-"'vus- - u~wp I ~ - - lo~i lil ~*~ks4~7 ~ moue-g b*b iwenîp.ltai- oimaè* fu *elouihum Win t.d s" « *9 so2es coes0u" i sevslBoa. animgeu.cm- msusw eaiila ntteea 13padrQ1Wun.asn-I.' Ig c W hsg U r. lunsm.lbesalnh . dei lb& ý W __ wm. L Usdes t Ois gaLn lr thmisV coc Ade. vonip dOC. 3«W. .n.palle due a,ra5 Ses tsM.iet Osl. 7dsi4 ellieue W . gllie. & Ileusmasue Sëed,' Geei b. Mrtie. LUsCa.S. Mesieeme-M la I B.CL z limwgetaie, a. I iâ E«* . ILOmU J ". ilmre Boyovesuw Zab& m-4W. fLC a e.c ô tb. 1>Cul. rantchmid bl'.Aaaosor.,&sILWChriste. Lee c. lr.amersot, ipt. W.0H1rs. Otb.&DU 1.oLdL, E. d. U TaiaIlsP.C Laalis R PMlo& m . ce ii Csp . W. K ilVPaeka ben pi 3 lt t.-N-AltOa. K d a 0.)t. . À!aeelwrlghs. C. Devis, m.. Pn Covra ie" A.vzwite.-hL»dp. L r E. ate Gim NevB« NJ L.%Cai Cants H. JIi . Ad&W k. E K"a,A. arliay. WuMe LDràu.. W Mller, L. C ol. hisalit"N Wbl.e. min. jC. W. . Dlu s . ; Bm,..« bei8tw . a. L Hs#sito. téd. i. . 1.1 for, E TayIlore, . E ~rtm .C ag J. C A.lto n, ile&ctapte.J.. ILeec . I. IJWs . IVocu.LI. olbsU. CA . aorasir. ap; ts. <Auevati ladtir ue IIPLlo. . a.Fi4 U. &om A .apnC. 8-. alismw LG. . Ta I..A. Sc Lt . atlrp. Wealot Brlgemy ta. ihIs.at . bVta him Pg. Wesamibd, DagdCapta. Do. i,.. C.B.. il. M. Wlies]>,C. 'hI. . Lug"ati, Lie.Ueis il WL..L. PUêêi L aiM=t W', W.l. Pasu. A. P&Itblag. D1sgis . ige&M Pir . fo. wluidFoui EdamoJ. ,0 Cae. W KmaviRoo, lN. C. A.Noua I. . -V.anhsrs. N.aat amfusA. litm t. aiue. J. GstLSC.a. Wod B.mÏ, Rasa E. A. ibb. i 9th QQ& ille C. Ard t. a Wa«ý àtda.u dUuhlsgt. N. L .iuC. Lis.&-W Ln=. toi-, E . lor. % 34 =« oeil &mme.eoV uli ae _ il D is Llai.wceii at .Cai .Kaal Li -CE ç T hssaE.W.t!mm g, as .O. L W '0,C.W icii h N tG . u 4Mtal II*sry Dvuso-Oi-ilsm su Dtlgmie'U teem i~.Ua ir5 Cs bih K.C. -ta H.Coax, 0.dVFadEêgin. tit w n.Illod Ci.A . syete Igs.3 iarmc a m rn~ fI SCaur Famozaroas Dec. 291841 j ?Ep <est ,i laIe p M, peu jut to rie You a bft accto f the aost splsndid vioon vo bave just gii dove. the Laheians. Wu am thei trstun tiec1hlfthpfIis anun. afttr iaarcbing ivenly four mileoi, amicomninsi se.. tuai, &boultire. u'lck in thlit aleuon. vieb. urlîbot imtermian, %lsted luii ei<11 in lie @o. TY" deys poinetotiis lb. govermor.Gs. mral rode lu one da ixty 104. ,thenOexl (the I71) ltfive mite, and bltmi smdy ferths action "ga ort ful;but Inil.g aotbîuoth e '&king. 1lb. Gosrmor.GenettIusd um net te unlest lb..,.AItes 1Un atî ie ntle Ui, vs contne Ibois§*id for a couple et day., cham ce asnmesine) et aIeigbî in tle. mwone Aller a mardci le miles Vu mal theb. any, miii about Itee P. Mn. e eo.menceba aat tac, héhcnh numi ait ight, an tb. ruau., partIo e aiday. chou ce acbteved o splendid lriamifîb.and iroe.thb. neny bacb acrose tOs imtloj. Yau are tsares Ibo l. Stloj e ariver chiai p&tp osparsee .Puanjatlb triamsur ter- rîr. lhiemrmay cf Labors omaover thé tiv. tate moIdiots,and ibeïr mn is squai taOtr evu, bot"desb.lmg oflarge ealIte. 1-W. bai nm mnet Ian 1»»0 ce meet Ilio, an tiséc es ue qbe, posre Iblows! fome' aarcbed apvasniof 900milse yul but ver>' @cau. ta frs, ai " rateef 2% 3% 4%am 50 mles a, 5,amld*stc1èofi.uetdaandmlàmbsoiling hei, sir nry. iloeif lepî onuOsheiid t ibs liau baille iîbol anyiiag bbéhe clScamnd bun heIe a sam is hidse. and peaurhumble srt. vaut cloee teme, ciii can>' aiothet brave fe!. We have ltbs. aldel-anp iflsd "dIvlye coseaiColonel Wood aour lieU, sot tkobugiOs thgh but ha exceet otpiris and doisg ceil. lis ecry, Mr. C. anl4ir A. emme &U isee,ami %Jeu or . White noer $amy vat'f shrme boton. 1 tuai vs bave riven thein eosmb for t-4 peumsat altbui<. periaps, i à nMt pet mlevur. Tbe QoeuermGeastal je a a.oîn-out-uffo," M s goliers base i. nei i.utrsMWoiMtla Un &siM M Os soliheis delnhlm ie b bru vw7asdOiniattentioa te ihoir vcaëteH. its. V»wvisit s haspilalit every day. sdisab la Ose &&Ii iepmve.bimesif eve.>' ca,'.fett natsblaKtaI s bedai gt Im ra. citoumt at a obtuge et oelcbet oquva a dars. I.N déat - , 1 base une tineseta"y mots. s msbon meWIttudi &H teailiqsirla triend&" Mn oetma aM Mbasa? tL£ne us imias or w&sl.sum s:Pm0 UT. ax ait% emOspp»006N, msa oit lu. tarPqet, Ut'IoLever, asevusiitatmi vota a( <n" tma tlbilan Aru.hitecoailsrs ami Ose Gwoenuo.Oeusaile t va posmalmoQat tlis Mae diiastuynldgl doalaboul bosses sobllitj ii l ou rtlMWma *e.nly, ifalWLbsv 4p 1 e &Mt lMs. vers a ssq.eyh o a p~ 150 tg , eiapo iethsesouof . 9 e0M-du iS - BM bet ilaule, a" Uliai b. fore, êto0 lvtble lO s mm.smm i iim tdo lp" Illm. htu à hme ilm < n taoMok i.ots 114M ud 1.mea 1hma4u« .eiia et 0< uohm Setlibre; v*0maso p det **$Rb.nMd tbeM aumssring Pm tre Vsulgt a q*Sh.gotbi ap abp ah*bml.dgs.ag 0UrommsWu ilsemabaiot ims *iIewias*IOânia an eaiS camp vueau. gmuL dum4. maa es " «mIélove W U<i loto e' n.m u n ùdUImapum*Ue14 aid t1h e a omm n u b mundum et 0 My SnomWvasin the . ac n ma ;s PM " ;vsy on am S1141,I1di mt M Ib4ntà ave l. ul is ibtle wuam'a 0< im ue vmrabedsu tt Mdi east" taes EOUt.pi«, bl 1 dd niib mBw«'me oms eault lomss&ailfselimg, mcIl;go Ocemme b. Ema»mamsnai*boit V»0. sé* bc .lg~ am idm.sm, h gad .ly titW u seimyid lbth e v-ii or n. I Ia et fb. une »M may theigt loties 104 tses*mort b.elopeat -tbtlsnj1-1 Pomm"er- ta the Goveruor Genenda'. camp; va tatlvd at D.um aid inivid ar firet mircb tWe bote bso""mnn, migluly sohl-Iad r-ei-tras lreakmg-eula1. e ans a, . &C., Mod hi- Vsoakiog ien t plusset vvak 4 0 7 igb. "Jarve me rîistiat dui J1iaMt fur1. Ràinforceste versta bc "eat. îmidsy Sb' Wina. On@ f lb.he p"- My x te.uw tabliabie,îlin Icelan in a tbu inceaed bus adition cf a btitof etGmarnd m(Qfue pugi tuants of th. lias. Bscrmitieg vas goiflg en vith conmderable ctivity injoran t md ierci- ties. *The. tu lI<iag ltes la roi. the pe o! a ycîre ofcer, cie e»à personally ungage in theb.bard fouglît.action, of lthe Igtb, ad 21e and 22d cf Dmoeaber: il daom" teg 1 s nsgml t sbp ,.aad , a -_A s. 1.ua - -_ er.a Ïieé r*um tg ey« n igh .4 sias i<1mmgib magisa e maI in »stMa1lte '*Tbe iav* ibm oIlwel vmont mciýi o- ~aqyor My mie. 1 aivoead vu ÜbteA i witbonit footoex ceelg, Mi eer Walg bit b. tir 0"L A' buâc «-pil au a aieo ~eA' sassim tealmrl~ lai* l lo i .a 1 ISSOI ýv1R Or.6114by rw uis. 4tk myaidePIi séite l an ab*-Okte my ah. s tuIsmen t*peévvnttbsr mr;pivrv eepie<or WaJOoIaa s lb",. for t;' amsltbe t 40a8e, 4a liap Rb ..' p.1 mdvmirf ses sea.rs asl. vohasnlary màt IseZib la 0 a abufva g liaI tads fitoqut1te te I. te~~~~~~~~~t ci mncycfSr theaes-sIiUi ilsp tpassaib lwapdn cM Ori. mues i m ,diet aiee ie CqpasiL«,, *a (Wo u a. d.«m sai. rsntive q »r lars tewbie a tcteredtaa cu l!uc meven. «I otà lount:t fbe ge<l pras itirn ons f gmtio. theroai ii.hmerauio ulcofpînice teUisPoriogr. diget M aibrms seCogaitp. tbh.e ie et Mrl placs.n . ut ocis Canada, the ria eltiin te i ane tierMa a td h.li te twi cll eoaieg puapotata0 lh* on- 19When vo teeM0le4i la p erka bc authmringtse ossbinane Il. s ba .~ pd u bitrone.imc lva ad Il- Mr. Mos. faaesuded orne copy vas fupleny S" ef cnix o upy so e . . vi 1 Bou. . BL mli, f . taid.e lyîer aîgpe- pamre. souidelbc"a ae lt L l ail i*h Mabpare in wbe sahce begij sud .r shah-O vs*o plaery paur tin biil, un id bua 11i.autoucei ding paeras . psers. ils Tmo netMteM as e tsrrsd te ituse of 8, le lit Uy. N Wbe ae ole "b phevli&o moee ting bu enms",e Ionrel . »nsM D puble BODRY Ht soatavnssisé a.ib Cent l i t lote. 1h. resolo»Y a I repy s the Ua merssrisf spn e aly&MW lion. Uc. i ifmiiwu k nl nhesvig .- pa@,io. i st ecide hihouarhe nupsdicpndm vii mDot.ence, tuabauli mbn and wmenr c abl.w Lesa" veryApuesa iy n bt a cla &à-hot W1h.. leur., an tbé t sou. it puy, sedo larre,îo ol al ibpo. cent.de mmd l. praiefçorgetal l ei ca r Usailaime i ci sas " à*b.ou presiot ns Oslite toulimP. a ungrl Theiép% iMrs. m&wnMe& eandbpyt eta balt tersheos tabontterb- etr81 surie as lan. yiD-satOiemet 5hebuae t lb.esotmera Biah Govosm% urn valt nimbeaulbU sntea,.. oui i boeltcliesu e SWhppulua 7. os. nmo if i ou mpl" ie mu cae oi thrgleei bavebeocWmo. The meut t liése e whiob $vs te. pt *&ation of te . I iss . ibte ia.eetus ire aiQios1 Wa pnacas nei i .e s b eshi igea bea o o ftlsul"mf l rsp tu. set sa u vboetmoil s ebe ma i iGoera. ouad Et. expresi i t xt itth rbi bin .ay. Oas us sun ogetljeotma aI pmagiviibat& i.lapaLin- ils. "n&-u oal 1-pes. mn tiMatiethà tb reven.e lambottr , s eum"ig V« "_aI hpr the mont i be peosminih"çfle Pa aoic mesf Gr e Brisn. 1 am tmOss. bi th Brail GOunmta cil Esssbor" i. vIiol cM f *o i«msi baat lb eadvi Bo., W. N temuis. ol, uVcd& Té» ai oser. ia uan e " ulshlmi enIli rnilanoae 1 ap onUos mmdk omStgeAm it bo.<bt i auu Ib v" ie inlb oMId ubse0etandm lu*ra trucsthe t Oouo4mittI mld topl . b *sse = to Vsnbu"bu MWsM»bib mad as»M ae, MamIdi tsa1 »W m e » ma . a u 4a frWb ý $11 111P*M* »Omimk " 9 f'g" %Wb ' r a mea le vebai caoec roe antilsh i apiaisbâ " eos fur ortle peç'e of CaipudéM'Y . lm viol ont tu Pose cenmm c tA ha *moneumles s nsmiea- thÉ,a pu 1 iB.on oataovsraotmi musaita hmc a cnparmon bivua .Ur Lb.vei oucanatu .bs arert legin Intsa ljaictomsi v romg *b obum y mai poeuandtaii ftv bu muao. te gaverame. Wof bsecabot cvil Ssi. Ti. abremc U gis..ta Ib n t a mtu ire. Md éampi. Il matlyw kbyd be r il ubisme Ieeot t er MWvo*n0roarec gelai t avehuma4t gn vemte ave a hcomporntnis clap i s i a=ug a"v Frin"heppitneil, et or ahr !ie arvu~i eMa na oery gldt ee ialasec r4. Kum., euriveenucil asin,,hemnt as"1i ua .irunbai ore .te bae elies i - Th. as Mr. i.EOUCMV. 6»4.a m ha loundipomnî ty. lisa vs ule eti - fsclé li id icain bipl onUs r* nueftrole wiCaaadaieib ciicas t Toqit e alayRevolu inisfies avm d à ment, litnion bmae ft. aIonappint muccli Hua. Ns. Dtg oarc egaanti. lmanke. cmi 1 >ftbsbou cl afaire.iaTbam -og- unl.loeitose I Lard ilteleubaia- ville tror a mave tbiu th.o bai uîab Àot ml iry amsou te ana. An lin fner. nho, bare wevould tehave hoens o tel 'rnirw«.oam coml intLoerCa nada, mas .1r mmlniRchîbliru ud al c. »!»aI Mat li mmd lmad aecrds %t tet ee il ru ý h 8o. tislhonat hw fi lil 0 Tisshenosie tbfinsover Ca n, tIheas.f- a faut ca lts diii mtpense litecm ondsnoegr*-lie b oepithe poslong o e se ehrihomn 1044»cP main lieerai I bolep.thau c raI itd. l v0 ab goeod oeablbe wuitmoi posase han à lie&oaro of Ibm opi Joee molli.<0 tnt.the sucertaincerofcià*iomeapmed se olsbhlU buthe haig et inthulb. h olo ! liaIle etthbole nuaber. c-hnuipashii ho i P init lb, aduei rd n184k."Lrd-l'a cteeviouao eot ndwite thuya hallr cie w. no b.varie , riî.. b ave taoudsia v oireau midp tes doute mcisOe au a amp reaonoallset l. t boogentle men. nd hoengen omsc lr barn ii ot et 1. dîm Ge akfruanat. votaf, Thosan. t Nsmain eraad, etord or, biaf mot ons" ousmthcf i ene .1cmmae pep. sstaoasdJoue v a u it. s u oe.t 1 . t Geersfa i ve t aie n p vt s ie i e yii , wn aged an bultho te prepouman thdesý.* p Rh sidrofmte p epoe.ta s apiud M 1ai ghohe bmpceainoriisd. asel tbb. iggreponibe ievmnda>, UStdfalà, 1 d vb la tiii Hocco nc te r ai scut et tnane t l tant Speech ainu uaiteon ti ooino Norian. AEmi ou da t thon m adpub soAk uésab fLod Csia"d sclif as ie i e. Mellmor ouinieieepddea 18t3, , <sai s.r csat io le lb Usai ticuon ta l e raolmlmons l coae iraeg<metbavrd ecoardai vtîe and - >a1 d nrl tsnoytsenedratioiivtertif. 1 ".s. Ir, en 1pcnoab no, citrac er. p blc am niae, y.u pei aotws-eutdami akfistîfuloteii N ba ut natheai" of theteovarie.f st. du, latie. let 1iMsamCivil ent.am iet i t Thelra et b. leur* n utiosia ii Sacei au fnbu delioise andi cend.d by novb<I 1Nlutremiaa. mitet reaes adee rOn taliesmworoirai nbsp". ibv Ceeroltieuru"iavulrcilsthe adoptieon lIParit oliey ait pirapab supoutm pub- letbtn iOsiuennei M Em tel ata me.. lie of Hie Emlen b.d ne i e tbelstiig ponm thobg 'toua erugIt mo ait aict »à don>'u erofsLtrd istat escahie Hma the Hm. xem lsi, todete eyeo te vepdm, a .vcm.heno emg a..aoiedfA e. enie aot aient» aned mevatsu Liod at- cele -thl s gmet .à lefvain ti"a si4Wies MW urlut @StenWande o. aa.ieilropoa aepue andL 5prih poon eoieudandt¶ibrrlveedt pouey of th i -metille cin hse.- thisetoe% *bpsqae..eehme, vila & MW gspsutqqqIl ttam.eEs lmt On sle movdm on -oi bythe- kv!w effler se*bw ho4guSeOM" eWMin. o * Le4mtu".esuisutti ti Para cuitfmlesoswbieb buas tnvailMus Excel- m etpejusu itrame liaibiçh station.', 1 tmwtonmobeinpesegaph ip<il.1 wiSMOS IathOsdiodeag 1111111î_ 4 sE 0< o wo=rnmt u, bc. ~~~>~i5 t a a lu t lcapahî, sp h. provialieeau ermed. -fRe (Mr- B.) lie- leve til ii. cObcjection ta miltar>' goveril. obail aiued1 tie* terclalmg thoit pre. 1gtl waglbout *nmtech ei.H lIG&dfesard o etu tbiags md lho w "sitaiprincîples iss latalsu a aherai lu-Os lie for en- uerimsats cas gone by. If the Govermer cae uuc4mited ciIh coui.litutionml principles of -erustbu *ouil. ie b.(Mr. ai et assure.', embo imself acquainteal vith themandmiborsalhe siv -) vea esdut hoa idi uabedieve it elbepeoibi. fsr amy Goveruet. mWilary or tsival, te bovea cersu polilical edacalien lien the tais geues bail badin laudwiamuithe ai. lamine têterefore ta bis Iniean arer as mn bis (aie .14 o~>pinna noumot nnisiummte. H (Mr. a.) boai apprebeasions for ltler.bouas» be toit lIaI Oésipeople. vo!d imaist an constitu. dosaipvevusmlin ophte of lhe pesuemnal pra- liletcasetOs assne lse bovever venul glrs Ibm pensentitreverser ctsduitos the utin- tesieandni(»adine iuicuily vintever inas- asanmie Ia pat t O adres.Witi regird te tbe liilitla, alibongit ho migàl deuil tie pro. peipty>' i bn. mausetin hia mie subjoat liait boom iuitrouoed, ho migbi deouttchether it ewu doecse.tte ecaution dispiapsil b>' ucoiers cls Jiqisiai Ou)vermasot ta er tthe1Unit. md Stauomahainheedone stmllieb. as trou te ad4mit that aut position va smmnmhimg ifsermui; î (Mt.RB) cececurrsdinla hinkimg liai the nul- itj ferme sheuli la mais effective-it vcac a dui. y .cerslvus aaà ta euOur ownr.suce«. Ho . mime ascearinauil hat lb. peopleetofibis Province couli iiîschargs Iheit duty if calleut on; siybave esr beu buaccrd in defendiag iieir ccntry bront a foe& o ; t enwt Do firiis a Mt reirest tibisgrievances; ci*, th amprod o lami ing ias-proal ef 1,4r couefliése euh clie menhmv country,. ani ily îri.n mid trou teiguoers. hIe (Mr.)ý imiiha us Camdimeuanaa cs is uol, andI ti vas beamn hao bova tha&&lbthe tietinter. oamt ef Cainda voeu h.bcptoualed b>' thaIcon. ,eliathal haspobe aub.i&i.Witb regard 10 lits Civil Liàthb. em* moly aMp ihal hoc as jrdy ta enter au Os oaiimoraof niliab- ect, aid b. opei mà seuilbâàugbt sta amal. ifactor> smtlenmt. Ail ile unconshitu- ipa o i w cii tulqdiî o stands, mcni ts1. l.mer l panent in a morseoalttoa cet, Ose latter. Hos wmegiai te lie-tcf lthe a s*7os.ttefsrve a thugitholcear. ada voolri b.4= i;miw, ho doubieii imbSUlietobon. macer fortHuron vroebi h -bis te raoui the. ameame demaindui cm im.- i~pner .)>Witi reperd te publie laîproeo mente, ho wesId mugimmithe aiteseion cf the isard a .cessity" Wvlummb ppea.d te bhle tu pleigte the Houie. fa a ceitain comme withoul ils luaving inforumation batoris it.Witb regaud lu the ires et Qautie, Wm-et o t he lIeuse lhe meantit renter any asoielan» nu nhie Power; ho rejoiced mI the spmpmtbp shown ini Loglani and fait grateFml as a Caaauam, thlIegireroeml and people. As ta lhe eommeereint changen, lit. tic ait pressai <onuldh.cmiid. Ho must wciiun- i ainietere ouli ouplain thoir plans. Ciiane moet about te tae»piaco, but me abotit rite su ýpetiortl ldilffcultiluo ¶h.protection .y,%em vas necesanil> an ai>'eta dap.iitalition muat aistye bave beom mmticipatted milthoagh t i raine en ns perbmps onau a cous. We had a splendiid agicuitenil ceunsrY, andie 10 ir wliuld h. elber consistent mtlbaur chuuracters ud moa or as cîhizecs. He (Mr. il) va,3 roady 14 thanIt hie EcehlIbutcfutih.sprerimni <u-p- eiatian .hi<iib. baine deniot. He (Mt.BI.> M Uet mcq, raere, te s emhahie omiszions mn itue speeeh. Titi ainhaters b.d lant sesion dis- pnned cf bailasmnalitpari ot iheir bill ot tire. Tt.my bai ielayed thb. meeting ut Parliamer.lun. tlit e lasmmenet. Il Wbaiben long adinttou fluet infets oxiasilin tAi unmicipal laws ut Up. per.Canala. Aumendainte bi he judîiini e.. tai tiore marc mperatively requirsd mautti. Hon. Attorney Omneral weii knev. Ho (Mt. B.) cas nsndy ta lem hiessi"@tance taelte aurerrinent ut lIat systest, and hinoep>'regrelteul nultltefinal it altuii.d te mn the Speech. Thers thon vamthe Ulniversity aili. a cmnacure Iieugbl t fnch greni i 0 Portancmce bn lie bonm. nmber for Mt.gmotic bad beon sale mîlster. Ail l etrecflleet tite bimât mde luia womld ho satimfataenly set. ileil. (liezr, bar, bam.) Tt i.itriret aI hcu mse lait mai, Uloisers came dean weuh a mes- arc, but bocvas il iieposeiof? The bm. At. lmeeyGeneral casproinoted froat the Legisis. tire Coaucil tg ibis Heu,. is ancaugiai!bie aump. porters te votesfofatis second resding. but wbît was iii fate? lIc ner!i nirriithe liesse et il. Manp iton. meulibes en tb*.otîmerasde wme, hoi bevlid, honssltp <lesirous taottie this quiemtion. Wiiat uut t.>' himhne owlItIl ied dropped a pag ai toast ibis soson--paseibip àuppeai hogetiet. At &aioent#. -macli of ils importance vas tabefou s t ils leMu biiug te. eoinieoDd a lb. espeech tram i ttenu.We ine ide liv. a nigil le çesmpi.iu auntalr pitnnets.Bon. metoise o e os uesaide have iii bie duty ilkolpoatng outt lur of LOsserions ,siaidios in the Speech, su d elzoc lte grove lunbeifiiIigie fris tram incousatsay. amovo ,is amenimei. ,M. Baldwsin.oomsib, Mr. àylwi% mmi Il. insuerlmofet he sotie vhici tapue .lresy.iem miteni. kii ctiiearn, Cimabuae. Claies.CCsà- tsbu. DesamsiosDOW44t,,Drwmn&m. Van dlot, Guilles. Lalaieas. Lo'tier, Launris, Le.- bis MaeieOsii. e1t QI. ,Maiteaitet BSe.r mmont, idbo4 bsa, hns. Neliait, Priem, lablia, Iumaisses.Tasb.,-97. ; Absent Libeu'os-Dentraid, Jobin, (oici.> LA- .snn mte~ e asés.Peve, lina" et Vuivrnsîbs Tbsnpsu-8. Il Il %Zrl, aettlir- am'e*paO C ali.so <lhîtamls, -~ V ni-s yIdBAoy brmjsu easisugr. o ie Gkwovsof siievsui0=0f Prueaou. Web.lsr, WUihian UP A.wm uilglma itwlle Umae Molls vI> ususid me 1h.comuyOe re rot. Ter c.. the sîhrla k Sir a ,, aga;'.n itv.aited. titi. ,, inlcted on tbeua-.n, * 'I tý th,, chair 0iElf i 8 Pesuliîty Ihat tmur e licer Ilo thaje sPlu8 c e """' 1rd tri$îe sire h' àheî Of te mi aîou pai t 1%ýî~ l lis îorcîsc ine E ate I, tort d npîne t.,',t' '.uri , lu inui admî vten re1, 15 hecruca Itr L ern $y te tari, ~ Or ul t 'g3i QIrs ciri , 'cl tua revatîse Id1 d ountîravi tratînirda i y cern l ct tnniinbî . cipemadei1 l e tIreil F&t,ee wti b tc lie gn; ung~~ carieu leltlo esteoulntforilr t. ceýsX cion e uima ofice bI n e ýt affair, vascit-cii 0e1krnlyth hon.mbei urppî.cTe I ti'ae 0i on. gentlema n e heu qUat, urabc si ak i'tel wu . eciice H eyntc uet kenla UV~ Dot trucetnre in amlari b ci ýUI ! tl nori ten fuilPtaii.nl taie t ii moe nIFiot21 uTthe &'.in~a.t liraa seî deonc e Ma Fhien, ie iib onerearug te puli.c ip at c' iii Thon . iut ho te Iiia , ' nuotue Hroati n . Ism il Unyiter taes hî b' c ie dure s lurcy îr i'lî ii «Ist ta lookcbuiar fur rcdttndti ILle "mui,, elThu b oniueiitue (r îiea itýU wma60 Oanpparinthe Iai.it OfriCii .iu Tregailn. lii lrpt.î bogeaH voliaprl iEi uelra Udtnmc. i lama 1the w iar.tgC,1 a' tr.ý liti b a e tiu agil ieI i ducpeusel n seuua ti "ite,n jIu.ri< l'àqonclsiod t. re a*ot Atoriineylitenleir 'eî cii,. u ei lmuiiîn a tht pi cy i, . e. ' ahe hoe ner i"n' w1co. ',,u un su r t he l a dIrîn:iiiI r tnnoîcluruaiCa' sesosion heUiir .ita'I H e .i C ai p aIc n îi D.î Z a !Rh e m ID"e a Icta o h e urii clanri u lea. Cauteîî.. rai'- IeI, i teat pairs led l le rOtih i tat.bisOnienci i iii'., , cl d lttai ion tnt liion b e uuuin e ialiuieif . d cci,1 ui %lit. iGrtnia-le a'. !tii, or'.! t'aîaà tndherale çne rt pi cms, a l blaeuaàu cire ntoric.hfu'ir i i l or. tva, md ie titi clc'r, isu, ai 'ae lie 1cr., e t rc r e stae ofîct iut e t e ii nei r~ . .di aitOetac ,t rnsi:îei r' urmet liavein luei nidi. Pic r I is nl istai furhrt hhttp.lIteI,,cît llwji iii pIcal prees liiet ih FH, re", dCrfgt gbritudeoflth(Jir auel i c a i lu- taprsmn regr»eti, rle sulIriA i nolîbtge LotiaMtcalfe ta lea i !4tutu hont ultoul hproi:e.l g..î'ihticpîoîu odr to wandthe Il.a nît~dc nezapund apet suantpr olpîr !,ei tes alertabus for try pcs 'C'.iaa, a ad.,Oadthe far fe nqid. e orn, îîL."4 etc cobnFI-J lie rei(Miri . ttX pIy ertfLoer hâ aenai ticrtti cpis ieîred qiy spel'lail) n npi.r, corilsOdiii. laL I, initic l illii, hutuî grait1 uet lie (r.oIisdttitleut L# exprps reg efopl!e cotae dahIra!îei oebr Lprnicut. bcll a icaeti'aiitlui:l lieregsieta hc bey.' uea' Itl nI, tom bu .oueh od ut esia ieiiio te bis itits coluty nho n. uuier fer tfhat er cpaa baci enud at aui s> ycuabnl souiivole afuL ;t t;u àC detiteoui nulmlicien l 'nyelty, utti pe but bwe antainprccntii liiit sctio lb. laps t et b. patot a, Lr loet ie condito" i lcad l. the i5l ebici hbit e miltiuunfewth ug t Cea ouy-tedpepe s i.oa.i" liaMI. thipisil, lb. Liecu iJ ba ale l loeveis agee seîu cou liied lui edho s caly lnoit emei îecetif Tbise ra teed ihas '4I.l0 lhat etic Ihencad et arid.î< tise butho uni,lia ool' l ii ne t ia nom o bontu. ei5 YlS fthe L Co"asefr enrd UO&f irai Fa haiée iinîtay hp; iaied thmints- t'LmiSe dontieofhua lab or ma i sIi< pbué Ow c aa gmuand , c s ai oarh4e"ycoualp.vm the u nu m e't he thoagn bn [Gvrm js sa user s ont a&ututi,.s ooby Wusti ofns&tr.l cmitsw a "mily, mone ea IIIboe ury w UitSeasSet stbut e gfont iw is S5IOflI S . Ca ilns 0 uly li ing koWsilSc ins; te cstO1sala iios dauqsshi mnisteapaeicslihdiiuw OUM cou s.y lionIktaiiof drsa s aeflb. p £ar M re. C)da Umm ein otb.e WI bcviv la lasin " O»~trWb i v kw ou y v0.ib.aï soFi me cs0 v- the Thue b~ns MII b s es. sgl. orV 6 llionmsuspsu., ' - -M Im,dmWoueobe sri «Il trotand tue qpIts&lObO 10.*ti 'f the bon. geoheuna , wlueal tele gsvatn e90 soton1@y iteî isap l JOAsnS M fectiy &egest h Areal;àI ho lin. amhir ftroua Edox. ae nnly patin whicb lIetail etamemlont l uie sUIjftt 5éin hum erence te DMab eutiîae sè»ptéo e liit Itbay seYu14 ciuh eb u 1 <g.tisUntit tltil Il SI, bat te Pt= , 'h alou aue. ladm1w"t mdy t. e ewivua ' J M Aissent Bll la anches I edIhe mnisry un comp petnd rtfecti ni, adittIed ug 4Ui be atd ttiis&*Lth oillb m a4tua b bo ti Ti. eScheuI iii h s Bilibs bath , ith enw ons ls nvbecfar telpus pbalby ofth.essais, My toe I..mm'f' ff of r. fçwceo li tti em ~ 4b a the -MIlitai b itIIu vmabt heie, jgoe l lit tIi cuarai ln wluig eîo .d an ~tedme o t' gobu bwwîI0<m.r., b.4is i auibeifatl n il L 1 l, in ma ý : , -,, . , 4,