Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 19 May 1846, p. 4

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.we Omeunos..-Uanuou r ia. ~boacng ai uautalPanic .fma 'oy.rne --tIi.n nt aslavera -âp 4à....a. me U.,MmesMll, is A$m 19.u .. alti 9'r4 nu theievevaaa« .1 't';cia, lsloft bw i eti an n»i' a l itI i ',m s J mi a M in'le) i lei s e uvaraim.lit pssin a a ilii'P»4a, on tise husmi .1 aehi*usboune oanuis, . oesS w" , .tisea. ul 'tht»s. meud, and siîlpai en- ,'aor (iilin ils valer. frtsu ch).o. m» ta- bone a corpus on tie fîsdl trin m Wsn. ren the. eience hiee a ieiiqe? îcis vas laid Mse =#41the b. ajistp0(Ieo 'Pry elasi a e beles the isetni musinteniemmZ *ud reterniedaaverdict accodnçly. Ili@e rieuda mssee ntallomai te iepeiie is roualiclutise usuel plaecf ints.rnsmnt. He mai n lej ipeare 'cfug, auimI liho e!iiuqe caIL., cibo vre dess opes lia fer suppot.It amu bt ta lerisusuis ince iis tavemu cuUs'Unei edl deal ont lus deletericu. liquoirsi, sadautel bs iseso lhe recuit.Acidenteluaimtail"ath, i,'mnrlilv anal crime are the isual recuts of ilhuse licenssal upliug ais.a, herever tus7 es. list; aid ursly t is clim ha t ssu dtersined clflori cae mitm, t put a stop te thubo ieminable uaines.; Lb.heets uof alibisanesemc aeplrabîs, u desiructws te thea publil efars anal bappi. nes-tCo.n.sunied te 1the Examiner. sir (mrg iupoe aerner of Lb.elion. eurable hledasi . pCspaiy, arrived boe os Buîuauy trasN oneat. and procesedal es- -tsrilay 'inorisg îe Niara, uon hme way te Laie Slerer. wiuh tise vise, et sxplorng dupper mummsu fer welulicimence. bae sbsouissaed by goseri)mmat. in Sir George' train disse are 6'aural iiiers. sud aut sitFrench Cana. iiemw. iavue buen eniaizea for tise expedt. son. Our falku.ctizer,,Sir. Pauli Kiaie tbe celoblrasl atialt, bas vecisal lb.hepesieiai ot (;tveelor uuipom. te uceupaoy lias- paripanal unm is relur, aiuer a lea ysans ce myp ecrt s rea i IACCu uutabsviewo ho wmuU have te saluait. inmmt Ous lmial styleofumtpainting. of lb. anexplor. Dol reguinoui lzoo miicis lie ii Pus. Uuder thue direarmimn of Sir George Simpson. *vrp c f. fart walI ha useil te ascertn he .probible pin. iiucieaeumof ths mine in lb. tract of country for ie elucsb Aisa licenaes td saniy; and tlie prnlualmlulv m, I maiin the cours ofa leur pars, ater he. peet survsys ans cempteal. a SUSi. cieil nuimmber ot initier cl liesntl ont ri,. Emglud lu> iii Humlumu's Bay Compauyg te cir- ry * evertmis. Sir George Simupson expecis e rtura hin. self trom, Lake Sapenuumr, in Augut or Septeîn. ber met.-j[Culia. Tut STrÀU.c.R liIsaLAu<a.-TLis splendid Bot cas th. est o e%me aul lions" cicb at.. emptui ta rn ntib rapide beiceen Coismu amui hachinttusaiawe are happy to sîste that ie dual ieceefuflly. enou Tmsday tlis lu et., anal relurned upwards lise sme day iireaigis mie Bemubarnoisi Canal. The passage cili nz lb. attempusal by lime muher to te an sd nu tsar Car ieb. ,nLernlummsi hut lbu'>r mil bu able oaffect nl wiîh les@ dangmr tita e is lighlaiuuer, since tiiey are bat ensulong tmrunummaiseail, aud do nta rdese c, meoh ester, If mte tmbiuie Caumal1 r ' e fimimuboa, ce cumulmi lufavoureal mus visim, fpth am ioe ,f 1lieO tet liQueieco Ilats b> Ibis tixiec.-[Uon ewaliObserver.t MIDDLESEaX C021ISSImeON OFTi[ E uc- On 'lIlmeamy, 21e . Iiil. Camidy cas breaglt up hetntm.e eora. Lacragion anad Strathy inagis. traeii, changeaI ly 'eaiaiew Barber dm it ammmîg re eu ifrotte tue cîumpliuant tlb.mse aof £7 10 r hY ruPn.semlmmlu imoit augoan agent oethle Can. a, , C.unPaimy. 'The case eau udjoarusal tli Mumdy 27ti. cluen a sijailar char-ge cas pre. ferreei agauusst Cauhul> h James atz e, ho lavaug inter the ane representatiosirecpineul h, e au cf £25 ey. frumn tise rouuplAanu. The evuiemme masstalo.and mss - .«,a.,g «.gî,ra . settalIb vas ronsited for trialieaiths usi Acsep ansd nsqmired in 0usd bi-tqs uemez oi £54.) eseh,, and lume-sf £100,in «sCiscase. Wbii mlile4s*pporters oftame preaufflAiîne. iralimmsuy sîiuauiumy iîmow iliat M. Johi I. Cmddy, absiepermeon ieîm ummusal nLte &avuue report, wis eplaceal<-ta the rol et Justices of 1the l'emce min he Comeuui.smoum rerenilylususalby the pre'umnt Min mtry lfurthis Dhtrct !'les, Ibis 'le tmaie o lu e pr,,hifie abu 14. Harusey, and omis- et ltef.mrmuua.mm erf. idupiacie. lTh. Aiumms.c rimonf. b he! imscruacopul..ns giiumatclce me -mu, isaumre&, îo mniler of miel chant.c ive gvuîmi mm,awtian asainvlmu cuc Lu i ý - ai I u , imseun muse uftufUma m. mu t a llu' uimides , could M.,mrieu; Barber 'Juruos tKeur imsgmî te ihai Pa'ueuthîe inîmra. lae Niiairy'a Justices et the Ps'e, e.uammio nI. oui w,' în ciasttîlenrtt, andoul matlieastiftbs recommasndation. msild b. sumi .au lhec Uli uiuaeretind tht aniuiier case mas irougit up asiausutishe prisoner un 29mb at., in wchlhb bad reeiived £50, .whinh, iy lie consent et the blagisîratl, h la saud, mus conpuudeml aflan the iuturmiaiie cas laid. Ws uertaiml tbik ual lb. UhgWiatsts er, mt josiiisaun parmuiumg ths comme'- -[Weern, Globe.1 T'aAsxrn CROLERA.-.Tlaiis Mysernin erounge is -giinai ils vemni in Pursia, chitiera iet tnaveliemi iy the rouis o! Kisoramsn. At Ho. ra, Bokîmrt, T'i'shniIspahsan aldMerîmia lb. duatis Ibave been ver> Dmîaruue. Ai Menu da thiod tim e ppulatmoum mer criruieal ff Tan ly a"vu t ini)uelmuce thal bas escupsal la Tairez, aueo.une outhelusprincipal ities et Pecoa. T'is exceptioun is tie mre remrall, aus'lairez is viotedisy mre aravdna tMon evsn lspahan.,Flms svios idas thaiexist un Lb. tîolecfcoiis sud lhe umquetionbls olecuratp aiiat urrominal it, rmitet ueirable that euh usseresi4 et tlu ensmup should le esrstully mtiic.dl y the mai. cal joaruslisî.-[Meiucal Tmes. JUDCIcAL Anvics To Mguc,LPEacmicosa- zaa..-In tir,.course cf a cashe b wui m ietl ait throu WMil.pos Weitaiday, a moes]avit- meuien i g isli ednce auedsiatrenmod *"tmmeh*e a pc. w"ciMN. lismit.Cole- audge esaud, * 1 spp0» Sp1 tum5eu55' vet mbasoselumg" Wyis-- Pmes, My Lr. Mr. Jstice Coa ,g-"Teim uam .m hter I mW=e9pa -sbEng asili.te spemi ulaà sert of mue.mv Latam." A DVIui PIFv«Tvan -An ebtinats iaanii ummeial edm gbluî a dueL llias iteussi 55.7 sguiuent ta duasa.ds ban froua hie pusepas, lut mmm vin. Ai1 heogali bg 'd-. - Veny *'ehl-are wray; lot resaleel tlai uf y.u lbave ycarsconds 1 shah i buaune me iaP tissu .,u Tic'-usmiatprobability of mutchs a avaat maidethe mansnu-misb. A 'Vu'Aaue'nsi-o a ma, mise eau earu ico dollars per day. te sp.id ami aber. nom n mr atdlmug a em amai isbe au nais grouud uthbai c',n"guitias u n launag. ' 1 'er Fmr sepuaperct t s manidon tht greui a l le"n mtî.biu beirnes amogutle mu n e mmctine iauigipo pmes. ALuSsAL Tax Vluaits.Tbp gRasvbill Banen a« " lut M. J. P. Cuabmg a gencl. maniL baademe tfortmune. %-îw reamuLêsaa a leruimn. Mus.. cas <aimîeul upa,. lM . ipe lis awu,mt tey sîmuuhdaeesugsb. 5mard lie pe 'cm ýol lie lomu. Afiur uqmruitna&le.- lu-éiij, m iwt of ilb. W"itoma tbls a IL -- h usnsd te asseaue trs ebcarge the cial um lemaiaihm. A T CeuTsy..A nemhy ai4 wea. rmat, maluio p Saims mau l iuisilp, Issu *%amer., visse c trosu tu mutpwds mti bbi,& boue"s A@ lmes rs er cegass Wdml l55 e keaP e b se, bslm .5usid eau Se Ummi b, miseftils ainsI.bave SOM%, aM tis bases Wouecues r- NOTICE. T HE Subacriber hereby notifierg pub- lie, that the KINGSTON GRAMMÂR SC4OL WiII bdre.opou.d on MONDAYb Gth instant, in the Reom former)>' occ.'1d by the News Printing Office, ettihe cýcr of Jalinsion and Welriigton Street& PAUL PRTERe(. Kingstuin. April 3. 1846. JUST RECEl VED AND FOR *,E. 50l TONS Pig Iran, No. 1.,, ""Bar Iran, Aseorted Ecglishýauks aud Swedu, Haoop Iran, Band Iron, &r_. Cnt Steel in Bars ad Sheets,' Germai. Steel-Viiwley Steel, Blister Stee- Sriag 8teel. & - Princeu Strt. B Y the Undernizned, of the wbereab of Mes. AGNEW. bis Notber, snd of KENNON*, JAMF.S, mand JANC AG W. Wken lest board fi thsy wae u in $u on heir way up the. Country. q:rPapers Weet of Ibis wifl confer an O f eharity by copyiug the aboie. JOHIN AGNIt. DrochyjUle, MarcdIRA&146 NOTICE. I H A NGreaîguos!tie Cccwn uda JLAgepcy for the Malanal Dut , lu anticipation et my eleclion for Ki ]c,n I bel le inforni tnpfriendsansd. liec that I il! continue toa nt aa priva hJ Agemntountil ail my transactions e tisep Crown Lands Deprtnent are finalys sund 1 cesjectflly offer my service; s il capaciiy, nsuim g these aise May 'gy a mu lia I aili be diligent in tise dinhc f1 tnp daty, mand moeunei~n my cisavg As Gosenmert Agent hure for sevecul1, 1 have acquiced a thareugishtomied w affira; ans! 1 correspond wiuh tise re-a spectable Agents ai Head Qsua forh whose accouant I have ai preenot a lar umu or Land! Script fer Sale. 1 My Office cull butfor tihe future at idence, elîhin hal a mile of Kingston A. MANAH Kingston, SOîh Septemnler, 1844. NVOTICE. Tp HE Sulisciber issving beep p U.AOezUT. foc tise sale cf ý'a Froua the vaml knowc Foundry cf R. P. CaonmmlikeepsStotk on -bud. Dg ths-easrof ciCooking sud SingleS ofi the latest ands n appiva u eli execatoedors ai tis Ioaerket pl. for Cash, or un proved dt CuusyMerchants woald flaulità*ras- vantage té eall before ubep pau es. cher.. Commercial Wharf, lKinpion. Aug. 20 , 1845,1J c'tgosf tise Tai'desud G.ucuCtE ,WUINU A» Whic,ilbssoldat Vary loy Cash o approved paplr.. Ontario Street. KingitonNov., 1845. FRsAL'E DY TEE aua COZea Sboal e 5> Axes (warmnteil.) ll, bmd I do. Cromaut %.s PWI*dllpeIXhituNsawa, FOR Saltm ret . Pl Nffie.Ma.V& Pl q**st~uWoli 1to 4m 10 Usés. ýohsd Glu., mppamE - .-~---- i i mi 7 GIAZADILN GAZTTDUR, c OUPRISING Statiotîcul aud general Infor. mation cormecteil euh ail parts cf the. Upper Province ; Distance Tables; Lisi cf Professions aud Truies; Stage and Sisamboet fares ; Liat cf Pont 061ces; Rates, &c. &c.-With correct descriptions cf ibe lesding fMatursof eacb Township, s regards Saoi, climats, productions. &c-togetber wiih a mass of otiier isseful infor. mtion, collectsd <fromi the besi auihorities, vern. lied by persoual observation and enquries on earh spet-th. authir basîng visited svery tewu, vil. ligs snd mev settWsunt for that express pur. pos. Bmbellished tali uperier MAP, ln wbicb wiU b. laid dowu every village and naw settle. ment, BY WILLUW lmuav sUITS. Iu one bandeowsvolume, bend. Prie@ ta sub. Té be ready for delivery lu Jiauary, 1840. S3 Tho.. places frein whicb Dr. Smith bas not ysît obtained Infemation, wili b. viaited by hlmi drng hs.reet sommer sud autumu. Foi Sale by the sulsucriber, A FEW sets cf Silver plated, and Brîtiiinia ,Metal Communion Services. A Lac , Britunnia Metal bolvaier Vsnison disbea and plates. CHARLES W. JENKINS. Kingston, Feb., 1845. tisesILk lady.-kmim offb teeu de.its cind mb isu*$ hem lperistil.srhis, ofi.imlelsibhtipe aivuta«4lt t usBLO W eptdlyaie eu1-m-hats b t con me ism U - ,Li etiSbne M9 Tbohm4 a dmolinsr es t i 1041 purifi i<aethe Av 1. RATES 0F FRElG1iý- raneVoirju.TO vaxucoT, uROCKvJA gmaououiA.en49e rv.sLcveo Tm uas CaAA. ASOVEETTOas: P IG IRON, Brick. Cmi.), SuItePish, A~PjîCh, Tar, sud Roses, lm. pemi. Liar Iran. lu 3d pe-cat HeavYMHardau, Groceries, Cx'ocketd, ff'r <gt*bet Ires, and Boiliim, Dry Gnd sand Pemuier, 2s puai.- Salt, in bugs or harcela-pet bag or rreî, laidper cci. FRaU KusoaxOI, un ?LAC» 5LOWKITOt, TO MONT££"L. Fleur, 2s pet hirreL Atbes, do. do do. Park sind Beet, 3à par bacrel. Lard and Butter, la per keg. Wliuai (mc ther Grain, 7idper Ibo. Bran ,22s Guàpet toi. Tubaccu,. h0t. per hhd. Imimunncen aisa&Ual reperiyemti wardasd chargeal luditiontoatise Jgli' Ait ailier properupr in proportion relatsd per barvel buik- TIi. Unalarrigned, previoumtotieth et May, mdll eanlî recrirs Property cognes! an them mt Kingaâtan, as Warehouseas, for thie Storage of wicis the following zrgea will bc made.: Flaun, 3d per baireL. Bf easd Pock. 4id per barre]. Tubecco, Ina3d per hhd. Aubies, 6d per barrel. Lard or Butter, 2d per keg. Whuaî mand chier Grain, hd penislae. Ans! al ether property in propion. ALL FIREIGHT PAYABLE ON DE[ERY. Ail preapecîy whitein Store, a% ria t he ovimer agaiiist Fins. MACPHERSON, CRANIr Ca., i-OOK.ER. HOLTON& . JAMES DEAN, Chairan îQuee ebw ]P 'alisg nîpanyu. 2ANDERSON & MUJRW, iH. JONES & Co. JOHN >J. H fi-lit Kingston, 2 t},A :.4 i1 1; . Sia. 10 ild. ()ý vl dd 14 Cask , ro AI.MEI1R ar pI (a ariety of pa"per- t STOVES .4t mpmr x em m à Pt-le O&der5 e a" rge amfle ofse *&tês consistuug iw Peutof o byuelrhie mve u pasern w sali ams oldeiabiiaihstSuve Stand, and ecasis. the ueertuaengsand prie.. JAMES POWELL. Priaes, la" &ortar ta% ugt.., NoS. 14, au&4 HARD WARE. JAMES POWELL in returnung ihinks to bis camerons Tows sud Country cuà- tomr'safoc their pas faveurs, hep ta n ert thein ans! the publie generally.tisai liebas receutly r 1ncve tmb is New Stesie Duad~on~lngbis aid stand ini Prin- ceas Sreet, cliere bce las on baud, ans! aow openforeamintimn, anexucualve ansontnmsnh SIF EAVT HIAUDWAIRE, Sig1ELF AND FANCY G'OODS, PLAIN, JAPANNED&DBLOCK TIN WA E Ans! STOVESoeI li descriptions, at prices laretoter u uuscedce udaim " Market. àAL SO AV WDO 2unS I5E mm mmaUG Omo=@ Tliirty heure ans! eight days, togeher withu a large aubrtont o f PFL OUGH S mid PLOUGH POINTS of varions patteras. Thehigliesî price paid, either in excisange nr cash, for aid Brais, Copper. Pewtcrs ad Leal. 07- J3. P. solucits thse public patronage. îrusting iliai bis prices cilI susisin hi-momre full> thant'ny ienguisy elaboraion am bla part. Kingotota. Mardi 18, 1845. palst blécssiMnd domusnmith meresilMdi tb ilesleiàgQu"sii gegasnse yitb pplUs, pile, Oumga ep iisa cftise einaisaut edINSEN. hiLE PlllslRATION, va miii site tisai the "arsad Dr. Lemeaboci, s&Mtise great Baer- saamsataisend Ibut vo4ne1bbeof aul vs ussiei e tic th oacb. pavaed off by tim suas*. laotier mords, if ar e stansd drisi ,i0is peunde par day, we evacaisdive payais oflit by the. Insaeible Perepairaticala Telislse otber tisas tieused îp Peflicis of the bOd, a",dalezjuics, givini. place &0 th »ev sdibo. l e Tcheck aIbu fea, in te retain i tesystein -i.egbtbo ef sU *o virolant matter ts cuire demuande aisul siare tise ldy. Ana euen iss isatisecase, b.e blood is cf ta active a rinciple, tsa it de. terman« tbose particles u tu ise lu1viera thay bori seab«J pmpIes ufremna.sd cber op"ts Ba idilr eaitici frein isealmccela, thse pere seetoppe& il. perspiration ceu@eanad liseue begimu guonce te dsselope itsof. Hence, a stoppage Of"tissa U of thtie joices, originale$ it lenlu torpi-agths pores, iluat overmiselmas mankind cis cougbe, colde, and canaunipticos. Niue-.tesof mthe vorld die fre idseue lu. duced by a stoppage cf tise INSENSIBLE PER SPIRA TION. Lt meskitnom, every cdil mmd, ebai caure.seeMM dhe amant na..'Wle tae uas te metop tise pore', aften iisey are ecnsd.- Woîld you guve pbymic ta UNSt'OP tbe pares ? Or meuld yen apply sometbimgthat moulddo tis oen the surface, wbsre tbe cloggiug actu. "i? i!Would nit bis ba cammanun sas1- Andl yet '1 kumme of ne plîyaician ebo moaes any extennial applicationi ta effectili. The renome I nue , that ne medicine mithin ibeir kuow. ledgs, in capable of doini il. Under ibese cr., cutistauces, i present tu physiciane, sud te al otheis. s preparation that has ibis power lu its fullebl calent. hIle sMcAliater'îAU HIling Oindmsni,mr the World's Sahve. Iltbu PO WER te restere prpiratiom ou the font, au the issu, aroundl olal mores, opon the client, in short, upon auy part of the body, wbether diseaseal alightly or seserely. It bus F0 IVER te cause aIl exterraal notem, acrofuloas mirnore, sim diceasca, peisonaus wounals, ta discliarge their putrid malter, sud then beals thei. Il ina REMED Y that sweeps off the aboIe catalogue oif culîî'eoîsi disorderi, andl rectales the cîutire cuti lishmealmby fonctions. Iin a sRUJED Y Ihat fîunhidL the îeeesity ofoo wàauy anmd Jelimierious drugi taken loto tbe etomacb. It in a REMiED Y m.at neitber #iekens, gises incouvenieuce, nen is dlagerous ta tbe uies. ines. l preserres & defeudai te surface fraenail de. rangement cf iîl furiions, simile il beepa open the channels frcihe bli otevomd allils impurities snd dispose of ali us uelesa panticîca. There in a coIilcCtion, ,amsrmîîy, and léfasibility lu it aIl that defles rontradirtion. Il la a simple, bul wonderful principl'e that preserves iu bealtby op. eration the entire inachionfe on u bemuS'. It lndisolubly hulula together the SURFACE aund the INTER NAI, VISCERA, the INTER- NAL VISCERA andl the SURFACE. Thcy are inaephrabli cLmsnected and canixot ha dis. juineal. Then surface is TIuE oltlet cf fiue. s'ightlis of th. bile, sn ued oi p matter within. Il in pierceal eith MILLIONS of apuminge te RELIEVE the intestines. Stop up thec« parcs, and DEA THI kucka at your door. Il in nigbtly ternîsdAl iI.Hesling, fan the. e lesarres. ly a disease, external or internaI, tbat il wil mat benfit.Il will bo fouud lthe mant useful ai weilas the clicîpent fammily medicius in tht . orlal. h Lave unacal tfor the lai taurteen yesnu euth uccesasilithinut aparallel. I bave ascii i for ail diseases of thei dieu, Conuuliai, Luser, and the moai dangerous ofif ltemual maladies, lu. vohving the uaimoat danger sud responsibiliîy anal h dcacebefore Heasea siadmin, tisat mo --- - r ba- h-itiiled ta eeiit, mis,. the. pate au eitbu is .eescli of mortel intima : b ave bau] physicians, learmoal in tise profs.. S ione; I bave bad, miniaturs of lise Gospel, Jidg. Snoen lb. Bonis, Alidepneli anal Lawyera, gsi. Ihemen ef lb. bigbesî srudition anal MULTI TIlDES cf lb. PCD0R, use il in evsry suie. 17 of vay, andl Ibere bus icen but ene valse, cme ,auite, uluiversal vomee, oaying 61 MeAlier, yomi Ojimont la GOOD."1 HIEAD ACHE. The salve bas coreailpersona cf the Head Ache cf 12 ysars standing aund wa bad il rege. Isrty esery wcck, se thai vomtiting, otten loch place. Deafneus andl Ear Ache are belpeal euh tis@ 11ke succas, as ali»mAgue iu tise Face. COLD FRET. Censuniptian, Liver cauplaint, pains lu ibe cheot or aide, fîlluug cf tb. bair, oesor tise cbei ýlaîvaa ampnie& colii feal. lis aasure cigil ef saentesystera te avescol final. The salve cul restora the Insen'sibLe perspir. alion sud <bu cureseycase. For Serofuls, Salit huaalEyiea il la probabîy the safea sund surest cure le ti mcclii.Thre saiu may b. sujd of Piles, Sors Lips, Cbappeii Haudu, Qeiuzy, Sors Tbroat Dyspepsie, sud aIl Nervous Diseuses, ani Spinal Couiplaints. For Burns it bau net its equal in ithe voral And for Cist Dunames, suclias ntlma OPpr= vePain', analthee lue, ithora la ne inter ma rmeycoqaparais tei. PIMPLES ON THE FACE, P4ASCUINi SKIN, GROS$ SURFACE. 1 Ita lirai action la ta expeli ahi humer. i il sot ceas.drinî1 tliiiithe.e ieree fronta&w matar tisai muay loldgsd under the chun, ana froquemtly breakiug ont ce tise surface. k t tea .iseais. Wbeu tisera e otig but iossuasa n damll repulaive surface, it begins ta malien am sots outil tb. skun becosues au smootis and de Ilcats- a a cishi's. WORNS. If parents kmew boa fatal men atmdlie m.re ta cldren takeasi iuandly, tbey wcmli b slow ta resant teatb.rm. Especlally - mercerie lezengers," called " ' insd elhousgea," «ver mifuge84" pila, &C. £yen vure it posnsible ta sîy posiiuey tisaiWmis cera presentil jeino safe. Tic Irh in.leno an.eam tellin iusriui mli..Wornms am re set f course lb. reme dpr4sna applicable ta tis e mlslat. Nom la me say ta parents, tis this salve milI ahasepiCta it a csilhuseenaus. Lot it ha rubbsiuoith. mecciandl chott, te ksep hm tic train auus thon deva on tise hoveis, and hp iII som l«eav. I Wini DRIVE evey vesigeof tises avap. 7Tis is a simple si" A cis.Ni injry aucam c Ileumsy EtosIuléit b cblirelullaaistion of tiselamele, o np tise Intestines, à Il di tee a ncuv tisea the Wmorue thAeS 'QI S 1 1 variu. diseases mus abic i ldren are aaflict. i. m« ebeui estesut mise irainediline lu ex- iesse. icm grumam tre ulb.euriiigs afinfants &W çhildree, vison 1he7 eau netie stute iheun meute not point eut tlssir pis! Aid bac many tisusàa swsept cg bp giving internal unedi. caus e bcniher poang bodies aud tender tramnes ame ungle t torp agiiat îb.utWbole ar. m" ame th"ssaut teobeur graves msrely front pOulim loo hel mui tomcis pMweeful drags ssdphyjsics 1 is jete sucis dbai thes e Halg Oiuniiiiudars lase fplosaeami and cnat ea a ces s. flier euferi nd sicisesa. Fe, uay, penlssps eût - lreùi«ce ous ina. tioscaama w"uldis; miile mesly aU vesil b, imelatily slised toffhem pains andl ininiities. sncb cuas u roup, Chllic1 Choiera Isfealum, Worms, sud ailu & LWerCoepieais, by cutib s. muu ciilalsen die, tisa Qitueit ail remuais s. speedipsud *moi> ,tisai s physician wmdlne- ver be neseda. Wu wmccl ibîre prendu Pa me tiers the reaity of th.e tiingw. W. apeak O&anuthy, baue s eféel t eculal b.esc-ed net te us. tises. modns mbicb ecahlremuove t.luir aafferig, mile it diii net endanger tiseir livs, or t fte ansd vigne of hou poung, constitutin@. MoihbnItisrougboami ail ibis laud, wesnsec emniy anad sscreiily declare ta y00 tisaItise ".Maling Oiutiient ii lave your nire. fromc an sarly grave if yen ciii use if; sud me ibereîfesmîke ibis appeal li ibeur behmlf ibat lise imai responsibulity nîay b. your cen, if 1hey die premturey. Aside fromuevery inierogt te nianelves, se charge yeu ta lake becaltachai qm3womteli Yanout sVais onec actusted by lb. lenalstes of gain; but kmuaw. ing au vo do tbat vaut bodies afinitfants anal chlii dren diseiruly, ebicluin uppoéeal te b. nevita. île and icapouisible to prevent, ce bold up our vaangvuesanid ilclars in thie face othie wvlee orh, Child,,n n eed nuLdie more flau olers. But it il frani tie snui of propernuourirbmlent sand thue constanut dciaggiuug £iey undergou. cluch mema ilium damsn nthe rani gras. falis before tic scythe. Nolisera I me repent again, andl if tlîey were lie hast mords me mre 55cr te niier, sud of eturse putiglu. e oci cf ail interest, wes cmuld oay, -Use fLue AL-HEALING OINTMNENTJur sic-hie, umomug childreuu" RiiUATrIMru.-It rnIeOealmost imnmedimle- il lie inflamimation anal smellmug, wenu the pain of course cesses. FEMALE CaiirLANSc.-Li5 glmry sud puvi er ia asnîfeat un ne way more tban in uhîs deîiari.ietii. Inflamsmationicf the kidrmeys, of the iconu, and la kalling dacu, ceaklnosa, amu i rregulariiy lun short, ail tices dîfficultica vliicli are frequermi cili femiles, flad reaiy sud permanent relief. ScAL.aHîa.-We bave cuneil ae8 ast a a. tually defieal everyihiug knowu, as wadI ad the atiliiy et ifieeun or twety dalmeors. DOme manu tol un lis ad spunu 18500 or'ii is chlîdrcum, aill. eut amiy ieelit, wben a tee boxes of the vint- 1ment cured thons. 1Couuri.-PCOPl9 eOusalneyer lic troulled cîllu tthem if t ieywmili unie il. . As a F.AmiyM EDmmincri, no man carn ieasure titsvalue. Su long as theusars rolnul,i ogv, 1fie isavens-so long as manc es the sartl, subjeci teaail tise inihrmilies efthLieflIesi-so loîmi sus disss sud aickimesm are kuown-juu't do long ilîl ibis gond oiutunené bhouned aîmd eFI-aiuued. -he Wb man ces.*frein oRf the carthl i lnulii demand lmiiceau, analneau luI thon. JAMES McALISTER & Co., 168 Souil sireet, New orb, Sols proprieeo f lb. abois Medicmne, tu s tîîîî ail comuniucations maet lbe addreàsed(pmort jad.. il Pricu, 25 cents and 50 cents. a CAUJTIONV. e As thesAAl-Ileatiug Oinnimemi lias buen greal- aiy couuterfeited, me bave givun ibis ruimli,aiu [tbthepublic, ibai -"neojineni cli b. genuina anes the ames of James IlIAlister, or Jaie McAliiaer & Co.,ans writen weuh a îw peno * eery label." fie label id a sieel enrrayiug. t mili tbhe iure cf -1InscnmsibldrPcrspiraitu" on » ui Foir Sale by CIMRLES IIEATII Agent, Princeas Street, Kington. 'aimer's paient Mi lae.. ' CII tRi A>' Kiuiliim, Fihi. 'i S Y K F S S l î ~ r î - m r i j l'il d t' JE LATIGF', po'd, scriber. C 1 vimi Jil' Pt1, M..4 N 1E-v' Caircrbc -, -oCabmlegJ a ree A Yr:14, îîireimm rr l, ".m '. 11- ut very how prices. Kirgion Fil 1 t theiir accrunrt for 'rn! Kimînston, J.Ili, :tl. '. OR Sale 'v m 220 packages chi tPII tk & r eti 24 Minît. sug 10 Tierces, do.J'. ,5 do. $olu1u Iaescier's Lnîilon "I. l'atent sautin fmvi'el I. IIug, G'mlr,il ~~j - Patent î.:. i.S'i ]oESI DENCE. , ru r lini A U 1a3itSet , mu, - H ýhi Ail îimre i s ii. c,! 1;('p- ,4 expervrrrcnd Irta a i-imomirl ta cidii Supteiilcer$tlti. 1l.'. F OR Scie, liv 'uV. IliN F 30blubls. Nu. 1, N~l hr ring@, 7M5Qmuintrîmm Ta'tle C] 1 fi 7 Ibâ. Maukarcl. N.. 1 10 Tierces Sammomi. Land Scrlp for Sale. 1APPLy g(if rby'L'eiter pum d No. 33, Litle St. Jarmea Strect, M,rtra. 10 NEW WFIOLESALE IMPORTINO WAREHOUSE, KINGSTON. C. W., Ai lIi Exrtensive and Comasedious Premises o W. 9IMPION, OTARIO STRET.IT THE Subscribers beg ta notify thb. Mercantile .NCommunity nf Canada West, tbat their lag and Newly importedt Stock of (iroceries, W 9.s Liquorsansd Dry Gouda, wil be apened about the 20kh i., wbich they pledge thern- selves ta seil at Montreail prices.. Tbey will aIma b. prspared to receive Contigu. ment@ <of Merchandize and Produce for disposaI ai Privais or Publie Sale, wjth a view ta whicb, one of the ârm will micins an Auctioneer. Cash for Wheat at tbeir Mls i i lullier, Prince Edward District, and at Kingoinri. âlMPhi0N & MATIIEVSONX. W. SurPsoiC.Kngtn H. MATrESiwOî, Montrel Kingston. et4eimber 9tb. 1845. FOR SALE BY THE SUBS CRIBER N NGL 1 S H PATENT 8TRAW CU r- CHARLES W. JENKINS. Kingston, Feb.. 184&. FOR SALE BY THE SUBS CRIBER. B LACKSMITHS' Anvils, Do. Vices, Do. Bellows, Do. Sledges snd band hatunera, Bellows pipes, Stocks sud dies, Cnst steel filicsand nusps, &c. &c. Ail cf thé besi quality and exceedingly low for Cash. CHARLES W. JENKINS, Prwnceai 4reet. GREAT REDUCTION IN< PRCES AT TTas Opposite sLaabtmn lu-Priues Street. BE ESUBsCRISER takes ibis apportunity Tto nfmrS bis friua sud the 'Publie, LIai he bas maids a grat reductlon in the pries of ev.ry description cf Hardware sud Fancy (joods, aid th"t be je detrmiued iefuturs ta nl VERY LOW (Wbolonli or Retail) for Cash, or pprovsd cradit, Tele ci .Wbh i avery extensive, compris. zyllamw rrnucdCrowu, Lowmotîr aud Re o 4 hWeba moud and 0"s 1-4i, Cuet, Crwlg, 8111e,, 511gw Sia il Spring TIRu Plates@ i, mebc.ud Cana Plates, abeet hmse" né ler Plates, BiS Ceper, m»d Zn"a, BMet Laad sa ise., Ire, iud luss Wur. Bellow Ware of every dasctiptisis Spihem, Nuils, "&>a BShefeld Tuile s d eer CptlerY, aud Bilver ph*" Ware, Jvq aMd emussepisibWei si - anvssd Forts, afitu" U Nta, Ceper &udJapenssalWrre, T" amp e, f, ang sd 4ail acpe, Candalabia sud Chandeies Rifls ii Pelittsb~~,~ewmm'Toola, CHARLES W. JL\KINS. Kingston, Pcb, 184 *i5b5ftLe8l VA mat l, 6 O Urs - a, ubasisom o tauilat P5r i s las IN» tus4 014 ilg n baud te s treublsai d hallit t iali5Yau *illiii -Y te di ds ult lave MN, sd $ils as dvrgu soi âI1beriY,** iiimrger and larger itgro#s: 1iIla'u a ceini uSy pme, Uiï rful..mliuaeare ail nagg04 trion. Slai 1 halI la - fbisclb 41d brandy battIs,1110l90syu 've ronis4 my budy aud su, h yo00 to pisses. amid esw fr 4.ue ap blle -eod tbe bc I SOC « r MWsi*s4 cfn s ,lie PiKOVGE ail goy hapis I tOCt iii>' .1tiful suce AECDOTt.o lt un lernteslponSIisuds t moiiral Duriai, te abuse 1 .r.iiq ii55d&l05 aMetold, iFrassr'e aains; 0ete ie timmu&M'nvey rois ü our malla:a bile eraiioiii letbé VieI 4W 1.,, mcc large Pirenuaibips w.dward-<ViO imuieiaeb ,hie, (the admiraIisaviug lu diel ber,) bore up in claise seghttorntien muihWete tirm ait, taii, vilan &hall ap il is ber. Idimrl a . be* is Pt periSit of *0 iersale ails huil or tb" t aS egust, oteruusel vesai t. brille ii r choie beediWldeaid mi :tutîil ntuzied, every boalj eFreiehuira Irai s ecosi iiote beSill p ider tai 'rd theê Vemartable miiit eg ber. Obomvbg isg aià il abore tie am" salai hie Intentôion mu, a4d"s uti libba iiitesam St 49 mtblîmîely. Ho"wve, bu abolit Dîne lise» Sau,1 fable Uns ài e bu Laitis mmmriîîeon cille .P" pver biera w.rte eelRad top Premmbum*fid#cad.*ile ;the. crier ltas ibis R emmml . Ut àhn antata ne Il lie, riolreaid an t ms fretegitsospd %b tin tiena ben th. French captaiS s«a r op bis laiS, fluama esui ded la sevenul places bul I the eaptain cf ibeasuer i1 tih" ecould A«tht iilmilc lier captais wmas artic sser ildseil taen n 5er" ti t'ele. Tic iUlrshls eri tellie ng imilberge. !Dg araiy Zgb4Cesi cmii over bie unifrIh mii te hui. etubisar %sjwo le French ctle fau i r the lanthors, mlw . et i Imuef. »Id euh te us- me couraié haligiy" 1 I hall change goy enset mai se; and wyuA ~ ui iii» 1sst aurai D'diaeiin eote lie MM o telilia ils pptlugo III sbin e Waww TO TUE PRINlTEItS ANO PROPIETORS OF' NEWEPAPEEI IN CANADA. NOVA SCOTIA, kte. T HE undersigned having purcliasedthie continuance of the patronage whichi las been s 'I bieal estowed upon hilm as Agent to th.e Foundy Ilaving revised and greatly added to thie mnatenial, lie can confidently iecoanmend the Type Ponw manufacinrird by him as equal ta any manufactured on this continent. The services oan experienced practical man, from New York, have been engaged in the meclianical department, aud the Printers iu dhii city are oonfidently appealed ta as to the beauty and quality of lieType cast at tis Fnundry. A specimen will bo shortly issued, wlien the Proprietor will do himself the pleasure of waiting upanthe Trade; in the mneantime he will lie happy to ne or hear frein thise inclined to givo hm their support. Old Type taken in exchange at 6d. per Pound. Printer' Materialo, and any article not manufactured in Montres), brouglit in from New York ai 20 per cent advance,, J une 1M. CHAS. T. PÂLSORAVE. *** Neuapem eriîg the sbore Noice for ix mouLb', nS.awSelr shaU be entitlld o be Pau ins T»4eon lakiùgfeur limaes La movu y' A. MANAIIA , Lan AGENCY AND) COMMygS114ION HlItellî T I~ IE Suiscnîtuar nnî1ecilrtrot', airucene îiuarks tu li,ii m public genearally, in the rera bmr Le lias received siliuer hecom..rf uieam inuKiungston, anal legs t. Cii1uv 1 ilat Le la ulomuprejiared m i% , ileus mollie of auy desripuçtuin ofli1it aid stand olu the COMrmmrrciiaî %a miai, fa Princels Sret, when ecurry elýtIl mader te give satisfamctionutu lu ue eb tiser him emîb their patrnîmage. e From is exteuîuiu'vr cqmairrv Trmde geuersîly, lue is camfimiril thtbl dispose of property witiî as t.urb d'$M mdîoasagaod advantage asssiiy oie anelehou of business. UHCDE Commercial Wharf, 1 Kingston, 2nd Apnil, 1114. i TO BE LET, AND poulssmsan giveimrmivlli AÊ.iny STOE HOre imF Qa euCllage,anOU ilmusrt," stalles, Coach bousse, &Ca. Cvi dP5 Gentîsniai's neidence. AIs'. ai a ires siony uie. sîlu lic resideuce of Major Basculer. pp prutar, WILLIAM leq Kingston, li JlY, 8 .....- WANTED,. A YOUNG LAD about l1.-5 E .LICLERK ApPRENT IE 1 ste.jour turtier infonriau0i a"11t Offies Kinston, FebnsuarY Sol, 18*6 PUBLIS HED EVERY 'pff& UIT jeOHN WAU9~ At bia oies,in store 4<f' rO ths Mansion Bese lote, ui t Uiilbebo - "Y aucmlyaedu t. Doe in lie preputoefor a preilte1 m PNofpuprs ot ftionesher.i te the Editer. m PiiCnE or nETmMSm :, i ,nde. 2w. Bd. lirot iessrum'. srdu, oo ussemrIniu. Ten lieu a- lmi Inserton,au 10J- 501bit sud id. par lice <nih suleqet i Adiermieflaeu tlue'at a iaostual antil c unicr u dei àa,.wi i Jr i',lil1.

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