W9,u Pl untod, and " *0a, and Nerd le in, Sqoimrrl, and 'FF FFF FFFF ler for amle by thl, L.ES W. JENKIN 7,11845. M inpen for the rtro dicai anti surgie& bd Mefler, DE, llitoW1î1, Da. Salol. ur 9 lui 10, A. 31. ebed t71 he17 îcd - ,g ta miche immnediat, la om le il due t0 lires WVM. SINMPSoy. ce Blackt & lGrten T ~ibond or dutypui ndon Starnd, sced du. . Cavendish andi Ilon Broome, Writing ppers. bLNTm71S T, ,Corner of Princesa a over ilhe Boîtait W frant Bagot Street. mccii the senrie ai ilt, are respeItfuivy ini Wau. SIMPSON, No. 1, North Shiore1 Pis Table Cod ish, lackarel, No. 1. ?a Salmon. cip fer Sale. r letter post p id) tuoJ Lnd muid <jeneral AI ames Street, Mlontrel qAAN, Land Ag«eWi KINGSTOX. NCY AND [on Bu9iilc ber reapectfull' îrt4de nks to bia fnieiru l m for the ver>' libersluia ince ho coneevinu and begi tui acquflli1 Lmaed ta redoive COi 'ription of Properly.'8 ýommrcia1 Wharf le wen every effort " safstioui te, those wbt ir paîronap. isiVe acqumlnttIc 'vl bu he, confden)t tht I i,' wih sa mcc diue Ivstage as an> othe, WILLIAM ~VANTUD, AD mbeet15Y~0<~ pptEI<TICU le a fia aur iahcU~~'~5 .5P91Y' CANADIAN JOURNALePOLITICAt, ~vse sgs. wibunaD .u'aida. 0 bk sdut! cw mp oo 4m gai us"'1m tbuvs 11sijet 5BlVch d if i rero eyftu iL* ohuplea- hbe- and i awiag bolk, WIY gythllidat. MW neisa tm te ipin,' ini the deep-rO trca. .'ette >551ybrine, ,lifsb liriiai t iide, fWti tris lou i titlnd ro th chai "Tu cit 'lslmt mg anif ud crnes clouiti lu1 le, aud oky. 1ii' ',i ilth ie,'cry anc. MMe- he ivi ong e.nhh lsa letse bath lnoce. A NBLE75ONNET. s, ,ii , pd. . soit Rc ta- u.PO« w, 6-9 ri aed m.u t--diY ee.ceovd " e c lt yi. ir101.. tiid j o eds. , t.. i -.11«t ..y ,,i"W. hik th . ,a ftiàe ine ise,.e ...tbstged. t.,od . h.. preranitoute os? test usul~i t hon ot finsI Parent hew birte in,'ridivine.tutti ieandt tic'ne'., le ltr trenblie ior ti oIotely Frar.e, cucm Cai p oL lgt and Blue 1 sunàa caie 1ra iiuucrut îew, n. ih ibe th~ i ie great setting lanc, Ae: wtIIt lie lin-t ofI leaven caine, h:Ceiei vaeccoti lan'a view. àd have tclugit aioch darkictu la,' con. 1ii bram, 0 Sn or wlco coulti ficti l.i oic,]ledf, adiaect o@tdrevoml'd, c ,M coucctieeî On:at tlîou may't uc -t, then, shididetib vili anxiami <arî:acei'e, noercfore nel Lte îiau r ,"vEity.-The Amnerican Sloop ui Twn lely captuneal an Americau m*à 'ucotofa ni îc, sud h folloving hucee he r cribe coditioui af the ORbar i be :- aie, 1he bti ni boad about DM 19 died arn lhe ay ater, anti vien st Il %Imfrus.a, a er a pasage cf foui. à§, ae nimber wrau rstuced te 756. a 'luireilrded, ucrerai of îhem iin a y cc. lice uiiicit ere baya front i -i ai ire.Ocgirl thero veto only 4' :et un a itdcg asidesribable.- tere terii eicharge ai b,' liceMh ni cîlt 2W unie vele distnubuto rbPuiabe persna iiice c oiouy. lunes a ctrier fonmoe oenfn tbhe Miaro icurbatg tliceicne mheui b.avent O àl'idver oic Goirnot Raber. Hi i. vlere litl trowde vii por bien. The living sud lhe tiyimg ser l"Mer trulii îî.. caetitan iC ebota th ltbrie cremion.lHer e dthlb. le aeur ndii'iiîlincith. lasI agmiei mlure 'tîniovi, anti apparonl,'un betasno effet of îyrupathyytea]i a eWa heir niser,'. Thir coin a.Pimd deected. veghod clownetait Ca fie G îcreoidet dock, 1Iosmv diriai knu Oe emacamld anti vote dn if iahr1c to aires ke1let a s mcl iacenl ri, eternitye.0 t aktue iteea,0 The bot, mephetit Ccposreamea. &t the fontotiho Iv Il e iomie carable binga t e' Tb5Y seereducedsthe sle abai laLurge ocre vere worm nipoue il '<4s.i, Utb'eY hati beeucampelled dit bîrd plnli Coiipasing lie dock d'h ireil,' inder th. balciva,, vl it t"itS d, apparenta teobtaun a hit i)L 1 t hîîghl deat.util b,'soa ellelic,1. ,1tdicoered bie ui 1 Yettenddt. The tier lay an * tord ml, acd smccian expreaeion ,m.;d crfahlIneer belotemv. Ti ,iecue,,but, a107 y verti 'ntced, lIe,' made poriam o ?0ac n ,'maI In m ~ a'a ltlebypingm 'Dt brtpicc, t ha boom capt n plbtîace hepat procue Cries, t a pa*otit cuia ru a piote lb. t fortsornd 'Osiadiier, bat hhebnurtino. r thlie elier of taom att. tut ,, ndkeeiug vtc Ite W il tben uhtOWi ne, iimd, Ibis e yetire es ppaely jouit qd1btlc , ment l'. e cmpraii La bdje silfîthe st clin0bt et d n. H.asmy le adI 00ido achre aItIthei bu .i etille with ie e h caisra ventidby tlie pesai etci cattay boMrU. Embatus, % l'lit Ioth i 0saver. H. alec1 be, anY %Bd bisattendant@, md l il0 MteOprte, 1 cocmeidu 4'n a. itel liItîle iafener a"mF M' th om tu lie aitI me & pmmai $ ut~: IGRICULTIJRAL & COMMERCIAL£ý" Ir b. h.d long vaunleti ai bai. I ci ample muid satunideul ie. riority ouf nuimbers, fat cet-9 tbÀa vas couteracleti by à* ot aur cavurly. eifmetry nov urommenceti rm Iis poweiful atm sens My thut lhey bail mielviîh utait antithein viole forcet oue-miter position wiii great1 pu of 17 piwceeofarlill.ry. ry calibre; or iafantry us- gveapam, lte bayoeiwbe- wL Night oaly smved thoon foJr t"ueatout canflit m'a beoat ab ah(foimistar-1 , i duml rom the santiy plain,9 oued ever,' Ulsicz. ie, tant mandumocesiaea- sma lieuld otsome boous tu eecmmpmeal miter acot- beueiantat lte Y04u4 r'git honorable air. dar inivatiors by lb. anmy 1 emmend. The perseverauice as attmioet, y-u pereoatly troupe, 1 mm sure, toit prouti woh vlcc taît Gevear. hinusfoîl uever,' danger sicore maid t1.1ontrIan bas ti mât b e ebàedemall if ve id. vb.ui 1 mention Ihat, te. on of the affait. Major Gcee tu vhom luilia muid Englauit a, b.d his leit lbigb shattet. and tbat tb. voond bansince SJohn M'Caskill, mn aIt anuI bas dame bis coumnry much :ti a hol l troogb bhi. nut, sn division, mot immedimlely su Boitas andi Matier. and hbur, andi B"yi, anti othen ze accongast lb. oundt.- ount,'andlti thrviesi'l ienmvmiing. uibenFer. vucit fram the invauher. muid vritcry muid ruis. lIly punCh.- KJNGSToN, lCANKADA, USAMRJ 1 80 pve mah £là O<P5Pe t rVUiS7 -sad5ft- 1«Go4gral e, air, gret à Mbewcid0pesr- mg omM Ibs, . tho n.. bau MWW haov , bin.ai hbmly«o My hma a posprtin lIem u. vIes ML4 throngballierait Il T'h.eblesr b.,u" ebublers, *aYoeger vu.a Wb"t i, ealta guisedoloaum oi n fP n ma t5 le. ade y«u vial met.ebcsaur mnel"a neing *e Wighi lt * e Md*" beY 44. mdi -Wl'a' ma,' b-t, ai." am hers*l. ine l dm aleviegl M bWI4 d swu*»i« »&a. lui, srmuuly; Ily* khaem b.dred 11.55asn' Wh.e.i retaes awrrevdamur 1h. b" e iy air bas e a ui me ltientpee.rty Wvasbis.- pluagm inluâtaeva«et(a. ib talesplves vre N&e ,13la mrsta ie s 1 C"om ls te t is Mr requieM lateoMd d"aaheitmdevembutl e botter bloesad lma uraeli.", c e Ut vit"i d a.p ieepu .lseld lu A k e1.-aue mi Atlongt wati- à tteir bands. Om o the vo bave mmd aed r auw th an air ef uceil.g hub-uy, Id John Weely b. e,Davidi A Shagela i r1sbvd.fi andî -M6d fW ece 0d the ces.- To., à*"e taie nt t . oeinffts. 1< qw(- a th* On arrilwtge~ta8b.oule aîl qumffise of * Wt& im se.Ivtamhem ogirt eriously aotheB bisait anmm ue vaegivon lb. sufoeta.- lutpeigtit iens sant. Pevry cauel b. wan I l uop %i bu due ofaideotloo mueg-in* mt bost a mlifnune" b. i vwu evv, vaer vupourjeta IMog mocn. pouese.r int vh"icb"'pnard ite pige lto aareagbi &ABeomcan-81r Ca ed flo, blo.lsb- rin of0 Tihe ouveortstricn butb. «ein theao ,enlb ucutuel, »M etia.. oo- M fa Newat v I metiwva a sUaipe-d0dbrachk. uucesdedta bec-ce a puemam jonker. leutinue. Ipet Ch vale, -in aa tamnof etAautace; qmliemhuri, vb.a agent lma, draal a lady'. bMtii » Fraisa unit te b. rual ; but ounic tim iScveint i, a lapttel vay of dieg bar stili more baoaer, raepe 111.7 punard lie t, salmlowing i l hlack unihe quontireis mmepart of ble araes 1mwdefeum ltsoteiti gruat avidity. dta lases, is vbicb proof 0< is véeration bis clit ServentlofltIe ciimme auccoed viti tbn.at. ceom uansver obliget tta lt.m blo, b, c- Sibkli j vmlînghei mal. lao taboula.savrOf<OuW el.ley's fiedlis.&fier dismar et a tarai, oa Oura Ibe ly dvu10dis bt vr.canetalngby pu=engha bad a vary ricb lmace&crevan,ath leu11ý auhigunpnoe rt.<io. bm.nined lb. lady ta enne ahuournt vies.1 te beliln., maude a sacrloeet ie uacoaaMmd su lr luis une A Gu.may-We cettheb.falloving froat a noma- Club sud téube of 1<te uffy vvre<éi- forts te municatian rtteIe. Dae, vbh i pord in sa tnollov bLis exampWle.Bir Chari«oea an luis t Michigan Ch. Iforalt. ai Fob. 16 --"W. la..1h gret composer.,ob»ing uth as Uqeru ver. ueh nuit«eealin vistieg the glang d a gS njolie. btt laI bho ld have i at! aaF Kentucky viho e nýoble honu n tlb.froicocoattismrlime. Ona a sbeqe da y dyîle bonite o acanlmaIUming (roma theOhmo. Tl'sle e separty beingaumeb fl vb.mSely y mmm.Mm.Jaie. r u in baith exception the bad éni a bumpet ta thb. bdrlof i smo biauty Sle tOmestvnd , v il hrn e hape f 0< lday, Ihoecalledthe b. v anmd ortieriog a Couche nieZ Mcasr E , abUe ai.siincluin oi t.toothiraver loto lie ra[., maode hm dav a detic- a He vaîko lire an elepbeatantilook*shlekoammau alodeuoohi vich long lMdtiplagued hlm. The.lb. col francmautier venid. Ko A Bah, lIe Chinte, ruloaf gond fellovsbip elmiry requiredt t av- ÏI etaod leb,@j autnmd slrotchuti hi& arme la vain s t i le opnyo dIMMsealcelli aise Tm se reacb bisband te egiamt'a chie. but tbyhaoped lie antdIMaibeson emslaiiml el A Bah vwu t firet ara of hirl, but aflemvard U alaiorco hl. v.AUtbek -tsonatrenc, ît. liceciquit. irieedly and exchanged carde ih bavear, prahiuug iai, mo i*b.copa lonsme !U tis aon cf Ajak. Hoenidta bhm, " Gai bas succeively, mautra geaet, vas blgetitaput led aboyn a lua timpecial math of attentlaionby bldicurita ice handr ai lb.opiatuir, muidvblo pore ea mahiuig yom as large; May 700 lirea budreti tb.y iune wrtihug vitb pain, Sir Charlea con- p.aces yea mtatevr uyIlohuonyu a eumdexdlauming. -"Patee, getlemen, Pa- voeu . i avon." A Bah seouedaurprised anti pain. tionto pounkuicu 1 promisod I1souSld bave my relie£ eti vb.a infomnot laI Ibis vomueful man iras iolic o.'-[Albmmy Ctisen. an nat a disciple ai Jeans Christ. H. appeareil lobea modest mm afgood ener bas naoiauily, Bs scc'n-aieo0lzo a- Phmc L livea wth bis vîdmet mother mud l in &bout sBye, vas oxamicing a bonern., pb. ae id te Ihitfuar Ys& iad ln loakiiîàg at Iis mmn, vbicbas a tan pit, mud ville dlaposting volh 150emi w il a ave gretert han tht prodocot bY lb.tout mbout thie omber af vindows i con- theiît rthe preseuice oatm king, md a bondofai aikiuig laimedice uicat unfortanaaly elipped imuothie pt. ima t ava,' into aur ove littlemess. Il reiniotffl us IlFe Got's saie t" criit be..bli me." sadil. o f theo report f the spies sent b,' Moies train tell ~'Nq,"laaid the praprieor. -1dttile ao uh- ors wildernese ai Pareu, ta smrcb outthIbmlouit ai ing fricbancs, - iut th. conseotheb.ex- Wh Canaan, wbo sait ou rture,-" W. mmvhbctisae; andtit vuuld lb. a pity te pull out a slang gianlu, tb. sans af Alii, ther, n.,md vo e je Hyds efore itl is Weilitanueti." o Dur avui ight as gtasa happers, anti a. vere vo thale; in tb.ir sigt.'- [Chriatian Watcbocan. foirîigtt jpt*tuct. r. rt?, *A PUED&CAMENT. ___________ _cmpe Many eveinga bave net elapéeeinalcs musir, GREAT DATTLE IN INDIA. coula vitb lits voiuptana au'ell, reaaunlati en orepub. 33M taSiiCEAND NATiVE Tuoama KLLED A" w van licmîcnsmmdWourmED-ÂItD aEOaTE» 1,068 I50 304100M dcai fliglia np. .h.a. e., fokin si=.. sJlbr. . atlSIBTmorscAN ARZ&UAL la y, vomen as fir amencma brave, as *or e a dic to.Euiy icet migo b sU»mblsil ta psy court la Dame Torpeéchore. OravcsfotBmy a»temln 1iut l vas on thei occaian oi mne of aur publie balla. the slem shp Cambria, came owavtIirnsu'ee4 an ani al thal gaisly mud vîvacity prevaled wlccib17atsi i ueby ceun Bfunri tiho r Ien tla n are saopeculiatly chaacteristiecf elegmut inter-elles et hl by h" Briaula te our l ie n t 1a coiranmud roimeul ociel,' iNev Orleans. Inluespire,3lui ofichvobavi e .tine idcthemOvurlie -thals&et ai quadrilles dancoul. tarli.oyeujCru- li ai 3A,3Si br ve aakildt, " MltBand-lb. au >Poie af lie taguishiuig, treainylook b, vi foi. Wghou he » fri t J MKklof mt "M ajorf auMo kaoiovemots e r. asgraul ias th.ouuioinsat for Wom beysercorunte lata ie nsce Gens eta tho vave ai ove tino inommet ; i tiie, tlb. aliaeeseb r mal,»font froecan ta miamdotues n tg bluoeyit grl af lie Northi, wtth auburn "à i ir ooseea junsia vcc alts'n le mudagile motion. As a gruerairtue, ibhetres- bel Dmnbeen necivod, t1ha a rhtilleu m alyof<th ses vers iaowlletls, Ilenit they ere iaion- bt calcolatoti upo. trocp mble, ad gruat tasto vas bet,.,ed ouinbthdireu. An Exlnaordimary Gazele gires the officiai se- tr" )0 siuig oi the bir. Of tho maie menaer@ promunt eoaut ofaimli tb. military aperationa ln this<test iorne le t is uuiuicestry ta speak et anc lengtb, hboy tuffgle. The reault4 v. are prend ta sm, ia tiller r- veru as nemI and as spruco as plisetpaient la glarlous am ddeciaivo a visery a vrca u il lealbîr alcos. kiti loves, and iwhite vente coolula ltiheBriish aras, met oquslIed umîy by lb.euy Y- makll Im. But tmong the fimier Portion oai Otbe fola W ml.Prviamate laying hfor«ar rae 1 pry thor avasMa s vineiutnt unacquaint. enmiers copines ai tb.Moreimpotlant i5p5tches, le fn ý7 anc. vilb city Jljel maiapparenit unsopbsicmted va prefix lie follovingbrief oulles:-.On tlb. 11 - artiesme, mtraclai tihe attention aifunoe Ocam I2tti,139h, ad1411 dDecubier lbe Sikh a- lUne, 9.one"baker-on inViga."Sbo vans cli e hemupctuaed ed b.Sellai i, aIMMlent ,00mon n sd teema-jual verging iota voum ioo- (d vioge200W0 or 80.m00ver. cavary,) and n, i Avuswlhuiksassi hvs,îtuùd. àétt150 pweeeof cmaaou ilice ag lcalbr Vu d .i.ugwue Hem madL oveabl e nlb.n fild, &Moienqwitehy inise- tinteu Hrdreu usaa ui ana Parisien Muodste vOnli etartlllaty lncusaserabl mrs e rf tiet le ot omeont md t.qbsoucehal vardw&. ovuevor bro gltta *"ldb,'Wellington 1i she danced M net uccaeully. The tact il, ah.cetNapolon. L. Il IMle uais hientaSikh*. Mrcame la front tie easterm part cf lb. tate, ta ira tualb. mulet . sr.u-TbJ Sid pa ir pymvisillatantmcjly oouina adtb.y, wilb- tevigotouin bodysma le inint m4adas m wot moeciuaking up for thaocasoan, pruvmiled skilîful je ail Ibm mta lbiy cultivte, ai vbicb mile ru an bar ta accauepay lb.. ta ta bal, for wveicwan ile lb. chef, a. tae g.neality oi Europosmm. Tho Of 1h07 bad tickets ai invitation. Native baDIl Tii. placeaI viiclIbis fridle st set lt. sho vntet oec, îbangh *bc certainly taad li tbe river nmaylbueabout 40 or 50 allasfraie La-sud ac.ned tia ieasy eleganceo( <mnner vhich in- hmr. lb. capital Of ta Ponjai. as ti ue 1 a e-tercaurse vlth »relmti ety &lans loacbe e lclmsaditanceoeJI FrsMrs, ho ce d- ian A i ute.vh h l aie ni1or 20 Miles 2mcpira. et lkht IsSis ien ~ ~him etberthougî hi. quzziog.glaass.bai croslb. theriver, if it j Ca" n he Ti. tvadema do ci-tu»ml4je» uiblu tomeaf baving ettblishodti talli5Mmd orgmizd piua :vie eIIallhonhtaiew" aid aol aing, Ibe (««for n lhe BritIiehalteof ai IsSutlej, amad me' us* lichemonat ignorant avkwa't evetsv1tbave oam li butdaosl»iiaO f atackiug Fstee ai ai over »on. pain je inleral batve l I t 4" 1811; sri ld. -"Huai," n*d th. poson te vhoime ie spoie. Ibe, u"on tlut ma usiday, biche upu m&" ték. b tvr lthat is Musa-, re. -, lb. aaily cild Iing ta direct rndtet.Dehi, PMOeessdsa le a u" - mve of th ic rku.lpla n the &a&te Il" literly direction a. if ta" voad Masi FrUMO- lut a ..'Av."mi enpty Ipurse, tI&"»vata cass.1'pai.lumvihte oir rightlaI.tiC dimsolueji> meut absoiulatubais âamyoection mysoîf wemavy tdiuision mi30,OOsi0<te invioesblai pocceisi gai tua a pleua" mda bàoivani ofsga . 1>e&bout 25 ails" t a pkie cisiMenahnt. Wb% hi ai un.ai UgBo e TaeiW- puanof1h. riug<fhtisharM " re mo at abym t; Wbou Mis - teidh*sbod beï dsnee, Mdi a "ls tte I am eomssd'84 r RugIcO ith- tabou bel sat, ll eun n amcbDEia Goimdt oemrGsaSrlet ittle vi* vent ever .rbi" etnclig the arding% . n.a.uoenela ciuud ts avu me met beouciuset siaWsgt pwoiit.lbau. fildlinlepure AÀU-re@"oule sed, lein co. b.aht u b .euciml msIls'la-vich * ihs1Iae l. th e, a l a-ed ta &go.lie sau"0 asclg itb berate t s prut h ait divlaaeo e lu Mudio17 li- t vas te bh nai f h. repia vitb mweh bleugmatess-"Cet- ibisnstage utbtis %W a itr= SfI ae ai use tinIy,"' for le rul i assee. h.t e nert U L a MCmslinlTe.I . um1%-«~ eeldu ho amanamee. laccuitly "Ot hu e altM Ma l2 ,ln gue cut- cisîdblel eiai ot.dober met, svn er àpaler util eva04Ibo ies b"_ Ofp1W ta wda aies, le li gr. meu bsyiritbfyW or&boutveeaemu- r :P uicdn;frUnea ep.~ i~ c b ut tIs lvas roe bu't.i5Bi5l fer asvtg. b b.dsel mli pu.as ta i ouudsb.h. 5 i 9mI e ti si ftsa I c l he e t. vd in asWh u "0a dirusal er "Md a sruq"an lde5d il dIn cg m reie e u "84 etiasg Udas p idfl5S ti~raii uv jai b-e mllymain omopyut Usa om rala u e in hie I.l l .yatiei t aesplav yewnx smdmnuso me undig e»m lota da. avey :"2c wma h e'taesMvamt 21stua mente dbttelu C am e er u l anvsa? le0t s e ta " - )f the w enil l ma id W m ss, 'buAttropd anoe in ingOmte les uutli~mi hi 00» m e= s c tag i Reumd 8O aOml"-[N O. Dea pmel éte sih isl, t s auxieil ta oso 0f i eniIut e st 6laaav mds tlevila et sh a"ett. ie rctidu0e b- -o lIeu~wd vitw.pee ê4nistI,~h ee ilsW pesa li me alumalpbpi fut ibe 11., a wtweul V thleru, ml e mbes atm-" c.. O I m ame-- a'e!4iO 4 T 1. 1 Om~,M.dbma iee î, îm~1. *iug nt "ee. uni VI 81111orUiU4t 0M,94 liea UPeraUOUSfirme.thua e - M Ba a 0 go . . 0 B unarativ'eof the.tensonseare ,;at wE biehbu.. esué aa he h.sikhs, th %"&VOÇ laeR.ssfol Motion .s yeemay. si-e Y-0 The asu= Of 1h à P-O b"" ahr.dh Ilaigune and dangeors Mmd th. mul of aif mjy, sad itmoss.d ka efort@ andi prive- ov" th M - buit that ml pm*oa -an e.ondreedors le qlig 1 npo idet7; a" stleh a.cmmry. froin thal Po- sien drissefrouoit at 1 "bola place 1h...e veats oa record. for Ibutàio. audpi a dewméticeof ail Euoep., a Weil un of ail sin o tot 4à a, i. hue. but injue .have te lie W&d. < h i IIi54 kt tuddu "ver thu qmm« or * ~ . uprovakd 'front < um diumta. fkbs, by cineubg 1the aUuloj îith Ba<Te.I mitab duirieg me ni« Of tbiar M,ywitb lb.eaave*d jeo- lgamdtal Ftahn eoepore inie@uof0<prciuo vbi.b y« mure om i»d md iapemsmbls, ce autpart, a mm 1regrt teMy. dimoult combination& for the protection o tri w ttmiei inuio statio oe. 50 uuably mmd go un- fre ioua M nt auvumcemuudslletsituation of Fe- mm ou iyotledo» ere, Mmd lie viciaity te the Sikh capital. * - ght 'ro heued9 on gingsa m dde te Uk b m adfi umulh ighprasd t. kmtie It vins lwaya possible for the . bo ui a oufrDit raot te 11IIUV a formidable on isfrtdoeto fOer.e aai111ciml c umerous cOuy lbae .the beau, te gaide b. collected te support il ; but wvben.by wbh o c ce.. W 111lh instant, it becune. hava asUieba vîîaeu.d@ ; and the, e 1. ka stablialied ay h.ad-quarters, batcf th.e mf.evct ion avuiflaWd eluall7 tabou place.th. of- seeal .xpcs. te repel il followeul in rapid succession: aumaugo: thora. 1Isi betad.g 1Jsied lUn fullett oidenice l' e vers; il, toul rGene rlObD onLittîler, commanding at bailmno oiier to rece tper% and in th. dovoWod.a m&Wgallan- sarda b.e couiclosio b.e troapePooccepyung«t. rai Sir Robert Sale, 0tycips frem in 1.15ufent stations in the are no mach indobts il division wmredirectete lamovo by forced ildbyaàgrape abat, à bu "Milione.vhr.b a menst judiproved marial. Sir trfralgst. ySu bâtididrectetilsupplies 1 lue fier b %hteiema wenderfally short agace 0! «ccd service, reoivu .n tb. advamce of hi mipotof0<th.eforcetILcoianmb expired. Drigsadion tbdaa. mm a Ibeve lth 1e ULtColonelsBan !Origesa thora. Framt Ibie central position, vainable offcoora I lUI&ed le. bath Lcdi-uah and fercme- These Ilairs O ur CO ol b.apportoti. and tb. safeîy of bathdoplor.. but mat con eu uigbt lbe couisidored lui b. brought.*in ostepors *albaîlhrew > îesamre, vithin the. nope of the contun- thino m euhhoou ter ea af a general action te lhe faught for U,.îr eti. LAil tua me Sean relateti; but mnt lia' 1 bave evcry mas gal have been the marches of the tDoope in lied with, the emir leliig Ibis conicentration. When thoir cers and troupeofnil b cd boom fortbor roiouiged ta Ibis place cer.i ii b c bas moved aver a Liatante of upvarda a gnef l a vi, i ol i es i a i x days , l ng ruads a fi h eavj m m d; nham . b o le rPersit ons labar alluvu ig t em sc rcely briga de t, s i St ce*k Itirirfod, even uhen 1he7 recoul' regionûtsý; bZu li, rmad hardly an bau, for repose. lbeiors they plot n b.ulIma callod epon for reneved exertians. ,< motarit o1 hen Our le.iding carpe reaehed Wndnee. a 1reservimpura forth jagbire of the laIe Maharajah Shero Singh, uek of bringiuig u«I orisn bi l. oafs ithe fort agntl uoticeocf gvr mm.as aur batteri nne rsfat n Ib o individoal oe II vas dermimodti1se rie il for futur. 1 canot, howoi semot, and voe remainedcontent vth nuy deep menne ofuc aliug tbe village lafornish splie (it twoprincipul dopa lm ba or prV'dolittie ecPI for auraver- JamoitLomaly ai -d cattle,> onder pin of endoring a cautnon- severe sickm.se fi ed aiut; Ibis il ais, WItout l os.0- doties of Ibis grea of §ring a abat. adjutamt gemerai. hbem ve retalieWudme, il wu «evdntamd ut iseiMy duty et 0 fon efstm fey. rcapore ftetliceii. do.n, sud bygr *< ofur unovemOflis, as vo board that a 'sry beimg depriteti. fur ie portion of ibat force siad boom tispatched in eoasequence af 3pao aur furibor ativanco; Iboir feeling par- id vbilet urging o ,retirais on the m.crning Of the 111h bofar deciaive attack of rcavalmy piquets, nom the. village and fort af lier uet 1 faillae bdites ba uonIis, as §on &(ter aid-day, tb. division under Major =i, doby the Q oral Sir Barry Smaith, a brigade afi ual un- C;olonel Gardon ; 1 rajor GonoalSir J. M'Cskill, andi amothor demanti my higheo uL ongler Major Gencives Gilbert, vith iv. rai Sur llarry Sin ope of hooeaxtillerys and tire tigbt fid bat- the. commueseof <a ..s mulder Lieutenant Celonel Broche, af tbs lice as Atijutant < is artillery (brigmdieriun commeofmnlt0 ii.r- con devolvet usine [- farce,) and th. csvalry division. cosail- -netîuy in the. Pl [oi ber Mai ,s led Legt Drag<o. il ba-in every va, ie W gitard, 4tss emdc 11h Light Cavairy, anilOhr- 'e ciu pr Cler Cavairy. ItoOh P IbOir eacamPiDg ground vassalsestaff. aSt ront of Moudirsu. 1 hava te th.ah y 1. horoape werein asmate of groat exbmue- planret md dprincipaily for vaut of vat, vbich vas of Ymir sac a tprocurable on th.e i i Whouabout th,"rPaissaistance they ai . iaratiofl wu reeived hbatheb.Sikh sisal It "I lh. may p au advamciuig; mnd the. truOSh sied 'il iudividualî y.vith o tae gel uer arme. and mois te their pnu- eaDt&i dmreca me, vhen the lacs vus ascertaiee. jc>apr of km"ar 1iurmedialy pucaisd forvard th. borse artil- rie ry d cavalry.dling 1he iufsaetr, accen wimd bg lbthe idbatterie@, in me.forw&rd le pient W. sied mopromed beyamuil Iv Ge01 ,il vien va luurs th. .nemy ie postice- boyWons ad te crins e hin o1#000 e % FROM Big8IR il imimatry, *aiouthlb. uoforcOe acvury, MA&NDEft-IN ,i 40 gons. Tbey evidetly boid oiter JilO HON. TIuE ig"op tpbir sit, ie. or v.e mdlvmncîag t. INDIA.& mule allaietnlm Te rossa tsthir etal, ma"t. covor tic. form- mel lb.t luim&".7,1I dvaSn.d tlb "a)"l ue- Rigbl Hor. Bt or rgndant WuitGàth nulmd actier, ta. leuen thé scu iIy t. th. front, je colsu» of iquadrues. and Ile basnhbug fin ecipld h l " la. b y enr e ep wed ly fole- h ia place. and. I d y th. ive utreof bohrne mitilloy, muder donc.victary I igogah esone.Who tss& up4 busriéipomuie amiOurccs ai v'iq un. eavalry tiss u ihe ashe.ceeobn b ii lie ennatry in a demi fat, eovred at shirtamorable in th eterraji vitb a 1mw, W ine sM èe aa tick Aftt.,th. a bo jongfle, mid dsvissit lIhdk" Fb.formetimevui MornySU- - - Iheiint qm Utery hb. the ettem'. 1 l dm Ibis jugisa" »"oluulmiom »theb.ce t.saabué s. dmm aBra; asi, vilei Our elve bottaI-upeavsco -iï tuist ioul eimi fl b'adaslstWlieUi. . nis10 ue.e a veey Mei.r. maae§ eps. ur md-ne vMM vitb«A t ute. he " easmoujeudiy tugt feld my's lm t Ho homme. Tsm empi d vo&M issts Irefdivision ofbéi out muntalhry mppemodte.. t eraysye th" ofetne mes av th en-y ; M4dWe.it unes ememry t.cocupletestnal.e e Wni mu îmhatry diepesilusviaom Msdaecmt the katlu asMiile. 1 rilit a visur of teeelg t51ie 4".if psa is, n eauane wul pmes.veth Wbmug.tqthae1bd Lugi Ou- via, fhbones a" «Wob"Indm medW'ulad sd 0011. o téom etIPUVf*5*E g"04lses ftamiiiS ela* itc ah &j1 0aMue temi t aelm W0M wbw veir t et I q*J gstoMd W"#a 04 i l li ed belle oui Ai mu, mils 1 m. ipcsltucm e enov mati, fer a @MWla on *.0 uny's eztreicbed camp u t te b. à paraIehlpumi of abidos al"o1 bh Md hall aMllie lu brbetýi eloing viab. a. lb. a."nu viilmgof 0f oewha tbu sue a"dsalaoiuhig «." theb.*@th$' mmd - heeai, and tlb laer tavrd Ysree.e th ope«counitry. We acvot nuissia Mm-nmd force, tb. grouivilu fit if0 il vàa lîkio the sikh pasitiwn lu amoilme id *Îth basejungle. se divisios ai ofM 'îr.deeral BMr John l de arigadir Wslaiae whe hW ei -.6eq»MWt 301" lsur Jaon M'Cmaill,) mmd MjN« oral Glher etdplôyed inte lins, bavue, lu metatre nur tvbuls force 0ofarltber> Wv"h sh eMiS of thmetroopait f humorS.sillieymoi rtberdshaksndiomniisupport, te bu e csian rfflirsu. 1Maje.Gemef êSu iaoy ib'. division. and aur suemîl cavmlry fiston: rd in eeetilice havieg a brigade ilissera aver euhb viag aboulél boire observe, t1h51 Icmc d. fun pe and diretion d the leit wie I6km iral ir H enry Hsrdimge ubil eiasall dectai the rigbi. very henvy canenede vas pe.ed b,' tI my vbo bad diapeised ver tb.ur petils emd of o» husdred gens. moem " tY aheavy anti vol-d"Metd dm e.vbhlh% tice of aur lai leuss amerous artme0(. bh ligbter mostil olueueti in O-eOdiatrbe, . ,t ad sieli. oti iautry avanmesd dest 1the«e formidable eutreoueicteTheg su tluemsoelvem sipn lthene. iMmd vita tlîleti, galiantry wreeted thein fromt tb. ame; ;witthonor grasp a ur saldiory lbnd tefioci ih a lire of uuahtry frontitue Uibb inlmmtry ayod bebjind Ibeir guns, IbsI, ilaepite et lhé et bernie efforts, a portion ornly et UWlb.e- nchrneuéudhab.cmrrWo. Nîght fell wilti >couflict vws everyubere ragig Aitboiagh Inovr hrooght up Nqne-Gemerml Harry Smitbis divisione, anti b. cmptured sa 9 r t ali ct i an o îer p o in t o f the po sitio n, m md* rMaie.ty'a Brul Lignt Draguons csrged aMd tk @sane ithe most formidable batteries, piet >onemy remaiuced in possessionofa a -- W.: i portion af th erat quadrangle, *hditWO 10 e uct rm ing led v ith tboire. ep t p as sio i l.ienainder, and finally bivouacboid upon t auctet by t heir <allant e13arte. rejllBtdond numbers nd, uid urimg extrait, aci rot, ýanimated b y au nidortilable as u t. t é .e af lbangs the, long nlgbt tiara &Îviy. 'uean b t lhdle ofiti mof dailiclboor, gosa aadvancedl andi ployad i isai l eoféccl eo i roope. Lieut-Guoneral Sir rueM e lardiag aedialely formed ieroMataeq'a 80»hFPot id h lb. 1. Bopomu Ligh lifatry. Tb ero ladti thie attack b tetrcotas irg, and aiiuted inle ir terliona by Lies- nant-Colonel Wood <mit-do-camp la bo LiMat.t ncrai.) eavaswonumoded-i in ii UA-e-- 'ho 801hcapturetheb.<u, adtihti mlodisd. ieti by this'«cosinovce:k. did iot's'atu. Wa usa ou urther. Doring tho vIa ilbey- ve, tb* cntnued tloblarrassa oui touer by iaatllery, vb.rever moligbt diaovw«e or Position- Blut viti dmyligbt 0< etii ~~a" mmbu e. nr nfatr foamel i* mppmurled a iii sanhe by bomeartillery, vbilm(à«ir vm peneti iront aur contre by sncb of or h..vy unea rimaiet effelctive. aiiletiby a Aieg cdf okoeÀ Amasheti bmttemy play*d vilb grgqat lsdec upon titis point, tisuetîn uniu<Or pffse ud ilovimgtup naur tombrils- At"taleauque eut. Geseral Sir Henry Haumlluge plci b - Ilf etthe ieadaoflbthe lo, vilst1 ude et thIf sent of th. right wung. ur linu adviac.d. andi, amchecWs by *W mm"c,'m ire, drave tiarentrapiuly aut 0( thé sf1- te ai Fesomaemh stdielr eeailpuol; 0" hamng front to itsloft. ame #4eo.ea h xmtmmaidle weep the camp, ero ,pnoitiom, mnd disinugat h.e.nyiest hale positiion. The. lime theu, bltd, - @ou day aifumanSuovre, seeivlsgu ais v e iera on thcy rodo &long ita front viii agrsilyi, h-u La displaling b. apiet' tanarç . j :ls mmy. W. l tah tapims ofe a caan, md er. e mastr.0 l I feldi. ne fonce a msoeaciaon t5 a4 rblcb ut W woyn, bt vesboeita rera ualt ta coes la thecotrose cf tva hesrs Sirular Tej Sang, vIn hm.aocacin.le gruais hast baillebeongbl up frouel».vsmt Percsaporo olimi talitoo Md alarge lIj artillery, tsupporati by IOOGo*plres h neto sncaaoped nem the river,. in6v; Mr. mavalrymlioeui dmdetenuves onei rean positiaon et Formmbah;- ibis atteaf ornetiefsutid; but iils imiîsre bai aui'cey q tnus amesi, v abe tb. Brder re»evid tdb. rootesi viti moretroupe and a IsWgautiVersty1- Se comenced by a couibinstlan *pinot ei, [nob Iauh: asti vha 6thisas aet4i -o ouelei ot. chegiou r *u the rwwut. ie gaina tring, ibmt ve "uittait dauninessnt fro, vilte amnamqitmo iaug euaplely eh la.O ~ridesshaateo #0erts M'ab I--w a tdrei)@ at tu lbsestee befath atiéto e~ N*et luint tu advenaeislsp~,IcSèfS Cauha eudd t.de * I . Por tvenaty.fuit bd 5mc; ~a s sdino out i*L: lb. rouais. 0(11' 2I ara y ame e.id sh. la 1691 ,I*ataaWU I op Re lb theaIoniààoséiheleMd dîMî. baai. v e r- àpr = in theu ae eu~ v' ffl t b eee son la b. prouil ai, anti grati. troc! ions afinitiable or lie of. i rtF thi, araly on this mrdoua ce- exhi onducîmuid dispouitions of t e un r s, the brigadiers ai lie oeve. 7e1 raI, pomnat!. ivistioalaimud edm1 eo coinumntcr.goSie aifthe IN tnodipatl ne iemLrsmily coin - vai ut baste, anti in the midt of aiar ioralione.-l muet, therefore mcu oroprtoni*tho phoasing muid suda yanib,' name, tu lthe ve boal, lb. particoiar metits oai Ice loi et, refrain fira. cxpreeing Gol obligation ta lthe beatis aiflice Ti rtmn. Major geermi Sie ma] c uuforîonitaly prevoatetilb,' pru frot takiuug part in the active ae crucria. Majo Gra.mî, de:îuîy lin Iberebar. auppliai is pnon, Mr ta gay biivahy tMabas beeui 1 r« a i u los cve eoudureti by liai o teprenant, oa ieiiservices- bat r0 vw ouants ahich b. teccrîr-eCpt on lb. infmnlry teathe limai andl gui the emsuuiy's batterIi. Nei- ro ,record tie vmlumblo mit Wvbicb eff a n a fanine occasion, bouc ai. sui luartet.Mater-Geuo«al, Lieut. LU bis depatmnenmil arrangements me] Mt conmemtiom. MaiorGene. bl n11h bmvi ng bo pp itt l aduvtsiaui lc chare of bus i. or lainerai oi ber UMeesiy'a For-li aLioutenant Colonel liait, Wba Ci, Mriormance ai Ibeale doties, butS 'iicb mssistauice cmn b minlir- ù atians, bas boom ta me the taco youi,rigit, hanorabloerirfchavîng t le s erviceofaiheb. aicarsam~ ta thanl thorm for thte vtlutblo K l'uded me on Ibisa aroan dmy. pi leasieg uty tu mention lheu bi lic aicons a, any onnpersommî OmantnlieI ialcalIhve lb. W kn iaunelarly date ta Gavera- V 1 ar.&.IL GOUGH, ur, Comumander-in.ChiOt. CELLFiCY TUE COU- 4-CHi>zF, TTOMIO"UR GovzRNOR GENEBAL OF Canq. 1malbu. Dis.1% IN C tr- bave agmie la eaegrautale usofOurmaras. A grant- motl atteins;taesikh armyetaI c,' b.bleleing of Divins Provi. b ban uon bytavalet 0< et cdds and z iema.su imierlbiaatia ocf ta amit eo pmge of ledials hi"r. uelied ta fmlluvlsg day idm oer.ms.d m osa ellute aooia A tunse W ulsce vau tahe etuSr eneompuenylundmi dispai. = "uasgit; but the diay ver. I11* g apmlgat t gi ev D ais m 0 b lsg e 1 r o by l t ruel, »md Ie i lnta cela- se LigIt Ieallary. vwiithsusil aeititill. soi& On 111. oves- te lie valeebecoi sl a vw"e b.tud te iehêeta i»te 1 ma i la Ms*0e L ý , it 7 '