Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 5 Jan 1847, p. 2

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Î" ymumné asW"" 1"9pp th"ca lba e . hamtai cf ta pports- lb u.Vueslseu P "Ws h. m ty a( cfquetly ineukting the veto au bohW u ~jfi r Mate b u *.b aeu e naed ond- faIt, ulpn slowddtien and con- 4~~~4ugs I 1 aV« rim"&.be atracted treeh ubliguingu, bat ubose loylly il ~ ~ mi I eut vie. Pi. watt alvaa Pemme tudoibt. Not content @u Teeemelft bauaîl*seeing tlieOUcIl&,salue xbubs darh ~ajiprgauiUh0"e4laGermai. &uuetilbine coul ferawhitle coqeil au eematd lo ~ carrect Germ ,venu.11100Y c0(te DceabemiiteocfIMM10 t te j~Ugfr ~,meg Dec" 1 m--Ilyfibre cf the geeerombeaili ahio itrlfed mse.. aiuô~~~ urcvd cf uhs publcu". cuiotte f le orn grue ua 14 dIimsltes, a ceue yu* 01 cfNew Yok are W. publisbed a pareggnpb ttitatîm mcale o tal OW tveed hait chbucei. the wagon-traint cf the. anny. cn is way 10 San- mdMlits Ilumue, pone aut exeupway. 0fta 1Fe, bai beia bc b! y-h« Ides inthe ure, i U Ïaafe-(irn <bt MR" in vicb rari..The St. Louis lEra eay: Wrua teej10do clgitlor aroa-tO jeu --"The Paanee, whc robbed lte train Of uaje ~ ~ ~ I odgc ie I.,t clec taltbey are reruanent aaggone on the plaine beleecu .IiaU rï.<vkbLalabich tbey pro(ue ua" Dcl a Peeence and &Ba Fu P.ct open and ecatced Sot .biqneî ett. eualet bei mbienu "' abot ttes hudred cache Mof i.ur ltbcthefour fedlieu -m s a bd, b te faleioodePerted ais f beavn. Ta*e prairie. fur mil flad *»,iftpeediàga ofte n' &îtide, fo- te sp9 ab@e.te rcbbecy wu eommrnttelel «04 st ib T»iemec- ce da? *à - MOid ali10have beau as white su if ceverk n iti 3511118Î110011 11411OVgia hY denY amY 1e11C06-ococ. Tb* villaue u acalp, imtbllstoly uoqO dc i" elever. gelluag Poeuii«. cf te aag'.,pe, set tea wri TM. pece Who oIuIoanIefr te utIle Boch powdeing thenmqves, ar Il t ocrfîeiy mammy le a. mot, iar Id, aM ez.Prelluesau lau ekias Wto "but bacipil te on of enowY >Iebut aumeeleGenuan Je.uabavint ahitentem ,, a pc1c e euhalîg act CI 1ageddbuM illi &uey repectable Italieet vil..neu c o.tt ejye a~griles 1111111114bal b«. gottw abont lb c outry fo M1 e« îe; ;autd atic mah ing the naetoflhoiclic, uMIel em auetAtt-Popecy Ilieteretitn lhvbdheIemcieclI.b.sh.a UUdcrUp5III h.b tinelUCiU sbroutlih t he.m- it eIsgp b eel acre iste. y lcks ue d, eu&MgM À$ iteturoJ, (as ln a proteetat poîpi -utned tu Fort Leavenwortbt,un te plain, 1wc #P 119004 "Mcnt e ug%) iutq Iery aubvaunior ttes day aftec lb. robbcry. Oue felîcu bat OWÎM»" modeleil h ies ach iita a turban, and the branc à&le b chsacr ca potion of aMy Loch r w u('. 8.) vwu inandiately in front. The letten ~ leq un inoelaib e Uprt of te pro- wceequit.e nintciligible 10 thenu. but neverthe i bgt Ildue le th public fluaI Iis leue 107 eem 10 prise thora quite highly, ae il smuple oemet offiels ehied blai b0or ahli te breeci, ciolhc made of Ilîe, tlb U. 9 *goeu stIa lbely aujdge for theucelves. wu outuved te be preeerve il, front- ThO' S t Um 1hpwgt . cforNew Yurk. car ecteme und cilotiî 1 hl'gut UInum .<IÉmim 4w QU. robbery va. no doub thi efféecl cf gros. negli TE U ILaos Lie.gene.. T.#14 Ie ceacrttwDof Mtlb.nétiocualeulima hugu. epm*Under tb. preert of a mecm. DIaITX aTHvmitSo'Aa cMa' Co" te arWy vaU ocaly uliasl,. T *316 o~~-The uîelanchcly dehtb tests 'IWlPr irbwedd. or dieiccuuel, am Mr. Conev, a pronmitg Young officer cf thb.?3 4i <h bi 01e.bcce le oubo i-Regimeet, loch place etthe cVîcarage. PuckIr nenl sieceto1 the rtgbl-about; @von thbcureb, Gloucester, on the. 15h ifitet. Il tm.d intui ivue dîenette tu oyaliet mr, and pears, rom titi Britolaimnes. that iMir. UOOO e tgi5b"titd. Wc bai lteNormai- hbai jucI ntered lb. arxey. havingprieei hi s thguead 1e Picaudy Legiu net LaVeadee, <ient lu Ireland i lttie more han îao ment. u#n nu. fIt as nt mosugb thatthlb.glooulago90 Whlln be andaIsabut eux ee duin of utAtonieMarengo, ami Aum.etc:fa*oare bc watt Oue morcing playing with a litI'. fayou e~aldelb.tor coablgîtn c ~ l.ig~ven ho later t h is fi The hii mi*aMeLA ai.Ili te greal viterine t< Pm"~, va aber asevee oe, mi M. oney tit o "u abellitedl revohuubîa.y bloc gave way u weay and nervoos about il, and, by the aice. utie snsmu ch#16sai wattthn suJ; the red ie rieudi, appiei la the Hore.Gurds for lesl ewerl chl.tindt u Yelow, grMEcMorviolt. of absence, ubicl4 alter »MBoreilaY, Vas granit e aWrmuu of et iday enly e'autei c uaefbin,and cg. Fcîday wvsehlhe rturned hutu bin iruiuna so ,uoe cstuxlyWilei ies hcay .bach ho rturned. uni 4" me it asaculb8pe uribd ricirGloucester, hb.wuainri izei vil, a paroxysi *,,.by accdn rthrough intention, vouli 1 e eriy c a b u of l e acn udcei ainiury, revulutioiaary 1 h0wevers b. bidOoly just miten wuhen BeueuprItsile , Ifg came on. Ater a shornt reiagiu ol In.& taam in th.eou b cf Francs, vhicb il en pacoxysme utnraed, and coninued, vith aIn Uuucesuiy noe toainle, une Of tbe ton tiret cemposcdl intervais, until SunaiY mornîng. ah =eiec ut o the lino wau beiuîg organici. Un. îbey terminated ie exteuma gcny.lie w f .'w tgfo. the teorginizatiun, touit î as attended with te mail emincltl nadical mn mq encîub tu diviu., upeet.asou ter the ce - rom Bistol, but chill, scenc, maidmedci .Wumte k ss ai esefacle 0 cestlut lientare ail perfectly impoent agaie the myste « eultr.iy frit leanta. The cmgrunotlathe xdaeu auay odlesseogrs.ich as cuhici theuisuit ocould iJDrMN po multipily bemiscveas at s1h0 vte io,A TAYE. bienet uu.h tey desiredi l., Ittras iu vain - My dear," one day sai a lady to ber hi bm <bey endcavored 10 tahes cul %batthey bai band, -Mr. 8S-, ecun t 1ba tigbty cIel E vc mongh ne th. revolition la cen- sort ot a Mint." i:I.f lbm tu thb. rutiof colonel-lu vain.."Vue arceua»ctly right my love: Mcr. S- titey foragcd fr nepleve, cousine, seccond indeei a vory steady man, and if hbcvws oeil ececaus, sillren, gcauodcihdceu. &4.--aunOng <beu be m tailer, bei saimd rigbl ctilii" .ljlmv elglie-they cOuuIL net ivoli enpioy. ýM;weu. dbe rcsuiee" l rismi- A cauntcymaaerot ely aakcd a young ci ~u 'aObâidseres unor l tryathe dldate for lie ch, 7flieo vas adil acquixi 'lI%àg tvobuld ofle happeu, le sptietfthe jeai- vith 44tage trichai13 tu cue of lb ithorut«tienbt au uffcer gcing "O, yen5 ar*ver eli.: fr I corne il cvii cM etaiddilgence WoutaI percte au oh conuade )Dot tau Otage ecOIhs, eaulitul 1" -uus a gronp atred ini the 'Dou white uni -______________________ #»%16 ud a îetlntuy lîk he ifoloviug aouii e- Colonial. Mao otEllebels, Fpuocou 1I" 48veeau mie. Are you ne cftns t"1r. t. sOîliiul eeced SIYen. aeare Mable orciisobwd foi UU VD0OLM1cE 1Y Xe R louer. No, 4erigh ynthe munidee aso Bo r gteoin th a J=6000 wus c qributdî>f a privae induitd «Wi owareIonor ne hatPa amnd taooo pàixci.The cou ene belut*lMY ber. tickld tini wkng m ely-for a lady (Mise I " "MI tCoeU vas lb.donci. About the es jI~ itss atoy; bt lt ime, helb ,rso fse» tu bued poundei d VI uîm.urbeae b i inuvdui. i m of 5ltoece in, ratt la tg ktws wtbot ee, f be , aIo clnais *0lteSociety 01ul Tn Iii~c Vee R-isd'ry, retui .xele s a ia se eoe .ser- StImen lls;rf eua l-uercbb J, p* no e i 9 5' H t i m a m wLtpai ai hemeù v y-Botcii cadis J gpud, oe *hall tna ahohob.i.- v 1.9 cr a . Ica.cainti mue and likéd-iàbumu ww ie-ub Ornisiet th efâdi.aSi- e iseia .a mMtUeattisé batiéigven am u-proclth"al lAie ienc-amd MnU»eu pid -5i~~ but iféaàea ome I "vul-Mi lb meTtisva4 l ion a pol- ho ceb.bt i1Y No- Wieagaetoeéw il0îtatuuter = w ~ a'exaumeIb th i ege thll e, givi10. act sptt9Itau vscuse. iiwII C f ae l'o gc salà ehu.I r. diwr a ebase, and à tuiJ5trbli ~ emmed 5eu- t ut>blashis.ai r, C .'pe lb 5mt'lBfue' ls; li abeied nmicent si nt 1W* if ' holà *sumod. te vary *POO" Cb lett s fU5em b. io . ~~raO but, M te» Ont cf bi beukd^ abie tmit ttueseO au huily, or fer n401 lAo, a lu aw eOYa luh a Wt,~W aa one.Jpees wLii ,~a <acli- eli m_ eas1 1ta d toas cause aiema mto a j*5ua"*@ ..~sut Uilaîii . saufe 04_bars a ,"Upm ing «a m f trfe = #ai * *ý... haua .. tif iCto W 5 i I,4 tirh"au lofe ~ai~l ipaiemmum mgi ibithe theflàic orl. i». etbeae asylsaiqa mtam~ W"evelimt baa s asth dim mmlaLd opi~sl 1ua miiy bite a Mutet, -n s delal.vismai41.1 Md dei ile 57 tisa~~~~~ ita'yuite ils huiLons à.la- be 7a.àiS.gi by <born-àvit,MWsad 1.selajeigte L v i aîusbm «&* ai06 "Te e at ameeDinad. rai-&<bilbw EXPOITS PROM Qu»=O13J CF UMM .u.~. a rn~ Ual. ainE Mués b' ce mmd lied agency aI this plu~Sl atanao-~rather arer J ie dl.laurs u be raillf ~ er o ouvets of Teza. asi BRAZOS SANxnam Dot. 13. '11l Dalletrail ..e.c I About 12 o'clach M. to.day, an tbe U. S. k ~rot Lrg kse1r» <aime Gaphr ~egover bacrladen til eýr îheb la rrr1,,d e u ie:vtxnm4 tu l*0e-.,oth cf the Coirtrier 't ».r:l 1ra:. wotnheiy Rmet.esIesrth Il, as cio t uo t 'd'- Z;cent sulatance. adi a e a t tri ericdr.,. T'h.eG bai ep ung a iutl m ea akO,1 , 5r~ i~ arer bours toléaiiy disappeatred. S he vas lion. The Vrer dift loto about three and a hait fathomus rou ft te rerpîrbîr v a .ben bier CbîtnneY, muats and everything dinap- put a l hr ', .ï ail out f Bgât. Fotututeiy not a lite 'as partirulîe trgc ci - î C M eDe aReeu dav ng taken cv ry pate oud ret Pet-î.c 'cN son oiff vbent e. ad touOd te0li il a sinkrog thepîr e , irerr Le Lr conditibon.. .te 2r,îaeti Cl, Ur T h e G o p h e r h a d o n b o rd v l t . s i e w e n t d rs tIre re s p o n s.ù i - 1 i ,r l' t d oa. 264 bilecf p rk. 44 bhi. 0fb Wd. 14 bbIa, ti ofpcles, 64 lbbs. of vinegar. 6 bies oakuw, ., on yu licers recel, i111, Ii.r î~ ouof p n bniscfr teel-ail1 te Execulive; and as zte-ic . property of lie Unitedilleu. if --Urcle Samn" auteilabra lv pubic iiatr ver. a rierb man titis %oud bc a prety place In t becroie. te dut0 rttiIl ."break-, bilan The beach and bar are corered au îtreest gaiîrr i tta, wîth anvrche in ail directions ica lbe palet bout Ariel watt ueo luinat the saine an offîcers fili g puIlr C - Fr tim1e aîîd place. Tarit mes, Cupt. King and] a 'lii horror and arerato, re ji saulor, %er tsi n hec. l'ey w ere al e p cked rap oragit 0 3bc rrrm n rd iàe :v 3 * 'y the De, Rosett. A besvy sea struck lthe b[at lion orf irîrpartial irreilat raIe anrd literully brrrke bier tu pieces. 1 vas a %,Ilî.:. Die s » f o n t th e ea n d b ille s ,t il e c .c t d ista n c e fr ut ) e p arti lre t o f l e Irer ,ILici t ari ,,M the #carte of destcus:*ioP- es.. Je andr] rrr, arnd turi rcj rie:[l F- de l".3.1..i«,- 2. :jcalG.reirirett,]rrer i,s, ,,Gen. Talor awas tin ovre.In colurun, o'n thrr larlrrament ;su i1h41, Ill :r. Oîb 24h.m laUth jlut., for Victoria, wm l airrut rf tei liiuitfer, ep uay lte ire 1 5 t r i e n . V ic to r ia i ne e q u i- d a a u r iu l r i . p u b li e iraur a d lot i a I a v e ý, r î. terey and Tainpicol Mcd il vau sn1ppaed fluat Gan. Taylor muid gnke that Place head jur- hianginif on for innrntiîr,and]P' r îC nt.ý Dg tb.ca. las ao"vub IW l " ~Umcb e = Jlb Ncetcsu ltrou f MTrais efr si au. f Be',t-ted M 'oee f W. -v *là" buc of et gizing a PruniioculComlttii prved e cprerenc t W r. de- ona.tlb nemary pr.limaoary afuagelmelCo Prtai aiet othe l.adaîWmt the uile curriîg ont of the unieriah OU-. l ros U11horre te show bitu eel-[h>île. fsr.,<«50) aliottei fr Montreuilie ie ulm'- i.PIIsiiss sme lîtle anilience e i ben elle. quulea. u aticig aley b ieac(Un "à huYeoug , in.tihe chair.so va diu clIullenta tb ma c Ibatîreîy rar desecondel by Mr. Tai't m e naiulit ualtiia sppote, Ic i M Pr.momebaa, Y-avn. Cluvan, ai GIU do cesb. Ont blul va. aI ocetliten. A me c e. am ollno«l Cousailtes 1tadraft Bye- h Airs bie Cisonfor Mr. Perret.. He a le b. an Laveolmajor the necesirarr a gumciat Inspecteir oM Lieueeefoi tI isatrict. Trucs vo fer the.iaily centtnbmcement cf thdjoermitg. dt bid - ercefre, but Ili fetnt. th.ft Wle us vhieb vas passi natmusy jeuI Iapcto.~ocucf, îee jontM. Cbapmun mni eoiiby Mr. Staees. sncb as Quee ePrinturi, Sheciff. rhm ,that, fren lb.lire hundcci share* vhîck vefe &c. sier.te isforlb.hePqueWbc i à* cou e ea ie for disposaI in Upper Cauai 4tac hon'l preini ais & i cm ltglisis sufe. Of lot ba.er. dr a qàifty b c etinni for IMocîrurf. is raec il bas become lb. fashacn u trie thoxs reasodiIlr naking tiis motion vac the probabili- Ibotb Rnglish. 17 Ibal the initabilunîs cf Toronto mrghlt ob. d Imuelta«conte£,Iàliat itis liesmoi, of incliuxed tate the mextent of stock ia Ibis Ca'n-0 ereating offic i alboul the canctin et Paca. puny tht migbl otheraise have bean expeetlsi,C mm mensratfir anugenioas expedasal. boanver îhcy having airoady carriei ot an extensie p tquetaoabla il usy te. IiI bad enougb for an unuienking et a asiau character; aoi frontil incomplets Minlstry tle ilii p vacfecies but the eadins a itb ahîcb te stock ipporticoed Y emly ahen lby procoed tale Cb ien oo.t-ateMontreal hlbai en &mbe hobufuit sure thatv - ices, itheone.a rituel more serions affair.- mexay in this city vere yet icaurébus of ,bîauengu I iigbt veli th.y hnov tuat îby twe a servile anu nteceal in the entecprizc. He thougltliatt Shouse, and pochaps equally seile nenstituca- two hunirei und Bfty shiaccu couli b. very id. .cte.-[9îIot.vuntagt.ousiy alloi inMoxtreal. His wato 1: ID - as put uni carrini.1 ea coL. £tnis aornaU or TEiiTus . After paesing n vote cf Ibanhe ta lie Chair-b bd If Iher b. ont in Caniaone Itnndreî tîxeus- mpinloei. evic b etngajtrs. amuand oasismore fit tc condict, theaffaire oft tt PU. Sccotry aith bonor and advntage, thati besmci. eu mit. M n e e ry Township sucoreof beys etigagedinl - 7 eriimug their ftîbr's catle more aortbiuf listhul U. F . il UsOdeecePasayes ...-tM ey trui4 nmay ve vel fiear îhâââte oTIwoio Gan. ooir.-Trhio ditigulslb officer, a- he r.aat!Icempaniei by Majora' b, CapI. Muettes,and S It in celmled of a lyrunt et cii, Ibat ho fei hie Lieute. Sc _tui l., arinci in or cday 6ibes wxth botomn flesh, cbped ani mince&il e ady aidtouit lediugs at the St. Charies Il va. liaIai bis vic'time ; 1 acre Ibey not ;oZ T tnrl& rithon«Cln. nom muied until aker ieti. Bul Christian bahtisrand erait, and te in eele t > ne-Ilivnug leplise--nave beaue"e bieset et o sir iteeandlcrto the wîe fo î of svous tt ra "lance fefs nate mp alvri b îî ate h nt 31et 0<o 1 1 1~~ FUITHER MEXICAN NEWS. le Ilep a gty. iteia mleti ogWW e Bm arresivai cf lb. cchc. bthtiucisi S If poosiseixg. air tbmy do, the po a prient romthIlun, war ie p" inithe posession of le7 ici te vsit lbeconumission eof i nc niis- eour full ~iregulir files Wf the pupers of thaî '- if Ibm Cacieccvatives mnanlg oxaiurs their perpe. City one - rcorempcnietite. b. tcation-t4hey vwili b coeed i ignoelny. Wc mani v«bally that Gan. Wo!l. Who ce Av a party, teo e, 107 iii b. sctersd ta tihe vas for munngycars in the service of Mexico ®l. ai.. and uho signalisai hîuself iu Tnxas aid ounthe lie This i. the appeai ta them oM aie sacrifie" lu Rio Grande frontier, rocennliy effctei a Iimdiug ,an the causce, uni for the cause. at LAua nd nihad roceeifle, as l.Mexi'- of- con caputal. Gen. NW. i a in u by bith, I' CVSUazîv.--On Sonday, the Ich Noveuber, etjred te Wu native country tcb lu ointe ad btreladis. tac cf Ihenasens oaIR*. John Rom- aitb a fortune, anu ha xaioai cf bnng ae- bogb, a respectable fariner, ate usiies in Ibm a brise aflicer. ut TcnshIp oM Fuedeichsurgh. aithe ther The Dinrin de la &aVe i la puticularly wadi ul nan ed M ey cs, vent n the icat i H a g ay, iifor toci in blexicatu affaire, and an gatb r ro u bel near theur daeiling place, Iraaluions tbeubaelven, il norne items. a aben Meers uni oeeof thne i3oabugbs crie. Tbe cliefof the itieicau difficolies arise frin the Ceol i 'I angccoue, rntornei ta shore. The peconiacy exbarrasmets, nsae îbe aa foinhIe oobourgh, a youtb i hie ifteeutb yea, Santa Anna in ccntxnoallg callîngr opon the lGo- Ir peseii nhing forvard. tilugh aarned by vimient fo7e acl dlea Dnbist'atpantens net ta e e any frhefll 'f'e ch« er he callic tojetherb eZa n. tbrough the ice uni wa,1>rowne.-[Wbig. - tions, boîb oaibe regalar andxai cleriers, ce. - fusci peitively le guarantee.aiJuan et millitons tri- PqtovziEUIL Ritscuic.-On Clotteas day, ot dollars; but the Gaveiiinnt, Considering the btveen 2 andi 3 o'clock, r. tM. thcee sons cf Étraighlend circuouilunces of the tceasury d Mr. Gaibutt, of Ecusest Tuas, amitMr. John tbencessities of«» tale-qoite taoc'urgent ta Ervin, cf tb. township of Kington. ver. le a bc previiei for hy general contrbuion-hai ci. ue- sualsil.boa, about bai( a mile trom shore, solirai!1taissue dfafla for 1h ameutt ooiemil. id7 lvsr thbe wlb. ai hiftci snidenly andlb.he at liensetfdllars opoen thc espos bicf th vas hicn c be su, io mls mivntiuerclecgy; the clergy tgg.m' ed 1tanà* tht tC fronst lruiug bottant op: lb. four unag esm atî acyaetieGaernean~ YI dingtouthe clppsuie, asoe gd8l l teboait nsing the saluntlais u ieab.ni lomtesyrce tuned over an Ihe oailer asde, und Ibmy agin <01 . ureenilt>lbieront il the rate cf B per Cent. hoiou Mbi upperiie. o t; u.Tiiiclcricfi fr per atun 'N, un. beip aece heain ledifférent parti Mt the netgh. T teai, these dirafits ai once aviliabte, the lie bhoni, and lhree bots etarei 10 elleve Osent. Gonernnmmul Wi otcrrnesd le draa titillefur l'hey ver. taiohn off slletsneariy oxhmnistdby 00tevcyngftom 8M e lu m 15.iax lava hoMc. Ualaaway aad is eos.ho roarbadhiN. Eideieej ihm coiu e10 ficet. Tfieg acres o u uch hautei thil lt.y circumamcon. Fuameptbemm taadvernes the mem couli nct bave heu lte Ibm boat fine mnutes respective #mnaithin eight days. Such is thr loniger. The piercing crisesoM a wifdcom of forcel Juan te vhich SanR' Auna ha. driven the lb..uu maend mifouc dsers, ah. aiciehi Gercottent, uni vhick thé ltter excuses by - thssn in the setter, acre troly bmrttmnoding, uni alegiug tht *1the eicai crier, butin aociales, viii inet soon b. fcgotalsibg thsose ah. oai ami te2ular and of bab ies i, bas ahwaîgehaoar r lb.lîceif rcedg ta malle tbe greatcat sacrifices." r .Nae.Wa arc yet #*. bsethe h.chancI h dig&est tàa Wc learu trom a latter linîthelieraliSthal tbe tI ilsusure. litli gourt cM Quesé ec u, s'dsciied th*' ,ait 'Tb. reports front Chihuahua voie. Iat lia 1Cm.- Antiewn N-e 2 born'aierse,-preuci te Govecumsent bliedorganizci a force et 120 rege- Pi;« varatMe ttle'lo tise animalJ'je a me..ilularesand 10,000vounteers, iii, iftcen pace@ of boue abicit Mr. Jos. c, f Ibslie y, ci bll i in artilietg, admirtat al vere ta match &gaiiflathe mme pe.fecclaei inilapulable gond titt, il vaa seizid eneauy onu tbe 8th utNoveliber. W. do ontha va. llner aoccis efreveniicaticn, and Mr. Joues liitito haIt cf u. y a eofflWd hote. in1.» purccbe.mossey ami A prive]cier frcin Mexico agent"ea i- eue flue el.TIhis i. cfEls? acuo f <ceaI bard. aria lisai a god uuderaluniia<exisedtnieen rX elip, andi the estaLe ftla caneant tàtaoS Santi Axauni Ibte Central Gevemmnt, but din le dely kheeaç-{Pilot tat the neccisilieoftheb. <cecal acr smch 3 _t bat lite va.contain.djnii ei peu tbe lily. tm rnet ing-%f îharonnil et the Uet1el forcei oncd a iloa cn mn "an. Board of Traie bmii an Saturiay leutifo ' c- d ta about e,000 men, ebotarum cf ahlci the aog Report of a CorneuW~ppooid ltecsi- i as caaiurg. .îty« ci 1lebot cmeans of îxtilnrg telu caVe . We aunnez oc r e ponenîs bIler: -hat ainatéul»helea. r.icl f rnc mu fIAW<ÂDeceouberf6, 1646. tiHe Pa c lectru. Magnateo'Çe e pb, not aii- The British teamer i un to-day froua Vers -Uc uonsiy miopt:e - - Crus, uni h tend pou a extra contatning th< b~~~~~~ c YorCulbSpplted for th meeml.newasaspublWsted Iere. Runocade oetevbal Banki med perpoce big lunea lait thubey bati blid lethes«, bot yen ca jodge foc jourself.Sei rtb- tlb toilouiog rjecls um boix id@i Annauinsâîau tehave ihrealsnod tu retaic diîmg ý4âWiicuia Qerutacy if tb.y dub't seui bible the O*2eM1 Ltse 1LA dict lino froua lb.e direta 0Ha- itlebî.ha.hleifo, abîhie <ceai ecirtions art haid M61 Paaing entirely t4 tcuoe arise. in eritu. h.n.laSobrtab eumlho wival ttIback ithllcior ne, i A in PrtlKaslu rier te b.cuîarer the Capital on tb.e pecuaô ma 4u& in fon busaitue Prt PMugicCogaes. Propeiiees bai benu malés toi mm -i al. i~il~.Briziieacrchbanla foc Jan cf 84,l0Ise le & r.A in bemee lo iaYack, newectig rcurei by ireductioe of dintiei au articles nos hmi vlit lteé<e. qa nd proliihited. l'he. iuei ami lunded nteresi dllsd , &L-A iMfrom a 1t--- ýi'-net. isaid, are quilc tirni cf the Car, and Santa An 4l Un l sblitq »Ifmcdtb.'mlq% il i n'sretrogrude movcmcnt may poesbibiy b lbemain lunes in the tIlni Sates. I rier ta intimidaI. Conîgre»minsuo pace mexi ores, salide ha appareig sacrificesbue ami tw« cevendhbune tires tieu nd "elascl(te b c ain.i) la thb. viUof th t ïc 1 t e a c eu ro~la t Ithey con-s. ple . ~' s emcti~E~riaiq Ctclmiancs Thbe iaiLiuýtedý bu ta b. inimirg SbuS DMa kadcp ing, the ratent cM ailier- ta poue. Ata t4 te mentLtahlduere ~sa~IuIesuD.lî~aoli aiete t mgif t medun utiii orne elsesmualdoxi b: celrcui* _& wyazeld h" ta ha The beochkdude e sant coeiered ai lau an nS a u u h ae si e o b tu le t e h .er f t l b a i b o g t c a i n e ? e v e r l Y v e t.c e n t ronts b io r e bu volti its.gprmospc f remunovatiun. - dlsclargui. rom Th111111 t X i, n.- pa i hie pr cta o clu LATER PROM THE AMW. lm-.. b m à« e; bblg.aonlb.e-atba mn, tb. LAT a nmMOretir-DZAaxue'iEUEm IS fml t tusinese" etenahli b reasawby IAA- Loses nr Govzzagnm t ETAURIS ýfi immud?» kiti lb heline va. Ic." &C. M h* eadai berna em rci!niotn, voeuai, tieg -m lb. harrivai. tibiaeminulg cf tlb stem &0 bEevbc q«p«Wea ta he oM i N ie, Capi. Pcc, va ave acoltii.Iluetd] j edrait LO~ tilePrlul alt aer tros Mcierey. ese~ ~ tbn th behfl re jeu.nt. ietîhe the reput of theUilos we lei t bea M %aiuw0m" u iader. .adaIbo lUth.Site vi, foncione. e latin& Ilt s - visil -le get amlSMd cosod noueamnblret d ecidi- au,1 lau g §Mtbmuuàce, 4b uitr viler,. "te w"iibleuter ehu smioeit mî t vou f clbSemtiteua M a a sy ca rus yet ilmuad3.2 imLçýelrnnswu viitially *uuselse foe«sseee osd du@%ed IOrseb4 1 i, hW. soium. saThe f&auesaism 9 lles: jâ ~mum iit lpnaodsit a - cralrr ;tirs sci r5rî v e I cr u t I lr e c o n t r t s ,i Li e r bly ami quiceti. "beI t rrur -n uCIEt5TON,.1tra~ATJACURI ~ C4.fist. Alit[rrra;frh gilj1.'V î~ 1 8 4 6 - O n . lin e y car s ai d â i eh tei n nerglîbrarly Icei n irh -ie ,1 cf eur eubiunaty pF îxo er. 's t, jr e, iMoiatlurterr.êir,î u 'C riaU aud its s, litsticIons anai ils benelireruie u der urjlti raarlOr ~epr nau lies n umc b o f the palot-ut b-itgoue m'ayiagltaar oie ~ir comber AMtetnt tb tat ee. Whay, 1e,, of flue note@, rue irlainîe thîte aý ej ahivele not cutaeupac the multnsdunous tIlnefror a go exrce îli Ttîri "IF vriely of suent. vhicb bave affectadi tr coi. uod v .ee rieInvter iri net r,'. o r 1 ~ e s c c i L e t I b e Ir e b u t h ir t xi , ,, r t, ,!ri r ,a i u c t, o g ff e a o n i l a .. 'u V [ y eta u d tnit t tau a , a i n di % b o n le t. Ie u a r î u v.e net eal up the brglut celes al an u inr o nt a r entriteis to rcevrace; amuivicqWv Ibm Jtark spisandîu dMt oqnin g e vilh a inlerm im um i ntentri onu f SALE O F F EcuiOLir-- .%Ç R F 'C1 rMing the past !-The pai! Ils joye aunilu@aid propetty rlittiton, re Isenti t amui scrovos esonts cf xpcnience, uni dîctaie, Lot itrin wmichuthie Ilra!drit c rtarr cf visismnsheauti cve tauper amu feeiigmc.S est frîrnlrog on prumree Sirnec, iy le or wedo, soul leer t"r ur egl Il un rear,-waa, soIr] et %Weleâlare, lI, i p roseour se isb mîab icn, auolben 1Ibm rrrugh lihe Coudrf Cîancery, nd ibem ltli edgms ef peevishiese andiraicîbiiity, silence cor £875;flue purci-amer, 31r. Agnev. r: Nuw cempliats,anm i miste eur hcpes. Ilin ho'rhiere vere no frailrt;punehasedVl il vouli direct bis s@lpsariglil, ibrougis Ihe durit Anolier Ilt, ai thu eduerrlahQUMtaSieer, luba'ulh f lte utusvoui auil ucclullig ialngof rane quarter îrt sn acre, hl labriah o th fuure wuld voi th clillngtwa strertal, rnhaeing a hae;e uv "q1 revere* cf frtutii., oulihescaipe Ilscorpionabuilring,' viil ibrick frint, irjr!rr ib Ieh of iendisilipassionne, or the vithecing rinle- boal ,ma irFoir hy iv ie suer(rdrn.ra noce of aettled bate, shoulidcil tponultepnt.L£325.fIlm. CirarirhVlnrW , r - Iis town, lire ur1 Freontbmuce mug bie dran îeucb tae mbdaehbuii utiaart.K re recinsand etrengtben bie principiras, îIl lie criy gcforth un the voai preparmi Ita art bis THEî Cîtut-STIAta(, As las 1iiIl part aîaang uen wilh snatl bonour, ami aue. glai ta leunn, to lire ]am.i raiter cos., in tieno nanan, itlesof titis cicr ciaangîng d'n' tlit te ias been an ac' Ir Inanri 50 liers narîel rrrit rrr aorhd. - auit'n tht 1Irst ise aZruu;îr.Tii'fu 1Genîle reaier. thinit tpon ille peut; anniaier unes frîr thtlents e, alairda." yeîc cf jour briet exstence bas heen eloien CGirg.n Sauîersirrr. 'mir iirpe ftmeIbmb~ter assigme u Iithe perlie cfrpour tonal ciraitrarorte tire 1Wt Creerere. flas hue yeninirnve ibmtocshows,,ntadrditiorn ta Ire It'ci t'il' probation. loihveyliipi b ihave heen actise, Ihai fiacre ro,:a r meni t at cannat iehorecilid-and aluecein intiecuntry fiat rearira; 'Aihhrtr vOke0Yeugroan trimeriand bttarIlthîx efre t- onuiuoîryecin aarasru îr, Thotaugbt cureil f Tme stllswmeping Ilion. lvse trOuIursthi hrt t a.. rrna o n - a b o a i ctq r » e l a .n soihe r e i nm a nl p o t iO r o ' f t r i i i r r . i a vsi ari, tu an ugi uîlratabrs ucgiet. , and, arburea ileurmcci se shlfliselung yrars us tus ýhae been, halternited ocirryou aeth allIl er DEBTNu.rxrCLrIn.h<arh<li i dnnis. Ibe ebjcîs bat eoa engcese jyour thouglîla tit tîtese scuhoul frry'ai rra wilj bave ftraitrouyouc recîsI1Cions. andi equrl coinin h o' 0)r1irrt. Iii in -It prude e vat.adI à týn fPavner ar U hysolb -.%il vaoui, h ike litheobaseies faiblaitcf a vision." 1courageî Iti contîaOO tirern.a liI et Tb. peniteftiicy iierunce continueas te twc llag e f îîtatuhuerla',hrd'te r i i epl censidecuble sallre of public attention ;, net rîîrcîeSc' r l jX<tlurîrith ihl ber laigehip te public curesseno cb about hattmag club. - 'hiv us t'le tr. ril tthe malter, bu e s onr c mlbr peopehv etiifelttd uiol u ei1 i L imntie. lui xai btmnananeî d focira thue ciarater for pabi tti 1. et theoiomny inutaehublod.ht men it 'bet.are 130W se uany-publiit ff'ei 41 inor iin n urg ube cutaaoitted bg Ibe ,sucliasus Menabers of Il'rlinehI p 01 l Il- Vrien and the staboriauae officers orflite inati- Icillais, Schl Iuateoîs, &c, dibttth ltnet; and Iis opinion tey ahilcoq0nue fil inperatmWfy.egnires u a er, le lt 1 ndsifedinil it efln exc uhîfI,ii r helail disabunen of it by irrtrigable evi- do îtk5aaVef a bl,,te tuait1 i dence. A rorrespandent of Saloriay'd Câtrent- a. thig part uit debliiiraf I' s-clilet as.emns ta b. anc of the ki-tne,> culti.. Ilofpropet nie*eu bue giveui a stitiuticit iccoutilI efIla coovinus et Young, punsons ,houl'lbe k<itrv epuulebei, amidlb.eaorint etfpumiebtumut esebciiired wat .r buiif rnarl bis vceivird riog lb. jean. We opyfronpuclrse than te keep lienu ou tearticle au lb.ri tefolleing -tu Talvo TÀT.Itwh e a. ailci, elledure su>', le corect feriegl u cuig celainrAi l Tho hler ave boiet 743 ceevictesin the P rut nde . J5 guIhnt si cil Peaeiliry ducimgthlb ear 18IL Via-bnde iAm r ul u'LtOt . 41 ip (4 i w i 121 bave belon peianscd oniscof Le <M f« telmceTraclfa'"- ai 79r8 tailsbeing required dovoi.liiu, rOhI 3f '~ 3 ttes, betlSuofuthIbmchisiolute lt- 4 1 mffs' aoifntthe fr ltt a 5 lies. a mriIuandoubieul its Pana iC Mr 6 limes, shorî perutai ftuir jours;rsa a-19 " 7 tiennes, ajuts omfL",,. apaio i l toi 8 twtosoa eva iito eIl OtdenYd le ut'g1 1 itimae. numbers 14.gO ol awg le --BlociethoIlnsawn vl ai jodaiCl Pauplle. .i~ u ae afratic nir 1 ilb msusnu Fqîà Ube iibe paie t ueb1lite Cmpsy lewm aili- s ne.-M- <~ 'btal 148We bg te tsnlunrce' & fll k Milslbat et e ehmdl b ire tpailu xcOlb. WII0Ç Tb@ a;lun »a*- ni ea ah thealotas oxt l latotsl cie7. soea iaad in te -nW lit achaOr« ledSoIlId l am tbm 11t ends.Dui - beoriat pubeg e uce lbl byiudts ilt ue th «M i m-ke, t b se fordald am»= l Z M w il n - - paisana à uia. il l e Nv, v e mn ll tilut e b aictge cmr- litespss3çepegsleequliqe e t be of .itifsel tïs " w bu _77 sas'Ent5 b>' 14M c e od- ' pos.bo m r teseiets4 1"4 ta- 3s o-cl're! tissu o loi .$ illtb 'l ISOnde tit wwovU s- I esasq-ameo ldnd Uolu ~ ,uudutbasnote p ti* t muisineà utf hmV~5 eivt ni .,un .e Uii t t eh u mtba lar st bea 12 ave mian eur hm t lur;ï 9,0 - sunI Mii ae iiM<Cri hmatiens i- amlbe i IDc j'Mt .VoVýlJfl6mb elew 1e cfutl Q in tuva tyl skihW ee u'lurb~ els Ib .m1le Wa44 wuviti. u , ieu hmo'au eut lalu Mytue, &W IS7 gags alhc liai is et evlleae à a,eo Mdh atu sugmweble ruedat -fet tà" isloti oef gr ,,ktdd -ti *8ve4 s, pInSeM Wehens abeavtl bu aoelld diliver i esud a momnt. ami ver W!" W>lloMd i557 repudlj lien. le tk heovte éail aud thant Qi vNI shootKisfiel ef cille, thi Wood lefver l o ut Mi W. ' et ieni Urdal. this inecuîeOftieb. nteecldlétef din a-tUe timagnetbum a Dh'"lssbie« M. vra atitutît ch.eti Ia bh au infration of gno4 maou s. bei. loched .ON v.' iWva a caseber ailto cua.a aConuit e.rea d'cleiltbgryita ;ît.,aajrbie ut in mmu-Purly oen Sceday moi ti,ntaaslif l tug, h.Ino il beut O9nifreirhmKiepsi tiuhe fuvkara, lc. Wuem hatriihou lte D<e cormne boiut fo«r ae es ilth Mil"mur Mr.Liait@ pst san. rouid iof seaI pua et lb. Natit Msllt. MdliInformesce titi à a-siet eeteese le <bal le mangea MX = -a laitout of tlie passeger oao t te lite Ryteae. ssc tnd " aiparluer of aDiu tame juan te Manteau iu i 11re1111ie, bat hi beard t s 1;hle reusaun i. au1 p'.cedsg t. <bat pisci Ilîuug i l al ieuià oh l fIpilton a debisi i si and 'Vith tte aid q( end luiautgral t und val. tcab Saiol e e nuite àeabig obvet oe boit" et, vind San Luis loui util fucîber ordere [roi ol eiL o 8t ý aur onsiamnt.ruiefor the gracertamerit rf sac, t G. .Butler vas m aad of the idut riet of 1man depraviy arr]d rîi1. cma countcy c guprie ud v lb in S aiti 1 lîri , . r e y, axa i hiun tue p arle as f le peiié,<r the Rio Grande. esteakbs Gen. Vuool vas at Parie, 100 miiles norîb irf lnste an 8ra arar e,'r rni Chihuahua, at 11101mn. Geai. Woîrt ar suone ;andi me 'ery Inrçi & lIbt il Saltillo. andiw 4l&g1ortly hm eunder bas coin. of puniblhaeual <an Le srirr'e<tr t,, muni 2M.0 le meteffectiveueethtIaIofheIt- rîj Celonel Rw vas il Monte morele, wiîh lent. abot IWoc.Gen. Pkllow a vs ta urera ura t te 'he141." 1 7uins iii cent ont&a detachinetili f ZO ut-eo.EaaTror-Vi i. uen to deslroy the aatr tanks etanen slitlo Greck, hen cotte, lire tri. f r e and Sun Luis Polsil. oil.tht enrW d rerurn. r as Uchalie plariri Irer reel n e id& mi et rit IH ià 'IL wi )rd kt xk piri rw 10 IIIIIIIII

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