Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 5 Jan 1847, p. 3

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v 269 ile s aur e ofTrn tien" h.l~~uia id Ou'red -er iaeveif edri 1 mule i s erat pai for ut. r ~5t IL0 f lbi ty te el ausgsi t of the i elau tac mda aY, wi seibiiy by &ay ing tîaja ias ta b. oseema i.r@e h.bisme, the le. toil. peeysea Ilo L The, M0vu 'hu'r sP jet a11 an sd se lie htiiiiry ublie *piio tîroogle P dtiuy of the Gavernuiesî na ai any cergesl insui %ilii public sîa, i sucurity, ses th.inI the umediatly laieon up, ,j b ai menu muids la Inuire m lie penilet cr. u e si, andi ta . potîure ît ituent, Previaus lu bIne ame 'a liaI, mien iutmcaaoi Mth 'el al b aie tu sud noatl ai.a tl hi eiig r MOt4a1md prciaps y &a bieau scade. "iIe for as te jettm ,, l gcv.rmnent et euh a cule Y ÎAot Corruption as ne C rieus of the penit.eîî,, flis alwàys been tuu' a Very tauci dotait diae1a 4 eau b. muggested thltv si timat dtihe 155h..-10 , ~ y .etlocioria-fur WhierCt ls teriug Oficers wiii, ive s e placarde înuncng thue p esperlîre elecîlons, and flet ,ils mîlI b. cîîemed. Tnere g time'e*Oîne of 'lie wari coutestiiii li cîundced tly. Tuere si un c eoudy enco, eier Veil the longue gi bigily important sud in lis of Kingstoni, thue aauj'cî mtd livuilie mcrl, of (re seluî ; riîller la i f sie et nei lu justufy the sinubing Lîîire .ewr kuoekueg tihe Pl ce ntJj Maieaty's loges e t~Is. As theetid sie iugiu ne %Ill ie p leOarciîe lhiu rugit ut i Pevery voler mu tie rity wi am huioneat expressiona of piu flbeu let lie iajurity luilt lk - bEllLD --A, a àpn'càouîuf ity la Kingston, we mention lici lie Herald office =lad jin"a Pnaceus Street, i, kmaià. Weuimaday, by rcîancerry, and the b hgeul îUrcbaer. Mr. %gm. 0'f Ne no buiiidug purcimsed til ut tie besi f QméstS le qoutOwe fon acre lroîîtin ,and blinq a large ivo moi1 [th wk ceuni, logetfieri j euîld by lts salles ordr. und Chlse Wm Breîîun, [nr lihi purciaier. Kiuuîîson l 11118iIbN GUiosWInu -Ar 0,.b litsi hastî naniter of ih bare ba beau un cceffuoo ew usanes eta is Poluerîn liai Oive moulus. Tis upe ýe talents, tact, andi tsteofe t idiersou, who bas ioccuPieuI suoce lime laur Cnîtifereiuce. adition t u tie firl &Mt 'ne metive, luat tiers nu a growi'i niry for readieg. AiU rlem accrui amixitli for geteraii ttut Ibis thirmtl niniras uclionq of the country ignnnîal u(Iacfluilabe degîce. 10 CLVIRI..hWc arr happy1 ,d %bey sianld. b, îll io1auî'. o conthinue liîem. sud tu rT' ion ni uiîherg. Tic »et Ii r thc provinice ean dete 1juin1 eCtaiie la elle exciting rrî i. Ta'is te the ligner, ame gedte mloul a discipline il ihe charctle for puhl*n silo nos » unyP ile Off, oiu lembers oi PaiRueml, 0isîrli bool Trums &,c liaI tir ely requice an esteneiOi of Ul f descrCiiOn 'w la oiui lieruc rPart ilen leotg So lIoe PSOns ghouid b. heellOcu thi sntnting beneilal. if 'or bas tg heep lie*, oui ledi It 1q T zncT-lt -i' lie 's« ute~~lising colmtn"'. tem fe disposail' f»:ega of Te Yseu$, g quand dowm Vms.ne mm set 0e cawl sied Ved Ç% eut frae" ta isait I*0 11 slie dhet li pep51;1"0W« 3,iiSesOami.. le *0ad, Briser~ eh ~~oigsi f M.uum~ cooo .1,oian tiseli m dtuatu ai y M---a-i,èon,4usudecm by iDC.;Iaw Thisbay.. me SUppose, - -lig th i. Voltamrs" mio all la E ii aWl uOc I)AILteregret t o n ,dft1hyegteeaY forenousa ad urrse- kpDruivsnan M§r.Euidard CM Ardi- .,mmrnlgie fri elttr, ulid alhei s ua oicea, mien ou tn- oui st 8 eingM. Johis >ubarboir lokaft, amduin lusilfsm intes in t h ynraibis - Mr. Crans ~4attirmersal!reptti puiCieicîîîrs for Pittsbuegianad Dr. for gigstn o nibpl7uet y. gWbtetidirecl alletnluimu tle a dver- or , i trng. 1mhobus joui emb- àjowelf l.ain A,cligr aasemsdos Bl o Eyce & CO-'a on King Street. ,,gNerhaltee nacCieek taMr. War. Ilegsurnd haiing 80 90M c teanimer baellifiet<ifor lie businsefé. We cr hy aphre of public patronage. bw ave iad ail indi ai lig On ur 1 tima,îer55si)la.t 4& cci wle; iu.iinîicaiigi e o.. ldare L i l ad grilleman, "the aldesl iT'neerBawose eirardiusq a seao urnre f usiili lf. Tbars, baubeau .ri bluis% t Wi ui r. Ne.Yser' , «ntd eeuis o; butthe day la@tivcsncii s eol*g gmm «. tbihue brit, n.dmtien tusrdin amin qiotîîîttd msesor les. throgb the :igai, gsid çin iigi wuad. NSI8Nffi-.We seul nto the market on ,rhesoinsof"lmeindispensable - î ie il kiw ht tneun st seliupo 'itj, iliuooth giom a OW vr tentderbiÛte ihu h 1wO duw*%e!. iv e vienl ip 10a5geniuly iaking 'ot bait ii#il suibiid i, sud noter hie .Iad tars bren taken for Josepi's coat of t,ài nod lwîo nage dsplayed indubta- 'Uîdînce oil iannigbren tiadersi thue ffar tc.qa-binndm mi aule.stlk; sud civiiiy *ýnth ue pice niti liaiof greerâlW, about *:nuld no urd. - seenii sliliàto su4 six -lhtit ail !" -t'Iosiiveiy cosi'î aime 1Il."We men aluei the gga. e-un le nold deluner a cor foc! IH. MÀi a i nnmcli.andvery grilteal e. rme e nds-" .tcntniten uhi1ibgà aluadsix ý% loinnprdryr apndilY. ýes i i ik u i l n d singular of our â,6 rund about Kigstoni ciavaa frp Ci il, tlaI annd a sorti Ihrse dollars n n uun0et-iiat i, iuthiey lake pains in Do and plîingagain ailtie beai ef Prîn. aeil, e- d isa limef of a tellw. ing ieauî. Tînisne u ihie siabibial tricks ce nuud (unî uni n a nionti, sud se dii gag l a alritnsh ubiject coul esta n- ira Iut u-lialinig aller committing Obu nbcmnofn utgoo(lnlmiînersa nidicomutine r;-nitai as neiglbuocahave le keep sf i n nnc! u, seil wvarrant. Velt thre iîi- iuw nn n,liia c onstant practuce cf il, keind înnnlu he pieiurhasers ; thee mme naî.. 'Aller the fr,l of Jane, Ihe lly.law menuouino nl e put ini force. cauipel. inn.ai any rae, ta cut tliueood oi r une; îa-tin- i iSunili v inao!uung, tlic 27t1i ,nboeââianul Cotage. tcloriging la riow lui, iunnIeuar arieln's ould areru t nti iii e diiiKingson, ounlihe hali iî un p' nnuuiieil ly rire, muglbec ni-c1Ur. &c.%Vue uiirad0cslioerai i-iuenhn1 gthne bilding. IVe have (h-nn P u h!, , uiinuînced. Wi-' Il l I sire île iii icalîrd tde 'h5 nir %Ir.lr Lik*àlinceul one, muas Nies nu iruîh i ihe amaur, thut s insu Lt un, inn ai ihenuNatuonal [Intel last i. ik iioi, nu u i tî tierf. mas enol mliiili il en-lucua Iti aI estabishngmenat Il ti ao.nmed is mnaigmentin Janary it Sw ui lunnir, tendiuita creale anneces- qÏmu. rd i ui 'l' ua ton e 10 dily cremi. .0nsnuni'ors drnnuued hy the lite nîn. Il 11ion i étane ws o uuîîed Eag. mi a D~iri a rut itaINagara. lie ', 'il nu, l unitle endeseor le t. .bn it n uat iloubai goie la il,, t . inîi n ilutla a féal, uear li nnoinin ua* p:ace %-ien the untor. ~~~ik ~ v i unin.îun.i tela ou Thorcday tiew nu ulnu deiuuode limhe payemet for l" 11'1u ia In n i libiur mie at the tina. rill, i3r;-cntn n01nulins hidi, led bituin mInia Fi 'd ath le al nisnflofrian- #rip. n nnui idsenat. l. le tueo it zl tnI .n i li nîunrate faiionabi Miilted uinniotrul Ir. ti ice!auinouuiouse, IFlanagaui, '4b Si-nul Oin(A]dniMeagier, (Coul.) ill'ile nInMa-,r, Mr. Alderman Itru nii nnacnîreal. t..m Nu îeI I iiMr. Gîameafrd, le- ,ni. r!Fed ininncunîred un mailing !i %l6 iînilâîu nlai, iii Ciy Building- ha,5 numeul, iire. itI1iilî. i Ccii lr privilege of leav. unaîput ilt of Queu Street. n aiii ePtiio ut of no nnouit t le bai ill liec1. in unnmlestlu. lin l luguiuer, &c., depositedinim plat- ~~aleibig p, na! expet t i laim the nrIy i îgluailiNf; sanulems ~ liitlh i, sulihemi eteg apuiis lioîn 'uniSer cke arer, foc plomai tn lIr wa, s Ratid. oifiui iS Pecial Comauiteea sait lIîCIt ahür'în1,, sudarrange for lie __ £Oreperi verhsliy, tiat a eunhon beit cthlb.Wardenofa à15:ncnamia tatei that lle cauld Milon the subfci; but e""'I hw.rat.biimould b. aie % e eso! lie Counacl; ani in k 8i ere nul id cr p cl ot laziouild tien leb. etelfrom u.PlntnetEducaînon mu folet *1 Ioliaudî lutle Cleek alr lie WhCuanICiiC cuancil oult 0»M ~ Gain, Auitant Eugi. p,. i'ngalcaaIt heexpiration U -iOninlen'ai salary b.el aisei, un enpug t y . eergy, ca. .Oei t inin.. - , i STlLL .4NOTIIER TRIL'.IPH OVES DISEASE IN MAINE. Warrecn, Liîncoln C., Juiy 15,, 1843. Dear Sie: 1 lake pleasure lu cemplyiîîg mitli jour re. quest to tîcar testimouy in favar cf lyour valu"il meducine, iaving hait a daugiter, 15 yeaes aid. vcry iangcrouaiy ick lie la" yeae, retoec withiti. Miy daugiler tank a violent raid in Sept. 1843, mlici setîled on ber lung@. Sie mas Iroubied ithllma bad colgi cli uinler. I îrued varions kinde ai medicines, but noue ai lieu adithie deuired effsct. The cuigi con. tinuc util Marri, micen became aiarmei at lber condton, anud appliedt tas physicien, wia attcuded ber nome, bol di he no geni. We tien caugdited inotien, but al la no purpoes. flaving exiausîtic theimle catalogue ai uedi- cinea uM lu ic elan-Iwo ditinguiaied piy- aicuana iaving doue tirir boîl ta restere le- we Ihen ohtsimei a bioule of DIR. WISTAR'S BALSAM 0F WILD CHERRY, hiaci reliorci ber immieiialcly. Af. tee lakinig four botles cie mas eampletely re- stared, said nom eujoya geai helti. JOIIN LEEDS. Nous genuine, cles sigmei L BUTTS ou tue seapper. 83" Tic aboie articles may b. 1ai ai NOBLE PALMER, Druggisl, Market Square, ingston. ,,&iNNELS8MAGCAL payiciaus nuseIi.s euierful caotiu Extriclar. ieting go &Il dises,and ackuow.edfing lhe m mnt reumakaiite article the wema borna, scalis, and sores ofau ti heals mithout leasing sien s i surface aibeautl. This blesming toîer on nunieTous Cleryoàesa wituesses of is gond aeNsud tmi ¶ven at Conatock &1 C.@ 21 Co or York. TO MOTHERS!ARE Y, DREN DISE43E 1 . tiaiièd by Piysiclpust dren die fratu Weemustbam- me bave basea freqesutly havaes«mas ietrettsgeF pale and sickly coqntnmSuu, dom sesce oaiwms, tbat tii. ambesi prudence enougi te proeue, l dy w.iieiiil Inortiwh exç rouedy in KeImtaekTOU V ie effotual in aIlmes. Tiie propristors bav".4i certain ,the. ofa fset ts1 1 bai cerneo thhir knueflc vi fuge bas iee.p ieu liai 8%nea Prprto@» e trust tiatB Th àm<emad by 3q081 3.. - .KiEwgstma tia. ýL PAIN 1Counesls Mugi- i former preju- séme ta ho lie rid ever s fer knis, mlmciiit car ta Mar the ig buasiu eb.- 4 Who cre living talethe or t ii oMnlandl treet rouR CuIL- RD. t" morve cil). 00"caue; A dcUsilllt.Mmeil 0f the revenues of 1 lie Cîty ! = " esfuruisiied y the Treaurer, lie. a op.iblisiied la tie papers. Ths Couacil th". adjoieui. H, , lXU1 ÀX* -u àzue- A cT. DEAasS,-Au a Jof publi~e interest, e.peeiaiiy Ithti,.itizesflc Kingston, 1 beat t reest tuat Yeu mli pie..publias lie under- qenetionsd .tatemesims, wbcb show the nue- et vesselas ui b ave arrivei aI the Port of j etofromutlb. 3tb cf Octoier, 1846. (the ho 1 e larbeUr Master comurenced bu duties) up lute i.21st of Decetuier, 184&. Stasmnae(unetcmmuted fori) 50 Propellers, do. 4 do 8 I4stinies, 2 Schooners, Sd Cin, ,from iston ta 50 86 DO. 2d Claus, from 50 tonstelm10. ( Do. 3d Cas, froma 100 tous upwards, 8 SSurs, e Rafl@, 9 Wood Bote, 225 lu addition tu the above, tiie Propml.toes or ~Aets. vz. : Messes. McPiierson 4a Crmne. Mere ooker 4& ieuderson, Messres. Jounes1 &1 Watiier, Mettres. Il. &1 S. Janes., the lieu. John Hlamilton) John 0. Greer, Eéq., Donald Me,îtuah, Esq., Messres. J. F. McCssig &1CO.. sind Messre. Jobn sud George tvees, ae coin. rnuled witii the City Couucil, for the foilosiugi veseels. for the barbai dume f lhe Season. b.- ginning the 1lh ofaiOctobex ilst, and tierefors, tbeir arrivais are net inciuded in the aliove liai, vis: Steammrlut clasm, numier or vesselo> 12 Do. 2J1 Class, du. Eà Do. 3d class, do. si Propellers,13 Beaides a great cornier of barges miicb mers caîuted fur b7 te Praprîrniors af theIse a linicd Steambrs and Pmiallers, sud the saod Carried! by sncb barges, being aima inluded iu hecommuntation doriog the above namued pa- riai. The Harbour Maser psu miota1h. City Trea. sueur, for the grim receptiuder the tiarbour Act, the tutu of £93 l18s. làid. lu making this sîateîneuî teliet siproceed- ings; whicb have bueta e hidertima liarbour Act of ticeCîm>y Couneil. tie undersigged begs la saai biuself of lie opportuuity tu tiank lhe Perwarding Merchints, Masters of vebaels and others, for the lib.raliîy aud civilty amen tu himr ir thie disciarge of lie duties of bis new office. 1 ama, Sir, yuur humble servant, WALrEI MoCUNIFFE. Ilarbour Master. Kîigeton, Dec. 26, ]846 RILROAD aILLS-TRiE ROYAL. ASSIIN. We are hippy le find, iy the Officiai Gazette, that the ltailway Bil reeervedl by Hie Excellen- c ieGoveenor Generai for lie signification of H.eajesty's pîcature, bave receivui lie Ro.y- a. Aseunt. llie folowiug i.lie confirîing clause of the Proclamatioujuet issueml: Now Kijow Yc, that lie aforesai Bis, te- spectvely inlîluled, IlAn Act tu incorporate a Compaiiy tu extend tie Great Western Raileoad from Htamilton ta Toronto," - Au Act tuasmend an Art pasaci jinlime igitii year of Ber Majed. ty'à Reiji,, intituled, Ai, AcIta amenu A pase in the sixth year of lb. Reigu of Hie laIe Majesly King William tie Fourth,.4tituled. An Act t micorpoaile tie City of Torontoansd Lake Hluron RalrodConpany,'" «Au Act for terecting a suspension Bridge orer lie Niagara River et or near the Faluof Niagara" -"Au AcIt tece- store lie rigits of certain person.a ttsined for Higi Treason," -An Act te incorporais lie Wulfe Island, Kingston ami Toronto Railroad Company," I An AcIter incorporate the Peter. botu' sied Port Hlope Railway Company," -"An Act la ilîrorporale lie Minreal snd Kingston Railrod Ciupauy.*" aviug heen laid before Un in Concil, on lie Tiîirtieîb day of Ocînor, nome asat past, We have heem pleased lae senut ta eaci and every of thie sane ; sud We do by Ibese presents aud accordiug la lie provisions of lie saiAct of lie Psrliauaeut of e oUnited Kingdona cf Greatl icîain sud lretan,.pasviee n the third soi] fourîlm yersaof Our Reigu,asa- pient loe ec i]î every cf tie afaresaid reepec. tîve Billes; 0f ail hici Our loring subjedîs, and al otiers wioî tuese presents may Con- ceeu are hereiy requirei ta take notice, and ta gaveru theuiselves sccordingly. attention la tii Pmrhiss un aoRiet E> taacqusint lie Merchaits amniTrader@ Estait; and wili luis viem ic bas maiee. 14 if Canada, snd the Unitedi States, tiat b. rangemnts miti, several imfluenial, l P,$1ba ISUMED the Commercial Gentlemen lu Scatian 4Fad E M md Coalission Basiaees, land, îirough sion, b. mill bri; under~io. tiadaptainsinsni g u;N ~adti. AT KINGSTON. CANADA. publie gemerally, lmproved Farme,WiU aus tlouseiiold, amd i othr Real Emiate, Pro.rty lt Arrangements iaviug been qfaectsi itb morne Canada, subiittedtela hua for sale, sud liroughinladnglHong: omcai~eEnglisi sud shoin lie silI trausactochier Lgai ul aue- 4rnaicau bdekat.,froUUI ouseanus ciel Businese iu &Dy part of Great Britelu or iii bu made direc ; allvrable opportuusty ireland-vis.. Coilectiug Clalums, taling cut it m " ~ y b. sfforded ta the Pdercbamilae< Lettrs f Arniititin ure ads ale of inua. sud mie Western part eit e Province Prnpeely, &c. Ira. r.lIo a uch uipurciases as they May W]W. ARMSTRIONG. sa~ias. ,te res. tieir Stock& Kingston, Jannary 4, 1847. r giua nAuctioneer l in ma TO LET. ..R. J.!tedersb.sgrulefui seach k A SIIALL FRAME COTTAGE lu Pria- leim5 the leMercantile Cmmuuuty a A ccon. eeStfeet, dili Gardea and Onîboue. e s ge, for lie very extensive suppr Apply o Wu. ARMISTRONG. r cylm drn teiBgpr o ue-w Auctoncer, King ~en m aia itailar business, aser olc Kingmlu, De. 29,îs<o itimIt A rememal of sequatut ewiib hi& nid Kington.Dec.2% 14&ibsiness friemdg, te pieiges hiaseIf th"athei N OTI CE Ginsdueferei by bien tAudlion. ill AtwAYaho TJS HEREBY GIVEN, tiat thei- Commulles SOUI) WITHOUT RJl.SERVE. J. apoitai y ithe District COoncil tu airevaThe presnat Stock, cns intiag in utof aione- lie ro ra, r. WiLLunau u*irouthe .able newly l e reasurer. bave iis day ludgid ~ ~ u u a hrsc said eodaogt lthe Rcods af thieDistrict. 'D'à I W(a W0 ( M 9 snd iretalMrPerguson ta open the Treasur. GROCERIES, & EARTUENWARE, ers Office lu the District Clerk'à Rbon,.in lime'Amemn'ug tela r ai of Court Hense, oamthlà-sfJanunry,-40o S i cm; Pe.4,iîiilho aNred "dr alune a,, persona iti bereafler pay the District Raies, and iîhboie alal otior Distrietlhi-u. 19 9ALIZ, Br AUCTION, tiens connecietdi tiith Treurer ii b trans- ON WEDNESDA Y AlND TRUlA DA Y, ace.(Sîgocid) JLBa ARKS, The MGuImd 7th Jastary, 1847, Woeés. Ai MW Woeeâigset West of igo MarIaiMuoding, District Council Office.Kingston. &ont"arsBf. 314t Deemho, 19M6.Evey attention wiilbe gven te tihe purcham. NOTICE. am ddlâpuofprodceeenlrflateti@isCam RE Public e e lereby noieud tiat 1 am Persas5soadiag Gond.,wmlii rauk enter upue. lb. he uly lefaiz Ipited permee o te- avalpnlcy of Iaverance. hoitby i.e te coer eeive as, Rates snd A.semss.a samni .th Geoai e eneigemenut, for wmilcithey twill h manies due tu the MidIl B istrict, sud Collec. eM.rgeilanpreporlic; and thun ishlng inser. tor ani othoru ire cautiomisalaent pavithejsuceeSBcted in hheir mmm a mcc, ime m et Baron te a»J etier peu'son.u su am tiQueongîve istreuctious accordlagly. Who am ivetheu ýl«alacquttauce. DAVID JOHN SUITE& WANTED-A BOO-UWERi N lAOiSUo. AI<NOCENER.AL ACCOVNTANT, tuba Xm%à Dm cz. 2_augivea oqum"Iaue refensce. remsrers Office, J A.JACK»OX, Miid]&"Dtr#ct,ý. ueuar Kipgstoe Sud Jauuary, 1W<. Lu im, 81D@es.,184&. a Mrkt a- seVicoia sClr0icîs raumsn A STATRUfENT ofthii e -s fa eau. MariaiV Toile. Prceead li%»Tftu.eeevte 'le" City _ mina Mdgoramtiyo be 5 "be" 1 mâlnJ =l r MAiE? BUILDINGu. =:j amhave u Swassmiles, £M0I S 6 siuely arau». 7Shcpa, 17m S sl lie. t Tii. Emb"m a r (s flO erfge.aUd k Çbiinde *0O0 PuAi-., 00 m: :0 «" M ie, mamg as mIs.vo"et.l Do 050 me ~ n dee mm B~iUOtloch a, 0 pALRD rE Tb@s. -914 141 UcadgOrdee S S 0aba L LMme-1 - lourd et 0i - . st d O KS r0 e *,M n u Ia Ve âe 4;omwd t e COMIMERCIAL NEWS R*I«. GENERAL BMEETING of the SfâÙ eib. Aers lt b.aboie lactitution wil1 bu heW et tii. Notr e n.on Wedessdal 'à. 0Miof laumwy. ai 3 ec>ek tP. M.. preeeu.Iy. lin the purpoar of .eetag officers.for Ibo 7er elur -%wi for tbe cinsidecation of alier important montre.nl CITY TIN, SHEET IRON. A wi (jsrùe.»& riana re irmh ey EIGHT H1UNDRED 11~JSAND ACRES 0F LAND mImmTH HURON TRACT. NOTICE TO OLD SETTLERS, EMIGRANTS A4NO OTIIERS. Have again thrown open ail their Lamb in the HURON TRACT 9wr dispiosai, by way af LEASE fur, TEN YEA&RS-NO MONEY BEING REQCIRED DOWN. TL et aaleom tanltF uayi ai er . o uh oeimthe Inter,- et ptaype rc ideLn- .rgît prhs L rcoat any time tin te tnyss ta ie rc aue nLse s eue ateSettler, Who The Hur- ititakow ab sso tema eh a dertleTracets af Laredi Caada-lt bsmi hnduldiipplto ihnfu erit. The Hu- ron Tract an the yar 82 oîie7O ols uelsya,îeHuron Dis- trict numbered 14,983 seul.% according to the Officiai Returns. The above landsa rre in Blockg, tIirefore, affo»ding facility for thie undivided settie- mient of Familles, of Old Settiers and their Friends. Mape Printed particulars, sud every requisite infomation upon the. Huron andth ie Canada Compauy's other Lands ini the Province, will b. fumsihed raum os ciIA5OE, by application (if b y letter post-paid tel the. Canada Company's Office, at Toronto, aud Goderich andi Stralford, iu the Huron District. CANÇA»A Comîeir'g ornirm, Frederick St., Toronto, latJ.anuary, 1847. VOMMERCAL SAL 20018R E M 0 V A L. i ~ILL b. sold by autten by tiescri Jere , nea2 sthIe publi ngemal bte w on Thsesdy the. 4t i nstant, st one a,- 1îsureiuoved tethelb.STOuN& it.pîso lateiY or- dlock, the follovîng tengded by Mr. Aldlernian Noble, un Barrack STAPLE G R 0 C E RI1E S, FIS B, Street, conveujenlt tomte Barracke, miere hie FRUIT. AND LIQt1OR8% VIZ zE.zàw e*ea&p 2 Cam"s Whie Clayed itavana SuEr ecntnI ot ntebu re.4 1Il d Hhd hd ai ,' Wl .catul OIi h etodr ô sare.aBriht <CO& o tinis ao!rebiles, corered ando oherisefurnisM 30 Hall! Cbaste Fine Young Ityson Tes inston anu Otrea,l1al34e7. 20 Caddies do doagtn .aur 1 87 25 Boxes@loeperial cand Guepowder doN0T1CE 5 liaf Chnte waaka do IAM inote encleeure of the Suhacriber. 5 do Superiur Old Hysen do C ami Spring, a lwo.yesre old IJEIFER- 30 Caddies Socbhong & Powcioug du crbemd. ii a w bite face. The ouer il TO- 10 Boxes Bleoom Raisins, qeîn apoepoetpycags îdlk 10 Iuls eTurkey Figs, luestdtepoo aprpircageadyat 30 marets Band t'cked Winter Apples,Green."ta- MATTIIEW DONOGIIUE. loge. Spitoberge, Rusets sud Ppis ingston Mille. il 2 Tieres Carolina Ries, J1'Plry 4,18K 23 Boxas Tohacco (Honeydom, Naalrod arm and' .14 ___________ Cavendsh) AJ T N S ALE. 30 Jars and KEe.Ruse Sonnted Snufl 15 Boxes Angel & Co.'@ patent No. 1 Starci. B R AC S N 5boxes Sperin Vaudl«asI. A KS N 3 Crtes Assorted Crochery, THRSAY 8 Boxe@ snd Ilsif Boxes Pipes, ON WEDNESDAY & HRDY 10 Doz. Com'non Tumobters. Jare and Bottiez 1V7eé6&à & îh f Januory, 1847. wilI bc SoZd. Mustardl Corn Brooms, &c. &c. WtIiiuUT ltBSRIi.r - A L O A very extensive sndvieill selected assortmeut of 20 Barre. No. 1 Nova Ncotia I4errngg, Seaueale 15 Quaimtai. No. 1 Table Coddils, 2 116dms. Cognac Brandy, Testas & C.'., alx ub c 2 Hhds. SherryWie 2 I adeira." Ready-Made Clotliîng, Eurthenware, 5W0 Pieces Englisi mcom Paper, Aasorted GIROCEIKUES Ptterna. DOUBLE AND SINGLE SLEIGLIS, The usial ternis. And gouerai second band OLPHNT&-WATT.1 Kingston, 4tîbanuary. 1847.j SINGLE STO VES. WM. ARMSTRONG sale e Tch da L aoWkitAL. ualy IVfr!. ..RMSTRO GSale ecb day tIo'ioc..p. ctuAL y Aucfnm.ComànM V«rm&4Land an R.JACKSON. KING a Agn4Kingston, Dec. 18. 184&6. timr KIG STRE ET, KINGSTONI Er The Pictom un.'.P. E. OîzeUrctoi ESPECTFULLY intiate* in the Public Cliroui*l, and BelierÜkIwilsligeacer, biUples ieha utaken thbm 'ernie it rc-.">j» ale ojirU!day of Baie. where iii bas entered open the above Business, NOTI E. and bopes by punctuality sud atention. lu mert s sbire af Public Support. Tb* Subecriber loendeIo 0devrite particultir E 3T1GE TAVJRN "TAND FOR SALE. T il EI SijL,.iber oflèefur Sale t ht valuable J.Propertv si 'tualed en the iRond leadmmg fren Bath ltu e mac.,e.mized Ruad, about 3 tuiles front Bath. couaiatmgr of ouieAcre Uni! a liaio Land., iarng tliOrenh t.veeted a (Painted red,) di a kitchOu attachnd. A Fruste Blcksauh's Shop, *t4eWaggon Shop, Stable snd Z5bed, (fraomed,) a 'Le Bioum., mih anotber s aaI Building baving saJ.Ie-iace snd Oven. Tihe aboya property in mcli worlby th. attention 0f Mechanien sud p«»sans imibiim< b, keep Taveru, as the stand is well known, and bus been nccupuuedasàa avern for seeye.tru. For futher particulars, apply ta lie Sube;cri- ber os the prenaises. ue at the lHarald Offic. ABRAHAM HAGERMAN. Eruest Town. Doc. 1%, 18<. MO UIBCPAL OELECTAIONWR. G IEf4TLEMEN. Heving beaun ,od 1Wby severai of your famber tae oont a Candidate for jJte lepreeuuatiof iOntari Ward.m £ifCly Counucil. I hve determied te eaiaply dii uat raquest,.4& e re.pmcfuliyr solicit your suffiireasable me te move yoa *Ii psity of<urcilinan. Iu tih.eeul aio =eee n' y exertione wmUt b. dirmeîg ta the <fur«mef ail abae hich my saint lu the city ge#ernmuet. as u the .placing 0f t"i.City Pi- naude.amd&Ccedit w ar maratisfsctary foting tisa tii. are at prenant. 1 bave the bottor tu ho, Gestions«n, Your owaieut servant, JAMES LINTON. O LIV E R MO0W AT, BEGS te, iuform bts friend ansd Content,- eus %bat h. bas LoWMusi litlarge ftnad ofiSmesiai Me " UCity j&ees Nags," Wliere ho in jmenred ta huspect Flanc, Park, andi Potabh on thme Most reattsabie terus, warsting ittePauinu ay part Ur Canada. Having ilhe prviie)fa*goad Wharf; ho witL emmv the Park s jýO , ra. Cash p.id fur any quaatiy ofFLm aur- rel staves. Four gmdt Coopmr wa*bd iuimedlsbely, To whom con.sat employuse*.11b. glven. Kiagsteua. liDec, 1946. P. .mim a res.ci neWYLL iaWe is igt.Siga iiue seusar ou DekeiJ.SI FLOUE, PEAU, Oa&?5ob*o.B&e. AsC, wiiCib bc vila peséi oat lthewm&[MWle W~ ~ ~ M Bweb idmtu <et missneéec.,lS lflNOflflmit le iss.fvud aI tiie$eoI -ai -' - Pisklaelt7 ~ iii Zuaàarv - A«Ss LL<TON. seleot nt--rtment cf Ladies àd . i lu dia ERubber over-Shu«g,,as d» .au extensive cssortusent of Ladies', Mises.b end iChildren's Kid Shm, fAm@.o-A lare and splend d afoae oGentleme's maI" Rumbber Over-Uhe@.. A. THIBODO. Kingtonu, Nor. 16, 1846. BOOT A.D 8 Ores rspaJyj#urmelnand simr esamd 'GEORGE SPANGEMBERG, WATcu-XAE.1 5815@aaute Da I3 A Laarind teMeut £sgsient ofJa Uà y Wimke. Siuer oea, = 4bMo . 0A - Mdpge = - A= e Ia the ýauge hideloewpidm by R66ert Posl. Tram A. T.' okax.iuelu8l~i laconfident ofgvl stmsfiamt Who Muay lavai bila miti a eaL Kr Ordèra geadga, iiý me*b ucmeteda aiu IS:ami despiich T. BR.ADLBY,- prusiSrse mi, X. C. ) dWU.. PoultMariA, -fMcZaqTe CLEANEO UiAN &Lt*z. Gauxilets Mac a i esuariar . GEO0RG ý,B1OWI* 0N T7BSIAY, ah.. lac J-4 t1e 0 3M8ER aMin, mI b.e - as4~ t<, .Co Umr du. .cimL mud zz*'O8"* N Z' N as.. - :- -um Aà& euprriorquatlM. sud wmU lbe Bol COPPER WARE MNiU'ýtFACTORY. c»Axu.FOIt CASH. ,IL Y£ DICKN '0, !Ti etreumi..ili 9 tati <*1rerr& BDo ok-b la e ru Cpetmt.bas ]RElUO6VED bis boni. WELLINO TON STREET, &.« exat duel e lcCra r ret Stoune Building&soso &n,.n eaatlv opposite' Me. George 114rdy, Watch. - mitr.wý miie ileoruuantly o bn tefiee e stmt>r'bolt iargee*nmsent feuLiery deseciption ami Gond. Al Mnie of Plin and FancY ihudung dem idte in, bis lian sd frein tie additiniul uneellience necîaes cmandiempatclu. uni on reasumaid ai is nulle premises. ha us prepali e erexecute rerm* ea. h',e tomy pattern. Sar tui any extfnt, onder bis "Nu petsisu. i-I A peinte"nece; by wmincimeneuhgb rtms te Dî.nS I mnrt a contuuauce uft t tsupportl wluch baissoxcao buiraenfardci iîîm. *mî?lisR AND FORNION1114è liahopaisoe n baud anuassortaientot ainug, D 0Y O IOA' Pumni!ur, IBox,smW WHOLESALÉ AND ikAL AIR TIGHT STOVES,' Mfi. themiwst patern@; ciso SIIEET IlION 4T 0 S 43lw E RsIaIV ETOVI!S.aut ocunaal iDUMB ST'oVES, Si DBU AUU4 4111.11 NAI<WUII alairh mmcii b. miilleur for rab, or apprus. I TIEB UXCOTAE emi cr&Iit. Ii 'ctha.r1j pluaiile dir-L'Eusges Dry Jonds 1r ir. ubiimg and repaira dans mitA mwtgees.. Store, and dop1uanch. PRtINlCES@ sTiIEET, 19 eON KimurDec. 22 1, 1846. n lVak o everv hîndint bis hune wine e u 5 039 £ £ sud deeptarh. ternms ext reI~alte. AT THE *EMBT rAViàu, AT TSIBARBER AND IIAIR DRESSER, STORES OF THE SUBSCRIBERS, i N ltdo, m. b Ni Ilie Reflue i a ud Bright M u soyad o Si ea T V W r 13o) Ciests, haîf cimee and oCaddies Grceeunoi A.aHndBO Black Tees', A H B 3o Baop ImeelLegakyescand Rie Coffee, 12AS jaaireceived, ami for sal, 10fIli 1.5(t Bxes frres Malaga Raisins,JJ. supply of 60 Drmns fregi Turkey P0usy ZZ(2~iIN 2 Tiorce, Caroina Rites,0 0032 = 27, Baxes fliemeyism aud Cavendish Tobacco, Liquors, Cruckery, Boots andti Smon,, &c., 20 Be iavoija15anldPrinciipe Segars, couBISTIS î IN liPART aF ffl Jupe Marabu.y Snuff. 100 Cliee of Tees, of ail kindis, 50 Boxe@ No. 1I m,nnstaeji,, 200 j and j Boxes of Rais;ms S Biýxs.Sperme CandIes,. oUJa uua B Bariola Lo¶unld. 10Hîm . Svcugatr. prm ui u 30 Bouxes and i kf Boxes fsced, 4lved sud R. ISOieWntrSpmCd&, H. Pipe,, An extensive cseneulmuT Cm'ckevy. a &roses aorted Crockery, 50 Doz. Imdi. Rrsbber Over Singes. 30 mizen Corn hirnots, iiot anid Shoe,al ait omandi s;me. 2 libi. Cognac Brandy, Fmum-Cod, Heeigs. ameMs&ieI 20? Rei-ns Freuscâp, l'est sud DeeJ Paper, Làiqîmors, Brandie,, Gins. Vines, &c., snd 7004 pieces EnglihILuwo a tnperiatams eeyatcethtwse«d OU. Dblel. Nrth Shiore sud Aricici N. 0. No. l uiauatesyatcolmimsoe d 16 lernir r ertised. and nmuy moreathat mer. novuer 16 arraIs Vil efisi, lhotuglt Of, to alofmhicl uoacochbeg te 6U 44ulall.Drii Table Cuidgeh. CalilttenOtion -A L o:-Kingston, Nov. 16, 1849. Fine le, Pei arley and Salt. OJLttIIh.NT 4& WTA.%'TESor l ADJ IES ceammrercial ISale fanas, IRE reneurfully iuformed ttthe ale.b Ljnjosllial. .14. _ t.scrii>eribas justireceivea -larm a 47/1

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