TS-Tis liii Iran StÉe lasses. Egun and A,m,î ta fin anad Chai, Likes 'teaç rcseang. The bahiuftbunec ly coispetel ; sud t4. d,,k fait s pti:eai. brie. icheai abaut Ire Lc it llxc atenijea tu p-y a1 tae :Îluth prugeac Irv g . et liaarr; 36 aillah bles wr' ilite n',ý "0 ive roulesa u 2Its ! Xy e filteai op ia n h asl-t t we ; anal slîculîi Ilic .1tr-t I liy lte roiaac ite- l,( Lesa, to luet il, heu m .'à4 dationa un anar %i idj Rit.La- idour by any nl wstsao iey ili lie rnavntruc'ct "tn ritiaile i avd il làt ivtu 4.41 ara- bharterel by tea ynaiig gen. eat<erpra.e. M.r. Parusîn vd itractur fur theve oiC the engineer, sapenlihtee-cIg0 By tlaaaag s pleanure dria me ouf thei acn, ahun mea naaveity, cain fratlty ie.r ni aipin waivi these tiuat %rlà aitiplste lor trautilvia hune rîglil iv coautvvrratlig ..i ieir t4a, Ja co~nncctiot i5ri, el thb Chatte lu litatsev.-fBy. Rosai J aoc opettd iuo aeW ,bi Maiawraka limanci i.t Lmi il sie'uhs are pasriut m tu .lvslnaeats m all ILvc er, tarte ion as openci aîrvon trie rîaO- ivcalacers sn thae -v11Y s,! ta, ,a cutaulg niailarartuece Ottawa, tlierebv bulit 'idual enterpite la linrrr t119 taraivuens of Ouar lacy toeurc nt hliacin sly yc115i velu4 )f lie Caitadiau piiaýt .- L[b t.-Three iriau wereareC fleur ays aga.. ut a a t nr Town Justices, filr v&«'Û by uteans of a1 gnvla rvo ait tiaCua are niet5 taie nameal Edalvov& rs làt ch they darieCon Oi bt le. Thae waud fi% ciý s$r blae bouse, anal. une autelt tif ncp auto the barcuns, 'al toien of recntogîn. A b auch persotis - hapaI etsrtaintltg Ihat there 'a 1, ie <afib M oi p 1mle F uthrould îIb eal, td icbing a mis aU Dla h say allesialn teVS M.e ltse stark lu ai5 bi sln ce oly, Mai di@caersa 1,i tis Mmire a e-l cent 5 - .-po ~ti ptt5 m ta 0à roai te « baiei< ,0y oftb ba viilli lie 1 isseMWstbus . IigteIll il. la lmdsOPeil> ast a e 1 î 4s icn ei f msvla"tim in me 014 T Uqh umaimd'l.r 4G lam Ir oud- ,i m ir inM 187 - .,..' . e-.---ii .v--~--'- - - - -i,~v.~~,v-- -...'.. ~ _________________________________________________________ E Il I I films elyoa 1 -a jo i e alds*en* im e ud yKkpeuss1 Wopurebs vin titi ademi viti.Dirie'au __sotby qoyo ieawb&4 0«0 ~ tsi «Ah he hub4,ea iii md.keetof eW.ss- M'yânl.I is theowthms- g g al,11 n aCt- Tâute ' aa T JNGSTON H ERALD. - -Anr39a-a'r 11:NWG4VERNoR GENERAL fol adv ~,ice frein Mourel <a thf b. I ot dpat offeriii< the GO- enaos, jva i a te"eProinace« taFaa, bt.thitbis Lodtap hau acepted thebm h.. imo CUi III lie furarded hbfo bD«eoftbiti country bave iearued go10 C ma.ir aerf l.It Ietains tu ho th ~>rgCathtrt i i iielle5 w.415- cc ttoi Lare ~ leri pr du 'Rit MDlihp bu alre8 y gnto ex ees an ,v i ri goernmenlt. Efforts baiesu~ 1ai"forca. back te eorgflhuim V thi ae l.wer Province, but Vie hy W vUcce. l nthe cvitnny. the ggros si hilai$bean pr udael by ar natu foi c Sers fnasticTrry parY, ueaniym 'i rerniCana Bans.Andl Duw bis hi 9 cvUp the las i a depair. A Miii.G -a Or srwa Dvuvdu the 261h ut, in h , .ît, al, "il was uaitrally exîet- Mr tc., i¶iln, o ui have urured.tely cezw lreeed -lla hat diience M va- calvellenespectedflronmt t ewellli îîn3Iand iiizCoalf eve ry cla-s of lber Ma.M the t-salePoince," but On thve a fvdeh p further States that leet t.a.appvvteiît u n fiur.ng tht s5e -~-eo;vctat4un bavivrg lia-eurealizei,w b-enl can«Urievi h disvsensionsaa -i ers wfo hnve bes apporrtei ;- : e anoriruces li. dteranvnatavo t1o ria iaor arapi itmnts un- l o f tie Lgslature, wheu a t ho sa b. uiivted. t hâ v< -tr$ v fer tii muid Enni Cathcart P :rr*- eli, Ior Ct believe lia* t .c I.ner e icoo iaf Tories for Offi. -. c u - t, asbegian under Lord ; ei Er Cal hcart beld lias Gvt. î11e.'liv hma ld ut bl ie lng t it, ize ii aubsiating rarrange-.de 'ir- ra ad apecimen cof'the pro- 4 14f h Tarres. TFey wouud c' e.btn f profit and lînnour for o 1' t2:, rrîi. try trovie tu reinedy e,- e rasci the hviwl of -*pro. r.c ex-m mtera appcîted - ià, 'iOCrs ta office ; dalle lthe C ,,*r i t' ,ycard and a quarter,L e 'i,' o-rreformer tu office- 1, DtI- a !prir- 1r T et liasse maenaa A!e, àrd oila ile hustaina a Ihe -Iý .s. Icý dvvjt.ratImria vf appoîatîlte lu of u.k fpa rr h Neit weî tgolie th, ALi,.11. D g reýfpcr hypo.crites q * ý i! rtre aver lelore a kLotaIof *,e i aetfrr i. get andl keep offcil, ho' C s- ldir lYmd t ban t1 I bvae noiîiu.igtat ihey saaad budLe oejust the reverse.t 1' i I . i lvv-Tic Canadian t - Ui. -a r s iii r tieet FiOS THEEDES- i E, .:)~ii Fnalsy the 20th day ntfi u 'la, i ivt dav al!owed livo '-a gbe-tu costee ,. Ilie I . r.. C ims ri re te Kent *~~~~~t -i~ .siilaParliaiaîelit, Mr. vi r revrgn fr brin. It in tII.- I, .B.au&,Eq., will ~O"e nu r i'ianaber the repubKituat c a i t' talien faron thev i 4o .. î.nî article, altauuoh t in, rceq. tie vulject moree -, r-t 'ecritreatej lîy otierv is- rlvathe questaon.v. i. -i ii-..lirgrc'vn prvceevluaib t 's---..rciîtj:- (huai lirtaju -.r 0 .1i,tt,,Ovivpiaveî er clai, d 'r lc i us-a vf Oregont la cleayi '. of 0urv, aleaning te the Arn..1 >L, r*iî:trvi~ i . fv roi the Reviewi vet il un lv.tirrtue caitrary, a, in Imaîchioft n, eesoaltvgaîlier ek 1 la - f .iv Uegon onu CO groaaais riellliaa river bl Grey, L '- ' pams. Vet nohing is llai'.. ve Ia grounds desitroy ecd ad any itdo t0 convsyl it v t ry as e ir'o loe hbig aler'@. Gney discovered luiOro ba-hcugeeltiaen go lia ep. -v.a .ic'lvcr he mnuhiscoun a a ie tothemeves *13rli ~ adîcvverY uf a ncci e Cvc.îîtrertaclaina and pommes, a 'IV iI- . nlerc. Sucle&ç is tiip ttit1 .vi e air7sas maia met up las -,:oî ntle k c~ h ailier dominthe a stC i vt u.-e aMay taie whic e.cbtlecanant lae bome v0 mueh relieai b A> iavs, Iltthe iv scvery of a rivegr du. intlc.aerrl al the couti ctereai telic cier oaa~ttnsjhdcrn Uv, ,c akiolaisbut rather thei.O 1 d ahât oaausreadct- ilesi s.- m'y d«el u Il vces uunryi ctheut diso. d 1î re tife rivýe al a teneriverara hiiot of imM utrym" frouve ute u unttilc a ont, are sveiiiil mail ta M dm mslon" 111a W oeusic msis j s~eb - sims bais169 esiite mei air s Dasa . i à » esfagsii" rpsobkv %W. IA-«"@ ni"i.,Iump ma lent 0 néI ti ifetika sms celempticlabaletg ml atempinclry vç. by =7msqoirw i Amd le as es tic 'ccii t b susisehb ii.sb~q.a RAILROADS. li la essmi l nb" Terooimai il amalto. p. Pmth th@ BaKeligsi srebsidess et lie Unem Vameu RaWdramari fa amup b £1 là&. pears,. teaêdi 0tint by ticde rcito dsccuii lbheb" £311& bock... Tbey have <aie the Opinaentfdc"esl me tic quoime, cw"imdu lIaI the bpv«esigsatmille. gai andai n p smuai s( moisIles, saie.- Stm mouiobeh"mii "duiithe"ue all b Mcmii. I la furtb.r stamai tsaiil.prospeicts Y Oe Torooto mai HumatRauiroaiCompayamre d, uan liesTomeoivectors baspsiluiWtici fllos'mietatemme ofaffUa-aii t-misés. cejla Maliessmest of me TatoEaifnd luseira. rois Rail"s>Directars Tic Preeilisiat maid Direktarsof lii City Of Tronto and Laie il cios Raibseai Coupait tel "bsthe ticbsDov srrivàJ, ciao <bey tay. vitiait prejuuîce ta the intleSeo! thc Company, etate peblicifor lbeiaformation, mi th sbateboldesstlie preusn; pomiliosa0f ii Company. Sa"ty afier euteriagspots es, tiae Directions dtmmiuport c&ione an iustalment of te. pet cent, on eéci sivar. subset-ibeal iu Ibis Provincin, aumating le aiteto 172.47 iles.; ami, as ire remaleil sout 1427,864ta bhotaies, lby resoleai téibeund Sit. Wlalder, one uf t i numben, ta Buglaité, for thc et-uposeOf gotting the anime subscibsai. Mri. Wialder actepted tlb mission, mad altitougb su bad the aile anal poCunful assistance of tlb GovsrnSof cEthe Canada Comany in Engiand, eo ha. netai a l i in pisr occnlIl wactocol. nunicate@ehlainforatio.aiui, ii inte opiion o the Directoire, varraulsaà tem, in maiig any ifliciol aunoucemeet of tie progrees iehlihall made; ailihi lettor, earranîeillStBanai inhb. lievaeg tual bo oulai succeed un tic objedco uassion-battheb inelligence neceiieai Iront ut ay the lait steamer arables the Directoire lo state Ihat <t-cnsla eo longerîn ay donit of lia complets auccess o( tlb undsntkig. The uihole amant cf tlb Capital Stock, excipt no nsch sa casaliotteai lu Canada.bhm baen gui. sci ibe for in Engianai. The dcvi of Smie. ment, wch asstatuts of ths Imperiai Parlia. cent recalera neceasary. bas bae prepateai. anal nogi oniy teenidats' notice bail beau garen. this wuica rssady forsignature, Siarevoiderstr. presenring epuards of £ M0.000 stock. bail eue- etdai ansd the nemaisaler Coeeexpeclsd alo v0 staonce. At viol rime the Company weau boprepanei ta comtmenca the wcutinamut yei metîli, .bol thaec laeuery roaobelieve tait iliet oli letenrea bey.nd theaopeiug of tie esiagspricg. By ona&rnof the Directors, W. ALLAN, Toiato, 4 9th Jsnuany, 1848. The foulvscing speech of tic Gaveirnor o! thei Canvada Company, ai Ilicir annual meeting la Lmonainn, sows furtier boye mile-a atamil, sia tuat lie Rail Way Company coutettrplala mailing tbein rosai part cf a maie muni fraiea Montres] t0 the western extabtnaity ufthb province. Tie Hon. Goveussos tien pi-oceeea ate. queat tis attentiion oflte meeting ta u enter. prime nearly conneceldni ite intlbeps ai the Cassais Company-nameya lté eity vo! Torontc anal Lake I[turocnfRail wq(béar,bhat.> Aso as thae direcior. cf the Companay sers actate ti liae attention o!flte caplitailstelied bettu cailtai t iiie entelrpime, tic Clerte ankianst<ogive i eve ry encouragement lu Iheir paiwer, snd some o tlitir own body bastinaucunseqaience takan psri la i. Tic prinial neason ebicié ual actuate, theanin luduang su. cas ta suintian the execcîloi afian enlsrpriAe e chi coulId oulal besili<ht ahiale procvine anal anacondaiioc viich îlej miade cas, thal ait houlal not b.oaof Inca! or menta ly sertianai use, benellting ieeslads cf tii conapany oiuiy,, or sny Individuels; but ltati should b. for thei publie beoi-for ltheadvaur cf the entire province. lit wecehaib a mîstai4 Iti su p te t lai the Canada.Compony cas ilut ecesa by sny aiîisr caniuerations. on that the] vere setUalsal by uy cthen via-cit Ihan the -cite rai gnoal of!thsprovinîce. The diructort era ilieretore, detratined al ho pt that lhe Chicl woulal combine lie largest possible aveantuo tra.iffr (tieat, bean,) cica nouild b. of the grea est publrc adutetage, and ciici muet, therefair necssaril obtlb monet beneficitl toataepi-o vunce sol tise sianeaiders. gbil iimsc icen lu oônauquence iadsced t< ouae firai-va aid hsd lhum baen piaceal in a position of sois dnfficuity ln eeaieavorneg ta expliI corfectly lth iutereseof!tlb Canada Comapny, mal tiose a te tihrelioules.He s etat tomit, biserai lri notuce lhe clteerfulai d 'aiuabi assiaaci i itad neceiveal frons tlb gentlemenwci allsaiunit ed with iesualuprontotiug liaï.clijici. Hc top pascal il olalib unîaecsm" atpt dcclcpi the beneflîa ciM b oulai nAsait frnathlb ezac taon vif the sulsnprise. Ih coulai be, in fia t i tory auaking of Caaa.as muet hb plain la cau' ry une iciiarefiecteal upon lb. gond chicit mn resait fi-um raulvay intereoeram ln s caonu suci aU Casais, hinersai. ern e searu andl travelliug dicuii (bear, bis,.) Il vcui uit oiaiy ho àgM i-migheray issIfbut aoulai ei courage lie comnplationofmrosius ntUilpartsc tic ccontryan féei<s (icat.bear.) luInassi toi aquasiioe, ho adaleiltittii railvaycoupi o, cas prutemding qmietiy mail ftiorailyi sMW a alcuit nesal b estctaoeai cf leasing stauliol ed. The dutectoem bai avouadi ai epsclatii prociedinge, or makisg mof ttl b ssaenfi lbîr ac i etieit, sai liait ioieseath<bea once assoupit thb mmcirespectable of s-larî nms.o! appéicaens iei),>Tie deposite lu beu penctatifin paidi snd t10. destilbaibba signecain is aging "salfient ta earranttl asl tainty tit &WaiegiotrtontveelId -b mapei coispilsai. Tii met fotLwl frmaum.o f ch railway va$ pesseaiby thpe ibclal lo6iuî of CainslmS, etisvivoi dng Umt sos. Aummuas tic tintions cet-i chein July last, muni alo teattulcgaliy, liaitfin et.p ras iqlyteUn. iïtalis lis tontislos itlbecm&aisCompany iu T, nasttae 0* ik iotu ]OFei llEnglimmi vil totl e thlbfllenele f<b oosts, suaif poualta tukief àliam mai doliel Uv.Wiio ssssluI - t dagsi humedPalyam. Kit I~.a wIi msdterquwle,5bisi, or bas.am Ausmr&"s NÂà*m kMrVshuy ins*bi. Mui~ Th tmsen*, Jm . ms, d4 I p.apviedfrsaie ieadum"eilte ý vbeyoad rads <t kil abri e9 amWtOS mAiery te tlb prevnes. Md beswd iete Ilis me* ai tséOrsat w«&», ad lu lu* Ofl ptss he p m pcpnh* imucline. aad lterfar. tiheiisrUssni *0 resto Company ciii pressil sihlp wui <bi aura enteapite.1<mima aisetài cbe lb Gmt Wzese&C.ommr *in ma. ibu - d, bul ha it C*aSai wd mole"s.ton" neus.a thodabiesta tl pose. es, sic m mêe mpusp bve Ài n vev o te xt ithie, osdeaiuateaà "uastresi railvay (mm usi omlteaà*bWsit- ars beu7 iorthe province;tMd thce insase deuil tiai a mâlliient capital may bu amil <ar t&àis exteami uljeet, if tic mm, mankt sioil continue osueiestl7fa7yassila Is 1<cassi b dombleal tbua revenas migit bu dans i " rj Ibis undartakiug ta mais ai amily usmmc!atiiv A rmeeting if tic friensitshe b MuteaMsd PIertaud Railrod asbld eaI&Msit" so-lb 22dWh eat ai uda repo" cswuaidmai mndni speechses moad e iner of I tthedetita- We mais e 0élloeiug mtrect rm tis e.pse ei thies&à. o UeEautbMith behastag tbt ti isrouseciii bave Oisr ihs halifax sn4 41411111: mete wciici 'b'.bitas,. atm ne ~a _ stasil: bit the, latter has ,lie adimatage of b- ing olsiy ihie auolà Bàà 'yrià1It. là ho iaterrnpt'ao ,w frciig "e i4 noir <ut-de ia t ai epor hein gond viii a&W course of polie!. At the situe timete Kingstoa, . s%'Iaaad aid Cape Vioect mrai to Rame posmassetlb "ameaaimatagas sesrtlb Mou"-aland Portlad YPW a thelbuter domer heslbHalafax and Q(us- bue routs. Mr. UblIt*ikys -. 14 the lisltstplacthelbdistance fanestHaflfa 1 loQwubecupontie liesno*vrpeosmil, aso- L imatieai at 550miles. fuebec tu wa nreal 1 al a dttnarfftcf 1@0 a51,5 mrs.fSaaing the vivale leugtlabotwîee Hontisalanthle sms 730 miles. Nov lbe gre"iuldiitàace hbenePart. lAad Mud rHa.u«c-add lit in.uIped tirataecu 0tais celaihb dcnsstild *- -caleuis<sil at 230 mirer, gibi4 à idisaci in fsao of the latter af NO mies. Coulaià te b doired, tien, <bt f tada coulai seeksuch à ctauellItinssupposeil Fthat the Québec Raalcsy coulalib. made eais 1coul t ar ui £»I 0pr mile; takinir tha tengîli of the rosa, tierefore. et 730 mies, liis cvoulal - iake thte ehole ipee. 306M , itle tt *frais iloutreai te Puvila b e silats', coula iebino mets Ibm £1, I5 mIaeaiug differeuco lu fayoothe b ltter vof £M Z0,l. *It cas expecled iitdeedmiti lb.heBritish Ovet- r) muenti oulai coeIibute oes mîlilos, analtlb Pro- Incii oyruet were a&o to biapplieai b, and t cssboped wtoohi éccadi ta i p#liata. *tioc, ta grant alliver sem a suintiitg periaps ta rtather million, but chou tiativas dons, <ers couldailil hb sdeficieucy cf £l,6O,000, hici vas stili £500,O0 more liai, the choie expeuse *of the allier une. Anotier mater cas tlai rela. a tave rates cf freigit on tlb.ttra lins>. Froit Queece ta Halifax the pice atietateai cas68 i dents, (ravin otre&] to Qumbe ce cnts maire it -vu ail 90 cents; or 4«..Gde. curreincy fer a ban. a rel of glour. Ai tiec mm raie per mie, a barrel -of gour voulai go from Montréalta bPortland ifoi 28J cents, (la. Sd. caurency,) makiiu adiffarne of 3v. Id. pin barra; in fayot- of thsePonilanil li»o t cas trucaie iaHalifax cas a lutile earar ta Englanal tisu Portlaund, but ho blieved tle rata cf nifreight voulie b <teriy tie mime, proiaabuj theia one coula ie b. u i.gh.t-tise bother, We ncause lbe blisved ibat Portland wcaslams mcciv ,a bisad i wtiici. anal especially III fogi, lia. Ha]. fax. Ilcas calculaleai liai freigil migbt lie carrieo îns-snds froiîEurope orthelacWest idc et froua 2 cia. ta 4 ets. pirn ieri mile-mtsy 3 ets; tlast coulImalle *21 90 cie. pin ton for -the chois distance <y thve Halifax lises, and 96 r- qa ctm. by the Portlsad lise, s difibreuce, gpin, îe in fat-or of lias latter of 0 15 psrtotn for tlb choie NI,> It aras suppoiéd that erigrauts coulai comm i kt lie Halifax lian, but thaI4 agii, ho. Ibogit. etl ta a mitaki, for it coula ieb foisai <bat tlie dfer. s en lu in che cowudlie bvsry great becaun il ai anal the Portlandi oni. If a penny pan mile were ri chargei for sacia persan, ths pre b, tie one Id lana wahuid b.e vithiai a fraction offlOs, sud b, tir in allier ouiy 19.-a saaing of 41s. per pasenger "a Frcm thsae tirentcnattceb sud caleltlationu, 3 rI daube Io tie ôefution lbia lradymnctitoned, 0- i ai eveu if lie Québe and Halifax lise cet. ecompleleal, the Mlontréal sud Portand route t*outil bc lie 0ne prsfetrod for evenyppeies t-comanunicataorr. Tbil è.s ti ifeeid ici ao the lenglia of tic voyage in (aven cof Halifax. bu r- ooking aI teli] ilrosda 015, andl iappaiing thi yan average spesal cf lcanty.five milem an boni - vere mantaineal.*lie disitance rois Paînnian . coulai hi iccomplabea inle19 hauts m ssa thiI bh fiim Halifa; anal hé thotigit tiathe Mla.s of stving ln lb. actuai distance e&-eteai by landing 1- at the latter, instead of tie fot-mer plats, cuvai llie aupiy compinstid by ils comparative *55ý a-f dom (ras mice snd ug." a, A revirai cf t100 is offèesaiforibe apuidili icmof ofsephtFiddler Readt, late lreller cf <hq if cak f Brtish North Auteraca ini MonrilWci bas abseoudio lleto <ilosabout £5000 Lsloug. Sing ta the Bani. Helbaa slmsth ametili Sspposedin lu gmbliug ai "è e bT-flwctie ci in the habit 61 frdqesntaf. Hoeila att dmis P'man. ad xe tedti b habas h an nl t ipet 1 Il. *syta ew ork end s ka i p;bo e sts est Mt aug ta - àd!s,"tbey ma, l uemtWathl e n Sfuis are goingties tati. Atilmilat eeot tool 27 laca ie Kingston teeor. lhrse yusns gea viil il mgit have bntetollpsileaitlb outasi if prupa n. dgita bas bs pai d the Youg - l ait of in the b.aboievwu la tli.e wefSudfrasz dm orNec York CommmseialAilvotbwerof Tbmnsda "R«siy bb boar -àin la ttCity,. eh an aeccemplisa, a Wfme.Si nulit-aAdopèm h. lielu. 401 traie. $M"ai Rmiy, -tu #MI ou Ila@ULmh :Reaiy m ha boaledntille 'e geo Ta Cotazswo»vm-.W* bave aslisii th Wd commemicatioa respsctiamg lbCamllos Rahio e in he bownship o a mmiTees, but vsir a i ir- hardi (ar ta pilli ie v hage@sirettug the Di ily tiet senmse a" ma.5 eumi oa auinltendant a*o ou me beter autbrty lis6"' te m~.t" Tis patimwhab mi lss upii s. aboulal invectigale unichsisus Md i 7 ne ln lient ta is apuos-eil b gsi siiad e< rt mmtoold'i m bmas btio blis D t tcee Mt cil kvrlisar ezmimeio aid soismo là mli te - ephio issgiis pou Oum te bakaeais nte àm lnohm k ilts in pmse tmssppit _ COMMERCIAL MART. o N FRIDAY 6tis February, at On, d'ý dock, viii i. soldj théila usina 'reiy 0F TEAS, SIYGAIS, LIQUORS, AND GROCERIES. -àAL50, lpjualpajz 1t@ZR. LIVERPOOL & ONONDAGO SALT, WILLIAM WARE, Auctioneor. Kiugstoe, Jauuary 309h., 1846. Y OUNG LAD sMot 13 Yearsof asa CLERX APPRiLNTICE u i. arw..a Stm as.Fr futis i matuaapiy ai Ibis Iamg r>seeta '5bfl7Sti 184&. S EALED TENDERS cille rsescd at là "Oie. ma m l oh af FoIvc hait. for dms Rie of MWODIOtIs STON2 OR BRICK Vu,àS% Oiee' (u ori d uavîiâte nehmltrod a.a1697b eetd éiMI4 Wic bIuenis.neutly &,îàâ Tby~lmbin t "mIpe t.ef1w mod. mm- îON.liiaàseii basmiveàaim sIu of-3si mi OnTeemda lise27th Jan".t-à, a Meing a the 1KiIWn LW TaAbmsiee Soiiy as hela lal eleyiu Meiéis<'Chppe?, chiathe Prsidenu t. r. l1Petesemos, afler, s sbornanal iahpremive praWrouasMn. Gerte Daridmea. O"e te bl uee s silbnMeeing i7 a leur Pm" an appr-oriai temon"i& litt iktleunauvreal . Lby Mar. William Merrili and s0cooded b, Mr. Ephiraims Colle, Ibat tise CO&iPiltatioit of <As Socety b. rnmiby the Sec. rc Cy arricil. TIelLPreoldeut lieu dîrecteil tie Sectetary lta real the. Aceiavcrany Report. %. Movd by r. E .Coles and ecunilea b, Pàr. W. Met-nill?, tint the Report covnaal, b adepteai. Caiied. '& Noved by Mn. Semeuel W. Bradly, said se- coudial by Sec lmtioq tirat Mr. P. Petemovn b. Preideut of lise Socity forrtlb yesn 184.- Carrisal. Nvived by Mr. J. Kendall and iscoodiai by MrtP.K Caellebat Mn. G. Davidnon b Vice Prois. ideat for tic yemt 1@4& Carriai. 5. Novesai by Mr. S. W. Brady snd sicondeai ! bisWr F_.Con ns udJolieKendal liat Capt. axc»..eil b Sacraryasd Mn. W. Menril b AssisentSecnetary ta the' Society for the Yser lu& .Carrasai. 6. Muied by Mr. J. Kendall aud .ecun.lad iy Mn. I. Coit int Mn. Robertt Fcth b Tes- tarer farth<b ycan 18a6 Cariea. a. Movsd iy fMr. SRoas ieKenzie, saai se. chuaisa by Mr. W. Merrîli <bat, lbe geutleueet cemopoeing <theCommtias for the year 1S1G b cioustiatareion. Carrnea. Tb@ folliocriîg gsntleeaeteuthen ciosen, vax. Jiusu BrEai CaHESTR HATCe, Cuats-EtgaMILLE, GGEMARXilIOT, fi Cônai RaCHIAts TrItra, - At, WALK£lt, .onn KEWDAL. 8. W. DEADY, Joas JdiiasÔlla Rieais tTLE,, Wml.iAue SPENCcz A. 2otKauzra, Ioa MeKEitzii4 GrnoitWascntr, ROsERT STEAD, ligES CHîaIS, WILLIAIM ANDSEws. DuncÂs m bCVEÂN, AisEs DorLz. Càrr. Aaesszw C. Rose, 7. Moeud byM.~ W. Brady, sud ecorideai hy Caçt. T. M elt lai the> Piesident leave tb>%Cirn. anai<lIait et i." takeit. Carrievi, Y. Mvedsa by Mn.E. Coite, anal seevuilsa by Mn. 1. Kendalsl, tuat ths lianks oais mhe meting b givan <o tii tPnssadent for hie untiring zeal lnethb cats. cf Tempérance durnsg lie peut Jean. Cartiiol. 10. Moed iy Mt. W. Mernllansd seconaisa by Cap%. Rase, <bat lbe Anaiiacsrary Meeting of :Iis Seciely smmlli bncelli b hfildiun ltse fourtil ?ueiday af Iaeeary. andithe Semi-Annu. ai Meeting, ci tbe fourua Tueaday of J une.- Canrieal Il. Movcd by Mn. W. Menril!, anal econdeal by Mr. E. Cous, tliat ihe tiasis of tlau Meetang b. given to tlb Stmward@ of tha Weileyan M4e. Ibdit e istyfor the dèlite fthe Ctaapel li ai bmsigu itiitheTetsperanceS lociety rbasee etabalai. Carie.i. ; il Maiedalb, HMr. W. Menili, anal secoataisa eby Mar. Kenudaltuai oliere tht te proccladingi lof ti, Meeting b pablisisllu inte Kinagston He 'lMd sud tise Montretl Teaspirance Adeocate. FCarricai. THOMAS MAXWELL, Secrevery. t WILLIAM MERRILL, Assisalea<L&ca-eiery. rinîgoton, 2t lanuary, 1846. LATEST FR014 MEXICO. a1 li te arrivti ou tic 14h instant, o! lii Unit- e Sdltates brig Porpeset aIPensacola. (Iceive i day. froua Vers Cruz.>)liai intelligance of a ne- if relation ln Meuico bas been confirmeai. a It appears <bat os the omiuig of <the3Oîa, tIllhe iruaips nelieaf upon by the governument to de. it fend il sgainst Paradei proucuned in hils fallon; randl lie governumnt enlenea into terme aof capit- Il ulation vti Geneal Parades. He enteredandua 1 loci possession of thCity al uliait day Wciliont Ioçtoe5tidit. Tha remorn.stbit Glanerai Parades*ruai. I fesi sa os ppositici ta<othbreception of lMr. -SliieIl tise tint late Ptesideni faiens. COMMERCIAL MART. *RE<ge1,01K. S 1'OLS MESS PORE, Pl l NewYorkinspection. Forhal by WILLIAM WARE. Kingstona, Nov. 14, 1845. FOR Sae by Wu. SIMPSON, Ontario 220 packatges choice Black i UGreen Tati, 21 Hhs.San 10 Tire . idibând or duty pilt. 1' do. Soap Lesciier's Londlon 9Si'rcis, Patent satin facad do. Piug. Naîtroal, Cavendish ansd 1Honey-j de;v Tobaccos. .- Patent Pails, Brooms, Writung snd Wrapping paperi. F OR Sae hy Wa. ;IMPSON, at bis 15 BHds. Martel's Pale snd Cognac Brta- dy, 15 Puebeons Real Jamaica Rura, warrant- ed four yers oid, 1 to 4mad 1lb 1l atrouag, 10 Hisds. HollainalGin. Valuble Iroperty for Sale,i B hie Sohecriber, Ébat valuable propen-1 B y, welllinkowu as JOHN GORDAN- IER'S INN, saatestwîenty miles veut of, Kinreai- lte Mscadamizled rondi, tanguls.i er situa100ACRES cf s-cl cultivateal Land, vida ill uecessary out-boausesa anacled Titene is on tise îîremises a fine young OR- CHARD of grafteal fruit. A L 8B0: VPIVE TOWI[ Leva, Neair tuhe above mntuiltued pt-emiiaes, vith baallihga oWplets. Thei Sab.criber asec o.S100 Actes or LÀ»mn ohelb mad- amiroad ai, la smils veut of ltse above mn6pea~ed premises, in a high sta. of hai- vatioiI ciih a Cottage, tva Borna, idel li saoes sa t- i-ous, *eU ialed for a ç. tleitaau'sesadetace. There i sante pluesa large lr e <o % on an pmm £rotmi Town. Jeu. 20, lem6 Acompet a HESuseebr hop gsvais b forin. t. lehigheu rim nC A SH foi - WHY-4T, f'EAg, RYE, BARLIY, Os94su-, Aasg, 4- 4r. 4e Ns aet. les o MMrehem Md ithe pub- lir <M ri ta bb.novDow heàd a ensavive. matmet or CROCE EY. GLASS WIRE, e 4s oenTsvtue.aluPART. or 20RItas. Mmasido Sugar, S 'o. Relisal Lof, -5d«a do. Crusheal, 200 Packages of Tee, Old Hyson. Young H.m, Oisnpowder, Twaukay, Souchorg. 40 Bhla. Tanners' 011, 10 Hbiss. of Crochery, assorteai for Cn- try..Trade; m U..ir. i"~. T.baco6, Contprng Ldis Twist, Honey Dew of vrnovslreds, Cavendish and Nail-Rad. LookibgGlasse. Glaus Plates Buck Mliiis, Whnxps, JCorn oouas. 10 Hhbds. Martell'à Branady. 6 Muids. De. Kuypsr's Gian. Spirita, Rum, Pepperidàct, Whisky, aJ atthoesnd odier aricles, io mli of wbieh lhe voëld be.g leave 6o eau sten- tin *Bd te Myv, " ehaàt ha Dis e tng .n Kiagrs 1 te todest te assit-t that b. is se~8fC~ uINetUtFI". A. THIBODO. kwgsion, Decemlter. 1845- J & I R UTTON l& Vot heg tw lc- .fera, the Ladies tisai they have rapenei a levge màta sk"ixlir;-cet Silk Velvets, Qoihed S8aiau. Pren'ch louets, Rilbon tai Fower, Cap Riblidns, Frenchi Rubb, an eus.r'e vaniety of Featbers, hich tliey te selliisg e inusueltot1w prices. Manchester Wareliouse, LambionaBuildings. WILLIAM WARII. ILw ECE&VED '%T Tas HESTER WAIIEIItUSE, Lasibis. ustifflga, RUE ASSORTMENT ivfFinev Suaperfine Seaver Cliavhs, 7-4 Ker- ,Yokhiresud M'est arf Etieîand id Single Miiv'd Breaad Cloitanda a, Prince .Aliri ' * alt T'he abeve GooJàa îaivg erv lhis Fali alircî frein uicaiua- iyets wi inad it tu <bei? ad vaiîage. J. & R. HUTTON & Co's. aiTatiors mnpplied viii ibero! terme - assoriasemd ovf Taioikr'o Triminînwv. J. PL R.HJTTON & Co., B EG te infanmt teur favorite ruslamv-rs, tte Farmers ofîhe Midiaîid Disatrictc. tbat tisey have- now receivedaal cof tiseir Pall Importations of DRY GOODS, Of wthii. in addition te their former larg Stock of Guda, tsskes thei mont comploe assomtment <baitlahey have et-en elowi ia Kingatoua As ibeir doods are ail bougliiii the beltn m'rEets; and jud ir olto e lalg 'Stutl ptegts aud quick returus. îlacy feel confident that skiy ca nuot be uaaJersold lay anyHo lies n ltetrade. Misueleàter Warelaeus, Lambton Buildings, Pritacca, St., Kingatoi. w ~ ANTED hy the Subscjibers, S.0< rina-made Soclis, for whiclo tb igss pSei c 111lie gîven. .- J. & R. HtITTON, & C. NOW OPENED AXNI) FOR SALE, T T xtrsnely low prices, at thee Mac. A chester Warelioua. re su*d splen- d idsrtmenl cf Englîsh'auJ Fencb Carusi- ancres, Dresses, new styles of Prinieal Vel: v'eto, Elecienial S:cipes. Euglisbandl Freucb Mernes, Cehourgs. Alisacas ania Orleauvs Clothoin taimmense u'anlauy. Tiie Subacri- liens coulai take the liberty of drawinq atten-~ tion tte e baive Goods ior Ladies'.- ware. whicli have huant lauglat utadax peculiar ad-' vautages, sud wcul enthle the buyen 10 sta-l mney hi, purcbasiug nIçjTO uo J.le . itJO& us. F ou Prinb W. SPSNi F .5 I Taner' ONl 15 do. Cod ais-. 19 do»..Ple al.cduia. Id 11bdi. Olairodua. Il CashsSports__di. JU&T 8SCEVEP ANP PF021-tt' %lTONS PtgIlr, No. I., Ban Inuit, ssertJ Eatg-lia}a Bai.ko anal Swede. l5oqavLnsse Band Iron, &c.. Gsi tevtmin sBars and Sheets, Gauuum st .el rawley Steel, Bfiweersteeý- Sprnistesf, &e;, C~AR1~S . JICIKINS. PAncezsa Sreet. il z L1M 7 i - zO ITg Y A. & D.SICAW R PBT rLLY ilbhee md r;eitaii.aundi"reincoi.' te8o oT i ~~ A ,k 1 a* . y co*' <J Aiftaw- inq lx cgscpu~a , auMFAae s 4 GoPàW i FURS! FURS!' FURS!" ' JUS? opewad a J.le lý. HpTgiTON. leCees, Kingstoin, a large assomtmeut of LAt$IES' FURS jn Mus, Boase, Cardinale, For Tnimmimtge, ail of clici viii hi dispaseti of ai exceedng NlANCi Mo ?ance'.esji Wanehoase; ~ILAR, Larubton Buildings, Prince"s St: Lanid 8 FOR SALER BY THE SUBSCRIBER se anda <>DOZ. Cast Steel narmwov iepiug Cassimierer SQ . Axes (warasted.> Tweeds.1 5 do. broad du. imported th Croisenut Savs. loyers, bnye Piladeiphla Miii Sacsa, &e. &c. to Cali a CHIARI-ES W. JENKINS, Princesa Street. ui.a., 1 ASa ob ibiPdbTbus made arraevven,* wllb *Otl fHong"einaC. reat B, it. tIt r large IuipftilhOs la lis Spvin... he i a alte ruair.. toi te IêsPss8eliispsst Stock at rîv.t pna'.- (fer c").> a inodei te Maie tenufer a IN a-auaand me arsEtéoive iltuci ai Stap:e and Ponry DaiYGOOOS. E IkNdOTOk BOYI>. N. B.-Inieadiug ptaa'chsserg, desiroudo f.v. iqg Mmoe . auld final i <a. <heit Aanatage lu eamine bite tnvk befvire buying elsew bere, No &teemd Frics Cr A tari tècl ut Factery Cvitnn andxa. DeusiWarclavu. , KjuysItou,san. 19. 11346. 139PORTANT TO PARENT S Tb foi sale by Charles lleédiU. llfi'acevn s'Tm.. iguton. Thas aqmnial ok Cp eviîidea-v'iby Tacad ens anilSupe.rihtendaents fcfommninsvchoviv. îk b. the mort plain and easy #yatsna cf. Aethitiea-t e,.r oed to thle publie. Ilapleu, 3Oth Dec.. 18411 COMMERCIAL MARI'. 50EASKETS Champagne, G;rape,' 50 46 rmwbog(laIret, Curra.d61blaraaline. in Krefieiazzert Al±yott, as 400 Boxes llexeà fluud* 1ufcatel i iîins. W0 Kegs - Lexia" du du 10 Kegs Orapee. No. 1 Narkarel. in biais. halfa aa J quartce. Mtess Markerel ln hialf bblis. 30 Kitis Salmoen. 100 bos No. 1 Herring. Table CeO4 litoh. Sardaa.einaTins,. Preperved and BIned Fruits, Packlel Lribeters and Tvvngo.eF. Real Havant andl Prinripe Sa-gars. Turkey sia Ka sastar Toliaccu, Meursianin -ij I..u