Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 Oct 1846, p. 4

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e.earn2,~J512 .s'42;.22. rnef 122 ruS ,tWfllr'W2 ~*' "t ~"N -'-a ia- -r ~~i&m<au.u 11 mitWflt l s i t liats.MIoisai. 1 blduom y«swi e r bohie ls Mdi ratitue IL il* i t~u aaarumiutoîbu s. amm i -e mcamd.. pmm u ut«fL G ant T iii. apsat cm r WO W'Ahs orMer? W. lfié m lita is .wan"s "it oejI walehemici cml. ich"41wu t, hi cveriy of t"" lu.mulirbavaeue sune t,«YM4&»d."W Diblie aakem Coe ni.!the atulaisnluif bu culd th- De*ayIg aillet 1uu 'hve i... ua i efsantu 498 IP mpiomi-plal teec.." -No." rupliar e tout miicolle. recl mmempmai. -gussi."but it uId ral plaie." B C5SATZ5 aIL Trm, mier vmoumeuti tanacti by ibe intelligence. N )T IC E. oe *e.udd -sit itmuIr'ho mimait, *fier ia ouàt-" Whp The publie are reqauat.mlta boean wmnai hît D1 Afiet WIr làbal, tuatte matre.4d Mr. Tomp. haes pu i là IM Conne! s Maical Pain Ettrsmrtan ie h1»&J S ie., Imo e -biau IOW ta a uilpla qhi.ii Il .cfoi,'der làget nut <7Ut itliS , W ieo u matmrinedmny i C,ànck & Ca. 21 Cactant ,.i atuim te0 marier r< ý& 'isu&à- g omve elitsanie boldtaàgoMi miailftnp macaimree. o rk. Whos areteaire aaproprilorns. PLI hoiever. âta r*PnkeuAbid lg'acbum.imurine .Mid iesamgh hava I beoue go Fr evitiuce cf the ummîeruai 'merls 0 utu".And ne. Cole am O ushi up a i . I" the bhan [et ..io t pt11.enirîrsa parte il But lionai l1vrsgn reuedy," ce emjidreter to everp cicr.ho sttes 5.4Raid oc hmapyOp0tP Wiim 10,uanladtai n &M* ~h. &t t ose .ame1 Ym starugyramain te Citytcille ha.sen i nucsel!, antie th* %ast d.é< b. muid fuhe amioth 'Bumoï"i it t bt ihas îmniid Jb ai oi ~Ctiisei1l ii s mdrfui*te. Ilt Sea ren.edy e-mtgi,0 a tbsiil udttboa~maida tua mageaon ndirne aho«aed-emse'a athit gaves mir.e.aae and c,.sfort ta ail wu a Wev tebaill and llmbundvmf#t ius pap it --Iut F.ie Italnt t liatemmeuitimg, bruis..', mres, atani iingeirieih are17 lnvla ipsî aihlse maIt ibu Mte, tA e t mdiatlishevlm im ILl t.st m! icienttituiman litela iaarein. Thi fosifulip. IwiAsh t, my»hme anu ai tiibot. Béati JU have overroucliesmlmuif. Yemr it- odauj hih nweepd tte choiq cataloegue of cute- iarg, bond tble ma. Raimti n yquit'e uxtravi. gaa "y imppopemp y sucetiwurkt ne" iouscsâtes nsudatruphisu ea..pltmrvi, & cana. pL( Eaaemd Saibis s aati sujmr, 1i shah h. rea- Pmng bau oerm.) Dia'i PoUmune lime he!*' desdlliaie umh.amiity imaler tu be dimi iargei.suanTi oti ailut.. Wiat .10 pasmu*snI" Wolfiaelowad con- timea heili. reuicrr.mg te thme cuticle mas heîthy crC Tisijeau ttereecmmit invountarill; i tAlsderable alaroe , fonionsa,. Il s a remady eicbSIremav- 1 tise o bal theatot e g i i.bi *09-ghtm a Seowdrec- - Von look tievm par <ont, pr ian. L pain sud ounferng (rota itibhune, acalds. or rnju. Lem, tinal. Aftrien t 'nn ise'Y Suto an iai, hi - klitn i1dii." ries Sp tfire, mcd met Ic lieil, eca-ry caseby se took a long ieupimati&mîb.mpn5aoed ishilips tigt- IIAirmi ihait ta mas." iimetp appicationficealant lie sain lauetatri Il n aitbreitheil ont agaia, andthobn mmd, liaitl -IL as i fair Satisait. Mo»ia. .alwapu wottlcasa.. iliout evcmm a scr. Il i,it mu a refilifui! aletiant mna tmiSo! iecain- ime market lace." e. liait a ateier been kncn io du the icat alod nin eutauifr mpeif ai aiea co 0 6-r.lie mvay &atai al aven six fecnt. as urt, or cause ani addulitioai uf risit n any, anp lghpsu syl u e alea.JenTumOfeuaury, anifl't.ahing of mmcaciexcm viaatamîbe eveiac o art1aem ae.nie l1 ina cilii iaffo êtal le a p"m$imn cet ber dig. transacio~n?' pt nIbt ~- bec:, uet.-[N. Y.,rribune..B nia. calsetl a m , maiflus clihata mmîamm. Il- Ycs if pou tele he t iruaitLp tocards fare- nmî. o gi ma. uhr gose u uupomun ~ por inouigage, or mshow pilaself in csp W 1IS, '? A t S Oe~ vsneg < tai ajrvirl. e sar~a ooeunti 1 enti fr #oise dui c ii il.ibe BA'LBAM 0F %% ILD CHERRY, 1 ýbo e*MàhWl4 rm.Touapkins esd- etinsperecti, emnvenslfu nia tu opatr lit "ijme 00;;lall o q,ser , mthiembeautiful aen tho.-"doiarmjl S eoe-THLGETRUD O 9 lu.sVan 1D-!" Oh. 41 pour tliu.. Mrlbo. Tt c8TEEO aThe beaaitifigil .tablisbiaat Of Mr£.Vanrpour for ui . Wima mio psaLiiar i ulln e C )» sud~ F 2' D- "'". iaier-. W t aigna mît i ecan aliaent idiéemitIAnd th bet Mdieinl e mmia te manfor A i Whgthemeif. lletablishent 1" fheuy tamge.uae miimii Ltimer t:Chmleiams, Bronme and Ib tra en r hos imaaaamrbe toel- aAre Iou aura or ablat 1" mid the. mechant, ajc2.Cph.cold. BLeadisig of0 samm utr.ppUtsuer pai hlmlac. Ltmg, Silrinest o Breatl, pains and mol.oPkd "lerc s m peakig weh aaliîglbPm lx, bsfae wa a n the idc. breast, 4-c-,andiail the 1 a ouu." m.Ori,,Ypua ! 1 t bmacg £1 vepiti aceithe rnonep 01h"r dixselesoft/Me Of nom.Ilbat 1 h.lev* 1 cîli not. Te Ib tggeF III, i neyer nommaI. h ~ cal) romain saitlong es leuncaut i'liep2IIlAV UAU. tt laVont dqut, moilaiil - 1i 'tmvietitmal * mtters Tomepimm JO, N turi . inmaLards bis deuilande laino u Abr V EftVntant diseame nier chichliaitmDR aDlm' y az-r .xsM te IL e a carm II notice o< lie alatmed sud l u £Iror Baiamget a vety panenful inence b am la ii.5 nabout #*0ae a I à i M1%pleuru c! lU 1. tit of a 40) Ya ds'e igi~ ue.~be aindlighanl u eamsn of ljn mt DISIEAIIED LITEU. y« 2 am"'mn beguu . l u oase m(îrperty. Wolfurd tri- I be Ocan lhal nobelypoe e no îch inuotian." JOediv .ovr u e pkfa;bth niiscmpac ab~niutdypoemone.o "ilI mah n. sui 7iiW - iii Iet aiee uhd1 ~amerqcli uti' mmaamu eflsiaathan aap mmed yhitirerto empiped. m.Y Mm. ok , moe ut&4* nd i ~î~cra ~omccî i n euimetmus lintances.eheu patients, tenda la Nnu,.Mdtr ov e ogsia« Yodi, WAa'M. m rmbsurachc, alimever V' id endureti long severu snfering frorîî varîmrus îo- Tauoo e er# v. mcadhie baaeO4&.. -n.' t lgtýlf a oJ e- anti cimn alecurp ia@ heen resurtedtu 1 To~g1 of thOh Bi'aapk bas ra tîmem the Il § @pfa bu ail ,te n nu ed î th'4limeia Wullord'u duseîîîng, mi antraseîflsBlîabarsurith "Yj1t q»s aàt 1fg rhatoi arrîF. aljt nhat 1nie mdfI tra1gLiver au a b#tty iction, anti in taaupinstance@ nre-mm.aaruSmbva mt mae lml .+ i tle amiacsa1ihamie afeitet cris?.-* ' ta laîntnmy ieve t &bafeu fou pneavarîcm- PE19IUANIET CUIRE&. t. M r drpi. bYOu cgu dèsIl' - a. Tom~~.' AlmtM.Tmpan ol rs h k yafter every kimien rcmedp hall lailudtateproducu ir m arui)mlti in Msgn, AtmcgIaM. ampinwet ssibm hph tma ticired effac. i 0.0ma el a aiea numod, i înhng upward.#» caes su11 in lie force, simd Bumiea il@ aoonishing effiu n thegissimate Ibn làhulai unihuibuch aus 1 hava duriagtire hit a bard juurnep heAute hau, are bc gaimîsd the abotte metionetiace atoofinal il a very effertuat day." lrea 1Wbtbaie Y* urLoaî ,,piqauantChaimpaigne ha cas suiling ia aagerly. remcdy n AS1'HMIA. a corapiaint lanciricai lu ~ ~ p l'bc caushie,reived on selmsigbisua, cas bas beenextrens vaîî utinclwitb miccimem sucumas., mY pa.primAlls. i ir Hew".evben ira casbri m fn eonof ,ea tanding. p pSain mrwMel is. Ttphac'avoie rn-l c sna.'%csl iirdoo um I- t e nip emîaaic froana regular Physici. îhi blediudnt aer mre tor amalboheops. tuire couul h-lp hona ilatttdeial, md nu moimermaiiibut bira iseburenviuiltlesîti n a]] the ceci- mE "I cirileepialn ryseK £tiean," ber bubnd mirsitp 0hi imudn iîbmh i.plants furac i iillurecomîîmenmed. lailnedinmt said ; bitsuscaiter lecumedng marlouâsumd eue'rmm arireulu ateiy, tdebuver ài ncrml l iîîlits nyI, ietidon, therefuire,ecurer tua cinak ilmi n bât baiehn fretfui eue u nimefee. .'c ilutaa oiarruîed. Sb*I& î iant ia aie ahimmp ta cumteritimymr, r ina. any pdeceivu the publie b a cashinnugis te plaid bA jour urgenMietl vietll. là sale ai acun wa prposil Oacvrraiing ité 5irwleaî rmlie canirany, 1 simili havi an eleganl mmasi, ie pou cafl il , and . Osiic fimapmsr.~ugaibsef . *ipiy endeiavar am, givu a brie! satemen o i sCd buuti hmmhîmmeam vup iesî cmeç-I hon i ' itcna af he î ah re. ur oi ieusefulness, and l tatter napecif ta as surpriaing tt a dma@ rO i isimu t eih~mut ~W M.ES fflutscv aait enairle mieltulîirnish u1 pinfof nava or a 1 WOlia lve a e fo t,. gésé. W tn leti ue" cupl o & lusviriages as cru satsfp ihe ,mnt ineretiutue. ha vt l I ld heri. asferaulme fta N a md arici m ie ntitConsunipi m y anomd CAN BE ÇURED." an peu holior thiIlu'a a aZda . iferl 1, ta' kate pairsqunheciheleaat reaptuuciminiraimié ha diais. e. bcoamiqeme s batir ai s m-up .muai ms p u ol. Tiju rm voivutin diEcilie, iand ibju bouse ha.tW.lie im "c.uykile a es plsi A vendue m, f icountry ianu1butIrlich ahi mim, ai s ul timttoma dtYsy!a' callei. suiti amistiumsant irsi flas h esa.cunru cibsep fmoa o O rrx Tomipinm mu eL B tbdti5*lm SI i sc~cuujs nimndmilm,yamv ictime.u.b abat féti destroyer mli aeh ma effortof W buthi laid a. HBad maneartiaqaaam îor SImau ie emuiii'crpauatmilmeataimas c-eaiaiaa )a fe mpa f abahmeu the himetuail@0 mîmidtatiman, Mr@. Icmip- pe<simg tiemnil, natalm h. cotai t uro mimopper. poar aie iniuîtsaaé manter hurripmt tuaireaiais bide. muid coi have hbelsniciei atmximmmshd IVa i e m ar.,bE.~fillecrîlti îîmdsiiect tamifteaitaduleied Wti.pma sietemwutnp thia upueci. item-fare batailme liau- ggven isptua o* furh.Q. bote.fe al uim cquas, Ni. *1k la[lae &msasemimil trin ils Il poite;Aile tromblml vdmie.mly <mmmihemmita rutaiend ls.beava'y mpolimba &"iedr@. MmiurOv liil 1 imleamc. No &go il exempt frame ma@sIJ toamt.asud ioloedillke a Iigiaiuaeam hare. 'rolt. d~aot~~ iîî e a teth.deliattami».T l'h. ntire iiddle.agdcti ter aword iiireply eau ipotshie. Tire bune- i ica ealtuiaequt eapcaae a.mt hc puutimî,,aili alihe. irmfond for iiscorn-. bond eaa haimt timeie t ai theo effet pro.iucedt, sumceinliSitue.ba th oae lie u argre yeale btml.m emie.n îetinaniim. Tima cide-hmrti pa.- but titi bul caver aitîcéiant i bis puix«a.- IL ss agouul clii.'bstfrelM...-f -temperanre irasretéed Tihe auilmlmn.tens niaineemiimtiiîhiatimî bedaile mOcuuldid raiup lier ibeau in icety, caiais, laid r ymarainecu.i 0araaînio mtrnla h.làOn1ela. t.Impeiii abe ops ml .r. 'lOup, tir sumîe ilîca, beauiteimirialiy ig.Sittie ilmd cioe gil ocledpreparet fimh sfr timienc baina ciiuplnelp. 't'ai mamîýrrîof ibar lubanmmilueuer creuia i asateait s Ie m.As tomr J *'iehii "f "e'$ catin uvomiir, iiat$ Consanmrp. lit ce d.unh tasn ber mmdtabat ait amisail ualicar1. ie buta5 s.Wifpi aci litaime tor abletîm aieifli.sgesLapon tbi vthband tatar- mien trac-imat ei mu wo 'a t9"almient mmonnbsa i, u arwtt ul iiit rim-dafroi i acrriiiPler nbrigit tu minis KI opiti. al tla ieoul ait)mimartei. He Eilia pig-iîa laidluoit a g-ami cuaimîmîer fiy gclidmmg wtr okiiilc-iyo 1y e@ot ha tabis',. m fur gehing imto diltifume-imimltat 2ouîntmu Aln.; smai:lalaîlt turgive mimase»lf lîr iIo tiere min trellp i"r tiha afficrteii 1 Noprovem. min bave maiiunged btblare-u a cudth irr ve lit! aie damgeru tui im eet us an aur aoatr bipe stusies-btthiai cmuOn es et .cia mgeable and lia!bie chinîe 1irWe timmîk here eh caverimmg Immmcm theu *irchoccasnimsomi hp su as. MATRîtu-4ir.-Imi cimteing a ie let iber hliemmtiy l. Anmdiifaie mIiegtsiimns tam( iabue loommdimg a deciaraition, sie dmidfnut reor o orl I a uj idi iyuj.vi L i n ime or un iipctm4 t are a t ent mi letu v 0 eral-rly, ciay le iia. of ber îld triceistu maitaiarulber hushact. Mou i hut ruammahbgl. le mr i ipliciîy utmll airs Iberu anaatreîerlatmiv*rild m retcedp. fllitbat tbeywould ho ue&e. As mamt as ube anti imaegriy ut htae. Lut ieriee haaliue fcee f rotama Witar'aBalil mof 'WVld Cherry la afereti ta cou'ti opea. aimasi. trily : m u.nîîtiiy asudIoereutsry disa-ffl;asîtîrer lfi îlenîm ma anmai. e t ae la le true! u ya iaacluae eLuj-tet p .madaaoitii *aid" lit a imiir triimp -f fictittous T. "As Leu* a. pou lave and mnmt. hleu prouiti cmlber preeiy faceslaimOmrioltu stai etfcte ngv z u-rey i rvil A-id it s avy <ut V' h- bai aii-mabahadti. Timmimoenti opetlur n.ml iitriimiar excellenîcu are suffetent Lau unimlu &- ansuri-y %bat 1 tannaimm»y iothrif." ligm"iesIlu# bom maîuiiyIomi misyd Lmuet lat lie confiden.rce ofme uleatnd Th.re wesu a g..mademi ai féelving ii the iunîbaiéd'a :iraaammî>,lims mut happy.44aiema olime cama uteaîeii - Waftutu t fatm"l loue au lme nadris mîu r ij. Galaetolrelata - ilota10usmoegamu me apprmi n muiutber limashe aire net iti aveator, as a benefacturof hiebts tma peu liw. 1 tr-oositacaimmince vimu liaI t cauld 1ibanl ai,mjt eoM I C,îasmlummîe. Thse iiai. sporion.A nmt *£,rd te ha-il sucb a bumae-ahmat tuam aval mpt mholeaveaber lanlp ouermor ive bours eer careboose pmrotp . smn arider tu deubal. moutd ho dey, runmatout utmai maa"mlgrils. man iua OPINoO F a iS GULAR PUYV-. ta e n'b cîmpalif mai mi ltent avemm or igbitibousami ammpp. tti crîsime sa-yimu bave bea-- 1AIAX. im arlant pnipertp wudineitb y in- au.ua.îg iheamdt. )oubial reâp Ltm. isiilwmmma Exien, .Me.. Sept. M ,1845. cresue tn valuis himiarontamdurng aima lmait liveo L umant.a ery dmloerâlse maretiet mnuauu. TiAs curillasuthai 1 &lavereu-meamined etii jean. Aroalp hahemmoii a mnadimic img acml; ypulaleuhpruuofulpur bamîdîiue Un itafWI>tAR'S IIALSABÉ 0F hlD o9ate tc.tlamnd dciare m o ha 1rectiveor agCcie àabeu piam totimiati fier tua fretati; but CllEtt3Y fur dînee t aimte Lainge, foiraca i. 1 od noi relate bahuieIb" eu mnmd. by Il iaîms lieud mima, m ifmencu, mii. chîrorf nti yean5 p&»asi a but jimtaepIo aamp kncwidgm boh yoarumlf&ameuatl comagiteai td leu nOai s vanetei mr haauty. IfYljt iid i»hU nW baeboauc use! filmailpaieuis.ai ,.itirbecui. cabo dlitaml oue remesubramiS.A duli mbinl er (atnemmy) preiip lace mth cmii ruati. Ii Icu case. ure At cas ihoumumh niae canffci uati oernalaint. I atl imuibie :muvii ooe, acui Paet eu coetm-tai Sale a cîmotieaed *iutupLion fimâtitalerm piace h umo4 ,eve. then mwthl me1biuAlUO- l y t timppalmimi cair asuid«am a.aiti o n rWiid Cih-.ffecelaacure. va fom a u ompesation ai hume.. le a depert (ilumadlp> it« as ir-c--if Laila mithe ueailse i u . LD&' aryiiu.IEutrCrer mi.ca ss eisvaille<oci&-ba"me hamais thete- ibraniamui ptpei îmamie - NU QUACKERY ! NO DUZCEPTION1 suit " t. G"mmai mture te mismatho sessry amtue mmi Alil pnissbmil tatensente of curua periormieilbp je Mo. Touapina wopt bitlerip chim on elue- inmi. Airer sumfriage, Ifa i coiem ame jmet ima sm mecine a. inu everyfreupeci. TRUIL. la bandemeaitsil peaiimg. Ever ur irent teae qe beratu e ouv1 g flai IrlBIi4hARE OF t2OINTERI2EITS ANI) ti heut. heow erflýyt.y, er rie.inieu ayingi n1 mniapte ào nabutadvaagu, let iIMIl'ATIONS. Tbm uiporuulieuiland vu- baiug actemelle. shi demie. iSho cas a ceai, ber lheosaen au aseut teimpwe.dgracsullp je-dl, t-miisng elilcacp ol Dr. W istar'& . DIsa<fil vai'wacues, but moutm&B pem'ecto&d.Nm'glsi. or ulagamitt!acommpibed,ie.ah. ne m ivsî fr a1Wid Cne.rrp ta ai!t ediumase for eiah i laii mtandng fauth aeead a long ssvogroe ahi emutgbaiaiims. 'Nm epeoape are barneem'ti se rectaindiemdedl. frnt .nycamaes mlter hi aiiItb gardeneuthiarminihêersmoré maniae gerýof t< i. puloe Maiionuti. abe aimaifraw c;tai.ttor. 1ai tUbffbl jtPaici*a@ m s vamlia.g. ir affort-- god thra. ,îa'u.m mee'a s iait are otu buasa emfeà a 'aaitsd a large amiAcrsimgdescend <Wa Wu.Tis Mn. onîtin.cen to roisutte moha, mil mm daim a.i go Atmit y~ia led aitcm aut hea. cate goPRIMca amprilem afuit.s tir.plapiti iim oIlli.husO . uetusu. eea, e roipeocd mnmaiut*= ,dleîatm t ;i2 fmsioaa:lsa epmloai!liemeea oail I" bo squmknp m» hmubiluon puait broW, aliaee amu ton. u mil iuanajasmail apgsaneu, u the gamime "tbW He entonni Iis lits tl. auna deom in uleur dyei. mse am igig lune iDiluai. Shimagof emrýe#and sagmwsteiti eom5ti .b pur bhohimsr vaeihchcouIvpoie nut tIo B fera@; scd ges;the rtanule. Dr. WIS. dapuiag osaibte upieuidtfuriture, sud rnamnmng tircal; ier a in odupa o et aip; if lpou&di TAB'S BALSAN O0F WILD CHERRY. Irn boïiair tue pntm"U smt itionain lia<ocialtua, ber lu»vswadmSlsv*r .0a090.Ablae %l! Nom. genuAnt mIets sirned l hJ'. BU19'S. word. nd ouc, abup snovai t ba r hmagine l a ponulot WPO5jAdabovusail crdaisruaBETff W. POW lThlle ia bai meap .1< mâpai ea u t tstaap aihuao btpo.rtnamycmpmyj .Fo aeeumie u ad -ret . hIm Ai, - 4" abat mpielanse In aue houan uht~ o lehmr; li btr ,huti maia peu i-aIlt-W. BRENT. aad NOBLE PALMIER, Agents tbntoutratnee te t bus"mulet t lmm. 7main<masseez. »ydnp anmd msue ictu 0etpfou Ksigtm. sW bu coud me sailimurnainha uoie furam 1". HIARDWARE. IMES PO)WELL in retnreing iluh,1 t. bis nunsoronusTown and Cauntry c'le tes (ai their pau Ivours, hegs <o Info te ad &. public g&--uu11jnt be"ls mil.aýadjiis hlmid aimd in Prwe ,Steet wheru bu bas on band. and »%V e fui ezamimbo. anuxte"svu asuorTmee VELF AND FANCY GOODS. paina" arwbwtSU. AINJAPANNED& BLOCK TIN WARE, ,d sTOVES of ait descriptions, at pescea rtofore .anprecedent*d in tais Market- A EWDOZEN CAsES iiry houru and uight dayu, tgter wi ha assamrtment oif PL OU O Sl ýOUGH POINTS of various pattern&. heiîghestprice paid. eiher in excmange cash, for olIdBrais, Copper. 'Pewter, and md. 07- . P. <>1;cits the public patronage. [ing thît hiq>rices wîîll sustain him more, av than sny lengthy eiaboration on bis Part. gingstW~, July 1, 1846. ritish PR!cnt Hygtu Ne *k:ýe, VeGETABLE RESTORATfl'n PlI L bS: :L ECOrMENDED uithib hst FAMIL, . MEDICINE mac Anue, hy ihaumanda' ,ruai BrilaiR. thu United ti ates c! Affierpm, là Canada, for Restcring impoirmd Nture te nailà andi igmmr, anti prevuaîii Daseâe un eHumaniivtmaaby Pauji7:aTi l'r Sale, %Wlioiesaia anti Retai!, ai iheut Fu. tlishient, No'. 50, Yonge-street, Tniranti.b SEPII CARBEILT; je Kingston, by S. W RADY-opp lise IMârbea Builitiugs; and ?airain numeroamE,&gents, in 8alý, cociainAng )Pilset aIe. 3d. ler Box. Er JAS. WE'IUE5IALD, Kemptvilie, iareral Trarttiing Agent fot Canadm. Eau c01 boume. .** Parsema doiting Agenciez. miii apply mu mve. JOIIN SWAIN & Co, Trmi May 2, a1846. OFFICE 0F TE [atui i la a ar amI te c 0in Pmilay, OF TH* N consequence of the lite disastroui *evenîs resuiîing fram the use of C*n. 1ine Ou., the i)irecîors rîf ibis Couy cal e attention of the public, tu un advertise tent inserted in the Newepapers of ibis Ciîj nApril 1843 ; in which this Company gavt iotice that they womid flot be responsibie foi ny loss or damage arising fron tbe use o ampine 011. it bas ciua been resolved tbat tbis companj iii ot pay a»y loa or damage that mi Ippen to any building, or rtbethéonteÉtu o Dy building, in whicb Camnphine 011 is use» WILLIAM IRELAND, &.cretary. Knso,1tmOWul .6 B~ LASTING, F FF FFF FFFF and sporting powder for maie by the Bob- ýcie. CHARLES W. JENKINS. - Kingston, Jue 17. 1845. INPOI5EATIOM WAUIED, B y the Uderpizned, of the weresouta of Muis. AGNEW. hius oulier. amnd ais" f RNNON, JANIEti, andi JANS AGNEW liren liai heard frmmatimey wern laKingston, )nlther wîy up the Country. iirP»pera West of tirs ciii confer an ici of !ariy by copyingthe above. JOIIN AGNEW. Braclivîie. Marcb2, 1846. WOLFE ISLAND YERIST. rHE STEAMER ISLAND QUEEN, CAET. B. IVES, WILL piy rcgulir;y between Kinigstonm andi WWotfe Iltund toîmching ai Garden, Islanmd,E cniIi further notice) as folocu :- LEaVS INSTO, LEÀVE5 WOLIE I5Lamn #t 6 o'ciucckA. M. At 7 o'clack, A. M 10 . .. Il .. 2 " P. M. I"3 S . 1 i- Bates of Paru saute as ast yeur. Kingston, Aprl, 18 4 Caowiq Lasn DEPzRTifT . MostreaL. 1011 Marck 1846. SOTICE in hereby givea, by order of <Hia NExcellency the Adomainitatsir, of iheGo- uga cmtiin Counci, ta&Il persona mWho have reX:d locations of land inl Western Canada, pinc ilme lut. Jinasey 1832; and aiso ta partis laied previm stu that date... locations 'cru not ineludud ia ihe liai a<mnpiisnted amu hie tu fnnfeiiere. pmbiihud 4Lh mof Aprili 189, ba:, uniesu the climaents or their legal rapt. mantatives etablish theïr daim ad ti e onat tbuit Patentsewithin gle peurs <"m dim dUt. te land i u ha ruaud b heGoav mnît. ae dîspouetioff hpBale. O PPOITE tlm.Catho lee &uuurp, %rock 0Sruu4la DOe efflfor âM receptue of pets- .reuari Moâdaca" mdSuric'mia5- V4,"2 degNdmeal OEIca, Dm az. AIZWR&., Ca.suiltt4. m , De Smm .uem N. B.-Vmaifiag haer Ote 10, a.là. FOR BALE BY THE SUBSCRIDDR DOZ CasaSteel uaemtsv choppmIg Axs(wawerad.> à do. bnd do. cramu ast ws, Pbi"llpwa Mill Saeu,. CUAILES W. JENKINS, * Pneumm wt NOTICE. T bEz @Wlew"im Mauasband a hlmCWO TCehu.MWiftebeho, éaid a «"man- omm*$"Md regm# eu * h il dqmm et ai rz m.phiepeuli C . IESW. PEWKI Elugmamz ne. P ATEIT F A?GIM SW.LE, 0< W w . jMags Rmcîwua (IîicuaÂL'u Oseaca, NU N NG L 311 PATENT STMRbW CU f Kingston, rëb.. 184&. 1 po R SALE BI l'HjE SiJBSCRIBE 1LACÉÇSMITHS' uvil, 13 Do. Vice#, Do. Bellows, Do. Siedges and imnd biinmen Beilowa pipes, Stocktsand dies, Caal steel filai andI rasps, &c. &c. Ai of île besi quality and exccedingl Io* for Cash. CEIARLE9 W. JENKINS, Princes% Street. OREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT TUE Opposû'e lime Lamdtlio ose&-PimsteStira H lE SUBSCRIBlER tabes lhm opptsauni Ttue Adorai bis frienilu and tire Publie, tit he bausnmade a gflou redmaction inlatimpriceÀ svurv diescriptian of IHardware atiPM Goo ami ad that iroAminleierinud in future ta n VERY LOW <(WbicmalO or Mutail) for Cas or approvil cradit. Tihe Stock b, cb ilA very extensiv. compai 19ngih. Banks' rulimail, Crocs, Lowoora Scelesu Iemn. Rail Irons irai! round and Haop iran, Casa. Cracley, liAstar, Sleigb hmm"and Sprir Tini Plaies ic. ix, Dc. andi Can"d Plats, aheet Ieaan KMimier Plas. Shumi Cugape. al Brasa, Mhet Land anti ZInc, Iromi and Brais ¶sre, Hcilom 'Nîru af everp doucriptionq apihsm. Nults, &e. Shiffielil Table a" i ther Cutierp, and Si!'l Platoti 'are. lverarpmijkaplmad hindlei. eves antFan Silvr p lSeSrvica Britane l etaI, Copprmead Jupsimieti Wu Table Lampé, bans a d otber LamOpa. Caadaa M mdChandeliers, Fa m opemmeels&ad Utemils, Pui uvCusesuaidlsp Kiv@a, RimBe ani OmIMliigPM.eu. loi»»-*. Cmrpeuer'1a" m i bp Diills' TmI IAý2 à^ Btte. "M "e. a ý-amut a"Carini laie, Cal., Malt, a" Ceon ie, Paietsandi Oism, Wimnu Glamanti Fulty Cnkmp.eGloa Tuba, Fil4 Chorus4 ai CHABLES W. JENKIN& ver Ual..îby Ah. ulerbers A. EW mu t u iver Plate& ,ail Butai le bota .uîtsiVsaimma is P ClIAILE W. JENKMII JIJDT mREElVED ANVD FOR 8AS TSw ig IaîtNo. 1.. Ueep Irs. BietiIma. à-c- Cmtsueldan eussudil Shet le primeniSo Appiy t .&D SHAW. A se pt. ,5lm su, "au L mua Au I. E. mhz t- -mi FUBLISIIBD El' At aie eSef, i'aStD 't ais M."iim HlieuX, daUbT ~lsems rllI si t.. .ai 1 a~pJ~ *is De papi s ~ - Puce « ADSO5U Msilr, M .Cd. maiimue lqet imeina. nt lO k«ue.i" asme.1, ail IdsLimOcM OU jMWetiaimicml AU trmsdajP ai r irsir a5e 1 MOLtreai. 22nd Sept.. 1846. NOTICE. 2h Caimuutfor R"" lomLouses in Upper Ca. UAdL T HE RECEIVER GENERAL bu nmade aucb arrangements for the Pay- met <f îhem aims as will enibie bu. on the 2nd day of Janaaary next. ta psy the cfri s lia Ciii-, rithin thie Districts ina dieh tbe laimants reidé. As tbe aggregate of thse aliowed cdaims exceudi athe ParianweuryG rant of £40.000 b, 3,463 3, 9d. thora wîi l e a proportionate deduction from tise ansount of eacb clau. J-AU île ppr .upp Canada. pibusth. u4 hDiticsassjred lis, are requested Io tseri the abore Notice oune Moulm. 1 W4 6. nhe Undrsigned Ia'd itfuriher ,oîte, .charge' thefolloasrng AT}IS 0F FREIGHT:-a Prno MONTREAL To PRESCOTT, iROCX2 ILLE AND KINEGSTON' ANtI 10 PLACES ON THE RIDEAU ON, k. Ci!, Salter] Fishi Pâcb. Tir, and Rosia, le. per cwt. Bar Iron. la 3d per cwIL H e vHardwarerOroceriej4 Crockery.Rod, an9 d Sheet Iron, and Boiler Plate, lez.1per cwt. Dry Goodi Gulasi and Pow<Ier, 2a per cwt. Sait, in legs oaire-.per bag or barrel, lau6d petw iaas KINGSTON, OZt PLACRE S Low I11505105 TO NO2NTiEAL. Flour. 2s per barel. A ahes.5sa. do do. Poarkt ai Beef, 3s per barrel. Lard and Butt, ipur tg. Wbeei or other U rain, 7id pur 60 lbo f Bran .22s M pet ton. Tabacci. 10à. per hbd. 1 Tnunrance as usuel on iii Froperty dowi wîrds. and cbarged la addition ta thse Freigli 4 Ail other property in proportion regulatei per birrel huik. The Underuigned, previous i thîe 1Oth *ay, wilI.ouly recive Property consigned *toa tIens t Kingston, as Warebousensen, fo tbe Starage of w.lick the llowing charge wil ho made: Fiant, 3d per barrel. Beef ansLWork. 41d per barrei. * Tobacco,, le 3d perbisd. il Asles. bd per barrel. * Lard or Butter. 2d per keg. y Wbeat and other qrain. Id per bus',:' e Anddail otber proMrty in proportion. 'r ALL FREIWIT PAYABl.E ON DELI VERI r~~~~ Ai rpit hil inStore, at riait af ah ownur agaitit Pire. MACPHERSON, CRANE &Co y HOOKElR, HOLTON & Ca.4 >f JAMES DEAN, Chairssan Qmebc Forwarding C'orpan: SANDERSON & MURRAY, H. JONES& e Aptii, 1846. flar, bee-i a fl,-" 3, h a t l e g rrn 2 2 2 0 pffuirr, N e a,-* l T. 111 -" i ,, l 221 B awel L2-.22 , t- oi JO 1 a Je w ala, 12 I Nne ap e , l e . '..... Plhît palula l. 222 2ci1le dil , reil , I .222,, 'proIr wîfetiiaIe te 221,2a nes te22 iie d e ta . k ci ed, aiitie Ila. se h- - chireî ythdiis Ntht2 e i T A not rliibr f ra2f i . pe fe 21212tleg; 22.2 C mi h, 2.22 i.! bA anie t i..rl tCl dre a 222Il2t,22 22" 2 cbu i rtigio 22212 a li curatli nu-M.'il &Ice.21 luesNc, a'OI ",ÉlII' , W evra!,uri iea l %,ia Ila vigor se deaî ri-t r i incies itpuiies, butiî ', tie tarrbira luIut 2ai,! 2r peu, r iefot! r a2-- ' r', u, , -, 2222. RU' î. ii tly nt lt a~igh 'î222 Iw e ler21 iil 1 1 lie , -2 eu, m miarelseti pttr_,te l <i e Y . I , e ,,,- doagruheait h W i tr i1222 aimie2pnt lea , il,, pu222 ,, a tr ountri e rite, gIi ekh'u 1IJ,: one of tieit tliC2i es22!,i. or tientiy riarie s i 22 ,'2L Brtradetincre atk- ,t 1: p hi 'Il. 'I bs t ounf t d 2 his Ise 1i a n vh','r . d îenan tafc h ;ilit v rei tý2r"' i uan rlita L-crti, gct 222 t! e l li l- rf utr c(n t. l' t ; iLe > 1! 1lfI rtfa t lndr-elaC t i a it ie 2 224 tiri dap.tart; ari o,Ili-, dra . ,,1 e. up the u lien airüatiy IL,2 2 , I2 -. a com plete cure. u,,ri. , clt2 . 2 Irîhr Asibana. l'rire 721i1. 1- , ',7l t, y'- STOM9ACII.AND> ATI-BILIOl' le ILLiS. Tliu.u l'Ili re f2 2.,12iî,' r-r zl substances, anddlrt aitru2222rt V22 '110 gLeaiimc, Cîtet ve2l-2- L igî -T22 1. ity, Hyaierien, Liver f 2[:, îieGlande, 11lcare, t2222 2 n'tacenaus Ertapl2tin, II2 2 C22il ,:, &Lc. -" îhey itreigg'2 i l r1li !' ,, . '2 -:! '2 when nere-Sary, titiy ite 122 ,22", natafalsulle ;but, , arr 11:2. 2, a run any of tS p ati nfte iil Léa' F, i' 'R h t n [ r àa u eiR t'î i~ t t !i a!V I r AIÇODINE 1.07201, A certain Cura 1(r intiaiard ,,o r--' vi ie Nams!titgs. Ouar ar.'.s !;,eau 4 R.retuire, the 0122eyv h, I !,1r22!P , .,- wbarea acura ra artftd.rri-z ,Il We may urtrOdre Nr Br T,-i, '2222 '2J of tIaee MediciiiI- --l the 1 1L22'- 221 .2 ,1 we halteybitunai.2liih' 22 y 'r awanty ),car*, a ital 2 4.222 ; -2 iy tenasion.ru îrary ha 222 . Ji:, .2 2!iK sîici ere, jîrI. andi truc. li if '2.,ia cureaitrIail 122 it 222222 prepareti5f a r I 2.22J ArîML,12il, ' ege ie; and hy JAi ujîiL,2' . fa. British îllie ca 11 Y E . L Es s iLIi & SO N l ta h L.2 2 I .7 h 8 l t r o rn iito ; sa d N r. ë -C. l'a r , E il a e 0*AOENfT Ir ur Kingr12t2 N". lrM-lll tell Druggist, 1118rlrict Sqar. h, zb:uo ris- s UIt i laOi D Sf J~EII)LNCE. Co2t,,r ioA.. ald R Bagai Strer ta. the wut i22221 botria E ntrante frot i h'rgt ~2 Al iler ewlîo need titr e UI a I ing expenienced Deilliut, arc e 2'lcfu' 83- Adîwce Gratis. September $th, 1815. STOL A&t gr.tly 1e4ucmid I'T He E Subscrtber ihaîi rt rceledà 'rT frornitbe Foundrnef, nuda a rk. Orie r, a verry .large rtiret f I ZUBLI6 pmftl0 aat haeel iw 00*'u - % ~~iveMO pa. aam ide. tus umusmt tu -jse a h leS nu eu l«" "*lleibu .a ief MM 8~41 la"b àMaolle giem5 aMiami da puttaiMmduoftb hku le(m Msr uaerbiill to iln ewab gtel51 mOfi ,ialaj&Tima apinlouia carast. MWice fmiiyep adra i imyntgiivilteîthl uface b adl m.t«e c.OMid pure a.u5eV eims deuru', ue damulem Ain be.. 1itirlàmr.i@itapeaCel 6 us te hemring su tratei a hahe ibe ialas. ",or tla am. îag s50.mse.M ineriainig5i*dm md «w»as h. prenne aithIbml ui queitli bu*sutmd mahe hi liait nsothoo mairor; th* bal ua niar relly11ip usés ' a sdlyei ah.cas a anet sud« roue ltiebimuhi. Of bar chi Isagîmiaf etgol bar arrai', a utui hi mie MatOmi hbert pede rmaed tatIlriMboigitreps>' b &Wd m il d înu r dm ei im g ls Lime ibm16 uti ~ ~ (o frau mr !o huiadralauds 1 bros, as A kimaseisethclmluso- ce bd usait eise«alail bu h Il ad dsai<lussh agte, ctebar, 1046. b Te < brualh.m um le m pdihieisle, hAu lshOMi <bas. lbam Io mupnell nubm-be suell h.mde sMl a bh b»alu i assaiS Wiaies. 1ne, sus.l Lad î<.e, c ell bu ~ ~ ~ lweu.ieSh»j*.. à$amg' imIus~ j* ma* gsus WOW --- n IQA

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