ih..w 0.. rhai t teL »" aipetus rington Steets22»drSeptyMuid QuarlLyo Coupai>.. aid kaowintlse ~~~~go uepteîi t o ueotiee en E14RAVIN tANJ WAe C H -W oKmiG to Sueswh . as nhnd 0W ii 2 a o a u~aa.~*0.1hei ua>. jStretwhee s tieno À D fNCrGOG the Ladies af and cain Ge ouo, aio lgin] enfor thirlput faours.&be 4un *,c 'ndo06.eea a ira e i Csie uiryDoen aîadWoniiahmslieita LAÜXAMNIIIiR mh;3l6.9dtaeil epoatint ea,&.I 'n reu sot turi e ç e xpe (o nency eadQ aers., te ma)tiitmae e) a A gl old fasil Plleuae wiaeaed on eOthtu ar "U w* pu* i ubWgta - anthef "aoo &WexeTrhust t tu ut FieMr.i'. ta theVU DOSX C SERi *aonghuoreNII " e"'iMeatA. : tobepuli t 6. arooude D m Moi tiietabject antiÂtle"ineghi t thom WO o hini wtaffci .Dausortm90008,A s h ]o h ll e léasod rYug;asJ jet.Pespadereoeo Iete litbaujte ' X"'11 W Jfbm <~~iuiwdi publir p.tsun.. arge394tu3a3ac9dlet. rew: "0IJo id0bet it AilcomunFican . 1e41 ut r. Juin eBa ____and_________fraiethe___________ofPawiewa 9 - ever! er orat br 1,r1, t t ic ture wKùnN ennattention*8Io.Crlairiei urrîaffeo, o raia mi. At se: 'rd in soc. mliait. a Ble h e s ialuiblud ii te a re oftbuad detrminaienbt exer hepSfnto be ut Fron Mr. .le m engtbye.3bgoaiiononhaloiuab.i, oll s owpetiteriefoturbeau qprpoout @ auai se t-gt Uthi-MOon.A0< lb. wo iî cn wealt.1846. fated, a e oote r lifter a ui rMGN POIIM Of varia- n& iav -l a ' * o b - INN jes ý a'clock, and a cocl d a n e0. r ui tmmand o VEGETABLE Rpi-XeSteRATin CNA.OV YObuqenotur e byIbi e cre ef, u, .. ~..i ..e. lb. Pranea iabinga Quadille Bmad, Ansh.un extoauvBugsrtatoppet. 1. s IaIRONBrdck.Coal, alted îshoutsmbero !ca theba c e 't rs ce, t nytuneb scemoKingston, Ott t6, oM 11546. A UU Y iîhTa, ad osn,1. Pf cwt. vicen hedur cll lielee iuauâeo p in C»&& mn.T TCIlbaa> ieituit. a ow R *h JV gswi l poveationgonDises..in l 6<1pur w n . netIle tue 0 i -i I edr' , ; inMONT LY PUB ICATst. bis ablane -tue, bPe r quarNter .D9y ASd REis..Esd Powdrbusinerssw tt th.î titrent-rrKingstonectJtlyeg1, 1846. RSATESe cOFaaear ùs Oc ober %atua io b assie B LIN . "-a o<l'Toeooal I atuT eno sion. e fbeesdsiuhrne ioaos]£oifWt FrSle hleaemuiRtulatter orea.nmgaaaSpbu rbari trloW rari~i , Sh upau c oulr49te 1 1are le anie renélr &" bain M u d i. fFîe oi cal ro jal i zo e R e , M.blC oa Ita mczo, n mo popu lurW Bop-pout is]abt ulins Fu I EE MNO5 ATO R ES'COTT, LOW KLNGTAND dueeyarîmotion, l, 1; tu, r,- «roa1iIt7*. mbyfthiron-m rous A ent.,eaBoat,.cAZOaVningTO REA . s ie rl y i jWi, r', p. "r*cut ~o<ni uiaiareiaem fo-tse.oo07»eg me P ers a pse in Q i le Bondta Azetew am theuivmorul ttid.on oa J S.ET EUE RA .m îîle Ahs.O. odo c .u Ure a, u re îcarata hui Z 2yMhe»ia Tm, r ush Hrbu r Bab",o 4 Pl., 3<. e Bx.fr anSMau I GW I 2sR aer1IBric. l , atd i An becases , uhc.r 'ce"f la n > n ti m i . s r~ i N i ~an i le ss e-om e aapl ma h t e andauEP I L L SP i e , T r n oin e e w . vce o h e i o suieu sitenre eîgbt lb.»-%Iing OG UE ub>. cvew ha ii b e g sea ld iheuul " aId D I & h ot]A I i é rn 9i. otper (raD,7i pr 0 f eiei iy de o!rîsn uiec ua i .I Igmutgusr s iuo s a". metle go t 2, lem 0 (> * lo' re. ubii.hu b>. tb.suhucnoir tin.>.euil îgetîy tutuhiehcea r " eB R captaL UefhD..4,eua d .pr ou ti. o e.ssiOno.mai,1n>4F.eelm.itinn Guea Biu4erm. TobUnitdcSats ofpèerhcadr.gdbse otalocia cru tara ~aae aloe recitaitru tse 0<g D»> ma Imh in muid vas fra iadith ue,) owhah Trm aJCo Hm&& os u~ele ~ B Lan ioriM0 iLd p HE RRY, AIeiein l ailie par ty e p rg A iht aetere l.' -s aa a pUBLpiTIa; themi sb. ste, b- rorisce T S rieati taiqomadiei.db>.su ccseausi.ta"bAct- 'to f r m eg*c s.asa, brsf L Y sse, Ftne;lu adArts. >2aperslaso.s, 4.ctf ete ai>..11 riedacel is C sm galenae b ialN .Oao uin ue Suibi te he aor Ii e com en we c eloertt làand ebeie d aL tE.ÂT atmm v 0Er inb u r bai hulk. orbare, campauy enith lur'ttr',Fferaî i m 1: -ate ei. d'o e i4 domofrmune <iflthIbsrTownil- Kihgsonproper.lie Maguain ee.aued mor abuseibeffta emas. Forae, e l edi nd Roet i t e r A.m M ,wiole 6petct.iv Paery trrit.Virat.a scà j ~ Ti O m oLWigen~rtribunal. criB>.d ortin er etbtin &i er>. Co a al, mo ce fe e u " i tio othiafshoabsL t bi 0 C e. uageNoe. ogeipamm, Tronctos, m bi Knaa, abaryu &e. i av eslilcre r rg .a lutteit ulc; buabiao blondti. F . M FA.G N. aredil>. JOSEHzaCRos« nIs, o an, bon S. ' SorW.cfwrib 'e foiwm a rgam.tfta 1,ie~ f ' qu ietrmsNi ti iia ucgo r leon oudnai a o Cit>. Coeilo O grdo e e a'k e-uiti no f ti uhe t i set o on >.C5?l u SRDY -p oothe M rerB id n s; adit M T N P;,CàssL W XI G T N àe t b l a b ar ar e, t t riad ue m ols temat uai;il.14* odrn îd o cruaio xeeiZ o s Ag nof inB xe si. auîu ainn 's iaLate:s r ue re i l a, r ' bjr' No= I blater "idk eTownai aderbreint 4e, od Barbrues ur ina . ainn" :c rin3 arr r a:c r rehLad bar Sie a t a e.m ferltetus gamon d ap"vutheis shl eonode abCoiopi aettehofthe shEgaioina , r40aPillsdet l e.dptis.e a i ,dna attsi. eluàj~ j, P R ! FoS!F rS !! t.otnaafEupe :i tamnc, e ls a j PA&W UA T U A NU eptl. flAshs,.udog. d orhe. couesàprictiin c r.'.but r:'rnrthsc t amEa frthe d i e tsa psrihetii fr 'a w Iu B PRI CIP L Fr ;R&"R cf tteraLondeontoinef u it nguaga-it ein A era Y Iain g gtait foCa nadao E ut of ii ubco a i erbr.ofgtionr pfriala rg onr'ar.r'eiurr noirer. Muredoru ora seai toebiecidtor ortcpuisaitnf lb tuni>. ntanc«Iete<m Tbgishla n eal- "Bia eofaaus> ovras nfaice P Ckau dBes,( ef, a.lper the loci], d uclrg t e ri'r ia isamb.nslee uai missreehujt rf red e d is 10 t eu tit omprim nent. WIl12i. t. obutrg aLr rBttr he e. lngbei, a inale;i rig t 'ra. u ersos deirin Agecies wil appy.alu dep ad Buter,1anaet fg. '& 'l i iinariareba am b Ibo i e éa o e~ uludo f l gpTg î>.mnuuellylre upleant i sa ate f uprs itilb ti Dlly N EB!itu afoorrGri. dpu oma. upte ier leayfomal nia çi NW&ff nbièbtilMa riumfirs in ppott»e ion er uu tSi Wakmu uay eath eusbscr ed oey se c o nallu l undaht ya r o per r ain dpr 60 in. copeero. ie3 r tha as Ivoiire n lokin ovmrmoin o!uhe gie a .ccarana> ibrt ml>u, AL F BG AbL N D L2ER . Aîm . 1rit l c7th usM. t!ie 1 i2 1 i l - fg b f tu pr omis la Thata n peiaon rp nosRoln .o ier S c elay a O N SW I eT r H2 s6 er on . R N < . T e OPuge < c ' a idi Z 1tê' et eew - <M"It IlCittetCePlo , o Tin o ale n iP rSev Faincermodna waniimta oietnabdntnta e ,bp atieule huai1à.pe h .doan lb. sans. a,.thetalal>. baeludu BOA beauIet ssLE T int 4'c. PAdond arazet ftie., he mnasSle shial au oatu iug'mv1reSscTu.Au.litl#S r operan tc c e di» tiora, the riofîL t O1 A H Al> A T- a " > . <; m or -aleo thow uanaltuent tube iiiiFiee.ieil e FL . ldr alon re c ed fm ete palitaeaied th>, action, mmanale la s whce>.owia.dtuu" .es HOOKEaRBel âOLTîONRR&,Ccl ,hsubstanrtyespranalioareguatedadutatrureie hCura tric ieIlU iey msili th miiuirv f lckwndteatiehenerince lu Octver effecutheJAMESDEAN, err. guypiteo b ilûw nàaN m Sof UN ollira ento onvctonbeocg a i Eri , , T a il .coîucdmobi>.P EAuroe u <ChiusiQ ae tse é Cep<i3. tregt. brr I l U ua ISb FeauWcis n efoase ladi d vl- ikm Tpr'lMaine, p u lucn hprie. 0< iabi e cin, A ndth.e b e dicuo n e ko nd>. al f orAsld1 thes n SAil NDy eRS vePON UI A ecisa EsgnAN r uptO'IarS, Fum it aPIbArr «M W Tbe Rev etu " rib nal v to y ade oftbeCit C u La, oresth imf bi caio hs ah alou. qrs. tl st u da fe. L * C m larasjBonk JOtlhe i sn &a C ro. &&; *Ila e t mrto'iiî ar nr cb; rF i0 quietTr"üo the ebbe entire mm-r.w CityClar.ititbas.sit behînglisW maen>.nluertise Igs Sh.. Aproilre1846 eint ndmbanbenmde:est el',ve îbeyi Il, spre rbe ,baitita lI fo b ig imohd -11 aise 5 t he Er O , ieL nlandrid o Faulalo, and. na metnes eoi e lecf tal il andver>.41effectuai ___________cf_____i____the__ ,d nm h n f is do , vcd muiR H FU St e c ni en f E rp . fii nitd- lTiTEE 3KW huis oh te a s hlb t ub c < à p ro nalr i sao l, r u c rier "laetar &I mi , e10.RI C P L R IE f s v ra o te otin na l F ullan.g . c bin E Rsa i>. oantHM isa. it ov r i N O TIÇ .' un ai! ior i lre arrp aîrris i r Courtee0< Loudonuane Paria; DTH'&ulazin A10 hu eteaiVeon owy ..inflence A ', sd ie n..adaaasi~ a- mtetbi esircfl il a"re dm TïsbtWhefr'at compilimehit itslaroeaneofda i.atdmutr AucerarnCos for lflarrai Sire ua. .t ceUnag .sau unuseally larg e soup plï of F U R $rlitrje aitaer luofisurprise t aE NthN R e .pub] je&.agi[ M Mse ageuho.aie at ard'oth e whioh hebu, nd s matâfaturog ito ai tis a thi Wor wu et nfumncedsom in bis ompfintit luimKibayatoen mFeuit.n 1 .,45. oe. t theuleeemaorea,, wheud ù,rcminl prf. myster>M or l an>. c>. Dlceiie.is. pulic b'rie-;(.I:.1,ad2.61 A tu " ni è%@ i* ~~~pi ite.~aueaort gu.abien t miaitMa.aCPeutÂE&TIPETi MFF LADmbriw*f!THS' '11A:7nvilst4 We« umuudje intra=t"dï'lcenStceetiiskofthecaÂRTU AD NTIBI Aélée op wokee G*mmin-.am efuy BOA& GsUdVTlatter-c.osi&ttand Narratives, the raDg o. Vîcea, of these Melonr etterl sthtrions re.rVILLi' fair sintall ci tweoirqéof theun. Doien raes fo Cub, holesd and R tait.Par.boe wrizac et heiiiycentriue ru u ta vineth une o thioBiIaIs bo rDettaitthe bwC.HEaura>.RA Eh& C .,arubtaiirteand ae an bnmttbIt cur for vit ah UUO ottS y acmiiemitii an ti si oeroa o itgsat at aznes ehv rmîl uwibmirapI MddeJ A cDWA , P uolse tiner o mmne n" geastionn>.ui V NDECJII." Bior ips Sok at det tiea>. e, tau i, ,larrii the iteohihodm W.t Tseamu erauu isea.J~C A MESlu DAN iseicna ha *Cmlanrt e dedoan -A Th publcatio price rfthe au s oct i ftfi e dielue ha remeorea t fili apoueS NEeRS N &MaiIs. a & oteauone r u t, aalti emialte ,ipan i b i g , cooe t ,I .L Ad n t i i olula ers. t oint..i. ffect. JOhNESmepu<i&am aCo. bs 'y bau e ng!let t e atil' Bosene-e jas i s lie ta<isie oyeffi" itie dissous 1c r i, 84 oltinneesa ,1 e NE O Die Te odn ol o at rts and on-shre menastiot, i altoD>. fiap. CRLEà . JEKINS, casteail amai ominte us bteaciu mniilet aireaisaidavame to LESLI Bhhil lu. conquet.ÏNobrafi,.î Chant fc tae <ho ve "on S1aiflI the ubacriber 50 blighnotaiinfluence. NohagMI. exemyt hem ha A C0W4aela 0< SiUBcICAatONlofunthebLtum«,r=P!eforaa mitai Solal th ofiliml.ra 'ar didotre.m b Oruieorl a .denin ase u.0 The ldtisaandl.au6M ta . a a nd ervie. de.;asud bc Jutceau( aa rB ~ ~ D i e of " !M im on in emar A outsof ononW Pri; mdmW a tise yong.sl a fe r oaaL»AN iS. c oma- nnes*aftai o * f Wcaaolope ýAlog lE O IO gN wonta re s. n m e a t as a *uu ared l ow rTo Acoertain sud r.ot C. W e rEU l ",Zrill Hi h ié P bi< bo4as bmc , et te » .etO l ap i e t o lse tc a de a f t e toCH R LN E8 W . JE N K IN S. fêtr W AG EN : o Or aen so a L *q «e ime. eta0 dee Pe, d1%ere s.-WKmg"aoDFai.a&45.Th rugact Ma 2 Squre a musIl, huer Mut ta oinis . &uaa la mur oean publisettefrpteo71e a" a wili be Réunit, I vertngio vt pqte itary, â potio. EanlfM dlcal ui S rl -i. w Wa cure i t yeffdtilC t thu abe n!T*î cèel Offl 1 WaeOfiei. u.RA mg I, ointüd'e r. rlrrus , nas 1 Boer vu kn@W uma Bata nd ftieeau yN t uie ma e Do.vice, t*sl e dc er>.larg e sotidea.tu e tlSmDoStelostltl es na tentehowt him bsbla 1 e u of Ibis u j g a. astm y kownhmÛràM li e f th eu ilisa wt ih eD . -dg s a d o d a an e s, w a e n i ma bOlPirty" = - Nobk»wnT«tO Tfcti5autsaltnlfrontM ibee' 10 loé :le ca!l en tnaitpcsca et ~ ~csermIt Botrel Complainte. lepquptiN Da; hlaCRhLalis W. JENKIA15 a mday ou4 io le esas fo 7 F 4sP au01ahgfMR.a ie us. 'c ON. Tere f n. e te n"tat am te a u riv sStet ofth cldan WL l p te >. er eguSI>. hetUEp & 10 1 CU of Silver latid. n Biui < epLdi f d oice au<oliâ5z blightig iKgiecen.No ge je e.mpt $. litsO&deadb oi r uek, A-Gfifâ deaibd«lligNa meh*llTe old. the mid theag asidtteheenm al alkeartfoodfert iseau. ' Abm deA" mot e»myof makind.The whte-haretipse rai t M b. raes Vnaeai bboî of lit ayetm "rvios ta te Itt-ke ofo --r --*, 1CHARLE W. GN IW :]N frKnso , Pi and slencegentl de* ruprisi i- fe 9" - K4«01 F - 184. Haugg fis , ,t qae to lfeasami a sonip- W PP "T R ouLDW ,g S T O V ESa L~ 19 Oig isfap etVital, W ér yth CthAcSmiaW , rou U~L5l frmatui-à Ck"t ",VF ate oDwoen filsE IP Bs, 5*ssu rIeha 'i 9N If f~ au -~ sSd ScIo iti u nubei in the. annaleof*@ .Nation lie l'a idal "fs ee is u aiatend la mée De mmém aadçleeà u sepeO se 441 l aeî.im dh saltî,uàcmhieMuipu lei , 't caaa 4-0.klu "r, hi t Irt Ms- at fl omdié th* Ji lie e l lkiïalw vou bhie queue eût tîiloiiI~s..m of ttsj 'rue o & i, feu *mw& c4 I b lasse .fC 'al tte,