- _ -. - . - , - . . . - - .. ..- - . _ l t..s " ____--- .onteliot__ _ _ _teotaepat.!onepricl -y nitei UN s, . l 7 . c mnunet..OConnnauaglâami Thsdhct<IbisneW dicavsly ete h titrise th tsmpeunm. thte nation raii placmuor afe- ai<Lovpn.Biosualiiild etOnthe li acrsraesegointe osmrtenplntWiedf ve pry lbula pni i ,1fro, @@Mr Ilays, Oaa.. aRiits i O Iru a édtion.scula patet ie asiate ofi joiNluiity. maua viol lourd* grasoilier libertin au mal lentsuit m eisi oean aha ts t- sdaon tite l e. rTe i bthe asnle rt eilîY ulit e cvehueonie Àdý'i bi U57 1h515 Naity ptunue, ~~ g~~e 0 ~prnoeîuissa pnI or aceloto~pariced by tfisproper language.is e lth il. T ee but a cin e ireh rciiiziitLe?%rniaho ie~ egatin the bIrih ace .0w nstegt»e-. vitiutmuinisg PMin. W@ are toidl y aI 1 aboulad p.eyssifor a single moment a ns ii pobbi.en t A . tho.fi nia litertdes oreo. he -minubeý e il au a,, . .', .r.d joia embellie sada"«neyt viaisàgmnnogentleman o< the ig.t î-lospetability tha lie 5te take te reine aistraversasent. te snceri. San Lauis P.itesiand wail in thètat neilb«ebwfd u egt ofine sso oul a oth doe muTi. oreM@ tha ,vrît I,,. .ý13-,-,- at i îdhytefc tu b C wiOS5&O«ai *pf ft o f iIbis muiit, iuYsolpr ipud w,,ldhoie ndeeed questIon- fui Goa. Taylor. 1I illik the'Uezi<an»lt jl "attI&D'outi bsies ctl lth dncl'ot iai ce a i ' % II, .ýs dMesoied patrte f o tsutad pesent âe zto l a t *@«aof lr.SIU« l, and lm confidence coulalie ~pla!e~5Jmon itillaeuls coc7,0ta00l mn fronte Negorna uan as b li thgemain nthe eLope, g i,,," ,u. lm7 .= h , u vc e * à * lason reenlîcd ta it ey shall mtint b. falsifleil. botter drilled lisansthe A riseric5lil. 70 0 mo'àn N v r l w n l h re l t tro m i_.i~ ~ l ~ î Wfel and ttrorsant Il.4 4 .aie oi"Ke L leinthegV__Aofdffrecs ntheitisf ar ulc adth min,-a_ go th" iti lda boustdifici eonpiimnfteluo'-. se xtractaisirfina aouti - UV ,k fo i thoir e* oempin 1 lieii-.d the geferai Lgood. lensrprc a6ei i oghio id fdfen e in pltebu w ihdov l ire , and di-te' nmîn-- 115 %bu eputsMqelruhâtif a centurv. snd do.- vîthoul giving t a lgbnet pain. lie wu»ad asieilau sly binni as a bleuiraisand a saldocir. Miterey. and couvrai brgads sithîn a Jeter ioen gs pldvtidae irs, bni" addi- ri i Irtcllge1lc = .ugUt. lnny asaah5tPiptit ks h uga paintîun Mci 1 connat abandon Ilis punition. The exiaîiîg laU5-i1aaial t uaa hroi.po o aI ;*îet Lc Qum stin.it-a-i"son te Cava isi'dIiiPfP"' .t -ellf oifuttith w-ud are it tih =baii(Oimotion in difeérent partes, bosideslits 'tla 4udfon xeino hto %épisber lbea4.albclisUd lier ta lh o 10* o ues t cil of a ot . jiitOi,£ te nation bliabsieraitaeli contant, and I have 'ai Of'J cl30,00vi ret o odyfi ilsalndoshedia e pos dta vebenplerai tnl A rvi o disptaillat ny Nnnrec iiat lover a-% op-. ughYlsstîaît tsIntiilei. Tjesdifcovery es- lna denire ta sublt b, taking ils pace. 1 novice bIlthe lutaif December.I% i l iogtetavire uoe .ns],ifterpaf 1 l ýt - .lam r Chdis fii hac riae-but holies!olnnoalpiaitcs sli Ioallta iv rent revlsîim ~in te &artsuiaitondant pleuure in rennaintnil wh"re 1 arn. Salas btas otablicitel a oundry for cznnait.tdliawfb tho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - triet c ngnu.nIsil I di sul2ilry a 'srgialandjater myoelf lbat t.eation wIi applaud and braken tlio go etetl nnatly oa issuta itit tha oxperienco tboy have since gaseu, d Te ca:!,,i,,It aed ai il.,:, zns ymoite. DoI Iacte nesday mornUng ana, hlran,,rîplu -O.vs@sit e lrnlinui. ta iuî'pose ap-n me; ad vitle niai! duties and charges an ams and prosirecliles t ;raly lenmlo ipssaduevie tt l e# lbll., - , - a ye eCra- Tnsg as-uuaufî the - iyu jvilL stei ucioa soeisurfau'lrvna nfuig .'c hia a oernothe o arna ier os nu, Thta ill ie uili repost e sd ay iicýla,,ain"n poin Mr , p~la yle it e rm* ixgrctTitàowTi i lst.- ut ho S@le ngagd in pnîeiiualng thetoabjects ifciv~i fmi riig nlcig iicusdiOlea ita geatocinlimbernd usIce i c as id I ovt. Tlue et paciuels4siao weig-it',ýý,, Pi.. . ti n la aîul t efunda oe.n éastaion. 1 viii brave Cir danger in os,liiîfiîg Parils ni Vucatan.naiartos oai tura Alvcadetlateî a.a n t hh itionihthe runagin; ÙY Iian d u k; .u : lm n . Tic le bine riired pilIly liefte bocks 'lite gravtirthe tri-es. Theo îe honefits. even ai tse ot ai inexisece. '. tans, andal liter tawssal . M he roaî,.ar IL! aund i suficetuantîlis alangalite Lasitepnc iuran aet . 11 Eniotlisli'~ oe1il itne lla« oii5 udsaily puiverissul; il h- Wili leur Etuie v iegooaaopo~s ta, ,cksded. TLie introduction of toia arois as..fosrln os hetaire id cer Vi tl e. i JL ruung Uni beteeen r 1' i -V. , cvntg5rines seliihti ttle l iersals. ent h ties tender itotra pren esI sl c'ib.,re verY easy atier. 'hite Naturalizaliait LA a c niont fir use. 'rit viret5 lopper vie.niptJ rjcnamonre gr.vng uiliat interruption in thte Ibsika for th e kiil es 1 i sli peraîaially ce. are îuaurely moiifird by a decre if thte lOtt Pulig yl.epreneiiobri npu CICULIII el ~KtIXs i 1M.aBe- ri- sprint, snd are Dualssu hable ta li njurait y peal titi n -oerasfor vchoit purpaee Ipro- Septeuititr, vlli a îvai course la induce Eussai, in te huidnlh te Toronto aindiNiaga.is- ois l'nlipped IOTI - th.ua Fo'er " ei4 Laigbt ains of the eigettyaasî lie:ib I driaugand .pose tu rail t te Palac.e. 1 stali tere cri- î'pMIl * 'o!L36. purt& grlialalane ti.a n ctditanse asvifl f ai Spw a n- elu e 'i di brap ul iens. oi hseiatreiic4g gisnI Byibis ûecref, any iareigttsr beotei aa uhW.telliit~ t aitite hîîîr, snd rntsioIre ,,l We meq legas. tela n its nIa hspital ini sucre .________Mexicomoly___________ne__________105_Ibos t) the filleofd'.rints nhIre, ,Ipressing îbeuaa lui uYý, tosmabere itIL i ps ulutî ta roullearrange- - - - manbleuet. bo tem a Iter fareuseili,ana net I'ut or Clitsnoaianet te uit iilM c n, srtvegt.a u a15lt. talie iill. ai .t f""tu lW~i. ls iafl Uniteb Blatte ub 9iegiro. aso irte creneoftac eni ei a ui îy h t c , lis enii 'ta reters af naturaluzatiu n ir.Tite cuire froînBuffala ta Toraonto nih. it ucii- aîî isu bei iln4tliti liscounry. or la punchst pa'ire isaî. itilite facis ai exerrisiiig tebo& o ein i 50b lre nl l atoadclt m 'yu lco IrnL' îi ; pesilecrsasu@ veoproadingnlte tou, and fi- Lat er FP r om Me ii l ICO. nfbeglta repent iii ,yaair'ceîîeîîcy assurances the ipîsesciiin af honorable means icfprovidîng sz0 a il. Wal o ul lidO e tatioonto ite Wrare uraria nî(i oenIl ,1 ty adn veny.îas kur flie sctno. Tite o ily mnituaaueit and eei ei Cesit. fale brio subostetire, uor blenîerîng te Mexîcan Niagara. river. alvtfIîesanîso io i~an o iiu e eigtty-uevmîr te ri esic, and continue1 ta li.ihWuàlietti.s<a.ib.ANTrONIO 1OPEZ DE SAN',liA ANNA. sver vicite arn1ian vy.Perotat ituralîz- rue ii i ieleour atremultI TtnuelJ'uceth Ir'.,,t cdriier thr pr«outs 44itroius decroc, are t o .. WtIta a l uhîuâCis cd ur rtot,,rurato;î l W'h Inul r.' ', h nsanret s erera. Thcy and liecrîî.jet's MEXICAN ARMY <OP FIVE TIIOUSAND ditg tlite croseing ai the iNiagaha river." * 1IoîLime, in eeoe ian u '! ,, -, o* b sd netisshous lr enta la«Ose N l'lS WAYýTO ATr.#cKie.-ERAL Feth. it. 0u, L'u.ri.1 Ti-uyregardeil as 2Necatts un every respect oa ighci V arlouî1 ta eash tho,; the day ater lhe durssuan &pear. KEARNY. i&s.Lient. Kunu els a t,. t ie n hitise Let.na ru- aud nhligatiuius. leThte ucuul charges for cunvei'utg information ,aliuu.t or ai tro lt ucil n-n t, "o .n sd ~ ~ isrbilnu foi hageaisu. nd A purty of traders arrives! ai Insepenience on maour exueîd ilnycî eba hi- toads urt. slite _ _ - - - - n te BuffaloslN ,ui ue -eerpt u aev t ln' Inn-1 ' . eactepid fildo o @se s s erai Cfion. The afil mt.. sit ifus'et laps ait r s.eiigentoe. iro a>Tau,î-alpc. "în iK INGSTONrIlI' RA 4. ) are ; fua15woj i , forîî i50 îaille@or utîder, 15 'Them,,vi ncinn" n re tilles mo titilatîsekel; ilion te fusillea* nu, mtat1.1 i seiai pt. litbtl, a lu tort treata; fostilcit aiitnei 5 sion . s .lsud o tua i ý L I r, ,uIc l ,nn u I nthative ad At inlanîrr X tr frsa Nnt FAlwoc art n rieni.lk l1 ens feaedha ad.na 5latse10ten@na; n îleliialtreaunu-tu a- ..", 1 ,. ýý lits hei11107 n l 0 . big e ou uwn epat -nidîueruaffaurs, very uiltre eo aýknouislute KtNG8OT0UTESDAN, QCimCR 91 &fo f ars30mýc 0cet:-r e .m nuis~ Fur fic luanful lag.y .it4t a cW d h r.r itnthe rompait aon ý " _ *dtianal 5 Word$. 15 Cetsuui." ,alunnt ueqauinnurat e o -n,. o , , "i iniofo' ie~IeuI .1 -t fias tIbosa tiers IIuser éJ,11 sputîlease. iuuever, sg bau tho e4ta n -*--- ____-___________ --meretuInobasl alroeauly sie.u rli.. , l - .- e tt5% ltussn a 'ligues Mextrne. s,%nOP fra, u se i e~ - *tuià% aIptitunceil at tino beau' of the army. hIt i Isfat net gesseralykitos i O aur O udv te* ,e ods e urland- imu efltuu dannni- rwii'LI-r iii '. -'ý> oow4sud , , - la.t- 1 s14 , t and a ttek andl vus alanttat î e. agaliol Gels. Taylor. O ucoingIia anet batiu nd l lt fmna vtcm.'aeru. I l ne. nom' "agai ete-it bil Gle 1Ieanaîeynthat uCoho Genid tale.iseuotainanarAeiiviciuai-limiminetntuuuu tliuurorui et odials ai re oxelLno pouucail 1n. 5 sptinu hB'av .t.,uifl5K ICu lu le ,othesus tîuuoitrde. Tte Ma'xi.ans. ali:alw taadig aiu tir atacir mrautl u.oiattilu Pvetu g o ul lie scen nras presnelt ie n llinre (l n lelýs- run 11,i u.,,.- - oued aott i o tts iseM Il i ruuulL- îirlesnr a .ib ~ st i l t s . V s s l n I L k n a i n ti ai g h traup ea-. . tniiua î aI C . D n p t i , i î y n a e n I o S a nt a A mî i . , u l d li etuin a cîf i i i r DLar e f p îrîl ofu ne cl usîiv eta n l i c aPr rty ,ra q il acaale rs of u La k e litee u oau .,uu ',uI au - u u -a r ilm t n n a', i, a Itvj l f liaiiumebeoa eduerou c oiionluloftse etheTu pmps i bi P.aiIris eb a it e felngd san e alli- ima i 1 ,l , m' unt t1ui enle, unt 815fi~ rat %,%,-:i i-ru, ,,d55, rî. trutsuul.ofnselGs.uts prnaPeuuin of tu.ee a~suait Aiuur-est.Ou lusme agr nt, *orital . bou Te- 4 rtdMouf u.liIg met oa . ds î n Y,5 sI isr uiiuugvii a e r i emadnul re eonl of is rePrefelnsttp equal-n Fý,,-al 'iln nth , sa tai e e andrdeî,iposb *% wlhA.err.C autnalir Idaedend 7IsO cf he camp foi-la t aha&lices;tislueau ..attel averof tpiionuarot'ltul clquai.'tmnaiiairiufilumful ta.tc1unng s mmilc, ,,u ,-.n I 2Ulite lutadislocationntiseOurîu-utines] un ha sî ciic î I l e, trre l *le r ni a n g leaves *t tt l ing 1 viLla nu butin-r ii lleuut rrm nu1i n>- Iotk id a ntear x n W i4 ~ t a sos-ad i o. 'rl o - as aihbail, taubussalt 5.00 lu ra o i W tsow pcuuaign eiia sll îdèsan ecit- mii httiS;hu o grlsapt inie lm i jere y. ,rhtïoàue al he o- heanl s, ctle a it tet o n. Paade#hso ive hinv1u sd a m oeulits ar paî.ftbe ljuu idinn t cintc.ýre hhldn a th trlis ;iiel o 1îdotiu vc the siar.otu. e wiI e illîico tieuaç.uuli n i.,upic rn 'Y em ** su ita uth15OW m n andy L. a -. rrngngli pnuaaian pullca iiaam8lgiorlureuuaasoy ut lt ti"ar int, vuSa v l ,j , ss: te h l. u 1 I . agu 1 llitensever-il Amveei- l ne agaîniY "y@istnce, h exý l o f d ,. br a ni t nia ira n h un ,1,_ ,ttk !cq l panait-du and vefri..tluhpnc pleltaIsalur- I llduîgiarnis oinu caiuuuthe l -. 194~Ie tO inle t noclai e urgchiXie( taui ttandlueiticuarmuai)u.i te oîeeintnepeul ni"sdturIrurirI EM?ý~ ~ ~~~~~~vr anaart nbloSanaud ,fl spect 1eu oiaveurlaeê unais vnapuiacodloutwih hul rslitee ath uttuileses nîauo te @ortry.s.tie uetligu isuaies l tc m h l e eiff n i t rucsbWr1Ge it 1111e rs c Iii- iems Ito aue i. sig% ulor si. Mitr ieuM xi , wlî plt rfatrnq snlera . C ns9 eiîep a iai itv uh ae l ald. 'it i. Lgura larcide i enrn n-. " jne lit vitale mf betdeloe se usuaîrcesutheadeeriierl ui,- mas subliia; nd soles. s pu'iler. gg gos se qunuite b" ]W osa iealu r. n n cl fnll PIntca *ngUV aalli tger rs. yin rielisngsic es. n,1toop-t Caa h Lhun . le. ibis lui ..e ise..b1r ni lei.L t .. i1 ttra , a rta u ld i ng ti el -tthepecun01anaiy îlrsî i .l ci«te s r e r- d ai bisn1s lýý.uýý.,iI,ýlý, laîd imnianu u'lialOhi-myledbuee Wr a gaitie hslert-ai A orsh ice dBtiboecaipne 1i. on! itierae onjmtoitn p.tbh ruain ao . ý, .ll 1 evge ioninuthe v cartl par i nil aiy l ben tiosve t bIfce ftroua!- rulolnt, the ivr,t-earnt u ai l ',i:,,, aloik%$ risîIl ua ue,ralv li î s da c@,oilasntai edlw itsingu l iseie Ilu el e e akuvisO,-i l us iovieyI-d y th apona e f. aea 16.1 ?ateluoîs.ifofpile & fe a anttia4t iecpîlaudp.i1iui ai' pfioîasIntite smuumemeuul analDiniarioctoon ;ite rego s e pcebie rseel bu , a Cu be iii i i re el.t"uuu If ,i ru l ~ ýýý'1 ý. ý b lli loerie ,VW* -.O 1 outil er ur ,aile th captiu ut theorllaie;c uisro.ewivoagtiles, ledhe tel?.ile ot 1 &W ioeilc.aveua.soulul lui, ai.ntatott bhi'bgnuvPinslniwterb- aua i y ia .t sa~ LE;T R liernas i apetae itOut fiprssif-ai en I 1Grn 'ws. - , turc wau@i suitblsiTll ulinsoSaua;nis&na visobnps wua f a bPaeeîit'iaslheg ubicare siiîdavyivenrudiysfauiY ut :-toe le uiea pîîîruhie u , n in r n Lu41es Ar * llut -o' is i. enL ea a i t iu ta ucapit hé an ri r aitas rure ouiuralc tui in i n a.aie sMi etlu oli e el1liea urlaalctsulti bte- * n .Îii niud-u1:. - il$ lose . "9 G.' I i one oe litait t ssietr-fben leis e elen . epupero t hLue a oul uie4iehie n ligii sac ii c- 5sol nl &f aiexreo ingeueap lO ingsînbeorsre. ioe i li 10 ~0tn n1 trn u - Il o ' or ý lv ày i g e tbt. r air ieM ol w ndt ha t L mnu bua il aîj i l so l sc qi a gi s V e m e Ihaa s. r st c a au i te @b il oft phie ut -o e ld pi se aitah e stoin it a ,c e sta ev lie c r ( tirv ,a) N o nu 1 au C ,ru ru 'c * - - d, I 1 uý ,l aue dn a rriveîles k - Xt i l* milu a r eutb oiamL'tndurenuiin-trl~ o i au t- urniig-timph. 14,,1,4. c hauten -6îtc'ucul oin o ,Z b titesi n e a. iu ug ensina d i fo ratg ion o titi res înl hr ha ie a enieLi e c epm mes - V-- blave e' - e o r a aiut.Iasl re. h bt a et of tee pi lacs nsoiepro , i ei r l gl é Tte cal fr t erees votures es o sed b yp é11c, jb l 'u ll.h1, - 1et 9.a1 .tii. ,sapl&en e nia ilt u iiasî iiush t a uxres. abytm' iî.s ead'lucf a u m rc t. ur.a ee, ntin t gure îePuotii ttiie1aiy arr u ets bn ,lielu t.u I laaui en m cout lat .ag aP"r i ettuis u.s rs tln it ieelvnal alvn ih a oîy a i f ut of nsi le 11 ld î boy re ege; a nti andthre l l te han e k hmeu nu lui n'IIytt rn "itJaou ni 'I1 n 1h5 ,1 rit ,n due rai of out yîineî;l UI t literatt p 585nd eu. hiaauaai ieiat-p osteousehn.- Tîîca piteruin publihavegen ~M i Ih iimr c Iu liihn' Illa'Il Il '1 d s si ia , îl l, asu t iaun biet af dI s a notara nuatuitratati thl tri ieffo rt t e r u lgen t Iil o[ int attunII.Il ru __ .- au lu-a i.i: .bp td5.WI ulainslbtutimatl A prnipliae n l ta ilcor e aadevo iann e t fta .ir, ondif - ouatahe00ny iaIhbibar 4 îicOou1, sose "' nu îu is ui A ' ertlV-psraa ie&ui :htuc fa t îuieii5friilugiitei uîy te m qi us. ncail th u te-b * *f*purniaIaiclplI Lu e rdul amhuullu 1 .7 si a îe sosa G ieci I'i ocay i l, Iir . - ip4 i laibl111nupuar captali lli pquota s mre en t uisiO e.s ut s ruituios. _ __ __ __ __ .rig im alu o." ucrnslgoeao uudi" '. otban uota edptirani Iir saIFus sari ona l*uyF Ïi iri«a uh lt 1aimnas ee ANal t e > te l-u is uit Ite osieainic re ad tuhveral W mle hstnaioas ucfrtepr. ,ue1 Znli-t '. 1 a - 1 l itpl- i -.-oc 1 S ig ut. 4 hav e l a inp iu- s it j y. Treqir tuma noun e s o ai . pose a T u at Cating n ia G ts naaa in llr dont - a TE T alto.FheT a mz r P v i . a lbinsb ofi Cata liS ei.ii Ilteil p - n , .. E Wis ocsi-- en- m.. i t .tti mmeenît "i'lulauic"y ' a Orsa uniivdialy in of u te lmere u pnie utioers nmeeting!Bu ai -hbs ihet hn llm i iýn emlihoui .11 i a dau' tlwaougo $'; iusd cateI lite px dy heuoetvtorlionsî re th oin fur al l>rafsso o e u nl umsi i uayoni nlhecnn '117 ahi edehi l1ial1 uî i p sud i S P'r-- Pa, l. n i dien hl. attC 0555 iltvChac i ern Ca nad a ny a inat Iifnie 411 gon. Eatt arlie gose;nd I ut0, sa tea rm s uglt rgebalni iid5 n yI i ,oese.tsu ksruugi- a -s u e uG ' - 'Aulo h1umfua ieion ' c eltlup uug-,. werule . T auite lite ai. rlptemntrnuitnreitntsaei. vr nte Lhis.D. .N lafnul lhi e k a ItI fil uboiefrenc vi at rcSta amf lGsâatnr cpial, i. iai trsa s t s sutisajerl -Isa ntko mnpenîb l o ta e nuaia l eau rd c. eaés. oitot lêecdunlîl ragrapbTr pnint-haegvn l ontn ýIli h w oecm efc hervlriueadafl Iý,"I1 ,:9. in li AY.Tebea U r ' 104aiLa nla s n nl oý& 4. terie m n as 5 siu ais u lese iii raiti i l f il és n rlasmi tt d ialth rn i a"Pa e nt e are sor ec iotIn wehaul lIaI su m hut e ttb a loniln lt. ses rrinte. ue-ea t h e of b per o andp i a It l eamb iin. rra .1 legta rl g ps d at g iiinta ufhgi q p ar lu ,.flJs: e ouajista adtrie ai. r meub r va ca r i ente un to i gt t herd itar d rohîs rc uIs. mae oth maln n c aiy etae n o f uja th o de iri e l s - , no iesa n owta eupteruu.à, uih, midahar m reo .heeeia-b-dmn ibeir fithecoupnin6Iun Ia n îii-'aahsbtto btriauîGflriA îpîa aig <s it t faoieaI 1h.r is i Sirna Blas iit g lor a m ne p- a a utsîueunlnuuu .in AfT orrm it. geucrap -s e ux sl acu in I is 4tete hn c luleitp uheva r i my tolas usrive ul a s a i e . P ela . r aind tiet 'i l l car esfî nu ade l. stom . G irlSnitbl inauelin ho saI t nun iaii uulgrWible an lui 17 1;cn it sth oe fGei,4 we I- i t cic." e temofic e tionmmthenle.a- aCraistn .T e W ae a d tio da iu nt p e iutahsinsa aha e i ilie s e llfoencws wli i c ito it rsx e e u i netu l ettî hi yl, asoe - &r re l n. IadPlium , lo a ntr (sefl tan I ble tirâssct .ut jonleeai ci eat f ae aeittis SANTA ANN.1 le ouEWIG '-J "Uion" suIartouteilBî lin bsrit n fiedanc pros- Iseen theseouis. El itrst. f PSnd iC.hrcm. tdthe wole pau t aie d I liur-niu ui c thLaid r uma it h. a.1ssif itp eouiig li au rt el ouf ltae Iwo 1mmi l ite Ri ah i ersa e I ll il11.rsu.to ltass iht h etCi %.ntell.igtthe ealbudit cmee ili te 6irMedical P orale si n iUpf rCana. Buivet e gyai n tir Le oin ta u bmhl;bai. ta titi ters ual laie g fave. gaii-pr o.peslaisier.anln itose ealesenc liii. WA*tai à reggetss in eitl npn th e groo itevrorstatan by 5~ C uct sshvn essa nplloig lt nmta h1Sau hh tid hu ;iu nl'i . Mi c r ribabandanesi îleossides iaianducqingisantlthibisberge ba ofit*upTittytassltinukE iluhe nnidi ithua outemi, ii siii u iheaits te s... rusulanr curtals- g enut mi.tedhro icie ~aii m ieRniiu suytiutas srt l5 hbocudle <onitath Ieslonit sa--icovnula Qe nalthe iseti Ils-t' 1a51,.ý scn iii act.a ii stuuuhii o ii leci nî'u oumaLgltiise lt eu.au munte 'iteoso M salcset i eidutlr-ab -t ae rlmn- tea aÎ uaetepoe.cuty uqui Arumur lh@hh ntlau nap en tésethi cii , i îxuro a shene un tryfingisrc di- o sei e stitilassi , gay.aButta-a y e irmu u t i e as suint a tu e Mcxta Riuh l ufl. esrvaeî o nuer m Si L us ama, vîtuî7) au ierIi ibu t esdepr , a b lenthe inolea nt smancAtesl raaltt. er eleu Euhu il o tI maluna bit. talen dsl *,y e î Lu. hua Brn.a I àpuaaaut n arc.ilasi mal butnlOata d iho l at is ae Il Lil le lituuagiti. bld edcavu bu «l b haxelodtitilathdtW phol, nan h a es l à r egarc aI inelon-thio mliesi hnt Ancsortitai lu eanelit y u h. 1;t. in, anal otsarîae luBous e r nestsc lbatinî 8 t6.oht if rbi$uriatssrlu eo a li@rait it te fansia G n iAiui.ossgta ptt in ftepatehrscneidlitete ecrtilt lepan ihafle ra fray et Le the GuariaeelaitTiarsbtlb. oCandphietesonacfilite canal Collegeý si m e , wl u m iurd o &.-iltia.i3gB are Geamidju bluresp ect d ue La th euoîerefearwlitai. th eepe ople . A n na,îîcti.fi fleeîi phcialléus tatstelfa iihie (aiefainth e-tsu tu elita Bille ehgth A tuirnayuMm-Dot no a u -n" to ion eli; t@ o uf îv a ruphu.ai 1.hîmavebecait, lus nathen vilesaofi.sn ni gu uia rc aateiG l.T yut bekn heueia cnrrs(ilntudrth nto a G reaumihbietreae nte w et ccneiieinrgewl I,ûndt niu hisîîaîn-nnun ecauueilli ut %us, toleg C i chiot out u-edhe ou i t e al e ul u * t telde theiaile SontCrnecacu 1.11(10;te4uuui-taret eitatio. H ise urd n ilo ai e-botiias rec a sanisit tuerimmientîuî os. foi * » IUntdS ages0. )01 . alie sdtas os e l dîis ad B ial a it . mrh es - eq i t hedumg Iu e leant ilwer pio ey M i heo rudleati1, 1I beron ailaies or ed ueles o th 6h' epertbe lati wparie (lisebera p crty nuiFrauc , n . ronst, a whichri%& &aliance ois» raid, in onte- grs whic ourr.-ntare riqubrultta e llas re qureai oda War.in ail ils eari n odto ipesnvl cneto i. * hyrin, ,cr1111 ititia(aGt yai ni. asl a u inTlhe ras a 70 OlseeOJrsot.tir"t iaduuttiigi rasoir front5îO5.O lmaigruptureamiLuelae iGa nelvurn n- f bolui isiaitua ite ag el e am i s.Fousi 1theo-ais' aleac h as m tive ur ulis ursn o Ale Ib i iea fh thv lcielarq iiin i e e mrdn aitrutiebr oyb noehave p sîli r iletaofplite o gi serfro 3ueennce euOfaliss nublliterNatiinalicuards.tpiemiotis ta thanfinal mansum@es alteit cfeanaîhertuniailpmaltera aollirai Biito aedital Proiessîcittutthe Upme He wu&the fisit mu stepraIeture.ntn r uraGratuIwo anduttung ele riaitnppii, g rier tro. litie 8n. i As aieUuua.itasatidea tabasîîîleruaiaun. uiuuuylenlat trisusas, Lotateu liat tueîiaryai etheden i i.ulî of la a elxi--itm, nif. Binu ipeaito slIa, ntgihatSiti. -ieheiunndloenn laedualiti ceiai hnautma Ctn$ayrle t rousemenah .ut etaa t aisultwicîtellm e ui ex c nuces nl su îriturecaniu e~ r ou aitLouisgParlino, ro i a, n 7 diaetaluIte the aIss l ita l hi rie s lea ite I nou l o lasanl pimularincfei nonasfa iNoaia ii1 ua tte s ay lia r esntit e n t pi hmt Peu DaCteu5 t uiaiîuuhu. cîall aI- a th e sraus Stal 150 yetre. iteungrediendi anîsadeu lc ha.aitsi- -ae eilesche regpasuan xpIelie'îecuete aicfLîîei ta.esîeus dln otu thgave lite cpert it a t i ara hn uallum aecm ubu iaii o p tu ii- utipt ie. T 3 piar' lIane c lis hautin rausuno Lia iiiio theProvnce! Restttio Del Pueul.rlh( semaa,. Gei,. eItil ISaeasrp EIsa IsardtiFui, sas wliuUent'wth dsOppint- -6. hat te Coporaion oîtheepsî Culîge aunveien.esi musealIelit-at t nlJa ir a;uutexiso@aîsua an eq..I numharc; utuIlleuaagi.ednusuu n île Bulle anti iolste promuigaleiafiant We hve juIl leanel apon au1,8(.10;litenflCalera@,uy1.600t;oitd cou etd r Bill lfsm n rit ibeol Cl b si.nk'ii esa e itisi elai-e b y e llnedi au onî ais liteau àul ol 110 lse. Ou u o t C mnttce a re hast t e gr ec rin i ie li netr ihalteuulpw r n rvl ,,ý^,xpo,.,a ý ,a 1c, lot n ta ipeak P;Viey a e air atte. edtLirîth e nier e usu lai alju ia o i gnut ti sy hi, : a ve mnen'alers u 5 W ; S upin a îts C.580 urI u al J sice , u etio gh y nt s litaI h o inlence . a ndteal] " aite s ! a ailln G er o pnal. a sCb o ig s. n- d au n al l no n d as fi i e ln, c.le I~ ntieul .it a situationtfan4amati,1excoeleIdunai îragliaantilincailieue vadiepittd napleilu- maclan tanll urge1ve îute p2aMgoneimutiiag an agrtgate aiiiOUtie..ciiirsreis.rseciuaut.h , ,,,tuD luebeun eaapcluuisp uu au baspo cn. I Oui,,je r. livtueni a nlrry ermp v iss a t ora. A rs ieiln tt Il b Alil t h e a nt nen nd hovoer tae fthe o u tra holdrigl aehief ndspeer a-asptruc fiTbsraie ai. t 70 preve 1 e Pll h 'c peirsonta e tisttn.epeislthe âgeatuy* tnpift malsxite asns andu aude-fî-miîei sup lie.wasi mulbvevag ine àb coalition seul, nIs icon&c.hiunc.îve n to I a or arn ng, as yaofgeitri.eeye s' syseen ai uiiime ail rut lt i.' ^' (.lballa o Ol Ipeond i p i ul reci oui b stl e a o , indceotu an lu cra a fosatnacfiii, ous- aerqirdl aeam hr eurlt oe.ue nali@baiglecaeysrtnzePse i rnes ateCroaint eilt mieinrtieJ astu te âg lit ir. ý-z ; la- msmulsit sncliteute'buniOnes AioIpil1lbve a.meitîrslcatheNatinlu baths pItrius a thdfinaironutgntprelfssoatise igailnulteMtyhfetenluie M donsaProfssor, anluenc whue trir,îIa ye .lSIii.I, n ita ba M L paionly ut es t ite tn itai e of 70.an ses. utsve. Tandtcuurdasping es au tahuum-itîhe -I e soéaeralliu- o ty eelàedconry stistedtataie ,,ll A fee pado j lne e i t ei .orer n. Btia Pp a lst uns, ha ug o it î o id t- nrfrn-t duain rci ucto ihii or , esiaeàrt A, tie U.èuà li» alude Io inofa geateumegu mlo %hoîl al reort a e r l ig pno.tthaaep-iou ed i h ors st est potctu, of ir a ssemblais'r en a s pfraoli. 1mâlon bte e<lgysofiote S051 Ut9 toutfilm, Ctarl s tie .% con . il inq c i , elit h as r i es xu an araap-sai )t a p e-lit e ti.nmli c ualp oin ian gler îoun tic on gies uen a'c ahe ire iié'wusen t a i en , ainsi- o nsil foi itit ng a theoso un tioneoftaa he pac th je the hA asuethrLan to i"e u' Cseu sx t iv the pA i greet..-C Triial tasauels uff lc e bvecing(mouu s i ue-a si jua alio t eîcassucans, ad svioasenae auuma l. if lnul caillâts.y ritei. Bure t e ofidney, i. the wÂs us in f !" s'.etait- Eaiîpo slI tis raieYs OdtuaIl sa u aes of l ..tite e . W h le r e uit s a ad im es i sîp o le nyrf, Isîlyu es ftlsiss, au t i i eu m ss s grnd îug aut ua ite de - of sala i lces uieanti hea r s ain anuisiandt ae ong-e A sai l i m e ardtar ei.ialuyP ol cind isaîin e, au onioa, F -lu tIh . l'ils- il Richmond ; the son ot tiga Durcirolaaita urrenu. airhai itaiamnauiae.sudu1 gav aifullseneipublic Gmeoireipncf"îueeCanadie pdr1l>l odtbana il ientienearot aa beaitiloTn.-stilp ouilime nosieo tasntuhebled s 'Mn' 1 tercare osrrsd tre tret ordHamsltnii, scois epr e si(i aroitt eaiessleM atceiipie. aiuaebiaminu , h rneIho dspots! Adm risto icit l I o tdetyds- S LCT R E E A Ci6N esil o futain e'e b',* as ltihitli si l ittrtF ail l s a-i s thelIan . p tioaisutir s is s.. et o tneite bersus.trial-etrsîu utie aol er)Ds dualo. Oct no u ofni o ê Citheb, stlît sosteg onp iti sublaclid ne a i iaVcnns itit a n a Ia t noblanend lC in IIn5 'Vrci gge ftols .a.s Mlhsa,î tntIhe ae isr e i nr inese Ta n je tu th nbea maltapýig. uioan i n îa ta he i , n v a lstai .i ie.rssmet, m M ybeva cqlat. A itri iaAteie- No e mianiti 5uce Morea Infea ina ti en.' ote friisonu esia v aire gi epcuîu'iat te c n u t fM .C m rm lfiiiiair f i, i)t cI C,3 ly 101 sitetta hanias.s asKnitnconan a c posilon, pidaIa, p'Iclin7I tu itanate eupi luubYl rb rocsg l ieaud.g- 1unlaisse. io.mapur n:ery ay i dOtalliait apea. Al sth fîuibosîng t tale the afionria app pa. nx etsnn dsL e rta throha eaitra tepait ail enian. Mu.aybe H. Moyren.uri, Idll e,, eli1 us psyy1 n 01P anet ti n ndtào Il O I tas lenth"t.cou.UnMr.rin me an Ibe popebuso to .u 0 te s.t b .t du pguan s ai t die cl. Mais tl let. jstîl ie uai. a ag tlte;elmue o ap e elt, îe maes eir i s t h e li o prpiti iuiu mth e a e f a connciiipo b e ngthe a tif 1 -for Depe i g, se iff aroc albie r a ntnsd i. u d si, ,litng it a n ,aute 1 Il " t Thoniluaplie D u er. îeitiea e gaie ; t ali& sea us ade mu litdeIsr salt pbas gve staikc pmmptu anh t u leI avera. gbodis ;iandedBuif he 15 reacotha b eewl4nd tbousei.et theaTreat. hieOse vsnoJean tInsu lveri sîoong l îct5 uci i 1 nu dered nIiiiisleu r viig st Ibslealothnaunin faplstr. .iomolase taIatsautrel Irasinntup-tii 'ce alpance&l lite. Mio balle " MO %. îpetsa îngc lýus oitpeliai hu a shirve.I he lna emversuienout bnu.p ob as nî.sa iv u aoîî ppiual mricl nlît is-he uthe boumats a llnermr. ele atoiefe l imai thanGen-lcarnI th.M u . it *isaaous un vo r e ttemI a uq ,hoi O a sU sId e tum u . s"u s as i d e sop ru l is t of 'ties stic; it of u t er ritia s le, lAn u e t i u i theinre.e ofnS rit . te t t hru e sg o. ,p arties . l e fa ir r s p c t oa ry, 1847. ut is W ro n ro U i a s a rdgi t hi l ey a l I H ng r!,,,Wg~ veouitueiftaitc Aa oumm iss i c-caseve salonshall Ireposulirpissai .ansun ibepodebails ICanuàiru Vi id T lersouufory eiliné'lutsrpaai adesulp-inraigeea d'pcuelothe hari the. ltsoft-tu pueua iiePare ahii,île Prsa, aI itaeletnn lresecondYrk îwuleahi la bav b l ay tmné Io a. lbeer.bliaact N . ilelalesiilitsuo iaunitasiîu amri, e ssguea eas ey an lu isa s u moi i om ie11 u hn,5g lete a digecst. n eotlé lt hpo ehuo.Anto I ievcr 1 tePh edofteîetana h-udeite eteP - DI a eu clui bTsib 0 --th plHc sep.Town as a ing CO Iiàu Yau E coh.np vii i oos pineve ba Brt iin adpoi i hm fortase nerl»lte ralin ther. enub influens subli . e tie. upcriglie s i Il t 0pnia11 amass"a lueansbas1arih s CavaiLIT le ANMALS.-Cop.ity a alosoois offpring (but) sIa #luispeuple'fr.e Crawvn hne.s§lb rugît lisriea!"bdiutstanp . nm1e hl nCwircette I gr-antdii i Ia aualeutl it n s alan ite sti rc as rittutl e .i n . o t rdi a e . B t wub r a aaet iilunrait etr l rt Gen. ArisTO ban arrived emthe Capitaa tamtelle muet rncylstconustis iii, %uibaiinaecon solfssliAs«,,at uuonta &fierotile firyhed Aoersesaitiho vasuitloelbbatUtaZMtyao ailKi, '. ou o caent ofathe pemi u apele uw é un itsje outisailite t o aluil cot ry« ian it e eîsc' ih i s O.trietra~ia tu t v nch a e r u ce no u ls ai t ede u , fu o, andbe d ua ,oam e sc o at e xpirs- iitashih - b t at hoi e Tole I a iepre o u Te rtsudasnb ee s nha. D iq Je cormaes, mai ut i noranc and m nniieo -- be uttlitalsent enkan nya t ebet jihoolalfgarautso icsmarelitao prapiie& p ai. foum sg ral ndamenabelueo thetC ndayestala b a fri n 0 no r Wtîatlion o nobles fuirmnt ici'lie W,'I L lb. finse arkIh islé'o ala ur i tecum etsn C- 1 t aîepita a grIaolis rtgous 'arie pmwonp pirs. ouNein o llon-er ensatentp lkia ipus ibs uItp- e saiDitrct hlO o" hmioiclinn-guiie aton * * i IIu- jugesmi m;sslaglsn douae l igat 18 uti Ess Bulta- qireîesbnlnuelaotuao u re d t~ba es roupth aouu it tho ai îte oUite States nmurtoins wh cbiéraviea l amustu re eg tenoun1 ta he Nu teC uas li lte pînone. Ni c veta A stY at f. 1 mulo W s nTou- e. Te magsie otwive h apley a rtertt er ai osollicite lteii sonusrsI a ma. ot lavug va-meà tteiasii, astsrliose oieaie s ae liaand.noiciotti 0it w; se its ai Brnter; afurdn; pPouce.mts16 scriic ti itiabjecbit me .1 frbppe tuaeltheivîm a frn i sioau hI hsns c a e c. a ebsrtise. do mot d e t 9b."oecM ailserl tteies ou very o leIunv olfait. n a P t ra e t iru o . 'rievem i nIsi àtn e ly o ie asolit i ertloftthep ta suie îtebtii 6 sbtio .a Bs n wu p g rd,&d t pe . U . d tet b. l a u i Il The nim detaii i br.inîbi rsaio n ataapap.asl WIea *s lia Uiair rPr Uay'; Tainotn a ahmu TstG5ta e eeleofthpi.n telueLeu t'o pa w tien e Ogle«U oa fnri.d î us ope thud K its s ro atigtto su sw e i t, ansanaisg Iaiibdesoes. frcoilaig h ie f e n-t!br.f émcs ie»caarin du-! c Lat ias rl~eWtUms5Piea rtaeeust1t amloiîb eia. s 1e n-iets "i.. .îl bmeithe pcouin i augftbidi s iigiislh adai 154autut f r dtbeai W ai lyan-qus a; TrecotrersMaiit a hoTisaI; Ne1 ar- s t is eio -u1 alae l as teII itu icitheai . mu rceit udrontui O u d lc.o ste th av e iasm feneuh. ers vMr Casaon sud ceoe id er mi ibm eigi tia sa se os u Il.,5 ePIl f he D of thu appied t Testr, eterwads Lad Chif 1 en4ýT?.t'o t , _. , - .-.--,-bslaillss.iapogriselie vbvn*hilb.porunist aicvise, nasth voltiW; areplual5ybutincoin arîug aà Ion"' - ;t.e il m Ieaîag 5e alai ben055 57. autaAna taGe lagelmi is ~ ~ ,o~ss pluuel t us laa ifcbeil le teva1.sudconnited inapsiil'il.,tîc-tn-_e-s saNeo il of t" on t ;b as asl5~1h I d3tjsMeali aliCns r Lille - mam e~ st. d s i n m mrea ti L Ia sllthe ba55ssalop opo% Mas beoomi a -uf] a bosaidlde th iibost 1 IRELAN». ormi*o i tuila uihapp] tend by uic119indmlble agency s uI ai90"9 itrbons ao u lsv is b a s e a s c u t W a a r n u n e p iste halline 16. cotetua et pp5 limitaI lte peoCi5aie Wfou ressuareOe. ovIn eider t i ibm sumbringi ineu d aio Mt,luevUanil la secotalthie a ,th.gl.1~ ttcy ie'agel ,bde sevea iVara ilb îi s eu~n1an avenuasre iimé il th lalbof CI 'rcau îaiel el. stIbolP ronduss utsa y iia taet c sson guletdie .00. piaide.l du lsave lt gedt ota 'ais tt i1b.i4 umpos hobsnscf te ses, le I v u g eoa 1m a i o f n s i o r ksi furalawsa graîllaI lu thti a s (s ti o d ea . A u tt e p ie Imalac , .it Wsa ppam a il cil Ci té'PItaplîe. ià vasmtnature a-ie j,LnrlStuart'* scuell suhautipli Otelbieasi.uni;ucteimbrage 0i et b lui e talami mmcm tle ,diy ses ample sages, ansi tibat si li. cumouiedin las ltait i wt at u e~ ndaavucdl ta quie t ai eshiu eeet. Il Whan Lon eu nsofaiIlse boit oaIllhe subt buh Seisionsuei," @iasa loci Wco usang the crawl. thici o un. sintunsea puit; elaies t winus epitbets alersehumueneai 1Wn c iraeeul y ltonîpilaset ut anlis î"ftultp hlm intsli , aamudste bbisraIt putLlite 4, and laggaul tisaisviulenlly ui4beu falealaPeeal. The moltua ort aîny tf-tiî y a aboit roui buaflrs, ad praeed ol aextra a su*r ichard Mlusgrave pernoivin i tesuaaii vre leapsunhoul for' i jgotetum .Wit difflnîiy tey ante keep torabacî,analIsis Lai ussa aIli ope#-I. thse buai rerauras,île smol gt hahiil. hirt iss iunth bghe viai mth stones; sud titI tt 10.4 eurcraîiooa againat lb. mili aiuuy cousmiaun aIIanî an isinunsti Po=er.u Iaîitste wuma vr seveieip sabresi, but ni be 15poptslac; sîsa l iruldatc. Isieral of lite harne .y hut; asolhlitestirhung ai aregreaL eLaitebilivos tLUard néislad, wiabnitta iuielma iThe muvti camiiblol na vi iaili i fClaiteuicre.aut lait oges s iglat apprecslaalI" n eIl Jar Lbere sas anoilier ai Wb§ " nmlei *AddLicor n u ai O $es . llînéth i ta- 14 hiiiaasoflVengeace ugaluel i4aI piovaueuigap fit sai ir.AItahor pluae mCiIll se tihle touand se" mc iare cerri a set day lsan aîselon Yau be y aui-monsemultitude, t bdyoiruqo mitteye *aiosa mupian of soisseu WIgfu thlit aLQuetv- fically restoreui1 ila GeOI>anent comimisionor, n piy lis Peupleoetashilling' tac a lnidib.aal susMaiDaitgrvan. ltiarbeol in sud bagan ta sac 'Ilw ni Iraguema arrivec4 hIe t herewaag itnesanail île Inage id hahaaige r0posidîy. AI hast a. la1r auad severna ite i ldd.'lie i. alt vais Mt eugit ai aPtl'al & celles of disturîsui 1l t1uiIaauOsse-r# Kilvuitit, la.O suad Cnouai ee.At N Je ae- oatrredi -. a ppe:cas~i oeithe emen "aCars srivinage sud lecrýIy îndicsldthat ('0114isas spun hiebries. h lnog reaietet hasis assarase él1 it s.0 a i liu *nt ho ein te tChstin eii4expis 'n4 t I.tant n-Urveyarl 10<1 lte nias! aidtfijua tMI, all leat rain M.0 ia glt tilse eot itecolifaoe lId5 aoe i oi w u i tepu5c. Il usin ainus a eviat5o l loi si l euce mlC se ài icaim eaev bf.ton ai î aut-I dit tu uesi. butâde s ,%i ostolielhb. go i ra %andr. shipeanatuser I TO TlISE NOBLE 41lP '"GIEA'rBRITAIN lu extuemit.cpl hi 'b io l "V " e i IsuI 'Cr otsaipise frant L oeuu ce10eo rammm M fS m 10 w uteum A -0 j« WC ffv "Ma il 5 7 3 41 il i l --!