Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 19 May 1846, p. 2

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W AOrney Geeral-for it was n,gwe este =o end spem skishohe Mr. IL) thoughtil eddesly with:aÎE tht ine inforalty, pay the e*£"m ,m. a gan of a Civil List. The principle bemng j ad il I ,,, bave Mpokemt Bee ad itemwa nrmed by te M o.cbl& M e le e ha aeg 4 atth moin hud er cer-rnttete only question then respol ing ti he, shad,', i :M)ret of the Pareident ai th" Cesail, ad a lgard se the moii" erL«wrCeamnho (.Ur. B.) las t ote ha 6e b - ,e that #Wf it should pass, as the bon. tCivil List in as to ita provisions. And lihe first er he m-:an ,rý,\ý.,_ý-- . lag'qa tiyf er?.,as idhit 1lain tres - *804say thatlhe vlet erejm m adg to rw edin la L%. ,*rp gWl msys it alil @ bondbe bhead lfeaitre which presented itself as that uwlc.,r, . l1. 1 ho naid thattwIn e et Mhalawhlile; shten* otheteMes aiiws.r ia ut" *side- is »,m thonwalsethe hanm- I are which perideor the payment Of the Offi- bel11 ,1 but aner LMWe "alai ad th.e ad- esthleg teafthatwd tê e toeatsph ld u «bae1,, at, _ 1 l avsbirnet"at -tbdhoa t*h"itedeby it, ars aurnow fer frnheCrow. la fact il mighat lbe divided wheth., f ir,, , a ýI vastane lid by the -»b«_ 1for tsoMe ty ---- .. --1 @eE . , ondc ftehysesi di eitrstdt ethe petbé _Iq - .ito-ota threebranches.-: Aret, theIliead of the G- p-_sIl lt e ld ON e O with aareery bad grace frees hin le est igtemiew*ht t«em e m .Pdopte by (the Seam»oweie ne w40 b espelle toe jr tl theAgssebk Mehead dabursed in atise, umnt; eeedy, the Judiciary ; ba thirdly, er e asIýni% s, a. 'toke P i. He blisted tbat the for 4w ét ahmas or cme- oeÀsisin graating pay it tbsmmlvm ;b;," M end theillnsthe -aaber of the Administration. As ards m ,21ren.le riI.,ý ," . _. th gqofithose tht did obéi y Ftheo:rip»Meferse 61e *9th & rember for Mr. st.tbes esidhbgeneray listeanedwit thelmpeint heo ever ad a doubst, fur athe erless .,r is the ý,.ý .I ,ý 11seses foward te gi - any Pâlitiontlreputaie wedïstein saeeseta oud admnnaitati kn o e t AtomyGeeaiet.n hnveit tia. ha h ed fteGve tadht risr bt for faàigher and auber l$ect, vi.-te en badst edby n ets. aubouteigety wem bhoinsisbjtocomel hsinsette(M.hedicodnishthtuiaridtgntlfaflhoud nt b sujetedt..heontou o thm pnde*o tS orhis elaan' i-;armes their just righste. .a thes indemtiy somld bue applied fnr teaute ealr for the mifcoadse of Ceamissioert who which wasrérathereàen, hoeawais glad mr "him esi gilfatre ; thon s regards the Judieiary, it hall years. and thiey%.,,,: :t , ý he mnwrfor RisI, nola -eapue-iaP*rliset a senms»emsitt. 1w la$in-easew i eoalheva he -th4 &Pd "ieMiggtheilae- "è«l, init sowed a mmehie timffl te e ssr htitol d ea idpndn ytemiaticaly ýdestroý !i, O""-"" «J isomraegh e iluo illiting mm enufgedi1d1 Nav emela exigency exist, wvstien in a pary light J i tt e Va o l posed pbe wrk te braniprisai lset the g=sio.«n of the peole amof the Exeetive ; on the t wo mglerthe h f ree ei,1 orIIth inth aalseseof tem atseedeeeetoseprsdrehos ites e fomtid e n ht becam oepartyà"aamajority they werte the proeat ismes hoehllbann roßing te a Pointetee couldi be noadoubit, being an ac- system of ora:;C ,ý :e"9il. base iécreared hie ià:A nee in a poiskaipoiotd 76% ,&id the hm on er lfer Three ie,with to trample open the mother. autant, and with »me --am•m issmety, yetnowledgedprinciple tatethey shouldi net lbel,- .. ý. voul,.hbt heonas lent it. Did the miiti iropra- 1-MeMeesMUM eof eat" r à of bahis e lairetrees, r. Rourbeux spoke against the umim n had aed te accemplishà his , ho lu- ependeait eau an mnual vote. Then wairth bre.- sented by the umember for LoWhiaere a ytobetMiity , h utmn -el M.te ie sd eposscol t bmàsen"tomket eeIl -l-tie setatit ard te the tird lpart, which contamn careWu et enMm & Ver. NO.-Theyapplidto you, r,?SPeker cgantie, and the Ibo. Attorney Genera e ycnaoe so tecnigniso.h uewudieaea tathdbe mrdb.- lmthe Proi"fe fr the Easetive, fer is own&The t ateIo -anid ho lent thiliubeelh.xe tasto à thhe tyhee f n stof boute n c ad ha aeete baostee id epredpa freteie ete de.que ee msethn r h touhtte es mthdwoldbetod- _ rr derie frthe job. He listitulthere laughing Passed to, itshould be observed, by a verab anMeletion contstt t ws ga aend the ham,-ase a eig éty toeM tat ;in- ray th" atyamnal vote ; ho admitted Jtatewitlh the rebltions bet ween the.,II ýl wrappeJ os in hiesraonpre,eded dgiy utmn fwiizhatore eea iel oit l lo thtv7na, aare de e(r . oi otsehwte a.eadtoteatalmnsesofteConln.enkei ne hi ni n et s cma, it in a. hard - -a mil so.M as one,00.vi, thn BarrisonAdministra6a nd uwthaet a Party-shOIW4Centesthe satof ai hon. member couldtprom cbneshehadinese Irish tbera would bsmm diiculty in voting their' of hbeilties. A Li.1". fie perpe tra il a jb on U pper C anad ; w ellei in r er ence to th at d eig tim on to a , ase mbe r of' that H ousse hie fri end s hou ldm ke blond in i s ve in - < ind l u ghter- a th' calaries a nn al y, it w oud in fac t place tise msmi 2000 sn,; %I ,,, was time the Lower Canads1h hould beho rwak. ,ment-he (Mr. B.) would sabarft hoe ntily op teoir minds eta oubearhunharmless HoeInitiahefollowaes»emrtene c o etha =îw àfa"sepositionbut wateha wished for wasâtat2(K srog, crossed *heJI,;..: e:j. for lUw-r Caniada bas bee suieiently job eonenrred in the doctine laid der.n faiby b h .wold vote against the motion. if it wee in preandd it-(aughte)-it was treeat the beaoest voted fer a permanent Civil List j unm'Oterisg pwy :ý.,_ ýý bied.Heaf(Mr. A.) did nuit laike job@,esppeially Attorney Generl,-of not olangthe G erefusenr of his emartfriend in the wold. Ileraned -,-kead ladvatage caver him (li. ehould net bue se great as to put it in the power Out by Gens. Tay!o1r 11 .- i* whnthyweecrnie nth iltaOs f t ho day respopsaila sedhe o hel inthe Mr. 1'Dom.qàt (of Glengarry) had conddier- Baldwin;) head ad the boulott of instruction of"theAdesaistrtion tocarry On the Govern- vanceguard, and m.,agI,1,ý 01-& ausa. fhad been the country's »defene ina term Admnfinisttrationjeu ufapplied toa Covrnrad the question fer 2 or 3 day@ aat thngth in thosegreat itttions where the athamt- ment withot commg down fur an sannua'voie', Y, made ant attack Uiliý.r" i,m.erakr. He expected togive th€»a boon; .ws eteeCtC9it was applicable«only tg a e-.resolied to voe aglaient the motion. lie thaght icr vole ansably taghtand Igbere famseuts- 3n thispoint athere was a vast difflerence bet ween tantIII,- 1, nocrrp GIInIt a eit ihotspnible Ministry. but in reerene te la ts Lwould bea ad nsile to enstabliesh that tionsa- Ma falsepositinu e re so» cund- the Mothercountry and this colony, abteethe . yrepe lled by s"Perm b, a ,,,. -ýal>ie T'le clirrupt GoverneRt Of; Loird sy. of 1811, that of t herriumelAiistralibK it because a Mau fatiso an election aconlete thie yudesod l her)-Hehdno t C ivil List in a mmr drop in the bucket, sand icans, and 13 Of the Amer:c de1 hall'could nwt get on ithat otinually was thee laid down setrm.aecould expenses shsas u e ais. - àanant -rof thaa u ouse w asee tha" it was 9e Governen a biged tabring foward an the remnainder taken Pr-.ee l l g: à in ,,boons ( et ie« of-and Baglot) bon. gentilse - psbly hbe employI-ed. no.eI ' Mr. .Sorr.-Some appear to vies thiss »il a t othgeneral epenssoft theelectioLtamuual vote fo a digérent class of publi er-T. h flowioge.a se cllou aod te adm sstei.noflSetoland funded open any alation, ort adgr party question, he however couldnot and voulditthe asaion referred l; the argmentatothe cou. Jante, sadconseuently thers is an effectual Ader . CharlresBagnt h enuwouldak themember for the Government, sallb le IaI ed or ent ine nont.'lThoCommisioners appointed bàthis ray vasmerly to theroe dent in thbe eyes of eek. But in tienscolonylthat clssis not pro. hcnier gae ,t L par Mhei antwhthr them nistrati n essmde before Ithe stdey of jatury, House have notperformed their duty. this oaue bon. mainbirn. Anotherantfallacy wisasthat bo- ded for, and in order to obtam an edicient check "l We anneer a w te r %(, ! halsag wacorP.which will bu in theéyear of WLord ljd& ex. bas decided that the Commisstionevilhave boien canar the Housm lutte oposaion of the cem. inthe admrtbinaistrat ion e would likre te see favoredl, Iuaiýl,- ý ,I; »Il frc an der a, , Mr. Dir.Y, echoed the seimoents oh lit b laet ,aWenthe rtims oiginal yintdrésestId dguilty of maisconduct, but Sthey allwed the Ça eat tepriscetsm hy ee h hidcaepovddfrb anulvle-egmte oc ne jecttat lhad beenaexpresised by-hi fr h*e Jimiag, "IaClondes the d ee ias..one caones odepart vwhien they m*=> àýa 1 Mr, not the officers of the Houai athough And if that check couatilie lotainied, ho would doubtilssIDmre accurat, à aà. Attorney dGeneraMl n'm edt'%' ]mara anthe sid day. 4 sd» ieørachpiimtpled thep to Pay the espemms4., te this hb ad received its commission. l migt am not carse about Issuoer three thousand, more or it gives a moure alairm,:s rli,,, 'ý':- Mr.Av zzwoldas oe wo adbeena er10s eeton13" t asinthe fceof thi.* House then is the only resenure;and tn hiesve ile said Lthat bocum a Court did not itself brs on the Civl List, as the flouse wuld al. than the accounits %wh1 ,bwe e'ic.ýs, if they fhad done oanything tu plonge Zlain delavation Of the laserthasethe va ..rabliio teUue ought to pay thens and noeecIt àa mntoset asSherig but appented oeesaye have a es-icient control over themn, for the New Orleans paiers. ti the ce.,t.,ry into..(Hea, hear.) He would ieto h onelbsde o and ibe guiltymof broinjusticesWho hadl huin recommended lihat therore sucalhey cannot corne down njow as an lhon.Attor- ", Camp aq ),,ý skirwhether th-- hon. gentlemen fromteLondon for which ho deservend impeachment. 1t was r.C AIBr.aasatte hrlidofeo.Serf aint contbe o nget fduy syGnea ddbfoe'h4ntoutrnofR-. eexet a anl dMeý,ntiican approve of thle sentimnente ut- trois the hon Attorney General West care toeince fromn the bon. .iuember fur Middlesex Ur. iluso would vote for the onggial cmion 'pnibeGvernment, and boast thats they are their batterles ou, ile ", op .ý,I, tere i'-y file membler for fherbrooke and Lebes the re»e.e avowed hie participation in the out- and the hon. an learned moiember for Leeds conditionally, &hat is, if the amount to be paid inepndn of the House, that is nowr beyond as welil as tromsabutsol.Il.y.'1 who iarý Jiseir suppo-rters. fHe would ski the rage and abouted ahat he was prepared to stand has comne to an ton, holhadt an amiendmasent to the petitionier dW Dot ezeeed £ 150. hirPowr With respect to another point, hec cavalry w h)o are now te aýi- .,ý uine rfor SherLrooke whethser he wase in the or fat by the sid of hie yenerable clleague, de- propose ;lhe adsa, been a member of the cent- The amaiendmifeit wvs lost-Yeau, 6; Nayr, id ot e n per.anent prosIonfur the place th.is eve,,ing, ,r 1 1,rI o-pp,sitiont durmgi the admriinistration of Sir clared that he was willing to bo tried at the mittee and 'hadt alsod out fur the petitioner, in- 42. Crown Laudn otce, with the exception of the V e are preil-ied to,,rIcl,,'-.;l» Crinries Bagn, he (Mir. A.) behleved hle was sallie bar with himt and tu sallre 'in whatever deuid he was thé oly one of the committebe thbat Mr. HAL.r considered tatethe petitioneir had Clerk's »aJary, and ho thought that so màanýy extendIed llmes o,_: de-LIà'à nttlafehideh.iewkiakteo-punishment Boitebu inflicted ; thisowas &all veryhadutousd out on the jura question ; although a good rigtil of action against the commissioners complainte ad [teenmade un botha sides of the fthe suppoLrt tof ai, t l i ý . tensaible leader of thé administration whethber, fine ; it was elasyfor the learned Attorney Gen- Mr. Durand is a political op nent offmin and uifer the mount Lthat he had id thon, and as hisHousse respecting that office, thatt hn order to put our present force .., n:J , he did nout support the administrat ion refferredt eral te talk of standing or falling- although by although ho went *through a whole coungty wolie expensesvolwerstat rto bienot more thona attop to them, the Government hiadt discovered die, La. Maslon, anid Lt .',K to;i ei osset i isl ewudthe bye, hie did mnot seem desirous to staudvwithénot makling a very good use of goy name, yet£250;hoeBroutdiove the words " not exceed- saime rmagical method of carrying on the depart- were ésent out a a remmat.ý not remnain ailent, let lhim ble consistent for the President of the Counabcil sometime agoe whenf he came to my house, n ewas more irig £2M0be added ta the motion.",talent, Bwrth £300, and he had prepared himuself fell ain with thie above r, a ;,IZ),', ncinhsie.Ho (Mr. A.) did not think it (laughter,) ho thonn seemed rather anxious teo wlemee; he wouldtat ue i is ý0tI&icl, the Mr. CRALMILaS, no individul in this House to gliaethe hon. mercber for Ottawa unbounded edt and captured lin about Ilac::, proper that after the desath of Sir Charles Bagtet stand without bias, (ronewed laughter) but it representative for Hauton, that Mr. Durand was understood the circumstance of this case botter praine. Ho was Brnder aill these cirumstances The dragools lmade a, .e, ,,esýý hie acte #houtsd be canvassd ; he h ladtat ad- would be remnarked, and osas remarked, thate.not fairilydealt with t the election. than himousaf; and ho muet say, that ho consid. prepared to support a Civil List, putaing, the their way thsroulgh theILrili i maitratinan haamnitratnwairs on hntheJuleanedAttorney Genberal venatdhie Mr. CHALmitEs thon moved an jamendment toersed ahat the pet itioneradnot boen fairly trent- Head of the Governmbent and the J udiciary on ai, consequelee laf% w bich a!bout Ii ý: " le(. Mr.,A.) felt it hie duty to have the readiness to shfale ;aall the conseque.ees of the the efect thrat the saitting member shoud lasocd. This &mendiaent was carried. Yes, 50 ; ndependent footing, but would of course re- two wouned and thle rý,' .,.ý 1, practice of the member sopposite exposed ; but proceeding referrat ed tohetok good cars net to have his expenses paid, and that the same a- Nays, S. The main motion, as thon amended, serve tu himaelf theo righit of opposmng certainti ains that Ca pt. 1Il:e .. aý after all hies strategetical practices inark the re- give his eo opinion of the lawr, hbdMamaent lowanceeto eah should not exceed £10. wras thon carriedl, Yca, 38 ; Nays, 2. #tenu respecting which ho did nut concur with as prisoners. L. Kane 1.[L 1;à suit, do the Militia men apply to hain I No!- cautions open that Psiv, he did nat approach it, Mr. ERMATINGER, titis in not a coolieof law, UEDYIa 2. le hon. Inspector Gener! There waonie as upposeýd among i,.the me" !lýý,,;, . The aply o yu M. peaerthe apty li e daredot. Ho (. Blwn el elwe are not bound by its oi ruls u e are lnt n the genserailascheetowhiclisbche ton, didags, . IL ,àt se the imembter of ferrebonne, and they apply to both theseInseanedgentlemen that they ad in- t eeyisefcs rcdnU a enak r. BAr.nwnr, before the House went into id notgive this concurrence. That was an re- sover a lhedge Ifence,: o'Ie meadh etmr ooe yhi plc-curred a degreea of responsibility which sanghat toecd for, ha %ou14lskitif it were ever knwnaie committee, he would move a mrsltion that albie tedt the Offce of Civil Seeretary, a termi the enmy's lancers ; , .he a lion than hle couldi by thle acceptance of any of- heboghthmtthbaofteCnclheHsefCmonofte ebeseigflouse never Bwoutad admit the constitutionial whch asapttomiIIa.thpbli an een ay hemut1b ,,,rd, fee.file would ask Un t.eiemers of the 'Hlouse therae toie triend fer high crimes and misdemean- paid, he conséidered it waorsbe for the country to rights of the Imperia] Parliamnent, to tlv -ish eiimeflfwhc.nistnehd Th ih oo !c u whether the pcram wholierepresents the borough osrb; they had done what nothingr couldi justify lbe made pay for the speeces ci the marembers. in Lthe Province without the consent of the Pro- becurred this session. Hisa view ofmie was that. the (up the nyve,) frinitScàesp. .î,à, of (l'isee, iverp, whetherlhe brnow or ever repre- excepte perhaps, the facet of a fobreign ensefy lbe. Mr. M'D)omAmnD of D1unadas, hoped tha the vincial Legislature. He ad withdrawn the tuo- persou Who preparedsi despatches froma thie Gov. goon aa seilt back v)t tILo e[mià,, gWtete Lower Canada (fond Case@ Of Ni'! noe! eg t tegt e(r adi)cududr mnmn ol ewtdan ti osneto napeedeeeigwt the hope ofo (r.rnmentn toul be -âenisent home, shuld havethe conf-img anbtter fro the ýNýXrI coêmj fro V- opposition ,memi༠ru with feeble cries ofi stand bow insochialnuexigiancy a Government to vote for umoney lbefaore et is asked, perhaps meeting the views of the Ho. Attorney Gene- doce of the Hoa& of the Gewernmlent, wh lich alirs certo Generai Tay, a Yes: Yes ! irom thc Lowver Canada members bmigtil for the time bing hold itself superior to Mr. Webster mayI throw i back soithdan ral West, and had agram brought it forward, as ,mosbei teoie er omsetfrG-o tercnotrg parIt y, I, J af th- amonsterial beneciti ) lie woeuld aji the the lai, but in the cas in questio-l no such Mr. CHALMERsf would withdraw it basecaulse he constdthave wished. Fromt the position in ben rscange repeatedly, and therefore cannot be treated as prise)s o f war. 1 , , -Il. I.o Ih alis sidef fthefHouse whether he necessity exited; there awas however, a ne. fromr is knowlIedge of Mr. Wbsersfenisihthie Colony is placedsi, he considered it have that confidence in a permianeuit tfficer, force lisfnot equal in umbrï I _ is ve h.(o n!)csiythsaeyoth cotr as not eth wudfeOegaeryacetn " a the duty of the House to record their trm wichis innecessary in tat situation, and it ap- thepy are daily imcreaing,, ad Ile àma Mr; lRostsoii, ro4e to order, the hon. gen- -threatened but the hon. President'sae in farthing -of publie money. dtrmto o oprmts aiga ne.peared to hima that the Private Secretary was sutl. The enemiy are inow t),t,ý:s L atemnean ought to addIre.ss the Chair, Ihe Government was menaced and heosought tu Mr. HAàLL-if Mr. Chalmers withdrew bis ference with constitutionail righits as our Statute the person best 6tted for the duties ouffthe office. euppil:es at Pomit ilEh, Mr. AY LWIN.-Ile had effected hie object, ;he avert the bltoue ; in plain gnglish lhe dedired, even motion hie would nore i. book at pressent exhibite, and he brought forward lt appeared to himerlre was a àafistake alto- WVe cannot at presenit diomA ieL7n« membher for Silacoe cail me to order, aye he at the very sacrifice of the tuaw of the tend, tuo tM . DomAto-he was prepared te vote fer bis motion now, becaulseho believed it as due ; gether au respected this cilice, somne comiparing our fort is finishled , ,e can :.,, e,,a o reseis for his old colleague. He in conclusion pie lu is fiends or thosevivhothe thought the main motion, ho conceived that this Houee to this province, to the Sovereign and the aismer it te th Civil Secretarythip fer Ireland, but a t to defend it, and fiake the rel..,,,e;t, , chiarged'tie Pressident of the Council with har- smight ipecome is friends. Thle timse was ieilW remotely the cause of the expense, and me Colo.nle, te takth "at sep before entermng ihrabe edicer ast hmemnible for the performuance ef supplies, vwhlen thlty are ont irv a iI ing wilfully perpetred a job, by which the hie fibr. Baldwilf could rempecte the view of the &"bound to pay i. .Cmite.Frteeresnh tog bi is duties, whereas our secretary nlever was. Pomnt IsaàbeI , ai i. camp. jýSå uda. l'u -lic lands have tbeendespoiled. member lfolr Thrýee!ivoire, when ho ent oteer .r. HAL.r.withdrew se much of his fmionneOess arytoput his.reslutan in the astringent If the office were abolutely necessary, then strike us, we hopie io rendeýrâ a ,- .PAttorney Genesrai Daarsa. aaid the hon. moto ethose iews, hbu; that day was go=eIb, and related to Mr, Webster, allowving that par tteme, and howeve .he might df ntialther bring the Secrtary into Parliamnent to sanswler fur oursielves. If thley d,It couiI,enme te her for Quebec lhad thought tutochar&@ eethe Boenealee mber àgPuàidexcuse him (Mr.. iting the aniount, to romain. bo. gent!emen on eaft point, b hoevdevery, tumself, but the safer way au it appoea] e bitohitiOve days herie, oire ia nolt àu L , veeal raeto h oni ihsne . o h henad lon ball confidence ln Mr. LAF-oNTAtiNE then EpDke in French. one would admit the pra saonee «. Mr. Bahdwin} woutdlebe tabollion the office and shll Open qur batterits upon < la (I ,.r veerbe rýsoIn1o teýonct ihlflue.B. orhimbt ud LW sett inal .MIr. MD ehrfrMontre4 . h. oyeransMifr l,' ,a seitnd#à_1.the daL.tlest thePravateecretary. In P. S. A 'Texan iiä,n1 , ,skm il%.agi a eacnga; to grPo,ý e r wiM .ï*y • A4e wen tobe cthe aorn Ia. k. i * net lusfoe, ho 1ould say that with regard toupoln the Gover:mt r If Teminr .'M )a in nieaankowing tyJvjý, eiliHonseho (34. . aotiweyl that ho' .sa oir .member for thé 4t" Riing, vwho , @e sootiebject un a previonoeven sa w"isla- -Ib oten, howad'notdispouçq te deal wi:h the men.1 i hope athe Gitrd hJ" à,a edLI vam ihope of .taining pd>iticail oiecatra wt h to erlWs gh feooy ol dehshnsae th e bt ave the motion souched in temestcour. diitaini dysiio tecn ren o h rv a ü tthence hu (Mr. Aylweiiargued. Vhae inasmuch 9eag Ci teAirm oraiW esa.and ld m r:tiestfidr he bentoul f ne fis rie detheem em HAdmisnfipsinan'f e trannwas diggarbelsieral, rathercth-nOplans rtrops. il00e a,upii 4i a aI as such an act lhsad bens*ommitted je was log. ojught to amuanate frimon Con n h i p.e.estd-the beitdon ofie fT maotste's tagtehs-mUtioMBwa- de6ini o,»rtlet . h w isoeilt altea aisr hnpa tulê,, %iIitpp..a. leIal# i im in gthe present instance tu commiot a theorefore advietiswithdrawal, sujggtest r 1ns t hHnd P' " t afthnU e I'bumper -ia G wuneent wou gi wayotherwise. too mlany." Pimiilar one. f Laughkter ) Thse ho. gentlemaa the sametime that the hon. member who -tre- "case as a adt dfe Cesth&ait he n. a a(éed buiapearte himptshwno teu as e i Dbt o eCniul)I ssposdta h d coet liatalso, charged the hon. mn»ibar fur Sher, 'ducedit mighit tale occasion to engraft tat, nthhog 1 etevui - 'smereIy a strong expression of the prine l!e - miy 0onthe East ide of Ihle re a 1.ro -k- wilh hàvmug ttac.ked Sir Charle» Baget articular viewne awhih it containeulapon bll friend fromt Dundase,Jl o bttrby fiefol o r hc ecnedd n sh ocivdo tlat250mn ne e aferhi-de . n h Atony Gnra)about to bee introducedi by onae of the Y, ing the precedent established'by bis owndrislis orth oilonfepare iyth . n spe cctiGene.eKINGSTON HEWRAeLD.bCnds.Clrsco.d iri: w. would say that the hon. mneàaber Lor=Qee the hm.Ilmmber fur Ottawa. .. a few daysag in the eeait terlwsnteatywa ewudwshe rincd tlces ad huw em shold leble h art man. to.rebuke tather fur M lDNID ootrot hda iee eto.le(M.W . erd htten-wouldmakte his motion, and it would thon lbe xesTox9, womAma, MAY 1, loue. aillcommt.umctation ibettea (Ges n, such ean ofence, seeing tihat he himiself atacked to tact in an unconstitutional way, and -w _',intienwoltilpass, there hati een asome electioneter- comportent for ahat hou. gentleman to e lean' Punint Isabel, the depot Iof 1proom laý.1.;. t- imory bo Lord Syd,nhlLam iulnediately af. conssequence of the represenatationse of houn i ng abut it, the Party opposblite went as us"alamnden. cuin ftileobject they -ýcl i,4 a ter he daisiof hat obleanand hilehisbertsuad the apparuentdisposition of the (ra. velltogeýther and had obtaises poissfrm rdC t.-ptrtheonidrtinofasnth ebteo tepametofM. urn'sad av heey hfe teNel bines yeat iay within the selhe of the [hon. Mo-ro- itoaclinthelaterthmseve, rawe flte eakbrthrn o te mniteralday thug fulyagreig wth an ofth exenes n cntstig het eshHaoneletioflstdagerusto salet «m ber's voce.Mr.eMune AttoneyuGeural)trepiedrhisnill. a M Mi. setimente expressed by the hon. mensber fur My. Chalmsers, the member for EastiHalton], possible fur Gener1alI'Taylor mt aie that instance in a manner that he would not geSag, rm 8*- lear d f d oud rs t undeerme a - h NrhRiigofYr, hyhaeeiddu. rnlyamtedta M.Dradhd o ee ube fme o udrhà u n mnember àought to bu the tast mni-ito comuptlan of WETHLO LETo e e woatdacrdn.oterjdg o.nlmnfromt a political opponent living near the sPot, which the enemny are aiready stroiY M a vernor being impiroperly accused, lhe having Ur. BarDwis moved lthat the expe. .1 a-m.meut and wbe did nBOL happen to agree with the bLgýeCuaIsTxpeere h mednn, e n hohyaquaitdwt h actfly O h 2 . Tyo1ecmdu bee te rataferReponýsible Governmetascurred by Mr. Durand in contesting"te eio n.1 crwrenonfibrwimeei ha cus i asinacodacewihahrrsogeos onrm alth care tatweana thrdhaeAmudabyman o adg flra, estabiished t- vilate that principle of il by for the county of West Haton, should «paid way. He U. Murney) was willing in that pse1b3U eHos fAsebyin14. made fraim time to time un thissubject. lt act, inication ain very offensive ters ,cover, %% hieu every ac:isechargeable fnot sapon ti:e Go. froma the contingencies of the House, L3saidi istance to ýeconsidered one of the weni akth. Mshr. her.f.oseatherupr isa "h esni.a etrie eoeadta M.Drn i aigbockddtektre err:,lpnhscottuialaver. that the appfiention haa ill te strength of the tr ; ihe thought the expeorationof the petitioner whic.HAhe hon.rmember forGp,,eheavefaoir i.lshudenterbed electedand toefbctthirs had i tshereheo icsd, th te mpudaiid I Ur. Antwin begged tu explain that whiat lhe cae ofjcisthe Middl e len cti ad wasreetcearlyudidia e co at nc ated yotse ting for the amendmient. Ha (M. Hall) would ponnt'& partoeria business was appointed re- thbe cause of the blockadeIIl, ang alt sa,] idf Loi zsyJeuhaub ns 1tainreference to h betosta adbe ucsfl reSerjeant-at-arms intacco cotrgofh duly rotea sgnfait it, he contensdedthairt the British turag Dt icer. So thOroughly did bu du the declared that unies. Geu. ayr we men ain hise ta«tho sane right existed a@ hat gintthtcse hec je org overnment liatno right to du what they ded.dirty workitassigned to hina, sthatlie, or hiedépu- rtrebat behind thse Nueces wit-iltýe !)Ilnheld Li botheEgyp . a..ta a man's M iddlesex case waïs that the contet a bt ter. Mr. Ce mr.x.-The hon.Ornumber for Terre- By doing athis on a former occasion, they lent lieu, appointed by him, astookthevotes of women hoeure after is diplayinig lis lau vo M dealbw as o barier o he uenomg f hs inated, and Ltitilwas poausible abtallerthe bonne made it a erimsie in hien(Mr. C.) that heo hrenvlal oois;adte ol e.aantM.Drnbsdsmn te a ako h i rne ewu o acte ; beside le (%r. iAyt% wini) stoi aadif- House hadl voted money to one or bladtewas bor* on the oather side of the Atlanti. He er have dared to do it to un except at the time votes ; and in one township wherebe ad a large as declared, and woul act accordsn serei pos.itintowaàrdi. r.é sydenham itan oidP aties, it might be deided that the conn asa h ad tated ahat hie (Mlr. C.) was but orns ertete i.H atdt aetesm rvlg aoity the time wvastpurposely sapui out by all Taylor addied abtaihewou:, receve « lasnelhon. næle:Iicfo.r Sta-rbos>ke towqd r4a irivloue and vexations. I rsn ac os fCmosgth emdt e" a nabstat the.poople oftoglandhad, thtofJstop id of vexatiodlays, no that oeilyà amall communications freim the alexicae tof Chair- Bi-o ; îw (,%Ir A.) Ihad never inaunyr the affair was at au endad tecomi e Pþadttural bore legieitor. This wasnooit - pnshasple he h ovrmn o nonumber of hie votes was polle. Thu&,bythemostunless couched in languis a moreretéM w..pne o o Sleamscndcbtdecided that neither Party ba ct afivuly, rect, as he wa@ born ten miles froul -=dP thespirety, n thbe (Mr. .) w o itwnef iu ens aoit f6o a o ards the governmietanpepeo h eni got uehnad uncombpromis-&c, W ith that decison before ti em, a sIo A grebat detal hadbeen nataabout being generous, necma essar , o the supplies as Bsoon asu ewuld logt Mr. Disrand ; whereas, if hoelauhd fair States. hâ "eIIlr ui.ut!ietré#athe fact that the loue complainedof was@ *B- and te would no* givea them au opportunity of vote £W0 te Gil up à a uthon. hoh wudvaoulairtundty ajriy Gen. Taylor's position, im the relg raiad h x lan-e by the misconduct of the comimissiosa, ho being genercons, not out of the publie funds but Mr. MorrATT had mucpletaure in suppot. of toOr three hundred. And after spending va, tisauficiently trong teo ithL hioro (e. e-rab not juasaiitefy pa d- thought it would hbe only justice tu the pgitioner out of thirsitown, by moving in amendnmt thate h mnmnt o-hl te 1el w esinadmc oeyi otsa hi ul natcko h hl parar n heprnope fteesonibta, bi rus Inite stootatthep hoe aurame bepaid out of the Besional allowance ,areth onttuioa rgtsoitisloueitrtunh ilaol tldtatal h pocasgomadsthlowwhc es. e . alfeldil.ta vâter won d hadâtiabanidoned the contensDot frm anydoubt M.MrAT-npdthtti aedet o ltO theettnt, s c ieuntry. e od y e o omounted, toul hfanLaUst eMr. M r a bedp dofh e rdm t hep T hofad rait ntthaidnpla "B dce ptina o nv io f arf he«av areauten.e, hchTa) ak (au.-t.t mad irie upon epsnlcaacter of htpoeuet;h o d fer si htti rnil diteld"last yearstha it xtee cases jstifbetreree i a ; ae nosroscnaeainb hepol frcielrerifret s Ü'o , oy ndv nobeil nded manvais Char aets B a-tl y of baicou bu p ap-aanuithoespet toreundig oae ers rin c ewe adwBts te did a isntairle cocurenc Caada; or thegdmn staethtor ihs fn oisaena, o ao whic h MMk,"- vilean i.ýr te , aat toureiett.eha , oýitbnte b tre thse. ( e r. m ) tnadatho had inot bendpa id previoo us e nderte i rcumpan fte Uin Atbuhb d ert arein he pwe f aoraptbgovernade ta rde vbequisitio o e ils la ou a o ne r thr o re it ; an ht t w as u ietheor dty e p ro ,filth e U i o na b t it m ust b e re w m b e ed t h x - T e M nd m ent as ai ed e t h o lyo s a a i e a b e n th n r n m ss o o P i t la li a ta s i n e t osla aisàa c e s, ocma dd s a e te d i nglie el e cti o n s w e r e adt wa, a , l .Y asg a r a t hy" @ l n i y t e p q l e s r p e s t ti e t m n e u itsa . I e ti s th ou t s snraa ? By threinbyrmhi conduct of pari s w o e re a y vt e sespublc af us in ow er sanadaw y xte die? a" ; ta leu no w r eved thdat r ck e m ith p e rpl e o o aicersJofge n T y orsa yth t% hi n c nb l e inidch a la isrv ntSoiterou eanareriots (he eaid bylenaa se sm n i p e C n H s e n C n nit eo u p y rp r a o s b t b dag e4wllepei e na h o rt i rab perona e ne actsto abde the peitit I ler) an otoe He (Mr. W otul e) wa" . sorr ht n thbe hn.m mri rte North Mr.bi r. r se o di talhie sad tion of the drrc t s dd; fretur e b o u se as t u pp an or we lli o nt a heM xcna y p d. t w s un a a, i c te w e n o f rtemoio.Lidig(f[lrkmo st ong y up o te the yIrdosinees ri g an e a k h o M b r i e m in al h mespes. er f a rppoi t imbrera aev na ereis in forc e Munsafrda is 4n' t ho I,ow l e r eti-nshèdben re foti.-gEnEsidwuthe ca$o then0 t e n of btheMetioer mexpedtirit e ata- ton&b, th Il th eme tno te tm ellBie. erand mteyaointcherdup " atrms s onby heaineIel "u 1 lidnt iousted ufil fte Mihtit,-,)V Ab lanos s ezt os wa dernwfomtatofteenswaitloked upe)om e r ad sa p t r. ar.erar e h at on he %gyea I steyearo.swhmteylkbyAitarahelaamr à.n n ir, Iý, 4i&i ws th e eaÀP n of-t-- time a ndhdbendcardntfrvlu y -arad tmih e amee f iwha Jc â 4" ,,S&ain ola -fr teH .1 eecaddae adta1g arb veyha o ût ewriterslaicamp, .c0I w .hie cla m auld be s te, andust ortes he ou# had the pDownuiefoade aido eeralckson, tbat e tanha bengien:at esio . Wthrgad ta seer d rth ther.« Thu te pople'"e beenreceivdoyGen. Taylor m hem a I are d paved ofa Pened --------a hose mise uct hd tdeenu âid bonly e og hsecales of his papw mmto n the ten of theCivly irvnt, heth thueagh .itc t»toa oeri ap d ndebokaaitthe b[ubsequent odis eYani- U ,ýab prsen-ead nuosnSiaOt e .coerdth M. Htawe Mdesppr: the I Wubae u Mr.da am tdershoud the boe fer f r .en dose oneile a dopt•• wisomci tem se isrpured s euha f HosMeva membeprs te M'kex ias.ses.) a Governmenf wa i a at ed as vojutiehoghtthe porion.rgae p"henuTereofnne to stataty spirit di tlgdsinsmevdt easSin ash d ep s raPadtorowrId A P i eet frm Is ' ;i 's Couns ,el r lidaw Cnada , oe ot O s ittuTec nidthe eaureofthat d andu uthe amirit exsios h ore, bithathis of tB bad ereceivd theatentios 6emaeh iSineapl ismtl. e&f Hey ao t s aeo hion ed ition re .ha p.t&celt§ e Mu.aciary howa ntill- ily teaprise-dn , ,Buthybd e hsn b ose nybd spine yti Het eit Palissno wibi as nite. t ssaies, iand tha appoith" e orm apps of thn ete e su, fcnucteda c lsu jutfr o< f any e 'ugd»oardlte them, that therenforetenptt onerth e xwere a u s éttrbanltotyeisim •(Uu winter. Baldwdn)s, itVept t ie,= m- aniM enb esMlloiitiepati sdd b aor Meeeen m. G. mestertu f a rg Qae, we that the Gn. had»be itoeland if were of cth cincm the comisuite«; bih av it wbas oftheCivl at.thee wnet os ht o r1Drn atXheesta feesp tuian eriedad a ut , rre.1an1 w ogaoea i on it i ght I ndhalb e eardntefrvu om of r ILmi thiee, anmd oeam ter ws li tlu*si isetht he mmateiderthw Conty;ind theobre oisn athe al eey, of 2U a veeicergana u 1-f Iv ,als cu e .th-'al aoe Tegea otet bib.asteed adeIe ayo eilgtes enstan et Ihec Wk um t o thbaiasee mthehemm0prodvuingde y law s fale thef Cat. erkeinam.DOe"Gels. ,I\.i .a - i . Ira cue had been dciiete> d agaontufri@. sud and veate o um tid e b"ineases.dThemtai J uieenbs t h eri fgiatin ", hie in th .Mu-. t "telerait Ioattsr.'d th peuis be. n G ei Aeb en aylo eo .;f vnVon.IemIlrP. TIl Ra e ,Iubelaer d cMr.i is es--laid thaWut ba il cu-aide ule og t h essssee se to ave pcdofai m ewu e edmshs n bs re 9" "lsa is the di, u .oien e betwen ble easte of Seen etlt a b iavnofhe t At oneyGenra‡aereaev be hes tie Im arisn Wt he =c y -s r he *lhe k "e IN,.aI) eatnt if thy e eeditem am suwuhe m esete dthmte atrafetig n nase maieiTeeeta#hs ,te a , aba. Hve icaw a , e vIlthng i ',,att e b sd n t b ca e h m t u n aw r s esaf,.hi Bas e, bu meryL affaleed New be leeb ed e a mat ia l 1«i fn Gee s is ase h m ent of so - ld i te body fCoL ncja e pdt C beta tth aeb.r cr.)ut Try as ••••• (Mr. fei)t n h -i a me the potied b ath wue a the s *eviatil " hetam itop ndledseiwd lae lit a corat oI dwst sfer, wth a e r t o maveM. e- l.absretdarplie ot al e o YWI Wiu wida and ,,wYPen y e Iwißnaar dert (He00.a r er.) notbe fvr - htht e n thay wer Be fth nMe this and edmthe theS but dm lut adif merd " auth lWen asly tat Uofumerbdyftliet. rter lnda - ..t- man wbn aro d Lakm1.ei dee e Lr t- nt a by-Herew o Supportha the ; hsUr. gIences ught mtoo th e paid, ba1 -tu deraut"eler eisBnstnesV" »t m tbaew itha1M. a n d rbbi"gfith Ou"asimne; inplesebyau paycbr)e, -_ est, ndwoebrneswa fe='rsr--e lci_. Ï _ - nnaý of a etfre s leutiebe a tetss a ewesetoe h oe ebr a en ediesgi-eln fgae ei un etsssl a the thie kwhoi*i ai g sçmp 0, *Newte,1 Md 1,xaf the these en,=d el bballe de a 1 i . th big ±ban' i ni« pI y dsth"e en di the àwL e Wod i eet: y ald n three e Lt.i sayng thnp-ltLt or trom hi reAothery Rted and staggred afterwa Are poured into the place l'arter tand onse of hispal , eideà the Asa besta Wu to thiu laI ar'ther serc.1 In have a 64lIMM 00 the 2, 10 A. , @VOwabse The le-gislatibu W tPu a ip su p w' arei a sa PintI&»bel, e t mnay bu re#tired. 'Lte inin et ate rn the publie s@inares, d& Praded throui;h theteets. r, dty in tiu Cri" le eident mua a a iag .0 11thý stativeg the coeursei de, and, " War actukally e« ory haring been ineadedb'" ere and large appropriarieel ar with eige." -.1T9s mssi backt into the paut trams twe cuntriel, and of e11rse e un Mexie. The United à Preident, bave been the arog, lamb-lli people In al mne ne injury tu Menxic, ba Wle ijuries from herWO"f a very di»Int vide of the he essage was taeleop Je cfidered to bie tantansuoget r. A bill wu astasse autheg tu emploiy tie ailitary &a ralateui, aàdasp N) Y,,Inteers, and alrpria lire for the purposie. e Milowing lutter teIo e b givel a Vitew if what Me, mer. wAsHutGToN, Napu THE MitD=Affs ae excitement , "m ddetof 1 to the military epostionsil ,nd is not likely is be dite ted ouecres ev n I1,60913 hmvemnt freige Carpem Ul WII cfetiny ieirptiebi ddto prose6e a war wké, g ihed to egt or noi ; lan -emg General Tayker's ea tu god the feelinge et the1 riy of the Wesinte a mian euecitemet in the West areadily geel.ed etropedeglpate b =fb T and te tates in, l set h ahil af a -getwa is bcarried into the Veil bus eUnlited 81t«teswilbeliguit aelses thatt the tudent er ar action ofsitate btee may inquire. 1),1 be impne ile daw e e let thant hb e eg e somon third parti"eMgINayb Seficit wilß beliier y s mans uloikly tha t edperhap «p tepuet easidlet refusd ysillé hl, Intentions je sugd anmie eitay& y al day y genrajPinte=mmhet Vhdeth ammef là SCIIIIIth*e tietmselaa 1 j- mable thus e bente di "n r the wbse* aer bill fibetW, o, athegredts ,a if va. Tb* gee urmainn tbW" *

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