267 UrlU ebaeIWy y of te étme.oris VeteWiamlsta~j 01me. a auabaa Ial aour "i~Cty t, Wbasi ofi City. leu* «.g mea.a the Us it ais fplii ta tihe il oBpital te admit ber Ch eno le uPpr lTet y more pts oup~t I de Bot thinl C a th1e manageora or gint te admit the. Claîldus roman, fer i have beau s aîhofity, tliat the fued '( a Ver y leur etsea lb t il iboir iaiy ia haut ha a U6 Au lhii alto. ilin i Wuima.ery P,a admisnacofe thea, uan »Ch an infections diso 9-17l itedw, and kept f ayou Mm. utor, chrils a tni d ta to tit thei i a s e se rionsa cf tii Poor woatan ta ou air*,e. Wii ,htci the chanity ge woul ie V eihlba regretîsi tat au n opta 1 a more extensive acale in esc much waaed. k a ta prat ion miii. ere long. ta de the entablaahment of a ir ail the desitîiie wibm s r City, Whbo roquira mottiai 't. Witin t due te ile Laieu lu their honoraient exetio al,, euotwithianadiag the lu une heen bardl7 sufficia.t atiofl bas beau the tceai neing conforrai upon Lia eet th. increasamg wantauf rly flow of emigratioe Iret analan ioy goeraly brin 'rien cpule an a. tiraient Io support thi. chan, for ht s tua murh to expeci lual. cent or etiii support il Io biave fuisis to relieve tiie of the por and helpiess. 'Ur. Llitor, that those lee iii. teneicy of attructrg ti7 Naor atnd proper Pu Vuur oedieni serrant, A ci sDoc. 21, 1846. ,,0 abs Edile. e tah. ainsi.. Il La 1 bai iiee nomiasiun th lii Daiici CognciI fer *.aId rom is ers cof 1845, lthe 1labuahL bc kaY fait~ ra, if il Couanc;[< t te Muila. un by th.4lanîe ai.-' iIrs~ y.ov alice yoaat ad e.t U. lrese wbht te aivecgtM L~ faim .wad cgid a.p Iil finafa a I entl estel ni the caonaaa< le t'am?' l ia , a . 1 thé ~mtce I erbtbeg $le nD acccs4j'th tb. Malîin tem, yn14.or waiIo ng T lie, mes callsnttsi. Ida À aETesf eue1. MoitreA 6eiei se toit mwkw b ora 1 fa w bs ave g"Il Oar s. e et tat t hea aiane e d by thea apil uea MW@ 190 . -hp a o- t M Oute li wil be n esteg adi bindreralitaboya halage., 9 ti dis abe" £3 1.Sdi 0 ajer uI maîf £138ls Oji éc iem taletibiaale of 114r. R. in eida ovsPrilte, wVUIa el ou Yamd Tbsrmiy. the 7Jaseai! 18W', hmandf lb. 2&h1 *W m.uadvttdincaontmeut r0~<ptaatiofssina Motrel te I. o OgeelstY Lord Elgin. We can ta au art fer bis Lordilp's dl- hum ta nsofl o f bh clé bar7 <i n reacit ie ai.it rà n we b il ii Witha à00Young uaer lu, of Duîanaiofetrae? 7 Fwi h aIO'uih ai bs canudinaL ev v 0I . M oufor itcriicinti a ealth. pr. 10P upu f min,ta0 e.rve a people edme or grusbintl<uegratiude l'" .&J"unit w bhim" iff le do ni tve ,revyat incoformity ille Ibeir Do- a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ knp>~~Sdte malsthe. fointg appoint- Tb@. .slOuauT DALaW U Sm §.z hua, suifS. 1a ._Î viaeelwuamm 1 r amit RUaUe D . CzATTEEWof 0<Cabm&Ra.E- = te e Cie et the District Caret oftibe ils bwerict. lt ti.plac, cf IHenry Cor- ait ",ar%. -dog"u Bar s àmm £2w ou oral aider aiVe prju tbon men m.e ci tabhl Cma -G Hwa1 tutLias'Muci-Tbis Man i dnt b ar, enio rde bas Cell, uavicil t intns c10heifement in Teuiar., ami aiil~ Ouea tephe Tureey fol ga.eisIeg cadtrbu undergama e vural e1- pie î,ùN [lie hau aitiot] golIincllpale a b = h.1un «cTo '0%aUby mini- and W.1Raginat mii ~ant*er, ehilot CeR bugaà reasil oetdeuide e sto Bigneban 1fortuntly, preed antoa Se bu s a e itaslschr TI l o Culoainha, ai ciun.derable expemsgae, lac, hil rdeva a wodrui lttorneis of tile pri. jli OTurvand gotleteiking îa lie reemblas c Uîbonititularas intatly recognied w duluDr-he haiang ionore ile Provin 1 'buaaIw l tla iComcpanty on more une on* te g beî re aieroniteli e niudoulit of Tur. Te lgýjbu tMyhe diffircuall liifurnisi nc- lfbfc.Iit corceut!y tebch op. ai boeirer. itt ibe peptratot of enu fouI ta t 1W.;! ce rugiit. eree antd cotitigo pu. 0.0 me,,u %Ve lbarno mamiaini yoathy go 1 ansu-,id' w ho hedti tr fell' bod cul jedrj5e" 'eartnturr-n bleWhIecommtited bal' à 4teiiurder l Maik ham villae. T bi part lin th-utfortunately, un-boo eSupava.on Wt urefr--niesiraof se deep a dis. May i hOd Vlan th. Provincial Peeitentiavy mu. irat viaitte ubjit tas freIX diacuani, III lu Legtoo tattielacahere in liaromince, lie the aan f hie-i labor aanil soliIar th et, a; dpei in the Sages Prion.cftel iniialseCUion *eutilprauuce glas 41".gp 8. em epon csJrits, vieclnitea advocates, lis al grni iufjo eleirsil. The qaes. gis né satytwuvel> cinquoeuiin the pulie -in Dinvite cirle, and in deiating cebob; ttoeiniv thttheli rocfreeiawtalbc i drt eaicesen< ulitery huprbbneeet * hc-E.. ititout the prvuiltge of cetuer. ci -t usoniuniûn Of unv ktî, muai lencmq'T tâ liini d coo becounru iaiitujiled ueeumu of ia situation ; abat intead IIelt if Lhe priso appcaring gloomy ami a 3 ijoanites lue al ihir sensiive- hort îlime; andl tic iaiiy igbt,gf sncb .umtene. o ana eficieni relief, te Rail. do cohlciee a#saut being eniferersA ta ender tilsincarim4bin lierabbl. 161t, nutcui of lie panisiamîni beyI a it. L ,the cilctîers RvilabclàseeM in jd adntain hig aîdecieted nl@e tritie,, many meuh Ithtr loiresmre crforti-In befgnas, wi 'ut 4 expiratin of Ileir t~ peu.1 -.e mffidv rtheunprison wth feelings of les@. i lutte n hîr vsth"sg tend if, mnd eithc blnsu,' i2-t ccWt. .1avie 0jhe e l aî las on r ul hie experience Pntaî osmiry ihn lie f1cm yaofit e de eMay h iîancrs f deep reofrnuuîîon reâlting from pooII. 7i uui.hnen; bual e have huardoetvery 'P. l i e ndiiduls rclurmimg from int ýtlLig ps ion, te iieor famiiies, andl ecotr.- 'l a, rgnecled memnlern eof aciey ; tiey brtheut in upmil eir skia.. lirougl We are f rpuittun thit a gre arlay go IIgter aid haite cf crime. ligkte .so bI.,iicnggin thé miee. W. knom lie an. là th LidntPruuriveF,btinaUnited iSeaisianal tmft, ib hm n olut nthie sertion. Ami laiea* o ntetramarkanbls n. aS tr raie of Turney, te rupuici per. n '(thile cel.lcoded vmrier niet "13P bu e-rim has teedergomo îlio'Wi élghi cime h greorthbetervvouno impri. In Oir penieniary ; yt ha pws tu .hareene in bi s lamgea; te 10ailtriralilrsiîn V14mfrotspety la to gae gone on, ai p loy teyp, ntil le bi ike4nonegli Cmit liat amful atw lieia satairged. iiel 141ceo f thuaee- e m-a ar on smffred iî thea*mnltie l thelam a" eneaalîh, ciru-cu ile. We hierfellre b,tuiiLie eespouiigjîy efý rat, ienlie ofve ~sa.i~t~at M ari incentive tu1 norI.amivi- *esele, the ayel Deasnpro. 1intie-fe. W.te e Wm s Mho01 le, inn ttroti try, veo eug, ams, 1t le;Ibut weher ita ule. ad practaca.a *MdWmdtentareorm the vicios,. u M *'>5pl5lmdai t olef crimies in mm mn4k6Z i, teus.Very uncomla. b tisu oere, ici nal ',a. laretamu netngresi pre-prniose Laflancte thie "Noe-tern ierbuàgms.a». aOteonm tutthuï, airain of aîîîy Wagons, viti he &c., for the Amriena troue, Ibntau Pted Y Cactae, semen'hea le C Imtr uni Mer. 78eNlexucam>.lav rd aeot c le menonaiue'mors du . % ohnuie f renard. Thue steamer sas. ai W nlthe i. iuviag arany, vun rack 'lanF le@oubar, nni bou ecome a tei* ttainl appoLrnuci, uher.vibi am 0e l lo "ratgitiutg beîvs gla, Cetenig a>- t lopi ie aAoeee a f'y a 0e ac ,tIat Capi lit11ln stinitelo f Lms Au. Itldfalleu Poo ndac iastei 05 b". en n1yîna 41hebunt te usAmrine ofÎ ranne of Ceietiug, h il bl Immdaie rue* s' bu M Moines of iIbe C4 .fiteto. NIeuilue. eaumating le about, £1796 Nolisg buii e msefor evu« of mn Yasuursrdiretainlofuvaisit Ceei clia Isgled @itlment o te Meuetfule Moriai IelIlag. mmd ihe Cl. I. lbuaumie.111 amas-n- etaf nsam.nî fer le. A 9;a6mittes cvu appclntsd te mail .010 "m @& et Cfthe DhltrietCMesilteaurmagu are ceoeiitio boDistrictt ~lyfer lm; i%; Uceret las At lisCiy Couscil ouestpal over sau , t187. ils sum of £»00in aivasce in l1 fDstItti fo tIis year. Ws ara persaai tin theLe. ielatiure neyer contnaaplatedils bePsirg ot mco. a" ufff ¶ it vau elie4acmi f thetDistict lmexacmmt i.la imnilsh" ci MMt e temy et ery ha0ms vuue lm esesei sai il.he Boeofthel oul l CroaineIls baudof lit. CuIL a genida dentfbruali eau oxpendai, bui mildy Cutl "i. aY eaisfmoy achMe lus. An atto upim mais Wa pet vacam titjelt. tee E.int"eeaamleo im a peital u llacttion h* îbklddorvmai11isl iota lay »astici 1 Il wmateait" ua0 o f Ibm botcisa bas beas occupyiaug Ibis atail for souse tise witheolpaying aay test. This sae"libave blue, loaeIwWatter hy the Clerk of ilis Market. Coutucil adjenremi City Troniresa Reput. ,ro Aie. W"rhLheMv ajCEE, uU The Tremnrsr oapefflOly salmibt b. fq0o- img linancial Report, inciadi.g aàatate»Msa et thelReceipte and Diioumtsfrotte Il. 19-b Juna to tie 26t, Dec"itr, IBISinctim. INCOMIL 1848.£9.. Iune 1Oth. Te etah, balance Obhan&, le Ili Taxe., 1844. 157 14 4 do 1845, 744 93 -- 902 3 7j Market anal 0e-mn, Building, 313 19 14 547 00O le 9*l a t a util. emahble tint Mm. Drapesr Ild <boose tMuetiers Ofth1e Ki f, at oeues, m l Ou tWconte bonne sauai ofaQueea!aCouissl 1 But di a 0< sil gema busIssm s ea»y1 Fof firieadb p Umele Ban"*bau itome bisseintiea ap betiaof vuemaye 50 aYser ; cly Summhbam MMoutlet .in thesmiels e um Cf lis fila.le. r.111- àasd Mrv. Kiuhpstrlehb ave base bon- Kith4akil M bosmgeîNla bu edoam-s or thesr. Wh bos sent hlai idtm MWs Bu thlaldshjestify bis nleotkfir fer mi eupcmlility. Ws do eMt My Iis m tof s»Y uiice agaunit Me. Su»t inthe leaut; bat wa am in ur ou cieietious op"% a, enle. an of maire distia ased abilitae. Dt a thog. Ik miles 09 mWC ould bue com the salî wu mita seugracie aMicoueldinene llanM r. uti. BetIl- liasse for Omo,,un île qualilcs. c Tihis is proIrsi ly almaesi every appoint- 1i. Gouvi L a&rW b Sox-iThe Jnayms eta Ibise ucat popalar mon iin already m ur- lu. Th&eliaahmes mare-.-« Ti Vacault raille, a-oekigraqving, 8ick , nami sli." IlAmerieanised Pat@ia Paeioom,4l. Id ami beauallImly eecnted,) IlAntique Vr tre.. .'Mo"olcotemm" aIlNelingu" sad vdec. etflUsait:by -lrFweusee Hramaale.- oieygoespn incresiang the. vaiut cf bis momk ;re ysam. Tlatý cclorei Vastuion pMas ew .oe are mcl <lNen in amy ether publication. a namber huileri e s l aut namber are ie yei meen. PTs MÂemhc cTu eÀr.Thi oder ýpiece of moobanical aîE %.c a~~ en eted fras Toronto ta Hamiîlton, aa~e Satur. ly tie 10hMml.. dute batteries more ebargai bd Ile Telegrup u muerwenl a thcrongh triai. *mnicaiicn wmas hamens the Ime pis- e, (distance 45 mis.) in proesensCf vmy peciahie gfulemom, mIe exprensi tbeir se. laismeni a= elight ai the precieica sud pet. ctabilily eoftti. apjuaralna. Ny lhe dmaiof iuavy preximo. itLa uexpocted "tith1e mires Il b cc.pletrid rItem Hamilton te BUIFnlo.od sait Toronto mm lho put in communicaion weuh e York. Botou. &c. Whou il the King- niavue legin ta liinof ise extianîlof Ih. elegraph ta tha$ City! echo annsaire mien. Ve Si d(gays lie Monlqal Heralal,) tiat Our eivo Chiri of1police, <3apt. Wiley maie a cap. re yesterdny tof tic ls han -400i lonveon ne. uft cf deticiencjod weigit. Tii. &poil mai uuat fronu lte uebes Sabuvis tethe Sta. n ifuge =a exi tttrat hence tle'.dufet. nt noitble imuititutionm e,4 j c-y.Mariy of boue baves cure dencien*i e&" . on iii. Suand ine mer.sIea uban 4 Ozu. lelen e ejuat meighl. A gra occuredinhoHamilton n e lte W Of eo 2ard inmt. wbich ioatroyed mine bons«; ait. mad on King ami John etreots. Tb* nosucof os arg e.n en 4 Tereteby themagOltia ubgipIOiut ameiqa. The fellocing are Mongtle uuff.raoo; lene. maicînlr; MOul [. êmmr,' Inn; Tracy, ahusni*er i Mili- ià"nmkaper -Leili. baket. e Iofie ldtMr 155 lomoi'r e il, vie. Dr. Beaupliau Mr. pAyas cLood,%4&r The*. Mootyn. ani Mm. Jdh Grahiam. J. B. Mark&. Esq.. lite presoent Warlen. Mr l4iiiuighaou. anal Mr. JohnJfvuchamw e d. îaod, are lie candidates UWittalg. Balance due Tmaasury 17 7 £W064 14 7j By Debeturer. retirai, M- O 9 do il & 82 balls 5610 0 Inertaua on mez Sai.rieeof OUod Saeeos. uxpsaded ce. police. 155 06 station nume, 7 *9 i I MoNDÂTr Evzrmo, Dmc.2&. Presen-His Wovhin thefMa yor.Meners. Augles. Allen. Dorien. ~odFBaabn el~. a.) Nejher,g 'Coumuilamas.) ourk, Smyth, abado, il. .cestimg latam w ither hl e l4a.ea.. n Chancery, bieught ly C«A"m~r- ci' aninthe:Dame *ob. Coas nsab ail A Ccmttee cwu appolatemi to comte, ith Mr. Kititpatrich on the a@abject. Anoiletter wa» rend fromn Mr. Kirlpairich. who demeaita vighi 1 ta Iwhal propane bc ad mèdeointhe semene XINeil Melatjm's came. W@16~ ihai ho ailndexplaimaid es ubject-to Ur10li. Neebocaxie. Couansolfor Mm. licitre, bai la Dot received aiuy uSanit. amemer. A. Manchon, Eeq.. sent'in a leiier'caveyin< notuce t th Conecl cf bis sen.ascOptaneeo the office of Reiemîg Oficer for Coomqui Wardv Mr.J~ tahnmcos . hW. Coouniteon Fine ani Waî.rgst furtiiur lias of no ock ta report ru Mr. Gunan latter. tliening ta e oig aif-ise alary *or* mot aised. 'sesdry presse, te close Marktet at 1 o'clock ev a xeaPt Batmriay, thsn aiS& P. >Ix- ;7ab.tstalle. Market Coumuituec reperi ina-« t- mauise Stai reùainjearrum aoetJolni. Bain coseepsnce .1o cerboing laid mbic h lsns.d ite valu.--adspted. T1s Treannrsv sonSittsd a ]rie alBs front th.elI Jecste i.tIhe uceiasa mid Report oded tes bch.printadi iiicil the City Wnec. aietic T 4s, et Ia Wa. Mat l y lave 554. âeIi accoring te the Abamai Md a a owmt boa - co-te, = q é- tm t'à m. th i Augl a 1 11 i orica, M le atmaisi vea 4dCarlw$ut bn »m e cmrrac.s sfla*,Pc~m ba mamo oa*a v ieal aq d me sasvu a Ibs Town thas W elad isogleai Dr. The Eoism 4 d iy Cauase IT I ris ua tUU 4 l, Ea': 81* etMils, 0 £As1 et 430 10 9 38a fil 302 18 2 lu 1 'ira Depavimeat, de15 9 market Sqkne a,ô Sysaee Hal saes, 67 1 I Weigh Houei te400 Poeund RenI, Potage, - 19 a Conlingeacieu, Ny lAe Repensasta TIi». Kirlplmîck, Eeq., for île yoaue184-'44,'48-'4S -152 02 flraftlmg Adc f lacer- peraioM4 820 of 170 180121 Btcerso Ariiralioe Abari, 74 16 3 (inuerisi Bank, lalasceof cash. 37 4 Il DnfapU.ak. 67 I20 de By Goflscor ad Taas fer 184% 168 6là23 9i £286 14 7Î WILLAM ANGLIN, City Tm.ar. Troueur'a Oses, rt00'n MERDiciNA,ÈL UES 0F Tou WILD c g . Agr sisce làe sitlIoWoIaefis. Wil C7 yb.u lasa-basu t.e ea, very impmi-1 amt mgeiml vim EN«y body ka.c tin fue, bat sohoiy &«« Iem 10 terau ie Oum, lia ProprtonEvsty Uehiuf <ItesWili Cla y tes te birer lataforw-carMr oeld4a a lokt assequa ais; andi%dismta. ni oorala ils bhabit of -akula 0m. P" poior myep of vcgl oerey bath, ai 4as in gve tainsl, tlm5d sp osgaan WOe taSoullSm ltaamgdai monas I as f«eih . tis iêp.n ms « Ae n a bîm , îOM lst eagase Sem Cimgla Liv oempblasietc., i a Pu bals ki ambele mlis4* ure.m a ritng Pohmuq sm7dse, diab" uq elas mter aur bout eVsiu0an e e asis.~ aii io leïm eyaIIIIIIII BqII .U0R soin Commise miffesignali &bu : t. .,i..UCTlON SAL. Bv ]IL JACKSON. 09 W*b-ESDAY- & THURSAIt. lhugIl& 71uh<JsMM3%.1847,. uSomId A .YM «temie and velil ecwd aneertsat d >maaonable1 Rendy-Made Clothing, Erhaus DOUBLE AND SINGLE SLÇIGUS. TUaE» LIUI&. &WBais à day aetI1o'lock. pacttally. IL. JACKSON, Auetmoos. Kingato..Dop- i1& 1848. ai" The Piclet.Sam.P. E. Gaeua. Vi"kn Chrcmiae. anid Ueilen'iieldUEqmeruULpla MMp the amie t u d. or Sol. ,NOTICE. 5.OUmi EfAGEON BG te8 &cuaoint the Merciaunts soi Tredere ni Caain. aid the Unitea i suaes, tial bu lue RESUMEBIbofl Asiedu nad cemisiBumess, unagm se avasg baauelae ui t mm leiiaglle e»me.aeeced malb lhe EmpIlha" m As.ricau Markels, <rom wmihComsîgimaent yull bu nma direct; a favorable nppoetuauly miii uhareiy b. aff.ardad ta île Metchanile ef Kingstonanmd tie Western part cf the Province geoanllv, tW malin sucli purclaaeusas 1h07 Mny doute aivusabloe.tu reaes thoir Stocks. Ma appemiang again an an Atucticceer in tisi plimm. R.LJ. tender s hegraieful a*nom- leigmeulq te the Mercantile Commenity and public ai large, for the very extensive support, raceiveai by him diming the longapric ie a m eagagei in a simalar hueinee@, aloin Desslie. ii.ing a renemal of' acqutaunlance cith hie oti buaefriemi, lepledges bimeell tlat île Goudia ofds i humai Auction. miii ALwAT5 b SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE. Tl1e prenant Stock, ccueistlng in pariof Seasen. able GRO0,IRIES, & EARTHENWARE, Amnunting lta upwarde of Tmelee Tl.ouaud Pouinia, cUl lie effaared vent SAL., By AIiCTEON, ON WVEDNESDA Y AND THURSDA Y. The 6th and 71h Jauuary, 1847, AM il Wereiose, w-esf of the Marknet u~itvg. Ontario Direet. EÉvery attention cul l e giten te the purchase ami dispoaicf prodace entratud te hi.0 cars. Perions seoding Gonds, millrnnk aeier a gem. tral pr.licy of Inenrane hel, by iim Ioc cvef Oeseun causignmnt, fort miih ley milIlai chapi] in peopioriion . and duoee va inhing»our. -sitce ollein tD ieir uonDamnes, mill require, la Cive instrpehaons acrttralingiy. -WANTED-A BOOK-KEEPER, A NDU NERAL ACCOUNTANT, mli L1.casa giva unqassionable reference. IL JACKSON. Aaiimer. Kiegeton, lath De, 1846 97'7%«VsctoriaCiraice. Prùm eEàduar Oaune6Pieiom Sut.Deeittoiliig" , c. bourg Star, irockrlil Recorder,oiilm o Exrpress, ieiU plum e"oth aie ee -'t Imm Caia Gom l' O cITY fTIN, SHET MON, AUSI _____________ COPPER WARÈ MA&NUFACTIORY. J ANCS DICEINBON, Tin, BfIsai ouis»an «PCop«oitila l aMu.VED hlimbaie- iiiee, o te pwwmosn1théSetIt"i.of Pria- eSe Ibreet, mea don tteMcCoraaacl'Gracery, nom ~ I. Mzcl puts1r. Georg leradl .Wac. maier. clet b ue*il[ comeantly have onon a large maieimeo f every diectrptiea ef Godi je bis lie., and fr.m thea aitional coovsniemcs et bai «eV Pr.-,us@. lie as ptpamsdte axeente Fauibsse O#51eS1&B t*N Flnm of M iuipii 1' MMMiomy MaA iMi4 ca usans cime rOit CAM. pwiinaec. by w ctimeans ho trustnsw UAL OUçSOIOU Ho ne almo on bandauanassortaut et Cee&iag, WKB$nO VPt<sTDKT, P&arl e. r and jjisur. latWIra-,$ r-«* 4 &M AIR TIGHT STOVL , Of the mem patteras; alto SHEET MION h.,a assyebmula STOVES. amd i mnu»nnal DUMB ISTOVES. AIl himia Of-MlIami ad y Biding &» wc» &H ofeiilc ovll »IL loc for cash# or appret. atmenmn kgepc. a"iemire0esaeI ed cutsii&. ltus. Rumte -Ya57patte-u 17 foinefand iers doms .ili uaes- ow JUP"A. & 1). SHAWO Kagton, Dec. 22,, l. 86 U«TotMaou 019 SAMU malIrauN Am» D iazzui. AT TUE mrY000me, STORES 0F THE SUBSCRIBERS. W-------- j ------IL 10Hbdo. Iafined aid Brigbt hinacevai. JOZIPZ I là» chaeste.hall ciseanamiCaddies Greand ii UUU B"naiTe"n. a Bae uei*s ,> 30 las bout LAragndRioieCores,«.sa£k7iL 0"> 150 BuaibsMaaa ans. 60 Drus. finiTai. .y Page, U eUUYa- 2 Tierces Caroliva Rire, Worh et se hu b lum1aem»b 25 Boxes Honeyaiem andt Caventdish ToIscoi daplb. Tri xtmlNlas 20 Bosu .Havaualaand Principe Sagaie. MNIRTVAi T 150 Jare liaaboy 8mag. 13ARBER .ANtD HK D6889 W0 Boxu@ Ne- 1 LannienStrcli I len dev ts u4-4 8 B&e SrC ndlen. I ISINCfh -. 3SLajrr-l LEmcilîuearou. 80 BoxemIf.Boes faceuLesari damR..THB D H. Pipas, A H B 0 CraIes siorteiCrochery. g AS ju eecivcd, andi for sis, la bd 30 domosCaria Broomm, I1.îy o 2 ReflOWP m Dad D Paper, omomaet 70At'tealtiapN. s:o.LiqooreCrockery, Boots andi Sucs.é, @0086.. NortI Shmue andmic* ousmaN. 9t:u Ne. a iHerri uge. -ms-- ufa IrATe le BarraIs Whilalnh, 10 lss m , lis> s 00 Qqinialm Drled Table Cod"si 200 mas j MMe etRalsin -ALIO te-10 lods.Bm&. riméhs,Pet Barlay a Salt. Ott.s-Ove, Wiater, Spcn.4 Ced, &a. OLIPHANT à WA T. An etenve amnsiffent of Crocclst. Coanumteal Bale.Roume. 50 Dos. India Rubber Ovdi-Sboes. Kuoggton. Nov l. 14. ÇBoimc lnn I srnani . _ Id rHu ADIDU RE reapeeifulnfatmmod Ihatth1e Sbh A scrn-zeliuena jeceived a large and diat nabber Over-Sboea.saloa eftensive "asrunnt of Lodiez', Misses, andi Clildren's Li S=ec. ALU,-A large aeud splendid asemeert of Gentleme.n's India Rubber Over-Sboee A. THIBODO. Kingmton; Nov. 16, 1846. TAVERN STAND FOR SALE. T HE Subscriber ofêers for NIl. uiet val.ablil JLPreperty aiiaîaied on thle Suai leading fro* Bath to the Blacidautzsd Rond, abot.»tiles f1mw Bath, consisting eofoe Amre amd a flfed Lasa, having tberom e età UmIAME H*vasU <Palte a is,) ith a kluhassttah.d A Eome fleujjJWg aMep. 4.. Wagern b4ep, Stable ud Shd, (:(amed&) a Lg floges, with anoawamag Baildimo havi., a I* MO Liqurs.BradaeGue, a &u. B.,anad &a ai lma ev.ry artice natcs55 d vertisd, ei na mm ore thas cen neyer r~ ~ ~~i. uleusoianmo NOTIC Mi w e imriga e w l bsV- f opplicatios te ii. utTrnM et. My arer t ia Cty see rl IOOT A lo 1 1 RR o., ~1~ alLai Ne. TIOi ci *itguton afc~ ~? Oppaca mot ait,~ ~ai'iue~ hi us- ~S n-w.zý -4<4 'r -ix w -»M 1 1 ~aslerm'.125100O Livery ad Cea. 15 O00 Tlieandia Circas, 31 90 Beclîog Allqs, 15 O00 -18010 To Fie, Mayr'a Court 46 0 F..., ire Inspecter, 12 10 Harbor Duee, 93 19 Debeaturen. nei. 197 8 Linbilities. Salais due, 170 8 5 Acconis e. a, 19il s . . 1 i 1