des bombi>' cenceirsi tiW Ibo iia>'în a u ammairce abd indeutry b>'ib< llIini metria ieisiuelsd.inte Ibis Colon>'fer set tho l.eppesive eo ftbich Ma>' h.--lie.4 b>'g Ib.*mlsing tablewbo s 1 eavsi ite"@"OntnofCeta dcl>' bici e> hupone pcn articles otf leoaga p<ed00l parudtetmuanaa:-1 ARTicLIs. Fimaeigti. rdish. D .s lbef iî'tior cr'diras par el. rce. eeî natter, 1% 1s W - 00 o candwsperaa. *5 a .et 2J fer y& 13 a eut 14 p.blb. Id~" cor% 'A pou t 14 50" C RoaMd, 6 pin s.*4 58 ai ~Fsbd:;î &hIipt.p .at2@ Wpchîied 4 r &P ciais&Gi'scarc 2W par cool 5 - 15 "i. Hlardwtare, 12 6 - 7 Leathe a tisent . O 5 a" Mlaare., 4qspeu ecl. Iop. ca't.7 Menssfac. Cotton. Linen,WnoWWen,12 31s Ipucet Oakum. 7 Free, 7@*etit Osi, Fik » 1 h e P. cent, 15g l'ork,sl or zSm '&2s p.- eht. lleiti Paper manfac. 12 per cent 5 per cent 7 »Ratl 8 lilms.Rom, Isporgal. Oipr gai. Omfp. gai Brandy d&other Spiila, 2-3d l sm hd ' ý ip Itugar, Rofiasil, &2pl oMou & Bai. 12,6d. p.cwtIr e6.p.ccl. Sm peut Sugar Canti>', ? .ce t21 par1lb. 20 p. cIt Wine, OlP.- mMV J t flOp1 7 Wbeaî Fient. 2 &p.1lu3îb. Os!p1906bb.2à p196 0* mail articles et imaportnot includeul in 1the sbeeie-tablé. there sn a proecioienl laver of Bril. itiba Goedi-, arying. taisa alper realin.m 9masil. As a prof tiat :.e'ilimrMiatming dotes ins. posi e tsa bu.rtins on us inàbeir nperationn il muy lb. atitd it t he amunW dol>'colocieti wnî'nr liem lanI year wusine Issu Ihan £104,U65, or abomut one fomrti the bu hois netsl revenue of the b'rovince <entve, tbroiagitlhe Cestont-house. a fars tuthicb pour Cuamoithes tiatanh1e con- cînstoi aI lim te articles rmqumreti for a constttp- liait mn this Colon>' ars in moan>' instances ebeap. e in freigai tt-n ioBritish marios ; andt ia. ticrefore, cur intte e emai>' coenprcis- mil b>' tiew oralion, je pnmventing eue funel>' resuri mig le 11e cie -peut markets for Ihe mspl. igof eutgants. Bol îeimnanoutitl etyi'tiua lorietl aflriis a ver>' inadequate criienion, taken alOmal mraof :et u cwictiCanadieun interesîs are sacrifice,! b>'te lacs@ te question. Tour CoîmmiT)ttes ut.- cf opinion lhih il tasreavonabie te assumai shah 11e ateount limai b>' lhe Cuton> b>' lime eperation of 1the digrèremmîmai dulies in qie.- lion, mua eniancing 11e cost prcn tof itîprlet giacti, s fully equivalemîl lu the ant ocf dtm> l6vieti umder thiitt viz : £ 10t,5.56-a coIn ni- loch>' asîti s ir as :hie Colmim'e cemcerneti b>' or heing debaureil trom 1the righî cf goiag ta lime cbeapesl marktlta suppl>' ont camuts. Ta mercanile menu Ibis deduction cli re quiro nu caliatin ; but furlie bnit ut otiera wlimo me>' Mnhbave givnathme suijecî adequate eonnuI. traimun.w*atas-adda! imiil arises fiomo iliha ia8 chisapea San'C50> immstane@ ltu bu>'gouda ia Eigand eaiba oaaasiterabie inirense tier the pei similar articls in foreigii market# pro. vidoil Ihat sncb incroasedo prico talil sbunlin an>' &tegso'aibh af&tunelof aiscriuinaahng dut> le- vieil!eno .ch oreiga articles. Your Comnitteen himever,. coutd i tucre. tuli>' la guarîla lhersaleiFmagaiont acnmcmnmruz- lion eft limir nitoties in, mating lieue oheerva- ti. 'I'be>' eprecate lie irupuaîlon Ibsttiese reinatia. are inteimet& ecash hume opon the con- ututis .1* ta. e lta.eCeuntre>t- uareîtie Celau' On lie coîmrar>, limc>'acianoclosige it unprie andl gratificaion îtha lie>' lise asuectisas otf btlie oeandl justice, convo>ouI îbrougb lNt. Glas. st10005 Despaiîcbouthlie 3rtiMatch, !in ber s'fer lu robeais unsfroamh e cci. cf the iatin iquoi. lion, as nmetas 11e Colon>' milmen tahea &at- plicatîea ta thai effeet, in a ta>' cmb b.the pariaiLegisature enuI rocognime ai lhe nell undet'atuot i tisies cf the peopls-meaningdoobl- loses, 11'peitions <roa theb.peuple oethIis Comun>', anti 11>' ddresaes ftrm itherbegiiature. Nor cao yeur Ciuammîltes iaamomntlenterlain a doubl u as th11e Ciicar> of a memoriaasi ebci e. feel, preseuited th&>' BioIard, reprsntmng as il duos themocpitiion cf a large tnjurtl'of lime mer- cantile population cf Ibis cm!>. il. The nROSI poing chîctiattracîcil lie alten. tien of >'enr 2onimmmhee tas the oxiotanc's Of dol>' ut 3». sterlmg pet quarter, levisil on A4q riran svleal importe,!'ie Ibtis Cuouu>'fut cn. sutiption. This dol>' in uf local enacîmneol, ii emusiecim it ith1eEnglidiCaaa C otq.;> tf "4%eb>' i'c, in consiera o'ý* 3l ' t>' hing imnposea> un Aimerican cheat. imporleil intuu Canada, oui corn tas atimniteil lt Great Ilritimmfuir emaumptian rPtlime nomnmal dot>' ul la' per quatter,. abile thal ot foreigi ncounirîes seaf, ba' 1he Cra Lascf 1842, sejecî lu s scaei dulles raaging Mrme te. ta 20w. pearepar- ter. Tlirt comamcît usiderthlons citcumemlanceu tas imt andl teasuinable, anti ioubties operaleil lutnlie bemeft toe Cafuadian agriculture k butth1e 1ueleislCortn Lw cf Engianil, aanctioedm in Jvc. laisi ait aiready>'referre'.lta mre perticulari>' ut ltei.rpr, cancois tiosidraimages, anti rendera il oamr Ont>'as gel ai our imteresi lu cali othe1 repemut? mia. 3s. dtin cquestion. Il cas nom iupuoii.-l air 1the parpoea tf creating revenue, butlas: a paiuts a *ntracl moiie sit thelb.Eng. lith 1mtheain r beanit flite Britisha I.attdunmnet; >-M cas rececîl>' tegeti b>'our local Lirgisin r., fogetifthelbgrounmls on nsbh i t cas origiinillu enacted, ht ilillhenIl Le mataseo, irrespect ive tif ai lter consiler. ailiona, for lime hanefil cf lbe Camadian ageicul. furi-bs!, asbaving thec c&cl et snbancing tbe valunea( ethi.pretioce b>' luoming 1h.e boastîmin lise Canadiien market, an opinion se ma'tallaf - cinca ai ecarcel>' le ment a retolalice. Il je acin.salslgedt Iat Iis Colon>' raiaeusa largesesurplus ai' Vbeat anti db., ugicullurl prodiceabia Or exportatin ; an& B.e s ouc of miWe sud comunîeiis «pemsoncs i snb à euas* tiat îVavalut of l.tho isleciftelb.e plusnuiicb àbw hote c.iperied ngudli.mthe val- useciof.te 1%te a, pindcer. TiasI bcbg me geoeeuiiy &atieutsa I o b.regartimilb>' seU-ita firbenie* saan asentitieti »o&ailthe forc fs e!a&- icn., >ont Cmsmiu« woino ild da il foule t0 ana trouine itaIbis Report saie~icate provil Iblth"Leei.noohiag in Cs. aluneSoumme l '0ti i iiti sh i" The folinsg ex. tracts tili show hsti restrictivo e> st ae-- ç .' b. coethleasproduceocf Asis. Africa or Amns. ( rie%. shall m« b. inporleirimb 1the Unted iKng. i i&toe bd Veno essin, in fovsilla, o&ups, unies 1 lb.>' Ile shipe b.iongimt e the contry cr wbtrb ibeeq$"de&reIbo e puduce, andl frotichb l.>'y arm imp.,re. i 2. Ne gonls talali e oxpeertet frote . eUni. r titi Kintgomnitba e>'British ti ssaiun in Amer. n ici, extep imn Enlisa nbtps.t 3. No gaotd Is shalihacarristi fronsan> Buimisha i possession te an>' cîber Britishi Put.easio,.,noir t trom -ne part cf amj sncb posessaion 1cm an>' otb- e or part ô et b.s4mînexetitîin Umrisilob ship. t 4. No roeialtlii npmîl iite an>' Buri.- ish Pomsession, le fereign shipa, unIe.. sorilha. long ltelthe ceuntry', cf n bch ltme gomti are lime i promite, anti from w cc 11e>'are tmportcd.îî i WhY oabould Canada haie husliitiîmed tetahie i os f Britisha vessit!Wbxt eqîivalent in c traile do.. Ençisaitinons affla oritmpensîte s hmi fur lttm ijrnomsectrction ? None,-ah. a suuly non. But your Comîmitter, averse t0e emaloying on- i @upportetiasestione, or te creamnig etimuln against a ciass b>' mers generai chargesw iii a seleut a fet einstance. ute n0e the fatlwsbicb i 111e> asiert, limaI imela.. arebigl i>'atjoriaus i to the commerce and tiIifars cf limas colon>'- t Pirat, as regardise unirPatrnal coumerce ; on in-. shtuing a cuiparison betwmnunî the average rates maf ire-gblt enrt e twtten lient'York and Lua. erpeol, chers Britisb ant i erîcan chips umeet i mn opema Campetiîen,-aîd iontreulandi lbe lat- i ter port. inm chicb case Britishi voesei alone are i permilteil t0 engage ithe 11carrying lriils,-tlit i diffares opeeating againnî Canadien imterei is cf aufficient nmagnitudtehoexcite well.uudei &latin for tbe permnancie cf our prooperit>', if thioe pprssais wis are perweseret imn. 'Vhs i fi ,z shotale wateithe cimrent snd averagei ratescf freigbt at Net York and Bomunmrai te- spectiemi>' for tli aittirce 'ears, hoting an anra e c. fAag gainal Camada cf 3s. Ou.cren'ptbW fFleur, anti 7d. curron. c>' pet bushel of Whist:; Rates cf Freighi curreuifi-omis onircal to Livr. Plouc. liet.Floac. fWeat Mionat. fWeai Pier iiipet q. pet bat. pie q. àmdl mdl mil a il 9datil Mfay 13. 46 80 40 8 3 43 83 27, 4 68 0 40 8 0 43 8 3 JeneIl. 4 9 9 0 3 9 6 6 à3 8 3 U11 50 100 40 66 60 100 Jl> Il. 5 0 8 0 3 6 6 6 6 010 0 23, 4 6 8 3 4 0 6 6 5 910 0 Aug. 10, 4 6 8 0 4 3 6 6 27, 40 80 46 70 Sept. 11, 40 80 46 70 2t;, 3 9 4 6 7 0 Oct. Il, 3 9 5 3 Du 26, 5 080 6 01-20 Nor. 9. 5 0 90 7 0 14 0 Average 01 85 5-114 7 IL13 8015 fi9 91 Y 04 pet b1 0 Opet b1I2k p. bimi. Rates of Freigm cnrrntfroos NcwYork te oLic. erpooldi inme yers 7811 1h45 1346 1 Wheel Flour: Flosar. IVheral. Flou. Wheaî 1 p«e q.PiartbS. pet 881. imn. qe. psu iuiul.j-. q ad id a id à ci a il a stail May 13,260 Od 1 a 06 2 308 27, 20 0 74 1 6 06 aBit O9 June15, 2 0 0 741 1 a 6 36 09 2%9à16 10 6 1 & O 2 () 08 Juiy 13. 16 06ai 1 G 9 & 23 68 27. 1 6 06 1 6 0 61 23 08 Aug. 14, 1 6 06 2 6 6& 28, 1 606 23 0 7k Sept. 14 1 60 6 2 3 0o7 28, 1 6 06 2 0 0 7j Oct. 16 1 06 2 6 0 7j *), 16 ( 6 26 0 8 Nos. 13,1 6 0 6 3 9 010 Aver. 17 11-13 0 6j 304 07264i08Si S Nom i.-Theue listr enrages ame Cuhject te e5 per cemnt prîlcage. Recaptulaiion cftlie abcre arrmgecf Frighhs. Plous Mortreni. rom.New 'Yrk Flour. kYheat. Wteat. Flemur. 1844 464 1 0 1 7 If.13 0 6j 184%S 4711.131 0 20 0 7 1846, 51f 1 2j 264 os Mean are. rage of 3 yeare, 4 91 1ir 21 0-.4 Exa . gîntCanada, 2j 81d @tg. pet 11111..1 fler- 4ag per busmel cf Wmeat ; ethmoali tround figures ta 3& 3J c>'. per bb]1. uf Fleur, and 7d! per buabel of Wbeah. The qusantimy of nvbeat ans! Four exporte! frein Canmadia 1CGreat BritiuîandI relans! turing 1the saine periotigras au fol lowa t- -Fient. 1Wheait. 1844 415,467 2?Ï21 183 1843 4 2J3 496.â;Y2 1816 310,675 306.939 it Total 1.168,3W0 9S7),-274 AYour Com.mittee in auIrnitting Ilmese tables, @'do net miren,!te iipl>ulhah ltme rtle@ cf freiglit a goal,! haequalizemi freun Mantreal anlNet rYork rwpctively. by tIbm abrogatmion cflime Brut. !@ isti Navigation Lanni, but that Ibe>' secslime id sîcorgeit tessons te inifer limaI a great reduction te id freîgit at Montreai miglît safel>'lha calcuisteil le upnnai s cecenssr' effect. in'The rumainer mn nsbmcb. miese lacs, in conner. lg ion cal-b.tlà-iepriial dutieis crampour tInde re wt imîeigmetalte, scb as lie sugmar pioducing :Lstatles cf Cuba, Vurtc.Ricm, andti he spirit andt acim protiuciuig cuntrieu.,uch, se France, Spain, ,.anti bortuagal, ail lueur depentiencues. mugmtlha ih-me expatualeti upon et great lentmgi andl tl jrmucm cileet ; but yîour Commitîne forbear en. ;n elring upo ne Ide ailsheme cf mnjury andsolwoi ilu teIti. 1.oy. haing apprelmensine of thereby r.exîending thiacî Report ta an tsnsiels!iy mixe. 1- ne instance, butreven, mn ia>'hagit'en asian il. lelustration: iuer supplies (Mu Mscaade Sugarar nt a.ebicill dervn., fruli tihe Spaniah Isblans, but b>' thme Navigation Làte on gbmcb te are unimati. vetng f tel ncommodities caoi uni>' b. imporh- ai ingBriliib sip or abip. et tb. country' sn'ere genil s neprodaeed. Spain hbu bat 11111 a abspptngnd nue slitable ter ounthrad, uile eu s ebotiter on hai mbi.are freqenl> neoIBritish vssaI for chenete o fuetid in thonseadands, a0 alîbongh Unitedi Stales remsi mebailniii' abendancemte conveyimaagar te Canada ea aut la sequieno. 1 The Canadien marchetmaitiscompel. es lied te preiceed le adislant port te look forsà ae Britisb vassal. Bsving feurmi coli hongage. Ille onet fuorntr CummniIseleracs out lb. probable causaetet l.comparative ChoeapiOr. o Uiltd Staterovr Canadbien*sas. TFe r dut>' is sceomplse inla aî le heateniomn cf sur Boart thiee eeityifpetitining for the ait ru- galion of tbe laces wcicb nrcaiine lb. evîl anti prevent ot ravaiiing ceseves c«f ail 1tie aiiin. tagcm cuica nature bai libeaisit>'plvre tmhin ounr masch, le lb. possessn ofilsmcnoble a streasa i lb. St. Lnwri'nc,. YlurComm îîltee are per- cl> cnnsitimelerc. horngb investiugation, ninutie crurlatiians, ans! naiure hosnh ira ia, ifier out aîîi.mun mauma of coin cuii i'a on are 'imtleteti, chei vesseol. capaetl of currymng 3i3 brisof %)osr andi upwards ra is>' uu ttti mut brenkiiug bulk front lime Upper s to Molntreal or mime outeai, nuthiig but tht Lesîrie- miosi mmnpetiupon us by tlie Nanigafl Law@ on qumestion ran oçerale to prevonteut rive ireh. ng time ebannel limucugh whlicb lime great bulk if tb. Western traite, balle optards andi cul. carda, @halllha conducteil. Simil ce, imon. suffer lterie is a1 exîst githont makuug an ef. fort la gel lmemmi repeaicti ! la il not our dut>' 'aube, iteappeal 101the tomumîber countryu t0 relurase um tram theinon 1the plies cf justice acdiliner. mliii>, an eut proiperity is obvîouîly ilepeuidant, os gucal measurs, omm such hainz accimnipliahati wilimout the leatteilela>' 1 Viur Comouittee con- ceiscli that tisi great reformi caant ue ton frequenl> brougmt entier lime notice cf Hem Mdajeatys GDeneuitt-.eveuy olimer eonamer. ciel refimrm n sindlîng into inisgniiicatmce naien tompîre ithmlthlb.repeal ut ibin estaruchtive aws ruinou,anslime>'ate shonale aof tb. aout intorests of Canadman intimmtry and coin- merce. V. Tite Procmncial Taifalso, il i aatib- Iuel, premsant man>' anomnalies amnd palpable de- fects; but your Consmitîce are cfomipunion tient frotte libu v.,'> cnuprehensive & complicateil oa- hure cf the questionsitiivoived in lIa coniieratiman, il toulil bcemare advantageaus, as ccii ai con. venient, ta renosereit fer 1thesubject cf a future Sumniminu np Iben chat han been alveal>' aa- Led in tietail, >'our Comunitte e ie h highest ressorts fur urging u"pon ye e messil>' for imnasaiate anti enersgetie action, b>' Pelitien or othergise, for tb. purposo of obtamiing relief fur th1e trade cf tIbis Colont> frottaIbm varions reslric. liens le cbicb vonr attention bas licou cmile,, anti chict ia>'oes biefillyrecapitulateil, via :- luI. The rspsai cfth1e biipriai Dafforenlial 2nil. The repeai efth11e 39. frontier dot>' on Amnerican Wheat. 3n'i. Such a modificat ion cf lime British Nani. gaIoa Latssas tili leave us free luaeuuuplm.>' aI ont opion,1the cheapeat veesie can procure, cheîber lime>'ha British or foreigit. And!, Lasti>',-The remusacai cf ailtthe restric. lions limaI nec operahe mgaiost 1the Frete Nasîga. lion of th. St. Lacrence. Ail Uhict inmirempertfuli>' atatmitteti. J . GLASS, Chemirmcos of CconmiUee. Ur"LstcfLOs>.-Tso iaiaiurers enaployei on 1the Se. Laweurenîce Canmal, at Marmaîrien, mel nvith a suilden deatb Ihere hast teek. leap-. penrcethat tha>' tere ium theaoct cf uucletinmiiig a batik, citen lthe carîla mnhorlunauel>'gave gay anti cruabi â e e ali&.Tme>' ere boîb 0 entmm a bore a guod cinararter frrbanes- t>' anti subriety.-[Cimrnwall Obsermer. D R EAD)F UL OC C UR R E NCE. tOriL EttEoTS OF DROhiKENNis. A destructive fire ans! tie loai ut a ie, occur. tel et Mark bani, t11e eunicession, cn the St11 incsan. The Dweling.hmuse cf 5Mr. Davîid h.eake, s bugbiv reepeitabie farmer, on.etoflime original setlers mn Ibose parts, burat tlc flaittes about Inso o'clock tlitmaiciuning.Trmo >'oung men Iietib>' Mr.Ileak-,anti sloepiuig Up shaîrs, namet WmHliam Akmmaom and i îommtmn Buxcon, gero arosaeil atth11eaime momntai, amis perceise. cdia gitI iughî, cutioul knowimug ebence it pro. ceedeil. Wiîkmouî nsamlmng ta clol 1e l]meuîaelves lime> tan docti clair@, antîllure fmunud Jouhn AMil. ler, a snofNts. Lcake b>' a furtuitr lmusbaoil, iying mn a drunken adomnher, acroan tth- threîh. hlà waiich, mblvimlet hie kilcimen ttc nth- panIr>'. A coidle s-la shîliburmuin>' hatua-eenlîv cf tise panIr>' sielves, mandbail firedtihie opper ene, ftm h-ethlimefantes beticaugmî lie shingi1 ofthe rouf abise. A part of lime buu:mt ig 4;l tesnd falien on th1e fl,>or, sol igmileil il close 1a Mdiiier'.i let anti legs, chicti acre machburnî tithout atiakmng bimn. Th1e Young men mriggeil hinam ite eopen air, ant Ieir Iext care itas tu gave th1e lises cf îbeir olil mastor snd mitiress. anti ut a fonisie servant, wiîich imbu ilme recul progrous of the flue lime>'bail seimediicut>e mn dtmmîmg. Attinsen appeared Vlientale e u n naving nseaof buecnvetprepemi>', as lin tan bark taoimeer hatooi; Themnas Buxtomfullowed'miniti a viesv uf asama-ing in cumaiever be imugieh do. mng. lie sans Athatason cuiter the tuoita, amnd lhe doccta cloue after Iiti; be openeti the dent, tu facilîtate bis reunnresimd 'as mach buruit b>' lie flaîncithmich rusmet euh. Perceiinàrlime Blaire lu hae on fire halowâe in, andl fanmmmg b. bail imeard Atkinsanon hoen litte tiain m opes of fiumuing tient Aikiimuti bas! escapes! Imy tlima ms>; thcre was, itauever, nmi e uarance mft im, andl the for>' ut lthe cunfLa.,al retieret ail titougt îuf asdiihing bttr vain. 'l eighbuura, cho bail nos' gatmereti, srtortaisedthelimuetsmelanchol>' anticipations of bis fate. Tumeir efforts cors genromsly ans! clJectlol>'diecteil te quench lime flike. cf lire gbmcm msonenîsrmall>' fuil on a alack cf sîrac ner aI banil: bami l iis igniued, aottsing ceull havi savei the large barn full O valuabie corn, 111e Ptable@, &c. Cetuaiuerintmglb clLii vicmnit>' of ail lime bueldîngai, an! tb. ex. tremue lr>nss et ever-thimg, ilet iomîderful limat an>' part mfît he proper>' was savei. 'rhe entîre ofet ieweling-itonîe, andti Iticnlil'.cenda ci cool ptied chose b>', cere consumel in an in. credib>' short @puce cf tinte. Mr. Leake'a lois i n estîiated t aI3011 dollars le guioutul iîil savon o'ciock mn lise mornim.g Ihal1the neghiaiars, b- thrncing wter on tlbasti.., charstie> meat empected 1tu find mometingof pour Atkin. son, couiti all>'helbo mat cufficientlyIo' e earcli for bien ; salen lime>'bal hacoenableil te de no. a truiy appailkng spectaCis presenlet i teif, cat11. ing remamned ti ol bu t a biackened portion o] the epper parI cfi ibdy'; lime tost, cilti the beail anti limbe. bail lot nouavestige Imohituil, @ee a tewe seailfragsaneetfcalcimoil bons bicl rtWire aftortiardsdsceveremi; Ibisreliaecet bits r wa fend n tle .colle, cher., hoMnt aveai i len Lbrouglh titiIcfoncout at11e>' tisseae. mum.el. letinhatuen that ho ba" a cosidermbn anut et e>'e, basies »arbtis.fer Lciher valaiahle papera in bis box, andtihobraecas hue ne doutltaI lb.e magenideoftheîluaechiai litmetidbasadrove hbIho allempt itm necou. Lr>' ah every lihuard, or rathor prevenle biss front 1m*elng lb. drmadttiuirilh a. s ususio;. Ib Ibis aertale ccislion, tIoVictualsent bar.1 isg W»smn iIout. b. cent litute .panîr>' fora lb. V 1p e f blpistg hmmelthlb.deumien emle'd hah ta teinamollatey a valum ai&Wumeful lite, andti1e propatl>' et bism oen bosa mad trienile. An laqueist 8 heu Ub.neustn di>, belte Captain Eridgetot3, antd a rfite Accidentl Deaib" reitirneti.P Muilot blunseif le la alver>' precaions condlitio>i front lbe injuries suihiiaoiL--[Coltnîat. 'e , irsam.1711 Angueî, 1846. WusVe e evisîleil hu>'a bese, simoceaiof raina >'esittia>', actanpnnied b, limonler andl ligtt. oing, a hutte afles lîvo o'ciock. P. M. Durtngr the imight of tho arorni 1the iighîning @truck a a oatn halocgiog 1a Mr. lobnaiasisn, near tiis vuilageanti aiment inatanl>'tlb. hoIe haro Ria. matelope inlefiamest. The ioigmboemsa.m se- wî alpossiblm apeel, anti rendered c ev1er>' Wtasss nbilteit pouwer te mavo the tivelling bouse. Wben t11e tire finIt brele ont,o tbe wnaIcarrie th 1e sparks andl picces oftÉhorn.s. ing tinîber lnatoilbthecellmng bonse, buo mac inte thelb.beae>' taillot tain ait lb. lune,lime>' mimd no diamage. Mr. Ramsdien cas lKacdinir tienr lthebarn. thon il cea sirucis, anti receive!i s ebock wciucticanseil hîm tealto rrunti several1 tices, anti almoat alupiflelbinu. Slotus ag.1 gesa,harneau, anti othe artnmerble articles. ceret saeilfreth 1e bora ; bolt1the nvole cf lime harno anti aboula, sauim aboutlmin o biutofha>', andl ac quanîî>u of onîlasbei ch.stt e-e consume!.c Thes los. supposcil te b. about £200 cuirency,c no insumanite. Forînnatel>' Mr. Ramsdien bail]a quanlit>' et ba>', lgelhet tmîb setne cheal antij est. cîacked imn the fiel,, hicti oscape thelb. fire.-[ib.1 Earveoh is aow mai>' over anti ltse crrps ila Iti part of the contry, ai cie buve fs-etrlime reporte! 11e>' premise! te ie, areunususil>' aimunilaoh anti fur lime mail part ccii got in;i slti lime exception, jrbab>i bore soldtiere cf1 Bore SPring titesîs. bn view, hou ever, cf lthe1 muinous apeculations oft]ly>ear, anti the cas. t ino.,! depressian te ha anlucipaîec n mnthe Eng. liesà grain market, fromt1the foulldevelupeimiont ut lime trie traie tsllac>', go fear Ibere in. uttle prospect cf our fauar reaiizing an>' great haus. lit froint1the abundance, for on raretul examina. tien otforexchnaeîpapiers an imnqumirteOf man>'litie 1 rba ei Lte anada e findlpio ecrychere tangmg ex, reme>' loc- salli> ourle.for fair remuneramon cf Iheir la- heur. Tbe. umberîraie, lkewîse, notnrithana. in me article vtaie an improving ilemanti aI imome, 5etlthe lent accuns, continue@mbtiee, grievenîl>' depreieel, bul Ibis in maini>' altribu. table te an unusus glut omath1e market et Que. bec, frein over produmction anti sant of vessels 10cl l taca' ; su îbaî in tiusimportant brancit of Canaienocomamerce, ihere in reasortntlebhole 1the pressure cmli pruve bot lemporar>'. andti lma thce epartIe, cime raolin an>' t a>'inage tu hoveer tlI 1he arrivaI ofthbmJoli fueetl l >el ohisin ramuncraîing pricres. Nul se in mattera ot Agriculture, chers1the fieuld of competitico in fatculer aol more favourahl>' iituaiethan lthat cf Canada, sabicb i.n eet l sik. iîh natu. Lri sud anuiicalibmpedlimentm te ber progreau. hibrewc entearsmercis cf unassinteti immpresue. mitent cîlI ha foon d bthlong sol lehioue. stnd our farinera cmli ido caîl, theretore, lu hand ait ionce Ilmeir emergies la 1the labour anti maill n'sbch cati sioesnons insore lisen ulimahe prom. perit'. .At presen. 39. par bushel for cheal ani 2.tor rys are 111e otse prîcei uffersil in Cobourg,-otber grain in propormon, anil front ail ce caîs irrn or jnlge timers ma iutIle chanceocf an' nateriai imopreveunent Ibrough 1the cumiog winter.-[Cubourg Star. KINGSTON HERALD. 1,KUrGaTON, TIIEiDAY, AUGSUT 95,11114& Arrivai of the Caiedoniaa 9TEOS OÂYi LATER. -Tbe Caleumnia wtailegraphedlaI a quarter 1berote Il o'clock, yeaterla mortiogi limiru>' mies out. anil arriveil at ber dock at 1* haore 2, L.makmng 1the passage mn 13J tdeys, andl brnging len days laler intelligence Item ail parla cf Eu. rope. Thme Caledenia brooglmt 103 pasacogere fromn Liverpooilte IHaiftax, lefI 21 limone andti ock ini 23 adîmîlonai for Boston. Total, 128. d Bv Ibis srrival tic bave ortfiles cf papiets, London to tb. cvening cf lime 3d, aand Liverpool 10 tb.h 4111 mat. Themstmler Britannia arriveil ouI on 111e 31st, mn lSd>'s trou Boston. Thme bIlependence anti a Waterloo bat! arnbved et Liverpeol. 'lhiers cas a steal> deinetfor cotton et Liv. pool, sol prices coe ever>' frin, citb moins len- lenc>' 1tativance.Forathlie ced eniling lime 29t of Jliy5 the sales nvere 26,»OObêles. Front e ui>ly29 teAngint 3 111e markselt am closeti on 0eacceunî t f1te testivilies attenilanht upon lb. viait cf Prince Albert. Titi aales on the 3di cet. estimnateet h10,000 bales, moitI>' 10 lie Initie. )fThon cas net mucb bing in 1the grain mat- kets, ibm>' alto beiog cîuieti can acciountcf lthe nisit. Whesî bal ileclineti 2d1a 3d per buchel. soan leur Sid par 1111. Tthe ex-king etfIlolland, Louis Bonaparte, Cant de St. Leuandso father ot Prince Louis yBonaparte cho laId>' escapat tromm te rtress cf [lindieti aI Legmhon.uofpoplex>', en lb. 24th uli. Henvaî mn bis O7tm 'ua a Alîcoal oncetibole aile outbhi ur ie f in fille i th lminute andl copions iletasil of iutcoAlbert'@ vieil le Liverpool, saboeee ati e seeral nico uitt1. ipeecheil, bresakfauteil ttant iineil, laid lime founnîtioen 0eto a nec ,aa'oer' Hume" anti maile bimsebf ver>' agre. ah ibe general>'. 1-Tieinf liamilPrincees" cas christ ned ictb great pomp on 111e 23î1ofet l>, s 'iag.1te nane, or naitnes, cf Helena Au_,usta "toria- Ths Court nensarnan takes greal pains le imopre.. il on 111e minI cf the people ibal l ie tt nantI 'yHelena, uiit 1the acceet on 111e local 5>-hable, anti *fltioHlegna, as some lmtc il. àTUE APPOLE Cour bas been ver>' mucit injm' 5ud îttrogu~ tan>-parti cf Erpe, sot n1 Engianil il sfirn l bers ciiieb. attu' a gaeiairrati. paperdtiot nce ltse Ofc eir Geore lura>, laie Monte - of!, n A v« u scotai b a ed oeofaid areud 1= «Rn mach dmnein Osery direction. IN PARIiPENT. i The praceeiegeof tlb Uritiot LegiWaum i muse lie iaslarsîsbprenaulnt liins of eleil. Iýint isnleit e xe on b. m 0aa i t MWuevGO. v riement; propmealLtbe sattlieumnt onithelb .. se ger..q usevem cw» ffaitlinbeogIbm Ingi; but msone of Ibi stock argumentas wcre flou. car aburdantiy hfusilJby alil the îppuîuemtmof (lime unji-11 Goveronent acheme ;tiîough moire reilance h1 ir ,u'l vi piaced on tIbo very opposie clasecf argru. i e mente mn the planter instente. Pure anti.elavery l î. wus clearij at à dafssnt. Il share of Lts dis.usion. 'bymyh îîidceli e* NI. ie thres selmoni. tOne, furor n oSir Joimii pre-eor.! t, . Ras Ridm!*puite. crie,! outmi utter %binmetl lhe At> e, seieme; but this section wua in a mimority. hole I Anîtber. wtttiMr. Pbmip Miles, deprecatûd ex. I I chil i' c poeure te comoseition, but ma uc re ettphati. 'lh'lire .Lia.,ý caiiy insistai! cmv compensatory iîtîeaaares ;thoug ' ltthli not denving thme pliical necelomîty, bmmt rathm'r (4m0, ij,i %U.t.: isiyîngan admimijeoe f Thi'e tird eechîîu, > O. u wth Mfr. Bernai sand Mr. Barkly, fuiiy admoîtted -.11 the u e the necessmîy, antd cucecntrated tieir eoergmes on S l'le .>ellitoiîea > a demnand lisat the firen trade ahouimi lie made LitIIOI t rte tior, comiplet,- .ilemforLai tiil aslagemnat the West te rabie e.t Indiana. s ta, by fartIhe isusoîit immlenta ah, lrnu, ecin Vf est Indiens ;lt lias taken u u i esaiu te b ~ a etrong grouod and moey yet exturt a fuler mes. loee sný, u, uire mi justimc. tUîiltrt.Tî Oppmostion was expectei frisim the East lndit. Prîtttà1,b l f>iiil ans, se neti stogar-prodorers, tri thotn protection sorie8noivn >-î hall ignoe promiseil by implication ; but on their th2 iisitlgoce arrivedt ' part Sir James WVeir llugg betraycd tua alairms. pr-sentaive. hai jiasrrde r4 indled, lhey arc ini no bad position ;nuliing bas Iillrevivl itlue lau ti T betm taken from thietau froin the WVest Indiana;'llime clton loarkeLa they bave abondance mil labor; andth ley have a lîrtce can Ilardi, te eý,, tlu I constermption ini mldix jîseif whicb pronms tui. teess a teter i . te pi, creaie as fast asutteeimîppli, ; eotirat tbev arle mio reartied l,li bleîàýý ilependent on pr.tectios. ()ILigtute » 1r Il irmelerais tîuk nu »Pareto grounil. Mr. pîpuiar Itraticlu ,l I v.ý- Hume, wbo id unilerstood to hUve Wst inian liai diseu ea,îta0 a connexions, mpoke out stoutiy for fres trade-fuli United States. free Iraie-fre* admission for colonial produce, sSC L'E flou trale ie lator. ~iu>>, mr On th1e wbole. 1the debate vias vmaisactory;y th1e iountse cf Comumoissboroughîy adupted, ilanocm he 11 resrnce ' " Tt,. Ibis sow branch, 1the principie of free t rade; atîin ronnesafîten ilvte th1e sanie lime, 1 bore was a privaient d'asPosition u Eagrl F sairzm îu ilmthe 1r.1e. te rentier ample justice 1te1the coluimîts ,aiîd îpEtîng 111e LrdINi,Erdea: ligure gai a ver>' intlligent view of party rela. choiera fil appeilued ien>. M tins f Lansdiowne "rplied. Ai. 5>o On the 24t11 of thes Iouecf Coin. reaclmed lthe couliiMitfl;e it~Ot Min4ia Mr. Miles, cf Bristol, nsoyed for a select îurte eeCtsLdait o commnitlme 1 requre ente the circsunstances con. hrtewi cnud.1 ebv neced wîb11 ranting of 1the present contractel era neical ger9tillernen t.. for the conveyane cf the mails fronaft g dIlanif te xeinceih@ltulit Wait t Haifax and Boston, and aiseluttthe cireunWusta.dis sut ite bilal b, a.t ces connecteti with 1the granling cf ail 05W1 or hlens m wbîout. ibe ~r thns extension of the cxisting conuaet for dis elmas ocaîi ana!mi al; 1a, .le.,[ anie purpose. The botn.isinmber traid,justice lie bail net met Il iha rge bail oct boen mone te the cnmnpetmng prtes on wuc nîiacl iep ecet , Ibis occaitoitIe Great Western Steain Ship Hle cerlainly badli Ilt cai-.. Company>. wîbexsan aoin ade. SI Il. >elbwis obebalf cf the âlaIeMinimtry, y ipeaus le i lia explai. I l In 1839an attempait vras made te eîîbi bai assi ilarily tle i. r e, conlnuncation by énstaam aunth 1e Atlantic. plese îîîe Ile lt0 limaI dreadilplague. At lisattie nu second party pt in tenders. AI- Ro-tÂtiTIe Esv t.. r, tertiard ICo tenders %aore put n b>' 1he St. Eeei1 'act-e! ie oft George's compan>' andi the Brussels coîîpany, rounaîîtuc sud nouaiu .t ltnisîer cf wbîch fuiiel 111cm contracloas ii..LetFrsr1l u tilleul tenders Iberefoce fell.tgo the gruund. 'l'enJonS ,cI}r i i , Mc. Cunatd mails a proposai ta coiîvey the mails boating îuu nLite le' froin Engianti te Halifax andi Bostoni, andil as tum upsel,"aîîd i nci tire Halifax anti Nova SCotia, AtLisai tunue nu Prl.'iealliby cliiigiig te h> ' i posal gai matie b>'any cobler Party. Tbree viea. Uer. msu a 0V-t x,ým" bels tere Iben enîpicyedin cîuîîveyîng 1the mais, tuuîglilde!,îte andl aborty afler n sas fuundîti îat Iliree vebiaelstuemili peuuiiedit , of 300 borneasowte er il col sufficicîmt, sud thaI it dxoiiaîî'te four cf 400 bu. me poler touli 1e iecessar>'. remutes teck thme tt~>~î - lise daifculîjes cf navigation limte 'Wsinter case. bais, anmii]a nlr tt . cd th1e necesiary hange front lhree vesacla cIntCloluIiugii, a ille>0tr ~i i* 0 300 horse power le four veaidla of 400 ci racirimlimhe vi lieuu-11u'0,, ,u power.In coneequence cf tiîs augîmentationi, ladies arecN,-s Sa ,, .'r * £8l0,000 per aninoitaaiagreodti u be gileti tuersu, andîthe Nitrie>Il>t, B Mr. Conard for bis services. F 4, lie (Mr. Cunard) agreecin 1841 ta take the > F: ,uuA N», mails te North Ammecca îweïsty tLimesiii 1the itLiT year. Sborlly befestuaI a plan tisa ettereil The dissension auloirg tluh0>i. -, mto, of conveyicg the mails lu North Amiertca, bas guoselitu anorpetnriu.Mis andl arrangemeote tviilesmade vitbllithe AtiuîfcruaiOBin a cull eelî >. governînent fur the conveyanCc f t111cm tua tue lion,. wîti tie luîmiee of itt o ru Bitiish colonies, as il vraisi mors convenient tIParty', after a iao.davs irarige'%% M btn COOV>' imei b> Boson nil ew mis. 'rIe O'Conncii. Theoe uiîaîe ' ite' 1arrangements oi111e part cf Mr. Conard not cmi>a 1epilyclli u e.t't>tec for 111e suinmîer, but even durîig 11e vwîîter, gene et caonen id iei c lr u$tutIleu uf su satiafactor>' a cbsrnscier, bece cflhie riles ini bis Itru bîstilr,c iît n fi, n tel Fpronmpitude amd f Ildelit> wmîh ilîchlie comi a . )-s' iils. y thîe 'i-euti. ,n iIý-5 e,! timebusiness, thaI 111e buse gave lina £100,. dergung î a iîetli îîtle cit,- li 00fcfof ouillonurn. Tbe public mueres t ere menelIaitendeti tu IMr. O'Conniuel! bueiiitn %!I'la!> limaI 1beaflernvaril,in 1841. lreceivemi £180.000, bgaretbrlai oi llett' i-terl t>i d wbmch, in 1844. was usdoced le £14,0(X1111Pet cong ardent epandefr ai lieut ým"rïfl,1 annume. The governimseol aise retiuireil 11181l1e ctpocie;uadIute i i.fmre Jiolal voak îyages toHalifax or te New York, a pariy ieesr ferlfast ti ',,l:e as rircunistances mfil reqoîre ; and ici additn, lonîcil by reurariot, li ipetv, ".à il appearedtu t Iein vsry useful thal 11ie shsoulil lîooary doctrine lt Imai ,ýio.e 114 e i moike bis vessis 1the medium cf mail convoyante lowable as a searîs il-Ic>urt.Teiai betwnuen Halifax and Montreai. absolule assertluinihalt urr>e-I t:ûI i This expianation tises n00 lunchIbheftatcoin. 1e useil, Mu. (O'Bruinidiaclre all e man plaîneil of b> Mr. Mile@, limaI fait conipetilrtin ili, anusilg aite e thir e > veai net provideil for, and scees o eaI înereîy fuI tevluîins. on th1e satiéfaclor>'clmerein wticb Mr. Conard .Mr. 0'Bien onht 1e remeiotuu ii tif bail fuilieil bis contracte t wlas saliafactor', iasior) hed t be i!i r edi>b rîtifi boteror, le Mr. Mlles. for lhe titîbtre hie. treai ata HenacendPlisiulibl i nsui Mu.(.'lretie rut L VEîLxvÀiComFEracz.-Tbis bcily aselle. about bie " arlîtea" , l Il at lt> 'd bled n Bristol, on, as usuna, lb. lust WVdnesday if 1e dîd ait futreéla(ilna cou. >titt in Jli>. Much of the business is prepareil for outItuaat lie lutneIt iiiiit but antL"', final action in conférence b>' the standtinîg cas#,-cerise ;bat Voaorivl rud ica ' ' milIces, wbscb met during thee teck ptecedinghlisadsi n cariiett. It.iLlu'i th1e 29t11ni&. Time enei cleipel andl ciltucation iiaImen linge beursabolitlCX fond cf th n4.zised b>' subscripîmon. sgantumîl. ens iin îdue mnilra larr... t eti dnringt 5,392, about balo shicti and 'a'inglIreiid att i t tre asrtii i. xpe d iniai parpoies. dectiîne Mr. bIu1 0o Cinie., 1 I Th M oi~ riae 1theenula>'of £47'. tests aga est t, anduicie îïBicî110'u SM3 for building ROt chapelaIbo 1enccuing yesr, Conciliation Hll, vn sii ii>I iticuesi of tibicti 36540 i.tlbe raietdIlb>suberiptionisee'esble. le repeal. i.l err and no s" . 4allowing £12,=33tutesinas i fdebt. atinated incoutîs frota 1the newceroc- FRANCE. lions is sel down ai £2,358, o iat the dm111t iml noiber allempt Iii tillI lit K tî> hae gtatualiy iqtbiatcd. £24906 bail hae e- iiuwimg accolent 15 guven inl thel~.l' pendei fure Ibis purpnoe in1the prcecalng ),eart Rurnieao Timnes :- 020,033 cf wbich li beau oblainedi n subscrip. 1 ai-n grieveiluhvet l tions, &i.,andth1e regular incomne finosthese 1 hreten .reuti new chapele, numbermng oes undreil anti four, ouhePhalipia elenuiied' ei e e tas e tItadanm1tulles sterling petriacune. e 'bit(N paes. petrd as elFirO lit inie 111eh V.syans have 2W )cbapels, cnoC ofthMarical allra iiLi aacmoaig76,640 111it. te Tuileries, tu lîten ta lte ccnetrt 1 Fronts tbe report of Lissegênei commaites ono lgvnb h ado:teNLJâ otiucation sottaile 111e fuiieting statisheci tsgnt > 11 aisu lu aoi The number of Stina>'achusile inMay>viaisas parl of theicomttureîal ii mncrase 93 f Snmia seolar, ~ rationmf lthe revololieof .I Li.Te rofse 18,90; 11,79 o5itie »153 ot acccmfmanieti by theQuefh~ e 8 a, nssd oter mrsen f he acbol tnn e nu l>'a1o, itH.etai arml>'receiveil yla'tecul e iaî ir churcb-meubcrap, 11,76&03, aickgwldet i g 'ti f Of teaclwmrs, tere 80,90-anti oit of "daais mW osnrâ nu56,191 tImmre mebescfsoal>'.bl. ua!ertol si nni rlbe e l5 cisiz e lmPm iw.tisan a petrsn e iscrmsud de fat1' £2,7& U 9, 0 ouo sila linfantooheis" n i 1cm iuts sthe King. y Ibere ors n Y n le;s~ nebet BI a provitiential dipensstwOnais cf chidren, 4,2ilnrmsm,8,59. lachrge . àjwsy. »Nir as avspe1 n of wagn e..ecouleIstises233 amsaianti 133 tais-Te. ir iusfFO t Th. e Ici£2zut 50 m2 a bnnimng âýoo Wh w ssiIp M W3 sl SpRt3abtiet nef £4 ésualin tse bm ofe toeltgiaell de- l y>laî f5Vêbis frans ie staion ting tilb. jemrSIse uosé:II t>' 1 populaio. Being question.'~ a$Ch" ish" ibsdi bhd, c4iaen 001 sttihaosdsue, ,mtetd is [0 le * . .u. sel l ..àlia 2e2e ee icii esaea b- fmncmn ni k oin.tlb.i ,bat "et. DI te t m>'h.propose GOV ut of a ,k ut .aI5a~>'eg il ofnu n't% .u jeIsla c.ay. ther a fu by îler tilt :r sou dbrmti<li a uxat reooi5. t deit .sthe ot Il th@ hhMult guacanlsatb> sui Liva ie Ossera*ute1 rste &Wa11 Ceurdm . l bigla Ill paei taise e- e av., bigla tLZ Cbý oflp«%and il ls. h.i5h1rO1 aîVI len l 'eU~e ue orminculiff,fu1 aomeurity l l bc t of 1 electoni ie stb'i utlaiord. maLein Philipp La1uS îIle et a dita lo frotb nue nairmatble Ibal tIkmn idiai me muterpru inaietbs ajeut> iss' buinesth"athebm ing a ou oel ertal à %1aSIa of dismimalit V ani ho it i@t.fanr, tu 1 Pifn majesI> v, iliieb.Imm l . IL is nelewsaut*lIa» grestent conlisim mn lb. the cartmmh sslstialocf i Guaerolecal bu.eaIlesa jaliOnflw ubehe lb.amsIe fin of ti@SouaitAneti-Ce Inàl urlter b sooUtaam uerl tbuhasi untrent lth ,iîtetdi te reisoct or abolis th ut On>ou bm iponiatia ires, the Usiletiis ut elble, boteiver, ta suuct pîI tni1'ili. net& OILinju ot;îtginternet, chice à9laua m od uificationo sf lt)i-ulîle ile Manguie t fsavii det- sà iiI thu;ie ston mnte "1,cr CItilprolcit agumusal sa 1, - oaipent tbe dtiuo tEné ut îCt5s ; bimim il i ouI nqi ;e,îuttuîîîa, a teielthionItlai tai ha cîmheaper Iban limai tirwil dvitagnuolistlu lie d et nuit lac sutimcient>e Cb. itusert-reladri-iil. eocpelm r li1f'ereîioelabeluesa Prao oftttetila>rîti ve hoeil s i.l 'ime julIer n pm'ait indul eI Ilie cinutiuof Fratsoe h>' I sit tu,itie, al race ivas hume oiAlgieri Ille oses le et il tbmI salst>'n, lb* French ted auriisul;ctemi tribun,, sou oumiîu1ecd lteain uisoîsbei y. liueiuaeuft lie (mIel. t4 tkuýe ut tba Montains ,i l)uiedAisala, cf Aine, teaeds. Tieati aIacouai r a, luaîual.T'rim e r t n Gtaier Fraimcais oetIhi tu tailu ararxupb. Il uI cane to il '-- I l s s t i tielaion Lu put a liîC Lýites! lamea, andti ltm fîjitime fuir Verma Crus lu 14imy nier ltaI il Mas>'tg prupubiîma."1 ITALY. 1 Pupe bas publîiti, es ýtî bur 81aIlpiilca entiir tu in amade agalot sol ît etiîiuie, bhtel leami t;! i>tui al sit b accord mie mueteu5Theamtussnt Miîueandl bui.ecusr usDeat ie testhe 109 Ilît eîu. He in remari i n itîs scanners, 100 a. secretltie of sMate Inari utei, tutI her.o isnu douille a Cuiiual amuet datingui 'lareInuelihaaulluoriec C.' &tIe Pope bolisva -me oi,5* ensaition bui -' t liatimig a serttf ielape Statitng viol ail cle, &ant Ilbpsie tiUr cir Pceodtngi cela Ola be afin, et Eingianti,298, îî epe,.1 tA,.mria vuii'IL as ea«Wti te ict nili CouPhiOsofnISb POLaND. Geris« GeaSa at Va $'a sud atiProuete l tIb 3o> f Jl>'. Tb. A Then tlaase n lnuibar bote Mobillaent bus me*-vd ft- - Wnmm