Ils siet 0 àbbmfl.e, ; 0pth lb. Mmam u t 0 ve ns à ub ga g eUllamb et thehuma bmlgljuabal gICI11011s 1111 11111 1Y. btis e u cad m 4 by - eqMMa .ai aem as iqm- 1%8&set hisye la Lfo bl mrle etlb#"u* o;Ib hum e 0lim loaliUse bCejaa @"veueshu au1 1dtelk as is ons, themMMeaie laome..»BosyPiesIthm mmer e sw :wralll butiei b um th" ammmiubcas'mmgte .publi4,m.ib, grdesq :zurns i =:a aiwlngu waersOnsmt 'ae mi hom0à vre onblei e endpr. aue- vUw.-ietumlg Nue Puabguim hWiommes.n a. mer thecmby im gomumm =hivg bamengd ie hum. Tise goM IR" meail frange catI, W. geare inoraied tbat i lar~at!t d» onsie nom« oppseb iat NMs Ctcu.-bev hbed biý nt calhai ibm re,- %ru oe me Iin., ug ber-kg ieg th bgl claemtbmlzeio ani (cith chieh.r cm m~imug lv bii) ta0suMM'i eetai itit eb.libire.dle chiehenvelupei il lma anm. 'Pase ahm selmitue. boisg horst, imm r.t le imiethat hdelebme oma adjolnang bai, but WMeaIgt4seeffocia( emsaeming bdeuen Obeu a ilismie tingumebmag it. 7.oraceWb in hundy, abs jmg evuuainiug Ibo bigleclama cm. meptimd on the bemott e pot £elus omi! bui, a. aay ena maghibava supposai by a MMail 0-reamclee% 'lasbaiquite a eigitaet. 084is m m eacvaloped bm choie hm»nel &ou&e-BustumiCourier. Tbhelbody ef a man talliedSiiney, vua ieev. sciedon Moniaylmonim0 lut.flnaiag luibmhat. Lawrmee, ila iEdly eppeite lb.eoi-lai Bd tbCaaI Tta'igo nefoiuaaiesepaes cas meoa(sta mtisîle. Purt. e 'au a stae cf @"mUlisaI arraion. candiins(MMuplace te Pbm% ,but meeiieelmda pertimier spenchant go ce* i <oéibmthe e" .«,m ami ktet h. si. lmrmn.a.fraimchiet'b u cas, moteoetIb» coe.a dissemey by poes»..Who cerea ppb.nive, **n ahie appearacce, "aiho. veld irocu iin. 111I. Lm00Wcam aluht, ce liesn Saint. daei omnanginto Tewn, laitmie Ibm evmang, crohob, meami probshility, prccedend te Itha Mitmee aidaccuepliatued hie deeign. Au legnest va. held by Dr. NcDoneid, and th@ lsiy vaasi'nmd a verdict in accordancme vib ibm fae "«0bove am-[Cornvl Observer. TUC OREGON TREATY. Mim OMs u t smy, end ail lb. aeeo"vayimg - u -- b. -c alaid beote the publia. lbY %rpten stsimctedb ibmPte&"e te C.mgfemm, huai apper le bavfomami titi cmyw hie masin. etbmpubic Jouamal.. brmgh mue ef bm unts.M ao, lb. cul,» ne sh, ho cllad temmamc ue hiei iregeiMlaly. Proue Ibon de- cmante vB tomt, thait - LMr Abeenea -. livaly and axphlil ieeîined letetofmiauimnes- igath ofetheolit.Lacreoce, in eouasctmnu vith Ibm CW#àmia." Il voeermlly bellevi cb telb eoilation wau in prngteas, that anua"e cmidlie .mae tu oxehange tbenavi gomie the e0. river for tb. cober. The naw CMiisty may perba pupruum adifferasi poiey con is @ubject. but vo leagru tiat Lord Aberduen voulil Mneeamy accouit, int aaegoti on lu regard le Lb. Et. Lawrence. The tighi of uaVigatiiiîg LbeCoumbie. by Engliih suhiemul, hing conitima te thehledmn'.Say Cafpmmy, ami palsm.tradingg clh gîtent, cl of cour-m, rouae ib Lb eepiraion o e bmCompany&e Charter. Nuele ihe Tremty:-[Exsmine. Article L-F.os m h p. «te lMh par- &]sel of Nolantiitude, c9th e m bendary laid devra la titimg trmtiee adconvntionseh. tweO m atIbitasenditibmUnited States,, ter- amnete blinaoeofhoaiar-y beice.ntLb terri- ltie. efber Ditamelge M*uety and ii ilo te b United States, elaalie homntiuwd Weeicard &lng tb. 4OIb paralef of North latituade te Ibo tuidia ,et the clines clicb segaratea the conti- am$ ftrouVancouaver'& loimi"land thencaloatit. edct iromih tib Miue ofthe maaid clientes, and ai Fsa uaiat tii PalitOceu; rovidei, 4iesr, 9Wise bmnavigatiooth e :. miihamsel and *traie Bocii t lte49ib porassescf Nortit latituade. romain (ram and open te bath parties. Artce .-Treaathe poiet ai cicthe 49tb pta>all et NSlab latituadeabmat! b. fusai te inter. s e I l <eat Norheta braur t ibmfCtheabia"i river, Ibm navgaion f eet b.mii beanceb aoisb fie. amd open te the Iluialos Bay Cotepmeny, "i to ail British »ubjecte tradiang cat thibmsanie. le tho point cr-e il tucela ihe main tr-aam eut ibe Coluombia. and thrace desn tbe ami!maie streauatoe .ocam, cii! free acceme jame and tlireugb rie river oe rivermu il unien- stand, uhit ail tiBnal portage.&long tLblina il... descrilead, &sail isleo ganmelib (ra@méanl mp..lua avigmlîng lb. sai ivier or rismrm, gtU uiîi ulmet, it t hoir gonade amigicinue. sa oisletraictheLbsema tootiig Bas caisses. ofith imUnitmd Statue.; it b.iugbecever, semiar. etod liait nthineg in thim ar-imle ahaoib. con- etruai as prmventiag, cm intaadad se paent b Gevernmma cf tb. United States erum mking any tMalmtmmrespecLimg the 8avigationm of *b raid rivet onr ivet,, acei inconsisant eshilb pimemelt raty. Article &-li thefeite "apimof thé in Wm s estisi ofe he mb 0h paraSl .t seriksoûa. taie, a» prvslied 'n te L sti article a( tsiie isy, &Wb t al 1! 4 abu Z ~- OÙ laiî% tho upafien et tend or aleimrputy ~mmi[W cie saI leautwy ebas ie kW @4-Ibm (arme, el.a, otde 'n-~ immosy.,descriptilon. isocging le= lw dm» @meSAgricultures Coempany.,sa tibm Neat muai ibm Coluambia river, shah! bsecolcud ie tha salemupmy. luacame, bovevet, ibmpua. DaMS 49 "..ferme adlande "Id lieb enmiger. !!d iy ie id States eIo cfu bleor dp. m l'a Ci En tb it 0t là Jkl a& n"ÔliLU mm hmeva msi. gnimunmg < *. i ýWbeu nPoe. 'M douile ilisellse né m" limai nir e luido #hr. ien,nis4 w ib d? ttêest oqqeg, idtisaia UM a emsia e Neistn Castue.,dis u - *ew 11.1pmm M "' au - g- elbas fmîe1cshsGesse, cho a outiUsuw.r U & iba& 111111111, b& N s amhe air amttmmeeIlasdss inià" gc zWMW Smo Mncd* 0 mu-m lits- h mim bt W ase hoai dle Umth"i be u e.damh.ieciclwr c sh baserdm ffmute dml mi blihmar bote emas a e bu- dso i-% a e$- ise. hh 1. dim.ibauai OlW ~hoigabedq e mbw d 111 -rtst e sba&' 00 srwami 1ev w Vi 4amitroi, as% hi, aiablboi rItta pe bue<m ha ni tef Ta. IlAaVaeT.t,.Tm ona= i. pehe tâts in hUcai fer 2gmotinsbimporter la, psy aut abriat Wbms Ilavne erns a iss mc laite Mbande ai Lb Couiemi m qel te thie ce 4 aaoàw t eur.,Md WBahm e ea# &%amiai Ib@ mt deihe0on«ehaît iige Theit.r Me umal v.cM )wh m t Prisis »nmen asn-a dm9.511; end l i ali h o idty ormincb duel the Y" aandl udonsMdhed bmgr"is on".Collue ttot*le mamut aet isai mlsblmies i Mmc W W W»oi e e mmisitb, Musa,. llr dit dostma ù d lupes lb.dernvery wvklr thirty mi Caalf-le. Lb i@u4 umd lce hase hmardde, <tisa fourinmduitri(coucitbrigu IMMu a ,mflel Now Wb@m wiiteva. tabo W or ofea qumniiy equivaient t lesiae, hil euem op= leam ba oMethbu hateaewte faitemuuiOe. t.lais steL Imetêtbmo reici re mwu u lahiami.Tisa agilte, ahi s uce. imoat o<main, nspeitiélenlis mi belu e. m a memgle bu oit Matlgammdi aY bonds, man d#passaimsncb ba te bumoctedae du -M&M 8W bu enbadudn le eb@stuios bemi, se te b W theud ai au duly mas uomdiIoa~<Dtlmvm Creull..emanitai dWormbomalng Port, amdinl thi mari- l er previdmi fer by lact. Or the importe May ci Tue C»ms-Tb Wisai Cio u nog ivgie bond te the msacttn of ibm Cetlecor, iletg finsbath Cou e >tiupmtlary a um: la lnale. tieondmiiadsuffitiemi eurelie. inamam of qu Ope sud bMarpïlp e a I[y bey. msid iceca thealloant et Iomdutie. cn the mmm, For- et tiii ema a e.e,"m e domure Pair mers ibsaIL deaWb.t, a an peu sncb souriby bhoiean,nc mbut ,am ofaeosalamrele& mi salibLbe hedmmîy cf lIae Collectai tolearamit di malii a jcuirmit 31>gomil" b"Sab, md Dm Ibohssai ureige WheatI ie b.laniai soi cou- cc Ier a si%% u cepWal....l'terbereChiseataroys alnymnili cbich b. may appreve r ibatin xnly le. purpomn.and moi hrs ta ie fortîbiLt grenai itto h Te & - leur, and mtercards barrelied. in tb. pacence ci )ete emrionse lu agriculterai Maitere, a ef any pron thai ithe Coliec*.or- ay appoinitoug welon sqa te Lthe "inig noie ib fet&a s-Ovelc00 and tallea arouni of tibm em. nhirhfis rival tthea noveeat i ibmtheToonto CIV houa] shall hoecacullemiliugethe exportaion oraa &«m inlleWhi14 yen aray ho ister.ileg ý- cermiieueimgasuais leur undet bondint the la th y"um bug J" maime rouvisi fer by lacn.1 iàu " -: lth. by Cemati!,il » »& 1. W. DUNSCOMU, a 1@2L Cemvissine of Cuafeas l&W1nd. lItE BON, rIâbbHERWOOun i 183%, " 131à. lereeo, Jaîy Z7., 1844 a mu i1840.. lotih. BSîm-Ye'. have on seveaiocasionsumar c 1842. « lois, f tieait s*rons deiîc e e .ie fottimd cf i. ~ as, lth, canauxsedihwéeebetveeîu My loteM rlague lut. lth. in hegovemmnt ndmysolfe audlibrthtomti 1844. au 7th. ail yonr- ressortia on tbmemnajct, you bave eviije-v s 184% , 121h. ai a apir-i et tothoarance andi mlartîaliiîy chh c 1' 1841. JuIy 30th. de . ou greot credii. l'eu hase. however, a. r Il li sem ta la184, 841mm 183,premeiàa duV ftsecfor. custitniionally, i lus ti it arriaitd iffllarly, os Lbelame -tbe bu tinmy pover te tato Lb. grounde eofnu, remgia. of Amgues--It t is Ymer, thoelOisdy of Zut, tien Lroni h e mediumnifamnscspapar. la preesss ciii h.he irmi nec apeimene, oetItie doob Ic. tbetainexetent, participatis;- ib testar f et Iito,-marîier by amarly ibree bet chouait be oae o f the pronomtgervsrnen, coabe thin &ib.librs e arl'aet oetiLb gmt 14Hmsiedcîtb ieconcurrence, a. t bav. a rigbt Wi yesm-Lohle.prore, moiteuinuations ebicis -dent, te injure my political standing, ycu cet-c M2s.mastory D.TE.--On a& dihat, a not ho .urprimcd ai Onding me reme cut lai * 9 son o( W i la Krby. Eeq.. et Baclmabory. oasdefoeneeven ai the riait rhargi &sie the yareandeigbl menthe,.caua te i. ciLb a bmeatioftofficial cliquette. demlb ander lth olowingeicnmlie:_ 74y Wlaie'ttmr le the suIs, cf tb. Couierawuv i The Cili vam standing laertheo teeliglai.errntngfroe naby the umcortby insinuationail idioti p Papger, cîiiigietaimmer thonam neoely ente, but twice, ami Ibrice made, <it ho expected,lhe udionîy siappadhi t, and tai. Ihait hemaugmfged ie an intrigue eh it te ni. ling iote a itfb oftaimr, cald ealwin ima pomoneofset bgovanmmeni, cil!, Ibmvieli 4a mnat ehiag sfnur; smdailthongb nuedical tormning a ommc administraion ; tt iichar-go ad wa. proteply tallai, bie ursivaeu h iuty- have givmn aostnqualified entradicticu. Ni Ove bour-ilfe it the Springs. stistîed cith allocing themoteter te tetinluits - c'sy, the engaa t i he premnat ainisitratie Tbe fllocîmg are the semcîuding e*Imm etnhase chanait iheir courmm eftsutil, end lbaun ibm protumsý( iet Ua Stanleyyln chich i sevaial nom eisarged me criit bovins beu absentî fr-uit t etber pere loi. 4diaiibmthepannieg cf lbemy parliameniary duties ai timeu chon 1 cugka nlom Cr Lac ;.- te lihaie been c inlaiidednce, asa] cith baviig t 11. Bonnesmof te reunoval ofdif«m! auh. votai itb Mr. Baldvin upon Ithe civil liaielsmmIL ira lu (avonr ef Canamienmuoain ai varance ion, i. opposition n t ia gverement; and itib cith the legieiative eumergnent belliot te cenmsuefor not roagnie, chen 1 ceuld ne tbaiteloy by Parliament, Os the taih eof cbch rentiera&e.dW lsupportite site measureami pot Ibis coloneabittrae laid Ont large o smeof mtneay iymt e cabinet.Voilder-thrL ies rtnuatncg upon the impreeum0t f ismnltermai nmvrgandmofer oeter ceighiy rendos.e,1Ibase =maie ion ; and becaus.tthe sovmt aofprotecinci clamy mimd Lu asesune the reponsibilmis e7t statiaa c iveit Ibm frafit 0thebm lterier froti the Ki.Laa. one (if the principal grounias0ofcieagreeamee raceamnd lb. British porte of Montrami ndm hstoenicend , mi it wau 1Iii i es ign nu: Quebe, Iot ée igapuor t fNew Yslk; hmmm office at mne arier poei ibrocluf *ont of employaient a large aimunt or Oviug te the peruluar position in chicla pas Blritieshsppîng, s.sauingthb.counnercial inter. tee@ caeOpacedin lhe Assesubly, I felt il te i este manti 'atiasaiy c'aienbUniedlStatue01i ay duty te couprotoasa my opinions lu many in. Anuffrlcs. e*aph înim yil tmntre, ami te tale a share efthle re*ponstbiil 12. Deem»teapi fame ie *s et af ven 9npolar-tomere, raLer tha% dru ciii ragard te miller article efcosorme, cl iaffroni the resanmd uiov amyeliffirul itic tend te ever "bm arongetbond of unic onb. cm, cf tb. public buainesa; yet tisetha eusset WIean ietlau m bd bar celmnies, Wiitdepive cf ireaenit 1retatved 1 fait il erea.ary te ré.1 ibmt lrî3 nmcmt tIa bib encheameiale, limandmiagein, aaiut km cotim. mueut ceetimomrte mcd maib h m .eim oe, f suce. I castmeota moillner, i s truie, of 1(tIc ,bat colonial aysteluie cta i, oim»eimly cabinet, bol in ail quesaionend amiprtîtulaay mai pellîlial,, im 0o«" Owcen me" of atmtisceahina may, b. i!aignaled parliimeetey- prenant xistencemsures, 1 cas eîqnahiy reeponible weuh ail Liet pnemutexitiae.otiar memmier eofthle govertnt; an;md 1i natel INSPECTOR GIN ERAL'S OFFIE, 8a a igbit. te be conseultai upenai tiann beore tit CusttzaDuArmx a wr-e proposai for *tie conaldaraîleai ami adnpaem nonire4 ,Jul, 23.lm ofth Hus; ha 1gli au1 te Se plamuai in Notice il e mby given, tbat Ha ExteamcY a bilof vbicb I dii ont eppmove, or tei mill ai r the GeveroorGeemmiabha.beau phla oaeit p-. ppomo mî. ami îbereby tlarow embanraseimentslm i point tibm a.daiuamm i msud deabad 1icttUof the c., ot the gever-nment. Tbis natnmrynu Entry îJbc- litdast ffl-'9acIgu ceres 5C as danjeil me,--Lbougb bhead of Itie govesu. DooedjorEîujrwtelieu a be aement et meut,,Ibaive neaieon teo anc msaided htby daty, entiertibm povsieiu of the Act Otît Vitet claimmmntresemble. flore.them, mu alg ebaa. , ss.:emnimaprang mi. and hbailpuranei myocamn. llamis, Deiheumie, Geanoqime, Brocksille, linatioend mi eloced aty oce judgmeu1 Msaitmaud, Miameai, tugether cilSd ait duhy cou, sheul hasve neigned; but b, the adîice of inlay etitaid Warobonsia' Perte lu ibis Prvie. otme wi iliachoe 1hall the humur-te act ina ie E xcellemey tb. Gevaer rGemmirin haebmLegioîlive Assembly, i retrainei tronm doitit Coaimeil bas beupeai"tu apprevofshe t fo.e.-msaidcontionedin u my office.t lmviag reguhahîe. fer Ibm Giiaisimg in Bdmifa The nazi ubiet alpou hich iteumroely,1 Foeign Whe4 §oriiExportatlin.vithettiheson tir a. the citaracter oft" ibmgv .eruiet J« payumemt et dilenier theL. provision@ ef ihe Att, coacsrmad. cas the Universitylqustaion. ¶bc fig Viet, chas. I. advioere of leur-d Melealtfe toi emnivee ji4m.s lb* Cullacter of Ceaiume imam Port et En- fiable inuthe speech froentIbm Irone ai lti.o#n.1 ir, allai tmemse moin e mVPeeigaWhsmt le-in. ugofthe lirai eeastof 0thlb.provient Pslla. Ioniddte W gueucian boni feraxportatios, ai meut, inmreomeniig ibm oettiement, by etne amy port iuly eaiahbd tnfo thai pui.e. Ami laigialative ennctmont, et that diflicuili and vc$ad sucb Collet ial iselvew r attue te b. de. diuattion. ha puruanceof sncb recominaeida- lisarmi ach Feeige WtoumIolesb paamd e« tion, a billcwu inir-sdcasi by tLbAttorney <Gin1 tea snb Pertaim'duisa Bli ian 5usd <FerrE anal of Uppmr Canadma.una rglogemnent mns. Whiusli mies b.nd <vbcb eh yb.nd taou n-sure, bat mot outii sery neerly tbo clonm of Ib. otellsr itêlb Culede tL. Un oa f tyu or solsion. 1 v"o ietiairt au moeeuii readilge, by ti eiletea metLbthelart tdatiana. ead vonli bave ihen supportadilt à rot h 9t ay bmiatie n e muceetfth IMPUter> balit bhuanpurmermdinl';- bul, h.jetece le Lathe «iaie a( m tmaîCollecter futlb ar. te a large end 1sfnemnîalrionc yeolu rival ai e esy a(*"uesistiaign Whatî achento4aIsmesmi luegetulmg IL pbstp.m e là@ eotahlimhmPoruel itri.. amassletiae i, h a et seamoutu. de hibmiapr'ession. bocal'.. teteence te.thé ditaenmd ifeec bonad i allt it 'aoceli tien &gain b.shiought hiveri a.; bbea agiven aiIlb Port aestiimmtion. auni. a govermemmai miae tileusi. bo m de ithe baudofethL eeaier ol as-alima, sir. CAyi.y mailrdgmi ai Coeulome. *eoalet lbae t» fet atol"gdmue thevl errmfaett, Wcb.Wies knOcte lbeau ForolguWhbl bpassiledasdethe Coâeltr, na ilsmerato g ofsm ête Lb angePrpnoai- the Port cf MB"neaiWchiais ch Fuelgu Wbmat and Mr. Drapmu, webe d «raso. lnuem ilred $hallb linemeiudliai bhol &end or tailib, is buill, emloai The CollecteauCmmumet aimevPuni e( Es- te male t bule affquatist, te elub m a. iy aitsit PwegaiWbw **meb roe m i.bcae ofpalere bpocer fol umanceet ior es a lbsgsommtin la ai h l aier a thelb maue eel btiriamm, a ellci. dmchq ma" aiaite i epeter <mi hi.or thola hat the GesemnatWeald emeo MMeIlr.. m situéeieawhoal, aa otiiaIe *puibliy ty le.sitlk *mm bU» sto... sue@bis btal mm alalM b qeeait, for ca."twu i"ait: imaêuds et . lb_ mubasei a lS, by vchai vso met sudasn meps. qusmeda ibl moal e poriu chuniAchaos lieu,»t. lqiponPet ZX=m etti< m batsbiele M.Drap" gi pmpn W rWgfuscWZWMu Ba«4d,&W ilhvd y" oly the aiecn L aommu, MW a me in eqstevm *sie Im dite ndi Mr sh vi v. n u t b ernesgieta'ue m isa i n aebo ul .1 1 -à.iip" Wm as eama- p ofAtai,- l mgaagna'almul uh qéa ow mbte e -b 1 Ibmsf m a iene.e Fiodoý y« 1 bomd .dm Ld Meny ef My friande am [4a» soi, mmd a»Ch a e i kt"d As le my being allai lattle bole, iurne bais, Il remdîly mgmit. ti leen if 1plantait ; nid fersm myaelf reapuible le smy a excmpt tbe rspreetativeu 10 OVUB Constituent&. The:, u uMy laistig vol Win on th civil lits queatbo gowerament 1 apprehoud t mita incorreet Thimgh ta rnmant. lm the reloue» on rmedlli it cordi deaired, yet I am net avare ncded tavote againeta»Y I wbila 1 eMoffire, fordo bave dilrarod publicly l1op clisage« upon nattera cysîrament ODntnaocam. frauma ef opinion betweenil *"i uryseif upoc.them mtarpro Ircertain deepatcheu fr04 finstbtheau bject ofdM i dW o tivalve mny oppeai ment At telle closecof tbe aesuic day of il, 1 called and tooh 1, ey. ani empeai!d ith me ik in anti, terne (anda did ai au 1 mac o. thai morning) slnd a doloire on their part il oebel home e et aleaut neoiil ion as e ouvyed te me, by idactuof tamy kind clbâte very tnw day. afLer amy retu cerdan officiai communie, retary ly, conveyimg te lm tbanks for my presenceas1 ment, durmg libns.m ,bc &""ig li& Excel ecy'a reg lie. jimy potier te glas t. supporst tehie Excellenry'el if ildicative of confidence the viesa iad Canerai pouic conlidenti li adviset.. Thai tance. the Goyernor Gom 511cm e eunfronu ibeebligi office, aud Le permit my im from a, position whicb Conli îing te myseif, chule il ca incompatible with the. publi4 By the reicrn of post,.1I cI.Yul cocumumicatic l2tb mastant, 1 receivsd yen arn mil bai ciomed. The i the Gowernor General ha.lte wiih tbm advice ef his comm4 me no alternative, in joutie thee witb chenu1taCt, Lba ceillncy the remigmaion cf Generai for Upper Canada Sexpress aMy surprisetaïi ot conveyed to nie, chil. amy partiamnentary dulis,th of hie Excellency thai 1 1 Warty and Cordial support administration clîich in di and concurrence in the vriai of blm Ezceiienev's ceafides Il ie difficuk te mndersai the present Government i. 050 cluicb il vas original] miicb I bavs aicay. mIrenu 1 had the satreme*gratiical ibanks of oblat truly mmcmll Meicaife, fer my ezertione vermaient impon lione printi tbhecm MostiCai pe1iod of This, Sir, y 7 n fuail cer avare of. Yen knoc, and1 that your very exietenre a peadmi cloe itmhe aultcf i prenant Pauliament; am *ainly contrihcied te pr, Lord Caîhcart may be ignei stances.; but yeuand yi cors in ibm coantry ai tbm gielature tee, tan plsad ne 1 bave botter to 1 Sir, Yo* nmoucaeh The Ilon. D. Daly, Mfontre Teintha. irminated au administration. the conduct cau find but a vmry (étiole r braieoft toee mt chosea perînitted tInexlitop te th te atouhtsamy friand. Ibat I on ail casinsebc prepart Muy Pet in support cf th(. upuîn vbicb I enterai pi wbeh 1I rust 1 bave in me Your obeiliemi DENIR COLLISION 0Fr THZ ý BEC AND 10W] Il ille téhuiilantpu ro tbm detail. of a coliseion, a lite, vbicb look place on V iveen ibm InéamoinsQuelle lit appeaua ihaL ecn mlleri Quebet, on ber upuard vol of .erieg thm barbour et moment thm Rowland I The t a daoft thQnbet a Collision,.,'evmed themea lain cf the Rowland 'Hill, aoigh0 bmoflin vrent, au liea im lier. heM aen hi. va vRainuti. eimm ofeau SRowlaud min abrmmi be val, eauyag avray tiem tbm 81191, mmoi, lao.m sidm o et bmvemll ealcv u ta mmn. A 4« uc eme km Hal, wvu V. teada eumbelli te " by it iaN ont »mu amemagser ubem of àgcev. a* beau, futiam cn Tburaday ln the fureratie Of hli 'riîen C,- au beu ihmopinion ila Rowland Hilli; and that gaverai cfthie pu-i.- îa ccre du", , IAssenaiha4ei »ngeroas alanii tae bjetî nîî .1. liont vu brouillat ho.- The Rarme Canadiané gays Tie le.1 Irsume.forhi cht " Wm )osesra onta à passenger cn boardl bs D>Iý antir tàit î,rl ý attetio of OM-Qicbe, a fariner ef the Parish of SL Pierre-lem- Psei'(r,ori. the question te Wh" Imlaeil gîtaia&>Z-18et toeastof the ioiabilante Irîseil by the r"4re , R e h. rm"dee t h< ie pari"h peelbe.!nu shi$ . e f dt fr fivlner g tic re Illusion, »essai Jen Tiena sPopin, alastuaîîy T"ertfrjl .. i er eu~~ot in ive-emobaîf efiis bodyy ioII inta be ' theîîiî î, or Myriverandl the ather rem.ained on board lte Row. tononuithe1;.,i 13 c nwgiy mved m»edbyland HZEtiboth vere afterwards recovereil, andal ,a"d ýi,. mli hmeut 8me b eeto buseen on Ltso qnay au Tbtrseiver, on litocsi Jî~'" Oeilk»weihmlàs hureay ornimg. Anoihar iniividaualof thb. n'orices Ii ,ra l CIet, L1.I,~.î of things 1 I Seired le Rivera woia he isu to bchaîf mi Tîres th ouein the eath ent,au . mlg,ee h on ,..nîglî, but ieox2 homme va. lie co . . tam'. eigbitpesans faI te 1o imthe fin, anIh s, ul ibll vininm rvei.t 1 cbe5iîgl *Of be dlleis ofIlloetie, Iletig IL ronm le uc,. oh'Tbord a rt: . .wLre, -hoetuc'îicî medlYde a ord r«4Fruiey ceaing, 31si Juip stalmnci alIerrpdt " Sig man or mntet muent Aauas.-We bave ne change ta report ince as ae Ucitd u,î ana, o r ibo te people and Ocr lent-. Ioppcd, aud 1ihe IepFali l n FLoV-Tite rate@ obtmimed duirng the week Abo.., Il a ioe hed wdb Mr. Rad, show a .iigii iproveimentL Sale-I000 bar. ifatis. mai.d tee, c ei,ecdva >0,amiagins i Varls Fineeat 216i. 2d, 297 ai 2là., 3000 at 21, she - aioi î IL,~,,~ Lb. astmler-inmtaeli and 350 Sour Fine aetI%.. 6d. Pîixeal brande ofiselanfireal iehn0 1 ci,îl .1i t My uppoa tho gv. Fine tan b.e bemght, aL 211d. 3J1. l ta 6.. oher expee taiteiorie.0 baeaeînô,v. WgasL.-SeteraI mialî lots havm beeu placea:it r tv ba. I lity 1 could bave e aino4s. 2J. Io 4W 5. par0 " Aie.1 lfkth ief evoir baving ri-. Pauvtioi.-Very bilhodome ince core lai, captian anal ail billîîis 'l gcvernmgent asi except by retail. %Vaquelle Metà., ai 13 ta -adnditade fiehie et ii 't irecolîet v. tu $131, Prime nebs,î,aet * ten md Prime, t $'JIl'lieengties ocre ilaen frot anay ofintoff e argo, ai Si. Vieba-ie nu beard cf coula liian. 1 euested weu heibmamy tranaactionms. eainesan sd hmlittî ien, ihere va. a dif. 'rÀLLOWr.-%Ve bave te notice a sale of 30,- rails, but ooiy o'ln, i. Insmpctir Gneral 000 lbo., uti5,31-3 menthe-s.fur the purpn.o, n'o ' station te lie placard FazxonTvr-are mot go irin. 43. 6d.ltaI.iver- !Tlere mat :,n laid .,rnak. , so théi Colonial Office pool froQaiQebact ba. beacuaccepîmal. Ta o i. light. but lte bti u oa, 'uc ferentimi dutiea, beat don fromt bisPort. fi. 9..1.aiksd; Lo Glangnw. visible. A ~ maceur liLion te the gover,>. On. 71d. ; and te Li verpoeL,1".. &t. W liait, . îg b l Icdluh' . S!. te 10e. per quarter. Aaem. 94!te,35s. lutetai. suethavi tibrcr ' n and on the 1ai 370.-6d.exaltimg for thei,- lu iii crou eave of his Essai ton. EXCHAttox-onLondon. 8 te SI par cenit., 90 Sbelburne, lbatIL,, ileret, in ucb a mnne:sied days..Drafitoise Nec Yerk 14 per cent_.-The hoai returned. ad,l 9I ich of My celegue. [Ecoiiomist. the steamer, alat alr tii ' .i n1 as oviDed te myber off Thi&a "'ti&lie ili'd1,.u gi 1es»d oniuem ROM MEXIîCO. ced barkinig eiotiy anII ho remotestinltima. the seunrnî ov ' y ea fdea- Tin PurxNcsto.-Tlio telegrapit anneiunccvs ail crapeltIc boiiia, i . Iar ree. Bt cthi athe arrivai ofite besiai-rigate Pri Letoiaitt but eveatualiy backed dean ., irs te Terento, 1 re. Pengaitla, frotn Vers Cruiz, cllch site efî on Site remailid ilgiî ua i f i,, cation ftcmn Mr. tSec. tha I9th. Rer nawa are Lb.. repoeltiing the weil lte wuvdas i~. , » ie biExcelency'a Pareiles va. mtill at bMexico, net haniiigyet laii angine ponmpe guing. T.îy wi au cficsr of goveru. te heai ibm rmuy agaimmiGemerai Taiyltor. Ot soitiîcieared her cfiter. lae. Li ai ihe ane Liane te the i mtan aLteampt ai revoiutîon cas anade rnl b baîîdutiil'c'aîa n poet tha iti bai Don Lb. part of a portion of the army, at the capi. ]tme the bioaI ma, lb opt tuai hsmrty and cordial t! ua a oiiyapreiei b îîr.tiîelbaekîng off ïcl I,',i aol ut adeniltr&tion, chicb caquadron va.sîtlli ai Vers Cauz. The in. ~ ~ cetiî ,opr: ami~ba bnrmmeinhtante cf gthai ciiy are exremdingly hostile te on1r ur.: as halei u- a lrted ,,IL -y of hie Excellemty'e the United States, and are enirenta'y antriones afely eai liîfan aii', 'l Li înder m»Chtcireursm- fer Paredle te place himaecif et the heiid 0f lt@imoirnimg, lUih itîni. Au i,~ val vas repred taarrn, xI!iuuniab the audaclous Ainerctians. inmdateîy ilisituieJ, anald. eîa Lime amdI ciiec finy Wen thaPrinceton saiied, elle leur at Vara aiter carefuliy eiilîui, 'a ' »modisate cithairacaiCruz (rigalos Cumbuerlanîd, Poatniao d Rarîtan, ipc<ed-*q'laaîlier talse kee vu'.0 Ot butbmieembarras.steamer Missisesippi, sloops ni car Johbn Adain. i rarrîcd sui , er floe f.,: .* sai ibmthesame I md Fa!uaouth, brigs Suiners and Perny aaid soit.le.4kei!. tut"were L"u i ' ic iniereste. Reeter. dsto o lie u n t epP ojî1u l, Ie crieth filvig The St. Mary#s vsoffTatpirex and by etlieroîn.e e,. rl P,îIm dL ie, The civ. Flirt cas aIi the Ru. C'ran w ou id lie cnipee, uju ice ýâf i The brigs Lacrenice andl Parpoise mare daily sage." Lati "t1 na ei7h ue,186 ex rted froniPaenasoaCarpenterswr rxliarideng o, underJdte l. ani le bkluthade watt atill vîg rousily rontinued, hei ats e rp ~i elte pîte t( l e fl ' uait 'onundr dae o theandnet!ing but gibs Eiglieh "Mail ateamters aI. raieinjii ber bocs, lte ,iei ins wa nemt merday aller thecensi. Ieced 1 ab.a b c5amtae eaipi isII mea isExelenY The Faimoluth and Lawrence viii be rondînu. thon prontaiei eea-wunjiy aui faiflun thonght pre taire, mmd as utnseacorlhy. The frigate l'aomiewil dasy mmrninzaiîive I lc 'l.,ck luu, ý Pieîp ici 1 premmeIscaves aloelie urveyed g ber al. le Wrtfgigrnare a tt- Sins steven or nug4tla cliler aiilit ice te myseif amnsite tan. iheir placesavers îouauc'liaieiy ieiupetoib Ln te tenduerta ie lEx. The lime et tbm crew Of ibm Raritai,. basex. cor.. LIneei!, elte Icuad net icoinirliif a my cffice cf Solliita'or eru., ho cushci!taogoin lier. Anoition, ,,vw a. 1Imuet, hoeuver, PirTho barque Etigeeim, Cmpt. Be.', witich maîneil and relatîcri! tw lostun Ii Ot e nme nmation lla15 rte ratLe biurkade a few weeke ince, ha* been St. John, N. B., and Kastomi er',veil, mtil .a toopnon aiieced ta leave the place by lte Meclains, and tDr. Roberts, of 13 .tiiuoe ReVtlkena a. mwuet gîvig i ee t molestait by (otrmain of wcar. ef Walaimgton,.,,atîi iletril. ia. tue c laie Exc lAlève days mga lte Cumbaerland, Palaouan and Greenough. of l3,stuti. !0tais E e ronfdmoc Princeton gel under cayv sud driipped docain a he lHalifax Niorniig Pli istn hae21xa vs an geof aionfincethe Northward for ibm pur" oe f îatenitg.- lu givingan accounni cf ic ducaier rrîalî- nîi aisea. ic About une hondred eontMr men lan!ed in futur Saime ot lie pasperigerv, i tiait , i tho pî.cy c bouts, coder tbe <oaneusad otLiaungIABeyr et behani!, in coîineqaeict the accu lenit;' bu Li.ilemt atiy rate,' ayle vie Pool,' iciee n.,iâmbla butiem Princiuîaa A body et Merican infa-ntry, finietib. Rugit anougb for amli tiat arc bri,du. (licitr :an Iy formed, are tbome groumditetveimier, kept up a acaîtering tra circniaitaitce.. ce ihtîIk thec rîglt pitt îeusiy advocaled ; andio ou cr bata, but di-i.!no damage, exceptii laghie hota enana ine ther ilrgaret i comqtue ai iln et recemvang tho couni!ing one aof the Prineei"eoen. Tire the Britania, boîta te accmnuinouiie î.iîîi lent GOseno, Lord Priaceton cas ancîmored tu ha ore aiote trigatea, senger@, miid!ta ecuir, litsmost i uiiken n 1n ' eaain g bis '@ e-and etstho Mexicans appearedin iiauy noîmîber ilenace inu île maf,îy oathtritp ibnc Ti ipe duting, perhas maico nd et ha blI among iînt ici en& Ibhem agmrans, nwever, ktiîîîw biler iliitek mai Or pelitical history. acaaaîperitig. cmli di) chatinas igito. e, otglet te las celi The Vars Cruz piper, iin girimg an secouent cf -The Iitiiînia ire ttickbelrai tene, jou cla gue lomeri d. s affkir,. ays Lhey killedLise Aiuericaitotllcere rock, siid! guIoff by eliîftit, g MuOtl lbel Oralisessionon.fth1 ami! ifteenmna nmd acnoncleilges the loge of artaclea aft. In bac kingiu-ff lier mliii serti yen ase esh one lieuienant and ton mmcm. This ie about a. on alltumer rock, aeal aller geilieg ici ima nai:ne10hum asWouit. eur the truth as thoun eltoe generally comle. latter eble gel aopan a thiîrd roai iitu' trmi or theme ciucuta. Cmnipimadvcm (im Moile i. Lae______________ FOT coleagna., cWhoI'xIAÀCOLA,. JIlY 20, 14.. KI GS O IR L >ie, and lu Lbe Le. Tb* U. S. Sieoshîp Prnceîtlon, Coin. F. Eu. KENG T0N I ZLD > uch excse.. Ille, bha.inut arrivedin eport, Ove ideys tran Vers ýb., Cruz. The pasaea ca.torîny, with inceseant aGTt~TEaAAOl i hoad vinds. __________ Aient servet, Prsîdent Parade@ in sîjlin the riîy et Mexi- The dissensios vith@a ienîb'do II£EmvY Sgxaweeo con. The impreasion ja, as s au le havaes tho uhiiblrigging gotiiennt, and lihi dins teal ciy hie gover-immnt cii case te tisi. 1It va.entertaimedlîy aili partirsal vîiletuexatife &and au effort te effert a change cas te takre et publie affaira, bave brcoe$0 vo Dol5 r mmmcLiem cilla an place on the. ti iet. The gorernmeîtt gag*x.Soliiior 'Gaverai Siterci atilii àe t and policy et vbich cini cf iâ and alled in ail ibm troeavina voee uecessarto puiau lOieeipliOtiu'nIliîko remportes, even ini the undar-armm alnighL. The ellixcans feigmei as. duct me a meteher of ilie gevefrntilài uffea'ance k hbu been toituent aiit bm cause. The iquadren areaetaihe justifies hinself. of Coure tathe el"rpc hies liena. And I bel; Vers Cru&. The brig Pere-y lie.bien sent off hia coilcsues. He irmi adi!regcd a w a hall ai ailiUnise and Cape Aotiul ier pivaieers saiil ta be in ihat lie Montreal Conurien, il) mitîrb ahîleinli re tean rl viciaily. tard ibat hielhed net given thc gottitifO en pliiai prînrîp!a. ttc..dua.. teorilnu,.c,,eICm u r i' Jaiy a1. cordial suppourLtuhchi' uapeaiittio rea -ublie lite, and (rom Ganerai 'Taylor in mec encampeil eiLb fourt dnieil baclur ev engageal iâYIW instance departai. re.-imenîs, (Colonels Walto'. Davis'@, Ilatia'. againat thct. 'This litle ai cla reniax tY SERWOD. imdMark.) ail Alaamins, rde- catam a eiteil cmrînîty, andit gcms ihouiit ail servant n aks iuaaint, ndr apai iewo it i!begon ttelil tairli eal RY SHERWOsD. diButina Vista. con tbe bordera of a a ke$ .,îIstlaoi! des mort, and d,alsu f STE MER QU. evenen m i!«e uorih-weet of Mats tmr y deeds of tibmen etchu bai!IOcd f011 1 ,LAND IIULL, cilla Gene. bis office. The ustuai course esfer tlà "P nal Taylor, bai! mach impreved, ncaug tu ihe tfm atines te b. mede by the partes ~ ~in[rPa engrat bal c. ieco air thoy ijoyed, and spiendid encanupieg <roama ian Parlianent ; but a uuitidemi!.cîtInafr itteiedvil b 1c m. 09 hey occup" elprtle;. Ofdi hau MWî Alded"y nigbot, las. 'T' e e'.perrectly imnpuable forhepaart oiMr. îerdîgnticthaers uate oko ne &M o i ocsi Hillvbseled valiies, living ta ithe caimpy ai!, ioc- rare sbethet h.e outrngrd R.%pIl' D'e'a midighnt lbon tamer esejeesi!b, hibmmens le Uof r-an ch!lbi elaseof propruety nirfDot;ani! ihetOCebri iyage. wu ou the poqitreceiLaît"en plices. Ter car-e sDo sigaof ot'ho &iig err u u uIaii -rtaleRivete, ditthibm eaicn ecidiery in the viciuity of Camsargo. be Ci ILatleongih bu. resent fat lua 0 l, mut ber devari Thora vas ne exhibition of loeilily or di.cM. tocardeLb.goeannmenti,and ilst' vr 1gb lauso.i. ont- tant on ILhepart 0cf thepeople ; onntLitcstrry, asoigmai or cîttudraca (oai. This 'tier~ Lie c.ÎgL~g i gtLblia ceil averyytptui cf pleasua Limben totmd in another taluta., adl t iginli, but ibm Cap. changcdtmastera te country Watt uaataraitaMr. pîmnmîy.90 net anilpe d igltace On. ine 12th inet.,balerlite arrivai cf Lb Plad Y . eîl ry, andi! nuit t b1 adhM orcel miai 7 o o etcnui ele,thmat blieldreîadepÀnide:ait &y gsen mar ere,. able teaglise ugaitbey on alyvaedte go l ce im. ole mu grile Cept. Waiker Wbai atailee frin his xpdi h udititeremlara goaie h aie l ié je QWearbg t ibm ee Monteray, -ni doliveredl a report, chieh mds oubttahe Uicbtiol,do i larbuosimhiecoq. inasnid lae h ecedioly itreeing, 0 b oeeregourea loft but la kick bia entu- uheelho.m, hrm i thLbe ounry itrpjm hiîtb pouaslWhliut lb.irai cornilaiflt viich l e uit t mu m ranaer~a .T m s opr-bability etof ope.s oi slid y u. eeti.t i He le cm bebbd 9 cao b tlc e an ai! Mof tésAim e ch&t tbey cee sabmnitteste Pat la oum ieMW i t"e4 b i ami Lbtnt latet er adpoie etrulu sm " àtpOt< b act i-st a" le. mm Lb bueou l t" t ioevfa . aLba leunqmteafbl wbtiol~~~ C~ sulse',0< bmavamoxased u sedngm' t h .amertie alêha'bflOu5 ~ Oui10 omm umbre st hLb Cbint, vt liegi __1 su e t. .1tx ntmtinexiemd m _ _r-t Le tieGCn se ho ten en ep se blW4mt tMir rt te ho~ b aim. km" deo'tau cmi everU anid un c~aaabr Jconfam ch i sweelhay dMiSinghi TIc cavatry a Im opi 1,4* &ni ntlb.C L1 MOMeU n latga tï théIbmsubjeet, Usfan» sof be Col Ths tollacng extrac il oir ieoianis lpreet arugiid ethte Gangt anda]la ,là sera sot ecoduel i c te antheaie vlieom caii tu 4àoc hIe avi&Dee. ce nlorires Crmic5 Who %i à or *'î 1 inilctinaanl thea;coau. itha.Iju eo Jury, frent a teriteN ratl te b.crecra ilge. e. wu miectlf the blaci 'l iain oetibm gang. cni ,hc 'lite robeiion.'" iu M uisao envlumnea.! sudli mark. thaeOur eiuray ry aute trath u nm muhor ga iluml cine bui Camatiame a Rd ethe igfor Oremaà tcg baiw tem ,is mu t, crtitty Gretin. ami theue- u mooli! i!icmite pumtly aarhî Poig. Alpin. u ifdstia ce Ilsf ithete«b.ntie% Wu 5br MM nchivg tiser- teoi hei!fi Marebave bean mle Io Mmiene ofas et ter rebb.ri O(cm poisons chus, initho nint and Cce«dien, ar ! the onil case nlit eh à pirit cee diaPleymi, the Vi tbai thte 8frgof 0'37 i 0amîltreal. Tberà ninuailut Oftb. Oragu Ife," &c.. fur uic-y sahabit Ri I r nadlcl Prait . Ts utler,, ' b in Ofin 0<m politutal principle. or titi tIen rlmracter. ugba. iap Aid ai Who a»mure b ,!îbey taighitami t bama cbaint aleentmlo teim wa have mUamthimia & tifficuîî, lianehitmisimgrgi elcniîy. seis haboer ain aPmatld.ami goermu l. amind "eqeig ile 'UV. daet thelbpimagu hiae comM mdat n Wit Uo amhe public, cu.1 attit, evideàft., saut n'.y for ove yes c catrs ai. hdm mstuent sa l'h t rasisse, plisy aIr Of ec0, aibt tu th i riwMoý a Ip tW adel, bed mId e"m ie, W& Iepli .t4 e# t mlm nos iw ,01 i M éw