JK o. wra, V=leu ora 0. 'aie ma do.- L aer do.a Wt S-MP de. Ir THE 8j',BC'.I aIent èiPig cadD eletis Candi, fs-.r HARLESJ W. jEuKi 184f, 1 encstrsa (by Drigk IALaW. .1IKI : YF TPFF Jrjrp sade- for aale by tù, ARLES W. JENKîN e17. 18u.~ titi DWELING e 'W aisbe 9da7lm '.u NOTICE. or lia et handa fsvC AncitS-,, and a teample, rapt, vhich b. wd dp ,HARLES W. flNirç 1845. ,E, imadebted to the umudes-sit0 ted te mû.k immeiit- wltoi Le ia dut: tu r psymctut. WM. SIl.dpsoN r24, 1845. f ui. SIMPSON, .t , 0, 'in bond os- duty a farad do. mod, Cavendinsh eniduH sacrs, laN Bs-came, Ws-iimg g papera. ýE, Cornes- of Princs-rta eets, ove- the Belfat Wu te front Bagot Stcs-î io need the asrvic.e ùf ntist, are respK fl!% irî >ey Wut. SIMPSON, No. 1, Nos-th Shore a~ mepa Table Cod fiaIt, .Macliarti No. l. ca Se.lmon. Sorlp for Sale Ly lette poast pai) te Jâj x. Lian d Uenes-al Agi . jee Street, Mont-cal kNAIIAN, Lad Ag-n, ENCY AND ibes- s-epecftlly tesu &ait (à Mai frientis ahIt ,as iwte ves-y lbesa sur gince be cas-mtenrd ,ardbegoteacleiti .l relxa-ed, ta s-is-ec la tcription of Ps-o se, tý Commnerciial Waf vlseu every effort rl riafmation ta the"s *bce mas- pats-onag. malte acquasitane aik iuso& ntîhi bu, trty viias mua i ,1ad ivaoàtqe ésat"Y otliCTimi IaeHUGEf CALDE 3 BE LET, du Siveaes, i~eY E ns-omE ~se .» a., Weil agdsp pp N .i- a et br wou wier a*IIWh Mn l1JAXUeý 5~I CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICULTIIAL & COMMER,~AL No. 6. L81. 0, MfrseDbilt Mea 'def eit.h a itats-i A ,iisie a tomsas 15 il tise ayt tert .Tal teid! toiN L g i -ara baie Nuis tle s8. f il,ish oil!1 e îýgt tlscy .et titi cyt- MM t~ye-ils-nou -o.] yo>,î u t e à sa agliaiaies &M 00 s hLWad et Iliglt,1 .Teî' uItai til ! te is gros atiiit and wtil. -T : - m a br -i s il il ta b -s i suý v,,j butrt ik an rea gltuioîss ourisandtoil, ofî u s-biosut na iatisen land, -;.te u. tihet aeil. u--ins-thers bmee l a tIrs-s-ns9 tia C er n l 'un hle . e h s fiI xt iis-re s-ecs- Ai cas-ce a hrid cd t ahep, Tes-ite lu-dstrg sas-ai We Cii aises-y idccl, Dl, i. fn digh -ý4 . I, unsthe ticly À -:' ului g! ---ta-ard s.-d a' W, *J t cd %hen -t c-s sl T,, lot b-ainluspI as et - eilI --i-1ýe b craub rutofisesl, it us tailleOtua stii-O; - 1e lt on île- iass- eu cu.affs-y iSOa, t n sus-fe x ,; derui-t d 1 d ialoul lirea!, w1lu t b-i utiauil I du. 1, aPý - ,RCes-y Ifs-st, Te,,-,-u a bs-ifsn lai. (t r-,w r-a nds-."- 15 lct e Vs. ;à -1 Iig, .-m u .tt lie O ic otesa. ai- t- tuIlue &Y -u C-t tlof py. I ily tî ru.ii i lute glade, !I au tj Su. gay, je 1,ni. Ilehue s-luaauuauut stll c andi uutatud di.,umey. W a-re rnhîîsîcd and spent, hkir. 1unis-as a-il aimud, sâ. uts-utandloi, suid tus-mteoil, icîe a 1.nrt (aie.es- ". -mL iitus-ahi ucus a tbcki iltle, i.su .-urt~eu erîîs-s lus-se. ,*, tle- !0 a-te lej.c T:. s-h mlust dk!t.-h c itu le ragrs-is-ofutheLimar. Il u uunss -etuyu. ~.ut. -e i lîheco cachs anuIsas, I. b* eliru ittislits. sfidtr ~ u nt, u cIccl il iay b.esed, Le ttw e -eta ii nssrbes -it iSons 15l t s-ee-nseliIale ime l iis, DClisi i htce um' h ' r-,zeti %thaisa tg rame, .1 t ti i le Spie ' IIl'TA.T'\DESPATClU. ltstnSrIsR, T.lit Aps-l, f818 ':lCtlais- roscisel Yous- Lorlubsp'u, Nteht if t l2s11,February lita, ui- "" a iî ;-tirsal Fs-onttise Boa-d ,r! it chsthe Mmonliîie appre. a4.uesttlctpatee change mun the couta- cutryts-. -ls-Is ls'Govesnuen- 5s--îs-dre s--psclotfte pruvcascl 1 1lc- at itStps-s-quarties-ou tit as-rijnioa Caida-tsaîtisae ýU1 - . J metbas-s-oh0u1nlForeign Floua 'ii uarmii se a .repealeil, andi adSeiofaaever rrîin iettuucc f-Cu Cnaa inCa uhe United y~$ irsuo-. 1. Thes Despateit eu tantadin le MWa- Vu wbisIl ave lad 01it u d 11Canada,aiml bave alre@d3 m-astilsss-ih, n ceMMa toivMybu s- tertiqu, astis stpact ta thse &P» a lauIN teaoas-ifaiTraie ut Mommsait t lilas-ylt iated, as laetseif- afLt itera:uue of île Engiss i.,.si Mies-' Guets-unt. Bai las i- 5a "I iiainidreturn a dstinct ai. SIlOiesial vshma »w letori me 4nà.tilr o ssuip te jasquaust ta, 1i4t i tl al.ui&t t ln dlxad e ý',,rns-m . f tClucounîn, aSt I. " itiies-nt %' aIl sai-I ihs local dia. vid if-L a, nexcîussvsîyp Prvima ' e e u .lacrmt OfCanadaaimit~ tam paII s-an Act tonrta nmpea ~ rli a vhI otlaabied e, -a-s~ ~ ~ l ~ ntcMm aligte. thi a, c ue ~- f les - Msesy', Gavemu a al . uiiest t. Imaerial dm17.M ~e-tru ii CIdaabus-ml flluaimu Z-e blssthlntprecedi the ab. à- i- - et i0Ottr - c jpi-aina fJe -~.C,-u;ýts-s- idGrain, ty's GeusumeateWesibtisy e rabiti 1. bil vaus tallae public esnoleestes-s-ai. Jhu, fes4 mpe févt~îe or the ltsCon. Ms. DKAa.m-. ansuou anietale0 ie-a mscItmo-se ai evms h e 111e 8"patrp agies - n-uaad; 51. m&<aIr Teea n M ing, h lsvu*ts t toiaggite le as -lesais-ne Ps-e- titl sacagis-admtgeitisae bât si lmas- lisse isd Vaai, of aliavlsg tle lnradesli ai GOG& a« de ofs-uni reeiiag a pdge tisait il veu tream colat-t Csaotiae.aiic.itési jets-s-riens- ouat le pi-esa, autbls"fais talIe bh negt teibeis-igain, l4ut aueiyta4bm$s-place o! <MD.) aa paly t 4ad ~ tem ,m Exper-t l1, ii bl cameaitut altaelue poatpagmment e 1 tshe , Im mmm r; bu ile didun na mo easeo tcostl (SigDei&) W. E. Gi-Astssl aie dome tisaibu«leamabu surse t o nn LIt-Go., Euh CatiscetILO. C . IL& . oseilmiti isioesengiage gails umoat s- iti biastid " eM u ps-tiiam bulebelL- ~ ~Wbut hle iamai ou îlee mien rediag af ile ___________big__lm_______ as utmat 1<1evtis esecoand.i tmag latalaenpléas- e vauli Il euslin a con BOUSE OP ASBEMDLY. didmlgis ie amyauge tt ight be MA & mie, finit cn aff-stq iist isey tai o - i KINGS COLLEOZ. ses-teand buhail cas-s-ed Ont the assislia as ifas- as poeabi& aM.s-. LL vigiel te vithuIs-mu- is abon, , i Ms. lýà(YAs-ep ana, drestithe Sane.ienl otttoins-e a bill tanincas-porat. aUnivtas-s y 11 sas-t andiniitise cees-se et bit remaasmrelns-cil tiseste aM *i fthfIl.e ives-sry of UpiNr ta M. Maffat'lcac-s t u eson seecnsting Caoai,' as oe tndetstnoutÀ tat te Coerem a aimilas- bill.- boil ruulveil upe n itsosucing a gasmiias- bill. Ms- liys'-rA-Wisati he-tatisl au tht Boras- Atlas-cey GeierllDziai aandpilit tise bos.,Ofeth* isselisatauesion vas. tuat lhe wa'ted meules- *»aIdlpeisat mu iutrsaciag bis âge- dlaianudtisaI unIese tisai dlevas"grantuil aite; if vas *tie inteliCian uf thse gas-ernaient an lies, lvo ote against tiese aecoe aditg of te rendes- siail tisethe assisce b inteisr pa b-..l;. T"se billiras ithon sead. ,ates- tiish I.Pgccoulailne!ot bthlie bili le s-ca lafis-a Ur. HALL liu-i, sco-ndesiiy Ms. Osapet aim vv5ttoutexpsessirg hi pi ln tL.e teat b. s-strail a scs-m timCueean Tusday oa a tl. s-in chic al itbeen ints-uduced tisai Ms. Pimjshiufe i;it4es.îson. oeiober mars t îea-nd ttf-lo b o. imie ses-mus. hotise s-s'Hss-o Ise net.-fel-ed îtleveboa.lo, fusîLeSi &eilu- h i Cw coeulausfile atuereil u lIe lut. e us r tlis-rugh bus fligitîrut tant-. nis- t- 1!.' b wuIjtx);ail he atuý f te bll. temi a utic$eratind the isnta1ihrical speech uit Mir- IALL 1thuug.ht as-the bil aaiPrimae4t-a liai bn iemrbs; ut vas fts-be-odthle serh tbat the bon. arembes- mught itltus imuseif 4 f e timuagination; but le anti.] confiue bîmî. uts cotanlenta by meailisngiL self prins-ipaly ta tise roursse taises b, tise on. Sir. BEUCLs-Oi voul oaitthe. paetpazgenwe,- andmiglas-ienieuiler fos- Ps-esbore', und bu, nf Lb. second r-aslitg outhlie bill for a fOstaluî tinarnel frieni ail supipomrter, the Astire7 Ce. rua os-des- tisai Kmg'àg Csrleeur tisgbi ave sus liera: Weet. Wten ire bon. osembes- bs-u tu rienit ligne ta cansider tte .sljost, ansi coiusate mmtise billLe (Us-. P) bati enquis-let ofbiîsî if ni-ate n il the- flouse, holies-r rnessnus-ints-odus-uog a ngeaeore ut A'ttornecy ustes-ai t)aAi's-garnti! î"etlagreet4lurcoh s-as- imiportace as rtue LCuitasn y bii, aud ,, alsolt ss-ipneiaiiufr a fot.s-tigbî ; if Co iic bit.gri nuîer iii neplitai hat he waei usîti 1c Ierd -are imiPap--Im .d -aehotu gratm tnuth us smse u carry thae bll hes-use le tru-lses-lla. t %muaid Le nolies- quetaaon-a did n'aî preface ie inîs-eilustion in fliecuiýerin, 1I iii. s . urongarlu t!s, lie dudlusimt cuti, îr ris-uismsnncs-of iinrnis. iP.) No-e ie (.Mlr. nipas- o lie ss-spîauLit utuitnreiss-cs-- 1i'.) couid assus-e Ssii ot. rinenber abist seritaus- i vel fs-ic lits. houlf s-i by tise ciscututaIenclme-.ao! odc n ansns fmrnrcr% o! tise linO. inerres- tus-Peîeshminu' appeas-hgagi p il s-oudurifl te dinitatnd chut ane- ou,- the usas-s- i,ittoccasion, andi airisougi lue(h e gi.la:1tr ti tisdghtueanrtm i hs-ates-,a mut îton Gteil a~is hen aia s bdbjustin 1a , le-m tle hon. meraibea-rets--Ced tat tlsooauuda of te bn. ieuier, ie ad gn ulecton a L .ssd tons of ibusanils of Bicthis fs-e,,,suno sa uebist is-t qien amy snsuiut e hc -as-quihsed. . eruuteiis dearest rigits taoihe kcepsng ot Ut. 9 lleiu- b oped lthal the tinfos-mainst- tru I e t- th-u to upesthmgKin', College al-pliesi fus- &utie ""ue tt fgluseoe ofvau.liethîis seaandlîj t; srair %. sfuel ico'ii.ai as-y saie lIr,<is. P)glas fuily s-omvis-sel CisC Auosrs-yOci Ral Datas-ahalely ta se, iDnahqana teaimos-o ycasbave aliel ,tailuy samd repi, lai pplitho ma mai hotîs Culeiiiiiiterituineci ta tise bon. meumbe, hoie ocl fus-~~~~~~~~~ ta mfsu-et'eu'!suoitevetdy tO- cagnme ttcesalsu and corsec-t concusion t til hic adiptioi t flme uui-rgsatu litisIeflcct 1tsu haem, e-u bigt ns-c ialaugc Gos-es-nos- Genes-al, but ivwu onee mitug tus- ji i burean lava ta yaumag and incxpes-iens-ed meos- Eicelletry a apply tun i ifutns-t touean nsel.F ls-as-> Tise mannes-inlu abhibis. bill bai hoon pendent bo-dy rfîtht soist, ami aiSes- thing tos-' nrmisaced traithe notice istîbis FBouse il @ts-us-k ilsem tus- gra-st i. be U.P)-ihaaeetii i eivi MsiUr . - ire aie m-etau utdisatand etun ies. - rit n. a zons huten aellotndaz tisat baigis au appiaitUi aail a" , filon P g 9 wu nbr bl iee eqaly anoal. ha. y.t Ls.rèu- N.-cr -sos'4, . -&7 ,P- P t the ba'. iu, brl lfeui lsailu lLsigigs tut»xliitever> tiutg nsiesi n lricus-si She.e taken iandsi e (Ms. in tie mart opecm>lsfis, and unfigaii m - .) P-I s- eDt bitapeaprasmsg ithis sndignatinîet li -. Ms--T nssvsS eudssaithei fl;ghty aoiundyigpflel-#y in wviisisth. tIMr t.e Mg>uî-s-s-s-utybullas hteapsuceife th dleas-etiAttosney Ginual Wu.t bail s-ceivs-d oiit they ftitube notie wStlen gue dw i-t hle.intr-oductionofuthîe aumestse éagilpranisti bai lueay[ttllr. oic esngieut teCu- sus-ot tn t-sacargaure tba4eves-3osais tapes-. l soge aa. c.phle-Ii,)d>,, t emanate fsarn lige Gcrsnmett. and nte Ms. DttAe-r mnt."stlevoall e las faitt r w v isulbie vole country Soldtheusminists-y ur OFAthOst Ictehy urprise; tiey bailreaipousible, iseweves- mus- h Ley uay altesmpt ta uanmgees o h o 1g youp«;Sybi ir-k tiat respouaibilitv. 'iViss.ias-etel'acis. 1 tint ban sufficrenly aiiuiisstilof t h imiatnisonaetf'ris Bouse Sasmiseu patiecntîy vaitung veek ai- tb. Guurisuueiul. les- veek tus-m bill by vus-h th. Usiversity tsi Attor-ney tueneral DarÀEa dnet lkrout Lise KrsCsilegein sta h filamland atiafàcLarily tul eent ongts. cuileebausiniembepta tilia e' Cea.r.Tht GCaveanagent, it in truc, have nul lotes.ig*Cllg -dmmbray htproniieil ueita iilI. but il vas gene-ally oun- 110 rhttfie wvuilssaY hat i ls-,ol nc or tt5 Icrosiathai sainelune meties- ofutthae Cabinet ,aiuslle,-i uusuîrnatauasthbave bs-en coreemsi oulil hriig devin tisefressure teai fl tt.airBueu of tle lisliotacly aeoaod ilacti uti l te Ours-- an earIly y; snd ,et, altbcugh lie s-son i uent tua pruoced' drsis-nmg u a sluis-e thisfiloua.e is ept in tite Ur. BOiLTuim-, 8usaituse as.a distinct undes--jas-k lapon lie -sujece. lethalliseen asisedin m standing ast ycar, anI yet 1h.îtintdis-adi-g visaffanoblir-plis-e,wvilsîcilhtis. t tPasliamnentas-y ta prut ruf. (Us-.Dra-ers, vhy I wly ) He (Ms-.agame.ofthlie Receivrs-gecrai, if the Cuves-n. Bouuto;ct dii at exas-Liy isnruw h7, but Sie sup. tacot imtensed ta ints-odssse a bisl hlis session un puavil lIe Gvvraseimueni ismîcithey coulaintmmcsas-.Ihts questi. 4and an ansies-r ho ie afis-miaivo s-v t. <lear, iear, audniot, nu.) Ho thengisi aaus giren ; but hsnv ia the lBouse treateil anibis Ciii sic:iy c-as necs8cas- in thse preneet natance; ail imiportait aubject !Tht Siou.malabarhes-fu la. dsial ,ktiomi ibut 1ounsel msgittlbu agaun Potes-boads, a teurilays aga, in hua pNace ln iseas-il su ile bas-; Ibere acre new meiobessin Pariamet, pursut ta noteIl- gircu by bilua, en- abiat ILisuste wvisaionut luas-ilthtespeechisielit- quis-esoatthse administs-ation as tute iti nten- oe etiéCousesel lat >rar ; thunas me al es se-os oupen us .,ubjet-tandl seciviida tes-y un. entiti tulatîe grausse congidses-tion as effet imm- sastinfa-tuny sauaves-; hbefilea. in a amaent ai tiersofthLIe flouse. Ne (Mr-. .) refecreil espec- vexation, gis-c notice tisato mleal- intruduce ialîy lu île veserable Pi-esidettofu[le Cumss-mi aàibill, and accorsdigiyliai oday. aites- as-s-iing ans] ltheS<iisitos- Geais-ah i E28,ferta-ase atira tîs-ongi ail te nid ps-ntes ill@aoattise alt es. le liai Flous-e tise Caveronest lait ta vait 18 sion, anis-blie hkilelct in bis sen, Se, btanme- .n-nilss.Th.ame bon. utisule-i mught le muit- accidsent, put hie band oon i toe beu rogisi l égnesl by lie argumenta, ut (-aagel. tan t aison by tise Attos-ney Glants-ai Wengî, and, Attus-ey Geiutas-lSuis-n. aileS usuicisarnaitig, tiinking it a gadjiakcai ouce lots-uslces ut as deascilbt iitCUverity isitivan postmi lishe great tacasare et tic session. het @ss-utu 1serve amy pus-eafftlie iisttry. Ms-. lauL b-tton, gentleman ia fit quitfU TIsatilul vas imtresuced aitih tise ine mlu--os-sest. -teutisus us 'as-s-ysus4il tircitglu, asnd hlefor iae Mr* Paxca haut axamintasl tisebll, andai lurpori was prepired fte roeatise placehleilhal " tiselyesaertailtishat il vas eot hut bila ouflat the pcîmss-ple ut tihe bll heens appt-as-il îof. session. NoiSe (Ms-. P) %satal i aisoulsie, Urs. BOUes--m-' T19 1112'if îley are prepiltas-ferthis husiliaionn!hla t ie Attorney agyeresail arm iargomt inovt vlait h.eendus-ciltiai 3)hie impor-att mmitaitIbm tise boa.un.teushts- meaut by fttaiisg; le (the At- ta le tîs-eaiadAs-t thms minstesalihneltemnait torgaey Gts nieh)veuti net altov ans-Slanguage tiisflouse, andlte aboie peoplevantmtint t u lo ed titou-aaildmloc.,Hetgarantirepel trialIflou«i repremintai NHmam ethIe countr-y bssu -the biullaiepostposei by sreqstaieoft Iho--Ioeîng-seedasstly Noking--fos a g-"eand i' nerrer for as-Toroto iand tIes f fixaiss-t, amina«Ifeasus-e ;aame-tiSat jaMexp.ctsu.e.mitg lie agnei ot iai hisaten taeitio m een-r, os- le issappoinlieujaisarla!6satitiri ltae -ta.aw"5 any ut laa, taumtimg the Minisisti ib &i'iqami iupor%4u ite tietiinag gseatmuCUMi. Ps- uto thseeeltc. a ansi f-a c sssqwnS% vice-a iaféjectfitai mia" s titi se u ffltp a bfai las-I îlte messes-n asstiois-loua c eion, and Usati iagéat&tg 1 Ms-. tHofis-s, if tis alentaof e!usbois. At-.le h îso steta vuengutalbao f " "ouiuei- dtoreey Ge»ais--halli asy refneueo t a ihlli . eue tisai nquis-eu Ima"ihai .1 6"1 agi a gie a, ul appei i tea. mastite t«iy ailetetis IIJonL At±tamneGegaggraf isnvfas the lait liesa vomIt .5 tasai ftos- ill. 11. uissa thes o f s "tseGwnmeat, auj vitla iligIv caiutiel madm»seam là itisiI meinet bu pagiait t qis bmis-rmite u iiimsaia e tell Ms. Isett« eaia il awui NIo km he Ofis oi, s-a ma eXpctii0"laa big amen d lansuiage oai l ite sAtlaey Gaes-iluvami- Mgtraoul them. usseise. tes «- Pthrqàaas - irait; tise bhto,&mmes- Meil Ù» v-de g . at a-rl.teIm Gsty-at lIghe r- nStmis5barhemeea"ssis Lnd o f , 5 su aMm -, (Z.%=Psc) whehi-eit iba mIe-em y if à@ (Ms. BDesiheat sud -mim-le vIoum ar-.utla#mg cl a*use-aWli s-m "bm s pla le sito»Medmasaila-kW p aa -a:eleimumosmslanç ia W»vasyee.g uspas-limail 1,bit a" e u o aidiui .~i~4 i la sy orneue.ai à"au st m ia i U l-ueta i vesti'a asfiels UsaiM as.blc eitsly et aci. cille aramuet uigisail ao- tht t s-efiedte d, . selrjsueaif wvLeit bme emusut,4"aith$ if Aitrnyles-m aea D maeuNi My tl"aIole eun ssshnn egi ta ondataitit D~tes- a apmtyle aMy mit papl,. u ini i ataauctsey seeiMeat1aiwIsail tid titi PaM«utia ileMuyr efralew"lb. atas.h7u-lmo «M sures *Wi & aidit llus.lu W àueeismy. -- * ýi o nes-eGatasW t& etuel tai A Ates e mm ssa aiim u-M4t. lueurdais- eh «et ilii. l- d 0 dm thes., bli. m s- aouitise 4nr a. »,»»«sua-s a 1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Mual* <mtesguay liti s . d tmoii s B hole s mu 1 bibt et 461 F r 1Wmsu l aiaes vas mg uemmampsuiat t e M W efl a * y £lt U m mt5 1=09BTON, CANADA, ltaDAYm MAT le,148 ; MW ed iiere v arnis apu r " e mato. l iy004leaisisonest men on ai! ocrasions. (Ms-. 1P.) vorbaliiiopon lte meulera of tiaitWh".n Univesaity vas et is-st anrorpuratesl 9Umes. of ail aisades ef peinticz, ta 1mw avideitilwasa'hutch eofEngani Corporratioen, &ads r ém lerts- yfj feelingsga agise rop titir atctariaa thei titandilTeaciters ail belorsp-i ltu thse id tuai-t and te caurse a s-aNs, a digeiff, and a Chus-s'Engand, in ltil7the LýeisIaltum- pas- Wl eitituisspirit tîutlisaail important suijtL Le »dati a aing il speiien atbeoy, but su ps-aeý latu@4 Js. Speaker-, gmt-e a measlure ta thse coJunien litce bu o sgo, thet ressrn ihat it amy t-*a ftet s ubjss-te vurtity ofthe -s-cal Ps-o- sait opsactiialiy as vill as îbeoseticaitywas. >f visu e rieseps-eat, -ostityof a British elni. lecan¶vas atceseas-y l t .u caqua intes id tors-t Lius civs prefèe-netla ne religiosithvîtisterniment of inus-bail instiuto- i- hadj; preèenuce tn e pssecetues, let ce s-d te Cotldi Itbee.in limsounIsy! Or wi a luatutàcenof ils ps-naint ais-tas-ian citas-actes-, ami tise U:t~ trt-o IlNo! Wisere Ihen could oubli.-it fs-seCa ail s-uelte.,ail ciasta. sdail cs- o n pe t- Oxferd and ta CamiscrWge. juil lhe elmv; oParilailegilainon saugiSe laistytoa Manconty ie tes-o vee e niiereif Cime W u-ogly oapon il; le bad i bliestu talion a prîrrni- sanse traie-e .oui, fit percorîs tlIes- crulil t0 etat ic-- ati I sjsmrt SesSion Upt, lirelira: vacaurthat tirok place tîn3t ot aiSers esmon bëraile cuveai aurnthe @abject in tihe Chat Medicine. was filel vii a otu àaier ta geltishevitale maties- letore the public,Cabljs i.s-sI Professers-fsut stulîcn- sire1 mote ans-tly calicil %pan thse Adiriiu- te cemms tl.Cus imtSoî.ri-ra is-ais a egrapple fairly mnd honestly -11,t ue ia.n va-c ss-tts îf tlue p e "' 1measure,. ta seltle it ou a fair and equscebl i to., b esathes- denominations: hoe apau os-sy i, r ig. gnrimg equai justice ta ail clase, o! bis- Ma- findise Chus-cl>ut Englanil un wuch raîlcil Jesty a aubjecieto tuake il anîes.itution 'btisa*agaie no pes-son iteinging ta thse C!iare- ofu 7cw11 gis-e chaacies- ta thse ptsîple ani heian Onna- Engil rain bol a pubi@t buauoma but hoie i 1ment tu tht Provins-e. tesoct rut es-es-ycosrupt alsZaiblat. oenaccsint setbis beitg cii., he 1thing, ami abore ail ta malle it pureiy an institu- ses-s--t-it!uaîti;sae-a Uthest, lie viir.d ti etien for thei promotion ut tht ligbes bsanches 'f ecitet-uotiier lenominations. equal psrileses-, ltes-tus-. andi sciene, andil ave the religious lie magain thtie Citoscîs o! Ens-lanul ubtaîiiug tbodises ta protide fer theaisals-c, andi alebough exs-ho prielegea, ite oiiy wamid i tu e:i..> lie (Ms-. P.) nov bail nu confidence in thse ps- equs-hsile,eî vitisotises-enominatiumîs (lusar, sent Esecus-ive, and never Lad any, yet if tise-y hias- Ties-e vas au argumefnt mausitiIe -f at aiuuld eai is uonthabiject te jist expecta- tise r last Ees-aion by the Counani, thai the tic« fthesoiuury.heysknuld have b.h iesaàiks, Houoad norighCt titesfère wîth Isoiu.t!es-, andi ha coutli assare tiers thaItbey vould havse bh. slto lroncs-n thai argument, hes-cpeua. thte gratetol thanits of a goud snd loyal peuple. ted itplho!lmuglit this.Hulus bail a perfect riught M-. 'AYLWIN.-ThSe leained Attorns-y Genes-al tn ledite iii the traiter and h. hopeil it roald WVest ba il a-iy beon renea-wneil for- hie gens-raI. do ato give satisfaction tuaail; lie wt)utl 'h'pbotut ioit ihe bail utdone bimieif1cr- soas-is. opinion as. tus the umerti of l!ie Liu d.>-fi-le (Ms-. ))Ih» nt eqnalled as tu hie.cs--niaitl as brnugh* up iteture the flouse. lit sous-ces-, fus- they ara vas-musanad lasg; Lst Ses- wiuilite againet thse aossnslîneti. s-iuh.cpleareeil alland ho (Ms-r. A.) vote1 a iii Ms-cLVILL.-lt Counsel aies-cta b.eiseard hunifo toihe second readuug; us ccrs-int of that ait ibluas, h.aItopel that the bon. ment-ns- tas- a momies ofthtie Admhmaîs-Ls-niosi seus-ci, atnd no Lotbis-e vould introulce a bilIlta etatlsl one regrtted that cirumstanice inciroteisan Fho the amîrt of tees tIo ail"wed in sus-h cases. iluil; bsut stli!tise learneil Attorney Cotes-aI kepi Mr.umiNsso.-Titc Solscitor- Ger es-ai WVet. on, andl nov it tus-nie nuzhat lbe mas at lait lors--bas. satbt lie vas.sos-sy th ie hiliai deesied t ed ta deiay the builihat tises-eaias anotitos- mffi- bus dit lu sesign bis. office on accourirofthmet l cnlby ina tisa aay in the persan of ftse Sil.s-uîueseconbadisig of the bi.1, bai lie (MrI. R) cun- Genes-al Eaut. Tise second reading toait placce, ceivediat if lie bail vos-I fias-the iscn-unil-s-d isut it soeers only on thse undestaanding tha intttt iIrltvull bavn sariustionel tise priticiple ot mture voulil Dt uc presceil thrsoujIa. Tl he el i tis he coutil fot citraheiîtîy do. meoibes- tus- Pete-lus-o in to-day otîiy tise over- Tisrmnoloseust viiput andl Iomst-Yeas 28 iig Serinant ufthtie learsned Attorniey General, 1Çay S. bu' lie Dow lds out ttiseie a great dealnt ofWEanuSiAy, i i. I danger, but no bonnir, atas-ed ta ties ituatin, MOchvaiviao roseIho <muenitie e cond reail- auss bha s eaiy ta gis-a it up, andlu ! *heo tastfa. img clie issutea anend el Iaw rtapcctiung tes-- tller cf tise bll, aiho bas. beu-n eheliung hiuui.ll risile regs-etied bc io g oiitu bs-ip- un a forsa white hthinthe ntemiscr tfs-l'oies-bas-a, 6.iulffiaps-u . Fr svsalbnpLtfr shows hisanf. lie (Ms-. A.) ubjestel lu a deiuy cîc ie iseen altend eral vey u ss-ypaowfo ofutw tva ictsa eing alloaied before the secondilchsedo smtnautisaheGiverient ai leîsgti seading; twvetmethemhave intersenait sin-e tuai: up andl impae omesetrction$ la os-- the lest Sesaion, tise MiDists-y have bad plenty of des- Ipres-vetise priiegea ofthetise aes.. ime tD digestLise eamuts. and tise Coeus-il <C iust ertia ofeth îîîact vas Snellas ta ps-e- legs bave liai plenty ut tireta s-orne dbain- semaIJivsduals s-s-oasng in îseis ovm bste., ho. tîtta Hoseueeami propose @sre mmastra; tic -îng ss.es-enLlytalio nop sudl fuel. - lie had Houte bas. stuai een in session oves- six aiek,, bu- nnsrmeesl a gentlemnan visu itil a law- twu weteis ar-e vantt betore the second readui g, -u ti'hue stber aide of tise river. tlireho ai Ma1 8vl ifi s23mw lw& .-M &.u M any otites- mesare, is it ta le underitais th iat upanineuj as-meilatel,. Pises-ut. n cri%$- the supportera of ibe Mmin.ry an ganteralinuis- simg sid net taire paipeinlatItis-hoe vAi jes-is sllait le ailoweil te do as lb., pleas.onet irea.iet infis-tit ubl! rune ta snch au estett pas-bis-nas- mbjects' Tlebon.meinies-for Terre. tlîat, ta haitr a ai iail,.people s-ould nul bone spaiseofa c sontsact, but lie vould tes-nsità malt 6of theis- osains-satt vibouil hting filed. iornetiing e i, ealdoililis-ailut sl tiei-- Asil, t as whia oivelisnovlîilge leen leas- it voonl thon le ediunns-vicisthet tistresy 1usd adil i.iately is-ml of heing put upiteapub- no rigt ta aiseFer iaSmuih id ois nut ha- liecncoaition. ieh Su ns.erted a clause us thse lieve thientit ldpe tsitis Sessonsbut lie billI iasfuture il terries. soudit- l eawed o>ut aiohl val, fer île secand rs-adsng. Tic College inCiatitnncr. At thesnsanie lime hionros.t Say Cos-il, h leitiougitl ta lbe tuîly avare et thtlise batonsides-abît doubîs as la aihet ber tee f inten-tion of tht Adinistr-ation btu ints-utce a Gimeseut ibail tetpuces- ut leasingrg crfers ,isil; aan noise luisiet ila esttat la veiliun- tront tIÇanadian ta the Atatsican a.idle outhLe tiles-tooi, ani no prspas-atiae in miedel, tisert eautrivrs. - bc fournd Couns-il lan'Toronto ablI.ndmillisng, at Ms-. IretIOfFrontenac, secondeil the motion a stoont'i natci, taconle Ittore ttossae s t ou ilgly. Peope cannt use uheis-ou-n tlie tisougisL itt uv an influence extnit t5if ps-opos-!ittao.st b.mrug ineil. He dui ot ho- ain this Home u n njience of a ces-y ntsong kmuîd, luee t lav vias. itituled t avse tithait effort, -an sufittence wvis-b ougbt te bc dlsiniiitcd by %Il a-ilnil ugs ah o.f-edt nk posibi maeans-ise vas scnvincel thai the in- a Ilfsnttuvi the repent e!ftthe prstact laur alto- *stitution was saiically bail; le Ibougis ho s.aw gethhr ;le dii sot ho vould bnhatierntise bill thme its sofa amescitant on thte re of banrupt. Latsc. Ssy in kst snîing Lo put off fso. day ta day lise Mr'is- teL eaa n looking oves- th, original es-i heur, but tise day of rtckonsng vil cs-assit a bill, cuisot sec any clause aibsh gave a s-ght hai. lie beliviltirait if the taeas.use wac de- Ca lotosI iuiu peuple maksng use out tieir awn r layed it coulu lie maile nnuamot. Ho coul huais. par, bas-.) le viatruc ha t dei- à sympatisa wvîit tle Moandm Attor-ney Conera slas-cil icssoasaittheno farcies situ il sas-sy uumdes -PsetalainsOf tath waoPrifetui aupport p-ois cmSs-sns tes- bis-tor s-eas-i, andibittcoulil l .Ht sav-thi nul bs- h tt tises-eavas ans-i on mie $teite. Keen vus-e bis panga. but iseents tas- ta fée], Boois imitWel boas-tishe cinotr-ucturao put ou Ho nus-ed tise piofaIn abus-h mpell'ss th. steel; lb by thi isusubes-. iib rspec-t ta peoipe a Witletis mre plumage, tiat bail arn>d biis leing fL ,ab wouaid like ta knoa iIf any appui 9naî.t baihobcaule fs-onthtie Magsstsata ta tise Os-anis the leusi lte drap ef bis isieiling bs-uit. Quaitessinsna Ms- Cea.a exectil iai lie bn. eole. Ms-. Muqs aould itelthe iota gentleman. Mr.C.rLzr xpcte tat hebo. gute-The çlunsillon b.ementiocail lbad coeu ,Ma" on bas rigiti voolihave ixplhimet itiai s binatommie, atsdlliti(Mr. C.) adrimed ilaus vas mt a Goves-nunet moteuresuinîle nous&a, p tihe Quas-tps-Seàssoos. He i d1 s eeaning ot thetles-e, Ibat t vas ta le san epen asnd iae vas titen sent ta tise Cous-t ut qsuu ; . o wovald tites-itaes- tate the% @uinQsteet#gecl, ises-e it s at ps-s-seat sudl isî. aw ub hele.cas r meitLb.lmuSIG@ ioate y la s-ttm. bu bitcoo ueaies-isan l intescoumpasîtio sf tMr. Lt. voisIncestainly vote for île repeai te Mmussy ; le bladjoîneil le Mtsistsalne, ai tle,5and ieh.delleil th flouae te eay ltai Ibs.aagitleho ol inoen t iaquetionon asie liehaut, a pies-et s-ght tagoetCotise U. States " ltigtI riglit, asieclive of thae fflmsoms om Lht in bits3 s-saft. lu aseieshes- lav esjustice. "s-t ultishe Adauaua-ateoa. a" ho l neIvuiehi f bar *W telus-.atgWy tyiles. bc.cingaedo Itpsepusei te ixpnrs bai pismon othe ituasse-e, s-.-tto d -ouid aisfer i Siss ull vit a tps-opus- lires sied. st setîu.a ises-t ut vas butvobailes, Ms-. alceus-Gineralisua-s .eilisai aW srsy-aadlie vmtil. uytw lls wa t le s- ark lia qetis onerwuenî bat fhaas MIÙEwooi4of ot s-viil!e.,wuvasla irows krair t til l e maIttoqiatum en v mjuit o l fs!lhg île fau- atned bgnet repsalid ai- i ~uvt~i.tteyvceaauueepsueatiw ta . as it voutdi njurioaîy si lb. theles. q ibis- supporters thtt Itay pople d it. A si5sti.'aniii saqe5tuseaof ttis Ps-sctase, ,0 nmb-eithse iaulis-ry lhW ltee rais-ai ts-ne laul hiduced ts.alles- a 11gb s-estfor the fer. - lcemi meau irelasil s-(M.l«o)res. ilt oOM h" - an Ms-.utkievoad Mara aid tisatinlaettsy instanceailes-e tg agi vue ' t bis supporte us ho e citu p a about t ea t te-cy menganteit a ea e a i as b ..ht ailituse ets Trsi s aadis-esala.- ecoky. batt ailite ttile a permsa Makig te dm mgm*a. s ta ais îisnr'evt'aos vuiits-tar-sif u& s u-tt at uir usaim eho iab, âle am but-? roo a*ilum er cuumle.te taiss-se. gl si 400*erstisva g d ty;adtand vrila- thn cnnfo a ihes- tai tt ssuter s-tuus a u is~N ae te viiibtise ia*,#AnStoity le tise y-t " " amq tmi hyhl Prv bute tle rigit of tise Gatemeut ta r . eil s g o n e sil IittUmcliaire in ussie egJunlsts C8re@a- IL MvW se tise Ps-@"ailaai ezia e<cees-s lth" 41 MW 0» miaatinsu m ofthie ndÊ yu or ingite, îtîly coocers-t spmu a, tvoe lantpas a tts, Uai ia- _dlem-t4ule. asi4b Ms. ctussg,. l»t or Q5lf& WO. apdont&i;teie telbala IIIII Wbmnlete ame mt e. n tle bui is beauai ug eiI1 siWe 111*0 tle pis.l. thlser -furs- ets-soai bu a h adascnt»à e bm" we âaaspuin a sspas, aelpmptea ea tIM» teseai b bei0* le.- *maqmes-sam "_ wý id azitmsgmCeea mller viellie.aMWAgie am gn .-Teui-rIaT * ~aaits~aba s veMchafgl is. opimmsetl"4p111114i.comaitte the Il.ce- *ey aaalm.h im aipm« a le deeltei p. e -htwigo4e s- lpy iuti dla, it apsio a l nieaI. 41l4tebil eean tiemem t 91 24 ube ~ itasrnvia g le br efepbitasell o ~- ~ astteeep aaaa, Ib lqqer<I abaupl ailay tis-disr t iu Q Foras-dIa 'Coaui , ema: Tbog isem = eu ie W@affir ; lit vas ait àI « le v~. asitei, be ai te- oa w %e e*-gm sof mie& Cu= W iam t t~ias~t4= tithprhsok nlis AUt ylet t ceeizy aultss ca-.tlS eui eeapla e pe fl mîyck Ilmirai effs-icen t a iit pros-nea satmufactur-eas i tits citantsy. lar te UnîrqerlStates ith,&priu* lli tient, douter-a- cd allogedser. . 0-. IcD>oNALD1. of Kiuo-aim, cdsd ose t this- tba iithe Ililue sn coetes tain cte prs-et bit. 'rnth ie ds-teflnsîion tms.gt 4ey itait c,..,. tihe QueàeC. Fcwward" ~Coolsianlait. Thl, C.p.tal ut is sonrytayi'amal., il te wîmbiislà lt n-a.bof an, nie Iciand rmlby itojuci. i c.seîpiy. Yt5teà-flas tsttaStay o«.ehel- front starmung a paprs i- I tor1 The ..rp iy. .t la eupjtee kt. niali. pest#. asîd ai 1.. e-ndloiseuse rtuel, fin n thy boive beri,,ne ris-I.. thev ame> fàîl. Pe, ie,, the r-"ttaas-e nos iabi-, f-ri.teieîi. Tîî,v c.> btai, mil tite aivas,taIi. % uiiw4llw hy alla.aissg tllts- u im ue ai- trcé ià-ec1i ti i. e.r li..siisiy vs-5tju itie ki-s wuii' c 'r ilu i Cmi bes-k.it n.ri to , a--' !ae pret. il .-11 uiiiir lit.. vaIn 11,h b i bec i "ISei lite i, lier itiglat 01 the o imje, t MIr. 'ilsm ai. the Ps.ic'ple mai-bs gaý in IL: air-trmei, but i% b>' icitrel-- r ut t,,al i,,pà r. e.tp.icwhy -ls.mit thse iiabtilty oft kâilî,aui.. and .ther- rnnitaitea ut a like uniaire ! Ms-. RmaLLN, aie sa%ia.m a li.initcd l.abiliiî%, h. coositierind tîs the pri4ia ougit tt, kmie e- ed, if iLe ,4 bilty vaw IÈtiite&d *.liàIelier7ed iii: i lie -ilipa ily LadJ n0o ojectiuil tu au n: îsioC.i .Mr. As-LWIZ', 111.9 kl..ue usus ans-et outILii biiiie u,-c-ir-îf iusr-ie I ciettussnmassy sauthci det to ilie (.uebec Firwa-dîng. Ciimp..ey. Il.* w e *-f ai1V;,the ils scleubr wfso bas charge ua the, imeu-re t." s-aisp il Ct, a seies-t colmniîttee. go thit. tuai the buiit 1lie reissîs-llei t-- suit lit wou'd cye 'cm t-i !e dpcisis... 4halcdsamse it on a fa ilier oc-.î,lie auuid isol! h-artilîy re- joie . Ni.lrBÀLDWI4. Iniient once liée opiion fitti Huis0 hai bi.enstalie.. ait te mailcler, every liii. ýiuit tlu- b. aJup'ed t,> il. The coin,îitit e pr'tsate bis. ouoglaieutt ýhave- reporteil a bt; s-îiutaining a clsus-e lii.tsg nIIhe i4iity. riiie out snime reneark, aér -lthe opinion u.1th.eIousti b.ld beeti e rd.ssns-the0ube eci-. fiilly discused, aînd altbeugit titis-cwail a side distuilcticin between citw. cotupanies. yet thse liability ut i4is c.espay ougittta obc liisnsteal. îfie-re ar-e alreaîly pipe- nissfarturers inTu'or-. orîio andl elseaihere, wiis ar.eunt iucw-puirateil, and ttlerefure, their liabilsty ainri lisaite i. et wou d then tir givîng iiscompati a des-ids-i pre e-ecse, to i iiit thei- liabîil. Ha moul adcie the lion genîlnîiian aihu bas charge s.!tme bill ii, mos-e ihat the commiite rn-e and tben s-- fer thc bill to a select comptmis. Mr-. M£s ad no objection to the fiabiily of the~ comopany boit). mdiLe double tise ainuaiet ot the etocit. Mtr. BOUlLTON%.iftlàii fouse CrInceiteS that they are piedged Iciuhé pri.iciplei if n-i lîsiittng tiie liabity vif any cannv then hie meuld 1.1 item Chai the7 bail adopred a badit sIicip!e. (H1-eas-, tutas.) He coniceilied tisatitse oulil misse îgqaLu.Af lit,:W,,es 1 .iet Ct1cra nnnul a, ins-lu brelu anpae- ,ttadle in ibiscoutînry aisvw conaines. and that pîrper taï.ai uperior Il ality Sici t i a md e s-ma Britain cinnot beItact, bers; tiaHu" eOught ot burefuse te incorpoi- ratetitis Caompany. Il asouldIb. faeterts-otin-. >corpoese any cran oumpenly Ieuh a large capital titan te hava a loitcf pmddlsnq mma. Ms-. PJCIcE-uýt aPPeLsetuai &il thse argumenta in faveur of te is.ited l iaitlijy orthetcomptini- atm driawn trom ithe tact tisIt tse Huni incorpo_ ratai th. Sher-broroke Cettun Factry laittosis. li wili h. recoIlected tilt hc had oppi.i.ilthe bill, but thate'mb-nim-miter for Siicbr,.olke witli hi* ugsai warning way. itateul uat lthe Houais bail led thn Cumpanir to believe that tbey vsetI, be incorporatel vis aliititdliability, andl -ha. il oulil b.e ntai-fur- theni at tis i îm e awa bas-.anid on luis accoeni lite bill pamic. 1,r reitestic. buthes-e-piortftes-oomiîîieonri vote buis., ha statel Chat tise7 m.emtiomed Use est- 1 ici m iteir repas-t. . e - ; .. jThe r'unjîesose andi reportaitd p-optas. 1 GREAT WESTERN RAOIL-ROM>. Thse fouse vient ina coamslur on thegpat iWestern Ramril dbuli, on tht 2ktis s- an.w fir. Snvctwuo» st, titat -it i dem w as mnailing use eonipany a legi!atuMsri, -ylpavler tc, alte- oreantendl the actaeutftIbis ltgîoaaur.- ' Tisa s giving a poser , ich ilic rould neve-. econsent tola;ih hail no objection to glsthen. ethe power ta mate bye-lava, but h o muidme-; 1ver cassit te mueit paller it.ing. dole4pMIL ta amp" persan -aor permetss. It vau a ps. Puitaai uaL vas evis- prepasi tean amis. lat us-uet tre. Mr-. MuerÀrr-the s bje wu as a llea lu b tu mall IAY a-atsmnsamnfbg themal1 fuar thites mutel prosetesn,, Sat t embody aI:nk. fun 1h. as-t, inateatifof making a bye..aw fur-Il $01i- Ge. Siezawnoo, t woa delgtmog te Ipestrtealler lthe acta of tiis eglilatu-e. .. L lir. Roaasou.it tanly gbi e listêe am ipaverIotalte- the acI, os the, voul paeau by à bye.law. Ms-.DBatuaitîs, il certainl tisens ibla t ti IPaves-1teSaber tiseltOf Pashtent.» Ms-i. AMlos-vers. if anincerniter viii aitt lt lthe s-lnits. aii in> att, wai affai le Publics-e-.e duti, h. eellgo vth t Cemi, but as lonagseit, Is.rely aorecte tht cooipany iil!.l e icoald v"m for- lthecIclus. M- BAtasWuthe osileta of lthe & Ilnyvili lien bie-nme part of hlettau-sfathtitiéiani tir. Mas-ra-r, lne moisethta1he byeilaa su, i t iyll h.recognuseil ly Cou-taI cniv. Nir. SUE'awOaa, Do bye-law cs-au h.maie ts- pes-nalf Ioathse asi .'f Pa-I. pea Ms.ÀFaroeiag $&idi a gev Word@ in Fs-esb. The eulamsittite sca" oelualas eese ait Mr-. M'DevLa( e! i-nt SmondifWrthse- ais-am i ofam <.Ue bl»t. ustd tise as-tfur the sale of pubilie laeis.& Mr-s-. mie. ianssd tht ice tIe ns- laeisitulis Is a"neCeetimsa - 611 lat-. "-da i y l'he iashss-fer omuvi if mele. v isd hMe ii, t ta ouIbom apiject MWslitC 'vuide au asonamai prmeig&I, n a ki»g avay rise 1»"Msme; b lma re a -ptiet a, mea émm e ame« sitble Publie tamis. Trheiu bibMe titeee, mmem*"SI, t emeithe, in de pmoimsemaité iv s ani e s'aee14» dmsa bye a eanti teuseiby*begoty 'ame Ill tiset ie, (os- Tissl alvw. e w hsem b"la ff li garnes te il LMGves. Miamia.-it vaSI tateilie à -ileMWso&ilimc i, et Presilun Wke t a se ýCmamie.-bge uts tisu jouquâ Ibmthe b~ of -ItWkw*.bag so aitîy Mum#ed tislellve ssaiau'.sIs; ew a 1wbea h a zted Chat bu ie%" bs Ice 1 -- jKo. 6. . iümwwrpo.c M'Z