CANAIN U1RAL ARIULTVJIAL &COMMERCIAt. kLES W.* JENKINS. 17, 1845. lise DWELLING~oe LliP-lurgte m an ad i meot ai Offiirr' irr, r9ue i a few lave. WILLixl C llSs r haime on liard a re, Ch,~ Aliciolvu andt a COrrpiete à Opo, mhIct .5 s'aitl d;upnu tIARI-Eg WV. JF2ml(îNs 184.5, madelmieul <t tis;e uSdersor hdpd o milse ii pitymeme. 24, 1845. Wm. SIMON, o etice B3lack & 6 isen T in bond os- duay pil ,eciinStarcla,une fc t! ri, id, Cavendishanmmd lor a4 BîcainS, Wraitii61 E. Corne- of Paaaacr, rîs. er site Ballias 'A. a <rom Bague Street. i need the terviresi if ltist, mue nepofayiei, îu. 1 45. ýy Wu. ftI(Cu No. 1, Nor-th Shiore Ml itl Table Cod Rli, Mackarel, Nu. I. D«a Sailmon. Sealp for Sale. )y lette- posut palet) ena -TA e. Land msi Gerirl Agi SJames Strert, bIsuttel INAIIAN, Land .a ÉNCY AND iuer raepettfnlly terl 1 onhu t, is triemarind , for the ves-y libes-ai -f siace lic cornmnirscd 1 1andt begu lu acquaunt t rapar.d <a sreteire Cool ontiiPîiOf Pprs-ry. I Comasereiai Wharf, fe wblen aes-ry efril rieiou ta tisose Whoî kicr patronuage. naive serqintaaace w i e.lha je confident :6e: li rrty Wid as mauie s ivulag an ay ocher la HnuG.H CÂLDEI ai Wharf, t 1 April 844.1 BE l'saTs [o vn .nmsaily, il lae.ce as -'ti orimllim<nole WILLIAM lU <N WAWW "&D min s" PIIIEITICB aI ,er & uma ppl' M.*raSt## mia gINosT.w, ~~ANARA, TV~DAT, JUNE ~ 1~e i oio .in * a#jll iMW iobbby Iv o .p . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d trv~ evay wp11k u e i st6 hea(u"t, u li e gi ié b . £ sd.dewe ,the a Umm sm t usdpeoiek.6.ra mdimensoent ail Ihuâsgiu gaarli plic Deage 410 *Wp ab estaosmedbier pabe Foodpsu ,i dm "<h.. ah. o otinn*Mh oi ipu l*~ . a 34 m 4 E Ma. a »âiry; ina ué'W dmaW409M sorat cogtai m15I5Lv2 49 W& ID0..461 lv oir ? am i udIles. " dmii the i$rot ebjouiclie "iaWu . aid *b 0~tOt5 ÀKAD 0 6 broist m Niba inat1 1 "&Us ~MW lis li.o .rdviing <h @iW n ina beo inae" W eteM C" m m il OMbât9 "gr "Sde' % 45l 0 (w4. P a S1ont a a se IMMo am me eor t "tu i <h. .UMi W = OM Ï. put l a b9 trio n ew " 0vPrimorbie Md"Ilss i - e---a à e apelib - ofsm udmm aMu e ur 70bR, Jliti@u ti a r gi gzâr &u«*0t 1 b tea'" thol lne , wumecliai4<W*d bU.~ieU ousige M 11Ueo.. molSatli.1. iil n s. . 1,bîco 3 Ir r me. aI Glase,fliW matiova entah, 511.ioilOibsoupératl@01 bu wmet <.s.0 b'ai. Pàfr iiethe ie- oo o 9 laing a public aeruey, ha. pmuimmLa.-L <danst a"mm f- ejetu. th" pre'rwe oHa silo, 122Chlden, romt e n mote misOl lenet s c 6 hyeaibuetine!amlaha body of md. ofcrrcioXIe J O ar budi ad Icdd o le. OdL pet meuh. umiatee b"l in lie lay Cuttofetqgmec be hveauabndntapply of gn a. il ixm fw"lhle boa. mmur wthe For. lIratOfome <ccd Saucaia eeltaj hiek viliimuc.b Noth "igl mue . is b ba 1600o oeelhlibedia .ch ~ cr0lrgeufaclwiog Jiie ic ppsi' Caisiste Bmanagein Mla mc ,ke Trusts, !0 0118- ie.t*o. 0eiàoiO hig ecme, ay » t*eZ»mealeateaiee, 4but il ln fur. 4 ad~, ud cayoircqtu. .therproi te 4al ipM oftus pe' of eguutars, The00 O *ft 1onprose la îeplisle U u4<b roiDotau active aupervision ho did Dnt bow whal trrEs 20W 0 0 on the Case of Gathercele vu. Xbni Gler. Voltil lisgh. 1T0hentax bWecion thugthe pict if luuol H". à.oColeoje vcar of Cliatterisu, El l e qeditovet tci le icroate an infkrior body of ten a rim ~ ~>o No.CofarmheL Pievic'eas&i f ml a.. biskai.; laeY du nts e m& ag o c d ab îti pennoi, 3 00tai dl8uma. -lie0ileclgreo hAt &ret di. but toaalldoder s«ch resuictioum e lGuy- ii At, of te Province Of senter mie theDevii . MeX i & ad juge icaaieint mal s500fit po impose, sai the rigts of I l-%e 1and 5 'c, cap the Nca.Vonfueinit âe ves'at cuien o uccupant» *ul aise l4respected, tb.y are vil. - vc cips 13 .nd 37,te alear.'wluo brougltaria tiooen ite pW..]in£ g bMoeauhhiW iin a amlsitcd aauhor tf ~ d~l~ecy f Fe pa an reoverd dmag. t iSeameaI f iaru,4ud mIel ln roinaining miieha mlii by ficieatnc of Fe %zdawciect am.t*t.ais publie auctioe rothereia vathin ayear,uaithe 4000 0 _________________ Goverameat imay direct. On the vibola ho 5 vie cap18, adeLii thet 1the flouse moult! have a very se. 6q't %IOfrC0111111091 » 11KiaA ari.m.ul. tire outrol ovez the lands.,mmncomcthau they 1L.ý:wJ dr.,attstefur61» () -have aI pretst, foi they cann" Dow interfère -- OTItO SS M L . atail intheanatter. Hoeyculdble cueful mai 11000.l Vie, cap 2 1, IEIILi- the lands moiald lie placed our, af thepavraof J (1les of Criniual TusuiiÂT, 1111h ay, 184& aey peaon er persas tea mm latae laILHo tiî eia i f prisonerd Sel. GL USmmwoo »e usefor ou addita lthe vcuhd hamethons placeit ami.,the central af Med0 eluyMD0 0 OQuasienous the @abject of Lie CI@"rgeurvea. poence. mih ited »coecties wtb adîiaisra. %'j, cap 69, Expen. iHo hopnad dma liabbjec uile éapprcached ug thea&puiwal afirof the ChareL.Under rîortewtg convicus friee "m sarse tewsml mai uical porPa.. <loet, OWM macho did it ea 11b tat Liis Ilitp.v.iacia1 Patnîttaqkh vas a sabjet vw"ek&ad Loncg W#Msed Iice- Cicrob et Rng" ac va eb c cnsurei 1ev the L,1ýu"300 0OD oil.7 ahiîe1MMei ii ifaal coure.a .b.d talon in this ciattad. They have V. cp -1, Acs to Roturn- nuemenea t Mtions v eo ai h11,1 lm- deiro tgelibi of tM lad nid m p es ht 5W 0<c, 00 Otorm aba, tiat the Portionfibe Clergy Re- ces band fla iradmof c<lara le, til 0" at.. V.C, cap I6, Salaries cf servis blonging ta the Chu" et tbtwUagla i gt cerne vaiuabl< a"i tbon praeut1h.eam"r (ira Jadgea, ai £500 es. 3M 0 0 Ob vestoiase "0 CIsil calise»fer the Die.-froa beiug aettied, but aeb ba" afready stated :V,, cap 17, Sàlary uf one am. o QAuheandI Toronto, &bey ven e erandev ai er fagaîn. télmy mre willlag le mIl ~n. .gDistrict of ta a select Cenurâteaagier petilmons mereuleavilai a litked term andi codai se"b retre. 500 0 0 reccivet! and very eseel lg thgille ties es a*0a leusesMay doeet Io lappeiat, M iev, rap I6, Contingent projet. of the cer tW csrthosaeraeatpdlim albm ihecevooeyty Ispwesu Crcuit Coiru, 200 O O refsw4Io à elct Cemuee,Md a report 0alaoaeaibsil <fiorhav deuamiamiensif <bey fVr, ca 13. 1'iaîions le ohlaimei;,hase reparieft e f opposite cbrac. ois milhimg 40 accepa fel. l'h.@ ban, Menabci aire;red Datict Jidges tinltu&; »nc m aien ev.<as talait ne suh- fo Tevrebene amI e iepoaetei t mua, 200 O G 1«%..u&i it laid over ge the peoeal.ousâm ,Tki. e md*hCamatabymea.eprosele. ,tiaer i ue apGeulogicalseedion umerace otber petiionafe rPt-MW sigu bt: (Mr. 8.) le uaknd hanie bjet- hel 0i thi Prinjce, 2M00 a Oaunbothhaidezof the qu.etion, a&W Que e ee- 0,1 ta egaec I ubs;ue .( d VK Cap 3Allwace ta f(oed atain tosorale Commtit..-TbWsmme &) tbought tlseadera act ag.inace laàue brcultutai 2ceieî ii LU 5M 30 0 Oa course whîch lho helievod mas unpreceoited unenimma4iu tlia"vo"livle e ce taoM'y et anil, cap jM. the sane in m inteaiais cf Britisha Legisiation or indeoi al the egia.seuato. pi canada, 5M00 0 "ay cher Legistatere. Hoieuvacont *avaeof Mr.J. xA. niua et omach abject te t V, csp 6&J, Uacxpended the<ettlt iaft.r l baltbeacudon, s ise mlie 1Ue language uei à aite .aasmrpuean tf ut i imatfu1851, eadesvoaerd ta discharge a Conuoitse and <acthe eadram sihchaay lie caled fur mît '46, 11000 0 0 alloo i e'Houes teapon a CemUqîtle ta Le Mr. gSmvo% if tihe oa. meSaber hile i oif Etimate fer ervitceethe w"o epaptitibas inoacooidratiiot; in any deoticfes areeviogi, stagt kt en lmprove its eruvJdJ fr îhe yr. 1841, 612786 4 ô liis le lioever haitbeom deel& a mjuityet ik, but in bis opinion lie ccmd ubelaauhaate ail - tsheue.IeMdcidlag galesat it. ie4eeivlite aosertioos mmdalu in îorport. Mer lie '&If katîsi ExPeudture, £91863 13 4 that IL wveaubave Laensai l ou te haave WbasioéetifCanada " ecomvacf Great Ditasu - - the epinla nt uCoacaittge cboen Ilite guaranteemi tlis Chatea ofRo...ail the 4". Awuat. flouse ltmantthe reporte' of toii cetsided Coa- ewe h . ad alpu»easldei lthe Trench Mon. iLLS or îRvu . Carntce. qillesebut il bai hcgle avaréet thlb.obje- arcby, the RoiseatCauhilofailli bains lia. es- £ a. . L taic»tat ve"àmai e u 10pis e fe tl isbsi velgiof iLaver Canada. lt vuas <(seas 400M0 0 *POtltio1oer tfui li WM lnOf the JaMI& lie goereuaeOn te Pauofedm rtihcurera- i Orne, 2Moo0 o0 ai liat bh. mcli go lie ibtery oethle umaI, hi aithougliit as a autmooal cadetn. Terrainl, &11300 oClUM seuvo. oeban galdho. standing dfieh.rigimas c<iteigions amsi esis I700 I0 0Du 1c.1.4à to li ât 9110cet moaval il i nagirebemasc, ticai bualisea aaprespect d. ytAt bat Zltu iptî, 1-,)o o 0lands avbre ranteni for tle support ef a Proteel- limie k vuwu fucer deparaitrias. ha. allai IFeo hUiuma Comm. &e, m50 g0 9>ont Cie« n hie ioProvince. AndI tIeen 1. pou. TII. pntbasOUR" hnai te de a vilrcitireé, Sei. Chardhl taiggani ibeîing Liat bey bat! a mvoniorful LeIdmt..c. Tbiesachoni ma 9Ms 0a 3 0 oo ight tut Ilu, 4 aie a dadoicieuhetiier rigghl meatioa*d aunIo report, fer the ole parpese of £Caus5M 0> 0g>gor voe bu la. ustlDoltLake pis hamif te shovuang liaI lieRuae cathlic elergpvoie 1ifrn aic Wok,, 45» 0 s<jg ap. a m6.ti eent to. bailite led eul el eJ.ejoying the becit et Liait ea&wvuaaii, as I.t liiem IraeDpwostof a"wudv ais e.ta revive IL. W hle cpm. Iat the Cbuuch cf Ralani ma Do murei tiey inieda iniBamLk, 5M 0 o n ote db llLogltm vs, Il in tmp... autanoMare limhon a aofjustice aerely tiaat - llislete ay ; bat, ea tte ois apof 9 lam thîe ielands appetion.d tt tll as bplactsd as. £333000 o f tie bl, asegathfiore nt <te iseae. lietu der heainsampmanagement, hl u manoiafaveur 6eit Ceu cou b. m» dcat. The dacsitivameaquiécced fions ne. but te h placeai oitgliesamme fotieg se Caialidaed in, and Iiu"a emllm mî cuinetforiàa ocber tle remt al tie bnespiaatiosu la lpi tbo" ,0 ale of liîu esmtitihe lKirk OC sotIi 6W4let" le94 refffé usa m eutog 4 'ad" Ho lieob lt4tt l Litl 0 rctbodhe laadeeli>meemiea wa - ita 16 ad e.paia i , , m tey wa e 'puastlape. il ilaLbi ld sts ee r_ adfereeia claV4 Md ut au. ail l thé fe eclleiMieuuageîin i.ecia a a te 0give t aie. d fur et feelin lia aini, Th. Loýgulmtpe mii" ta lie country atlargo,.lie lapoi lda **va Mi ac aay altempte te oigtjà tuéeïm l"te4 ot16 er dieeuinataooe moii4 ho plu" ion 1&4 Nu, 24 peow beil Ive, illa 10,$J a l«bm 1' 1fets aiedtat lb. el v amaeàe lai ~timiim* ha. asaumaah6îlore twU'G#fnleja7pm eapropcty. Iniecal sucb mthe cmas i lm< Qi l 139870 4 5 4aa a 1,1 a s tt*a l~dsaiaimleshav e lpaer ef eoatrelling 4" G11, 4 W -llema f "iebrd eI L eoa e.huam* vpel.allbngorleaigs lg ______ sga&. Pythiii14::rp tebi*hla&la lsse. Tc . opn of eustaalbrer, T e5iUiied Funde £577M 17 j Iii ieug lau peltswbib Mreo a. ud bereà w" v e ho (cou aI e .ai te Gear.js ffie er ue ma inllnais lg, - a léi eu i* m aUalicipawei ipibribesa.liae. 8-h MI ay, 1846 soedCi.liathis aate ê li . ) p finirai t amthle C#R"lrei4a nlanu ed le i . W. CAYtLUIt, tlie uvaof I*m Gaselmd e&t.apàb# anli mau otetjiba. If tii."id-se mai pe Inspecter Oamer"-I. iem b.iai ctl orlyj il# e bgt abouMpn"sin laeluclumea. ki. Tb.1a4ic mii Paaas«aea.tsge 4wh muIvo ma, 8 altg- catlie plscei in t»h iisfaan eccceaMaia 11555> - Fdu o.) ] dlhtdta foui. oT efleo 9*M oUw ceepacamien he Qlcntgarl beyw i hl bulci 11EîCAN PRO DUC wu tE. ateexpieeta tie Impéral Goera ,lbla thern t a>apmberaof lb. Clei, ~'ICi radaE MARE T. items oethle prriai arliae t, ies be.mie aov m ngei simperla. iu- 01.aeProduce baikt.Duriug tebrin a eula ihom oet f !W 4uechln. The iaily. aaGvrnmm ndi hie iflc. ii owý I edue~sifa retl-as pervaioi Iiapsil Par>anl ous ini l Ie a h.aa sepeivmm ever tlb prccsdiag est d'tteintwhichbas chractérzed àtioi% M thehnaagl Snieseule .01bisçà" t b aiwthu iiw lave stPcng if thie present puar. Theectte1r lieresinouacei tw" la oeu "ti6w)aweowims aiWos lii"lice. eut f camufideee i evory deportauat therotura cftIle feruior Sposiet. OsrAllia.e.w»lie aqpmate. AMI ,P 4'gagnriindipositins 1m, viévthès, ho b", .Me isul>I litwi qut5as hetqu bc ai.crqatisala. "Y xtesiv OPraieu"ace ld 1 i l~.:=]Wr-..w. - h 'Wqikge L#ICIOnt ifbl. csévm*M ah'à M "rnie& g" mc eutctd, sud pineu cf okM b*04 tajïmé ëfl wt u ai pdceheebeau forci dw aa iamWi.r W*" W"s -he »Luzere, uh LInvolie bay ]oue..te imporena, s. m letie auseus -ie aie.. (bu imr08 g owsi b, alimete isi.vu5~ I 1194r., asohomevomr moue. oati7 ovmtgle th etwi I e,ïmra ati alai hm. Uf~i.1i Q ilf r tne to ur a s abam . k m, ib m ..a ieOf"brsa , se t<ledtpcapseemmaslig lu po -it in bu" th gaund neuhvii*liaboU àlemOC *wmuïp wu, n* 14the1 Cclcern4bamileest .po* ie e'ShIUY m Wyamwoabee pspa ibm cousuy.=am ealy ;5Z e Îtcuntarya, . tatbia imm u n et r e p n x o rts a p n e v a t m or maike, vhc sptcdc, til <aiand im a elig laa4siwq. - bl ?hr 5M&ercial jaernt of pool bpept 6Wtut Iaéýb Pisaldait tic dongihîai te for misé Il a il trititandait Oton tiacn e i i 1gimmmla5 wa.i5 fl ia dciaonasOctcae e t. iiadhmglbh. ~m U i1 I I - pmim due~ lmi am u e ustby dC th e fa ution lot h k over b fugduC ltha lIai m lprehantiver GOmar rie ai the question, lu rur wetlbhe ci f et uL~ "i holsba aly ove or *2seppaure, ami baW justice thon bes euhhave hem.mie ai mOUi; iu liemadermee dsu.ioméciaI dAx tc having beasumet ta lie psuper ipirit, aia- tom a prea sudmai lnatly th Ciorcl af ng. baud lmst ilom.ourtae ofthlebaud mhici ohecon. tuimw s anuber ane- ud &W ho " isaiagin vamn ho.. mambmr te tale boad lm bfy a r.iuu. ai agmasilalu lte miser *uutb mmmlidsiuego. lamie. sai liaieai jmecai lie piecmo f lie lais vu varia; holéeevei Ibat sech vus lis ame, but staaa menste chag eh La ; f wrSfvofe eoui<ited b> lu.agend rrGOOtameI mc OMli40 cho Vilenloe.t pi @d .ead at. lbutle va" cenver cousent te, "lu ih lm ori Mye t p er Cierca aisolc rtbovsr lielse ha mmmlinavar cominent t. laI,- feobChevetscm s.shillng cf the vime et Lis lande, but l e etseraly nadmi nmly nmais. tainai hal e wmi alec almsiatbl bapsheul OU bu iv.. qi tethe CIeegj; h. mcli s seil Lise, plaemtee muaya et eret aid le Cierg e hmigul"10jpaîdthe ti ient. IL hal bane m LWtub. lespsiion of tie lande amighu le atiselnonc. y castiag lote. SOL. Gem.. siawooa.- I1mmi thamaiu sug-. Mr. GOvami.-4î migih bu mcli 10 spaitof se diepcmng of praperlp y iic chierm partie. 6bati Mtl oqallale rigblo, but mas 1110 lbe aupposi "the h.aumerme apaties vio bave aqiuiluble lishta inth le land& lu queulisme, mhoabave raclain. 04 lieu by peara of tbu, whholiai. labooret! an laspang à-ena pear tu year la obtain a ixed and Out tae, ae t àblii listallmuait pep1 Meuipisse lm e uigbepoma the catinug of a l (beau,> lTh.elaarmad &iicitiur Genaral lild si liIl" i det! limataI m prupor indu- scec uni lie part oftthe Church Society cicr lIme occupants cf the lande mcmI ho a coueequence of celling te leasi tic contoul souglat for. He (Mrt. G.) net oaly <causal talsucli aifluece womii ho exorcmet oser Ibm actual occupanle. but la lhat moli ueîsaifer sanceai among Ibeér relations, and voudopeumie fin sariaus maya. Il wa prteaic ts thâtLe abject af the addrems mmm lett 1mte ai.dslaaid is hou in penpelsuity, but t6.1 lhe> abouiti ha sliNom ha mainlaie. edtIhat acre ingemiama argumenta lu lavar af granting thama ta thea ciegy int poupetailp could amathaurget! ttanon r c bu. ftamita d- ires. The chiel groindseofthte present domani amet lfailli ina >leadirese, ame the f<ahat 1pro priies baie ba belliIinla lieU. Staes iy lbe Churei cf Etugand fscmthLlima e the an: ai le Esgtl ing la lie preunat lime, mai Ibal miulsi, <rnce b> TPrenchMomarcishave baen apreaerved ami proecteitte .Roman Cath- ail Uurchinu, Lever Canada, and int f th thelames baie hascome muci more valuahile aishepommeort han tey Wols egio. ali, . Do allic. raaego te show pksly liaI th e -re -mi design cf the ChercliSocciety fein sowlethaleud* bould ie lin upar. pety seilsci lima ai 1hey become valumbés lile lioe. of Niv Yark sudiLomat Canada. la thbme oscf theadiieee il mai matti that Ithe lande mtighl ho EodîtiaItis Liona athe Govara. ment mé11htdnem lit. bat b. isr. Goamn) meuhld mmmwuit to e b ppa.ei <bahil the régliâ ofldispuuatg oftleamarc tranîlarremi ta tho Uo. vesasent liai lisp (the Goiaemant) mcmli ccce i axmpet"cid sale, or tuat le> mould di., recte te îa blli aI ail ; tle irelti etter ci lia Churola Sucisty furaiietlunch ground ci aurm on that " a; truc riat licuer ai vonl appear tbm" t.esisire mas liaI tho landesault pot eeUled i aiscu leu" asd.(Theabon. Mamnher rendth lttIer.> SaL Gen. SJIZZoo» ani Mr. BouLTon ab lie somâtes, epudlate th le propositions con. tainoet! fathe toUer.. Mi~. Gavai. refnmed, ho vas appa.. ai tu lie aidress, because thon, bai beau no ex. pression of pabie opinion ia Upper Canada ln tatou ci il; tlhe pehitoas tisa bai beau proeetei in» sof a iî mare gut up by tie Ciaurcli Socle. 1, aid sent tte e by mimom a aitl rn tou auly if tlia ignalarmu of the mmbei oli Chucli maba obtainai; lie vas appcaei ta il h. cacasit propasedt!ea ivati CIsura acontroi Dore tis anilsmiaicis ntevolt! nover haie ab- tainaîl anis le i.inlaItenuto: isecansil voeu 1meai tu lhe <remIeste Il , the <remisa ici umtile ; being puont. = large pun- Lisno utle people ofcf anae, iuclaUding m"7 moitis>mOibueoft<hs Churcl;it k vnt teaidu. troy lb. havi7 yecmary cf the eolry, sunit. imtrodoc ltbe dloni mai tsnant systoe -; iî voit leadtelaa 51..oft ilaquiel ani Saiteumenl si ai L m-uedangarc, bot acre espectmlly sueut lis pueamâl lime, vhou barmosay adntioala sa a At eeniho 4 h.eiIle ur alumoct ilidrmi, IL vcldh"e oajaei bysuecbm as.. jurily as aU l arl l the oig opinion of lthe liousaggitt, 4andeset tie qustla <rever at tnit. Tie ban. aiember concialaiby stromg ex. peesaloas et allachuiLla tle Vcb c f %e. landi, of whii bu vas aimetaler Mut!a comu. islant ; he baosier vlllagty ouritei@ammt te lajame bW, mi hoagii it umi bar tec veil te, sanetiona desaiion W rpart L16.itho lnav cW L Uber et vemnumoenly miti lhe peopla geisrally. bat ititi baro w nmbats. 'Mr.. 'iice MW thliiofet 16maay questions la milchale pqb% lc alof Canada haiýbuendirect. ed therao ms leappily, u»me more calculatai to pruduce angi, ulbataliais characlar; ad insemucb a th e mreut qael. lion malsopsbeviasmee ilireligscn, i. traaln liaIble.. measharsvoud Mprach it mth aismclub ondteuper nal Chritian fer. learane as peaibu. WhiW btc mas viliag tu boulee b oa.mesh. boi red w116 hlm o Lile lupoutul subie«a incer. l hWvime, l e cle i aiettb.ebaadelieau»i lsr*tolaardiu iualL Behlad; en. aioe vr btwme liiesvu e msappeasib, hWrma emeabesa apsilsaqgellr hm mm ecuselln miI <h tic Gmoursuml. liswu me. or. llbgrmasf h. tsanimae bc te bain, lest uoaltheiei.. immae oftâ* m er pètrceemsaumlqew in is u blblb.e< m s» d t lb mh eftihawmkeomosularu 'ii ba muerlhmu big am le* et f bgsaasai 11. gasye on ie egyBaa wmm ibroad 1 'e = f-a«uu .~~~si liaI the mbjealet theaaq, ba hua l -dg a m nadi e Unpublic amIn am parI t nie ?ua lit .le las ecy Bs"Mm u»Uicr. Vasa, Ist linlif 0" elm Oburel. Thés arraantasemption on liair part bati beau the ause cfmai hi estsit! adcon.- section ipamu lie subjecl, allier bodies equal> »meaerom, uit. mn respectablu et!ndtopai lisUt CIr>i, bai (1h ismelus calici opon te re. ile s"é an enjeu andsud arraatableuclaim- dame lisuin 160 yenuit 23, the presen malblop ad Torçue hleu Rector cf York,bhait brougit hal, e oomb as. ovuner n<a tateament of lie veinsebodiles atCirWsiana cf te aProvince, and aet t isée preesitei a ct art fIhoir resective mimic«ol, adinlatimter ccoapaying thitI olaat,Wiatle.ptei te oe hat theCsirch of ZngiW.tê as tlb cy ody ciwahacli made oli- <ing lUn a es.p.etaletand in the coaolrif, chât mIÏ& liai ciorol bai39 Cleugluneai, st! et eguaror cc " cal urhip ; lb. ilidns,4 itla excptonof 2in- isten"o f tienchutai 0( Sochisa, 4 <ýagrega.. hstuaiem aid a isqsenlaible Lglui Milelonary vlio pridt~ena Wmeboya Mathai"lMeet- ia, ai Kingsten. TiI. lelterand chant becoas. ing pablic rmesea u iu.aaefflMntice ln lIe Proinee16 bal, religionse ammunily bocamm aileiai et erouasa dmapalpable oimropnemeoe itame milci "le tr aidchant exabibtsi, and et lenglhin le eyear 1828,11 va.ulrouglil le. fore a coueimmittee utf * liuseetfAumsbly. and tlsoroaghly aiftat. Gentlemen of mil ellgboca persuusion.rait artspenefetthe Pmovince mere exautimed i llI, and tlilu nilmil ltmooy gave lise amest and platie«. coalraiiclion tiutie palpable ,aésrusmluas c f tise learmaci Dur- oc n bmislacirt. T1e rosditoet liée i aveetiga. tian.w ma aIilisttle Eplacepalisai imti 31 CI-gyra-teMeliista bai117--16. Bàp- tilwf4-Prceyirémi16-Kirk aof Scant s -Mnomaiele andi Tunlarda 20-We@leyan Mec. thodista 1,- Tltusby Ibis iriieutigmliusi mas il ubesrat the16veri Ihal 1h. groatee injustice hiait bea dme latheArchdcaccstu ail lime Christian boulies of Canadla except tho Roîcrerai Ductoila omi Claurch. (Ouar, bear.) anti thal the Cierge Resoese muli continu, tu ho as "Iy bai beeiau a ubtaleoth e muet amfui cari. teution, enkbeminae oquilsile scîllememîotlâta perplaeng Çquih o ae qlfly adoptai. TIhe Parliamsnl eoftlin day ai s ýatho Parliaine if anl solmoqsenl yjen., more f<ehalie le tic importance ofia apeei, &Wtfinal seutlement of the quastonamui bai b rnesaitutionafalairmesala. lion ddail= p.gaimang the sice<rilenol pcrcsa0f iuctiraa, oaif ai onc e ritrag lie. trmm the basais cf le coalent!ng parties. This mas tie cpmsa f<c m is me puaI day. I bat Mi. pooudl wi abilhr.eMb tie Joers et thlia Ummsetrac m Ipri te the final sellimeai af the quesion b> Lord Sydochmmn lt18bm ai bave fouai lèe.Jour- n"i teaetinaaeustaifarai opinionon lte sub- ject, tisai cifIaat hm Imtuhe Clergy mod de- vorega lbante edacallo. li ot rouble liaum by a refeerenS ate hvole oethoice.jour. nla., but siuply to lie mrearaoll f âeu.Tory Parimmenle upai lhe aubjac la tle lory Par- tiennent of 1831, 1 inietin a restitution pasua i*,- alarge .aajority tle feliovsng mord- " Tbat il éincujoutanas mal ai tapclilte oappro. priata lee sai lande tuatle support tal mun me cllhone«iaslvely, aitk lefeemely diffieuit if sat alogsîher amnpracllalle lu .ppcetica or divude teame amngaltle Ciergy cf ail de. m«aanaléaicfChtîaits, tisai theraoe il in due esiamst te sil e saneand iapplythie piuasode te eduatlan" This restiution mas cet!e by a uale of 21 te 16, mmny coftise ma. jerily hatng mniebars ut lhe Churcli of î1iagland. (Mri. Price railt.e yOl*acdNal Noa ni mhec ho muonltionai Mr. Robbinua=ebu ..liho dii uot se. bic> in hiaplace. Ut. Rinson asi.I ie in gaiseIta hie place"> Ha <hr. P.>fully agraa maîLa lte pulacipla ot liaI realmiio. usae lb chiltirssutfi"cooutry. enligte. tiossud m 1hymile hbe a ale te appruciahe gocd t! rc. ing ami avit bad. He munuit! repaat, and amas »aimes t<bbn. meuliers on bis ie af.thei flouse abouti lamer <a"acinamii, fiat (rom thc yeau 1938 damra tute toietotLord Syono. hant, mhou the question wmaitwu me houoglt, lteaily eactîl euo. esaandmoievery Parlsaimeul of tipper Canada maiopposaitee eexcîie demada et tic Clurcit cf Lalani; aime mare Ier approprilaliug tle lande te <caecal eiaacataom, allen fi pplyiog the. prootissu tlente impriemeu teia country, butl Ur.limedeit tie Episcopal Cbhral lli cii. ber uits de- mmaia l 188 mmediatciy aller lie Ecel. lieu the Tory Paiammaet of ES F.B& Residse. cogetas lie eMme puliciple and by a Vaeai25 te le carri 1thefAuing roulue, vis. "'FIat in ilip xpoienatulmi imulle Ibu tle long peuingutg olovorep respacttng &Wm Cuegp RetiLr eulcu I." " lao "ls.lyetuledi f ui a muaer Ibm a jqeim ieqaitable istriligtia. mal, l mde of the procoesatftis eauid k1mai. Mae me lediscusomsietdle cbjecthy t"é loie.I.liltly tuemigendar *muschrlatia fsg. the Mai Lande4, in leepiaice . <h.Houas sieit b oiivstet a ie "Couewa hWho sW ina thlie a uuaer as e«WercSrs L"tt UNe e,n my le, <Wutle aupltm misud, sae.eeefet tis devais sge W m iliatle pmevfe&,mhi "a tlmsl pcet hef b.Lande auiaiiy @nii le îippue. PiMI am&" -ait!of i j e I mae, Te lin iuoedm Mr. Kykerî octomatai b Mr. Doittwwç mebeei s5 roai len geaiseat tialpaent.C9et "-Laulgeeehilie paid àu. lée pu" heia t eeraipnao. HM.. 114014 bar.>) ie t- .Irc. a i va ad l ceasierci lhe (Jlergy rea. sn. a gieatest sursitai semilave boomnliaudet s lhe landi leoapeet mitb he6 i*eau oexpis. «&i ltaIa el « bave husoàa Meeu l tis" couantybai lb beu. oasiuete aMiasboue.i of tlai 1*.;ho regardai limas e .Cheaf maman lay whici tieite uaktmeaap Relelm mas b" M buegtmei h o lasrelbelievei th§& 4lie Clavc f Buîgl W"menile fa- jmut hWs straer bei tbim epag qusle vib ho te ulerleso lwaslr i o m lsa i. h* IVlM OUIlmeft u uda her*<s1utaoïs Q*e caceder à pI e - e dait lb jet wu aIma a.A «L iI'sf.vhe tel e iieru assit to ùl cCaid;$ it b# u "0<eb oSof mMêla dIs ppSu~ ué. rm m tnklleapfqeua lies fll mefh em~t .~Ij 1 1 Li 1 ea fueso1r earlbl la; m mdi vanef a îe ilu. lt iDt l ms ls h ciergtmare thee cuueetif liat blesoing kh1 vithWs ei;tl hemDoct hlie eagtatseo, ale. peciail fer thair ova mure pecunals?&di~lg tu, the ajury of ctlerm ;aid abuve ail put ifm*a in tkepower of the cephie anad the tumiloli. lkin thle faceof(the cierge allihe Puovince ldm "y. ns the prime and sala aciers inutle rvil,. ed mri ofet aifa, contention andi diamcit.L Re (Mr. Pr") lad .adaasonrei te sbsm-l Ihoeoland e ve r anlly lotoilmmifrhé ciergef s il religions deuooiaatidas.ibaî Ii Cht*lo f Englamd aulds laid daim Itu -M «" oudDmmulasd bai pcrtismcioniy oumee dw ber cdii claie; <ha: sicbadin a euaiqeaMa caaidail lb agitaltin upo lbeabjffet ia the Pulipasals ot Upper Canada. et aliloms pieicse$i partie".liai duveti ie omelefi thil à-osale1. hs140 mie !mp er.rois- veouin th1e Cuowo b, theie 1f nce et Loti Sydonhar, ovîry Parliemieni, &a muidr-tti of the 1poale.bdinviaabiy esgsi"liai uis of a.=ee; dliaI th .helo f I=17bai, l. a great meigeare, heon preacheit lp tl"sfreillia ource of eisîion ; tisat lien Dr. Stracliais bi recoamiod, in it lecaebralat! bIici et M% lte sale ofta portion cf 16cm in crier te mmmcovi abstaclea tes thesmtlement of "ie ociamry ,<dot ltme soüncu theas latido changed audsas ih lee< au they mer. a source otfciu hexcilemeat &Muaa te peo?!e. fliat sees-.. luploetImmo. mcm. bers oni the ch« ide odaf thse llcuuc aette sep- port lias reecliaion of t<eha bn. aticahr W rTo. ronto ; ta yialul op a liitle uf tieir metgriau epur- il ta the peace of the countruy by iasse<iuaplimbe. iainltotareligionsaibodyumialever, but teai.- iOW iithu to bedeul mitlinf.accordane villa Lie prcvistidofth I lsperial Act; andummn. great source of beautbuuning andI mutuel ieaimi. isuatia ui.-tise raligioul budinea mail h at oince. andi fur ieri lust in iii. ohiiuof theu Mr. RuaNssx-Tisis quastion is oeil stifrmu importance andiiinteresl ele .peuple et 4 :pa Canada. Tbe t ,eh liét c p' iaain Ilil oddiceiga, ns 9:<l b len eh<or hy 8M01 inditvsalals. via recéraied "har ictse. ducag li lutl electieta, fau the osuMipteis of Ia preesse administratioe, msti therefore daseita am»e Us siioration fie.the. floe btiass ihm euh net ha left aame on lie preeesi eacaseibout tisaI a majority of tifs Berna vea u pport lii addion. t meuldbaie leia deumlhlo laI l iscuAs»ics a.mtiisqueation, haitl be..pnles poam ountil tie repost cf lie, mus liai been apItte i û r lieleuaee the Crama=deDepuamelt. buithbu»prilau; as gauerai f<actisaaa rece*uled tin11e gi eelat ich aight bave man infuemo eou lb Snais ù ananymnetabems.[Ho etua mueal OzIrmea om litrpot He consimlered lie mmuh.eeefthe. Clirciaogimnd Wba i rgl te ceusplalu ci lhe manuer su vbich 1h. CIergy Iaeeruuo sl been maemgod, uamiele mian aualteratlosa ù lih. me fraagaeent. There la nov lie sum, of £300 or £40 faintise banesaf tiie Res. idetl 1ad Moets, mti.sîl toi CergeRervooe. aid hocotsidered ltha if 16* qîaeys le acght ta <ail opon th e omi Ln .Tbi a. =peti or et lCergy BAeervea coulin lipper C al a th e soin of £400M Tisse Clea 1114aerîebave lheeniviidby tle Imperimi lIa: otie seu61os balilgo et ler dommalee; Hie belicitilIaI =slg Wb h e ote sp. portion lte» latter bolt among tum adiamuis. time.. And ho vouli Dawmitsktle zaative miberlisera lied bees mai applleaicu rou Ibm boies fur i iobsio f "lie resa - lis bcbieoi he batW Dot heaua&OF secdliappl cateonanmdi&U1tlIcagitation îh.y ladlaisé c. thés a tbjacp, vu oeil farthle porpiie of beepmag the Cliurci et Engl utocal ci sr juat rigluse nie muai m ovre atig le»ehvi e rsut, wl admilsiresyl le d op e m ule. lm e lie scu try, by viultg ta impede il. eltiaemot, but De oeue mouaI t ab mare cars than la moisith laï it ghouli uol bave l6ie uct. tde bi noeh-6 jection tisaIt heues= laai dl b ta"rd tla saie u otiser landese au Ib.y hel bot& no bu la 6e mayae npoviient beueuu. Mr. BAz.nwid sala k vwas te bis a sengin cf tie imepse e ret ibu t Iw us feuit s. taebrlng he quoâlimier iftelsue".rmes huiagePabanoû -,buregtefl ft eil casanomt of tb Chiureb bmi.une wvas iamled wft il, MW of milci hovaisan bouleiule ; bd rapemed il un4aceamet lite Prrl At iune. bu ore eepecaalp iaI ParIof ltmhlel bai sitrami omué fromt fSuer gln ami wmihc, bau. of ils ématie exl.e =ecuuM W m le unjecl, me.umais simeibisoft imov. tous ecement. Thie ongle cd tii quelba it belu tully and ciearly gm<usaby tlie 'poabtee wbo puaceidoi bin a; miimiagiadb kà*e poalîson vwuat am uuvlfielb. inmflee »Ut imesrarou Ujiper Caaiq l le *sZ , mb salry o liailiaiBlt ita14is *M lié ve anartisa lb ssée igw th<i ia aid te mu" Ihoirpn i salui eur bai tub fit*.bâter expereuce, ulgb. neliait depMaw imcsesly vhice uchai dtnest.f*" any fauciedot eaclése W"«eathé: q"mi" adié befu et bHoMme. a4ctaI or 8ensé p*tle baLoeer Cum,.%% e«Moneuf =hji cennoctcu b(Mr. 8IL)usaI eàpbathaglp ieeh of sal fret. 16.1or &Dy otissi causa, hen&indug.. ei te t..aci b, hoir vaotra e t Wlit du. ai of the îld and vexei qeslitC d .Clq any vay affectai b, 1"6 ealeastheba hournd, abat il mwu ceov»d in Dml07 isdm il wu fori de Clevgy ar lg. Omeui dglua &ma1h pi m nt nnd8 Mau »alsi in u me., eOam ge ual i ab"liblutegeminsi tissaà oea j @op or ài r t llb"epis- tieu of * ioglb.ih iée $t i3lsrgyBeuvtieIl bi Icu aetim tk à OM asgnseoi mlIi ChutaId ut Ueak; bur habb iravin ie. fuoi tie bail galiemi me alit thie mel et le.ohsget Ofie mmicsiu aIwapi. «Km dse eso Ilmb due oIm aiepare .. b0 W Wimnb4 edm cugg kvir wMa 01111111a1m1110110vU n tiV l aappaay lueIa.asIe;bae i' bimsa Oîw*t aàC eIn .1ehei levtlJh eu stleu u ~ ~j:OW 1 zi - fic, & F