Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 28 Jul 1846, p. 3

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z» beeýthon a* xpected. in sillatP e 1 'Cngbai h.enbene. un lt tatof' are gînnhilg Il.fH fowr, .0 [bat in a frw a lreturii t. theirles biad 1e Siiudte large qua atiicaiof ~ ara:1Sad prices, wich are be of r u orn maret& haveal In eC ta, an 'th'ertba n odoubt nIrOf un 1raI.elýeu d O*pg iand .à Wascouty d fron bis "..i bis tel tchoif i.Ail tht aoc. , ta C b. figtfllrattht they fi't nî rl ra IWhile tw O f the a4- beld his afiflie .tended, à tird feit for ci5 i heMr, iCru which h. discbayg. ý~ei, l'aad with duck @bot. -,leDt % yednesday, an in- on îl tie hby of Richard Qum, in teQuen'a county, Who tg of ~'a cruel heating înflicted th e men., quinshlwliom a verdittof "'e ,,d.File of th@ PartY are yl roug h clunder th. coro. th ne two îer, hariSil have oh- SI vpeuin the evitenre' that Qu in n e am n ruiel DOOing, Who, ix" - oeal mallected bis friende 10. w i h ben waylaiil and asaaulted thre OW e I' c vilenitly thaLt hie death gat .y~ vi titi - i',,-la, Ita, A prîl lu, i a aI elle inel.. ce solle.]( u td bae îrg ah the lui-uer pl On lthe 170,l, ii i-t n picaui CessaI îu,î nuro 0r mas eur-ii nI neuncvee ait iuim , il7 aIra cas eigir .l . nmi ichatie, ihte mt itiut and prou id iii te tic, h' nafue, au ciiaoc aI ti;e lamoi lieu li lie-p uaia, un I mal lus lanid, and A; il i. f;' p m-e icI bueui-i lii Pur in to staînd Vert tm-cc *n tu %ver aceig i th.i -uI 1i there nocap1ir, tir ue %i cru P r id 8abeli. Thil ev ilrîuîmo atîoa (If nauili', til c4I aitu 1 rail aliii ilue i.m - ifh mter uhau I liai e,, >aPm en ,sIta ai.lîf 'plut tir fuji îUr's va-umr u i. mii o tir a IIIuau i ie va sie et I1; i ifi, a mý l îI nu ru- i g C-,;,i I i i li n b ui - a on' diraUaIiiiîi, imue - d biiid unI il tble e.1 inâdc il %Itll.u.c us I , ;m t ouiulle bible sus *uir,,iiii,-m'd y mi plianulir. Inu umnmfr tu us s,. prit aaiîliui iuitige, s il, shilai at fiitî .fn. g..i n vracca 0 i tir Con,. st"aluin- al,,lpu :.] tii e tý Lieut. Si. hu,,,er msF, lu tblie ctinde (il the Plu îp OIT he jli1m y liui Asi soamîî as Ire ciif te; Plusaua. Siii1omîi iil jt,uuIier, sent il] the st.~ i..; amteutlui the j-ii'y fm-t auJd auenIi mi c'bler paîil Afier ea cra ilft Fnuli lui geL tIreur i uic bii;t r busimro, gunt onî biord mie Pi tai coîule i-Ilo luile albe is distatnce wiîeî toi bà <i lkriuiuiiin, avia. arc liC tu save tieiuisiie ind il a, au thb ecîmîd s Iiafmr 1, muarnnar. gutIu tie u-rf i cru and limuke liOC the au Ma, mati, iîî'î nu-um,, allr lmue agailial the 'el, rit-uC ai thual slave. $î1l- fcli Il, 1 lie sias i(iuiniibtely k; lu.iilh a b!O i.la ;~thin ut bill scuî. uiiune.cei the mua 0f du t cotpîcie luis purpone, s In émuie Lu lie reIOîie- in Ruco, aeaman v, ýa( lIIenry I liilig cipwui lillioiii lighevi seifliOnîîl m er. drsoauued. ()opU ýed UpeS tIrS uaiui auj u s'f every thing. Çrooaaen danbted tbromugh o rescuue the WnY 'If llui , iniu ile jol ,y..,t ile îdcavoorad OUaco '"lire uoe lue surf; la-ire ancre rhueY mastiai On allre -ia- Rouios glair iilipedilntr ailuoiigb thalre were tua neeture, aiiuaalioa ancraim %mhthut ibocciesilIr t our cal..oadoîl cnew tua, ibhave beau Pathoil uP k O.Wi thiil aîuul the 8f w2ti in 101n9t11, "~0 filet 1o! boIt ; ber mialt, Vi, i.ufn.derate sîze ;b 'i .i a rnlireit and laât ,@sahe is 0our quit ub ,, nu-hI tn.woiiom a j 'rhio ha the tiret el""r'd mamar French, valse1 aiade IL d. Plxx Tmua, Quel«c y ýIl, p. fi. 1 2 do. di, red. du. 1 10 0à r, do. dm. do. 2 6 ELC, db. do du. 1 8 Aatm dm Om do. 1 4 IdICTa, ye1. Pins., C&l;per, 2 0 do. ied, du. 2 6 DsiL, or Pi.LAnESper arandar 1 bundre Qoue ei lw Pc"o, lit., Z£110 Dito. 2nd, àI1 O D)ito, 3rd. 9 10 Dito, Spruce, 9 0 & .il BoAsos, per foout, of 1 inch, U il STÀvEa, Quebee, itandird. lot quality, par standard bM.Z£30 O middling and inférior 35 0 Dt.o, W. 0. Poneon. lot 2uality per M. 15 0 midinrad inferjor 10 0 Dit, R. 0. pun, lot quAily 10) O niiddling andi nferior 8 10 Ditto, W. O. Bitrrl 4 O L.ArHwooD, 4 feet, per ftbcm, 2 10 o.ild. 11Al<DPKEa, fHirkory. pet dui-n 1t 0 Ath and Birch 4 0 Oàsi. Aah $r running foot O 3 Fir Oî KINGSTON IERAI Acnu~- londay night aus LGT XT'iAty8 it~o<f Cudida, and bs tvoetinan.___ a- ', l- lian, anre retairflmflgfront irtle Tue speech delivcred bar Sue Robent --iihey lone muyaiii aud am I. lueuthH, fConur iiol'nouliranitisi pa. i - ' ' - au tmueul. lul MuibWuomne car i.i ou, c r luI îî,î uin tiio l iu iii r. IL i s , yj ee dunir a Iuaddit. atcreo. oifl a a ta;osniirand asta ma wer d Irsauoc I railnag ctsubitcioh p ditraes, are &atic i -ai r itunthela îkuuag uof land, tleneelvts-Lui cvery lian cliideainea thei - ci ure crimetnure îln d. or fais countury. Eipeualiy thue Poiler W Ci - ' îtCooTr CetId Tb ansaurncos fçou re!&nd ha LIre naly courae. det, e f ulth, siuoruuîig liai tIre fOl.nm. restine ia prospbriîy, -r pregerve iilteuil lir Croien. 'rlue orly dram iatk id, tIra tiiui-'iYhua uirbi mnisoing uit about Poil dud nît paroiva tbf ,, ra~ gue, anda a- .înmmtDed ai Lcgi!inBtindde, sadprl 't isbis ofhllîuaî cîuaacter ; au-I tui, bariu i-uiia: i treets ira a tuonubluuui pirnhoruuho ecimnsnuuied lutLe a th cien al ,id Le . di'n and Nanuury, 0u1ulte pro. simlai dJecmre a rounrde tfpulury cIe-i '-moitif sleil e leit fi ut uOffice diiunolnuiuily oipos;uete lui tat wc i z .,,, 4py beaueeI utirl 0bal purvscuv i lile ii diflce, silo une ort ê lste tli nî,d, but lu pru.eed tu tIre replions. lTais cirafutiobeteelu -,;i.itapr-frr.Capm. (ui in. Ilîdsvnrd practice atbsaauy ncb <f Il vu-.r;i onifielýeuimc iderhIis coin. It tire turieuO, unitplacesi tire ae h'ro tu' caiimtticonîrnil hi unef, ebîuneanly tIre e riin ti hatrc riata- h-)r e uîat igaiiiunugan ami esniuuII tibIis cuit ilieds beiruae learir praritusu i unithi i dlii laiId thelîl-alu-s longer. It auli se sad, punhas, tIrut Sun ;u di ibfuiuu 1. 'urie u o-unt,iame mas preiauomeiiby laisparîy fInullin -rt eitiv. Mr. I.-lom, vuere % stri@envur.tit)Iii roqie.tiq, lreîaiid. wm --iicth:e ried tu carry cff Scoinsexpeiai, te s u:ii-îily tiecamon. e cf - itlae'osu. il CiS tlé o0H î-it.,-uof uiyfi- n. vnir nctfln nr, there lui te ,lelu,, tr nucor-i )iii bIl Ilat ruivelat ci -ucii R. NI., ual tIt ui - iie- îuua u lu btir hlivel I relatud suomu Ilît-e i'al icg lis orna gO. tuie li il L'coll forfhs c tilatha eure e'. !. i n juýl c iIiuio rlrush M lil- e.1-nli have îio flHutated r J- f 1-.ou r, or lbl u 7 p i f lIm-d t e inz tie p dru u hratîuu ifu u a!Lrd Ji1iluîIL i '.iprucrI ii l.iitlhin ici c ani v. cictd anale per2tiuuis anppno.ý tai theiiiV i 911hgiianiilirscomue sluui. W.) rseu jgrraionf i nu - i'civii autluritue. The posiion*mue.Ta-Tonypy ri sui- ii luch, fer Ir, o- iii f tire i'îî j îlory uni Poicie, ibat tiryc roi iit ewta n e i ic i n r er nrira iaU .sidandauJ aîtlyiy rlh-iîers ly soude sces, uni1 chut tbiy14 en Siilso cidin.iut.lilouirs, nl) i r -- s - the -ii l rderam-re prapoire cuuiiduiio, anc i eae.si Pary ttacSiu Il c ~riii,urme of hit cie lii m, t bore s nuit iliarsili ahst pruu-ectouI lie cap!tireonu-I mntaisiit!o-J 10 ulle rho ,bii 5 uijoty uf iicul abe .ti :,C iiZ he; timal futr t t frio1 c oi uuad leit .iis. linNir DîrIimpir'd ceiruitt ilwrmuln ira r D' -W Cominu-i Itmi rpaeciail cas lt,,rn-ru g tu ilus taI Ilefoir.tIrhe ivs di il- i la1 to.uin>ro%%v. île tIre cIange uuEira runîl. mad lue sil luh e;ui- -0f lin)rlie pu npu. 'aht snig sluI', rop il uop iunrhl nue-r.r. Su lieu la i ,ý i '-ia bc u iiDan ilie rail famerum icItiia ti Iorei' -cIoîucbatuture S i . cmi tn ui.i,Iuly ret. ilu latriultitu. and tlue s drinverauIol teka r S IiuaininmOrc AfiiA;IStTtATE. Cinnuali, %Ir. Il. Marîl. J eicmtiirii, iun 1 .iiu ii.i mns lleo Otii von-cî, mn the pruuuuuse iiifu mi e Silar f, ,,, I- i , mt 1 iiiuJ P., cet i tie Coanmil lI C.ii.uii. Tli sadniuh 1 P-ICi i--uilly Gif o -y. l'i-"c msnecu-îeary ini oier toe malie ana upipuuu t a o mrîtîigumouan titbs Par. piiul, l itressil Siilit uor (deieral. NI r. mii r-o- iieliley. t10 oobed us s bliiauerer ls tI fais oni party, fut i - -- i ii i ni tireuf luellfw Insue he vt!ral mi Itasversu1)sua- ii lUrtrd i m.îurlimi. h mirhie'ec'al-î, iu caluolîîîîîliave ceari f imi r i .tFarmel, ui tii la il l vii lu S (t i - ty. îa la mu is i lIire 8ý ipiroIlaudip IluiNI r. C-re uuîosbuss-itil i ci-m lCa irt îîmud'trli r. lt iraI influ;erira, aud ci taiUtan a veau i t j . -ai, for t le te 1 l- m bu fmuglit for iiliat. u. imip ie c i il hu, rai,and cas dlae ,f i uloj le ie lyer iti)hie - ou iiiM r. F. rnuinhro Draper t heirvoles iil, ite Iloiame. Aid i u-rai un s. 'flic n- ithe fi mol iiiiua lIaItlie Ibas uif- ied t iîeun i dta laftr ra ruea cf id- ireunutesolt.At lie lait Fa, ii"mm taamcud nbis pet. es li. ime.] v lmy es-ra. MacIialîiî ui ý1cril.zei l er iittb ffKigstIon, Ù(eor.te lieraiuud, uit(Iro 1 ,r ,ir umd Ira ld îeite i u ldint, (iliiiiue damiîer iîat'ioiuPisoaua. a.bar lui triiimiir liit (l-Ae.iuie lofpY I i I 1~itire t n-îmeîtbusmiess alh if cAssizes n CO ilCli, di S tuIr- l'lisiliîîîn i tmarimena friiitt anr. R. Ile '.titi nr lii , ne, e m uaÀ,e uuhas Crov ia (,it tlucr o lu Cia là,l- 1-Vi iiRIaf iea jinai--o w nutu 'utiiinere. Toueu, Wc - - . i me I îtu nshort cxi- j f tipar isiv fua in iinirnuipiii, lie îi'gl.iiý - i -l"ui' th ilihpara', il J inI muiry ii asui',al at tmghhe.ituig hl@s il il le~:y: i ,rein cil11e piclac îîfi a re lium lu-cLil nire anurul puer. A 'ý f pliaiariiy 5 hi l i,il m ailise arc laip.niîîu. i am l iii là Iii ii l, o unmtry ; p'uî i iy tills ihu laityens cavie auppiurt hi i di> ii emu'uuu ilui rýan rur I liumsa, îlot lie euiî.ýeîîîs thymjuir uleaîiu. .Iifpiilu-n au îaîreiy àa ueias. îeny f~aiv on ha cecI- is ioCroau - - Imuit u tlaateerr îjauaras numutii o ]un,* i libas tu Pl -ii-iuurrCa pruuaue, ,he n.tg.lienu. de laal f i iia alii I-anaesue te -iii uerce i er carry tLlon m. 'I auy uenounae Iiot iifin Iis t resue lide m Juurn ali jtire Nt I lin nuan iii imliausIti efc! numrs deniua ;tf is i. Al'ý pea iav hotitralylir f la cer -y lu tIre ruary. Ifl'i lui -it favOur-tiiie fin.i t', it -' thile cliien ftuai& t d har op Iiotu, Il .fe le oien iluîlly anJd baie tul grue place la a iludOn allait n imi i&Duli1ni, anou jualr v(*vernuinagit, tuti%. iet.uîa'Jîny al eitiml irhe RepauuAs- lenIL ut baad, canil luînliu toredie -tu e hgievances mhicb Ie mh er i eu !i;,dai'tuury teO noire,: Thr, t J.- aie rpecuttuî.fîîu mkincaby the Great Britainv -cdoaui dtecavotrai. i i l revudous couborar. A grea ib-m lias Lcetranmade loy Wilimer& -i-i i op.nraîo efîuuu.rE u -ing'viaog hue pices o!ffour & truujV îppnsî,,, chanIr co- He sv-s Ilat lioierihal decinedl6. P f irucm tie 'ew.. rit, onutwieat 109. per qurter; W o! bes grevaces urIiary brandir ofCauaadian were 25 4-1 iC~-is edca~tion reacb 1guol bratods 26a. per harrel. imîlur if lîuv ter.- 11.olui lmîtur.Theui. or cf£12 10a. ba bn ginsr l- ýti 'eît liti efeure the f aitlas ut tie (;endormi Hospitaland tIre i funrsa tire ia abacucof ltua tue loitel Diu.u by a charivsari paîty, a iuo Mr. Julîuî Midicalt. Wdudd Dnulii -i;ei fîte '-iîih naghaWit.' notice ibisalafai, but sa i treo! the City j-r il sliableipoieurecntu bave descrhed ihte th,. mie nul cobuse Y :1,1 emnan. uth~Oe Party cslat p louurde fur SiSlidremai iLijciiiuuit frn ..asauiîeaius nuf anlcyRnct, andl ttreitoc u1ýriLae0 1 ei u Ie!four -otheoljectîoristi tiai r ifdsriid te 3-uchexhiabitions in geieahu About 'l pusertfdîîoî aou. i n-is %surs dresseiia tautastîc daniées.a, Yei d ans aL lie ICI. t. t hirn spieidid, and tbay suade s pratcien -s',jeposer ot dstrran. Lrcbh.i,i, cutb a crriage iraan tDY dsu snd alumesadit iheir head. lu àMc. idcatfâ e -i)l C-oun- huare, irsiaiai hey mra. Do denddof any tlint1 fi - ia*toa i ai.derung cuiut but hoireîvuted Iheun in, gave tmain refresi - e usre cf ~ ais) il ive poutuis ini Darnley. AftermardsIL -n 'ue@ fei efnfur e dtbstlIre bld nt beas tai eniiosughlu dL% try ililie equiedlu car-.tems tcetutpounîs dmore. Afttr tiseCh party bad ietrti hae mosotaide mae u5j~ MAKE-i~S. tarI- on Mr. Mdaf'*bouse, ilrucint r ULNIARFTS. tbrougba the Windws.The Idyos a Juty 7. ch,,capluredai ame cf the. fdes, ai a.nom. . ce cf tise charivari paty Who mcci Pru dit.en . al.u 9. il. buoliurse. The pniacuderuvnîte. lodged in the d -iuvo 2_16 u23 o bousn,.maid liberaieai oc bahl b Dr.à i ld Lar ui~' ~«> <o 0 Nextt aiording they gene htoiaghh ap forf -- it ,-ii Leu, 2 6 sate.ond uJdiîahargeai gith a repsommuuL Sor, 3 0 2G 6 'Io Hamnilton Comwne d Aitius dl..iMpcr% (NbO 0o i ci nmae Pebdoilai reardtrceon biais '~. , du 7 6 7 7 mt Lie'Kingston lw" din BàUsMiF . 1e uartier, 34 O 37 O aituma tb h te aIktbmenreot. un ond 0 O 0 Orote t h. dýIIpeetieai. Ni m îMettrano, du. 011 I 00 il Sruo svupeeieaspi h nl 0.-dSî 1> O< udritfsreprepieacs, uter 'conneiho'" mhaler W ith the "edt o0 OO0 pr0msC0 t nv ter mu ea li» fert h. do. 0 0 0 01Uliattfouindation. 1 a. al. As a uMeting of the Proviaoal cmmoee o f f j ritish Paimt I~ & Ed 1 34 the Wolfe Islanati Kingatow anid Turnto Rail 2 0 Road Company, I l hjuly. la8la. Pressait:à 3 0 i Worsbit the Mayor,.in the Chair, - 1 10 lHenryvoîlderaleeve, Eil 11 I 4ÉE' - IST i%-t 8 olaA. .'eardovld. Ea . . ... 0GE 4 L ESO A E 0 1 tizlParentilaas, E.q, Ba-k olMon-1a-, W 6 oi illey, Elaq.Caatier ako otna, ms ,r.E RIr o noe a týd .c . therjff Corbett, LÉ.uit £0 Pr. T. W. Robisen, 2.,5- ai,., reat Braiti, filie Uoitied States of A.mries. g-0 A - 'r IC and l'uaiR.nrin- imaired Naturete. 11 A.0. liit, Eq.,it u aun p -g:. .-. Bai and preveiii, rDiertan i 0 o Tha Charles Stîrari, Eeq, Barriaîeai lC ita - ~ e 11tritaii tei yPri~a lereipiegted te procrai Lac England, for the pur- - .. r e 0ltPse WPea il rifaSir Allai, M.-Nab ini 'Z. Fr .l la1oeanRfitetfnr o, Ir iyn.aeenS. e iÀ= -- 'at.sli,,ii.N,, fat'4. Ygag.sreet. Toasto. b o baln t heoylargen t teiilJicopoai- jfS.'fi CI agETi iKngine,by . mng the Wolfe lelandl, Kînguto n d BRrorehuntioi ..àt £.-12 10 Rail R,,ad Companly, and proeliting-auharriptiona I r ,RI>-iilutte dwlatBiii and 45 0 te lihai tinie,îf the stock of the Compally, a.ai. 'l j;,y . 4<lPîî i,I irteAents, iraO i'i;-au lutted u Lb. Englîiaâ M%lrkai." I ~c e I R LIk4îl 16 lb ~A. CAMPBELL.- oI. i.-Giri"utIigAet1randa i 12 < Sepeibr, Pire. Coin. R Ceheurt. C. a e;oc lis . .~,Persona desiring Agasdies, gilapply au 10I10 te roanply with file wishes of the Comîittee, and i1 attisai.ç n. 6 i matter outh, inaio, au important tlbhe i- w i mV,11 '.i-rvho ttatsrésgi crown the exerti'uns -Cî-D - A ni, vks.houwe are coulaident, wguI use -i-- to j rIEIO.L i 7O veY pocihle effurt tu attain an ol-ject au ,.eoîr- _______i ~ IP O Pl)l 11 lb. Catisl cu % iiary. Brook 1: 04 a!e.[Choticleeve 1 P 0 Sret Ir. id lnuieOpen W lias sse cP!ion iof 0~~~~ls .. la(hoii~e -~ rvquînîzîg Madical and dricIasid. TIre Excurinri of the.Victoria F ire.Company I =suce. .. ithre Prince Albert, agreeably te notice, came V Yiiinh! Mediial Offirer, Dea. HLîVVz.t, ,LD. on! yeanerday, (21e.) The day wag very fanoras-ZX n . a C C . îîîI'î~d..Saursurra blc-heing beauutlly clear, and a cool breaze > f e - . N.*_»-Vloai r Il h u f), A. hi- 14. prevsilitig. and i tu lieharegretter!fat nîurc difld il-le .*3 e- flotavait theinselve of the opportuniy of attend. z! c. CO DIH. ng and cijoyîng the doli.Matutal prospect to bit - n * ' î î . a m L rSTîîG, uweF rFF F loy he Iu tPeel in tirt wîîh on th.sroute. The boat atoppeun a - Z= -Ols3o I gpodrfu ae yte-ù reaîrgna- s hort fliacai tbeLake on Lb. Mouaan, for îthm-n - m = w g L E. f -, enbr luicall bînpurpose of allowînr gtha Party an oppurtlonîtv ouC ARLS-. JNKN- e.l 'hoe i ng this, nut the leait of tha goodrous wurka . C AUE .JN iS ourse ut f onature. After leavi tIre Lake on fie Meunt. un - u.LEnB - I umcc1 tain, tha party prucelee on to Belleville, anid ~l.n CIF.. Fl agelfare what avilitIra fine aceoery tutu very bide, tIe' t M lt aeterig(àdeaa oalich hlie muic, tIre carnverriencea fur dancing, thé e i'- ( aiso aten. that cani aerveed god festin., eviinred by ail, the Excursionz0 - a-I(aaîeyupAtILr9 0. le Bit. was e leh',a e y noe. 0O1 approich. I '4 liiîr'd patent M,.rallie ('aries for do. rt Sir R.nL mtîinîght f ie.leu',lie, tIre Party avere sa- 2CHJARLES W. JENKINS. argths Upi _ -utear'bytrVa iriii-- of ca.nIns wbich waa continu-1.43 nrt tapota irat u-rai.il ni riîga I, bncesI-NOTICE. .1g.ai tre war,, ha va wer n'~lutle ... aner-fc : 1F. Suh5vi-n,er bil on lîsnd a tels Chais thât hgi: U.leleviile Fra [>epartiin.ir, in full uîifoirn, T.el *c.ab'e" a.,Anchirs', and a ciiiplitete tus aleaving railci :-z about ISO ; after thie. bnirty chaersaa ntiCi 4tret ip.oicilegIdaoc b b ,i biggive 1.- ai.,] reccçived on nther aide, Captaîn a, srti c tare til.wa..J2li-3i -ipc;eo twoc exh îiî iaaaar dapuraaectoC; . -- K - oo'. at.veny low jîrîcen. prufes. which Mr. Davis, the Ci:.t puiDeer Of th ir ae 90a eKa o .- fCIIIE v '~~ ie value depatiient <Of Bellcville, repliAId. W ral-p î;KIII ü.,l sla LEI0> nier in Ater reiuining about two bala', it.l party q;' i C(U ILJI& ciA L "&LE»o n M) t'rces agin returîîed fat tire huai, accominpanîe.2 by ho z e . th iiioier.ocf tîe d ffrerat Fre Cilpanies, theliO igr.c b ave Bod bese artlce, and haveilit livin out agairi on board, tie boat mai aboved off amîu.t ben etiredl pert~"Y We du not, air lrien lia" T 11I C U T M S Icli, fil the cliecri of those or, the wharf and tire firîiîg publituei a faouas cet iiicaid of cureq pernnnîîîed A FJ O J T IO S Never. *(i cauion, as on laadîîg. Thre dancing and cal hy 't. We oîly sirpersocs tu pi'8 ,*ewli al O IEi e wevrtatSae GN UIES h9par. et amiuements Aacre Lept up tilt an early hbot ay bv trying tire article, and if til'v doujul ira.ld N Tenders wîll Ire rcceived et the Dis- acli B«d.gcavrerorOtueàa ii lroiia là ii oruaîg, thae boat oily arliviîag at, a quarter tbeineelves cured, hy sI avabuioli e ti nouryOficeOuti.hc'u ireItuiu-di,go, cerer f stai. a litchi, but pust two O'Clock. retrnoed Lu tIlinm. No person cani asili;better tract IC oml such esuaiiFndasy ar th A- IE u..s riatlfr h n re NNiierb sithiai a fe miles of KingstointIre Paroitf ia bi.gth"xfomsc proaaumtbh"l E uciLeagswf frTh n respeit- panny fîiriied iliemascivel it, a mneeting, wbe'n, Ciimatock & Co. No. 21 Courtlandt etreet, sole ling to coniract fur R.,CIràgeinexit hl1iîruut k.qouei uslaell' %Ilr. Jouil la il bean« colaitutir e iChair, proprîetunn. FIag y , îîat ldii juosîf<cî of an ictruaîeiciuii- will not aîad Mîr. 1). (.iBso'< appuasted Secretary, Oi» The abat'. articles ail bebaà of NOBLE New Fleoriing wilfl atone FlO. imnate lainpoèýtfninrse bu- bis sup. Ih cas acnived! by Capt. Gusii, ecoaded by Mr. PALMER, Druggist, Mai fief quare. Kingston. The 1'ltISO-NERS' CELLS AND PAS-1 races, and believitllg itctainbe prouecîtard wita clanup Lt,, nd te thnkao! tîî îieotog ~ b - SAGES, the sanie to be filrcd ini, aaiià tlie ,m')re etI i-ivlva nsofe"a 0mèit.flot mIeif Rioliled.-That tetak fti etr-ml Flaý,s squarcd in the saine marner as tie ley )lave, fir that olject, eiraY« loup, the. ane due tu Capt. Curîiraca, ofthLle Prince Albert, Onthe 21-d iustalait Ne ali,irt. Laraise Abaçla, Kitchen of thre Gaol, with Flagsntntegsuthoan;parnueny, andd ili haiîcelrfi carry cue filz~ 7lreseit frlirJilit aud ut citeauailtycunduet sbnuin by lnifimt destituer oftVWs. Wallonv. I.q . aired 9 iniiiiti. tldame irches thick, and ta ha laid in said riin mctire iove lina, untler the firm 0rn t'. aid hfail ou eo'eny occasionrutnoughirut Lb. day. O o nd.yt. »b i.vust--vr, a et ehGra i ar r beiiig Clanried tuy accianatio.-[ib. collusauîîber OEih yvam. ls eral.git.ideafaiisbte rate per oquane yard îo h. mentioned in OLIPHANT &. WATT. th- ~cin- liou. Capt.in BaHouwell, If. 4. Tb. rire ....d gsgrei-wodatlrgu;adthTeuertbatb.1cr n is saoveigntI.m O~i~ttuMiLe ~UOLEN FCTOY.1 ~ laieeituoaa cee 1.1 S esà adargfe e l ed La thre apprcval o! ile District Couancil et central part <if he (City, and pseig - Caurila dr lu gave ouir agicultural frîcuida sottie ides of oe.efrèr rive. sud Instanta itIa lnidde.piy Itoisenut ia nuxt session .Any information r eciuuu .cloueuSalie and arc Hoorne, excellentd ry ca'mP of tire heiits hey are Iikely Lu derve trui tdi ard erd"lbt,4b at t . ai tth ieace uc iad ha nuhflY bue ,ial,.Iisineunnt, aud to d.rurctfilur attetuon Le the N b 0hmî.u otet.a b e leo f ber, i inok molyIbc liad at the- Districtonclf1in snt, lbten výJ. Rlîcibujie. 1). D,* i, the Main yen, of 1Offc allrn fi - bu tapa!ae cll d er furithraecovrinte nr Conc- gnowîb ofcucul, am-etînay tats tIre frliuwiuîgfacto. berIlle, litr. Btese, reiet éfî the1.. l .b "Il-y, deniuofie oaru. ae, onarnd bil dspt, aforte cneriet fil efor bu hoî 'Itactory i calculated, vdico in fuluperation, ibse.a< Wii-m.", leg.îcngîîrio .îdtiarly cbi 3 rdro Ir d N . proptisposdai of gonds. Tep e orn a-j ef to uul wurk utf 4,500 yard& of clothu a ogela, wneîh tan teIl. tiM. Mais lIcgeim ailli. ~SAMUEL McGOWAN. pop ipilo ooa Ie c ols i lius fa- aL a generai anerage wct isaion as many 081 tusARY. Diaurici Cer*. llmrnnthéeiu Commercial fiiendes and othsara in -ialeîd-pondcif of iuln, cîrculatîog £225 a meek, or At iha eahul«e erMr DuItd MoPheraai, N,1na- i..MdiatiJDistrict Côunocil Office, ICarîradat and reia}uhbaring States,,t hat îhey are lr bribeuIearly £1'20,»0a yean; besides the nîonay pot sasMus,. iNl& luyt.ieai iie.adaraa. e ofig 86iA . for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l tl1rr3aii s .gsar tecîe nlsc ja nai irii. em. rederick Hlne.fad, vie f lb. Kingaton, 25îh July, 1846. now )idpit.pBCd tLi rbceîlve-Conàagometui Ur for ctireut u Ntdhi,îîssetti.ssbba. eicliailize Prusluce and other ldccnptitua D)raper ira., to tiil, and e tire oeigbboring Disatricts tIhelnnwc, -u Ibocnd!oînneasaert ît as ~ofPruipc;tv erdispu1ioa, icâ bler tucti r e Iras semtiagafuat outflictange capital necesaary fur 'lThe decea@ed m-a a native ofBusicH-srtioiis. 1: ld faim ira sucli uperaluons. Ti e wot gcown h intis, Di--marrier. Daaing thre tevolutionary t'oggte in o îuaeSlo cotrteniay direct j arV neelect- tract art-] disposabto ju betueert90 and 100,))Piiicerica, a ey of iluusveiaintrotuipe as raised, OFFICE 0F THE Ithey trust utb u aa tr teîo . Slctor. ihe., su lltiritIe raprpietur iî confident that h. and the dvcavsed, ajntb of 17 year o<f '«e, heur Builaicos, ewery satisfactiun 'iIIbc gis. blîot Pi). cul ho enabled te secuaire ait bie suppîy un thIed olnee1unLe'-anetofbPrince,-~ uI nurin e i 'fn those m-ho may employ tileul.1 *t uileuis anud the Distic t flrince Edward; aud g. havie Fredenick uf Brunswick, and saaîed witb uther OF Tii K The utii!crsigned 'vtrnuîd alsra tender ithalIl oialy lias tire best auunance that t iIii intenîtionaLu pur- Germrait trope fafotuîSiadt on the Ebe, under lIre ~~srvices to aci an Appraisena, Agents for coei MNl. ciane bis mle stock un Canad,-ofcourie cun- ciinaiid of Ceneral Redbazet, in the early part Heunos Lanidand otier ZrperM. VÂaIr. ut siu not ditiiuually,tlIaItutafrsiens puy proper attenn f 1776. Afrîcîuîg ait Qubec in tiemntoîiî f TN ceraquence o! the tate disastrous neis of, Ztates in B.iîkruptcy, &c., for thre 'y lighti lu> the culture andl pnnpanatiuîiof tireir fleecea ;'May in tbat yearlIre served wt b is R- gument ofCmjeasadi n il Assuz- but tui routier ti uiidertakiurg doubly alesuta: i n varices partatf Laoser Canada and the (nom)1 eveoti resuîtxn fronn thre useofCm Cleciî iudaucrI)ban inîr I Smiith, ge. iid i a aeceîssarytirat exaltauibon lul ire United States, tluI tae Pce of 1784-1, mIuiIe plaine (I. the Directnrs raiîs Company "Il business rcjui icnggtieosseiitance of a pa. Mt acville. tiiad tu Ini ire iigruantb of coul bq .le ho- obtained fais diasharge. lie assocated i, (or- tIre attention of thie public, go an adveetise- aigako legef=îco . te. anullier unîîilctiiil ut iner mooled abaep, particulirlv cf lunes avatb thî,se î,eritrius îmenulrtheUiteîd uben't insericîlin îîio Newsiapena o! ibis City- govenia- tiue Nleinuu rreu. Ve recomnue aidlie aruuers Empire Loiyaliste, wlunî,brasillaitire hardpa in April 1813 ;in which fiais Company gave Thsy hotie uic honor En gus t)iefuofllbing Rofer. yto take lu cîct tIre Factury, cbere tefina bl ave un op- sel pirationsufcsetîling in tIre uldrnessi&ouglat fnotie htrinces.no c esosil f .îoall.pnnîiity otcomparung and îeaîing tbe aiflerent a Ironie un tIre soresoltIreBay of Q uuuy loe orhamge awouuld f oreocIble ue fuir sr iiron&CanKir lcîuîîeil. liait.l, and receiving instructionsiase ttire heat In the yesr iolliuing the deceaed acas se- ay Joohnmg aimng!cm Ie n oiMorrMPîe sru & Cae.Kîao0. ana, but uiaihids cf maahaing and cleanuing LIe r ifices. Ieted tu accoifiaiy tie expeadîtuon ander Majo-r Caniphine OilI.Jîr Vakn C. o dale %I. -Li-ouuvrg btair. HilIant); Lu chphune the tract of couatry lyuuug Ithbatda-beloan solvrd ftiat tiis company Thuomas Kirk1iatrick, E&q, do. ils thaise -- orth et Lake Ontrionu. Procaiedirg in cannies will fot Pyacy José or dtiug htmiyJonAMad alEq,.',d. Posil u Titc Citop.-Tlie barveat ls nearîy compéter! op tue Bay uof Quuite te tIre Tient., Lbey tuilus- bappen Lu any building, on 10 th te contents ofi James Morton, Esq., do. r.Such l îbuuigiuuîtIre central andJ souîhern coututuce o!fedrithe course oftitlaI River and the matera fow-any building ,I whihCa-nphine1ieOIl ,an Messis. R. Juson & Co., Hamilton.- le veny file auite. We rjice lu leann bthr finroupivate inzie auto lfruth l este, tit tbey ceacbed theIre DzEposiT£D.uà . Bryce, MeM ùrrIl & Cd:;,Torogto. iail ire li sourcesud fronie local paperstat tliae yield, Laite noir knuwiî asLake Sincue, and criisiiug W LIMltÈÀ I, JmsBonEq,.0 ai talent mth îmm exceptions, a extrneey larg~e, and tIrefîle uainu*e, araived at Lie shores of Lake îîî VIILIA II eL raNf TJomas Scottn. Eq., P Mlebor . Oticers gnr autoflth tiret qualîuy. TIreaggregate ainniontrn. Tih favouiablié report lhey mete enabled 1hJ 86IJohn Tuinl)ùll. Euuj.. Belleville. purchîase cuIt îîertaiily lai rgroiater tban lever befure. Itta)lui gin.f lthe country;flithfeat t adeary cul. Kingston, 1th uy, ree-tefiiîr ol h o.c Iesnepue btdric.Ia oehecî5odul inle b Sceoy hra cot sjP 4,Cbug chary hi, tbey real.zed last year, they vculd grog fat. Aa tIre ide.cpread imprivents and dense popu. NNqFOUIMATIGON WANTE11, ai Messrs. Mathewson & Sînclait-, Moilatieil. lae faluint is, tremil ire abuve.busrd Stoeat. The latin hunibcb uoflots pelaus have cbanged LIre lace Ytthechereshaula AruiourtFoulon, Eicl.. do. 1Id lin,d chie coînîuunuîy ciii sare hnnlIre beaeitiof a of that fine reginul. B YtaUdr.gid !Mîeadaaiu oî ileE,. nbc A:Mia. Aft;NEW. i oteanhua fcat Eq, ube ir le mil liie cnup.-[1DotcoiL Adv. July là. ztire port idubuequient to thithe deieabed KE N, JMS adlN ANW li-Pdi s,1q.,Front-atreet,-NiYtk. m . Tiae. -smp oyeri nderMr. Sorveyor Collin n o 'INN lA ES dJNNRA Eth.El . ednibk,%Vewo.o 1 ale ta. NLI WitEAT lesitei frot the hîhaca localiîg ghas Loyaluis and dichiargad guichets in When faut beard frotta htley cae in Kangston, G. hnEajVaeo. er truch Cbronucle lirai IL & W. llalsey, extiriamîve Ml. giay Chaleurs, Cancada Eait. [le neturîued Lu, on thair cay oP tIre Country' Messrs. Pu-nfield, Layon & Co.., Oaegei., land aua that village, coismenceil grîuudu.gBnog tiie Bay cf Quinte aur 1790,saîd aettled onBbl hua LityPm pi tothaia ilIcîre n c ! HrceHoÎr a. GRocHeAT;rLn.ig sîuoat as eanty aiuLIre thi ha. Thue mbcat giw u iiuary girat itar the village of Napaneeacan7hyJpyOîb H N cie. IJA. WiPAT ,. wiII b oalîîdtublieun goud tarder for giding. Ibhis ju a breie ehan sunce freided1iodustriouîty Occo. Biockville, MarZt 1816-Kingston, 3l1st March, 1846. .-- tbu-probably au carly as avec anuiyga ord un pied gâther un tIre calnivation of Iis failli, or au - ,hsmit'u estern Noie York. an assistent ini th. establishmaent utfIrth Richuard Ribhusoii. Esq, failli Iatlesly in tIrai of 184 i6 6 c wheat. Thre fait wheat ilaail cal down in thia Allis McPheiro, Eiq. Trie dicfibility of bis per bar- neigbborhood, and Lb. prinicipal uart cf it disposition afiuol îprught and tuly pioo@îflt, en.- whlrreas hosd in ex.ell- îured bilan thé f.teuralcf the, itcle cuoinuty, i XOîlt condition. hoa priung Who Intieat.their a.... of Lia morth blie Icîtire an. sd w}uaat promises weIi in general, and is fieitîg bug romains to the grave with .5cm deinon. from rosi; snd bailDraper and is u cul- sîrahîo! fuuliigned regret anid respect. 'l'he > -~ ~ iT ~ leageseabut donc justice touear farinerai they cereiaa. bsy t Ir n se fmaornderaitlucre Ji.* & 1> S H A W ;;_. Y en te tIre coulai livre indepatsdently, ai hertofor4thailt; ounil bafecing Il the pronoce ot materaI ike soin [Crsallisan (St. Thomuas) 1hreemsnaiJu11 25- Of bis bld 5 -geiteg he fanaiseo! thre[lais- R ESPECTFUL LY Enuffunce to ter edionnera and the public geberuiIlm, M &Mkrva receve - let" whe attousled m NPII-hsaroa one cf wioli in Kinguun oeirl intai te ToîîÂoo.-On Saturday wsek a fâsrful tans. baadoasiivand at hi. OUt yea.-[Comuianicaied ty papers FIRST S HIP MENT 0ÔF hI3RITISàH tooibs, rve (t at o!thorndar, wmmd and ral paam" ce? tfiasle the ArguS ee lh, ple.Cos bouge in th. toise *aa entirely ______For tldu aeaon, ex tise I"Albion" froin Glasgow tel Hontrical, conspriaing à gemnra or- m it was hown devis. anud aentar aîtuofdd, .bead-es h i ~ e i mept of hue newest stylet and deu.riptionâ of Jlrltibh N#nîiractorea. ne aiedeneîîloof hîmiea, c. grataunhert C ' A. & D. S. will talon continue Io rvciire rroiàm il ou d i u il ierent iii are 130 pet- troll feil proitralt.de, relpootand ctheras8EALEI) TENDERS guahii ale iat theCfreon Londona, Liverpool, snd the.Clyde, freeh raddition& . etbeir ock ; andi frcî *dai. asaaa(fbruitesa; one ci altin in Eutrilla aig fieof th. e ri.gn.d, etîllof: Vedneedb trer ues i heB S éale-i h ,mcniitatt"» uOlOO by beain truck tastthe lightnirg, took ire. and wamday, the 29tIr iL..as 38eek P' M. 'somn Per t- ie pesseedu hoày tisein é b idii riduha r dùunareathiys e nient a n. Ro r ousentirely connuoied. IL saiad tilarteeral catte nas deuhrons of catract ng foit.e erectoon of a ~Pic. treMy4 86 a uoe ae kalIe1. i itIe ha th-reh-th- ltln -J Èh L

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