thnitation;manîîasosedein icurtainel eus. brasure, viîcitalmittel the fiesit nigbt bruen», mlîe son taund elle vas a companion te whom aile casflt ashumiel to commnicite ber moet gluvîng tbousghtss for able "receival ber n cilla u.ury.'1 lHe bal travellel eser mioy lande 1-ever the nountries tram chicb ah. b.d juife. .turncl-asd ab&iet.au if elle hourd once amore lthe aeng et the Alpine peasut, tb. iich strain i of the Italien improvEitore, or bereld &aiinthe raulimîe andi stencil mon« e ovîrsdlY ly preesel upuri er metory. liot, itmesber abstracued eyo toîlof et 'isnsoujocts of coutemplton. lite thougbt orthdu mtlae tilhose umkioosabal enîbitterel bot cbsllhumal, aua iling uncniiadi. ciasy ouber eglctedol&'pring. sailie ongol 0tuow hreeifti on.ber ors.,sun Ilmiber te for- gem the past n d celcumesoclaier meol onger ugly Effie. She looied t ber lister, anishubm 1iagiahic lace levai passions bal beoitnmoru trace titan Lise rnug babn on the gIasBy ase,an turgeting thtecureasidcontumeuy eh.e bal beav- ed upuislier in tde utiretark portaon ot ber lite, able jearned te embrace ber, te pense te bet Qoi tiasae amilliisg lip, and dmi1 bor by dhe icect Raime of sister. 7 ",Nul ,ot." sail eh.te hursel; "h ave Lpromîisil mi varie l t hine belote thoes a i ttIs white, ut toast tilt I bmve von thoin iadmiration as a traiuger, und trieuspiuaieasenter, ulea 1 i- leu, titraite recognse jntme the batel ad gly ELffe.m stprisd at ber sience.- M. Delanere catch. ed ber titougltul and variag coensmeWitt mn intenestthat eurpriae ilimoZfli. 1"feily - Iitr, casrumnis. Kmla b.heverY ace Of uoinhîo, h. bal tormel an attedaist er an fragile unI JouiyYoung creatun o iaORPIsi i sedeul, on Lhe vury senruimg ot bon nuptial * ay,, solimhochi. briailureati cia plac Isipun dbe sieaîl tbaiumiatiehWSivirinboacu. i elmere, l inte agubflioéo a i l mert iment, secimied biusteeog tront the 100Ml * chc, te hies. aeselcoveri vtts aera -pel, sual devutel biam eifth e mmq oftt0s a 0"il 'Bu4 t, r gth, de e almatbase of frida- - hip tde easrg~ies of geUt,8milUmie tcV eu. e f cmmit au i oiale it. rov beubu at!tise»ese i chih.u W aI a. uqueated, ilestead b . f»M, is. ose b, a thse e deilusof rt de pt it teka en0a. si d ed i ase 4ing tram tic pues ae,..Ne oerlat 9"is r nauac ni Eg-es vouna laItbiîleltiaiugt s hurt chose trnge aI ueW la.es relel Imeuit painIut inesi, lforihouMW oie vau e boeu t mi 4 a»«ub ert - cl.sM deep faut. ring a"en eu ever lsabaai -e elle sesia ti*1oa cii..ge&,bd salé 9» asebmiossar *0 .l tot,"n seossl la: -meb.s atusa eeqeerIMY i. la us.e0o1t.ea, E0. s, a m a , chsed4 4 Deni d01 ott e il » ab el V" 0b 1 ie. , 1 ams a m mivlm u*-a 1- Ne tsmea uevS etisepu l revealed in au maguacded usnet To mei, 1 aittedge bis elightesnt vish le a la*. and yen kmov'DY beart bas .4* marured et his wili." 8lh. bloîheil. and averteil ber eye.vhich eh.9 wu Co<ions expruiaed ira étilatronger lan.1 <mate the feelings a»ieasu utsring.0 -Wbat ig i yqnfuseant 1" exclaiîncd be. vs- htsent:Y. " Du you doutaimi truth and cou. tanCY. chien. ftte irut ffmmu-nt 1 bebe id yen 1 have scaftely land a thooght or feina. vhi<b hi, .bea heon tviaed cith you ?t'ou avae tdm suta i mboyhooad, poamire .cyncenre oi mir mnlanbnodand âge villincg ochange. No il, if furrgose te deubai; mat yu«. ZE5e." Wblle this conversation s passing heteea thseiett f.he, u bereMi. Huotten bail pot op. fur .,the bmperpai. alvedy sxplateedMMa e and mIClani uere sxpabtiig uthe fair eatranger Who bà" iashad arratts durpath ttpracedlmng eenimng. 1 doeamtih aulbr really bandsott*. mother," t tmii Clarai; "Meh. t ltfair enough for i ta- é Sh. roammndail me of some onu ubnm 1 haieaeent barbare. but 1 canes;tinah iain cu t i5."1 " li inthe auto cm titb me," maid ber eactb er ; " I have been trying to thtak cho abat is iike.u but in van. Oh certaisiy rreited a great ose- nation. and the vwsvery a*fable and polit. Io0rm Houwvoali iait flbod t given up the hiras Clara.a It's a ti.,usand times mure grarsful un instru-e ment tise the piano. It was nothing but your a uiayw"~nos. 1 mld you yeti ouldrepent î.f it soufai day."s If(1 did play on the barp,' said Clami pet- ti.ziy, I 1unuidn't put myaieîf in s"eb eciagies é at Myounemaetir, s @he dd. 1 son't helieve t ?Ir. Aiston admire. her singing mach, for leh i talked te oie ilmatthe ethoie ti-vie.Ž " Yen. hertuse joulide l iîn. But, si.l nuaiy, Clara. hli in.neliioking VOuO< man. , and may lh. very rich. Yeu bal botter try to l captiva.faim, eien if lheo ta ireîdy reptiuutedt by %fii Ho.rton. fleur famnilier that tima@duos aonnai 1 We muet invité thoîn tueiur boute- traite a pury for them-for they eviJently are porsons of distinction."9 Not musical party. mother. Oine good thing, locever, vo have no harp bore." (To bc Cotia.ad.) ORIEGON.a Faroc th. bitt N vmar s<Li.eNomIt A-nasroa iriew, jaciit( [cor4arîNuzo FauO ORLAiT.] t The positive @ide ofthe British titis may hoe very qîsiciy difacusseil ; tf reiaieîttboly on the Nuoîka convention of 1790. Up tui that periel. Eièglaiîd and Opaiii vertohbme oiy powessthat bail an, clai otiith possessioni of the Noîrth l'aciflc tast. The cueillt ieo their respective dlaims ca, put at nest hy tho convention wvhsmh Spain cas bullîed iîito nîaking in thia year, byt lthe tireat nf i car cbsch vas faut preparcil for.1 i.Vbiio Englasd by tbis instruîneît iti*îed tise1 tights utflier oppontent in the territory, she uase0 re&tricted beronr. l it wustîpialited, thuttîhe respective @objecte nf the contracting parties ahould nt h. moleateil in nuv.guîîngor crrying on their fisheries iathe cific ico n o the South Soas, or in landing on Lte Coat et tboneao soin places a1raày ocrai. pieil, for the purpes.e or carrying on theîr coin- merde o th the nuatîveacf tht couiitry, orcf malt. iulg seilatens sthre?.It vas issithet sttpuiated. ihfai, wvitever sottiementa iniglîtlh. ma= thons by the subjecta oeapuer the asitjecta of the utiser power abouli have4'fin staress' t thom. Bt thia treaty, bothé Spain and Engmnd con- lsented to forego ait their previnisClairaut ad righte%-Fnunded on alleged pier diacovenios. contiguity of territory, or any oth.r htaîs,-for the &ake ofthis ranuti gumranty of juin.occu- patiî.n. Ail antecedent pretenasoini uere merg. sd un this traty, and it in mer.r impertinente or irreieeancy in eitlier party te go bebaind it for the piarpooe ef iîsquiring chat preons icte or rirceastincea einonered thora te malite it, or wilether ifs provisions ousght te bave been more liberul or msore atringt u n tueir sie. T'he il argain may bave been a bard onàe,-it certainly dvas, iin onBouse. bar Spain, as wes have suid. casu bullima ifiste îoakiîg it; but it cas stili i ibargaîn, caraicludoil unienhand amsal.m i-neither party ad s riglît te rotract. England d n future coulil aasert a right mail ofut occ ua. poneynt of exclusive duminion or ovnershp. rSpain in future or any ovmfiry rlintioW aissier Spain, couai assoit 0017 an esluail nîgliL As Do nattier power thon laid amy ciaiite the territor, oIr proteateil againsit thia mode oif dividing if, themn respective rigbats. lteos limitaI und defined, veto gond aginst the uorid. a This ia the vbole positive aidentf Great Bri. tgta'@ paraeesous teOregnn ; the isegaive fsde consitaui a retu'atiomai oftht couîîter preten. asioma i the Uaitedl States. By the Flurda trea. aty.tof S, 4Spaisn mals oaver ilber right toeuse jPaciie ttcot arof.latitude 42 ld%.. chatoyer J. itmight ho, tvi the (United Sttes. Of course yah. Conflaicode no m talhe posseaued ; &a celudi t laie rs ail tihe treaiy stipuîitois and rs..Uictiona hicb ah.bioasadereapecting àit chile à cas in ber poneoseuo. 8h. disi not y 'renf the tt outsil; the purchaser took ifthon for botter or gaorase. Waa Oregoa. in alSI& atill sulsiecit tu de Nootka Conveution of el1717Eglui asmituihs tbalt iWZ«s. tha;thde itreat, vas perpetal, gtât, as snolimtatimof e d imne ia mueotionnal in it. or aveu hinte*i4,it vws 1te hit forfeeL 'ie litStake tue aml tht i a.uie t, tht8Sain and Lgiasi vont te car uith ad a e in 179& Mma cairiannula ail Of Course, i esee d"ng fie autoul comio, jaeg renit lge 1lut dhiILk revive anain. af itoelf, va .poic on de.i, hether meotioned in the treaty ni penteor Mo1 I le inthe ro" pasa; humcoissea jeinsamitai ad .iequetie. em d h.odd mil by ais appea te interatioalali iamIhitebe precelotat. .We eiete tient laeusflaisve the question sttiliugdtecuitie, * apsemea a certain echacacter tiecessiril lapei.g Milleo!ai, vw"i.etbeaseiaoreuived b, i peace, ibOegh tbe.bueDO express menul eou 1tiene.lauth.etgaatirtofoesit ju 1814. il vW» 8e9 thuk it uemy te nreandsita vec Za al rftkwof th$ t 7 t M snl d m Us the aLler lisad, the *apei&UiigttIek% inay trenatim of einea. laut certain, articliz4"Ul a ipultl. ="eatale an isrraser toattehitteaom osrevivell by tie mseset the la«ec esveatio n i% aets im""h. e.m"s t"tartieles Mdt enanertulamula ho esabiecoîlan iropapede or detcgroe.l the wur. Cartàt issgrugit. cvin*aeteretouek, » lie of 0,ci13, p. pil Iboegag" eW lte h.iea. aefle hebois o lem 112 vile the Aumies w of Ibouu altaiself a 1ie7 eile mmd à @ t t tIe partis, a m "i n aI la a M M"a i a li si. i I -eet b«MIalcmmes aasmwg d i tqi.ue £wol ppaeei la viat ley smu d î It b. alto bell, liiitête Unitsd Rlleilsderive a dlaim f rouit Frassnestieu n ie atise us of Lisisiana traost iat pevqr un 1W&3 tes-Bn qismionel pousseim et a ternitory cstsnaling to tbe vantern bao utf tbe dey Snains as"o noms@ titie, il la thnsgisi. te ttiguitir at l.ast; tas tbo ocniersbip ote' GugonnItot vOitera aida. To mkilsit b. replioit, fritntisai Frace siipie. tsnlsl tai Losalabansi realebtqes! thdeRock~ mmulans; a ommlIy, tétit the M" meta appîsel te tub istb *Wei bu i isttbeem maie apon tde tille ltaimsel ire Span ; it inenvoyen. tire! b, the Noethicouanenitian. Fia ante bo LoalaisaneIoSpià la 1"% Isaaltt» »the ow. Dnet uotlamd oCalibmcia, but of Isoieluna tisati Spain aiguel tde comint ion ofI 170, hics il. mtudtts e ls aIte a right of joint ecmuptncy1 out Oreçahi. Spin relsci Louisiane, batit u , Prante tan181i, lut net in »ch a perteri ensu.1 luine aliht a. chea sieremsit lil. aset- turnel t bardots" dit tse treat, stipulations ebicb sho bal MaIe chilo lit cast inber banda.1 And ilu vaswiuh thie incuimbrunce salinL itta thbe United Stmtue purritase LousiaaneEn tei fol lot- bg yemr.1 -lavinq ceornideel the balance n#t the argua. muent in0 avoir et out rpete.nion Lu the choie ofc Oregnns-namtely, îhe rigbtma btainel hy pur.a cise efrout Spain asudFrnce-ce lincmre tn the thidni d I ely remaining nuse, chicli is founi.t ed on the procatdige mad discoveries eft 1 orim cilixemas. And ittoone renîrk uî ocres.à smary reapectirtg the seC et ftlui actiumolatittgt sevî.rrl distinct titles in tise bandaeior one climo.) mt wo ubas btought thens tugethern vidotit mnyi unsm tila. Qibers gay titat tlsey otîamui coui.1 lirin sidsttettgtbeu cacit Chers amdin case of am divisions of the leusd. sitlla theoparty ocniîîgt thiqto5nas many distinct ahanes as it pesses.o se. cuainta 1thet la tisait the Untedl Sttin 1 b thoîr ovo rigbtî aol in liait otf rancs andloft $pain, ngbt lis have tbtefourths of the terni-à mry, citile Gnsat hBraun, nsstsîmg 0h17on ito imi premenebnuas cao denind but one-foarttit-1 Neititer position is correct. Tht Uniitedl Sit*,t by porcbasing the Frensch asud Spanui tistens,1 gain aun advantaget thodsgh Etlaeon.e nly oni negtilve charecuen, hy lesseniusg th. nantien ut cniepetitona ; the egenty etf retithosen un Spin-. anIs ïn deovering or settling Oregnin. ortair.i quiring pnuseaiiens boeiering opon il, cannaotiho aduucel uo ceaien Pur claint, thoughit iq m.y i urgel agaisut lte pretensuone of the Enslus.-i On thecolluer baud. tiiaunion ofi daims e oct lîrently strntgte nPur tille, for, if entiter ëf thin lie assumel ta h. velI fisnel, on cvii preper cnairn lîsappeatse.tînlv ; mod coivere. y, if the daim s inour inots ight lbe goil, theo Frencht antd Spmniab mties ans oftnonvoilà. W ei cassent pile t Im pretensiiula fluitsopuifiemtbon; tîsoir terce sn nul cumulative, but mlajuotive.-1 If $piactualiy aurvoya te coiat of Oregonu a-rd discoverei tIhe soutb ou the Culimiai ind 1774. thon CapI. Grey in 179'à. and Lewis undi Clarke smIff111. vere oily indera, mol ais thîe ether hissait ftise dhacoverie. eof(Grey. and Lewis mol Chirkie1sais keout a perfect s'igist, if tueur explorations, un tact, cduo be calleitl uiv. eriesl, thons, Or@gon vallseant amd UrsaPPprpia. tel--a mure lae r inafr'twIa. open a te sirat cunter,-dovm tu l7W nd mltiee atecutient ci dons et Fnanc@ andi Spain arc motore nentities. WVe iasy, il is Iras, elecitte stnengest out of the ltres claseand rest tde choIe of out titis upon titt, eserviliée tu ther tontu h. urged agai net thse Logliait, und therehy may cuaken or break louis thior laimit tbugh cititout de. incustnitîng mur Ovni Andibs aboom tise contsespunaosed by tht sno6t iagasclous ut stue Amerîcan satlsess-mut by aIl of ihon-in the aniverai neguttationa upen ithe itJet. Tbey have put in the front the dsrovery by Gray in 179*2, the exploratiohy Lacis and Clarke in 18M and mol htestablieh. ment ut Antoria in 1811 mol ay n bing tbel buves uimitted tises.the Frencs and Spanlah Ilu- tie cer invalîl or louhittil. Titis admission, copilcith teforceuutrte Neotku convention, onw ah: ch vohave lready comnsttlol, levesaun bout itt Lthe Ainenicaisdai-si, nanftnasi rent» oui the purchuas of Lousaisafront France, or on the Floidi Treuiy cit Spainq s aiupenect.- And titis, tise nsen srhou i obsecvei a ite oisly point vs are unic aeekiog to establists. W. le mot attenitt E discuta the Engimmit dlaims, cor evon te prove tite opinion uluvaîy exprusmel, Ibat the Atzmriricatitleis tuhe tter et the Issu- We aiul choc oly that this title et the lest us impentect, titît it clue. nit eînpn*eE- us permss. tensly tu demiandi ho aobole ut Oceguin, andilte assertion lisatit lis -"rîieand lunquetioniable" is an ertpy vsat, a imene ritetoricul flourié.- In ordertuteoite ontor p.east, t otly remains te examine tdu rigitta reistai b, the A-toicaa liacovaerers agi explocora. Captain Cuiok explored the ouaIetcofOr"gn, dnugis, ioaperfectly, in 177-ilores, ialieut. @mein thte ngliinevy, insunud e tradimg ce.. tablicaseaL et Nautilmlusil, in lut itude 4# leg., in 1778, anI emisiil lte collat for i conseiler. ibls distamcs quits »moily ie ivain atteupt te lissuthe <ceai river--Vancosiver suiveltise citulo coast very accuraia> in lisse mre 1702- 4. a considenabla portieonfuthlie smrvuy being 1complel dbetuoeGrey ontured thue Columbiau- Ilta ES me adiaied un il bds. eti apftan Gray, in lit" 1792, cwas the. brat te enter the mouth et tise river-tiocta aoW the mmi uitsi 1776, Mdlentevelit asnlteos ieit eta rvsc ou a mp-tlat Gray sailie-teh miles pp lhe musas., ual gave teaitilthe q na of e wlmap, wbuehliha. avernestaa ia"melOUs jeoca. Lion uecivu iniesrou o, Vaneoevvimsdlatoy meut hie lientteeMele punsevivers, -ho ePin«l it tur nearl, a amIenrol uliese fmtier. New the hoIequebuiss , uber "iii Uesof theb Calumbiaugivsetde "it te hWv" draie bit -M op"- eof te ateot 4 tisemsa eaite inle asaet là" cegwWe Ume euoleu a M".4 og aivie lleslaV u., 1Tht mouttfa risar bu but omle p u e e ithiaugis a preur impotaitpein,,t.. peei if u dhe trver b larea; bet; the preca.modiae determnisat.o ofa Iexemetbsc peute ne. ilbs euat mi le ta alsteqoal impamesn. Ilaftre Gra ati elte i essila, tIse bo" Pmiso lseues, tran tie 44spa ssel leeete i pointt layesil de eo t waachem un el 0-9-aa, us, astue apemimiU«li ua hi* lua $pau"s ail a&"s ivaga. Tiesel ovre. ceree*treport, Posalei, erseiv u i ase. ta',*vsiage, $bu ive tir 0 , 3, latht a ina.e liai"uy, =n lssllsuis ii of i k; fiide0 aes aie. the diuese.abuet, S esai. momillaIMn ta"ul"tu n ~ amisu e otums.MW b miaNamta"i R. Oea, Ve. am v ublb .i Ilseapune&g dami ginl avec d ila. tp e lMd bisa ccl te, <« «stomi"Unlimie lmaseomauase . a laely m em f mmiea pssdial * mse l.ooatyiailé aie atimm*"!iai la asr M' f- O& Mtéé elé se-s Ir a eoutlube 'l'h.Dutd ai Ioais. e lercibiy pu docs. mnl Ne* Aumordun cee trengeeov York. Agmia, Franee duof cav.red Ili lbit o f10heMimippi, ami bW subueets cee. Eh. Brut te smil doivnthe chliW Wef.g l miletuuigty aete. But ah. maIe iutai les titis cml, ta a besil tract ce the omet aide e theisriver; wviase blBi" by de right aIett mgubty libm. cariol bth.iber et. tieueatéa pteitheb*choie rnouaeing partic. of the WtE bnit. The paupIe.oaide Uumd8autant auli ar#etde lm artute lle ougita tes. plais tittidenmalter wun tàaoel. Park expired the Niger. nitti Lauet lscvev.il me me uh;bt Eglan Lasa mt tlaid biaisauI Tambimto& lt bus e. ecannot tenaillent aiit. glit imencoetino chsthe Iascevery of a river eu. iseUtSebua tanteeoild biaof titleisnto territovy lia,thtaevsvy aofis ecaast. Ti pniveoeaiae aIl the sth.r wv. Tt eexpelltison ofLecitandIClarke in ef no enheuafive importance in creatiug a tille Or. egon. Ilit may »Maat or eoamirm atedent pesa tensionlutoandel on lsimnvery oreemet. ieit.u tabae ut indisceeila purpue oft uimg pnesea- uit the land; but in atioli it eme n netcorflà-. covery or settiemont. Cupaîs Freinant o necw abenotun a jounu te the bitherto unuxplorel csastuttIointerseof tCalifurmia; bi prty t ral by du uustbrccity and iletshexpens of lte United State., au did llastéand Clurk, ail ci anticipes titlriences cul profit as mach bl thîo expédition as by the tformer one.; but sare- ).y tite explaration va. but placnrd by ar gm-i venî,m1î't la orler te trente ai ite t Cillios. Besilesi if ltme expelition in 18115 gave mam i iglit te thte reginsdniisel by the upoar branches cd the- ljoluuiilii. titen c. muâit admit îiae pr@tona Fii 'if ti'e Bnitish, t.îunmdlonsVancouven anl ne,gliu' exploration in 179%. Io bothb bull ut tise rivet fraentheo pointcaare Grava ship siaoppeillui mouithAen puiitt neatthe fouioth e Ca!Fcailes ; tir Bnioug4itt'a boat was certaimly thea first tlat cmrried chits-nsuon oer tlionpot. tien ut the sîreaio. A division maIe on titis pnuidiple enuld gis Eugimol chat la unques îmiîably the muestftiLleandmoliuable portion of Agunin î1793. lck.zie. aàIBritisht subjecti doinsiffront the inîrb# pusel docivacnasalsrà able p .ttisii otf l-namr'a river, crideityopentu lai tite aiE-alLa ut Juan de Fuce, in latitude 49 lugij anl titan, strikiitg off ta liasveut, reucitel*lb. Peaceast mer theuetit of a river im latitude N2 lcg. lic cas thet mat vwhite uman cite ex. plîtrel tio tgain, or pase owsn this river;,- hou,. thont an the United i 8:tes ronsistumtly doithe ritsh iim tholie ion drainait iy P'raaer*o rivon ns oret an, rabtet that portionif ut lyiaig sertit ut 52 dot. 1T lhe acribermicet brandit ot the Colombin louanul exatend abovu 35; jit is oubtful aveui ebethen îmit embes @a far. hl ill ven5 thon, thît thé discavat, cf Ura..anldohe xpediI.uit ut Lecis mol ClatIes givo us no daim te the neJion htwse«n 52 deïg. aimd 54 leg. 401 îmin. la tuea negotiatinofi124, oun snistt, Mi. IRuBsh, rapresly aduaAll* cran m'ire ihan tlais te the Britisit negutiaters lis mua olficiaI report ai the negatait a't, lessl mn0 otan >cnstury of State. on tht U.h aiu Autat. ISU .givisg ltse language chich be usel in tise confernmuce, in. Ruai so ai '1 adddILtaI it e Uitied BMates nid ait.dei Io sislrfsremsoith MUe actts tl measts of alites natidons on the nortbvat cotat <ni Amerios, oeil ihat, inrgard tu hnie whic rew rmBitainI M haefwrud abie lite MU i grseof laituid, E amoatldremelsu wuub ail saci nigit a(citrait ciia tihe natives, anas rigbi t aheary. as thune muta iteubantsbitl anjoyel bbtmer.' Toue daim etf car pressent administration, thn, tîstise hoIe ut Orogos, extcmling up ta 54 de#. 40 mn inlaaotractuut by the direct adiimsio et on ais governeent. T1he suttiement of oti l Dmt otioan M long. it vas à a mre ttadinq tahlihmoent, formed tor puirposes on i comence, and motan i perte tuent maIs efer usaion u i coummoo menu of a cnliony. Mr. ?'oreyth, iii a report ta Contreatin lu 8, calla il 'u traing esmablia moula', anti it bt aalgabeuthas lenumtdi Nase Mr. Gullatint in lis Otegoan nogustiolmil 18t27, <sot ualil mit4 l.but labouais iistrous eao.M»tae rotape, t"amore facltoees ue st liabel f"rtradi, amilmatDot ooldb, éaicelai tisuiiou, tguvo . itis. 'rie choleis ao( ehie argumesnt i.i, thst only attisai colosens bply ex. clueavu aoversîgnty. T'r is.utit formol a tu. Iint eMtblisittINotâa t ém u in178j Lieutenant Meare enectud àibomeat odo eur. oit eut a sitipymr, nd, olbuill iveea.li.-qeitemu motueIas " do"metAetecit. Tise Bpaniar ompitureld te place the mat ger but. bts amous. taon cas atpulatel in the iMenthecooavestisais and ît vwurestorel ta Vuecever in 17*4 âlisgb tt vas imomdseiauly abo.uol.Tf u tshisiey uaffrile a carsus parti loiine.very rempect te 1101 et Mn. Aitlaca tblisumet. Teui eslbm settlernent sof Amatis, tian, vauld bo tot ae eut clsinneluur a miii. le au asimiseisu lott bssgimW lbaiia <go" tallete tieus w toem tauolnd ,lk tembuLuatitde a dme, toec 1u«s laier (lnuY faemmuulCWmbia river. We huubat ut ue utloc commetta, eNMc sipon wciucitteAmersomui ce"te Umugmo la suppocte .A doli Le tie, clatbw at briete dimaostileiaat, Or ceutIPkm is «laUotIol iiles m usrePeca tu hue mta t $De mius, etbael.If lie gubimstidispfl uteMisimmi 'auIuu anao ge asflite. thonm dincuery or oetienemt.aait my pisu" . cdt oueliteffsei - mn 4 aclethe e , Baus i e. dgu la"d in rquestieon inotl &a" lpars et a utmesnt k ae tmpaaile tuitel irea t.stie e .a e. cue - aed OaeMon. o sssl1 b s Ml #i h»maIglo'la doel=41»W lael1-- Zdasou«F«.<mmll *buie ntlem. n=& W.slutn' m usd slum .almde. , b.ta lmi -lie u m.i mase ise absadn l adie à" me ocmag. *Mg-e MM inMM uO=seac de. «UeM;u ta.. uni, " m< U oqut ie oir ; Imtimsilc.o00 thtissue lIe &E ilpa - . tellemm SM ti ca, Tm mhe euleaep.t; bu- uim eu àoif Ja ui t'iiaaIe1o AWe.c Pi..u WM ledia Ofauiý F tw-V-qcuit aM ..i*w 0 piM go g fi" by *se de - rîaaaý »Ztho imiedla oz.S