232 rrl1 thrl ul TIEB À LS IBECure furB BD Choea Bi* wl 'i Jan a . v fao leult Lido t ttr ; fice t ilto " rel,â at in ile mut ai tia:s Q f& liftces liftray s pale %if t e Medîcin.Iih, Ilce t; but .iîs a relief, afr'er thà Ls ai Cato cntg a li f la Tnemet h Ci ust dîreine eol tel ires nl .0 ave tîLe acf lmitst atrti lire~ ()illteur 0a eif o 'eOUy leniî.d din. OImte C utsoa1, taniUceri e.riati. Irest c Nursesnm y pn t e <ls ait d. ; n iti a ta n Isrea n of tU, S, Smil ring tue ab te ilsasi ai 'ured ta her LuIi,ht Li c. aamakes a ltiln [ eq I. intti à li nieuaaiAett.R Le aresin teprr. l e14.ar Anoy phlan ut tr rcing< the atuv bea .î ntiai tuc therami"at" il t ttld1 feti therliiy prtr Ce. nla. i3u. a 2.11 . c oîaundudùi front ce arey ae adpoley aralor les andur, D Nuies daucing I)ia-ae nut ir Lchi te stîîîerc ; aJ i rtiey tL'eYotiiiates ,fha ute ari er ua etIènt cd-, laii3t., and té.~ ed AVND LOTIONL r aemrlet ure foilr leu hengudrîîîl, Nervil leiaiLnt escui l'ne t. lufe r. Imcini-eof (ligt nis, teale CittiitraI thiy koeap theî 0 awl pi t, tn ilse îtumeltî aid ICoaplaints.nu ale riet l o iue 34. LOTSIE ON, SOur by Jàts ar ulluTcT lo ie Buctîsaîn, Gc-neri sleila wt i,Vlioeita.iIId Sl our flitrîdua a lIerT ir. C.irl Wa.anttllîii ltat. t e Squame . rato e ,rie atieme wtsgotSte'Ot. 'iaed te evie E.it SrON',ccfu-> CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, ÀGRICLJLTTRAL &. COMMERI[AL*. KINGSTON.. CANADA, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1846. 1rjft eiicit .ai Ma s sda ise ,"» apnruE Payer. go-Yc've gelaumnt rare lba-c aui." GrT"Wiatt sfliette you 1" -. l'eareeccr & tas your honer." r- T- Wbat'a fliat ta m" pa- aT-" Raeig Resarts. l ics uesoa entier cf ceaura, attractcdl la1igliaual menducns antinrf !nl ii tara beieed esrintcani~ 00 tat, unmriin a a l cngthe wbw dcksof hi n bil onule- wuaà, asesdoa nis (4m eut isumail- tmpa masi lis., in peaied te t lo"Ug- paasiera, Llohnlent OPOn the plessures of ta ho d ansaccuai of bis misera".Tii. kia mebocceramsa" niby - sWci W Mn t0 cenalaia tic paticuiaOf aieusop- ni, dit intley criagsaimthe stirring oail lae, Md scialling eheel, anal hoof tht angale tthe grogi, as wîth seitger-beuts5 face, anti Inkandma itYeMneiha, a tir pseusatfmitg tghue nfereil up Lu poayen morte anel, gentlemen, froni eut jour lu mi, sre- ti, des, can'tlile miset I[rom pocbets ttr.ot; n'en: anmm sui appliciât char-n icgging baih 5s-EgauIapeazantmy, ansitbmerscr tau fr-r-aoli. îpp rine haîiv icen, but one u air by day, aid irthe tn ily laeati ho ae, i maalaod I L: aay, Mnr,f tIlire enstence I My eslngti bave vit:! old, QMI ii a la4iieuîmaandt treescore tont puaa aid.1 ia aire Frtîa'a fates, tom cican1 I 1Wan Iu tol, peats hli lus nf mate ias iliren of teils ant latter Eârth le inuntiful, but ,ct eah. dos at iapre I keup fromm cnet tic aona chu iedeil linr Wt rar. by iay làini a Ùlorieus 'Land-a landi of Lherlv- ado Unio iîiaglits, anal bleaseeti ciLac aid 1'quiy-- atws Pwer nu eneniy citi lcarlosnnea Wi ,rere Cltarty abouna, ati Chisîlan lutb pnnal. eL ~ ~ ~ ~~n lie on nlsnm, oaif lie an- eiaiteat crime ta Ihi-to beg-tbis, 100, hi frit dsgrace, Dotuest fillistgIan cilai mmas.blond is1 ta andîlcod,1 irbl nsd it antt, andt treescore tonma Wt kvii ahy tome ici art icl-nen mi>'1 aomiportancpour, rihisteil hati, sud féarsai lie Lard, adantIit cmla o' 5 entero La are ragota, l'i told:-souaie Itiitili are fouis, Iit theY eniefunlLiromiain; la piîm of Roa.c é0ac, rus.1 '%:d nul qustonaProvidence litmlie, b. ii 'l e uibnulto 1 ttheiut, tilIlantic aut bey ret; ia pechanci, t ler lifs, Ibeir botter gisnt wiiitre i anr ioae nanale state la tic Etertial llaae iconmfort mua liait Ibought; analli tuAt tînt ine a ert ntea leur teLa a>'Mi aau's niy cd efo or rament sant-no bosses, 0iole tlrmine abouldai tajlayIa, at's tbotitien earas aId butylais mp utani, race-tint 1 bas Wi!10I ilu ar-n me 11e clîl "onc lý bil od t rcc , Iviniaîîed fart tlong-tote soe ,e juan nild. "hlnt tbnîi a pon old mnan coulai cie. Ah auglt mtOferth, ";,tlmeî"' hippyhlad" in cas of andî tn ase, n chilt;db.ancieeps ao.;lits aîe ttlec. Doc, tih t Ine, ~ gentlmn lmetyr tsmitilnliecmi""eaifrontgodhets sat , Pici om b.ggiuag balla Speasantry', ad Ibresacare IBROIDERY - WORkER, 'QUtEL' ePcs r fmi sur hu. Y brider7 girl, llr iecending îlt tci cie', huela steneal b 1 Otiymvlesa epurchaseai tic !4nis5 byer fatîramn qiret. Thacs 9 r 55IYgsv, %rinrs sic got or- bybftegbcaue bymr aly hs a ten, a r cel for h Ob5t acoria mission is f. iop.nPur- as 'anes,u a eletraqaile lac 4.r *ltienaît lati 1 tisirber abawl di bur t alumotle parciase. Mmas iti net bondt h. e ai. miscas tu aisy tu knsu cbetiser iL rwucoid or net.Bessies, te ras en bard front place te place. partly front fear at b.ing out se lage, andi parai, freen a dsaire tu return boni. tue ladulen bar faîbur a,, erotiier. Sa cm anulei br. Tie very seveïfty of LLe iiot rac bs er proeeticopL;fur gtec libertine treet piauler darual n«entlure abrnae. Boeu lir bart an tilps bleuset Miehael, the k lal]Iriman, at every @tep sic cent bomerard witi ber tremaures ! Bite rencisil lie humble dceling, andl enter. etiit' lemblirmg cirs citljuy than uitb coud. If ahe coutl b ave @son about ber cti thi. ejes of ber spirit, shecutaultihasee sei that, an angel qn- tersa itll lier : fot te gond anti pure are ever tins attended. Sbts .ofîly liftsd gate larcI a ilie anner Jour. I 'ite ickerang endl of the penny eande caW jut pu N o.lr niauer till alep, itinecair aep i tisi lelft ber. but ber boand estîng op- set the pilicu citi ber band ian tint, ofber hue. bondi. lic casnuiot asieep, as las isard lier enter anal loketi arund ; but lie hadti iImovet lest h. Rbaulti dituribie cearuet i ufe's repose.. leiie unîsaloeeing bar enter. Sila. retumnet thes sailu citi one of bappinest. audtilaying down ber bonies. quickly Iren stil.emrshawl andi bocd. 5h. firattîosmk a candI. froanuone cf the parcels, anti liglited it atthle szpirîng cîck. anti tiien approached i er father, tient over bimnantid kisseti bis but andi fecersi cier'k. .Wlero have you beeti, Mary dear?" ho ask.' e l viisurprise. "I h1 ave boett he &hop mith ni, embroiti. sry."1 . Did you finish it il, ho enquimeald i anima. tien. "Yes. dear fefller! 1 sIule out while ynu elept. ',es chat I bave bought. A cire ciick. au for broîba: auddfhers are four orange@aam umre grapes, suad a great wany timngs, besides your medici-ue@. Thsai 1 bave Ico doliam It " " Goa lbe tianketi !" ejîculates i VlliaîuaRedl. fielid, cii eevout gratitude beaning train bis Banken ojes, aiàsib.rmised tiacin tu tic source froae henceal .praaerty eoiea taus.Ilie b.. lievfeu liaI Maryiira ugif thue îbingm mi the iaoney t'ie ual recemveuifor ber ire.scieen. Sic aid nt.untieceive bani. Si. mas yeîtanudeciiled wielier îelle ugil le tell itr hataIse bat!been te bis bauîier's. 1h. leareil thi t he tld bina hou bis niother ami lier cousin badl receiveti ber h. couiti b. se nautih exciteti as ta relavaibils re- cvesry. Sic resolveet, therefors, ta caut until n. iuont .late %ccll; for soc ia, I aie bail ycgi u uaathinge, asud cas se rich, eh. felt tiat ho meulti begin ta menti. Editi acoke, anti seeing tic articles liat Ma- rybsald purchasi, miecasu for a feu momuents ceverroea.iti yoy. $ho sani upon ber Itoces, anti blesseul Gcd ciii a fervor ant i sncuri. ty that only can cine front tie lips andI tbetdeep lçat ni tic noeuy chuta relief has been vouci. sisfeu. flac litle e rh think upon tic pir! Hli tiledo liey refiect chat deep joy a fétu eillama caulti create un a houselioli L ke tint cf WiIlaie iedffied'!sudant lera are in every lune anti bylanosuci familles. "lustes b«ity dcii. a.,o eu i Y ,.biss, t, hkhi adi." Wýilliam Reaiflld begin t.ilrec icîler apace. bliary receiveti fron, Mnr. Curtis îwea dollars anti al hall, slter calltmag fur it n less than fiveelimes. Tbe last timteuabaiealleul she noticei aI lb. doar a cen ainwe quipîge. Upun lie panel was a lian's ha-ad aurnaaunint; a ebield ai.rrtetianti quarlereti lke a tob)leinanaus. tYu4em the ahielel mers lhe letters P. Rl ver, *iauapicuoàim. Tbii. carrmage. thoïagii Mar'j did uot lknanit1 mas Platt Redflelu. Thle aruas hobeml lelectei cut cf amy quantity in tiche ok oflaralri kept la Trc. mont stylet. , Uc bail f,.unu a Baron Reidville's ar ilmda this naine canme near bis own, andi sas ltge aiIi«ýing ierald.laesîk proprietor courteaus- ]y said abat un ait proaiIiy tbe canues mer. originally coeandthticsalie, b. seectedtieu; notmitistanding, in euec of hIe quartcnungs cas a thisîle anti alher royal emblemus, sicmiag tint lic blood of tic olai Scotch King@ flused inlathe veilne of ti. Bavon* cf Reidille. Mary suteredtheticFancy alors citiaut biig acare ttat th. owner of tint splendid coanchcas allical tai ber by bondl. Tierse au but cite lady in tiie alorse wien h.entereti, and sieuns ai tla fartier exlrelaity. Mary sacuaely tint sic orbe niagubiaficcatly dreuseal au velvela ana l fath- ers. go, chat a pont lite girl la " exclaimica trs. Curtis, on seeeîîg icr. -"oua bave cine aller your eiency agan ! Tisera. taire it 2" and Mrs. Curtuin took tua dollars andt a haif frot Lie nio- ney.trerant ivilng il down upon lhecocater tocadser.Maxy made nu rsply, but quuetiy lcok up the mcuey, bappy ta get it avait ungat rude manner. ilave you amy more uork for moi lira. Cur- tis @" s keti, doubtuuagly. ilNo, noîiiing. l'au charge encranoca. 1 cau glt fit7y pour girls ta mrk fer bal you do anad glai te geltie chance. But, *top Miens if jou tail mon a pair of ottoaniencvers fer a dollar a piece you shalilbave. tic job. Thcy are for the rida Mise Redfiliti nutas gsicg te lb. marrieti, andl sic ciii mact hoisouena, aan'l yo, Mis Realfielti " altisti rs. Curtis cith a faiag rutile and a lou caurîeby ga sanie une bohinti Mary. Tic blond mounleti quick ant i snte aMat's cicels. @ie biter liaI lie ricily dresseti ladt vas baer cousin. fBeIsd i*ut culata sec bor, ant is csglidin n othelb.store ciliomt tnrnang rounds, cisc Mm .Curtis seatanieti it a bu tots, Cathig lebe-- "tp. j'I. llmake a bargYnoila o Whon f bave caitet ane Miess IZifEz ati Xi«es kefielal! lieu trangte ename sonna. eti Io Mary'. ears-ir cenoam&, yt mot ber ocn-buI tiat of tb. rici beïeis s!2Quit a dt. ference .cney maies-lenteeonasât.! Mary pausai but diti nct taround.b "This ilistheng eag nan tint umbrclised te Irs.scrcn îyenstmireal sa," aiti ire. Cur. i.1j lb. biruse jai a tene Mary couliovsriear. l'ndeed f cho isns94 !PlMary babr caus- in s»h le a iaugity tbac. "A Miss Reducan, or em"etg-.-a poor girl! 1 .mploy ber eut of eiamiti ! Ym aon't buste batc I feent fortic pur, Miss Ruilolai ! .'uu bavsnoateauiat a.I aofge 1 tiufI "Yonog roman." snid lb. fairees. approselà. iai May, anti a"Mig easibatanmeti, -"lana ti yoe embroitier. 1 bave tuelve"care 1 cant dcc. in the mm eaI iestyl.'1 -P"Perap res y« e bacc rblsits' a. ecrel JMary, cii quiet ailgnity, turulng ta- carbehier, andi meeting calialylber"sy., rY« cili rclan e eploy an. Yet 1 aumcallieg te LWier eeetMsargenti bukilla etnubsaud sos- faulu. lBer eyee 1111d Iimea lb purs, ops Presionof R mMbedekr. Au- No. 16. 1I believe e e itinet agreu utheb. pice. Young girl, wcccat you mnc me. I cilI itow PaY Ynu. l'au see, Mm. Cartis" néeaicul, turnîng round ta lthe wcmn illaà nearsaus laugi, lrentbling ilest aieebuaitirmpect sonis- tbiag; " ou see shc refuges ta ucrk fer que, b.- cause @aie tlika i mili nut employ ber again !" Il SicO ugbttbe le ocreai, Mise Redfilit, oea nfar jua ta notice ber et aiL But eh. le & foruard thing. if youa ciii jour« the ntter ta nie, 1I cliibargnin cilla ber.": Mme. Curtis laid an eye ta the profits. Far mark titsb"0 euiti pay Mary a dollar fW, e. waulai cierge Mie Retifielti fiveecrasix or ancre 81114, asloer conscenrc wowd jet ho'. " Wall, I viU pny ier cMu ubat1Ieue ber," aid elic, takine (roma ajecelletipures.a lisai note, a Tiare. Mliss, ila tnlaidllar note,.I hope nec ce ehaeil nM have en fursiher nishutiet standing." !* lau are Rme neLbing," naisereai Mary, Sur- Inldeetd I amangi ! l'eu larget! Taeoil, anidan'L be.t oolila! Theretaleit, aatigo, tinall a gond girl !II Mary t oncseu througi tuis strauge pro- ceediucg. Sie nnderstoed, citi ber natumal sa- gacity, fliai fbis cas a bribe for ber ta b. ilent aibout, îLereletionslajp. This accountedtatbahr for ber ccusaaa's ereous embarmasmaat, ber lorcf-t&i ales anti courlesy, andtheicfeigpetideit! o.icannat take i." acseea Macv, irin. ly. IlBecflot alarunea, Mie Realfielti, 1 ahiilnot ictrîy ytiu !'" , 1 'l'ie lîcîres loakedlclagried--annoyeul. Sic cIlt luceret iun ber cousin'* presence. 8h. cuuld nol reply. Si* lent lier self-possfession, andi iaughlily bocing, pune ber ang ]i lthle *hop. IIRua aller he, Ophelit Ana, ami give th tire -screen 10 lie foolman." Mary mept out iehinl her cousin, andinsac hem Sîappu9 ngmb ier carrnage. Sie suie Ophelia Amp approach ci th heecreen, anti overbearti ler couain my. quickly andi angrly- I* Take ut iack ! I shall net have it! Tell ycur motier ta disposcf it at any price il" IMy p"a flre-arreen !1" sigladtiMary. -"lieu nily a waary iopr bavs 1 apoat oser liaI. asie noec il le cast acaby-anul b, mY cousin, toa, b.. cause 1 corkeai il! Oh ! if tu b. rici uakes oacihaurte, mny it b. my lot aicays ta bo poor! I coulai Dot, hubuile au I aon, change places cilla niy rici cousin, anshse oll# acny n bem coach, te bave &asehem prauti anti cruel beau"! 1 knoc tint 1 amt happier Lian @bo l."1, I-Ion Hutdl!" ejaculateal Mrs. Curtis, as Opie. laAmui retumne t cth Le ecreen and matie hem report. Tis, acter-i$0 traage bahti f'em ! Andi ta refuse ten dollars, the girl ! 1I cet chai corl sic titi, anti musa' 'f ey bave bati al quarrali Ibac. lîeî impudent liat lliag in! 1 ionder MuA nReaihelti cantescnceitta speak tc hem !" I eeuldn't empiey ber again. nia." 1I won'l, unies ab'ii wotk for bal prte" The carraage rumbleildi sow anti stately motion peut Mary, ami at tiesmue moment eh@ "u a very singent forcigner, about eigil-anti. Imenty, lifit bis bat quite off bis baad antibac, anti courteuiy @mibe la ber cousin, ns shu euas sudi by. To ber suprise, au hem syce fohlecetl the. bo, esicur sactalFrances returcei il ou, by,a haugity stars a( surprise.. ".. Her 4sagreable she casn be 1" thouglat Mary. "IBertiaplenurs mi hme @aie bas vsitei upan Ibis gentlemian, cia lSoba ns i lie aboulai sink uiîb confusion.,. 'The youmag fceigner, cie eau a taîl, dari- ConipIexiongOLiean, cti a fins carrnage, anti an air ingulimly gentiemanly. seemet by bis mnan- er tu aie surpriseti anti paineai at the acception bis basebal mut citi. ialoakediaroundlquuck- y andi suapicioaly, as amaan, nalurabi, coulai do, ai suci a tiliae, liias.lobe bail noticua iei tilseonfiure. Hia syem, un t10dm rangs, met fii. ly tioie af Mary, ube by no enusnaintendeti such au encounter. Hoe sac that, abubuugh ah. tumnet i iaie ay quickly anti biusiingiy. aie cas kintily ypinpatbizicgcith ia; rallier taa unfeelingt.»%rtfu4 «The darkand, mortifieti expression af bis façce ciaageai istmatîy, as aba- dow in chassaiby un.Iigil5 andt itiied r- fully.janti becefas it wre, in acknuccl=uet for lier sympaliy nitihis confusion. Sieealk. cd on, he>t. tiuglila ruanie parly .uan hem couaitn atipartly apon lie hoatisume et=azs cho bail bepc se Irpaai> by hlqr, antidb w t buen no gralef.ul for lier ajmpatbi ti à iia. D an FapcjmclHerrer asaneva.cas a young Mexican gentleman* clan baibeu e cesaiflia bis native eeunlry inaoesof the revalutiona tlint liave se oflen shaken Mexico ta ils rentre. lie batl icen receivea ilat.. tic iraI sorialy la Botons being preseteti n the fint plpcàu.uetie ding allihe Mexican Conssou ca &>rtis asrturnee, baeink hbeaucaleti; but Mm. IHerrera Casano- va rcmainedam ni bel bils position in society. lio was bantisomne; tuaeson cýf a disinojinb. ouI General, reportuul te b. rlci5 andi..apoke the PEngluai, laminage perfedtly. ,lHe cas intelli- gent, ecucaet, fascunaling, andi bis suclety wu macla sougt ; anal Lis part, tiat gel lie bauti. sean. paniad hoase uscalliE, onaentm , got .a. ai. , 0f courses, M. base"ucea d 4 -nan p tya tiu sctlini ticir capo for biena; for fareigaieru ara in gram laver cti our fasionalale ynng ladieu. Mine Faanc.. Reufielti cas the moat ambtiousatt lBcdtfavor ilatlb.nielent lMexcan*s eyes. Tioescsonoia berfimagunae . ctbiug yeny distiaiguishet inlathi laof rrying a lareigncr, amidleceinÏ a Donna.lie wu tuae.,.n ai a Ge»inrtoc! li.gint perlamps. uns aay laccomanagencral bissaIIfor runior baili uttntobubail ervstin lie army sanaiboo in battlesa !Francec resaivei thaint ol etbu buttr 10bai!l bu tlin elb ristecralle tiir. gîntn, M. hu ..Tiene. aasaissalai go heminersomtingmore diar4utngyii!- la1 Pm" ihà " Mtr. Palancre cau sl, a t07-0111111n of tics. frlora à" es ceable iilpte keep lanetringa rii tlfteRbanti dalle hV kesp lthe tieft r.go si foranm aneeho masy do btter ; santi tie brstre. la givsn cp! Bul if Dneatch tutu. up nMms aIilalalel"eaî@ fabliilc g u toaî ie at lacpc. This li a gimanol ieretotiuibol ht s purpran t" l iai a, se ote pc eb fenta n t i lce.iues r gil lieu ~iq.yturcaup svrytial or tua, asu u amis L anreo"e.. 14î - utaiitib sry hbluif aie mcdI otice butte. Se &W eta off tie dey. Whounid r.Cas& ass ppear& ia;u i el, itmemeai.lm, a -feu viebd1 ae ailIoves' cii 11r, aimrs 'rie spasuiat Lluiber uinlber caas-cas evoq nviietw .1m a malenber cotrriée a-ase M fi lé Bu l Ia liete pag1iac,,ad et leegli M.Paluer bigul t. tui )alar of s»etag bo 1 . _s iedmu smllr itei tsearlesu à esat-m Ms. Io et àmatupr01011àrmei' bis draft, fonardg ran a bouse at Vera Cruz.. but as ho titi mot inou anyrluimg laff llirs couidt umcnt in hlexîc, ainsi hieesatses atnd ihi, fatier's b.img under confiscatiman, lie feared that Mn. Casanova caulil suon bu embarras.-edi Mm. PlaitI Reefielti returneti homesand rmade neport of tbesc lacts ta hua daogi'er, cîereupoji aie esalceul tiat a foeigner %viseniusrelucerilsu. bau as loi paun hio ja-melry, mas beneat hiear no. iceit. Sic prnoanseti ber lathernont te speti te him again. 'l'ho celt day micedolut in as ce »nd Mary bave aitneoede. , It w»sarmcm ruanoreajabr,îau, tirongi tie beir-. es, hat thob bndioane M. Casanova'@ finr-es bail run lac ; anti suspicion 'once toiticg cwil, iraiet] a teunpout cf indignation. M. Casanova Inmd ias bsetf aligbteal, iay, opelty imsultonl. iy Who ea n ay or- lm*o m aupt bau notice. was surpriseti. lie kîueav catL htint1 bail committei &Dy offence. l'et be a us tue sonsu. tire tu expose hirmsif te furtier moeult. lie cititircu teabisa btel. le mas cnltaulleneduil b.R aI ece icre. Haieb-st ent up lis bill. cith a perempteryleîaanai te have il paiti. Mr. Casanova iad but onediuanional lefI. It cas his mtier's gift. lHe dil uutîlike to partcii jr-la a tnoney lenalfer. IlIa; b!iocas liren launu'rprd dollars. The diamiont cas corth i-hdt hunibreil. He kusu ls couî,i not oron îhîlritsvalue on t! fie courteousîyakeil hie bout miy ho de. muandcdbis piy au flmnly. lie wa a suret, because, peoplc sait! he liad nu niey. "A cea- i ngular naill"answeneti Mm. Cas. anaca. "If 1il m unetieum you mgit ici ma te puy V" *1an' are an imapoueasa, ain-m-emîle citi me on go ho jail !" cried lie lamatlonili cuth brutal f;llTc appmmbnsion cf loi cg motney maies seme kiniluf minademouas. 1Senti a pammuibruker ta me," saai tis Mcxi. con. clmly, scamcely aile te suppreta s iîmdig- Th'ie.ring cas teiveDtuapnid tic bill dis. ciarged. Ait. CUssaiova, aeemetg ihat rail re- ports ladi made hlma thear uijeca, suîd resulvee cal tg nemaun longer la a bouse utre iiifeel. cngs bail bemnau somsaly odtragel, ic remolceti la relire ta a privait bouse, utliliid emitîno. ces. wch ail been uiiarcoutably detarmei, oiaulul arrive. He ual mîil a luuiered dollars teft, cluicli, eiîbeconuouy, ie elyed siçulil lnst bu, soins mecieb hoet icaut, bc bopeil tue erelasycti.- le an au adrertisenuent ciich offired a, 10 a 2inle gentleman a canacuulent roomn cillia a sfa. bcd auuoeratc terms, n a houte. ciere tieru are ne othea- lordr." Ie-lenatt o akoliermain. Tic bouse cas n *mail but respectable looking tenemeat, cnea pleunt sîrset, but vehimoti. Tic landiady cras a cîioc, a simnple, gouetcornac, cith tuo or lire ns amil hiidmc ; andtu taeke o'. ber n. ,conte, ie bai advetaesed ber " beât ciamber." Caaova cas pleaoe th.iitlb.lacation of lie bouge, aitb Lb. rocin ant i cth the lady. When ébs nskcd bilisfor a refèesce, hc quietly paid ber den a manab's adeance ; andtiei stampei bian et once au ne banorablc gentlemian.'fe sainieevening h. renioaqt e lis mairc megicgs. The next meraisafaler lebuial bnsabfaiteri bua butens.kuockeet is hmdour. "l'eu culi crant uashini tans, airt!" Yea, Madan," .- "Weil, as joar linsa eemis tu bock snefine, I Joarnet uliaertakc il anysif, but Vecau recoin- met ad oyau a aide, neat boidy, & asItem an, uil b.deliZ.tu l gelte do iL." .A Dy bodyi you recouamenai cilI aatisfî mc, 1 ami sure. " ..Hou polit. yea are, air. 1 ciii go andl apeal ta ttîe lady aI once, mr." haIsre..Townes lirsu ber miawl aver beri bmond, anti goungouua tifiieaide dmosaiatle baume, atepped ie b alle alley or folut aga n tiaI cent lalber houde, connecting lie treet cti a lae intlis aar. Aller goingg oale tepu, sie glidma into lie aide tior of a teoestcry tene- ment, ttippeal ces a cala, bleae entry, tappeti aI a dot andti tca maereal. Sue casi th. frocit rame of Wùuiua lelt'a house..W.il- lamn bail gaI aucibtter, anti cas sitting ui and bapeil in a week ta, bu aile ta cari. Editua us cicea-ful agaîn, asud aunging as »sie mendeti a pair oflânitîus for biiîn te mear. Mary cas eniuarealring a pair of slîppers af a eery handl- sanniepattera. Nie bid bougit lhc cerateti hem- oaoift anti hopeul ta oeil tiaeoa cisc they cere done. Miatre Tannes cas receivea b, thema lue a waicame aitairespacteti visiter. "h William, 1 am glati La ses yso ap again. It is bard for lie poar ta bueick. Mary at momk citi ber cuie! Hlicepretty you are, acar - l'au ougit ta aasrry ceil, ami yaumili mitebaa gucai eapton h Io'îiluua, Idu't meaun ai. mng 2" "fmit down, lira. Tocnea," nuld Editi, po- litsly hendung bra.chir. " No, tsar, no-I ouly camne te go@ yau in a businessus a,, bbc. -Yen sec, I bave let ni>'boat rom tu a genluel icdgcr. lic is a lorcugner, bu a trin andtipnoergentemen, as you ciii say Irhem. jeu ms ic;.anti bes band6oenu gi furMnmay's bustbanel 1 ou the chil colons up !" Mrwy very atmally thouglil at occ.of lie bantisoaaco foreligner mie bail seen tua or tirs. day. bt our cta lier cousina. 3, . ec 1 bave cone, leas," rontinueai gou tits@ upToc.... "ta proposjoua aboulti docbis 'mashang, Mras. ReubiliaL. 1 buyaaa are pon, anti findl ilbanalIo get alcng. Nowrie soils a "ua of lises e'. er&, &MaIbtic asbing couait Omoasta pit, posnnl. 1Iàboce ycu ai't take in casbang. aed 1 Iaint btracrbul ubat yu - Net a li% , mt a bit, Mm. Tecnm,5' anser. ed M lre. Btielairaly sanai boutil. -"I duit l n.e aaytbig tint pleasves m mure liau lis oUher. Test cure!,ey gondi t iaulof m." M"Don'tspseakof t ! New tbato pttledi- Mar'uIi ceanal ilb telii. c atis er lie>'ara ussicil apaisa7 pèdema, Pasty, mmali brimg 'cm te yic oveet, May aerniag. Nom gondi b, dams.DesecaleMm. iiticti, aid May. I Witb lies corda, lbtet ndgectibcdy abul lb <-auàtrirutmelaber bou* aanppy tint bat l " tcsa gond"dan gottâtg empley. mieut for peu r a. EctiflIt andl rej.ticedt t lthe pet aaer of buterlgers usbng o~~sesf th e nt cee. ubil. M. W« »ra ea"etinl bis rom%, wrking a icI. terin unSpouish ta a frinin Mexacos uiebai ths cunnemi hascay,lMte.Tues nie d etC thel dmci iub IcOse &cf ber kaittlag nectles, Surh ne4 r cou r bmiing aet of ber Bà=ru Me' Iln rae r lb icUn k amati asit ,- un. cillapuqs çesspccpnpla. i .- ~ Da' belniaet. aliMes. Tocn., m ais o"ecthlisri; -"com u. unn lis aMa*-il'. a puria bolsiteei sel.- Dm% lie Ibmi-Cea1» aseil .be, st usissani Ii. r- U -d e u -gaul M r. Casanova rose. opeeai mider the dccii. andi beheld standing witt lis hastes the e Ivoly girl who bail ayaàpatliiseýi vt iii tais u.a.îfiture. and wlnose face lie laid ofitn suice tbi.îiadt upan. H-e revogîaaeed hier et onîce. le bawed, sud Mary blusheti deeply, andl arew back euhson 41.d muntions of surprise and pleasiirets 'N - It inte ehanilsome BMary Redlirld, air. bat Wcought yer ckçtbe buzthme ie go baalîfta aie wnuldn't bran g tbe.la .ibrael. Yeu ses, dear Mary." abc aalded. turning ta lier -hobe.a gentleman. asud coul frigten a body, ilfho.je a furreigner !" "Redficld L le it possible !1" thouglatCaano. va; " what a likeneme ! Vet tiere cobe nete- latîuesiîp." Hea stooti b.e 1 gaing gnon ber wth iOUft&5sriousetaho icas oiig ao. uattlhou au ber tua aa, wiU euubarras. " Y-a *sec, air, hou nice your tlîinga are dune up! Tney lok like ou t 1Her muctier in, a natable. uneL couan ; but 1 expect Mary aid the ronimg andl nice plaittg 1" lu ý t the mother of ahe youtg lady whom you là-ivae egaged te du ruy washing 1" et langth aoked Casanova, with surpris. - Ye; bauon any pieces dé eu tendl ? Oh, bere la tb.t liet -twenty.seseu--.two duzen andl a quarter. Jut- *Never mind, lire. Towmes. Tiare. Miel, ab the puy for tic washng" laai Caaaîmuva, louakng as if lie hardly knew base ta pay maury to suri a beantiful girl. Anîd ie plareil. wth a plite anad kiaad air, a auveremgn li ber baud. ..I canuot cbange it, air," saisi Mary, with. u t loking up ta aiet bs dark and badsomae eye.. "Ide Dot cliii yuu ta. Eveiy week 'I bave resolvedta t pay thie suafor amy waslimmug?" .1I teant take sa nuch. sir!1" "l Il'ake it, dear-he is rida ! Taie it. it will pIese i," said lMr@. Tuwnea.. acide ta ber. "I1 may flot receive nwre than tic bill," rat- plid Mary, flrinly. 1,You wll oblige limO Ly changiait. Màs. Townes." Wý%hat a queer girl ! Weil, perhapu you are rîgit. One shouldm't ho under obligations foîr favî)rs ta strangers. 'specially pretay young girls to handsone gentlenien." saidMalIr. ,Townes, lockmng.at ber lotigçr, aimd laughing gond bunior. edly. And, drauîing a purse frcm ber pocket, ahe changed tie golai piece for lier. Mary then tank ber leave, quietly saying gondl naamning to hlmt. H-e mucld bave eacortud ber ta tie door, batt oh* ran rapadly doua Blaira, anud %vas sooag içae. (Ta be Cocludej in mer nexi.) oIueurountenllligence. DbISSO LUTION 0 F THE MINISTRY. SIR IOBRRT PEIL'B EXPLANATIONSI. IIQUSE OF' COMMON-Tseday,Jmue 80. (Cetimsasijeu toubt.) 1 asa, tiere ehoulibc a rsi mal ab&teU equalisy.lîa political and aI citi lts <cthe-u;) go tiat nu ers«Oeve*umg IreLam ti cl*tbý~îy disinteesîed sic., and connparing ils franchise wtla tbe franchise either of îEngland or 8cotland,J shwald b. enaailedta say, *1A differet la ila enacted fer !raentd, andlon 4cceunt, cf$ouejeal. ou y or suspicion, lreland has cuitailed.an4 mua. tilltd righs..l't inib et 1inîe.n by equali. ty af political francbjs. Does any gentleman tbink 1 atm making reerve 1 (Cisers.) 1 speak cf the spirit lu which tonehoiulîl legislat.. 1 think il ougbat ta bc impossible te gay hbat there la a different rate, substantially. wit re.. garai Io civilI or.namaâipal franchis., ln lreland frein tbat mbicb prevails in England. (Cheera.) Neir, Sur, with regard ta cur executive adminis- tration le Irelanti, 1 think lths favar Of tii.CroWn ougit ta b. beutowed inlathat'country, and lie confidence ai tii.Croun, wîhhout reference le religions distinctions.. (Louti cisers.), It bu Ma beenfrons entertaining a différent epinlea Ibat there mal bo. ln aur case, the appearance cf pa r. tîality.. .Wbçre vve bave takLeu tuas ppcrtunity cf mnifeting confidesnte in sanie eoman Cath- clics, I Caninat gaythbat justice wua ays doue ta our mfotives, cor bas the position.a( theLiedi. viduafsiu acreptîng favar4tn ne us an.atogb. or souce ne ta croate an auxiety for "i repetitîon cf elmilar favor. <Hear, lar.) Thcs. cia succusti us anay bave different mitans cf carrying that prieciple into execution ; but if ti.y do act @pon that prinriple, anti bc. slow the favour anti confidence eft the Crown cathout reference ta religicus dfeencc af cpin..1 lon,, tii.y ahail ear Dnu cçSplaint fraiencie on that ground. <Cises.> Tien, Sur, -citiate- spect te tbe spirit in uhi c ur legioapl ionlnd b. couductd; amhering ta ail th. opinions wbich 1 have expremssaiecmthe.greater anti nore imp. tan pointsef Irish poliay,qet 1 muet uay, I. oroa . prepared ta ca.aperate citah se Wio foti the soacial conditiuon of the peoplsela respect ta the tonure of land, ani thc relation betwcen landiard andtetnant, ta las one thatds. serves cor imunediate andi most cautinus consli.- eration. (Ciecro.> 1 tbink it nia, lasimpiassi. i., lay legielation, ta apply any imcediate veuve-. dy ta the stas of thinga chisi unfortunaaolp prevamîs ln tient country ; but, avec if tbaeuesit us reuiate, if it la cf a perumanent ciaraclr, afar frona being titerreti froe»unavscaiculatetite afuord a roesa,, the distant ;et w s rid thé beneftcmalybederived ocgbît.eopemeate s aà dseccragenî.elta us te apjalyOunr mimdsa"o1 sedukousy ani lapaztally te the es.eiîleva i ai the subjeeL. (Lestai cbeer.J Azain, wthita eect te legisiatiocnenail Ilass motters cemsaed mlth the tuoe,o f land and lie relation ct IsdWle d Wuieat.-.uiil .U. boluu the. r4its cf rpeprty, w"ié1Ibehie yau will fBcd nuoaantague nvàoleing. 751, au thlb le 1hs tbick lh. cours e e hae abs duriag %tis ession of extressprumurl* jet,1 lic buinessia a enificient poue l the hre basi bes no duuination e car pant ta eonnideri lte malajeet. Har Neitber ciii thoarbcb 1 any dainliaataetq es.eorm V"d Mmies te uboanthe. Facumical dnaitrâtaceof oadairs uMy1 h. Coaaiti.(cees.) air. 1 have renomc te. belee .tuaI Lis oMa lW4 Ibe meuler fSe ciîy of London, bals becu emmagd@et, b 0 Maety te repait te b«r Wotble pspa o f' 1 dering his 4.eitt e=.46ha i . ýa Ge 1 erusLir is ste Seoe"eprineiple1 epIc Wittlis Me ermat I(Saiiby thecano- bitlead lat, se forrle a oesencial polq el - coucemanetiviii beLiege stinsetiapplicatioW 1 tims.priasiplse nid tend lete -ma lhme commerclai nnlsiceVis i 01.eomtnmni Le" dChPs.>- UIl tisitbc lunpoilsV"icval I ccd m1 e#dently upesai clib. 1I saall fenltlte.b mid sloivte tbat G«.1 eronaeet.teipeesance at and eggtim etlia p icy. My edalspea.(us. I rnetbestae. dt at e~ ilr il o &à* gp te~.om lit byi lecapae c ai u ibe onauarive la aur ava interst-(cicen)- tmcelieg la the influence *f pubie puioaa iu i other couhatras, thai aur exmipiecmihthe prar. ftirai bunefit are derice frontitiactl.aat no rcuole pcriad, iimaure lIme asîsptiuothe u saune doue., faiber thaa iopiugi aolitaun commecal privil. oe as au equivalent for lie redsuttuen of pur- 4icdiar dities. <I.sati heer4.) Sur, chue 1 asapesuuue tia t leegenerai pniaes ci *fLuenrctuir comnue.rcial poiitiy, 1 do. me, ut esumers',man ta ay>' laI Lb.s d.ptioa cfLiUmm Principles la a n cre ta cverrulc every «Mota ronu'adeîitio'an md aI once la nubjuca ss'mry ,pat oi the iitLatants ail this empira tu an uuicqual conipeliîion bIb oe,' rnations. Y apeak Zenoerally as ta lic tendency cf oMa tiai l tsaae iiib.toard lhe.reieaitic i reomnicti umpoatrail.. for aine, @hall mal urge op..n lia-m a hunsty anti predipitate adopion cf primu-iilu.staocumd ina tlîsrnostercif theyare liks- l.y tii immun lie riait of a grealt drangemient if the great so-mai systein. 1 sinllbear n lemltult lut ,railexperunts have ioen mecenîl at"e uitner the pncceuit cdinînitratiin ; Mtialthe sur- plouq amount aot reenue ius smiller than I coulai c ish il la bc, caaîaatently cila hie permnaent ima-resIste tecounitry, a-isi lme I1cffer aLcor- tuaI suppirî in snfnmciaig tflicgeiierai priaciples of conmmiercial polir'cîmîi hhave rceacedtWLa saînt in of Va,-lîianent lt icîheaa-uîl cession, [ vijîllnul orgethem tuaniiy suri emnullanecias anl precipitau' adîîpioa oittIeulas uîaay b. cal. a-r neally îariuruis tua imtera-Ota, froni spocial cir. caîttamaccu, eiititled te soio couiiied proteut- hion ; ,îar u.lua!l iurg e uan lan,aaay m rmb ansi precîpimale adoption ait tlent as cmuls i nctrr Ibe niâi of ileaanginthLe finanmces of the coua- try. . . Speoltiitg tilîj, I1nam n iit:Irasay ilial 1Iam ratlber iidi(aîumîg uain w-ininta-in ls anti the course I nioll parii, tuiaiitatsIhaove hliath oppo rlutity of conferning %mimai t albumandl @peti- îrig tIme;r ciétimenîs. I caminnot dubi, however, lhat tlaaîe ubo gave thicorcudral conîcuirrece l lhe meneurea anlui-lu i priapoe I wilI be ready la gir-e heir gena-rai acquietcemice anti support tu meu,res cfa sinailan chaîracier to b. priipoiet.- ([ouai cisere> ýSir, I do, out mow lthaIt is naeai dessin, tial i-sliould make oany êahaor deciamatioas Lion tlione i bai-e mîadeo. 1 isluIttotrâu i-. cîdauuscantrast ; 1 ciai triaie ne unaeeualy allusionsa; bull1 cannaI surmender pocver wiîii, makung at Isittua ic ervaîiua-tiaî 1 do bope. durung lb. fisa yeams fer ebici power a bieea commited ta aur banade, aucien tiheiltereml nt lie bonor ofl his couuntry bas inen cunmpîuoaised. (i'heers.) I tiak Imal mu, citi truti tlaat. ding liat perical, thm burden of t3xaiion bau besa memncrai rmnican, classes af hier ?Majes. ly's &objecte. (Checas.) 1 tilial I May say ntih tuI attmany te. strictions upon commerce injuricuely affacling tb. tratie af tus country hbas.bison remroed.- (Cicers.) I think 1 mai s*alitat. cithont et ail interferlag welt igihlunSe spes tien; out aI a!! para> sang or deaagaarg -cm fli~ tie ccntny.uUtbilit, basbase g inn toa 5 tac> systeinIt sd 'neutpm'<eee#--h th oda ppcsniw!h:týîte(caîboul rs<c sens e dtbCb' «MMesa 1etPPAt pcwemeitaregard la lb. Daik cf Fandsu ise joint @teck bauks, andl the privaIe.,bianies of 11.1 country. isceivel a ic te jean.1842. (Cliecns.) Sir, i trust &Iwo tial Lie aîabiimy oI cur Imuai sempirm bas not bous, usabenei by the policy cie bave purscu-(cleera>-.nd ttthe glor>' anti honor f aibe Brilli s ik,, bauthb, sesandi mail in evs.'y part ofthecorii, havaelasen maimtaineia net thrmugi aur exertioia, but tirougi the de. vslti gnilantrj of lie-sotiiera anti sailoasof lis csuntry. (Ciees.) - Bir, alhbeugi liera bave besin coneiderall rfflolnettn, Cg-treductiocs madi ltlIe publie bordons, yel 1 have the. satisfaction of staîîcg te thc Hou». liaI the natiounal ilefences cf tli coumtry bave been improvet lbaah by »as andi land d, i taI tis armiand an,,are in a amml efficient slate. I trust I-ena, aieu cengralulale tie iHumse, ibet nutwitbtantte. great a-et tactions in tic fiscal burdeis cf lit.e untry, ous, finance. are lan a pmsporoas anti busiant alate I ami liaI , an the Su of Jnly cec.ticthe rara cura cmili b. mad ti. HIis«I-las. ciiJb., tin nctitietamding lis retiuclien oef'Iaftls, tis Incnet conocptlc ion s"lleeecfcubtouis andi excise, an thleconfirai prosperity of lie-peele bave suppliatthe viil bi mugit eîherwius have talacua place. <Ciere.) fSir, lIsily, 'l liuk I may aayî liat i cbhut any fanaitenufr«. met cfthe laW, cithae My c ctilae itisr allie iliberty ai lie subjeet or tbe liberty -ef lie prose, apaing cf Grsau Omitain, Misem bas, beu au mounitcf oiedience and submicsion 4ote li lacn a lerceavec mwu at a»y parlat ofur iisavy. (Chier.) ... -. Ney, 1 cmli May mare; innoequeuce cfIso Tea mWscomnd l atle peceusre.- antimimas cunýis. af li(, ic cocsueaccton. cf cou".i encc ic lie sdiuiniairal rocf tieiaw, %bire, bai ieen more cf contccu.ent, leuesuition» crimes, le«. neccuitj for lic ceercie cfpover fer' &i represiuuiof aiporitical outrage, tianatissa -sver ca a ay antacedeut peticit mn.this counr.- (Ciccr.> I nid, IaIy-but I1lama', eservei onu iopac, on Wh"cl1 Iaise tiala1IMay, cati. ou; aiay oaaseaidy boa" or aneldicos conlraslê gay a fleur ". ltiakiàMaytake canoalt ta ber Majesly'e Gceramit, ait Jeans;tale <liadis. tingaisieimemba- cfi i, leu. prouaineul, per. bpu. linast %btia clbena, beutnM denviag ci phibo nint publie creulit les ii. 'eer tuýone clie . samai, lia, the -qintou air o (lou cbm)-lm«m.. osblié frlea4 et Stnn ate lmirFcreign Affare- (Weméehme'>.-is lebutdarcle t. a ttba lthns lu- Cirisan cm"iiytbere le a Murai obligaionsuon a Clrn ilMuister tuexzatest eiVary effS ort IpingearrijI t i cf wu.-ý (L~i opd ;-. ..mn chile h. las amtabîmait ircns lisavoiva, of thatepWON 1 i in ustic te ia se7 Ibis, it is partiottly comamutent citintht opirnion, as ta lb. acri @fligaic emnainîaiecg pends wbile' peace cmn sbe ltamd eticlaboh«r, aatIaUre' acer Wca amiaer le.. iaollueulte pacntice anMI esentiAWO84an ,or abatis n fil Rte lbe digei>r aei l enar cf Ilis cuty o I pupee et8s ring er« Ui ltsdile e mg. (Cieses) Mir I do le stiI wncbl* Ils hi iga ahl e t " onaanin'y , a satte-. beuroeaw e <lutisea,) lIaI. spamtsg.%et outl cf France, but spailq51 ef t ulîe esa lesàe. ofituis sMOUata m a.romai sa ts»' Pet th le Geeeuaneof oulerpo te aQus oesnc cil uleinlbeieuuncs ofati se.-' (CbleMs.> .-, - . . , , . l. - a" s, k itlauibe emBuaIem es, leas lbe r edd ul Fum.e 'utut~~Im ". romit;nl.. - 5Usd Oll«- s 0~ey ut, emect iteslqaires,à e il " 1Wese us ows 1tiy o t. <a an 0( @" ea'l m b lieait t;2wlm ali à"« :Ct . l ànt psonné Nu. 16. MO.W.W swe ý Pa-to. 4ýýpel«