Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 19 May 1846, p. 3

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arrelenirs u.pess l le a tse Mu po e, andh eO Aaerueat dragier, r, feil in mit tise . sall ]k taki th îem for a amati ha upn Item, whics e fupeior nomrar of tiai se Americalli wer eO taot ,r te fren ise psrtienlarc. eIter mitî su hiceS l iavh ecr ut tis telige," entier (leurraI T'nt acorte, a i e muetr a tltiling tCpreem,r , 5 mlcbk *0c op1 ult att papota. Othr Rap of~ Oclqiitt, APeîil 1 atiach frotal lthe ettei., 1 0b uepnatte Frlt id f1 etr .on .o linfatry 'nrdI k.>v on liaii aide. Il tri t,, .0t tutmort m, r tise txr r le recette tiseu .@ tri m ilefence atin ersit. lle r litagt 000 ra, ii artti, Cept. 'Iburnit C' ni Lî. Kline, autj rp aL teunumte~ r rrrng aure force, attd suere marra 1 aibout fiee tImI iate. caie a de.,Perale citante Il uste rauti l ta, Itety- 4uiti ahut het,seu a-Ire hA I tise test raptsr.d. It le tritle andi Lt. AIiltit ser,S -Kalita ficW1 tttrltlbrhtte,1 g tise kil:ed. cpltlt mec Irait anen leaptrý lit, ho ýce, tollbuad lji a Il Uâdet trae; if ho ustt Crtî, unibiereti amotrg lthe 's .ed. plare abouut i sety ' unF tisa camp.Aw r,.a Ch t li lt camp in a car ir the Meaicm asutarrar 'cylert artueunrtmg tle cap ring party, aud lthat thy i Nisera ut war. i tetlra il isi narntiri t t he etti reasirg. andisse are ai us. F are nuw beliseei a4 irai Lla!, preeisîia dutelossl Car nce t Il , m«ecaus titet lave a taei Lake tise remsatîstier ta cover isry are ordered tu tt ""'s tctsp. Si0m5.d îr.e p. e urotier a gotId arrrýue ýy du't constîsec'tr l bai ýe, lisera is sut a dia ttt tiai tteries tupot tise crty anrd io Waves Ll e htý Ilt.t r. ir (If Texta frt 2,J00l tu-rt i GeuseraI hala altea setl 4) 1 'rave Letuistiaiîuts andiiI UO aila ouppIed nau;Le abat the deitacistl tri lJthe aide ot elue lrin Granule co r met), uier lise cttttttti i Carrab-al, lhsis ad , FI tisai tfieti oljetlà tria, ci )a belmiers Gem.iait depol cf jercuutsl. ilt n 001t theji baveo llliy eticce placedth ie Auttont Ill Inanitiont, au uit va ilie lrr erai Tlaylc, vilî lte rIl pum under hisc usnianus us) tistosgli tise dase ctsmian are alreay atesgly poLs, @ai. Taylor tecemeed oi tar tna of a flag ot trotce. a rrrî ufeoisive ter-u, costtiillll adeai tâse leru G rand; a ,ent. Ampudia hald ittinli bieckade, au hsvîltg tupi oau Geu. Taylrctstustttcs, lie Nueceu vitl telrtrr s.pilayimghli sg suitU" lit Gressin, he moulai moatîe mouli tact acaidtsrglt. lit bu mould recette au h froin th îl ixucau Conmma la la"'aa, tutse r8tci maI51l ani.P peopf nirie h, se poste, le*el#" -"ea& % . bu am@ w.u fmle ,.dw l i e e 46 te hmtsse te AiM Uuâ .56 nie eenrt. ladtenN.tel. DE , .d ab' is- d aa e m ad*f so. scatt. we.. i ote1. l w taIcareif jibfflam om elu"M Wbet the Amaieer "M y P.114 COmi Ils.10 - i 69 d q oflS lll<ewes o$% allE, ta i. I teck i mldfférent~*US t ilvme i autr l enet " w lb a.airumusil; but va JIWiu 1itl5e ghL'rhessaooid de UM ekthalffiey attompt toe teb.moame, àt e. e py 5CIU.:imueon1 4 éreft dtbeien iii jOtUl tell.the sosie. on ASM ppd isaÔSO l isq. la pasie ho.slo, <ut Ma- k n.t th" will,»mdout suis opmd bg * a g dtnettei Ihai. c.ven. e b. siemc; but ne m er f th, b. îpemdnth hicket. Lt.Poirt ole rfmingoed by metais bwtre wbh 0&1 he m »&,gcamp ton bormia,Oeadl-c. 1Y deided aiiet a au mwuiue me shoot acon of the î9tl4 about @b- sains m d1 pb..etW e.iwy, sdthe W Chui'61. Talor'. campa end about Ua aae etyi hyoue soli- t,,à Del.Nete. lioe omnwd hie de<ead tbeïr muantaie bte.au pdgait eu orefý&lm p. pA. ai the *am.day ho &Il: fore Ihl b "UBiai Uatf eau WOUmgataiset ",e. aapaserPaty f iexiun whrh ad ý The lutter uay ravage site unis, bus $.taO.b0 jopaf l the *Mom ewho baio va IU met Ti oe atII<~ LtI'brtea'e parîy A *5 mnu iesne airisluis blir d hi tee men, and o0" plrame of the noested amain" * 1i n" oe ofa. th~e ni as~ lled. jbey nmade an tt.mpt lu re- Matte. ega blettit». butthe ,press vu lethe sh in a njthe ~genta is le Iptte t tuéftftigac eftar.tiah 84Hpfm isj reportei b hi* ereaut, mae a vemeol of war' ,sud tbee i ne doubitt Iait ts hi buhand fu hie men to oxtend tuth 1e proest se rîgt. P., 1..be d becs ne dclara. ',hTh, prty as' thua .sepatcd inth1e tion et mat, nirot muy iloekade by tb. Auaei. The iurgeantl andifour pivates rturn- tan; neort th11e Efluhai lîpwuIeturaed sbais uairpon te 2Otl and gave thec"aboe ithôut »actificato iaving beý gir.. In, the swo pagtliua mur not lua a otoof puc. in ~ô.~chcft o 30drgoons mwu depatehcd tat arjîbout amy pret et a*14i«,e"spi bs îb. ienetrigt a lhI 0recoilfotîe the p0". Meica. commanderua i heuamwoealadereed o earch W ULt.Porter and.tboee0of the Anrieune loluve the Rio Grande«ouley ecre mo. Tbey returned tb. mould hlit, ied aon. Te instit deMM«bicc- sj thut haviii assci amy thing of ai. on tbie elight gousid in a prooeuding bat aulk~~bec end tbu liit as anaub.le tained or defendesà. V tbar a- t() m 110gb titis. 1, fell ri n with Lt. Doibin. ve' UtAT IFasaon Tas Sàuxà.-The Que. 1jeuOtitflcta l o for Lt., Porter a bec papeta bring accoonts of a great dre in th!$. lgr.'eteay, about oon. ec 1 à a ud thitremen of Lt. ls eParte- .00W counr belon, Quee. pe. gthe, fcare LIt. porter had beu " The Mactere onutheUicvier ChblMeeer@ i;ee ,f te m etatd that hieaur Lt. cleafin'sghaïrendlaand uiburnsmg, the drougbk Swu i lu 'r te. Ariitt uaid lIat ho dis- iteat, aid on Tueudsy tbe 4th imt, 1the ini 'A. . s,iered afterwatd, and that vol.ccOlntg on lu blow furuouely, th.ldanmee ce .0 lie ce w.,ere hoie a". carrieed îloug lte celt soeut, icatroying houe., 1,,unaliutihiopary areàtill mis. lbstes, catl, thesececi grain. impieufestae o bs. 1 teta knotwilt ~ . bu ki. lbaadY, &c, and reavbng theriliage etthe river, r etconpu.re ftif îetty.tive osais eeiOtrityOî the whule there. t echcbrels, anidih il ~ rd paedmj trf thiýi îîc tu lasok. Iwo umille et 1the ssoutlî of the etresoain a c. ~ rter eurcu' iuung aml. fauibet touithe Bay, le the ~ i~a spîrtmthtPîayoîevOredaciGrandBe Village, ic.atroyed ail ibeee excepi tïe $"P trust h" î ecit fic &t the.chutspreabytcre. aadWm. Price & C4&,@ .*ý" Iti LeIStutîlas jut pateud, hy ac-clama. istles atti houae, and a f.m bitiueoa avuîh of ., 'l i arupri atg e u lreJ toméaiiItemn; leasing about 3(» 0 oula, men, momuet, * o iarnrJ ttièneterlé frs,,îi sd lsiren, githoul housse or thse nocami of uî'ta lbel, or ut .ut % eerpoint suis in.-their lasde VI .t le equt.Td. 1The large lumblering -establishmnents oof Mr. s1 ct, W ingieat ercitreen. Gu" et Prite, of Quebce, in lieve eetlleuaents, arre deu- i ,,ée pubîre, quars, & drain and aud tig e oýf and i al bie mille, das n hre « 11h~Ni.jtih it etees.L(uisiasua ilda. u lavawr àjo!r jtrs emtàt.' 1j suue A le ltpoot people hae liesaIl T: 1,- àtsent a message to the Sanata tijeir provision», and aven &A theïir eeci elt his !kte Ilý ', ,th ie occurrencese un the RioE Lellencythie <orruor Gneral bas isent down Wa alaly exrstttg;andi *or a Ceesage tu thse A»emen th u Ie subjeel, sud gr~; a beeni îmaded,'" rqueeting full t atted thist bu would furnigsb aulplies froum lb. ters sni ,re ppropritîons 0Il I :poeeute Cuntaceanaattres, onotiaiolier menure ceub ýK1 hepasttransacsitonsletween bec for tereifof tecufibrora. WC aitaie s e, and of routaI îbrowicg al the w ith a suggestion of tiee Monîroal IlereldtaI -~~~~~~~~~~ l.ci ieUmte tta crringtse Qebec Commijtes for lb. reliefuof ufferera te ",vrt have hemite mut lîritte@as, by their lre., houldilEders aaportion of ther r.- q, ara hI:e lee is in&l creatrue, iLay- -tt cirrcuy tu laexic, but reried uttîsu- sn.. l, Iru s tm Ia. Othe[ oult ries*Itl selt d feneîtî es of te suatter. .te -tft ,evats titen sp ta tise 1-iruê, andi utý,. iew -toLe ttisati.uutte a sdel.ration e 1ý %.ais pausioiedautîtezitug the Preui. «C rn ' y thrI ettîtarj aud Inaval force& out *r gan îd ascrptltheacrices of Io.,rr andur ap4ttopmiatttmg jeu uiliinia s r cter ta the Commercial Aire-- àt v as Ivof suat rnuy Itcexpected enI ý%IM ititTUX, NMonda)t, May Il. t, ..tr, r sin a-lt iCeuigness. i nre- 5'. atp OPer<ltuta tuinTxas,, in 5ry 5ttI. t reyt e trrurirîisled br auty --ucn n Ireb tt)G raside. Cl."r ..îtnît Ca tîm, ('itsti to tiseRio fuaan a,.,;iu1inate ule,,ta iCve, tt'ra v t.arma inMexico, aisetier tul,.r t;tandt,,îbeltus mthy e> , .g ltei ,l avirnutcornmusnd, mitI a t'ý kt ù trntl-iWia tis epîle. andipan- 55 t lIil lt etrlt a rianstunforrvar. le* eria u "i t and stuti uubcan. l'ltrde.. -tlitet fmrot Tpras, assaiLouis- is iîi loi îtt le re»traincd, ands us.s ~.aeuta u r ile îtuuistlcd, 0un sOi5 e.. 'lr trîteviiubte, assaicause 1110~r t ire avry lîetotf biexico. ta III eu il t in aaiyatusunt etc ~ . 'r rîîttIt trI eciciese, ant ir- ir ICs rctt Lmiaîsres andi atle of. ha , * able îîotvte chseck lise hostile eltt -t. a Irc eheaui. 'A r iniett,sy Lecomne invIlea -'t I Iirttortle lu say ; lui - kt ie'YIrirat icuutes nIs tise làu ctie prontSe, otfaiocigmi -ue estend-y te irtiniate te l' le i regard tu thissebject.1 -n ir, autraffauisra eriss-S Y itr st,; lay.) :-1 la,1 Yctert3leiExeritire mib, ilua ~ t rUeuo.trdr tha't the mat tu ',tt 5sa i e Metico. ri,, ia t ete .coulaIIInom-o tien -1 1î.arai cIlrtlnees Nem ortiatLU l Batttî tivlen m hve sttnsft t'dourmg ttterc. Judging trams h aa,, , cap. MeCtt sort aie oppoaiiollicui is aod raurr at it as ttatamcI rt ei srtr utaocr-Tc ground andsuaiure uit 1 "'t y rr r hsgattiermi froi tise fulo. "mis te reprtî of tis e inale. - r- 'caji usthe Senaîs in tbii ~raileuty"Ikng up a position eun 5reby ta Imtgl baseeioa et a terri.i "Il attrr, suac nowledgedabo10 1 à flic Mxico c imet i r. n whjebTexie noere c ' le dlcult, ma l ym imet -:114-, suolaeerrlleà.cvotesifor tie t ý ttiepepr cour» taio dter 1 srtlien canduclofth a t 114 @te.IV ae teinae 00, ,, gur"tIc dehaton a 6bal le eqtnu. s couupay e ap01 anea Itapt ~îi in thtepenser of mi-i ~iuiar ~tt~vin aietfor de",t Ho eidaiet wigb 01 er t hoePresieuttlu avait p-1trru1 anslpoeke amat. tltt setht0lis lte in tlse b eI "'It t 0 ms b uesea.i liIta 0lie I <i""" - ilar su aioudlunsse Oregon. li . "' 'o :""et~ uP 54 4A, snd tIs, Mc 'Itbalni 1fh . Culumia Ier."I rampe fusai. to the relief ut theee receul enfler. etc on tise Saguenay. Il ahI l e seanr by tise advemtigementu, tli*ttise ..uneal lBank Agew cg mubieb. remoresi next woek 1te iitnec aisi isandoume eut-atone, flre- ptrf building in King Stree. Tisabuiling as eremini exptccciy for the Banke, ami la ais urnamessttbs.Tu,m bit le iiterit .erang. mountet are maeIl aJaptei for tise buoiteasi.Tb erettîlon oet dosem buildiug Laeverece ltat tis Bank le ding a g<soi buatsinnierthtie mari. ageîîseul et CulinMiller. Eeq., asîd aies, tiaIîbuy are ready t0e enaiparI t fthier profits, furtlta- beleitî er thse ov. A rine bre otnbt su daybreak lsoit Tlursdal m anlulhe enghn rtonna tf Mt. Stta,-bsatî e f sl , aithis toms, by wmIleS theroofvmai, corsnses, but, h.ing a et--ne buiding, na furtîser damnage vaa doute. 'lhe EngiosÇCtsmpany NU. i. tise Nusi ukaidLaiter Conpaiy,aucd th lnutaie Fu.-a Companyi,sure@a$non mintee furcservice. The District Councul outhlIis1 caud District umet laut i'sesday, aud îdjý.uuroeslun îàatntssy evening. Tisey deciio e u uspeuia auuy futher procendirge îeiaîing te a sec Gael ansd Court Hoas, ins eveqvec.euorthîe nomKinugstosn Corportiottn Act equiing tise Tosun lu erel a nom gasai mithin five vesre, ai il se ieeme eujta fothie Cuuneil te acl lu concert ilslise Town. M. Elmatai Htrney, andir. Jams eCusera îsljulgsu prorolunta of.C12 los eael fur plasa &uc, tf a iew Gaui &c. Capt. Patteraen'aermietentpropeber ireland il ncarby reatiy, sud hi. Mexpeclie Ibat ahemil starI on a truiltrip to.inormum. Representatlena have benuuaie Ioi un of thé aisanlagea oetaabll.bing a POST OFFICE aI (or. uaner'a, un ,he rosi beimeen lia Townu aund Napanee, trous mlich Il la about six umiles distant in tIsaI direction, and nearly fiesise front Mibl Cresk thte aay. Il mouiilisu toos aun iner- medate satfion itleen Mi:l Creik and Nupa. tie;,an an sithc mail uneasIlîrough ih everji day, sic additiouuab apasse. moubi b. icurred ; anda gonod Pobtinuater couli aasib e bai.,. A pont ouffice Itere wmoulaieb.a greal accommodation te the itbhat as ntise ortS of Fre&irickburgl, sud in tise meel of Erneat Tomnu; and me rectste. menittientle get vp a petilsea to Mr. Slayuer for that porpse., W. turileisand liai tise Corporation at Ibelr meeting bletai ngîlt eciaied sipea Iieruugdehs. tls on.iramd irevdollars eacb, bonr~ taisop. tib large dabetamm thlaîtare Ot,.iah semer of mieb lbey are c.. eneai. Tby allie deeicari ou peyimg the intereet deteite Cus. icercial Bank by i.peeiltheb.noles giron fr rente oftlb Metaa it il iimgcandte moey recuirai! f«taxe. Tb.y aise. actiflutirei laIe Colleers and Troadurer tiaet their acconuits muet b.lieesan imuediaeiy,. or lboir bouds tmould lie pou noit. We are lvidebtidla Jobs A. Macdonald, Ee4q, and Bat* Se ymoar, En. ieaforalo. bille bfor. tle Aseubiy, amgeo the b lin in amonilthlblam ooneittîag lb.ePuaitet Wothsslite b illi(ser ifraying the expeumit et tb. adi@WmKlaualamet jieic imimal mal- terat inU pper Canad&.Tibi1111protideMat oelu ehr itbti. eepba eail» b. paN by tb. Prosmâen tiis yarq .taitirdainha 10naî lt aer- mardheîlembelle. scl.dUélea sae teul Batng lise acaiirof ftee.te ballme ache.lbC"loPfW Peine, tl b 5lrig lb. Concilir, lb Cm@eal ami tie Crier ae<Me Ceor setieral papele ea thelaIlbparlilaen vomt it e p.ug daisMbut it isa mis- sbjec MW et the s a mel liitw*iy bal nP« a"@top t&r éier vIn te preiauge, but aheuitgai e.., o nn lm lie10... in band ira. Tise.wue.fini asmi r .uwi<a ASSMLY-LAT IGMUT. The Cii l Iet mwulb oeolul aluni 511 der 9" *0io,5. l b lleI .u.wd mi. ber to ane * 1 i ek v nmsei ,0 -sna* « l lb h y ulsmpuw ae ed b tbeappeeme @PMUlbbi -ar ' Q 4 a eyms, arie&net. = «. s t ie. Touetom ucivW ta 10' Dr aêeledr-- lba t meh.eul e. Sae Imam$ tri<ege, &U mna islava uem 4i bie »lorry tantle £u S h uni . d 01 e. 0f .ine 2 =Iu.0e 04, aboutlige n epe ea Tonsy the usk. - mit eli. a gou:, ;= Noe- tbf est~ l" equuis.mi"là, Wey érêe ti caon )e a, 6" -lbt e tick l lieb gram- Thar ielheVs t lw Uisi e te&Ulm la -seqla age. mis- *lsnibet *1c0 a»Y btt ate bdagte.411s mm u b. teay gh0àd Ins oi,.eu of Saeriy. bçeeftad i W. fragria -. tis.TWI1IUIUISbLiier. - a"- Mr. Jexemeom reaiçued hie mmEeaasmimm e r Carlto, at paW iPW ef dliag tiuved maci v. maderami ual the Bet acescent ie aitweyam'istofe. bn.Meoeb.che iW alant, e. oqua £iiouitees. lit a enOe tatarailaide o e i oua.; b naceilb Uoe. linstley dem les tbise gimisat10a »ier- --"- ferorDuurham, Lue id unbon. Mr. Inic tbh e esr erly and quiet bbarboot ef "att; 'leé thii a e.otchera ne Me Opao. batsiOffrere amidlMen, turing theu dany l inei a"lni siept mai, f«eublSeurle. la lui en- Town.-[Lon" ioo mo. 1periencei ai n iheug. andt eul amy et hie gare 1 a&, and eupecia"i lihe bieAslry5 th* las bat te- lie ac;iou at the Broch District AmeWeu in e*ad ail tiirbandle bue iagratit.ade. bu, ho.- theena.etfCUe,lais Diastrctt orveiofris.x Ii tiai bitail tlebon.. tuembura of tlieBateau Tii LondeDistrict Ceenci4 heinreaulO i*D a *eliendauilai!oped y ameule ie in e. gond baili rOtlîct for lb. Plaintif f f£51M, aacomiene- mhfa bu R*MWmeien et prenat ;homare. îlot fs-r servicés perfss.med.-(sb. @il the lien. memaier for lynateutat ahélsnt letio. b.u h ldun»«tbige for Um a in uma- 3TÀT1 or iusCaone-l'i.i.reports fie, ail Ider ilhemeil.-tîî. par.. of theuDistrict, a telbheeMate O e b.Cro., TIc romof - I ~ ae rery promisag, 6.111 as te Wbent muid Fruit; T-h gownqWb.at Croluie eret %i Grils in unnanally abussau-[ii. e.hnon of lb. yéar, looked Omnet, W. Icare froue ail quatera ts te b.prosct of an aboubuant mh deniani foi' Assita bas imisroved tlès barvest la mont encouraging-t.itailuce Jour. meat; 226.. Usit1 23à baving betu givcu for a »Lk ;Tprior lot. Pearia are quoteai at 22e. 6d. te - 22c. d. We hat ne trasactions in FLOUe te *REPORT. indice thie week. For gond Fine 27s. tu 29a. Tihe BîLEcT Commîi.« a10 mwmusrefor- bee beau nied. For Upper Canada V% HEAT rai tii. Petition of George Ras ami oib.ret pray. ci auperior qsiality, l0& id. hare bae desnadsed. inig Ibai the Clergy Reaurveai"yy"so bie iidrFor. inferiot quaiti. ese s a aked. Ne auescf eti among lhemirerai Chuerches in Canada, but PEASE have traniired.--tliopt. Ttseilript May relainci u.d.rthtetmanagement ef thse Provint. ciel Gorernaient, andIani according le the Pro, mlot lam; and te w"o&au wmre ret«edmi oe 'Aweetm inta-A lettcr wua reOeuvei tuae Pétitionu aigssod by upeardae asues tbeuaau monies iy Madame Leiloutillier, noie ru.iing, ii(labitantaeofthle rov ince, on lb. sain. gcu4ainlbQuabec, front ber con ai Perce. auerming bot lag learg la REPRTr_.- et a distrnctive lire mhich bld ecerredab uh#e Tisaitiey fi itk grat regret, (rom thé nu-by miib the fial stores. &c., of lait. .oiîl aurons; Petitieeselaid bofort Vont Uou.rabl liter, Mr. Robinsai otu hîut in udestroled. hiveeIha tt lq aitaea qustin u ~ Lrieeettati aet &bout £OU. The princepl Cliaes.gy eongtuaaga ecom.*quesin ie e uliVn;bonnese ere aaei-4Qnebec Gauette, 1tiecuuaeioo and cententaon in IhiePoince. i ay15 1 Tht exciteraent mhibo mbaahppily *ziattul On uaa ocnfo ui ino h u lisasubjeet for many Yeats, and arbela pro- nSu1 aymetei, rm ienae fu te iiaced suit iiaastrona cossequences te .peace ne r, omug te tihe ieavy ram in a e h Ia!4l ptiieierity of the Prorsince, aras at engis&et nîght before, a break bus pace an tbhetelandi at seit by Vleitilpersai Stetute, 3rd and elb Vie. Camaýin isl)*ineighburltrof Port RobiM$ou, cisa aws 7 mich, vo regret ta cay, il mwu tboughl moli II1Pte; 7§- i Lgalîtîuudehatît to îp lise navigation furrIwoorutiebrcecdaya. l te'bc flasalettiture e uW at S tatuts mac conaidered ueceaaary fur1the mfeîy oet1he teea itainettis:te ineqofîthe ut lb. dsai, oilCanai, 1a tbrow a dam acros ilin the ruciuity wu. accepîed by tb. lubabtantioet hue Provnce 9f l., break, but thse Assistant Eiigiueer lu -as anch.charge, Mt. Prîchard. coulai iol get workmcn tg Union the.eticumatances, il la deeply tae h ItunIutlor 'ieho upon.. 111lu thie emernin regrettai, Iliat lb. Checcb ocetie. of lie Dio-li be aPPlioi taCaPtain &lacD.ma<,ctsntdn cesee of QuoeLeceand '1'onto s!afimî har. adopt- th' Col»oaiComnpauy, .mîo aent l bM a ari> tuf mi thscosur»e of again agitatmmug the quesin, by bise mecs and a litIle afier mirinigîttlh.y eue- claimimsg tb. absolute andi uucontrolied cSey-ceedeel in inicbiug the dam. -Next day labo,- suce te tise Cbureb of England f ut aluo ti.etcere nprocnred front the dili'enet Contracta 1-12My Reeeres, accusrîssg tsu 1h. proportion of Aleng tic lino, and the repasr of lise bruaci mas fu ndeaagnei lsy the luisjerial Act lorthe bons- proceeiung rapidly mith, arbon eur informant fit of liaI ChuteS. 1Ief. b.publie may rma anurei tissa en tinte Yont Cumtts. b.gletre la quale.frn e ii h. iib. haut iu the malter mnier lise eoaetiÇ Report of tise Select Comumitîe on tb. saue emaement ef lteCbhf Enginoer, . r-Pomter. auljet, Whibh pre.ented te Ibis Bouge dur. -[Niagara Ctuonoicîe, MAY 1&, issg tise lat Session, as conit'yiutg in comtien, AL~r3c ytt forcible language. lb. objeclion w icI taller AJcx sJmits.-A Quaker laving aeld tiemels ta -le propesi dirision. The ex. t ino.iovhsng. but blini bote, te a jockey, aahei tract in os followa . isepurclsaar: Afîo ~ canleudiontiflb. ubt . Weil. Sy friand, deni thon à»a.. a uit lu Vout Comitse hare camte ta lteconclnuin, g tisat eile tbe airantages u(di iding tise lerg Nouse, ehatert," mas the reply. Rcerea 7psyed for_ revota dobtit Nestisetr iDlih.ever ae. any io thhe," caai diea rve a e a rea r certa aie e o b iu l e. h nest B roa sbrini. "li . trtupla,.Il bili Cdfficut, if uat DtATH OF LADY MeNAB. usupratucable uk sfacary divisison;i- sbbi<ce b epciac' iim in eider te approximaie ta a faitr vsetona 1e- 9iele waaaiease the dme." Ley MacNh. 5wu ornoueeeuiueut le incnrred sn raluunge*&eh eparied i ts osf an rdy aig.-in tie feu ae.a lo "apatietand even th.u thore vii bhoa rir- cleafailberaeefftfcealuca. ihaeb sarr7.1 airy an tei orS and locâtion, and suspicions wit b liamielpaient racigatim sud ehristas chm mili, (Witt, or witbt s e iehocranai of fa- j.5~ diesmt falatu" c e feajnl rasam . vrniimnttosea t0,e pttcutar cect or secte.a tl os. Uliaailae 5.1 May IL. -"Aecntdiug &0 *bc ple-ent leur. Iliemanage. ment uni tlipl e-ti*ie lande are in the- baneflati oui! mbirli îteéLl'PC'turc eau eurciss. au n- ~ tive ieiuliu." <? Va Tbhetes. itb9" =Ssal.thse po<si daribolioé taka place, là the Veaube ÂldAee,, 3m »&«M . Uissse $a%- lbey moule b. placeul bj0d oUsentr-aleJetfpar. aaart, Ismeli.et. efin"e1s.e M ile is cabht,ý hantent, & "asidlinEceiitl CorppraLmm uit danghuer o $t Sm.chiente, mLq.;et Piw reeponaubleta10oc ont, and sbicb maniai dispoe ____________________ oif tisentu t Iir omu airavstuge, an mi a ruloal- forosuce tu tise general gmei." .Tise prugreua of intproesn inCanada h...lt is Ts.mm sauthe 7th ilad..utbis iad«tuel il in generaily bliero.eui.tugrea.tli mpeded by iseoik cîrel. Mm lAige. NMeDeasii.. ageS32 yas. 0. the It, st., tlt. J.ba Daelip, eipas tise aceusoulition cd ilste ultsvated land in the Cecuoeins.f., Io Temaahip ofKingeic, l 1hU. band» oif omners mbosii guot bring these peoper. le" If is axae ty tu sale, but relta il as a 1atater tif a 1c.abuT5oul, -sahIbo bd leas.. Ieta abeel iluion, tuen, andinsiexpeelation tfsafuture lucrcace lin toryB ,.as euMstra <aPapne value, nultfroue any oxpensiture tif Capital, but SOhesel, u. inCbis , aed Beuideal M aclr eleg front tise iiduuury and ekili. of tb. neighboriug Brda .e.s.*adhi.5t1,m.< ywlen a dia. agrieuluitsî." lsu.d oa lit ri sads,, lmeeins hiaelihu Tic conveyance cf cucis a lange quauliîy of ditiitisbîn 1 rfe 4" gic asiemaay obaracter landi ta Corpsorations», nul deeirouc cf diaposiaig cExtwi.r ýoiyr.W rorde ot tlsenaaI isahit present prices, and mbiel in. le Stade., North Carolinesautnli4ihima., aetau. es- tend sol to1olb, but lis fease, meuhld nur t reainsailef 123Y-ata Coussmsstllc'e opinion, groatly increaseeibis ei, and mouli have a lsndeney toa ubtitute an lu- férior order oif Tensuutrje, for aui mdepetulent IW ATECOIIEiICIAL WIILT BALE mOis dy ut Yeomnen." or ',Great apprehiensioa ia expressed by ah. Pa- eoLxilpiAUw & WATT, ltionere, leat tise intte«aotf thunea occupantsleL M ude T USA he2e n Clergy Raerec lto hudby Icace oroutiermio t i e .TL Oeeuh o HISDVl. lt1 soilsiauffet by the proposaid trînîfer of th.w u tat t n 'cok lande. Tise Gnrernîuonl very .pruperly girea 'Sug;in. Teas, Toecos, Wiîieu aurl occupans every cpportuaity of eansing the purrhaae-iouey froue tue cultire±iou of lb. land aCognac Brandy, - %stell'and ai mier Liquara itact, "au enablsc mat y an indtious anisuand Groceriesu, lie fllowing muslicat réersve, ta beousne a freelsesdet and owmrtif prapuriy. iji ser:- whih le culdna n ay obervalbop tubc- 6 BxesYoung fynon Te.s mliimr o oli01 nasyot3 v - elu< a Cavendish Tobacco, "Thie la sotliiLeiy tla h ie caa'e u thn 19)Loarea Double Refined lugar, lande arc vesed inl privaIs partie, mhoae oabject 5 Obis. Clip Loitwood, je t aeil atth1e iighist places asti roceise thse 2 Hissie. and I1(Quarter Cash double.clarillit ligh et Whitteertat, uruelyeVinegar, commend, liaI lise interese o f ait parties Dow 1 " Fine Brown Sherry, occnpying tbxue. amuid e outi lie tiuy Pr« W i1Br. Pale 5 ilea 0 ani prtimdod for ilanay arrangement ttmsaleu 8Br'&ie cela Laillad Cher, 2"- Nerthiohiai.. liari dai , lRantme Vaut Committe. b.g t.e eprem e lt nUm . Wmweplg Paper- cençsrtece iîb tb. abeve extract. amidutosld Thatier lieb.affermi variosartictes of val- fontber'ouggesa thie late Orier lu Couliisi . .NEW FUIINlIURE, conisteuilof a biloming au extenddi lunte lporlsrche- fct 1 % Wlit Eedetmroue poete4 wftb Cor. Cleray ieore Land-an ettensim on cudueire , Cestre Tablsiemd B-- 14 ed m»sacetî- pefit oI f the sccupant. and hali awtag.us salaBlak W.aand a pk Cam e stParse of ttha land-i.a iiisaipai t~duo, faury pistedt colani e a z mh ats, ani fits ta b.ederir.d hIte lming the »nuffglujlta190Y paIiî Wimaa' Of dffnet Baste oftet lade i ibe band iof a Guvraml bar v--d-. ig un i.tere.t tulering troilatisaI of tlb. greal I Paleai Collie anti A 'ie. risi Miii. ëid bailli etthe peu W4 81aru i l thec k outhl.eamer Prince ageitii Mi ual" of tie IMMand at bule oeadscK.OLIPHANT kWArr, ed sa aa mOis eeeeacal um 4 naer. tie etalibi AUUUeIor. ep.lonimée!topiia., lthelinnoc1lee sai1te lClnguton, liiiMay, 1601- lié oseM aibea n ..éem.atedo foai- llnufa Iieochargnlarvanie bsb.e aMeNOTICE. Tasce orr0 oa "a a£iiWELL 9UU3 rIIowe432£0VEGET BLE RESTORATIVE 7I ôM 6ou q Te&" usasoli, a.-I etcrr nnh "MeI.,as 1IcS eif dâi.biailib. givren tiiisfabL. EIIi:ntIisRehnll,îut PrÎcSix HumnWedaW i aftv poIIuC&, swsGrset Bhitt.e, Iru tcd$itCs ?f ~ te Tainilés titn br Vaue. and Canada, l'on Reutosing ls7odarestXalotrer ie Iird" thh br Va 1 e. eaZlPu und Vigarir. sud pree1aJt,îtDe- i madin1 purchusers uasy Cemmuntate the W uman Syutîcni, by P tr a 1 . T E witi Suliecrlber beteruDow anti thesa D., hag oogusi nazi . .. FuirSale, %VisoiesanIeandi Retail, et trinte; LYIAN CLOTIITEIt. ItablituiuutîN- ,u 1 Ytumg...reet, Tt ubu KqIe, w.may, 1.,1846. JOSEIIiCARIIEIIT t in Kssgcî.'s, ly .. EWCHURCH.-i s ILED TE»~ERS- wiilbe receiveti 1. l'?be 2611 imsant, from pensons wil. filcg ionrt lfr buildinRA- n torth aide oif Brocis Street, lu hie C!ty efK . tom, according 10 piania andi sj'il-T ILAsuL)l-ppouste lise Minket IiDuilltgc u,, hv 1 hoit nunîenus Agraltlu Buztn, stcua 40 Pisg, et 13. 11. pet Ot LFA .WSTIIIIE ALb, Ken.pî tv eesenal TnaetUing 4ea gts urtCaiàaiF-.%ut c. Coarg. enParsons deairitiaiAarcreasu % il aijý ,âboe,. atie se e cuat te in ume ollte uneler. s5s io sigmeter ilthe tMinstant. iMay 2, 1846. * ARTHUR HARPER. KeoMay l3tis, 1846. COMMILAICIAL SALI:110011S. A Grai S*& inTrade le be 1,41d N E W C 0- P . R T N E R Y AAUCI.N, Mr E. LINTON. in T bRhcribeî mlldisepose oftif li- hoie %je Stock in Traie ou W EDN LSID ' 4 i tho-2iatsut, anti flli.ug dayd, coissmausg AG N O a$liaa IDOXIIITItAN 06 boxus i'OBiACCOS, j abul ndig, . . ore"a ~oq.Nalde?im, wines5 Crochery 71H Sloctiengrt-us o tr n- J luetGlasse, Painga, m nde oa j. ragenmelst hscretfinuexpeitietut-md «i i; . Boo m ns2ls fst. -4.c- sy lient oslisidutlly, itag n.sin-îs u t T SIROP P FVR N IT V ME * timateltIiiproqp'cl o! entitcreauu-d tusts- %ALE Kat12 o'cloch.nssan ,leiibi ailepoeiid% L lWr- r4fomtff esi. n. mtore etlicietcy by mes-ns ufulumi-jinjtitt effourt>, .L 3 0rbey haves gir îh;t objecet vtt-du-ti j t;-Ct ASR cline o!flihe Sais, the PhEIWSES, lsartnsery, and iili hericeefith curry Ost bubi vi are extenirastiv lu etin o e rier. miiilecivesa in tihe abIJiniulte, ULJCrrlite ai utof LISE» fur the Lerm of4.yeare, to tbe high- r& W lT caiLler. The Stand la mcli knomués. isa, e- OLIPHANT AT cteitsîneltf being oineo f the very benci n To--corner of Princeuan ad Montreal Street@, arid be ozamiuod i anytyime previons 1tIste Sali A. THIRODO. br G984, and &W 1rices!! DYKES & COMPANY'S coalisa Or Kib AmiS P33010300 II Thi.bc ta respreefally an/urri tA"a e are now"meemg. esrpe;e t eve, e rr 8.ps AilON, GREAT BRITAIN, LADY £ATON ANNMXcLEXTER, Si. ANDREW, CALEDO.?VA, BELLON-4, 4.e,sahy or- rire frais Europe, ARQE IMPORTATIONS Of v Ipri Mdg mailmr aiVcy a"d imple Co.mnug ca iry geeerl aaemlca* eof Bopsie arrs n, i ew ssNo"eUs sj in rt Glusa FU Gacsmel thfesam si aipprovied Ma»nfet- tue, Uic ehake of arbicivacrv duterand Io asu Jruch ktraordin.ry Liuw Prices for Ready 11 meney, 0f eli 14c gseee rs opnheoea l"d co en. DEYES 4». Efaim, 12& h Mcyl. II. Epne .1..NOTICE. Coo5y on MONDAY, the Oral day of lune Belli tell n'cluck; A. M., for lte purposeoru oioclç Diftcturc ethe en""" fvrni Kiuton (I Apt li, 1810. sectLui- HOME MADE CLOTII. T IIDERS will be received at the Of-. te eoftihe Provincial Penitentiary, until e'clock at maon, on Wedneaday te I& day of lune el, front auch per- aons nay be willing to furnish anti de. liver, 2,47&'Dg. HOME-MADE CLOTH, Agrecle in coloune anti quality te Sam- piela, -ch may be seen on application at thse Hitntiery. Onhird ofrthe aboie je te be deli ver. ed in Ph ofethtie menths of July, Auguai, andi Sember hezt. TitSureties wiil be requireti fer thse fusilt tof eucb Contracî m may been- teredite. H. SMITH, Wardmn Provial Pcnitentiary, I l May, 1846. Tt'nin preomise, as s&Lova, taing in lite Most. central Paru ofthe City, and ltuu~ sng î- cîous Salet anti Wanc. Rotimu, exucelentîdry frost-prool'callars, nis Stîrtge atdItl Wlanj a.,e.ir, we l sus- nstesd foîr ls tt4 cttulr cepatiou an 't~ ittueni. gare dsk-lttr. îneP prmtji lsntal out gondsi. Tlueý;'bi-gleti- lorm tiseis Commercial finits amîti othmu.rs i4i Cansada ant i ttiihberintg Statesi, that tlmey mit. nuw preparedti tereceise Coui.igtmei-tîs#,Ç Mer.sndize. reiduice and ti olîsce sc i t ilît oftloer[ tr disosai. eitiier lv Aucqis,'! the> y1taus, tisaIby adun tare end atîttioun îsu lheur Business, every satisfasctiotn wilib e gis., on in, tisse who nîay employ fisèn, Tise undersigned wolve sibbatemîjer their' aervicesa 10 set as Appraisera, Agentîs fuun flouses, Lands and otiser Vtopesîy ; A ssig- nts of Esates in Baku ptcy, &c., fir thse Collection cof undisputed DeDsi, ant inlis m bu"aineas req~uin ng ,tise asstanîce oôtepenstîum banog a kssowlegeo!Accottsr. T4 rt ldise honor in giee ilefolewin. Rfer- Mleurs. McPJ.erson & Crane, Kirngstotn. John Watkins & Co., do. Thsomas Kirk<fatrjck, Es9., (ln. James Morion, EEs1, . Nilesars. R. Jusonm 0-C.,}1totn. b rYce, 'tscMortcàl&C.Tonro. James Browuo. Esq., " do Tlsomt nSffltt.,Esq.. P. M., Cehourg. John Tîsrnbull. Eeq.. Belleieslle. - HlonoleaihiTsomas McKay, Bytnwîs. Meueru. uatiewson & Sinclair5,utnetui. Arthur Fustcr. Eas., do. John Fishé. Es i., ucl2sc. Eliburc'd jtiq.,Front-street Newyrsrk. G. ai, Eq Waterloo. M..er. Peridit, Lyon & Co., Oswegn. -Horace Hooker, Eruq.. Rochester Lrdto J. OLiPHANT, Kinelo. 3aî JAS. WATT. 39Màris, i1846. T ENDERS milI ha nieeivéd sItue0Olirc- cf thse Proviucidti Ptientiamy, tilint 12 d4cnck, i nooil, t Satùrday, thte 30cr, daZ oif bay teiii, froua uuch ereeceas rma' vli g w ii te10fon jish anti deiir t he p et!- ienisary, Ofthesum MeGý;abI 'tiyone-titird* 29îis day of tise aonliss of July, Augnat, aatck B# embt Oittre.pcctivebly. M Suretiee wîiIli e requireti fer thse dxaa fuifilieofu eb ciCennaictas May 6e eonYn! id intô. undét tise penalty of tmo hisdtd pounde- E Provinàd iPeîtiteutiaryi 84 6. -A.- & Dl'S H'AW, R PECTFULY anmomet rcaetorj ani *epubic gee-aUy. lWd irriraf 'IRS>T 'SHIPME14T 0F BRITISM iGOOu»rÉ Foit a«t saoex thse,,"Albion-" froua Glasgow 10 o nt Caaprigéuig a pleai aet. MW. ils.nemeal t lsmide cripdentoft rite4ls aoars Ait- D. & viii det cot bredeve'fi-osytimre 1t-ouinte aà l~WrtoMpsariv~e fefmdou. Liv ol m ieCyefrss in .i,, : in d froi.cd iden- = m ue~1tetinbuyers in the Uitah KAm, thay se& cooiddetlIaI"te go iusa out mare decided indumc4=nta 10 purer ge "illy >'sle.Ucr.htMaty 4. $Sm Il NG SrTN, T-OR NXTIO, 8~4z*-weP dé b( ~Wk. TIW L M I. GZ!uqAec- Waniguue e r ~ , i ý 1 -

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