à es, M lb. as. ut' as eti lOf ilbthe of the le, 1 h(<Ml. Aylm.j fuert su ise mai a ai ad D uanse , da~ Vol bis POU aut o am I ta aw«ti th~~ an@ Of theab Ca atlste1 va or]aabie, ' ests in in loie i3 soi allusj,,n tu th, t*,I a livrîtett.I lise l.io ba. 8maeu 0 degrade Chit viss tu see it e, 1i17 bill Std lu. cou"s i auoime Goerietl uZgiMem te Mon se nmgof lea Go% 4«0. ]He10 r 1 thse Haute a0 long-,t aasuithe dis ose dei 111111011 Whon atcestg Mece Il long Oeech la Freed à"*r Of Lard mdet"jf ni Ibsi aunhiemn. Th, beS vas miut h toerted, I ni smuateot neq a aide oftho Ierai«. [o bîdretted ltre Homi 'andeamour ta g nve tà in Our neut. ti-Tse latter Part ot a seechs vni Dot foiu le by vonatilo unIa A en eataînnd try tbheui Plettilfe, but tisai e eliraOrt it, Rana eeCeiad1 People ias due l tim ehing. Ilo, coulat Ibi UNl thse ilote of the Ni triea, vush ita sojýritY4I rotiez of Oxafurd, ana Mid oit., ot Propeciy cepovl, g. places oeuh beîng co soapairiedi nies ('irer ellt lie (Mr. Cameeot) w, s grieat Majnreiiy of trie %ia Hfrcie rcerruîoi taIt, Lau] Metcilett a adt r. Cauren) cuad huw the saie of iseaktiw Ife tu leave lii cunatry guinaI thse pcragraph nd i bai] referred ; lie hotu t part snd pace] et i e] Metcalle sud bis OFi »d nil Engiand; tisaP bed boas miiled by ou Iepenikd apue; hbetlthe d&,an eo taheuo 1i a""sa dil tlhe fuert Pl )p.la tus iheir loyalt il aI Of thse Gocseunaieia afie th iCamisa att, itesaltmn cstb tise ai le vert airaLd te adt emiad fiau attgetsar il Fe tboy ozpected endl bc aOrtuta dmIuogsris ne col ore. mambor for Eue MsA, would vota for du miiet« aa uli] &&y tisa Vafiu for lil; hoe (Mr. C Dia 10 loyalty, it onsthil ài graoonce li' asjrt sop"toalof Lord gel r" ssmer "ou a rl whieil Lord Idsiralf1 litruaîud ît ith the da tin dooqht il. lis Otalai govareiseni. e" tevabîp.o pposition istiu 'i"~ Md tia, LAus hai n Dow Mrc. Iii-isi "e favwita. ho Was doclis i.imii tisa country let adr&l b6s fret. si, ivgilin5t. bat accord" Î; W;b. dii sel bu 0"n Île Ib ati (rp .n4a vot. ci el b.sa maýmehw Zoo41 e$iae MW0 i do ïmol t.dào is IMM du gaiut bm Ottewt¶Z uinitialhogh view ofthéa- e,.tob iles, 1 wmw& tue ieam dma" 0h, tse bor aeuhiOr ., Qiioib-ab- tâte w. eaMili4,¶ o dakthé,mn. litthe tise gis aiîYt à# imee, !=<v.ex1 :rotrom àe her<t te '-i **cieaj tai thl7.ee mour o(Uz kthaé,lGe 00 fit ernet ti I tt. sOprPO juru- reae hat mini thOn. Il o setdaihtti lis sa lis; 0 vilbu tecthý ieelUté &*Umic ud Ita hi* 1at i e 1w tU gis, ltirvl asta m agefrma tu pdar@». Maer u" ronde f anuwjugo" go aigri Sicand nedt tisee. euhr irdînga i To a are ctie isabea, ,whDur r;teca, 1 iflth wart o& .thé ,ermrrd.g peshom 1 Ol bupot prapocesip edtlfgO %,'tlhe hox g,& tduo e u i ,t uCder"ta latien. lI. De llet hé gitrata attis euory uth ir ssbele h ald cPtri r Nesiar o 1 adoe 10 md d. lit t qiiettO il aisé Ib ti o rdq1o upteth ue th ie.caFtuendaha th' e i- eilron epnt n gc br gDoerileri cierbane goeril .bu ~ :rbasrfinut douavna. .u ,,,nrpat' heti tuh oancrue lobean as tadbpepl f anada. IL ianada i? lie atilire Ki, a otfit entodugip vasyet i wokittihiebon.eboeran t' igsoYrkU:er.te ative B aad*mn .e.brpaertîee souhont the rinadr lie ownhipmetigs iathe bon. qisi ill tela'ho nd e isarthatboat Wk, t, cunry alltuor ayrezshp" ; ler: ar.enons lu li thbonelens :y~ &.c u...rean n are wlbleer enedo m tri te uesioneisue.: the rad quela 1:jc Ta ecuri au wcr ch elcînîfsme aptelhe.t;rmntlirupturea s.inda ]andn j I. hÀ truoie- et tut înîndBondn]e.i lutI riet sur tie rrs:isre&*MegOa NctIrV amr tn: wi Trre oReete Cayi rose:lrcri tijc t o ie ivitesL ird lb e nita i to gr onithe ,nh4er e " bttre o u ll éaillaib tIare ae %ru nIh il t,)' lie i 1S17-PreieVu Ten1i-ri. lluin l is bacs cfils e t fcees orîectispai mou tu th te1arr il hich stceon or , rl':u î daenB it brn rlh e xpini. r: ' ! ti:,s:îlJ Inotd vep ue .- suain wuy panrto recould r un. se our'rlîeen cahoduieme r I Iiu .teu pU.8 po e tue ln.necso e pol , 'eta:Iyuntlint eien'as totanaisutnt a nji t lei l bd a Ivn cingisy bc al. hO ' relure a liopuel tes e ie el te uc(l tir. Ne on uion ten ireln tie îna h voero.istoget tin. ."ril requcîed Lorduiss, r ld t nt i'ictend ta ablecan lie l2':t 1 ,nýt sil[jr.enaler) avisod a thle r acis aisel w hi e leh Ilee errLw r tu gl, url.trille %MIir Ilronc. bt 1sa eri 11,mîe hiventleman opcul lnî a îllun the at l. itoflts % uV ît engalengon m 0 ul ý 1cola iee lRontrd.-: wciats.I,, h onsteituio e luit aît 1tele! hIpahis o w oti l!itieu OW:t to ft ion etallusion e .rut - iChie f t 1hwe but]haan tai He Dr. Nef lon)afonda» nailnte ;hn hemernt'eren Ueri tarlim liai bau ob lig e a .5, c 'lan biit 1e iii ilAdeafollc I .n,'nthe (DI.Nrdelo)ao l ttýh "h roa fare thelfavofer. it fibe ie. ht culir îpvn~. . edOUt > o.tIra d tale saiow a'1sû cr flt ii in'u blalefe tlioci Tbiaetealo a u tOule ch. nrsant b a oai eecol vot îc bond Lèsir alis ur et ea lnce, lietledaM L e uro h0 eonIIe rennousit a 1 "ieiYtucrata rt ade.t ofideWi & h«411%-T ent er hnnîl, W '.5 lb o preees1 Re Htbaoi s"1Ituut ta eohalusioneîe îtr Me£shaîe.haiebal ht a Osr tln eabout pekn it (nt , cdîalehnco, belai ontthe a a etrsaercn go uipsi.a10Iina faib id t oan rtator dduildl taSO...iop 1 V s cLion n esomuee..eeh te Rae, nfte lbofath, NO r t la tii H"e.,. hLa two s m- re IL~..t féhei atih swa, ietrisqt sa eipsm *od he tht av.miclaby'75Via or Plèmok..ahJ, r. aigh n Mej, In ce wie, Soalt, arclsnt teneronut eTbo Îl & »dus. Pu~$ ~ Oé-add 10 thé àt Meaara. Tiherumr. Cran., Morrist Wildae" , *. iulaisailfge li m & ai voteu oun Mr. Price'a faeo atiotm ebbvt« t $hapeenled tiseuelvea For 1-l 'd Mtse* .. oient, f wfrarnit.(kêcq .an iterrupted IUr. >ict>wtahd, mul M.tr. Mcrris ontI only voeal sesinel ch Gawa*) but recommeanaed..il . ut ae tuo.> (lear, bear.) ai Again àr.MO Me -M te l a*,f à t couulot havre heen returne*'-.ua ou g eCrn lie oth mera hadLisy thoqàgt bu prescut heanelve: ho, coutl nul ev tu fr.KiDl wiso.oretrs forctise Tuai », dn. outi nodoubt lha certain, noirlii 8- ittgetqbrm>s.tlacenUr, Speaker, id&W C il u.a te risîe le ex-)inlatty5 a nd Ihat s te woeld bave ltg ressueoti Jilin ÉMI la gl butovtno Voutatiea ih 'fayot oi be (et. a4dites hesoe tne meeOihoual of Toiroc nteaif tbe town.alni frata a. favor c i a. Toi.. ad viser. ta tthx ma ry çn4 urit g h laie centefft, ou a. a ývtte'býig*cil buillret.oanablé pie ae th i uees, bai] al eàsieaanattibeiri, et fone oi f tiheProjjnee erie ploigeds fc ~,peeivieet ut a aiiîes eMl to adbole lou Utcatfe--in fact ri fettàtrÏo epreo«tatve ic Upper C et l 1 oAbceWrof tisaconcilse .9polea .. .Mlniajy.ituW haliewould enqie, i pylest tolzel vises macrepeaeted Km . issue fat i as li not sloty on tisa «ce id hmlaogaavoîdtna pninciples rof tbeep et cuitis« v.omaI»laeoed on tisbe neaui te at Kingstin, ici lhit speech vae thi la conoiaced ai]l vIn hebiein tisat lhou Io mi for tl asisienance if necesascy v o. ofthe ivery pincilples of contitutuoni )e ment for wlicath tisein miitry han]1 id (Hear,.taea.,hIear.) Tise bnantmeauhe A tnrned hy a large msaoityin opplusita r, aMctealL'a vies. livreuCol. Prince . aad ho boul gaineel is lectionn ly c te soi] proprety r0t cuadort. (Ciseerxanar triioanioi als) Mc. Mceaonahl repn sy oleervaiunt regacaing tise gallîunt Calei rdOf lu' g'telecîiun, hen Col. Ptl le il r1se TheSpeaker callil hboa n. to ocier. Cesi. Irincee,1I dli fcot vair r.Speaker again callei en lte Ileusme1 'a tise choir. bli. Draper 7losesond pu rit iscn. nsemuler cietser bta. ould pevuit te decîsion of tise Speaker le refaaing1 . Col. Prince et L'let cithédcevlise expi ro reniaiked t le oi Ppologined tus' - ffthlanquage lie Iasl umed~. bot h4 th b. ondesole.nl a@ apnlgzing to the til - Mcr. MCDNI)oLO re8tunr1ei. Ho vi If gai t tie etiiOuîlut tihe u. senber, r -eI cituda of the .Atorne.y Genirl, fl i a deecended esa tu apologize for tIre offet . made eue of bv i. Andt su respect oe ptaetann of tinat tea te the aerts i. (Mrc. MaD.> he sroul] ntt ai utelle n caion elvesurbre tna roter to il. Het. c.conteaudee, tîsat as regarde] tise remet:l t. denioet initisalattaMusncipal EFectei ýe tlise bon. ieniher fui'labels b.ed spobel . MceDômul<tu) district hed ula fehor et othra iue hmstse long sa tie Usa e roaerenialne]d ii tise preeot tMWt hé a lti le hpe t present for' a 55100 ,ttion firille Lieral pirry; buctishe tia irt far off cisen tiser people vouai] cnet ýj tiseir ptaeee, andi tra osier tise oanages s aiffaira of tlie Proince inte aLler Il p,(Mr. li.) uu'eeW declare houe, t1 MYmo With lsesecy chriétrîn in tisePro gsiieceveaymsathlyi.r tise evere a515K - cici Lord Meiratfe waasrlang, et canseul hlm te caSre Canada; aÀd ha 0- ltione ioveil 17tisa hon. nenber for1 ut inseul ituli Laanesorumekm ne etiaIti te (Mr. Me>.> vaushl usve eiserfslly'sti le but btuay tienstaId*s ultman's admn à- puablie auiroslutl oe ail eceseeime ea" lot ing farliser tissuea(Uri M.) wuare a. Mr. Pleine. bai disa <rsarksdi tu, country beoue lseit thilif'you -canun'ptam u,"q u"t <us tom a0oni - Lb. trtet<tise retsoukwhhlo.htkx of tise gentlenin eothie frostote belrbach.. Iefare onteeng os éthesola Jet imramatly Salitre cth.e hair, lie,<Ma'. 10- tu eûrirltienobon. museaitîu'frit'Lsae oiaepmuieat,'d bichon. trieneisiAw Lai ch bm. friemul isai fot accuscd I] ai h W. opposte of bcbgeyuopisats, but c -l ise. visehal u sed Htai aIl lb. Ps1 ,ne verniea.Alluedos liadbeen ieade-1 f riend's dischar-e of bha duliesas ais o f Uptmum e w11 ebl ncesllctedI ti Ib lb. ar ide..oftthse isuetuotiée tale1 in-. Huma particolarly, bailologiae.l hie ,é for hie able diseosrge eof thosedel at.semb" I«eeL" ue.;t kuov lta Spsl Bil ut a soi m iiat erobi"h à".hori. ftlsu], . wt et- ber. ([H,.m c.<3la çlis pa ered tu' btàlàrth tbi~ caidtU cnoaner et thseist.ry tiselit id~~~ ~ .#d m.ailîde ba a latoeala prepbnIn iît.j Mxvixe )n menuier ie.sttgartbtmyhlon. t.CaO 15bill i ofais MesnaiîSam - 0-~- ri~ - 'r-. '--M - a' ,. moi. ~ .n~&.Sa a un Ub was tay p~uemei*grusi aeeomi ~t s... JoW~ueato.e csneuapue nr btl biai 1; ltéauAd .6M tht n~gisl Peutquppmoimsthe tia(- nVfrau d. ~7 usg hi. v tavl eamn fim iseLahil M,.Çs. vlpblanvs nhed 5 ale leto at e#a i tl <e mm 'a ----a odaet iene- d ~uidite Ga.J>tIslndpea ~etet ~~I fiI$ùbvatlly eIlo.»» I e trme.iuitaBi; etI.vtdl a hi a lrei l.rê iva ei ta lo.te littie flme 7ane e e sissa, liinaW tht: - u."r6Ates~ iih 110 *le Psmd ie wovie" «ovarana lema tisai vthe ta *ill. sstcoiite M.P, an tosisrait" »VthU*- leo" k* svnmmn01.fahro'bOi*UI t àmttirtIy ablaostildci; dprvn l. mal .haeutpaigls au 1th ' .5a0, h u Oe vl soi Ia i o.ese mat enteis tatut i«0 .-ernt- idmairse ise. .ais!fore CRP See, at-the maaa tie li. dlItaËingealoseu -eb o Av t.elgil lv.a pnieiuda agulu , a.M vt Fnq asdi Cok, Du Iswv. lsa mpesît *.nj ed D oe till pa 1 e. S h Item lt. oi11 a.ug.a ba.10140 otee5 dti iahhdueofou b is.Wsuigit vrn rapa. 00, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iil Mu Il té?h aeal0 ieBo;0 evr-~ bu e a u btti i Palr.i 0»aJ Haam fegll uiltons tis no ..ih Ane ip theeca lé obeil mis. ac't,, * ,Vo pku C Io t nnua md traoéiusaey seaintSeIs c'a.cFrai6.ieai 4 moiruteei et hl h aiîtaqsbtis t ,e U c sisu' !¶for , 1 W tur lites sti jetafere. ' A h A m ibfl apl calia~ vryposuaarthsaohost htcoolr. m yp rovssos. mach .' 'pbooo uw I MR i U.us'ba au t tisn reno eîreu.i 01e0 oxeupil a ada ie l. uporte sor o d .lhaaîery fiaed i"Te rpensélt e tà iperfor s aila bre mal,'.c t-e difn'etton es- T IO »~a e - iihi prC>qr ~ b <M aPc s uiadtiébsI tied re paa "um 0b. isag ae eted. ____ 2 duoeoet ao. tib'eo rpiut l th a nea lia tnc ie ee aul Anall e b pacet i s 101.0 e h e u alatom r na .à . à tmr r î. . timntM eahlb eeit eusii aste . . i. »> ieUol'theona1 ut cash* ntg hof Ggeai- tiep0tl it el tdabst OMO-' e.ae%àe@ n >tis4 e enne an pw dfeil tl.i calusli lt tritoasunlrtathem>eu isoitybhil easuppot idga 3 r oadreai b t l r oe .iigt pn. bacs 'lbnbeîa iSb. * i «bucMt p'rl iha4e4v&rtt ini supe 1ce M ar- m i.tt 5 ceî ueeaai tenlbael adii f theh flr4bo m a s % km"- on re atios vill ).e r wUi " t Wp-g n lx 4 aais e eica' raS liutieoetbtIlae ta.r Witse aad et a.wth c -Tistisa l lie rk ae t -- lstata.. Tisa n i n 0<m f heMut -ill eb10. M WJ«uI lse nmUlpreth.ha eepeti crst. Lou'd~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:wtb»wl Thé..rcprapromis.a, auvbeabotii taairarekepruasseo.sasdill.UU faae .0 t a Uace B.;asul asvo bt-à olbbaf c tseC"utr=i ha iti e," orecluclAnan tien acsd" ti. tive;albc di a- pu qio lu m Le and .o..stmmabouts.ta"oaa t'. < a c'au'the y ia a! i uAcueaient Iaui. * sc, ut, ami saaaie Ith ~ ~~ 7a rlnch W«ij is o m a, TJ N..IU W . 0 a ia ioeeto ato idtie lace, n Un. , _f-irn 4o Cill ri.ta~5asiu o Ue" l apy .ll g vo e lis t en i on heupore rs of 5.0 0 * a Ex-N~15 11Wint? cu " a T athèm aac b tvt ansisp.,audm11mfhr1hutaid muthe PctitiaisKingston.iu Uai vut of ta- Ide'e d ' t.aor . .t t%.W-09w'v 4~< a 0m "P "f 1 47 Somesy * - a &abry for in Sco and i isa i 'li ftibUN 1* cOit ear Oa t i Jqu ei",iy'plu e bttért eninluap euuura t « Ir scpi a aurlmtr..atiae rlo bavxe "la 5 *juteliupport aoei dcr mei in imbeas. mreineg, in par. e a$ ]ae.% alitâtntheavina? "ahe>0y bu e itntlwoe vis p'co uni-lév 1<h S be;tt f&iCa'u M *es aevioariteei;tlia re aollia pao i ptveontbe tci eca btie. Sa IlP aid'ïlïod ~ anbri t Clut5c a, 1 b»e@V .Iàtenu 1 oiti i be c ne sec »Y a, ret l atsr n es t n rcarrel weina he o su asil Mtapol tu te lebllapesris y is7 vvel a -ri.ýts <a lec i nora laiir fts tdJde nStr melacas iaif fer h.lait.ean a fe.tational u"« W y rgiaaJIn tgl by.tic p -ectceetîngu t tse rue mi i ueleoyffl dyoAnlnia iriS force, saîboual loess,,t Pa tis forsadime Pyaenates ho a lu is. --'lce. a In pecaa I. Mnlaa cm o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ omt c.a InX rite aeM5atie reîyit rffsulcaffilec, tPi!etuI uoruiugIOfli hom ouYr Dan . lta DIs fortaoy I v uteto is ia isseauael-dl i mlk<noac; siIcn aisCîeaa a ae,tse ea bor l'Y.tc.etrr 0 LAeDSftioni. SAlEÊëic id tauistise . aslEst fiagstonc, aua atk l c ooe Ibodsc-snn oaa Iat ssm wS ;iitUn to ogol ato jury archicsuil se. 'or è m lX wi n A w sg a nataul sasse tirein tac as cacao pep tly an Tie a lr restrat .siat oa. vestta ss balao ni iedvl ghif. W TN .3 ou o ile As e cccrm I o m yil te oe.isc e. = vatommuvcdiotise c a alrs »t oeenelbM .~> taeasst, It i raric lîl Cus e gicetann rordi, t.ndà menmie tlyrelimt aa i e«n tisa r e t egtyl . aao la ts auanesueotpoecànehcs m e t.Welyn 'îodaa vr ild. fo "e d1th »lPue dis e tris O st e las cas siite on îtt th, tisaIvigilet.q.' ' . & e tiliebt f~be lchdiin tacdas A bt iptic'tsiéesf. g« rit i 1011 guroo ba Ilare meniser acremlnavsldaîy ai- TbusIbtsif 051' uilaîoea stis M-peiastii tintbiglI, anëht Courticeuor0 theesey C..a 010t sZr'.ii *11met-0 aid ît i e g1ý n ,Lt epîcas btt e je w k t lle îe mn onaelde cen t eo. muotii e otag0 tb oiSaliv ec'Oaaat <S aa b i..oli. ,0o.aaP me0 taUin d'ce t; ' édab sent, yl ou l nIs e b vera eigea iots, 'veîtuu ia tis'lac fi eac rièéab urab ie r isa ,beau tedaa y i »8il.te 300 rheeitioniU5 "Y'.roo, nilSs ni how Irat ui îe cuusmilct anll aîoroult a iaat behii i ogaentcrn u tu. o1bl ual ~ ustae b h ovec lde 5>'J5hi I 1li>.,hC'Ctitm tis ~ ana bmiletteholatla up Iy ii'~ n lto ie hn],etne joec ' bisavn ima; . 0 m emoli rv lgr.ujiitsatagaigea-Hnoaile odol 100 eclft At p courisn,,' dg y o nt, M a o at.. n4and ie hue, siflse t e r cei àv«ed sy l e ling eis nnrlbot hntol ai. dwe ing oula tu, be0> oidn I hs5 a p"e i nr apIf' le ICU 01 a.neu riai, Tap msy tend r a ra rt i Ab etotltipb:,, r o,1teCabr e h zdJde nS e gs~~~l ahatlserîties.ils inan îrîieut ctnrtevezs tseciuri , al -lle tis efaill ut îun a,gse " nat toM tIs il- can alZei= eeemaany, ert .epul cul i o estto lI U tu t bIs otu i Li Is ad be 1 fao eui sr'ln*Y mi e dngt o f r t"Ie choe u d thNi ectil f f t da.4of Apit mouete1'il asnfee h o- fio'r sitvaeamaIe ecvietImala a aa e utnac. igtn aîtrud aimai. gPeta ail ith ssiss,*Gelu ccaci c kd~m cea PiP. D)pe111 Sanau aslie net sose ntionus alhseanor. otar edi tiueap"'eat F ~ ~ i e fre qicktryfe ad belison et.T-thniaa,.lessoai au atq. a , evu- lui1 barseulllaeun estait taachamp orQdiart he li'ical* mu viitrm w hcnedd -4 riS5TraytstCmNne ]coovD. recouten rans of &Dytppst ann a sare i] ae. Meb.- _.d DiWaino. 100 Loeatch. à S. et0 wu le. goatseOrdd etoia ~mt~ mnî the Orgn e sat. Te ýntiat ec e getisgr dUe a detacsuent 0< b KE19. JC4 onhM(tr u upu.Lorduu'.AYi EAMd $14 1«r6ceratiar- the tOiatlEof te t o ailt T e., cill À iebrk ut laie it seîoçb >L W ..m !etosen ht a and o-asqitpapo itmoaar- 5 itéie siet et y i ttcfrou.andcet bte. àos î idse MO4 t. *in t bo n 1M. ean, bJaMi aitdDell, enntty thera reportt.tor esen isid« à tar" at "asaerare.ua%tcanonsud Ih roi r e ttieuti itatun. b epr tme Ce b n'f rs'lipofLtA tiS FORSweA L ssr trhiv d malcntne 'iolacy êtr ta aI isatin taut i" 1 pabouistit aslSon a B a t. td4w1 i alIsan - ogsJ>Q ~ i~*~e .I e] oin I - aforat. t e %v a. Mt- I rnd c ieiuty T t e bo aet réco;mlbtiomAtti. atli Iàorn . ti. c nde',ad lt.l ielhuit, ) dc. o ut ai t u case. tam.,ic ica eîtlpusi rpes t. urauDo tcmiid binU lrIt aesty lu h r u e . I la.moutir yel hafr. iMe rayiag m t se i elp ngt héW*flUOftodsewr &ldo-fa oa.auÇns.'a'- ihe.t I'PW t, eus nad an protisca mut n egai y e. *61toit thesacs0Pim tur e o(prmobtalctin h ic h Aa o eurlArstaag aicl>ay m iu taua. i rt ilau Mc. m eu'5s ma elila& u' t oga imes bru5~P~ An ilcied a iugilt aaffecs ire e narulaitisa e tcoire ate tiseisacc .0 oun.ut- ent.duty i t ,re 5 lta li genu bat thveetb gsn*e.t* t aoiaag u Bnsnab tec-ate.<altaur W lit rghM4» esun ttr, So# lt snor hmeu egoned eaascvgçttJyt H rse nlk ter re ta. ç rn p.asimod et se casn uy lsnos- . JAMnitin. Sin 11th. POLKa. iisoM. We oh.itue liaI lbihea dl aaita.TisiaAp '..e0.m at.a gtetanqriec6ay.8'-me Tieaj r4 etigrttieilbial0 luped an* e r , lesli te i, a d rs Mc.0 AGeaqe %ase a coabetjtn iu ti w. Cingaesoteievolstieoasimlilb acc ukaen* duadstra, Ul O- Secioua.1 ur a sb.beaa snht tcaprloce att i v anld1ma fctssa ns Io Shalqcet w&a r a v* a iettres Not.,,,fo spotalil ~ l e mdta.sIo etsudb Wiaieaath t ndeof e u k e se h. T ha otw tdu 1ta!e , ent iwtot.usdeet tesinle ar my iiioi 00ipot bars tes aîasen hmgveesfortutaet b pechena iidun oPatt. 15001 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~£ý leS FPUAA!%'11S(Paa os0 hieutb eou snvigt. l, hautntechat mme rli! coulul En In tWiTB ENGLAnI>oteofth artyN allstti nte eofate or nT ~t e Un anintnedso.-~~l~goutea mu idéi iti eaeru ac.b le nd lhat tithie Thers, Ifop4 ail th . uminrt xepas a sl oitw . , ' . *m ooaen th qetinaa morie *l n, ual 'vuaw- Jtg la p. et ta rntîe ei . 4asiu5pnOS Uttc£1<aira stbh ai. tuore ây r le heZdit uiùh Eii ul'dsii tli (hony. Thobjcfa! thie î e autrtuncut~~.. iniMro ai» u)y en i ' 0 c" 06 ce iP ýb= de fur i mi tu , a ' utuaboututiteon tgibgisaBlvegavegshoseans andtsu Li. iwdb ,dr me:epsdvta s.la alt se lu, is. ai ?s*iaassso ut %aimto-dr. l ce. n adiiso.as îa obenrePtle nl .duri regail Si latyisMaetheeeeats cd iè b3f. vu ct-I imon »eersaabut lise endillybaaitisletit Uni'd state cniue tu op ede 10 alaeu splistupgias,1111 theai Lb ufsr a e' . r ap < er, g y ssate axi escernald.tu ac as liWàtapII. Tas wnut etof £irw o olei. M is slt&,ate. vlisa veC o th .m 7;"dCu 'ee d t ot f-om adu vileth u-48 ckhw ydia ti aui he mo asso a c i mu 1, anabdita atC. ane, . oresgoiaypusIlv f& ue-si 6oI Îd4a e qiky6 Il o bh tim ale . en t tford by tIls.Canniee ac rce. anlam a.' a th oet, ;ehriiihadtatmn f h q l vas bi fur. eauafs eSucslts 0ei. ' ise ir, bal. . Ea>,,. pI,' .Itwaaitu latouatioteron taat wrbtt%"l dbh*ai f o h:1 m on, bpp( ac iqonu ps p i «eS e jbcuts al b. %es, et IWhM il, l'ea Xg.w hertu]-Éna nd y#6t.teIl-,in ' ." ofiir tinai e~iuati. s. chent %hm44" med ts5le. et Tha .FaIMthe ' Eremiméo ai. 'ayc , vlaatil u ast é OR tole01Xx h.pt Ger lay.80 tc ountry in"0 09 Mwe tae-o ogc h.cieiedM.Adrl I» rt l me ou b M. Bawn Ln. pais tita th e asu i t i M yxotielpuua teqorsue eo, idenauatoyi h rer u ti vîemtrousaun te n .uis e dirlM al ise e . M eVal! ( Rim a gy cbot. lit jo enrl rstogM7u enbsuSlle 1t at iaitte e he ape sç usdt i ptioli gait~. t p morabthpii w iaiGm lueAmosiatoMthwlilt h bmo a , vWay M. aeeettaffy éV it eufur ma I L T abM e6hp4wr4uai e e e re c l av on. np1Mi Buseei W «%47 al»drety u ovie% t 0 heoear epcigte eoi.tI cwhiab0<à baesauuraru aco.us, beuui M etyetUUparfe«b aply W î e. =, 1 euuJibat bav bu epi Qeltus. risvàSange l' -»e aueoOi u utrghs sabtamr hatflngttw ee et o e . eau iOb ' e eugloQp - aut.J" sàP OK. ii bmiw. tie bbies a tel w n?(u nd s h e h 'm'a et th..~.e miniam u d Ipi B e isut . ai clumtêtu Om* w s Wtes. *! splidan Wtr budeelsc 1r atollnu , ae thacas 1- la--tOf---g-Y b duremetnofteiabat f Kigtn t itItu mielMy< e AtU l aecsî.h àxm uttot-b i n or u *d*,ti 1.Bab wl bu;k t to.l ipqelI;t u'in l f aesi lamsm e oab inh@-n eI RsAArotsFa* .cnt ftoem*uille wsba se adte métsavsbue me tru l.=, iuehTw. mrW ne iaa w*l se iMw-MEGADADME-la iN-uh 4ê *.«oivtraeâ, 4 le unà» 'emïa b@6 1 tàcoý - - ---- aquvauu.u T"en i w m S me MMM7