- M ~ nist m iouye. te 1 .11.Bm lido e. ie Z eam.m Upu.40Uuer yen vies 1 (iiIlaiI..l m < .us)Tm pu, e e au sb uimm shM* u1 tpéài. A»a mi yPimeni et tosa 1 did <eusgIL a ubi b 1111000 :tFd . WIIdlj te .ej 1.d? mi p bie ka yu secm! Yom tuM Wbusk i es t I.. ag u'loth COMuI-.basm. flu won ss pFont ssi A qurter etée, oom'îlein &quae an hml 700 USdoUp mimdte uurdoir a .po M ssii it ..leam lhou édgmm mordue b,. W.klli . ut-IliW tme in hM.oua syard , eLrd HliasdWa <Rha.m'i9Md kwalo) W. therena l crg oe aaiait nate of"mPary on dmaiOccasion t Tbm w as. Wou, suwer sabs " queatin. did Cul amtand la Ihm dor 0 of 3lle'sbau% <lame Im ümudrerrs oomutwa ape un hiedaqibêlet 1 1.MAnd thecorpsof ibm muzdsruit mas ying bute ors oe ltu* yard I Yet. (Mr aaaudkiltelh thrinka uqb "l imort. and li*svwu a paus fer a marnent.> Wu nt pur fltta mirdered bea>e @sli ont bosso a ton yen teck trosLord Hauardim t1lDe nos. Virdai yon sloop ibat nigh 1At My, ove liofl.Os onrtt I, dpua" or e ahmame outilth, ight yun belpied te Mid.« bie? li d" me shaubealil tth"a ngim (seusatisiL>Cao luyel buos long yen mmi. bulches iag h l can'îs»Y. Wuit ul n So. day leu idi i1i1Icumi <il uhu tiu samu amo; i in tua les"s go Coquil r Ton pser@ mig.and leuare!soe twooy4z, a, m ps yu eun rae u a Musilrer e xai sarminir@ OU 1d 1 did. 1ldid (Sensation.) Vint. joet ienb hilling of lysa I v as. Who di ual mider tale pl!eAbou a yoar after. Weson et a tho killii t fHaYes 1I1vas. When dd ibai occar 1 On th i mizh 0<Augut lut; bhovwu il. lei in th. veni'; .ldno seohiîn tillmd, but aw hi.dead. Wfeill y fine bey mien did yen tara infonerî1r'1Idoult kaow vhal Yeun mese! Upunpot auden't yen know what 1 mcmi,1 Wb.e did joen aplit, or bors, as îhey say 10 ibm Terry lang-wlheu did yen sag ! <Laaghtm.) 1 gave 7,6u ng elrut'lin the 'Ibo rlotbrigs. wl. Wou m n thlir, fo 1 Irobbmd t-e boume.»eU T"mavara. xurmwmý) Anzuoruorr puit-one atfi.u mi's minm um ucuadertSolite tls Burka te liaI, aie aaspoe in the Sons. ot oommon, la ubimib. éeioken asralier trely 0ofa'yaty. Bu** IMMmD il1the gentlemaen baid conseid thon t t i ig et t h pmkrbho sd; "Itimbnmalo genîluman iaa £zibitedl ci .imi WhUm dascmiiun. Lie Ho ald lioth lfa er.:1Imay rermaretheb. ing, 1iu a e t ai iait eno!, et ail inclai, te oz. tedite"ew èere on lbim mWiaiatorm. ( uay hom-ebis mjeay, Wbar. .eu ca o epossible fiour houring." and lie glmccd round the ttmanmy-oeh, "b"s ujemtp'm a amanmt anis maldeervamlhie en aud ies" A Luum MÂyemo.-Lord iMassAmId, mic sa a ccimi aiShrewsbury, havin5 beau suked ta diner bp the IMayor or "bmTua, is loti hip aluiprla saltique dock in t5e roomi , msrked teoteliapo " haoissn1mmd Uab JOba Talti temghbyt"his oein *"l tie. Mayerrecpls ent- oceel ottoier ha b ld net tien pluesOf <tovimg it Jb"Lard lsam"dthon tried ishm olS s m«@bsci and rmared -th tlounaspes erw eld." - *hîch lbe Maya rePI1ed-"It wu w8yl se, pleaae joutr lrdmlip."1 Pasvwruse à Varo-A tory la IO alid f 8. Voi anron. t taibile en a tenr itsegi"lb Wet, bin840. bles»ie uelin astage coule, and ne h. tood ap te bis bamef in mjm dsait. ed th driver how the acident happetied, wu tuld bp tht PeroUeago b ie d slresây upsel leftanMmebr of Congres-, andI by me doog 1 ie coeared lb Ttes of euery ou filim for, appioprialienaIote .National Rom ndne asbu ver bufti.h id Wba s isdot Mrs asue». gar, h. ihoogfit lh. vauld improve tbe appetu aiy of duaig bhW dwyo le ai imot.ta odoaas in te pevent a veto, li ea nesau ppopriaa Lnab"eliPU&a En&2," rAems-A gentleman mmpoyiog a port anmd Rusell, saW i l ain o arl; - Tmp, la yo.r st -i arm thiecae v * Dubeet lhdi.re ruCud Juba RusseIl " (UPar.," acevared the (.el, e,MI suppos,rMlty mach ahao; hbitt Ummeina *e. eus RiaoCiàtran.-We promennes Cioeadrn aI lusad taIthe Rioe <týRielio DBrou an io &W iNqltare soMe maatp ienmt »nM Sondbatelepf e 0 l. lcky bMu.isuau mm ~d pa ouhaimaiut 2%000 miles ao the licanua.~U.course i in guets pant aâtitheLbprvce of BsatFsDma vs ;r" =m 'n The Rivetrimin pli an okr -'M il ..m sMDpOfIIkeut s t ap eeuw hoe (cvigatOfl Oaim'M CIAIC# wrfmsm1 Queie. 2W May. 18et. Nmo ,zEaigemta arrivi ai b.P4t itm <Lwic Bret btle avgaunte ibis dut.- prmvl =pi4rti A.G au, Tae 0M urtdew*auWduud Th IbUne imbtiM.lslY'b"ib am -u Titre au .p omu' hcrdm ties Our CeOmise Mui mdt'osEjwnng iola. er ww. -id Fs "ai Wb" w NummmaÂi Ou mepe 70tIr e. lie ~ ~ ~ ~~~Wir WiasdiuiIwmtacos ooM Br ok Cd, fisa F« 0"b he ikbp orhseemW--.pe ig or beeme, la Idpeareut. vlenr. 2oppr barre!. A6484 on. de. de. Pmek sDend 9rZ3 poerre!.L Lard amd Dor, la per keg. Whoui or other Graii, ?71d per 60 Ibe. BasaM s6d1 pr ton Tohacco, 10,. per bld. Tmurance ea s ntti on e11.+toperty do- wamadansd obpged in ,istkmtahe remht- AUl ether in propoaruaoa rgulstod per bamIre! rt Tii. Undermgaod.previotu te ,.lth of w onIyfuecive Pmrperty cSegped t!zumeat Kiagsten4asWarehounmezfor theltsgemo(w.îichthe follouxng chargea wil! h. mode:- Fleur,3d<per harrl. Bue sud P*.4id per herrel. Taluaccolelad per Ma. Ambna, id pet barre!. Lard or Butier. gd per keg. Wbmt »sd otherGain, Id per bmel. And ail eser properny in propouuoa ALUFR1 P Il? PAYABLE ON DELIVRY. Ail property wviii in Store, et riaIt of the ourler againsi ir. MACPIXERSON, CRANE & Co., IIOOKER, IROLTON& Co-., JAMES -DEAN, Chiri.ax Qu "SseFer- iag -1 up SANDI&RBON & mtuRAY",- I. JONES &Co. Aprnl, 1846. NRTICE. T BE Saheer Imhreby nouba ibm pub. ZINOBTON GRAMMAAR .BCHOOL. WIR bo r-opemed on MON DAY It i. 6 im4in tt lalBooms fSrmery occtapiad hy da mv. P office, ai î t crne o JohautosadtiWeiagtau Simta KingDt4 PAUL IPETEESON. JUST RECEWfED AND FOR BALE. TONS Fig Itou, No. I., Est Ire*, Amoried Englimlx Bankis Hoop Ires, Bud Itou, &c.. Cait Stee!l nBars mand Shoots, Germaua teel-.Crauley Steel, CELRLE W.JENKINS, Pris»asseent. Viu etia0rd tr ?fUsIbmy m b oigtomet Bo etbUit syueC.uutty ErPpee «A of0< Is vil oontr an au et ahsitp by--opingthu aie,. JOfrN AGNEW. NOTICE. HAVIN ragned diaCreva Lande Agencyr fat the tMadlmuistrict, lu anticipation of my ceclion for Kingston, "I ogte Informn .y Manda snd. the public li i mii continua te act éauas private Laud Agent aui a*Il My iramcions Svhh dra Crown Lande Departant are finally cla.d, ssi i retacmy.offer my services in tlia c.p.skty. usnngtboséo b"mY employ me am 1hstîlllh. iligautinathe discbarge of nay duty, andi moderte oil my charge. Au Govermient Agent bere fat serermi y.e 1 bave acquired s6tiioreegi lîovhedgé a! tend abiae; mandioevempenti milibhemont-i me- mpectabls Agents et limai Qmaum,Ib>t uhemesaccent Ibavet atiuusssaalarge uMM 'oÇLmd Icriptfor-Bale. Ny OMonwflhbufor thefture t my es- Kiagosn.Oebaise h.r, 184. TrM am uI&M"u ]FOumlry ofMr. E Pcou% a .&Snaé on cdu, durimg *0 sue% boutf =ppomVa mo., ud r s f or as, om <ma reu!credi- Muselatetwelj>kdS iir 0& =!eal!te n em ey pume mie- H3UGU CALDER T EE %sBsgMmtolecaIl to~ *=bA »U et ev pneusi>*for ga""fflâPf Wau. simpSt. ~ 1840. ]WI soe Lfl w. JENKINS, Euu.!Juns i No mst- ed mder el&oUIte 4 md 1igoelà BLAItS YrO1 SÀLL'ý furQm Beor ~lsuêie, mie u ei ~risa'ui~lsgseseem e U.vt HARD WARE. JAMPOWELL - * mig tiaks thmm *Bd t"epubme g= ,,aà«i bu s meu Srees, arbeobas et bwd, and now 00%lmvT HAEWAUUe isHEL 4J<D PINOT 000DB, ]Pain"Md oA Wim nUw pLAH4VqAPANNED& BLOCK TIN WA E And STOVECSoCII demiicnjat pricem heretofore unprecedented m li.Mabu. A wWW wozau *A83U5 Ubriy hotuum snd .gîaqoeln id lagesaornetof FLOM0 OSMsd PLOUGR 'POINdTS -of vrnous a ir-a Lead. 07- J. P. ohoutu the publie patronag.- lrusting thai hit pice. il suatain hlm more fullj than %oy leagb elahermion on bis Part 8,1548, mo1iEra" %?ipis àperdpmjalbr!' NEWEPAPERS B AAA. ZNOYA iOTà, &0. T HEudrind avnng purchaod the continuaecme ffiLe patronage w iciLas buen so liba5i j hstowed upon hum as Agent ta th onry. Having tevimed and grnaly added to thre maiertai, Le cau confideatly racommermd tho Type Dow m-nufictred by ham as equal tu sny manufulLetad on thi i onaet. The orices off suexpeneed precicil mua, rom New York, Lave bon etugsd lu the mociniaidepartmnat, ami th. Pirinteta in tisiCityauSreconfidel spmed te aileo the beauty andi quslity ! heype ata Fouadry. A apecimea vil!L e ahorly issed, l. the. Proprietor wili do himsel! the pleasuré of waitlng upeaidm Trmse; lin theaeantinim ho mill he happy te gamor ear frein <hcmo ioclied to fivo hlm thoir support. 01<1 Type talten in etch"aug m 6d. per pouni. Printers Materialus, andal ay article mol maufsctured lu Montrea!, iroogit in frein New York ai 20 ptcent sdvanca. C=A. T. PÂLSOtAVE. June 14 *,e Neepessriaringi Noioifor -ui in I»b.en mg afor Umm 9Mhi momnatof C OUPEISINU Slatistical s»d genral bnIr. Male. ineuwtesun ", l a(tbmUppe1 Provineu; Dbetno Tables; Liai of Professions aud Trads; OBianmd Stoembot au e.; Lia of Pou OeM; Hotoli 6&. &â-uiih Or. deaciptimof i*0m slue wuuso f saa Tewnship, as regrde ai, lmat, praducthmus &c-tocetber uttia ma aofhur us=del intor. matien, collected troInobuet aatherltlms e, va fini by persouaoberuionnd enquies on each spot-Ibem anihor avmng viai*ed evry ewu, vil. luge and sew ueitlmmmitfor IbiS «exprupr Embimbd iii aamnpmrir AP, lanuhiic will h. laid dout a ery villaewno mile. ment. sr WULUIN IOMUTITa. Juna a mbe.. veIne., bouud.Prime abn. seribers, lu. To b.aready fer dliv.ty flIu aary. 1840 Cr Thoeplaeua rs. ubleliDr. 8.11h bis flot yet ebtalssd Iu*aatie% wual! h. vitud b ver aoeUk by tli ubuoelbe, A W dm af silver pb"mda"m Ibnas Maa MmuulsuPrls sud plaIs.- _ Klngatas, liii., 1846. Wb" as am @t. ss W tmTIN o biew ele.dy buam hem aofpf aîitha amfNd ueu pMOYa bo noe.hhahif n » Tb@ 4meare all. LU.as.l sb th. auiuo dV fs al Ie AL _A" eoy-ispe- bah abîsme.tb. ma i ii r MZMBUafflmu MUîî'~ 1 ý aile U edA mumaset s ilb uêi.-d jnombsueuthe m" etha usas. aieà NI -s- tim sldbsr m midilm n ie t ile séor enaud- or by ib -la a.meula,«btif »meut aMdi eb ;=pui ptdmp, n vua » i» les T1%wssa u t um than <homads op PUI o bu mev sud hmmb eues. To ccb be . <les thave bdy. mm es beiili ms lys b ut.iu- A" MM bu tusinbeltago%h Ih ube. ce. la epMpOthon.masops" o.q~g iiti e tlbujalons,uriglats se p tag h. orss, Iliaiorsem a i.e-Is i tb th die Item disessleW dm" a ma f ~L 0 ien LNSENBLE Lot osesiliMW, mve.y uMiiimid, Who Umm u cun the Lbmm méomasublu e IDurs, te muslop the pore, afti t ,0art clemmi- 09e Yomp ppy ommibiag t"ai"voeui " 3" theb sue o r theî Iclegging actu. dine1 W"nlamotis bc ocmc asi ses !- And Pt ibas. of ne Phyatcia vie M" e"aY amâmenal appîcaulas toe.fuciit. Th. meàoan1 mi.ehon me mdlci» wuibin iroir bnou. ioé, in-f"iabl 0 oigg il.Unie. lise cie. se.unce., I Prent tiphysimians, sud teusau CUlleaspeoparali arsb bu"Iispoer liLs ble. extest h ia McIiurs M1<la Odimvstor the WmrWs Salasm hhu POWEk te ruatora peumpiralla no<ithesot.aonIbthaad, amngolohl ore,apism hest. à4lushort, tail amy pat oaithbody, uhether isaed al4w1ty or meveraIy. a bu POWER te cana.&Il euiemal more, scretaloua humuirs mîl dissions, poisoous vonda.te diachargo lieit putrii matter, ani thon bordsthbm. htinw a REMED Y tiai swsepe off the uhole cataloguaetofcutaneana iaarieru, andl reatoreu the entîvre nuticîs telira h.allby functions. Tt in a REMED Y liaitorbids th. assesety otaa naany and meleeri.oaa irugs taken inoathe atomaci. IL in a REMED Y that ueiiher aireina, gaves inconvenience, set in dangerous otahe lites. fies. Tt preservea & defends mie surface trou ail du. =aigmnt et ira funeliens, vhble it keeps open 1h bnasfei tbm bleond ta void aIl ils inrpuriies andi" a o f <ail its aseleos pirticles. Tberm la a conaection, barmony, and feasibiiity in iut ail tual defias contradiction. Tt la a s'imple, but venderfaml prîncipali taI pieserres lu h.altiy op- #ration the entitu machiner y et aur h.in. Tt inirsolably boldo togetbor the SURFACE snd the INTERNAL VISCERA, lie INTrER- MIL VISCERA and thm SURFA CE. fiep aau isparbiy connéed ilsudcmnt h. dis. jolmed. 7h. surface la THE outlulet of ive. .aightbe ai tbm bile, sud sui up malter viÎthie. hi àe pi.rced miIb MVILLIONS of opeanege 10 RELIEVE the intemi'ne. S&op a p ib pores, sud DEA TH kbomu at our dJr.Th a rigbtly tsrmei AitIH.aling for thene la mere. il s diseasa. axtereal or 2«ntral, Ibat it vili "eneefit It vîll h. faund Ibm anoat nufl au vell slie choapeet tamily meicine la tus warld. 1 bave usaiIlteortio liaitfoureu mrs Viii succamu vauboigt a parallel. I have sied il foramlldimeaesot tho ehest, Cauumpuiom Ligv4r, ssi tho meutdangerous ot intmrsmal M rem, lns volling Ibmheiesi a ug-- nsd r.oqil~y and I declaro h.tara Heaven sad mF4tat nl ln on singisecaue bau itfail.d to heaett, h thm ealeid owu tbln the reaci eft mottaI meau Ibve le ha ymiclans, learin thIbmpros sien ; Iluffe b.d miplsers 0< ibe Gospeleriug. e.sw e. lImota idrensdLayrs ei. MV *BE Ibm Ol se in every varie. ty ofivay, soi thare hbns abut one voles, cou nuits& uaniverel voice, sayieg «"UMeel yoin Olatment la OOOD."1 HEAj> ÀOCHE. Ths salue bas cusd PuesansOft he HU.i Ache of 12ypai sading sumd Who hbait lreg* lsrly uvery veel, ou ihat vomit'inaotn tué eaeosqamd EurAche are beL*d ihd libo euccaus, as aimo Ague uim ahe . COLD FRET. Cagmuurupt iÀa isesmlaint, Paie in tht chest or aidi,, tllbu i4 iii. bi,ose.or lis othe, 4agiaâtoroualscmli Cea. 1<tasses sa of dissamme itaom to aibveold but., Tis ulve ili rmature lia In&=#"ihkPoiraps 0155 sm Iuac"r"a uycmse Froo (uaBal aim. sdEtYspeha it le probebly 9ibm Stsand mureet cure s intm maJ&Tbi mm s meay h.csaid fPile. oti Lips. Cb.pped Banda, Qidoa, . mTar Dpapmp.is. ami ait MettonsDiserrim., au Spinai Couplaiels. For Bar"bus h o alits equal in the wmath Anad lieChput DWmuoeaae, ch seAAthmes opwmdnivePtins, amosthi11km, lera in ne lime seiewy orer",eaaio L. PIMPLUSAI( 7111 FACE, MASCULIN] SUN, GRQS8 SURFACE. a uefirmltslto expeil all iamor. ;Thi mot eeas drm i ûltheoface i ftrucs «na .aiiertbai M Imgad u.der Z $ hi% ai frequestsa ei«tola. bmurdmas. i bookWhontbe na ~but gmaIspm a dm11 repuleivc surface, Ià beginete estemaa mollt uil thebsaaeecmma s uamoMlaWu d Bucste an a ciiWs. ifpm Uihuu ohWlaaluta>dicind e e Nd.tbitoke r dIs ymoUIda mêler tO rsnt te 8b.1 moto"p ur kg ven vuek poelhu1 a = -- - f.,it .. aTiamiz gm.o sm eu wui*-anlsL di le =91"0= go bthse omplaiml. Mev la = 1061h.s m luit àho rabm ati sno .0iuimt,, iepue. es.mda na l&sgai ia buofsu the(n les. vl! >EIU vaq eiea h it Wel laopoi S P~.f imw.& -, u*eu are là. stiie ofm eta »taUlsua, miss %hey cas saisber saIe their omflm « cet t bsirpesmm1 A"d ow u . thsmme sirs opt eai by eing internat Mmi-i Cie». bu, tisir poung be..a"n" nderamse. «» usahi. te best.ur IsSbffl 1Vielsai. W mi areietsens: tet gi'svse autmlyrou 1pou 8 1!leletin muaI testis w 1 lug j Olass mieime eq ,pab i ihmls a mre ilek smuhiaf mg &Walmss. Feu, 110y, l ahm u u uârmme tbss m ai four tu àa Ihonsani veId die; wville marly ail veuld h. lestandy -roed ofsi ai uisae &ami bitiîes. Vie...,oa Ilsi o rC..q.bsiaisby ubbci an .aep -11-e dis. Ils Ojanmut ivil euoe s spesdly seam*,ummly i assphyaimim lan -mc verbule mdsi ilduhbore pansupu me. élites Ibm fesalit ai l s Iiage. W. eak eamuetly,isanm u arait r vuld bh. tcnd neto mma thoue um w hioh voou remove Ib.ir suffeg b ffleiL d Mc net mapsr ibeir lvie, or lt" aiuegh ni vigur mf Ibear pec.g eoesitutieus. limme1 Itbisaleitsaituis tend, mewm ou s&tvout aaetadly decttete yeu tiat tdm ADILliugaOimlameat yl mie uta chdes (tm ne esry grave if yoht 'il ose i; "md wu tie.fera :Lti bm ppeai ie their beaba« ibMas éIudss iai.bility mer b. pour ouaiifthsy dic prematutaly. As"de rou a vmry intrM tle oauvemme varge %-Yen tula ab bmd tawmbt v.anov tell pea. Ve MsXetnov ictu ytai b etdout e oftgaie; but kntou. 2s as us do %bat vnl bodies o infants ad cil. de emarly, ubic i w suppoei t e bu levita- Ils » aim lunpablu te preveat, ve holtI ap eur vrlgvoie and declare li th facu oftheb =ilemrld, Càtidruanidal * dit ,mmerlias oiers But i ain htbmth iio f prepet nourashment ani lb. constant draigging ibny enderga, s hala moula thm on ntictheranI grasafalîli etire the scytbe. Notlieru!1 va reptat again, snd ift thy veru *IM w"atwvorda va vervtetautter, sud of course put aib rach of &Il internat, wv ousld ay, "Un e iiALI,-HEALtNG OINTMENTJnr lmaturTa.-lt rmmovea almout immediate. ly th.lellammatiosud aveling, vhnnuho pain ai cours emes. 7FusUclE CauNàm&s-ite glory and power is tailimau <ane vay more than in tht. deparuanent. Jlauuesationof et tholiuya, o e b.vm,Sand lus hJilg doua, veàbnmefs«Iiitregalarity; in short, ail ibose diffeultité ubach are frequent uath t aess. d rsady snd permanent reliof. gc&a zàma.e.-We havesonti cais hatsea. tuallp defelaverything linera. as vell au the ability ot IIIteea or twuaty ioctutb. Onuefiaî tld as h. bail @pont SM00on hut childten, vaia.- out any benefit, wuheu a faet boxes ofi tUe oit- meut cuîei the.. CoiLne.-Peaple aced navcr h. tribleil math tinm if thep ejîl ume i.6 Ai a PàJULT Mxnxcîri, un otan eau meisute il, valua. Su long au the atars roIl aloîîg over the haven-to long as man ireada the eart, sabpt te allahe. nfitmlieu afthe .fesh-so llong soi- u ad m siaes.are bnown-jmaît o long mili ibis gonad ointmeni lh. ueed anîd esteeioed. Whou mmm ceass rou off tbhe eriho an ithe deman i viiicese. and not MI 1ilien. JAMES MeAUISTER & Ce, 168 Senti aroel, Nom Yoîl, Baloe propries otf bm above Medicine, lu whanai aIl comrmuication&a muat iebmaidremd(pobi paid.> Prîce, 25 cenia suBd 50 cennts. q As iset ARHeaig Oiutuaenl bas bien eia. 1~ Ireomelrfeiled, vo ave given Ibis aut'riona tu t ius#ulie tai" no'inie h. il egeltuull '. slems ils naeesof Jamm s cAlisLar, or Jamea - McAlister & Ca., are wriU*a viii a fin open «Meet label." The label ins a seml eng-raviog, t idhb b. figure oft "Jnaioesibk Perspiration' on L f For Sale by CHARLES HEATHI, .;Agent, Princm lut, Kingston. NEW WKOLESALE -IMPORTINO WARt£H0USEJ 0 KINGSTON, C. W, I idatu Eztre amiCmoutlians Prewmses o ,W. SmPOO, ONTARIO rra£=T. tri eg t ceibj te Meranile d. T n = y f canaliaim, t m"i k large sdNovly iartei Stock af Gmoaetb. VanLiquors and Dry Goods, yl b. opeaîod a about thm lti mat., micb they pisdge tbemm selVnsta aell at Montres! pi.. They viii aise h. prnpwWsdta mcive Cossigo. 0 monte of Marchandirse sud Prediame tee disposai ýr et Pruste Or Public Sale ith alisriu0î bici, acee etefIm uvil! iau au an Ameiioeme. Cash for Wbeat at theit Mille in Iiillier, ..Pric edvaei District, ntaIKiuau. bIMPSON & MlATU'EWION. KUIiotKingston. FOR BAL EptDY r thE SUEeRIBE AGENCY AND COMMYISSION BelmIlul T IU1E Subscriber respecfuly rale sin51cf ri t îark, atubiàfriensl il public gencrally for tIhe very lîbani 'l h. Las received salance Ire roatsfot' ei ness in Kingstoan, an.d begi tu acqolii that he iî nov prepared tu recelvee1 meats of aoy description of PrPtptY olil stand on thre Commerc'il iIW~ l Priacesa Streat, ulamo ry effort made tu give sata!oiotetrsva favor hlm vita their pattoaaf Froan i extensive aequitwlîI Tiado generally, bceitconfidlent t s i drpseofoplerty wirlias aM uSia a gguod adventge as ar same lineofo businesa.rl ÀD Kingtn,2d April, TOBEUlET, , NDp su Mg in St",CSc bose.s al tf~ Stones demling II2Ia - p eltor. W ILLIAM Si0g ILiegitot Feonly , 1 ATE WAPd At UN LADacmi bt 15iee. M«, a rfcie dmta 6* lemetmuamlOdM avegoumh iWAC At bis 06"la 90 ies tbe nwrausa tyAd edag5l0Pm SU »dal aabrUY 0 ' sO" î* E N 0LI 13iU PATENT 5711W CUT- CHARLES W. JENKINS. SALF BI Tim BUBsOiR iER. BLACKSMTS' Anvils, Do. oem Md bond h"mum», us pipes, Stoch sud dig, 1 emll S" Md kc e. AR ft i"best i au r7 asMd ieeliy loy for Osai. CALSW. JN~8 PrinmOgue tet. AT"TU T'umu. Mi wLum iem t sPucse ie. a"*" " W lIsuain l ture te sel vmYlrI.OWOW bMbW uda) for CUI4 a~~l~~.,nm& aCrous, LoMmur ai ~ma Il hl'o*i~ m, mai CanaA Bmi*9 #4i:m inrs W ehMO 7mb 18894e, les. 6e ab Aop. DAV'ID JOHN's- îî EQ. JOSEPH ltrr(r, h tçîh amJ 0 it i nta, T. properry agint i s k-ingstîn, 24th Augýust, I là do. ctj d 9do. PI..Sea d, O Hhds. (Ii, A Cask, in, FOY-R SALE 111l- UE .î-x J AL IE ,Rts par,,1~ p (a tarot7 ai PO1élu,, P.aluaer'm litent ci -\RUEs Kîî.qton, FFr, 1Shi5i BO .iytban l!--,%I stcrioeî r, yt46 CFHAI{î.EF W IEN Kingsttiî,Junte 17, ". "2 ubscribern tue 1> , C," -occupîed at pr*ent as UlîeiÀ, Puissessiun îcana bcegis L'l'Iln a lewdo No' l' ü1--. TIl F. Suscriber u iaî,î a cables,,and A lO,t,',MA ja, enrtmeiat of tarrd r ýIC.i ohLe'd au very luw prices. Cil MLES w. EîS Kingstoin Fh, Il15. A LL prt toîl7i maent, and ail tri s un loie .lr tlîcir nccouiits l'or pi niî,.. \VM. $lEýlpSA Kngatlo n, Jaiy 2 1, 1 hi-. Olt Sale' l'y W, II a FiLStreet, 220 pacekages cululeo Biack & CtGruolajj 24 Ilîds. Sugar, 10 Tierce, doî. ina bond or dutfo Sdo. So81) S Leacier's L,hdî'n Starcl,, Patent satin Lied do. Plug, No droit, Cav endishand duw Tolacco., Patent Puîla, BLimn, writmDs Nrapprn îii r.. 1>ESIDLENCE.Corer coh liiera RILBagu Sîrerîn. Cir the L'iisîi iiaaasa,- Eaie roin ligot Stret. Ai! tiosa' 'tlit, neLd the ,erresii expeienced lientist, art e ierfuV's m to Cal. I37 AdrWe Gratis. Bepernher Sul, 1S45. FOR Sale, hiv xV. SlMlI"ýUN, F 3110 bbIs. No. 1, Nurth Shore 8a 7 5 ,artsTbeClli 7 ibIa. Ms TabeCod f. 1, 10 Tiercus Salmn. PPLY (if by Iouer post pid> tala A HPuniasuutN. Laud aridGeýtiAp Nu. 33, Ltl t a tet A.tAINoLslÂa . 1 .1 J.Mi m 1 i l Al F 1 F, ,dý 3 1