"s __ w.6 - CONSTITUlTION. uais inwe irv v yn i m , sw . AX «u4io t e ime- t ow lbeIaem t yses "sî -efa, s Ob 1 ou p. e Tison nols la i l e *:bi, Agir.a.-Forasse us>'bk.ud fsunasa àsdis e t îl e 011>; bu tbtise>' t e alla a sve to n aie siése Use; * $allaUt j l chargiVitis enamewu m 1 row ba "-P M tise Oerm eslm 5- ciiîg Manimdeationta t MW, peO s.!Y. is Ioe dmalieite " s SChtY.Aald egur viie bave' ýwrme4e" u bot if duBallaI> un> alo l amkldan EIM5OSalT uzuzaim. Ag>. 4-Tia eesibte sahmmsionce evrr'maraisrd trahe cionorbeiseset ueb la s ea> e i "etm teds Ovecfgiss.-~ fora Quasi.. Auj le Ausai meeting i"sutale plean au duiOet Tmosesinatcahe. At. &-T1e Ofines.ofai ibis amt> 11 nw«u> « on»pmmg ecretar>'.a 7Tua- aueaCelaets.su am aComudtteed if syt> plr i d il0<hom siali b. usubers ud le. A&i. 0-wThe Pemdent, or, in isenes. oua cf the Vies Presidetta. shah presiis as Ctssirmen ai Il nmeno f t 0< i el>, MAdil ihel; absence, a Cbsirméau*hiall be chassa pro tami-be ash ma ut ilqb*eWti s eguly> mowed ms eoutIei, annocee *Il d..lal.u. iep strieaoier, ad heve a santiasg »t& As*. 7-Tise Reeorim OgeenlSsy Scookp fair suit correcb minutes of ail tdu tramueln of tIe Soclaq>. ragieber muber' nee Sud"ras- Wjeaees, sei. ail aticS. mas.out611illesiifora the Collecter, reails alim udestute ua. riet>, &Mipal' the ms ate ieresme. tali hie necipl forduheaus. emate i nsg ii7 previômaste bbir boil gpeut b y di T'reurer, psepare sud ea tis aAnnasl eport ifthle Inn- Pactisees f tdu Siet>' attheir Annau Metg a"su blisisthe saie Rporttimaous ofthe 'Town pparean utdehoivsr op ta hieaasser in office rlmei ndas papes beioagng to tise Society>. bison In Iis poesession. Asr. .-Tisa Correspoutîng Secretar>' *hal serrée&aIlnotices for apeciai meeings, and par. forma ail thse ities of the Recoriing Secretar>, in the absse o chtisai scer. AsT. .-Tise Trasoerer shahl receive il ma- ucyx paid ta du Jocrotary, anitdsalhave &I tise Seiet>"a tfa& in bis charge, Vsbotber ma- nej's or sucb obber properl>' as@hall b. petitt hi@s iande, gisit sen tbe surpus fanât amanit to e "àpouindu ton siliagibmheatne shalibe itpeitudith a ae vingsBasic la thea»me of tbecBsb. Melie51leeép air ud »Sear dieosuta c ail mot a ell peas tencsived b>'Sains, of viehb.'ahI aaquarlir e pat Iotbis Society, shovîssg dubamasesan at andaîI deliver up toalais »«e@»sril ogScIle aIonduis. propen>', haom. sud popes bmiogiug ta the Societ>' tbea seSis pmuie As,. lt--isa Colecter sMail =ls' i s raauages du eSfosiet, sas feu se prectisaise, m" a du mb t h imuouin slary for w"I eae imai tale bis receeajt, sud &hall 15- Por t fadu0 aisi> t eëmior0tsu meetlins f àhled e"ate doe o. A«v. à -ACesaiet, »WUha b appointait ta coaduet lb. buie iibm oft cis>', sasstng oft tMlaiyme, ton <iof h els*"l b. Suions due remaisider, Laudamne, bath 0<of lcs u"y>b. of dilberent reigions teaasmatione of Christinus Thse Couesiteshahl appoint Il aicers, and s$halil e cisargeel vus procsriag ftestheSociety' a olbk e place for preaeiag, ami proper per. sons ta d cie.tb ieein. At. it-Ths Comulttee @slslb.eabe" d ta pur1e Su Blase u1. cipures vitàmotoro ommii4e'zt,and ut olserRiglees lýet Ibm loe~t poesibe priceste b. Cireulaleit b>' the s amea4 Omam &Msut teir famille. Aar.Y multtme"aoiset suit. abs eousta vit SBores adtW i i im; te ditaeo Mlhies.Tesle., ise SmmSusa Hyne BonisTrects, sut otier nreligieu s e lu invite lisses the splme et 1pubic w-vosiip; ad te prome tduGospel amosWatermeu. Agir. I4-Tle eumitte. Sb&lhv pvst to eioigesgosci a, a bl &"b"S il". Te0 poreue Soleies. ?rueb Soctetes, Dilir to - a t aisbwastabliliTemgenas aSmiiereit, ex-jîci, rmise <tishe Cmmillse A&w. IL-Tise Secretariee far Ils tiseubain« sa"l b.eseiiesas iseui ofe et0ls Selt lut me aller peremial bave thnbpivloe Astr. L-ýTise Commiblue "Ià& vsw ta espel troueb bety wayu>'Muer lia u bavebt 1 ssiesibisa jury' of bis coUaiqus of 1C , or 1>Mydiagramlhcoodeet. AJ*T.8_1%ePresideat, vtistdu advie cd an>' timsu mmissr , aol as peclal Meeting .f tise Socialty, b>' iiag thdu eios1111g01e1, bar>' tisis a>5'Seie. Asi . -4a «cetdm*ah s esmaim ie n>' 4" f cr " is oet>'»M, sr eulr le elue etitise mut meethi>'meeiOg te &L Asr. 2,-Tbà sCoatitutimo sIam uetbs teroit or ausisod xcept as s segulmi a àdeWd the uSociet>, uS sis duhe eec »» i tisirdo e tohemuera petu WILLIAM MRizLLI KbW@to% , SMsrs, IM Tt s t inES llÎex aw.Ti aial eu mbs l ai preedt isaTou,% Lave"edsi ai U u iest cf ll Tov, iu.aes *8hait %WaluN%vieTb* qusuiosua emlsqif is *mw mmito iee satalateease h er meuleSs 5mS1odI ,Pr»VýeIt.bw fM" b@ » et4, laossdaae ses 1 beW te pesa u ss th tw duLee( *0is neaabeaae Csau, Md ar1of a» voeu., hb es emssd utpeng*msd vm s- shteabiî u"m ber prum& d&es»We shape aJ ippourtue viii mbe l uai eri sui ber oseemmodations rendwedeit-mpeL lie opseitami pevr aurei' e.ely et aspe1!eterl isame m w e Bstdu"v tls vata" lbsusa masot"sa sd Teree.- "Mimaséya tb mem>. siugenuw no" tri etes Laula ui Isw rJ"I bn«: bu umd vii br uer>' eseee buesss lm Mb s>ob" b. uhUse :&P. Osas. = =1ae 2eIes.Asl jeanuva. 3 useblis aw, %i Wuetem Ua"wic4 Tmd"6 às, 0 = 14Geleeal sis.Mp 1ls'Ne siabeM. J,5,.ELis MidislT&ss> ApuilI&. WW ooVisos. UleUW.is.Is, 1 7. T-s am"e TM. c" Jssnc Dam, Tassas. bw.heg.msylL 0f W"bi s onS, Ualaisstas. cur»s% e,*"sud-d à-Pos Oons, a. us 1s te ta*e sthuR. CKRILEs C.SMALI, If o erl£W«eCr Moed Phar. H AVING reigma i theCreva Landa Açnyfor tbe Msdlumd District, in anticipation of My election for Kttgston, lte intossa unfrieudla and thse publie vii co060tie taci sa private LéanJ Agent uutl .11 My transctios via thse Crovu Lanis Depsteu are fil7 o010084 sud 1 reapeedUily oeEsr wy ervieus in Iis capact>,ssnru toe bo My 'employ mse tisas îlviibe diliget luthsdisbarge of My duty, aud moderate iu My chargs. As Ooverumeat Agesas boe for several yeurs, 1 have acquired a tboreugb kuowledge ofland aibirs; sd I eorrespou id i dte mseu a- spbei Agoet aseed Quartera, for visose coat have mi pruesaalarge @su oLan4d Scrip fer Saie. My Offte wilbe forthe future etmy res- ideece, vatinubll a milofKiare. Kisgate, M SOpt emtber, 1844. SE LT, t. Z)ELto «er thse oeupied i S"pnot as OfIcrs' Qarter- Possession eau bogîven la a leVr days WILLIAM SIMPSON. Kingston lot 3.lih>,184. NOTICE. THE sscriber bas on band s <mv Cha T CaMessund Anchomn.and as coupauas snrtmnst of tarrsd rop.. visicis bhoii ds1oE 0<c aiyey owd-CRAILLE W. JENKINS Kingslom Tels, 184&. T HE Suscriher baving been sppointed TAeuurr.for the sle of Frons tise veil kuown Fouuxhy of 14r. IL th scSofa. mg< aoon band, duor the aces Md tm apro sueras, sud ul eitecut. orders et tise loves: smarket prie. or urn spproved erediL- Count' MqerclissUs oulel fad it t îeir ad- vantage ,m cmlibefore Ibe>' purce»sehms- where. IE CALDEI Coaanerei al Ws Kingaton. AUg 20, 1845, GIREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT 1Tm Ompe<Ls&a ie eaa mHmea-Pvess Sron " T BMWMB§t taes tise pportunit>' ha bu" àgrout ,esetlm is dueprisa o eves>' jeueiptim o etanisare sud Fane>' Genis. sud liat in la itaem ilafuture t eln VERY LOW (Wbolmesl or RetIl) for Cas, or a rorUit. h > 8 lis.ans'redueit.Crw ova wemoersai Ro Irion, bal ouit and Hoop Irai. Cent,, Crawley. Wiss, SIsigi soansui Sriug T.m Plates se, ir.ac, asit Canadla Plates, Sist lum Md Beller Plate% lse' Cepper. ami Deaaa. aSuIAt smsd Zme.. Haeemm wDru.of Wtse, w 8hud"i Table mi tier Cutisudmm Silver Ivon>' amisieur plabteiboudie l aivssudFerla. Bilver pinaltTueServisee. britaennla 1etmi.Coppor ami JapauaitWare Table laupe laglu sat aer Lamp, C&aalira sud Cis eis Farmnt mplemensuit Uteuih. PatentSawsu tee mia>'a ui"es& aieeait owhlag Places, Jamn'.corpenaer si Ship mduiite' Tol IIasatlag sud Cuisit Hai, cole, Mat, sad Cern ill, Bhel.mkld Asvila, Viessllmo, Paista6sudode, Wiudev assuddmty Cordge, Gise, Telsi PeM1. Chuse,6 CHAULESW. JEICN S MUTUAL FM EINSURANCE COM- PANY OP TIM MIDLAND DISTRICT. OFFICE INiz£RECOURET ROUSZ. DAVID joHN 8ek F. r.m1iun. bom ma, t. ams Nouas, beau~~~ Nea, Wu.&uusuau Es, loirPIEvATz SALI Je n r MraeL a TOVE 1 «nnm"g ww er a - aaaa4sq. 14. leu 'ARDWARE. J AMKS POWLL in returuug duanhi toba nnsrosTown msd Countsr cx »Msars for theurpeuf&vouu% hes teanforu dm= sudi the Publie geeael, dut be bau ~~~aod lt. hie Nrw stoee ajosi abad stad in Prim. ceme Steet.,wbere hebu a on band, sud mou or HEAVT HARDWAMRE S.RELP AND FANCY QOODS PMU". Md paint mSm PLAIN, JAPANNED& BLOCK TIN WARI And STOVECS of aul descriptions,asulc heretofore uaîpreeedentsd l isn Mueku - AiLso: A 13W nOMMUN CAMIX8 Tisiri>' baurs sud eigltdaym, tomether vida PLOUGH Ù- POINTS of vexious pattra Tbeiigest pnc paid, cther in exehasige or cash, for nid Bras., Copper, Pevter, sud Lead. U» J. P. solicits tise public patronage, trusag tisas bis pricea yl asustain hlm Ummi fully thsa ny laugtby elaboration on bis pari. Kiaguea, Marcis 18 1845. TO TIPIT5ADPROMEMUTO 0O T1 HE undersigued haviag purebssed tdu I.above Establisment, begs te solicita continusnce of thse patronage wbich bas beea au liberullyj bestowed upon him as Agent ti thse Foundry. dedt ti Having revised adgetyaddt h materiai, hbecau confidently recommend the. Type îsow msnuafctured by him as equal k amy asufactured on tiis continent. Wie services of an experienced practicaý nman, froin Newe York, bava been engaged ii tise snevlanical department, and tise Printan ini this city am econfidentl>' appealed tasu t the. beaut>' sud qua>i:y of tseType eust t di Fcuudry. A specimen vililibe abortly issued, whe tise Proprietor will do hînssel? tise plessurd of waiting upon tise Trade; in tise meantimi be wii lie happy tu eor hear frons dieu inclined to give hlm tiseir support. Od Type take in exeisange et 6d. pe Pound. Printer' Materials, and suy article ne matufsctssred in Montreal, broughin lufros New York a ee0nt advsue . CI. T. PALSGRAVE. *** Neseperii uaering fie ilour Noeoi t mnoths, omcea Sok. s"Iilibe essiiiled à Paid ian 7peon lîag four limes the emounh. adserisisM. COMPRISING Statiatical and general lnoo c sctice eouaected viit sl partsof<thse Uppe IProvine; Distance Tsiles; Lit 0<Professio sud Traies ; tge s»d Stesulaout <smu; Lie of Pont Offies; Hatela. "&a&.-with corrna desriptioaa of the eainig <stures of esd Tovnship, an regsrds So, climts. prduetiesl &&--tugeeber viii a mass o aler usafoli nfo masîiae, eOMWecWd rom tise beu t tiOgl4,vesi led by prseai slevtion Ml sd enquries o0 eau spte autber havisg visited oser> soya, vil lige sud ne w seulement for tint expreussPu Emurbellishel uti aswsperior UAP, in shic viii be laid dovu oves>' village su" aew sebil mnt la ome basisme vlais.,boe&d.Pries to sul serilers, 103. Te bs reedy for deliver>'in Januar>, 1810 t7 Tises.pissefrais vbieh Dr. "Mithoh m51i lia sdW ufratios. viii b. vWsi à him darsg bisapresmut esmer sud aum. F« BSa"eby the Subaclber, UsauaMatai bot-WouerVésise digi Md lats. CHARLES W. JENINS. Kiagao,Poi., 184&. due la duga bVA uT MISN * b au* "w >' jWm e* su>ai - ciu tf netm msinistla 0 qilia fuma us mmlles sisseeinu sd.eilspmesL* Mepf t~ sulepI or. ~ ~ A. & D je.webtà*" *0 v par i~.era ve vpmadePRINCESS STI Ibià iseuatiser tbsa iiltpPt ESPECTFULLY aequaimi ilahtat *#W ersiti n* tfl84boo nFALJJ IMPORI mme*v body. AM MMviseis timisin tishe . asnov on bond sud roady for inspeci the h Il ef an oetaiPia ni do" tis de. imuime spsstliue th t i h m Vbtbey NCY A N D 8 T A P L Wsa80811111, muls msssud tiserop"ts 31 a mata tmaieOfrom nt atta 0OnU. tisaha fod replete witb every description of Ni aretosigid.tise perspiration cOSSOs. 515and s for dbaituasd Winter Traite. legim eta c te developte itsif. Homse. adedition we a very extensive Stock nov rec sa ts,,50 et isstuer et thse jaees, origiasle dod, Menaeos, Mouaile DeLaines, Lai nu coplati eretesaI __v_ 1u Id parscularty direct ateation tiseir Stock i h clstm iathe wId die <om ditae a z » M C L ducal a ff 09 tise INSENSIBLE "MoA wVE y.o, oousE uunuzx.x Lot m et znov, svery eaudid uiad,vwhst A~ & coassesesetise mm ressmashie ta purell, te uoutp thspores. aller tbey _ars closait- tdur v alarge and general Stock of RosiE OrWol u gle isisvsk w UNS Phtbe de.,ala ool, Cloakings, Lineas, Cotnns, Gi Or vnia 'ou pahisointhin tha voud timbiez, Ileaver Clothsa, Brosd Cloho. Cassîme ibis anmtthe surface, visere the ciogging mt- e1 alî in 1 Wouid ait this li common se, - lad Satit, Indien sud Netted SHAWLS, Mut And t 1 kIluow of no physician vho dâos au>' in gleat varet>'. exterslpplcatio toeliet it. The reamo i-1L siglle tel at col medicine vithia tieir kusw. ia1 taa Ispin scapable of doing il. Under tisses cir.. . xcellent ASsortment of Fîus and Fur Trîn esustauem, 1 pesent to ph>yscaei and uait lcLndc, c ilera, a prepuzatioa that las tieispower i i@ ritcnss - e. usnlisSpmlr. el fanent extent. l, McAligs'AU M, ,I hecs-trehapson 0 Spebe.1 tu masture perspiration on tise fmt, on the bsoa&, in diseases with visicis chilitren are afil.ct- arcond old sores, upou thse chest, la short, rioiutise abouti!t et» il the Oirat medicine in e. 1 d auj' part of tise boity, shether diseused alightiy tence. lics great are tise sufféringe of infante .5- or 1eeel' Zni cidren, shen the>'acsneaibiser @aiatetheir scri lbbsPWER tu cause Il exernati *ores, wsnts nor point outt bioupain@5 1 And bostnany e scrofuhou houlotta, skin diresses, poionousihcessni are svepb off by grivia internai niedi. v. ouais, lu disebarge their patriit matter, godkimes.ven tisir young houa it tender trames- thon beak hondie. a ouabletu bsar s'OPg.înst illeul Whola tir. Itl sa aREMEh Y that svmeps off the vhsoeimime are tisus sat to=t»sugrvsnierai>'frtra catalogue of cuta"uos Mloriers, sud rettoreu porilg luto their veak stomnacisa powesflld7sgi the eatira cuiele tu itsoiseaibyfonactions. afpks!! Il t u toeshsthat t1he Ali-l] i;gper Itla a REMED Y t5at orbida the neeestit ,!aimnt tendlers aen sae. Plo'-,i4ad h s ane of onana>' aitdmelterious drog4 taken into a cure in their sotte aj1nd sickstesa. Fes, e. touacl. ns>, perbaps not twnue or four in a .It isa REMEDY that neither scleasgise theusand wsoulit die; witie ntu 5«U oulit be r le 1ncayane. mr la daugerous tbo due imb inst&,ntl>'rolieveit of thoir pains sud infirinities.- nonuU. Such csses as Croup, Clwodc, Cholera Infantuv, Ilbpreserves Et iefeais the surface fron ail Wormss, and al Ssuaîser Comsplaiis, b>' shichs~ in rangement of ito fonctions, whiteilb kespe ope so inan>' childreui di, tise Ointment viii remove me ntib chemnoets for thse blood to voit ail its impuritieisu epedil>' sud surel>', that a pbysician sii l e- tih. andt dispose of ail itscueea particies. Thui ser hm needeit. W. would hoe pres upon to. le is a coanection, harnuon>, andt feasihîhit>' in it 4 Ihers thse realit> of these thinga. We speak 1 le blut defles contradiction.Ila la a simple,.h4 earueatl>', becausa se fuel il vouid be wicked - Lo woniterful principle that preserves in hlt1Il> not tauseu thole meacus viîcis ould removo eratiaus bhe entire machiner> f1' a ' rbiu.jthair suffering, shibe ilbdit net endanger their . Iiaiissolublholdo ozther the SURFACElies, or tbe strenglh andt vigor of their young 22, bIse INT RNAL VISCERA thse IT . coastitution@. Mnthes! at tirougbout ait this 2 lu NAL VISCERA ait the SUR FA CE. T lait, we now slemniv usascredi> deciane bo J oa joined. The murface is THE ouîlet of fi - your chidren tronu as early grava if you a'ill use je uightba of the bile, and asend up mater Vit . tl; ait nse tîserefore aae ihis appeal in their li ia pierced it îisMILLIONS aiof o ing o beisaf that the final responaibilit>' May' bceyour ni RELLEVE the intestines. ;P tup tic own, i<ihoy de premalsurel. Aside Irofnsever>' pmsandDEAH kncksaitou l r. t nteestto oarselveu. se charge >leu to talle llus rigbul>'tre blHy:g fort inser e-sc.iseituto viat se now tell yoss. We atm not nov le 1' s disease. externat or internai that itl ii stuatei t> he least Mtaire of gain; but know- go not beneit.Ilb viii bc foun thtie mont asefî4a ing as vie do tîsat vast boadies ot infanteaid chil.- vebi ase he eaot familv nmedicinin bha irea idie arl>', wsichis lauspposed to be ineviba. er sorld. baye used itfortîislet fourten *ro ble ait impossible to prevent, we boIt up car sis ucceas sitisout a parallel. I have lit ilssrning vîice, andt deciare in ihm face of lise for aslhb issaof thecheat, Consumptiori, Ier. sha Volewol,j sud thse mosu t augerotis of internai matd*in~l- CiUdresa neud na die miore Lan oflsers. a vélving tbe Intauat danger ait responiity. RBtit s frott inoe aui of proper nourisisieuit sud 1I itere before Heaven and man, t nut andtheb constant dneggizpg tisa>' ndergo, shicis la caoe single case bas itfallai totabeneft.ihel uoillheul doaa as tise rank gratis falsu before el' tis, patientIva» sitiiathse macis of marti sesos. tIse s tise. tC ry 1 bava bati physicia., loee ornt ie'prsits. M»srs erpuaiagamn, and if the>' vers be ioa; I bave huit misiters ofthtie Gospel, 3i - thse ast worts se sere ever to latter, aitda( course son thse Beach, Aldermen andt Lawyerp, i ps-th rae e taI oeresl, se soulit ci>, diminaf thehbigisesi erutition and 1U7- lUse the Al.1-IIEALING OINTMENTfor - TIlDES of the POOR& use it in ever>' v e-si.kness amosog ehild, eus." t>' of way, aidttier. bu been but (m on. VO e R jnxOATlS'.- lt reiiiovs aloist inuanoiiate. ce unitediunivernai vnice, saying 1-McAlister, or1]y tIse inflamamation andt swelbing, vison tise pain ýr. intmnt i OOO.11of course celâses. orHEAD. ACHE. FXUALE COTPLAtrT.- tl nglory ait power la m Th misshe bu curmit pensons of thse I t mgnifent in no vs y More thais in tbis depaîbment. il Ache of 12 >'emr standing antivho hadilb Iafaiiufla ion of tise Zcneys, of bise wao nsd its et lard>' Oe've sl e, nu that vomniting Indien falling dosa, seakness. soit irregularii>'; la Cà place. sor«, &il tisome iifficulties visicis are frottaent 194 Destoan sd Enr Ache are Ieipeit ittsh fsitisfrteils., finit r-ait>'ait permaent relief. N r- ile saiecees, se aloo Ague la the Face. ScàxALinl"s.nnWe hava cuireit casesa that se- t c-COLD FEET. tual>' ieflee everytlsiig known. as soul as dis bh Comsuoptiou Liver eouplaint, peils i tise ailit>' of fifie or tetatt> doctorat. One mia l- chnt on aie, talling of tise isir. o ber toid t ue hait @pent $500 an bis chilitrea. vitbs. r- alwayairmeripaies colt lent. Ilb'la e cet ban>' bemtl, shen a feton ie it of dmese in bihe s>stems ta bave :11ol t. st mont caret diem. eis Thse salve vin orerathe isse ksi l r- Coas.-Penpile neoit noyer le troubled it bl W- ato sud tisa.curee ven ase. theni if they viii use il. Parr3eco0tasSait Gem, sud Ers s lu, Mi 4 As EA.LY M anexN14D a si o lusre il a probaisi>'the safesb sud auront cira tinteilsvalue. Sa lois i sthse stars I roli g over l. verLtTheise Mus>'b. nid of Piles. the Ievene-selong s*»ualreaitsteerb Lips, Chappait Hams, Quinn>. lBore *. uljc t i teiflmtes0 b eis ontog Dyspasis. sud ail Nervoas Du««ne as %diseme ad siemusamrekuon-ýa@t seulIs" i -s op"asiCami" nts. viil ibtia goeoit iutlueut b. un"aud e«toaases1 b>' Tor Bl vas hbasnet il@ equsal inthei I ,Whou ase usses troua off the cartdi, tioe di And fr Chust Disease. uch s À MA14 dae" w vii reps. anit not tili thenl. j Pans adU ie te lr. JAMES MeAUSTER & Ce., 7 ai emet' coparable 10 It. 16Madiol rct NtsYork, mi îMLS NTE AEMSC ESole preprieabof<tise abave vldie t kmf DM PMPLE ONTHE àcrs. m scu NE aIl communicatios mnt le addreueiepoob pai.) SIIN, GROS8S URFACE. Pries, 25 cents sud 50 cente. 1 Intri acioi hnta expeil au bahssor. vini CAUTION. sbu cesse itra utihe bmface in <me f:s>' As the AU-Heing oWnstu.. bsbea gusai- rtia ma bulodged ader die sis ,sud y' caterfated. tise have given a ierauLoate frequeuti' .uamis< ont te tdu surface. Ibm. bthe publie, tâtât -"ne clamsant viilb. gousis leals.Whoaureo lainnotling but fc el unîmthe paueseofJais es cAlister, or Jsases - doiti rpuaîva surfame, it isegias te snd McAister Et Ce, .are ssrithea vils a peu spu sofle saI theibmaabecoues as amoacis dâ- «" l." The label le s sisel engraves. Reste a aebild's- vith the lgre of* insihfasirtOa"on WORMS thebmieas If parens akmwevrfvtaliot a ~4i-uas W For Sale by CHRILES HEATH, vire Io eiulitren talsinsariltl y u lie. Aet rnes tet igtn elov te remsu t etss. Espeetil>' ria 1tPl~ aIKigtn flmss" collisittI icatat haemgs, - ver. DNEW WROLESALZ .lfage. pfhh.t". Bec veeit psmote IMPOF4têTNo WAREHOUSE, "sIaemy tisaI v elverslM»e laMtKINGBTGN. C. W, M L Tise S=utel h.ntioms eua mal lusirug AI de em*« «Mu u m o dieus PreosY vIeà vrome aep ot. Of ose ls rymo W.ue-.# cr m z = 41 lin M S te the OI5Oecuplalt. Nom le'ts?55,OA*0 ma mces>' te pelasol. thistisus sa" lv in i efunte ne sa iun ifsa ebuld bu vomit. Lot k le enduàitcm la 1084 î' UIoeed t w M boeit, theel m ontse' abnntsu , ad (a ilainVus., liquanitsud Dry' Goide, yl leuopemed dum deva - d It soelleu d ti e . l a i," » l i s . w i h tise>'ple iga ti s - have lb iii RIV ose>' .11eS du Uldi l55t ioor H A W iof Kingston anîd viîÀî1y a&n.ý. TATIONS, ien. Their ssortment of E DRYGOD Ew, FitasiI Asi FCI .et zeîsuvg of Plain, Pjintel anzId . mna, Coburg, Cashmere Clotlhi of CW AsND 5EAUTIFULLY sry, ]lankets, 1Flaninrf., Tarfar, (', :ghsa.s, Ho'0 le's Fast l"'.; ,T mires, Tweeds ar.d CI.e,,,o asins, Nets, Laces, a il Ne ;e a mings, in Mamaîn, iSqourrei, ard Siý 845. ]POWDER. pLASTING, F FF 1PFF FFFFI Jsporting powder for sale ;.v ti, Sig riber. CHRILES v J1 tîy Kingston, June_17, 1545. -TUE flOTEiij SPPOSITEthe Caii,,,e semotar, is P Street, sio ow ope n for t.e leçpt 'sons requiring Medical and Surgea. ma ce. Visiting Medical Officer, IDR. liALhAILL Oonaulting, do. lix.-SAîr, i. N. B.-Viuiainz hour 9l to lii, o 1 kLL partica iuîdebted ta151fr I.are requsted htuîtike ome oit. and ail to wehorn lie S r air accounta for payme nt. Kingston, Juiy 24, lS4û. F O R Sale b >' W M . S M ' O , - Street, ý20 kaýechoicl lack & Gretl 5 do. Soap Lescher's London Starri, Patent satin fà1 cd ido. PIug, Nalie 1, Ca' e nLsh'a liga dew T' bac Cos. r Patent Fada, Brooms, Writicg mi Wrapping pipers. Ail tbose wiîo need hle services da Lspermenced Denti.st, are respeccaf2.v ui M"' Adrice Gratis. September Stli, 1 S45. OR Sale, l>'W' v M'( F 310 lai. No. 1, North ShortL 11 . ngs, 75 Quintria Tahibe Coi f 'h., 7 biais. MacIsarci, N. i. 10 Tierces Salm ona. - Land Ser[P ',Or Sale. PPLY (if bylbiter post pssV 0tJiU A HZMxsso, Land and Grocral Ap% No. 33, Little St. James Street, lODtreil. teA. %IANALIAN, Land Ardsf AGENCY AND COHEniBSI'ON USl3E81, !lHE Subscriber respectfailyCfeiiti ..L sncere thanks to bis friendu .M *l publiecgen rSllyJfor the xery litieril um lie bu received sînce lie c;.mmCCCtt" nie, in Kingstoii. and hege tu achluil t bhat he is now p rep red tu receler C % jnent@ of an>' description of Prert.5I oid stand on the Commercial mWLaK~h Prinoess Street, when every efort' ruade te gire satisfaction tw those iwho favor hon with their patronage. Froro bis extensiVe ace1uaîataice rraeageneraliy, lie il confident t h i dise of PrPerty ' fibmch l d = asg&) ade nageas WayOt a ne bine of business *, ,(,,, a l»1 Commlercial Wharf, Kin.g..tn, 2nd Aprl 8 TO BE LET, ND possession gises mod'1'~ mn'a oel ,onWllasret Sthe aa bouge, &tc. welsr a thee lS toudwelling Uosaai!!' raimm j1jaw iDonchier. APb7I 10 palatal, WILLIAM oofl WANTED, à YOUNG LAI) &bout 15 .LI.CLERK ApISRENTICE il do MMa. F«r fatbor iD<O! 11 KiaatS. Férosaz rd, ilu& CANAI ptwtudslt rbi ha OUSe 0f aSE laes.a Tons , ibel"t1 le ali te sa ofis ils8 a t utei 10151 1,dusiteaelez.0 dyaiU P OM-6e*50e comaitneoisuises.teaIcftI 5<1istblsd lesl one'là basu ileass K...hme £Vole Olsd feve th db>'M .lDcsai o am utath l55anoewed lvi Electus e dlnave t-os t Ir.ArLUI UrV d tléttifkevai tîn e ve«lavins -*o It ml, wbeesu. fl tb 1 OaIM te tt" «Mmoe. mi.i s.ton s noeles tue I.beLsa regade1 tis-qses liiasg muet iinre t Il era i#s thesa iem of shi5ofabset Noo cbd ne natre abS ayphite tal.eauutteer Dtnbnred5eaeais leds e etitb>' ia"onds soud t is o lie ff aiabo lIedyau oitmeePre lia« Mr pelais mat lb vse ar sdlaua scigs mbere ili .rcSrlian etsbilalsu u illeut s da and tu> uer gs ssent br . Bldwin auun uied t a] îebiis mo"eateror rsidee liss laur tiseteto li ai es Ma dissaliiy migb.es inor ine eusaied Aiatissa toi du aibule affga geithioirel laSseuith, andae lit IL s; en te he one ileaonsst the 1 asdiusgb lg ee blrBeu eit sî b wlu efutse sa bati r. eetting offie sand rv sf thce sat ofus i a P ma liofh eltib, lie dada in oriier re, eticq tse prie ti. Cmmit, (sioeit as u weis; ti, siasi nzCoil 'lies epema r alieveat b rm eeeit aslie Ume mus Ijf y ait H s(Mt.eB.) vs volfjtheee etti ueiadpe Pat ea euha"tio es lit Vnt aent lisead er#s ias CuiuitteoasCsestnilî d etibue,aue nI case jesu ra pneuag SM ifIelic as rifeiesiythe b on heta pide. tise piait ns)onîa"s51 e e le tara Us a solhâe catss ebtter fanthi prîsut eeIfiihave«baou. the bon, ambnas, st t el km élire, se>' ?&a. b. vrnit bat juie.iz fateî to petltiner orthv ntontie un tvromb wsi etbu >'tb .h sthe to <tIyemlice,, al Id larecaus Nbette: Tam0" Ireablscve gballe t04M 1I ",avace W bot CheeuOts ptameuer 1 ortise ipnsgmeS cesuaiitbeb re ce. fron set o> ateupletom e qleh prena t ,%by e tlie hsonwtie meu a n . Mdatiitai auS et) Th ('.Is seet %-b-eiaita u letesam &ite o au tu n or"ee ~, wrecde m s Falreathem e r e t. Ro.0 maeeso, lttle gi ebaitefermaon 00wd 1h11 abolE. S.> led ifhsb . bt uaslise "Y 9%iea Me l le sree s.« dom iau pata~ me leavr eÀ kmid ,gff