Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Nov 1846, p. 1

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KINGSTON, CANADA, TUE ýLuBLE BueALSA ne e e t te u ttca oelit iacia lau fce ntb tid i <tura tr le it i an yett a lifasy II aau te &lot$ a te ree int ati a ful dcrtî co: cef bil ied ai cibu tire relie, bfont ncrl 1119g tealtri fTe1 ett e ,viira 10 aic~ 113 eacoiptîu o ttIe Inîccî tuc ha , e r ufi ~ hdcal tienlît. srre: ri on a te ai Ir , edcn olian, lio lse. of thi ctîe 8a P su a Cotmplets re rC eOc *DYW E1J ef rirennedy, ji externr'îar,! Nldl cptrans and- UlcerpEerîe ea lireaets oaf Nucn,,,.,, t e, by &Pungrang the ld ig, it cillin au 'c' e iaii. y permette <especrIil> hdy aliii ; unbîcl a nce,î a an e 7nles, but reatoses cîrcalar ! actcin, taiout %e iath realth aineai ; iflue thav at a an fur Rlaeuiaîi e'rn. oe tbe regran 0i thre SU, .mact, urgea frecly. 'r'ira 3le.I crie ta curîîag the aiirve drtec, a Loe ired tu the puli, aid It loauch cbcaper. lui rhrec lthe d'otages ulerrtrcd ra iltîe. Frîrceirp n %ai c 'ice l Id.1 tO'SUv1pTfiVl PIL ire taurreet libü r taille thirur any [jý ,il lc d ;the31 are purec' .'a.eî, Ury, lId relIlirre tI cDr,nt. l-lt ; libey' Ireiigtl:ii t!,e p, ;jrnîduc Irrg Ur rî.rî nl elacfriîg lie f",rr îain rf aCrrtîîîg lie tara r. and if In nlle cd alirrir .le.i ire alreatai f. rired, iircrelryirrtr a-r.Tht y are equa ii ne ire 7. . la ii ,i 2ý. tid. ,11 ANID 4tTi-BILA PILI. lia are coiipurided fura e iaid arc arr admriirable cr Ie1Ur iieiicc5, Lrrrrr, irout e, Liver linpnrCaîzteci ItIeadachea, llriiirecî ni irait, upli0sI, Friale C.iiplaîrra, itrengheri thie slrnir.i ; and if ary, îiîey irerl ilii braelâ in 0 but, is aDler Il, elleel n Cu bive c'mjiat aite talait saaallieit letiL, a CI 'bill a Ie surceesul. NODYNE LOTION, ore lcr lueflsaa iore Eies, v g. tOun agents are aharad cutey, . h en ileiiîaidel, in ail r. il not effecteal. P'ica 74d. introducre Mr. BlAltTl tire V icicnea, lo te Carniire:ire ai aIl cqaasauted wiii lirai, bY sauiai iataîly kiauten linin fin a r, a ed thul liii alaleirwri and *y li euiriiy iepeideri c t, an t ir. lt l.tarîurie ily Itou attende,, ihaQlicccau Butest coauplaiitu. <sigaîcai) E. LESSLIE S o~ LESSLIE 8111 and Snrla liY JÀiA3lir Tija r tierica lrieîr & Sui.-j Rerd s at CT fOr IC tn .PAM Mrket giuure. STOVYES. 5ubcrber lias jusl reccrîved,. the Foundriev, ruadre le t ery large ascortluctut of SF>) 0cesing 10% fniv ur enh ere a pleuical ta cali .,ao Stve Stand, sudl et ment and price. e Storeo Siîraet,( Nov. 14, 1844-.l ansd MEMORALE, La%, et,adlie! r8L AN Illire5 ae al th e aU Office. jLiEj isaLAMD 'e" I rAMER ISLAND QU py regelstly btfenJl telleS, hg lla wf tw tubn t Ge, be, aistie 99-;-OF W14 bhJivO À s of~ Iwo . se ds *8yeur. TIinPd" la es 0 i rsouie sal a p.. i<t0,racla ,m mefeai ap et Beal uecflmem wwm mIyL!il avesan am 11. s 10rr geatif f tetblnug ,ù' t he ul f ibm poeroftem frt b blisi ittStfle. 55 launasis ril lheur. so w bthbe a lieuepaie m e, ira-y st uggie. an biusvrit foithle heur of veuanos amesU Aid ly Ibis IlcI ell. Tirai gentily if lbhe ring! Ob n1a fltn fbret, nreer darly talindbY Oin 6, 'a tii brother jet. là,, fihe eelf.sacce leritage I Chili iatie sef.eaue Geai! lia iat btilatubîsdinlut110patia, Tcri lhast ija es sltrau. SçPa-ai gniL l tire erin! Fra i t trt eDai1h Tiainocenlccad p lsteas, %Vtielilny reme rorungli1 ILu sueuait, leba wesrY lot Tirai f nr.ruiiri e rt te betr, Afd theay wcfa abat e a happier fat, Tier ciiagi ael may $are. Ispeîk Liily la the erriilg! Trac pyet maVOL l carl lmbien a, 111,01iraiy rerd, and tane of loir, Frantm ujurîp tborny tract. 1 gt ncit tir attofîcca ircnei, Aid infl et lirat lie-' D , iri ,,jh the erîng one, la.Girl ias dciii caih ihee! oiginalI. jedt, Ceiflsip, and marii.ge. tuaarn anecf tiese Mntoîibsautibiil eveni? ahiir:uirieinTe actawunfaetluni ,< te mreli, and evei'y Bouser un tt'ni cu- Dot a c,,cd ad cihord, suie1 githtiree caa.cd, or ths distant mur.i iil;r rulit illh acicailts soliccmy sa a inIrhet Of iptine, liait agsta masusrataaetilrg ieada eite breeze. The,arrq1 am ia-crabiig vasciesonsui yU!aad,it, atr a-ru absence of saer p.came, oce- nire, in igit of bis Das ýtaniiIrrg(in ltheeighhering h101 rirrari tira-curif uirole, iingftrous - ca-ratIe, uit asicondeil tocnards .err ra uhlla, a liatis farlier lit mnstr rtie c-ti rig cu ere playinua #,re, aiulen f lire uale'a reitieucel. au ri , criiiemiating Itie beauty of Y, e .dturved a collage athlifo ofe arti,h auil alrenarkable fur the4 itâ lu ctutiet, hirai, erleicaly, sa l &A u iffl ap[earallce :-a inal ga cpia rliorurk f ueedan clie c'éa-' ai .rntr, and trlf cirade nian i L yr.:rla-1 ci, crtoad uhici, th. f c.. r tialaaa- Lad plateaiîprang ca Dnànne. \dancin ng laslthe boue, ned r rit a inaniet a table liy a uîi wiiar. aIra- ladraauuthe curtin, a-ner mu ii gtll iia druuiag lie ber lîlit... Ce ldac as iree culuild sq'rel, iuîra lo ria enkaly eacift lina-v maide n ir preccilauapon the minc bha-niaiC car it eaiiy forgtleta. lal l c rri ri tire lttie Iirce lin hsCrIt rr IYiercsed ;airaien ftrn vu ittRg c.i1g Ita rciitquraln ire hopas of te utaiararrruainaîcc itia lia tain ࣠àlenrl:;Iduerain iruiciuig bîmaci Pite; butirai inri a ll ie auexcusa rnrprrtr1eieu, %au ratiier pcazling la arr rai ltcaerinter l e canclu <lrtilr is vii Iaait tntai c mre con appi iè'-nnîed i atari. (Outhe Y- ra rieatftire day beîng ocer, In r.at II akilig acecl ru tiraIdrection,1 i-t ùarci cent Fatice eculai ba-icicua le it reC1e e top of Ilre ll, b lie wlit i i y au eider!y lady, r ir e cti;)en tie abuto iarteet 'et etr i i Irt ight, but a se "uiAsLeatcd t1tn, tirait mtibu r î' n i -ni Ie iai ren et lic cuagi C'ars ei aispiayed auch a g i -r ta'i at, as caeeacre Lt l oc "teriu. i i utire tran%olser '!1iieare Cte nrt enpraesivelbc hll a-ta ertirigin aubrrn tresses curleai g "et lier hiau i a 1Ide rsiar. Aitaîvll a-iata glatico. 'lire ladie paese 5p-ndawrîlte ira- luilaci ueo 1 t rLt Aitire <Ieadyc.ilippeai, sn EPniia jrarg tInier cie, ana l aifer ta ire th adYdiiy ier, hut ho cg atlgPace, tiratIL souild bete uica 'Ire;ê m t ue," thaugt le, cating Cai egirl. ""ot pate thirurcnvrsation ; aufE P ilie terged i icion treuali "ilie e taltf lth.e -lalest lady, 4 5. t iua railliar rlucîaaaly granit la, le ecesary la itats om anehmor prenlaga of thh. 'u IhIereafler cli EriilY.« "isnsua.e vas Meltnth, sumiye i lthtia- ear 120) rber ahrdc 'aau ireav iricha-iecontiauctelocpi ona- M.elrcolh diiiont long sortit afliea:i. 'tirir nly claid, lien a Cht,1a, let lu the cane et her aina-,,vIelle. Greya vitia uho 11, il"tire p-eentitres. Ticy ver, atih ail tte ttceccctm cof Ife, sa-d V aiicta<;lebose uhicla ils the enerail; cailea i cmh Ct Inlais tiuittid y tuaiofthua .. tie ni ita couras sunil gVOL XXVII.3 oue ami.g Non. Grey appearsimuhuoQra l »a I uuelAsplayecau wuamnt for, uho ex.- Joie os pinion thaiMe coeuui tliemachl .The gre oEily testknewvnebosi; TI W em We be ad, lber fguardian u411t04vWad 10 a k lmem in jsupportable ta Emily. and, a- ber eziraf yoetla redpesd lher incapable of jadging foran asti. n ttsra01o caoiia" ec, il vus dêtho lapecsuury ta cheosoi a gueriser. Ur. Charlsi Evoolco, un s ames f geinis-eau. cpieg, asiedpos.s a slargu saesof pub ic ai. char lta. Re procureda i hvelibocd in the profes. tdey sion cf the. lau. Hie tamily cunaci cf two ket mc4ansd a daughtor . saiensitud uîluneidthe gace na& twienty.tbr«,e, secod vas tv::ty. sud omar sea excellent educatiauansd veru Ila e wla mcecat in the bgliostcirclea of snciety.oia Mr. Everton wua ousdsrad a prperpa A t coiduet the sufits of Emili Matteottian d eda vas. thereftor hoeen. aua Mmr. Grey'@ disecie continuer! teanusienn, blia sud h pbysiciaui hadgivon Up ail bottes of ber buc rsccvery. lier lvsa nagit, ait nature v us ésed lu reposhe and an thenoiterat tatesof th. e idtaght b elah avep through th. air, tr. Grey breatheai ber For One. sud oe n aly, thb.lent ot br ruces mîcclas in ths chianber of deatb--thit porson us. Eaualy I Melnaoth. A ment ,arvellaaus clanuesce on aver the. festureof e a<ily, an ihe usîcheaithe ii celai crpe. alfher sont rssting in the ilet etl chercher ef deslh. by1 lu the. ccnocf the nai dai, fanerai cârde the weru datrilitei anong the traentl, ani Mis. C Gr*yu inierreai in s not lattle cburch.yard, ad1 fsrtr 4Z e 1 croiedaigraves o e .cela, the il, cruol sud tire solii, uwhere tho ute chiarch vur tircu ita proecting asitteon th lcaely dea i ul arourad. rk The servante ithie lie Mn@. Grey ver. dis- teti misseil, snd Eriily veutt lattboîni utMr. £ver.1 ton'@. She aoe'n became intianately acquaintea ou@ -it llaMica Evertoc, tubcm mthe likeai very mach. the But, uhere wvs.Edgar Manvilis ail liis time Pur Why lie lai coen s avieit ta SouthClarolina, and bri boi hniet yel reruci ; Cmily begu.. le fel ralh. cd or auxiecai abanutttie, snd lb s emectioneai le lea Mdarinneuhhostt tc acacia sunimmoderte vie 4 fit etfIaglter, iliat Emily hegan te dloutaitvlîeti. qt& eortheiwuc aoivr recaivar. Site va.s alttîlo voeed, but, te telIthtei trath, abo couldiiaef gel y1< ugry voilà Marianne. 1I ine ont allter meith "eed svay, sud yel neti. lai in ing un boumai cf Mataville. ieai Ou. brîgit dey, lu tae menîl et May, Iliere the wun surunsitai allain ilie villge. A gentte- caurs maba!iftirt auelegunt vstcb, aud lui appliedi . way Id thes utahinities for the apprehoueiou of the ally thif; s mane vs.brouglt befors lMn, Justice hai Mletcan, andi convicîsi cf the Ibeft.c acia The gentlecan urecoered is ir ath, sud the anal coîptrit usi icnprioisd. i live lisville, (il vn s l a ba ladoit the vaîcl) ci lii, vus nov, strpping ai the principal bolet in the ths viciity cf B- . i rqoul iied the ail thie famu7 etfMr. Everten, ti lhugbt t ighli tme10 ', te ta kcevubut bi intentious, repeciug Emily i po e e -deiln..l ex As lien surit hoit novhain d e unlvlue yeani, 'l1 teau b ha lrun sids euer uraing hald. ra lia the ene.. e cie- One evoaiug, Mar. Evertan gave a oplouiid mont hal, ai uhielh blaavillc uva presect.ga 'alan Ail the Mn*. Hnoke'sansd lMra. Joluusc'aa tepa- hggod ile liberty cof ringiag tIlir jeungesi 1liec aaugltere. M.. Manville vasinivea'ally udmiroil, sud overy lir ýp in Young lady, uho bai net slroady gel s beau, le I mt lber cap fer' han." Hi o, Every onue mondertsi <w uIcthe gentleman an sadinitia Mien Melmatia cW b." taore M ru. Brandon sali, Cthe vas ur. it voul ie se oen, a match." i ;- Mrn@. johrasen Wsise1 couainet agre ut P id of Mcm. Brsunimides, ecas-' $liewun titli yauug; her oun isagitera voeoail abovs tuen.le îîeli- ty, sud vere net caastned yt ; andi ccntamly l Le .Mise Melmotlli dd nt ires. cof gettieg marnîed i , the yci." "ne, rit. Dsnungtou prtnded taebJoumoresi au ito airout lbe affair than sny oee use; andaiitwueA e br whispereai cstjidnuinly te Mn. Ayluiu, lioseeg ac econfdane usa Mites Burney, uho aise lhis acon-H ®rdei. fidarue, that they uere to 10e manris. a n<eu- The secret wunout nue; every person'a eyea te udxt vene apon tic.; sud Emily lcscely daneai tew ci le- look in ie face. Se il wun ronnrkea that le.ti litie appeari vcny mach emhursued ai a ceranime.flaic ebome iantubiponci a van in ber car ; a bnai. ai ttnir ead uappeareai moe sembarasser!thon ever. t a; ho At luit vciaod dlirbaud by usyofasn. e cen Il'that a happy man am Il"sasia Erdgar, men c t the talît, ai lhey rsta o aiotiien set.w ge -. IN lieu the hall bnke cp, l1e ucconmanisi Mis& race. Melîuotli hume. l e t. Ai taec cacvenselion of lavise.in generally u.-n 'vaut. intelreetiug lu. a tlird party, 1 il, fr the salle ot' à evcr lrevty oamit il. dt t race. fThey vera home betnr ay ce! the ea et fthen le lie. ftly; but, hafore Erully ceui gain ber cein- aid en, plire, Mariane. unbeerve avlked ino th e9 ivery rcun aaad Eiily eudig s ate uhicli lie id aIra hai rocold, om ameetraicieers, roan Macaille.P moi bis a0 Readig a billet doux-a, 1 declare f" saitd &hu ed il te Emily, viea tlialtanomc uempeedsiau in- ta1 n- Ircaiesa, lotthe paper fail froua berlbaud&ia " Oh lyecau ednet bideiliifor test 1 aballrosi ra aly i, Il aid Marîuaîe, Iruglirg-."butbudo 700 Ihink *$bll uentii a-.iglt 1" mes tl -1 lenuidaly," mid F.asily; «ubut 1I iii cla ai en- mucli lke Ibat Mie Helen Stayuer; ah. flirtod a,.q ns Iý y villaYoung A71wand eh* blook& as ni. oie twices ia a% FI ehiug - Sha osam ierai; aa susr'd ta leeynPret. yoagty, sud bi s gret motel admirer.bt huise lierjlii henu al, I helieve." ,sied tao *1What s puty !TrtlaJebut liateprebabirity J, eo" of bar even gotting aaaauiod uow. an the ."»Y tle y mait Muiause, leugin.g 1- iveuer hem'se o mhlîsuce bave a veddiag here.'.-. a-laho> Ed blai, sud ovuina is eact. r seni, Àdey vusa flz.4 cge.for lhes wedding, suai masMarianne vas te le ~lsau5 dpra rAt Icgl the wbeal.kcacday larrls, sud thea1 I. a 1is ecmauy vun pcrtraW. »Y on.. Esily hlie, criat, usver Iobe a lovely,1 otiage, t ne lie"riaIaoang. a bigh.lit wluascouchéds4 ly lbe>avtjy t41tho hsppy aotpair *eboulon uk er toa t. Anguans. *»dIamS. eeNs ui&dv émis. 5 -, & iU.bhsiI (ma rthe Town or pcaley (dj tiL sopi ly ui5 d ami - H£ LOSTTREABURE. -Air-. -M 0&-e tiu ldiseessa "d% Asidca-mg.tlles~ tlvesuthe Graud »rucy ef Baufen and Prum- a i a emidâlt flsheblackr forent, reposes, lic arminlitti. lavaiculfeel e.îaibours. 'Tas iy atter La« 8uuiay, lin the loanr780, uam pt as a aoIdWay in ail the ivorkaebopaie o the ioabero lunubsiutille tcvn, fanrivsit, auge cf Frits Habler, the gayse and mont Ifut cf the corilusiers la tii. principality, .b Hclena Vanburu, the faireet aud lereliss su pisiler in the aarmudnîg district At su estly leur ie ic ~ing, Frits sppear. ahe the juan ofhlis fauma-*Vat, Whojoyousij aitei bie sppeurance, semndied b>' ber rdemaiaide, vue oeeemplcyediniu Icing ber Adtce. lih pale piau tlles.b asd plecing upon rt broue th. vreath cf orunge bliuainm ubiel id c'oren toutealmoments et ber mauden lite, ie seleai parfums ofattIrae epiting floyer. urldly be tank ber bandd oi lber ta île abt. "lHelena, aie 70e accept Fritz lIchler fer jour etul bualiani 1" -Frzif Haler, do yen uept Hteleua Won- ru te bo jour iuvfui usaiaded uit.1" Nec-er dii heauraepcuai moesjuyocîlj, or th grecler fervour. lto equestions. auirsi y heur reaieraledfclergyman, said tlioy eiuiea re chut'cbfuît oft bue vorld'a lappiues. On hr bearnflotrme hbunii, tbej direct. ibei stop. lai un arbocar wircia haul boocagaily ecîrareai bon the occasion. Wheu the company e.e abouat aittaugdoroata regale ticmsei'iei tIr a eligbu repart, ibe>' discoered lIai tle ,de aid bridegrocan hall disappeareai. A depu. tien was immudiately benmed te souk ihenu. Dcrng Ilis aime FritzsoindtHelena vaîkeel j.,y' nsly thrnughlathevu. ucamnindfibul tîh. gaze of eo apectutans, andai al ens uible of their aur fre trappluesa. Whoca ho'>' rrivei ai the aid', bouse, the yetuig sud hlooming girl open- ilau anlidtrunkandsud mevtram ileuce au clu eahur purseta thes@ane time ilayng teultie cue of itie seteniahbea utani ita centeoia--a rautty ut gol fincl. 1. Tisi.n the surprise that 1 bave roaerved for anu il i ibohur, my heloveai Fritz. Nov, hava net uuleai te jour liappancse This pumas con- aie Ici , houmui loin@u." . WVhy that s s accusi'isnahle auna," muid tht ilenusîsid Fritz. " Couaiderable uni iolightfut, my ouu 1oe,' iii Helcna. ."Yeu deiightfbul iniai,"sid Frilaszibut au lhave yen acquiredaisiavast trenucms " " Oh, that umottera net, loe-. Cao jasnet rcoivaIleaveu'a giftu uliout inqcaicy 1" SYes, iftIhey comaofrrot Hesîo ; Iliat is pro. .eely chut 1 vacit teknou."' 1I asureao u thie gobailoag iame, er catI. 'r t en ouMefor bure t net girienva1sif and âD my werdl; pommeeians ho My oui srly iW aveuf buibnir' "But still, my bloveal, thore in émcm tortuer elacaatio noeosmrj; lieu muai let me huait-1 Ber. ts luiivers miulerruptei by joyons ren lenauht Iu tic aajeotufg ian., togetiar ritha loua Ilbaeking allthe doua. lit ie our frieuda ubo have coae o sota»,s said! Fritz. "I1 conjure yen, Hltns, ubile u rujet atone, tell ni. of tle paume 111 "Na, fot te dey ; noms cuber lime if 1 fisd eou foud, afeéctionate, aud vise, aud Ibat jeu ah [lot osapicietie erjealiaca." Ou sayiug Ibee ords ibeoapeued the dont, ion uppesruuce wu thes agn4 futandilpplacus ni clapping of bande. " Fritz-Fritz!1 uhere is Frits 1" denusuied severul vaicei at once. 1Lei us talée nial the bride," sidoas cf th rarty, -auni i warraut thetibri noem ilI lunger long lehinai." 'rThe1'idcgrcm'a-mar acre advanced, sud efferng hie an. ta Helena le ber triomphiunt!j uvay, followeel ij lie @a uîcing tuireug. Fritz mejoluteai n being tift asmmnt t lu a rader bise eirsar-liuacj acccesaion of fortune.- lruai>' bisgond lucir buil frightenidavsy l gsiely, aud maie lis uneam and iheeghial Hie iaok loiefthe pumae, und bis alyie dilt" ai the igat o et Ils ua. Hie imagination ai revee'd lu lie possesaioni cf a bandirome &nt well.siocbed oaap-Heleus eutlroued thoni bchiud su obony ccoer. c It Rtbea. tis and wulib e! the place pnessing lu cneud cronni 1theucahuiful bride, Whbe usinsonsitil tual itheb coicage asereceiveai, havie g neih eye. ueir esn. br ol ujauvohiansf. Alredy imaginationl did ie iarrange 1theclbig ho u«I Wear, iufinîteiy nacre tut l'tisu hie preulsi uni thisigh iathatli ght ct heu proudly Ir wouli vaIr îhr"aagh lbtheuaieunidb.oIafame o on yulh rempotas n e ofits iclelt cmerchasia evenlb thewrrmnais aaucient complaniuas, a lutine umbie ib bsumihity<aui bau le wveurit turî liheir caurleaj vuith a patruising and bi nu vuleni air. ta order teaaff'e himacl etfithe trull et th, ginat ing piclurs, ha pîcanged htie bandi lto th purse, aidacont the golai 0 eoagiat ho lI a rall of papen, vbic hou aily mtiurorteb ; u, snote, und ceutainsi Ihese vends, vhia ucrtrevol caklateli .mitera lbis mini le là irutbu of r.cliîy: - Dearent auti bloeai Helena, 0 1senai te jeu tle saoansnicg gelai teS prepriiaeiL ho the purpoue of via-ci yen apot te mus juiterday. 1I utli viol my aull have divine furetbhaceginluoser liai 1 Igp sciue e oar ltoast visa. QCanev c u U"pevuens a aidiitpar thelaibappiuesWUl jue bave bestaued upen meniase b. eis iuDot olur lave ? Adieu, sicisi Helene in nt joulm ce Who Addreéus jeu, h laI *?.Taa. greiteansfttelliiisi ullocauix 1*fentiin. la as sueulibauelun viei ber m uua. 'I'lis latter burin he ssIgnalais of tle ialgi sui ordinances- la bo~, a e au 'y =acr Ilutha.roiig t iaspibtwe. Hà ouia i ubt a speeles ef forum.s da' 1 at3e trauufront h owas e til b betL.p etilI finmly clutein blulia- baudi, Ldar besurtiaese aud puLing iu île .16eoutilse jar .îlbrong u0*edsaemle b lmepups celebnaing bism meliuv 69-Mtebu 1 m" AM ib*elg t o ldvaloui ieus sjtpeaameeib, ura«»WuLeppeand a âehdam Fritz. ensile te man"csis lama issus 1 -k» u sppoi ltao eIoum, I4" o-f laggilaeeélieàuis lu iei5deon 1oin l inu.âOeîAimtrSl yOelé. k a 11*0Itl ESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 14.No. ~ te .a"& 0 The Prince 1" h.exclciied; Thes Prince &-Yeseu admatn,' repliei Fritz, sn the huer Tle eîl -aprmeh m e nt-lcciamce t uitli our oin- recilloîtiotli te Pnt fiabs cpon hie umicd.cva vho tOl hni-get quietaiy net cf My igit, if yen II 'es, ILl 'e 7fr injrilohn.Btnse t . voul net bais me colonait sacime LIitel t. cou tel yeu le i oves lac, tlcmontloe othe ns. nuein age.p melb vellitremble t." celloction of a Certanfupoiatfilleul wiu lîlgra." u anamgènae Tisa ayinue 10pucihsihem nuiely froehiIl ia, nsa ',tqgekl sthut pure" criea-iHelena. bsuoyt go and the pa-or Helenua eaggered sud tell bori l cki -1acu I tia asu the toacs. of leur cruatl roctiona. 11e aie fthtînt singiteaicrevai. conduc ; bot 1 ha*i nover touaccher!i h ines-it deMd aul, They caisod bnr up--h. bal tainleda ni *as le thre."- lis es;m ineenIe; sud ulule menue hutheai lieu' isanles, Wiabcot fiuulaiug the senteuce, the rau tc an vIen t1110 ciaeainterrogalei tber urit more ccriasiry in catitteuîail. rowforth the prle, and raiaing the r diacretron. Miren congcieuenuse vanreinrei, vindoce tIrcu kilaibota thR i% uhui h bid " _9 ber eei vanaiereai arannlinlu samni etFritz. sud bobbied beieatlishebouse. uulb. mi seeiirg that h. fusi disappeuneil, Heleas ttvemed.II- Nci,"sii Helea4aII Yeu se. ilions ne long. a nm Iber tacsunit hem bade, asaolihd biterly. Ietremains olaamoative ftrnloour ual loeing me" ,,Myam No more woan quircd ai ococcauce may oft 11 1soctiet 750 bave ibrovnu cr aoaey in; aîÔnô ucu Iber former trierais that lie Younag %roanras aste .ouytldang wse, lut t do lnet eee haivThe.luxau Waiilly. Trley dispeccceiilenîly. Pueor Helena Ithat prod y yexIos vjths ahurnge letter ste osie lus. accearpaulenl hume by a feu more compas-@.ulicb i aaihmag anh..ue cesseu, va Mai aedoedIl- Wim im iiAi esi, e. horseif te diespair, villathat punis fuletfgoli lems. eeu,é ubich sirelbai t frmerly cocaihiereai ta hlie "T ia tettern; uiten by the saunasbandt hau t ~ul'-q sourcesof lI eheciappiueic. igus al theoffilciel documenta. This. letten, crotis stilI As Fritz hecrdnti rlg ofthie gillo ing the uhich t fecni in the ideutical pure wuiich aius, ait, hutain a ietfoloucdibtis adventune, ore oaloliruhune cent iota the deep." biv usrait contenitoucrsîves viii auccciuctly neiatrng tie 1Il A letîtr," repeateal Helena, l u adtront the [Wdisaitcu bitory oft l ife durang that. perla-d.1 Prince. Ob - Fritz. thai lateise n a afer ane." Afler the vioient icetie uhich hai tendedin ilu 'Speuk assoieartui ssurance, my beoeei no Pmaldegneo tealbreaku the mariags coacteHeeu&. Tell me, tasar ta me,thbunesvord@ Fritz quiatedthLie v. lie ucuclereil heedles. uer.onet aidroaseai ta yoca, ezeow the Iistsar.-Bilce Il on untîl the approucia of ulght varneai îim te tully agitatai humbani.Brso.ue seeli for nemi ani refna-ahueaat. Ue suterea a IlAa t hle la se. (ld"saii UeIona, vilioeeoetbia r ltIle inn, uni calleai fon vine, uhich lh. comuen' ssocn ferveur, 64I1bourg netui Ilsincnoir her mecc ced huriedly drinking, lu hopes of irouuing ne- bacc 1 ieversen biu. '1hat pure un mnt tlenbiceHiorir fleeîiaîufilythe repoateui iruughts, anid a-uiag me by nmy goduuiehr, Helenas ot Bromavig." bis ice.nlu by biiuisînoraucl air thai lie uon iumaore!lun Youn godmth.n is. thel- dc.nk -the icepest eorrouv. My gedmeantber, sud tle prince sn mv gai.- the Prnue Wbiiit lieneivorei ta nai1l is mrru ftlion y praxy. lf ibis lalaea àfant, it Aune. 1H uîth ptet iraugats cf uice, a man enerai, sc-arcely mritsmecruel s pcaaiheait you bu1da-es anidunthotth aecereaaony pîsceal himireit have inticîsi," nid lthe uepiag Helens. anoie a ppeu i. le ai tthe amoetable. Tiais persan. «Tbe. il wuanet ta von ibis golal, on Liaitlot. fccaeuoea- ageli amonaet equivocul appearauce, lui certain ten vas s.ot ly liasPri'uareIl'inuired Fritz. trinenno ai sperfiua-s articlesrof ares. aunouced i l ta ia " It un onetta e, uta.hilwun focmea" relled i tilis of lie choie vaut. le vu faîciiar suri opena in Helena, Il incuasequeuce ot my gusaimuller bsv. sefiè lieln e ecgdbl.- mau ubeu hie mnat'e, said iminediata-Iy initea aur poor iaskehui iiur«a frufrbra bi. hante, I a fgitivoe lte a evglcssoeeaithiiîm. Drinjk. IITae k vasufot lestig ta yjee n aceuce pooct t ing tiey c<ttbai,&Msud 1dm opathies ipeneai that 1 bave hecm thaasdecarate ndai su vil 1 "I iaae' ofar accnriag %as tie glasaca cere repeateai. ,No. But ht may parliape, lie ouiaig ta thead. a m ue Fritz, ai ieugthi eluteulîlecaume of is grief, influence eof y godmother." nepleai Helena. Ga. e sad uspt lhure of lenieruens.and diapleasir t Fritz, evercceily lis cautendaaag feeling@.mGere athe rcuusmrance of hiem at iHelena. sud ha diagusa i is gain tailcanailioct, gave dinuen ut SBut i ille w as penfidicacs," adeil ho; "i te is asif ouptu the vildest teptaaclie. The Ca-îaeuva rutal eiveruo-t abolil nver aoc ber saan."' russe otbis beoed brideameu rsotesia, es Iled liei e "Thotilawvolt sai," repliei tasecnneun. sud îaey awon tergal lu thein affectisn th ce. ta uto IA man cugli tua slow hie spirit unier mccli membrane ci th.ir aufernugs. Ptaeon' circumatsncia, and deepisenthe wvrmen wvie Notbîg ug uncu s wnlacg te tender tilarseull ea aeugliatte duwe bran."uniuil.alovera uproualy blumaca, lut tiepi. cm a 1shahl corîaialy endeaveur te forger ber," poci Of aunuesais oqcaisteuce. Helenashall aeat. a aui Fuitz, asiaumrng Il lue of ceolution; il but beaciu ualle tea atten ta theocccupatien ef stras. Wvain ulîl la theman lira-au u h.a m I ta do 1 plaiting since tle flîghi et bier buebni ; snd introducti at IlThatin a averj vice question," repliei the Fratz, braine heing no long a mcIdcau, won nov ha- Dils tanuger; Yeu muilie guidea icinmant corne incapable et auj otrieoccuaione. The bacta, se mi buthinl the menliane atirtu me ta aler loryen fuaninia ducats ustaliuiltisanfuomme the Prim s litti. lihenhlisine, uaieb, îhcy ap, pouee@- tual', but Ibsin ceocarcem acon horme drisi <op. lier Maji 0c os surent pavera ut inspiration." One training fbuding ilemuslvo. titîrout fine,intelt a'With l itmy liuarir' sali Fritz.*" 'ae etralbresa, or msatfprovadaug i, Fritz begau n vta e lia y s feu varia ta thut excetlent caiputrion tlîuuk seraocalj etdivins an lb. raver, douptless e 00"00. id se (cor tbnsbvie. tnml purpoe.of aeekiugthe.saldutwehic e litbey mle a. F u Tirey drank ansd taîkeai, and taîilsuad dracl. pvie hld threuu tbcre. Hvinug arici st the Daddilett Fritz could neven aftenvardm racali ho bs ,monta. baulu, and at ihsmomient b0u wu about pneclpt. dail Ila etry bheu mc audulcu a rieuua-ship bai pruerg oratinsgbiiossîf iota i@ vates, bis e eaeclaso- oi a beluee uirbinsd hbe Scotch frîcuai. Neillier cutiy tre unatIcrupPOO Whadeosd e W a is li cauld aseitel hou holiebaigneci ths pupons porceiveal upon the quel s bil poela pon bom brh biscffpaisehlaiprelenusilta isei ori ubrc wus ruittn- oos vil hai rofcas.d th. gela ihclibis coturais Patud inthe unter, ei tAlis tw o aar'ct.*« ha1 iorna! hlm-sud, aboie lli, aller hurieg taimimg tfris thousan glden.>trriaaî' 'atm5cn- *nordmac vu tltee saloep cpon a clair in ihe litile inn, lie f tre .aoautshah nremue i, fa1appl ig «ta Coutail Jea." E Mhla vokre icithelac iracke. Lufoig, Fuherana, Faueborcg Na-euf. ender Gc t t omth.y plactai cpon haiasthecoekdle of This incription aumpeudeai îleact of suicde itberin o tprince, le touai iit ipasible t0 repres. hiei hicli Fritz bail ueditated. et mtrn. just iniiguahi"ou. Wear Ithe colocre ofthtas HUsdirectlj loch the roui ta Ladig's val, ot people lu r. 'iitim e man vila laiolibed im ina ietflais-p.donc*, sni thon. van no difflculy lu gettiug tas psnsive. « pine ! At Ihiesieu 'thelbod noîhed aite hurlntfierma tai reatere bs luit trosue. s prsemn tas. etFritz. Hies digoitj bei recuilvuila checta, Fran liii day Frits neulieais ia raldrUsdh berflly ad ulicit jeaeoecocald Mo t eut. et gretulsu, hy intalling bis beactituil bride lae. ibat aie s Hethrou daun the pieu etLanay uni the lini1t0heag liongbt of cboiay cocie. t .mupeit Mt corire, and irampleai îtireudarer hieteest. piuoîî wmcrestara& ta Heluina ber ucaulime.ss- eenas an Unlappilv fer it, tire actionecapeui net ibe iy. lu a alhortiàtir ait estalisahment iouascrasii 114 vigilant aereof the corporel. Fritz wusabrocaght tle tuvurméile reneivoaai etail ta. jonî th o lie su e o beot 10 cort miatil,aud condemnait tanramelle place, aud on liera vu ual long ile etaaiegs adeoteoe ca. ne hundrei uni fitîy Iasbes. fortune, wonamoll li-,At tbia perleai the ceuntry' ef Fritzswun et Uneaoring an tIc> *are engagea- in suéda. gratuite o'ur uîtlu France. The egimeat teubicli thes ingn nsaithisr nunascus costunmeas ae. second 1 ta. nfirtunate youth belougeaiwun urdoneai le matchli-nage l *anpoatuets et hich vwersmm "e ibs oin o t ouaris île ficauien, and provioos le lis depar. eraiiaMyrils udidi.wun dravu op bifonre iluir ye n 7 l. hre, Fritzwun avancd te thele nir ofetcenp.'ml. douer. A geutleman iosusdcltei ulb nii <dWiellerithwun ibut 1lefatiunvorlby cf h. deep.st eicunnings aud atecici by bai a doses te pcouaotinoranaantibs mini hldboe ou uinilbj livonimi domesticu. nteroui ltaeabc ,dbis mauiotulueg ho failed net te attributs tiis Fritz loubar! aud aLots&, xclugiming, Tic. an onlarpeaifor furocar ta lie influenceocf lhe Prince, . "îIf1am nmt conisculaty alseoiveda ati its. lms 00 and 1 lie cabdiereai uheaboiethauglit hoeu irly vhma 1 Irité,lthe &Iouiséi vins et il. latîi ietn1 is liapeiieibicl a.inn called l ii - Kaïehl ef the Golden Cranas 1" Ol n thuliediiof latle, Fritz lsd fauut uitl I "eeans iglt." nsplb ie irrnger. a'in t»h.à sr al] ths mergy et passion, sud the courage of de-ata iels u eeu eang lu st.I iu pe. He usuiie agîve veul ta hie. rage, sud Prsm Fem micnta Aust a;esud afetusum iss.a17pMeisa Idbitsoesumiseshla epai>'for the iaülsity cf He.o. xyz. d adhsofeloisir beloireu l blns" ved a, lem». Fritzeidheai ls.viteMi neoe"u -lmt S But lis bravery un urtvailiug, Worthe bat. came maintiented m bi ed. ea àdi Olu thé vusfait te the Prince and bis sriny. The l. My ds.rcbldàeni" "idtleaPrisstte lliai oe" seu l i timidlly et ils troupe, aube hai isasraugly te. a.d'i-.ii elmeiOai aybbpa l. «- trnssla, wo aasrangermoie é mcI5 areouase<u . em frIsa . Fadts ealir lootk . une sion i Pe' tbeemstancj4'tbumeubohadbo muea tc. aa de sIm iIL rblsny a uhacaessi*idM«s»,u h' lesuly itsugit aud bled. Friz wu a ccediuagly ibis ' 4dCmuaL" alayi:sy lsprnuei tatle rock of ensi -,Ud demirateud TbseA«bloi, Frits veuast -8in ecglu <sgafu sg ifte, tb u ciins. But pecaulacio i u n t uiahe , bsmsutio.lie seu puccssaedàcentbieamu the for lie mon sscived hîe rnta cf captai*. upee the paetet u w bu las bai utafa &0 MHau fat Ho no vaored ta quit thIaieu'ls, net bfel, pausnl a eluo revessd. lThm Ims.uisiami ou te M IL lic ,g Ilshe cesmrj espalilitiea cf iischargiug the fo W set 'enons lm ufnct'ions of lia ezakoal polset'ae. It uwu Dmtt-elu tfi uihouit couilsvubls cioliso e hi. elmm AU ANCIENT ENGLISU Vl1,4 of% té huaI lho vmoe te thun Princm, roP = "IotalY Uvva ali l a alyai »ilnse 1 4 remiguincsudmiruqisedlg lme permissms. te -uW* ss cui i isbUlmmriWiMt, a'~ do s. Fit% sailellie auver u'ah maszlotadsled fan ie n.ppsiuss 4 t elj. llippiiy lis egaeila.wua aceil"td. ...c5bo, allsiao~... vMit tdiffilty, sud au aideie-e.osf h 4 _ ' eil Mid " id4 e bWeIlues me w ùitrwulf<telisit op».Cpti t Age LIj0g,* mu"sis i Me Frits, end te as ta in. tise s imcu es-.1j ei4a suse so. grau"eilie us.et hia sereyle.m d rq M&t Frutis evlie" himmlf tea hW utmO e tige t ba s 1 .ipms1 sés 1,(su vaanc ho li uat raor dmalutstolue yeeca.liesJises4eiii bihanMueebly Io le bosmioeOPW d17 y a; ce- àbq sud & a aceutrau i if thutlehaa ailli e-n &aSi e ter illb, loturdieamif keeséking nit t e el 4«- dieu. ew bals teau opspose" dte foti boitn hli eus ImmeU -4m U 'bi ,baIt wsu miagi cW %hat pism. __ are The t wu Mille vourvers eat ent sd&W irai ssay yate- boo eletas bieome mbplsud i sel Dcl sel, .e4' l u'0~us, aiIoj a -VK 6m » al om ur . 1 dh 1.essite 0-q lem. ex-qmZwW&»Mdbela or ssE Iieuis e ée @4 d pble appt rit art fin"u.addby a sa. e oflitt us fIes bae viientIy novpr 10. 1 n, enier. ait lsoU1e, déty,éWsa ïtlla *geous. m iii. thaie ulins uf 0Wugsued Bwpepitw àbshontlu a i- l%." me utej the atii ulqIgmse iti6s mlacuaN e Mm , tbesot lu far,-nf Nq a ttla tur bellore the Conquqst. ~s éjticew sd fakei aa.ofatroU , p l ta d ainrted a Pan of the c« sue osIdjige a~ea nioettraien leap!iag nearly asn<mieb -ja, a must asu el"tond itaew. e tn a ca .tpk4a wvlaAenéij t mil. bambou, sid rtit veplm~- utboru .déviic tbcy aretouptiad 11011j bQ"mba..bt ail ..l viii Ib.ol anurc.d bemoae oely meît *e glades for thei.cette., laitihe nid Il ourièthei.native dagWtidiontal 11 st and Pink Priaal-1uâds. uonextirpaîs heriug fur trt seveWher elé..- 1Ilouati, in Jerroli'u SIilli-C~gaIc VIE DUUULESTONHS. Gorege et Denmart, ln pauding Ibecog tet to the. Exchange, sampeneaby jattendanto, and roeluaieil tii,.muti hlant. hail pretty geuerally vikladrsvu, jj dm aoutti,-lent reà,i.caiont3am sue meeg. At at, cune Du d:rmtoe,c Iaed- er, muuereil courage, snd itaquaird ut ce ieh wsre uni tthe hueabani of Quie., l-iving receive an s affiarative roplyi ate expremmied the deep c.oncera h. fji eof thi ncecti bcd aiviteal bie Higla. n, aeuared hie, tIraI the neglect au dierespeet te the Qîteen, but trotin a lit- r thoirrtneanscf eratettainuoat, and fWn dntrranstth~le Prince andditheg.îtleý n wad *il him., to ag-conspany bi "~ big -wiOre," adrie-1 Duddlestone. -a oil aeef and a plcum-pudding, i:hale f it y ma brevîng, sud aWOa = ,,r4311ja [aoct, avait yur *ee.act flPan wau machsanaused ujîi liatheaddIce loqu B esud alî high lie lasi cderei jthe Whbite Hart, cliosifull' .v eptd4ý atien. Dudadleoosonerrmviga id jo a u aimtu ,d.irc7 0aà eanaiapron. sud cci;dou: c m uabual sund saotbergetoau w dicte with tha. laitihe cou rs.ftté . te Prince reqiastei the boddice-maker the Cusit ut the Palace, and tn bring j1j a him, giring hM a cari ta fuclitst.bis ion uti(hart. A fou aMenthe afteri one, witMs ife behti laMIoutaoeus teut fur Londau, ubore îla.y accg tound nce, andtrvera iîatrodcced ta the 4seu. bsi*v recolomi tbcasm mnta Bdl, ur th®r tu a u sppreaching dnr, nilu je they amont bave nov clwe'lafu r thae i.D!esmtsfutpurple validethescoloi kj ord etocouoq4ntly prepari, andl au. aud bas varthy darne uere Iiro- by tihe Qisn badt fas the matift yal S! n rutand the ney ontsil*thkt oXy invilso lias Prince., fi humband, Io tWIs Afte theasentertillaunt wu .aloenU halai Dalafltone ta knoeli ld an bis bsjjjjj sd ta use Lady 9à,ldt.- He wuthon offoc.d nueyoru .ovsreet; but lie wvold snot t aformuge Quani tht ble bual w%, a d ho appreho e thut bi o i la hoe sev about CortUuslattueryn >.Thi. Ques maie Lady Du"dpps t of bar goli vstcb 6r0asber dîideal mship cousidered n o t s u rijjjjjjjj n eaveu rettaumucaI vahhout at e aid ~veuer bieu aprou. Bir 3* dhé oiTWt til ifuer e in al £ow ag t ,a lt m m " s d u s . l l ç b M. IR a veY lJ OW dillc.t P- lm - - -TET 0mutuluhi si alatopta= M4!?jF4.gu ra gB 1l8sh ..MI

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