V.. tlftâIBh e,é Ak . xIcIs r Nlu*TA Amit FOR 9U8ATOF WA& 18IVAL OVNI- barqueBewwb , Cbp" ImuS ~dhIV.dle,.pe . ySl&MesHava- i. IeN rie i ehug 0 et m menk sept &W iiVera in«., asieuissi aHavé» e e.<h liemment Wm m&na talo Ifuhi lime usuel 2* ew me th et ltump er lave b. of mUnti . cm Mid usete - vomits hi. *S the -a s.and in. late .tatiie. i.d by iv su six avaa,1 "i«,t. the howswed lupuan Liest. Geoijea. rand Wvu s fan, days. rey V. 15. frigate pennt of Cmamn.. and men sttached e e oéa&U ingood il Ill il 11 A M la t Whfflmpne i p v a l e slère bua aie ocil bu i dled upoau an i-à modie ataci open Voua Crus ly a ombinel aoveument et eur arai! sud naval forcmeslit in sIled tietdespaubu lt <ie 5ffectam Ss lroady e.thir vs,. V. 8. Steamn Sbip Princeton, PESaàOoLà, Oct. 17, 184m Wlsile the Princetont remainel aI Citagres Comoe u loat arrive.! acrate <ho istlmusv froasPanants, baving left Commoedore Stocites an command! of the Pacifia IquaIron. The nlp intelligence learnee front Csmmo- *r lau aa titat te squadron ha.! talen uoop.v poe o.!psseseion of Califaruis. ]Lieut. Le,.,hlb. beusen 0ofIepehepreceeded vwithtentacrosm uie latîmite Panama in moatchiof Cou. Sock. rmam *8e1. C seeuilTiss, 0«. IL LATER PROU TIHE SQUADRON ONT VERA CRU. Ysterday, Lient. Chadwici, cf tic U. S. r.- venue <arine, arrived freonoff Vers Cruz, liing. ing intelligence front the quadmun teute6ti t Sut., at vhirh date holait He ucaine tue Lb Smth.ve.t Pas in lie revenue cutter Eving. There vas ittle et importance sining in LIaI quarter. alîbeugh varions romoors eacbad aur hip4 frntinet btime, frein t te&iore. Gea. Par.es, wvh as iter for soupe time s pnsnnin Lie Castie cf San Juan de Ullos, bas beset lt iberty, on condition ot going ino voluntary exile. >He vas trestsot vitt mari e- spert&as le quitte.! L.têteore. the Cassîe firing a pueumdmuntiai salut.. Nc hostile demousîration bad been latly mae by tle sqoadroe; thinga ver. maet as tlîcy voe a vie, tle let nevs reaci..! us. Reports verst bheveientrent among theoebips, an.! inplicit-1 ly lelieve.!, liat anettmr attaci vas soenti.b. Mad. on Alvarado. Termmr te tiseaffert gaine.! force in cou- sequence of b. recent capture by ascf the U. IL. iessoli, of a Mcxicau brig, viebch as in pro. cm 9 f tofitting for sonte suci prpe..sas the c» e u menties.!. l'e e as asother pie.. of isielligs0 - rite amang tle offirts and mev ofet LIoqoaron, whici puoduceil cessideralile sensation. lit vas toute offert titt Cern. Party, voald sopersede Casa. Conser in the chie! r =ndi e. the lot prexinie..'Nevs lad lbeau ivsd1 by lb. latter, tront Ver. Crus, of<thé aasat oni Mot.rey by t.e Americua my, and! LIe se' vers rouflirt itveun te tvc forces.9 The U. S. aclcener Flit salle.! on tie SBd in-1 saat for Nerfolk. Thois es of0<tlb. everal bilpe of tb. bleciading qadron ove.in tei beet poesileb alth, anid ail ver.e ager for an opportunily of shoaiog heur moel in a conflut viit tle enenty. The U. S. steamer Mismieippi. for Penscola, lb. ciocnor Renier (wvit ala beon blavu off se s Lventy Isys prevaos, and fer wvie s a.. iy mucli epprsitonsion lad beaontoit) sud a aceuner lueded vitli ceol for the use cf lhe .qoaduon, vere spokun off Lie larlior cf Antonio iasardo, aillieun. iu. No mev. of LIthe ments c f Santa Auna mince h. bal asigned Liee cuman.! cf the army or the progresecf theinexacure& taien by lie Nesira an evmeat e maie b.al Spnalthe invading a>, ha.! roacliel tii. oqen froi Lieut. Chawickritelseus that Ià vas lb. cap. tais et tb. Britishit tpe Endymtion, lyiug t Sacriieice, tiat sent Cea. Corer nevs ofthLe capture cf Mentere.. The Semer. an.! lb. St. Mary's ver.egllI blading Ver& Cruz; Lb.ealumtIand Pou- "sep Tampico. The Souner@ ha.! r.r.utly heen blcvi .9& for 16 days. l'h. Micà«sser laiel>' taien ha.! bun Uttel mp iii four 42 peun.! arrecades, an.!dotl= d <la.tkiun Alvaralo Tley ver. only vaiting 1h. arrivaI 0ofa sp- ply of coal todvteitat place, and a Lle cutter Evaug met îleheecau gtbalti. CIe geingte barbon, ne deulit<leatampi on Alvarado blsashenmaIe. Tb@ Coinmodr. daily oit est a fiW o tuce authel halber of Vers Crus fer coaemuii wctl te phae. Tht eicamm iuhmâilsgtâte aoe sean Anlo IU N Ido Vr fruly caMe . frssa ime te <ise, vii veglableo. fruit,Oiel. &r., fer the Mme etthe shape. Ose of Walierle Rangera, vIe bal bus tsi. « M renbj Lie Mixicane. prevlam te tie = of &ha".M oa f Maj lait, lad succeelel ie soing lie escapea an. got of te the aqeedron. lie vu bluceglatt âaxos by tbe setter, sel loft bar viti the detormnaiau1 bave a laid la vlsîsrer aigletara op. ' cus5ums.mmii»nu* Ausies .U. &IL *Ta aCofohss, NoUorxa.yCahitruis, Jily2% 1u& W. proccees.fusaCais, te the SasIvic Mmlw6; ve smd, b. passage inaldspaeft -, -eer ae tbousasilaile.,Wu ekai Mr. Véas311iont ev emambere «Mmd Turell,equ mev Casai at Hesc umid o p. p IF aldtes, and Caumodousre e te. la" the sev esamisioon te th.king; vu -'al le ui esatin gla - uih, aively esaphqaye, aiWuselirelbouasiIem uy ilaivi teuliem W. mie b uaHonoelulmat Lie Iii of lin »id ara hm ate auspasage etS19 ys- Wo emdeu IlCalfaif.n a Bte of rueelutis and <*o American ap Ujàug8rsu Menefty. Tbue bu be batut Ightacet * seo Goa.. Coue yul lie for Ue * u telindkil otli. Cesmodue Stock"eabmup" the I Cpae. itl captairoeuat, a"d un tv em- aiasvt<haMariaes etthe1eàaq Msl ek bo~ ia a àh.bu eel about t.e Ns.ih. la nege miltay rhiefaie....aOuro vIe ba. esuerel 'h" eeaty fer yemtsvIl p- a lend . bis He - r"tnsilm a Mber- mi mu.lut a &YvSla aus,<lres Aafl suuil iit u ln eihsevl h. bmilobp eeumtff stby foeigeumSe. BMWlallc Tis mphv m encmal m mp drive & a i < fos u ieu, is.e bdl suW elc Mdma m o lm e thlaaou tb h ooa. eil eu M. 11.0 tfeun ullse,<urhI or, Isil" aLàiforcia f fuse the1.Miricatm%. i sirouedbel, dVemainatiai kemal. bu m, Tiey t" SomMAs, auimportant tova-the in- hbtnts joinel <heu, fortiial tleplace. soi spelel, e& eeuf.lly, every forementM g&0&"l heu. Wbs en or«ey vastakis*y outugail m%. <hep lmmedmtey res op tla imemahg. On the arrivai of Caplta s remoot fusa the ~se <le, jatusI laitssd aee olabre ; Cap- tain TusammiLotoa p arm in cm"becof .aviug luehmsukL9 vile ençaginie ur. - @y sbg w = of 0<Gemom ai sio. Be leIa tr < uatelms aIdolties. Uwaigîomifme ue coeisew 0( thity, but mince ho thue e e ubiman Csasehie force hbu ucesl i olueteere, wti tre. hansired; but tbsY am aivail mdem the command o! Cotmeo. dore Btektae. à, Tb.y vil dehemi tram the Cl- aee, vIe.dmIe <pecher eumsdeatien n ul (Vb us and te ml vwitI UN&siullues, us- ralvieg pin" ad np2" s W=ve taie.@tla harweoaf se.Trsc, 11edUa cateueu the IrigIt leautie. of the -ý- *Wwwwt4lafev men"e bea pe l Te» iv«dsg"sed .111 lb.em" cd ailktay clis*ain au ss iyîeg le il fur repase, fer ho"e, and <he blssiage of a mvapui»-caà ovierseet. Oourgovniencent caoa- met pul &weuenif t>.7 vamiel, oruaie iitate jowu. Thé people vil! mi l op agmin; they saude- tsuuined gte u,,eblia pnov cate ael rosuect theuslves itit ar Unio. Meximo canneS pre. vent Ibis. Sele b .! but very hiue te do vîtb Califoie, for jeansand! buasbaadmod ber te Lie cruel svay 0< hioady esuspers, Lthe ispeu- ple bave a aom uuea in atm. llaving estabudleula fr.m repuomîativd go. vevumeut, extemdieg its protection ale te au clames, voexpect te vathdra. B ut ths G. veruuent vii stand, for itsfeuadatiose viii hi lad a tIe affecticus andi confidence of the nation. 0ur iquadron eeists of lie Congress, Sa. vannai, Cyane. Portssouth, Warren, Levant, and eocuer Sbari. The Cobumbus ie expert. eu hboem 'ina fou evlàatroseni lu stindies. Thte Savannah., Warren and Levant, bave hoon ont bere Lbree pesai sud eught to returu, but vil».lio dotai..! tilI dîfficuities are setiled, or tuu7 are reiiesed. except the Levat-sahe loavea for hoe and lands Commodore Sicat et Panants, vben lis vilI cras e .isthtmes and! reacli the Ucnitmd States by the West Indias teamecr. The officers an.! crevs are in gnaal gond healti. A spirit ofcuteertulnua.! c;Ivity par- ve u i ranis. We are patrahling @trene u. dem anis, building kmrt, an.! adaeinisterng lav andi justice. Noeua-xaxySept 20,18a8 5 o'clock afternoon. An expre rider liastitis mentent arrive! rm Usis , hp lace b. lefi Lia morniug. Il in only s day's ride titis aide cf Saltillo, sud le status, on tie autbority ot a Paleican, that Sauts Anusa anive.! ai Liat city yeslsnday morniug or the evening previeus, Sud aetoon commence! fertifying the p lace vith igor. lie ha.!no les. titan 13,000 men wilh bit, vhich, aIde.! to Ltoe vhicit lcft bore entder Amt- pudis vwil iveillbie army <o over 20,000 men. Rrt tartber lias il titat ho is te siecn verks au. batteries cloue hy the Rinccnads-tha lintits et our bines byte aixty dap's trace. Ifs!!lbtis cliould provs true, Lit.army have liloodier vomi te do tian ever. MeaerEaxyT, MeltiCe, Sept 29, 1845. Our army bas taken, or ratitar retaineda 35 ioe f arlillery, many et vhicli are valualile, a.asmach ammunîtions vili evar hoDae! te ose illi tb.m..The killed and vounde! of tb. enemy ent h. a4certained vitit any de. gree of certainty, but il is leva that tisir le.. fen exceedes ulors. The reports trou Lthe diflheat commander. in Ge.. Taylor'@ army bave Dot ail lace sent inylet, but enongm is knovu te render iL certain that oum boss vil! net vary tventy froin Uv. bundred il. led aud von.!d. A consideralile number of Lb. voumuded vilI die, no tual Lb.nunher vite vil! bave lent tioir Jivieviiiliea sboot thns lion. dre(L Cou. Wortht lent e*ghl ,ki!ied sd vounded ab~out tvnty bille.!, or ildehio LWe Thtelargetforte.auie mbliof the tous in a very strong vomi, an.! iL veuli! bave reet s henry sacrifice of! uts te toile it. Itle buibi oni. euifielly-has four aIieets, cadi of vhiehlisi pierraI fer eight gune. lucide ofe! <. als, vlich are appausntly new Sud whicit enclose an armcf sous ivo cm titres acres, are tb. thici valisetfs large unlinisee catbedrab, incide of wviih are <velve verj large pilliers utende! for t.esupport of the rocf. Titeue pillana are et liaitt <oe -fut square rat the lias.; and like th. val!., are Shoot 20 test itigit. Tic valiseoftheb.fort are sol.! aud nearij linilt, having a gatevay au.! dravliridge on tic aide sext te the city. EVACUATION 0F MONTEREY. Md*EuRET. Meure, sept. 2U,1846 Wu ar eat longli in quiet possessienofuttiis place, Lb. lust division of Ampodia's army bar. ing msrrbhelomit yecterday nornuing. The lot division marche! ont on the 26th, te 2.! on the 27tli, and te balance au lie ilULli. 1 gav li tuai Isît, and vas ailt! ofera:s tel- or.bly gond ides c! the. um er cf men in lie,. TItey cool.! net b. fever lia. 2800 in eacli divi- sien, ef regolar soldions, sidarme.!snd eqoip- Ad.! te Lies. soin. 2000 honsemes vho loI tb. ciîy i in a>! partes, dumiug Lb. four doa fight. an.! at lhut 5M 1citizen* of the teva vh teck op armi isa defesce, and lyeu lave a plot. iy etrong terce fer Lb. defemceof a place viich sature andi art bave combine.!go tnder anestreul as auj in lie vol.!. Hev ari an army, tliasituatasi could avel alloav itsclt ta ho coquer..! ly a fau.e or les titan seven thousanal mon. vîi always appeai strauge te me. The rovardice of Ampudis it mev etaituished b.oodasdoublt. Scmreul va b. of Isepereon, tiat it ins aid b. nsver eu leftulsotsobenay Bing wu going ce > 1 tkpeufertby itisne., vbn 1@av the NMes icai true speu out of Lovu,. viti tie arrange, ânete uhui GeCo. Taylor bali mads vith hiem Te taile a& Itou emo rsur von!.! bave bout Ti . armeadid «net at;<heur bores avous cscnhimss, illia fov exceptions,sud il voul! hav eu varexpessive andi trouble. sam te fend and <eau.!n seulmes. i radeumt iit lihe les.!o! the robuasdl baea syemtrday., vbn IUnir second divisonlet tova. Tiat scane alec.mi.! l ave remera- tos fofr tb.eeg j.mrpey ta Moatorey. *1 doheât ofa th1e colone rude Ibm emmmasien o the divisies, yul luhiesff mompnel Ma 1Ieuot. Dgns, and limite. Yassoe, Robinson ai s er I- id bd a 14 bit z la iatious et peace; sas men venlijt Louy!ie binofita et liberty and insependece ; and!, est- ,y, as friends a tevion, as yen msy se by bis communication, ids apreetatiire ay aliai viii aincerity snd *-ititout dîîgus. 1I bavs lie honer ta romnain. Sir, Madrid, Sept. 21, 1846.j Tue ELECTEZC Guî.-Tite Master Gen 1 cf Onduance (the Marquis e! Angles) at. by Lord Clarence Paget andsi everab fris vituesce. an exhibition cf titis formidable - glus of van, lie invention of Mm. Bening onlondsp !%et, vien manj hindre.! ballets diseitarge.! in sin.gle @bots an.! values, vitb - fort i. The ballets ver. abaitered te s Il fragmenta againat the target, anal Mr. Be fildo vas honore.! by thte noble Marquis a ilag0sn; ty expressing tientselves in terme o! higi probastion of Lb. invention. TIi, gon v.as Le diocbarge ballets vitl mach g&taer e thoa gunpowder, adit in ae ted tsi y 1000 balletsn per minue, or60,00 eu r, tventy-Limee bumsmo t < ive , ecas linchargalat a cset les.m than £15 0017 thnmgie atleudance ecf Uv. nsd 4ti pafelaféty totboe bo employ il, sud i certain auie snp t i'rection.M DIaTa»sstueSTau.av.-l'iepotofa May b lesecrîbesii n tvc verdsa-ltiuiv un Scoud. l'h. Visitation las falien mot, meoly a"u the tigbla" nad Ila.! poplea of Sasliled; an.!in a mny districtsof<ULiatm. eoive IoriMrj ares.&me atredy bogian vl are Umus <an sotilcieut, ver* thj but kîwmn, te avais. he @mtpatim esovery feeling Ibon. The proprtion othie pepei boprtof tMr country ainey a n" ' el, s o r i~provigu lironghoat lte jea coniid et poets iletg hooruee ut Levi can înrymea i s large. That one-lialt cf lhe populto ibm. beir ctapie lier, even hiScey in Lony athousandi ef familis.viuwo or larljal vas a aiy in curnenu, 7e.a vh.u aWmulfod vas ccarcey "ou"%. eo, i impossible t.eusxggsuaîshe miser>'of taiiie& 'Their eauo la eate.! veie in sal <at thoy arm in ttl, ale oat aa g lasiles, agravatesl i. its iaaedWae Premjb the mao a uar vf «ie t bualle, <hmhenI"lepresieleso(<the formser a beIbou teirly oiamtel, ail vb» u len wuslwg feiard le e atel sempy eof polate enejie -;aiutgadte l*Wb"ai la a qbkiurtmn hci<as Vos ex imul làe pMM =9 oprosaisd avlm, el t -a u alunlssa.~ ~ ~1 l l' 're0 avm-m rl CHINA. At Canton a serions collision bal teken place betveen a native mcli an.! the foroigu residenti, vihirla vhprebalily les.!tu serione reeults.l'Th. folleving sre the sietaîi given in Lb. Chas. mi.:- ' Btwesn firu aud six o'rlock on lie a&Urn nec. e! Weduesday, lte St 0of uly, su Enghisit niant, an o eltinin uChine, vas paseing1 aleng the sîreet leaoing frome e ican tac. toies tu Chungvo, or Eîngquas heong, wvlah. vas inpedel liy a crowd cf1.1e Chtinese. surI as are gen.nsll> tealie feuna loitering abouet i. thai ueigitlirhoo<l. One o! <hem lh. pusbesi nt1 o! hi@va>', upun vhicb lie Chinatan fireti struck lin, tIc, thrcs a atoe ai buti, s&"aller. varda rau ava>'. He vas parsuel an.! caugli #pr Mingqua's hoag; aud, having been drag. ge.! lucide, vas honui! tu a post cati! fusilier information cf vhat itaulocroresi vasms ete British cousaIa la tb. meanlime, bovever, the man centrtveid te escape, but vas a suce..! ime csughit b, anothen toreign resideut, an.! brougîit baci tc the long. A crovd nov began t.eg«mis. or ciuteide, and b.lieving tbemmelvestuolb. u. cientu>' pevertal tu vreak <hein vengeaire ou the fueigners, <ley fweesiee l ae aIei boue.reeraie eman. ud toed eoregn or. *ho h" taien refuge iL im us. Tài. mo, vhicI lm' et this time grestly iscrease nov legas te baUteevralcansdol inlove vîi atones, birckbats, lac., an.! attempted te tlia the building by tirovlng ini cramrand.! «eligIsi. e.! maleruale. l'h.mste of mattersctisel oatil bli-pam men 1r.'., Whouit vas lecided te <1ev op« the gates of Lhe Axaeica-gar. dons, elere the grealerportion cf lehreign realdenis ladcllected viii Ut-aras. TIey dividel leinselve ite o .anes. viii u«Ch a cusmaulen. Ondvlio esltovar d 1 Cbjna.etnet, vJile another nmrce.!moueithe front of Micgqoa's long. The moi, h.ring pre. vio.sly overuauSered and dnivueefet"Cime pells, me t..! h eingmod le Cbina.aaee, md hejow M Mg1ua0 =hm, and senta psi*c 1«.mof asonse aild U ea.a t <Sein sp"M»1-4 beall.li- T <lhWbthe & ofelig tbsle pililm muet probabe msgleeu S m lee ea<ean ton o te lave lei i ee w..!and à* a a o.00 the et11w"milef1e.. poins. er rMWosea Plsueee, gga. lese*0. Ie. île *a7 lu. cameurins IhoShlesvs. tsi w~of, I and armsd police wau sent. and tb.y vers very ueeful in clearing thie sireet ; but their influ- ence cnly began tlulbe felt vheu the foreigners bail PSedUme iban a match fer the rabble. To geard againat anotber attack, the foreigri community patrolled the streets during the ma. Ilu<he aussatime sasssace badil bou sent for frrnm Whmpoa. Captain Steen Bille, haviug fortueately chance! to be at Canton. des-' patcbed an express for a party of sailorsand nma. rittes cf the Dauisb frigate under bie comuîaud- who arrivedl in buste inluois of the Corsair steamer ; messages were likovîse &ent to tbe English sud Anierican merchani vessel., 50 thst in Lhe mornaeg the foreignera mustered in great force, sufficient et ail eventa tu keep their as. sailants in check. The moli, however, remain. ad quiet. probably thinkiug tbey bail euough the pievions evening. sud that wîith sncb reout forcement lbey vould l'are inult ivoires vers îhey te tîy a second encuter; l'or theugli threassof vneance ver. ifi@, aud féreiguers next day vera hooied sud mnsulted au îhey passed aloug the attesta, thore bau not since heen auj forth. er outbresh." The Chiues. uthorities had issued a procls. motion rather censuriog the féreiguers for vbat boid takec place, but promisiug that justice ahoold b. administered. Ellicient measures for puuishing those gnilty of originstiog tlîi. affray ver. expecied t1m Keying on bis returo le Caution froni a tour of inspection in tb. neigli. horing provinces. The Britishi merchanîs bail addressed a remonstrauce te Sir F. Davis, lbe Goremer ef lon: Kong, through the consul, sud séenneui as bis excellency liait rturne! froru Chusu, vhîtber ho b.d gone tu cenduct the surrender of iliat islaod, il vai heped that soetbing decisive would he doue. colonial. 70615 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~( odqiiptciee sat uau etecaeuk sil t rda-ieldsmalpc. ne aubau. ee et<h sI. . f bisveotbitki gfair and 6 iouih dier. s 11slesdt.r.e lue ihvr blad w itheremi.adlefsnd te beho i haîred, aud as ler.for reveuage. frhanf Sd.~-[Eît>arg Witu Oseascf MCelloeh's bouns.,a valuabu sui. 8càu"C1 F ci G m le s aluy.-The Sp. anda, vhih. mmar as ieadiegot .le ît. vof preae f osac<aila070<but les. »li" th" th.esian reaevs.seiaslai le uS, <.in traie.Ilbtheortern stats.tper " ail pe.8 noWmsa ievelling their mmdcl. s etlUnbustier tatas., vhldeh oeknliste b. pui *04ki iaol < i vlanle endeeveekreccue bishome.Thel hhithveclpse7fa 1'btr_ vM »"isas!vs poomptly retw ens.the circule, oesh.01<0 i mi p idmeUa stanee being menlaoned te tha e mainIlo. vihvetLb upscfvihltu*I7 a"n. exportel te the «ethoras barbore et Asa. Yeoterdsy .umuînng the laut division wu dravu This accouants for abc exîraordinslryiue aut ont in the plaza next te the esîhedral-that sis hatun the sabes o f lte Balticansd a iant thLe plancmuild lai-sud CapLMie.th . niîy of the erderesent hy ITrench meir.1 vIa le stationel ter. uésbis reguvunt <7th chantt e themasrkets cf those couaine,. S800-1- Infantry,) drew tai bis commenaasn sd satethe b ru Gertnany busin is turc became alarmed.-a sa as t i<ey pase.! him. The King of Wortembnrg, by sn ordinance Of Ineever heoard a noise Outil yesterday aIorîiiog. rie l4tb uit., permiîted the face importatim of0 Pandeuflense never contaîenedas baiy a gang fl.,ur sud foreigu farineaieunt productions butl au these nmeicaus sre. Il eneeste he the par. the Jet cf May, 1847. lu Bararin, tbe vesltbY deiera endeavour of eveuy mmn te make ail the inhabitableS nf Nunemburg have just founded au beise tba" Iay in i power. association for th supply of gnain. That socil Thene muet have beu ffty bigleransd as ty, vhicli bas beau authorie by the king, Wall .any lifers aud drummers piaying ea ie<,gane manufacture bread and oeil il te tbe pouer class« time. and! ne tire.etfitem aeepting tie saine under the market price. loune. SOAEcITY On -gaz CewrMxîu.-We have I1m sa everal regimeats of fine-loukiug sol. jest board a very curions fact staîsd, vhioh ex. dieu., men of godlise, youug, active and ath- bibits, iu a very etriking nuancr, the apprehon. letie. siens entertainealds Lus severe scarcity duriug The firsi division is enicampedl in the grave Lb.he at tvelve menthe, in sorne pars cf the <lre. miles Euet oflte towu-one eoftlisloveli. contineut. A kim of broiters at Liverpool, ts- esL spots iunte vorld, shaded by large pecan ceived s communication fromt Trogen, a amiI sud lire Onk trocs. Towni in the canton ut Appelizel, in Switzerland, This grove seeme te bie the oîîly woollaud iu 5taingli~<at an association bail been fermed fer titis regîcu, sud is nsorted te by the cilizeus of te purpoée of purchaning provisions lfor tb. iu. Monîerey ausa place for holding pic-uic parties. habiants cf tbat love, sund reqnestiug te know Thse 3rd, a volunteer division, ia also escampe etatanita prices varices articles coul.! ho obtaine.! iu this grevai. Gen. Worth's division tccupies t Liverpool; at the saine lime0 giving limite et tb. tevu. vlîich crder. coutld at once lie given. Owingte The citiens are beginning le reluirai i greal Lb. recool large advance in Lhe prices of grain ilumbers an.! appear te féel glad that the Mex- &sd fleur iu a is rountry, liasse limite ver. lte can amy bas loft Lem. l ourfor the market ; but vo uoderniatthat Lb. Tie steamser Col. liarney, vitba a full cargo of erders eould have been very easily execute.! hi. Geverient stores, lund for te tuth of the fore that airance Luaot place. We tsar tbat the Rio Grande; was leet, on t.el3îh Ocqober, application trom sncb a locality te porchasee sup. thirtuen ont cf 28 ou huard pencshe. ler cargo plies of foo.!iru Englaud, indicates as ner vas streved along the shore for 5 miles. scarcit!, net only in Swiîzerlaod, but lu <boue LOUs Or TainSCITUOLI ATLATI.-(b Lb. part&*( Germaoy vhieh sdjern the iiorthern eau. 12tb inîstant the schooner Alantic vent u iore' Lune, If grain ha.! liev modratcly abondant in belveen the mc.îth of the Rie Grande sud Lthe lIaiaria sud Wurteinburg, nubody iu thîe canton Drasones land, about six miles fromt the ttter. of Appenzel wenld bave thougiti of seuding te iNo lives leut. enqiire about prices of tueod in Englaud. burth. . Lose 0F THE ScEQoîNctaFàaat.-Capt. Bailer, ened, as aujr purcliases made hue inust ho. vith 1ci the schoo-ler Galons,. reports having pkcd a long sud ruant exponsivo inlan.! carrnage. In- oapon bis Passage frn N. Orleasa te Matajorda, deed, ore learo flrem a varieîy of sources, public on thes &h mat. in lat. 28 04l, Ion. 913 03, seven sud privais, tbai prices of grain are rining rapid. of the crev from schooner Porne, of Mbhilo, ]y Lrougb s large portion et Germany. Ve re. from Brasos Si. Jago for Nov Orleaus, vhich gret te add Lu the aliove, tbat eery succeeding rvessel feuudered et ses 200 miles te Lb. anti- puai brin gasmoe unfavorable accotants et the ward of the Balise. @talc of iho markeots in France. Dîsturliaucca, The. crew ba.! beau eight days lu their esasI on accouait et the bigla price.ef grain, prevail in bot be icelup F orne s r y anrquaratendudimerons acts of incenîdiar- b.vihinu la rty TF pugaa a iles c f ehoPasu. Themae mlveb0 omtd.-[ Manchester Guar. sud four mmu nlesth ooner..'G-aonsttiO dian. aM atgorasfr e Olau.Hope piper te he lth utJuly have been ne- a et ,da(or wOrleceivcd. t is gratifyiug te loaru hy Ibis arrivaI tabai hosti le tnîhes secm te hoe couvince.! tht iu enrovaix Jnllhgcltc. coninuing tîjeir depredations they have little hopeoetouccess; sud censcqucntlythey have Cînliumlio mi cwa b 1h.Cal simua. ai,ostrased tlieir daily sud night Iyrobberîes. ContnuaionOf NWS y te Caedolà. The lateit ite;lîgenco trom Colonel Somnersot INSeURRECTiIONira Sri.-An expreso frum informes us thlie hoad been ecouring Stock&5 Pais announaces that serions dîsinritauce have country, but hail novhere met villa resistance. aken place on Lie northeru frontier of Spain. Sir Andreat Sinekenetrani had hl. a conforence The Cunuitlutionai of Thursday ltistes ;- îth @omne of ithe chiefs et the Tambookies, aud IlWe have jost neceive.!as biter trt the heyoeeasd ail professe.! the etrongest attacli. frontiers of Spain, lsting, tbat eighiy 'mureW,mont ovarda the colouy. Il may bc said, tra- eangst iwhm uare se eotpIeutuhare h-eu takm ifore that ithe colonials are nov comparstivealy at adu.! hu.At Sonde. g svra iat. ars case, sud are ciable.! le follov thoîr usuel ave. hocu stranglo.!, ameugst vhborais the VarGazi." enions e ithout mnch fear or aleai. A force of We trust tliat th. berri.! massaie. frntrm2000mou had asaemihed propane.! te carry Lb. vhich Spain lias recently obtains.! abrief re- var inte the enuiys country. aspite, vii! net lie again revived by any cesperate INDIA. sîtempt ai insurrection. The rising ni aujitfac- From t he Punjauli ihere are rmmrs ef disat. lion, vittier Carlisi or Progrosssis, vu!.! only infaction atneng Lh. people. sud thte Sikhis, il la plunge Lbecontry in blon.! Sud confusion, ain. sai.!, are about te reerganize their arrmy. The rintroduce s more arbitrary systessa of goveru. report need gîvo no alarn e ithe Britishi Gavera- -meut. Spain in weary of intestine sar. Re. ment, asa il il! ho impossible for the Sikhs ever ifpose ni necessary te bier existence, and.!abat re. te assemble in any formidable force again. The pou recent events have shcvn, she je villing Maaah's Governmont, it is announel, ai. te purchaseeat suy price. Sbould the standard ready earoestly solicite.! thaï,tthe Britiesh army cf reliellion lu rais..!, thon persona vîlI have may remain ai Labor. for a longe pro. Lias mucli te an#ver for vbo bave euecrsged the abat eriginally flxed by it Govorilr'ener*f. ditaffectedi y exius . f s,,psîhy. and! Througitcnt the PunjanS trauil' re"asilel. atupes of torcîgu assac.Appetla te the Tie intelligence tram Hyderabl ie ha people, Sgainat the autberity cf Goveunient, are the Nixani lias been coînpelled te se»~ the lalvays dangeroussud espec'Ilalbys,~ba.!-adrice an.! assistance ef the Resident. The ex. 4dresse.! te an excitable nation lîka Seai«na. pulsiou ef the Rosillas lied at lengtbl beau de. supporte.! by tho ambassador of a poverful termned talon, au.! thc Resideul having taken S ontry, vho may lie preanmed te bave autbori. mattors Ato bis ovu band, the refractery Zemin. to gir. offert tu bis sentiments, au.! te pro. dame bave snliîted, vîtb tho exception of the dect those vbo make an effort te carý thoni tributary Zomnindar et Gudlwal, against vbuu ite effict. the. troups of tbe contingent vilI hoe employa&. The language ot Mr. BULWER te iieneral A letton from Jallander, of Lb. 27th Jub7, Se 'ranis, a pupular leader, assumes daogerous baints tht Gholali Singh, hsving attainel bise significance, wheu lreught by the mare post position, vil! refuse to cemply viti Lhe stipula. that ânnotanCea au insnrrectiuuary inovemmt t- tiens hoeontere.! jutoeta first: a "If <the Prince, on whotu the election 4 ber * Since my luet the fac.et political aff.iirs bua Catholie Majesty bas nourtalIon, crrrespuie t.e ndergone a change, sud no longer veara the the opinion wvicl bois n anifeste, lu big . aspect cf ltenhstt ev montis. bolelh or, and acta vith te sentiments proper ta It 9011v ho bas largely imcer... bis army of blood abat rucs iri bis vina, i. e.,ase a Loyal lsane, bas heen calle.! upon te relucesil, <iv. up i9 Prince sud traie Spanord, îhomiuî lors fams i. possession of certain forts, sud alter bis lin. of 1-rmy, respect for the lavs snd afirm adlierei'e to policy, particularly as te Casbmere, te Sil Of l te inudedeo f ha> cuntry, li. vîlI net ouly wiich ho bas refue.! compliance. Hia son ais 'ali regarde.! vitb joit sud favourahle aymolaty inlnlgung vilaAblbar Khan, aud bas pulilicly liy tbaBritieh Gurerntent, but yl unit. saundi reproacl'ed bis tather tor bis reachery te tb. h ies te ifectionaLo an.! varîn pprobatiqi ef Ihalsa. lu censequence, thorefore, of <lie un. *the. IVitee Englisît nation. wihch booi3 tyloq n . settied stteset affairs, the difféenst corps et la- -ad as.! e brut hers a<eUh vhoeîU nlired MeLir ><ls bore sud iuntte Jullunder Doabli lInet hone. -and. gloriez of <rr; as allies îith itbem itihas lisvsdib is jear at leaht. Thicis ie report at aways been anî,.aen ,.uiîts ite ef,,ienlisre- 1Siuilah." 1 1 iq î'hîl grme! t'aitItlraal,, nsa a hicli lfailliî a 's godI o Ih îI'I, c etj" à 1p'd-1T , nd , Vire lircad.uIt ai 'Rta tie [ [strict, and Ie e;icri4 ' cultivaI lcit ii Ciiuta01L lice lia;ern:aa vroidd u 'a< iq, -N ~ it Contelo.îai and l 1 .lNI M ne, ;: Pnid t filaIl 4 Thc e 4myund!a,'aa., Esiqaarc Presadnîof ,lie iil âar sPOndel te by Lent . a "e Chester, s.lt Rei .i* ). T ' Ru5,ai ,A-j,. ment Sît fi Lie lion. -Jamnes L oik tract of Goee epî,î..,~i0 6.musn O il .ta G -Propie. e vi., V i Vaughan ;reip-iaied Lulu h1 I JarvIs, htcrC Il 'a' fi Society. lReFp.,Itîlej h1, anthor o et i i P v Science, for wCichi'lie Il lu- ' 1 totral Suciety lCiAau 3 fr,ai lra,,,, lha jiendlyi, r hitule i- "mr, ,'j bcie, ni l'al'y cati, r i 1:ns ntf lliirr'. Ilamihion MenraItt, nal,î Cathla rinces, îlotrici t of N-'te ta by Cemiemal Ilarni, il 9l. Eilualin-B ltyîe lIi l ,, M. P. P.,reiiiil aLia1î Superintendent o EIIW L'Iaii 1 and! ia the ami i 'ai)î'a l' ,f (ha' Prorince-ly Jatmes iavIl M. il1'. resporild ha I Enq , V. P., I'aarden i i i lIl~' Il. The I'res,,- 'n-î 1) M. 1'. P. ; respotileat" îo l'a !ein Editor of the iîiir 12.. The a nd~uatt' ,. sense, EsC., of t I iIe lut , a ut . jlia l.1. The 11,rajii,fIa Franklin Jactai', 1:8 lil'c Board of Trade reiturnta aa i A1 , E ISIl Yiai a An aîitiu.ai ie" h 'a'ai ' Tlioraday, b lie îh' H"Ad Ill. ciobvace! ererySiatiC 'a ' , casion. l i c C.a'aa'ai t'l", bas acî1uirs'd bettllit "'in j the United! States, mo- iaar o! hist on Agricultural .iii î i va a. te th, Province, an.! ce truti i u.aM" teusîve circuatain c,:lieasgia a iii.1h liu Thbe Province alieady ýc il2 a'i i Ch gratitude. Thie nexi meeting outheiC Aio' a a1 CO,&LtTnots.-Thcr a, u ea. .nin as lt appears lu mebetav le l'Ce'r teriley era 1)rapler a ia 'cA rý (leterai Johnon te. TiartUn ilar'.a geveruiment weak andal et a r. aIpr C te the French îariy iin Càraîi. !ila. Lý te the Libertinle-it 'ilerI!,wia. Fa a-i Executive Councal on hi eiatlaîu' ' .à vaut, 'ho do eiîuotacic I!."h ara aud bis pavty eiro ""' lie a a1i'ia aa1 in the face utfbaniaopaoeil WI 'dýl1, fiance. For the e e lugo taie, Liv ,aru 1M au.! the other tuelise Laberali, te, pula 7amsis"tascesneq uai lu Bay las.: ' \ilec ve cannot bol! Our plaes mara .îfi-a vernmentinasshukang, the couuitry alàtliiii iL muet fall-do Il rear nreîiala"(aia' teste! fous") militov uwnad aid t-lai', usîstancs-vlal te du l'a crabe iitfi 1i à titeir salaries an.! thear places, aaad U)ra, their »Il cuvaing plans, seiiie lKeiasm rover. Thte French seay an Caiia., iaa Mi per, as the LiberaulIastheAitorar i. tIers, vs von't came an oa ihe,' evai- effers are itumbug-liey are ei u-pat us seats hocînse yuu caniiot lielai tia m jon vaut te lake un an, anl lp uanara s, tirs Io vine nO-w twill memiain wuairc ni a n vth tic govein meni, if u cari, v iai -if jeu canait conalucitlthe guieîaaaaaat jour placesasd ire soîll. iil it aLbe or plainer!? %Visen s party onpilier asIn Coalition.-itlis a contesine ba a rnees. The cusmvtts av ir 1Coalition-vity ; becias they kîao tuaaf is et an sud. The ceunry ""' *a ail1 fiate and soilyasudtley couiîllrI,1 te Juin Ltt, lthaI îley Cosy sie lie? ts9 con. Whou <bey ldaILthe avrtla. baud aud lthe najeraty etair lr tac, ii titeir sralilente eel jutie'l by ut ry office, iin lb. Councîls, Confis. T Conuetoand Excise, sud ave5us IDbe M CY9 Ie thevnaes ! Eyns rîgit, Liberl,-heep h10i5? t sen.! back a nit;oritj i te le, ail Wf11 have a chance of gottîîg thewIleffiai Il< long snd séminaul ydeniem.-[Nnts im lu political nal tevshave Itisan Wvt' of internet te note.l1 Haliftheut LOn1 occupie! vitb thein eet triumph la1 tuor f lMm. Jolin BaliensteasCiii C lor, fenr Wrd Ne.it asmaOflrty olf" J. H. AuderaaEs. the Cesseratait date. Pensons!! y, bu the candrdt"ign abectionablorn atter iunIlleir lposa ten'vers lmgblyestmable. Thtenia aitgelr 9anthein politicI ataiN tb raeit ia h e sdni meed m tu the Libe 1ssuM!osot be rgrs! Tenieu es a foeate cf ivitial tiy are salien the vIole countlry he in, an pari «xpressing tlteir opinion se ICIlthe prWI<PW the respective parties. During <geistm vse on tel, Mi.Oses beholding polditicai meetingsIiz.--l ces. At St. Mary'., Guysto eii si Ne aisl, an!glas, tJper 8ei.oni Eaittveulrgs uetngibare maies in muOVe07instancl elîtihls inoeSa resulls. Lisi boui ailenlte tie gatemo S8ectios th.e ili Vi peepl, vIs neataplicle le. ilitsie Feois ilobe. THE GREAT PROVINCIAL INSTITU- TION FOR TIIE ENCOURAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MANUFAC- TURES. Wc have bok.! forvard st nome anxietp L3 the finit Provincial exhtibition efthe produce cf agriculture an.! manufactures in Upper Cana. da. Confident in the ultumate progresa et the country, un antpîy prove.! in Lte Agniculinral and CattIe Shows in msny couutiec, there vas pet room le dobulL hother te timo ha! arrive.! vie.sauch a collection of Lb. proahucta et Cana- hane indoatry coul.! ho ma.!e as seul! miumulate Le turlior and moore vigoreus ouceniions, and sireade! that a faihune migbt nather operate te re. tard fer a timm Lb. proemst of tiisCohouy. l'h. Exiition oet W.dueadap an.! Tbursday bas foreven put lieedoulits te resi, viith aIl vho la.! ltesatifaction o! situesalng it. Ie de ntL viî te exaggerste, or le compare non firet geucra Show yul vitaL taires place in the tiirly peuple.! and> vesîiiy countriset Eu. rape or villi@sene portions@etftthe neigtbumung Siates. Wealth bas thon. limougbt ita secohn- panyiug influences ot fostering science, sud art o! every btind. Canada in nov en that tmuch. Th'e exhibition ut stock, etfLte tarm, and! o! the dsiry, vas high!y ciedutable Lti te yeomaury et thte Province. l'h. show oe toik wvs considerable, a large parte!f auperlor quality. We ntuch admired lthe display et Short Home or Durhaam Catile, wbich ver. cellecter] trou the Estern and Western ç>arts et lie Province, as veil as trour the lomne istriet. The cnvisa!ftitis itreed vene pariien. larhy god, an.! aitractel Lb. attention et visitera doring <lie vhobe day. l'h. prize ceve et Mm. Ilovitt, ef Gasipit nd cf Mn. Johntu toenhl, of Nelson, GoeDistrict, sero very superiur animais, andi, voare assure!, would have oh- tain..! a crelilable position in citier the Higit. han.! Society cf Scoilsul, er in t.e Royal Socioty' of Euglanal. TIse gentlemten dis se o! soe cf titein stock ai a very higitflure, sud ha! vbat wvs sioul! conaider very itsa.laooe effare for lie remainder. Tiere ver. nm magnificent sbeep exhibite!, sud altitougi it la perbsps ucteir to roter te lthe stock et sny perticolar breeder viten !ll the soi- mais ver. se goo., rve canntIemit the notice e! Mr. Peue Mhiller'@ (a! Markhant) e*W!$ il w«186I-. ila o part cf Unitain «nu am-0w si fpb.tn., and! if Mr. Miller coul.! mmprove the ofli'etbis vont, vitbout decmoasingtlt sit as mmetîy et the carrans, va tbinthlt. îbuep voni. b. uneqoalis.! in any country. Sont, o! the» sheep voohî voigit lumgltered) l'anty ponala par quarter. The Daiiy reouicentaine! nanp excellent upucimena o! ceeeandi butter. W. vene sur- prise.! ihat noue of Mn.Tbaof etScarboro'à colo- lirai..! rieeses vere lIeus, but ve suppoebis deisan lesenogreat tiat be Amas neyer auj oen bandi. Tiers sas a dieplay of vegletablez titat would have donc no disitouour te Covent Gardon Marie. The vanietios of truit ver.smrail, the appîca vere liovever ef varions kinda, largre an.! beautifut. Maà,uruucTuaum-Tere vas mach te on. courage Lb. trienal of Lte Province in Lte cool. len goods exitibitel. Weav ceveral Ipeci. mea.o! clotit o! good texture sud lisudsomely fluisher], au.! llaniels lu imitation cf Yorkshire and Witnej manufacture, wiict fer qaiiy ot veol, and! textu reand for finish aà color, roold hardIli e excelle! anywiere. lThe usi- menfs teves anal tinvare vers credii'ale. Tb. showev eploughe andi barrovs iLte groundls attractel mach attention, containing reurli va. riety, wi"inome very necent iniproveents la lie bak court vire ous specimens cf car- n age, nng wvb' uci a avery baudsomne double uedcarniage, by Ovent, Muier an! Mille, vlici a Nabeit miglit .nvj. Tilt Fusz Aits.-ley are eL in lieir i. fancy, et migit t. expeclel, itut <bere are fa. vonrable appearances. l'h. Portrait o! Mr. Demn, hy Mn. Maregon, vas unirsrsal!y admit. ted lo b. on. o! the bout iieuesses ever palote!. and a gcnd painting. l'h. Portrait of Dr. Me- Caul, by our tevausmn Mn. Match, vas e au excellent hiieesau.! ndvoil execu" !.A lisp o! Peterborough. by M. Fleming, a yonng and puaeniing amtist front Scothans!, vas aIse exhibit- e!. I leasaIpotital plece cf vorkaahip. <iv. inaeyinferewLlagviev of Lta" risingitovo andI niglhourieed. IL vas luliographel b, Messue Scelle andl Balfour. Laau' Woai.-We muei toie forget tie specimnon f the Ladies inuosr>. We rannot eusmerate aIl thi embroideny. the collera, an.! veile, au.! atier articles. Thé vaxfOyvers, by Miss Elliott, Yonge mInee4Toaoete, gaine! mmcli aMira"n Ie oà malie hue artiele se ehibit. id vousin gees"altee sasl, ansi the crovis no groi mito maine it encoasfortaile. Vs lelimv <h. Ve.malteebal great dillculty in getag laRcin assamdaton, and lot fe« <lau ex. eeuw u voolI Motbave lad au exibition vllchoaieSbave glallie e e ar. 0< even k»u fniend of Ciamda. Riom felleve àales of priasmefl"eclame. THE DINNER. os Wemobyagsves eti x o'ciock, a par- t, asceuiedlte dllin t i îe G.rement Mfoue, aaew"nlg, t. ticre ndasi. hL veIsi bave beonm ml I more ummerou0,if th emm utcoudé lavecoeti»elmms jdvard W. Thcmp. e,-. audou n e heHome District, vas in lI . e vas spporission bis nlgbt by Jutueise"mm aid bp Genecal Harman, trmm Rochester, an! on bis loft by Col. Sir Claries Chileslor aid James u BlboNe, . EL £mta% , lSqbleriff09 le Newcastle Dis- trIst "M "<haVise PM"d@Wa sCham.' A" Ml t lb m me m vs...<eMie.. ýAIea Tergus; al. aass Cruoes; a.Ueo. 115, Balvwin M. P. P.; jees HeavqvPSe, Ecq, M. P. P.; Va Ui. UBeboIMoq, M .P.; <ege Dug- galkrAI. -jp.; Sm sa Nerunt, sq. M5.S5P.P.; u3i. W. I ELus M. P. P.; r ui nuw m ï.leu" Woklmezufiteure; r 11mmur, jbwGsmbles ad 8014aÉ14m-s ~5fl'*5* Tesuse mbua., h&0,aid e amyeimltiise. l'h. S CE0< hse opN cas-éeti*6<lâIe tr udose w a" de'*- *M&..19 a lhig tb la " el i<à$ ~luiui ee »g of à*lI ntminymossa, d-thetit m~ fuur sIur( s. ohimairie!te pq)ul nt omes.1.onqMOI. oftuse d bpp5i iOP"uise ,fr0deI bu otaie ave e»» 5< te tonlt rsrgeym<i pt for fcueu 'si lie un*;ltedSthuée d e hier0< Mn, iimi en' peahi puni~n ettimppue ebvi be W-& atrn lise1! vl e b teil sie ci 0(the .1paoler PrIomm & le Pyal tbe le M ofiMlthh ir"llSUilltb tiwMsW lit Da"al i Ea* vtiie orite d, and pite t i ape ba est srpaplbe vile- uOt &,IV puliainusler Wleny utj tceautierbeare rviiick gctet duqe tthe ffibcfanit,în re en na te f eto,) an.! £iv îloe Wistictyheluver f nieor .i!ub. ire il f t mus esgthe ovorboi as1 gie im helpiug y hn! feling upeo<s i. pulititts i cal, weobaveteotl udespet dowand îliilis.er many aId micihoPubare oepnio aue le ualireclt is Umiatua nth Ie Poie.opNea Ith en.!ot1 ea) aetelt lie opea titusetshourntyfor it vu s i jab.vomi, ul cfn.tI embaun vthe oriay r. tni ragd<lieambuouc Isbor. hihbose theapuvii neji lnllaee hie b ver yl eeian ofutpersiosl ninostw bial, we lk set edis Chmsorliiue. Puble opin'acc ,pand au j cf ue d citif iaraatniani al.o!srertai emar op ause to hi ory se anéora. lrmid tliue Keou intut lie u b pice tod atui es bi cire t 1111 incit.deep i»fei il fiat inocencevir, i. viet atur e 4pain7 upea the stmu au. rurl vs 'licaleat.! 0lue e 6la eraitl, iii e e y .r g l a Yvniiy i ebtevergulmeak ilteiilanuce irbig &;, an.! 'o, avgefront dextsrtoir and erisien e eima a, s ite ofesen moasi abulindis, . andc.G aidas - Na gsiir lqshf lt ttil, ~Mta fuaeerm oe bince dwm acla trael i iClti anvili theon I an md tit. hâssenmm ,kt<tis lmeleece aho foewerpy.Ti aof ui eiti à ii miof1te a ON ofh. Spublie 0 <h.ho. nal ciinrf-lobit th" 1. meail osef ésalîpais . au peettii. teélUa$ ouIlI f-t- uu t ipali uagu DeI ta luec aesdm . Md ctsetDi< est <lgeth. w*sau .1