Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 28 Jul 1846, p. 2

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ut ~'vu -r- - r r girvo*b im a- ep.vieuu u- r-M)>Mr. Pairenbirmn, irmeingt thespimt et tph't Pl ne%55m5i>-a,ai.iauptamgire Goennst. being &.sare ofthlse ocureec esuMhiud'-te rUgrt càdsehM e .est 0tis.hfflilihbec. bavîsag a diccretiaaarypae fl~ejiuf i.Cbai asuce p eclsiy tW kcig in cetai Cams.iltliebild honcgit thia aievuI dtqj e#loâ*eeùettteo l3evenasseaa%- *Qu5id Ia* have breau lurLely a peciin aegriiatroras, or di- timin im-wlulta t It raou tti ausM & 110 alidaiteitihis chance f etcuuti issu,tt yet iuuuumtlligenoS might %'irrecitd iraso uircytsui i curnec eua r tirs Unitedi Statue (louai nirpu aste li eteetittiltes e w lirte Uileti Suites vasDuci nais oitheu et, peap, Ourlut attctfPlta10 mjusitissus dit Casesta ubhi vuiail adverteo nd art hacefoe féregeei bateuse inis country and lth. Unied - viseiy id bue tender titis citerr ut peane te DIta,, vricl, sle»s eedtly terminale& moigiritire United Srts auniis 0cm duarretirir, andthie Issu astulvetiun#Aicri a. confidences etbis Gecenameus. 'Tire liH~ennétil peobaily recolleet tirai, alleNoin et me scac, antii atm sure tis lieuse vs biml ofitti sritratien, andt iaI oe-r liait ivalitir il ta tire cedit ot my noble trienti,tat ww u eaet he PFevudeut of tirs Usitedl State s uthe occurrence oi these isctiiLtes behue csi tisusemgO 1ta thelieouseitfCongruese ins tiraIMexico andthlesUntetiStatsue, birors mu uers fflmt#y91 vih aild ta duacuesns vtir regard avareoa itlIserecepîgon vinichtîis orfercm os sa %ie eminaiiooofidut conis'tetioe vileirpro, part wulti Muet viir, tireAret p'sr kehi bt ailed qviWd far a lsntporary acidamce. utquafel-andti tStSIredIo th ie Ucasti Sates tuefelir ot ou, tuairied the rou couutris jintlta ho uccpy lhe gond offices for tire purpase of îediatiuig betivera leritory ofIbolirengon. i, itue Hoouasset tissmu id the ilemacan Gevermseuî. LLorid lieAnteriçan Congreem. iatiaugi advîimg tire clars) Sir, 1 du ejice, tirere, tiret belte Prueudet oarthtirsUnited States ta gtify lat iiisureenderimg paueahet t eetfa tmajorai? ai country. as irevas eapowuredteindt, tire ter- tiis àAbuse,1iliai tirhe cpporunity mîtgvimg tfie *minatimrm cf thsetixising cnvention.,to givitg a tire Officiai assurance tirai eary cause et quarrel tém'a noi, audedtih irt adice, v L. par-r' itir tiat great ceuntr-y on t'us othc ie ino theu uig"Peimbus coasereti etfman satinfacteY Atlantict is termuinalet beruonsisereire troncet-r 'or hostile char-acter, liaetielaratie. d*t tbuY icer(Laudi Cieers.) Sir, 1 feel tiat 1 lbave obd eitire notice frt te rniaiatesof tire nmirxecuted tire lasi s i ci iy pubiucdusiy i. 'csillivetien te bue given, in oekr irai t Wight fa- r p iseionpme. cRitate an arnicable aIiroannfset bsdispute. I trust i1ihavo saiti iotiing s ilcircan la pt- Ws tituu*hl tire alilium f thiese viorsbly bnity ioad te the necurrence tnf tintas certroer. lh,)iigir authities-titu expresisionufrIt aiespmiienae deprecateti. %Viateer-opilou098Mny tbat tire tet-mination ci tire cnvention. migll tire bue f-rnnd vuti regied te the ex-eut ut tire tati- mrures trougly umpess upenathre tuoecouutaum gter vuthir ic e yeestlreate'uod, 1 eaus say Ire uoee.sty ut aisicable mjutenut-we vitir teulirthatmber M j'ety1âts iereir-eit, in thugt ticée expressionsa runiveti amy bhumer praposing tirese meaurca unicomerriucial polcy, tg a enewsi bu iirher- country cf tire atlsmpt te shicir iave tisentitheti then tat tri ecuefiJeunes of .,ilelu.1h. îi- L.ec W . triO ttat.-ýrtate-r nancid 4r41- usirin iereterc ravu tirent tieir titensture ultin trea days mter- tirsreceipt of snppiirt, us-e inuencej nby arer.deire ltcas. -bat jintelligeire cf a vis!. exproeeti by thesêtedenîiee ta commi eul itrets of thirscccii. loties. f Congresu tirat effrta ttght lbu mails try. (Cbeenr) tien bjeattais triavernioge-re for lite p-acetei ternîntiota of ths dihputene-, ivie v thrugt wmesimmainent, and te avetd atFonghi tire ffir ai ar-Iitatioaebac] isen eject-r a coriflicî us beuee.] ioulai nuiss place in ii r'e- eu,-uae titi net itoitate ho de tiat uhicir, ira heti tu collisiont great anti pu%%rcfui tae-ee iciIbtirs plrssett ate efthtie dipule, il becata s enieitl toetry. (Cirvera ) Tinoevof rtpouner s'as ta tire-fot te pnpue e nemed d ii bniieneti tut a motive fur tire propuniral ç,f leI itr'e sureF ; netvgiatitou, but tae sîecrfy ratkuy ad tahctasfui, am 1 aid iaf,îr-, i had iru a Jlibit tut, viral vers tire terris ait Wihvi r e cîrul conient vinether tiaese easus ee ciiacomtpainîi rutir te a partitioun tuttire eountry of tire Oregont. tnlure or aur-ceas, tire alîrsurt certain isrue ulusi Sir, te Iresnident et the tUnitedi tlatei-, 1ie thl. e emunahueut cf tire xita cf titns Go-r muet s.y, whirteser mnigit have beon thte esprees- ea'emeot-r sîonas reotors useti iy ir.udi mta iosever Sir,1 i minemtatre Iliat il s adivptagsous fe- clttngly 1iePeuighnh have ieor personmsly commit- lie publiec iertaea tiraIttis closld ire su-r i ad- ted tuethie daptinnofta difrent course, îuseiy tuit that tirs vitidrawal ef cetiidonerio roti oea cuti patriotialv Jetermntit unah Iore eer ouee iy raay et nue fnientie vas a natural reauit et iipuasmha te tire Senate-tîrat muirorty of tire rrcuntatas; and i Je tlîînk thah, raho piro-r lUnnte ta tebasirose consentt is requis te ton posais of sueir a nature are triade, aputretly lit tuie ter-minaticu noffssy megotiation cf thii.kiaut; variance uuab tire caus ru irlair iistero tiers. atid tirs tiaite, again actinîg iraltue sainie spirit, totons purcuer, anti icij 'ctîng thita ter chai-. 1havi tirs ieartfeit satisatntateate, eaIccargea-hsuntefiric-rneu-te.ry-upon tiro a'liuni 'cuir-e ailcir-ed tire adioption cf tire er-tevine oiter. tlinadvatageuee tîr tira cou, ry, and for lina cdiliersa-r(Lirai ciecre.) tir, porirapsrote ner-al ciaareer aof public met, that tinsr-pos-r thu e rptairce ofet lireti, sud cùniteing ai of suesures nf tiaat kîtut, uidîr- secci cur-u lbimasnthielast dîy i shahl havs tealaîneisthe atances, eheuiti entai ht i nr-isusappnn 'tdictu liirnusiras a Miu;$tee aittl.e(t unin,1iMayliream-l-rebua filttg punisiruacut-nauuuely expuisiai f.hrm lîa'edstatu cl bat iar-s th eteseof lis prorpos.-roffice. 1 thierefore, de nfl o airîîîîao f iut;any cisive mettie lu tire Untedi Staes ou tirs Oregon tbîig je preferaile t0ateniptrurgtturittaineeut-r qucaionn. lina oKr ta preveot tire ueeesity frslves ias office witlrout a fu[aeasure cf tint reneusittidipleruatic ie.,oratiktnp, vo sent a cen-r confidenceoet hile ieuse. (Checre.) Vdrtion wvir% er etrustct tire UnitediStates 1 salalbebuter, anti i saut truir, t.at :n. propos-r vaielaiacrept. -rlie inat urticleuofthtat colvn. ing tirose meaures 1 bairn aisi tua rala tlers tion viscte tris effet, tiat- uft he creodt justly tue tin tie;. rNos-. i trust eFeem tire point et hIe 49îir parmîllel et nortir say, ili efeence te lion-r gentemet. opprsite. . îuote, uairae thre beusiuary laid dotan ine Cht- ail1 aay vair.trefeeitae te ourse!sos, neiîluer et itug trezties anid consen ioun btweeu Great Bi. us ie lie paty wieii lusjitic-etîîtitidtoalire tait. audth ie Umniteti Staien terminlute&, ltsirelne credit ai tlent, (Chater.) 'litrd iras been a of iruuatary belveenth tirena itoriea et lier- Brit. cosubination ni partirca, andt tirIcourbiriatioi, and manie a aujesly andthir>eorcf lits Uniteti Statea thiifi encset Gocerurent, have led te itire; cirsiliree outuued retiarti aicug tire said!49tir eltinthe ececou; but tthé fiance wuiiciruglît tu pa ralielof tntrhi latitude lu lie middtle cf tirelire assocjmlsd ulir tire suceesa cf trhue ucsaune cirannel win sepuetes lire continent fr-ta ent. Van. l it@ mssa.fnihie ble lord, tire rgain of consens Island, atd theriecsoeîhrly trougla the tirat party, co lionl hmise. (Cireers.) niJth etftire eauit haunrel, anti ofFuesa tStrait, Thirs i vticrugittulie, auJ ru illlire, se-r 1tir.h Pacifie Oceau ; prorde, ioucca, tiat aciate t its bu ucceseft tose niaures ta thse navigation ni thes aidti lune anded tnaits theirsnniee manamcr, actintg. 1 bolros, fruati enutâtftire 4Sîir pa*llel ni meti latitude ru-r pur.a»d disitatuinsteil mottives, ira, vîtia unir- -e s e aU open ta bathr parties.t5 umg esorgyl hy appdal itu essrtonch ieere,> Tiroseuiainseînembethre loal oeuiamatiu of unfancedt titi ueceeewi'y vitir an cio-1iiOtheli Ilba country a ilI usitietandt iat vs propseetimonsteobu idmire ieaune it ss uiiaflleted thIe eoutiuuatiou te s dtprallel cf latitudie an uatirnei._cirers ;) thireuane wvinaiugit till il teires tire Straits cf Fuca ; tiait isau tanlie ebu ciatd itivhrtire suctesa ci tirese meus-r motie cotinuoti acres@ Vancouver-r@ Islad.-- rssin theeusine et Ricirard Cobet. (Laoud aitt bruc deprivicg usntri amy part et Vancuavecets peotracîtid cheerung.) Su, 1 nuv close huesat. isati, but leasing us in prrsesou afttie wvise dreu. ci il Irt, iseueoomiry Jity tearaire teatirs t(Vaatcoussn'd Islandi. Sir, thresecond article otflHause, tianiring tiret siitccrely ior tirs favour lis conventihec me senth fur the scaeplance et tire viti ubicir tiry have iteutoti ta me iu perforai- Unittedi States vas ta thii.offet, tia- ng thinslutet lof scy affiiai caree. " From itirs point ea hvinilite 49iirpaalisi Witiin a tlesr hiura, prebably, thatpaver etfnia latsseoascali ie toundtu teinterset tire uhici iiai. il reite epenid oetise yeanî mil grat mntiornu irancir of tire Coluambia rise, tirsliesurendeneti lulo tire bande cf asoîhe-uuth- naigation oi thresid brancirashali bu free and out, repiig-i cao say vuîlîrîul ceimpait- opent thie Hudaotr-eEBoy Comnpany, amdatial vait a more lvly eceihertron cf tiese upport Brstuih suijecetainmag sutirltire ame, ta lthe and confidence 1 hase ecescd tisit f tire up-r point sîsete tire sad bmandla mete th ie main itiee ubici iuaicg a rodent periud I mert ili. sîresut cf tirs Columbiaud isancesdevintire (Clauesa.) i1ali bave otâi-e, 1 taen, vutiaa cad aîi sn rea t tritire cesai witi r te.acceu azaimas scereiy cenaured iv aatiy bot-r geatio-r imta anti tirnogirthes aiti river or rivenit.i being mec< vire, ci. pubicai pruner.ple, deepldy regret tic unerrtuta tial ail tirecluâta partagesrsicuug tire soverance et paty lies-vire deeply regret thal lime tirun descristi s&hal[in ikemaianer liere e so eeaeiucs su isa ausy urtereted or perarinai anti cpen. li a uigating the sait river-or rilers, moives, but becacstiey beliese tibeity ho par. Briihr uijecîs, urtirh ieir gmode anti praduce, iy sugagementstie existence amuiniaintOu. @aaitlibu îeated on ther&aa@nufooting ai ctuzeaiuaici fa great pry-to cdnsitute a ponertal cfttête Utnitedi S.tîc, ut beiug isueven alsavu 'incsruent ci goesntnnii- estierarrecthâirt noliuu in tis aricascalilire 1 rali tr esdar-puse sevea-ehyacnneti, 1 eoimtui a pesetingr, or ntendedtahoprecenl, isar againe iry eanuy bon-r gentlemenauic, ti lis Giver-nareit of theirs ed Staîes, frein mk. no iters.tsoimotive, have mtiirred t*i tie rspiet ig amy regulatiots reapeailng tire navigation ai ciple of protectuon ai impurtaît te tire velfair sie caît river or river.,out ncnistatul vîthlie ci lire counry ; iiala usrea natrceexerrmîsd preseMitreatyY by evscy mouepolsl louti aiieeering fr-ui.t rieOp.r Sie, 1 vili me occupy lhu attenioinicf ire poiion) vire, front bssihonorable motves, mai-. Dieusetrati ny scors<f tirsdetails utfIis con-r laina proteciotn rise o indviuelbeirefit vemiet, ( isere.> I votait onîy sate tiratn (crntiuesti aheornmg;) butIiut may bu tirat 1I aia tins veny day on my relurua fr-aty mssas. te leays a usn suretmes reusenaboeti sitir ex-r her Majeeay te f r tite resiga-aulas of lacr- Ma-rpeessians cf grutitl l u tisas places ulurci are >setyajservants, 1Ibilathe am intfectionu cf inting tir edoul e nevioelut 1h s te latter, antIotr an officiai letton fr-cm Mr. Pabsusas, jntimatucg esea tieir danirr-srad by lis aWest cf tirir bnci in lis tclowiîîg terme lis aceeptance of or-Pro-r -a namrernembret viiexprecieacgeus. posai, anti gicrng an assutrance of the ammediats vili,wvienthlis7alraî creats tbernexirausteti teemihaatio et Our difilrence i ii irhe Uited trengli h i bumbodani tid ntaxeil teot, tirs am"e-cteeter bacates it i. ne longeýr leaceueti by a aa W,&SgltGeTut, lune 1%, 116. &siese of inutices.(Lonti mud vceroun cireer. M y Lord,-In conufnîuity viti vchat 1 irai ig, during ubicirthetireegit urn. baunet msute. tir te rc aeor10ate n aîy despatei, Nu-r 6% teed il@est.) Sir Robat Peel decîmees, itucivil!ueseon, liraI 7th instant. lie Presidett sonh a s1111111 on tire offr <otfateduatlmasbtuesn tire Unitedi States W@mnum<ay ast lu us Secale, sobintang fotaihe ani Mexico vas tmadtein %ibe mueot ftnuduy spirit, opinion ait tiatibody tho dnaughah nf a concealti a be thre sesthaîenofutu tire Oregon question,,vblhii us Vbs eGverntuaut. 1 va u ttecteti by yuerrdendiq'c oepaloir, Fesse SOUTII AavA.-Aecording ta lire ad-r no. 19, cf theiIti of NMay te propos for thre vice contauietinb thes latent Lanmiu papvr-c the amptanesonithie Unted ti m.vat- itir tire Kaffra va, hy nocmcuras et ais endi, ~Afer a faie utse deliberatienèneecluf tir ratlier indecil oly buginning; and ti'e situation thu e dy. a edsedal, Tlursdcy mandFriday, cf lire celouiy va, isjveti te bulieaaring. Yie lise Seatei by a mjp.-ily of 35 cotes ha 12 adcptr-r ive ca eimey of 1the latet acctieatn, efficialbuati ad psslerdtap svenîng a rflchuue avuingame pricate, re.t a Londion pcpee cf Juily 3:.- Pnctent lu accept te terntes propeed.- by be Fa-cestirs amsple joell4tuee attng ta South. Maejetys Gouerament. The Pretien iold imgi eas Aftica vicir ias bee pubhisiredilut umîlbu hatmillatselomet" la at"ce. anti Mer ucieu-raseeti at ah lisdaeetf hc iatsît tispatchea, tire accordingiy ent tur me tii. nrDing aadifarien- situationm etOrahan'a.Tocsin, mtiand ietioftire edmet ta tire conditions oflerect by behiajec-r virole etflthe distrct of Albany. va. eminely tpe Goverairment vier. accepte&i by te Goveri. poniv. <'easa' Tovwt, as car restiero vli menl t IboUnited tinea, wsilta t e addition retuenibe, lacia smerthue Eaiterni extremihy or alteeaîlon f a ingle uurd-rt51Ibaie ttsercui. f the oluiy, ie tire immediale vueatn t flti «Y I0 o , &,atemeasu trctisiruicir are iabiîtid by the Kat- . 1 heroie corirge dimplayeti by tire bioer andi thrirenaj of 5kIaI.(CelcSaa Fureigu andi lice-.) andI Enfilair populatio, t seulbhave reevîtably Lodfa Cacapireil as Cbauce*àior oi tire Ducry rof bue. Evert as mttarustand tiers n asteroin Lancaster fer congratulation.-r iumae c k rais ci nattie Tire Ecel otfEsboraughirdleLordiLieutenant have beendtalysti ccar-rui 0g heveral lices of leelcilRt-rlion-r CharleVaWood Cira,îceiitr havOe ene ecrilce.l. Anmoraf th atcf Capt. ofthtie Exoirequer. Marquas cf AnLîsea Macler Nord.; anti ir al mif peccble, orlie, id the Geusealdtbera d"gnc. TireEarlcf Care- pitobbilty tirat tire nut ponrt %il brita. ecvedon ld preouiident of tire SorirdoutTraite- ctili mmw tiiaatroual 1idrngs. John Jecvie'Esq-rirbueu appel siteti Sol. Ge.; paoo.vu are usorrusea. villa a luet of rniber Admirai Demdas, Vice Admirai Pacie, captais chiettairta, virse nases ate uitbnown n aiisaBerkeley,-Capteran L»M Joirhiry, muid tirelien. aide the Cape, iras apely natuizeti a cotifedera- W. F.-Coiuper. are -Lords Catrus soner cf tire liaon agaimt tire coioriei.whvin s regardcd on Atiuiraiiu'-r Tb*e O'Couuor Due anti ieuiry tire spot as menltformuiable-r Uaanq'rarnteti m c Re, Eiq. Lwa Co.msuioner. uf thse 'lreas-r lis are vuir tie proxintate cause of î.e ]alo un-r oy. T-r Aluner Gircee. eq, 1.ice-presidint ni virer-ted irruption', it Lmaterrti rvihi peeuniptua. -theaBrird ofTrade. Tis flaie e ofSrf.ilk ilu t eu and urjesiteacensure tire ceaduci rut pruone lire Mater cf te Hles.. on tbe sprt, saied possesing far bt-rr Ieitis f' Great bepes are entertamneti of refomnte w judging of the eves ,5ttn oUrgelcea: but thaes efficismcr amd mount! judgsnat ri thre Citiutal certanîrly, prisut farie, dues appear ru lie great departmnt, under tirs controtif E cr irey- uaaicrsluon, s&crausnou irner termi, n lei. btter koove as Lord Ilouicr. 'l'ie departient brmir4 Lhet tiip. as vas dote n tir.ainustancre, lias long vanteci a man etf earg, firiie5 n fr-tn a place de expaseti atd suduistant trua i cai ndstry; and tise Eari Grey utidouitediy cor as Albany-lias ; but ire leaaise accasdealof beog i cretaibet. Nott jl irnt niler-lief virelsecte.. iirn'!vte ty," viric id ia agriesi liniun tirc yes cf macch arur-e eut uit thiïr esainsteccinS lence vlîihun ir a tucklor'i fur eti.od, rotine mud preeJtnt as, Oucieics iiîerte wnni rrutîlant tut ie t-. -, cf tire English it u mt et sf051 i iin, prntialy, lu-r tire eIidriY, and ri rirasl,t je ta e ire Oreri, novatrrui us a synoi ufr tiseuiîef. keep tire crlniyn coitteitliraii fr ein yr'înrs te WVe ses nea peainlatiain n thi papers as t0aa aouree. e'uir-harbarnii encuîuy cu;ît a rvami.cirange n tirs guvernitetut of Canada; but I us tlbe erusiied ai ocie, or u terwise pr-erâinatd hirdiy taeire cupposedthtia Lor-d Catlîaar-t vil- rperatrinus iray irrriroase Lès cirance cf erer.tual ceauîtithat appouina entier tire Whigs. Par-r acncers. bisaMnr ChlensBotter maylire ceh nt ts l'ihe single hîilt page inn lie glnorre nirrative tahie apiace. Hie prrnbabiy iiwsmtrai about 'le tit wui esr-orrîes 1lit vaori aud C'arjaijet fCaraulirruapote, Câinudraît wuatd atîdiCasadibi thre clrru.uits tlteiliu-.e-. At Salein, e ruae r n'eretateiaun aay utber public manin uaEtàganet trîldi sear filîeresitteiras uota Ur. Liîril5 o'ii ' 1it"butlia irea are periiepu tLw docndedly ieraI. .tteiiupt %ras mrade hy a bodari i 3.,ü'a. ried Rain' A *neri.a- conflagratin ad ra sied it tir euasri lu carry toff a htsd oid2i0 tao30MOCattir, isiricle of Soirau, rie Camibridge. 'I'irteen baudes at Crot dsaspar:ilty eucute-rlul. 7 h-ra- ios ir rn.Jd-n erdre rutis um force Utirs uer.' o.ny 2) itra)urti-rdcrurir ut ,arn- , saeut e ghty îiertis-r Tue'liefrae extended cd îry about 20 Zîrgîrer ;bat sur-lu i lnce ir- javcrabout ire ares of griaird. T'e'ire tie4îted rt fila uîaaiitechutirii ie tai tht, allie àdti. - lousa of lrrrpety nla ire aiosand poandu 51er-r parate coiffrrt, ina îiîrî eeerai uit ire eurY lîrrg, a c iterauerale Portioa beîn'g la cur-t 5. rerre siair, the wb,uecif thitattia aiiire reuce-riîby.-r ed, aurd tins K-rn.i;, CuýsC 'HuçDotr. Sirats.-Titee app;rst a l eus 1l'ALY. beriarnu uusuai degrec if atcrnîuy veatiier ici Tire fir-attRts cf tie wcwuipts rel. n promise i ti'rantidparts cf thuascurtryr"rue 1Times cf Je-r racilfionfiis future guîrerinreurî. Accoauruafi 4 y IJ bicts a long at cf ateriaus acconupariierihy basra reuer-J in iRnie W ichr stute titatlire .id iedry tîrnd.r aud uglitziiuir,artir eiisequeut aaaineditety ta geaurt an unuesuy tur ail pnatr '.1 irai.of Ifie- cifeicea.'T'ire vffcct ut thirucon4irderale art iti 'l'ir reve:.uO acounts fui tire yî'ar aîrd quatter ire ta set ut libert ' a great uunaier et perao.s' repetitreiy, ewdsnrg crt.e Sut cf Juiy. liuse w'ho ucre aondeuinir-J tu etlcugtbo.eJ tentas, if nuî-ir-r-ici uubiieuJ-r Tfire imiioîr ar-e11ita usmdiurg piiiatiuter.t cru aceouuiitiie pin hîclih t.eyttat tnurîk ina tir dis:urbitanut hlilejua 13it yea.- Ttuere le a oeruinas uercesse upoîithtir otal [ilorîuiug ctuire r-rrer Chus fur tireyear, r-i auieàeu taita ,JI- Arriai o hu t~rat rilaui. 'l'lire year'a decrease la ture custorns amounta EXTRAOIIOINAIRV sqoI' TPAýSlu Inthre excise tir £49-%37-r la tire pnnperîy tax £78,0,12. Tiue Great Brtairi 1vftieitr dock at Live-rpooli Redur'ed tises may ire pieaderl au aceamutilig ai tlie .criick cui thieiiî'cnruuttire 271 .iirit -.,fortire deaitîroiru tire ealtunIs muid sacioe, thuugui mcii an evuderîce tiraI su e a -- cipperne ierni r iaratytritircer-xtentt ite tailing eoff; bot wbat tira! fru.it tuona oi tirs $th, itaIhesanielivr i je rutalieo narti tf a steady decie uia tire property tie Uîl, aIrs r-rade lin irurdreJ aînd errohiy unir-s ;indsudarne tax ! ri u t t a is. set part « thire i ily. Tire 'ITe cempouuating mcease entier particular reiidue cf tire passage tire unni iras irCîtti>', ieada int taxatronu, vhrciareduaesatire grosc de- uýolieO iit tiresais aere cfuiiois. arsase ocf taXes frets £2,406,134, ta tire suni eh l'ire ant ueek tire G. iB. hiud srt.cun-r £1,011 7313 abeie staîed, a idrifly suppil in y titnrurdg-d, anrd Captait Ilînaken vas ulei e tusilunrselaenus revenrue, under tire heari of decreaslehire epeoul nain tequently tri douuit- rrtuchî ae finit icearly tirreo quarters cf a amillîon Tire ttruruer r-cacd Sauudy look atriduugltitn.cure, sl a ii te iiae finit 4110,01X)JChina ruru. eftile 20.h, uralurng ftic passa;ge la tlàieerî n'y aonîributerl arihtu irlast quarter-r 'The -yansd tirea hitio, rrruîuîuig thune ;tieductar'g Icîmi reenue et tire 'iear le £3U,).ljoii3- ab,,ut sîxteen iroutmstir stoppages, icsues tweirO Thîs deliji, ut tire rate of a milliron or tan a uaysansd eleveur hjur-tic itest Passage, $aYd year, id prot f tirhe p:oaperouc uurkttg ot fr-e <alstIloaken, un récorud, le Sti York--raide hititerto. Tiia Gr-eat %Wstert'ds siutrcbti p Livg W~trcý te grF- bc îcý teiirJuy . Jayasasuri ciclteen irs. Tire accoures fr-cmtirhe Unitedl States, eore dal' ire Great B ira alira lruuglat ut 93 pa4scn. later, by the Quebeai anti Londonlitare mit paces ceeu. amp, are aonsrdersd te ie a orneat tirat thre W~c haveLonîdon palpera ta the 7tb cf Jaitiyn-rhistinis ti irtexicr ilniehoftntbiet duration. clusise. It us pesumed tiat Mnr Polk viii mut readrly Carn.podeu. Ctensucut ntrruise. avaniitsei et cfor aler cftisediatitar.. Ontire LorNDotu' Juiy (1h, 18. aoier irand, tirs reverse vichirtre Mexicani arma Eiglis iros eat hie presat moment in of tire have tîet ant i atie offset cia tirs Ruo Grandte id motavitalimitprtance. consderec lîkely te dispose the de-facto guvera- Peel, thie ielnîced o e scountary, andtireîsaiat ment ta calme tu tenius, thrreugir tiremainle midi-r popuEir nman in Eîugland. ns detcail y thirn-r r, muecamenre reuduls tiran tircy veuitihave struitentainty et party lscticiaats, but if ire hi aiete ici the ir-it itrtiarire. .. testI rffice'" le ball savcd iis drcuitry-r clhenO 1'he public securies avbasieen eruaIy sup.r s itling lait fur Laird Johln ho ducait tue ses.r ported uts pinces, consuls bour2 lait dams e fr ssu- sien but teuîuund up Sur Robert'a affaire. Tire ury andtifine lthe opeuing ai 95 i thirelires pet preseiat prohibition Jury tira augar, rt la Bopp()$ed, Ceuts. reduced i ah96 ; tirs'J'firee.atid-ra-Q uarler viilliebugeadeaiiy redered sucas te expire about New ah 971 andt Excirequer Bills ah 13 17 pan. tirecamte tisue as tire corna laus. Tinvaugirout Batik steak cieced ah 207J and ittia ah 2w31 tue country rtue people are rejetcitug aithtir pas-r"lire viov enterîauei oui Mexical i alait* ntay atng oftlie cern bil.ire gather-etfisth. ie tact tirat tirs Actciv îurdsj It lasa contitisîtly expetei tirat Me. Cobndeni ucre lait saoid at 27, and tire Drfrreti ah 131. uell h irieu-gtire ieu Palrtrry, balt ts'Vtue tact tn tirat under exiatuaîg cincuuastaruceo o'unassuouuisieaarly tae esxplaineti by theirelois.tirere ve as o petatrcu iduigeti that tirer-e position cf tiraIionorable ant indiriues linsewul bu anc remnîttaaure on sceoutinioftie divi. ieman ; un fretire iras recligrad hienastilit Par. dendes by tis ucaul, ant icence thiere eine per- Siamne,' anti urteated tu tire continniraearcir ceptible tiiferenas un the pr-are etftirsbonda-r hfiealtr. incasWr.cc..seaou.îl.sTue-,, Jury 1. Lard John Rueli ilt. dueu arrurre tort. fis COMMEstCtîL-r--rire scattrer continues te ex-r attenhtion ta th ir uuin'g uijuets. lîoiic etiri- ut tire nanie iciataat5nistuca wvicirhave mtarkr- catien; tire proper trvsrincofcrinelsl; tire et it, mres or lese, duritrg tire ]ast tua or three santary condnittin f tlaersadministrationa an ueeks. Oute day inteunae ieati anioher day t tire crolonies; anti lant 1irosphu su 1. st, te Ire-r icveriatg almuapirere. tirunder noterut, copionsl land. And wviat eau Lord lJoin ruunLord any be-r ru and as areduceti teumperahure, ucceedea dy else dolfer ilit iment ut.fappy tut al anisppy agaiaahy a varmnth ai oppressive as tirat viriet cuuuîur-ee 1 O'Ccnaeil, vWho uleit InlindaitahipeecaisW tain e t ropres. lu tii ay tire powrful,.aaa tirat, natirig but eieal vii sathcfy grawhmg dits preigroe, LA i egetatien atvir-lcea filtm. arêpeail ire wlnunt gel, sir le i ire-y ho vitis utuci turce. tbmemuidetfiis des le remtainutuiieti. We mticet i li urenat tire imnse squarn- But tire day may cotis rybet perirei i lilies ucfleuartanti vint viichi ins oom siue ire iuper-rcsacct a WhViig aop, iin tire'chape of adt rous bondtlotion tirher ewat cime itt apler. nuarlaiou-@ay thtiC i i t fthetie Romian ation.' Fletur, n eonàtiugtente, iras decliucd ta Catiruaire pr-eete, ait tiresespar-atîcua cf the Irîir tire exteuti etOs. a barrel, asnd uheal searly 10s. l'itentantihCrri. fr-u, ihe state. al quar.er-r Eeery use antcipated a cerious re. >c'Soute îre-trarîsrs an France, rr..itirte Dulie duction, but tire la l fas fouly equailei té ca-at H'larceurt ai thiieeat, vers doiions ffnrîn. appreirenions ofimpoa-tes. Ecery day iringe uug a fnîs-îrade socity, but Mir Guizot, vis cessis trotin Canada andthie Unitedi StaIes, a. iras the priver cftitvr-torig uIrui a auel# ca- don ultir floeu hici bas buon siippet in 0anhic. ftu@,ahditoceo puscnired it. ThisieappeasaItipation cf btter prîces, theirs ao f viici, on tie fest ilgit parasiexicat, for Louis P"hiliîpe sud eue of a proiific imvemt, sihi prove quit. asmfiii Me. Guizot are tirougiri.tr i ie adumrera of fide jurlic tate irBitishr farmer austuter Amoaicar tratie. uxporter. Tire urtiaeiy deatla aif etB-rR R [Isydor, tirs But thirsLverpool market shows a little moe emiasaîl pauier, ad a national disgrâce la Eng-r depessiot tirait bas beaut experiesicet elcewbere, std. Au a pleaiiag coirrasIt t- lis awmuaica-r furthis reason, lirat tire uraoftie prcdlaco us taetrupof itPourit laydaa's, wv ileuris urende tiisueport-r Of tire £400,000 dty pait br-auuîa euhtidet-psîrs 'astireanavet mnrrumtanîse n four daya alter tire cornnbill antitarif cames cf lire Lonrd l ayair of Louuirau inag car-da of intlo operatiuam, tuo-tirds cf tirat soii uer. con. invttotue otile presidnne otirelilotysi andtfihebutetiby itis tovu aloe-a lpr-oitirat Liver- cttier diâtiîuguuireti ocetiic anti uuerany matlir pint a stirsgréat lugluib empor-ium ifor Westert tutirnns. Thiît s ngratihyiug-literatur-e anîd mai- produce. Pices are lu a tate cf transitio.- sucs, au veil as turite, rt appeaus la tu e reîog-rl'fire eoc the barrent ila lays a cetical tiare saillo hlir e e auu. utatire cornatasae. Wae are lihasiy ta have c popicir Cardial in i le Fiesmarkret is tisesmare tihan usuaiy sensi- Dur b, rglieait Hums et flardm; Liard Cliffrti, a tivs, ie afliclesiby, tire ligirtedt caairs.,dmie_1 iloami Catilnà aetier of tiretappon bos-e, ire teocpartie. T buse ccmcuriug ecuntao. da a mbleunaîs for ulicathse ranircf Carnaul ces muet iebu aien juta aceloant ineseeimtmi1glàa iras ieen tieststi. Dr.- Neummat id te bue sp-r prenent relative value of iread saffs. L'ver epointeil Roriamu Catbclie iaibup of Wtineter, nov naures prevail, virici tire.jien aeaurita e Oua9Mànedq Ireo ir uah, the amaltieary question, tiraitirheloag tirougit ie tire South of meetlig of Ue liniuauagi4rmArai-rSlaveny Su.-rnce ar a rtU fi <tly, irasbail a mont ihur- cishy vas hotu. Amoug otirer speairer#alabo ad-r tous effeet cn tie ra tciag ceucps dresset tire meetingese uMe. . FDougias soiTirs epeeiceeh tihtre .ujar duisas a.it hUe. Arnoeld Bufute froae Amoreni, uic, report atceede*tber as a mater ai financeeioanoo s.vy. cspolue ehcqnenhly oi the uart-r TlI-cr-r1pbi. eF-eieuc . lmtNi Rbr-Pc was 3Slà gais, andJ lie tital ex pert .i lire > previrua eigiit mon lha, 21,852 ici.., îi thriîe munie quanir 'sti xr'e, firuit rnile. IS 1. t, N F.tbruarv. 1-315,'23,77 ii. S ia t l..ttr. tire qiaitrty iras Lie.. ,re4klyiv iirea-el. rt AttEîIýCÀ,< BUTTcR.-ilrraîrrl ie late imîpur. I ltlions nf articles cffi,,,] s hi.' i balle takamn vi'ri place friim nerrea, îwo i rprtariino cf httter trie i2r,-a may ire esper ially ssent ioed ; orce lisithe Great r - illritain steaInsiiaîp of 2<G i arkaucr-. the priiiuce i1ii of ste States, mand thirtler iry ;h-Rt. rr ( ;r frl m Niotnireal, tif 127 lüka6ec2, ti.c prida. re -ý Canada. Emîiti BuRIta'.-This exîra-,r!.irry min rIr. i' a. rrved ia Liverpootl onlire 2SAI. uit..,gay t ir..Ile i. lw-rna, fronlire Uiiied Stater, anrd ,ra, heri T r ir - Mancihester on tire frrýoing siigeuîiig. Wae airi r- î-,r Jerstand Ial lie întendne ptcîrdrtîg about a fit- a' rr r 1. ght in Maanchester.ii liq".r , RELEArE OF 13i)-,NtltiOCoI.N IN SOI TtlI. II seN~1t c e reibierai cd uli ta). ii..r-tiiy îa - r ,r te rîoons, ini litis port. 11,104) quarters of v iiar , t ri rrr r 40)0 of barlrey, 127 iruci wieat, aîîîl 27)00of) c ot-, c', " !r. r n producing a revenue o.f about £30i0 iri al.- 'r i , a ., li.' 1Tire wlieat, being at 53-à. S]. avcrage (cf the bsiX. -dJ, Az. .. N. 1 rerk eîîding tiieg2a:h Juîrer.) s let ini at iie bat mr, e s . q ,, li'west rate oi duty, %a tich is;4,.. ai al 1, At Lverpool uipwarî l t100i,0011î quarters irere i a ii.eratdi in irne day tliîiday hart > 'No beulaaii ii st. i had been rebeasei, owîîîg ta the î1eslîcîitif du. r r tri,, 'a 1ty ;aisd ve-rial refer tri ait artcie oitthe ,sui. c'ii r . i-r, ject irn ver agricultura.l ciiilâmes. The I"ord (filà 1 tI)iii i t rrade, hurt c car, har e. iy ai. Ortler cf Itlha3011jti rrIIt, ri rer% of Juste, ueteriiiiiicrlatrial tire cutle payaieter, ai Le e .e r'. ion rye. Les sad iead petr quarter.rc re )ibc i . i,., rnt ll u a ' the saire ad iblise cr a qua rt etrif baribey, w ar at l'lirai r' 'i lever mayire stre prêtre ci tie formeur rs r-rî..ar- mr ra-, x iel witi. the rte.-1-,!îii.e.iriet - r l i1 1 .r. 1 Tiit bTr.ura X iAre t 1 . IDtING i, IN- î'. I t 1 * I iTHE NoBtiti.-Tire igeiri iii ritîre rtt i. t!,il r.sc.ir,.a r ttIiireIeetîrau ire P.Itrtirie, anrd %-. i- t 1 i :le", rrr itî attet ded. Tirje gei.tieiiieî r-iîtirJ ne 'i ia 0 'ire. T r 'r ,.r craîies tif noverla i.îiater,, eai JrciirLrd :io u r-,i r ret 1 and rtaiy libîers ol lilitell tire rcr-.t i ar £e 12,11uîj tuictinripta give is thir ralites. r '.i'i . laitîi ttrra.Urer tir tIre acu'ai e re ailcl"rir1 , placeir'rr1 . ' uI d tire cotMittte Wero r:beiy enaragait tiî III. M.r-Ier ar- v il,'r i-rrliit tite day iliscrîrîmdericg moeyera i add itiiui r., tire c tr., l rr radopting a defiaite plan te be purcîîed i[av r ltire .rery i.ri rr'i- tmraibera cf sire amiduciatiin. As e have iiui the 4:111 rr ri rr sien tire adritionil raies rie are tînt air are oiii ii (rieirpri....r 'rir'l rplan tibey are iîetierl ti) r inrg litil ai r * bat o f ttcrrt, ria rrt Ci t i aeapecteà tirati y thtirtai lite , iiarrrrc a- rr] l ira atwill ire ctrptigtlàp-neJ aild vr ey cran - rir4by fir .aloir. Il, ' - er r, ' * eruended. Tire drupe are atrir, it s .rjiri ry p- eil . i ' 1lfuil. Nrîiîîg lartkiît tire aay of ltgrtiatiraîr-[Sutri..y l.ri-, Jr Y1; lias passeal bteen tire in'strs and rtue rierr, La, , lilr. L tirate lle isar, cf. A large iuiiriacr are stili eut OF il. NI. ,;~. l*I t 1,'ii icf ieiiipiay.-fllanclirester Corirer stri Juiy 4. letter diteil A!5: 'r a. BinaB S tuELLS.-A victiee, cillei tire Fredient the , l'ril'i wiiici. has arrived in filie Lundneis Dockis frris c0t5 ic ii ri;; . '; Rubsera (Odelssa) lii addition tri a cargo tif Rus. C-ape St. l 1Ii-ri2!' sians taliow. had 1150 buarib sheilacin brard.- Ilydra CCrr Tl'ie imcpcrtatiorn cf soa sirgulur an article cf straiec iraJ>i - rr:i" .ir* warfare ta rerarkaiuie. liitier.s NEw ZEÀLAN-We mnetîoned, on Saltr. felrirra. ' trun n r day, that ste isewrgeîît chijeis, ljui arira Karrti, lier.4 haraite rie, rj. . r iad subextted rîlis onsequcace of a drictat îley aiintrrluo f i,rr had austaiie-i.'llie fr.IIoiotg particulrs of tfillecî t nriri r' fdefeat are giren tia e pricri, a' îrrr1 î Captait. (rey, oit hia ar.rival at tire P-r.y cf lei. stc.,..tr I' \u>r-irv, r. rrr 1aride, found a îtegoitatioii peiidrttgr betwae'r lirs sel. I 1predeceveer Captait. Fitziriy and trioe relrel iliief'.. l'Tire feiiirra titirr Fiarding tirat tireo rebsbâudticus.icere ilcare fior tm,e. e n ariiire .rutrr peace, but were î.iy pretettding )tritciat wllt U"e,]rii. iii,;ir1ti'". ri the vieillecf gainitig titre for usueeffect ual pre. tie draft liaî it a r t-r-r-irrri ""rý ; 1aratioais frr win, ire deîîraîded an inîrirediate auore, T l'ieir r r r asel ho CaptaintFitzrc's propisaia. Nat t.ner i protpsi t a fe-càirr 'a. - ceir'ifg tirs, ire futhîril., braise cffiire uegtra. gise lier ni ýt in i.d j, r trot. and comeruiiced ircrtilrtieir. Bldte 4th to t!te dI-te r.i.rn rrrî . Dercomber thre Gacerw.r ]lad conreiiîrated, iris Sire jcrîr2 r Lfrits, amotitiiig teaborîut1100 &uies, sluera e, lit. l.irisgît'i r lrr eand d irs, aunadîser y a ruaiier cf frrerdiy jilcin oultirher. sllies. Aler inuli hhâantr, Colonel Despardtirhe After alanir.ait r-ir l cirinianditg effi-tr, erccted two stracladea, the boire r% is CC". irir r. -ii langer contairiing twra 32 inundera tud four 54 tireide rrii'r l v, i r iah ortaie, itheeitaler cite 18 poutidèr and saltecr. r crie 12 Pound hiloair.Tire rrt ire-.ri l rr* - Thre main camp was prohecter] by cite 32- bard a, J Iirt onr, -.' pounuieroaie 12-pouird lier iter and Cleei!4ii nis tîT. i r:, rIl t. -ý r l-pouniier, raitîr antapparetlla forr tlirouîiig rocrk. As orIiiis il, r-i' r'.î rr: etc. During .hie consetructionatof tire wcrkb, r iatîrrr tar.,iarr:.tt r- r lxi sbelae ala uJ roi Iet 5 t trrwitti tr iicE pri fatf thIe fr rr r,a imil r-' cisirtnloto tire Ir ; but tire decrerrve attacir oc.-r ciiiaal i;te.n rih - ',lrui r î'urred un tire luth atnd 1Ithtiîf Jatruar Y. *.(-)a [y, aei-tf 1 ire Iiri1r -r- r' r tire aorniîrg cf the luth," Celanel Leprrd anuride o rf la.i.r- a.. r. viritea, Ilour advanrred batteries berrrg rtlitrp'e- I llergtri urali,rrr'r.r!r ri ri ted-(one ritir 350 yards, atnd tire sil-Illteicoaq seuiiiasi r ii nr'. '2.iV a bout 160 yards off the pai)-a Lttierai tire wvstlirer.a fr-rair,.!, ..a:lr r ' ý 'i rcoituinced frousn&al the Rens, wiilia a uiers cifbut tire lrtc at i- rr ra. r iipeiing a brersin thtie placé ;atud selierai 'l'lie Fratîri h& ri- . : . rocciete e.tere ttri lit si thesaatin trill,Fautre purpr-e.i.'i'Ir 'hil ar frdiis purprane cf drivîig tire etinry eut- rTire tilefirat irllâlr, t!I~i~rrui r ire was ku.pu up wihuilge lrctirO.during erîdeavao rr Il ict)ur r trrir r rthe greater part cf tue day. sud touar eveninr, lictry ai hlein .Ar- r arsIair" r Il it was evident V.tiritire iuter workg'ot nuoe lieut. lii:s-rM'rr. Si.- rt paris agarnsttîrilitire ire rvas drecteJ aiere and W. ilrrrr-s ai iiun rIr et " r reaniy ail gieîeg way ; but thliasnrnus astîck-ret, r, an r- ale i r Iil ,rr adles resîde, cronssinif tire place rît difi'i-rert direc-. sure tirher-a- a -rr tr i trotta, and crrtposedtif asouci s trutgr treabers, rr!irrerIir',- i irr. 'i t r'u nu j rvoste scarcely triecîef. ires îuiti-tti u i'r r On tire fa!lie'aing îoreing, tire Iltinarpet-r tsesui tritirs cir- gA irta mon being observea rcriurg witiîin the pul,. a 1ter anid riareriIr I'rri' fewufciOcrnnative alime, urrdee a ciief nanîed -rf aît rnII lia'rriil -s' rWilliam 'iVaka, taeaî up ta the place, fur ftue svra a1reii. -liî irr rV, r-I. er i apurpose of obeerviniz vietirer or trot liae uaeily Jctuc- riraiei 1ivt Il i r . " ' ýi irad evacuated lt-r'iaparty erîtereai tire ireacir Leat. Rririic, lartire .-i lr4' unoppetsed 1 vine beinr perecoied frot t e uîraccuitabte iiir.er, g,.t r:ir; nearesl batterey, a parly cf 100 rmen oethtirellooe, iearvsa ca cins -ri arair ki - r , under Captait. Uenîy, wus.puuined up 1p ~ ss ir.Sr i 'iari t1r1 and, togetirer vîtia threanatives gained tire isae gaitn andWil'liamsr, ' wii t-irI ii. of tire stoakaabea befurp threy a'ere perceivel1 by glirrrgf 'r sie tre girettia tire enenay, wtae at te tite woe e ieterrn.g sirte, triî rtr dead tîmîr aire.v' themeelves frotthie lire of oar guru on a alop-r et fair!cd tiait lire wa. 'r a ng piace cf ground incrie tuf thiîr outwoka.- Juwin iy a eu'irJf. airlira h.' 'i r Ouer parties irad scarceiy gmrned tire anside wiren thre temrple, derrrirrliff1 I u "î tirey vers noticsd by Lise enemy, anti a Ile yThe back criirtr' ie l tii,7 t ire of rnuakelry instaîrhly poured in tapon ditest-r in ; hire dilt't rittlirieIii -el T.uVe toakadees, lîcever, novebecaane osntf irur kriîiia meticrsta i.r si protectioni; aîa strotlg îeinfurcessients bourg lcaRoiet, iiirar ii e, seiittiliiir intme'Jîately breugiri agpigroti camp, possesusin gurrner'a mirt, iiery lîikiSPi t of tino place vas secared, an sirecf ail tire et- r.tan-îp-ra. rVr il Ilr -r forts of *tir eoney tadrive us back, biniiîgobiig-r menstruatire scirrîîliedram, iedrîrr2?ir. ed te rtreat amd s:ielter biriaseif ila a wod c- otagetiras iîieIrr is tr jpriite tire East face cf tire pair; where tire greadateiy etrîpped of evrry tli'îrrg.l le reang extreiaaety large anud forming complete Ose of thre Krccîrus das.itd i.'is-la. areastworks, sny i ut tirea irhaviuîg lilsut and îianaged lu rr-cuethre iret dosit previrrnsly, andi ecrdentiy puvprssly piaced bine, sud Put uLtoirta lirle " ail a defeîsrve posittion.ire misé enaiiled toman titera tieu "datrrrd rt tain a ireavy fiee agartîct un fur a cuancmiderable boat tlrrj,rrth ie tait ; tgr(i-ce " r~ e t't'e, unlul, a duerwe y ira tiraiface iaaing ateuna atd as cie,,ri inirSi oniii'tOre'rri broie open, tire soamen and troope euslied oultircey snceeded. iciilli WSC iilr' aiduluiodedmm rou irs osiIonr le, henu. on board, anid al lihni there "'r'-fir laver, cili coitiut keep up a tire froua tire ecery atoness lu rehssort! aliillitI arondesbel more mutira Vieilletuentiver hierine-rto-but, alas ,I sitni u IrIll truaanstnd sabie biraua tricarry svay hic voutui. perished fhep of or retCti~~ e ed meat tira.. vanay ezpectatien uf reneu.uig oftsigle ollur berIres lunvs beaue P:Ci U Vaisdu ast l-irirv the raine -r d Tire eximrodieary strenghh is fhias place, Par. 8h. mesires W92 set i efldirri: *ticuiarly tire irteriear defeeces, fair exceedeti any and 9 fiest ie;rttl i cfiild; 'e ' idea 1 creelt have furmeiof et.hEaerY but vau saris and yars ,f nrrderate &nie a cempote fortres.a an lîcelf, heing stecWrueti aIl rserrort> 16ti rr .bta', n. ,f round wula uvy tiiabers &unis de p ila tire amy puriI?,! as i r.' . qi t i groond, snd piaced clise tho cacir ottiuer, feet stmalls cf Il~ter .. tiaiti» ' ,f gad. hdcl* svngu 1btthre Fras. ~C aa i tt mu- te 'h , m1 tprie" ad tlaim ling I rv u th 0 rtfit thé ti *dw )Wsj iii telliv. iu nio loaiUAe-r a dae u et impaan olu ou ig Ic beufl soi dei bSty b ai uevly oadil itir de ~aa vtsar--rrr<~Wed bid bu thé5body of rFaIuBs leu tw Qusea s tirseta t s cruel bil b « mn &t of lit in h e ain a liretona ud le edii . i ic% mto1 namama lon it l it umylcal an una 5mmciv ioliitiret L U5lltT.0 ea n oli5t ffdaa, endi sdWlam e -ler Iylaàps a tfend. 011i tassir a deglS5 a 1-1lu usnde iise imnen Veenfinjud-rli'a P oeaits orei te tire tl Iri strle o0'crteunett T'or' Ite rite Ccou r..E s'rîI catlof Ibis uacrsiiig i Wirnehdsy 1ma a&snob, cria faen a..emirid t iLetgile 1 s lhrOUigtl Iroe tretini tie ,Mnrmaie5ttdctttistj teoini igirlifn lNurng but airs!Étant si uployan rîtelv gvntry thiatel 'hi pubjic rude, but tri rf c rspr#a eperlyrCi bat us vain, tirftorce.t bre irauffiieatt ta contirr evr-rt!momet i anaflg at snIaýrrofrouas lie idie ge ,ultirs eighho-iirho,.Tira piiuluir innvt, tt,e Roc. M Irtiir-Y haie tireatent li';usc5 tif tire tatvemlitt eeaatred NIe. -rurkey, R. lie Ii, o te in luiiakui -husîig proînîtly and judle ciiirdslil iniecOtor, itir w rîr tairoiary, te preceed wiS 5e a utaîpiutyoaithe 9;1 r-aitri affit tire cucul ae, on thicapproacircf lire milia rrred tirtleliieveU. deiti sed. urannaies agaiita tire leaders r. "orley, andii coura ieo ofcil Ouwere captereul anti criy gatul tu abude themr triai ruet 55ii55s. itti, JLi r' i'-Mr. G'Cô,t raaltConeiliatolicaitalll aser osteusirly for tire pua pat.I.c dicter te ire gicen "rh rtidek n Tuestdmj 'it traOi tteaiaptua ITlielilcFit rel, Errq, ait D, lrrd itnie itire cuuent .iiiu.r rbsincenia steange, e Iriîii'ri in n vry itun ii PiO-r iaartv."reepIi u th tr ioewuauiting for ir atsrit- piper te Me. ns uioert ruasieulls'ty ir tterîni ul l t gerallean ur-n s îtul front, ilatire e tr rî cackrrg t, laiten 1) liaeluix ta iris ervi anssmai ueappresirudet sis, 5la5'ou tire nuntryt a fre hisud liii bail caTrnauga aded pitil.lis a, identi ZlîrC. lii.nrnte i ssuri ccir liherated iat« rai, ou dur rabbeq. Ieas -A noie flmaned Gail .rr %Wednv.day nigit, uir le'rtirs uqiniiun oftileuli 'itr ttie iaiePreniierleaj trryeut rie last clar of pt gery cid lay claitri i SCisIs nfIaili cales Énovt mie ieei's netUrentri P,,,, eta tr5.-teroiident tiraI, loba ii I,,presel BtaCccmsev n.i tli tirenrdestieed te hones ctTieFeeagànlo ue 5 a gor-ans cfrERepeiai uil,tabis favur-tf SU&orîIt guaededly * thé I r I.O'Conael la nno% cd irse u7ymetIng of h 'Il eYcteeday. tsiio%'îsg are 0h0 grilleai loure fur tlile ai aîr, hscandia017defuctivu Agrue,05,;7 limhed and liisecahiy defuctise opi tlie nasitroul, 0 po tier t tur t eaPM" ttiUris tiere raaieaa sof1.. adaiti., AiterarY amd religion,, edi "Il, fret fr.sî lm power il. Ascentiency te tsc an asnts. tel suUeiem aod r tu ,,p* fur te t>elt tire the rc 51aIrarIil aea &&,M tete Ofte lar e f .7 " e"o i e bur C. IL 'iso hep

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