Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 25 Aug 1846, p. 4

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________________________________________ O ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ I uMe w Cs ué in <aa sus f5 sontioMUs iliue livlltlepsimi5 E Oublie asdtmoesa. folioo. ad! by St. paIrick@ d& au vériiaiablyplayot! in 1%4 course of eV la. eîespeîfor.uanceIl in the Croe ueet beatre . oetOata C. eitst dubm miner o f Puble oinin. When pluim l. Pst ppladd xii. Bitif thie ddn't go ea hi lhîeg. b u et! lbis spleen on tho rai.t andt mpphliOd bis oven national air in propo i. At.1 al i" e ali. gllry naaped ai acompani- ment to tIis latter, as wcli as ta ail i ber pape- >S airs. beidea iig ln chorus. But chen s sac Lard end Ladly Lieutenant Y isituti tihe 1 ha. itr. for th. esrt ime, Paes poculiarities becaune mut divertieg. -Pt Nooncy !11 abouti a voices iethe pialer!. "Haileo!" nswered Pat, froaste oppioite aide. Voie-« Cao yen se 'sel. Pt?" (Meaiil #We Lord and Lady Lieutenant.) Pat Mooney-- 1 eau." - V<tll-what's lie liké 1"' l Mooy-"* Oh. nighty like a graîler or miitdlenian. Any wsy, h lie bs a goond long nO»e of hi. own !" (Loud laughter, in wich bis Ltîrdpihip jains.) Voiu-" Feh clever,tihink ynn ?" pt Mony-" l'd lbe crry ta maeohim sinreekee-per." (Laughter agaîn ) Vice-" Dues lho look oo.i.tureti 1" pt Mcone- Weil, ho dus-and enjoysaa jlke to.-ileaven biess hini !-Iike a gentlemnan asuh ie.f! Vore-,' Thon v'll nul have to sont! hlm bail!" Pat liooney-" No 1 don't think avo ahali. We May gel a corne. (Reare tif laughter.) They ay Iboi. 0, ighty geocroun. a4 dmeanâ t0 spend bis montpy atuongst us lîke a prince." Gallery--" Bravo! bravo!I We'll keP bhll) thon-fre'ii keep Iiim! Three cherra lads-- three cheers forthe f.Lurd Lieutenant !" (Cheers andi hoghter) Voîme--"WiVl, ani what'eshe iljUe, Pat !?" It Mtmny-"Ob. nothing particular. Sht'd flot frigbreu a horme." (Roars, ber Ladycîrîça ju)ingig.) Vttce-" Joa she tai! ?'" l'aitlMnuftity-" Wait tiI! che stands up" Voire-" May ho nhe'6 atout?!" Pat Moorey-"1 Faix! yoo rMay say that. it is't the likes of lier Hies on buttrmilk."- (Ratsr.) Voice-" l'ye thiiîk she's gnod.naturod ?" Pat Moony-'" Oh, l'Il engage &he t. Shie hits the rail blondin lier, and te's pleîîty of it." (Risara anti t6 Bravo " roin the gaiiory.> àMnny vies-a She'li do. thon, Pat P' Pat Mîaîey-t (ch ! shecn il-ahe wil l'il ngage for ber Ladynlip." Voicero--t %Ve iî.y keep ber thon, May we!" Ptat Mooney-" Uebl the 'onger the betther -the loneger the betther. (Roars.) Wa' lier L.aîyaliip thaI 'il peak the gond word fur tho inai that's la thruhble, and neyer 1.t the tiaroît coujiti aiît that'a in the siraw, God bis,& ber!" Galery-"1 Bravo ! bravo! tfbmee cheers for tho Lady Lieutenant !" (Cheers andi iaoghter.) P'at iore,(eeeing thea Lord Mlayr)-' lly sttwl toe e! Dat Finaigaitil that youu 1" Gallery-, Ah ! ah ! la that yeti, Dan Fin. ni-ýan !Iflethat yo " (isseannd aughter.) itlai I oîey-" Faix it'a gond for theohles of » tu toes you down arnoîg the gintry there. Dane Fînnigan! (A lbcd laught. at d'icihbis Ltrlshiîp dues nul seaun particuharly pieaseti.) Uebl you needn'at loork up so sour aI un ! Ma- *y's ltse goud tie yo's'e sut up hero yuurself; ytiu know it + you tlc! viogar bottie " (ru.) Voie-"6 Sure t he world's gone wellwth yvu nny way, Dan Finnigan. Yo hadi't theur white gluve." Pet Aooney-"1 No, noer that grand cocked at there. - Voie-" No, lier that white wand, ye cor- mooan ! ohon you kept the chandier alîrp, and aheatedti Mke Kelly out of a faden's corth of ppes, and" Giallery-,' Ali! ah ! alto heatd Millke Kel. ly 1 cho cheated i Mko Kelly ?" (Great con- liaiet.u duruog chich the orchestra &trikles up.) CUOîrne 071 A l.AwYzx-The leal mud msî tffclual icckaven gîven lta aveelice petlifugger eccurrcd int e . o-si la.sivuser4ul t ritt!vant is ha tiba csckttrledg e ail aot- Much agaînetLions wl, a sieeti, plain spolie»,1 elrmîgbt litunard citizen wsa cailat! froîn lus hua- inean anti focei upon a jury la pronouince a ver- dict oser scoatrivilpointulf et higrtion. Ifeest Pmre ime patlantly cutleogotel leriontf Ieo ce ardsac tht tle malltr ajust corui tihe tomsci on. rot! cent,ad tac wotliof ethle ing au tiecite t lai tusual tto a court et justice. Yet a petiantie Iookîng urnahi awyer gt cp, huvîng mil ostentations dsploy of lac booksulh.- lovebic, anrd iving erery indicaion rhmr%-e oses guîg te commence i prolix fanfartsitabe, a liant! ot lomnsic oateny ton chich ho wvuesaine. voiat celtibrateti aînung tle diîMirnt .justice cotatit anti cher bassof tie place. Afte nsevar. ai ppon@ahnand et!haios, bo coaued-coi " Genîleuten oethlie jury"- " Loo hoe," mail on juryrnan, iang and Puling out hic catch-" l'en jusl Lot aie e e. suark toaniale hora you go on. If youu alk imorethanfire-ecuates 1ddgire ny rtdictagainst " u! Newuc e eo theles@ ycu mn! the bl- 1. lawyer look tielit, conerenlt! 1t0 le c-J& ff,,anti cas recardoti y hyle pallry ver. dct ho cimbed tu gain.-Il'icayume A Venir Lomn Noss. -A gentleman baviog pet ouI a candile by accient on nigil, odereti his caîrîîîg trtan <cite dam a simpe leiig> lu hgtiita agi in tle hichen; atdig-- But tutIs cane, Jaines, liaI pou do out bit yourel agmnt myhiniîne e ank." ifuife tise caution, Janmes alretcoet! cul Isohiantmitfull longui lettne bïm, bol unluck- ily, a tour ibat tooti hat opeai, pagsed betweei his bate aanti sruck hka i costul bloc alpoi ale oose.. -"ly gracions CI muttored lh., chen h. re- savered ieiisomnnea i l, t1 1 alcmys board %bt aI a mvcmy Lotng ne, lbui h 00w I neven bastliuugt tint it cas amgor"thon rami V #Cecsrua»ns.-I' The Major" tonishles tise foiiowing original cocnorumo dV eth îe figure et Justicebha naslu- able. as a IBakr ? Atn, Bcauey.uisit! alvmays B.d e bel- a=dta lnr e linds. Ait EmmaesaviPnaasvrt.-We smc seceet- lp ai a Bluochr Street mntcnaboes» illin aiiouse-tbal le aaro msr gthic arnhiteciua-e bullt upna s tinig-roemo carpe. lc.nlaineet ise rouams, timrs, cntoics salacase, complte tlronuxn. t,.asiic>Ie lit use et f W anti12, &(ter tdi 4~len osg5itd .oeieg iret!citble thir eau t!cotng. buIt epeil te adieu frein a second utony epeimdt!wiado. The "matre turiture mas of tihériche«l desciption. nd the cnet cf tse hole playtitfnscwilci by lie by, wus coostudlqd" iou inga t coult! le touset! inte au = p a IiaW asa libea- herse, vu out » tO la = me geniem paidl Sil fur- dgio Unt ra I.bon«soeta farocite pet N.vtoundad-[New York Tri. bue. Ilmtàvr I.emamv irDnaew.-LaeotGren- ville,-Sago Wanetmabat! longvanWtatepais a0 telii=à vithkPopa& Whouc ashiemiscwu ne- o"ioe4 cIo ns v ers ImmuseswIellytaken l'O bY hie@iOIdip in teb«tùWg and »5lehm s Mejs. Maolt % Lusat!mui te le pssuaue, è«< clatI. ceie shuit! »Y Ciees-.o« ier.. BeaM 1 -A pauful affair ooo~isje Ch~a l49s in a iitI rasuivet! a bloc bieh, il cswup- M"18- lid Otatý- iesedbi ucaaunt ecou. As, ""Intion pe-et!'bumht moiebthiin Il aadre »Le aibis lest! I TIe cocuet!"M M» alie cou cien asta ulcof.. WIST àEI'* BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, Tii etI.4P2 AxxxVY FOIL And! l« bosMediie kbon, Ioeuusaifor Atirma of e"y stage, Lires- Coespbsie!a. Bs-uuchitis, IInrza, Cosgha, Codds, Bleediuig of thre Longs. Shors- os f DreaIh, pain$arina wacknes ins LA ide breat, e-.and ail aler îie.scsof tire PULHONAERY ORGANqs. A VERY impitant dinemne nier cbich thin il. <la.m exerts a vel peseerful tifluencre ta that of a DISECA$E I LIVEIR- Ie tIm cotupiaint il bai undouhtedhy proeatimore efficacious than ny remotiy ithorto employeti, ant in nOuertUs instances chien patienta bat! enduret long seerme sufferung trom varinte. mette,, anti choc feercury bas heen remrtedt 1 n sain, tho useeft tus Balsam ba restoredth îe Lser to a laaiîhy action, ant int mauy istunce& efcteti PERMANENT CURIEUI after every knîiîn remedy iadfi foedtu produiteF tilîti ecuet effect. Besidas ils aitonimhing efilcacy in tb. disottse alove menttonet!, ce aiseofinti il a very effectuaI remely in ASTHNIA, a complaunt i whici il bai heen extensiveiy ce!sei ti ecîdeti success, even in casaetfyomua taitdurg. Il not onîy eî,auîtes tronti i regular Physîci. mnt, but bas a;sin lean selil estet ini ail the coin- plans for seltchit in recoruîuendod. Io t nul mv intention, theretore, ither tu chnaI il in mystory, or le any csy deceive thte public hy osermacuuîg irs vrus ; on the cents-amy, i ehail sîîrîpiy enteavor in gîvo a brief etatonxof tite osefuieas, anti flatter mynoîf titat lts aumpriing efifcacy awili enaihe me te furnihsu prcotfs et its vis-ues as seihi aaticfy tle magt inredulous, tîattConsumption tony ant I"CA N BE CURED,"t uft lii meeicune ho etredtilutin time. t Titre cs, priape, no dîceane wihb cich our country is afficteti, chich secpe off aioualy nu maoy victime, as that fouI dentroyer tut lie humn race-Consumption. i)ay after day, year afttr year tie inimiste monlor bortnes1taie portais fîhe coiti andtilunt comh tresh ad-led victimae te ut ocus.No walk of lite inscacreti froîn us hitin ice. No go is exempt fro tat deati.daatiuîg sitath. The oit, the iidt!e.aged anti te yoang, ahi alile, are fout tir thiha cio- mattn enîrnay etmaîbi. 'rhe n-hite.haured pa. triarch, wse be oe f tenîpeaîre han randered Ilin nyotm iiîpovîoustluthIe atcars ul other lie, and close geuti deotin prepanat i luinfor tIheou- Jr-vient et ife'o colin everîîîg, fis consuuvp- Lioni tateniîg its tangs upon bue vtals, aid lear- utrg hnit train a wuild, erer brugut tu mînuls îvhucb louk complaceutly on tnyn n-ail spîl. lanthere nu hbeipfur the oilicteti? No prisait- latine .,fthîe dangers n-iîch liedet os lit Dur chtangeable andtichechtie 'iVe thîntcerc ia7 le. Anti if tho aliagaiois oethunce mlii anc at int ontîtleul to veracty, moy lho believed, Iheiaunnpreveniatuive aid a rmeîoy. iutar's Ilanaoft iiitCherry in offéeeta i a eullieig worhd as nuch. Il tireda ici ltii - advtrotitueuts aidt outa long strnîg ot ficlithous certufiralas le guve t nutuuity. Ils tru valda andtari uîînuc excelence are cuffcient t erttia iu lete confidence outhte publie, anti -Wat on te tame" thenamne ut ils inventor, as a henefactor et hie apecies- OPINION 0F A IIEGULAIR PHY- SICIAN. Exeter, Me., Sept. 30, 1845. Thtis certifias <bat 1 have rerumunendedth îe use ut 'nISTARt S BALSATI OF 'iVIiD CHERRY tfor diise.et tic Lung«s, ton Ico ycams paat, nuit ny bIdtes tu uîuy keuwledge have baen uneul y ty patients. mil n tlt laîefi. cial resuits. lInlieu canssclore il n-asllîuugit rotîfimmeti coutîscmption bad taken pince, the Wild Cherry tifecreti a cure. E. BOIDEN, PhynicîaaI Exeter Comtien. NO QUACKERY! NO DECEI'TION 1 AUl pulishati atatementa et cures pertemmeti ly thhs medicine, are, iri ery respect. TRUE. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIrS AND IMITATIONS. The unparahIeled muid ns- îîînialuing efficacy ef Dr. W îstur's Baivain et Vsiîd Cherry in ali the bisass for whlichit in- ecummendet, cUmuL uîany cases aflon lite ahill ufth lieet physicianesewaut cavailing, ban effect. eti a la rge ami inemeaninîg demanti ton it. This tact bais cauet ereraI uîîpe;nciplcti counuerfeit. ens and ti iitetorc lupalm efa pumtoua mixtures tuf sintilar name anti appemrnlce, for lie genuine Bacam. Be caretu* mad gel lte ureruine Dr. WiIS. TAR'S BALSAM 0F %WILD ÇIIERRV. Nonie gemuine unlean nilinet i l. îîu i-s. Atddema mlni rers to SETH W. YOWLE, Bos- ton, Mass. Ftor sale cîtoiennie anti etail hy .. W. BRENT, anti NOBLE PALTIIER, Agents fcur Kinîgston. FOR SALE DY THES SUBCRIBER, p ALbIER'S patent opring Candie-siade, (a vmriety et pattens.) linituerta patent Melallîrc éables for do. CHARLES W. JENKINS. Kingston, Feb., 1845 ]POWDER. B LASTING, F FF FFF FFFF ends nportiiîg poseder for sale by the S' b- acriber. CHARLES W. JENKINS. Kingston, June 17, 1845. INFOIATIGIN WANI'ED, B Y the Undersiigneti, ofthtei. hereabouts o 12Mis. AGNEW. bis Iriotiier. anti ien of KENNON, JAMES, anti JANE AGINEW. When last beard froîn the7 cern in Kingston» on titeir way up th Country. 113Papers West of Iis wiii confer an acl of charity by copying lbe aboie. JOHN AGNEW. Brocksille, Mareb2, 186. WOLFE ISLAIID FEUR. THE STEAMER ISLAND QUEEN, CA"E. 3. IVES. w ILL piy reguhary bolveen Ktomn andui wolftIslad. toouching a Garden Islan4i (outil furiher noice) as folittes. %- E K,àmINSTON LiAVEa volV,, ISLAMt At 6Oocloclt, A. M. At 7 oclock, A. M 10 "- . "il . 2t tî pM. s-t,3 t- P D- Rates of FaP ara mulait year. rKingotoni. Apri4 . CîLowie Lau» D&rAîair . MVocni, tOUr Mack 184&. N OTICE ha bweby givea, by order of Hie. Eîeileuey the. Adoinistrator, of th. (io- vernuent J. Ciunil, 10 ail persemns ch. ave reaivad locations et landi in Western Canada, aime. the »la Innary SM0; mat! aise te paries loratet! pnev ns te that date, chose locations vasa mot ineludet! sin iai. buof nepatene ads!, liable 10 forfeitume, publiahet! th of April 18MS that, "auusathe. claimarts or tiejelegs ae-a- seutatives eatabligh their claims anat muont thoir Pateta ithia f o ime raf &haaiesdaie. tii. lan ied libha .meeby l"teGovraeu tet b. dispouet! off hy Sale Trom v>TE& DIEUJ, (h SasE l ao Oina ry, Birck &«4 si~ia aow ope» for (mi. cePtimOs f amronsrewdqsg modical am t " nelam sis- Visifing Iledical 0110r, Da. Hrnewza.t Cons.liiug, do. Da. sàu»m X. Z-Viing hour 9otu, . A. 3L sil rire Undcrsigned onU. tîllfurther nolice. chiarge RATES OF FRKIGHT- FRai ]MONTREAIL TUa PRFSCOTT, nKVILLE AN.Dt KINGSSTON' AND £0 PLACES ON TIIE XlEUlti cANtA. ABi)'E BYTUIN - P IG MRON, Brick. Citai, Salted Fî.-h, Pitch, Tar, and Rosn, la. per CIt. Bar Iron, la 3d per cut. IleavyHardwsare, G m<-erien, Crockerv,Rod, 11oop anîd Sheet hon, and Boilar plate. lu 6(l lier wt Dry Goods, G lis and Powder, 2& par ct. Salt, in bags or barrels-per bag or b arrel, Ia 6J per cwt. D v WJPLZO la.. KINGSTON, tI.PLACES IEL.W kti.1iT1, TO MUNTItEAL. Flour. 2s- per bairrel. Asiies. as. do do. 1'ork and B",tf, 39 per barrai. Lard and Bu tter, 1liepr keg.. 'Wheat îtr ltiier Grain, 74(l per 60Ilt&, Bran ,22s G-d par ton. Tobacca. I03. lier Mihd. TItouranre as usuai orn ahi froperty down searda, and c-harged in addition to the Freigh. AI1 other pr,,ptcrty in paroportion regulated per larrel hulk. The Undeaignr.î, 1irevious tb he 1Oth no' May, wilh oîtly rece;tta Iroperty conrsigned to.tliemat Kiiî.-tmiu, us Wartthoîîsem"uî for the Storage of w.ich thie following charges will ba mada : Flou r, 3d1 par barre!. Beefaîîd l'ork.44d per barrai. Tobacco, la 3d lier hhd. Anhies. 6,1 per liarrel. Lard or Bitter, 2(l lier keg. '%Vlieat anîd oilier Grain, Id per hOstiel. And ail cahier prtýperty in proportion. ALL FREIGIIT PAVAiII.EON L)ELIVERY. Ail property while iun Store, at riok(if the osener agutint tPire. MiACPIlhERSOX, CRANE & Co., ilo(>ýklit, H(iI'rON & Co., JAMES IDEAN, Cihuruîia,îQiui-iriraîlîo tîpany. SANDi'IS>N & MURRAY, 11. J0 "LàS'u C.. Aptil, lS-lG. HARDWARE. JA MES POWELL in returtîiîîg haîks to bis nunierous Town aid Countîry cus- tomera for their past favours, begs tb inform them and the publiic ganeraiiy, toit ha has recentiv remuîvt'd into bis Newv Stone BuiIdîn%, adjîîiting hin olîl stand in Prin- cens Street, whiere ho b-as on bîand, and r.0w open foîr ex..nîinatiîtî, an extensive aosortmeît OF UEAVY IIAUDWABLE, SII ELF AND FAaC Y GOODS, Paints and ]Paint Sturs, PLAIN, JAI'ANNED & BLOCK TIN AVARE, Aid STOVES of al descriptions, at prices lieretofore uîprecedeîted. in hia Market. A EW DOZtEN CASES Thirty Itours anîd aiglît days, togetler with a large assctrtinaît tif 1P L OUG If S anti PLOUII POINTS ofi varions pîitterna. Thehighest 1îrica pai-!. aither in axciange or cash, for old Brasa, Copper, Pewter, and Lent!. flJ' J. P. nolicits the iubbic patronage, truntittg that bis pricca ii sustain hlm more i'olly than ciny lenguisy elaboratioii on hîla lart. Kingaton, .July 1, 1846. For Sale by the Subscriber, XFEW nets of Silvar plactad, and Dritannia 1_Metal ComîmuioneîiSrv.cee. Britannia Meta! hot.water Veijon dishan andplaes. CHARL.ES W. JENKINS. Kingston, Feb., lS4. JUST RECEIVEIJ ANDIl'Olt SALE. 50l TONS Pig Iron, No. I., SBar Iron, Assorted Ei!,glish Blanks aid Swede, Hoop Iron, Band Iron, &c.. Cant Stcel in Bars and Sheets, Germai. Steel-Crawley Steel, Blister Mteel- Spring Steel, &c.. CHIARLES W. .IENKINS, Prinicana Street. s YKES'S [îydroiîetens (hy Dmu.gC & Fage Loidon,) seit tables, &C' CIIARLEtS %V. JENKINS. Kingeton, Pal.,1145. T IIEpaeceding figure imnjcnvueeen Il ia tie greit EVACUATION for lb. impuni- tin of the bodyv. Il wil! le notices! tint a Ibidk cloady misI rsees trum milpointe cf thesua-fae, whic iniemes hatîbis perspiration flocs soin- cormptedy choc coe, ain beultis, but ces..s viien veaire sick. Lits canatot h. centaines! cilsottil. Il le Irove offfrun l iodat! celer 'ices mot tiseé y. at!disp by Ibis m"08a, cf Marly ml the impuities vtthut n e- The lanuy ~ocf Scaiptre i@4,6-in tke BLOOD lste h. t' If il aven lecemea impure, il m.y b. tracet i-ig Io the stoppgef th INgIN. BIBLE PERSPIRiATION. Il aecoen.requires We internai Medicine* le cheausa i, aiui AL- I AYS poifies iteif by il@sown beatmandsain, I a ilî!rovs off mlth outnieuorsIbroegh tINSENSIBLE PEItSPIRATION. Thus vo e, alht a snecessreay wbc hel Iod! s stagnant, or lafectet. i tuospcn tise pores., ma il slicres ntsV (fm &HmIlimpurti ni. Tâes cu see lie fol'y si ta&l en clahie-l cemediesAilpracbtiouers, baveftt'endc their eciru i-ta terteInse mnsible Pa»v*. tieN, bel k u»00»te b. DMot mwaym tise peffl 01M. TIe Tbouanus o r aa.tue auisia austhe Mjîdnapaîigt mcodun!usin cet biasus, Ibo Homspmtbist deala ouI iuflnitiserImalu. îe Ailei i - aLhs bloedm mot! doses un cith mereumy, met! varie binslering Qemel gorges us Wi1ii ppilla,il1@, et, e. 151en oa gîve nmsrn idea ofthîe amnenit of INSEN- anti( BLE PERISPIRATION, we seill eaite that vant homes!c Dr. Leceuhocit, and lhe great Boom- thoni ae, ascertaine! liaI fie-eughtbsetof al ec ina, rive joi the ete.marh, pacsed off' by luis ara Dan. le ether corde, if ste cat and idrink nmise hali pounts item day, se esacuriteti five pountis pour tl hy tie Insensible Perrpurztion. and) This la none otîter lIai t<ho Usati up pasides Oint te biotd, anti olier joiree, giviirg pince te a CL ev waid trenb ones. To chark tîcin. Ihcre- nav, r, ae to retain unthIe synteuiti ive.eiglitliet ail thon evirulent malter that nature demnttde aboul i lita s-e e bodyt. Andi eson %-bon thus la the cane, Suci iblot! in of so active a princîpie, that il de- Wuo miniecs îioae particies lu the skîn, sebere they sa tir rra st!bm aimples, uicema, andi other spota. sce ily a cudben transition frotta eat te Colt, the ver -os are cloppeti, the perspirationu cesses, andti <ba case begine aI once to teveouse utaelf. 1lence, cari toppageofethis flow et the juices, originales nit tinny cotoplaitc. îlei it is hy aîapping tbe perces, Iat oersebelun lie! ilnindti eieaugba, colla, anti cornutptuons. cone ne-tontîset the wemld tue tramn duseanes in. lae ced hy a stoppage efthlie INSENSIBLE yon 'ER SPIRA TION. you, Let muemcii tow, every cantit mini, sehat it ; Due eoins the mueat reacînable to pornue, bal 3unnstop the pores, after Ilîey are ciocet.- oevu Voulti yen -ive pbsiccto INS TO P the pores! jet >r vroulti yeu apply coîaethhîg thm aould do hee ai upon <ho surface, whlere the elogghng actu- act y ici1 Wouhd uit titis ha communt semi1- îng mid yet 1 koofetopitynichant seInmali nay tirei iceal application to offert it. The rmasoin Ibt* Bige% ie, tîtat no mecicine swtihin their lice- sar 3ge, in capable et dohttg il. Unden thene dm- ch( tuistancea, i prenait ta plysicuana, auduti10ail thems, a preparation ltat han titis per in île But lIebt entent. It ha MrlAlistertn AUilrolelivg and tsulimeîtt, eor the Woî-ld's aue, Ililas PO IWEk me omeciore perspration on the fait, on lthe Ieati, tbe roundi olti noces, upon the cheat. inshort, upon à ny part of the body, sether dircaseîti ahgby the ensveraly. pu Il han PO IVER te cause ail external nrces, tE refuloun huniers, skia tijeaeen, ponianous sici vounde, to tischarge ttuahr putrii nuattar, aid1 ln heals lIeun. ]y1 IL us a REMED Y'lIat sweepa oÎf the obole out atahîgie cf culnneeiin d-vînder-, andi restores1 e eîtu ne cutilc ein'tii .5 uanlby lutirtiln. rit It je a REJIED Y Itat rim huilte uecesvity b vfo rîîny autdi eltrious timuga taken it thetto al oniaehu. shc Iljea REM1EDY tit naither eickev, ghee s il îrîuns-euueuce, nom ne dangerou tetohîe unIes.i uCne. tu2 IL praservan & defends the surface frem in l de- abi rngemnto isfctunctîonn, wscil k eepa openîtotu aae clnniela fonrItue bioouu ras-id aita isiunuties uail and dispose if nIl ile osalese partîials. Thera uni i a ruacioneîuî, hîarnnaîu, andi teasîhîl îty inil i ail1 tai drules roiitaduct,i. Il aeaaaimple, bat 1he rîndenful îînînciîîie tliat. prasemres un heauithy ep- eration tha euh ne tuanchi i vof tain leitiff. Iitsh idhotirluibly hule togellier <ia SURFA C(E anuid lig tac INd'ERN.IL Î!SCERAthe iiINTER- et lAL VISCERA antuhe SURFA CE. lhey au are insepanabiy coniiectati antid.îual o dis- vw oineti. The rurface us Til£ outlet if fiee- W uiglîlîn if tle bila, andi useti up malter iihin. de tl te puaeseillejMILLIONsS of opeingr te R ELIEVE thte intestines. Stop up lue pores, anti DEA TII kurle at yocîr door. Il Sc se rîgitly tîrnueti AlltIeaiîvg, for <liera un erarra- ai] 'y a disena, aniamnal or internai, clint il ssîll out beoifil. Itl iil libcfLourdth e rirat useful an welI as lte clcnaaaî faui.ilv meducie iii the werît. I1ttave used l uthla st tiorîcan yearn ]y %il aicreï,s vihut a parallel. 1 liane usat il hIe for ail iluneanes of t<lue chesr, Coîsunion, Lver, ut and thtmtîca tangemoon of internai nmnladies, it- M inlvig <lie otinent danger anti necponsubîluty. et- uic! 1 dclame befuire Ileaven anti mai, tîtnt tw n oie single case han il faileti te haiefit, wban Lu ha patient n-as wi-tlhn the meacit of martal niean. 1 hava bac! plyeuciaiv, heamnet in the profon. sien; 1 have bld nituere efthe Gospel, Judg. es on the Beauch, Aldermen anti Lasean. gelu. leinen if lie higîtest erubithon anti .1TJLTI. I'UDES et the POOR, ose iutin every sarie-I y of day, muid tlIe lia.- bein but oie voice, ona mnited, univamnal voire, enhg Il McAlinter, your )ittinent inGOOD.-' HIEAD ACHE. The salve bas cureti persona of the Ileadt Ache et 12 years standing anti se bail it rae-- larly evory senîl, su tuaI vomitîng otten toc1lt place. i Deaneca anti Eam Ache are hipet with thlean lik succion, as ahao Ague un tue Face. se COLD FEET. Coneumption. Luver cetipiaint, palnsmn le Int chent or site, falliuîg et thue hair, one or lie otiter al always accompmnuos coiti foot. Il an a cure àitai of tineaso in the nysteto te have colti teer. The salas seul resteraetho InsensiblePerspir.i ation ant <us cure enery case, For Scrofula, Sait Rheum, anti Erynipelan,V il ie prohahîy the safeet anti cureat cure in the seonit. 'rue camne mny h.raidi utPilas, Sore Lips, Chappot i aîtte, Quitizy, Somo Tbrcat, Dyspopsia, anti mil Nîrvous Diseasen, andt Spinual Comiplatite Fur Berna il bas net ils eqoal l inte sorlulI Anti for Chent Dise-aes, such mn Actîma, oppressive lPainsanudthe ile, lt hie hilter. nul remetiy comparable te it. PIMPLES ON TIIE FACE, MASCULINE - SKIN, GROSS bURFACE. lits fimaI action le te expeil ail humer. ILsell sot cesse draaing tll the face is free frein any malter tint may le letigeti undon tute clii, antid traqcently lrealing out tu the surface. IltIhen ieals. iVen the me jsnothiîg hut<mcnes n, bull ropulcuvo surface, il hegins ta motien anti eften untîl the skia hecomes as stoooth anti de- 1 licate as a child's. WORMS. If parents mnev how fats! mtucîtuedicines vero ta chiltiren amon insearty, tiey seoul slow tla resont le theun. epeciuihy --"rise: lozen-era," caihe Il<'medicates! lozenge,"," rntfugea'î pýils, &c. Even ceme lit pon till l say positirely t<bat w com re present, il ieneot salie. The taulla isne one eau tell iueeiably chen worm. ma-e prisent. Of cour»a thea-re-e ti, la not applicable tu the cotplainl. New laI me ay t epbtisaith" aislve vîi i log tell if a chilt han cocus, ILet it h. mubiiet on lb. neel mat! che@a obsp aêm ta-eS going op, mond thon doce on the hocuéls, ati th.y will »on0 lesve. l i illDRIVZ aery vestige of them avay. Ti. la a simple anti SAFE cure. No injumy cao corne oft il ncm,.But houltiit h. cholie, ieflatoemt rdthe bocels, or g ipe ef thle intestines, tlm 1effachually cura em inà the cormu. 1 jue disesnen with w!tlcb chîlîdren, are alict- we ahoulti esteemt it te iirst iedirilie il, en- .Vie. fles great are the nufftrmngs of infants iebiltiren, nvhen tbey cra i eithier cmati <ar rt ner peint out tlueïr pains!? Ant i m inv usands are acept off lîy i.-iving itetrnali iidi- e, wben theîr y.iung bides anti terider framets Snable toi hear up agnîîîst thaîtin ! Whoile ar. t are thon sett 1.tueur graves ,neriy troint irng lit teir semak stoiatoiisprerful drîîzns 1 phyris !! it je tu surb that the Ai-Heaiiîtg runtit eîîdars asomie, ;îiensat, anti iarniless cre in tiîeîir vufferiig and airbiremn Fese. yparbaps o mrire than tbrie or four in a ivsand would die ; seltle uîaariy aill woulti ho ,aîtiy relieved ut their pains anti infirmîtien. cases an Cr(up, Ciwtic, (tJhle~ra In fanlam, .u-ma, andi mil Nt.uieer Comnplatntv, by which aany cbildrcn die, the Ointiiîint will remnove apeedily *nd orely, that a phuysicien iili ne- .,le raeecld. We woulti bore pres upon mo. -cri the reality of tbrse thutîge. We opeait rnently, hocause limfe eelit Jould hlie wiced to use thome means wbhicb would rarnuve r noffering, whîle it diti not endanger thoîr es, or the strength anti sigor of their young axîitnîions. Mothrlir throughout aIl thîn nd, we fuse solanîtîli'v anti arredly declare to ,that the Ali-H-laiig Oîltîoîcît sul sBave r chîltiren frotî an aarly grave if vou seul tune ;and se therefore niake Ibis appeal in their ralf tuai theoil'uIra-poiiliiy îîay lho yur r, if tbey die praiîatura.y. Avide front avery ronet tuonumutlven, 5e charge yvu tu<otake rd t0 sebat tienisWtell you. hVe aie nml uîow uated hy the Irant desire of gain: but knoîs- gas we do that irait bodies et infantsand chii. n die early, sehîrh jisaupposed b o iievîta- aal)ti impossible to privent. ive bld up our roirîg s-ce, anti ieciaro in the face olfltae oie %arlil, Chldrrîn nard floi die motre titan o1hern. t il ce frotthe e-ani of proper nourilshiiaît i thîe constant drug±jtvg iîiey undergo, al)rta ows tiet own an the raîk grave ialle havître le sythte. Motiters! o-o repent again, anti if tiîay sera iebastwsordasi-e sere es-or tter, aiidiiicouree at ilie reach of ail iîîeregt, we ivoulî v.y Use the ALL-IIEALIN 1NG NIMENTJr k-ne-sa amovtî, c?,ildren.t RtuuatÀTis.%.- It removeaS amost iiiiitiadiitte. j te inflamti~ton and awehhiiig, t lien thie paîin fcourse coane. FEMALE Codta. AttTS.-hIt uiiary anti power i.- ln ifeat in no way itocre thlîa it lus deaatmtent. nliaîtion ofthe kîdneys, tif the u-,landd île ilîig dosen, waeakiîait, anîd irregitinriiy; lit art, ail <bone dîficuliîast-hicli are treqtjîi th femaies, flîtt reiy) anti permaneant relief. SCALD tIEAIS.-Wi liave curad casest tînt ac. ually tchad asarvlii h.rossn, as weli ns the ilily <if fi fiarior ita -îy d.irm. t)Uîe mai id us hie lad ojiatt $Ea(t oitlitsrhîildreii, iiîlli ut ativ eiieîlt, uliati a tcw beien tiiofte(mit- tiuit curedti hein. CoîRuN.-Peopie need rieser ie trouble.! lf hini if t bey w iiiuse tl. As a FAMItii.vM viCi ro m an can nît-avîre i value. Su loniu as <liea i 15 nui liîrg te e ieavens--su loîîg as umanîiîreaii-Illev- I iujretto aI Ithe îii ruiitn tf Mie ilel-so unîTi ldislase an.!nicliiess arc kiawti-jot.t iieulong~ Il titis gooîtiutenrît ho uFed and cetnîril Nhbn mai carssfreint Jutllecarili, Mthie tîulntîtil eihi canatd noi tîlient-. JAMES McAI.ISTER & Cf,., 168 South a-tntet. Newn Yonk, Soie proprietora if Ibhenhiove Mediine, to silîiu il cmtmunircation iaîuitlho a-Ildre.sed(pubt i ard Prîce, 25i cents and 50 cents. CAUTION. Av the A11IIealing Of)nttnrrit ha@ beati "rnt- lcouotarfeited. soe iava gisai t<hic raffi îîI te puîic, thai l nl in îtnîeîît wilh hae gcnuîot tiliesa thc rarmesof mirncesfIclrAiter, tir Juiea McAlîvter & Coi., are tari/ici seith a l.ien o p ery label." The label nf a meel eiiranv 'h th.e figura of "IrIsenusible Pcrsîiratiuit et te fae. ». For Sale by CHARLES IIEATI! Agent, Princess Street, Kitngstotn. NEW -WIOLESALE MPORTINO WAREHOUSE KINGSTON, C. W., Lt tire E.ctensireanîd Cvmiiiidionis Premisc i q W. SIMPSON, ONTARIO STIEET. lIE subseritbers beg 10 îîotify thee Mercanti', .Loiuiiy tif Canada West, that thoi lrge aid Newhy lmpitrted Stock of GrocerieF Vine, Liqîîîmcanîd lrv Gittds, seil ha ijiatir b-ut the 2SJth nIt., which <bey plîtigo theti selves to seli at Motîtra prime. Tbey wlas aie apreparat tarecaira Coisigi inutite et Merchanuliz,, aid lroduco for tieptîsP t Prîrate or Plublic Sala, ssith a viese 10 chicl une oif the finit w<J ihasunait Aucti oncer. Casht fur Whaat at theîr Mille in Ilîlliei trince Etisard t)ivîrict, aloti at Kit ton. bIMPS)N & MATh '?WSON. WV. Simrsoc, Kînýon- Kiiî'ntoit, Septerobar 9ttî. 1845. FOR SALE DY '1'E SUBSCRIBE E G l BPATENT STRAWV CUI Kingston, Fah., 1845. FoeLE BY TH1E SUBSCRIBE. U~KSMITHS' Anvile, 13> Do. Vices, Do. Ballowns, Do. Sledgas aid huanci hamme Beîlows pipes, Stocke aid dies, Camet eteel files aid ranpn. &c. &c. Ail of the boit quality and exceedingl lose for Cash,. CHARLES W. JENKINS, Princens Street GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT TIfi fflaûza owzfflî Oppecuiie Mtuubon Hmse-PrurtcestSti THE SUMRIBER takes tht. opportuni Tto infome bis triendi e nd1h. Publie, th lie bas madie a pilai rerloction lentthe prise *very 5dsription of Hardware anti Fancy Geoý mn ut! thahjel dasterminedin lefuture lu M VICRY LOW (Wholesaie or Rotail) for Cao or'approvsed cret!it. lj hastock, vbicb ilsver, extonaive, cosnpt CenIig, Bakjjjrreint! Croun, Lovmnora Rot! lion, hitru!and Hoop fron, VatC ahof h!aX rSle'ilb Sine, met! Spmi ShootCrleymud terPltes S.tmCpe.aniBas su UT Ti-i - à --r RES )R AIXi r r VIi , -w t Zi a <C-vpoeî fl j et't a, l tîtai paîitl!affecîrîriitl~ . B e(nI etir ti1r acîî-af c a- aii tiipt ir ip-e Ir î ail i1l vICiniplai - tcfis eie t iît'îIli a <vo-iiirnLuuir-li'.r ilu l - t i r. r olq ete t ,1iv , 4 caFna ire d,se ,llt il. t r :e ltnllilpprr i o g .i Cio, t e C desa- cîgb flic II- îe ciTrtteCI Muest 5 a.ijilC MIeTCi !!c a tilrt<riGrliip ut,r CW4 , i. ici theii usure iloli !irrl - boîsis in a ci-s ot i ri -I i "le l~. a agreanie teeliii p riia ,. - aie fetrira, a gcnt:t- - '-<r. dure aî i rni , <r 'Tuî gît- a n (1- . - r r- rr-îlhy tiis.i i ; A îoîîbeu r e t ri b- i r1t vira Vif tnea Teilr. a:cd, air.! ltatt I tî i Ci wheîîn a dor-qe.: !Il.ii i1 î îng beniitnkeîî aC ri -r oe Asn an -SILiri lireat met-t ut cri irirtt. sicalde. W Iiît.ier, -cr- - -- ScorhutiiiE j irrr îrrina - bevllI iilt--, I i >"- S-.Fi e-te ry A i - sdire % i e.Va i r- r ji i odai. li 111: ,, Lt - t e iletic iir! --. n -i !cit ru-iie-i-y jr r l! ii1.i - Ilîiîel., ti t ji, r-r'-' 1 1 ci) as iiuieit in 1r1 , r à a' ri---t hi foui.! tel hi ir -IIl t i r- e liii tu rea lictv cit-- >- - - Ciiiiipiiy Cii tt "o. r eleuI athilel>erri-r- a li fOilir. di iî- - r.' r t1 tli I jiltr, V i le cii tr 1u . ri -i ; rt-rtrii.pr - ----- - irt igei n r eiiir <irur ri-, - e bu i a ptiril; awli!l r rlie à-- i ti îî pthe o iccri aire a! 1ir i r-i, mil -r. r n rtitnipiete rare. îhr-1i tri rir. i1.ri Ai-thlrîa. imr , i It 1 . . j. i ) T M C1 11 AI.N11 B Tîtote P île ire irr ri .rr re i. ulnoriai, ap' r ,r itlr - - ,- oiy utIhystaricer-.li - e CGlande, llridartr hni r t1) a nc u latt Itu -r r t, hi ijrî ci - tr in &c. ; theY stP inritrC~rrir r - )u isa a -tsuîle ; but, il, r-il" t rriî,t î-rmcu aîy oilth. ie rve i ', ,r r -Pi t r nrglt i< , lin n Yit-ilýiti âe, U î<î o l w wiiîoaut r1 lit-u i i - ACertaîin re rIrii~v .i fie Vaslitigst . ar -, rvturn the ni i rir i atr, i r - iv itîma acure a ici if " t " of We ruay i tr i- c r Wii ""Vol of tiiese M I rii- rtirO - - i leI, ii h a inqu i.itCi t hiid0 i~ rh ve have iiiiiii,iii k I iCi> îrq r a c, wtatyyearc, airitiam -tnr -1 bd lisioiie wiiî ber Cir-nn :n àiirra.jubt, and I r u . ILIL-r A ncure o it1i IalCirq.n b, EÀS l.Ef i&b tlh,- h tiij 1!M r, ePrepare ni. i!dri-yJoui I t da; aîîd hy Ji1N i e-ir foc Binti-I ierit tiîî - g E. LES-cie & -SONr, irlt-I- T.oittt;aîîd M 1. C W i 'tiiri ».AeGr.T for Kiu.tlîi IM s U a G.1O0N 1)TIY 13ES! I)ENCE, Corierrtlri5 .I.I.iBagol îeoover til.e iii 'R. hlouse- Entrittic r rn. -, ittC Ail tîiose, ia need lie ,r-i ex1teritited Delliut, are 'c ti 1p I 10 call. lT D Adniee Grali-. ' Septr-tîer 8 Stb, 1s4 à greauy Ldoe HESubsc rlila is JI' eîe V ifrola the Foundriratitt Order, a vei- rge asaurtniet f constng in rt ofPAILOM teof thi latent lmprsd}ui. lity offered eîceediîg lotte fu or . lit yn eIeeluere, !pln-à 0f oc! eîab!nhse Stve standtio adla the. asortmet and pre. 1 "il JAMES P Oh$, Prie..s, laIe Store Strict,t rot!~~ F EDadMEMiIi Lai,' an RctEDS anti Il.le rt oi esal«. atli erid ng gle gît CANA 1igte thona 511 h at! a bh lige y ia it. eoit! Mau la %yin ofyour eur!lits cet eîhuig nIMe thmnbu yot bers 1baie -tell &W., elleic, bycldme tl àssethgl arc bilsiise-r sciable Party7, i t re.,or tù, beaux, chbontth" lry 1 bel IpVsu n mperai" et pcs-îiha AimLoce .te!lla ou uddby teint, mat!by it '>7tà »e 'mangue c find, are bliat!. bac do your magiti go-b rerbte teteota-or 1y mua ,'L yen îhlnk ltégprofesse, Nurle, eMetian a "balf.slgwt-.l dm i i uomeiiieg ua econd. <hein oufn Tul t aomn sP motion, e,,ighbthiiodo madieetfb gît yo odshow us th. I ,ui'd Iv bart! mludl luiu iaag W.tireu a simaple o slontg. ai will, oser "tonn tell ue, Cid Mtan. if the lta igha beaing the. peoplse<f P eyvtt latitudes thora, on bai ll; pi'Ud. cc, for digealic ail yu cao giteeu the Mal i lti. Vea'd eïaima of Pacili certain youn judgment ap tion, sun as ayotier eîisi by r e ht»1 ir~en roa ea!or Plais., tn 'ti ls a vision aHi am Il the peqjecteir c(8«ci a è t elizOsy ti.g rmrecIlb onoiy cere mtade, cne can Oas ut iwould tgre taIhe tumne muId iaitlit0eaorthbiy "ce came, i cIebar ltle tent oetbth acoutre; îes aqnna boi.iec" agiâ Mantiantoît gentry, tip topts the stars & te ostnpesin m Plant on gtsrliuent iuplesu of pallioaa ,lie Emperr samly we'tilton irtreeduog bac empire il Lu IE BURN EI 13Y PIla.ItTI IURVLLJ A y aSaInduy Cacing, 1h. foui 'n"rOrddt, I vu smot fot b y rh rusuela lie et calilto aP, but pale, hW at tut: yet asauin spile r ta c ontmry, te0 havd tac. VidigreuctUmglie ittele,,, or injurloca, 1I as i:ti <gothor. m1ii c-ivinedt.lt 1 I.s id 1 hav, oint for You in0tg ,iPt teicro, I bug uf you," r Cisture utillttpmlnoce, 4, ait. Th. ghity bus cfil - tarmud mo, and sau 1 acr tlie ra aubt salaeitsglu i icaret! the consaquences. ftutalî rama.,ofCtngo L althi. ilupoieme 0 <tuebcctirolieti or mat "Y atituude e of ete btau ac bout tatell.yoml Judge. For the has ix yg ~ tCO tatrture. à ifs Casrmnk7Y are m0l iatg, 1t!@ 5,taya,lamuic e """'0 may ti a clriait eni .ngtta,4alshi gforIt l -I, irmatis corpaeik* cmPiler atis lacall, P a s et s e i f t u b e ru t 140-Yma àMise«, fer at the lexrin, le' adil lsite sad i r1 asl lit irois. lbas- r ta5 ins. tm1sI o a - i a daai hri ne tl

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